Minutes of the Michigan annual conference. Methodist Episcopal Church. [s.l.] https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015071476611

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Methodist Children's Home Society THE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE

Redford Station Detroit , Michigan

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Methodist Episcopal Church ( Bishop Edgar Blake , D. D. , LL . D. , Resident Bishop )



BISHOP WALLACE BROWN , D.D. , LL . D. , Presiding LLOYD H. NIXON , Secretary


Beulicy Fisiotcai VOLUME 28 Library NUMBER 2 University of Michigan


I I. Officers of the Conference .141

II . Boards, Committees , Commissions and Societies .... 142

A. Trustees B. Boards C. Miscellaneous Committees

D. Officers of Conference Societies

III . Daily Proceedings and Lay Conference .... .149

IV . Disciplinary Questions ... 168-172

V. Appointments ..173-178 1 A. Probationers and Accepted Supplies .... .178

VI . Reports

( a ) District Superintendents .179

( b) Standing Committees and Boards .. .185

( c ) Conference Statistician Alternated . . 207 to 235 ( d ) Conference Treasurer

( e ) Other Treasurers .236

VII . Memoirs .256

VIII . Roll of Dead .270

IX . IIistorical ( Conference Sessions ) .272

X. Ministerial Training (Plan of Studies ) . .274

XI . Conference Rules of Order .... .277

XII . Pastoral Record and Roll .. .279


Area Superintendent Bishop Edgar Blake , D. D. , LL . D.

President Bishop Wallace Brown , D. D. , LL . D.


Lloyd H. Nixon , Battle Creek First Methodist Church

Assistant Secretaries Edmund H. Babbitt , Byron A. Hahn , Leslie J. Nevins

Biographical Secretary

Albert R. Elliott ( Thru 1937 ) Augusta , Michigan

Statistician Blucher B. Swem Assistants : J. Marion DeVinney , Earl Mumby , Thomas Jackson , Thomas Pollard and Robert Bennett .

Treasurer J. Lawrence Ward Assistants : Eaden P. Davis , Ivan E. Hodgson , Harold Jacobs , Levant R. Wheaton , C. T. Wheaton , Myron Clement , Fern Wheeler , Margaret Nash , Olive Knapp , Charles Dobbertin , Howard Fuller , S. J. Headley and Emeral E. Price .

Treasurer of Conference Expense Fund John E. Lockyer , Rockford , Michigan .

Auditor M. E. Bowen Assistants : Harold Dixon , L. M. Whitney , J. A. Rogers , Kenneth Griswold . 142 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937



President , C. S. Wheeler Vice President, J. C. DeVinney Secretary - R. E. Meader Treasurer , Hugh Kennedy Asst . Treas ., Gordon B. Wheeler Investment Committee- ( . S. Wheeler , J. C. DeVinney , W. H. Irwin , L. T. Robinson . To serve until 1938—R . E. Meader , C. S. Wheeler , W. C. Perdew . To serve until 1939 – S . B. Niles , L. L. Dewey , W. H. Irwin . To serve until 1940 — Alfred Way , L. T. Robinson , J. C. DeVinney . TRUSTEES OF BRONSON METHODIST HOSPITAL To serve until 1938 — C. E. Pollock , E. L. Sutcliffe , W. H. Phelps , W. C. Perdew , L. B. Niles , H. J. Cooper , Jacob Kindleberger , W. J. Blood , R. A. Hawley , H. A. Leeson , Mrs. G. C. Wirick . To serve until 1939 —Bishop Edgar Blake , H. W. Ellinger , G. M. Frye, F. S. Goodrich , H. Liddicoat, J , R. Wooten , S. B. Niles , F. L. Fitch , C. S. Campbell , C. A. Krill , W. Shaw , J. F. Daugherty . To serve until 1940 - L H. Nixon , A. HI. Pellowe , M. E. Reusch , W. F. Kendrick , W. H. Helrigel, 0. R. Gratton , C. W. Bra shares, Mrs. C. C. Blankenberg , G. J. Putt , R. H. Elwell , Gould Fox . TRUSTEES , METHODIST FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN Ex -Officio , Bishop Edgar Blake Ministers Michigan ( 'onference Detroit Conference To serve until 1938 — W. H. Phelps E. J. Warren To serve until 1939 —L . A. Kilpatrick W. E. Harrison To serve until 1910 —Hugh Kennedy To be elected Laymen To serve until 1938– . Arthur Whitworth Charles Nyman To serve until 1939J– W. G. McCune H. C. Baldwin To serve until 1910 — Howard Lawrence To be elected Elected by Foundation Trustees To serve until 1938 — P. W. Voorhies , Stanley S. Kresge , L. T. Wilmarth . To serve until 1939 - W. Clark Dean , C. E. Clark , Archie McCrea . To serve until 1940 - Election to be held . TRUSTEES OF ALBION COLLEGE

To serve until 1938 - IIugh Kennedy , V. V. Moulton , Lansing . To serve until 1939 — L. T. Robinson , Howard Lawrence , Grand Rapids . To serve until 1940–1). S. Coors , C. R. Sylvester , Battle Creek . TRUSTEES OF NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY

To serve until 1938 — W. A. Vowter , To serve until 1939- ( . E. Pollock . TRUSTEES OF THE MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE

To serve until 1938 - A, F. Way , R. W. Merrill . To serve until 1939 - X. A. McCune , G. M. Frye .

M. J. CLARK MEMORIAL HOME President , Hugh Kennedy Secretary , Harold W. Bryant Vice President - L. A. Kilpatrick Treasurer - L. W. Goddard 1937 ) ('ONFERENCE BOARDS 143

TRUSTEES OF CLARK MEMORIAL HOME L. L. Dewey , J. ( . Floyd , Hugh Kennedy , C. S. Wheeler , W. F. Kendrick , L. A. Kilpatrick , H. W. Bryant, Mrs. W. H. Veenboer, L. W. Goddard , Mrs. Ida Hicks Bishop , Trustee Emeritus. CONFERENCE ADVISORY BOARD , CLARK MEMORIAL HOME Bishop Edgar Blake , A. H. Pellowe , V. W. Thrall , G. M. Frye , H. W. Ellinger, members at large . To serve until 1938 — Archie McCrea , Mrs. A. H. Sargent , Mrs. S. J. Barkwell , H. S. Lucas , Don Harrington, Mrs. C , A. Krill. To serve until 1939--1 ).S. Coors , Mrs. S. J. MacDonald , Mrs. Arthur Blagdon , Dennis Miller , C. C. Barnes . To serve until 1940 - L. H. Nixon , L. D. Dickenson, Mrs. Charles R. Sligh , Mrs. L. E. Buss , Mrs. M. L. Fox, H. C. Lawrence , Mrs. H. A. Roseberry , Mrs. Harry Laity . TRUSTEES OF WESLEYAN FOUNDATION At Ann Arbor - S. B. Owens , Louis H. Grettenberger , Grand Rapids. At Ypsilanti — 'llark Phillips , Don Harrington , Albion . At Kalamazoo -- R. B. Spurlock , John Wood . At Mt. Pleasant - J . ( ). Randall, E. J. Merrill , Mt. Pleasant . TRUSTEES OF THE METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY To serve until 1938 — W. W. Whitehouse , V. V. Moulton , Mrs. Russel McPeek . To serve until 1939-- A. H. Pellowe , M. D. McKean , W. Paul Eubank . To serve until 1940 - V. W. Thrall , Mrs. Sam T. Johnson , Reed City ; Mrs. Leland Carr , Lansing . TRUSTEES OF THE ANTI -SALOON LEAGUE F. E. George, Sr. , T. G. R. Brownlow , R. V. Birdsall , E. L. Sutcliffe , H. A. Bedient . TRUSTEE OF THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH , EAST LANSING Albert H. Pellowe . B_BOARDS BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS The District Superintendents and the District Missionary Secretaries . Albion -Lansing —Mrs . W. A. Tholen , First Church , Battle ( ' reek . Big Rapids - F. E. Robinson , Mt. Pleasant. Grand Rapids - E . V. Hartman , Holland . Grand Traverse -- Mrs . Thomas Ray , Manistee . Kalamazoo , Mrs. F. U. Doubleday , Kalamazoo . BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS AND CHURCH EXTENSION The District Superintendents and the District Missionary Secretaries . Albion -Lansing —Mrs . E. Van Camp , Battle ( reek . Big Rapids - 0. D. Hilderly, Big Rapids . Grand Rapids - Ed, Quick , Muskegon . , . Grand Traverse --- Mrs . Joseph McCrae Pellston , Kalamazoo - Mrs . A. R. Parker Kalamazoo . BOARD OF MINISTERIAL TRAINING , , ( Chairman D. S. ( oors' Registrar laude W. Satterlee , , , , Floyd S. Kinnery Wm . E. Beckett James Bowker Wm . H. Helrigel Myron E. , , , , , Hoyt W. Jaylan Jones Raymond B. Spurlock L. W. Stone George A. Mooers , , , Robert Miller Richard Miles L. T. Robinson A. M. Jayne . BOARD OF STEWARDS , A. , Secretary President Lester J. Kilpatrick W. Klaiber , , A. R. Vice President W. M. P. Jerrett Treasurer Elliott , , , To serve until 1938 — II . V. Wade A. R. Elliott II . R. E. Quant A. W. Klaiber . , , , To serve until 1939 -- Lester Kilpatrick I. W. Minor Warren Brown W. M.

P. Jerrett . , , , . 0. R. C. E. To serve until 1940 - Wm . Chapman Thies W. W. Slee Gratton 144 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


Chairman , W. H. Irwin Secretary , G. A. Osborne To serve until 1938 -- P. J. Maveety , W. II . Irwin , F. H. Cramer . To serve until 1939 — T. H. Leamon , J. C. Del'inney, John Clemons . To serve until 1940 - C. J. Kruse , W. P. Manning , Geo . A. Osborne . CONFERENCE DEACONESS BOARD The District Superintendents and Licensed Deaconesses employed by the Board , and C. W. Satterlee , L. W. Stone , L. M. Whitney , H. R. E. Quant , M. A. Braund . BOARD OF EDUCATION The District Superintendents and Administrative Heads and Albion -Lansing - Frederick Spence , S. B. Owens , G. Gardner , Lansing . Big Rapids — C. W. Mackenzie , J. A. Rogers , Frank Robinson , Mt. Pleasant . Grand Rapids — M. A. Braund , F. G. Dunbar, Gordon Wheeler , Grand Rapids. Grand Traverse_J. W.Alexander , Leslie Nevins , J. W. Scoggin , Petoskey . Kalama200 — R. D. Wearne , P. H. Murdick , R. T. Fuller , Kalamazoo .

