
history, local perceptions, and social impacts of climate change and glacier retreat in the ecuadorian

Robert E. Rhoades, Xavier Zapata Ríos, and Jenny Aragundy Ochoa

Environmental journalists, activists, and sci- of diminishing glaciers in mountain regions. entists alike are voicing urgent concerns that While advances have been made in the physi- tropical mountains are losing their glaciers cal monitoring of mountain glaciers, limited at an alarming rate. Downstream impacts of research has been undertaken on the effects of melting snow and ice provide, they warn, an climate change and glacier retreat on human early glimpse of what might be in store for populations. This gap in knowledge needs earth’s densely populated lowlands unless attention before action or policy aimed at mini- action is taken against global warming. mizing human costs can be formulated. As a Among the negative effects for human society step in building informative case studies, we are devastating glacier lake outbreaks (Mool, present research fi ndings on the history, local Bajracharya, and Joshi 2001), loss of alpine perceptions, and social impacts of the recent biodiversity (EPA 2000), the demise of moun- loss of the glacier on Cotacachi, a volcanic peak tain farming (Price and Barry 1997), declining 4,039 m in elevation situated 35 km north of sources of freshwater for cities (FAO 2002), the equator in . Cotacachi is among the destruction of sacred mountain sites, and loss fi rst Andean mountains in the past half-century of tourism (BBC World News 2003). If only to completely lose its glacier as a result of recent a few of these future scenarios come true, accelerated global warming. As an early exam- the economic, ecological, and social costs to ple of what might ultimately be in store for humanity will be huge. mountain glaciers and communities around the Despite convincing arguments in call-to- world, it deserves careful scrutiny. action Web postings, Internet bulletins, and Cotacachi, the highest of the northernmost popular articles, little systematic and empiri- cluster of Ecuadorian volcanoes, exhibits many cally grounded information is available about of the ecological and socioeconomic character- the human responses to or societal impacts istics typical of the western cordillera of the

216 northern Andes. Covering only 15 km, the to construct a broader vision of the demise of mountain rises rapidly from an inter-Andean Cotacachi’s glacier and its meaning to the local valley fl oor at 2,080 m through sharp altitu- population. dinal gradients to almost 5,000 m and a zone of what was until recently permanent snow. HISTORICAL SOURCES Agroecological zones of maize, hardy grains, tubers, and high pasture refl ect these gradi- Chroniclers, travelers, mountaineers, and sci- ents. Just to the south of Cotacachi is Cuico- entists fascinated with Ecuador’s mountains cha (3,063 m), a crater lake. The lake and the have provided detailed accounts of their gla- surrounding high-altitude grassland within ciers from the sixteenth century to the pres- the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve are ent. While typically based on brief visits by the region’s main tourist attractions. Indig- outsiders and refl ecting a Eurocentric natural- enous communities are interspersed among history viewpoint, these accounts provide our remnants of former haciendas at higher and only long-term data on the Cotacachi glacier middle elevations while mestizo farms and (Table 16.1). towns are located in the lower zones. Agricul- The earlier observations place the termi- ture is the main activity in indigenous com- nus of the glacier between 4,400 and 4,500 m, munities, although many young adults work while in recent years it was only 200 m below in nearby towns or the capital city of . the peak. Many chroniclers included paintings In the lower zones, the economy is based on and sketches of Cotacachi that provide visual commerce, tourism, and an emerging fl oricul- verifi cation of the glacier’s extent around the ture and agro-industrial greenhouse industry. turn of the twentieth century (Figure 16.1). All social groups depend on drinking and irri- Repeat photography, which relies on a gation water derived from Cotacachi and Lake time series of photographs across several . decades, is a useful method for documenting To document the demise of the glacier on glacier change (Byers 1987). The fi rst photo- Cotacachi and the human response to this graphs of Cotacachi were likely taken in the change, we utilized several different research last two decades of the nineteenth century methods. As is typical of Andean countries, (Figure 16.2). An anonymous photograph little systematic socioeconomic information taken from Cotacachi’s town plaza with a is readily available in Ecuador on climate view of the eastern slope verifi es Whymper’s change or glacier retreat. To overcome this 1880 observation by showing a large glaci- gap, we gathered information from historical ated area between the higher and lower peaks documents, photographic archives, historical of Cotacachi. A 1978 photograph by B. Wuth paintings, meteorological station records, and (reproduced in Vacas 1978, 161) taken from government publications. In addition, we con- the south shows Cotacachi as a snow-capped ducted ethnographic interviews and collected mountain; occasionally even today the moun- oral histories with local people. We also held tain will receive a thin layer of seasonal snow. workshops in which we used photographs and By 2002, a photograph by Rhoades taken of three-dimensional physical models as techni- the east face shows no evidence of a glacier. cal aids to assist in the recall of knowledge that Finally, our analysis of aerial photographs as could delineate changes and impacts related to part of a study of land use change from 1963 to the glacier. Finally, we conducted fi eld obser- 2000 verifi ed what the historical sources and vations and monitoring of water availability photographs revealed about glacier retreat. in selected streams and springs and in Lake In 1963 the east glacier found in Whymper’s Cuicocha. While the information gathered 1880 sketch was still in place, while by 1993 from any single source was thin, we were able only a small remnant remained and by 2000

