SENATE 415 Him
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1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 415 him. His sincE:rity I admit. His patriot ENROLLED BILL SIGNED· to the Committee of the WhC'1P. House on the ism, of course, as that of every other state of the Union. Mr. KIRWAN, from the Committee on Mr. NICHOLS: Select Committee to Investi Member, is not questioned. I am not Enrolled Bills, reported that that com- gate Air Accidents. House Resolution 125. :finding fault. This is' not personal. I am . mittee had examined and found truly Resolution creating a Select COmmittee to )ust trying to get on the record the fact enrolled a bill of the House of the follow Investigate Air Accidents; without amend that these men had behind them a record ing title, which was thereupon signed by ment (Rept. No. 1592). Referred to the Com of lawlessness and violence and the use the Speaker: mittee of the Whole Hous& on the state of of force to stop production. the Union. H. R. 5095. An act to set aside certain lands Mr. VOORHIS of California. As Ire Mr. FULMER: Committee on Agric-glture. in Oklahoma for the Cheyenne-Arapaho H. R. 6359. A bill granting relief to certain call, it was Mr. Frankensteen who was Tribes of Indians; and to carry out certain agricultural producers in stricken areas who in California at the time of the North obligations to certain enrolled Indians under suffered crop failures in 1941 because of ad American strike, and he certainly stood tribal agreement. verse weather conditions, insect pests, or other behind the President in the action he ADJOURNMENT uncontrollable natural causes; with amend took there and kept production going. ment (Rept. No. 1593). Referred to the Com Mr. HOFFMAN. I thought the gentle Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I move mittee of the Whole House on the state of man was not defending him. that the House do now adjourn. the Union. Mr. VOORHIS of California. I am trY The motion was agreed to; accordingly ing to state a fact, and that happens to <at 3 o'clock and 1 minute p. m.) under · PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS be one. its previous order the House adjourned until Monday, January 19, 1942, at 12 Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills Mr. HOFFMAN. Because a · fellow and resolutions were introduced and happens to have one good spot does not , o'clock noon. severally referred as follows: make him ·white all over. I am telling By Mr. SCHULTE: you now that those are the men who held H. R 6386. A bill to provide for an adjust up the General Motors plants at Flint COMMITTEE HEARINGS ment of salaries of the Metropolitan Police, in the sit-down strikes for 44 days. For COMMITTEE ON INT.ERSTATE AND FOREIGN the United States Park Police, the White 52 days they stopped Chrysler. They COMMERCJ!1 House Police, ahd the members of the fire have always been wreckers of production. department of the District of Columbia, to There will be a meeting of the Com conform with the increased cost of living in So much for what happened when the inittee on Interstate and Foreign Com the District of Columbia, and also to conform motor industry . was trying to produce merce at 10 a. m., Tuesday, January 20, with wages paid in many cities of the Nation; production. Now get down to the war. 1942, to resume hearings on the proposed to the Cbmmlttee on the District of Columbia. For 76 days the organization of these amendments to the Securities Exchange By Mr. CROSSER: men held up production · over at Allis Act of 1934. H. R. 6387. A bill to extend the crediting of Chalmers which was trying to produce military service under the railroad retirement for the Army and Navy. They are the acts, and for other purposes; tc the Commit same men who were behind the Curtiss_- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1!/right strike up here at Dayton, Ohio. By Mr. HILL of Colorado: Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, execu H. R. 6388. A bill for the relief of certain They are the same men who were behind tive communications, were taken from personnel of the National Park Service, De the C. I. · 0. in Detroit when it defied the Speaker's table and referred as fol partment of the Interior, on account of loss the Navy of the United States and held lows: of personal property as a result of a fire on up production on motors for airplanes 1284. A letter from the acting chairman, August 13, 1940, at Yellowstone National that were needed at the Philadelphia Civil Aeronautics Board, transmitting the Park, Wyo.; to the Committee on Claims. Navy Yard, for 42 day~ in some factories Third Annual Report of the Ci7il Aeronau By Mr, COSTELLO: and 24 in the others. They are the same tics Board, covering the fiscal year 1941; to H. R. 6389. A bill providing national service men who would not let the ships roll off the Committee on Interstate and Foreign life insurance for certain civilians employed Commerce . outside the continental United States in the . the ways down here until the work was maintenance or repair of military or naval done by C. T. 0 . men, their own members. 