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BIbLIoGRAPHY There is a rich collection of ‘Jules Guesde Papers’ at Amsterdam’s International Institute of Social History (IISG). It features an abundance of correspondence, press cuttings, manuscripts, and documents from Guesde’s election campaigns or connected to his parliamentary activity. This is the most important archival collection for research on Guesde. Since late 2015 the full set of documents has been digitised. The IISG is also brimming with personal collections for socialist leaders from Guesde’s era; the most important include those of Wilhelm Liebknecht, Karl Kautsky and, indeed, Bracke—collections which we have our- selves worked through. Another part of Guesde’s correspondence was long in the possession of Jean- Marie Guesde. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any trace of this collec- tion, despite our best efforts. Gabriel Deville’s archive at the Institut Français d’Histoire Sociale (now at the Archives Nationales) and the Maurice Dommanget collection also include some interesting pointers. OTHER USEFuL CoLLEcTIoNS INcLuDE – The recently rediscovered Paul Lafargue papers at the PCF’s archives (Archives Départementales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny) – The Marcel Sembat papers contain an interesting critical manuscript on the Guesdists (Office Universitaire de recherches socialistes, OURS) The OURS conserves not only a very rich set of pamphlets from Guesde’s era, but also further collections on Guesde allowing for the study of his legacy (notably the documents on the Amis de Guesde in the René Hug papers). © The Author(s) 2020 199 J.-N. Ducange, Jules Guesde, Marx, Engels, and Marxisms, 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY – The papers of Charles Dumas, Guesde’s chief of staff when he became a minister in 1914. They are held at the Institut d’histoire Sociale founded by Boris Souvarine (Nanterre, Conseil Général des Hauts-de-Seine) – The papers of the 1930–1964 PCF general secretary, Maurice Thorez, whose own roots were in Le Nord, contain some interesting documents on the mem- ory of Guesde. The police and surveillance archives are very rich. They especially concern the activity of the Guesdist current (see the list compiled by Claude Willard, Les guesdistes, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1965, p. 669–671). A specific surveillance dossier dedicated to Jules Guesde (AN F7/15965) includes numerous reports on his various activities as well as press cuttings; as far as we know, no one before us had made use of this dossier. The départemental archives for Le Nord and the municipal archives for Roubaix contain an important body of documentation allowing us to study Guesde’s implantation in this region, especially by way of the press, electoral propaganda and structures linked to the POF and then the SFIO. Also worth noting is the recent availability at the départemental archives—thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Martine Pottrain—of the collection from the Parti Socialiste’s Fédération du Nord. Documentation on the pre-1922 period is relatively limited, yet also valuable. Finally, a few complementary materials can be found at Moscow’s RGASPI (for- merly the Institute of Marxism-Leninism). The rich Marx-Engels collection contains numerous unpublished letters which the two men received (notably from the German émigré Karl Hirsch), providing valuable information on the first steps taken by the French socialist movement. PRINTED SouRcES The documents from the Socialist congresses of Guesde’s era have been digitised by Gallica. For the Tours Congress of 1920, see Jacques Girault and Jean-Louis Robert (eds.), Le congrès de Tours. 18e congrès national du Parti socialiste, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1980. L’Égalité / Le Socialiste newspaper was reprinted (in 16 volumes) by Éditions Hier et Demain in 1973–75, with a major critical apparatus by Jacques Girault and Claude Willard. Claude Willard also published the correspondence of Charles Brunellière, socialiste nantais (1880–1917), Paris, Klincksieck, 1968. Essential publications here consulted include Le Cri du Peuple (in the Musée social’s collection) and Le socialisme review (1905–1913; in the OURS’s collection). We have also made occasional use of the regional press, as indicated by Claude Willard, especially for Le Nord. BIBLIOGRAPHY 201 As for German sources, the two initiatives for publishing the works of Marx and Engels are useful for the earlier period of Guesde’s activity: namely, the Marx- Engels Werke and the Marx Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Numerous pieces of correspondence between Engels and the German social-democrats include appreciations of Guesde: see, for example, the recently published volume Briefwechsel. Oktober 1889 bis November 1890, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013. Several older volumes of correspondence are also very useful, such as