mama cotacachi 217 TABLE 16.1 Selected Accounts of Cotacachi Glacier, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

SOURCE REPORT von Humboldt (1853, 21), 1802 “Mount is located in the same direction and axis as the snow capped mountains Illiniza, Corazón, and Cotacachi.” Wagner (1870, 627–28), 1858–59 “The permanent snow line of Cotacachi in May is 14,814 feet (4,515 m) above sea level.” Orton (1870), 1867 “Twenty-two summits are covered with permanent snow. . . . The snow limit at the equator is 15,800 feet (4,815 m). Cotacachi is always snow-clad.” Dressell (quoted in Hastenrath Cotacachi summit is “covered with perpetual and 1981, 99), 1877 compacted snow.” Whymper (2001 [1892], 260), 1880 “permanent snow, in large beds, as low as 14,500 feet (4,419 m). . . . It is not likely that a crater lies buried beneath the glacier which at present occupies the depression between its peaks.” Wolf (1892, 98) “Cotacachi is the only snow-capped mountain that is found between the Guayllabamba Valley and the Mira River. It has a large glacier on the east side.” Bermeo (1987, 39–41, 126–29), Luis Bolanos, “There has been an impressive decrease of glaciers personal communication, 2004 on the [Cotacachi] mountain.” von Hillenbrandt (1989, 33) “Cotacachi is the only mountain in the northern part that has glaciers. There are moraine deposits at the limit as low as 3,900 m.” Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Remnants of the glacier observed and photographed Resource Management Project, 1997 during a reconnaissance trek on the mountain. Ekkehard and Hastenrath (1998) Glacier has an area of 0.06 km,2 with the lowest glacier terminus at 4,750 m. Eric Cadier and Bernard Francou, Glacier nearing its ultimate demise. personal communication, 2004

permanent ice cover was no longer discernible Meteorología e Hidrología [INAMHI]) provides (Zapata et al. 2006). empirical data on changes in temperature and precipitation patterns throughout the country. Data from 15 INAMHI meteorological stations METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS show an increase in the mean, maximum, and Climate data from private and state meteo- minimum annual temperatures and decreas- rological stations collected since the 1960s ing precipitation over the past century (Cáceres, are limited but suggestive of temperature Mejía, and Ontaneda 2001). INAMHI stations and precipitation trends (Ontaneda, García, around Cotacachi show mean annual precipi- and Arteaga 2002; Gutiérrez 2004, 26–27). tation and mean annual temperature variation Ecuador’s (National Institute of Meteorology for a period of 40 years. While a mean annual and Hydrology, or Instituto Nacional de temperature increase is clear, the results for