1285. A letter from the Secretary of War equipment, aircraft, or munitions pursuant They are the same men -who were behind transmitting t}1e Annual Report of the ac tivities of the National Board for the Pro to contracts entered into by the Secretary not only the Kearney Shipbuilding strike of War or the Secretary of the Navy; to the but the Air Associates trouble over at motion of Rifle Practice, for the fiscal year Committee on Ways .and Means. 1941; to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. EDMISTON: Bendix. - 1286. A letter from the Georgetown Barge, What is the use of trying to tell us that H. R. 6390. A bill to provide compulsory Dock, Elevator & Railway Co., transmitting allotments and allowances for enlisted men if we would listen to ·those men we their · annual report for the 9~lendar year with dependents in the active military and would have production? There is noth of 1941; to the COmmittee on the l)istrict of naval services of the United States, and for ing to it. We who are·familiar with the Columbia. other purposes; to the Committee on Military situation in Michigan and with these 1287. A communication from the President Affairs. strikes anc the record of these men know of the United States transmitting a sup By Mr. BARRY: that you cannot by adopting their plan plemental estimate of appropriations for the H. Res. 409. Resolution to create a select legislative establishment, fiscal year 1942, committee to investigate the manner in or following their course get production including the Library of Congress, $203,000, anywhere. It would ue just as reason which deferments have been granted under and the Government Printing Office, $2,000,- ·the Selective Training and Service Act of able for the motor-indm:try officials to 000, in all $2,203,000 (H. Doc. No. 565) ; to 1940; to the Committee on Ru1es. suggest that the President appoint a com the Committee on Appropriations and ordered mittee consisting of two members of the to be printed. labor union, two industrialists, and two 1288. A communication from the President members representing the public, to run of the United States transmitting a sup SENATE the internal affairs of the union as for plemental estimate of appropriation for the Tennessee Valley Authority for the fiscal FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1942 them to insist that -the~ be permitted year 1942 in the amount . of $30,000,000 to run industry. Would they accept in (H. Doc. No. 566); to the Committee on Ap Rev. Flynn G. Humphreys, B D., pas dustry on their executive committee? propriations and ordered to be printed. They would yell their heads off if such a tor, Central Presbyterian C~urch, Hunts thing was suggested. ville, Ala., offe~·ed the following prayer: That is all I care to say about that, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, except this one thing. If this G?vern BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Thou creator and giver of lite, Thou ment of ours will give the motor mdus Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of spirit of wisdom and source of all try the or.ders for the things it wants, see committees were delivered to the Clerk thought, look dcwn upon us in Thy lov that they get material, and keep them for printing and reference to the proper ing kindness and tender mercy Teach free from stoppages of work by slow calendar, as follows: us the· things that belong to peace, downs, sit-downs, and strikes, the motor Mr. MAAS: Committee on Naval Affairs. brotherhood, and love. Lift us up, we industry of Michigan will turn out what H. R. 4808. A bill to authorize the appoint beseec.h Thee, to Thy-presence, 0 Lord, th3 Government asks them to turn out ment of certain Reserve officers to the line of ·that we may see Thee more clearly, serve without delay. the Regular Navy, and for other purposes; Thee more faithfully; and love Thee·more [Here the gavel fell.l with amendment (Rept. No. 1591). Referred fully. 416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 16 Let Thy blessings be upon everyone Thomas, Okla. Tydmgs Wheeler the city of Seattle, in the State of Wash Thomas, Utah Vandenberg White who at this hour is in the service of de Truman Van Nuys Wiley ington, petitioning Congress for favor fense and guidance of our Nation.