CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 11 - the Sanctity of the Christian Family Circle
286 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-SENATE JANUARY· 11 Maj. Gen. Charles Bertoddy Stone IlI, 66A .The following-named officers for tempo selfish ends. Give us the wisdom that (brigadier general, U. S. Air Force), Air rary appointment in the Air Force of the comes from contemplation of Thee and Force of the United States. United States under the provisions of sec from introspective thought and love of Maj. Gen. Laurence Sherman Kuter, 89A tion 515, Officer Personnel Act of 1947: Thy Son. Guide us, use us, give us (brigadier general, U.S. Air Force), Air Force To be major generals of the United States. courage. In Christ's ·name· we pray. Maj. Gen. Joseph Hampton Atkinson, 90A Brig. Gen. Hugo Peoples Rush, 75A, United Amen. States Air Force. (brigadier general, U.S. Air Force), Air Force ATTENDANCE OF A SENATOR of the United States. Brig. Gen. Charles Edwin Thomas, Jr., Maj. Gen. Gordon Philip Saville, 48A (brig 192A (colonel, U. S. Air Force), Air Force of KARL E. MUNDT, a Senator from the adier general, U. S. Air Force), Air Force of the United States. State of South Dakota, appeared in his the United States. Brig. Gen. Frank Alton Armstrong, Jr., 209A (colonel, U. s. Air Force), Air Force of seat today. To be brigadier generals the United States. THE JOURNAL Brig. Gen. Warren Rice Carter, 181A (colo Brig. Gen. August Walter Kissner, 386A On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani nel, U.S. Air Force), Air Force of the United (colonel, U. S. Air Force), Air Force of the mous consent; the reading of the Journal States.
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