THE CITY RECORD. said Commission, in connection with his examination for promotion to the rank of Foreman. From Municipal Explosives Commission—Relative to regular meeting of said OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORIL Commission. From Bureau of Buildings—Acknowledging receipt of reports of violations of the Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Building Code. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of and Queens—Relative to BOARD OF CITY RECORD. voucher in favor of the Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Company for the sum of $12o for Croton hose furnished for use in said boroughs during the year 1902. De- GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MVOs. partment of Finance notified. From Chief of Department— JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION Couxaar.. EDWARD M. GROUT, CoMrTaousa, I. Stating that report of reinspection by the commanding officer of Engine Com- pany 25 of premises No. 126 Second avenue, known as The Orpheum; shows that the requirements of this Department have been complied with thereat. Police De- PATRICK J. TRACY, Supzivraoi, partment notified. 2. Respecting request of the Police Department for an inspection of premises Published daily, except legal holidays. No. 1215 Broadway, known as Weber's Music Hall, and Nos. 1S7-161 East Eighty- Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. sixth street, known as the Yorkville 'Theatre, and reporting the requirements of this Department complied with thereat. Police Department notified. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; 3. Returning communication from A. B. Corthell, Terminal Engineer, Nev York Canvass, to cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Central and Hudson Kiver Railroad Company, requesting removal to another loca- Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each tion of fire alarm signal box at southeast corner Fifty-third street and Park avenue, section of Manhattan. and reporting that the same has been placed on the south side of Fifty-third street, Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. about 15 feet from the southeast corner of Park avenue. Said Engineer notified. 4. Recommending that the :Municipal Civil Service Commission be requested to Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. permit all Firemen of the second grade holding licenses as Acting Engineers of Steamer to enter the physical and mental examinations for promotion from Fireman to Engineer, with the proviso that they agree to waive their right to promotion until such time as they become Firemen of the first grade. Recommendation approved TABLE OF CONTENTS. and communicated to said Commission. 5. Returning, with report, communication from the Department of Finance, re- questing information concerning Claim No. 33,561, of the Casualty Com- Aldermen, Board of— Finance, Department of—(Continued). pany, for $34.58 alleged to be due, as cost of replacing glass in premises, One Hun- Public Hearing by Committee on Notice to Taxpayers ...... 76[o Buildings ...... 7605 Public Notices ...... 7610 dred and Fourteenth street and Madison avenue. alleged to have been broken by Aqueduct Commission— Fire Department— Hook and Ladder Truck 26, on or about August 25, 1904. Communicated to said Proposals ...... 7607 Auction Sale ...... 7608 Department. Assessors, Board of— Proposals ...... 7608 Public •Notices ...... 76og Transactions from October 3 to 8, 6. Returning applications of the Manhattan Fire Alarm Company for permission Board Meetings ...... 7607 [904 ...... 760[ to connect premises No. 115 Lewis street with fire alarm box 246, and No. 150 East Health, orals .... of- Fifty-eighth street with fire alarm box 576, and recommending that the same he Brides, Department1 of— Proposals ...... 7611 'ro orals ...... ••••"'••••• 7608 :4ianhattan, Borough of- granted. Recommendation approved. Chief of Department and Manhattan Fire llronx, Itorough of— Proposals 7608 Alarm Company notified. Public Notice 76tx ices ....."""...."" • ~•~•••••••••••••••• Public Notices ...... 7608 7. Forwarding, disapproved, recommendation of the Chief of the Twenty-fifth Brooklyn, Borough of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— Public Notice ...... 7607 Public Notice ...... 7611 Battalion. that the names of Foreman John Clunie, Firemen first grade Herman Changes in Departments ...... 7605 Notice to Contractors...... 7 6[6 Weigel, George E. Walsh, Francis Kiernan and Wm. Tracy, and fourth grade Frank Change of Grade Damage Commission— Official Borough Papers ...... 76og C. Ebert, Alfred W. Collins, James J. Hayes and Walter C. Scott, all of Hook and Public Notice 7607 Official Directory ...... 7605 Ladder Company 58, be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class B, for meritorious action Correction, Department• of —'• •"' Official 1'aa err ...... 7616 Proposals...... 7607 larks. Department of— at fire at Nos. 53-61 Seigel street, borough of Brooklyn, on August 24, 1904. Action Proposals ...... Ducks and Ferries, Department of— 7607 approved. Police• Department of— Proposals ...... 7608 App ointments, etc., from October 31 8. Forwarding. disapproved, recommendation of the Chief of the Twenty-seventh Public Notice ...... 7608 tot'N 'Novemberovember 8, t9og Prope t ... 76ot Battalion, that the name of Fireman first grade Grant Truesdell, Engine Company Education, Department of— Owners Wanted for Lost Property.. 7608 144. be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class E. for stopping a runaway team of horses Proposals ...... 76og Proposals ...... 7608 Executive Department— Street Cleaning, Department of— at West Fifteenth street and Surf avenue, borough of Brooklyn, August 24, 1904. Call for Special Meeting of Board Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands.... 7611 Action approved. of Aldermen ...... 7601 Proposals ...... 7611 From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond—Rela- Finance, Department of— Supreme Court— Auction Sale ...... 7610 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 7612 tive to investigation of the " General Slocum " disaster. June 15, 1904. Notices of Assessments for Opening Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- From Superintendent of Buildings—Returning policy D-51,823 of the North- Streets and Parks ...... 7610 partment of— western National Insurance Company for the sum of $7,8oq.20, covering second pay- Notices to Property-owners...... 7609 Proposals ...... 7611 ment due George Hildebrand on contract for the erection of building for Engine Company 131, borough of Brooklyn, with report that the amount is correct. Policy approved and forwarded to Department of Finance. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances- 1. for the information of the Supervisor of Lectures, Board of Edu- The City of New York, Office of the Mayor. cation. concerning the following premises: Columbus Hall, Sixtieth street, between Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, George B. McClellan, Mayor of Columbus and Amsterdam avenues; East Side House Settlement, Seventy-sixth street and East river; Museum of Natural History, Seventy-seventh street, between The City of New York, do hereby call a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen, to Central Park, West, and Columbus avenue; Young Men's Hebrew Association, be held in the Chamber of the Board of Aldermen in the City Hall, in the Borough of Ninety-second street and Lexington avenue: St. Cecilia's Hall, No. 216 East One Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Thursday, November to, 1904, at i o'clock Hundred and Sixth street; Young Men's Christian Association, No. 5 West One in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering the Budget for 1905, made by the Board Hundred and Twenty-fifth street; Lafayette Hall. Alexander avenue and One Hun- dred and Thirty-seventh street; New York Juvenile Asylum, One Hundred and Sev- of Estimate and Apportionment of said City, and signed by the members thereof on enty-sixth street and Eleventh avenue; Realty Hall, Ogden and Merriam avenues. October 31, 1904, submitted to the Board of Aldermen, as by law required. Communicated to said Supervisor. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of 2. Recommending that the attention of the Bureau of Factory Inspection, Dc- office, this first day of November, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and partment of Labor, be called to conditions existing in premises Nos. 890-892 Broad- four. way. Recommendation approved and communicated to said Bureau. Returning communication of Porter [& Anderson, concerning installation of [SEAL.] GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor. 3. perforated pipes in premises No. 19 Liberty street, with the information desired. Communicated to said firm. POLICE DEPARTMENT. From Foreman Engine Company 79—Reporting concerning tonnage of fire-boats " George B. McClellan " and "Abram S. Hewitt "; also concerning license of nn- New York, November 7, 1904. uniformed Engineer John T. Conway. From Empire City Subway Company, Ltd.—Stating that there has been assigned. The following list of appointments, etc., in this Department from October 31 to for use of City Departments. one 3-inch trunk duct in electrical subway on Twen- November 8, 1904, is forwarded for publication, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Police Beard January to, 1898: tieth street, south side, from southeast corner to southwest corner of Fourth avenue. Copy forwarded to Chief of Department. October 31, 1904. From Fred. Lebeck—Requesting a fire line badge. Reply communicated. Retired. Doorman William Gossenz, Forty-sixth Precinct, oil a pension of $500 per annum. Referred. Aptyointed Patrolmen. From Bureau of Buildings—Relative to violation of the Building Code, premises Iferman Hinners, Edward F, X. Goodwin, Thomas Fay, Joseph L. Campbell, on Albany road, near Bailey avenue, in process of alteration for use as an apparatus Thimas J. Cody. house. To Superintendent of Buildings. November 2, 1904. From Foreman Engine Company 44—Reporting chimney fire on 28th ult., prem- Appointed Patrolman. ises No. 225 East Seventy-sixth street. To Inspector of Combustibles. John McGroarty. From Foreman Engine Company 45—Reporting lack of fire escapes. premises November 3, 1904. No. io98 East One Hundred and Seventieth street. To Bureau of Buildings. Death Reported. From Foreman Engine Company 73—Reporting that drop ladder leading from Matron Mary E. McGowan, Seventy-sixth Precinct, November 2, 1904. street to second floor. premises No. 981 East One Hundred and Fifty-second street, is not of proper length. To Tenement House Department. November 4, 1904. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 5—Reporting chimney fire on 28th Death Reported. tilt., at premises No. 612 Hudson street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Patrolman Patrick Cushing, Forty-third Precinct, on October 28, 1904. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 2o—Reporting lack of fire escapes, WM. H. KIPP, Chief Clerk. premises Nos. 495-497 Broadway. To Bureau of Buildings. From M. Block, Inc.—Relative to storage of combustible material in yard of premises No. 26 West Thirty-third street. To Inspector of Combustibles. FIRE DEPARTMENT. From T. J. & E. J. Shelley—Requesting extension of time to comply with notice to provide certain fire appliances, premises No. 712 Broadway. To Bureau of Viola- TRANSACTIONS FROM OCTOBER 3 TO 8, 19o4. tions and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Schneider Bros.—Concerning order to provide fire appliances, premises New York, October 3, 1904. No. 65 Columbia street. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Communications received were disposed of as follows: From Anonymous— Filed. I. of violations of the Tenement House Laws, premises No. 2o4 From Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Concerning Departmental Esti- East Twenty-first street, No. 459 West Forty-ninth street, No. 314 East Eighty- mate for the year 1905. ninth street and No. 1604 Second avenue. To Tenement House Department. From Municipal Civil Service Commission- 2. Reporting storage of combustible material in premises No. 229 East One i. Relative to the placing of the positions of Deputy Commissioner and Super- Hundred and Seventh street and northwest corner of One Hundred and Thirty-sixth intendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph in the exempt class. street and Eighth avenue. To Inspector of Combustibles. 2. Acknowledging receipt of new record sheet of Assistant Foreman James J. 3. Reporting dangerous conditions existing in premises No. 67 East Fifty-fourth Convey, Hook and Ladder Company 7, to be substituted for that now on file with street. To Fire Marsha]. 7602 THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904.

Resigned. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 2o—Reporting obstructed stairway at BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. No. 313 Canal street. To Bureau of Buildings. Fireman fourth grade John McGroarty, Hook and Ladder Company 6, to take From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 27—Reporting need of cellar doors effect from 8 A. 74.. on the 3d inst. in rear yard of company quarters. To Superintendent of Buildings. Insurance policy d51823, of the Northwestern National Insurance Company of From Manhattan Fire Alarm Company—Requesting permission to connect prem- Milwaukee, Wis., covering payment of $7,809.20, on contract of George Hildebrand ises No. 37 West Forty-fourth street with fire alarm box 479. To Chief of Depart- for erection of a new apparatus house for Engine Company 131, borough of Brook- ment. lyn, with the approval of the Commissioner noted thereon, was this day forwarded From Thomas B. Leahy—Requesting fourth payment under his contract for erec- for filing in the Department of Finance. tion of new Repair Shops building. To Superintendent of Buildings for report. From Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Association of New York City— October 4, 1904 Requesting separation of heating and ventilating work from other lines of construc- Communications received were disposed of as follows: tion work in proposed contracts for the erection of buildings for this Department. To Filed. Superintendent of Buildings for report. From Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Stating that the 4th inst., at 10.30 From John J. Halligan—Complaining of erection of wood awnings, premises No. A. M., has been fixed as the time for a hearing on the Departmental Estimate of this 590 Seventh avenue. To Bureau of Buildings. Department and of the Municipal Explosives Commission for the year 1905. From Dr. Matthew J. Leland—Relative to balance of $14 alleged to be due him From Police Department—Suggesting the 5th inst., at 3 F. at., for a conference to from Fireman John R. Donovan for professional services rendered. To Chief of De- discuss matters affecting the Police and Fire Departments. Reply communicated. partment. From Corporation Counsel—Returning, approved as to form, proposed contract in From Westchester Lighting Company—Relative to their bill of $86.04 for running triplicate for furnishing two first size. two second size, one third size and one fourth underground circuits for electric lighting, quarters of Engine Company 62, Williams- size steam fire engines for use in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. bridge. To Superintendent of Buildings for report. From Bureau of Buildings—Acknowledging receipt of communication of the 3d From John G. Ritter, Attorney—Relative to dangerous conditions existing in prem- inst., inclosing complaint of violation of the Building Code, premises No. 417 East One ises No. 24 Pell street. To Fire Marshal for report. Hundred and Fifteenth street. From Anonymous — From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Requesting ap- I. Complaining of violations of the Tenement House Laws, premises No. 314 East pointment of two temporary Draughtsmen. Eighty-fourth street, Nos. 52-54 East Eighty-eighth street and No. 1173 Second avenue. From Chief of Department— To Tenement House Department. Returning communication from the Municipal Civil Service Commission, stating 2. Complaining of dumb-waiter shafts not being fireproof at No. 188 East Seventy- that the examination for promotion from the position of Fireman to that of Engineer fifth street. To Fire Marshal. of Steamer will be held in the Criminal Court Building on the 4th inst., with copy of Expenditures Authorized. order issued by him under date of September 28, in regard to the matter. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. 2. Respecting application of the Police Department for an inspection of premises Hind wheels for hook and ladder trucks ...... $900 oo NOS. 113-I19 West Fortieth street, known as Mendelssohn Hall, and reporting that the Buttons, insignias, etc . ...... 250 00 requirements of this Department relative to such places have been complied with thereat. Sheets and pillow cases ...... 450 00 Police Department notified. Lap robes, oils, etc., required for automobile for Chief of Department.... 200 00 3. Respecting request of the Police Department for an inspection of premises No. Typewriter machine ...... 100 00 464 Brook avenue, known as Brook Avenue Music Hall, and reporting that the re- Brushes, cuspidors, etc ...... 640 00 quirements of this Department relative to such places have not been complied with Incidental expenses, Superintendent of Buildings ...... 200 00 thereat. Police Department notified. Incidental expenses, Cashier ...... 175 00 4. Returning communication from Thomas H. Barber, Acting Chairman, Executive Incidental expenses, Hospital and Training Stables ...... 150 00 Committee, New York House of Refuge, requesting that defective hose at said institu- Plumbing, quarters of Engine Company II ...... 69 oo tion be replaced, and reporting that the necessary orders have been issued to accomplish Plumbing, quarters of Engine Company 58...... 44 00 the object in view. Mr. Barber notified. Roofing, quarters of Hook and Ladder Company 8 ...... 53 00 5. Respecting application of the Manhattan Fire Alarm Company for permission to connect premises No. 126 Second avenue with box 295; Nos. 321-323 Fifth avenue, and BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Nos. 6-8 East Thirty-third street with box 450, and Nineteenth street and Fourth ave- Furniture, carpets, etc...... ...... ...... $575 00 iiue with box 362, and recommending that the same be granted. Recommendation ap- Repairs to fire alarm apparatus, volunteer territory ...... 200 00 proved. Chief of Department and said company notified. Repairs to fire alarm apparatus, volunteer territory ...... 700 00 6. Returning communication from the New York Telephone Company, requesting Kerosene oil ...... 210 00 permission to attach one circuit to ten Fire Department poles, running east of Jerome Engine house locks ...... 6o 00 avenue on a street located two blocks north of One Hundred and Seventy-second street, Linoleum for pilot house, fire-boat " Seth Low " ...... 48 00 and to be known as Walnut street, and recommending that the same be granted, the Typewriter cabinet and repairs to typewriter ...... 30 00 work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of this Department. Mattresses, pillows, etc ...... 500 00 Recommendation approved. Said company notified. Sheets, pillow cases, etc ...... 850 00 7. Returning communication from Mrs. Ann Geraghty, in relation to her rescue Files, etc . ...... 143 15 from drowning at Coney Island August 2, 1904, by Fireman Philip C. Pregenzer, Engine Bedsteads, mattresses, etc ...... 740 00 Company 25, and disapproving the recommendation of the Chief of Thirty-third Bat- Furniture, etc . ...... 700 00 talion that the name of Fireman Pregenzer be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class B. Emergency repairs to department buildings ...... 300 00 :fiction of Chief of Department approved. New roof, quarters of Engine Company lio ...... 125 00 From Superintendent of Buildings- Repairs to plumbing and heating system, quarters of Engine Company 103. 187 00 1. Reporting that the two apparatus houses in course of erection at Coney Island and Sheepshead Bay, by James McFerran, have been completed in accordance with the The Municipal Civil Service Commission was this day requested to recertify the specifications of the contract, and recommending that the Deputy Chief of Department name of Woodbridge R. Huntley, for appointment as Fireman in the uniformed force. in Charge, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, be directed to take possession of the Proposed contracts in duplicate for furnishing i5,000 feet of cotton fabric fire hose house and receipt for keys, etc., which may be turned over to him by the contractor. for use in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; 14,000 feet of jacketed fire hose Recommendation approved and communicated to Chief of Department. for use in the borough of Queens, and one second-size steam fire engine for use in 2. Returning insurance policy No. 6,861,462, covering first payment of $9,962.59, due the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, were this day forwarded to the Corporation Alfred Nugent & Son, on their contract for the erection of new building for Engine Counsel for the indorsement thereon of his approval as to form. Company 30, and reporting that the same is correct in amount. Policy approved and Approved draft of form of contract, together with revised printer's proof thereof, forwarded for filing in the Department of Finance. for repairs to the fire-boat " The New Yorker " (Engine Company 57), was also for- 3. Returning communication from the Foreman of Hook and Ladder Company 27, warded to the Corporation Counsel for his examination. complaining of foul condition of cellar in company quarters owing to lack of sufficient Insurance policy No. 6861462 of the Sun Insurance Company of London for $9,963 ventilation, and reporting that the conditions complained of will be remedied. Foreman on contract of Alfred Nugent & Son, for the erection of an engine house on the south notified. side of Spring street, east of Hudson street, for Engine Company 3o, with the approval From Chief of Construction and Repairs to Apparatus—Reporting that the castings of the Commissioner noted thereon, was this day forwarded for filing in the Depart- which hold the clapper valves on the forward and rear receivers of Water Tower No. 3 ment of Finance. ire of cast iron instead of composition metal. Board of City Record was this day requested to designate the "Chief" as one From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances—Returning, with report, of the newspapers in which official advertisements of this Department shall be inserted. communication from the New York Fire Insurance Exchange concerning fire appliances Contract for furnishing telegraph supplies for use in the borough of Richmond, in premises No. 736 Broadway. Said Exchange notified. based on proposals opened at public letting in this Department on the 28th ult., was From Foreman Engine Company 28—Reporting arrest of one William J. Murphy this day awarded to Frederick Pearce, the only bidder, for $2,177.59, and his proposal for sending a false alarm for fire from box 346 on the 24th ult., and his holding in bail forwarded to the Comptroller for action on the sureties. for trial. From Fireman fourth grade John McGroarty, Hook and Ladder Company 6—Ten- New York, October 5, 1904. (lering his resignation. Accepted. From Hughes, Rounds & Schurman, attorneys—Relative to the estate of the late Communications received were disposed of as follows: Foreman Michael J. Fitzgerald, Engine Company 12, who died on the 5th ult. Reply Filed. communicated. From Department of Finance— From Bush Terminal Company—Asking that a fireboat be assigned temporarily to Relative to voucher for $boo in favor of Cornelius Callahan Company for life- foot of Forty-second street, Brooklyn. saving nets furnished under an order issued by this Department June 14, 1904. Reply From Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical Subway Company—Requesting the communicated. issuance to said company of five fire line badges. Reply communicated and badges 2. Stating that the Comptroller's certificate having been indorsed upon the following ordered. they are now valid contracts: From Chris Abele—Requesting permission to visit, with a party of four business BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. associates from the West, one of the prominent apparatus houses of the Department. Reply communicated. Western Electric Company, dated August i, igo4, for supplies. Wni. H. Wright & Son, dated September 21, 1904, for alterations to quarters of From Rear-Admiral Frederick Rodgers, U. S. N., Navy Yard, Brooklyn—Com- mending the efficient aid rendered by officers and men of the uniformed force detailed Engine Company 50. on the occasion of the launching of the " Connecticut." Waters & O'Connell, dated September 22, 1904, for construction of apparatus-house for Engine Company 7 and Hook and Ladder Company I. Referred. George Hildebrand, dated September 22, 1904, for alterations to quarters of Engine From Department of Finance- Company 44. i. Stating that certain defects exist in connection with erection of fire house on T. F. Jackson, dated September 25, 1904, for plumbing work in new apparatus-house East Eighth street, City. To Superintendent of Buildings for report. for Engine Company 7 and Hook and Ladder Company i. 2. Concerning voucher in favor of S. F. Hayward & Co., for $702 for Pallett-Orr relief valves, and in connection therewith calling attention to the provisions of section BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. 419 of the Charter. To Cashier. Western Electric Company, dated August 9, 1904, for supplies. Deputy Commis- From Department of Docks and Ferries—Concerning temporary berth for fire-boat sioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, notified in regard to last-mentioned contract. "Abram S. Hewitt," foot of Bloomfield street, North river. To Chief of Department. From Corporation Counsel- From City Superintendent of Schools—Requesting that the Department refuse to i. Respecting request of the 2d ult. for advice as to right of the Commissioner to issue permits for the discharge of. fireworks on the occasion of celebrations in the make a partial payment to Tullis & Co. in connection with their contract for the instal- vicinity of public schools during the hours of instruction. To Inspector of Combustibles lation of heating and power plant for new Repair Shops, and reporting that with the for report. consent of the Comptroller this may be done. Copy forwarded to Superintendent of From Foreman Engine Company 9—Reporting defective flue, premises No. 13 Buildings to prepare and forward voucher. Hamilton street. To Fire Marshal. 2. Respecting request of the 14th ult. for advice as to whether firm of Nugent & From Assistant Foreman Engine Company 27- Sons, contractors for the erection of new house for Engine Company 30, are liable for the I. Reporting need of fire escapes, premises Nos. 161-163 Chambers street, Nos. expense incurred by Bendet Isaacs in underpinning and supporting party wall between 300-302, 307 Greenwich street, Nos. 3, 7, 9 Harrison street, Nos. 141-147, 148, 149, I52 premises Nos. 284 and 286 Spring street, and stating that a sufficient sum should be Reade street. To Bureau of Buildings. withheld from any payments due on contract to cover the claim of Mr. Isaacs. Copy 2. Reporting storage of combustibles in cellar of premises No. 4 Staple street, No. forwarded to Superintendent of Buildings for proper action and report. 7 Houston street and No. 313 Greenwich street. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Municipal Civil Service Commission—Requesting to be furnished with the From Foreman Engine Company 46—Requesting that bath tub in quarters of said reasons for the dismissal of Fireman first grade Robert McDonald, borough of Manhat- Company be replaced by a shower bath. To Superintendent of Buildings. tan, and James J. Garry, borough of Brooklyn. Reply communicated. From Foreman Engine Company 47—Reporting defective flue, No. 502 West One From Department of Public Charities—Relative to transfer to this Department of Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. To Fire Marshal. Stoker Michael Dinan. Reply communicated. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. THE CITY RECORD. 7603

From Tenement House Department-Acknowledging receipt of communication of rone, W. F. Murray, P. J. Kane and E. J. McLaughlin, for the use and keeping of ex- the 29th ult. and 3d inst., inclosing complaints of violations of the Tenement House Laws. plosives for blasting purposes, with approval of the sureties thereon. Bonds filed in the From Commissioner of Public Works-Notification that no permits to open pave- Bureau of Combustibles. ments will be issued between December i, 59o4, and March 1, 1905, except in cases of From Corporation Counsel-Advising in response to request of August 24, 1904, great emergency. Copy forwarded to Chief of Department. that houses owned by the City and used and occupied by the volunteer fire companies From Municipal Explosives Commission-Relative to a regular meeting of said by permission of the Fire Commissioner, must be kept in repair by the Fire Department. Commission on the 4th inst. Copy forwarded to Deputy Commissioner, boroughs Brooklyn and Queens. From Department of Labor, Bureau of Factory Inspection-Acknowledging receipt From Bureau of Buildings- of communication from this Department relative to conditions alleged to exist in premises I. receipt of communication of the 3d inst., inclosing complaints Nos. 890 and 892 Broadway. of violations of the Building Code. From Chief of Department-Returning communication from Henry J. Worth in From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens-Returning, with regard to alleged indebtedness to him in the sum of $75 of Enginer of Steamer Alfred J. report, communication from Department of Finance, transmitting application of Floral Stuart, and reporting that charges have been ordered preferred against the Engineer. Park Hook and Ladder Company, borough of Queens, for an appropriation of $i,000, Mr. Worth notified. under the provisions of section 722 of the Charter. Communicated to Finance De- From Bendet Isaacs-Inquiring whether the Corporation Counsel has rendered an partment. opinion as to the responsibility for the cost of supporting party wall on the easterly From Cashier, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond-Returning, side of premises No. 286 Spring street. Reply communicated. with report, communication from the Finance Department, relative to voucher in From W. Evans Clark-Requesting a copy of the annual report for 1903. Reply favor of S. F. Hayward & Co., for the sum of $702 for Pallett-Orr relief valves fur- communicated. nished under order issued by this Department May i9, 1904. Communicated to said From G. F. Considine-Furnishing for trial four harness snaps. Forwarded to Department. Chief of Department with directions to give trial and report. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond-Reporting From Frederick Pearce-Requesting award of contract for furnishing fire alarm tele- 135 fires week ending the 1st inst. graph supplies for use in the borough of Richmond. Contract awarded. From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, boroughs of Manhattan From J. J. O'Reilly, Editor, '` The Chief "-Requesting that application be made to and The Bronx-Returning communication from the New York Fire Insurance Ex:- the Board of City Record to designate said paper as one of the publications in which change concerning premises No. go Prince street, and reporting that on reinspection, all official advertisments of this Department shall be inserted. Complied with. hose outlets except those on first floor and roof were found to be in lofts and not within Referred. stairway inclosure. Said Exchange notified. From Police Department-Requesting inspection of premises No. 1465 Third avenue, From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, boroughs of Brooklyn known as the White Horse Tavern. To Chief of Department. and Queens-Reporting relative to inspection of certain places of public assembly in From Foreman Engine Company 35-Reporting defective flue, premises No. 333 the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens as requested by this office on the 1st inst. Report East One Hundred and Nineteenth street. To Fire Marshal. forwarded to Supervisor, Board of Education. From G. C. Harms, Superintendent Schoolship " St. Mary's "-Requesting the detail From Chief of Eighteenth Battalion-Reporting new horse on trial suitable for the of a Fireman on the occasion of the closing exercises on said schoolship on the 6th inst. service. To Chief of Department to comply. From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 25-Forwarding, disapproved, tender From Jacob Schattman-Requesting an extension of time in which to comply with of resignation by Fireman first grade Joseph P. Dunn, Hook and Ladder Company notice to provide fire appliances at No. 25 East Fourth street. To Bureau of Violations 25, in view of the fact that charges are pending against the Fireman. and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Fireman first grade Joseph S. Reagan, Engine Company 4z-Requesting a re- From Louis E. Schapiro-Inquiring whether violations affecting premises No. 213 rating in connection with his examination heretofore held for promotion to the rank of East One Hundred and Second street have been removed. To Bureau of Violations and Assistant Foreman. Reply communicated. Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From George Stanton, Contractor-Requesting extension of fifty days' time in which From New York Fire Insurance Exchange-Relative to fire appliances in premises to complete his contract dated January ii, 1904, for general repairs and alterations to Nos. 473 and 475 Broadway. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. quarters of Engine Company 151 and Truck Company 69, located on the east side of From Dr. Charles E. Denison-Concerning obstructed fire-escapes, premises Nos. Washington avenue, occupying the block between E and F streets, Washington avenue 227 and 229 Columbus avenue. To Tenement House Department. and West street, borough of Brooklyn. Approved and extension of time granted. From Anonymous- From George Hildebrand, Contractor-Requesting an extension of sixty days' time Complaining of violations of the Tenement House Laws, premises No. 158 East in which to complete his contract, dated May 9, 1904 for additions and alterations to Seventieth street. To Tenement House Department. quarters of Engine Company 1o4, located at No. 299 Degraw street, borough of Brooklyn. 2. Complaining of sale of kerosene oil without permit, premises Nos. 519 and 521 Approved and extension of time granted. East Eleventh street. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Bush Terminal Company-Relative to their request for the assignment of one of the Manhattan fire-boats to Pier foot of Forty-second street, Brooklyn. Bills Audited. From U. T. Hungerford Brass and Copper Company-Inquiring concerning present BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND TIIE BRONX. address of American Ball Nozzle Company. Reply communicated. Schedule 71 of 1904- From Mrs. C. V. Flaherty and Others-Relative to conditions as to water supply Apparatus, Supplies, etc ...... $3,552 56 existing in Vyse street, borough of The Bronx. Forwarded to Department of Water BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. Supply, Gas and Electricity for report. Schedule 22 of Ig04- Referred. Maintenance of Fire Alarm System, borough of Richmond...... $374 17 From Department of Finance-Requesting information concerning claim No. 34056 of Peale, Peacock & Kerr for $13.2o, alleged to be due as value of two hawsers broken Appointed. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. by fire-boat " David A. Boody " (Engine 132) in colliding with coal-boat "Jack" at Woodbridge R. Huntley, as ununiformed Fireman for a probationary period of one foot of North Eighth street, Brooklyn, July 29, 1004. To Chief of Department. month from the 6th inst., with salary at the rate of $boo per annum, and assigned to From Department of Public Charities--Requesting information relative to Fire- Engine Company 24. man George W. Creighton. To Chief of Department for report. In accordance with request of his Honor the Mayor, asking for such information From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances-Reporting non-com- as this Department may possess as to the safety of the OlympicTheatre, copies of pliance with order to provide fire appliances in No. 164 West Seventy-fourth street. To reports and correspondence on the subject were this day forwarded to his Honor the Bureau for Recovery of Penalties. Mayor. From Commanding Officer Engine Company 76- Proposed contracts in duplicate for furnishing 25.000 feet of 2%-inch rubber fire I. Reporting need of fire-escapes, premises Nos. 137 to 145 West One Hundred and hose for use in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Brcnx, and one third size steam Fourth street. To Tenement House Department. fire engine for use in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, were this forwarded to the 2. Reporting storage of combustible material in cellar of premises Nos. 139 to 145 Corporation Counsel for indorsement thereon, of his approval as to form. West One Hundred and Fourth street. To Inspector of Combustibles. In compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 9, Io and ii, section 789 of the 3. Concerning poor condition of heating apparatus in company quarters. To Super- Amended Greater New York Charter, there was this day transmitted to the Comptroller a intendent of Buildings for report. copy of statement submitted by the Inspector of Combustibles showing certain license From Empire City Subway Company, Limited-Stating that the cables of this De- fee receipts and penalty collection for the quarter ending September 30, 1904, amounting partment are not racked in the following ::anhr les : Southwest corner of Amsterdam in the aggregate to $1,723, for 45 per cent. and so per cent, of which-55 per cent. in all- avenue and Sixtieth street, northwest corner of Amsterdam avenue and Sixty-fifth check for $947.65 was inclosed for proper distribution by the Comptroller of the proceeds street and southwest corner of West Eno avenue and Seventy-eighth street. To Chief thereof. of Department. From National District Telegraph Compny-Concerning their fire alarm signal sys- New York, October 6, 1904. tem. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances with instructions for the Trials. Chief of Battalion in charge thereof to confer with the Commissioner in regard to the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. matter. Trials of members of the uniformed force were held this day, and disposed of as From B. Harris-Relative to order to provide fire appliances, premises No. Ito follows: Columbia street. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Before the Commissioner. From Anonymous-Complaining of violations of the Tenement House Laws, prem- Fireman third grade John T. Smith, Engine Company Io, for " Absence without ises No. 262 East Houston street, No. 272 Seventh street, No. 213 East Seventy-third leave." Found guilty and fined one day's pay. street, No. 56 East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, No. 416 East One Hundred and Fireman third grade Franklyn G. Pierce, Engine Company 52, for "Neglect of Twenty-fourth street, No. 52 West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, Nos. 471 and duty" and "Disrespect to superior officer." Found guilty and fined four days' pay on 473 West One Hundred and Forty-fifth street and No. 305 West One Hundred and first charge; second charge dismissed. Forty-eighth street. To Tenement House Department. Before Deputy Commissioner Thomas W. Churchill. Fireman fourth grade Edwin J. Geary, Engine Company 12, for " Violation of sec- October 6, 1904. tions 231 and 234 of Rules and Regulations." Found guilty and fined one day's pay on Insurance policy No. 6861458 of the Sun Insurance Company, of London, for each charge; two days' pay in all. $12,674.99 on contract of Alfred Nugent & Son, for the erection of an engine-house on Engineer of Steamer Frank Sherman, Engine Company 4, for " Conduct unbecom- the southside of One Hundred and Forty-third street, 300 feet east of Eighth avenue, ing a gentleman." Found guilty and fined five days' pay. with the approval of the Commissioner noted thereon, was this day transmitted for filing Engineer of Steamer Alfred J. Stuart, Engine Company 13 for " Violation of sec- in the Department of Finance. tion 19o, Rules and Regulations." and "Absence without leave." Decision reserved on Trial balances and statements of condition of appropriations made to this De- first charge and payment in indebtedness directed. Fined one day's pay on second partment for the month ending September 30, 19o4, boroughs of Manhattan, The charge. Bronx, Richmond, Brooklyn and Queens, were this day forwarded to the Commis- Engineer of Steamer Christian Beecher, Engine Company 25, for " Neglect of duty." sioner of Accounts. Complaint dismissed. Fireman third grade Hugh F. Golden, Engine Company ifi, for "Being under the New York, October 7, :904. influence of liquor, drug or compound" and "Disrespect to superior officer." Fined Coirmunicalions received were disposed of as follows: three days' pay on first charge; and two days' pay on second charge, and five days' pay in all. Filed. Fireman third grade Michael J. Duffy, Engine Company 30, for " Absence without From Department of Finance-Transmitting indemnity bond of V. J. Hedden & leave." Found guilty and reprimanded. Sons Company for the use and keeping of explosives, with approval of the sureties Ununiformed Stoker Harry O'Toole, Engine Company 66 (fire-boat " William L. thereon. Bond filed in the Bureau of Combustibles. Strong"), for "Five days' absence without leave." Discharged the service of the Depart- From Corporation Counsel-Returning approved as to form, advertisement for fur- men r to take effect 7th inst. nishing lumber, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Fireman fourth grade John J. Maloney, Hook and Ladder Company r8, for " Being From Municipal Civil Service Commission- under the influence of liquor, drug or compound." Found guilty and fined three days' Relative to absence from duty of Clerk James J. Carroll, Bureau of Combusti- pay. bles, and in connection therewith calling attention to the requirements of Clause 2, Rule Fireman first grade Joseph P. Dunn, Hook and Ladder Company 25, for " Being XIII., of the regulations of said Commission. Copy forwarded to Inspector of Com- under the influence of liquor, drug or compound," " Conduct prejudicial to good order bustibles and Bookkeeper. and discipline" and " Absence without leave.". Decision reserved. 2. Stating that in requisitions for eligible lists from which to make appointments Findings approved. the following must be embodied: " And I hereby certify that there are no persons now Communications received were disposed of as follows: upon the roster of this Department who are unemployed and carried on the pay-rolls Filed. marked `no time,' and who are available for and entitled to assignment to duty under From Mayor's Office-Requesting information concerning safety of Olympic this title." Copy forwarded to Deputy Commissioner, and heads of bureaus and branches Theatre. Reply communicated. of Department. From Department of Finance-Transmitting indemnity bonds of the Wilson & From Municipal Explosives Commission-Stating that a regular meeting of said Baillie Manufacturing Company, Frederick Schneufer, Frank Del Balso, Michael Mar- Commission will be held at these Headquarters on the roth inst.


From Bureau of Buildings—Acknowledging receipt of communications of the 4th Discharged. inst., inclosing reports of violations of the Building Code. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Recommending Machinist William H..Colwell, Repair Shops, for physical incapacity to perfrom that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be requested to authorize the renewal of the duties of his position, to take effect at 8 A. M. on the Loth inst. lease of premises occupied by Engine Company 157 on Flatlands avenue, Canarsie, bor- Retired on Half Pay. ough of Brooklyn, for a term of one year from date of expiration of present lease, Octo- BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND TILE BRONX. ber i, 1904, under the terms of the lease just expired, the lessor of the premises being On own application, in writing, after more than twenty years' continuous service, Leonard Ruoff. Recommendation approved and communicated to Commissioners of Fireman first grade Henry Kratch, Hook and Ladder Company 17, to take effect from the Sinking Fund. the 8th inst. From Chief of Department— Leave of Absence Granted. I. with recommendation that the same be denied, request of the Bureau BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. of Lamps and Gas, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Elctricity, for the use for Leave of absence for three months, without pay, from October i, 19o4, on account storage purposes of part of building occupied as a storehouse by this Department in If illness, was this day granted to Blacksmith's Helper Lawrence McDonald, Repair Lillian place, borough of The Bronx. Recommendation approved and said Bureau .6 hops. notified. Decision. 2. Returning request of the Superintendent of the schoolship " St. Mary's " for the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. detail of a member of the uniformed force on the occasion of the closing exercises of the class of 1904 at Recreation Pier, foot of East Twenty-fourth street, on the 6th inst., In the matter of the charges of " Disrespect to a suprior officer " (2 specifications) and reporting that the necessary detail has been arranged.Said Superintendent. notified. And " Absence without leave," preferred against Fireman first grade Thomas B.1s1ur- 3. Forwarding, approved, recommendation of the Acting Chief of Fourth Battalion ra , Jr., Engine Company 74, tried before Deputy and Acting Commissioner Thomas that the name of Fireman third grade Michael J. Stephens, Hook and Ladder Company Wy Churchill on July 25, 1904, decision was this day rendered, the accused being found t8, be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class A. for meritorious action at fire, No. 184 Attor- guilty and fined five and seven days' pay respectively on the first and second specifi- ney street, on the 4th inst. Recommendation approved. cations of the first charge, and three days' pay on the second charge—fifteen days' pay 4. Forwarding, with report. application of Firemen acting as Pilots on fireboats of in all. this Department, requesting the establisi meat of grade of Uniformed Pilot, with salary Proposed contract in duplicate for repairs to quarters of Engine Company 70, City of not less than $1,600 per annum. Opinion of the Corporation Counsel requested as to Island, borough of The Bronx, together with revised printed proof, and proposed con- the power of the Commissioner so to do without further legislation. tract in duplicate between the Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad Company and this 5. Forwarding, approved, application of Assistant Foreman Charles E. Field, Hook Department for the use of the elevated structures in the borough of Brooklyn by the and Ladder Company 57, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. for a special examination Fire Alarm Telegraph Branch of this Department during the year i9o4 for the purpose for promotion to the rank of Foreman. Communicated to Municipal Civil Service Com- of stringing wires thereon, were this day forwarded to the Corporation Counsel for mi sion. the indorsement thereon of his approval as to form. 6. Forwarding, with recommendation that the same be granted, application of Engi- The Municipal Civil Service Commission was this day requested to recertify the neer of Steamer William 11. Stephenson, Engine Company 43, fora re-examination for name of Edward Keane for appointment as a Fireman in the uniformed force of the promotion to the rank of Assistant Foreman. he having been rejected for a physical Fire Department; also to grant a special examination for promotion to the rank of defect which he alleges no longer exists. Recommendation approved. Foreman to Assistant Foreman Charles E. Field, Hook and Ladder Company 57, bor- 7. Respecting request of the Police Department for a reinspection of Olympic oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, detailed to the office of the Deputy Chief of Depart- l heatre, No. 2394 Third avenue. and stating that the inspecting officers have reported ntent in charge of said boroughs. the same unfit for use as a place of public amusement. Police Department notified. From Superintendent of Buildings—Returning Insurance Policy No. 6861458 of the New York, October 8, 1904. Sun Insurance Office, London. for $12.674.99, covering second payment to Alfred Communications received were disposed of as follows Nugent & Son, on contract for erection of apparatus house. south side of One Hundred Filed. and Forty-third street, 300 feet east of Eighth avenue. with report that the amount is From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Transmitting correct. Policy approved and forwarded to Department of Finance. duplicate copies of agreement between the Brooklyn Union Railroad Company, the From Chief of Construction and Repairs to Apparatus—Relative to bill of John Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company and The City of New York by the Fire Cont- Greig for one barrel of turpentine alleged to have been delivered at Repair Shops. missioner, permitting the stringing of wires on the elevated structures of said com- Reply communicated. panies and the placing of fire boxes on the pillars of said roads. Forwarded to Cor- From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances—Returning, with rc- poration Counsel for approval as to form. ports, requests of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, for information as to From Chief of Department—Transmitting application of Special Fire Alarm whether fire appliances installed in premises No. 37 East Twelfth street and Nos. Electrical Signal Company, requesting box numbers for premises Nos. 234 West 308-310 \Vest Fifty-eighth street meet the requirements of this Department. Reply Forty-second street and No. 3o West Forty-fourth street. Designation of numbers communicated. authorized. From Foreman Engine Company 2—Reporting death on 30th ult., of retired Fire- From Chief of Construction and Repairs to Apparatus—Recommending that the man Peter Funck, formerly of his command. Secretary of Relief Fund notified. name of Machinist William H. Colwell, Repair Shops. be dropped from the rolls, From Foreman Engine Company 14—Reporting new horse on trial suitable for the he being incapacitated for the performance of further duty. Approved. service. From Bookkeeper—Returning communication from Department of Finance in- From Fireman first grade Henry Kratch, Hook and Ladder Company 17—Applying closing report of Law Clerk of said Department in the matter of Claim No. 30007 for retirement on half pay after more than twenty years continuous service. Granted, of Henry Nimphius for $38.50 alleged to be due for horseshoeing, in which the De- to take effect from 8 A. M.. on the 8th inst. partment recommends that claim be audited at $32.50. Voucher forwarded said De- From Fireman first grade Alfred Lewis, Hook and Ladder Company 23 (detailed)— partment. Reporting slight fire at Polo Grounds during his tour of detail on the 4th inst. From Blacksmith's Helper Lawrence ?McDonald—Requesting extension of leave From Leonhard Felix Fuld, M. A.—Concerning his request heretofore made for a of absence heretofore granted, by reason of continued ill health. Application fire line badge. Reply communicated. granted for three months from 1st inst. without pay. From H. de B. Parsons, Consulting Engineer—Relative to his bill for services for From Tullis & Co.—Acknowledging receipt of communication of 6th inst., rela- drawing specifications and supervising repairs to fireboat " Seth Low." Reply commu- tive to request for partial payment on contract dated December 31, 1903, for install- nicated. ing heat and power plant at new Repair Shops Building. From Stransky & Co.—Requesting that one of the retired officers of this Depart- Referred. ment be designated to furnish them with information concerning the formation of a From Manhattan Fire Alarm Company—Requesting permission to connect tire brigade in their premises. Reply communicated. premises with fire alarm boxes as follows: From former Probationary Fireman John H. Empting—Relative to payment for No. 65 Columbia street, with box 196. cervices in such capacity. No. 66 Sheriff street, with box 227. From John F. Harrington—Relative to claim against a riember of the uniformed No. 81 Columbia street, with box 248. force. No. go Columbia street, with box 248. Referred. To Chief of Department. From Department of Finance—Requesting information concerning Claim No. From Otto Isler—Relative to obstructed halls in premises No. 906 Eighth ace- 33.591 of Saks & Co., for $25 expenses alleged to have been occasioned by a horse and nue. To Tenement House Department. wagon of the Repair Shops of this Department colliding with wagon of said concern From Anonymous—Complaining of violations of Tenement House Laws, prem- on the 15th inst. To Chief of Department. ises No. 15 Gouverneur place, No. 137 Avenue A, No. 579 East Ninety-eighth street, From Bureau of State Factory Inspection—Reporting condition of hose in prem- No. 2157 Fifth avenue. To Tenement House Department. ises No. II West Twentieth street. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Bills Audited. Appliances. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. From Bureau for Recovery of Penalties—Requesting reinspection of premises No. Schedule 137 of 1902— 443 Hudson street, in regard to compliance with the law requiring equipment for lire Apparatus, Supplies, etc ...... $32 50 protection. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Chief of Department—Reporting that the header on the port side of fire-boat The Municipal Civil Service Commission was this day requested to recertify the The New Yorker " (Engine Company .57) has burst and requires replacing. To name of Thomas F. Heenan for appointment as Fireman in the uniformed force. Chief of Construction and Repairs to Apparatus. Contract for furnishing fire alarm telegraph supplies for use in the borough of From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances—Recommending that Richmond, based upon the only proposal submitted at public letting held in this an extension of thirty days' time, from the 5th inst., be granted T. J. & E. J. Shelley Department on the 28th ult. was this day awarded to Frederick Pearce, No. s8 Rose in which to comply with order to provide fire appliances in premises No. 712 Broad- street, borough of Manhattan, for the sum of $2,177.59, and his proposal forwarded way. Approved; back. to the Comptroller for action on the sureties. From Foreman Engine Company ii—Reporting heating apparatus in premises The Municipal Civil Service Commission was this day requested to accord a No. 117 Lewis street not properly protected. To Fire 'Marshal. physical re-examination to Engineer of Steamer William H. Stephenson, Engine From Foreman Engine Company t7—Reporting chimney fire on 5th inst., prem- Company 43, for promotion to the rank of Assistant Foreman. ises No. 72 Rivington street. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 27—Reporting lack of fire escapes, premises No. 1998 Bathgate avenue, Nos. 4048-4052 Park avenue and No. 712 East BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street. To Tenement House Department. From L. C. Stone—Requesting date and cause of fire, premises No. 751 Fifth Communications received were disposed of as follows: street. To Chief of Department. Filed. From Herbert M. Smith—Inquiring whether fire appliances installed in premises From Police Department—Relative to application of Frederick Starke for a con- Nos. 473-475 Broadway, meet the requirements of this Department. To Bureau of cert license for premises located at Wyckoff and Halsey streets, Evergreen, borough of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Queens, and known as Elk Park. Report of Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire From H. M. Susswein & Co.—Relative to dangerous conditions existing in fac- Appliances forwarded said Department. tory adjoining their premises in One Hundred and Fifth street, near East river. To From Wandowenock Hook and Ladder Company, Newtown Fire Department—Con- Fire Marshal for report. cerning imperfect working of fire alarm apparatus. Reply communicated. From M. Tobin—Complaining of storage of combustible material in premises No. From Raab Iron Works Company and Others—Commending the efficiency of the too Allen street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Department at fire on 6th inst., and recommending that a fire-boat be stationed in the From Anonymous— vicinity of Twenty-third to Twenty-ninth streets, borough of Brooklyn, to protect the r. Complaining of violations of the Tenement House Laws, premises Nos. 363-379 large interests located there. Eighth avenue. To Tenement House Department. From Broadway Board of Trade—Relative to necessity for additional fire protec- 2. Relative to storage of combustible material in hall of premises No. 254 East tion in their section of the borough of Brooklyn. Reply communicated. Seventeenth street and No. 165 Seventh avenue. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Ridgewood Board of Trade—Relative to necessity for additional fire company 3. Concerning dangerous conditions existing in premises No. 49 Ludlow street. in the Ridgewood section. Reply communicated. To Fire Marshal. From Blythebourne Water Company—Notice prohibiting use of hydrants belong- Bills Audited. ing to said company in the Borough Park, Blythebourne, Bay Ridge Park and Lefferts BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Park sections. Reply communicated. Schedule 99 ofi9o3- From Albert Turney—Requesting photograph of exterior and floor plan of Brooklyn Fire Department Fund—for Sites and Buildings ...... $8,5oo oo Fire Headquarters. Reply communicated. From Anonymous—Concerning obstructed hydrant at Hanson and South Elliott Expenditures Authorized. places. Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity notified. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. Referred. Roofing Hospital and Training Stables ...... $168 oo From Foreman Engine Company i61—Recommending iron fire-escapes and ladder on Emergency repairs to Department buildings ...... 300 00 buildings Nos. g8o to 5S6 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. To Tenement House Department. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. THE CITY RECORD. 7605

George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic En- From Mary T. Clyne—Complaining of condition of fire-hydrant at Union and Henry LAW DEPARTMENT. gineer streets. To Deputy Chief of Department in charge. Office of Corporation Counsel. George F Fever, Consulting Electrical Engineer. From M. McEvoy—Complaining of dark halls and lack of fire-escapes, premises Staats-Zeitung Building, zd, 3d and 4th floors, 9 A. Charles F. Lacombe, Engineer of Surface Construc- M. to 5 P. x. ; Saturdays. 9 A. M. to r2 M. tion, No. 184 Ainslie street. To Tenement House Department. Telephone, 5166 Cortlandt. Joseph W. Savage, Water Registrar, Manhattan. ALFRED M. DOWNES, Secretary. John J. Delany, Cr rporation Counsel. William M. Blake, Private Secretary. Assistants—Theodore (onnoly, Charles D. Olen- Joseph F. Prendergast Secretary to the Pep rtment. dorf, George L. Sterling. Charles L. Guy, William P. Thomas R. Farrell, Iteputy Commissioner, Borough Burr, Edwin J. Freedman, John L. O'Brien, Terence of I'.rooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. CHANGES IN DEPARTMENTS. Bureru of Licenses. William R. McGuire. Water Registrar, Brooklyn. 9 A. M to 4 P. M.• Saturdays, 9 Farley, James T. Malcne, James Lindsay Gordon, A. M. to la M. William J. O'Sullty. n, Arthur C. Butts. Charles N. Thomas H. O'Neil, Deputy Commissioner, Borough I elephone, Eozo Cortlandt. of The Bronx, Croton Park Building, One Hundred John P. Corrigan, Chief of Bureau. Harris, George S. Coleman, Charles A. O'Ntel, Will- FIRE DEPARTMENT. iam Beers Crowell, Arthur Sweeny, John F. O'Brien. and Seventy-seventh street and I hird avenue.,pal Office, Room r, City Hall ; Gaetano November 4— John C. Bieckenridge, Louis H. Hahlo, Andrew 1. Thomas M. Lynch, Water Registrar, '1 he Bronx D'Amato, Deputy Chief, Boroughs of Manhattan and George H. Creed, Deputy Commissioner, Borough The Bronx. Campbell, Jr.. Franklin Chase Hoyt. E. Crosby Kin. Appointed. dleberger, Montgomery Hare, Thomas F. Noonan, of Queens, Hackett Building, Long Island City. Branch Office, Room to, Borough Hall, Brooklyn; Edward I. Miller, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Boroughs Manhattan and The Bronx. Daniel I. Griffin, Deputy Chief, Ror ugh of Brooklyn. Kenyon Fortesque, Charles McIntyre. Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—William F of Richmond, Richmond Building, New Brighton, John Kelleher, as ununiformed Stoker, Branch Office, Richmo,,d Building, New Brighton, with compensation at the rate of $2.50 per S. I. ; William R. Woelfle, Financial Clerk, Borough of Clark. S. I Richmond. Borouch of Brooklyn Branch Office James D. Bell, diem, to take effect November 1, 19o4, as- Assistant in charge. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Branch Office, Hackett Building, Long Island City; Borough of Queens Branch Office--Deals O'Leary, Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted, signed to Engine Company 77, fireboat Charles H. Smith, Financial Clerk, Borough of Queens. Assistant in charge. from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 12 M. Geo. B. McClellan." Borough of The Bronx Branch Office—Richard H. Uniformed Fireman James J. Calverley, THE CITY RECORD OFFICE. Mitchell, Assistant to charge. Headquarters. as fourth grade Fireman, with salary at the Bureau of Printing, Stationery and Blank Books. Borough of Richmond Branch Office—John Widde. Nos. 157 and 155 East Sixty.sevenib street. Supery sor's Office, Park Row Building, No. 21 combe, Assistant in charge. Telephone, 2530 Plaza, Manhattan; 2356 Main, rate of $boa per annum, to take effect Octo- Park Row, Entrance Room Eos, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Andrew 7. Campbell, Chief Clerk. Brooklyn. ber 31, 1904, assigned to Hook and Ladder Saturdays, 9 A. M. tO r2 M. Nicholas J. Hayes, Fire Commissioner. Bureau of Street Openings. Company 8. Telephone, rco5 and r5o6 Cortlandt. Supply Room, Thomas W. Churchill, Deputy C.ommisioner. No, 2 City Hall. Nos. 90 and no West Broadway, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. William A. Dole, Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs Promoted. Patrick J, Tracy, Supervisor; Henry McMillen, Saturdays, 9 A. M. to I2 M. of Brooklyn and eens.Qu Boroughs Manhattan and The Bronx. Deputy Supervisor. John P. Dunn, Assistant in charge. Alfred M. Downes, `ecre'ary; Albert F. Volgenau, Secretary to the Commissioner ; George F. Dobson, Jr., Fireman first grade Joseph F. Dudley, CITY CLERK AND CLERK OF THE Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties. Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner. Engine Company log, to be Engineer of BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Nos. xr9 and 121 Nassau street, 9 A. a. to 5 P. M. Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department and in Steamer, at $i,600 per annum, assigned to Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. charge of Fire Alarm felegraph. City Hall, Rooms it 12, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Satur- Herman Stiefel, Assistant in charge. Thomas l.all' , Deputy Chief of Department in Engine Company 27, to take effect Novem- days,'OA M. tots M. charge. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Que, ns. ber I, 1904. Telephone, 7561 Cortlandt. Bureau for the Collection of Arrears of Personal George E. Murray, Inspector of Combustibles. Engineer of Steamer James J. Bridges, P. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Taxes. Willi:,m A. Hervey, Assistant Inspector of Com- Aldermen. No. 280 Broadway IS'ewart Building). Office hours bustibles, Borouehs of Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 355 Engine Company 27, to be Assistant Fore- I homas Murphy, First Deputy City Clerk. for the Public, to A. M. to 2 P. M. ; Saturdays, to A. M• and 367 Jay street, Brooklyn. man, with compensation at the rate of Michael F, Blake, Chief Clerk of the Board of to 12 M. Peter Seery, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhattan, $i,800 per annum, from November 1, 1904, Aldermen. Henry Steinert, Assistant in charge. The Bronx and Richmond. Joseph V. Scully, Deputy City Clerk, Borough of William L. Beers, As istant Fire Marshal in charge, assigned to Brooklyn. Tenement House Bureau and Bureau of Buildings. Borou6 hs of Brooklyn and Queens. Retired on Half Pay Thomas J. McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough of No. 4A East Twenty-third street, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. William T. Begin, Chief of Battalion in charge The Bronx. Saturdays. 9 A. M. to 12 M. Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, Boroughs Manhattan and The Bronx. William R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor- John P. ('Brien, Assistant in charge. Boroughs of Manhattan and '1 he Bronx. Engineer of Steamer Thomas McCabe, ough of Queens. Michael Quinn, F oreman in charge Bureau of Viola- Engine Company I, on own application, af- Joseph F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough of tions and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, Boroughs of Richmond. COMMISSIONERS OF Brooklyn and Queens. ter more than 20 years' continuous service, ACCOUNTS. Central office open at all hours. to take effect November 6, 1904. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Rooms eta and xis, Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Committee to examine persons who handle explosives meets Thursday of each week at 2 o'clock P. M. Boroughs Brooklyn and Queens. No. It City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, g A. M. Telephone, 4315 Franklin. M. to I2 M. John C. Hertle, William Harman Black, Commis Fireman first grade John Connelly, En- Telephone, y56o Cortlandt sioners. MUNICIPAL EXPLOSIVES COM- gine Company 151, on own application, after Charles V Fornes, President. MISSION. P. J. Scully, City Clerk. COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING more than 20 years' continuous service, to Nos. 157 and 15g East Sixty-seventh street, Head- take effect November 1, 1904. FUND. quarters Fire Department. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. George B. McClellan, Mayor, Chairman ; Edward Fire Commissioner Nicholas J. Hayes. Chairman; Extension of Leave of Absence. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 M, Grout. Comptroller; Patrick Keenan. Chamber- William Montgrmery, John Sherry, Abraham Piser, Boroughs Manhattan and The Bronx. A. M. tO 4 P. M. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to is noon. lain; Charles V. Fornes, President of the Board of Dr. Charles F. McKenna. Extension of leave of absence, without Edward M. Grout, Comptroller. Aldermen, and John T. McCall, Chairman, Fit ance Franz S. Wolf, Secretary. N. Taylor Phillips and James W. Stevenson, Deputy Committee, Board of Aldermen. Members. N. Tay- Stated meetings every 'I hursday at 2 P. M. pay, for six months, from October I, 1904, Comptrollers. for Phillips, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. granted to Clerk James J. Carroll, Bureau Herbert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Office of Secretary, Room No. rz, Stewart Building. Oliver E. Stanton, Secretary to Comptroller. DEPARTMENT OF STREET of Combustibles, in accordance with con- BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND sent of Municipal Civil Service Commis- Main Division. CLEANING. APPORTIONMENT. Nos. 53 to Si Park Row, 9 A. M. to 4 P. O. sion, under date of October 24, 1904. H. J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room ix. Telephone, 3863 ( ortlandt. Bookkeeping and Awards Division. Telephone, Finance Department, 2070 Franklin. John McGaw Woodbury, Comtrissioner. Telephone, Public Improvements, 3454 Franklin. Joseph Haag, Chief Accountant and Bookkeeper. F. M. Gib'on, Deputy Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND The Mayor, Chairman ; the Comptroller. President John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk. Stock and Bond Division. of the Board of Aldermen, President of the Borough FERRIES. of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Brooklyn. November 5—The Commissioner has James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, President of the Borough of The Bronx, President of DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Room 39. the Borough of Queens, President of the Botoiigh of Central Office. fixed the wages of Thomas F. Hynes, La- Bureau of Audit—Main Division. Richmond. No. 148 East Twentieth street. Office hours from g borer, at the rate of 314 cents per hour, William McKinny, ChietAuditorof Accounts, Room ,James W. Stevenson, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary, while employed, to take effect immediately. A. M. to 4 P. M,; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to is M. 27. Finance Department, No. 28o Broadway ; John Ti. Telephone, ro47 Gramercy. Law and Adjustment Division. Mooney, Assistant Secretary, Public Improvements, Francis J. Lantry, Commissioner. James F. McKinney, Auditor of Accounts, Room No, 277 Broadway; Charles V. Adee, Clerk of the George W. Meyer, Jr , Deputy Commissioner. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. 183. Board, Finance Department, No. sin l'.roadway. John B. Fitzgerald, Secretary. Investigating Division. Charles S. Hervey, Auditor of Accounts, Room 178. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, No- Room 207 Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. M. to 4 P. vember 5, 1904. Charitable Institutions Division. M. Telephone, 1942 Franklin. CHARITIES. Committee on Buildings of the Board of Daniel C. Potter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of The Mayor, the Comptroller, ex officio, Commis- Central Office. Institutions, Room 40. sioners William H. Ten Eyck (President), John J. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, g A. M to 4 P. nl. Aldermen will hold a public hearing in the Ryan, William E. Curtis and John P. Wmdolph; Telephone, 3350 Madison Square. Aldermanic Chamber, in the City Hall, in Bureau of the City Paymaster. Harr W. Walker, Secretary ; Jonas Waldo Smith, James H. Tully, Commissioner. the Borough of Manhattan, on Friday, No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street. Chief Engineer. James E. Dougherty, First Deputy Commissioner. November ii, on the following matters: John H. Timmerman, City Paymaster. James J. McInerney, Second Deputy Commissioner POLICE DEPARTMENT, for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. I:6 and 128 Livingston 2 P. M.—An ordinance to regulate the Bureau of Engineering. street. Brooklyn. construction of fences, signs bill boards Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway Central Office. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and and sky-signs. Eugene E. McLean, Chief Engineer, Room 55. No. 3co Mulberry street, g A. Si. to 4 P. M. Estimates for Work and Materials for Building. Re- Real Estate Bureau. 'telephone, 3r00 Spring, pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, g A. M. to 4 An ordinance to amend part 31, section William McAdoo, Commissioner. P. Si. ; Saturdays, x2 M. 156 of the Building Code. Mortimer J. Brown, Appraiser of Real Estate, Thomas F. McAvoy, Firs Deputy Commissioner. Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East Twenty. Room 157. Thomas F. F arrell, Second Deputy Commissioner. 2.30 P. sixti' street. Office hours, ?.;o A. M. to 5 P. M. M.—An ordinance amending sec- Bureau for the Collection of Taxes. Harris Linds ey, Third Deputy Commissioner. Bureau of Dependent Children, No, C6 7 hird avenue tion 105 of Building Code, in relation to Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room O. Office hours, 8.30 A. M tO 5 P. Si. fireproofing buildings. David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes. BOARD OF ARMORY COMMIS- 3 P. M.—An ordinance amending section John J. McDonough, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. TENEMENT HOUSE DEPART- l'orough of The Sr,.nx—Municipal Building, Third SIONERS. ioi of the Building Code, in relation to in- and Tremont avenues. The Mayor, George B. McClellan, Chairman ; the MENT. spection, installation, alteration and opera- John B. Underhill, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. President of the Department of Taxes and Assess- Manhattan Office, No. 61 living place, southwest ation of elevator. Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building, Rooms ments, Frank A. O'Donnel, Vice-Chairman ; the Pres- corner Eighteenth street. 2-8. ident of the Board of Aldermen, Charles V. Fornes; Telephone, 5311 Eighteenth. All persons interested in the above mat- Jacobs. Van Wyck, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. Brigadier-General James McLeer and Brigadier-Gen- Brooklyn Office, Temple Bar Building, No, 44 ters are respectfully invited to attend. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson eral George Moore Smith, Commissioners. Court street. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. Eugene A. Formes, Secretary, and Frank J. Bell, Bronx Office to be established. Frederick W. Bleckwenn, Deputy Receiver of Acting Secretary, Stewart Building, No. ato Broadway. Thomas C. T. Crain, Commissioner. and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. Taxes. Office hours, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to lohn F. Skelly, First Deputy Tenement House Borough of Richmond—Bay and Sand streets, r2 M. Commissioner. Stapleton. BOARD OF ELECTIONS. William Brennan, Second Deputy Tenement House John De7dorgan, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. Commissioner. Headquarters, General Office, No. 107 West Forty- Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears. first street. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room 81. Commissioners—lohn R. Voorhis (President), Charles Edward A. Slattery, Collector of Assessments and B. Page (Secretary), John Maguire, Rudolph C. Fuller. AND FERRIES. Arrears. A. C. Allen, Chief Clerk of the Board. Pier " A," N. R., Battery place. John B. Adger Mullally, Deputy Collector of As- BOROUGH OFFICES. Telephone, (681 Broad. sessments and Arrears. Manhattan. Maurice Featherson, Commissioner, Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, Rooms No. II2 West Forty.second street. Joseph A. Bill, Deputy Commissioner. I- . William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk. Charles J. Collins, Secretary. awes J. Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of Assess- 1 he Bronx. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M,; Saturdays, it as. ments and Arrears. One Hundred and and Thirty-eighth street and Mott Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building. avenue (Solingen Building). John H. McCooey, Deputy Collector of Assess- Cornelius A. Banner, Chief Clerk. BELLEVUE AND ALLIED ments and Arrears. Brooklyn. HOSPITALS. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson No. 42 Court street. avenue and Fifth street Long Island City. George Russell, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2730 Madison Square. P..trick E. Leahy, Deputy Collector of Assessments Queens. Board of Trustees—Dr. John W. Brannan, Theodore and Arrears. No. cr Jackson avenue, Long Island City. E. Tack, Arden M. Robbins, Myles 'i ierney, Samuel Borough of Richmond—Bay and Sand streets, Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk. Sachs, James K. Paulding, Marcus Stine, James H. Stapleton. Richmond. lully. George Brand, Deputy Collector of Assessments Staten Island Savings Bank Building, Stapleton, S. 1. and Arrears. Alexander M. Ross, Chief Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. All offices open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Bureau for the Collection of City Revonue and aJ 9A. M. to r2 M. Markets. avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease Offices al- Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. ways open. CITY OFFICERS. Room 159. Nos. r3-21 Park row. Thomas Darlington, M. D., Commissioner of Health Thomas F. Byrnes, Collector of City Revenue and and President. TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING George E. Best, Commissioners Superintendent of Markets. F. E. V. Dunn, Secretary. Telephone, I204 Columbus. which the Public Offices in the City are open James H. Baldwin, Deputy Collector of City Sfor business, and at which the Courts regularly open Office hours, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. Y. Eugene W. Scheffer, Secretary. Revenue. Saturdays, 9 A.M tO la M. Charles F. Roberts, M. D., Sanitary Superin- and adjourn, as well as the places where such offices David O'Brien, Deputy Superintendent of Markets. are kept and such Courts are held, together with the Tele,hone, 6080 Cortlandt. tendent. heads of Departments and Courts: Bureau of the City Chamberlain. William H. Guilfoy, M. D., Registrar of Records. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUP- Walter Bensel, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superin- Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, tendent, Borough of Manhattan, Gerald Shell, M.D., EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Rooms 6. to 6, • and Kings County Court-house, Room PLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Assistant Sanitary Superintendent, Borough of The Mayods Of 14, Borough of Brooklyn. Nos t3 to 2c Park row, 9 A M. to 4 P. nt. Bronx, No, r2a Franklin avenue. fice. Patrick Keenan. City Chamberlain. No. 5 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 Telephones, Manhattan, a56 Cortlandt; Brooklyn, Robert H. Herkimer M. D., Assistant Sanitary A. Y. to 12 M. John H. Campbell, Deputy Chamberlain. 3080 Main; Queens, 419 Greenpoint ; Richmond, 94 Superintendent, Borough of Brooklyn, Nos, 38 and 40 Telephone, 8oao Cortlandt. Tompkinsvil'e; Bronx, 6a Tremont. Cln ton street. GEORGE B. McCLF:LLAN, Mayor. COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. John T. Oakley, Comtni-sioner. John P. Moore, M, D., Assistant Sanitary Su.iersn- John H. O'Brien, Secretary. Office, No. a77 Broadway. Frank J. Goodwin, Deputy Commissioner. tendent Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Futon Thomas Hassett, Assistant Secretary. Frederick L. C. Keating, Commissioner. Nicholas S. Hill, Jr., Chief Engineer. street, f amaica. THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904.

