Big City Mountaineers

Ecuador Leadership Climb- Proposed 9 Day Itinerary

Day 1- Arrive in , orientation in , overnight in Hacienda Rumiloma.

Day 2- City tour, equipment check, and hike, overnight in Quito.

Day 3- Today we will climb the volcano just above Quito, called Guagua . After our climb, we’ll travel to village of Machachi and head into the foothills of the Illiniza mountains where we’ll spend the night in a cozy mountain lodge.

Day 4- Hike to hut between Illiniza Sur and Norte. Mules will assist with the transport of our equipment so you will not be burdened with large packs. Skills review in the afternoon. Overnight camping.

Day 5- Today we will climb the north peak, which provides an excellent acclimatization ascent and an enjoyable rock scramble. Views of the Avenue of the Volcanoes are impressive from here. If time permits, we will review additional skills on the south peak. After the days’ activities we descend to the comforts of a warm bed and a shower at one of our favorite nearby haciendas.

Day 6- We will wake up early and depart for . We drive to approximately 15,092 feet on Cotopaxi where we take a short 45 minute hike to Jose Ribas hut. Rest and prepare for our climb. Overnight in hut.

Day 7- We will depart at 1 a.m. and hike up the scree slopes until we arrive at the glacier. From here we ascend snow and ice, arriving at a steep section just below the crater rim. After ascending this short section, we arrive at the summit where we can peer into the mountain’s crater or enjoy the view of the countryside. If we summit this day we enjoy the night at Hacienda La Cienega.

Day 8- Optional summit day.

Day 9- Fly home.