BOARD OF CHURCII LOCATION AND BUILDING Each District Superintendent on his own district and Albion -Lansing - F. M. Thurston , G. D. Chase , I. E. Carley , John Clement , C. Sylvester , B. Ball . Big Rapids - Elihu Mayhew , J. W. Stanton , W. D. Robinson , Arthur Adamy , Dr. L. A. Lampman . Grand Rapids - John Broxholm , John W. Cermack , Leon Manning , W. A. Prescott , Paul Elliott , Gordon B. Wheeler . Grand Traverse - W. A. Eley , Paul Boodagh , L. S. Reed , G. E. Whitney , Dr. F. F. McMillan , Lynn Mathewson . Kalamazoo ~—D . L. Reedy, W. B. Oldt , Victor Nilles, C. A. Krill , A. M. Man . ning, S. T. Sylvester .

BOARD OF HOSPITALS , HOMES , AND DEACONESS WORK The District Superintendents and Albion -Lansing - F. E. George, Sr. , A. L. Heimback , Coldwater ; Dr. E. Van Camp , Battle Creek . Big Rapids - Karl Keefer , Mrs. C. E , Vowles , Mt. Pleasant . Grand Rapids-- W. Maylan Jones, Mrs. Ed . Quick , Muskegon . Grand Traverse_H . M. Smart , Mrs. C , R. Dye, Traverse City . Kalamazoo ~—T . O. Lee , Royal Ward , Dowagiac .


MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Frederick Spence, Scott MacDonald , W. R. Prescott , Jay Sexton , Lansing ; Jacob Kindleberger , Kalamazoo ; C. L. Shaffley , St. Johns . STATE WORLD SERVICE COUNCIL Bishop Edgar Blake , the District Superintendents , resident members of the World Service Commission , and To serve until 1938 — A. F. Way , L. J. Kilpatrick , F. M. Thurston , T. 0. Huckle , J. J. Chase , Ray Munger . To serve until 1939 - S. W. Large , J. M. DeVinney , Jas. A. Bowker , W. C. Dean , Albion ; L. P. Flanders , Battle Creek ; R. W. Fenner . 1937 ] CONFERENCE BOARDS 145

COMMISSION ON FINANCE Chairman , Archie E. McCrea Vice -Chairman , L , L. Dewey Secretary - Treasurer , C. S. Wheeler The District Superintendents and Albion -Lansing - S. B. Owens , R. E. Adrianson , Battle Creek ; ( one year ) , Bruce Ball , Mason ; ( two years ) . Big Rapids — F. J. Schleuter , M. W. Fisher, Greenville , ( one year ) ; C. C. Barnes , Mt. Pleasant , ( two years ) . Grand RapidsL. B. Niles , Archie McCrea , Muskegon , ( one year ) ; F. F. Coons , Lowell, ( two years ) ; Grand Traverse Paul Boodagh , W. G. McCune , Petoskey ( one year ) ; John Muche , Cadillac, (two years ) . Kalamazoo - H F. Weston , H. T. Kreager , Wayland , ( one year ) ; C. A. Krill , Kalamazoo , ( two years ) . COMMITTEE ON GENERAL CONFERENCE LEGISLATION ( To serve through the Quadrennium ) The Delegates to the 1936 General Conference , namely : L. T. Robinson , A. H. Pellowe , D. S. Coors , J. L. Seaton , L. H. Nixon , Luren Dickenson , Smith Burnham , Mrs. W. H. White, E. C. Warriner , T. 0. Huckle . GENERAL CONFERENCE BENEVOLENCES

Ministers - A. W. Klaiber , F. E. George , Jr. , Robert Miller , T. H. Leamon , J. F. Bowerman , Thomas Rice , Charles Oughton , Emil Runkel, F. G. Wright, W. J. Atkinson . Laymen - J. J. Cox, Scottville ; M. B. McPherson , Lowell ; Mrs. J. E. Strong, Grand Rapids ; Henry Wigman , Lansing ; N. J. Stone, Petoskey ; Mrs. F. U. Doubleday , Kalamazoo ; Roy Gibson , South Haven ; Luren Dickenson , Charlotte . REPRESENTATIVES TO LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE Byron A. Hahn W. G. Flowerday F. S. Kinney TRUSTEES OF LAKE LOUISE Michigan Conference Detroit Conference One year - E. E. Horner Two yearsV . W. Thrall Three years — Ray Merrill Four yearsWill Pearson ( To be supplied ) COMMITTEE FOR CLARK HOME CAMPAIGN FOR $100,000 Hugh Kennedy , L. L. Dewey , L. H. Nixon , D. S. Coors , Don Harrington , C. C. Barnes , A. E. McCrae . SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND PROMOTE CONFERENCE CLAIMANTS FUND C. S. Wheeler , Hugh Kennedy , L. Kilpatrick , L. T. Robinson , V. W. Thrall , D. S. Coors , W. C. Perdew , E. H. Babbit , W. R. Prescott , L. B. Niles , G. M. Frye , Dempster Yinger. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND PLAN CO -ORDINATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORK

Conference Secretary of Young People's work of the W. F. M , S. Conference Secretary of Young People's work of the W. H. M. S. State President of the Epworth League . V. W. Thrall E. H. Babbitt TRIERS OF APPEALS Joshua Randall, L. N. Niles, W. A. Eley , Geo . A. Brown , A. T. Cartland ; and Reserves : L. M. Whittemore and M. W. Duffey . SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON WORSHIP CENTER AT ALBION Hugh Kennedy , D. S. Coors , W. H. Phelps , G. M. Frye, M. W. Duffey , Richard Toncray , Evan Weidman .. 146 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON JOINT FALL CONFERENCE S. B. Owens , C. W. Mackenzie , L. T. Robinson , ( harles Thies, W. C. Perdew . OFFICERS OF THE LAY CONFERENCE President - Roy E. Adrianson , First Church , Battle Creek . Vice President -- Mrs . Thomas Ray, Ludington . Secretary - Earnest V. Hartman , Holland . Treasurer - C. E. Lewis , Lawton . COMMITTEE ON PROPORTIONAL PAYMENTS E. H. Babbitt , member at large . Albion -Lansing - J. F. Bowerman . Big Rapids - F. N. Drake . Grand Rapids — C. H. Phillips . Grand Traverse - J. W. Alexander . Kalamazoo_ Victor B. Niles .

COMMITTEE ON CONFERENCE PROGRAM The District Superintendent and Pastor of the entertaining Church and For one year - Floyd George , Jr. For two years — John L. Seaton For three years - A. M. Jayne. CHAIRMEN OF CONFERENCE COMMISSIONS

Evangelism : Geo . A. Mooers . World Service : L. T. Robinson . Religious Education : M. D. McKean . Citizenship : A. M. Jayne. Conf. Institutions and Benevolences : W. C. Perdew . Local Church Administration : C. M. Mackenzie . LAY NOMINATING COMMITTEE T. 0. Huckle , Cadillac ; Mrs. L. W. Stewart , Ionia ; R. E. Adrianson , Battle Creek ; W. H. Shumaker , Three Rivers. RADIO COMMITTEE

Frederick Spence , G. M. Frye , N. A. McCune , Wayne Fleenor , Royal G. Hall . COMMITTEE ON BOSTON UNIVERSITY CENTENNIAL

N. A. McCune , W. ( . Perdew , James Bowker , Glenn M. Frye, L. H. Stone , Oliver Drake , John Marshall, Prof. Merrill , Paul Elliott , Floyd Rothles berger , Carl Fisher . STANDING COMMITTEES

Epworth Leagues - Wayne Fleenor , Raymond Norton , Wm . Blanding , L. M. Rigelman , H. A. Carey .

Evangelism - R. V. Birdsall , Amos Bogart , G. A. Mooers , J. A. Brown , F. M. Clough , Ralph Bates , George Brown .

Finance Henry Liddicoat, R. M. Prescott , A. T. Halsted , W. S. Phillips , Karl Keefer , Fred Schaenzlen , J. E. Bartlett, Jr.

Memoirs - F. N. Drake , John Broxholm , Kenneth Hoffmaster , President , Board of Stewards .

Periodicals —Dempster Yinger , Stanley Thayer , T. W. Jenne , E. D. Finkbeiner , W. E. Brown , C. M. ('onklin , D. L. Reedy , Charles Oughton .

Resolutions - E. K. Lewis, Robert Geiger , C. H. Bacon , W. B. Oldt, E. T. Smith , Joseph Tuma . 1937 ] CONFERENCE SOCIETIES 147

Retired Ministers — C. E. Davis, H. F. Weston , J. H. Rayle , T. 0. Lee , Henry Hulme, L. S. Reed , John Biery .

Christian Citizenship and Social Service -Royal G. Hall , N. A. McCune , F. G. Dunbar , John 0. Hagans , L. G. Beacock , Jr. , J. R. Wooten , M. W. Duffey .

Stewardship - R. M. Lawrence , Stanley Buck , W. A. Exner, E. I. Prosser , W. W. Hurd , A. W. Baker , W. A. Eley .

Nominations — E. A. Armstrong , Chairman ; Leroy M. Whitney , Secretary . To serve until 1938M . C. McKean , A. T. Cartland . To serve until 1939 –J . M. DeVinney , Leroy M. Whitney . To serve until 1940_J. A. Rogers , E. A. Armstrong .



President - Mrs. Victor Thrall . 1st Vice - Mrs . Morris McKean . 2nd Vice - Mrs. Spencer ( wens . Secretary - Mrs . Richard Niles . Treasurer -- Mrs. Arthur Buege. 1 WOMEN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY

President - Mrs . F. C. Doubleday , 1114 Jefferson Ave. , Kalamazoo . Corresponding Secretary - Mrs . E. O. Izant, 531 Capital Ave. , Lansing . Treasurer - Miss Lillie Phelps , Bay View . Field Support Secretary - Mrs . W. D. Hill, 200 S. Sycamore St. , Lansing . Extension Secretary - Miss Mabel Eddy , Fulton . Stewardship Secretary - Mrs . Fred Curtiss, ( 'harlotte . Wesleyan Service Guild —Miss Genevieve Sanford , 913 Lane Blvd., Kalamazoo . Young People's Secretary - Mrs . Harry Harrington , 237 Van Raalte Ave. , Hol land . Junior Secretary - Mrs. C. A. Krill , 1304 Maple St. , Kalamazoo . WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY President - Mrs. W. H. Veenboer , 2071 Reed's Lake Blvd., Grand Rapids. Vice Presidents : Bequest and Devise - Mrs . T. G. R. Brownlow , 1821 S. Cedar St. , Lansing . Conference Members - Mrs . W. W. Slee, 18 Church St. , Coldwater . Lenton and Thank Offering —Mrs. A. I. Gilbert, 227 Marshall St. , Lansing . Missionary Education - Mrs . L. R. White , Mason . , Corresponding Secretary - Miss Rebecca McKenzie , 1624 W. Main St. Lansing . , , Recording Secretary - Mrs . Wm . Helrigel 285 Glendale Blvd. Parchment . , , , Treasurer - Mrs . F. E. Jones 54 Zeno St. S. W. Grand Rapids . , , · Wesleyan Guild - Miss Genevieve Sanford 913 Lane Blvd. Kalamazoo . , Young People's Secretary - Mrs . Wayne Fleenor Eaton Rapids . , , Junior Secretary - Mrs . W. R. Prescott 1400 Jerome St. Lansing . , , Christian Citizenship - Mrs . Charles R. Sylvester 223 Freemont St. Battle

Creek . , , Conference Historian - Mrs . A. R. Parker 715 Minor Ave. Kalamazoo . , , , Mite Box - Mrs . C. 0. Van Der Vort 28 Mayfield N. E. Grand Rapids . , , , Perpetual Members — Mrs . H. V. Wade 214 Spencer N. E. Grand Rapids . 148 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Spiritual Life -Mrs. Warren E. Brown , Portland . Supplies —Mrs. J. C. DeVinney , 600 Turner, N. W. , Grand Rapids .


