SENATE April 6 Wiretapping for the Protection of Our Be Introduced Under Present Laws to Estab Range Airfieet to Deliver Them, He Would Not Lish Their Guilt
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4644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE April 6 Wiretapping for the Protection of Our be introduced under present laws to estab range airfieet to deliver them, he would not lish their guilt. hesitate one moment to attack us without National Security We are a Nation governeC. by laws. warning and destroy us completely in a sin To accuse is not enough. gle day or night. EXTENSION OF REMARKS There must be proof beyond reasonable Even now, it may be possible for single doubt. OF agents to smuggle deadly bombs into this But when we have proof--obtained by country. wiretapping-that cannot be presented as To cope with this boring from within, we HON. THOMAS J. LANE evidence, then we are courting disaster. OF MASSACHUSE'l"l'S must give our Federal security agencies No one denies the right of our society to those powers, under law to apprehend these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES protect itself against criminals. When that wreckers and present the evidence that will Monday, April 5, 1954 criminal, which is the international con take them out of circulation. spiracy called communism, is working in Communism has conquered other nations Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, under leave clever secrecy to destroy our form of gov by subversion. to extend my remarks, I wish to include ernment and murder those freedoms that To combat this threat we must be able the following statement reflecting my give life to 160 million Americans, then we to expose and prosecute Communists and views for supporting legislation provid must have laws that will enable us to ferret out these silent, secret destroyers and bring traitors by the hard-to-get evidence that is ing for wiretapping for the protection of them to the bar of justice. sometimes obtained only by wiretapping, be our national security: cause the enemy is so expert in camoufiaging The proposed law will be confined to the his secret operations. 1\dAKE WIRETAPPING EVIDENCE ADMISSIBLE FOR protection of our national security. It will DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST not invade the privacy of law abiding citi Up to now Communists have been using SPIES, SABOTEURS, AND TRAITORS zens; it will not permit wiretapping evidence our laws and our freedoms to get away with murder. Imagine the frustration of the FBI, the to be introduced in the prosecution of other crimes; and it will not permit the introduc This loophole must be closed by an act of Attorney General, and the intelligence agen Congress. cies of the Department of Defense to know of tion of such evidence to confuse, embarrass, spies and traitors in our country and be un or pressure any person because of any in Untie the hands of the FBI and related able to introduce the evidence on hand that discretion, unpopular opinion, or the in agencies. would surely convict them. herent right of nonconformity and dissent. Make intercepted messages in matters en A most important bill is coming up in the It is directed clearly and solely against dangering our national security admissible as United States House of Representatives this those who plot and plan and work to over evidence so that we can prosecute and con week to untie the restrictions that handicap throw our Government by force and violence. vict known spies and traitors. those Federal agencies that have the respon Do not underestimate the enemy. There will be no civilian defense of any albillty of protecting our national security. Although he may not have many agents kind until this first step is taken to permit It wUl .. authorize the admission into evi or dupes in this country, those who have the roundup of all those who conspire and dence In certain criminal proceedings of in wormed their way into sensitive positions engage in the plot to exterminate the Gov formation intercepted in national security have already done much damage to our se ernment of the United States and chain its Investigations" in order to defend the United curity. people in slavery. States against treason, espionage, sabotage, He has succeeded in hypnotizing a few I freely and confidently predict that the sedition, and seditious conspiracy. gullible Americans into committing the most United States House of Representatives this It wlll shock many people to know that hideous of all crimes-treason. week will vote overwhelmingly to authorize we have clear and conclusive evidence against If, God forbid, this enemy had a large sup wiretapping evidence for the protection of ~ommunists and their agents which cannot ply of hydrogen bombs and a massive long- our national security. SENATE MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT in which .it requested the concurrence Messages in writing from the Presi of the Senate: TUESDAY, APRIL 6,1954 dent of the United States submitting H. R. 2225. An act to provide for sundry ad nominations were communicated to the ministrative matters affecting the Federal :<Legislative day of Monday, April 5~ Government, particularly the Army, Navy, Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre Air Force, and State Department, and for 1954) taries. other purposes; H. R. 3986. An act to authorize the appro The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, priation of additional funds to complete the on the expiration of the recess. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE International Peace Garden, North Dakota; The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown A message from the House of Repre H. R. 4690. An act to provide for the erec Harris, D. D.. offered the following tion of appropriate markers in national prayer: sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its cemeteries to honor the memory of mem clerks, announced that the House had bers of the Armed Forces missing in action; Our Father God, in whose peace our passed, without amendment, the follow H. R. 5420. An act to amend section 161, restless spirits are quieted: The fierce ing bills and joint resolution of the Sen title 35, United States Code, relating to the .storms sweeping across our world in this ate: patenting of plants; Violent day have left us weary with H. R. 6374. An act to revise certain laws re watching and waiting for signs of a blue S.1456. An act to amend the act entitled lating to warrant omcers of the Army, Navy, sky. These testing times have found ••An act to authorize a permanent annual ap Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, out our every weakness. While the propriation for the maintenance and opera and for other purposes; tion of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory," H. R. 6711. An act to further amend section tempest still is high, in the midst of the 13 of the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, global struggle between darkness and approved May 7, 1928, as amended; S. 2405. An act to authorize the exchange, to authorize the Federal land banks to make light, we turn to the infinite calm of a bulk purchase of certain remaining as I'Thy changeless love that we may find upon terms fully protecting the public in sets of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora inner sustenance, wells of living water terest, of the United States Public Health tion; quarantine station at Marcus Hook, Pa., for H. R. 6870. An act to amend the act of springing up, courage in battling for a new quarantine station; and truth and serenity under strain. Give February 13, 1900 (31 Stat. 28), by approving S. J . Res. 143. Joint resolution providing existing railway installations and authorizing us a readiness for the austere disciplines for the observance of April 9, the 12th an further railway installations on the batture of self-control, so that our minds and niversary of the fall of Bataan, as Bataan in front of the Public Health Service hospi bodies may be the channels for kindling Day. tal property in New Orleans, La.; thoughts and soaring ideals and power to H. R. 6896. An act to extend the period for match great needs with great deeds. We The message also announced that the the filing of certain claims under the war ask it in the Redeemer's name. Amen. House had passed the joint resolution Claims Act of 1948 by World War II prisoners <S. J. Res. 63) authorizing the District of of war; f r --------.::._ H. R. 6988. An act to amend an act ap Columbia to enter into interstate civil proved December 15, 1944, authorizing the THE JOURNAL defense compacts, with an amendment, Secretary of the Interior to convey certain. On. request of Mr. KNoWLAND, and by in which it requested the concurrence land in Powell townsite, Wyoming, Shoshone unarumous consent, the reading of the of the Senate. reclamation project, Wyoming, to the Uni versity of Wyoming; IJo~al of the proceedings of Monday. The message further announced that H. R . 7110. An act to provide that title to .APril 5, 1954, was dispensed with. , the House had passed the following bills, certain school lands shall vest ln the States 1954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-·SENATE 4645 under the act of January 25, 1927, notwith the customary morning hour for the to be United States marshal for the standing any Federal leases which may be · transaction of routine business, under eastern district of North Carolina. outstanding on such lands at the time they the usual 2-minute limitation on are surveyed; The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob H. R. 7125. An act to amend the Federal speeches. jection, the nomination is confirmed. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob The Chief Clerk read the nomination to residues of pesticide chemicals in or on raw jection, it is so ordered.