Integrated Approach to Crop Research

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Integrated Approach to Crop Research Rothamsted Long Ashton Brooms Barn Institute of Arable Crops Research Research Arable Crops Institute of Integrated Approach to IACR-Rothamsted Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ Crop Research Tel: (01582) 763133 Int: +44 1582 763133 Fax: (01582) 760981 IACR Report for 1998 Report for 1998 This is the eleventh Report of the Institute of Arable Crops Research. Reports for years before 1988 were published separately by Rothamsted Experimental Station (ISSN 0262-1215) and by Long Ashton Research Station (ISSN 0368-7708 and ISSN 0954-4968). Further information about IACR and the work of its departments is available on the Internet:- URL © The Lawes Agricultural Trust and The University of Bristol Enquiries about this Report should be addressed to: Dr Roger Atkin Marketing and Public Relations Manager at IACR-Rothamsted Tel: (01582) 763133 Mr Harry Anderson Scientific Liaison at IACR-Long Ashton Tel: (01275) 392181 Mr Mike May Scientific Liaison at IACR-Brooms Barn Tel: (01284) 812200 Editor: Liz Allsopp Copies obtainable from the Librarian at Rothamsted or at Long Ashton ISSN 0955-9051 Cover: Peri-urban vegatable production in Havana, Cuba where root-knot nematodes cause significant yield losses in irrigated, raised beds The Institute of Arable Crops Research comprises Rothamsted, Long Ashton Research Station, and Brooms Barn and is supported by the BBSRC, MAFF, SBRE Fund, DFID, other Government Departments, and by industry and international organisations. Contents Page 2 The Lawes Agricultural Trust 2 The University of Bristol Agricultural Committee 2 The Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee 3 Directors Foreword 4 Review of the Year 9 Inherent Plant Productivity 17 Host -Parasite Interactions 25 Agricultural Systems 33 Environment and Nutrient Interactions 41 World Partnerships 47 ARIA 48 Research Projects in Progress 59 Staff Publications 83 Staff of the Institute 93 Index 96 Acronyms IACR Addresses & Location Maps INSTITUTE OF ARABLE CROPS RESEARCH REPORT 1998 1 Institute of Arable The University of Sugar Beet Research and Crops Research Advisory Bristol Agricultural Education Committee Board Committee Chairman Professor C.J. Leaver FRS, Nominated by the Council H.R. Dyas FRSE (Chairman) of the University of Bristol Dr J.T. Braunholtz FRSC J.F. Oldfield (Vice-Chairman) Representing British Sugar plc (Chairman) Dr J.T. Braunholtz FRSC C.R.A. Carter Dr P. Doyle CBE, FRSE1 Nominated by the Senate of Dr M.J. Armstrong H.R. Dyas1 the University of Bristol Representing the National Professor O.T.G. Jones1 Professor O.T.G. Jones1 Farmers Union Professor B.T. Pickering2 Professor A.E. Walsby FRS Dr D.J. Carmichael Professor B.J. Miflin Professor T.J. Simpson J.H.R. Hoyles Sir Ralph Riley DSc, FRS Professor P.R. Shewry DSc Ex Officio University of Representing the BBSRC Bristol Professor R.T. Plumb Secretary: P.S. Thomas FCA Sir John Kingman ScD, DSc, LLD, HonFIS, FRS Representing the MAFF Professor P.R. Shewry DSc M.F. Askew Board of Directors The M. Woolley Lawes Agricultural MAFF ex officio Trust Company Limited Dr D.A. Cooper Nominated by the Institute Professor Sir Richard of Arable Crops Research Secretary Southwood DL, FRS (Chairman) Professor J.A. Callow R.J. Hedley His Grace the Duke of Professor J.L. Hall MAFF, Room 406 Wellington KG, LVO, OBE, The Right Hon. William Whitehall Place East Block MC Waldegrave PC London SW1A 2HH Earl of Selborne KBE, FRS Lord Plumb DL, MEP Nominated by the Arable Research Institute Association Lord De Ramsey DL A.J. Bide Professor Sir Tom Blundell Dr D.K. Brightman1 FRS2 G.R. Douglas Sir Ralph Riley DSc, FRS2 T.W.Cox2 Nominated by the Home- Secretary: P.S. Thomas FCA Grown Cereals Authority Ex Officio: Professor B.J. Miflin Dr P. Biscoe Nominated by BBSRC Board of Directors S. Visscher Rothamsted Experimental Station Co-opted Sir Ralph Riley DSc, FRS Dr B.G. Jamieson (Chairman) In attendance Professor E.C. Cocking DSc, Professor B.J. Miflin FRS (Vice-Chairman) Professor J. Beringer Dr P. Doyle CBE, FRSE1 J.M. de Borde FCMA I.G.T. Ferguson J.H.M. Parry MA A.F. Pemberton MA I. Crawford ACMA D.M. Adamson MA Secretary: P.S. Thomas FCA P.S. Thomas FCA Ex Officio: Professor B.J. Miflin Mrs P.A. Baldwin INSTITUTE OF ARABLE CROPS RESEARCH REPORT 1998 2 1 Resigned or retired during 1998 2 Appointed during 1998 Directors Foreword Professor B.J.Miflin During this year we have continued the review of our research programmes to prioritise and re-direct them in the context of reduced funding from BBSRC and changing scientific opportunities. This has led to a revision of our theme structure. Although it will take further efforts to complete the details of this restructuring, the new outlines of the themes are presented in this Report. The year has been marked by a heated debate over the use of genetically modified crops in UK agriculture, and we took the op- portunity to show transgenic crops to the farming and the general public at Cereals 98 and the Royal Show. The debate will continue but I am sure that the benefits of the technology, responsibly used, are far greater than any risks. In addition to its commercial use, recombinant DNA technology is one of the most powerful research tools ever developed, and you will see from this Report that it is being used in all departments. This Report marks my final year as Director since I retire early in 1999. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to lead the Institute and Rothamsted despite the very difficult financial and political climate of the last five years. This pleasure has derived in part from the support I have had from the staff and the various Boards of the Institute, from fellow Institute Directors, and from the agriculture industry, especially ARIA, and in part from the exciting advances in research that have been made here during that time. I would like to thank all involved and hope that the same support and excitement will be available to my successor Ian Crute. INSTITUTE OF ARABLE CROPS RESEARCH REPORT 1998 3 Review of the Year RESEARCH The evolution of the focus of the Institutes research and its organisation into themes has continued during the year. Fortunately, the new Director Ian Crute was appointed in July and was able to take part in most of the discussions. The revisions take into account the way different programmes have Fig. 1 Yields of wheat in the classical Broadbalk experiment at Rothamsted. The evolved over the last four years and the introduction of new technologies is indicated by the arrows. All plots received P and K, the additional fertiliser treatments for different plots are shown in the legend new and exciting possibilities for research (Figure adapted from Rasmussen, P.E. et al. (1998). Science 282, 893.) that have opened up in that period. The revised themes are: l Inherent Plant Productivity To improve crop productivity and quality by associated natural habitats through under- MAFF research budget will be reduced in understanding and manipulating genetic and standing of new crops and management real terms over the next three years. To biochemical factors regulating metabolism, techniques and the population genetics and counteract this shortfall, the Institute has growth and development. dynamics of pests, pathogens and weeds. been reviewing its activities to reduce its expenses and maximise its efficiency. In l Environment and Nutrients Amongst other priorities, these programmes addition, staff have been very active in To optimise crop yield and quality while will make use of advances in molecular competing for external funds (for example protecting soils, water, the food chain and biology to underpin the studies of populations in participating in the European Research the global environment through an under- of important organisms in the agricultural programmes in FPIV - see box). As a standing of nutrient acquisition, nutrient environment, to understand plant function result, we have been able to weather the transformations, soil ecology and remediation. and the interactions between pests (in the cuts and also free up resources for new broad sense of the word) and host, and posts to underpin some of the opportunities l Host and Pest Interactions to transform crop plants. The details and and priorities that the research review individual projects will continue to evolve identified. To identify and exploit targets for intervention over the coming year. in the control of invertebrate and microbial However, the future is still clouded. Agri- parasites through an understanding of FINANCE AND THE FUTURE culture in the UK both as an industry and a chemical signalling, insect behaviour, plant research activity is going through tough defence, pathogenesis and mechanisms to The longer-term support the Institute receives times. Although the priorities identified in the overcome insensitivity to established from the BBSRC in terms of the Competitive CSR include life sciences and genomics, toxophores. Strategic Grant (CSG) and from MAFF these seem to be primarily interpreted as under the Umbrella Contract continues related to the human genome and health. To l Agricultural Systems to decrease. Hopefully, the new Compre- my mind, these aims are too narrow and hensive Spending Review (CSR) settlement short-term. Analyses of future population To provide robust tools for the economically announced by the Government in September, trends, the effects of climate change on INSTITUTE OF ARABLE CROPS competitive and environmentally benign will ensure that at least the CSG is inflated. crop performance and the need to protect RESEARCH REPORT 1998 management of agricultural systems and However, as a result of the Review, the biodiversity and the environment, all suggest 4 IACR SUCCESS IN THE FOURTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME AND GOOD SIGNS FOR THE FIFTH Success in the European Framework Programmes is important to IACR.
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