John T. Sprague, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super- Louis F. Haffen, President. SHERIFF. SHERIFF. intendent. Borough of Richmond, Nos. 54 and 56 Henry A. Gumbleton, Secretary. W ater street, Stapleton, Staten island. Patrickj. Reville, Supennt ndent of Buildings. County Court-house, Brooklyn, N, Y. County Court-house. Richmond, S. I. Henry Bruckner, Commissioner of Public Works. 9 A, M. to 4 P, 7,1. ; : aturdays, is M. Office hours, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M, Henry Hesterberg, Sheriff. Charles J McCo: mack. Sheriff. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Borough of Brooklyn. Thomas A. Banning, Under Sheriff. John J. Pallas, Commissioner of Parks for the Bor- COUNTY JAIL. oughs of Manhattan and Richmond and President President's Office, No. ii Borough Hall, 9 A. M. to 4.30 P. at.; Saturdays. 9 A. Si. to .2 nt. Raymond street, between Willoughby street and COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. of the Park Board. DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. \%illis Holly, Secretary, Park Board. Martin W. Littleton, President. Villaee Hall, Stapleton. John A. Heffernan, Secretary. Henry Hesterbl rg, Sheriff. CharlesJ Kt.11man, Commissioner. Offices, Arsenal, Jentral Park. William McLaughlin, Warden. Michael J Kennedy, Commissioner of Parks for the Denis A. Judge, Private Secretary. John J. McCaughey, Assistant Cmmmissioner. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. John C. Brackenridge, Commissioner of Public DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office open from 9 A. Si. until 4 F. M.; Saturdays Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Works. from 9 A. M. to 12 M. James S. Regan, Assistant Commissioner of Public Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn. John J. Erady, Commissioner of Parks for the Bor- r ough of The Bronx. Works. Hours, g A. M. to P. M. Offices, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Peter J. Collins, Superintendent of Buildings. John F. Clarke, District Attorney. THE COURTS. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, Is M. George W. 'Iillson, Chief Engineer-in-Charge, Bureau of Highways. REGISTER. APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND Arthur J. U'Keele, Superintendent of the Bureau of Hall of Records. Office Fours, q A. M. to 4 P. M., Sewers. excepting months of July and August; then from SUPREME COURT, ASSESSMENTS. ( harles C. Wise, Superintendent of the Bureau of A. Al. to 2 P.M., provided for by statute. FIi:ST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Stewart Building. No. 28o Broadway. Office hours, q Public Buildings and Offices. Matthew E. Dooley, Register. Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth A. M. tO 4 P. M. :aturdays, 9 A. hl. to 52 M. Patrick H. Quinn, Deputy Register. street. Court opens at r P. M. Commissioners—Frank A. O'Donnel, President; Borough of Queens. Augustus W. Maul, Assistant Deputy Register. Charles H. Van Brunt, Prestdirg Justice; Edward Jawes B. Bouck, Edward Todd, Famuel Strasbourger, President's Office, Bo•.ough Hall, Jackson avenue John B. Shanahan, Counsel, Patterson, Morgan J. O'Brien, Geor..e L. Ingraham. Nicholas Muller, Frank Raymond. and Fifth street, Leg Island City. John H. McArdle, Secretary. Chester B. MCL. ughlin, Edward W. Hatch, frank C. Joseph Cassidy, I r, sident. Laughlin, Justices ; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk ; William MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE George S. Jervis. Secretory to the President. COUNTY CLERK. Lamb, Deputy Clerk. Joseph Bermel, Commissioner of Public Works. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, 9 A. M to 4 P.M. Clerk's Office open at 9 A. M. COMMISSION. Samuel l.rennon. Superintendent of Highways. Edward Kaufmann, County Clerk. No. 6t Elm street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Office, Hackett Building, Long Island City. Dennis Winter, Deputy County Clerk. SUPREME COURT—FIRST Bird S. Coler, President ; R. Ross Appleton, Alfred oseph P. Powers, Superintendent of Builrlings. Joseph P. DonneLy, Assistant Deputy County J. Talley. Jhilip f. Cronin, Superintendent of Public Build- Clerk. DEPARTMENT. Henry Berlinger, Secretary. ing s and Offices. Jamaica, L. I. 'I-elephone call, 1151 Main. County Court-house, Chambers street. Courts open Matthew J Goldner, Superintendent of Sewers. from ro, 15 A. M. 104P- M. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. James F. O'Brien. Superintendent of Street Cleaning. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Special Term, Part 1.(motions), Room No. rz. Robert R. Crowell, Assistant Engineer-in-Charge, Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Satur- Court-house. Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte business), Room days, 12 %1. Topographical Bureau. No. r5. (Iffice, Long Island Cite, g A. M, to 4 M. ; Satur- Brenner, Commissioner. Robert Muh. President. F. b Special Term, Part III,, Room No. rq. days, from g A. M. until r2 M. nk J. Gardner, Deputycommissioner. Antonio Zucca. lbert B. Waldron, Secretary, Special I erm, Part IV., Room No. it. t2 Special I emit, Part V., It oom No 30. Charley A. O'Malley. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays from W. H. Jasper, Secretary. Borough of Richmond. A. Al. to I2 M. Special Term, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad cases), President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. Room No, 35, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. George Cromwell, President. Tri 1'term, Part II , Room No. 25 COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. 1 rial Term, Part III., Room ' o. i. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Maybury Fleming, Secretary to the President. Louis Lincoln Tribus, Ccmmissioner of Public Rooms, 7, 9 to and II, Hail of Records. Trial 'I erm, Part IV., Room No. iR. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Man- Works. Oil cc hours. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., excepting months of 'I rial Term, Part V., Room No r6, hattan, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. (in the month of August 9 A M July and August, then 9 A. M. to 2 P. At.; Saturdays, q Trial Term, Part Vl., Boom No, 24. John Seaton, Superintendent of Buildings. A. M to t2 M. t0 4 P. M.); Saturdays, 9 A. Al, tO I2 NI. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Buildings Tr'al "Term, Par' VII., Room No. 23. Telephone,r,So Plaza. John K. Neal, Commissioner. Trial Term, P.,rt V111., Room No 33. and Offices. D. H. Ra ston. Deputy Commissioner. Richard H. Adams Richard B. Aldcro(tt, Jr.: Frank H E. Buel, Superintendent of Highways, Trial Term, Part IX., Room No. 31. I.. Babbott, Grosvenor H. Backus. Nicholas J. Barrett, 1 homas D. Mosscrop, super r.tendent. Trial Iarm. Pirt X., Room No. 32. Richaid r Fox, Superintendent of Street Cleaning. William J. Beanie, .tssistart Superintendent. John J. Barry. M. Dwight Collier, Francis P. Cunnion, Ernest H. Seehuseu, Superintendent of Sewers. 'Irial Perm, Part XI., Horn No. 2z. Samuel 51. Dix, S:.muel B. D, nue ly. A. Leo Everett, Office of the President, First National Bank Build- 1 real Term, Part X II., Room No. 34. Frank Harvey Field, Joseph Nicola Francolini, Alger. ing, New Brighton, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays. 9 A PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Trial Tenn, Part X111., and Special Term, VII., non S Frissell. John Greene, George D. Hamlin, M. D.; ht. to 12 M. No, 18q Montague street. Brooklyn, 9 A. M. to 4 F. Al., Room No. 26 William Harkness, Robert L. Harrison, Louis Haupt, Appellate Term, Room No uI. M. U.; Thomas J. Higgins, James J. Higgmson, except Saturdays in Jur.e, July :,nd August, 9 A. M. to CORONERS. t2 Si. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 38, third floor. Charles H. Ingalls. Frederic W Jackson, Nathan S. Borough of Manhattan—Office. New Criminal Court William B. Davenport, Public Administrator, Assignment Bureau, room on third floor. Jonas, John C. Kelley. John P. Kelly, Adolph K endl, Building. (,pen at all times of day and night. Clerks in attendance from To A. M. to 4 P. M. `Vil iam Lummis, Africk H. Alan, Frederick W. \larks, Gustav' choler, Solomon Goldenkranz. Nicholas T Clerk's Office, Term, Part I. (motions), Patrick F. Mct,owan, Edward D. O'Brien, Frank H. Brawn, Moses J J ekson, Room No. 13. Partridge, George E. Payne, James A. Renwick, Louis Chief Clerk, Stephen N. Simonson. QUEENS COUNTY OFFICES. Clerk's Office, Special Term, 'Part 1I. (ox-carte A. kodenstein, M. U.: Ge rge W. rchaedle, Abraham Borough cf The BI onx—Corn) r of Third avenue and business), room southwest corner mezzanine floor. Stem, Henry N. Tifft, George A. Vandenhoti, Felix M. One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. Telephone, SURROGATE. Clerk's Office,'pecial Term, Calendar, room south- Warburg. James Weir, J'.; Frank D. Wilsey, George 333 1 remont. Daniel Noble, Surrogate. east corner second floor. W. Wingate, M. Samuel Stern. Walter H. Henning. Chief Clerk. Office at Jamaica. Cl'rk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room north- President. William O'Gorman, Ir. ; Joseph I. Berry. Except on `undays, holidays and half holidays the east corner. second floor, east. Frank L. Babbott, Vice-President. Borough i f Brooklyn—I iii cc, Room it, Borough office is open betxeen March 3r and October I from 8 Cierk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest cor- A. Emerson Palmer, secretary. Hall. Tele hone..004 Main and 4005 Main. A. Al, to 5 F. M.: on Saturdays from 8 A. M. to 12 M ; ner, third fl or. Fred H Johnson, Assistai t Secretary. Philip T Williams, Michael J. Flaherty. between September 30 and April r, from 9 A. M. to 5 't rial Term. Part I. (criminal business), C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of school Buildings. Jame, L. Gerson, Chief Clerk. P. M.; on Saturdays from 9 A. M. to I' M. Criminal Court-house, Centre street. Patrick Jones, Superintendent of School Supplies. Open at all hours of day and night, except between Surrogate's Court sits on Thursday and Friday of Justices—Charles H. Truax, Francis M. Scott, Henry R M. Cook. Auditor. the hours of r2 M. and 5 F. st. on Sundays and holidays. each week except during the month of August, when no Charles F. Macl can, Henry Bischoff, Jr.; Leonard A. Henry M. Letpztg er Supervisor of Lectures. Borough of Queens—Office, Borough Hall, Fulton court is held. Calendar called at to A. M. Giegerich, John J Freedman, P. Henry Dagro, Henry Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries. street, lamnica, 1.. 1. A Gildersleeve, James Fitzgerald, David Leventritt, Henry M. Devoe, Supervisor of Janitors. Samuel D. Nutt, Leonard Ruoff, Jr. COUNTY COURT. James A. O'Gorman, George C. Barrett, James A. Board of Sgfrrixsendenzs, Martin Mager. Jr , Chief Clerk. Blanchard, John Proctor Clarke, Samuel Greenbaum, Office hours from q A, M. to 4 P. M. County Court-he use Long Island City. Edward E. McCall, Edward B. Amend, Vernon M. William H. Maxwell, Ci!y Superintendentof Schools. Bo ough of Richmond—No. 174 Bay street, Staple- County Court opens at 10 A. M. and adjourns at 5 P. M. Davis. and G org, S. Davis, Andrew W. Edson, AlgernOO S. ton. Open f r the transaction of business all hours of County Judee'e office always open at 336 Fulton Higgins, Albert P. Marble, Clarence E. Dleleney, the day and night. street, Jamaica. N. Y. SUPREME COURT—SECOND Thomas S. 0' rien, Fdward L. Stevens, John H. George F. Schafer. Burt J. Humphrey, County Judge. Walsh, Associate City Superintendents. DEPARTMENT. District Superintendents. SHERIFF. Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y. Darwin L. Bardwell, William A. Campbell, John J. NEW YORK COUNTY County Court-house, Long Island City, 9 A. M, to 4 r, M.: Saturday- from g A. At to 12 M. Courts open daily from no o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock Chickering, John Dwyer, James M. Edsall, Matthew P. Al. Six jury trial parts. Special Term for Trials. J. Elgas. Edward D. Farre4, Cornelius L. Franklin, OFFICES. Joseph Meyerrose, Sheriff, Henry W. Sharkey, Under Sheriff. Si ecial Term for Mott. ns. John Griffin, M. D.: John H. Haaren, John L. N. Hunt, SURROGATE. James F. McGee, General Clerk. Henry W. Jameson, James Lee, ( hares W. Lyon, Jr.; James J. McCate, Arthur McMullin, Julia Richman, New County Court-house. Court open from 9 A. M. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. to 4 P. Si., except Saturday, when it closes at ra M. CRIMINAL DIVISION—SUPREME Alfred T. Fchauier, Edward B. Shallow, Edgar Dubs During the months cf July and August the hours ate Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island Shimer, Seth T. Stewart, Edward W. Stitt, (,race C. City, 9 A. At. to 5 P. M. COURT. Strachan, Gustave Straubenmuller, Joseph S. 'Taylor, from 9 A. M. 11 2 P rt. F auk 1. Fitzger.ld. Abner C. Thomas, Surrogates; George A. Gregg, District Attorney. '.. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White Evangeline E. Whitney. William V. Leary, Chief Clerk. and Franklin streets. Board of Examiners. Court opens at 1o.50 A. M. William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of SHERIFF. COUNTY CLERK. Thomas L. Hamilton, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll, Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Hervey, Jamaica, N. Y.: Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens. Special Deputy to the I. lerk. Jerome A. O'Connell, George J smith. Stewart Building, 9 A. nt, to 4 P. n+. to 4 P. M. Mitchell I.. Erlanger, Sheriff; Julius Harburger, Office hours, April r to October , 8 A. Al to c P. M.; Clerk's Office open from 9 A. Al- Under Sheriff. October i to April 1, g A. M. to 5 P. M,; Saturdays, to ART COMMISSION. I2 M. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. City Hall, Room zt. COUNTY JAIL. County and Supreme Court held at the Queens Held in the building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Telephone call, rto7 Cortlandt. No. 7o Ludlow street. County Court-house, Island City. Court opens Elm, White and Fr::nkltn streets. John DeWitt War net, President ; J. Carroll Beck- Dfitche'I L. Erlanger, Sheriff. at 9 3 A. H., to adjourn 5 P. At. Court opens at so. 30 o'clock A. Al. with, Vice-President ; A. Augustus Healy, President Julius Harbcrger, L Oder Sheriff. David L. Von Aostrand, County Clerk. Rufus B. Cowing. City Judge; John W, Gcff, Re- of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Secretary ; Thomas H. Sullivan, Harden. Charles Downing, Deputy County Clerk. corder; Joseph E. Newburger, Martin T. McMahon George B. McClellan, Mayor of The City of New and Warren W. Foster, Judges of the Court of General York; J. Pierpont Morgan, Acting President of Metro- DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Sessions. Edward R. Cam II, Clerk. politan Museum of Art ; John Bigelow, President of COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Clerk's Office open from q A. M. to 4 P. M. New York Public Library; A. thimister Proctor, Building for Criminal Courts, f ranklin and Centre Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M,; Saturdays, q A. M. to Sculptor; Henry Rutgers Marshall, Architect; John scree s. 12 M. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 5 P. s+.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF D. Crimmins, Loyall Farragut. Edward J. Knauer, Commissioner. to .2 Al. Milo R. itlaltbie, Assistant Secretary. H. Homer Moore, Assistant Commissioner. NEW YORK. Willi.•m Travers Jerome, District Attorney. No, 32 Chambers street, Brownstone Building, City THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF John A. Hennebeny, Chief Clerk. Hall Park, from to A. M. to 4 P. M. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. General Term, Part I, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. REGISTER. No, 103 Third street, Long Island City, 9 A. M. to Part If. Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, No. r No. rr6 Nassau street. Office hours from A. M. to $ P. M. Part III. Madison avenue, Bo i ough of Manhattan. 9 A. M. to 4 p. nt.; Saturdays. 9 A. Al. to is M. During the months Charles A. Wadley, Public Administrator, Part IV. 4 P. M.; Saturdays, o A. M. to 12 noon. of July and August the hours are from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Part V. Telephone, 58,0 Gramercy. John H. J. Runner, Regi,ter; Henry H. Sherman, Special Term Chambers will be held from to A M. to Will am J. Fryer, Chairman; Walter Cook, Warren Deputy Register. 4 P. M. A. Conover, Will am C. Smith, Charles G. Smith, Ed- Clerk's Office open from A. Al. to 4 P. M. ward F. Croker, Charles Brendon. COUNTY CLERK. RICHMOND COUNTY Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice ; John H. Mc- Thomas F. Donohue, Clerk. Nos. 8, g. to and it New County Court-house OFFICES. Carty, Lewis J. Coolant Theodore F. Hascall, Francis Board meeting every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. B. Delehanty, Samuel Seabury, John Palmieri, Jus- Thomas L. Hamilton, County Clerk. tices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk. EXAMINING BOARD OF Henry Birrell Dep_ty. COUNTY JUDGE AND SURRO. Patrick H. Dunn, Secretary. GATE. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. PLUMBERS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between Robert McCabe, President; David Jones, Secretary; COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Terms of Court, Richmond County, r9o4. Franklin and Wh'te streets, Borough of Manhattan. Denis Donegon. 'I reasurer; ex-officio Horace Loomis County Courts—Sttphen D. Stephens, County Judge. Room 127, Stewart Building, Chambers street and First Monday of J une, Grand and trial Jury; Court opens at to A- M. and P. J. Andrews, Broadway, 9 A, M. to 4 P. M. Justices—First Division—EPzur B. Hfusda'e, Wil- Rooms 14, 15 and 16 Aldrich Building, Nos. 149 and First Monday of December, Grand and'! rial Jury; homas Allison, t cmmtssioner. Fourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury; liam E. Wya't, John B. McKean, Willard H. Olmsted, 151 Church street. Matthew F. Neville, Assistant Commissioner. Joseph M. Deuel, Lorenz Zeller. William M. Fuller, Office open during business hours every day in the Fourth Wednesday of Fehrukry, without a Jury; Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. Fourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury; Clerk • Joseph H. Jones, Deputy Clerk. year, except legal holidays. Examinations are held on Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary. Clerk's Office open from 9 A. 51. to 4 P. M, Monday, Wednesday and Friday after It P. M. Fourth Wednesday of April, without a Jury; Second Division—Trial Pass—No. 171 Atlantic PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Fourth Wednesday of July, without a Jury; avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury; at zo o'clock ; Town Hall, Jamaica Borough of Queens, No. it Nassau street, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury; William M. Hoes, Public Administrator. Tuesdays, at to o'clock ; 'town Hall, New Brighton, BOROUGH OFFICES. —All at the Court-ho' se at Richmond. Borough of Richmond. Thu-sdays, at ro o'clock. Surrogate's Court—Stephen D. Stephens, 5urrol(ate. Courtney, Howard J. Forker Patrick Mondays, at the First National Bank Buildu g, St. Yualices—John Borough of Manhattan. George. at 10,30 o'clock A. M, Keady. John Fleming, Thomas W. Fitzgerald, Roo- Office of the President, Nos. ro, it and 12 City Hall, KINGS COUNTY OFFICES. Tuesdays, at the First National Bank Building, St. ert J. Wilkin. Joseph L. Kerrgan, Clerk; John J. 9 A. M. to 4?. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. George, at I0.3' o'clock A. M Dorman, Deputy Clerk. John F. Abearn, President. COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. Clerk's Office, No. ix Atlantic Avenue, Borough of Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond, at Brooklyn, open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. TBcrnard Downing, secretary. County Court-mouse, Brooklyn, Rooms to, r9, sa 10.30 o'clock A. M. Isaac A. Hopper. Superintendent of Buildings. anti 23. Court opens at 10 A. M. daily, and sits until CHILDREN'S COURT. William Dalton, Commissioner of Public Works. business is completed. Part 1-, Room No. 23 ; Part JsmesJ. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Public II., Room No. Io, . ourt-house. Clerk's Office, Rooms DISTRICT ATTORNEY. First Division—No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan; rg and 22, open daily from q A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, Port Richmond, S. I. Edmund C Lee, Cl, rk. Wil lam H. Walker, Superintendent of Public x2 M. Office hours from 9 A, M. to ra M., and from t P. M. to Second Division—No, tos Court street. Brooklyn. Buildings and Offices. Joseph Aspinall and Frederick E. Crane, County 5P. M. Robert J. Wilkin, Justice. James P. Sinnott, Clerk. Matthew F. Donohue, Superintendent of Sewers. Judges. Edward S. Rawson, District Attorney. John L Jordan, Assistant Superintendent of Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT. Buildings. COUNTY CLERK. Courts open from q A. M. to 4 P. M. George F. Scannell, Superintendent of Highways. SURROGATE. City Magistrates — Robert C. Cornell Lero B. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N.Y. County 018ce Building, Richmond, S. 1., g A. M. to Crane, Charles A, Flammer, Clarence W. jifeade John Borough of The Bronx. James C. Church, Surrogate. 4 P. M. M. Mott, Joseph Pool, John B. Mayo, Edward h ugan Office of the President, corner Third avenue and One WilliamP. Pickett, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. C. L. Bostwick County Clerk. Peter P. Barlow, Matthew P. Breen, Seward Baker, Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Court opens at to A. M. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 County Court-bo»se, Richmond, S. L, q A. M, to 4 Alfred G. Ommen, Charles S. Whitman, Joseph Moss. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to is M. P, M.; Saturdays, 9 A. 12 M. P. M. Philip Bloch, Secretary.