President - R. E. Meader 1st Vice President - F. S. Goodrich Secretary - I. T. Weldon Treasurer - D. E. Reed 2nd Vice President - E. O. Mather .

RETIRED PREACHER'S ASSOCIATION President -P . J. Maveety Honorary President -N , L. Bray Vice President - Hugh Kennedy Secretary - Treasurer —George A. Brown Committee on Decorating Preachers ' Graves -Albion District , I. T. Weldon ; Big Rapids District , J. M. Jensen ; Grand Rapids District , M. E. Reusch ; Grand Traverse District , W. P. Mosher ; Kalamazoo District , G. A. Brown .


President - S. B. Owens Secretary - William H. Helrigel Executive Committee - Same officers as above. Vice Presidents — L. T. Robinson , Claude Satterlee . Treasurer - Dempster Yinger


President - Rev . Wayne H. Fleenor , Eaton Rapids . First Vice President - Rev . Leon Manning , Lake Odessa . Second Vice President - Rev . Victor Longfield , Lincoln Park . Third Vice President -Rev . Thomas Pryor , Royal Oak . Fourth Vice President - Miss Irene Sackett , Ithaca . Secretary -George Fead , Detroit . Treasurer - Rev . Richard Miles , Traverse City . Life Work Secretary -Rev . John Marvin , Detroit . 1937 ] JOURNAL 149


THE JOURNAL , 1937 FIRST DAY Wednesday , June 9, 1937 Morning Session The One Hundred Second Session of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church convened at the First Methodist Church in Big Rapids, with Floyd George , Jr. as pastor -host . Bishop Wallace E. Brown, D. D. , LL . D. , called the Conference to order at 9 a . m . Following Hymn No. 147 , Floyd George , Jr. offered prayer , and Hymn No. 148 was sung . The Bishop read from Matthew 26 : and gave a devotional address preparatory to the Communion Service . Communion Service . The Bishop took charge of the Communion Service and was assisted by the District Superintendents and the pastor of the local church . Memorial Service . M. A. Braund was called to the plaftorm as chairman of the Memorial Service . As the Conference stood the secretary read the names of deceased ministers as follows : 0. F. Bulman , John A. DeGraff , Paul D. Huff, William M. Puffer , and Arthur S. Williams ; of deceased Supply Pastors : Charles 0. Hayward, William Haskin , Charles S. Jenkins , and N. W. Weston ; also deceased wives and widows of ministers : Mrs. C. W. Chase , Mrs. W. Z. Cole , Mrs. Delos Cronk , Mrs. E. W. Davis , Mrs. Hattie DeGraff , Mrs. J. C. Dorris , Mrs. Thomas Laity , Mrs. L. H. Manning , Mds . Edward T. Smith , Mrs. S. E. Tiney , Mrs. Jos . Wilks . W. P. Manning read the Scripture and F N. Drake led in prayer . Mr. Earl McDuffey of the Big Rapids church effectively sang “ The Lost Chord .” The Memorial Address was given by Dr. Hugh Kennedy on the topic " The Preacher Has A Place In The World ," taking the text from Philippians 1 :3, “ I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Hymn No. 525 was sung and Kenneth Hoffmaster pronounced the benediction . Conference Session . Bishop Brown called the Conference to order and the hymn “ Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing ” was sung . Roll Call. On motion of L. H. Nixon the Conference ordered that the roll call be taken by signing slips of paper which were passed . The following members were present : Edward A. Armstrong , W. J. Atkinson , Edmond H. Babbitt, C. H. Bacon , Albert W. Baker , J. H. Bancroft , Ralph L. Bates , L. George Beacock , William E. Beckett , John G. Biery , Ray V. Birdsall , William Blanding, Amos B. Bogart , Paul Boodagh , James E. Bowker , James A. Brown , Geo . Brown , Geo , A. Brown , Warren E. Brown , Thomas G. R. Brownlow, John W. Broxholm , Stanley Buck , Arthur A. Buege , Ira E. Carley , H. A. Carr , Albert T. Cartland , Lynn E. Chapel , William Chapman , Franklin H. Clapp , John Clemens , Frederic M. Clough , Lester Clough , C. M. Conklin , D. Stanley Coors , Floyd H. Cramer , Chas . E. Davis , Eaden P. Davis , Ralph M. Dean , James Clyde DeVinney , James Marion DeVinney , L. L. Dewey , Harold E. Dixon , Floyd N. Drake , Matt W. Duffey , Frederick G. Dunbar , Henry W. Ellinger , Wilfrid A. Eley , W. A. Exner, E. C. Finkbeiner , Wayne H. Fleenor , William G. Flowerday , F. P. Frye , Glenn M. Frye, H. Howard Fuller , Dorr P. Garrett , Robert G. Geiger , Floyd George, Sr. , F. E. George , Jr. , O. R. Grattan , C. H. Green , Kenneth Griswold , Joseph Grimes , Alfred T. Goslin , Frederic S. Goodrich , Byron A. Hahn , Charles B. Hahn , Alfred T. Halsted , Harley H. Harris , John W. Hayward , S. J. Headley , William H. Helrigel , Myron E. Hoyt , Victor J. Hufton , Henry Hulme, W. W. Hurd , Wm . H. Irwin , Theron W. Jenne, James M. Jensen , W. M. P. Jerrett , W. Maylan Jones, Grant L, Jordan , K. H. Keefer , William F. Kendrick , Charles 150 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Hartt Kelsey , Hugh Kennedy , L. B. Kenyon , Lester A. Kilpatrick , Douglas D. King, Russell King , Harold R. Kinney, August W. Klaiber, Henry Knauff , C. J. Kruse , Thomas Laity , Samuel W. Large , N. Bruce Lawrason , Ray M. Lawrence , Thomas H. Leamon , T. O. Lee , James Leitch , Elwin K. Lewis, Henry Liddicoat, John E. Lockyer , C. A. Lohnes , Scott D. MacDonald , Charles W. MacKenzie , Newell A. McCune , Maurice D. McKean , Leon W. Manning , Wallace P. Manning , E. ( . Mather , Patrick Maveety , George W. Maxwell, R. E. Meader , Ray William Merrill , Richard C. Miles , I. W. Minor, G. A. Mooers , Arthur J. Morris, W. P. Mosher , Earle M. Mumby , P. H. Murdick , L. J. Nevins , Leo B. Niles, Stanley B. Niles , Lloyd H. Nixon , Raymond Norton , Wesley C. Oldt, W. B. Oldt, Geo . A. Osborne , Charles P. Ostrom , Spencer Bacon Owens , Herbert G. Ozanne , Reuben C. Parshall , A. H. Pellowe , William H. Phelps , Thomas Pollard , Clark H. Phillips , Wade S. Phillips , Cecil E. Pollock , Wm . Ray Prescott , Emeral E. Price , Earl I. Prosser , Harry Quant, Joshua 0 . Randall, J. H. Rayle , Loren S. Reed , Daniel L. Reedy , Moses E. Meusch , Joe Rice , Thos . Rice , L. M. Rigelman , L. T. Robinson , James W. Rochelle , James A. Rogers , Emil A. Runkel, Claud W. Satterlee , F. J. Schleuter , Fred Shaenzlin , Wm . Marley Simpson , William W. Slee, Harry M. Smart , E. T. Smith , Clair J. Snell , Frederick Spence , R. B. Spurlock , Geo . P. Stanford , J. W. Stanton , L. Winston Stone, Blucher B. Swem , Stanley Thayer, Charles E. Thies, V. W. Thrall , F. M. Thurston , Joseph Tuma , H. V. Wade , J. Lawrence Ward , Richard D. Wearne , Ira T. Weldon , Harold F. Weston , C. T. Wheaton , Clark S. Wheeler , Geo . G. Whipple , W. W. Whitehouse , Leroy M. Whitney , L. M. Whittemore , James R. Wooton , F. G. Wright, G. E. Wright, Truman H. Wright, Herbert E. Wylie , Dempster Yinger, Richard E , Yost .

Treasurer . On motion of L. L. Dewey , J. Lawrence Ward was elected treasurer . The following were announced as his assistants : Eaden Davis , Ivan HI. Hodgson , Harold Jacobs , Levant R. Wheaton , ( '. T. Wheaton , Myron Clement , Fern Wheeler , Margaret Nash , Olive Knapp , ( harles Dobbertin , Howard Fuller , S. J. Headley , Emeral E. Price.

Statistician . B. B. Swem , Statistician , announced the following assistants : J. Marion DeVinney , Robert Bennett , Earl Mumby , Thomas Pollard , Thomas Jackson ,

Secretary . E. A. Armstrong , speaking for the Nominating Committee , nominated L. H. Nixon for secretary . Ile was elected and announced his assistants : E. H. Babbitt, B. A. Hahn , L. J. Nevins . Bar of the Conference . On motion of J. M. Jensen , the boundaries of the main floor of the auditorium were fixed as the bar of the Conference .

Conference Expense Treasurer . On the nomination of E. A. Armstrong , John Lockyer was elected treasurer of the ( 'onference Expense Fund to suc ceed himself .

Felicitations. The Bishop spoke words of appreciation of Bishop Blake and read part of a letter received from Mrs. Blake . The Conference stood

for a moment of silent prayer and W. H. Phelps led in audible prayer . On

motion of L. L. Dewey the ( onference' ordered the secretary to telegraph

greetings to Bishop Blake .

Nominations . On nomination of E. A. Armstrong . W. W. Slee was elected

to substitute on the ( ' ommittee on ( onference' Relations for W. E. Doty .

Felicitations . Henry Ellinger spoke of the recent auto accident involving

Dr. and Mrs. Alfred F. War . On motion of T. G. R. Brownlow the ( ' onference

ordered that greetings and best wishes be sent to Dr. and Mrs. Way .

Pensions . The Bishop handed to the secretary a check for $ 60.00 from the , Chartered Fund and one for 598.00$ from the Board of Pensions and Relief .

The Conference voted acceptance of the checks and ordered them turned over

to the treasurer of the Conference . 1937 ] JOURNAL 151

Felicitations. E. A. Armstrong moved that the greetings of the Conference be sent to Dr. J. C. Floyd who is in the hospital in Grand Rapids . The motion was supported and carried . Excused . The secretary presented requests to be excused for the following persons delayed in reaching the seat of the Conference : P. J. Maveety , H , E. Millard , Elihu Mayhew , C. W. Mackenzie , J. C. Rice , W. C. Perdew , Russell King , J. F. Bowerman , Howard Carey , H. R. Strong , J. 0. Hagans , W. E. Doty , M. L. Fox , E. F. Vane . Welcome . Floyd George, Jr. , pastor of the local church , extended official welcome to the Conference and Bishop Brown . V. W. Thrall , superintendent , extended the welcome of the Big Rapids District . Bishop Brown made appropriate response to the welcome.

