

Geoffrey Sampson

Department of Linguistics ~ Modern English Language University of Lancaster LANCASTER LAI-4YT, G.B.

ABSTRACT Approaches to MT have been heavily influenced which might take the form of successive modific- by changing trends in the of language ations of an internal model of that could and . Because of the artificial hiatus which be described as "inferencing". followed the publication of the ALPAC Report, MT research in the 197Os and early 198Os has had to Chomskyan rationalism is undoubtedly more catch up with major developments that have occurred satisfactory as an account of human cognition than in linguistic and philosophical thinking; current- Skinnerian behaviourism. By the late 197Os, how- ly, MT seems to be uncritically loyal to a para- ever, the mechanical that is part of digm of thought about language which is rapidly Chomsky's view of mind appeared increasingly unre- losing most of its adherents in departments of alistic to many writers. There is little empirical linguistics and philosophy. I argue, both in support, for instance, for the Chomskyan assumpt- theoretical terms and by reference to empirical ions that the child's acquisition of his first research on a particular translation problem, that language, or the adult's comprehension of a given the Popperian "fallible rationalist" view of mental utterance, are processes that reach well-defined processes which is winning acceptance as a more terminations after a given period of mental pro- sophisticated alternative to Chomskyan "determin- cessing -- language seems typically to work in a istic rationalism" should lead MT researchers to more "open-ended" fashion than that. Within redefine their goals and to adopt certain current- linguistics, as documented e.g. by Moore ~ Carling ly-neglected techniques in trying to achieve those (1982), the ChomsMyan paradi~ is hy now widely goals. rejected.

The view which is winning widespread accept- I. Since the Second , three rival views ance as preserving the merits of rationalism of the of the human mind have competed for while avoiding its inadequacies is Karl Pepper's the allegiance of philosophically-minded people. falllbilist version of the doctrine. On this Each of these views has implications for our account, the mind responds to experiential inputs understanding of language. not by a deterministic algorithm that reaches a halt state, but by creatively formulating fallible The 195Os and early 1960s were dominated by s conjectures which is used to test. behaviourist approach tracing its ancestry to John Typically the conjectures formulated are radically Locke and represented recently e.g. by Leonard novel, in the sense that they could not be pre- Bloomfield and B.F. Skinner. On this view, "mind" dicted even on the basis of ideally complete is merely a name for a of associations that of the person's prior state. This have been established during a person's life version of rationalism is incompatible with the between external stimuli and behavioural responses. materialist doctrine that the mind is nothing but The of a sentence is to be understood not an arrangement of matter and wholly governed by as the effect it has on an internal the laws of ; but, historically, material- model of reality but as the behaviour it evokes in ism has not commonly been regarded as an axiom the hearer. requiring no to support it (although it may be that the ethos of During the 1960s this view lost ground to the makes practitioners of this discipline more than rationalist of , working in an averagely favourable towards ). tradition founded by and rein- augurated in modern times by Hone Descartes. On As a matter of , fallible conjectures in this view, stimuli and responses are linked only any domain can be eliminated by adverse experience indirectly, via an immensely complex cognitive but can never be decisively confirmed. Our having J ts own fixed principles of oper- reaction to linguistic experience, consequently~ ation which are independent of experience. A is for a Popperian both non-deterministic and given behaviour is a response to an internal mental open-ended. There is no to expect a person which is determined as the resultant of the at any age to cease to improve his knowledge of initial state of the mental apparatus together with his mother-tongue, or to expect different members the entire history of inputs to it. The meaning of of a speech-community to formulate identical a sentence must be explained in terms of the unseen internalized grammars; and understanding an indiv- responses it evokes in the cognitive apparatus, idual utterance is a process which a person can

