F R F R U U ESEARCH ESEARCH ORD ORD NDER THE NDER THE R ESEARCH F INDINGS A BOUT - W - - W - F ORD - WERKE F F INDINGS INDINGS N N ERKE ERKE U NDER THE N AZI R EGIME AZI AZI R R EGIME EGIME A A BOUT BOUT R ESEARCH F INDINGS A BOUT F ORD - WERKE U NDER THE N AZI R EGIME Published by Published by Ford Motor Ford Motor Company Company C ONTACT I NFORMATION R ESEARCH R ESOURCES More than 30 archival repositories were At Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Researchers planning to use primary Media Contacts: searched during the course of this project. Village, the documents and the database will materials are requested to make an Appendix H, Glossary of Repository Sources be available to the public at the Benson Ford appointment before visiting. The Research Tom Hoyt and Bibliography, lists the major archival Research Center: Center Office and Reading Room are open 1.313.323.8143 sources. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
[email protected] Benson Ford Research Center Descriptions of the documents collected Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village have been entered into a searchable database. 20900 Oakwood Boulevard is a member of OCLC (Online Computer The documents and the database are being P.O. Box 1970 Library Center) and The Library Network Niel Golightly donated to Henry Ford Museum & Dearborn, Michigan 48121-1970 (TLN). 49.0221.901057 Greenfield Village, an independent, nonprofit U.S.A.
[email protected] educational institution unaffiliated with Ford tel: 1.313.982.6070 Note:The Henry Ford Museum Reading Room will be Motor Company.