Vol 4 Part 2. Coleoptera. Carabidae

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Vol 4 Part 2. Coleoptera. Carabidae Royal Entomological Society HANDBOOKS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS To purchase current handbooks and to download out-of-print parts visit: http://www.royensoc.co.uk/publications/index.htm This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Copyright © Royal Entomological Society 2012 ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON . Vol. IV. Part 2 -HANDBOOKS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION / OF BRITISH INSECT-s COLEOPTERA CARABIDAE By CARL H. LINDROTH LONDON Published by the Society and Sold at its Rooms .p, Queen's Gate, S.W. 7 August I 974- HANDBOOKS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS The aim of this series of publications is to provide illustrated keys to the whole of the British Insects (in so far as this is possible), in ten volumes, as follows: I. Part 1. General Introduction. Part 9. Ephemeroptera. , 2. Thysanura. , 10. Odonata. , 3. Protura. , 11. Thysanoptera. , 4. Collembola. , 12. Neuroptera. , 5. Dermaptera and , 13. Mecoptera. Orthoptera. , 14. Trichoptera. , 6. Plecoptera. , 15. Strepsiptera. , 7. Psocoptera. , 16. Siphonaptera. , 8. Anoplura. II. Hemiptera. III. Lepidoptera. IV. and V. Coleoptera. VI. Hymenoptera : Symphyta and Aculeata. VII. Hymenoptera : lchneumonoidea. VIII. Hymenoptera : Cynipoidea, Chalcidoidea, and Serphoidea. IX. Diptera: Nematocera and Brachycera. X. Diptera : Cyclorrhapha. Volumes II to X will be divided into parts of convenient size, but it is not possible to specifyin advance the taxonomic content of each part. Conciseness and cheapness are main objectives in this series, and each part is the work of a specialist, or of a group of specialists. Although much of the work is based on existing published keys, suitably adapted, much new and original matter is also included. Parts are issued, separately paged and priced, as they become available. A second (revised) edition of A Check List of British Insects, by G. S. Kloet and W. D. Hincks, is being issued as an extra, eleventh, volume in this series. The Society is indebted to the Royal Society for a grant towards the cost of initiating this series of Handbooks. A list of parts so far published appears on the inside and outside back covers. CORRIGENDA to T\tol IV. Part 2 COLEOPTERA - Family CARABIDAE Pl4 In the key to genera, couplet 55 should be moved to follow couplet ,17 ;md renumbered 48; the original couplet numbers 48 to 54 should a.H bi\ increased by 1, both at the left and right hand side of the page. P15 Fig. 92e, mentioned in couplets 70 and 71, should be amended to 92b. For an alternative key to genera and most species see .Forsytht: (198'7), belcnv. P22 At the end of last line insert lead number: 8. P29 At the beginning of line 16 from bottom insert couplet number: 3. P49 In couplet 13 transpose tlgure numbers 37a, c and 37b, d. P49 Couplet 14 may mislead as some species in couplets 24 to 30 would also satisfy the first half of this couplet. PlOO In second half of couplet 12 for figs. 9c, f read figs. 7lc, f. ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ANDERSON, R. 1985. Agonum lugens (Duftschmid) new to the British Isles. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 121: 133-135. ANDERSON, R. & LuFF, M.L. 1994. Calathus cinctus Motschulsky, a species of the Calathus melanocephalus/mollis complex (Col., Carabidae) in the British Isles. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 130: 131-135. CROSSLEY, R. & NoRRIS, A. 1975. Bembidion humerale Sturm (Col., Carabidae) :new to Britain. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 111: 59-60. F oRSYTHE, T.G. 1987. Common ground beetles. Naturalists' Handbooks 8, iv + 74pp. • HAMMOKD, P.M. 1982. Cymindis macularis (Fischer v. Waldheim) (Col., Carabidae)- apparently a British species. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 118: 37-38. HoDGE, P.J. & ,ToNES, R.A. 1995. New British Beetles. Species not in Joy's practical handbook. xvi + 175 pp. British Entomological and Natw.·al History Society. [Updates Joy, 1932; Carabidae pp 1-8] HYMAN, P.S. 1986, revised by PARSONS, M.S. 1992. A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Part 1. U.K. Nature Conservation 3, 11 + 484 pp. Peterborough: U.K. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. [Carabidae pp 99-155] LuFF, M.L. (ed.) 1982. Preliminary atlas of British Carabidae (Coleoptera). Abbot's Ripton: Biological Records Centre, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. LUFF, M.L. 1989. (Brief note on Calathus luctuosus (Latreille)) Ground Beetle Recording Scheme Newsletter March 1989: 3. LUFF, M.L. 1990. Pterostichus rhaeticus Heer (Col., Carabidae), a British species previously confused with P. nigrita (Paykull). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 126: 245-249. PoPE, R.D. 1977. A check list of British insects, second edition (completely revised). Part 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera. Handbooks for the Identifi­ cation of British Insects 11 (3), xiv + 105 pp. [Carabidae pp 1-9; note also comments on pp x and xi] SPEIGHT, M.C.D., MARTINEZ, M. & LuFF, M.L. 1986. The Asaphidon (Col.: Carabidae) species occurring in Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings and Transactions of the British entomological and natural History Society 19: 17-21 [Asaphidon curtum (Heyden) and A. stierleini (Heyden)] WELCH, R.C. 1980. Nebria nivalis (Payk.) (Col., Carabidae) from Mull, Skye and the Cairngorms, with a new character for its separation from N. gyllenhali (Schoen.). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 116: 166. Reprinted Handbooks for the Identification of Briti&h Insects, VoL IV, Pan 2. June 1996 COLEOPTERA Family CARABIDAE By CARL H. LINDROTH INTRODUCTION THE family Carabidae is here treated in its widest sense, that, is including also the Tiger-beetles which have often been regarded as a separate family, the Cicindelidae. The Carabidae constitute one of the largest families of beetles, with approximately 352 species known from the British Isles (including a few that were apparently never established). The family is usually placed at the beginning of the classification of Coleoptera, but this does not necessarily mean that it comprises the most primitive and phylogenetically oldest beetles. In fact, the family Cupedidae, not represented in the present European fauna, is much closer to this position (see Crowson, I950-54, I955). ADULT CHARACTERISTICS The Carabidae belong to the suborder Adephaga, characterized among other things by filiform antennae, 5-segmented tarsi, coalescent basal segments (I-3 visible; 2-4 morphologically) of the abdomen, and the back­ wardly produced hind coxae (fig. 2). Their closest relatives in the British fauna are the Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae and Gyrinidae, which are, however, all strongly adapted to an aquatic life. The Carabidae are strictly terrestrial and their legs are used for running or, in a few genera, the front pair, for digging. A generalized diagram of a Carabid beetle is shown in fig . I. Other Coleoptera liable to be mistaken for Carabids are: (I) certain members of the subfamily Omaliinae (Staphylinidae) with only slightly abbreviated elytra; they are easily separated on the presence of a pair of ocelli on the frons; (2) the genera Crypticus (Tenebrionidae) and Anthicus (Anthicidae), both, however, have "heteromeran" tarsi, that is only 4 seg­ ments on the hind pair; (3) certain Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae, with 1tll the tarsi seemingly 4-segmented (fourth segment rudimentary). EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF A CARABID BEETLE The head capsule consists of several fused sclerites of which only the foremost, the clypeus (cly), is usually well separated by a suture from the .frons (fro); this, in its turn, has no clear limit against the vertex. Behind the wmpound eyes (eye) the head is sometimes constricted to form a neck. The undm·side of the head consists of the labium, divided into mentum (mnt) and rrula, (gul). 'l'ho rnovnhlc appendages of the head are the antennae (ant), possessing 2 IV (2). GOLEOPTERA GARABIDA E FIG. I.-General structure of a ground-beetle (Carabidae). (a) upper side; (b) lower side; (c) labium; (d) maxilla. (a) and (b) after Joy (changed); (c) and (d) after Ganglbauer (simplified). ant, antenna inl, inner lobe of maxilla prs, presternum bsf, basal fovea of !bp, labial palp prt, prothorax prothorax lbr, labrum (upper lip) prx, pro-coxa cly, clypeus lig, ligula pyg, pygidium (last drp, dorsal punctures of max, maxilla (lower jaw) tergite) elytra mnd, mandible (upper scs, scutellar stria ely, elytra jaw) scu, scutellum epl, epipleura of elytra mnt, mentum (chin) sut, suture of elytra eye, compound eye mss, mesosternum tib, tibia fern, femur (thigh) msx, meso-coxa trc, trochanter frf, frontal furrow mts, metasternum trs, tarsus fro, frons mtx, meta-coxa l. int., I. elytral interval gal, galea (outer lobe of mxp, maxillary palp I. str., I. elytral stria maxilla) par, paraglossae I - VI, vi><iblo abdominal gu, gula (throat) ppe, setao of prothorax stornitoH hum, humerus (shoulder) pro, pro-episterna EXTERNAL ANATOMY 3 Fro. 2.-Underside of abdomen in (a) a Silphid; (b) a Carabid beetle. mtx, meta-coxa; trc, trochanter. I-VI, visible sternites. 11 segments, and the mouth-parts: on the upper side, partly concealing the ·mandibles (mnd), is the labrum (lbr); below the mandibles are the complicated maxillae (max) carrying the maxalary palps (mxp) and each one segmented galea (gal) or "outer lobe". One pair of smaller labial palps (lbp) is fixed to the mentum. The anterior part of this carries an unpaired ligula (Jig), or glossa, surrounded by a pair of paraglossae (par) ("ligula" is sometimes used for both organs together). The upper side of the prothorax (prt) should rightly be termed the pronotum, as opposed to its lower surface, prosternum (prs), with its two lateral proepisterna (pre). The wing-bearing meso- and meta-thorax are ooncealed under the elytra, with the exception of the scutellum (scu), belonging to the mesothorax. On the underside (fig. 3) the two segments are seen to nonsist of a central meso- and meta-sternum, respectively (mss, mts), each side bordering upon the corresponding episterna (mse, mte, fig.
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