Hospitals , Homes and Deaconess Work . The Bishop called to the plat form Dr. N. E. Daris, Secretary of the Board of Hospitals , Homes and Deacon ess work who spoke of the work of that Board . Official Program . On motion of M. W. Duffey the Conference ordered that the printed program be official for the Conference . Courtesy . Dr. Clovis Chappel , Conference Lecturer , was presented by the Bishop . Greetings . The secretary read telegrams from Bishop Edgar Blake and Bishop Thomas Nicholson . Hugh Kennedy moved that the secretary send greetings of the Conference to Bishop Nicholson . The motion was supported and carried . Adjournment . Following announcements the benediction was pronounced by Dr. Clovis Chappell . Wednesday , June 9, 1937 Afternoon Session Called to Order . The Bishop called the Conference to order at 2 p . m . Hymn No. 243 was sung, and the Conference joined in the " Prayer for the Church " on page 515 of the Hymnal. Following the singing of Hymn No. 244 the Bishop led in prayer . Clark Home Endowment Campaign . C. S. Wheeler , Executive Secretary of the Clark Home Endowment Campaign , gave the report of the campaign . It was adopted . See report , page 197. Hugh Kennedy presented the following resolution which was adopted . “ Your committee recommends that the cam paign for the M. J. Clark Memorial Home Endowment Fund be continued and completed during the next six months , concentrating on the month of Novem ber for the canvass in the charges that as yet have not made the canvass and finish the gleanings for pledges, estate notes and annuity gifts on the charges that bave not completed the work ." On motion of Hugh Kennedy the Confer ence requested the reappointment of C. S. Wheeler as Executive Secretary of the Campaign . Question 34. Was the character of each preacher examined ? See Dis ciplinary Question on page 170 . Question 42. Who are the retired ministers ? See Disciplinary Questions on page 171 . The secretary called the list of retired members , several of whom respond ed briefly . Greetings . On motion of A. H. Pellowe , the Conference ordered the secre tary to send greetings to all retired men who are unable to attend the con ference session . Auditor. E. A. Armstrong nominated M. E. Bowen , Auditor . He was elected and announced as his assistants : Harold Dixon , L. M. Whitney , J. A. Rogers , Kenneth Griswold . 152 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Supply Pastors . E. A. Armstrong , for the nominating committee , nomin ated the following men members of the Committee on Accepted Supply Pastors . J. C. DeVinney , F. H. Cramer , C. J. Kruse, W. M. Jones, L. W. Stone , and Robert Miller . Conference Claimants and Pro Rating . D. D. King moved to rescind the resolution of the last Conference providing for annuity payments to cover years of service rendered as supply pastors by members of the Conference . The motion was not supported . P. H. Murdick moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Stewards for further study and that a report be brought back to the Conference . The motion was supported and carried . Question 21. Who have been received by transfer and from what confer ence ? None . See Disciplinary Questions on page 169 . Michigan Christian Advocate . W. H. Phelps gave the annual report for the Advocate . See page 191 . Million Unit Fellowship . At the request of the Bishop , Dr. N. E. Davis was again called to the platform and spoke of the Million Unit Fellowship. Adjournment . Following announcements the Conference stood adjourned and Bishop Brown pronounced the benediction . SECOND DAY Thursday, June 10, 1937 Morning Session

Bishop Brown called the Conference to order and hymns No. 235 and 233 were sung . C. E. Deal led in prayer . The Bishop read John 4 :7-26 and con ducted morning devotions . Journal. The Journal of the previous day was read by the secretary and approved . Excused . C. H. Green was excused from further attendance on the Con ference because of illness in his family . The following were excused on account of funerals and weddings : John Clemens , Scott MacDonald , and Karl Keefer , Presentation . E. L. Carter of the Ohio Conference who is serving a church in the Albion -Lansing District was presented to the Conference , Corporate Session . The Bishop called C. S. Wheeler to the chair as chair man of the Corporate Session . The report of the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Conference was given by C. S. Wheeler . See report , page 201. Hugh Kennedy gave the annual report of the treasurer of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund and turned over to the secretary for distribution checks for $ 7,500.00 for the Conference Claimants and $631.66 for the local preachers . On motion the Conference accepted the reports and the checks . Hugh Kennedy spoke of the income of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund and distributed to the members of the Conference mimeographed copies of the "Study of Comparative Income for Conference Claimants .” See report on page 236 . R. E. Meader presented the following resolution in behalf of the com mittee on policy : 1. We recommend that the One Percent Fund on hand be put in the En dowment Fund . 2. We recommend that the Annual Conference appoint a Commission of twelve to be nominated by the nominating committee to make a thorough study during the coming year of the entire matter of the Conference Claimants situa tion and particularly increasing the morale and interest in both the Annual Conference and the Local Church . Also , present methods of increasing the Conference Claimants Endow ment Fund as well as increasing the annual offering by the Churches and submit a policy and method of procedure for the attainment of these ends. 1937 ] JOURNAL 153

3. Inasmuch as only a little over one -half of the pledges made by the Preachers have been paid we urge that those having unpaid pledges pay as quickly as possible . 4. We recommend that the Board of Trustees at their discretion during the coming Conference Year , if it seems wise , employ someone to look after the unpaid pledges and the collection of the same. 5. We recommend to the Annual Conference that the emphasis for the increasing of this Fund should have precedence . On motion of R. E. Meader the Conference ordered that Section No. 1 of the above resolution be left for further study by the commission provided in Section 2, and that the commission report to the conference at its next session . On motion the Conference adopted the resolution . On motion of R. E. Meader the Corporate Session was adjourned . Educational Interests. The Bishop resumed the chair and called to the platform Frederick Spence, chairman of the educational program . T. M. Carter of Albion College spoke in behalf of the college. S. B. Owens brought personal greetings of Dr. John L. Seaton and moved that the secretary send the greetings of the conference to Dr. Seaton . The motion was supported and carried . Dr. H. L. Batts of the Wesley Foundation work at Kalamazoo intro duced the president of the Kalamazoo Student Fellowship, Charles Hicks. He spoke effectively of the work among the students at Kalamazoo . N. A. Mc Cune spoke in behalf of the student work at East Lansing and Wayne Fleenor presented the interests of the State Epworth League . On motion of E. H. Babbitt the Conference ordered that a commission be appointed to work in conjunction with a commission from the Detroit Conference to study the cor relation of all young peoples work in the state , and report to the next Con ference . Dr. S. J. Harrison spoke of the religious work on the Albion campus . Mr. Ray Stanley Kendig , Executive Secretary of the Michigan Council of Churches and Christian Education spoke of the work of that organization . Dr. F. G. Poole , Director of Religious Education represented our educational work in Michigan . Frederick Spence presented the following recommendations of the Michigan and Detroit Boards of Education : 1. The appointment of a Conference Committee to work in conjunction with a similar committee from the Detroit Conference to study the possibilities of a Methodist Radio Broadcast . Members appointed : Frederick Spence, Royal G. Hall , Newell McCune , Wayne Fleenor . 2. That Freredick G. Poole be continued in the services of the Board of Education . 3. The Board of Education commends to the Conference the appointment of a committee to consider ways and means for establishing a suitable worship center at Albion College . 4. That the Board of Bishops be asked to appoint a representative to the Board of Education from the Detroit Area if and when a vacancy occurs . On motion of John Lockyer the recommendations were adopted . Albion College Chapel. E. A. Armstrong nominated the following men on the Committee on Worship Center at Albion College : Hugh Kennedy , D. Stanley Coors , Wm . H. Phelps , Glenn Frye, M. W. Duffey . ( Laymen , Richard Toncray and Evan Weidman ). They were elected . Pro Rating . F. II . ( lapp pruesented the following resolution and on his motion it was adopted : "Moved that the Conference appoint a standing com mittee on the proportionate payment of ministerial support , whose duty it shall be to keep permanent records of the pro rating of the pastors and report their findings each year to the committee on Conference Relations for their action , and to the Board of Conference Stewards to aid them in the adjustment of annuities . The committee shall be composed of one from each district and one at large ." F. H. Clapp , Lester A. Kilpatrick , Spencer Bacon Owens . 154 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Disciplinary Questions . Question 22. Who have been readmitted ? None . Question 23. Who have been received on credentials and from what churches ? None . Question 24. Who have been received on trial ? ( a ) In studies of the first year ? F. J. Fitch , Kearney Kirby , Richard Swogger , Wilson M. Tennant , Joseph B. Wilson . ( c ) Exempt from the course of study under seminary rule ? Oliver N. Drake . Question 25. Who have been continued on trial ? ( a ) In studies of the first year ? R. H. Beckett , George Bolitho, W. J. Dunn , H. A. Jayne, W. N. Simpson . ( b ) In studies of the second year ? C. W. Cookingham , M. E. Tabor . ( c ) In studies of the third year ? C. W. Dobbertin , H. E. Millard . ( d ) In studies of the fourth year ? T. F. Jackson ( for purposes of rec ord ) . Question 26. Who have been discontinued ? On motion of E. A. Arm strong the Conference granted the request of Homer Yinger to discontinue . Question 27. Who have been admitted to full membership ? J. E. Bart lett , Jr. , and G. G. Whipple . ( a ) Elected and ordained deacons this year ? None . Question 28. What members are in studies of the third year ? ( b ) Admitted into full membership previously . Thomas E. Pollard . Class Received . The Bishop called the men to be received into full mem bership of the Conference and after addressing them concerning the character of their work put to them the Disciplinary Questions . Those received were J. E. Bartlett , Jr. and G. G. Whipple . Excused . On motion the Conference voted to excuse W. B. Oldt and H. F. Weston on account of weddings . Introduction . The Bishop presented Dr. Ralph M. Pierce of the Rock River Conference and member of the General Conference Commission on Evangelism . Adjournment. On motion of S. B. Owens the Conference adjourned until Friday morning . Introduction . Glenn Frye presented Dr. Charles M. McConnell and Dr. Earl Marlatt of Boston University . Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Wilson , former mis sionaries to India , were presented to the Conference , as was Mrs. William Dye , a present missionary to India . Dr. Marlatt led in the singing of a hymn of his own composition “ Are Ye Able " No. 268 . He pronounced the benediction and the Conference stood adjourned . THIRD DAY Friday , June 11, 1937 Morning Session

Conference was called to order by Bishop Brown at 9 a . m . and hymns No. 324 and 321 were sung. A. H. Pellowe offered prayer . Dr. R. M. Pierce , a member of the General Conference Commission on Evangelism gave the devo tional address based on Deuteronomy 32:11 , 12. Following the singing of hymn No. 118 the Bishop led in prayer . Journal . The Journal of the previous day was read by the secretary . It was approved . Book Concern . Dr. O. Grant Markham , New York agent , reported on the work of the Book Concern . The Bishop called P. J. Maveety to the chair . 1937 ] JOURNAL 155

Bronson Hospital. In the absence of A. F. Way the annual report for Bronson Hospital was given by W. H. Helrigel . During the presentation of the report the Bishop resumed the chair . W. H. Helrigel presented the matter of the Michigan Conference Preachers ' Insurance Fund and pledge cards were distributed to the Conference members. After considrable discussion W. E. Beckett moved the Conference appointment of a committee to study the matter of the Preachers ' Insurance Fund and report back to the Conference . The motion was supported . P. H. Murdick moved that the motion lie on the table . It was supported and carried . On motion of E. H. Babbitt the Conference ordered that the pledges for the fund be made immediately and that the plan for adjustment be left to the hospital and Dr. Way , to be published in the Advocate as soon as possible .

