A Battle of Fire and Ice By: Marinna Rodarte Termined As Ever to Come Back First Goal Within the First Half

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A Battle of Fire and Ice By: Marinna Rodarte Termined As Ever to Come Back First Goal Within the First Half The Visor Bishop O’Connell High School Volume 60 Issue 1 2017 Homecoming p. 4-5 A Battle of Fire and Ice By: Marinna Rodarte termined as ever to come back first goal within the first half. strong in what they hope will “Our whole bench went Have you ever wondered be round two next year. crazy,” said junior Kyle Lever- what would happen if the players There is one thing that one, who played goalie for his of field hockey and those of ice both teams can agree on how- team the whole game. “After hockey met on the same playing ever, and that is supporting a the goal, our entire team got in field? Well at Bishop O’Connell cause that is near and dear to Student Opinion a straight line, sat down, and High School, that is exactly what the spirit of Bishop O’Connell, started paddling their sticks like p.6 happened. For the first time ever, finding a cure for cystic fibro- they were in a boat. I wasn’t O’Connell’s varsity field hockey sis. O’Connell students have expecting that at all.” and ice hockey teams fought girls been contributing to the cause against boys in the “Fire and Ice” for more than 40 years through It should also be men- game, a match created to raise their annual fundraising event, tioned that the guys, in all their money for cystic fibrosis (CF) Superdance, a 12-hour dance- spirit for the cause, performed research. a-thon. in field hockey skirts. This On the evening of Monday, Reflecting back on the scene caused quite a laugh Sept. 25, students, faculty and game, Kyle said, “I had an among the female players. parents crowded together in the unbelievable amount of fun that As field hockey player junior stands as they eagerly anticipated night, but it’s more personal for Aubrey Donohue said, “It was what was sure to be a memorable the hockey team because our hilarious!” event. The game was action-pac- assistant coach, Danny Bessette, Despite the boys’ efforts, ked as players ran down the field, has CF.” Coach Danny played the girls surpassed their oppo- trying to gain the upper hand. As here at O’Connell, graduating nents with a final score of 4-2. the battle raged on, the boys in 2002. Today, he continues Of course, it can be argued that ice hockey team clashed their to struggle with this disease the field hockey team held an way forward and surprised nearly and has just received a new set unfair advantage. Yet this has everyone in the audience as juni- of lungs within the past year. or Garrison O’Donnell scored the only made the boys just as de- Defending the Title p.3 Visor Nov. 2017 Page 2 IHM Sisters On The Move The Visor Bishop O’Connell High School By: Ginny Brough 6600 Little Falls Road After 60 years of liv- The Arlington Diocese and the DJO Arlington, VA ing on campus, the IHM Sisters administration found the best solu- are moving a block and a half tion to be purchasing a house close Published quarterly, the student away to make room for a new to campus. This way the sisters newspaper of Bishop Denis J. O’Connell can be comfortable and the school High School is a public forum with chapel and classroom space. its student editorial board making all Since Bishop O’Connell has room for a proper chapel. decisions about its content, under the opened its doors in 1957, the Sis- Sister Regina, who is start- guidance of its faculty advisor. ters, Servents of the Immaculate ing her sixth year at O’Connell as Opinions in the paper are not necessarily Heart of Mary, have been liv- an Algebra 2/ Trig teacher, said those of the staff, nor should any opinion that she and her fellow Sisters are expressed in this public forum be ing and teaching on campus. Al- construed as the opinion or the policy of though in recent years the num- “excited to be part of a neighbor- Bishop O’Connell High School, unless ber of nuns living at O’Connell hood,” and to establish “a new so attributed. has declined, the value they add history on Rochester Street.” She to school has not gone anywhere. explained how the Sisters are get- The IHM sisters are re- ting the opportunity to “put their Staff Writers sponsible for the development of own fingerprints” on their new con- the school over the years as well vent and to be a part of the change. Editor-In-Chief Sports as the development of the stu- Overall, the IHM Sisters Shekinah Banks Seylon Edmundson dents who attend it. Class of ‘61 are looking forward to the reno- John Ellis grad and current theology teacher vations to come and the good it The Arts Val McIntosh Campus News at O’Connell Mr. Dwyer said that will do for the school. The Sis- Malia Stephens Marinna Rodarte “The Sisters mean everything to the ters hope to move into their Nic Hidalgo school. They are the foundation of new house before Christmas. Entertainment faith here at O’Connell and I and Ginny Brough Opinion indebted and thankful to them.” Nick Liverpool Ben Jeffery Alissa Keegan However, with all the new Spreads renovations to be done on the Ian Alvano school, it was apparent that the Ruth Lewarne convent needed to be downsized. O’Connell Gives Families a Feel of Community Faculty Moderator by Opening the House Mr. Robert Horan By: Shekinah Banks Every year during the in organizing open house, all at- was a big turnout in the amount of fall, Bishop O’Connell’s admis- tendees received a view book and people who showed up with inter- sions and others in the commu- a course booklet. Families were est in O’Connell. At the end of the nity come together to show fami- encouraged to explore and have a Open House, to remember their lies what the school has to offer. classroom experience with inter- time at O’Connell, cups with the Families from around active presentations with subjects logo were given out along with the metropolitan area pay a visit like Biology, Religion, Social Stud- chocolate with the O’Connell logo. to view whether or not their son ies, English, Math, Visual Arts, and or daughter has an interest in the many other classes. In the cafete- school they are visiting. The open ria, there were Department Chairs, house for Bishop O’Connell gave Christian Service, and Food and the opportunity to show why their Transportation among others to of- community is great, with academ- fer a plethora of information about ics, athletics, and other interests the services offered at O’Connell. offered. As a warm welcome, In the gym and on the play- families were greeted by stu- ing field,coaches from every sport dents, cheerleaders, and faculty. were present to encourage and dis- During the information cuss their athletic team along with session in the beginning of the feedback from players of that sport. open house, many of the speakers, Coaches took contact information to teachers and students, mentioned follow up with interested students. how O’Connell has become like “Parents like being able a second home to them The infor- to go from classroom to class- mation session informed families room to coaches on their own time about the daily school schedule, rather than being led. They also campus ministry, and academ- are happy that the faculty, coun- ic classes offered. According to selors, and coaches are all here to Christine Spann, assistant director answer questions,” said Spann. of admissions, who played a part This year’s Open House Visor Nov. 2017 Page 3 but there was a rotation of this small hiccup, their victory but we have lots of potential. We Defending The about eight girls that start ( Ajia in the fourth set declared them are improving quickly and by James, Sofia Cardenas, Alexan- state champions! the end of the season should be Title dra Millora-Brown, Skye Ferris, This year the girls’ a great team,” said sophomore By: Seylon Edmundson Ingrid Bayer, Isabel Ahmadiyar, varsity team is made up of four volleyball player Sasha Millora- Grace Motta, and Kelley Mori- seniors, seven juniors, and three Brown earlier in the year. Bishop O’Connell’s girls arty). Each girl had been playing sophomores. They ended a sea- At every match cheers varsity volleyball team was de- volleyball since freshman year. son with a 14-14 record. With from fellow students can be clared state champions on Nov. Last year, the team’s many girls moving up from J.V. heard throughout the gym, and 12 of last year. However, with overall record was 35-4 with a to varsity, the pressure was on excited applause coming from a remaining 1 of 6 starters from 17-1 record in the WCAC. for the newbies and the team the parents. The O’Connell last year’s team could they do it The championship match itself. student body is sure that our again? was at Flint Hill. The stands They practice for 2.5 girls will continue to work O’Connell’s volleyball were full of students from both hours everyday except during just as hard as they have done team members were recog- schools. Many Knights had weekends and game day. in the past year. We are root- nized for their individual ath- come out to support the team Their work ethic is ing for them to do well this leticism numerous times last and root for a win.
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