Eduard Bernstein, Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engels, Assen, Van Gorcum, 1970. In French, the three volumes of correspondence between the Lafargues and Engels, published by Émile Bottigelli, are of the very greatest interest, as well as other publications of this types: see Paul and Laura Lafargue and Friedrich Engels, Correspondences, Paris, Éditions sociales, 1956–1959; Claude Mainfroy (ed.) Marx, Engels et la Troisième République, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1984; and La naissance du Parti ouvrier français, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1981. GuESDE’S WoRKS Claude Willard’s selection of Guesde texts, limited to the 1867–1882 period (Jules Guesde, Textes choisis 1867–1882, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1959) remains a point of reference. The pamphlet featuring the debate on Les deux méthodes has been regularly republished (see our new edition with Passager Clandestin in 2014). For other works by Guesde, we have to refer to older editions. Most of his texts are now digitised either on Gallica or on the PANDOR portal hosted by Bourgogne’s Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and can thus easily be con- sulted. Here we shall mention only the first edition of each of his main works, many of which were republished by Bracke in the interwar period and after 1945. For a complete list of his pamphlets, including some texts of just a few pages, the reader can look to the rich biographical entry by Justinien Raymond in the Maitron Dictionary. For a choice of texts by Guesdism’s other emblem- atic figure, see Paul Lafargue,Paresse et révolution, Paris, Tallandier, 2009. Here we indicate the editions consulted; on some occasions the first edition proved irretrievable. – Le Livre rouge de la Justice rurale: documents pour servir à l’histoire d’une République sans Républicains, Geneva, Imprimerie Blanchard, 1871. – Essai de Catéchisme socialiste, Brussels, Librairie socialiste de Henri Kistemaeckers, 1878. – La République et les Grèves, Paris, Imprimerie Adolphe Reiff, 1878. – Le Collectivisme devant la 10e Chambre (affaire du congrès ouvrier international socialiste), Paris, Imprimerie Adolphe Reiff, 1878. – La Loi des salaires et ses conséquences, Paris, A. Carbillet, 1881 (first edition from 1879). – Collectivisme et Révolution, Paris, Librairie des publications populaires, 1879. 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY – Le Problème et la solution, 1879 (edition consulted: Paris, Bibliothèque du Parti ouvrier, 1895). – Le Collectivisme au Collège de France, Paris, 1883 (edition consulted: Paris, Bibliothèque du Parti ouvrier français, 1900). – Le Programme du Parti ouvrier, son histoire, ses considérants, ses articles, by Jules Guesde and Paul Lafargue (Prison de Sainte Pélagie, 22 October 1883). Paris, 1883 (edition consulted: Lille, P. Lagrange, 1899). – Le Socialisme au jour le jour, Paris, Giard et Brière, 1899. – Les Deux Méthodes, Conférence par Jean Jaurès et Jules Guesde à l’hippodrome lil- lois, Lille, Bibliothèque du Parti ouvrier français, 1900. – Quatre ans de lutte de classe à la Chambre: 1893–1898, Paris, G. Jacques, 1901, 2 vols. – Christianisme et socialisme: Conférence-controverse entre Jules Guesde et Marc Sangnier, faite à l’Hippodrome de Roubaix le 9 mars 1905, Paris, Au Sillon, 1905. – Questions d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Le réformisme bourgeois. Les syndicats et le parti socialiste. L’antimilitarisme et la guerre. La question agraire. La coo- pération. Avant-Propos de Compère-Morel, Paris, Giard et Brière, 1911. – État, politique et morale de classe, Paris, Giard et Brière, 1911. – En garde! Contre les contrefaçons du socialisme, les mirages et la fausse monnaie des réformes bourgeoises. Polémiques (Preface by Bracke), Paris, Jules Rouff, 1911. – Ça et là: de la propriété, la Commune, le Collectivisme devant la 10e Chambre, la question des loyers, les grands magasins, Paris, Marcel Rivière, 1914. MAJoR AccouNTS oF GuESDE – ‘L’héritage de Guesde dans le mouvement ouvrier français. Autour du livre de Claude Willard’, Démocratie nouvelle, mars 1966. – Marcel Cachin, Carnets, Paris, Éditions du CNRS, 1993, vols. 1 and 2. – Gilles Candar (ed.), Les souvenirs de Charles Bonnier. Un intellectual socialiste européen à la Belle Époque, Paris, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2001. – ‘Jules Guesde vu par Bracke’, in Jules Guesde, Pages choisies, Cahier no. 6, sup- plement to L’OURS no. 7, January 1970. – Marcelle Hertzog-Cachin, Regards sur la vie de Marcel Cachin, Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1980. – Peter Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist, Boston: Houghton, Miffin and Co., 1899. – Louis Lévy, Comment ils sont devenus socialistes, Paris, Éditions du Populaire, 1931 (republished by Bruno Leprince, 2003). – Christian Rakovsky, ‘Jules Guesde et le communisme’, L’Humanité, 9 January 1923. – Charles Rappoport, Une vie révolutionnaire: