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Xiang-Gang-Bao-Li-2016Nian-Chun-Pai-Zhong-Guo-Gu-Dong-Zhen-Wan-Dan-P CERAMICS & CHINESE WORKS OF ART গསլ੬৐А Hong Kong 5 April 2016 仆⍜ 2016 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ 5 ᬒ CHINESE CERAMICS OF ART & WORKS 中國古董珍玩 5 APRIL 2016 5 APRIL HKS3316-1 仆⍜䛾䥅䛾䥅䖀 88 㮌๗ऑᐐൡ 1 ᱌ 7 ὀ | + 852 2303 9899 7/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong 製版印刷:雅昌文化(集團)有限公司 0755-83366138 網上預展:雅昌藝術網(拍賣資訊專業網站) -05 www.artron.net -05 3001 DAOGUANG PERIOD, 1821-1850 A YELLOW-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE BOWL H 6.2 cm. D 11.7 cm. HK$ 200,000 - 280,000 US$ 25,600 - 35,900 ዠ॑ǔͺெ࣢௚Ǖᇂڡຍ᥋А ᳧ ൜គḧǔܸຍ᥋Аࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜ ḙʽፋዠڡ˞᳧᧕̿ܞᡜḙᑂ᠏ጺᒎḙ㸪ͻ᜻டḙܱڔ԰෹ॲଢ଼ḙງᒌ ॎनАḙЯ̿ᗰ॑ፋ᣸㌇ḙЯ˺ǔͺǕnjړپᔉӦጯḙХᫎᯏ኎ᡰሏ॑ ጸᎍ౨ࠃᄱᔉᫎᬦḙጯᯏѵࡍࠫپߚḙᫎ̿پǔெǕnjǔ࣢Ǖnjǔ௚Ǖ ሦḙፋႇࢺடጺᒎḙᓤ॑ไ᧘ӨᎿǍǔͺெ࣢௚Ǖ௧ຍ̽˿ᬠ߾⿜ၬ٨ ߚՍپ൥˨Ғ̿ښವǍڏʽनݽืᛡᄊʷመ̿ͺࠒՍឦͻ˞ᮥెᄊᜉᯏ ॎनАړپښឦͻᜉᯏᮥెᄊ˟᜶௧ǔʺ࠯௄႞Ǖnjǔʺ࠯᫂௣Ǖ኎ḙ ߚՍឦپᔉᘍ˗Պ˺ʷՍᇼ஡ߚૃєੇښЯՊ˺ʷߚᄊॎरḙ௧̰कཿ ࠀവरื͜ʾ౏ǍڍವԫӑᏫ౏ᄊḙ˿ᬠ߾⿜ၬ٨ḙ࠲൥ͻ˞ʷመڏᄊ ʽ๒Ӱྭᯞ֗ӯ̛ښ൥௑ḙǔͺெ࣢௚Ǖᇂԁ௧൥ዝᜉᯏ᮳ಫᄊण፞ḙ ᇂǍڏஆᘩదˁ൥ᇂ᮳ಫᄊǔͺெ࣢௚ǕکӰྭᬓ 3002 XIANFENG PERIOD, 1851-1861 A CORAL-RED GROUNDED 'BAMBOO' BOWL H 7.8 cm. D 16 cm. HK$ 180,000 - 250,000 US$ 23,100 - 32,100 ႑ᄇቬጯᇂڡຍֱ˘ ᆇጚ ൜គḧǔܸຍֱ˘ࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉОߚԥᛡഋ˺൜ Хਫ਼ᗃښ႑ᄇ੿ขݽஶຍᬻ൤௑రḙ௧ຍ̽߾⿜ᄊ࿘ྲֶመḙ̖ሦᄦᭃጚǍຍఴᬈแڡᆇጚ ǒ࠸ᬶǓ˗ᝍ᧖᥋ḧǔ๕̿ગጚ˨᧕ᏫᘿХ˗ᔪ˞ቇᄇᏨḙԡͫ˫᫻஡˨ᔉጯḙ់˨ᄦᭃǍǕ ൥ᇂ෹ᜃை҄ḙअᗀǔܸຍֱ˘ࣲ㸪Ǖഋ˺൜ḙˀ˞ܳ᜹ḙЦదूཊᄊᓨషਖಀҧǍ Ԡ᫞ḧ ຍ̽߾⿜ၬ٨Ǔḙӯ̛Ӱྭᬓnjʽ๒஡ӑѣྠᇫḙ2003ࣲḙᮆ365ڎ˗ǒࠍतဣᘩúú 