First District—Criminal Court Building. side of Catharine street to East river. Clerk's office No. 9. Third Avenue—To construct a sewer AQUEDUCT COMMISSION. Second District—Jefferson Market. open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from in Thirdavenue, between Seventy-seventh and Third District—No, 69 Fssex street. 9 A, M. to 4 P. M Seventy-ninth streets. Fourth Idstnct—Fifty-seventh street, near Lexing- Leon Sanders. justice. James I. Devlin, Clerk, No. to. First Avenue—To rescind resolution AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ROOM No. 207 ton avenue. Court-zoom, No. aoo East Broadway. adopted October I, 1903, providit.e for the con- STEWART BUILDING, NO. a8o BROADWAY, NEW YORK, F.fth District — One Hundred and Twenty-first struction of a sewer in First avenue, between NOVHMBER 8, 1904, street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Seventy-first street and the Shore rood, with out- EALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS WILL BE RE. Sixth District— One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, First District—All that part of the Twenty-fourth let sewer in Seventieth street, between First and and Third avenue. Narrows avenues. S ceived by the Aqueduct Commissioners at the Ward w1 ich wa,lately annexed to the City and above office until 12 o'clock noon on Seventh District—Fifty-fourth street, west of Eighth County of New York by chapter c3, cf the Laws of No. I1. First Avenue—To construct a sewer avenue, - rag5, c mprising all cf the late Town of N estchester in First avenue, from Bay Ridge avenue to Wake- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 14104. SECOND DIVISION. and part of the Towns of Fastches Cr and Pelh: m, in- man place. FOR BUILDING A HIGHWAY BRIDGE. Borough of Brooklyn. eluding the Villages of Wakefield and Williamsbridge. No. I2. First Avenue—To amend resolution SUPERSTRUCTURE, TWO IIUNURED FEE'(' adopted March It, r9o3, providing for the pav- City Magistrates—Alfred E. Steers, A. V. B. Voor- Court-room, 'lown Hall, Main street, Westchester SPAN, ACROSS THE SPILLWAY OF TITE hees. Jr., James G. Tighe, Edward J. Dooley John Village. Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holi- ing with asphalt on concrete base of First ave- NEW CROTO'N DAM, IN THE TOWN OF Naumer, E. G. Higgenbotham, Frank E. O Reilly, days excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. Trial of causes nue, from the Shore Road driveway at or near CORTLANDT, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, Henry J. Furlong. are Tuesday and Friday of each week. Sixty-sixth street to Seventy-first street, by mak- N. Y. President of Board, James G. Tighe, No. 1845 Ber- William W. Penfield, Justice. Thomas F. Delehanty, ing the limits of said improvement from Shore The security required will be Fifteen Thousand gen street. Clerk road at or near Sixty-sixth street to Bay Ridge Dollars ($t5,000). secretary to the Board, Lawrence D. Carroll, West Office hours from 9 A. M, to 5 P.M.; Saturdays, clos- avenue. The bridge will be required to be finished and ghth stret tt Coney Island. ing at 12 M. No. 13. Seventy-second Street—To amend reso- erected ready for use or traffic approximately by Ei lution adopted hebruary 25, 1904, providing for First District—No. 318 Adams street. Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth March I, 1905. Second District—( hurt and Butler streets. regulating, grading, paving with asphalt blocks The work to be done consists in furnishing, Wards, except the territory described in chapter 934 on concrete foundation, setting or resetting curb, Third District—Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. of the Laws of x895, Court-room, corner f htrd avenue erecting and painting, complete and ready for Fourth District—Lee avenue and Clymer street. laying crosswalks, paving gutters and paving or travel, a highway bridge superstructure, 200 feet and One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. Office repaving cement sidewalks on Seventy-second }11th District—Manha- tan avenue and Powers street. hours from q A. M. to 4 P. M Court opens at to A. }I. span, across the spillway of the new Croton Dam. S xth District—Gates and heid avenues. street, between Second and Third avenues, by The work is authorized by chapter 490, Laws John M. Tiernry, Justice. Thomas A. Maher, excluding therefrom all provision for cement side- Seventh District—I,ram street (1-latbush). Clerk. of 1883 of the State of New York, and the amend- Eighth District—West Eighth street (Coney Island). walks. ments thereto. No. 14. Seventy-second Street—To lay cement BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. No bid will be received or considered unless accom- Borough of Queens. sidewalks on Seventy-second street, between Sec- First District—Comprising First, Second, Third. ond and Third avenues. panted by either a certified check upon one of the St.,te City Magiitrateti—Illatthew J. Smith, Luke J. Con- Fourth, Fifth, `ixth, tenth and Twelfth Wards of the No. is. Ninety-sixth Street—To regulate, grade, or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to norton, Edmund J. Healy. Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner set cement curb and brick gutter and lay cement the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount First District—Long island City. State and Court streets. sidewalks on Ninety-sixth street, between Fourth of ten (to) per centum of the amount of the security Second District- Flushing. John J. Walsn, Justice, Edward Moran, Clerk. avenue and Shore road. reautred for the faithful performance of the contract. Third District—Far Rockawvy. C Jerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. No. A. Fifty-fourth Street—To regulate, grade, Blank forms and further information may be obtained Calendar called at ro A. M. upon application therefor at the office of the Aqueduct Borough of Richmond. curb and gutter Fifty-fourth street, between Thir- Second District—Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Twen- teenth and Fifteenth avenues. Commissioners, No. s8o Broadway, The City of New City Magistrates—John Croak, Nathaniel Marsh. tieth, Twenty-hrst and Twenty-third Wards. Court- No. 17. Seventy-first Street—To regulate and York, where the plans may be seen. First District—New Brighton, Staten Island. room located at No. 495 Gates avenue, Brooklyn. grade Seventy-first street, between Fourteenth and WM. H. TEN EYCK, Second District—Stapleton, Staten Island. Calendar call d at ro o'clock A. M. President. Fifteenth avenues. HARRY W. WALKER, Gerard B. Van Wort, Justice. William H. Allen, No.18. Bay Twenty-sixth Street—To amend MUNICIPAL COURTS. Clerk. resolution of September 28, 1904, providing for Secretary. nq,z9 Clerk's Office open from q A. M. to 4 P. M. ®See General Inatructionn to Bid- Borough of itfanhattan. the regulating, grading, curbing and guttering of Third District—Includes the Thirteenth , Fourteenth, Bay Twenty-sixth street, between Cropsey avenue dera on the last page, last column, of First District—Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards and Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and and Eighty-sixth street, by including therein pro- the " City Record." all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway Nineteenth Wards. Court-house, Nos. o and 8 Lee vision for cement sidewalks. and Whitehall street, includ Hg Governor's Island, avenue, Brooklyn. No. t9. Narrows Avenue—To construct sewer- Bedloe's Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands. William J. Lynch, Justice. John W. Carpenter, basins on Narrows avenue, at the northeast and DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. New Court-house, No. x28 Prince street, corner of Clerk. southeast corners of Seventy-fourth street; the Wooster street Clerk's Office from 0 A. M. to 4 P.M. northeast and southeast corners of Seventy-sixth OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMFNT OF PARKS, ARSENAL Daniel F. Finn, Justice. Thomas O'Connell, Clerk. Court opens at to a clock. street, and at the northeast, southeast and north- Clerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND StxTV.FOURTH STREET Fourth District — Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, west corners of Seventy-seventh street, and at the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YI RN, Second District--Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four. Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth northeast and southeast corners of Seventy-eighth teenth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward Wards. Court-room, No. r4 Howard avenue. street. EAL1'D BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall 'Thomas H. Williams, Justice. No. 20. Narrows Avenue—To regulate, grade, S received by the Park Board at the above office o street. Court-zoom, corner of Grand and Centre G. J. Wiederhold. I. curb and lay cement sidewalks on Narrows ave- the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock P. M., on nue, between Seventy-first and Seventy-ninth streets. - R. I Bennett, Assistant Clerk. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. Herman Bolte,Justice. Francis Mangin, Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M. streets. Clerk's CfHce open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. No. 21. Narrows Avenue—To pave with Borough of Brooklyn. Court opens daily at in A. Sr., and remains open until Fifth District—Eighth, Twenty-second, Twenty- macadam or asphalt on concrete foundation Nar- FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING daily calendar is disposed of and close of the daily busi- ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and I sixty-second Wards. rows avenue, between Seventy-first and Seventy' MANURE ON PARKS AND PARKWAYS, IN ness, except on =umtays and legal holidays. Court-house, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and ninth streets, THE BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND 1 hird avenue. No. 22. Eighty-fourth Street—To construct a QUEENS, Third District—Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. Court- Cornelius Furgueson,Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, sewer in Eighty-fourth street, between First and The time allowed for the delivery of the ma- room, southwest corner Si,th avenue and West Tenth Clerk. Second avenues. terial will be 3o days, street. Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays Clerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 'No. z3. Eighty-fourth Street—To pave with as- The amount of security required is Five Thou- excepted) front q A. M. to 4 P. M. phalt on concrete foundation Eighty-fourth street, sand Dollars. Wm. F. Moore, Justice. Daniel Williams, Clerk, BOROUGH OF QUEEsS. between First and Third avenues. The bids mill be compared and the contract awarded Fourth District—'Tenth and Feventeenth Wards. First District—First Ward (all of Long Island City, No. 24. Thirty-eighth Street—To amend resolu- at a lump or aggreeate sum. Court-room, N'o. 3o First street, corner Second avenue. formerly composing five wards). Courtroom, No. 46 tion of September z8, T904, providing for the Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Clerk's Office open daily from 9 A. M. to 4 P M. Court Jackson avenue, Long Island City. regulating, grading, curbing and laying cement Department of Parks, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect sidewalks on Thirty-eighth street, between Third Park, Brooklyn. opens so A. M. daily, and remains open to close of Cle k's Oil cc open from y A. M. to 4 P. M. each day and Fourth avenues, by including therein pro- business. - excepting Saturdays, closing at Ia M. Trial days JOHN J. PALI.AS, President; George F. Roesch, Justice. Andrew Lang, Clerk. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. All cther busi- vision for concrete retaining wall. JOHN 1. BRADY, ness transacted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No. 2$. To pave with cement five feet wide MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, Fifth District—The Fifth District embraces the Thomas C. Kadien, J_stice. Thomas F. Kennedy, the sidewalks opposite the following-described Commissioners of Parks Eleventh Ward and all that portion of the '1 hirteenth Clerk. lots: Dated OCTOBER 31, 1904. Ward which lies east of the centre line of Norfo k On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- na, I7 street and north of the centre line of Grand s reet Second Distri- t—Second and Third Wards, which tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets, known and west of the centre line of Pitt street and north of includes the territory of the late Towns of Newtown as Nos. I to 8, inclusive, Block 226, Thirtieth the centre line of Delancey street and northwest of and Flushing. Court-room, in Court-house of the late Ward Map; OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL Clinton street to Rivington street, and on the centre Town of Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH STREET, line of Rivington street south to Norfolk street, street, Flmhuist, Ncw York. P.O. Address, Elm- tween Fortieth and Forty-first streets, known BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF New YORK, Court-room, No. 154 Clinton street. hurst, New York. as Nos. I to 9, inclusive, Block 223, Thirtieth Benjamin Hoffman, Justice. Thomas Fitzpatrick, William Rasquin, Jr., Justice. Henry Walter, Jr., Ward Map; EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Clerk. Clerk. On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- S received by the Park Board at the above office Clerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. tween Forty-first street and Tenth avenue, known of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock P. M., on Sixth District—Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards. as Nos. I to 5, inclusive, Block 22z, Thirtieth THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. Court-room, northwest corner Twenty-third street Third District—Fourth and Fifth Wards, comprising Ward Map; and Second avenue. Court opens at 9 A. M. daily, and the territory of the former towns and villages of On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- Borough of Brooklyn. continues open until close of business. Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway Beach. tween Forty-second street and Forty-third street, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Daniel F. Martin, Justice. Abram Bernard, Clerk. James F, McLaughlin, Justice. George W. Damon, known as No. t, Block 145, Thirtieth Ward Map; AND MATERIALS TO BUILD ROADWAY Clerk, On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- AND WALKS IN REAR OF INSTITUTE OF Seventh District—Nineteenth Ward. Court-room, ( ourt-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. No. 151 East Fifty seventh street. Court opens every tween Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets, known ARTS AND SCIENCES, BOROUGH OF 'Telephone, 189 Jamaica as No. t, Block 148, Thirtieth Ward Map; BROOKLYN. morning at 9 o'clock (except Sundays and legal h„lt- CC Jerk's Office open from g A. M. tO 4 P. M. days,, and continues open to close of business, On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- The time allowed to complete the whole work will be Court held on lilondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at tween Forty-fourth street and Fort Hamilton ave- C Herman Josef h, Justice. to o'clock A. Si. o consecutive working days. nr.e, known as 'No. I, Block 149, Thirtieth Ward The amount of security required is Five Thousand E ighth District—Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. Boaoc'aH OF RICHIIOND. IAlnn; Dollars, ( ourt-room, northwest corner of 'I•wenty-third street On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- The bids will be compared and the contract and Eighth avenue Court opens at 9 A. M. and con- First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of tween Fort Hamilton avenue and Forty-fifth awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. tinues open until close of business. Summary pro- Casleton and lorthfield). Court-room, former Village street, known as No. 1, Block 132, Thirtieth Blank forms may be obtained and plans may be ceedings and return causes called at 9.30 A. M. Hal, Lafayette avenue and Second st,eet, New Ward Map; seen at the office of the Department of Parks, Litchfield Calendar trial causes, ro A. M. Brighton. On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- Mansion, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, Clerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., and on John J. Kenny, Justice. Anning S. Prall, Clerk. tween Forty-fifth street and Eleventh avenue, JOHN J. PALLAS, President; Saturdays until is M. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. known as Nos. I and 2, Block tat, Thirtieth JOHN J. BRADY, Trial days and Return days, each Court day. Court held each day, except Saturdays, from to A. M. Ward Map; MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, James W McLaughlin. Justice. On the west side of New Utrecht avhnue, be- Commissioners of Parks. Henry Merzbach, Clerk. Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards tween Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh streets, (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Dated OCTOBER , 1904, o22,nio Ninth District—Twelfth Ward, except that portion ge HaIl, Stapleton, known as No. I, Block 129, Thirtieth Ward Map; Court-room former Edgewater Villa On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- tw'- See General Instructions to Bidders thereof which lies west of the centre line of Lenox or George W. Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. tween Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth streets, on the last page, last column, ofthe •-City Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem River, north of the Clerk's Office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, accord." terminus of Lenox avenue. Court room, No xyo East Court held each day from to A. M, and continued known as No. I, Block 126, Thirtieth Ward One Hundred and Twenty-first street, southeast until close of busine,s. Map; corner of Sylvan place. C art opens ev. ry morning at On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- 9 o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con- tween Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets, known CHANGE OF (TRADE DAMAGE tinues open to close of business. BO~OUGH OF BROOKLYN. as Nos. I and 2, Block 125, Thirtieth Ward COMMISSION. Joseph P. Fallon, Justice. William J. Kennedy, Map; Clerk. On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- Clerk's Office open from q A. M, to 4 P. M. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, IN AC- tween Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets, known as TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY•FOURTB cordanee with section 432 of the Greater New No. 2, Block T2z, Thirtieth Ward Map; WARDS. Tenth District—'I he Tenth District embraces that YorkN Charter, the following petitions received by On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- portion of the Twenty-second Ward south of Seventieth the President of the Borough will be presented to tween Twelfth avenue and Fifty-seventh street, street. Court-room. No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street. the Local Board ofthe Bay Midge Districtforcon- known as No. I, Block 9q, Thirtieth Ward Map; URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) sideration, at a meeting to be held on Mond%y. No- On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- P ter 539 of the Laws of 1893 and the Acts amenda- from q A. M. to 4 P. M. vember at, rgot, in Ropm No. tt, Borough Hall, Brook tween Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets, known tory thereof and supplemental thereto, notice is hereby Thomas E. Murray, Justice. Michael Skelly, Clerk Lyn, at a.3o P. M. : as No. I, Block So, Thirtieth Ward Map; given that meetings of the Commissioners appointed On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- under said Acts will be held at the office of the Com- Eleventh District—The Eleventh District embraces No. I. Avenue P—To alter the map or plan tween Fifty-second and Fifty-third streets, known mission, Room x38, No. xso Broadway (Stewart Build- of The City of New York b changing the grade that portion of the Twelfth Ward which lies north of y as No. I, 'Block 83, Thirtieth Ward Map; ing), Borough of Manhattan, New York City, on the centre line of West One Hundred and Tenth on Avenue P, from East Twenty-fourth street On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, at street, between Lenox avenue and Seventh avenue; to East Twenty-first street; on East Twenty-sec- tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth streets, known 2 o'clock P. a., until further notice. north of the centre line of One Hundred and Twen- ond strew', from Avenue 0 to Avenue Q; and as No. r, Block 84, Thirtieth Ward Map; Dated New YORK CITY, March z6, rgo4. titth street, between Seventh avenue and Broadway; on East Twenty-third street, from Avenue 0 to On the west side of New Utrecht avenue, be- WILLIAM F. STILLINGS, north of the centre line of One Hundred and Nine. Avenue 0. tween Fifty-fourth street and Kowenhoven lane, CHARLES A. JACKSON, teenth street, between Broadway and the North or No. 2. Thirteenth Avenue—To alter the map or known as No. I, Block 86, Thirtieth Ward Map; OSCAR S. BAILEY, Hudson river, and west of the centre line of Lenox or plan of The City of New York by changing the and Commissioners Sixth avenue and of the Harlem river; north of the grade at the intersection of Thirteenth avenue On the south side of Forty-ninth street, be- LAMONT MCLOUGHLIN, terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Court-room, No. and Fifty-sixth street. tween Second and Third avenues, known as 'Nos. (-lark. 90 Manhattan street. Clerk's office open daily (Sun- No. 3. Fourteenth Avenue—To amend the pro- to, 23 and 3t, Block 781, Eighth Ward Map. days and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 ceedings pending for opening Fourteenth avenue, P. M. Court convenes daily at 9.45 A. M. from West street to Sixty-fifth street, by ex- MARTIN W. LITTLETO'N Francis J. Worcester, Justice. Heman B. Wilson, eluding therefrom that portion of said Fourteenth President, Borough of Brooklyn. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Clerk. avenue occupied by the tracks of the Long Island JOHN A. HEFFERNAN, Railroad and the Sea Beach Railroad, between Secretary. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, Twelfth District—The Twelfth District embraces Sixty-first and Sixty-second streets. No. 548 EAST TWENTIRTH STREET, BOROUGH OF that portion of the 'I wenty-second Ward north of No. 4. Fifty-ninth Street—To construct a sewer MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Seventieth street, and that portion of the Twelfth in Fifty-ninth street, between New Utrecht and Ward which lies north of the centre line of Eighty- Thirteenth avenues. BOARD MEETINGS. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE sixtn at set and west of the centre line of Seventh No. 5. Fifty-eighth Street—To construct a sewer S received by the Commissioner of Correction at avenue and south of the centre line of One Hundred in Fifty-eighth street, between Fourteenth and the aoovc office until it o'clock A. M , on and Twentieth street, between Seventh avenue and Fifteenth avenues. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment meet THURSDAY. NOVElI1BER 17, 1904. Broadway, and south of the centre line of One Hun- in the Old Council Chamber (Room x6), City Hall, No. 6. Sixty-first Street—To construct a sewer Borough of Manhattan, dred and Nineteenth street, between BroadwayN and in Sixty-first street, between Third and Fourth every Friday, at xo.3o o'clock A. M. the North or Hudson river. Court-room, o 2630 avenues; and in Third avenue, between Sixty- JAMES W. STEVENSON, No. I. FOR FURNISHING ALL 'I HE LABOR Broadway. first and Sixty-second streets. Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR ERECTION Alfred P. W. Seaman, Justice- James V. GiUoon, No. 7. Sixty-first Street—To construct a sewer ANDCOMPLETION OF PLUMBING, ELECTRIC Clerk. in Sixty-first street, between Twelfth and Fort LIGHTING, HEATING, ETC., TO ANNEX AND Hamilton avenues, with an outlet sewer in Elev- FEMALE PRISON BUILDINGS TO NEW CITY Thirteenth District—South side of Delancey street, enth avenue, between Sixtieth and Sixty-first The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in PRISON. from East river to Pitt Street; east side of Pitt street, streets. the old Council Chamber (Room r6), City Hall, at call The time for the completion of the work and the Grand street, south side of Grand street to Norfolk No.8. Sixty-third Street—To construct a sewer of the Mayor. full performance of the contract is I75 working days street, east aide of Norfolk street to Division street, in Sixty-third street, between Fourth and Fifth N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, The amount of secunty required is fifty per cent. south side of Division street to Catharine street, east avenues. Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. (so%) of the amount of the bid or estimate. 7608 THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at HEADQUARTERS OF THE LORE DEPARTMENT OP THE DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIeR "A," trict for Local Improvements will be held in the 8 lump or ag$regate sum. CrrY of NEW YORK, Nos. 157 AND r59 EAST SIXTY- FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH borough Office, ( ity Hall, on the ;ad day of Novem- Delivery will be required to be made at the time SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ber, 19 4, at It.go A.M., at which meeting said com- and in the manner and in such quantities as may be of NEW YORK. munication will be submitted to the Board. directed. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE JOHN F. AHEARN, Blank forms and further information may be ob- S received by the Fire Commissioner at the above S received by the Commissioner of Docks at the President. tained and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office until 1o.3o o'clock A. M., on above office until a o'clock P. M., on BERNARD DowNIsU, ofrce of the Department of Correction, the Borough MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1904. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. Secretary. of Manhattan, No. 148 East Iwentietb street. FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Borough of Manhattan. Commissioner. No, I. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- CONTRACT No. 85x. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF n2,17 BOR ANLI MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MANH:\T AN, ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS TO THE NEW YORK, November 7, rgo4. t7See General Instructions to Bid- MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FURNISHING FIREBOAT .. HE NEW YORKER " (ENGINE AND DELIVERING MISCELLANEOUS SUP- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, IN ACCORD- dere on the last page, last column, of COMPANY g7)- the "City Record." PLIES. ance with section 432 of the Charter of The City The time for the completion of the work and The time for the completion of the work and of New York, that a communication signed by the Com- the full performance of the contract is 6o days. the full performance of the contract is on or missioner of Public Works, recomn.ending the con- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, NO. 148 EAST TWEN- The amount of security required is Four Thou- before the expiration of 180 calendar days. struction of a receiving basin on the north side of Sixty- TIETH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CIrs sand Dollars. The amount of security will be— ninth street, between West End avenue and I welfth ave- OF NEW YORK. Bids will be compared and the contract awarded For Class I., Wrought-iron Cast-iron Steel, nue, has been filed in this Office, and is now ready For pub- at a lump or aggregate sum. etc. the sum of Nine Thousanc Dollars (bg,000)- he inspection, and that a meeting of the Board of Local EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE RE. Borough of Richmond, S ceved by the Commissioner of Correction at the Ftor Class II., Boilers, Engines, Pumps, etc., Improvements of the Riverside District for Local Im- above office until is o'clock A. a., on No. I. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). prove cents will be held in the Borough Office, City PNG FIRE ALARM SIGNAL BOXES FOR For Class III., Pipes, Fittings, Valves, Sheet Hall, on the azd day of November, 1,04, at 11.30 A. M., at THURSDAY, 11OVEMBER 17, 1904. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH SYSTEM. Metal etc., the sum of One Thousand Five Hun- which meeting said communication will be submitted Borough of Manhattan. The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- dred bollars ($t,5oo). to the Board. No. z. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING terials and supplies and the performance of the For Class IV. Lumber, etc., the sum of Five JOHN F. AHEARN, POULTRY, SALT PORK, APPLES, ETC., FOR contract is by or before December 26, 1904. Thousand Two hundred Dollars ($5,200). President. THANKSGIVING. The amount of security required is ! ourteen For Class V., Hardware, etc., the sum of Four BERNARD DOWNING, The time for the delivery of the articles, materials Hundred Dollars ($1,400). Thousand Dollars ($4,000). Secretary. The bidder will state the price of each item or For Class VI., Miscellaneous, the sum of Three and supplies and the performance of the contract is by Thousand Dollars ($3,000). or before November 2z, 1404. article contained in the specifications or schedules The amount of security required is fifty per cent. herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, ton, For Class VII., Paints, Oils, etc., the sum of OFFICE OF THE PRrSInENT OF THE BOROUGH OF (5o11 of the amount of the bid or estimate. dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, by which One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($I,200). MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY or NKw The bidder will state the price of each item or the bids will be tested. [he extensions must be made The bidder will state ti epricecf each item or article YORK. article contained in the specifications or schedules and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total. contained in the specifications or scheduleshereincon- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, ton, The bids will be compared and the contract awarded tained or hereto annexed, per pound, ton, dozen, gal- S received by the President of the Borough of dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, by which at a lump or aggregate sum. Ion. yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids Manhattan, at the City Hall, Room No. r6, until the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made Lelivery will be icquired to be made at the time and will be tested. The extensions must be made and 3 o'clock P. M.. on in the manner and to such quantities as may be footed up, as the bids will be read from the total for and footed up, as the bids will be read from the totals MONDAY. NOVEMBER 91, 1904. and awards made to the lowest bidder on each item. directed. each class and awards made to the lowest bidder on Delivery will be required to be made at the time and Blank forms and further information may be ob. each class. FOR FURNISHING THE NECESSARY LA- in the manner and in such quantities as may be tained at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. 157 Delivery will be required to be made at the time BOR AND MIATERI:AL !-OR TIN ROOFING directed. and 159 East Sixty-seventh Street, Alanhattan. and in the manner and in such quantities as may be THE WEST WASIIINGTON MARKET, LO- Blank forms and further information may be ob- NICHOLAS J. HAYES, directed. C.\TED AT TENTH AVENUE AND BLOO\f- tained and the plans and draw fogs may oe seen at the Fire Commissioner. Blank forms and further information maybe obtained FIELD STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHAT- office of the Department of Correction, the Borough of Dated NOVEMBER 7, 1904. n9,1t and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office TAN. Manhattan, No. 148 East Twentieth street. of the said Department. Time allowed for erecting and completing the lLYSee General Instructions to Bid- work will he 3o days. FRANCIS J. LANTRY, ders on the last page, last column, of MAURICE FEATHERSON, Commissioner. Commissioner of Docks. The amount of security required is One Thou- the "City Record." sand Dollars ($I,000). Dated NOYEMeER 1, 1904. na,17 Dated OCTOBER 24, 5904. 027,n9 Bidders will state one aggregate price for the whole B= 'See General Instructions to Bid- 'See General Instructions to Bidders work described and specified, as the contract is entire ders on the last page, last column, of HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT, CIT7 Or on the last page, last column, of the "City and fora complete job. the "City Record." NEW YORK, 'Nos. 15y-t5g EAST SIXTY-SEVENTH Record." Plans and drawings maybe seen and blank forms of STREET, NEW YORK, October 26, 19o4. the contract and spec tications may be obtained at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works Bureau of DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. A. SEBASTIAN, AUCTIONEER, DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER A Public Builuings and Offices, No. zt Par, row, Borough NORTH Rivas, NEW YORK, MARCH 31, 1904. of Manhattan. N BEHALF OF THE FIRE DEPART- 'V HF. COMMISSIONER HAS FIXED THE JOHN F. AHEARN, DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Nos. 13 TO2I PARK Row, O ment of The City of New York, will offer amounts of bonds required on contracts awarded Borough President. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NNW YORK. for sale at public auction to the highest bidder by this Department, as follows: THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 9, 1904. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE RE- for cash, at the storeroom of this Department, On all contracts for supplies, 4c per cent. of the nq,s t No. 439 East Sixty-eighth street, Manhattan, at ceived by the Commissioner of Bridges at the estimated cost E7See General Instructions to Bid- aboveS office until is o'clock noon, on Ia o'clock s[. Wednesday, November 9, 1904, the On all contracts, other than contracts for supplies, following condemned property, which is of no ders on the last page, last column, of WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1904. where the estimated cost is not over jaoo,000, 40 the •' Clt)' Record." further use to this Department: Percent. of the estimated cost ; Brooklyn Bridge. Lot No. I. to tons of lead (more or less). On all contracts, other than contracts for supplies, FlIR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING Lot No. 2. x34 tons of copper (more or less). where the estimated cost is over > soo,000, but not over Lot No. 3. 3 tons of iron (more or less). OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Gr TrtE BOROUGH OF TWO Ito HORSE POWER STEAM ENGINES $1000,000, 55 per cent. of the estimated cost; \N1) TWO 75 K. W. DIRECT CURRENT GEN- Lot No. 4. Soo pounds of zinc (more or less). On all contracts, other than contracts for supplies MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ERATORS, AT THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE Lot No. 5. 1,500 pounds old rope (more or less). where the estimated cost is over $r,000,000, so per EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE POWER HOUSE, MAIN STREET, BOROUGH Lot No. 6. t old buggy. cent. of the estimated cost. S received by the President of the Borough of Man- OF BROOKLYN. Lot No. 7. 250 feet old submarine cable. hattan, at the City Hall, Room No. 16, until 3 o'clock Lot No. B. 2 15-inch gongs. CHARLES J. COLLINS, P. M., on The time allowed for furnishing and installing Each lot will be sold separately. --- Secretary the engines and generators and performance of WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1904, the contract is sixty (6o) days. The right to reject all bids is reserved. The highest bidder for Lots Nos. 6, 7 and 8, in The amount of security required is Two Thou- case the bid is accepted, will be required to pay POLICE DEPARTMENT. No. I. FOR REGUT.ATING AND REPAVING sand Dollars ($2.000). for same in cash at the time of sale and must WITH WOOD BLOCK PAVEMENT ON CON- Blank forms and sp:cifieations can be obtained at CRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF the office of the Department of Bridges. remove the articles within 24 hours thereafter; the highest bidder for Lots Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4 and POLICE DEPARTMFNr of THE CITY or NEW YORK, WEST BROADWAY, from Chambers street to GEO. E. BEST, No. 300 MULBERRY STREET. Fulton street, AND GREENWICH STREET, Commissioner of Bridges. 5, in case the bid is accepted, will be required to pay for the same in cash at the time of weigh- from Vesey street to Dey street. Dated NOVEMBEC 7, 19c4. nq,z3 EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work ing and delivery. received by the Police Commissioner of the Police See General Instructions to Bidders on All of the above property may be seen at any S to be done: the last page, last column, of the •' City Department of The City of New York at the above 8,909 square yards wood block pavement. time before the day of sale at the place above office until 2 o'clock P. M., on Record." specified. i,o8i cubic yards excavation. NICHOLAS J. HAYES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. 387 cubic yards concrete, including mortar Fire Commissioner. bed. DEPARTMENT or BRIDGES, Nos. 13 TO 2r PARK 027,09 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING 2,170 linear feet new bluestone curbstone fur- Row, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. TWENTY-FIVE HORSES FOR THE POLICE nished and set. DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW 440 linear feet old bluestone curbstone, re- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE YORK. dressed, rejointed and reset. S received by the Commissioner of Bridges at the DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND The time for the delivery of the horses and the Ig noiseless covers, complete, for sewer above office until ra o'clock noon, on FERRIES. performance of the contract is during the year manholes, furnished and set. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. 22 noiseless covers, complete, for water manholes, furnished and set. Brooklyn Bridge. 19 The amount of security required is Three Thou- DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER " A," sand Dollars. Time allowed for doing and completing above No. I. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH OF work is loo working days. MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF Now YORK. For particulars as to the nature and extent of the ING YELLOW PINE, WHITE PINE AND work required or of the materials to be furnished Amount of security required is Seven Thou- SPRUCE LUMBER. EALED RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE RE• bidders are referred to the specifications and to the sand Dollars. The amount of security required is Three Thou- S ceived by the Commissioner of Docks at the above plans on file in the office of the Inspector of Repairs No. a. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING sand Dollars ($3'000). office until it o'clock P. at., on and Supplies of the Police Department, No. 300 WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON CON- No. 2. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- CRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF TUEDSAY, NOVEMBER 9R, 1904. Mulberry street, City of New York. ING SPRUCE PLANK. Blank forms and further information may be ob- PARK ROW, from Ann street to the south line The amount of security required is Four Thou- Borough of Manhattan. tained at the Central Office of the Police Department, of Brooklyn Bridge, AND NASSAU STREET, sand Dollars ($4,000). No. 300 Mulberry street, Borough of Manhattan. between Spruce street and Frankfort street. The time for the delivery of the materials CONI RACT NO. 883. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND WILLIAM McADOO, and supplies and the performance of the con• Police Commissioner. to be done: tracts is by or before September I, 1905, as VATERIAIS REQUIRED FOR FURNISHING 8,o6o square yards asphalt pavement, including directed by the Commissioner. AND DELIVERING SAND. Dated NOVEMBER s, 1404. n5,r7 binder course. Blank forms and specifications can be obtained at the The time for the completion of the work and the 138ee General Instruction■ to Bid- 1,050 cubic yards concrete. full performance of the contract is on or before the ders on the last page, last column, of 710 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur- office of the Department of Bridges expiration of Iffo calendar rays. GEO. E. BEST, the " City Record." nished and set. Commissioner of Bridges. The amount of security required is One Thousand too linear feet old bluestone _ :rbs.aue, re- Dollars. dressed, rejointed and react. NOVEMEER 2, 1004. 03,17 The bids will be compared and the contract awarded 8 noiseless covers,complete, for sewer 178ee General Instructions to Bid- at a lump or aggregate sum. POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY OF NEW YORK, zggg. manholes, furnished and set. Delivery will be required to be made at the time ders on the last page, last column, of OWNERS WANTED BY THE PIYOPERTY p noiseless covers, complete, for water the "City Record." and in the manner and in such quantities as may be manholes, furnished and set. directed. V Clerk of the Police Department of The City of New York, No. Soo Mulberry street, Room Time allowed for doing and completing above Blank forms and further information may be obtained work is 75 working days. at the office of the said Department. No. 9, for the following property, now in his custody, without claimants: Busts, rope, iron, Amount of security required is Six Thousand FIRE DEPARTMENT. MAURICE FEATHERSON, Dollars. Commissioner of Docks. lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, olankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc., No. 3 FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- Dated Nov EMBER 4, 1904. ng,z2 ING WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON HEADQUARTERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE also small amount of money taken .tom prisoners See General hutrnot1ont to Bidders and found by Patrolmen of this Dep•.rtment. PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS FOUN- CITY OF NEW YORK, Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST SIxTY- DATIO'N THE ROADWAY OF HUDSON on the last page, last column, of the THOMAS F. O.CON NOR, SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE City Record." STREET, from south side of Jay street to north CITY OF NEW YORK. Property Clerk side of Worth street; JAY STREET, from east EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE side of Hudson street to west side of Staple § received by the Fire Commissioner at the above DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER " A," street, AND STAPLE STREET, from south side o cc until ro.3o o'clock A. M., On FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORIH RIVER, BOROUGH OF POLICE DaPARTMx