Greetings . N. L. Bray, who was received into the Conference sixty -seven years ago, spoke to the Conference . The Conference stood to sing " Bless Be The Tie That Binds ." Floyd George, Jr. , presented flowers in behalf of the Big Rapids Church in token of appreciation . Bronson Hospital Continued . The Bronson Hospital report as presented by W. H. Helrigel was adopted and the asking of the hospital was referred to the finance committee . See report , page 199. The treasurer's report was filed with the secretary and ordered printed in the Minutes . See page 246 .

Other Reports . W. H. Helrigel also presented , in behalf of A. F. Way , the report of the Area Secretary , of the Methodist Foundation of Michigan and the Minimum Salary Treasurer's report and they were ordered printed in the Minutes . See pages 188, 204 and 247 . Area Secretary . By Conference action the recommendation concerning the Area Secretary was adopted and the secretary was instructed to communicate with the pre ling Bishop of the Detroit Conference , conveying the request that the Area Secretary be selected from said Conference .

Bronson flospital Apportionments . C. S. Wheeler moved that the Com mittee on Finance in making the hospital apportionments work out a zoning plan and report in thirty days . The motion was supported . J. R. Wooten moved an amendment to strike out the word “ zoning ." The motion was sup ported . M. W. Duffey moved a substitute motion referring the matter to a committee to be selected by the District Superintendents to work with A. F. Way and to report to the next Conference . The motion was supported . On motion of E. A. Armstrong the substitute motion was laid on the table . The original motion as amended was then carried .

Lay Conference . On nomination of V. W. Thrall , C. S. Wheeler was elected to represent the Annual Conference at the session of the Lay Conference in matters of finance .

Cabinet Recommendation . V. W. Thrall, for the Cabinet , made the follow ing recommendation : " The District Superintendents recommend that the trustees of the Stanton Methodist Episcopal Church be authorized to pay out of funds now in hand the sum of one thousand dollars to the trustees of the United Church of Stanton , Michigan , when and if such church shall be organ ized out of the First Congregational and First Methodist Episcopal Churches of Stanton ." On motion it was adopted .

Pro Rating . The Bishop announced the following members of the com mittee on pro rating : Albion District , L. G. Beacock ; Grand Rapids District, L. A. Kilpatrick ; Big Rapids District , J. A. Rogers ; Grand Traverse District , Paul Boodagh ; Kalamazoo District , R. D. Wearne ; Member at Large , P. H. Murdick , to act as chairman . Men in Detached Service . On motion of C. E. Thies the Conference ordered that the salaries of men in Detached Service should be published in the Min utes in accordance with the Discipline, Paragraph 675 , part 5. 156 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Christian Citizenship and Social Service . On motion of P. J. Maveety the Conference voted to combine the Committee on Christian Citizenship and Social Service , Retired Men. The report of the committee on Retired Men was presented by H. F. Weston . It was adopted . See report , page 185 . Board of Temperance . The Bishop called Dr. D. Stewart Patterson , Pro motion Manager of the Board of Temperance , to the platform . He spoke briefly of the work of that Board . Joint Fall Conference . Stanley Niles presented the following resolution signed by fifteen members of the Conference . "Resolved that we elect a com mittee of five ministers , to be selected by our Superintendents , and request the Detroit Conference soon to be in session , do the same, said joint committee to call the two Conferences in joint session sometime next fall for the sole purpose of considering Michigan Methodism's responsibility in the moral crisis of this state .” On motion it was adopted . Board of Education . Dr. H. D. Bollinger of the Board of Education pre sented the work of that Board . Supply Pastors . At the request of the Bishop , J. C. DeVinney , for the Committee on Accepted Supply Pastors , read the list of accepted supplies . The report of the Committee was adopted . See Disciplinary questions , page 170 . Disciplinary Questions .

Question 36. ( a ) What accepted supply pastors now in charge are taking the Conference Course of Study ? 1. In the first year . Robert F. Bennett , Kenneth H. Chubb , Steven W. Hayes , Harold Hodgson , Leroy Hoover , Harold A. Jacobs , Everett Love , James C. Matthews , Paul Schaenzlin , Wirth Tennent , Levant R. Wheaton , Fern Wheeler , Donald S. Winegar , George Wingard , Alton H. Zischke . 2. In the second year . Edgar Maxwell Smith , Calvin J. Town . 3. In the third year . Clara V. Gibbs , Harley L. Lane . Question 29. What members are in studies of the fourth year ? Harold Arthur Bedient ( for purposes of record ) , Lynn Erman Chapel , Roland C. Puffer . Question 30. What members have completed the Conference Course of Study ? ( a ) Elected and Ordained Elders this year ? John Walter Cermak , Lester Clough , Kenneth P. Griswold , James Kenneth Hoffmaster , Raymond L. Norton . ( c ) Elected and ordained Elders under the Seminary Rule ? James E. Bartlett, Jr. , Eaden P. Davis , Emeral E. Price . Question 31. What others have been elected and ordained Deacons ? ( a ) As Local Preachers , Clara V. Gibbs . ( b ) Under Seminary Rule , Harold Eugene Millard . Question 32. What others have been elected and ordained Elders ? None . Summer School of Theology . D. S. Coors , chairman of the Board of Min isterial Training , spoke in behalf of the Summer School of Theology . Question 37 . Who have been transferred , and to what Conferences ? Charles W. Cookingham , North Indiana ; Howard Seymour , Pacific Northwest ; Versile D. Bentley , Detroit , January 1937 .

Question 21. Who have been received by transfer , and from what Confer ences ? LeRoy Lightfoot from the Bombay Conference , as of July 1, 1937 . Question 39. Who have had their Conference Membership terminated ? ( a ) By voluntary location ? None . ( b ) By involuntary location ? None . ( c) By surrender of the Ministerial office and credentials ? Glenn Frye pre sented the request of H. C. Kenyon to withdraw . The Conference granted the request and ordered that his parchments be signed and returned to him . 1937 ] JOURNAL 157

Trier of Appeals . F. G. Dunbar, chairman of the Trier of Appeals pre sented the following report which was adopted . " In the case of the Rev. Joseph Rice on the basis of the testimony presented to this committee , at a meeting of the Triers of Appeals of the Michigan Annual Conference , in Central Temple House , Lansing , on November 24, 1936 , we find no cause for action . F. G. Dunbar ,J. C. DeVinney , Wm . M. P. Jerrett , Leo B. Niles , W. H. Helrigel Committee on Conference Relations . On recommendation of the Committee on Conference Relations, C. B. Howell was continued in the supernumerary relation to be changed to effective depending upon transfer to an eastern conference . On recommendation of the committee W. Y. Pohly was restored and made effective . On recommendation of the committee the Conference ordered that when the secretary receives official notice of the acceptance on trial in the Detroit Conference of L. W. Mooney , he be given his parchments . On recommendation of the committee the following men were granted the retired relation ; E. A. Armstrong , W. P. Manning , J. G. Biery , and J ! W. Rochelle . The request of J. H. Bancroft for a Sabbatical year was also granted . On motion of S. B. Owens the Conference ordered that J. W. Rochelle receive annuity credit for one year served as a supply . On the recommenda tion of the committee 0. W. Carr was reinstated on his certificate of with drawal . On recommendation of the committee , Wesley W. Cook was continued in the supernumerary relation . Lake Louise . The report of the Lake Louise Christian Community was presented by Alfred T. Halsted . S. J. Harrison also spoke on the Community . See page 189 .

Adjournment . A. H. Pellowe moved that the Conference adjourn to meet at 2 p. m. Presentation . Mrs. Nellie Bennett , daughter of N. L. Bray , and matron of the Chelsea Old People's Home was presented to the Conference . Dr. William Dye , missionary to India was presented by the Bishop and pro nounced the benediction , THIRD DAY June 11, 1937 United Session The Bishop called the Conference to order at 2 p. m . Following the singing of hymn No. 257, F. M. Thurston led in prayer . The conference sang hymn No. 268. The Bishop called to the platform the officers of the Lay Con ference . Former President , L. D. Dickinson ; L. V. Hartman , Secretary ; and R. E. Adrianson , newly elected President . Each of these men made brief remarks . Evangelism . Dr. Ralph M. Pierce brought the greetings of the Commission on Evangelism of the General Conference and spoke in behalf of that Commis sion . District Superintendent's Report . L. L. Dewey ably gave the report of the District Superintendents . See report on page 179 . Church School Attendance . J. E. Bowker presented the following resolu tion for the Albion -Lansing District Ministers and Laymen which was adopted : "Inasmuch as statistics show that the enrollment of Sunday Schools of the Methodist Church show a decrease of 200,000 in the last ten years ; and whereas the statistics of the Michigan Conference show a decrease of 5,638 between the years 1935-36 ; and whereas the preliminary figures show a further decrease of 2,456 for the past nine months ; and whereas Bishop Blake had expressed extreme anxiety over this condition before his illness ; therefore be it resolved that the United Session of the Michigan Conference make as one of its chief objectives for the ensuing year , the building up of the largest pos sible Sunday School attendance ." 158 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Michigan Christian Advocate . W. H. Phelps presented associate editor , Rev. John Marvin , who spoke of the forward program of the Advocate . The secretary read the askings of the Advocate , which are as follows : ( 1 ) Your endorsement of our staff for the year ; we suggest the following nominations as Contributing Editors : Michigan Conference : Albert H. Pellowe , Archie E. McCrea , Lloyd H. Nixon , and Mrs. Harry Laity. For College Editor , Samuel J. Harrison . ( 2 ) An Advocate Week , Sept. 19-26 , the pastor using that week for a well -planned canvass and one Sunday for a public plea for good litera ture in general and the Advocate in particular. ( 3) That we ask the D. S.'s to make this Advocate week a revival and not a drive , for we seem now to be so geared up that if the D. S. switch is not turned , the district machine does not function . If the Superintendents will give us this week , we cannot fail. ( 4 ) That the Conference definitely commit itself to the acceptance of a regular apportionment for the support of the Advocate at the session of 1938 , leaving the amount of such apportionment to be on the recommendation of the finance committee of the Conference , provided of course that the other Conference takes a similar action . " On motion of J. R. Wooten the Conference adopted the report and askings as a whole . On motion of J. R. Wooten the Conference requested the appointment of W. H. Phelps editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate and voted him our appreciation . Question 19. Where shall the next session of the Conference be held ? S. B. Owens extended the invitation of the Albion Church for the next session of the Conference . He was supported by A. H. Pellowe . On motion of C. S. Wheeler the Conference voted to accept the invitation . Order of the Day . S. B. Owens moved that the report of the Committee on Social Service be the order of the day Saturday morning following the devotional period . Children's Home . The report of the Methodist Children's Home Society was interestingly presented by Miss Frances Knight , Superintendent of the Home . See page 194 .

