TJktmmxam ilanr^rBtnr lEvnting Ifm tt the year’s budget has bean prepar- detention in the police station to ba street, arrested for aaaault ind ABODTTOVN STRIKE MAY STIR UNION ORGANIZER booked, a large group of strikers breach ot the peace; Joseph How- SELECTMAN MARTIN Tbs matter of the reduction of and strike sjrmpaUilxars crowded arth, 3D9 Main straeL Ntw Britain, tha aaaeasment oo Howell Cheney’s iCr. aad M n . WUUan Me-. the police station, angered at the breach ot the peace; Anthony Bear- Gibe and Mr. aad Mr*. itsSm home will be among tbe business arrest of tba strike leader. At toe rea, 138 EUdrldge straat, Manchaa- IS FATHER OF A SON ,, MoaMt, Jr., and aea Alton oc BOARITS MEETING tabled from prevloua aeaakma of the ARRESTED TODAY Urns o f the a i r ^ Mecca fMl to Um tar, breach of the peace; Joaepbine r t ' fbaaneU atroat bare iwtnmed (raai board. ground and other union leaders Tiato, 58 Lafayette street. New apanUttig a aaeation with ralatlTM The blUa to ba ^iproved tonight asked permission for an examination Britain, breach ot tha peace and dia-' Second Member of Board to MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLACE CHARM at Ouanore, Pa. While at Dunmore for payment include the annual of the official to determine If he had orierly conduct; Henry Jaeger, Greet a New Boy Dorinff the An informal reception will be giv­ tbar Tiaitad throufh tbe Hudaoa Selectmeo Expected to Di^ salarlea of the selectmen and the Joseph Mecta Booked at sustained jan Injury. Gloucester, N. J., educational direc­ Preaent Year. en at the North Methodist church I AdvertWag m Fags 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 4937 o e u mtnaa and ware vary latareatad semi-annual salaries of the mem­ Irving Horowltx, general organis­ tor o f tbe IIX3WU, breach o f the tonight from 8 to 10 in honor of (TWELVB PAGES) ta aea bow eoal la mined aa well aa coss Action Thb Week On bers of tbe Board o f BMucatlon. ' Police Station; Strikers er In charge of tbe strike activity, peace and Genevieve Clachero, of A son. Alien, waa bom laat night Rev. W. F. Taylor, former minister IbHBad a t IMnc at the bottom ot a protested to Chief of Police Samuel 184 Washington street. New Britain, la Memorial hospital to Selectman of the church who is now living la eoal mitta. Altadena, CXI., and la on a trip East Gordon Impoeition of bond of |10O breach of the peace. aad Mrs. Richard Martin of 38 CaOmg State Police. Protest the Action. for Mecca’s release. Chief Gordon All of the above have been releas­ It is not restricted to memters of .Sunday achool aeholam o f the REGISTER VOTERS told the strike leader that bond of Maple street The child la a grand­ the church, any of the townspeople Oospal haD wW haye their annual ed on cash bond fbr their appear­ son of Mrs. Nora T. Smith of 33 1100 muat be produced or Mecca ance in town court Tuesday, who knew Pastor Taylor wU] be ptoUe toaaorrow at Maaon’a beach, would remain In jail until Tuesday's Golway street Manchester, and At- welcome to attend. Oohtmbla laka The trip win be The mdependeht Cloak company LAST HME TODAY Joseph Mecca, SO, 'an organiser trial. made hr bua and the children ahould strike. It waa expected today, will o f the Ynternatlonal Ladlea Gar­ ba at the hall at • o’clock. 'The re­ ment Workers Union and residing 'Ihg_arreat of Mecca thla morning be the subject of considerable dis­ Increases to eight, the number of turn trip from the lake will be made cussion during tonight’s meeting of at 321 Pine street, Manchester waa AMERICANS KILLED striking employees of the Inde­ about 6 o’clock. tbe Board of Selectmen In the Board to Be in Session Until arrested early this morning by State I----------------------------------- -- ------------ ' » Policeman Loren C. Larson of Staf­ pendent Cloak Company and officers Municipal building. of the International Ladles Gar­ Mr. and Mia. John M. Kletale of Since the board last Tuesday 10 Tonight to Receive ford Sptinga barracks and booked Woman Held In Mystery Deaths | Moll atraet have retunied after a authorlxed Its chairman to call for on a charge of breach of the peace, ment Workgra Union who will ap­ RUSS AVIATORS LONG waek’a automobile tour o f Maine loitering and resisting arreat. He pear In town court ’Tuesday morn­ state police aaaistance whenever ing for trial. and New Hampablre. * Chief o f Police Samuel G, Gordon Enrollments. waa released on bond o f glOO for hla deemed It necessary. Its members appearance in the town court Tues­ 'The