135 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur- Third avenue, from 'Ninety-ninth street to Bay Prospect avenue to the Southern Boulevard, and at Estimating Room, Hall of the Board of Educa• nished and set. Ridge parkway (Shore road); Bay Ridge park- to the extent of half the block at the intersecting tton. Park avenue and bitty-ninth street, Borough of 75 linear feet old bluestone curbstone, re- way (Shore road), from Third avenue to Fourth and terminating streets. Manhattan. dressed, rejointed and reset. avenue; Fourth avenue, from Shore road to One All persons whose interests are affected by the above- C S. J. SNYDFR, Time allowed for doing and completing above ITundred and First street; One Hundred and Superintendent of School Buildings. work is 20 working days. named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to First street, from Fourth avenue to Fort Hamil- the same, or either of them. are requested to present NOVEMBER 2, 1Q04- n2,14 Amount of security required is Five Hundred ton avenue, and Fort Hamilton avenue, from Dollars. their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the One Hundred and First street to Ninety-second Board of Assessors. No.3zo Broadway, New York, on LYSee General Instructions to Bid- The contracts must be bid for separately and the street. Also sewers in Ninety-third street, be- or before November 09, 1904. at I P. M., at which time ders on the last page, last column, of bids will be compared and t e c ntract awarded at a tween Marine avenue and Fourth avenue; Ninety- and place the said objections will be heard and testi- the " City Record." lump of aggregate sum for each contract fourth street, between Marine avenue and Fourth mony received in reference thereto. I he bidder will state the price of eac , item or article avenue; Ninety-fifth street, between Marine ave- contained in the specifications or schedules her in con nue and Fourth avenue; Ninety-seventh street, ROB, RT MUH, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. tamed or hereto annexed pr loot, yard or other unit between Marine avenue and Fourth avenue; AN I ONTO ZLCCA, CHARLES A. O'MALLEY, of measure or article by which the bids will be tested Marine avenue, between Ninety-second and Nine- NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. The extensions must be made and footed up as the bids ty-sixth streets; Second avenue, between Shore Board of Assessors. WILLIAM H. JASPER, will be read from the total. road and Marine avenue; and outlet sewers in Secretary, URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF Blank forms may tic had and the plans and drawings Marine avenue, between Ninety-sixth street and No, 310 Broadway. P section 958 of the Greater New York may be seen at the office of the C ommissioner of Fort Hamilton avenue; Second avenue, between Charter, the resolution of the Board of Re- Public Works, Nos. 13-at Park row, Bureau of High- Ninety-fourth street and Marine avenue; Third CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, vision of Assessments of Decemher 31, 1903, and ways, Borough of danhattan. avenue, between Ninety-fourth street and Marine October v8, 1904. the opinion of the Corporation Counsel dated JUnN F. AHEARN, avenue. oz8,n9 December 18, 1903, the Comptroller of The City Borough President. List 7602, No. z. Regulating, grading, curbing, of New York hereby gives public notice to all THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 4, 1904. laying cement sidewalks and paving with asphalt persons, owners of property affected by the assess- .4,16 pavement Dean street, between Sackman street ment for " IMPROVEMENT OF JACKSON VYSee General Instructions to Bid- and Rockaway avenue, together with a list of OFFICIAL BOROUGH PAPERS. AVENUE," Long Island City (confirmed Feb- ders on the laNt Page, last column, of awards for damages caused by a change of grade. ruary 24, 1893), that he has authorized and the "City Record." List 7638, 'No. g. Grading and paving Park directed the Collector of Assessments and Ar- place with asphalt pavement between Classon ave- BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. rears to accept eighty-five per cent. (85%) of the nue and Franklin avenue, setting and resetting principal of said assessment, without interest, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF curb and paving sidewalks with cement where not " North Side News." 11 Westchester Indevendeot.' if paid on or before November first, nineteen hun- MANHATTAN, t.ITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW already done. " Bronx Sentinel, " Harem Reporter and Bronx dred and five. YORK. List 8057, No, 4. Regulating, grading, paving Chronicle," " Bronx Borough Record." EDWARD M. GROUT, hALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE and curbing Third avenue, from Sixtieth street Cotnptroller. to Shore road. received by the President of the Borough of BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. CITY or NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF 1'INANCE,I S List 8172, No. g. Sewer in Narrows avenue, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November , 1904. J Manhattan, at the City Hall, Room No. 16, unti, between Seventy-first street and Shore road, and 3 o'clock F, st., on •' Staten Islander," "Staten Island Star," n9,19 outlet sewers in Eighty-third street, between Nar- " Richmond County Herald." " Richmond County WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16.1904. rows avenue and Shore road; in Eightyeighth Democrat," "Staten Island World." NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND street, between Narrows avenue and Shore road, MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR REPAIRS TO and in the Shore road, between Eighty-eighth BOROUGH OF QUEENS. URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SEWER AND -ITS APPURTENANCES IN street and Eighty-sixth street. section 958 of the Greater New York Char- The limits within which it is proposed to lay "Long Island Daily Star," "Flushing Daily P NINETY-SIXTH STREET, between Riverside Times," "Flushing Evening Journal," Queens ter, the resolution of the Board of Revision of drive and West End avenue. the said assessments include all the several houses Assessments of December 31, 1903, and the opin- and lots of ground. vacant lots, pieces and par- Borough Adverti'er,' "Jamaica Standard," "*Rocka- The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and way News," " Long Island harmer." ion of the Corporation Counsel, dated December quality of the material and the nature and ex- eels of land situated or— 18, 1903, the Comptroller of The City of New No. I. Both sides of Fort Hamilton avenue, tent, as near as possible, of the work required, BOROUGH OP BROOKLYN. York hereby gives public notice to all persons, is as follows: from Narrows avenue to Ninety-second street; owners of property, affected by the assessment for 462 linear feet of brick sewer of 6 feet in- both sides of Gelston avenue, from Ninety-second ,, Brooklyn Eagle," " Brooklyn Times," " Brooklyn "IMPROVEMENT OF VERNON AVENUE terior diameter, to be taken up and to Ninety-fourth street; both sides of Fourth ave- Citizen," "Brooklyn St,,ndard Unum," "Brooklyner AND THE BOULEVARD," Long Island City rebuilt. nue, from Denyse street to Ninety-second street; Freie Presse," " Brooklyn Weekly News," " Flatbush (confirmed February 24, 1893), that he has au- 82 linear feet of brick sewer of 6 feet in- both sides of Fifth avenue, from Ninetv-second Weekly News." thorized and directed the Collector of Assess- terior diameter, to be built in partly to Ninety-fifth street; both sides of Third ave- ments and Arrears to eccept seventy-five per cent. excavated trench. nue, from Ninety-second street to Narrows ave- BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ( 7 5 io) of the principal of said assessment, with- nue: both sides of Second avenue, from Narrows 100,000 feet, B. M., of timber and planking for " Harlem Local Reporter" (Harlem District), out interest, if paid on or before May first, nine- bracing and sheet piling. avenue to Ninety-second street; both sides of tern hundred and five. Boo linear feet of iron pipe house connection Narrows avenue and Shore road, fromFourth "Democracy" IN ashcngton Heights, Morningside Heights, and Harlem Districts;. If not paid on or before May first, nineteen drain. avenue to Ninety-third street; both sides of hundred and five, said Collector is authorized and Marine avenue, from Fort Hamilton avenue to Designation by Board of City Record April z6, 1904. The time allowed to complete the whole work Amended July z2 and September t6, 1904. directed to accept eighty-five (85) per cent. of is two hundred (zoo) working days. Ninety-second street; both sides of Ninety-third the principal of said' assessment, without interest, The amount of the security required is l'en street, from Fourth avenue to Shore road; both if payment thereof be offered on or before No- Thousand Dollars ($10,000). sides of Oliver street, extending about zo5 feet vember first, nineteen hundred and five. The bidder will state the price of each item or article west of Marine avenue; both sides of Ninety- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. EDWARD M. GROUT, contained in the cp.-cifications or schedules herein con- fourth, Ninety-fifth, Ninety-seventh and Ninety- Comptroller. tained or hereto annexed, per foot, yard or other unit ninth streets. from Fort Hamilton avenue to CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, Shore road; both sides of Ninety-sixth street. of measure or article, by which the bids will be to led. DEPARTMENT OF EDt-CATION, CORNER OF PARK AVE. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November 1904. from Fourth avenue to Shore road: both sides of The extessmns must be made and footed up. as the bids OUR4ND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHAT n9,19 wilt be read from the total and the contract awarded at One Hundredth street. from Fort Hamilton ave- one to Third avenue; both sides of Denyse street TAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. - a lump sips. NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. Blank formns may be had and the plans and drawings (One Hundred and First street), from Fort EAI.ED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL Rh may be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Public Hamilton avenue to Fourth avenue. S received by the 'upenntendent of School Sup No. z. Both sides of Dean street, from Sack- IN PURSUANCE OF 'tECTION TOTS OF THE Works, Nos. 13-11 Park row, Bureau of Sewers, Bor- plies at the above office of the Department of Education I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of ough of Manhattan. man street to Rockaway avenue, and to the ex- mtil 3 o'clock P. M., on tent of half the block at the intersecting and The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all JOHN F. AHEARN, TUES')AY. NOVE~IBFB 15 1904. persons, owners of property, affected by the following Borough President. terminating streets. asoessmenis for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the No. 3. Both sides of Park place, from Classon FOR PRINTING, FURNISHING AND DE- THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 3, 1904• BOROUGH OF' MANHATTAN: na,tf. avenue to Franklin avenue, and to the extent LIVERING THE CITY SUPERINTENDENT R See General Instructions to Bid- of half the block at the intersecting and termi- OF SCITOOLS' ANNUAL REPORT, 1904, TWENTY-SECOND WARD, SECTION 4. ders on the last page, last column, of nating streets. The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- EXTENSION TO OUTLET SEWER AT the "City Record.' No. 4. Both sides of Third avenue, from Six- terials and supplies and the performance of the FOOT OF WEST SEVENTY-SECOND tieth street to Shore road. and to the extent of contract is by or before December 31, 1904. STREET. Area of assessment: Both sides of half the block at the intersecting and terminating The amount of security required is fifty per Seventieth, Seventy-first and Seventy-second OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OP streets. cent. (5o%) of the amount of the bid or esti- streets, from West End avenue to the Hudson MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. No. 5. Both sides of Narrows avenue. from Bay mate. river; both sides of Seventy-third, Seventy-fourth Ridge parkway (Shore road) to Seventv-first The bidder will state the price of each item and Seventy-fifth streets, from West End avenue CEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE street: both sides of First avenue, from Seventy- or article contained in the specifications or received by the President of the Borough of to Riverside drive; both sides Riverside drive, Frst to Seventy-eighth street; both sides of Bay schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, Manhattan, at the City Hall, Room No. r6, until 3 from Seventy-second to Seventy-sixth street; west Ridge parkway (Shore road), from Eighty-sixth by which the bids will be tested. The extensions side of West End avenue, extending about 205 o'clock P.:.., on to Eighty-eigl•th street. both sides of Seventy-see- mast be made and footed up as the bids will feet north of Seventy-fifth street. end street. from Second avenue to Bay Ridge WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1904. be read from the total for each item and award TWELFTH WARD, SECTION g. "arkway; both sides of Seventy-third, Seventy- of contract will be made, as a whole, to the No. I. FOR MASONRY, IRON WORK. fourth. Seventy-fifth and Seventy-sixth streets. lowest bidder. OUTLET SEWER INTO HARLEM RIVER, RENOVATING, CARPENTRY AND GLAZ- from Second avenue to Narrows avenue; both Delivery will be required to be made at the between Ninety-second and Ninety-third streets, ING. TINNING AND PLASTERING, AT THE sides of Scventy-seventh street, from Second ave- with alteration and improvement to existing sew- THIRTEENTH DISTRICT MUNICIPAL time and in the manner and in such quantities as ntte to Bay Ridge parkway; both sides of Seventy' may be directed. ers in Avenue A, between Ninety-second and COURT, NOS. 264-z68 MADISON STREET, Ninety-third streets, and in Ninety-second street, eighth street, from Second avenue to Narrows Blank forms and further inform -'tion may be obtained BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF avenue; both sides of Eighty-third street. from between Avenue A and Second avenue. Area of NEW YORK. at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, assessment: Both sides of Eighty-seventh and First avenue to Bay Ridge parkway; both sides Board of Education, the Boro„vh of Manhattan, south- The time allowed for doing and complebing the Eighty-eighth streets, from Second to Third ave- of Eighty-fifth street, from First avenue to Nar- west corner Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street. work will be ninety (go) days. rows avenue. nue; north side of Eighty-eighth street, from The security required will be Four Thousand PATRICK NINES, Third to Lexington avenue; both sides of Eighty- Dollars ($4,000). All persons whose interests are affected by the above- Superintendent of School Supplies. named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to ninth. Ninetieth and Ninety-first streets, from No. z. FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR Second to Park avenue; north side of Ninety. FOR THE ELECTRIC LIGHTING OF THE the same, or either of them, are requested to present r3 15 their obiections. in writing, to the Secretary of the lEYSee General Instructions to Btd- first street, from First to Second avenue; both THIRTEENTH DISTRICT MUNICIPAL sides of Ninety-second and Ninety-third streets, COURT, NOS. 264-268 MADISON STREET, Boara of Assessors, No. 30o Broadway, New York, on ders on the last page, last column, of or before December 6. ro^4, at t P. Ni., at which time from Park avenue to the Harlem river; both sides BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF the " City Record.' of Ninety-fourth street, from First to Third ave- NEW YORK. and place the said objections will be heard and testi- mony received in reference thereto, nue; both sides of Ninety-fifth street, from the The time allowed for doing and completing the Harlem river to Third avenue; both sides of work will be thirty (30) days. ROBPWT MUTT, - ANTONIO ZUCCA, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER OF PARK Ninety-sixth street, from Second to Third ave- The security required will be Five Hundred AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN- CHARLES A. O'\IALT.EY, nue; west side of Avenue A, from Ninety-first Dollars ($500). RATTAN, CITY OF NEW Yo,RK. to Ninety-second street; both sides of Avenue A, No. 3, FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR Board of Assessors. WILLIAM H. JASPER, from Ninety-second to Ninety-third street; both NECESSARY TO FURNISH INSTALL AND EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE sides of First avenue, from Ninety-first street to a COMPLETE A LOW-PRESCSURE STEAM Secretary, S received by the Superintendent of School Build- No. 320 Broadway. point about loo feet north of Ninety-fifth street; HEATING APPARATUS, AND PERFORM ings at the above office of the Department of Educa- both sides of Second avenue, from Eighty-sixth PLUMBING WORK. ETC., TN THE THIR- CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN,) tion, until it o'clock A. M., On to Ninety-sixth street; west side of Second ave- TEENTH DISTRICT MUNICIPAL COURT, November 4, 1904. n4,16 nue, extending about too feet north of Ninety- NOS. 264•~268 MADISON STREET BOROUGII MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 11104. sixth street; east side of Third avenue, from OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY' OF NEW Borough of The Bronx. Eighty-seventh to Eighty-eighth street, and- from YORK. Ninety-third to Ninety-sixth street; both sides The time allowed for doing and completing the No. i. FOR INSTAT.LING ELECTRIC UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE EQUIPMENT IN ADDITION TO AND AL- of Third avenue, from Eighty-eighth to Ninety. work will be sixty (6o) days. third street; both sides of Lexington avenue, The security required will be Three Thousand P owner or owners of all houses and lots. improved TERATIONS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL It ON or unimproved lands affected thereby. that the follow- THE WEST SIDE OF OGDEN AVENUE,' BE- from Eighty-ninth to Ninety-third street; east Dollars ($3,ono). side of Lexington avenue, from eighty-eighth No. 4. FOR CABINET WORK, PAINTING. ing proposed assessments have been completed and TWEEN EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for NINTH STREET AND MERRIAM AVENUE, to Eighty-ninth street: east side of Park avenue, VARNISHING, ORNAMENTAL PLASTER from Eighty-ninth to Ninety-third street. WORK, ETC., FOR THE THIRTEENTH DIS- examination by all persons interested, viz.: BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. TRICT MUNICIPAL COURT NOS. 26~ g-268 The time of completion is 40 working day. TWELFTH WARD, SECTION 8. MADISON STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. The amount of security required is Two Thou- JUMEL PLACE—SEWER. between One Hun- HATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. st t g. No. I. Regulating, grading, curbing sand Dollars. dred and Sixty-seventh street and Edgecombe The time allowed for doing and completing the and flagging East One Hundred and Eighty-first Borough of Manhattan. road. Area of assessment: Both sides of Jumel work will be ninety (go) days. street, from Park avenue to Third avenue. No. 2. FOR ERECTING PARTITIONS place, from One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street to Edgecomhe road; south side of Edgecombe The security required will be Four Thousand List 8164, No. a. Paving the roadway of Jack- FORMING CLASS-ROOMS ON FIRST STORY Dollars ($4,000). son avenue with asphalt pavement on a concrete road, extending about t40 feet west of Jumel OF PUBLIC SCHOOL So, NO. 2z5 WEST place. Bidders must state a lump sum for each of Foundation and setting curbstones where required, OF the above contracts, as each contract is entire FORTY-FIRST STREET, BOROUGH MAN- From East One Hundred and Sixty-first street to HATTAN. —that the same were confirmed by the Board of Assess- and for a complete job and must be bid for East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street on on November I. TWA. and entered on November ,, separately. The time allowed to complete the whole work List 8168. No. 3. Paving the roadway of East will be from December 23, 1904, to January 3, 19 4, in the Record of Titles of Assessments. kept in Plans and drawings may be seen and blank forms of One Hundred and Thirty-sixth street with as- 1905, as provided in the contract. the Bureau for the Collection of Assessment= and the contract and specifications may be obtained at the phalt pavement on a concrete foundation, and The amount of security required is Six Hun- Arrears of Taxecand Assessments andof Water Rents, office of the architects, Messrs. Bernstein and Bern. getting curb where necessary, from Brook ave- dred Dollars. and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any per- stein. No. 7a Trinity pla'-e, Borough of Manhattan. nue to St. Ann's avenue. son or property shall be paid within sixty days after JOHN F. AHEARN, List 817o, No. 4. Paving with granite block No. 3 FOR INSTALLING HEATING AND the date of said entry of the assessments interest will Borough President. pavement on concrete foundation the carriage. VENTILATING APPARATUS IN PUBLIC, be collected thereon, as provided in section rotq of NEW, SCHOOL 132, ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 3, 1904. way of and laying crosswalks in Westchester ave- said Greater New York Charter. ntte. from Prospect avenue to Southern Boule- WADSWORTH AVENUE, BETWEEN WEST Said section provides in part that " If any such assess- na,t6 ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SECOND ®See General Instructions to Bid- vard. ment ;hall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days The limits within which it is proposed to lay AND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THIRD after the date of entry thereof on the said Record of ders on the last page, last column, of STREETS, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. the "City Record." the said assessments include all the several houses, fttles Df Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer and lots of ground. vacant lots, pieces and par- The time of completion is 40 working days. authorized to collect and receive the amount of such as- eels of land situated on- The amount of security required is Five Thou- tessment to charge. collect and receive interest thereon No. I. Both sides of One 'Hundred and Eighty sand Dollars. at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calcu- BOARD OF ASSESSORS. first street, from Third avenue to Park avenue, No 4 FOR SANITARY WORK AT NEW lated to the date of payment from the date when such and to the extent of half the block at the inter- PUBLIC SCHOOL ISo, ON NINETY-FIFTH assessment became a lien, as provided by section 15901 secting and terminating streets. AND NINETY-SIXTH STREETS, t ~g FEET this act." UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO No. 2. Both sides of Jackson avenue, from One WEST OF FIRST AVENUE, BOROUGH OF Section 559 of this art provides * • * " An the owner or owners of all houses and lots, im- P Hundred and Sixty-first street to One Hundred MANHATTAN. assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate proved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the The time of completion is Izo working days. affected thereby ten days aft' r its entry in the said g and Sixty-fifth street. and to the extent of half Followin proposed assessments have been completed the block at the intersecting and terminating The amount of security required is Nine Thou- record." * * and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors sand Dollars. The above assessments are payable to the Collector of for examination by all persons interested, viz.: streets. No. 3• Both sides of East One Hundred and On Contr -its Nos. t, a, a and 4 the bids will be com- Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau for 'heCollec- BOROUGH of BROOKLYN. Thirty-sixth street. from St. Ann's avenue to ared and the contract awarded in a lump sum to the tion of Assessments. and Arrears, of Taxes and Assess- List 7526, No. t. Sewers in Ninety-ninth street, Brook avenue, and to the extent of half ':he Poorest bidder on each contract. ments and of Water Rents Room No. 85, No. 08o between Third avenue and Fort Hamilton ave- block at the intersecting and terminating streets. Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and draw- Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, between the hours nue, and outlet sewers in the following streets: No. 4. Both sides of Westchester avenue, from ings may be seen at the office of the Superintendent, of g A.M. and a P. M., and on Saturdays (rung A. M. tO is 7610 THE CITY RECORD. - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, i904.

M.. and all payments made thereon on or before days, from q A. M. to ra M., and all payments made tying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn in claim deed for the above described premises to be de- January 3. 1905, will be evempi from interest, as thereon on or before December 3o, r9o4, will be ex- T' he City of New York, which, taken together, ltvered within thirty days from the date of the sale, above provided, and after that date will be subject to a empt from interest, as above provided, and after that are bounded and described as follows, viz.: The Comptroller may, at his option, resell the prop- charge of interest at the rite of seven per centum per date will be subject to a charge of Interest at die rate Beginning at a point on the southerly side of erty if the successful bidder shall fail to comply with annum from the date when above assessments became of seven per centum per annum from the date wnen Avenue T where the same intersects the centre the terms of sale, and the person failing to comply liens to the date of payment. above assessment became a lien to the date of pay- line of the block between Homecrest avenue and therewith will be held liable for any deficiency which EDWARD 1f GROUT. ment, East Twelfth street; running thence southerly may result from any such resale. Comptroller. EDWARD M. GROUT, along the centre line of the blocks between Home- The right to reject any bid is reserved. Comptroller. crest avenue and East Twelfth street to the By order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, CITY OF NEW YCRK-DRPARTMFNT of FINaNCE,~ CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, northerly side of Sheepshead Bay road; running under a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November 2, 1904. thence westerly along the northerly side of held October 2I, 1904. COMPTROLLERS OFFICE, October 31, 1904- n3,17 nzt6 Sheepshead Bay road to the easterly side of East N. TAYLOR PHILI IPS, Twelfth street; running thence southerly along Deputy and Acting Comptroller. the easterly side of East Twelfth street to the CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMRNT OF FINANCE,! NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS F')R OPENING southerly side of Sheepshead Bay road; running COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, October 25, 1904. STREETS AND PARKS. IMPORTANT TO TAXPAYERS, thence northwesterly and westerly along the oa8,n ll southerly side of Sheepshead Bay road to the N PURSUANCE OF SECTION roog OF THE DEPARTMENr OF FINANCF, westerly side of East Twelfth street; running 5 THE C'' LLECTION OF TAXIS, I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of BUREAU F.- thence northerly along the westerly side of East NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. The City of N, w York hereby gives public notice of No. 57 CHAMB Its STREET Twelfth street to the northerly side of Sheeps- the confirmation by the supreme t ourt , nd the enter. (STFw.otr BCiLDiNG), head Hay road: running thence westerly along I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION Iot8 OF THE ing to tl'e Bureau for the Collet ion of Assessments NEW V,tmK, November t, 1904. the northerly side of Sheepshead Bay road to I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of and Arrears, of the assessmenrs t r OPE\ I \U A n I) OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN '10 ALL PER- the centre line of the block between East Twelfth The City of New York hereby gives public notice to AI QUI kING f ITLE to the following-named street N sons whose taxes for the year 1004 have not been street and Coney Island avenue; running thence all persons, owners of property, affected by the follow- in the BOROUGH OF RICHMOND: paid before the 1st da'- of November of the said year, northerly along the centre line of the block ing assessment for LOCAL IL11I'ROVEMENTS in THIRD WARD. that unless the same shall be paid to the Receiver of between East Twelfth street and Coney Island the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN: Taxes at his office in the Borough in which the property avenue to the southerly side of Avenue T; run- NINETEENTH WARD, SECTION 4. GRACE CHURCH PLACE-OPENING, from is located, as follows: ning thence easterly along the southerly side of RESTORING ASPHALT - PAVEMENT ON Simonson place westerly about 130 feet. Con- B, rough of Manhattan, No. 57 Chambers street, Avenue T to the point or place of beginning. WEST FORTY-THIRD STREET, between Sixth fumed September 27, 1904; entered October 3t, Manhattan, N. Y. avenue and Broadway. This assessment was cer- 1904. Area of assessment includes all those Boiongh of The Bronx, corner Third and Tremont THIRTY-SECOND WARD, SECTION 23, tified to the Collector of Assessments and Ar- lands. tenements and hereditaments and premises avenues, The Bronx, N. 1. EAST FORTIETH STREET-OPENING rears. against Block 996, Lot No. 16, under the situate, lying and being in the Borough of Rich- Bor ugh of Brooklyn, Rooms z, 4, 6 and 8 Municipal from Avenue H to Flatlands avenue. Confirmed provisions of section 391 of the Greater New mrnd, in The City of New York, which, taken Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. September 29, 1904; entered October 28, 1904. York Charter together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Borough of Queens, corner Jackson avenue and Fifth Area of assessment includes all those lands, tene- -that the same was entered on Octol'er 26, 1904, Beginning at the point of intersection of the street, Long Island City, N, Y. ments and llereditaments and premises situate, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the northerly side of Mersereau avenue with a line Borough of Richmond, corner Bay and Sand streets, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in Bureau for the Collection of Assessments anti Ar- parallel to and distant too feet westerly from Stapleton, t-taten Island, N. V. The City of New York, which, takentogether, rears of Taxes and Assessments and of N ater Rents, the westerly side of Heberton avenue; running -before the 1st day of December of said year, he will are bounded and described as follows, viz.: and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any per- tl•ence northerly along the last-mentioned parallel charge, re eive and collect upon sttch taxes so remain- Beginning at a point on the southerly side of son or property shall be paid within sixty days after line to its intersection with the westerly prolonga- mg unpaid on tha day, in addition to the amount of Avenue H where the same is intersected by the the date of said entry of the assessments interest will tian of the southerly side of Bond street; thence such taxes, one per cen:um on ti,e amount thereof, as centre line of the block between East Fortieth be collected thereon. as provided in section Ioro of said easterly along the said westerly prolongation and pros ded by sec, ions 916 :'rid gt8 of the Greater New street and East Thirty-ninth street; running Greater New York Charter, sr.utherly side of Bond street to its intersection Yo,k charter (chapter :;8, Laws of 189-). thence southerly and along the centre line of Said section provides In part that "If any such assess- ww ith a line parallel to and distant Too feet east- DAVID E. AUSTEN, the block between East Fortieth street and East ment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days erly front the easterly side of Simonson place; Receiver of Taxes. Thirty-ninth street to the centre line of Hubbard after the date of entry thereof on the said Record of thence southerly along the last-mentioned parallel ni. no place; running thence southwesterly along the Titles of Assessments it shall be the duty of the officer line to its intersection with the easterly prolonga- centre line of I-Iubbard place to the point where authorized to collect and receive the amount of such tion of the northerly side of Anderson avenue: the centre line of Hubbard place is intersected assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thence westerly along the last-mentioned easterly by the prolongation of the centre line of the thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to he prolongation and northerly side of Anderson ave- NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING calculated to the date of payment from the date when STREETS AND PARKS. block between Flatbush avenue and East Fortieth nue and Mersereau avenue to the point or place street; running thence southeasterly along the such assessment became a lien, as provided by section of beginning. t5 of this act." IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION roo5 OF THE centre line of the block between Flatbush avenue 9 The above-entitled assessment was entered on and East Fortieth street to the centre line of Section 159 cf this act provides * S • " An L Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate the date hereinbefore given in the Record of The City of N w York hereby gives public notice to Overbaugh place; rennin thence northeasterly Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the along the centre line of Dverbaugh place to the affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said all persons, owners of property, of the confirmation by record." * * r Collection o Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau for point where the centre line of Overbaugh place and Assessments and of Water Rents. Unless the is intersected by the prolongation of the centre The above assessment is payable to the Collector the Collection of Assessments and Arrears, of assess- of Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau for the amount asse-sad for 1 enetit on any person or property ments for OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE line of the block between East Fortieth street shat' be paid within sixty days -ft r the date of said and East Thirty-ninth street; running thence Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes to the following-named streets and avenues in the and Assessments and of Water Rents, Room No. 85, entry of the assessment, interest will be collected BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN: southeasterly and along the centre line of the the-eon, os provided in sec'ion too6 of the Greater New block between East Fortieth street and East Thir- No. a8o Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, between the York Charter. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD, SECTION 13. ty-ninth street to the Centre line of Lott place; hours of 9 A. Si. and 2 P. M„ and on Saturdays from 9 Said sect on provides that " If any such assessment running thence southwesterly along the centre A. M. to is M., and all payments trade thereon on or HEMLOCK STREET-OPENING, between before December 27, 1904, will be exempt from inter. visa remain urpaid for the period of sixty day' after Glenmore avenue and Sutter avenue. Confirmed line of Lott place to a point where the centre the date it entry thereof in the said Record of Titles line of Lott place is intersected by the prolonga- est, as above provided, and after that date will be sub- September 27, 1904; entered October 28, 1904- ject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per it Assessn-ents, i' shall be the ditty of the officer Area of assessment includes: All those lands, tion of the centre line of the block between Flat- authorized to collect aid receive the amount of such bush avenue and East Fortieth street; running centum per annum from the date when above assess- tenements and hereditaments and premises situ- ment became a lien to the date of payment. ,s-e'srnent to charue, collect and receive interest ate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, thence southeasterly along the centre line of the tnerer~n at the rate of seven per centum per annumc to block between Flatbush avenue and East For- EDWARD M. GROUT, in The City of New York, which, taken together, Comptroller. he calculated to the !'ate of payment fro it the date are bounded and described as follows, viz.: tieth street to the northerly side of Flatlands ,hen such assessment became a lien, as provided by avenue; running thence northeasterly along the CITY OF New YORK-DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE, Beginning at a point on the southerly side of COMPTROLLERS OFFICE, October 26, 5904- section r5o of this act -' Glenmore avenue where the same is intersected northerly side of Flatlands avenue to the centre Section 159 of this act provides * * x "An as- by the centre line of the block between Hemlock line of the block between East Fortieth street oa8,ntt ecsmen. shall be-ome a lien upon the real estate and East Forty-first street; running thence north- affected thereby ten days after its entry in the street and Crescent street; running thence south- erly and along the centre line of the block be- westerly along the centre line of the block be- s,id record." * * * tween East Fortieth street and East Forty-first tween Hemlock street and Crescent street to the NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. The above assess'rent is payabl'- to the Collector of northerly side of Satter avenue; running thence street to the southerly side of Avenue K; run- Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau for the Col- ning thence northerly and parallel with East easterly along the northerly side of Sutter ave- N PURSUANCE t)F SFCTION Ioi8 OF THE lection of Assessments nd Arrears of Taxes and As- nue to the centre line of the block between Fortieth street to the southerly side of Avenue sessments and of A%ater Rents. Bay and Sand stree•s, I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of Hemlock street and Railroad avenue; running H; running thence westerly along the southerly oyapleton, Borough of Richmond, between the hours side of Avenue H to the point or place of begin- The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all thence northerly and along the centre line of the persons, owners of property, affected by the following • o A M. and a P. v., and ,n Saturdays from g A M 'o block between Hemlock street and Railroad ave- ning. se nt, and all payments made thereon on or before assessment for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the nue to the southerly side of Conduit avenue; The above entitled assessments were entered on the BOROUGH OF BROO K LY N. Den-mber jo. I9o4 will be exempt from interest, a' day heretnbefore given in the Record of Titles and ..buve provided, and after that date will he subject to running thence northwesterly along the southerly' Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments TWENTY-SIXTH WARD. . - barge of interest at the rate of seven per Ienrum side of Conduit avenue to the easterly side of Hemlock street: running thence nnetherly along and of Water Rents. Unless the amount assessed for BRADFORD STREET - REGULATING uer annum, from the date when above assessment be- the easterly side of Hemlock street to the pro- benefit on any person Cr property shall be paid within GRADING, CURBING, LAYING CEMEN1 came a lien to the date of payment. sixty days after the date of entry of the assess- SIDEWALKS AND PAVING, between Liberty EDti ARD N. GROUT, longation of the southerly side of Glenmore ave- nue; running thence westerly along the south- ments, interest will be collected thereon as provided in avenue and Pitkin avenue. Area of assessment: Comptroller. section Ior6 of' the Greater New York Charter. Both sides of Bradford street. from Liberty ave- CITY OF NEW Ye K-DEPARTStENT OF FINANCE, erly side of Glenmore avenue to the point or place of beginning. Said section provides that "If any such assessments nue to Pitkin avenue, and to the extent of half COMMPTROLL1'k'S OFFICE. October 3I, 1904. shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the block at the intersecting and terminating na,,6 TWENTY-NINTH AND THIRTIETH WARDS, the date of entry 'hereof in the s:id Record of Titles of streets- SECTIONS 3, t6 AND r7- Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer author. -that the same was confirmed by the Board of NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING FORTY-FIFTH STREET-OPENING from ized to collect and receive the amount of such assess- Assessors on October 2 , 2 904, and entered Oc- ments to charge. collect and receive interest thereon at tober 26, 1904, in the Record of Titles and As- STREETS AND PARKS. old City line to West street. Confirmed St eptem- her 27, 1904; entered October 28, 1904. Area the rate of seven per centum per annum to be calcu- sessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collection T N PURSUANCE OF SECTION zoos OF THE of assessment includes: All those ]ands, tene- lated to the date of payment from the date when such of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and As- I Greater New York Charter. the Comptroller of ments and hereditaments and premises situate, assessments became liens, as provided by section rc9 sessments and of Water Rents, and unless the The City of New fork hereby gives public notice of of this act." amount assessed for benefit on any person or lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn. in propert shall be paid within sixty days after the the confirmation by the "uureme t'ourt and the enter- The City of New York, which, taken together, Section I5o of this act provides • • S "An y ing In the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate date of said entry of the assessment, interest are bounded and described as follows, viz.: will be collected thereon as provided in section and Arrears. of the assessment for OPENING AND Beginning at a point on the northerly side of affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said ACQUIRING TITLE to the following-named avenue Forty-fifth street, where the same is intersected record." * * ioig of said Greater New York Charter, lit the BOROUGH OF THE BKONX: The above assessments are payable to the Collector Said section provides in part that " If any by the old or former City line of Brooklyn, now of Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau for the Col- such assessment shall remain unpaid for the dividing the Eighth and Thirtieth Wards; run- period of sixty days after the date of entry there- TIVFNTV-FOURTH WARD, SECTION tt. ning thence northeasterly along the old City line lectton of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes and As- ITTNER PLACE-OPENING, from Webster tess'-ents and of Water Rents, in the 3luni6pal of in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, of Brooklyn to the centre line of the block be- it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to avenue to Park avenue. Confirmed October 4. tween Forty-fifth and Forty-fourth streets; run- Building, Borough of Brooklyn, between the hours of 1504; entered October 31, 1904. Area of assess- ning thence easterly along the centre line of the q A. Si. and 4 F_ Ni., and on Saturdays from 9 A. M. until collect and receive the amount of such assess- r, M., and all payments made thereon on or before I)e ment to charge, collect and receive interest there- ment includes all those lands, tenements and block between Forty-fifth street and Forty-fourth cember a7, 1904, will be exempt from interest, as above on at the rate of seven per centum per annum, hereditaments and premises situate, lying and Street to the westerly side of West street; run- to be calculated to the date of payment from the being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City ning thence southerly along the westerly side of provide d, and after the date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum, date when such assessment became a lien, as of New York which. taken together, are bounded ]Vest street to the northerly side of Forty-fifth and described as follows, viz.: street; running thence easterly along the pro- from the date when the above assessments became liens provided by section 159 of this act." Beginning at the point of intersection of a line longation of the northerly line of Forty-fifth to the date of payment. Section 159 of this act provides * * * "An assess- drawn parallel to and distant too feet southerly street to the easterly side of Franklin avenue; EDWARD M. GROUT, ment shall become a lienupon the real estate affected from the souther)y line of Fast One Hundred running thence southerly along the easterly side Comptroller. thereby ten days after its entry in the said and Seventy-fourth street with the middle line of Franklin avenue to the prolongation of the CITY OF New YORK, DF PARTMENT OF FISANCE,l record." • * • The above assessment is payable to the Collector of the blocks between Webster avenue and Carter southerly side of Forty-fifth street; running COMPTROLLERS OFFics, October 28, r904. f avenue; running thence northerly along said thence westerly along the prolongation of the 031,n14 of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the middle line of the blocks to its intersection with southerly side of Forty-fifth street to the westerly Collection of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes a line drawn parallel to and distant too feet side of Franklin avenue; thence southerly along and Assessments and of Water Rents. in the northerly from the northerly line of East One the westerly side of Franklin avenue to the centre Municipal Building, Borough of Brooklyn, be- Hundred and Seventy-fifth street; thence easterly line of the block between Forty-fifth street and I CORPORATION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, tween the hours of 9 A. M. and s P. M. and along said parallel line to the easterly line of Forty-sixth street, running thence westerly along oil Saturdays from o A. M. until is M., and all pay- Park avenue; thence southerly along the easterly the Centre line of the block between Forty-fifth UBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT ments made thereon on or before December 27, r9r•4, will line of Park avenue to its intersection with a line street and Forty-sixth street to the old City line P the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The be exempt from interest as above provided, and after drawn parallel to and distant too feet southerly of Brooklyn; running thence northeasterly along City of New York, by virtue of the powers vested in that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the from the southerly line of East One Hundred the old City line of Brooklyn to the point or them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, on rate of seven per centum per annum from the date and Seventy-fourth street; thence westerly along place of beginning. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904, when the above assessment became a lien to the date said parallel line to the point or place of begin- of payment. at 12 o'clock at., at the Comptroller's office, No. EDWARD M. GROUT, ning. EIGHTH AND THIRTIETH WARDS, SEC- TIONS 3, 17 AND i8. 28o Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of Comptroller. The above-entitled assessment was entered on the New York, all the right, title and interest of CITY of NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, date bereinbefore given in the Record of Titles of EIGHTH AVENUE-OPENING, from Fiftieth The City of New York in and to the following October s6, 1904. street to Seventh avenue. Confirmed September COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection described property which it has by virtue of a oa7,nro of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes and Assess- 14• 1904; entered October z8, t9o4. Area of lease from William V. B. Bennett, Supervisor ments and of Water Rents. Unless the amount assessment includes: All those lands, tenements of the Town of Gravesend to the City of~ Brook' assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be and hereditaments and premises situate, lying lyn, which lease is dated l5ecember 24, 1896, and paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The recorded December 29, 1896, in Liber 3, pa e NOTICE OF SALE OF I ANDS AND TENE- the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as of ewNew York, which, taken together, are 249, section 21, in the Kings County Registers MENTS WITHIN THAT PART OF THE provided in section roo6 of the Greater New York bounded and described as follows, viz.: office, in and to all that certain lot known as and CITY OF NEW YORK KNOWN AS THE Charter. Beginning at a point on the southerly side of by the parcel number twenty-four (ax,), upon FIRST WARD OF THE BOROUGH OF Said section provides that "If any such assessment Fiftieth street where the same intersects the the assessment roll, for the opening of Cortlandt QUEENS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS LONG shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after Centre line of the block between Seventh avenue street, in the late Town of Gravesend, now Thirty- ISLAND CITY, FOR 'THE UNPAID AS- the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles and Eighth avenue; running thence southerly first Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New ShSiMENTS LEVIED FOR IMPROVEMENT of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the nficer along the centre lines of the blocks between Sev- York, which was sold to the Town of Gravesend OF GRAND AVENUE AND MAIN STI EET. authorized to collect and receive the amount of such enth avenue and Eighth avenue and parallel with at a sale for unpaid assessments held on the 9th CITY OF New YORK, D£PARTMFNT OF FINA`ce,l assessment to charge, collect and receive interest Eighth avenue to the northerly side of Seventy- day of August, 1894, for the sum of $20.17, and thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to third street; running thence easterly along the OFFICE. OF THE BUREAU Pr R THE COLLFCTION OF which said lot was thereafter leased to the City Ass1f5SNENT8 AND ARREARS STEWART BUILDING, be calculated to the date of payment from the date when northerly side of Seventy-third street to a point of Brooklyn for zoo years. distant 350 feet easterly of the easterly side of NO. a8o BROADWAY, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN such assessment became a lien, as provided by section The minimum or upset price at which the inter- July t,tgo4 159 of this act." Eighth avenue; running thence northerl parallel est of the City in and to the said premises to be Sects in 159 of this act provides ' * * "An as- with Eighth avenue to the southerly side of Fif. sold is appraised and fixed by the Commissioners NDER THE DIRECTION OF EDWARD M. sessment shall become a lien upon the real estate tieth street: running thence westerly along the of the Sinking Fund at the sum of one hundred U Grout, Comptroller of The City of New York affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said southerly side of Fiftieth street to the point or and twenty-four doll& and twenty cents ($124.- the undersigned hereby gives public notice, pursl,aot record," * * * place of beginning- 20), the purchaser pay the auctioneer's fees to the provisions of Chapter 5t4, Laws of rsg-, and of The above assessment is payable to the Collector of the Greater New York Charter, Chapter 466, Laws of THIRTY-FIRST WARD. SECTION 22. on the sale. The sale of said premises is to be Assessments and Arreare, at the Bureau for the Col- made on the following r9"t, EAST TWELFTH STREET-OPENING, from That the respective owrers of the lands and tene- lection of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes and TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Municipal Avenue T to Sheepahead Bay road. Confirmed ments within that part of the City of New York. n-w Building, corner of One Hundred and Seventy-seventh September 14, 1904; entered October 28, 2904. The highest bidder will be required to pay the full known as the First Ward of the Borough of Queens. street and Third avenue. Borough of The Bronx, Area of assessment includes all those lands, tene- amount of his bid or purchase money and the formerly known as Long Island City, on which the between the hours of 9 A. st, and z P. M. ; and on Satur- ments and hereditaments and premises situate,, auctioneer's fee at the time of the sale. The quit- assessments levied for the local improvement, known


as the IMPROVEMENT OF GRAND AVENUE Blank forms and further information may be obtained laying crosswalks, building approaches and The time for the completion of the work and AND MAIN STREET, confirmed April I, 1892, cox and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office erecting fences where necessary in Belmont street the full performance of the contract is by or remain unpaid, are required to pay the amount of the of the Chief Clerk of the Department ul Health, south- from Featherbed lane to the Grand Boulevard before one hundred and eighty (t8o) days. assessment so due and remaining unpaid, together west corner of Fifty-fifth Street and Sixth avenue, Bor- and Concourse, excepting the aproach to the Con- The amount of the security required is fifty with the interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. ough of Manhattan. course. per cent. of the amount of the bid. pte annum and the charges of this notice and the ad. 'THOMAS D ARLINGTON, M. D, President; No. 236. Regulating and grading, building steps No. 3. FOR FURNISIII NG ALL THE LABOR vertisement, to the Collector cf Assessments and Ar. ALVAH H. DOTY, M. D., with railing and necessary drainage, etc., in Bel- AND MA'1'ERIAIS REQUIRED TO CON- rears, at his office in the Department of Fit once, WILLIAM McADOO, mont street, from Clay avenue to Topping street. S'l'RUC'l' AND INSTALL PLUMBING AND Hackett Building, JacIson avenue and Filth street, Board of Health. No. 237 Laying out on the map of The City GAS-FITTING IN '1'1fE ABOVE-MENTIONED long Island City, Borough of Queens. Dated OCTOBER 27, 2904. o27,nl6. of New York a change of line of Hewitt place, STABLE BUILDING. And if default shall be made in such payment, such ,rues blenerrl snatruetiona to Bluttere between Longwood avenue and Westchester ave- The time for the completion of the work and lands and tenements will be sold at public auc- on the last page, last column, of the nue. the full performance of the contract is one bun- tion, at the office of the Collector of Assessments and "city Record." 'No. 238. Constructing a sewer and appur- dred and eighty (i8o) days. Arrears as givetn herein, in the Borough of Queens, tenances in East One Hundred and Sixty-second The amount of the security required is fifty in I he City of New York, on Monday, the 5th day of street, between Prospect ave?ue, Westchester ave- per cent. of the amount of the bid. December. 1904, at I o'clock P. M., for the lowest nue and Stebbins avenue. No. 4, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR term of years for which any person shall offer to take DEPARTMENT OF HPALTH OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, SOUTHWEST CORNER FIFTY-FIFTH STREET AND No. 239. Regulating and grading, setting curb- ANI) MATERIALS REQUIRED TO CON- the same, in consideration of advancing the amount of STRUCT AND INSTALL ELECTRIC WORK the SIXTH AVENUE, f;OFOUGH OF MANHATTAN, THH CITY stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide, assessrnent so due and unpaid and the interest and IF New YORK. laying crosswalks, building approaches, erecting IN THE ABOVE-MENTIONED STABLE charges thereon, as aforesaid, and all other costs and BUILDING. charges that may have accrued thereon: and such fences where necessary in East One Hundred and EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Sixty-second street, between Prospect, Westcltes- The time for the completion of the work and sale shall be continued from time to time until all the S receive•I by the Board of Health of the Depart- ter and Stebbins avenues. the full performance of the contract is by or lands and tenements as advertised for sale shall be ment of Health until xc o'clock A, M., on before one hundred and eighty (i8o) days. sold No. 240. For laying out on the map of The WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. City of New York Summit place, between Heath The amount of the security required is fifty And notice is hereby further given that a detailed avenue and Boston avenue. 30 feet in width. per cent. of the amount of the bid. statement of the amount due and unpaid on each FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND No. 241. Laying out on the map of The City Bids for Contract No. I will be at a stated assessment, a description of the property, and the FURNISHING AND ERECTING ALL THE of New York of Lafayette street, on the bloc aggregateprice, with increases or reductions for ownership of the property assessed, is published in a MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED bounded by Prospect avenue, Boston road, One different items of the work, as specified in the pam allet. and that copies of the pamphlet are de. TO COMPLETE A LAUNDRY AND DISIN- Ilttndred and Seventieth street, Crotona avenue form of bid or estimate prepared for the pur- posited in the offices of the Collector of Assessments FECTING BUILDING AND SEWERAGE DIS- and Crotona Park, South, as per sketch attached pose. and Arrears in the Department of Finance, situated POSAL PLANT AT FLUSI-IING AVENUE, to petition. Bids for each of the other above-mentioned respectively in the Boroughs of Manhattan and OPPOSITE WATTS LANE, JAMAICA, BOR- No. 242. Paving with creo-recinate wood block contracts will be at a lump or aggregate sum Queens, and will be delivered to any person applying OUGH OF QUEENS, CITY OF NEW YORK. er? h. for the same. pavement on a concrete foundation and resetting The time for the completion of the work and the full curb where necessary in Cypress avenue, front The bids will be compared and the contracts EDWARD A. SLATTERY, performance of tttc contract is Ito consecutive working One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street south to awarded to the lowest bidder for each contract. Collector of Assessments and Arrears. days the Bronx Kills, The ;tayntents to be made by The City of s3Iaw3m The amount of security required is fifty per cent. No. 243. Acquiring title to the lands neces- NewYorec for the performance of the above- (sox, of the amount of the bid. sary for Fox street, between Prospect and Leg- mentioned contracts will he made out of an Lids will be compared and the contract awarded at gett avenues. issue of bonds, as provided by sections 48 and a lump or aggregate sum. No. 244. Constructing a sewer and appurte- 546 of the Greater New York Charter, and as DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, CITY OF NEW YORK, the amount so authorized is not to exceed March 26, t9oA, Blank forms and further information may be ob- nances in Fox street, between Prospect and Leg- taineu and the plans and drawings may be seen at the gett avenues. $370,000 bids cannot be considered which will NTIL FURTHER NOTICE AND UNLESS office of the Chief Clerk of toe Department of Health, No. 245. Regulating and grading, setting curb- involve an expenditure in the aggregate greater U otherwise directed in any special case, one southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth avenue, stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide, than the said sum of $370,000. surety company will be accepted as sufficient upon all Borough of Manhattan. Blank forms and further informati',.I may be ob- contracts for supplies for furniture, and for gas- and laying of crosswalks, building apnroachcs and THOMAS DARLINGTON, M. D., President; erecting fences where necessary in Fox street, be- tained :md the sp.-cificattons, plans and drawings may electric lighting to any amount, and upon the follow. tween Prospect avenue and Leggett avenue. be seen at the office of the Depar ment of Street Clean. ing contracts to the amounts named: ALVAH I-I. DOI Y, M. D., mg, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. r3-21 Park row. For supplies and furniture, with patented WILLIAM McADOO, - No, 24,6. Laying out on the map of The City of Board of Health. New York a widening of Bailey avenue. on the JOHN McG, AVOOI)BURY, articles ...... g~,00a Commissioner of Street Cleaning. Regulating, Dated OCTOBER 21, 2904. oz.,nq easterly side thereof, from West Two Hundred grading, paving (other than and Twenty-ninth street southerly to the Kings- Dated Ocronc, :R, l5504. osB,naz asphalt)_ g See t.eneral Instructions to Bid- bridge road; and on the northerly side of Kings- ETSee General lnntrnetiona to Bid- Not over 2 years ...... $15,000 deret on the last page, last column, of the bridge road to a point about two hundred (200) Over 2 years ...... 5,000 ders on the Last page, last column, of "Uity Record." feet westerly from I-Ieath avenue, so as to make the 66 City Record." School building repairs ...... I.,00r the easterly line of Bailey avenue conform to the Heatin& and lighting apparatus...... 5,00< New buildings—New docks :...... easterly line of the old road from West Farms zg,00c DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CITY or NEN to Yonkers and the northerly side of Kingsbridge ASHES, EIC., FOR FILLING IN LANDS, Sewers—Dredging and water mains— YORK, SOUTHWes'r CONNLR FIFTY-FIFTH STREeT AND road conform to the northerly side of the old ERSONS I-AVING LANDS OR FLA'- FS Not over 2 years ...... ro,000 SIXTH AVENUE:, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, 'PER CITY ver 2 years ...... Kingsbridge road, in accordance with accompany- P in the vicinity of New York By to fill in O ...... 5,000 OF NEW YORK. :an procure mat EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. ing sketch. -real for that ptrpnse—ashes, "iEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE No. 247. Regulating and grading, building air street sweepings, etc., collected by the i)..partment of received by the Board of health of the Depart. proaches and erecting fences where necessary 'treet Cleaning—tree of' charge by aF plying to the ment of Health until Io o'clock A. nL, on in Johnson avenue and the Spuyten Duyvil road. Commissioner of Street Cleaning, Nos. 13 to or MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM- between Kappock street and West Two Hundred Park Row, Borough of Manhattan. MISSION. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. and Thirtieth street, for a width of thirty (3o) JOHN \IcGAW WOODBURY, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND feet. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. FURNISHING AND ERECTING ALL THE No. 248. Regulating and grading of Johnson MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, NO. 6e ELM avenue at a width of fifty~ (50) feet, from Spuy- STREET, CITY or NEW YORK. MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED TO ALTER THE BRICK BUILDING (for- ten Duyvil parkway to Kappock street, and at UBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF ALL merly used for coal storage), MAKING IT a width of sixty (6o) feet, from Kappock street DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUP- P competitive examinations two weeks in advance AVAILABLE FOR USE AS A DISCHARGING to West Two Hundred and Thirtieth street. PLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY, of the date upon which the receipt of applications AND (OWNING BUILDING, ETC., AT THE No. 249. Construction of receiving-basins and for any scheduled examination will close. Applica- RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, NORTH BROTHER appurtenances at the following points: tions will be received for only such examinations as ISLAND, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, CITY At the southwest corner Park avenue, east, and DRPAPTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- are scheduled. OF NEW YORK. East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street When an examination is advertised, a person desir- rRlclly, Root 1536, Nos. 13-2I PARK Row, BoN- The time for the completion of the work and (Welch street). JUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE City OF NEW YORK. ing to compete in the same may obtain an application the full performance of the contract is sixty con- At the northwest corner Rider avenue and blank upon request made in writing, or by personal secutive working days. East One Hundred and Forty-first street. EAI.ED BIDS OR hSTIMA1ES \"ILL BE application at the office of the Commission. The amount of security requiredis fifty per At the southeast corner of Rider avenue and received by the t ommisston r of Water Supply, All notices of examinations will be posted in the cent. (so%) of the amount of the bid. East One Hundred and Fortieth street. Gas and Electricity at the above office until 2 o'clock office of the Commission, City Hall, Municipal Build- The petitions for the above will he submitted by me P. ra., on ing, Brooklyn, and advertised in the CITY RECORD Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a to the Local Board of Morrisania. twenty-fourth lump or aggregate sum. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1904. for two weeks in advance of the date upon which the District on November I?, 10.,S, at 2 P. nt., at the office Borough of Brooklyn. receipt of applications will close for any stated Blank forms and further information may be of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, position. obtained and the plans end drawings may be seen Municipal Building, Crotona Park, One Hundred and FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING at the office of the Chief Clerk of the Department Seventy seventh street and Third avenue SEVEN HUNDRED ( yoo) FOUR NOZZLE t'ublic notice will also be given by advertisement In of Health, southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and most of the City papers. Dated NOVEMEEO 3, Ig04. POST HYDRANTS AND FORTY (4o) TWO Wherever an examination is of a technical charac- Sixth avenue, Borough of Manhattan. LOUIS F. HAFFEN, NOZZLE FIRE-BOAT CONNECTION HY- ter, due notice is given by advertisement in the 7 HOMAS DARLING'1ON, M. D., President; President of the Borough of The Bronx. DRAN'fS FOR HIGH PRESSURE FIRE SER- ALVAH H. D YFY, M. D., technical journals appertaining to the particular pro- n4,5,7,17. VICE MAINS. fession tot-which the examination is called. WILLIAM McADOO, The time allowed for doing and completing rite Such notices will be sent to the daily papers as Board of Health. above work will be two hundred and twenty (220) matters of news, and to the General Postotfice and Dated OcTOStR 20, 1004. oao,nq calendar days. stations thereof. The scope of the examination will Kam'-Sse General Instructions to Bid- DEPARTMENT OF STREET The security required will be Twenty-five Thou- be stated, but for more general information application ders on the last page, last column, of the CLEANING. sand Dollars ($25,000). should be made at the office of the Commission. "-City Record." Bidders must deliver a sample hydrant at the Unless otherwise specifically stated, the minimum Ridgewood Pumping Station, corner Norwood and age requirement for all positions is 2r. MAIN OFFICE OF THE DPPARTMENT OF STREET Atlantic avenues, Borough of Brooklyn, at or be- CLEANING, ROOM 142r, NOS 13-2I PARK Row, BOROUGH fore the time set for the submission of their bid, HENRY BERLINGER, Secretary. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. and no bid will be considered where such sample I2-la-OS OF MANNA I TAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. hydrant has not been delivered. If there is any EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE difference, except in the nozzles, between the four- S received by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, nozzle hydrant and the two-nozzle fire-boat eon- OFFICE OF THE PRRSTUHNT OF THE BOROUGH, at the aoove office until 12 o'clock noon, on DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CROTONA PARK, 177TH STREET section hydrant, a sample of each hydrant must AND THIRD AVENUE. THURSDAY, 16OVEMBER 17, 1904. be furnished, This hydrant will be considered DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH or THE CITY or NEW as standard of workmanship and design, and the YORK, SOUTHWEST CORNER FIFTY-FIFTH SIREHI HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT PETITIONS Boroughs of Manhattan amid The Bronx. hydrants furnished under this contract must be AND SIXTH AVENUE, BOROUGH OF MANIIATIAN, I have been presented to me and are on file in my CONTRACT FOR tURNISHING AND DE- in accordance with the sample submitted. THE CCTV or NEW YORK. office for inspection for— LIVh.R1NG TWO (2 AUTOMOBILE CAR- The sample hydrant or hydrants furnished by RIAGEs. the successful bidder will be retained and paid EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE No. 226. Regulating and grading, setting curb- stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide, 'I he time for the delivery of the articles. materials for at the price specified under this contract, and S received by the Board of Health of the Depart. and supplies and the performance of the contract is all other hydrants will he returned after the ment of health until to o'clock A. M., on laying crosswalks, building approaches and constructing steps in West One Hundred and thirty (3 ) days. award of the contract. These hydrants will be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1904. Sixty-sixth street, from Jerome avenue to Lind The amount of security required is fifty per cent. returned to the unsuccessful bidders at their own FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND avenue. (so4) or the amount of bid or e-timate. cost and expense. FURNISHING AND ERECTING ALL THE No. 227. Regulating and paving Brown place She bidder will state he price per automobile car- Bidders will write out the total amount of their bids MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED with sheet asphalt on concrete between One Hun- riage contained In the specifications by which the bids or estimates in addition to Inserting the same in fig- TO COMPLETE A MORGUE AT THE RIVER- dred and Thirty-fifth street and One Hundred will be tested. The bid. will be compared and the ores. All bids or estimates will be considered as in. SIDE HOSPITAL, 'NORTH BROTHER and Thirty-seventh street, and with asphalt blocks contract awarded at a lump or agglegaee sum. formal which do not contain bids of estimates for all ISLAND. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, CITY and granite blocks on concrete between One Each bidder must submit, along with and at- items for which bids or estimates are callea. OF NEW YORK. Hundred and Thirty-seventh and One Hundred tached to his bid, his own particular specification, The blddee will state the price of each item or article The time for the completion of the work and the full and Thirty-eighth streets. describing accurately and in detail the kinds and Cs: trained it, the s; eclhc,-tions or schedules hertin core- performance of thecontract is 6o consecutive working No. 228. Acquiring title to the lands necessary qualities of the materials used and the construc- tainrd or he reto annexed, per hydrant or other unit of days. for \Vest One hundred and Ninety-fourth street, tion of all its particulars of the automobile car- measure, by which he bids will be tested The amount of security required is fifty per cent. between Bailey avenue and Exterior street. riage that he proposes to furnish, if the contract Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at (5o%) of the amount of the bid. No. 229. Acquiring title to the lands necessary for which his bid is made shall be awarded to a lump or aggregate sum. Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at for unnamed street twenty (20) feet wide, be- him. Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the De- a lump cr aggregate sum. tween Sedgwick avenue and Bailey avenue, and to The said particular specification must comply partment of %t ater Supply, Gas and Electricity-, the Blank forms and further information may be ob. with the general specifications in all respects. Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to at Park row, and at public place lying south of said street at the ' Blank forms and further information may be oh• tained and the plans and drawings may be seen at intersection of Sedgwick avenue and Bailey ave- the office of the Depat tment for the Borough of'Brook- the office of the Chief Clerk of the Department of tamed at the office of the Departmect of Street Clean. lyn, Room 25, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. nue. ing, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. is-or Park row. Health, southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and No. 230. Acquiring title to the lands necessary JOHN 'I'. OAKLLY, Sixth avenue, Borough of Manhattan. JOHN McG. WOODBURY, Commissioner. for West One Hundred and 'Ninetieth street, be- Commissioner of Street Cleaning. THOMAS DARLINGTON, M. D., President; tween Harlem River terrace and Exterior street; Dated OCTOBER a, 1904. n4,17 Dated NOVEMBER 2, 1904. n3,30 ALVAH H. DOTY, M. D., Exterior street, between West One Hundred and IL7See General Instructions to Bid- WILLIAM McADOO, Ninetieth street and One Hundred and Ninety. ©See General instructions to Bid- ders on the last page, last column, of ders on the last page, last column, of Board of Health. first street; West One Hundred and Ninety-first the " City Record." Dated OCTOBER 28, 1904. o28,ni6 street, between Exterior street and bulkhead line the r' City Record." g7See General Instructions to Bid- of Harlem river. der on the last page, last column, of No. 231. Regulating and grading, setting curb- MAIN OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STREET DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- stones, flagging of sidewalks a space four feet PARK Row, BuR- TRICITY, RooM 1536, Nos. r3-2I PARK Row, BOROUGH the "city Record." proaches CLEANING, Room 1421, Nos, 13-2I wide, laying of crosswalks, building ap -I'HE CITY OF NEW YORK. OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. and erecting fences where necessary in Emmerich OVGH OP MANHATTAN, DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH OF THE CITY OF NEW place, from Heath avenue to Kingsbridge road. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES 'AILL BE RE. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE YORK, SVUTHWas1' CORNER FIFTY-FIFTH STREET AND No. 232. Regulating and grading, setting curb- C) ceived by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, S received by the Commissioner of Water Supply SIXTH AvkxuE, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide at the above office until I2 o'clock M, on Gas and Electricity at the above office until 2 o'clock OF New YORK. laying crosswalks, building approaches and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. P.M., on erecting fences where necessary in Heath avenue EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Borough of Brooklyn. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. S rcceivrd by the Board of H. alth of the Depart- and Harlem River terrace, from Bailey avenue to ment of Health until to o'clock A. M., on Fort Independence street. No. I. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Borough of Brorehlyn. WEDNE$DAI, NOVEMBER 16, 1904. No. 233. Regulating and grading, setting curb- AND MATERIALS REQUIRED TO CON- FOR FURNISHING, DELIVERING AND stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide, STRUCT A STABLE ON THE BLOCK LAYING A 20-INCH WATER-MAIN AND FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND laying crosswalks, building approaches and BOUNDED BY FLUSHING AVENUE, FURNISHING AND ERECTING ALL THE APPURTENANCES ON TWENTY-FOURTH erecting fenced where necessary in West Two GRAHAM STREET, KENT AVENUE AND AVENUE, FROM EIGHTY-SIXTH STREET MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED Hundred and Fifty-ninth street, from Broadway LITTLE NASSAU STREET. TO CROPSEY AVENUE- ALONG CROPSEY •t'^ COMPLETE AN ADMINISTRATION to Riverdale avenue. The time for the completion of the work and BUILDING AND NURSES' HOME, AT JA- AND HARWAY AVENUES AND \';EST No. 234. Regulating and grading, setting curb- the full performance of the contract is by or EIGHTEENTH STREET, ACROSS CONEY MAI CIOCROUGHA OF QUEENS, CITY OF before 208 days. '/OR stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide ISLAND CREEK, THROUGH WEST SEVEN- laying crosswalks, building approaches and The amount of the security required is fifty 1TENTH STREET TO 'NEPTUNE AVENUE The time for the completion of the work and the full per cent. of the amount of the bid. performance of the contract is One Hundred and Forty erecting fences where necessary in Townsend ave- AND A 16-INCH MAIN FROM NEPTUNE consecutive working days. nue, from East One Hundred and Seventieth No. a. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AVENUE TO SURF AVENUE ALONG WEST The amount of secu its' required is fifty per cent. street to East One Hundred and Seventy-sixth AND MATERIALS REQUIRED TO CON- SEVENTEENTH STREET. (galn of the amount of -he bid. street. STRUCT AND INSTALL HEATING AND The time allowed for doing and completing the Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at No. 235. Regulating and grading, setting curb- VENTILATION IN THE ABOVE-MEN- above work will be one hundred (zoo) working a lump or aggregate sum. stones, flagging sidewalks a space four feet wide, TIONED STABLE BUILDING. days. - 7612 THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904.