Following the announcements the Conference stood adjourned . FOURTH DAY June 12, 1937 Morning Session

The Bishop called the Conference to order at 9 a . m . and we joined in the singing of hymn No. 174. We united in the " Prayer for love to God and Man ," page 513 of the Hymnal. Following the singing of Hymn No. 381 Hugh Ken nedy led in prayer . The Bishop gave a devotional address based on II Timothy 2 :8-14 , and concluded with prayer . Journal . The Journal of the previous day was read by the Secretary , corrected and approved . Children's Home Report. M. W. Duffty gave the report of the Methodist Children's Home Society . On motion it was adopted . See report , page 194 . Social Service Report . C. W. Mackenzie presented the report of the Social Service Committee . A. E. McCrea moved to amend the report by adding to the first sentence the words “ Which commands our enthusiastic approval ." The motion was supported and carried . A. E. McCrea moved to amend the re port by striking out the first sentence of the last paragraph . The motion was supported but lost. J. R. Wooten moved a substitute that the first sentence of the last paragraph read “ Realization of Christian principles is difficult under present day social conditions ." The motion was supported and carried . A. E. McCrea moved to change the last sentence of the last paragraph to read " the church's fundamental social task is to ( build ) in an abiding society the kingdom of God .” The motion was supported but lost . George Mather moved an amendment to insert after the second paragraph part of the social service 1937 ] JOURNAL 159 report of last year , as found on page 41 , Minutes , 1936 . The motion was supported . J. R. Wooten made a substitute motion to adopt the report as a whole and appoint a committee to bring in an independent report of the con ditions in Michigan . This motion was later withdrawn. On motion of J. R. Wooten the conference voted to lay the amendment on the table . E. L. Sut cliffe presented a substitute for paragraphs two , three , and four , and moved its adoption . The motion was supported . P. J. Maveety moved to refer the report and the above substitute back to the committee for further study with E , L. Sutcliffe as an added member of the Committee and report back to the United Session . The motion was supported . J. R. Wooten moved to lay the motion on the table . It was lost . The motion to refer back to the committee was carried . T. 0. Huckle moved that when the report is brought in it be in mimeographed form for the Conference to study . On motion of W. M. P. Jerrett the Conference layed the motion on the table .

Committee on Finance . F. G. Dunbar presented the report of the Com mittee on Finance . See report on page 190 . S. B. Niles moved to delete paragraph one relative to the Anti - Saloon League . S. B. Niles moved as a substitute motion to refer the report back to the committee to change para graph one and bring the report back to the conference . The motion was lost . The motion to delete paragraph one was lost . On motion the Conference adopted the report . Temperance Program . The Bishop called L. D. Dickinson to the chair as chairman of the Temperance Program . He spoke of the work of the Anti Saloon League . The following persons made brief temperance speeches . D. S. Coors , Mrs. A. R. Edwards, W. E. Beckett , T. 0. Huckle , and R. V. Birdsa ll . Anti-Saloon League Resolution . Joseph Tuma presented a report of the Resolution Committee of the Anti -Saloon League of Michigan . The Bishop presented Dr. W. E. J. Gratz , Editor of the Epworth Herald who spoke a timely word on the temperance situation . Commission on Finance . A. E. McCrea gave the following report for the Commission on Finance : The Commission on Finance recommends the following budget : Salaries of District Superintendents . . $16,000.00 Expense allowance 5,000.00 Office expense and miscellaneous 500.00 $ 21,500.00 The report was adopted . Communication . The secretary read a telegram received from Mrs. J. C. Floyd expressing gratitude for the greetings of the Conference . Following announcements the benediction was pronounced by Dr. W. E. J. Gratz and the Conference stood adjourned . FOURTH DAY Afternoon Session

The Conference was convened at 2 p. m . by Bishop Brown , and the hymn " I Love Thy Kingdom , Lord ” was sung . F. H. Clapp led in prayer . Anti -Saloon League Resolutions . The pending report of the Resolutions Committee of the Anti -Saloon League became the order of the day . E. H. Babbitt moved a substitute that the report be turned over to the Conference Committee on Temperance to be incorporated in their report if desired . The motion was supported and carried . Board of Stewards . For the Board of Stewards P. J. Maveety asked the chair to interpret paragraph 752 —No. 7 as to whether or not retroactive . The Bishop ruled that the rule was not intended to be retroactive , and on motion the Conference ordered that J. G. Biery be credited with eight annuity years served in the People's Church at Lansing. 160 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Annual Conference Program . V. W. Thrall presented the following reso lution : " We recommend that a Conference Program Committee of nine mem bers be appointed , the Committee to be composed of three ministers , three lay men , the presiding bishop , the entertaining pastor and district superintendent of the district within whose bounds the conference is to be held . One minister and one layman shall be appointed for three years , one minister and one lay man for two years , and one minister and one layman for one year . As the terms of these shall expire their successors shall be elected for three years . This plan is suggested that there may be an opportunity for consecutive plan ning and program building." On motion it was adopted . Standing Committee . V. W. Thrall presented the following resolution having to do with standing committees . “ Resolved that we organize the mem bers of the Annual Conference and Lay Conference into a number of com missions to study the various interests of our church and Conference during the year and prepare plans of action to be reported to the Annual Conference Session . " Be it also resolved that we request the District Superintendents to ar range to put this plan in operation by assigning the members to these com missions naming a convenor for each . " M. W. Duffey moved as a substitute that the resolution be held for study by the District Superintendents , three laymen and three pastors from each district, and that report be made to the next Conference . The motion was lost . On motion the original resolution was carried . S. B. Owens moved that the resolution be referred to the nominating committee and the District Super intendents . The motion was supported and carried . World Service Council . S. W. Large presented the report of the World Service Council recommending that the Conference accept seven thousand units as a basis of opportionment to the Million Unit Fellowship Program of the church . The report was adopted . See report on page 188 . Clark Memorial Home . W. F. Kendrick presented the report of the M. J. Clark Memorial Home and handed to the secretary the financial statement to date . See report , page 195. On motion of S. B. Owens the Conference adopted the report with an expression of appreciation for the excellent work of the superintendent . On motion the conference requested the reappointment of W. F. Kendrick as superintendent of the Home . Joint Fall Conference . The Bishop announced the members of the Com mittee on Joint Fall Conference to meet with a similar committee from the Detroit Conference : S. B. Owens , C. W. Mackenzie , L. T. Robinson , Charles Thies, W. C. Perdew . Social Service . C. W. Mackenzie presented the revised Social Service re port , and on motion it was adopted . See report on page 186 .

Committee on Temperance . W. E. Beckett , for the Committee on Temper ance , presented the followin “ report which was adopted : “ We recommend that the Report of the Committee on Resolutions of the Anti -Saloon League of Michigan , referred to this committee, be committed to the committee of five appointed by this Annual Conference to cooperate with the Detroit Annual Conference in calling a joint session for consideration of the Temperance issue .”

Lay Conference Nominations . T. 0. Huckle presented the report of the nominating committee of the Lay Conference . On motion it was adopted . On motion of T. 0. Huckle the Conference ordered that the names of the laymen appearing in the Minutes be printed in bold faced type as in the Minutes of the General Conference . Evangelism . J. H. Bancroft read the report of the Committee on Evan gelism . It was adopted . See report on page 187 . 1937 ) JOURNAL 161

Disciplinary Questions . The Bishop called Disciplinary Questions 1, 2, and 3. See Disciplinary Questions , page 168 . Boston University School of Theology . Glenn Frye presented the following resolution : "Whereas , the year 1939 will mark the hundredth anniversary of the founding of Boston University School of Theology ; " Whereas , this school was the first institution founded by American Methodism for theological education , and "Whereas, Boston University has announced its intention to celebrate this historic event , and is seeking to raise a two million dollar Century of Service Fund, "Therefore be it resolved , that we recommend to the churches and people of the Michigan Conference that they participate in the celebration of the century of service rendered by the Boston University School of Theology , by contributing time and money for the completion of this Fund . “And be it further resolved , that we request Bishop Wallace E. Brown to appoint a special committee of five laymen and five ministers to formulate and execute plans for such participation by the Michigan Conference .” The resolution was adopted and the following committee was appointed : Newell McCune , W. C. Perdew , James Bowker , Glenn M. Frye, L. W. Stone , Oliver Drake, John Marshall , Prof. Merrill , Paul Elliott , Floyd Rothlesberger , and Carl Fisher .

Statistician . B. B. Swem presented the Conference Statistical Report . It was accepted with a vote of thanks . See page 207 . Conference Relations Committee . On recommendation of the Conference Relations Committee the Conference granted the retired relation to F. H. Clapp . W. E. Timms was granted the supernumerary relation . On recom mendation of the Committee the Conference ordered that J. C. Rice be contin ued in the supernumerary relation and asked to locate at the next session of the Conference .

Question 9. What are the claims of the Conference fund ? For Annuity distribution , 3814 years multiplied by the Disciplinary rate of $ 17 per Year , $ 64,838 ; For Necessitous distribution , $3,000.00 ; Total $67,838 .

Question 10. What has been received on these claims ? From the Book , , Concern None . From Annual Conf . Investments $ 7,500 . From the Chartered , , Fund $ 60.00 . From Pastoral Charges $ 20,583.00 . From Board of Pensions , and Relief $ 598.00 . From other sources . Total . of . P. J.

Maveety if Board Stewards moved that the inauguration of the plan new for Conference Claimants reduces the present amount paid to super , annuates that the Conference protest to the Board of Pensions . After consid

erable discussion the motion was withdrawn .

Conference Rules . A. R. Elliott moved the following substitute to rule 15 . , " The Stewards shall pay annuities to the Conference Claimants quarterly the

first payment to be made on or before July 1 after the close of each Confer ence session , and the subsequent payments each succeeding three months there after . " It was adopted . A. R. Elliott moved the following substitute for rule , , 16. “ The Biographical Secretary when elected to that office shall also be , elected to membership on the Board of Stewards and shall be ex - officio the

Assistant Secretary of said Board . The Chairman of the Board of Stewards

shall be a member of the Committee on Memoirs . " It was adopted .

Treasurer . J. Lawrence Ward read the treasurer's report which was

received and appreciation was expressed . See page 207 .

Bishop , , Disciplinary Questions . The called Disciplinary Questions 5 6 , , , , , , , , , 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 and 17. ( See disciplinary questions pages 168-169 . ) 162 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Nominations . E. A. Armstrong presented the report of the nominating committee. On motion of E. H. Babbitt the Conference ordered the report be adopted without reading and printed in the Minutes . C. S. Wheeler moved that the nominating committee be given authority to nominate by a 2/3 vote , in exceptional cases, when men are required to act on more than two boards or committees . The motion was supported and carried .

