
To what extent did President Eisenhower continue the policy of Harry Truman?

Actions of Eisenhower Continuation or Explanation/Analysis administration departure of Truman’s policy

Use of CIA

• 1953- overthrows government in Iran that tried to nationalize the holding of foreign oil companies; allowed for return of Reza Pahlavi as shah- provided west with favorable oil prices & bought American arms

• 1954- Guatemala overthrows a leftist government that threatened American business interests

Latin America

• Supported Latin American anti- Communist regimes with military supplies & economic aid

• OAS (1958)


• “

• “Massive Retaliation”


• Eisenhower’s trip to Korea encourages peace talks to resume- permanent (1953)


• Eisenhower refused to send in troops when French army falls at Dien Bien Phu

• 1955—1961- U.S. gave $1 billion in economic and military aid to South Vietnam to fight

• “

SEATO (1954)- U.S., Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan

Soviet Union

• Geneva Conference- “spirit of Geneva” 1955

• Khrushchev- “

• 1959- summit meeting with Khrushchev to discuss Berlin issue- peacefully settled

• Nixon visits USSR

Eisenhower (1957)-

• Used in Lebanon (1958)- 14,000 marines to prevent outbreak of civil war

Hungary (1956)

• Did not send in troops to help revolt

Space Race

• Failed satellite attempts until 1958

• National Defense & Education Act (NDEA)- funding to schools for science & foreign language education

• National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)- created to oversee space program- build missiles, explore space

“Second Berlin Crisis” Khrushchev visits US- backs out of threat to invade W. Berlin & sets up a future meeting until…

Spy missions over the USSR

• U-2 incident

1958- suspended above- ground testing of nuclear weapons

Eisenhower warms of “military-industrial complex”