218 impacts on human landscapes FIGURE 16.1. Images of Cotacachi from Wolf (1892), Whymper (2001 [1892]), and Troya (1913).

precipitation do not always show systematic The volcano plays a key mythological and trends. However, two stations near Co tacachi— religious role for indigenous Cotacacheños. San Pablo and Hacienda Maria—recorded a Following an Andean pattern, they person- clear decrease in precipitation. Although the ify and describe Cotacachi with metaphors few climate stations around Cotacachi are dis- drawn from the human body and social rela- persed and generalizations are diffi cult, the tions. The volcano is feminine, a mama or available data point strongly to a climate that is “mother,” and is described as having a body growing warmer and drier—changes that under- and a head. Indigenous people say that they lie the glacier’s retreat. live on her broad “skirt.” (The metaphor of “skirts” of a mountain is widely used in Spain as well.) Local people described Cotacachi as ORAL HISTORIES AND constantly interacting with other features in LOCAL PERCEPTIONS the landscape and told of her intimate sexual Although outside visitors and secondary sources relations with Tayta [father] Imbabura, a vol- provide useful insights and measurements of cano located directly across the valley to the east. the physical nature of the glaciers on Cotaca- She has relations with her human inhabitants chi, these observations are devoid of cultural as well, expressing anger and disappointment or social context. Therefore, we elicited local with them and at times interfering in the life people’s observations and responses to climate of the community, especially when social con- change and glacier retreat through ethnographic fl ict and behavior meet with her disapproval (for research focused on agriculture, plants, folklore, similar indigenous North American accounts, and communities’ histories (Rhoades 2006). see Cruikshank 2005).

mama cotacachi 219 FIGURE 16.2. Cotacachi’s east (left and below) and south faces in 1890, 1978, and 2002. (Photos anonymous, B. Wuth, and R. E. Rhoades, respectively.)

Etched in the collective memories of the Imbabura is covered with snow only in win- people and handed down through their oral ter while Mama Cotacachi has permanent histories is an awareness of the volcano’s snow. Another folktale tells that when Mama enormous destructive force (Nazarea et al. Cotacachi has new snow on her peak in the 2004). Stories and folktales tell of mayhem morning, it is a sign that her lover, Tayta and death from earthquakes, landslides, rock- Imbabura, has visited her during the night. falls, volcanic eruptions, and other calamities. In yet another, Tayta Imbabura falls in love The volcano fi gures strongly in indigenous with the volcano , higher and more oral traditions (Nazarea et al. 2004). One glaciated than Cotacachi, and Cotacachi stares local folktale relates how Tayta Imbabura and darkly at him. We were unable to determine Mama Cotacachi fell in love. Cotacachi was a the age of this folktale, which seems to take beautiful young girl who owned a large haci- Cotacachi’s recent fate into consideration. enda. Tayta Imbabura, an aging womanizer, To gain insight into present-day perceptions tired of chasing after other females, Cayambe of climate change and the glacier, we orga- and (also glaciated peaks), nized workshops with farmers representing decided to remain with Mama Cotacachi. various Cotacachi communities. To facilitate From their union came a child, a smaller discussion, we used a three-dimensional physi- volcano beneath Cotacachi called Yana Urcu. cal model with a scale of 1:10,000 to encour- Imbabura became sick and wrapped his head age people to discuss the locations of rivers, with a white cloth. This, it is said, is why fl ows of springs, and the extent of the glacier

220 impacts on human landscapes FIGURE 16.3. Researchers listen to indigenous farmers explaining climate change using the model. (Photo Jenny Aragundy.)

