1 Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 12/16 Aktuelles Aus Israelischen Tageszeitungen
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Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 12/16 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-30. Juni Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Israel und Türkei legen Disput ad acta ............................................................................................................ 1 2. Brexit ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Kritik gegen Netanyahu .................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Israel und Türkei legen Disput ad acta or unjustly. (…) What is our sin here? Israel’s rela- tionship with Turkey is important to us, just as Tur- Sechs Jahre nach dem Zwischenfall auf der Mavi key’s relationship with Israel is important to them. Marmara, einem türkischen Passagierschiff, das mit (…) His position is not set in stone and should be humanitären Hilfsgütern auf dem Weg zum taken with a grain of salt; when Germany recognized Gazastreifen war, einigten sich Jerusalem und the Armenian genocide, Erdoğan huffed and puffed Ankara auf die Wiederaufnahme voller diplomati- for a bit before calming down, but when it comes to scher Beziehungen. Israel zahlt den Familien der Israel, he knows we can be pushed around. (…) türkischen Aktivisten, die bei den Auseinander- What about a little respect for the brave IDF soldiers setzungen mit den israelischen Marinesoldaten whom the Cabinet sent on board a deck filled with getötet wurden, eine Wiedergutmachung von abominable people? To recap: We apologized when insgesamt rund 18 Millionen Euro. Umgekehrt we should have been receiving apologies (…). verzichtet die Türkei darauf, Anklage gegen Would Erdoğan ever allow the transportation of Armeeangehörige zu erheben. Ein Ende der supplies to the Kurdish people, who seek to gain Seeblockade von Gaza, wie sie die Regierung in independence? (…) Have we ever even brought it Ankara anfangs forderte, lehnte die Regierung in up? Israel has always has a friendly relationship with Jerusalem ab. Beide Seiten profitieren von der the Kurds, and in our region, that should not be Normalisierung der Beziehungen. Seit über 15 taken for granted. And yet, one can assume the Jahren ist der Handel von türkischem Wasser ins subject never came up. (…) We’ve sold our dignity regenarme Israel im Gespräch, umgekehrt ist die without managing to bring about any repair. (…) Our Türkei an israelischen Rüstungslieferungen relationship with Turkey is important, but our nation- interessiert. Die israelische Regierung erklärte sich al dignity is no less important. (…) bereit, Hilfslieferungen aus der Türkei am Hafen von Gilad Sharon, JED, 26.06.16 Ashdod in Empfang zu nehmen und von dort aus in den Gazastreifen weiterzuleiten. Außerdem gibt es grünes Licht für die Türkei, ein Elektrizitätswerk, ein The deal with Turkey hasn't challenged Israel's Krankenhaus und eine Entsalzungsanlage an der shameful control over Gaza palästinensischen Mittelmeerküste zu errichten. (…) The deal signed this week between Israel and Turkey is more noteworthy for what it doesn’t Terms of surrender achieve than what the agreement actually entails. (…) When someone apologizes and expresses their (…) Senior military and political officials have been willingness to compensate the other party, it is only saying for two years that Israel’s security depends because they have acted inappropriately, unlawfully, on the rehabilitation of Gaza. (…) Real rehabilitation 1 would include connecting Gaza to the West Bank of the Mavi Marmara and the present, so it would and allowing people to thrive instead of just survive, appear unlikely that simply restoring diplomatic but that isn’t up for negotiation. (…) The closure of relations would improve economic relations to any Gaza entered its tenth year this month. (…) In 2007, substantial extent except for tourism, which is entire- Israel embarked on what can only be described as a ly a net gain for Turkey since very few Turkish citi- macabre game to experiment with real human lives, zens visit Israel.