i' — — , , ' The Hartford Republican « FiM Quality Job Printing. Devoted to The Ivterests of All The People of Ohio Couvty. BsbioripliMi $1*80 ptr l^ci^ VOL. XXXIV HARTFORD, OHIO COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921. NUMBER 20 • : r- - — — ;il Mrs H. Olllosplp nnd t' 11 Tiiylor. THE BODY OF MRS. JAS. dirfort'!irf>'< of l. niperaiiK'nt of Iradi ILLEiGAL PERMITS Tnylor'H homr on Mill stnt't Monday IRISil PEACE HOPES 11. Ill and (if interentH. In order to do BETUKN8 ^HOW iifipinoon Ari.r iiwtnoss matters LYONS BURIED HERE thai, all partien must be prepared to Uqaor To Talae of had b«en attended to an hour was NOTABLY give and take." . BIIOUTES ntoBady WKMnnhi. enjoyed br He repeatedly emphasised apent soelallr and much The remains of Jifi. Lyona. notleo the ne- MUCH CROSSING all. Mnrtd to about [eaaalty of peace, saying that it was lAMfecoa WM (if wlidMi' ili iitli ;i|i|)i>nr('il hi tlic-if rol Phllndelhia .N iv 8. —LIqnor vat* thirtr I needed tor we:rart> of the Smpire, as umns iHHt wi'ck, wore hrcniKlil lioinc Lloyd George Says ued St $260,000,000 has been with- -.1 ^» ' Chance well HH fr.r the good- relations ot the f i for burial, arrirlnK ticrf iirly Sat drawn from federal bonded BKPinUlvAM TO COMS Hrltl <h IhIch. BarraM Loses By 200, Bal- Better Now Than In I The worst aspect of a urday morning, accompanied by bee honses in New Tarh In the oov mm DAT m/muY family qiifirrel. hr addi'd. was not 'mm Of Tkktl WiM husband, son, Dr. Ljroas, daughter. Many moBth on oonBtorfelt permits only th.1t it caused unhappiness with- Miss poreaa and aiattr, Mra; Jotfar- ing names of non-existing Phlladel'* ilraOOIolOOD Wp rimli'iiiiilMii' ("'iiiiin III" Ueitflb- in the family, but attracted the atUn- soB Watterson. Attar (voorgl aer- phia drug stores, tt was declared tiH llcan one day paillt-r. nr iimli'r date tloa ot neighbors. vicef< which were eonduetod from tho .S F'rlduv. il«ir- niftlit by K Rutt r. associate dlraa> of Tiiiirxl.Tv laBtoiul of London, Nor. 1. The lord mayor's Declaring that there eonid be no — | hon-.c of Mr. and Mm. J. H. B. Car- tor of prohibition for Pennsylvania. ing ibu wt(k of thanksgiving, v.h'<::i banquet this erenlag at Oalid Halt paaee aad that a great opportunity uiiii i; :; (I'l liuK, Siitiirdiiv affornoon, The fraud l.bSE n^THE DISTIUCT rs - was revealed. Ratter wlU nueaor'ioto patUac tt to .i>' more national would be lost It each party approach- assumed than Import- , Kev. T. T Kri'zlfr. I hi' lindy was tor by said when the Connterfeil permltv WedBMklar oTeiilng. Onr roaaon ance when pi'inie MlnlHii^r David Loyd ed the tani^led problem determined deposited in Onkwood OniPtoiy in were returned to the Pblladrtphia aS> doInK tM* I* to IP*" OX'* *Otttt th« O.'orge. replyiiiK lo the .Mayor'n toaKt not to bndKe nn inch, he exelnlined:. tka proaeneo ot a large gathering of flee. l.onrrit nf )i'.li<l«v SOMSlktSC BOt The aamea of the permlta wara sT 'Wilson Ai)d Carey Defeat to the cabliH't minislers. followed the '\\'i> who pri' in 'li-' runffri'iire in trtoBds and rolatfrao. Ths I*Tt«h dis- eight firms, which, ceeording to Ofto hori'lofori' fiij()y<'rt custom of such gatherings at the his- iiciiair of the liritish Uuverniiient and Slack And Smith By firryinn play of natare's falmt flowars gare Krause,' secretary of the Phtladel'- 'Ihiif^f «lii> i(iiit(>ini'la<" torlc Onlld Vsll ot speaking hia mlad people regard ourselves there as the tdken to the high eataom In wblcli the un in that N- phl^ A88oe<8tn>n of Phnrmnclsts, do Safe Margins udvoi liH<Mii«iitn with regarding foreign aftafra. trustees ot the Empire, the guardians upon u* ny .l-oensed «,.s held by her many snr- I not extat. sue will confer a faror Tha tiadition baa baaa that the ot Ita hoaoir and •aearlty. It is a vIvliiR frl( ndn Arrrst Two Women getttat tbeU order* and copies to us Prime Minister muat toach only on high trust; we promise yoa we will Romi' 1)1' thoFe di>^taiirp who and cor- from-S New York, Nov. 9. —Ml»s Helen rpsulta of TuesdsT- s» by not later than Tnaadny, foreign policirs In his annual Guild not l^trsy It" ThH election were: .Mr. Jas. timo their attended the funeral 3mall, fornver clerk in the office ot ri'iurn.v respondents will kindly speerh. iiiit Id lh<- —— » <i.li nionstrnidl by uno(ll<iii) HaU In re.sponse < and daughter MUs Oonmn i,t tits communications to rea'rh us earlier ;Wons eoUeetor ot Internal reveaae taatav Hhows thn grtMtfst numbtr nf cros^rd lord mayor s suggestion Ihi.l the tnTIZKXS' TIl KKT Orlando. Fla.. Mrs. Jetterson- Wa^ter- and Mrs. Nellie O'AoarSe ware ar>- than (iHiial. | of ballots ever before deposited by the gueists anxiously awaited ii»us the j WINS LOOUUb tUUM son. Ashley, 111^. Or. Mrs. IIItIs thai Hie propcHod advnnri- sad ralgaed today before tTnited Statea otats ot Ohio C«a|lftJ|. nay •>•«- We fts'l Iriah aoaference, Mr. bloyd George (•;ir.