THE CITY RECORD. VoL. XXXII. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. NUMBER 9,582. THE CITY RECORD. said Commission, in connection with his examination for promotion to the rank of Foreman. From Municipal Explosives Commission—Relative to regular meeting of said OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORIL Commission. From Bureau of Buildings—Acknowledging receipt of reports of violations of the Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Building Code. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Relative to BOARD OF CITY RECORD. voucher in favor of the Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Company for the sum of $12o for Croton hose furnished for use in said boroughs during the year 1902. De- GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MVOs. partment of Finance notified. From Chief of Department— JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION Couxaar.. EDWARD M. GROUT, CoMrTaousa, I. Stating that report of reinspection by the commanding officer of Engine Com- pany 25 of premises No. 126 Second avenue, known as The Orpheum; shows that the requirements of this Department have been complied with thereat. Police De- PATRICK J. TRACY, Supzivraoi, partment notified. 2. Respecting request of the Police Department for an inspection of premises Published daily, except legal holidays. No. 1215 Broadway, known as Weber's Music Hall, and Nos. 1S7-161 East Eighty- Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. sixth street, known as the Yorkville 'Theatre, and reporting the requirements of this Department complied with thereat. Police Department notified. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; 3. Returning communication from A. B. Corthell, Terminal Engineer, Nev York Canvass, to cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Central and Hudson Kiver Railroad Company, requesting removal to another loca- Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each tion of fire alarm signal box at southeast corner Fifty-third street and Park avenue, section of Manhattan. and reporting that the same has been placed on the south side of Fifty-third street, Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. about 15 feet from the southeast corner of Park avenue. Said Engineer notified. 4. Recommending that the :Municipal Civil Service Commission be requested to Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. permit all Firemen of the second grade holding licenses as Acting Engineers of Steamer to enter the physical and mental examinations for promotion from Fireman to Engineer, with the proviso that they agree to waive their right to promotion until such time as they become Firemen of the first grade. Recommendation approved TABLE OF CONTENTS. and communicated to said Commission. 5. Returning, with report, communication from the Department of Finance, re- questing information concerning Claim No. 33,561, of the Maryland Casualty Com- Aldermen, Board of— Finance, Department of—(Continued). pany, for $34.58 alleged to be due, as cost of replacing glass in premises, One Hun- Public Hearing by Committee on Notice to Taxpayers ............... 76[o Buildings .................... 7605 Public Notices ................... 7610 dred and Fourteenth street and Madison avenue. alleged to have been broken by Aqueduct Commission— Fire Department— Hook and Ladder Truck 26, on or about August 25, 1904. Communicated to said Proposals ........................ 7607 Auction Sale ..................... 7608 Department. Assessors, Board of— Proposals ........................7608 Public •Notices ................... 76og Transactions from October 3 to 8, 6. Returning applications of the Manhattan Fire Alarm Company for permission Board Meetings ..................... 7607 [904 ......................... 760[ to connect premises No. 115 Lewis street with fire alarm box 246, and No. 150 East Health, orals .... of- Fifty-eighth street with fire alarm box 576, and recommending that the same he Brides, Department1 of— Proposals ........................ 7611 'ro orals ........................••••"'••••• 7608 :4ianhattan, Borough of- granted. Recommendation approved. Chief of Department and Manhattan Fire llronx, Itorough of— Proposals 7608 Alarm Company notified. Public Notice 76tx ices ....."""...."" • ~•~•••••••••••••••• Public Notices ................... 7608 7. Forwarding, disapproved, recommendation of the Chief of the Twenty-fifth Brooklyn, Borough of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— Public Notice .................... 7607 Public Notice ....................7611 Battalion. that the names of Foreman John Clunie, Firemen first grade Herman Changes in Departments ............... 7605 Notice to Contractors................. 7 6[6 Weigel, George E. Walsh, Francis Kiernan and Wm. Tracy, and fourth grade Frank Change of Grade Damage Commission— Official Borough Papers ............... 76og C. Ebert, Alfred W. Collins, James J. Hayes and Walter C. Scott, all of Hook and Public Notice 7607 Official Directory .................... 7605 Ladder Company 58, be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class B, for meritorious action Correction, Department• of —'• •"' Official 1'aa err .......................7616 Proposals.............................. .........7607 larks. Department of— at fire at Nos. 53-61 Seigel street, borough of Brooklyn, on August 24, 1904. Action Proposals .......... ............. Ducks and Ferries, Department of— 7607 approved. Police• Department of— Proposals ........................7608 App ointments, etc., from October 31 8. Forwarding. disapproved, recommendation of the Chief of the Twenty-seventh Public Notice ....................7608 tot'N 'Novemberovember 8, t9og Prope t ... 76ot Battalion, that the name of Fireman first grade Grant Truesdell, Engine Company Education, Department of— Owners Wanted for Lost Property.. 7608 144. be placed on the Roll of Merit, Class E. for stopping a runaway team of horses Proposals ........................ 76og Proposals .. ........... ........ 7608 Executive Department— Street Cleaning, Department of— at West Fifteenth street and Surf avenue, borough of Brooklyn, August 24, 1904. Call for Special Meeting of Board Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands.... 7611 Action approved. of Aldermen .................7601 Proposals ........................ 7611 From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond—Rela- Finance, Department of— Supreme Court— Auction Sale .................... 7610 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 7612 tive to investigation of the " General Slocum " disaster. June 15, 1904. Notices of Assessments for Opening Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- From Superintendent of Buildings—Returning policy D-51,823 of the North- Streets and Parks ............. 7610 partment of— western National Insurance Company for the sum of $7,8oq.20, covering second pay- Notices to Property-owners........ 7609 Proposals ........................7611 ment due George Hildebrand on contract for the erection of building for Engine Company 131, borough of Brooklyn, with report that the amount is correct. Policy approved and forwarded to Department of Finance. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances- 1. for the information of the Supervisor of Lectures, Board of Edu- The City of New York, Office of the Mayor. cation. concerning the following premises: Columbus Hall, Sixtieth street, between Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, George B. McClellan, Mayor of Columbus and Amsterdam avenues; East Side House Settlement, Seventy-sixth street and East river; Museum of Natural History, Seventy-seventh street, between The City of New York, do hereby call a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen, to Central Park, West, and Columbus avenue; Young Men's Hebrew Association, be held in the Chamber of the Board of Aldermen in the City Hall, in the Borough of Ninety-second street and Lexington avenue: St. Cecilia's Hall, No. 216 East One Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Thursday, November to, 1904, at i o'clock Hundred and Sixth street; Young Men's Christian Association, No. 5 West One in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering the Budget for 1905, made by the Board Hundred and Twenty-fifth street; Lafayette Hall. Alexander avenue and One Hun- dred and Thirty-seventh street; New York Juvenile Asylum, One Hundred and Sev- of Estimate and Apportionment of said City, and signed by the members thereof on enty-sixth street and Eleventh avenue; Realty Hall, Ogden and Merriam avenues. October 31, 1904, submitted to the Board of Aldermen, as by law required. Communicated to said Supervisor. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of 2. Recommending that the attention of the Bureau of Factory Inspection, Dc- office, this first day of November, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and partment of Labor, be called to conditions existing in premises Nos. 890-892 Broad- four. way. Recommendation approved and communicated to said Bureau. Returning communication of Porter [& Anderson, concerning installation of [SEAL.] GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor. 3. perforated pipes in premises No. 19 Liberty street, with the information desired. Communicated to said firm. POLICE DEPARTMENT. From Foreman Engine Company 79—Reporting concerning tonnage of fire-boats " George B. McClellan " and "Abram S. Hewitt "; also concerning license of nn- New York, November 7, 1904. uniformed Engineer John T. Conway. From
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