(…) to push a society to the brink in an effort to placate Norman Bailey, GLO, 28.06.16 the militant or terrorist forces within it. (…) It’s par- ticularly shameful that Netanyahu, when given yet Despite the delay, Israel's reconciliation deal another chance to reverse the reckless closure on with Turkey is welcome news Gaza, instead throws out a few chips and calls it a (…) the wait did nothing to improve the agreement; game. (…) what’s happening in Gaza (…) is a man- what Netanyahu rejected two years ago, he finally made disaster every which way you look at it. accepted two days ago. (…) Turkey, like Israel, Tania Hary, HAA, 27.06.16 emerged from the negotiations with only half of what it wanted. But (…): The agreement’s whole is great- Responsibility includes unpopular decisions er than the sum of its parts. The main benefit to (…) In a rapidly changing world, you must manage Israel stems from rehabilitating the Jerusalem- risks and reach agreements that require diplomatic Ankara relationship and removing the obstacle Er- courage. (…) They were criticized in the past when dogan had posed to Israel’s participation in frame- they didn't sign the deal, and now, they are being works that require consensus, like NATO. (…) The criticized again when they are signing it. So who can fact that Turkey is now positioned to serve as a kind really take this criticism seriously? (…) My heart is of mediator between Israel and Hamas is also im- with the bereaved families who are requesting the portant. (…) It’s essential that in times of crisis, return of their loved ones' bodies. (…) The nation of whether the parties are on the brink of escalation or Israel and its elected officials will not rest in pursuing at the height of a conflict, there be some third party this sacred mission. The Israeli Navy commandos, acceptable to both sides who can find points of who typically ensure calm, should be proud of their compromise between them. The Turks can be such actions aboard the Mavi Marmara ship; it was a a party. The expected improvement in the economic courageous operation that made it clear to everyone situation of Gaza’s population, which will result from to never again attempt to send terrorists and their the relaxation of the blockade on Gaza and the accomplices on ships to Gaza. (…)The decisions of transfer to the Strip of additional merchandise, is a democratic country are made by elected officials also a net gain for everyone. (…) and not by army commanders (…). Editorial, HAA, 29.06.16 Dr. Haim Shine, IHY, 28.06.16 2. Brexit Israel has conceded Turkish demands and be- Die Entscheidung der Briten für den Abschied von trayed allies in return for illusory gains. der Europäischen Union blieb in Israel offiziell zwar (…) it is hard to justify either an apology (…) or the unkommentiert, Regierungschef Benjamin Netanya- payment of compensation to the families of the hu brachte dem scheidenden Amtskollegen in Lon- perpetrators. Both constitute an admission of guilt, don jedoch seinen Dank zum Ausdruck. David while the government continues to maintain that the Cameron sei „ein wahrer Freund Israels und des action was one of self-defense. (…) It is almost jüdischen Volkes“, betonte Netanyahu. Die Bezie- inevitable that once the Turkish facilities are built in hungen beider Staaten seien in den Jahren von Gaza, they will be used by Hamas as command and Camerons Amtszeit vertieft worden. Über die mögli- control centers in case of another outbreak of open chen Konsequenzen des Brexit für Europa und hostilities between Hamas and Israel. (…) There are Israel gehen die Meinungen unter den Politkern grave doubts that a gas pipeline between Israel and auseinander. London hat wiederholt EU- Turkey makes commercial sense, and if extended to Entscheidungen zu dem Friedensprozess in Nahost Europe it will compete with a similar project between gemäßigt und Kritik an Israel gedämpft. Eine Israel, Cyprus and Greece, countries with which Schwächung Großbritanniens könne deshalb nega- Israel is engaged in improving relations. (…) Trade tive Folgen für Israel haben. Umgekehrt rechnen between Turkey and Israel has continued at a high Diplomaten nach dem Brexit mit einer Schwächung level during the whole period between the boarding 2 der EU auf internationaler Bühne und damit sinken- gether with an unwillingness to keep taking part in dem Einfluss auf das Geschehen in Nahost. Die international military operations, that formed the Union verfolgt zunehmend eine kritische Haltung ideological and cultural foundations for the vote to gegenüber Israel. leave. These foundations (…) can be found today in most European states. (…) The ultranationalist and The Battle of Britain isolationist undercurrents that separated Britain from The earthquake that hit Europe overnight measured Europe are flowing in Israel as well, and they do not 10 on the Richter scale. The epicenter: Britain. (…) remain below the surface. Israel, it seems, doesn’t The "remain" camp (…) failed to discern the come- need a referendum or official decision in order to back of nationalism. They failed to pick up the mood declare its disengagement from Europe or the West. in Britain, where people are sick and tired of giving Its policy and identity as the last occupation state in their