3003 QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795 A PAIR OF FAMILLE-ROSE 'BALSAM PEAR' BOWLS H 6 cm. D 11.1 cm. HK$ 1,600,000 - 2,200,000 US$ 205,100 - 282,100 ຍ˿ᬠ ዠ॑᣿౨ၡᚮጯᇂḕʷࠫḖ ൜គḧǔܸຍ˿ᬠࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜ ᡜǍᑂ᠏ጺᒎᖏᄇḙᑂʹᣐᘙǍᇂЯܱᯏዠ॑ڔᤈࠫᇂᄋΑ԰ḙ෹ܱᢟḙऻᒌḙ ᤌКЯḙЯႇᔘҶૠપᄊᏙቬ֗᫕ᯮ᮸ᒰᄊ॑ྱܞ᣿౨ၡ౧ጯḙ᣿౨ᄁၡ̰ᇂܱ ᚮḙ࠙́ǔၡၢ፦፦Ǖ˨ਓḙႇ᭧౞নࢼݬḙᓤ॑ไກᄱࠂḙፋ㸪ࢺᓨድຮḙᔉ Ձᄱ࡛โཀྵʷʹḙ॑ᚮጭᮻၷ఻ᄠཀྵǍጯᯏᓤ॑ກᬶnj̝ˠḙѵࡍႠభnjຍሒḙ ໘ḙႇࢺድጺǍ᣿౨ዙၡጯݽ᜹ஶ˿ᬠయḙႇਓ˞ǔၡၢ፦፦Ǖḙࠠਓ˘ڏ౞ ǔሉ࠯፦᫂ḙߕߜ፦णǕḙ௧͜ፒᄊࠍत८ၹᇷ࠯٨ЦǍ ၬᄊᮗ۫˗ї˫߹Л॑ښᬠ௑ర௧ຍ̽ၬ٨㸪ͻᄊᴀᄩరḙ̰˿ᬠनݽḙዠ॑˿ Ǎ˿ᬠዠ॑Ѿၹዠ॑ዠ๧ಁ֗ᄊ᠏ਖḙၹዠӑᄊՊመ॑ந͌㸪ͯڡԩ̽̀̋॑ᄊ ᛫ဘѣਫ਼͌˨ྭᄊᓤ॑֗᠏ਖḙԻڡՊመࢺᓨֶԣүྭnjೲྭnjၡ౧኎ḙᑟюᆸ ৻ݬ৻ᐟǍ൥٨ऄ˞˿ᬠయዠ॑ၬድֶ˨ͻḙ㸪ͻࢺᓨድᒱḙႇ᭧ຍழำบḙ់ ࠠਓՍᇼǍ᣿౨ዝ٨ྭݽஶᬻ൤ḙУஶ˿ᬠḙ᣿౨ᏨႀܱԣЯḙ̿᫂౨ࠠਓ˅ ǔ᫂෵Ǖḙద᫂ˤፒ෵˨ਓḙງԪࠍत଎࢔Ǎ ౏ູḧ ൗฯ᧘᜶ᘩࠒைᘩ Ԡ᫞ḧ ǒߜ༛ฯᄊᬝၬˇႍǓḙጌህۢѣྠᇫḙ2005ࣲ3థḙᮆ254.1 ǒ஌ࠍӰྭᬓᘩ஡ྭဣֶܸጇúúဥူ॑eዠ॑Ǔḙʽ๒ሙߦ੿షѣྠᇫḙ.2 1999ࣲ9థḙᮆ66-67njᮆ116 3.ᯮມᔚࠝඋḙ2011ࣲ4థ8ெḙᎄՂ.3086 3004 KANGXI PERIOD, 1662-1722 A FINE AND RARE YELLOW AND GREEN GLAZED 'DRAGON AND PHOENIX' BOWL H 7 cm. D 14.2 cm. HK$ 500,000 - 700,000 US$ 64,100 - 89,700 ᴝљጯᇂ॑㋍ڡຍकཿ ᳧ Оߚԥᛡഋ˺൜ڔ൜គḧǔܸຍकཿࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉԥ ᓤ̋ྒྷᛡ㋍ܞ᜻டḙЯܱᤰʹஷ᳧᧕Ǎ԰ܱ෹ʷևԄᕙጯḙᇂܱیᡜḙᤵڔງᒌḙูܞ԰ܱଢ଼ḙऻړᇂ ʷևݠਓ̈݀ጯǍᇂअ˺ǔܸຍकཿࣲܫ᮳ѕѕḙᤃᡜޏḙसྥᓂྒྷḙᢶॎᅿϤḙڲᴝḙᴝ假᰺ࠛḙᲗႁ 㸪ǕОߚԥᛡഋ˺൜Ǎட٨᳧㋍նᓤሷࠀḙಫូ௚ঌḙጯᯏ᪝҉ืႊၷүḙᴝጯ̈ᝈ᮸᤾ḙࠠਓʺ࠯ᴏ ˑ˨ඡǍʽ๒஡ྭ׸इᘩదՏዝֶḙԻ˞ԠᏦඋᣗǍޏḙᮘЦᄌࠒܹ తொѣဘஶ௚භࠈ௑రḙХࢺᓨᣗ˞㸴ాḙेЏஶጉᑂ˨ʽ᩼҉ጯᯏ̿ᰴພདྷੇ๪ᑂḙ㸴ஷ᳧᧕॑㋍ڡ᳧ ˨ᴝᇂḙ߲௧ࠍ˗᠜ݡԣݡߕ˄ၹ㋍ڡ᳧᧕ʽፋ㋍ᓤ̋ྒྷ̈ᴝḙʷᓊሦ˨˞᳧ښḙгͰພཌདྷᏫੇǍ॑㋍ యࠍԾǓᝮᣒḙकཿʷయతொ᜻ࠀຍࠍၹၬ኎ጟḧᄌࣛnjᄌܺՑnjᄌՑΎၹ᧗᳧ܱ᧕ᄊၬڎၬ٨Ǎ૶ǒ ᭊ˞ڂጌᴝᄊၬ٨Ǎڡᴝၬ٨ḨХ͸Ϡݡ᠜̡ᄋၹ᳧㋍ڡ٨Ḩᄌ᠜ݡၹ᳧ܱ᧗ᄇᄊၬ٨Ḩ᠜ݡnjݡΎၹ᳧ ර᧚ᣗ࠶ḙਫ਼̿ၷ̗஝᧚ΧˀԣХ߲መዝḙຍ̽कཿయ˨᥌ߛఞ࡛࠶᜹Ǎ ౏ູḧ ᯮມᔚࠝඋḙ2007ࣲ10థ9ெḙᎄՂ1611 Ԡ᫞ḧ 061ڏǒຍ̽ၬ٨ᠶ᧝Ǔḙᨑ૝߽˟ᎄḙኄ62ᮆḙ 3005 KANGXI PERIOD, 1662-1722 A PAIR OF DOUCAI 'DRAGON AND PHOENIX' DISHES H 3.8 cm. D 11.1 cm. HK$ 1,800,000 - 2,500,000 US$ 230,800 - 320,500 ຍकཿ ஧॑ᴝљጯูᒌᇂḕʷࠫḖ Оߚԥᛡഋ˺൜ڔ൜គḧǔܸຍकཿࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉԥ ХОӡʷࣲᄊፒ෵ ᛡḙᅩᄬसհḙ假倛᮸᤾ḙᢸࣰ᥊Ҷదҧḙ̋ྒྷᩤѾݠᣃḙښ௑ᫎత᫂ᄊᄌࣛḙͯښԋ̽ڎकཿ௧ੈ ˗ḙ঴ፇ͓ώ᧝௚̽У̒ᄊԋԾஔᝫḙ໸ॷᆑ˸඾஡ӑḙ͓ ᴝᲗଆ࣋ጺࠛదऀḙʷˍˀ˽ḙևᢶ༢ཧ༪༪ḙ᮳᯵ႃଋḙ ḙ̡̾ஜႏǍԳʷΟљѝϵཀྵቈᛡḙᏔඐடᴏጺ́ޏஶळᤉ֗ᣎၹ᜵ภЏᤉᄊሙ੿֗ࢺᓨḙᇫ͘Պவ᭧ᦐԩ४ ѕѕؓ ࢽܸᄊᤉ൦֗ੇࡃḙ㸪ၬˊ˷४҂᫂ᡜԧ࡙Ǎकཿ௑ర ࠛḙࡋᏣ˞ຍ̽ፇՌ௚̽ᏎᏣࡋˁ፧ࣜࡋːܸ͖གѹਓᏫѣ̀ ӨˠǍљѝஶᮻḙ㔆㔆ХᏎḙܭḙጓޛನḙֶመ˘ࠝḙܸ٨โԒ݉͛ḙ࠵٨မဦҕ ˨ాࡋљጯḙިᣁަܳیᄊၬ٨ḙᤵ ᤩḙࢼ݄ܹࢺḙनదຍʷ̽ၬˊᄩˇ˨ЏෲǍ൥ࠫकཿ஧॑ ʹগ͖Ꮏḙљࡋᤏᤸḙඡҹޏ́ḙᇸ᧔ᮻੴḙᇸގѕཀྵḙ̾ ᴝљᇂԁ˞कཿ߾⿜Տዝͻֶ˗ᄊЧᔵ˨ͻǍ ̡ᄬᅃॷઉǍᴝљᄋፋ㸪ድጺḙ᰽倛ᏔᏎ҉ႇጺᒎḙљᲚ࡙ ᏑḙᏎлሒ᤾ḙᔘᴝޏ࿮ḙ̋ྒྷѸҶǍᴝљގগѠ࿮͖Ꮏḙ ᭡nj ࠫඋूཊḙ֗Ꮏ४ៈḙ౞ੇǔᴝљնᇼǕ˨Սࠠḙ؞ࣼՍي෹ᜃ௚̽یᡜḙ٨ڔरḙଢ଼԰ḙูऻᒌḙܜ൥ࠫᇂն ᒱḙฝ ᇼḙᜉᯏ஍౧ౝूǍ᧔஧॑੿ขḙ˟᜶ጯᯏ̿᭟ᔉӇҿḙЯڲᡜ᭛ᑂḙԻ᜹ᑂ᠏ጺጅڔ᯳௑᮳ಫḙசተቫࣻǍʺ юᆸǍ᭟॑܍ጚnj᳧nj㋍njᡋnj኎Պመᓤ॑ḙቸᝏጜጺḙ܍ ๼ང४᭤࣢ድጺḙ᠏ᄇᎊࠛḙژᄇݠဌḙ๼ฤౝΈǍकཿᑂ प॑ጭնḙ᝺ᓤᯐ໘ḙݧˠ᎑ጭḙງ४஧॑܍ᆶጦьḙጉదǔጅዛයǕnjǔͫဌǕ˨ሦǍఞЪ᧕᠏ጺ ᔉԧᓤ௚ᓥḙڲ ᄇ᧕Ǖnjǔዠ ॑੿ข˨ਓᡚǍڲ๧ḙጋཽࠛஶᑂᰤ˨ʽḙโཀྵʷʹḙదǔ ᄇ᧕Ǖnjǔᆶ̝᭟᧕Ǖ˨ᡂ᝘Ǎᤈመᑂ᧕ྲགḙΎकཿ॑ၬ ḙ᧕ ஧॑Ѻѹஶࠈॴ௑రḙ൥௑᧕ʽ॑ᓤֶመ࠻࠶ḙࠈॴ஧॑٨ڡ˞༬཈᎑ጭḙᎿˀᑈஆḙ൥ᇂԁ˞ʷΓǍЛ٨ஷᄇ᧕ ᭟ ʽ̩᜹᳧nj㋍njጚnjጌ஝መӭᓤḙ˅ᓤไ࠶ᤩ௚ਖǍᒰੇӑڔ᭧Ӊьḙພ๧АӨḙᐪ๧ݠᑠḙᑂ᧕ፇՌጋࠛḙ٨अԥ ᔉ˺ǔܸຍकཿࣲ㸪ǕОߚ̄ᛡഋ˺൜ḙߚʹሒ᤾ḙቸ҂ద య॑ᓤܸܙḙ˅ܳᤩ̝ᱥ௚ḙՊЦྲᓤǍੇӑ௑రᄊ஧॑త சԒᬱᬶḙʹဘ̀कཿ Ԫ଎࢔ḙ௚ຍ஡࿹˗˷ሦ˨˞ǔੇ⿜॑Ǖੋ ǔ᭟ᔉᫎᜉ̋یҧǍЛ٨උΓөូḙʹ᧚ᤠࠂḙᤵ ವᄊڏᄇᓤၬᑂʽӇҿѣਫ਼ፋښᬻࠔ᭢ሾǍ ᓤǕǍ߲ᄊϢข௧Џၹ᭟ᔉ˨߾⿜㸪٨ ವᄊˀՏᦊͯḙಪڏ᧕ʽોښᣃझ㌇ḙᎴ᧕ᰴພདྷੇՑḙг КˀՏᄊ॑ᓤḙʷᓊ௧ʼᒰ̋መḙతՑК॑༯Ͱ܍஧॑ፋᴝљጯḙᇼ̈ࠛѵḙ᎚ፉݠཏḙᛡᴝᡐဩቈ ૶ਫ਼ᭊ̿ܞᇂܱ ᧕ښᄊ௧ၹ౏˗஧॑٨ښವᄊ౽̏ࡍᦊḙᏫ᭟ᔉڏವੋڏພདྷੇǍຍ̽௧஧॑ၬ٨ᄊᰴएԧ࡙௑రḙదፙ੾దѹழḙ Ѭ ವᄊᜉڏವᄊᣃझḙద௑˷͘ၹஶࡍᦊڏḙጯᯏnjᓤ॑኎வ᭧ᦐ ʾଡፋnjӇҿЛᦊیᤵښՏ௑Պᒭ᮳ಫˀࡊᄱՏǍ௄᝷ ḙ੦ᤪຒѣဘǔ஧־ᯏǍຍ˿ᬠ̿ՑḙԪǒӯ⿜ቸᝮǓᄊॖ ܍㸪ͻࢺᓨʽᝯቃࢺடnjጺᒎnj͖ᎿḙښదቊᆡভᄊੇࡃǍ Ǖnjǔ̋॑Ǖ˨ሦǍ॑܍దᬍᄊ᭟ᔉ಴ ॑Ǖnjǔښ᭟ᔉ㌇Яḙښ܍ڡ௑࠲Պᓤዠ॑ˑಫюᆸ॑ Яѣဘຢಀ֗ཌ੬ḙቊᆡ̀௚ࣱ̽๕॑நᄊࡍᬍḙΎጯᯏਏ ҫ᤾ˠຍሒḙࠝదᜉᯏভǍຍकཿʽ੾ੇӑ᧕ʽ॑ᓤḙԡழ ൥ࠫᇂᄇၬᑂ᧕ЦΈḙ㸪ͻౝ˞ድॷḙ᧕᭧ጺ๧njᄇьएౝ ఞᑟቊѣెநᄊ᠏ਖ֗ᱥᓥᓤូǍ஠॑юᆸḙஷڡീጚnjᡋᆃnjᏙ㋍njᗰ॑֗ᳬ॑ǍΎ᧕ʽ॑ᡕҫ˘Ꮏ၏ ᰴḙඋᓤܙ ࢺᒱḙՊᓤ̔ᄱᣝ௢ḙ௚ঌ ॑ᯐ໘ḙᱥ̝௚ᓥḙᛮֶ̿᠏Ӭᡕᄊጉၬᄇᑂḙ᭢үЪᗨḙ॑܍ˠḙᑂ᧕ድᓢḙጯᯏጓࠛḙ ݧˠḙౝ˞ᬲ४ḙᛮ̿ฝᄇພ๧ᄊ᧕᭧ḙఞᝀݲ޶ү̡ḙ ࠫඋᱥ௚ḙᬻࠔ۶ᄌḙЦద˘ࠝᄊ᛫ဘҧǍፋ㸪ጺᒎድᒱḙ ᄩˇࢺӖౝᰴᄊ㸪ᓨ੿షࡊ࡙௄᥌Ǎဘ̭ਫ਼ሦᄊ̋॑njዠ ࡙ᇨ̀कཿ௑ర㸪ၬࢺᓨᄊᰴᡔඵࣱḙᴝљᏔᏎᲗྟᄋଡፋ कཿ௑ႍᬍѳѬ͓ˀˑಫḙᜂᤰሦ˞ǔ̋ ᄊˍˍК੮ḙತತݠၷḙቸጓˀ˽ḙᤉᤞదएḙᴝљᐨʹፋښnj஧॑ʼዝḙ॑ njʺЦద஧॑nj̋ 㸪ౝЦसҧḙ࠲຤ᴝ੆љḙᇼ֗؞ࣼᄊৱগำ༧ำဘᄊ࡙ဘيǕǍǒӯ⿜ቸᝮǓᝮᤘḧǔੇnj൤nj॑ ವጓӨࠝڏК॑நḙє ѣ౏ḙࠝஶүਖǍᎿᣃᎿ݇ḙᠶॷ৥ᄬḙਏ᜹ܭʽၹ᭟நႇᔉᲚӧʹḙہʼመǍТஶ॑܍nj॑ ˠḙՍᇼ؞ࣼ˨ඡටḙࠄ௄ਛஶǔ̂݉஧ᓥǕ˨஧॑˨Րḙ ہᏨḙ᭟நԥӇᔉᲚnj̡ྭ˨ዝஶ॑܍ХЛʹḙՐఛ஧॑Ḩ ḨХ̋॑ѷጉၬጦၹ ˣकཿ߾⿜஧॑ͻֶ˗ʷᮤၓၝᏤᅋᄊဣࠃḙ˅ੇࠫѣဘḙ॑܍К̋ᓤḙՐఛ܍К॑༯ܭᑂḙੇՑ ॑ந܍ѣᏨ௧˷ǍǕ൥˞ǔ஧॑Ǖʷឈᯫ൓᜹ឱ஡࿹Ǎ̰Պ ᭤උ࠭࣢ḙᬲ४ʷ᜹Ǎ መᠫந౏ᄺḙ௚ຍː̽Тஶǔ஧॑Ǖˁǔ̋॑Ǖᄊሦ់෥ద ӝѿḙј᭟ᔉˁ᧕ʽՊመᓤ॑Ռፋᄊ٨ྭፒሦ̋॑Ǎ᭟ᔉ̋ ḙᦐ௧᧕ʾ᭟ᔉˁ᧕ʽ॑ᄱፇՌܫ˨ˁ஧ֶ॑መᮘదᄱͫ॑ ᭟ᔉ௧ʷመၹஶፋᯏᦊ˗௧ḙ᭟ᔉ̋॑٨ܫ˨ᄊֶመǍˀՏ 3006 QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795 A DOUCAI 'FLORAL' BOWL H 6.1 cm. D 15.2 cm. HK$ 1,800,000 - 2,800,000 US$ 230,800 - 359,000 ຍ˿ᬠNj஧॑ᎍ౨᥸᧛ᯮጯᇂ ൜គḧǔܸຍ˿ᬠࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜ Ӊḙ᧕᭧Аฝᖏ๧ḙဝၕ᠏ਖूǍܱᒌᦊ˟ᮥᔉጯ˞ᎍ౨کஷᄇ᧕ḙᘙᏫک൥ᇂᑂᰤጺᄇḙЯܱ ᓤʷˍˀᔥḙౝ˞ድጺḙ܍ǔ᥸᧛ǕḙХʾదݠਓ̈ጯnjԫʹᖉጯː౎᣸ᯏḙႇࢺጺ㌨ḙӇ㌇ ᭟ᔉᓤปກᬶḙ᧕॑ᱥᓥ௚ঌḙ㌇౎ӇႇᒭཀྵืႊḙѵࡍࠛᏫˀ˽ḙՁྟnjᔉၥЦ௶ಀ஍౧Ǎᇂ ॷၹ̿नАᄊ᭟ᔉԥऺጯॎੇᤩ᜽Тӯḙၹ̿ҫूᇂॷ஧॑ᔉӦ˨ᜉᯏ஍౧Ǎܱअॷ˺᭟ᔉǔܸ ຍ˿ᬠࣲ㸪ǕОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜Ǎட٨ႇࢺืႊḙ᝺ᓤጺѬ᫻᫺ไກḙቡʹਖूཊḙХ᤾ˠಁ֗ႇ ਓḙᛮ̿ພ๧Ӊጺᄊᑂ᧕ḙݠˀᄺ൜ḙїԻᝣͻ˞ᬻ൤ʷయͻֶǍ ຍ̽߾ቐၬ٨ᜉᯏᒭकཿయनݽळК᜵ภ᝺ᝠЋጉḙᒰᬻ൤nj˿ᬠ௑ర҂᣺ᮇ࢏ḙХ˗࠿̿ᬻ൤ ၵḙХ᛫ဘԁ˞བྷᛲΎၹे௑ൗฯืᛡᄊวԻԻᓨష੤ข᛫ဘ᜵ภᔉᕙḙᤉᏫ˞߾ቐ஧॑ၬ٨ ˞nj᧕ᓤԣ॑݀ˁᬻ൤ʷయᄊՏዝՐֶౝڡnj᠏یनթ̀߾ቐၬ٨ᜉᯏᄊழ᮳࠻ǍᏫ൥ᇂ௄᝷ᤵ ᄱͫḙ˅ˀᣥᬻ൤ʷయͻֶḙे˞˿ᬠொరḙႀᬻ൤ʷయՏʷ੻ቐࢺདྷ㸪ḙߛˇౝ˞࠶᜹Ǎ૶ౄ ᑟ෵ႥᯱႽԡՐڂḙڡ௑ဣǒవᕙጩᄬǓᝮᣒḙ᥸᧛௧ʷመ˗ᕙᕲḙ̗ܳ᫩ࢶᚃnj෈ӯnj෈᜵኎ ǔᯱᤘǕḙ̿᥸᧛ጯݠၬ٨ጯᯏᏨḙਫ਼᜹ܳ˞᭟ᔉḙ॑ၬˀܳǍᄱՏጯᯏ஧॑ᔉӦጯᇂԻԠᏦᯮ ມᔚࠝඋḙ1986ࣲ11థ18ெᡏ̰ᛢ˄થḙᎄՂ137ḙຍᬻ൤஧॑ᎍ౨ᔉӦጯᇂʷࠫǍ ౏ູḧ ᔚࠝඋጱጞḙ2006ࣲ3థ30ெḙᎄՂ351 Ԡ᫞ḧ 1.ᯮມᔚࠝඋḙᡏ̰ᛢ˄થḙ1986ࣲ11థ18ெḙᎄՂ137 ຍ̽߾⿜ၬ٨Ǔḙӯ̛Ӱྭᬓnjʽ๒஡ӑѣྠᇫḙ2003ࣲḙᮆ137ڎ˗ǒࠍतဣᘩúú.2 Li He, Chinese Ceramics: The New Standard Guide, ᯮມᔚࠝඋḙ1986ࣲ11థ18ெḙᡏ̰ᛢ˄થḙᎄՂ137ḙ Thames and Hudson Ltd.,ຍ˿ᬠ ᫃॑㎼౨ᖉጯᇂ ຍ˿ᬠ ᫃॑ᎍ౨ᔉጯᇂʷࠫǍ 3007 QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795 A RARE ENAMELLED FIGURE OF SEATED KSITIGARBHA H 25.5 cm. HK$ 2,500,000 - 3,500,000 US$ 320,500 - 448,700 ᘩᖣᖼϸڡຍ˿ᬠ ዠ॑ᬿၬ ᔮᅖᮗʾ८⿜Ԉඵࣱ˨ᰴ࿘סำᝠೂǓ˨ǒᝮ̃ೂǓḖ̿ܫ ᘩᖣᖼขᄱࣻˑḙ݀ਖ਼̋Ձࠃлḙԥ੤૳ဩͻሇࠀӿḙڡ൥ ˨ϸདྷᤵ܈ḙԻਇᇸ̸ܫ˨˞ஶᖉԼ˨ʽḙ᭧ᄱ˘๧֗ᘈḙತತݠၷḙԥᄬͰ ൦దຍʷ̽ḙጫཀྵݠ൥࠻దᬲگЛᡪᡠ ᇸϸܳˀЦࣲ൜ḙదѿ܈ḙ༽༽దᇸḙᢶઓ᛺ᜒḙขᛨஷጚ᳧ᗰʼᓤ॑᧕ḙᛨᯏ҉ ˀ௜Ǎѣஶࠫᇸ༧ᄊஜႏḙ൥ዝᬿۇ ႇጺᒎКॲḙᛨᜮᡑ͒᮸᤾ḙืႊᒾ࡙ḙౝЦᓨషᎿਖǍᖉ ஶ᧣᧛ᨷϸǔܸຍ˿ᬠࣲஜ㸪ǕǍ Լሒᬶቫࣻḙവӿጺ㌨᜻டḙቡʹਖूཊḙᖉၥຢಀᒭཀྵḙ ᠏ਖ᭤࣢᥀ᄾḙਫ਼ஷပጚಁ֗ຍழḙ᳧॑ᱥݧ௚ঌḙጚ̝॑ వֶࢺᓨድຮḙᛨᯏӨᎿḙื͜ᒰ̭ḙ൴˞ဣ᠜ḙՏዝ˨ͻ ˠ݄ᄬḙูᗰກᬶޔߋḙឱᓤᖬලḙཱཱྀྀၷᣝḙ௧˞˿ᬠᄩ ߛˇᎬ᜹ḙ᜹᝽̀˿ᬠᄌࣛᇪͺஜͺᄊድប˨ॷḙ௧˞௒ˇ Ǎ ድፐ˨ֶǍیЧᬶᄊຍࠍͺϸᤵˇ ᘩӡᣃፃǓ̈ḙႀஶ൥ᖣڡᘩᖣᖼ೜ՐKsitigarbhaḙ૶ǒڡ ᜻டˑ៟ḙᛨጯᡑ͒˨ᫎᦐˁขएˍˍᄱ੮ḙیϸடʹᤵ܈ ᘩǍڡ˞ḙ᭢ᘽງࠛݠሜᘩǕḙਫ਼̿ሦڡဘᅌ˿ᬠ௑రࠍतᤵϸత᧘᜶ྲढ़---ሮऀӑǍ˿ᬠ௑రḙ ᖼǔ߷ॽˀүݠܸʹ ᘩᖣᖼఢԪ᧖ᤑྨࡉͺᄊٗڡᘩᖣᖼవਝፃǓᣒḙڡࠍतࠀ㸪ܸ̀੻ᄊ᧛ᨷͺϸḙ˷དྷᤵ̀᝵ܳၬ᠏ͺϸၹஶΙ ԡ૶ǒ ᧖ᤑ༤एՑnjहҿͺᬌមҒᄊ௄ͺ˨ˇ႑ͱˇᫎḙښਫ਼ḙͮᄱࠫஶ᧛ᨷͺϸḙၬ᠏ͺϸࡃདྷ ੬ḙ᜶ڤ݋Яऊࠬईԣͺ̃ ࿝njᯙ᱆nj႔ၷnjᬁξᎭnj̡njܹឱڡХʽǍᏫ൥ዝᤵϸѣஶࠫᇸ༧ᄊஜႏḙܸܳ ஔӑ͕ၷएᑲො෩ஶښᤵᬲएᏫᝓఞ ḙ̾Хභ˞ࣸ௚ஔ˟ḙܣᘩܸڡˀЦࣲ൜Ǎᤈ࠴ᤵϸˁᘩ͜ͺஔᤵϸᄱඋḙ඾रͺᛨԡܳ̀ ᥋˗ᄊ͕ၷǍǔ᧖ᤑͺԸ ᘩԪ൥᧘ڡїѬᬶᒱ֗༧үǍᑂ᠏ጺᒎḙ᧕ᓤመዝ˘ࠝḙᓤปጦ൤nj௚ Ύˇ̡ద̞Ꮸḙᄋ४ౝవᕛ̞ḙСᄆౝ˭ˇႍḙ ͺҒቡʾܸ᝚ਝḧ˞௧ᎵᔫО᥋̰ၷࣹ᝺வΧḙࡊښᓥԡˀܿಁ֗ḙʹဘᅌे௑ዠ॑ၬᄊతᰴඵࣱǍ ੬ḙ᥃ ڡᘩԡᜂሦ˞ǔܸਝڡ൥ڂᝍᑲḙᏫੈᒭᢶவੇͺ᥋Ǎ̾ ॎ㸴ాḙ ᘩǕḙ̿ˁ஡൴ᄊǔܸఅǕnj௿᠋ᄊǔܸᛡǕnj᜺ᮃᄊǔܸੇ˞ڂ᧛ᨷͺϸ˨ʽḙښکХᓨష͉ϙ֗㸪ͻᬲए വ㸪 ৬Ǖᄱ֐ऄǍښေ᭤ख੤Ի˞˨ḙܫདྷᤵᬲੇǍͺϸ᭧ᦊԣᛨᜮጺᦊ ੇॎՑᤂၹᬿ܈nj᯷ଌ኎੿ขతՑ߹ੇḙܫܫᭊ᜶⪝࣢ࠆ ਡḙᏫདྷᤵ᣿ሮఞᬲ̡˞଍҄ḙౝࠔ௜ԫॎႸᜈǍ˿ᬠӡʼ Ԡ᫞ḧ ᔮ 1.