others airested were Joseph have been severely criticised by tbe day morning at 10 o’clock. Rich of New Britain, charged with The Registrars of Voters today destruction of private property; OVERDUE ON FLIGHT; AT LEAST THREE FELLED The arrest of Mecca occurred CHENEY WORKERS strikers and others In tbe picket will be In the Municipal building of- Mias Hmttla Vince o f 147 Birch Una at the Pina and Pleasant street flea o f the town clerk from 1 to 10 during tha arrival of the buses and plant o f tha Cloak company. Some p. m. to. enroll unaffUiated voters cars from New Britain with the IN PICKET LINE of the selectmen are understood to with a political party and to traiia Workers for the Independent a o a k FEAR THEY’RE DOYYN have since regret|;ed their'action. ter persona who wish to change par­ Company plant. He waa leading tbe PEOPLE WILL TALK Leaders of the strike are expect­ ties. picket line and waa ordered by and wbat tiiey ray depeada on you. ed to proteat during tonight’s ses­ Today wlirba tha'laat opportuni­ Officer Larson to keep moving In *Y>at’e why so many people reoom' DURING SHANGHAI sion against tbe use o f state poUca- ty to register befora the primary line but refused and the arrest was mead F tk w iof Sympathetic Vote men hers and to request that a port­ elections four weeks next ’Tuesday. made. Mecca has been In charge ot U d Report from Pflot sdj|SEE BUT LTITLE able public address system, dis­ Voters transferring from the roater the picket lines during the strike SAM Y U L Y E S Last Night Number Job mantled from tbe auto ot one of the of one party to another will not be since early ’Tuesday morning. SHOE REPAIR SERVICE One of the Motors Had 0FnCIAI5 MAY Fightingr Rages In This Area Fear Otiier Americans An0 leaders by tbe state police, be re­ able to participate In any caucus or Immediately after hie arreat and 701 Main Street ,t V v e » - stored to them. primary during tha next alx months Faded; Alaslun Fliers CHANCE BLACK Cloak Protest Also Fay Bills Tbe pamphlet of voters registered Among Hondreds of V i^ BUla Incurred by the town during with tha RepubUcan and Democrat- URGE REMOVAL the last month will ba befora the te partlea, published biennially by Ready to Start On Search. WILL BE BEATEN tints of Aerial W a rfa ij A number o f tbe membara o f Lo­ board for ^proval. It wjU be the tha reglstiara will be revised and re­ cal tt. Textile Workera Oryanlxlna last session of the selectmen prior printed thla year. ’The list o f all Now Is Tmb ■ OFSTATEFORCE Oommlttoe of the CIO o f Cheney to the end of tbe fiscal year Sunday, voters, arranged alphabetically rairbanka, Alaaka, Aug. 14.— Orer Shanghai Noted M i» and tha laat meeting during which without party dlatincUon, la re'vlaed M oney-Saving Time Leading Foe of Confirmation > Brotbaia >>laed the atrlkera picket 3 - <AP)—Northlud avlatora, alarmed dnaa thla momlnar befora the arriv­ blUa will be paid imtll October after In alternate yean. Selectmen, Pofice Board to al of the Independent workera from TO BU Y COAL at new, from six Russian avlatora Admits Not Over 25 Sen­ sionary, Weahhy Antin |(aw Britain in accordance with a that one motor of their four motor­ Tota taken by tha union laat nlfht Take can of atxt wimer’s tael bill ed monoplane had failed stood by Meet Today to Act On Magnate and Princeto^ to lend nxwal aupport to the cauae . ' 4 f ' now, wliilo our rtducsd *bluo their planes today, ready to take ators WiD Oppose ffis Of tha atrikinc amployaea. coal’ pricts an in eSea. ont over tbe bleak Arctic mowflelds Except for the arraat of Joaeph Don’t wait. Ordar 1)100 where they fear the Ruaslana may Going On die ffigli Court Plea of Protest Meeting; Professor the U. S. CuS Maeoa, plekat Una leader, no un- SPECIAL SALE cool’ today. Now is ibo have been forced down. nanal atrika activity took place Innt to hsTS your lur- Blglsmund Levaneffaky, pilot of Strike Heads Ghre Pledges whan tha aikouaaa and cavalcade of For A Limited Time Onlyl aaco inspsetod. tha plane with which Russia ___ Washington, Aug. 14.— (A P ) __ Mra Anna Hahn (left), SI, was held at Cincinnati.' Ohio, on murder alties; Battle and giM d larceny warranU in connecUon with tha mysterious deaths of • prtvato can arrived at the plant ALL MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S BROWNBILT Ws’H do it fno pioneering a proposed trana-Folar SUtsmrata from a majority of tbe fo r the fourth time alaoa the atrlke o f c h a r g e .
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