Conference Claimants Fund . W. H. Phelps presented the following resolu tion . " Resolved that we instruct the Conference Board of Trustees to follow these three methods of procedure in the collection of the old campaign pledges . 1. That we credit every delinquent pastor with the amount of his one percent paid since the pledges were given . 2. That every minister who has come into the Conference be asked for a pledge. 3. That all money received from these men and old pledges be turned into the distribution fund instead of the endowment , provided each contributor consents thereto . " . On motion of C. S. Wheeler the resolution was referred to the newly established committee created to study all Conference Claimants matters . Appreciation . On motion of E. A. Armstrong the Conference gave a rising vote of appreciation to the Secretary , Treasurer , Statistician , Auditor, and their staffs for efficient service .

Pensions . On motion of P. J. Maveety the Conference ordered that the classification of the new plan for pensions be left for the chairman of the Board of Stewards to work out with Dr. W. B. Farmer .

Adjournment . L. H. Nixon moved that the Conference stand adjourned fol . lowing the reading of the appointments late Sunday afternoon . Felicitations. Bishop Brown paid tribute of appreciation to the cabinet for the character and spirit of their labors . F. M. Thurston and S. B. Owens ex pressed personal appreciation of the presidency of Bishop Wallace Brown. Auditor's Report. On motion of L. H. Nixon the conference ordered that the Auditor's report be printed in the Minutes without reading . See page 190 . Adjournment. P. J. Maveety pronounced the benediction and the Con ference stood adjourned . FIFTH DAY Conference Sunday Conference Love Feast . Rev. W. M. P. Jerrett was in charge of the Annual Love Feast which started at 9:30 . Every moment of the time was well occu pied and participation in Christian testimony by the ministers and their wives was general and inspirational. Special music was furnished by Rev. and Mrs. Warren Brown , also by Rev. George Bennard who was accompanied by Miss Hannah Dahlstrum . The offering taken to supplement the funds held for distribution by the Board of Stewards was unusually large, totaling $ 176 . Conference Worship Service . Rev. Floyd George , Jr., entertaining pastor , presided for the service of morning worship and Dr. Victor W. Thrall , District Superintendent , offered the morning prayer . The service was well appointed and furnished fitting embellishment for the message of the morning delivered by our guest Bishop , Wallace Brown of Chattanooga , Tennessee . Speaking on " The Place Of The Church In The World Today ” the Bishop based his message on the comment of Jesus which followed the confession of Peter , “ On this rock I will build my church , and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The sermon was from the heart , aptly illustrated and carried us all with sympathetic minds to the climactic idea , " Say a good word for the church when you get a chance.” We shall appreciate the church more for having heard this message . 1937 ] JOURNAL 163

Retired Minister's Recognition Service . At this service planned as a recognition of services rendered by the retired men in our ranks , the address of appreciation given by Dr. J. 0. Randall was fittingly responded to by Rev. Moses Reusch . Ordination Service . With the dignity and solemnity which our ritualistic service of ordination creates eight elders and two deacons were ordained at the three o'clock hour . The Bishop was assisted by the District Superintend ents , who , by the imposition of hands , set aside these persons for the work of the ministry . Vespers . With Dr. Spencer B. Owens presiding , the Conference sang the hymn , “ True Hearted , Whole Hearted ," after which Rev. Geo . Bennard was called on to offer prayer . Dr. Frank Cartwright gave an interesting and chal lenging address on “Missions in Southern Asia ." Special music was furnished for Vespers by a String Quartette from Ferris Institute , also by the choir of First Church . CONFERENCE BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Wallace Brown called for the reading of the Journal at 6:30 . The record was approved . Courtesy . Rev. Floyd George, Jr. presented Rev. C. H. Badder , local Con gregational Pastor, who was received by the Bishop and the Conference . Board of Stewards . W. M. P. Jerrett announced that all checks for the Board should be sent to A. R. Elliott , Augusta , the newly elected Treasurer of the Board . On motion of W. M. P. Jerrett the Conference voted apprecia tion to W. P. Manning for his years of service as chairman of the Board of Stewards . Nominations . E. A. Armstrong moved that the present executive officers of the conference be re -elected . The motion carried and the officers were elected . Ballot for Trustees . C. S. Wheeler moved that the Secretary of the Con ference cast the ballot for trustees for those institutions requiring such action by law. It was so ordered and the Secretary cast the ballot . American Bible Society . Joseph Tuma presented the following resolu tion which was adopted : " Whereas the work of the American Bible Society in translating , publishing , and distributing the Bible is of great importance in the life of the churches and is indispensable to the whole missionary enter prise , be it resolved : " FIRST : That we express our hearty endorsement of the activities of the society in its efforts to make the Bible more generally the common possession of humanity . " SECOND : That , inasmuch as Sunday , December 12th has been desig nated as Universal Bible Sunday , ministers and churches represented in this body take advantage of the cooperation offered by the society in furnishing assistance , and plan carefully for a worthy observance of the day.” Committee on Resolutions . Joseph Tuma also reported for the Committee on Resolutions and presented the following report which was supported by standing vote of the Conference . "Resolved , that the Michigan Annual Conference now is session , expresses , , , its highest appreciation to the Pastor Floyd George Jr. and the District , Superintendent of the Big Rapids District Dr. V. W. Thrall for the prepara ; tion of the Conference program to the staff and membership of this church

and the cooperating churches of Big Rapids and vicinity for the use of their

churches and the opening of their homes for our entertanment . , " Resolved that we express our appreciation to the ladies of this and other churches and organizations for making adequate provision for luncheons

and dinners during the Conference . , of

of expression " Resolved that we make recognition the fine welcome by

Big Rapids of of through the display of flags and cards the Chamber Com by . merce ; and the publicity given our coming the Bip Rapids Pioneer 164 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

" Resolved , that we express gratitude for the ministry of the guest speak ers , Dr. Clovis Chappell , Dr. H. D. Bollinger , Dr. Smith Burnham , Dr. W. E. J. Gratz , Dr. D. Stewart Patterson , Dr. Russell Throckmorton , and repre sentatives of other boards and affiliated organizations .

" Resolved, that we express our thanks for the special music provided by Mrs. Gailie Mangrum and her son , to Professor Ferdinand Warner , the Albion ensemble , the local church musicians , our conference song leaders , L. H. Nixon and L. A. Kilpatrick ; also to the Junior Boy's Choir of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church , Grand Rapids for their splendid concert . " Be it further resolved that we express our thanks to the Secretary , Treas urer , Statistician , Auditor , their assistants and other committees for their services .

“ Finally, we express deep regret at the illness of our resident Bishop , Edgar Blake and declare our appreciation for the splendid leadership both in devotional and administrative capacity of our presiding Bishop, Wallace Brown , D. D., LL , D., whch has made this a most profitable and enjoyable conference for both ministers and laymen ." The report was signed by W. W. Slee , C. II. Bacon , W. B. Oldt , S. T. Smith , E. K. Lewis and Joseph Tuma . The Journal . On motion the journal was made the official journal of the Conference and the minutes of the last session approved without reading .

Devotions and Appointments . " Lead On 0 King Eternal ” was sung after which all joined in The Lord's Prayer. Bishop Brown spoke highly of the work of the cabinet , expressed high esteem for the resident Bishop , Edgar Blake , thanked the Conference host and church for entertainment courtsies and made special reference to kindnesses shown by Mrs. Woodridge N. Ferris who entertained the Bishop and extended hospitality to the cabinet in furnish ing a room for their meetings. After making observations concerning the Methodist system of appointment and declaring it to be efficient and helpful , the Bishop read the special appointments and called on the District Superin tendents to read appointments for their respective districts . The Bishop pro nounced the benediction and Conference stood adjourned .

Wallon & . BrownPresident -

Lloyd H.Nison CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION , , , This is to certify that on Sunday afternoon June 13th 1937 in the First , , Methodist Episcopal Church of Big Rapids Michigan I ordained Harold E.

Millard as Deacon and Clara V. Gibbs as Local Deacon of the Methodist

Episcopal Church . , by , At the same time and place assisted Elders I ordained James E. Bart , , , , , lett Jr. John Walter Cermac Lester Clough Eaden P. Davis Kenneth P. , , Griswold James Kenneth Hoffmaster Raymond L. Norton and Emeral C.

Price as Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church . . ( Signed ) Bishop Wallace Brown 4 1937 ] JOURNAL 165


Minutes of the Laymen's Conference held at Big Rapids June 11, 1937 . Our meeting was called to order by President Hon . L. D. Dickinson at 9:15 a. m. Roy Adrianson of Battle Creek led us in singing two good hymns from the Presbyterian hymn book . The secretary led in devotionals using the scripture found in Luke 5 :1-12 . Again we sang a gospel song. President addressed himself to the Conference in explaining our improved organization . The election of the lay delegates for four years has opened the way for a continuing organization and a better understanding of our oppor tunity and task . , , Rev. Floyd George , Jr. the entertaining pastor gave the laymen a hearty

welcome to Big Rapids and promised them the best of everything in the city .

President Dickinson announced the following committees to serve for the ensuing session : , , , : Resolutions Committee Prof. Smith Burnham chairman Mrs. E. Keller , Mrs. W. G. Hawley George Mather and Dr. MeMillan . , , , , : C. E. Credentials Committee Lewis chairman Dale Souter V. R. Davy , S. J. Gier and Mrs. Grace Gray . , , , Nominating Committee : Tom Huckle chairman E. C. Warriner Mrs. , L. W. Stewart R. E. Adrianson and W. E. Shumaker . , Program Committee : L. D. Dickinson E. V. Hartman and Archie McCrea .

Dr. Wm . Phelps made a brief report concerning the Michigan Christian

Advocate and explained briefly the suggested new methods of handling the

Advocate in the local communities . He also said that the Advocate was going

to ask the Conference for an appropriation in 1938 .

Archie E. McCrea gave us a fine spirited talk on the subject of Methodism

and the Lay Conference . ( We hope the laymen saved plenty pancreatic juice

for that speech . ) Archie also announced the Brotherhood supper to be held p at 5:45 . m . with Dr. Russel Throckmorton of Chicago as the speaker . All

the men promised to be there .

We stood for a bit of stretch and sang another hymn .

Dr. Pierce spoke briefly for the Commission on Evangelism announcing

the plans for the 200th anniversary of the Wesleyan movement .

Dr. Clark Wheeler. represented the Ministerial Conference and explained up some of the matters which were to come for discussion and vote in the

United Sessions later .

Dr. Markham of the Methodist Book Concern presented the activities of

that organization and spoke of the wonderful chance for the laymen to be well

versed in the matters of the church by taking advantage of the many current by magazines and books put out our own press . , Under miscellaneous business the secretary presented the plea for a

definite registration fee in order that the officers be able to properly conduct

the work necessary through the year with its ever increasing demand for ,

it wholeheartedly postage and other expense . After some discussion was

moved and supported that we have a registration fee of 75 cents annually begin to a ning next year ( 1938 ) . The secretary called for collection tide over for

this year .