through time (Figure 16.3). We also used aerial mentioned as a day-to-day concern by partici- and historical photographs from various years pants. They stressed that rainfall had decreased to encourage informants to recall the past. and become more irregular in its timing. Previous surveys conducted in the area Farmers noted greater diffi culty in planning showed that local farmers listed climate change fi eld preparation and planting. They reported more frequently than other factors as the most that lower and midzone crops (e.g., maize) important cause of agricultural change (Camp- are today being produced in the higher zones. bell 2006). The comments of workshop par- Many referred to the rain as “playing” with ticipants supported these fi ndings, though their people. A female farmer’s response was typi- accounts of the causes and consequences of this cal: “It doesn’t rain as much anymore. It seems change varied considerably. Elderly people and the weather is changing so that there is only those from more remote villages believed that a drizzle today. It used to be more abundant. it was due to Mama Cotacachi’s punishment, The climate seems to be playing. The rains while younger people with formal education were harder and longer. Today the clouds are and contacts with local nongovernmental orga- polluted and there are only strong winds and nizations pinpointed global climate change. everything is dry.” Participants noted that Workshop comments focused on three themes: 30 years ago Cotacachi was permanently snow- seasons and rain patterns, the glacier and snow capped and ice was harvested and transported on Cotacachi, and water availability. to cities such as Ibarra, where it was used in food preparation and for medicinal purposes. In a representative comment, a farmer said, ORAL ACCOUNTS OF “There was more snow on Cotacachi; it was ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE whiter when it rained. They say that when there Though the demise of the glacier is the most is snow you can see animal fi gures like there visible impact of climate change at Cotacachi, are on Imbabura. There are fi gures of a rooster seasonal rain patterns were more frequently and of cattle lying down.” Another woman said,

mama cotacachi 221 “What I remember of Cotacachi is that it had would sometimes carry away people and houses. more snow that came down to near the road to The river has been dry for about 20 years. Other Intag.” Another recalled that “snow was used participants pointed to springs where they once to make ice cream with crushed ice. The mesti- drew household water but that are dry today. zos went to fetch it with donkeys.” Finally, one farmer from Morales Chupa noted that Cotaca- FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND chi today is “black” compared with the “white” WATER MONITORING of Cotapaxi and : “I remember that Cotacachi had snow in the past, but in con- In an effort to cross-check the observations of trast it has hardly any. These days what we see local people, we conducted direct fi eld observa- is black. We used to climb to the páramo and tions and monitoring of selected water sources. observe that there was snow, but now there is Three rivers (the Pichavi, the Yanayacu, and none. What I remember of the mountain is the Pichanviche), several creeks, springs, and that it had snow and looked white. The whole Lake Cuicocha were the main water sources at corridor of Cotacachi now looks black.” the beginning of the twentieth century. Today While there is a universal local awareness all these sources are experiencing declining that Mama Cotacachi is losing her snow and water fl ows. For example, Chumavi Creek, ice, the community seems unwilling to remove which starts at Chumavi Falls 3,780 m above the historic image from its memory. As an Lake Cuicocha, once carried water that fl owed exercise, we left the model in the indigenous into the lake. Although the streambed is 30 m headquarters for locals to complete by paint- wide, it is dry today except for a small spring at ing it with their own conceptions of landscape approximately 3,600 m. This is the only source features (e.g., communities, sacred places, for the Chumavi and San Nicolas water sys- water bodies). We later learned that they had tems, which supply nine communities, includ- painted Mama Cotacachi’s peak bright white. ing 487 families (Mayorga 2004). The Alambi The mountain continues to be portrayed as River, with a streambed 30 m wide, is located snow-capped on billboards, brochures, and on the east side of Cotacachi directly under tapestries. In the minds and memories of local the now-vanished glacier. Thirty years ago, the people, it is still a snow-capped volcano. It is Alambi ran full of water and was used to irrigate interesting to speculate about the reasons for the northern part of the Cotacachi landscape, as painting the model: Did that refl ect the wish is evidenced by an abandoned intake structure of adults to show younger generations what located at 2,800 m. Field observations reveal the mountain looked like, to remind them- that the now dry Alambi and Chumavi river- selves, or perhaps even to show the mountain beds extend directly from the glacier. herself their hope that she would return to her Lake Cuicocha is also experiencing a lower- earlier state? ing of the water level. Since the construction of Elderly workshop participants recalled that a hotel on the lake’s edge eight years ago, the during their youth earthquakes were more fre- water level is reported to have dropped about quent than today and more water fl owed in rivers 5 m. Sensors in the lake show that from October and springs. Today, they say, the rivers are more 2003 until December 2005 the water level fell like irrigation canals. A 49-year-old woman from some 90 cm. the community of Turuco said, “Rivers such as Pichavi and Yanayacu were wider 40 years ago. WATER AND CONFLICT IN COTACACHI Some people and animals died because they were swept away [by the river when it was at peak Water availability and use in the Cotacachi area fl ow].” Another indigenous woman recalled that are tied to dramatic social changes since the the Pichavi River was once about 8 m wide and early 1960s, when a national agrarian reform