The amount of security required will be Fif- 378 of the Laws of 1897, as amended by chapter 466 so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance belonging, required for the opening of a certain teen Thousand Dollars ($t5,000). of the Laws of ,got. at our sad otlice on the aid day of November, 1904, Park bounded by Broadway, West One Hundred The bidder will state the price of each item or article Dated BOROUGH OP BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, Novem- at 3 o clock P. M. and Thirty-eighth street and Hamilton place, in ber 9, 0904. Second-I hat the abstract of our said estimate and the -twelfth Ward, Borough of iltanhattan, City eonta.nea in the specifications or sc edules herein con- of New York, being the following-described lots, tained or hereto annexed, per yard, pet linear JOHN T, BLADEV, assessnt,nt, Loge her with our damage and benefit v,M N. LAI

Commissioner of Street Improvements of the (as legally opened) which extends from Gerard Beginning at the point of intersection of the and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, under avenue to River avenue for 225.02 feet to the westerly line of Calvary Cemetery road with a line point oil the easterly side of East Thirty-first authority of chapter 545 of the Laws of 1890, and northern line of One Hundred and Sixty-first parallel to and too feet northerly from the north- street where the same is intersected by the centre filed under authority of chapter 9o3 of the Laws street (as legally opened); eily line of Burden avenue; running thence west- line of the block between Beverley road and of 1885, and filed in the Office of the Commis- 3. Thence southerly along last mentioned line erly along said parallel line and a line parallel to Vernon avenue; running thence easterly and sioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty- for I28.90 feet; and too feet northerly from the northerly line along the centre line of the blocks between Bev- third and Twenty-fourth 1c ards on July to, 1895, 4. Thence southeasterly for 1oo.33 feet to the of Hunter's Point avenue to its intersection with crlcy road and Vernon avenue to the westerly as Map No. 83; in the Office of the Register of point of beginning. the middle line of the blocks between School side of Canarsie avenue; running thence south- the City and County of New York, on July it, PARCEL '~G." street and Mount street; thence southerly along erly along the westerly side of Canarsie avenue to 1895, as Map. No. to6t, and in the Office of Sec- said middle line of the blocks to its intersection the centre line of the block between Beverley Beginning at the intersection of the eastern road and Avenue C;running thence westerly retary of State of the State of New York on line of River avenue with the northern line of with the middle line of the blocks between Hun- July 12, 1895. ter's Point avenue and Borden avenue; thence and along the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Beverley road and Avenue C to the easterly side The land to be taken for this Public Place is y westerly along the last-mentioned middle line legall opened); of the blocks to its intersection with the middle of East Thirty-first street; running thence north- located in Block 2602 of sec,ton to of the Land 1.'Thence southeasterly along the northern line line of the blocks between Manly street and erly along the easterly side of East Thirty-first Map of The City of New York. of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Dated New YORK, November 7, 1904. Orton street; thence southerly along the last- street to the point or place of beginning. legally opened) for 230.33 feet to the western Fourth-- I hat our report herein will be presented for JOHN J. DELANY, line of Gerard avenue; mentioned middle line of the blocks to its inter- parallel to and too feet north- confirmation to the `uprcme Court of the State of New Corporation Counsel, 2. Thence northerly along the last mentioned section with a line No. 2 Tryon Row, erly from the northerly line of Borden avenue; York, 'cccnd Department at a Special Term thereof line for 40.06 feet; for the hearing of motions, to be held in the ( ounty Borough of Manhattan, arallel to the thence westerly along the said line parallel to 3. Thence northwesterly and p Borden avenue to its intersection with the east- Court-house it the Ito r ouch of Brooklyn, in 'I he City of City of New York. first course for 230.33 feet to the eastern line n7, t8. erly line of the freight canal; thence southerly New Yo k, on the 27th day of December, 1904, at the of River avenue; along the easterly line of the freight canal to its opening of the Court on that day. 4. Thence southerly for 40.06 feet to the point intersection with a line parallel to and too feet Dated If-ROUGH or B,•O.KLYN, THE Clty OF NEW of beginning. PARCEL " H." southerly from the southerly line of Borden YotK, October 3r, r904. FIRST DEPARTMENT avenue; thence easterly along said line parallel to EDWAhD C. DOW LING, Chairman; Beginning at the intersection of the eastern BENJAMIN LARZELERE, line of Gerard avenue with the northern line Borden avenue to its intersection with the mid- Ill the matter of the application of The City dle litre of the blocks between Star avenue and DANIEL G. CAMPION, of New York, relative to acquiring title where- of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Review avenue; thence southeasterly along said Commissioners, ever the same has not been heretofore ac- legally opened) ; middle line of the blocks to its intersection with Jastes F. QUIGLEY, uired, to the lands and premises required t. Thence northerly along the eastern line Clerk. 03t,nr7 q of Gerard avenue for feet; the middle line of the blocks between Young for the widening of EAST ONE HUNDRED 39.37 avenue and Pearsall avenue; thence northeasterly AND SIXTY-FIRST STREET (although not 2.'Thence southeasterly deflecting 86 degrees 5 5 minutes 30 seconds to the right for .72.26 along the last-tnentioncd middle line of the blocks SECOND DEPARTMENT. yet named by proper authority), between Jer- to its intersection with the middle line of the ome and Walton avenues, in the Twenty-third feet to the northern line of East One Hundred blocks between Star avenue and Bradley avenue; and Sixty-first street (as legally opened); In the matter of the application of The City of New Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New thence southeasterly along the last-mentioned York, relative to acquiring title to the land-, tene- York. 3. Thence westerly along the last mentioned middle line of the blocks to its intersection with line for 33.26 feet; ments and beret rtam' nts required for the purpose of the middle line of the blocks between Greenpoint cpening P IRK PLACE., from Utica avenue to East 4. Thence westerly still along last mentioned avenue and Howard street; thence northeasterly URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN line for 149.88 feet to the point of beginning. New 1 ork avenue, in the I w-enty-fourth and Twenty- P such cases made and provided, notice is along the last-mentioned middle line of the blocks sxth Wards, in the Borough of 1Lrooklvn, of I'he hereby given that an application will be made PARCEL " I." to its intersection with the middle line of Bradley City of New York, as the same has been heretofore to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Beginning at a point in the western line of avenue; thence southeasterly along the middle laid out. - First Department, at a Special Term of said Walton avenue distant 381.93 feet northerly of line of Bradley avenue to the northwesterly line the intersection of said line with northern line court, to be held at Part III. thereof, in the of Howard street; thence northeasterly along the W E, THE I NDERSIGNED, COi11MISSION- of East One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street; northlvesterly line of Howard street to its in- County Court-house, in the Borough of Man- WV ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- hattan, in The City of New York, on Tuesday, I. Thence northerly along the western line of tersection with a line parallel to and zoo feet Walton avenue for 34.02 feet to the southern entitled matter, here y give notice to all persons in- the 22d day of November, 1904, at the opening southerly from the southerly line of Borden ave- tere-ted in th .s pro ceding and to the owner or of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter line of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street nue; thence easterly along said parallel line to (as legally opened); owners, occupam or occupants, of al i hou es and Ints as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appoint- the westerly line of Calvary Cemetery road; and improved and untmpi oved lands affected thereby, ment of Commissioners of Estimate and As- 2. Thence westerly along last mentioned line thence northerly along the westerly line of Cal- for 16o.64 feet; vary Cemetery road to the point or place of be- and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: sessment in the above-entitled matter. The nature Fmrst—'f'hat we i ave coml leted our amended and and extent of the improvement hereby intended 3. Thence easterly for 18z.go feet to the point ginning; excepting from said area all streets. of beginning. avenues and roads or portions thereof hereto- supplemental estimate and assessment. and that all is the acquisition of title by The City of New persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the York, for the use of the public, to all the lands East One Hundred and Sixty-first street, as fore legally opened as such area is shown upon shown on a map entitled " Map or plan show- our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises and premises, with the buildings thereon and affected :hen by, and having objections thereto, do the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for ing the widening of East One Hundred and Fourth—That our report herein will be presented Sixty-first street from Jerome avenue to Walton present their said obje tions in writing duly verified, the widening of a certain street or avenue known for onfirmation to the Supreme Court of the Stare to us at our office in the office of the Law Department, as East One Hundred and Sixty-first street, be- avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward, Borough of of New York. Second Department, at a Special Term The Bronx, City of New York, prepared under No 66 iontague sir et, in the Borough of Brooklyn, tween Jerome and Walton avenues, in the Twen• authority of chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901," thereof, for the hearing of motions, to he held in the in I he City of New York on or before the 1St clay of ty--third Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of County Court-house, to the Borough of Brooklyn, in Noeember r9o,, and that we, the said Commissioners, New York, being the following described lots, which map was filed in the office of the President The City of New York, on the 24th day of Ianu:uy, of the Borough of The Bronx on March 22, 1904, will hear parties so objecting and 'or that purpose pieces or parcels of land, viz.: 3905. at the -'pening of the Court on that day. as Map No. 66, in the office of the Register will be in attendance at our said office on the aid clay PARCEL " A." of the City and County of New York on March Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, Oc- of November, 904, at 3 o'clock r. M. Beginning at the intersection of the southern tober tg, 1904. Second— hat the abstract of our said amended and 15, 1904, as Map No. 1070, and in the office of (;FO. W. DAVISON, line of Jerome avenue with the northern line the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of supplemental estimate and assessment, together with of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as GEORGE I'. SI'RACK, our damage at d benefit maps, and also all the New York on or about March 15, 1904, as Map Commissioner; legally opened); No. 44. affidavits. estimates, proofs and other documents used I. (hence easterly along the southern line JOHN P. DuNN, by us in making our report, have been deposited in the The land to be taken for East One Hundred Clerk. o3,,nl8 of Jerome avenue for 57.48 feet; and Sixty-first street is located in Blocks 2474, Bureau of 'treet Openings of the Law Department of Thence southerly curving to the left on the 2. 2475, 2484, 249!, 2492, 2499 and 2500 of Section The City of vsew York, in the Borough of Brooklyn, arc of a circle of 5o feet radius and tangent y of the Land Map of The City of New York, No. ,t6 Montague street in the Borough of Brooklyn, n 0.27 feet; to the preceding course for Dated NEW YORK, November 7, 1904. SECOND DEPARTMENT in The City of New lurk, there to remain uctil the 3. Thence southeasterly on a line tangent to JOHN J. DELANY, 3o'h day of November, t9. 4• the preceding course for t57.o5 feet to the north- Corporation Counsel, In the matter of the application of The City of New Third—That the limits of our assessment for ern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-first No. 2 Tryon Row, York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same benefit include all those lands, tenements and street (as legally opened); Borough of Manhattan, has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, hereditaments and premises situate, lying and 4. Thence northwesterly along last mentioned City of New York. tenements and hereditaments required for the open- bring in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City line for 201.84 feet; n7,18 ing and extending of the approach to the BR Iu(E of New York, which, taken together, are bounded 5. Thence northeasterly still along last men- OVER THE BRONX RIVER, oppo-ite Wake- and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a tioned line curving to the right on the arc of fie!d avenue, City of Yonkers. lying witt'un the I ties point on the easterly side of Utica avenue where a circle of feet radius for 77.82 feet to the 33.75 of East Two Hundred and Forty-first street (( ecker the same is intersected by the centre line of the point of beginning. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. block between Park place and Prospect place; avenue)- from the New Yore ana Harlem Railroad running thence easterly and along the centre PARCEL " B." to the Bronx river, as laid out by the hoard of In the matter of the application of the Board of Edu- line of the block between Park place and Pros- Beginning at the intersection of the southern cation, by the Counsel to the CorForation of I he Estimate and Ap ortionment on February .6, •004, line of Jerome avenue with the southern line pect place to the northwesterly side of East New City of New York, rel live to acqutrinu tit .e by the in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, York avenue; running thence southwesterly along of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Mayor, Aldermen and Communal y of Tt e City of City of New York. legally opened); the northwesterly side of East New York ave- New t ork, to certain lands at the SOU 1 EWES r nue to the prolongation of the centre line of the I. Thence westerly along the southerly line CORNER OF ON HL:NDRED AND SEVENTY- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN of Jerome avenue for 52.39 feet; order of the Supreme I ours, of the State of block between Sterling place and Park place; SIXfH STREET AND Pr OSPECT AVENUE. in N running thence westerly and along the centre line z. Thence easterly curving to the right on the Twenty.fcurth Tvard of said City, duly set, cted New York, Second Department, bearing date the ,4th the arc of a circle of 86.41 feet radius and tan- of the block between Sterling place and Park and approved by said Board as a site for school day of Ocober, 1904, Ind tiled and entered in the office place and its prolongation to the easterly side gent to the preceding course for 80.90 feet; purposes, under and in pursuance of the provisions of the (7e k of he County of Kings on the 14th day 3. Thence southeasterly on a line tangent to of Utica avenue; running thence northerly along of chapter tyi of the Laws o. 1888, chapter ., of the of October, goo, in the, flee of the Clerkof the County side of Utica avenue to the point the preceding course for 286.62 feet; of New York on the ,5th day of October, r9oy, and in the easterly Laws of ,to, and chapters 381 and 890 of the Laws or place of beginning. 4. Thence southeasterly deflecting 8 degrees of 1895. the oh ce of the Clerk of the Co. my of Wes chester, on 15 minutes 21.3 seconds to the right for 25 feet the i:d day of October. '9o4 T. Channon Press, Francis Fourth—That our report herein will be presented for to the land acquired for the Jerome avenue ap- Shackell and Arthur Wadick were apcointed Commis confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New proach to Central Bridge; OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT E.DANIEL York, Second Department, at a Special Term thereof, Miner, J. Fairfax McLaughlin, Jr.. and Jerome stoners of Es'imate and Assessment in the above- 5. Thence northerly along last mentioned line N entitled proceeding. for the hearing of motions, to be field in the County for 47.04 feet to the southern line of East One F. Healy, appointed Commissioners of Estimate and Courr-house in the borough of Brook yn, in 1"he City Appraisal herein, by an order of the Supreme Court, Notice is further given, pursuant to the statute in Hundred and Sixty-first street (as legally such case made and provided, that the said T Chan- of New York, on the s7th day of December, 1904, at opened); filed in the office of the Clerk or the County of New the opening of the Court rn that day. York on the zoth day of October, 1904, will appear before non Press, Francis Shackell and Arthur Wadick, 6. Thence northwesterly along last mentioned will attend at a Special 'l erm of said Court, to be held I:OR UGH OI' BROOKLYN, ETH Crev eF Nsw line for 358.52 feet to the point of beginning. the Justice of the Supreme Court sitting at Special YORK, October 35, l90'. '1 arm, Part 11 , in the Coo ty Court-house in the Bor- in the County Court-house, in the Borough of Brook- PARCEL "C." lyn, City of New York, on the r th day of November, GEtIRGE T. O'KEFFE, Chairman; ough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the ALEXANDER CAMERON, Beginning at the intersection of the southern t7t., day of November, ,9o4, at mm o'clock in the fore- 1904 at the opening of the Court on that day, for the line of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street purpose of being examined under oath by the Corpora- ISAAC TUCK, noon, to be examined by the Corporation Counsel, or Commission ers. (as legally opened) with the eastern line of the by any person interested in this proceeding, as to their tion Counsel , f The City of New York, or by any per• land acquired for the Jerome avenue approach son having an interest to said proceeding as to their JAMS= F. QlIGLEY, qualifications to act as such Commissioners of Esti- Clerk. o3t,nt7 to Central Bridge; mate and Appraisal. qualifications to act . s Commissioners of Estimate and I. Thence southe._sterly along the southern Dated NEW YORK, November s, 1904. Assessment in this proceeding. line of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street JOHN J. IIELANY, Dated NEW YcRK, Novcmi,r ,. t904. In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New as legally opened) for 215.95 feet to the land Corporation Counsel, JOHN J. DELANY, York to certain lands vtuate on the NORTHERLY acquired for the approach to the Concourse; No. a Tryon row, Corporation Counsel, FIDE tOF kOBINSON SrREI-T, proposed dis- 2. Thence westerly along the last mentioned Borough of Manhattan, No. a Tryon Row, tance one hundred and fifty feet west of Rogers line for 76.62 feet; New York City. Borough of Manhattan, avenue, in the Berough of Brooklyn, duly selected ty. 3. Thence northwesterly on a line parallel to n4,t6 New 1 ork t. as a site for school purposes according to law. the first course and distant 40 feet therefrom nt,,6 for 129.t3 feet; 4. Thence westerly deflecting 33 degrees 47 E THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION- minutes so seconds to the left for feet to SECOND DEPARTMENT. ers of 1-stimate in the above-entitled mat- 44.95 ter,W appointed pursuant to the provisions of the stat- the eastern line of the land acquired for the SECOND DEPARTMENT Jerome avenue approach to Central Bridge; In the matter of the application of The City of New utes relating thereto, hereby give notice to the owner 5. Thence easterly along last mentioned line York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same In the matter of the application of The City of New or owners, lesser or lessees. parties or persons respect. for feet to the point of beginning. has not been beret, fore acquired, to the lands and York, relative to acquiring tit'e to the lands, tene- ively entitled to or interested in the lands, tene- premises rewired for the opening and extending ments and hereditaments required f r the purpo-e of ments, hereditaments and premises, title to which is PARCEL "D." sought to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all Beginning at the intersection of the western of BORDEN AVLNLE (although not yet named opening BEVe RLY ROAD, from Fast 'l hirty-first by proper authority), from (,reenpornt avenue to street to Holy Cross Cemetery, in the others whom it may concern, to wit: line of Cromwell avenue with the southern Iine First—That we have completed our estimate of the of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Bradley avenue, in the First Ward, Borough of Ward in the Borough of Brooklyn ' f I he City of Queens, is the City of New York. New York, as the same has been heretofore to d out. loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees legally opened); parties and persons interested in.the lands or prem- t. Thence northwesterly along the southern isesaffected by this proceeding, Cr having any interest line of said East One Hundred and Sixty-first lAtE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION- «]E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMIdSION- Y ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- V Y ems of F sit mate and Assessment in the above= therein. and have filed a true report or transcript of street for 186.74 feet to the southern line of such estimate in the office of the Board of Education the approach to the Concourse; entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in. interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or of The City of New York, at Park avenue and Fifty- z. Thence westerly along last mentioned line ninth street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of for 92.27 feet; owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots owners, occupant or occupants, of all Ii uses and I is and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and improved and untm, roved lands affected thereby, New York, for the inspection of whomsoever it may 3. Thence southeasterly on a line parallel to concern. the first course and distant 40 feet therefrom and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: ad to all others whom it may concern, to wit: Ftnt—That we have completed our estimate First—That we have completed our estimate and Second—That all parties or persons whose rights for 280.59 feet to the western line of Cromwell pro- may be affected by the said estimate, and who may ob- avenue; and assessment, and that all persons interested in assessment, and that all persons interest-d m this this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements ceeding, or in any of the Ian s, tenements a d heredita- ject to the same, or any part thereof, may within ten 4. Thence northerly along last mentioned line days after the first publication of this notice, October for 41.41 feet to the point of beginning. and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, ments and premises affected thereby, and ha , ing and having objections thereto, doresent their objections thereto, do present their said objections in 19, 1904, file their objections to such estimate, in PARCEL "E." said objections in writing, daly verified, to us, at writing, duly verifie I, to us at our office to the office of writing, with us, at our office, Na. o66 Montague Beginning at the intersection of the eastern our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of the Law Department, o. x66 Montague street, in the street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in raid city, as line of Cromwell avenue with the southern line Queens, in "I he City of New York, on or before the 21st Borough o Brooklyn in The City of New Ycrk, on or provided by statute, and that we. the said Commis- of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as day of November, 19[4, and that we, the said Commis before the ntst day of November, 19ot, and that we, sioners, will hear parties so objecting, at our said legally opened); sioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for that the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, office, on the trth day of November, r9o4, at 3 o'clock t. Thence southerly along the eastern line of p-'.x}pose will be in attendance at our said Office on the and for that purpose will be in at,endance at our sa d in the afternoon, and upon such subsequent days Cromwell avenue for 41.34 feet; 23d day of November, 3904, at 4 o'clock P. st. office on the z3d day of November, 19 , at 2.30 o'clock as may be found necessary. 2. Thence easterly deflecting 93 degrees 4 Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and F. M. Dated BOROUGH r F Btoexlyn, THE Cray up NEW minutes 30 seconds to the left for 128.69 feet assessment, together with our damage and benefit Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and YORK, Cctober 19, 5904 to the southern line of East One Hundred and maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs assessment, together w ith our damage and benefit WILLIAM W. W1NGATE, Sixty-first street (as legally opened); and other documents used by us in making our report, maps, and also ill the affidavits, estimates, proofs rind LOUIS WANKF., 3. Thence northerly along last mentioned line have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings other documents used by us in making our rep rt, have BANCROFT G. BRAINS, for 133.04 feet to the point of beginning. in the Law Department of The City of New York, been dep sited in the nreau of Street Openings of the Commissioners. PARCEL "P." ho 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, I aw Department of 'I he City of New York, in the GEORGE T. Rlces, Beginning at the intersection of the western in said city, there to remain until the 1st day of Dc- Borough • f Brooklyn. Is o. x66 .Montague street, in the Clerk. ozg,nro line of River avenue with the northern line cember, rgty Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, there of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street (as Third—That the limits of our assessment for bene. to remain until the loth d •y of November, ryoa. legally opened); It include all those lands, tenements and heredita- Third—That the limits of our assessment for In the matter of acquiring title by 1 he City of New i. Thence northerly along the western line tnents and premises situate, lying and being in the benefit include all those lands, tenements and York to certain lands and premises situated in the of River avenue to 40.o6 feet; Borough of Queens, in 1 he City of New York, which, hereditaments and premises situate, Iytog and block bounded by H ES I'ER STREET, ELDRIDGE 2. Thence northwesterly and parallel to that taken together, are bounded and described as follows, being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City STREET, CANAL SIREET AND FORSYTH portion of One Hundred and Sixty-first street of New York, which, taken togemer, are bounded STREET, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. THE CITY RECORD. 7615

City of New York duly selected as a site for school house, in the Borough of Brooklyn. on the Toth day hereditaments and premises situate, lying and enty-ninth street; running thence easterly and purposes, accor.. ing to law. of November, 19c4, at to o'clock in the forenoon, to be being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City alone the centre line of the blocks between examined by the Corporation Lounsel, or by any person of New York, which, taken together, are bounded Eightieth street and Seventy-ninth street to a X11 Ol'ICE H HEREBYGI VEN THAT CH ARLES interested in this proceeding as to their qualifications and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a point distant one hundred feet easterly of the 1V W. Dayton, Henry 'A. W'ol'and ?loses N. Moses, to act as such Com'uissioners of Estimate and Ap- point on the southerlyside of Thirty-seventh easterly side of Fourteenth avenue; running appoinvd Commissioners of Estimate and Appraisal praisal. street where tire same is intersectedntersected by the centre thence southerly and )parallel with Fourteenth herein by an order of the -upreme Court, dated October Dated NEW Yost, October a-, 1904. line of the block between Ninth avenue and avenue to the centre line of the block between 14, 1004, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the JOHN J. DELANY, Tenth avenue- running thence southerly and Eightieth street and Eighty-first street; running County of New Yo k, will appear before he Justice of Corporation Counsel, parallel with I-inth avenue to the northerly side thence westerly and along the centre line of the the Supreme Court s tune at rpecral Term, Part II., No 2 1ry on Row, of Bay Ridge avenue; running thence westerly blocks between Eightieth street and Eighty-first in the County Courthouee, in the Borough of Manhat- Borough of Manhattan, and along the northerly side of Bay Ridge ave- street to the easterly side of Narrows avenue; tan, in '1 he City of New York, on the Toth day of New York City. nue to the centre line of the block between Ninth running thence northerly along the easterly side November, I9c4, at or o'clock in the forenoon, to be ex- oa8,ng avenue and Eighth avenue; running thence north. of Narrows avenue to the point or place of begin. amined by the Corporation Counsel, or by any person erly and along the centre line of the blocks be- ning. interested in this proceeding, as to their qualifications tween Ninth avenue and Eighth avenue to the Fourth—That our report herein will be presented for to act as such Commissioners of Estimate and COUNTY OF RICHMOND. southerly side of Thirty-seventh street; running confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New Appraisal. thence easterly along the southerly side of Thir- York, Second Department, at a Special Tern, thereof, Dated NEW YORK, October s6, 1904. In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New ty-seventh street to the point or place of be- for the hearing of motions, to be held in the County York to certain lands and premises situated on the JOHN J. DEI.ANY, ginning. Court-house, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City Corporation ( ounsel, EASTERLY LINE OF CENTRAL AVENUE Fourth—That our report herein will be presented fot of New York, on the 27th day of December, 1904, at the No 2 Tryon Row, and the WESTERLY LINF: OF STUYVESANT confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New opening of the Court on that day. Borough of Manhattan, STREET', south of Hyatt street, in the Borough of York, Second Department, at a Special Term thereof, Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF Now City of New York. Richmond, in The City of New York, duly selected for the hearing of motions, to be held in the I ounty YORK, October z8, I004. 008,09 as a site for a public library according to law. Court-house, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City 'THOMAS H. TROY, Chairman; of New York, on the 27th day of Decemher, 1904, at the JOSEPH A. GARDINER. OTICE IS HEREBY t,IVEN THAT FREDER- opening of the Court on that day. VICI'OR A. ROBERT'SON, ick A. Lambert, John G, Clark and James Burke, FIRST DEPARTMENT. N Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW Commissioners. Jr., appointed Commissioners of Estimate and Ap- YORK, October 28, 1904 JAMES F. QUIGLEY, praisal herein by an order of the Supreme Court, In the matter of the application of the Mayor, Alder- JOSEPH A. GUIDER, Clerk. 028,015 dated October a5. 1904 and filed in the office of the Chairman; men and Commonalty of '1 he City of New York, Clerk of tie Lounty of Rtcf'mcnd, will appear before relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has EUGENE V. DALY, the Justice of the Supreme Court sn ting at Special HENRY JOSEPH, not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements Term, for the Daring of motions, on the Toth day of FIRST DEPARTMENT. and hereditaments required for the purnose of open- Commissioners. November, I404, at to o'clock in the forenoon, to be JAMES F. QUIGLEY, ing and extending WOODLAWN ROAIt(although ex.,mined by the Corporation Counsel, or by'any per- not yet named by proper authority), from Jerome Clerk. o2d,nr5 In the matter of the application of The City of son interested in this proceeding as to their qualifica- New York, relative to acquiring title wherever avenue to Bronx Park, as the same has been hereto- tions to act as such Commissioners of Estimate and fore laid out and designated as a first-class street or the same has not been heretofore acquired, to Appraisal. the lands and premises required for the AP- road, in the Twenty-fourth Word of The City of New Dated Now YORK, October as, I;e4. SECOND DEPARTMENT. York. PROACIIES TO THE FORDHAM HEIGHTS JOHN J. DELANY, BRIDGE. over the Harlem river, in the Twenty- Corporation Counsel, In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tene- fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE N • ,. 2 Tryon Row, New York. N supplemental and additional bill of costs, Borough of Manhattan, ments and hereditam' tits required for the purpose of charges and expenses incurred by reason of the pro. New I ork City, opening EAST NINE'lV-FOURTH STREET, ceedings in the above-entitled matter will be pre- oa8,ng between Sea View av, nue and East New York ave- URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH sented for taxation to one of the Justices of the nue in the Twenty-n nth and Thirty-second Wards, P cases made and provided, notice is hereby Supreme Court of the State of New York, First in tire Borough of Brooklyn, of The City of New given that an application will be made to the Su- Department, at a Special T arm thereof, Part I., to be SECOND DEPAR'TMEN'T. York, as the same has been heretofore laid out. preme Court of the State of New York, First held at the County. Court-house, in the Borough Department. at a Special Term of said Court, to of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the In the matter of the application of The City of New `7L;' E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION. be held at Part III. thereof, in the County Court- roth day of November, 1904, at ro.