Republic to Empire Bell Work

HW: Finish WIO TITLE: Topic #1, End of the Republic • WAR: Read p. 322-323 and answer the following questions: • 1) Who was ? • 2) What problems plagued in the 70s BC? HW: Finish WIO TITLE: Topic #1, End of the Republic • WAR: Read p. 322-323 and answer the following questions: • 1) Who was Cicero? • 2) What problems plagued Rome in the 70s BC? • 3) How might Cicero have been more successful in his efforts to improve Rome? Disorder in the Republic

Military becomes less disciplined and disloyal -Soldiers recruited from the poor; show loyalty only to their generals -Riots increased -Massive migration to the city

• Military leader Julius Caesar is elected consul in 59 B.C.

• Caesar, Crassus, and form Rome’s 1st triumvirate—a group of three leaders.

• Military victories give Caesar increasing popularity and power. Challenges to Caesar

• Alliance with Pompey and Crassus lasted only 10 years • Pompey’s allies in government ordered Caesar to give up command of his army • Caesar refused and marched into (crossed the Rubicon). • There was no turning back, and war was certain, as Roman law stated that no army could enter Rome. • Pompey and his army fled, but Caesar caught up to him and defeated him in Greece in 48 BC Challenges to Caesar

• Caesar is named dictator for life in 44 B.C. Julius Caesar Love to Hate Him • Caesar makes reforms: grants wider citizenship, creates jobs for the poor, and creates calendar. • Group of senators opposes Caesar and murders him on March 15, 44 B.C. WIO: Create a Hero or Villain poster for Julius Caesar. If you consider him to be a villain you will create a Wanted poster. If you think he was good, you• will create a Hero poster. Your poster must include: -A sketch of what the person probably looks like. -A reward amount listing the specific crime or heroic action the person did. -A made-up quote from a person living at the time showing what people might have said about this person. -The approximate date this poster would have been found. -A written description of what the person has done in their life. Pre-AP WIO

• WIO: Determine whether you believe Caesar to be a hero or a villain and write a paragraph to justify your answer.

• *IF WE HAVE TIME, be ready to participate in a debate as a class.