7138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 26 general, with date of rank from October 1, Col. Henry Keppler Mooney, 589A, United George W. Mallick Russell E. Schmitt -1947. States Air Force. Frank_S. McCracken Stanley· G. South Lt. Gen. Benjamin Wiley Chidlaw, 23A Col. Lee Bird Washbourne, 810A, United Richard H. McFarland worth, Jr. (major general, U. S. Air Force) , Air Force States Air Force. James F. Patton Herbert R. Swing, Jr. of the United States, to be commanding gen Col. John Raymo~d Gilchrist, 836A, James L. Quinn Richard R. Tumlin- eral, Air Defense Command, with rank of United States Air Force. John T. Schiffer, son lieutenant general, with date of rank from Col. Clinton Dermott Vincent, 1213A, A01863395 William A. Warner October 1, 1947. United States Air Force. ~he following-named graduate, United Maj. Gen. Thomas Dresser White, 22A Col. Lloyd Pauahi Hopwood, 1261A, United States Naval Academy, class of 1951, for ap United States Air Force, to be Deputy Chief States Air Force. pointment in the United States Air Force, of Staff, Operations, United States Air Force, Col. William Milton Gross, 663A, United in the grade of second lieutenant, with date with r ank of lieutenant general, with date States Air Force. of rank to be determined by the Secretary . of rank from date of appointment. The following-named persons for appoint of the Air Force under the provisions of sec Maj. Gen. Orval Ray Cook, 36A, United ment in the United States Air Force, in the tion 506, Public Law 381, Eightieth Congress States Air Force, to be Deputy Chief of Staff, grades indicated, with dates of rank to be (Officer Personnel Act of 1947): Materiel, United States Air Force, with rank determined by the Secretary of the Air Force Melto Goumas, A02239112.
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