-:o o'clock in fore- York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tene- V ` ere of Estimate and Assessment in the above- house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City noon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel ments and htreditaments !equired for the purpose entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- of New York, on Tuesday, the zzd day of Novem- can be heard thereon, and that the said bill of opening NF.W YORK AVENUE, fern Malbone retested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, ber, 1904, at the opening of the Court on that of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited Street to Church Avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be in the office of the Clerk of the County of New in the Borough of Brooklyn. of The City of New proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to heard thereon, for the appointment of Commis- York, there to remain for and during the space of ten York, as the same has been heretofore laid out. all others whom it may concern, to wit: sioners of Estimate and Appraisal in the above- days, as required by the provisions of section ggq of First—That we have completed our estimate and as- entitled matter. The nature and extent of the the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION. sessment, and that all persons interested in this proceed. improvement hereby intended is the acquisition, .,f 466 of the Law, of Tool. _ W ens of Estimate and Assessment in the ing, or in any of the lands, tenements and hered'taments title by The City of New York, for the use of the Dated BOROUGH OF' MANHATTAN, New I ORK, Octo- above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons and premises affected thereby and having objection public, to all the lands and premises, with the ber a8, 1904. interested in this preceding, and to the owneror thereto, do present their said objections in writing, buildings thereon and the appurtenances themtu JOHN DEWICT WAFER. owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots duly verified, to us at our office, in the office of belonging, required for the approaches to the WILLIAM Al. LAWRENCE, and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, the Law Department, No. 166 Montague street, Fordham Heights Bridge over the Harlem river, WM. H. McCAR'IHY, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New in the Twenty-fourth %N aro, Borough of The Commissioners. rlrst—l'hat we have completed our amended and Y ork, on or before the 17th day of November, x904, Bronx, City of New York, being the following JOHN P. DUNN, supplemental estimate ano as,essment, and that all and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: Clerk oo8,n7 persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance PARCEL I. the lands, tenements and heredttameuts and premises at our sad office on the itth day of November, 19-4, Beginning at a point on the United States affected thereby, and having objection thereto, do at to o'clock A. N. Second—']'hat the abstract of our said estimate and pier and bulkhead line on the east side of the FIRST DEPARTMENT. present their said objections in writing, duly verified, Harlem river and distant two hundred and sixty- to us at our office in the office of the Law Depart- assessment, together with our damage and benefit eight and fourteen-hundredths feet (268.t4') maps, and also all the af5davits, estimates, proofs and In the matter of the appitcation of The City of Newt ment, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of from the southerly side of Fordham Landing Brooklyn, in '1-he City of New York, on or before the other documents u-ed by us in making our report, York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same have been deposited in the I:ureau of Street Openings road; thence running southwardly by said United has not been heretofore acquired, to he lands, tene- 17th day of November 1904, and that we, the said States pier and bulkhead line one hundred and ments and hereditaments requited for the opechg :,nd Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for of the Law Department of The City of New York, in sixty-one and eight-hundredths feet (t6r.o8'); that purpose will be in attendance at our said office the Borough of Brooklyn, No. 166 Montague stre, t, in extending of 1)-h WSON SIR F.i•.T (although not yet the Borough of Brooklyn, in 'l he City of New Ynrk, thence eastwardly, making an angle with the on the tad day of November, 1904, at no o'clock A. M. last-mentioned line eighty-three degrees twenty named by proper authority), from Craven street there to remain until the a8th day of November, 1904, (East One Hundred and Sixty-filth street) to Inter- Second—That the abstract of our said amended and minutes and fifty-four seconds (83' 20' 54") two supplemental estimate and assessment, together with Third—That the limits of our assessment for hundred and sixty-seven and twenty-seven-hun- vale avenue, in the '1 wenty-third Ward, Borough benefit include all those lands, tenements and of T'he Bronx, City of New York. our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affi- dredths feet (267.27') to the land of the Port davits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by hereditaments and premises situate, lying and Morris and Spuyten Duyvil Railway Company; OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE us in making our report, have been deposited to the being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City thence northwardly by said land making an angle bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by Bureau 'A Street Openings of the Law Department of New York, which, taken together, are bounded with the last-mentioned line one hundred and reasonN of the proceedings in the above-entitled platter of The City of New York, in the Borough of Brook. and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a five degrees one minute and fifty-eight seconds ly,, No n6 W,ntague street, in the Borough of Brook- point on the southerly side of East New York (toy' 1' 58") four hundred fifteen and will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices y the t the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First lyn, in The City of New York, thereto remain until the avenue where the same is intersected b eighty-three-hundredths feet (415.83') to the Department, at a Special Tenn thereof, Part I., to be 08th day of November, 1904. centre line of the block between East Ninety- southerly side of Fordham Landing road; thence Third—That the limits of our assessment for fourth street and East Ninety-fifth street; run- westwardly by said southerly line of Fordham held at the County Court-house, in the Borough of ning thence southerly and along the centre line Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the Both benefit include all those lands, tenements and Landing road forty and twenty-nine-hundredths day of November, 5904, at 10.30 o'clock in forenoon hereditaments and premises situate, lying and of the blocks between East Ninety-fourth street feet (40.29') ; thence still westwardly by said Ford- of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City and East Ninety-fifth street to the northerly side ham Landing road three and seventy-nine-hun- I.card thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges of New York, which, taken together, are bounded of Sea View avenue; running thence westerly dredths feet (3.79'); thence southwardly parallel and expenses has been deposited in the office of the and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a along the northerly side of Sea View avenue to to the land of the Port Morris and Spuyten Duy- the centre line of the block between East Ninety' Clerk of the County of New York, there to remain point on the southerly side of Malbone street and vil Railway Company and distant therefrom forty for and during the space of ten days, as required by distant two hundred and seventy-five (275) feet third street and East Ninety-fourth street; run- feet (40') two hundred and forty-two and sev- the provisions of section ygg of the Grgater New York easterly of the easterly side of New York ave- ning thence northerly and along the centre line enty-five-hundredths feet (242.75'); thence west- of the blocks between East Ninety-third street 466 of the Laws of true; running thence southerly and parallel with wardly making an angle alto the last-mentioned Charter, as amended by chapter and East Ninety-fourth street to the southerly ryol. New York avenue to the northerly side of Church line of one hundred and five degrees one minute Dated BoxouGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, Octo- avenue; running thence westerly and along the side of East 'New York avenue; running thence and fifty-eight seconds (105' C 58") two hundred easterly along the southerly side of East New ber 28, 1904. northerly side of Church avenue to a point dis- and fifty and sixteen-hundredths feet (250.16') to EUGENE M. CAMP, tant two hundred and seventy-five (2y5) feet west- York avenue to the point or place of beginning. the place of beginning. LOUIS M. EBI-ING, erly of the westerly side of New York avenue; Fourth—That our report herein will be presented for running thence northerly and parallel with New PARCEL 2. THOS, S. McLAUGHLIN, confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of Beginning at the intersection of the easterly Commissioners. York avenue to the southerly side of Malbone New York, Second Department, at a Special Term street; running thence easterly and along the thereof, for the Fearing of motions, to be held in the line of Harlem River terrace and the northerly JOHN P. DUNN, line of East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth Clerk. oa8,n7 southerly side of Malbone street to the point or County Court-house, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in place of beginning. The City of New York, on the a7thday of December, street; running thence eastwardly two hundred Fourth—That our report herein will be presented fifty and twenty-six hundredths feet (250.26') to 1904 at the opening of the Court on that day. the westerly line of Cedar avenue; thence north- for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of Dated BOROUGH OF III,OOKLYN, THE CI]Y r.F NEW ' wardly by the said westerly line of Cedar avenue FIRST DEPARTME'iT. New York, 'second Department, at a Special Term YORK, October 28, ,got. thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in the FRANCIS H. KENNY, Chairman; twenty-four and fifty-seven-hundredths feet County Court-house. in the Borough of Brooklyn, in JAMES I. McINERNEY, (24.57'); thence westwardly parallel with East In the matter of the apphcat'on of The City of New The City of New York, on the 07th day of December, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street and dis- York, rel,five to acquiring title, wherever the same HERSEY EGGINTON. 1o04, at the opening of the Court on that day. Commissioners. tant therefrom twenty feet (20'), two hundred has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tene- Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW fifty-one and thirty-seven-hundredths feet (255.- ments nd hered tamer's required for the opening JAMES F. QUIGLEY, YORK, October z8, n.o4. Clerk. oz8,nt5 37') to the easterly side of Harlem River ter- and extending of EAST ONE HUNDRED AND FRANK GALLAGHER, Chairman, race; thence by said easterly side southwardlv EIGHTY-FIFTH STREEI (although not yet WM. H. SMITH, twenty-three and ninety-four-hundredths feet named by proper authority), from Washington (23.94') to the place of beginning. WILLIAM P. LEGGETT, JR., SECOND DEPARTMENT. avenue to Third avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Commissioners. PARCEL 3. Borough of 1 he Bronx, City of New York. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, In the matter of the application of The City of New Beginning at the intersection of the easterly Clerk. os8, nts side of Cedar avenue and the northerly side of OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tene- ments and heredlrements required for the purpose East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street; run- bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by ning thence eastwardly by said northerly side of reasonN of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter of opening EIGHTIETH STREET. from Narrows SECOND DEPARTMENT. avenue to Fourteenth avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward, East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street two will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of hundred and fourteen and eighty-three-hundredths the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First De- in the Borough of Brooklyn, of The City of New 'o the matter of the application of The City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out. (214.83') feet; thence northwardly by the west- partment, at aSpecial Term thereof, P.•rt I., to be held Ycrk, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tene- erly side of East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth at the County Court-house, in the Borough of Man- ments and hereditaments required for the purpose of street two hundred eighty-three and eighty-seven- hattan, in T he City of New York, on the Toth day of WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- opening NINTH AVENUE, from Thirty-seventh s of Estimate and Assessment in the above- hundredths feet (283.87') to the Fordham Land- November, I904, at to. to o'clock in forenoon of that en street to I ay Ridge avenue, in the Eighth and entitled matter, hereby give notice to-all persons inter- ing road; thence eouthwestwardly by the easterly day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard Thirtieth Wards, in the Borough of hrooklyn, of The side of Fordham Landing road one hundred and thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges and cited in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, City of New \ ork, as the same has been heretofore occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im. forty-four and eight-hundredths feet (1¢4.o8'); expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk land out, thence eastwardly along the southerly side of of the County of New York, there to remain for and proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: Fordham Landing road, produced, forty-three and during the space of ten days, as required by the pro- First—That we have completed our estimat" and ten-hundredths feet (43.10'); thence southwardly 99y of toe Greater New York Char- E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION. visions of section g ere of Estimate and Assessment in the above- asoessment, and that all persons interested in this pro parallel with East One Hundred and Eighty- ter, as amended by chapter 466 of the laws of rgor. W fourth street and distant therefrom twenty feet Dated BOROUGH r,F MANHATTAN, New YORK, Octo- entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons needingor in any of the lands, tenements and heredita. interested in this proceeding and to the owner or ments and premises affected thereby, and having objec- (2o') one hundred and fifty-seven and sixty-nine- ber 28, 1904. owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots tions thereto, do present their said objections in hundredths feet (157.69'); thence westwardly par- i. FAIRFAX McLAUGHLIN, JR., allel to East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth ' IENRY A. COSIER, and improved and unimproved [ands affected thereby, writing, duly verified, to us at out office. in the office and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: of the Law Department, No. 166 Montague street, street and distant therefrom twenty feet (20') CHAS. V. HALLF.Y, one hundred and ninety and eighty-four-hun- Commissioners. Furst—That we have completed our estimate in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New and assessment, and that all persons interested in York, on or before the 17th day of November, 1904, dredths feet (190.84') to the easterly side of JOHN P. DUNN, Cedar avenue; thence southwardly by said east- Clerk. oz8,n7 this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear hereditaments and premises affected thereby, and hav- parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in erly side of Cedar avenue twenty-four and fifty- ing objections thereto, do present their said objections attendance at our said office on the gist day of seven-hundredths feet (24.57') to the place 'of in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, in the office November. 1904, at zo o'clock A. M. beginning. As shown on a map entitled " Map of Prop- COUNTY OF RICHMOND. of the Law Lepartment, No. 166 Montague street, in oecond—That the abstract of our said estimate and the Borough of Brooklyn, in 'the City of New York, on assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, erty, Fordham Heights Bridge over Harlem river," dated New York, Borough of Manhattan, In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New or before the tith day of November. 1904, and that we, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, documents used by us in making our report, have been on the 27th day of January, 1904, and filed in York to certain lands and prem'ses situated on the the office of the Commissioner of Bridges and NORTHWESTERLY LlI E OF DANUBE AVE- and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said deposited in the Bureau r Street Openings of the law office on the aid day of November, 1904, at to o'clock Department of The City of New York, in the B6rough the office of the Register of the County of New NUE and the SOUIHIASTERLY'LINE OF York on the 08th day of January, 1904. The RHINE AVF'NCF, west of Steuben street, in the A. at. , of Brooklyn, No, 166 Montague street, in the Borough Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and of Bro klyn. in 'I be City of New York, there to remain land to be taken for the Approaches to Fordham Borough of Richmond, in The City of New York, Heights Bridge is located in Blocks 3235 and duly-selected as a site for school purposes. assessment, together with our damage and benefit until the a81h day of November, rgo4. maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and Third—That the limits of our assessment for 3242 of section i r of the Land Map of The City otherdocuments used by us in making our report, have benefit include all those lands, tenements and of New York. Al OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALBERT Dated NEW YORK, November 7, 1904. 1 E. Hadlock, Augustus Acker and Charles L. been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings of the hereditaments and premises situate, lying and Law Department of The City of New York, in be in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City JOHN J. DGLANY, Hubbell, appointed Commissioners of Estimate and Corporation Counsel, Appraisal herein by an order of the Supreme Court, the Borough of Brooklyn, No. 166 Montague etreet, in of New York which, taken together, are bounded the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, and describes as' follows, viz.: Beginning at a No. a Tryon Row, dated October 25, 1904, and filed in the office of the Borough of Manhattan. Clerk of the County of Richmond, will appear before there to remain until the o8th day of November, 5904, point on the easterly side of Narrow@ avenue Third—That the limits of our uses meat for where the same is intersected by the centre line New York City. the Justice of the Supreme Court, sitting at Special n7,f8, Term, for the hearing of motions, at the County Court- benefit include all those lands, tenements and of the block between Eightieth street and Set• 7616 THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, I904.

FIRST DEPARTMENT of the lands in front thereof, which formerly the intersecting streets under the railroad the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a were embraced within the lines of the former structure of the New York and Harlem Rail- Special Term thereof, to be held for the hearing of Fort Washington Ridge road, as laid out by the road Company, and for the elevation of said motions. at the Kings County Court-house in the Bor- In the matter of the application of the Mayor Commissioners of Public Parks on their map railroad structure, and for changing the grade ough of Brooklyn, in 'I he City of New York, on the 9th Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of dated and certified February t8, t873, and filed of said railroad, and for the construction of a day of November, ,9L4, at 10.30 o'clock in the orenoon New York, for the appointment of Commis- in the office of the Register of the City and new railroad bridge at an increased elevation of thatday, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard sioners of Appraisal, under chapter 114 of the County of New York on the 7th day of April, over the Harlem river, and providing for all thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and Laws of 1892, passed March 9, 1892, entitled 1873, and which were acquired by the Mayor, changes in any avenues, streets or railroads expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk " An Act to provide for settling and establishing Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New that may be necessary by reason of such change of the County of h ings, there to Yen sin for and permanently the location and boundaries of the York in proceedings in which the report of the in structure and grade and increased elevation during the space of ten days. as required by the ! ro- avenue known as FORT WASHINGTON Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment was of bridge, and for other purposes," as amended visions of section 999 of title 4 of chapter 17, of chapter RIDGE ROAD, in The City of New York, and confirmed by an order.of the Supreme Court on by chapter 548 of the Laws of 1894, by chap- 378 of the Laws-o1 7897, as amended by chapter 466 of in relation to the improvement thereof." the 21st day of April, 1876, but which portions ter 594 of the Laws of ,896, and by chapter the Laws of t9or. of the said Fort Washington Ridge road were 613 of the Laws of 1898- Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, New YORK, Octo- not retained on the maps made and filed pur- ber 55, 1904. lv OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT suant to chapter 114 of the Laws of 1893. WM. O. CAMPRFLL, 1 to the provisions of section 14 of chapter F.T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, FRANK ANDERSON, 114 of the Laws of 1Sg2: Eighth—That a brief description of these vari- J. V the undersigned Commissioners of Assess- SIDNEY H. PALMER, First—That the report of the Commissioners ous properties is contained in the said report of ntent, appointed by the Supreme Court in the Commissioners. of Appraisal in the above entitled matter was the said Commissioners, and also in the order of at ove-entitled special proceeding, did deposit on J AMES F. QUIGLEY, confirmed by an order of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court confirming the report, and th t 26th day of October, 1904, pursuant to see- Clerk. o25,tt4 Special Term, Part III., of the State of New these parcels have been subdivided in the report tioi 57 of chapter 339 of the Laws of t8,ga, a York, bearing date the 7th day of July, 1904, according to the ownership thereof of the eon- true copy or transcript of our report herein in and entered in the office of the Clerk of the tiguous property, so far as the same was ascer- the o?ice of the Comptroller of The City of 1.1ew County of New York on the t2th day of July, tatned by the Commissioners of Appraisal, as fol- York, for the inspection of whomsoever it may SECOND DEPARTMENT. 1904, and said report is now on file in the office lows: concern; and that said report will be presented of the Clerk of the County of New York. Parcel Number A, in testimony Parcel Number to the said Supreme Court on the first Monday In the matter of the application of The City of New Second—That the said report contains the t-X. of December, 1904 York, relative to acquiring title wherever the same awards to be made for the real estate required Parcel Number B-t, in testimony Parcel Num- Notice is hereby further given that the statute has riot been herctolore acquired to the lands and for Fort Washington Ridge Road, as said road ber 2-X. permits any person or persons whose rights may premises required for the opening and extending of has been settled, adjusted, determined and estab- Parcel Number B-2, in testimony Parcel Num- be affected by said report, and who may object to RAPELJE AVENUE (although not yet named by lished by the Commissioners appointed under aee- ber 3-X. the same or any part thereof, to set forth their proper authority-), from Thomson avenue to Riker tion 2, chapter 114 of the Laws of 1892. Parcel Number B-3, in testimony Parcel Num- objections to the same in writing to the under- avenue, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens,Ihe ber 4-X. signed Commissioners within thirty days after the City of New York, Third—That the said report contains a brief Parcel Number B-4, in testimony Parcel Num- first publication of this notice, which publication description of the parcels of such real estate took place on the 27th day of October, 1904. subdivided in accordance with the ownership ber 5-X. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL thereof, so far as the same could be ascertained Parcel Number B-5, in testimony Parcel Num- Dated NEW YORK CITY, October 21, 1904 of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason ber 6-X. EDWARD LAUTERBACH, ofN the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will by the Commissioners. Parcel Number B-6, in testimony Parcel Num- Chairman. Fourth—That- a description of the said real be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the yor, ber 7-X. MORRIS GUGGENHEIM, Supreme Court of the State of New York, "econd De- estate is contained in the petition of the Ma Parcel Number B-7, in testimony Parcel Num- FRANK BULKLEY, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New partm,nt, at a Special term thereof, to be held for the ber 8-X. Commissioners. hearing of motiins, at the County Court-house, in the York, for the appointment of Commissioners of Parcel Number C-r, in testimony Parcel Num- Appraisal, under chapter t 14 of the Laws of HERMAN J. KATZ, Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the ber 9-X. Clerk, 16th day of November, 19r4. at ro.3o o'clock in fore- 1892, passed March 9, t892, entitled " An act Parcel Number C-a, in testimony Parcel Num- 027,d3 to provide for settling and establishing permanent. noon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can ly the location and boundaries of the avenue ber i o-X, be heard thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges Parcel Number C-3, in testimony Parcel Num- FIRST DEPARTMENT and expenses has been depositel in the office of the known as Fort Washington Ridge Road, in The ber tt-X. City of New fork, and in relation to the im- Clerk of the County of Queens, there to remain for and Parcel Number C-4, in testimony Parcel Num- In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New during the space of ten days. as required by the pro- provement thereof," which petition was filed in ber ,2-X. York to premises situated on the southerly side of the office of the Clerk of the County of New visions of section 999 r.f the Greater New 'I ork Cl.arter, Parcel Number C-5, in testimony Parcel Num- FTF-'IIFTH STREET. between Lexington and as amended by chapter 466, of the laws of ,goy. York, together with the order appointing the Com- ber 13-X, Third avenues, in the Boron•-h of Manhattan- in missioners of Appraisal herein on the 9th day Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATIA', NEW YORK, Novem- Parcel Number D-t, in testimony Parcel Num- The City of New York, duly selected as a site for the ber r, 1904. of May, 1893. ber 14-X. Fire Department of The City of New York, accord- JOS. FITCH, Fifth—That the real estate acquired for the Parcel Number D-2, in testimony Parcel Num- ing to law. JOHN W. WEED, improvement is subdivided in the report of the ber I S-X. GEO. W. DAVISON, Commissioners and is shown and described on Parcel Number D-3, in testimony Parcel Num- OTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT THE RE- Commissioners, ber t6-X. report of George W. Miller, Charles W. Dayton, the maps of damage which form a part of and N JOHN P. DUNN, are attached to said report, as follows: Parcel Number D-4, in testimony Parcel Num- Jr., and Herman Alsberg, Commissioners of Estimate Clerk, n r, r z Parcel Number r, in testimony Parcel Num- ber r7-X. and Appraisal duly appointed in the above-entitled her I. Parcel Number D-5, in testimony Parcel Num- proceeding, which report bears date the 38th day Parcel Number a-A, in testimony Parcel Nina- ber r8-X. of October. 1904, was filed in the office of the bet 2. Parcel Number D-6, in testimony Parcel Num- Fire Commissioner- the head of the Fire Department OFFICIAL PAPERS. Parcel Number z-B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber ig-X. of The City of New York, on the 3751 day of October, ber 3. Parcel Number D-7, in testimony Parcel Num- 1904, and a duplif-ate of said report was filed on the Parcel Number 2-C, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 20-X. same day in the office of the Clerk of the County of Morning" The American," "The Morning ber 4. Parcel Number D-8, in testimony Parcel Num- New York. telegraph." Parcel Number 2-D, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 2i-X. Notice is further given that the said report will be F.venrng—"The Evening Journal" "The Daily ber 4. Parcel Number D-9, in testimony Parcel Num- presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of News." Parcel Number 2-E, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 2z-X. the Sate of New York, at a Special Term. Part Ill. Weekly — " Weekly Union," "The New York ber 5. Parcel Number E-I, in testimony Parcel Num- thereof, to be held at the County C urt-house, in the Realty Journal." Parcel Number 2-F, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 23-X, Roroug'- of Manhattan, in The City of New York, or German—" The New Yorker Herold," ber 6. Parcel Number E-2, in testimony Parcel Num- the :4th day of November, r9o4, at the opening of the Designated by the Board of City Record, September Parcel Number 2-G, in testimony Parcel Num- ber z4-X. Court 'n that day and that then and there, or as 15, 0304. ber 7. Parcel Number E-2, in testimony Parcel Num- soon thereafter a- counsel can be hea-d thereon, a Parcel Number a-H, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 25-X. motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. ber 8. Parcel Number F-t, in testimony Parcel Num- Dated New Yosic October 35, 19.4. Parcel Number 3-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber z6-X. JOHN J. DELANY, PROPOSALS FOR BIDS AND ESTIMATES ber 9. Parcel Number F-s, in testimony Parcel Num- Corporation Counsel, FOR THE CITY OF NEW IORK. Parcel Number 3-B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 27-X. No. 2 Tryon Row, ber to. Parcel Number F-3, in testimony Parcel Num- Borough of Manhattan, Parcel Number 3-C, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 28-X. City of New York. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ber ii. Parcel Number G, in testimony Parcel Num- also Parcel Number 3-D, in testimony Parcel Num- ber z9-X. ber 12. Parcel Number He in testimony Parcel Num- SECOND DEPARTMENT. GENERAL INSTRU( TIONS TO BIDDERS. Parcel Number 3-E, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 3o-X. ber 13. Parcel Number H-z, in testimony Parcel Num- In the matter of the application of The City of New Parcel Number 4-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 3o-X. The person or persons making a bid or estimate for York, relative to acquiring title to the la ds, Poe. any services, work, materials or supplies for The ( ity ber 14. Parcel Number I, in testimony Parcel Num- me' is and hereditam•nts required f. r the purpose of Parcel Number 4 B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 3t-X. of New York, or for any of its departments, bureaus or - Opening and extending the approach to MAN- offices, shall furnish the same to a sealed envelope. in- ber r5. Parcel Number I-2, in testimony Parcel Num. HATTAN IAN BRIDGE (Bridge N~o. 3), as lard out by Parcel Number 4-C, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 31-X. dcrscd with the title of the supplies, materials, work or the Board of Estimate and Apportionme t on the services for which the bid or estimate is made. with ber t6. Parcel Number I.3, in testimony Parcel Num- 49th cay of May, 1903, in the Fourth, Fifth and Parcel Number 4-D, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 3t-X. his or their name or names and the date of presenta- E eventh Wards in the Borough of Brooklyn, t he tion to the President or Board or to the head of the ber 17. Parcel Number I.4, in testimony Parcel Num- City of New York. Parcel Number 4-E, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 32-X. Department at his or its office, on or before the date ber 1S. Parcel Number I-5, in testimony Parcel Num. and hour named in the advertisement for the same. at OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE which time and pace the estimates received will be Parcel Number 4-F, in testimony Parcel Num- her 33-X. undersigned, were appointed by an order of the ber ig. Parcel Number I.6, in testimony Parcel Num- N publicly opened by the President or Board or head Supreme Court, made herein on the s'th day of June, of said Department and read, and the award of the Parcel Number 5-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 33-X. 1904, and duly entered and filed in the office ber 2o. Parcel Number I-7, in testimony Parcel Num- contract made according to law as soon thereafter as of the Clerk of Kings County, on the 27th day of practicable. Parcel Number 5-B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 34-X. June, 1904. a copy of which order was filed in the ber 21. Parcel Number I-8, in testimony Parcel Num- office of the Register of the County of Kings on the Each bid or estimate shall contain the name and Parcel Number 6-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 35-X. I th day ofJuly, r9c4, and indexed in the Index pace of residence of the person making the same, the ber 22. Parcel Number I.9, in testimony Parcel Nuns- va, to-b, names of all persons interested with him Therein, and, Parcel Number 6-B, in testimony Parcel Num- of Conveyances in section r, Blocks Nos, o her 36-X. ,i8, rig, ta.,a, isob, 132, 133; secti,n 7, Flocks Nos. if no other person be s-, inter•. sted, it shall distinctly ber 23. Parcel Number I-io, in testimony Parcel Num- zo48a, 2o48b, 21 49, 2O9, zo6oa, ao6ch, sofa, 2078, 20752. state that fact; also, that it is made without any connec- Parcel Number 6-C, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 37-X. zo79b, 2080, ao84a, ,0846, s y3a, zogcb. Commissioners tion with any other person making an estimate for t - ber 24. Parcel Number I-tt, in testimony Parcel Num- of Estimate and Assessment for the purpose of making same purpose, and is in all respects fair and withou, Parcel Number 7, in testimony Parcel Number ber 38-X. a just and equitable estimate of the loss or damage, collusion or fraud, and tl at no member of the Board of 25• Parcel Number J, in testimony Parcel Num- if any. to tfe respective owners, lessees, parties and Aldermen, head of a department. chief of a Lureau, Parcel Number 8-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 39-X persons entitled to or interested in the lands and prem- deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of The ber 26. Parcel Number K, in testimony Parcel Num- ises to be taken for the purpose of opening and extend- City of New York is, shall be or become interested, Parcel Number 8-B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 4o-X. ing the said approach, as particularly described in the directly or indirectly, as contracting party, partner, ber 26. Parcel Number K-2, in testimony Parcel Nuns' petition of The City of New York, filed with said order sloe. holder. surety or otherwise in or in the perform- Parcel Number 8-C, in testimony Parcel Num- her 4o-X. in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings and arce of the contract or in the supplies, work or busi- ber 27. Parcel Number K-3, in testimony Parcel Num- of performing the trusts and duties required of us by ness to which it relates• or in any portion of she profits, Parcel Number 9-A, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 41-X. title s of chapter 17 of the Charter of 'The r ity of New thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the ber 28. Parcel Number K-4, in testimony Parcel Num- York, and the acts or parts of acts supplementary there- oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate that the several matters stated herein are in Parcel Number 9-B, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 42-X. to or amendatory thereof. ber 28. Parcel Number K-5, in testimony Parcel Num. All parties and persons interested in the lands and all respects true. Parcel Number 9-C, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 43-X• premises taken or to be taken for the purpose of open- Each bid Cr estimate shall be accompanied by the ber 29. Parcel Number K-6, in testimony Parcel Num- ing and extending said approach, or affected thereby, consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders Parcel Number 9-D, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 44-X. and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are in The City of New York, or of a guaranty or surety ber 29. Parcel Number K-7, in testimony Parcel Num- hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to company duly autl•onzed by law to act as surety, and Parcel Number 9-E, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 45-X. us, tae undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and shall contain the matters set forth in the blank forms ber 30. Parcel Number K-8, in testimony .Parcel Num- Assessment, at our office, in the Bureau of Street mentioned below. Parcel Number 9-F, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 46-X. Openings of the Law Department, No. t:6, Mon- No bid or estimate will be considered unless, as a ber 30. Parcel Number L-t, in testimony Parcel Num- tague street, Borough of Brooklyn, in The City condition precedent to the reception or consideration Parcel Number 9-G, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 47-X. of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs as of any proposal. it be accompanied by a certified check ber 31, Parcel Number L-a, in testimony Parcel Num- the said owner or claimants may desire, within upon one of the State or National banks of The City of Parcel Number 9-H, in testimony Parcel Num- ber 48-X. twenty days alter date of this notice. New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or ber 32. Parcel Number D-5, in testimony Parcel Num- And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- money to the amount of five per centum of the amount Parcel Number 9-I, in testimony Parcel Num- ber i8-X. ance at our said office on the arse day of November, of the bond required. as provided in section 420 of the be Parcel Number D-5, in testimony Parcel Num- x904, at 3.35 o'clock to the afternoon of that day, to hear Greater New York Charter. Parcel Number g-J, in testimony Parcel Num- ber r8-X. said parties and persons in relation thereto. And The certified check or money should not be inclosed ber 34• Parcel Number D-5, in testimony Parcel Num. at such time and place, and at such further or other Parcel Number 9-K, in testimony Parcel Num- her i8-X. in the envelope containing the bid or estimate, but time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such should be either inclosed in a separate envelope ad- ber 35• Ninth—That the said report also contains the owners in relation thereto and examine proofs of Parcel Number so-A, in testimony Parcel Num- dressed to the head of the Department, President or names of the owners entitled to the awards made such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation ber 36. for the lands acquired in this proceeding, and ations as may then be offered by such owner, Parcel Number I t-A, in testimony Parcel Num- and alleg of the bid or estimate. the names of the owners of the contiguous prop- or on behalf of The City of New York. For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the ber 37. erty entitled to receive a grant from The City OKLYN, THE CITv OF Nxw Parcel Number tr-B, in testimony Parcel Num- Dated BOROUGH OF BRO supplies, or the nature and extent of the work,refer- of New York of its interest in that part of the YORK, October 25, 1904. ence must be made to the specifications, schedules, ber 38. street which is not retained, so far as said owner- ARTHUR C. SALMON, Parcel Number to-B, in testimony Parcel Num- plans, etc., on file in the said office of the President, ship was ascertained by the Commissioners -of JOHN W. DEVOY, Board or Department. ber 39. Appraisal. THEODORE BURGMYER, Parcel Number ti-C, in testimony Parcel Num- Commissioners. No bid shall be accepted from or contract awarded ber 40. Dated BoaouGu or MANBATTAA, CITY or Nsw to st-y person a ho is in arrears to The City of New Yong, October 25, 1904 JAMES F. QuboLaY, Parcel Number ii-D, in testimony Parcel Num- Clerk. 025,1117 York upon debt or contract or who is a defaulter, as Yours etc., surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City. ber 41. JOHN J. DELANY, Parcel Number xi-E, in testimony Parcel Num- rpo The contract must be bid for separately. ber 42. Co ration Counsel, SECOND DEPARTMENT The right is reserved in each case to reject all bids Parcel Number tr-F, in testimony Parcel Num- No. a Tryon Row, or estimates if it is deemed to be for the interest of the Borough of Manhattans In the matter of the application of The City of New ber 43. City so to do, Parcel Number r r-G, in testimony Parcel Num- New York City. York, relative toacquiring title to the lands, tene- ments and hereditaments required for the purpose Bidders will write out the amount of their bids or ber 44. oa6,nio estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures. Parcel Number 12, in testimony Parcel Number of opening Ckl-SCENT STRF.EI', from Belmont avenue to a line about rgo feet 9 inches south Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates 45• , In the matter of the application of The City of Sixth—That the said order of confirmation con- New York, the successor of the -Mayor, Alder- of Blake avenue, in the -Twenty-sixth Ward, in the upon the blank forms prepared and furnished by the tains a brief description of the property taken men and Commonalty of The City of New Borough of Brooklyn, to The City of New York, as City, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in and reported upon. York, for the appointment of Commissioners of the same has been heretofore laid out. which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the Seventh—That said report also contains the Assessment under chapter 339 of the Laws of contract. including the specifications. in the form ap- x892, an act entitled ' An Act to regulate, im- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE proved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained amounts of compensation to be made by the bill of costs. charges and expenses incurred by g Property for a grant or prove and enlarge PARK AVENUE, above N upon application therefor at the office of the Depart- owners of conti uous reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter ment for which the work is to be done. Plans and conyeyance of the right, title and interest of One Hundred and Sixth street, in The City of The City of New York in and to those portion. New York, and providing for the passage of will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of drawings of construction work may also be seen there,