222 impacts on human landscapes program began to break up the area’s large otherwise challenge them and to rural activists haciendas. Previously, indigenous people had who might otherwise encourage the poor and no title to their lands. They had to work for landless to occupy their lands (Carse 2006). the owners of the haciendas to obtain usufruct Simultaneously, an expansion of the lower rights to small parcels and access to irrigation urban municipality and the growth of fl oricul- water. The agrarian reform divided up the large ture have increased the demand for water. While private estates but did not adequately address a partial solution would involve revision of the issues of water rights. The hacienda owners concessions and their more equitable distribu- relinquished to indigenous people the land that tion, the basic problem of insuffi cient water had the worst conditions for agriculture, includ- remains. Local authorities predict that confl ict ing poor topography and little access to water. will increase dramatically in the coming years if When the indigenous communities obtained nothing is done about it. land, they asked for water concessions from the state, which has formal title to all water CONCLUSIONS resources in Ecuador. Water concessions are obtained from the Consejo Nacional de Recur- While social science researchers in tropical sos Hídricos (National Council of Hydrological mountains may be disappointed by the scar- Resources [CNRH]). The decisions made often city of readily available data on glacier retreat, favor the economically and politically powerful. we have demonstrated that the use of multiple This injustice has angered indigenous commu- methods can generate signifi cant information. nities, and they have fi led formal complaints We need to refi ne these methodologies further in Quito against the local authorities. As a and to integrate the study of environmental form of protest, they have blockaded roads and phenomena with elicitation of human percep- even shut down the nation’s major road, the tions and responses. Our assumption is that Pan-American Highway (Diario El Hoy, July by understanding local people’s awareness of 5, 2005). glacier retreat and its consequences, we can The diffi culty of the farmers’ situation is better understand their decision making and compounded by the fact that present-day water local adaptations to global change. One ques- concessions are based on outdated fl ow fi gures. tion that needs further investigation is the Despite a realization that less water is available, relation between present indigenous knowl- concession holders want to claim the same edge of the environment and global climate volume as before. At the same time, demand change as manifested locally. Logically, farm- for water has increased dramatically. Develop- ers’ local knowledge forms the basis of their ment projects have installed new household decision making and should be incorporated potable water and irrigation systems in the into any strategy meant to mitigate the impact growing indigenous communities. Moreover, of climate change (Vedwan and Rhoades 2001, the number of water users has increased as 117). However, it should be recognized that the average plot size has declined as a result of demise of the Cotacachi glacier and its con- the land fragmentation that follows the divi- sequences for water availability are entirely sion of plots among many heirs in indigenous new phenomena for Cotacacheños. Local families. people—young or old—have no previous his- New activities and users place additional tory with the disappearance of a physical and demands on these shrinking water supplies. spiritual feature that has always dominated The owners of several large haciendas have their cultural landscape. In their collective planted water-demanding eucalyptus to dem- memories, the glacier has always been pres- onstrate their active use of the land to govern- ent and Mama Cotacachi has always sup- ment authorities who might expropriate it or plied abundant water. The anthropological

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mama cotacachi 225