ǒӒ̛஡ྭድዲܸጇúᬝၬԄʾǓḙӒ̛࣊஡ྭࡍḙᮆס᠊ᔮఢ੾֑དྷᤵ᜺ᮃḙˤᤵ௄ੇḙ˿ᬠᄌࣛࡃமסࣲ 262ڏᔮˀᒰបḙᅌ̵ᒰ 239ḙסǔདྷᤵᄊ᜺ᮃݠ͵ᤇˀ४ḬǕnjǔਇ௧ 232ڏüបýདྷᤵǍǕḕ᜹˿ᬠӡʼࣲ̋థѺʷǒຍࠍЯҬऊᤵҩ 2.ǒຍ̽ၬ٨ᠶ᧝Ǔḙᨑ૝߽˟ᎄḙᮆ177ḙ 3008 JIAQING PERIOD, 1796-1820 AN ENAMELLED FAMILLE-ROSE ROSE TEAPOT H 14.3 cm. HK$ 3,000,000 - 5,000,000 US$ 384,600 - 641,000 ܨࣼNjዠ॑ᘊᖉሉ࠯ጯᕐيຍ ࣲࣼ㸪ǕᆇጚОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜ي൜គḧǔܸຍ ᒌḙᆁᮙົᐫḙलॎંḙાॎᄦᮇᎶࠃဩᨎḙ˞˿ᬠ௑ᯫѹǍᤰʹᎴᤩړ԰ḙᆁజืḙړ࠵ܨ൥ ᓥḙࡏ൓ຍఁḙ᣿ບᒭཀྵḙၵ௧ድݬḙޔḙᦡ̿ዠ॑ԣဢ၉ጚ኎᧕ʽᮨநḙၹᓤಁᎿڡ˞௚ᄇ᧕ ប˞ሪဣǍ ఺ᣁ౨ᖉᔉḙ˗ᫎՊҫᯏپ˞ࢺӖ̿ዠ॑ଡፋጯᯏḙᜉᯏӨᎿḙ੿ᓨᰴᡔḙ̡݄ဩᄬǍᄦ᭧ᔉጯ ᒌː᭧˟ᮥጯᯏ˞ᚦܨጯʷևḙᐫᯏݠਓጯḙڀᮙፋܨᛍಱḙᄦᨎ˞ဢ၉ጚਫ਼ፋᄩनᖉᔉʷ఺Ǎ ᚧ㶅༧ᓺԣᎍ౨ᖉᔉḙࠠਓՍᇼḙሉ࠯णࣲǍअ᣸ᖉၥጯʷևḙܨืԣં੤̖ᯏᎍ౨ᖉጯḙጯᯏ ࣲࣼ㸪ǕОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜Ǎᑂ᧕ฝᄇጺᒎḙዠ॑ިጞᬶيअ̿ᆇጚ˺ǔܸຍܨḙ॑ܛଡፋکѬ㌇ ጓࠛḙႇࢺጺ㌨ḙ ࡊ௭ຍ̽ࠍतӨˠ˨᮳Ǎڏᒱḙጚ॑Өˠݧέḙ౞ ࣼᄌࣛᒭࣷي᥋˨ˇǍيຍࠍᕂᕐ᮳࠻ႀ౏ࣃˤḙᐚթ᫩कཿՑరḙԋᬻ˿̄యᏫܸᄩḙ෹ᜃᒰ ਓḙఀॴ᪚८ቐԈድॷདྷ㸪̀ဥူ॑njዠ॑኎ֶڙḙʷၷ᪏ৱᕂᕐǍ˞ᤁՌ־ງԪ˿ᬠᄌࣛᄊॖ 㸪ͻ᭤ܨݗ᭦Ǎవᕐ˨መᄊ८ၹᕐЦǍ᮳ಫ̿ஷ॑ࠝˠไᓥnjጯᯏድጺጓᎉᏫ᫕Րḙࡊ௭८ၹ٨ ࣢ˑ៟ḙˀ৹ࢺవḙႀᤵҩܫѣನḙોᄌࠉ᜶ර㸪ͻḙ௄ˀድᎿḙЦదॢᰴᄊᓨష͉ϙḙ൥ܨΧ ௧Х˗ᄊΌΌᏨǍ ౏ູḧ Έܣ४ጱጞḙ2011ࣲ9థ16ெḙᎄՂ1652 ԠᏦḧ 136ڏቡ஌ࠍӰྭᬓḙ2004ࣲḙᮆ158ḙڎǒ˷Ի̿ຍॷúᕐ٨eᕐ̃eᕐႇǓḙԼӒḧ .1 157ڏǒߜ༛ฯᄊᬝၬˇႍǓḙӒ̛ḧጌህۢѣྠᇫḙ2005ࣲḙᮆ255ḙ .2 3009 QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795 A RARE TURQUOISE-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE ቊѣиࠄভḙᏫХ͸Պरภᔉภᕙѷ̿᜵ภА఍੿ข᛫ဘḙ BOTTLE VASE ूូᓤ॑᣿ບᄊܫေḙ̰Ꮻ᣺҂ไກᒭཀྵnjቡʹਖቊѣ˨஍ ౧ḙХ౨ᗼިᣁᏢԄḙ᝺ᓤᬤ˨ԫ૱ḙ࡙ဘ˘ࠝܳ॑ᄊӨ ᓤ܍ᛦḙکᄊࣅวБरᜉᯏ᮳ಫǍடʹѵࡍیH 34.5 cm. ˠḙื᭛ѣЧ ድюḙጚ॑ጦ൤Ӊьḙ㋍॑ޔߋ᭟Ꮩḙ᳧॑௚ঌ๧ปḙឱ॑ HK$ 5,000,000 - 8,000,000 ̔௢ѣກᬶಁ֗njᒲஶᒰᎿᄊЯतোᤵ᮳ಫǍ US$ 641,000 - 1,025,600 ዠ॑႗ᖉጯሉ࠯ߚ೏ၫḙᒌڡ㋍ࣼيӒ̛஌ࠍஆᘩʷΓḙຍ ዠ॑႗ᖉሉ࠯ጯଢ଼԰ၫ ᦊጯᯏ̖˞᜵႗ᖉᦡ̿࠯ಱႇขḙᗃ䠱ஶǒ஌ࠍӰྭᬓᘩ஡ڡ㋍ຍ˿ᬠ Ძ 172ǍԳڏဣֶЛᬷ-ဥူ॑njዠ॑Ǔḙ1999ࣲḙᮆ195ḙྭ ፋၡᚮᔉӦጯڡ㋍ˁవֶʷᒱḙᤰʹ̿౛ی൜គḧǔܸຍ˿ᬠࣲ㸪ǕᆇጚОߚʼᛡኼ˺൜ ʷΓ˿ᬠᏨḙᤵ ४ᯮມ2007ࣲ5థ29ெ׬ѣḙᎄՂ1511ḨԳ᜹దʷܣᏨḙஶΈ ଢ଼԰ၫḙᒌᦊጯᯏ᜵ڏዠ॑ᎍ౨ᔉӦሉ࠯ڡ㋍ࣼ ߘᬳيᡜǍ٨Яԣअᦊஷ౛㋍ Γຍڔ൥͈ၫ˞ଢ଼԰ḙጺ᫂ᮙḙᴂᒌḙ ʽᯏዠ॑႗ᖉጯǍ԰෹ᯏ̿᧛॑ʷևḙ԰෹ ႗ᖉ˗नదʷ䯨࠯ಱḙֶጟ႕Ͱஶవֶᒌᦊ᜵႗ᖉʽनదͺڡ㋍᧕Ǎᤰʹ౛ ʾᯏݠਓ̈݀ጯʷևḙᮙː᭧ጯᯏᄱՏḙፋጚᚧઐԥᚮݠਓ ੤nj࠯ಱ֗ᆃഡʼᏨጯᯏḙஶᯮມᔚࠝඋḙ2010ࣲ4థ8ெ׬ ఺ᎍ౨ᖉᔉḙᔉॷ౨೓ʽၷͺ੤njಱߕ֗ᆃ ѣḙᎄՂ1943ǍپፇǍᒌᦊᯏ ጯʷևǍअڀᑔᑠጚ॑ᯏ̿ܗᡜܱଢ଼ḙᡜڔഡḙ௧̿ՍᇼǍ ॷᆇጚ˺ܸຍ˿ᬠࣲ㸪ኼ˺൜Ǎட٨ᜉᯏౝ˞ݗ᭦Өˠḙ ᗃ䠱ḧ˗ 55ڏ௧˞Ꭼద˿ᬠᮇጟ८⿜Ǎ ǒຍ̽ˣၬ٨Ǔḙၿ᡹ևʷḙˌ̛ḧ1977ࣲḙ ൥٨ਫ਼ᯏܳࡏ൓ᄊጯᯏ˞˿ᬠዠ॑٨ᄊྲᓤ˨ʷǍᮙʽ̿ᆇ ౏ູḧ ४ᯮມḙ2011ࣲ6థ1ெḙᎄՂ3736ܣጚਫ਼ፋጚᚧᮃሉḙ԰ᛣԥᚮݠਓፇḙ஌ᚮៈᮃၢḙၢԁ࠵ 1. Έ ၡḙԁԻࠠਓၡၢ፦፦˨ਓḨݠਓፇԁᄨ᫂ፇḙ៶ढ़֑᫂ᄈ 2. ெవᘩࠒၿ᡹ևʷைᘩ .ࡧǍᒌᦊᄊͺ੤njಱߕ֗ᆃഡጸੇሉ࠯ʼܳḙૉܳሉnjܳ 3. 1950ࣲᫎ᠔ᒭெవGallery R ͜ፒ॑ፋ੤ขፋࡃḙڎ˗࠯njܳߕǍጯᯏ˗ᄊՍᇼЋጉᄋ̿ 3010 YONGZHENG PERIOD, 1723-1735 A SMALL AND FINE RUBY-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE 'FLORAL' BOWL H 3.4 cm. D 7.2 cm. HK$ 800,000 - 1,200,000 US$ 102,600 - 153,800 ዠ॑˵ሗᇂڡຍᬻ൤ ᑔᑠጚ ൜គḧǔܸຍᬻ൤ࣲ㸪Ǖ᭟ᔉԥ಴Оߚԥᛡഋ˺൜ ˵ፋܞመḙ˞ຍ̽߾⿜ᄊழֶመǍᇂЯஷᄇ᧕ḙֶܱ॑̋ڡዠູ॑ஶकཿ௑రᄊဢ၉ጚڡᬻ൤ᑔᑠጚ ḙᤰ᣿ጚnjᗰnj㋍njጌ኎ᓤᄊไກԫӑḙ᛫ဘᔉՁᄊ᫻᫺Քᑀԣቡʹ᠏ਖǍЛ٨ᓤ॑᎑ጭḙፋႇڏሗ ஷᄇ᧕ḙພ๧ᖏܞᒱḙЯڲ࠵ࢼḙԶదʼНѬᰴḙཀྵᏫᑂʹጺᘙیድຮḙ௧ᬻ൤ၬ˨ድֶΈͻǍ٨ ᎿǍܱܞஷᑔᑠጚ᧕ḙ᧕ᓤොሷǍܞʽ̿ဥူ॑நፋࡃᓸᗩnjሗᗐnjᖗᔉnjᎦዩᔉnjሗ๒೦njࡣᕐnj ᡜЯ̿᭟ᔉ˺ԥ಴ǔܸຍڔ፡ጞǍގᔉՁᔴᄩḙ᮳˗ڏḙڏಔߕᔉ኎˵መሗܹᄩनᄊᔉӦḙ౞ੇ˵ሗ ᬻ൤ࣲ㸪ǕОߚԥᛡഋ˺൜ḙቸ᥋ᆶభḙ᭟ᔉງොǍవᘩֶఢ˞̫༱˨ࠒீਫ਼ஆᘩḙ˞ᘩֶᆸࠀ̀ʷ ቡ஌ࠍӰྭᬓ˗Ǎڎࠀᄊ͉ϙǍᄱዝͫᄊΓߕḙԻ᜹ஶʽ๒ӰྭᯞnjӒ̛஌ࠍӰྭᬓԣԼӒ ౏ູḧ ̫༱˨ࠒீைᘩ ԠᏦḧ 379ڏǒ௚ຍၬ٨᧝ࠀǓḙጌህۢѣྠᇫnjːలѣྠᇫḙ1993ࣲḙᮆ216ḙ .1 95ڏ䠱Ǔḙʽ๒Ӱྭᯞnjːలѣྠᇫḙ1998ࣲḙᮆ140nj141ḙڏǒʽ๒Ӱྭᯞᘩकཿၬ .2 䠱Ǔḙጌህۢѣྠᇫڏಖవڧǒ஌ࠍᘩ͜ˇၬ٨ᄾᡁࠫඋeԋ̽Ա⿜ .3 1ڏቡ஌ࠍӰྭᬓḙञࠃሒḙ2013ࣲḙᮆ48ḙڎǒЧᬶࠝˠŲŲ஌ࠍᘩၬǓḙ .4 3011 JIAQING PERIOD, 1796-1820 A WUCAI 'DRAGON AND PHOENIX' BOWL D 16.2 cm. H 7.8 cm.
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    A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick Permanent WRAP URL: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/91791 Copyright and reuse: This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. For more information, please contact the WRAP Team at: [email protected] warwick.ac.uk/lib-publications ‘The colours of each piece’: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780 Tang Hui A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History University of Warwick, Department of History March 2017 Declaration I, Tang Hui, confirm that this thesis is my own work and has not been submitted for a degree at another university. Cover Illustrations: Upper: Decorating porcelain in enamel colours, Album leaf, Watercolours, c.1750s. Hong Kong Maritime Museum, HKMM2012.0101.0021(detail). Lower: A Canton porcelain shop waiting for foreign customers. Album leaf, Watercolours, c.1750s, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, HKMM2012.0101.0033(detail). Table of Contents Declaration .............................................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... i List of Illustrations
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