86 execute to any desired degree of thoroughness -- 3. What are the implications for MT, and for AI we stop trying to improve our understanding of a in general, of a shift from a deterministic to a particular sample of language not because we reach fallibilist version of rationalism? (On the general issue see e.g. the exchange between a natural stopping-place but because we judge that Aravind Joshi and me in Smith 1982.) They can be the returns from further effort are likely to be summed Up as follows. less than the resources invested. First, there is no such thing as an ideal For a Chomskyan linguist, divergences between speaker's competence which, if simulated mechanic- individuals in their linguistic behaviour are to be ally, would constitute perfect MT. In the case of explained either in terms of mixture of "dialects" "literary" texts it is generally recognised that or in terms of failure of practical "performance" different human translators may produce markedly fully to match the abstract "competence" possessed different translations none of which can be con- by the mature speaker. For the Popperian such sidered more "correct" than the others; from the divergences require no explanation; we do not Popperian viewpoint literary texts do not differ possess algorithms which would lead to correct qualitatively from other genres. (Referring to results if they were executed thoroughly. Indeed, the translation requirements of the Secretariat of since languages have no reality independent of the Council of the European Communities, P.J. their speakers, the that there exists a Arthern (1979: 81) has said that "the only quality "correct" solution to the problem of acquiring a we can accept is i00~0 fidelity to the meaning of language or of understanding an individual sent- the original". From the fallibilist point of view ence ceases to apply except as an untheoretical that is like saying "the only kind of motors we approximation. The superiority of the Popperian are willing to use are perpetual-motion machines".) to the Chomskyan as a framework for interpreting the of linguistic behaviour is Second, there is no possibility of designing argued e.g. in my Making Sense (1980), Popperian an artificial system which simulates the actions Linguistics (in press). of an unpredictably creative mind, since any machine is a material object governed by physical law. Thus it not, for instance, be possible 2. There is a major in style between to design an artificial system which regularly the MT of the 1950s and 1960s, and the projects of uses inferencing to resolve the meaning of given the last decade. This reflects the difference texts in the same way as a human reader of the between behaviourist and deterministic-rationalist texts. There is no principled barrier, of course, . Speaking very broadly, early MT to an artificial system which applies logical research envisaged the problem of translation as transformations to derive conclusions from ~iven that of establishing equivalences between observ- premisses. But an artificial system must be able, surface features of languages: vocabulary restricted to some fixed, perhaps very large, data- items, taxemes of order, and the like. Recent MT base of premisses ("world knowledge"). It is research has taken it as axiomatic that successful central to the Popperian view of mind that human MT must incorporate a large AI component. Human inferencing is not limited to a fixed set of pre- translation, it is now realized, involves the misses but involves the frequent invention of new understanding of source texts rather than mere hypotheses which are not related in any logical transliteration from one set of linguistic con- way to the previous contents of mind. An MT ventions to another: we make heavy use of infer- system cannot aspire to perfect human performance. encing in order to resolve textual ambiguities. (But then, neither can a human.) MT systems must therefore simulate these inferenc- ing processes in order to produce human-like out- Third: a situation in which the behaviour of put. Furthermore, the Chomskyan paradigm incorp- any individual is only approximately similar to orates axioms about the kinds of operation char- that of other individuals and is not in detail acteristic of human linguistic processing, and MT predictable even in principle is just the kind of research inherits these. In particular, Chomsky situation in which probabilistic techniques are and his followers have been hostile to the idea valuable, irrespective of whether or not the pro- that any interesting linguistic rules or processes cesses occurring within individual humans are might be probabilistic or statistical in rmture themselves intrinsically probabilistic. To draw (e.g. Chomsky 1957: 15-17, and of. the controversy an analogy: life-insurance companies do not con- about Labovian "variable rules"). The assumption demn the actuarial profession as a bunch of cop- that human language-processing is invariably an outs because they do not attempt to predict the all-or-none phenomenon might well be questioned precise date of death of individual policyholders. even by someone who subscribed to the other tenets MT research ought to exploit any techniques that Of the Chomskyan paradigm (e.g. Suppes 1970), but offer the possibility of better approximations to it is consistent with the heavily deterministic acceptable translation, whether or not it seems flavour of that paradigm. Correspondingly, recent likely that human translation exploits such tech- MT projects known to me seem to make no use of niques; and it is likely that useful methods will , and anecdotal suggests often be probabilistic. that MT (and other AI) researchers perceive pro- posals for the exploitation of probabilistic tech- Fourth: MT researchers will ultimately need niques as defeatist ("We ought to be modelling to appreciate that there is no natural end to the what the mind actually does rather than using process of improving the quality of translation purely artificial methods to achieve a rough (though it may be premature to raise this issue approximation to its output").

87 at a stage when the best mechanical translation is approach can never attain lOOTo success, and that still quite bad). Human translation always invol- it does not correspond to the method by which ves a (usually tacit) cost-benefit analysis: it humans resolve pronouns. is never a question of "How much work is needed to translate this text 'properly'?" but of "Will a However, unlike Hobbs's syntactic algorithm, given increment of effort be profitable in terms his semantic algorithm is purely programmatic. of achieved improvement in translation?" Likewise, The implication that it will be able to achieve the question confronting MT is not "Is MT poss- i00~ success -- or even that it will be able to ible?" but "What are the disbenefits Of translat- match the success-level of the existing syntactic ing this or that category of texts at this or algorithm -- rests purely on , though this that level of inexactness, and how do the costs faith is quite understandable given the axioms of of reducing the incidence of a given type of deterministic rationalism. error compare with the gains to the consumers?" I investigated these issues by examining a set of examples of the pronoun it drawn from the 4. The value of probabilistic techniques is LOB Corpus (a standard million-word computer-read- sufficiently exemplified by the spectacular succ- able corpus of modern written British English -- ess of the Lancaster-Oslo-Bergen Tagging System see Johansson 1978). The pronoun it is specially (see e.g. Leech et al. 1983). The LOB Tagging interesting in connexion with MT because of the System, operational since 1981, assigns grammat- problems of translation into gender-langu/ages; my ical tags drawn from a highly-differentiated (134- examples were extracted from the texts in Category member) tag-set to the words of "real-life" H of the LOB Corpus, which includes governmental English text. The system "knows" virtually nothing and similar documents and thus matches the genres of the syntax of English in terms of the kind of which current large-scale MT projects such as grammar-rules believed by linguists to make up the EUROTRA aim to translate. I began with 338 speaker's competence; it uses only facts about instances of it; after eliminating non-referential local transition-probabilities between form- cases I was left with 156 instances which I exam- classes, together with the relatively meagre clues ined intensively. provided by English morphology. By late 1982 the output of the system fell short of complete I asked the following questions: success (defined as tagging identical to that done independently by a human linguist) by only 3.4%. (i) In what proportion of cases do I as an educ- Various methods are used to reduce this ated native speaker feel confident about the failure-rate further, but the nature of the tech- intended reference? .... niques used ensures that the ideal of 100% success will be approached only asymptotically. However, (2) Where I do feel confident and Hobbs's syn- the point is that no other extant automatic tagg- tactic algorithm gives a result which I believe to ing-system known to me approaches the current be wrong, what kind of reasoning enabled me to success-level of the LOB system. I predict that reach my solution? any system which eschews probabilistic methods will perform at a significantly lower level. (3) Where Hobbs's algorithm gives what I believe to be the correct result, is it plausible that a semantic algorithm would give the same result? 5. In the remainder of this paper I illustrate the argument that human language-comprehension (4) Could the performance of Hobbs's syntactic involves inferencing from unpredictable hypothes- algorithm be improved, as an alternative to es, using research of my own on the problem of replacing it by a semantic algorithm? "referring" pronouns. It emerged that: My research was done in reaction to an article by Jerry Hobbs (1976). Hobbs provides an (i) In about I0~ of all cases, human resolution unusually clear example of the Chomskyan paradigm was impossible; on careful consideration of the of AI research, since he makes his methodological alternatives I concluded that I did not know the axioms relatively explicit. He begins by defining intended reference (even though, on a first a complex and subtle algorithm for referring pro- relatively cursory reading, most of these cases nouns which depends exclusively on the grammatical had not struck me as ambiguous). An example is: structure of the sentences in which they occur. This algorithm is highly successful: tested on a The lower platen, which supports the leather, sample of texts, it is 88.3% accurate (a figure is raised hydraulically to bring it into contact which rises slightly, to 91.7%, when the algorithm with the rollers on the upper platen ... (H6.148) is expanded to use the simple kind of semantic represented by Katz/Fodor "selection Does it refer to the lower platen or to the restrictions"). Nevertheless, Hobbs argues that leather (la platina, il cuoio:)? I really don't this approach to the problem of pronoun resolution know. In at least one instance (not this one) I must be abandoned in favour of a "semantic algo- reached different confident conclusions about the rithm", meaning one which depends on inferencing same case on different occasions (and this sugg- from a d@ta-base of world knowledge rather than on ests that there are likely to be other cases syntactic structure. He gives several ; which I have confidently resolved in ways other the important reasons are that the syntactic than the writer intended). The implication is