<i<)n ani Dr. Willis Lyosa ot Cor- ^.^ dommlssioner S. H. Hitcbeock and. one day In Koln;;^ to press with . tien. Tha bvtoehMWrta Aopob. by ,<»;^W^ The Hartford Citisens' ticket for bin. Ky.. Mrs. Annie Lyons ot Louis- «J|»n<|fdJ^^^^^^^^ held in $2..5 00 ball o&ch for trial on this Issue need not inconvenience any ! contested { that the Wash- Mayor and conneilmen woa in Taes- liran ranka by the bitterly tarly la bio speech \ lIodKonvllle, ! the same time vllle. Mr. Olllc byons of charges of tiat'ficking In forged lt> our patrons ainl •* | iirlninry. to a great extent were nev- of Ington confereaee is Ilk* a rtabow' day's election by majorities- raaglBg Mr and Mr.'. I.afe Knott, Air. .nnd qncr withdrawal permits. It will be the^BMan ot sItIac those 24. Mr. J. D. Holbrook, << 'm jii>d Much irndlTig r- Hulted J In the sky." and then passed to the from 11 to Mrs. Arthur I hilllps and Mra, 8. L. It was alleged that tho womea evl- who afe coaneettd with th« Repab- of Dmocrstlc candldlite for police t herefrom on ol»>»-llon day, ns question Ireland. Phillips, of Heynesville. accepted .18,000 in marked bilta la liran a day pff, a holiday, whieh by li lift- jiidtfi' •lf''l>'>l without oprmiition. donccil liy lli<- vote In the ruce for III' (iicla IhiT- was a uxcbange for a paper pnrportlng ta liRht they ought to have. Citizni's' litlcrl was composed Court Clerk. .Mr. E. (J Bar- ler prospci I el Gre::l IJritain s pro- The County MMH UtUA OUBNIV allow withdrawal ot tlO casos at candidal)' l<i-< posals to Ireland being heeded today as follows: raas. the Kepabltcm THRATRB PARTT whiskey from t>K Si. I'.tl L. Oirm a bonded Wafehoaasi. his appMent, Mr. Ony Ranney MAYOK and ot Ireland accepting the invita'-!' Mayor. W.«C. Blankenshlp; Coun- lag to CAB Th'ir customer was Fedcral Ageat ' approxtaatoly tSS. wbUe nalori- WaCTBD niOM tltm to «ntcr the British eonuaoa- cllmen. S. O. Keown, U. S. ;gleheart, by Mil's I.clia CI' nil" Rave a the-jtro Harold B. Dobbs. tios for the remainder ot the Repab- wealth as an equal than ttfr years, A. B. Pate. W. 8. Tiasley. W. J. .-i.il HI ilay night in honor of her L. pjil.'; fOO to ap- St. Paal. Vat. 9.—Mayor C but the conference was stni In Bean, and Jno. B. WilaoB. llran ticket ranged from Misse Carmen Uird and that >IF:TH0DIST EUUCAXlONAIi HodaoB. of St. Paal, was forcibly -t <, 1.000. i a crltlrnl Vroxiniiitply ^'fl* B«>«"i»" ^Uy. Qg. FUnKUM ARB NOW DOM ourprlslnK roMilts ejected from a street ear hero today i CLAl'DE HlknTR THANKH FBIENI^S One of liie moMi her house guests SUt-nt I*os8iMIIUes. to "WW MlasGloen and tiintll innjori- Mfi.-r refuslMK pay an extra tare fli'ctlon was the ' <if tho the party was composed ot the tol- Beyond this he eatefally retrained One-fifth, or the first Instaltaaaak I want to avail myself of thia op- from divulging the results or the pos- of the educational fond of the M. B. j portunity of thanking my loyal Simmemian. Mildred Steven sibllities of the conferences which Church, S., is now due. Mr. A. that he will bring the " m or at least raa well meut tonight friends_ who supported me In the lead the ticket, ^'"v Mnrkn and Messrs Harold me now he:..- held With th* Kirk has been authorized as eol)B|^ matter before the city council to-i-o". ^ .,ec,on While I was de- up with It. But tastead his majori- Taesday Holbrook. l'..ui .si.siv. Farke ra.^lo>. pro.sentatl^ea. tor of the fund for the Hartraat and demand oomplete ua-1 all that ty fell lo about 210. No one eonld^ morrtiw a feated I say with alBcerety P. Rhoads, Berry 1> Waiker.] hlo oi-ninif remirk-. t;.'. Prf- Church. All Fub.scriliers arf reqnear with the street ear. com- Wilbur m ha"»,; bi't n found on Monday who derstaadlBg I had rather have ths respect of my MapKs, James Uiean and Ly- > nUar alluded to tho economic troubles ted to call at Mr.
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