88 that a system which performs at a level of success exploited) semantic considerations, such as Katz/ much above 90~ on the task of resolving referent- Fodor selection restrictions, which have to be ial it would be outperforming a human, which is left out of a deterministic system because in contradictory: language means what humans take it practice they are sometimes violated. As we have to mean. seen, Hobbs suggested that only a small percentage improvement in the performance of his pure syntac- (2) In a number of cases where I judged the syn- tic algorithm could be achieved by adding semantic tactic algorithm to give the wrong result, the selection restrictions. Rules such as "the verb premisses on which my own decisions were based 'fear' must have an [+animate] subject" almost were that were not pieces of factual never prove to be exceptionless in real-life usage: general knowledge and which I was not aware of even genres of text that appear soberly literal ever having consciously entertained before pro- contain many cases of figurative or extended usage. ducing them in the course of trying to interpret This is one reason why advocates of a "semantic" the text in question. It would therefore be approach to artificial language-processing believe quixotic to suggest that these propositions in using relatively elaborate methods involving would occur in the data-base available to a complex inferential chains -- though they give us MT system. Consider, for instance: little reason to expect that these techniques too will not in practice be bedevilled by difficulties Under the "permissive" powers, however, in similar to those that occur with straightforward the worst cases when the Ministry was right and selection restrictions. However, while it may be the M.P. was right the local authority could still that the subject of 'fear' is not always an anim- dig its heels in and say that whatever the Mini- ate noun, it may also be that this is true with stry said it was not going to give a grant. (HI6. much more than chance frequency. If so, an arti- 24) ficial language-processing system can and should use this as one factor to be balanced against I feel sure that i_~t refers to the local authority others in resolving ambiguities in sentences con- rather than the Ministry, chiefly because it seems taining 'fear'. to me much more plausible that a lower-level branch of government would refuse to heed requests for action from a higher-level branch than that it 6. To sum up: the deterministic-rationalist would accuse the higher-level branch of deceit. philosophical paradi~ has encouraged MT research- But this generalization about the of ers to attempt an impossible task. The fallible- government was new to me when I thought it up for rationalist paradigm requires them to lower their the purpose of interpreting the example quoted sights, but may at the same time allow them to (and I am not certain that it is in Univers- attain greater actual success. ally true).

(3) In a number of cases it was very difficult to believe that introduction Of semantic consider- REFERENCES ations into the syntactic algorithm would not worsen its performance. Here, an example is: Arthern, P.J. (1979) "Machine translation and computerized terminology systems". In Bar- ... and the Isle of Man. We do by these bara Snell, ed., Translating and the Computer. Presents for Us, our Heirs and Successors instit- North-Holland. ute and create a new Medal and We do hereby direct Chomsky, A.N. (1957) Syntactic Structures. Mou- that i__~tshall be governed by the following rules ton. and ordinances ... (H24.16) Hobbs, J.R. (1976) "Pronoun resolution". Research Report 76-1. Department of Computer , Hobbs's syntactic algorithm refers it to Medal, City College, City University of New York. I believe rightly. Yet before reading the text Johansson, S. (1978) "Manual of information to I was under the impression that medals, like other accompany the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus of small concrete inanimate objects, could not be British English, for use with digital comput- governed; while territories like the Isle of Man ers". Department of English, University of can be, and indeed are. Syntax is more important Oslo. than semantics in this case. Leech, G.N., R. Garside, & E. Atwell (1983) "The automatic grammatical tagging of the LOB (4) There are several syntactic phenomena (e.g. Corpus". ICAME News no. 7, pp. 13-33. Nor- parallelism of structure between successive wegian Computing Centre for the . clauses) which turned out to be relevant to pro- Moore, T. & Christine Carling (1982) Understand- noun resolution but which are ignored by Hobbs's ing Language. Macmillan. algorithm. I have not undertaken the task of mod- Sampson, G.R. (1980) Making Sense. Oxford Uni- ifying the syntactic algorithm in order to exploit versity Press. these phenomena, but it seems likely that the Sampson, G.R. (in press) Popperian Linguistics. already-good performance of the algorithm could be Hutchinson. further improved. Smith, N.V., ed. (1982) Mutual Knowledge. Acad- emic Press. It is also worth pointing out that accepting Suppes, P. (1970) "Probsbilistic grammars for the legitimacy of probabilistic methods allows one natural languages". Synthese vol. 22, pp. to exploit many crude (and therefore cheaply- 95-116.