Dr. D. Stewart Patterson brought personal greetings from the Baltimore

Laymen's Conference . We moved a resolution to have Dr. Patterson return

our greetings to the Baltimore group . , Dr. Bollinger of the Board of Education and Dr. Russel Throckmorton

of the Men's Work Commission were introduced to the Conference . 166 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Mr. C. E. Lewis, chairman of the Credentials Committee , reported 113 delegates officially registered , and 16 others supposed to be legal delegates but for whom we had no credentials . Prof. Smith Burnham , chairman of the Resolutions Committee , reported the following resolutions :

" 1. Resolved that this conference declare its continued confidence in the administration of Bishop Blake and voice its affection and sympathy for him in these days of his illness . We hope and pray that he may soon recover his old time health and vigor .

" 2. Resolved that we deeply appreciate the hospitality of the people of Big Rapids . They have provided every facility needed to enable the confer ence to do its work in comfort and with dispatch .

" 3. Resolved that we commend the management of the Michigan Chris tian Advocate , and that we pledge the editors of the paper our hearty support in their efforts to make it a greater power for good in our church .

" 4. Resolved that the President of the Lay Conference be directed to ap point the various committees one year before the session at which they are to report , thus making it possible for these committees to do their work before the assembling of the Annual Conference . Further that if delegates desire to suggest persons for committee work they shall be permitted to do so .

“5. Whereas , the liquor traffic is becoming a greater threat to individual and social well being than ever before , and

" Whereas , there is doubt and uncertainty as to the next steps in combatting this evil ,

" Be it resolved ; That we favor a vigorous and continuing campaign of education to inform our people concerning the industrial , social, political and ethical effects of the manufacture and sale and use of intoxicants . In this cam paign we would enlist the home, the school, the church , the press and all other agencies for forming public opinion . We would continue this campaign until this evil thing is wiped out .

" 6. Whereas , the gambling evil is rampant in Michigan as evidenced by recent attempts to legalize dog racing with attendant gambling , by the wide spread playing of slot machines and similar gambling devices, and by the flagrant violation of existing anti -gambling laws , and

" Whereas , opposition to commercial gambling is crumbling before the indifference or the acquiescence of our citizens , " Be it therefore Resolved : That we urge all Christians to refrain from all forms of gambling whether for commercial or for charitable purposes . Be it further resolved that we oppose the introduction of gambling devices of every nature into public places, especially those where children may acquire the gambling habit . That we discountenance the playing of games of chance for prizes and the raffling of articles at fraternal, school , and church parties , especially at the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons , and the practice of having children go from door to door to sell chances . Be it further resolved , That we urge the electorate of our state to scan with care the records of all public officials with reference to their views on the enforcement of anti-gam bling laws and on the repeal of such laws , and that we encourage all law enforcement officers to enforce all laws against gambling ."

The nominating committee chairman read their report of lay nominations

for all the committees calling for lay members and announced the following , nominations for officers for the coming year . President Roy E. Adrianson of ; , , , Battle Creek Vice President Mrs. Thomas Ray of Ludington Secretary , ; , , Ernest V. Hartman Holland and Treasurer C. E. Lewis Lawton . These 1937 ) JOURNAL 167 officers were duly elected for the coming year . Mr. Adrianson asked the Hon . L. D. Dickinson to represent him at the joint session as spokesman . There being no further business to come before us we moved to adjourn .

Ernest V. Hartman , Secretary .


Official List of Delegates to the Annual Lay Conference in Big Rapids 1937 .

Albion -Lansing District : Jackson , Mrs. C. E. Thayer ; Parma , James Cam eron ; Battle Creek , Miss Grace Darling ; Coldwater , G. F. Kipp ; Springport , Glen Vesman ; Jackson , H. A. White ; Charlotte , L. D. Dickinson ; Battle Creek , Mrs. Jasper Conklin ; Mulliken , G. A. Royce ; Bronson , Mrs. I. V. Fry ; Albion , Geo . A. Mather ; Hillsdale , S. J. Gier ; Lansing , Mrs. Vera Strong ; Battle Creek , Roy E. anson ; Holt , C. B. Cushman ; Lansing , C. F. Kussmand ; Lansing , Mrs. A. E. Edwards ; Grand Ledge , Harry Culp ; Vermontville , Ruth L. Hallen beck ; Quincy , Mrs. Philip Crater ; Battle Creek , G. F. Wolfe .

Big Rapids District : Howard City , Mrs. Reva Jones ; Gladwin , Carrie Capling ; Newaygo , J. L. Herron ; Wheeler , Mrs. Frank Swope ; Sand Lake, Mrs. Olon Garby ; Big Rapids, Louise Hall ; Howard City , Mrs. Vernon Nickols ; Ashton , Mrs. Addie Swem ; Middleton , W. G. Troub ; Rosebush , Mrs. Alvin Keller ; Rosebush , Mrs. Earle Johnson ; Breckenridge , Roy Rosenberger ; Ithaca , Harold Beebe ; Lakeview , Geo . H. Nimberger ; Hart , Mrs. R. L. Dorsh ; LeRoy , D. B. Ketchum ; White Cloud , Zella Barnhard ; Marion , Mrs. W. A. Lampman ; Shelby , N. J. Fox ; Fremont , Judson Cockrane ; Mecosta , Frances Blakley ; Evart, Stanley W. Stein ; Stannwood , Mrs. Fred Brack ; Walkerville , Pearl Walker ; Alma , Harold F. Redman .

Grand Traverse District : Scotville , Jay J. Cox ; Mesick , Ernest E. Ford ; Traverse City , Dr. G. A. Holiday ; Cadillac , T. 0. Huckle ; Ludington , Harold 0. Fitch ; Traverse City , Russel D. Gore ; Manton , Mrs. M. Burkholder ; Trav erse City , J. B. Bosker ; Petoskey , Clayton Bixby ; Bear Lake , Mrs. Bertha Fillmore ; Lake City , Gerald Barner ; Free Soil , Mrs. Geo . Royle ; Fife Lake, Mrs. Jessie Crego ; Ludington , Mrs. Grace Gray .

Grand Rapids District : Eagle , Forrest Shepard : Eagle , Edwin Winegar ; Grand Rapids , Mrs. H. A. Roseberry ; Muskegon , Henry N. Paulson ; Holland , Ernest V. Hartman ; Coopersville , L. W. Shears ; Grand Rapids, Mrs. M. P. Knowles ; Belding , Byron R. Moore ; St. Johns , Mrs. Ralph Shumaker ; Way land , Mrs. Edward Jackson ; Muskegon , Archie McCrea ; Muskegon Heights , W. A. Meier ; DeWitt , Henry L. Zischke ; Grand Rapids, P. A. Hartesveldt ; Ionia , Mrs. L. W. Stewart ; Ionia , Mrs. Sterrey Stout ; Grand Rapids, Mrs. Elmer Miller ; Muskegon , Ruth VanCampen ; Hubbardson , F. S. Chick ; Lake Odessa , L. Alberta Goodemoot ; Saugatuck , Stewart Sessions ; Ovid , H. P. Foglesang .

Kalamazoo District : Dorr , M. C. Loew ; Colon , Loella Goodrich ; Allegan , T. D. Hicks ; Allegan , Geo. R. Ruehle ; Three Oaks , Mrs. Joseph Lee ; Benton Harbor, I. L. Buchan ; Martin , Thos. H. Lukins ; Buchanan , Stanley Marsh ; Watervliet , Elbert Milham ; Centreville , Cora E. Skinner ; Wayland , Clayton Smith ; Kalamazoo , L. A. Warner ; Parchment , R. K. Hills ; Fennville , Mrs. Kenneth Hutchinson ; V’icksburg , Mabel B. Hudson ; Dowagiac , Norma Willis ; Gobles , Mrs. Verne Stephenson ; Three Rivers, Wm . H. Shumaker ; Sturgis , Mrs. R. A. Kimball ; Scotts , Mahlon A. Skidmore ; Cassopolis , Mrs. Geo . Haw kins ; Constantine , Merton Elliott ; Lawton , C. E. Lewis ; Mandon , C. D. Le land ; Kalamazoo , Walter R. Shaw ; Bridgeman , J. B. Lingrell ; Kalamazoo , Mrs. Roy Carpenter ; Paw Paw , Jay L. Dodge ; Kalamazoo , Prof. Smith Burn ham ; Lawrence , John Wassman ; Paw Paw , Jay Lyle. 168 ( 1937

IV . DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS The Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church , held in Big Rapids from June 9 to 14, 1937. Bishop Wallace E. Brown, Presiding . Secretary , Lloyd H. Niz P. O. Battle Creek . Statistician , Blucher B. Swem , P. 0. Hastings . Treasurer , Lawrence Ward , P. 0. Rockford . Registrar , Claud W. Satterlee , P. O. Jackson , Michigan .


1. Who are the members of the Lay Conference present , and who are its

officers ? , , ; , President : R. E. Adrianson P. O. Battle Creek Mich Secretary E. , , ; , , V. Hartman P. 0. Holland Mich . Treasurer S. E. Lewis P. O. Law . , ton Mich .

2. Is the Annual Conference Incorporated According to the Requirement of

the Discipline ? Yes . , , , , 3. What Officers and Persons holding Moneys Funds etc. are Bonded and , in what Amounts According to the Requirement of the Discipline ? , , ; , J. Lawrence Ward Conference Treasurer $ 5,000 Albert R. Elliott , ; , Treasurer of Board of Stewards $ 10,000 Hugh Kennedy Treasurer , ; , of Board of Trustees $ 40,000 Gorden B. Wheeler Assistant Treas , ; , ; urer $ 40,000 Treasurer of Bronson Hospital $ 25,000 Assistant , , ; Treasurer of Bronson Hospital C. S. Campbell $ 10,000 Treasurer , Charles E. Clark Secretary Frederick B. Johnson and Stenographer , ; , of the Methodist Foundation $ 12,000 ( total ) Clark S. Wheeler , ; Treasurer of Commission on Finance $ 1,000 Superintendent of Clark , ; , Home $ 25,000 Treasurer of Clark Home $ 25.000 . 5 .

( a ) What are the Items and Aggregate of General Conference Benevo , ; lences apportioned to this Conference ? World Service 7,000 units , Episcopal Fund 212 % Cash Salary .

( b ) What amounts are fixed by this body as the minimum goals for General

Conference Benevolences for the ensuing year ?. 7,000 units . by 6. What Reports and Exhibits are presented Conference Boards and ? Institutions See Report .

7. What is the Annual Report of the Conference Board of Home Missions ? and Church Extension See Report .

8. What is the Annual Report of the Conference Board of Foreign Missions ?

See Report .

9. What are the Claims on the Conference Funds ? For Annuity distribution , , by , 3814 years multiplied the Disciplinary rate of $ 17 per year $ 64 ; ; , , 838 For Necessitous Distribution $ 3,000 Total $ 67,838 . , . 10 ( a ) What has been received on these Claims ? From the Book Concern ; , ; None From the Chartered Fund $ 60 From Board of Pensions and , ; , Relief $ 598 From Annual Conference Investments $ 7,500 : From , ; , ; Pastoral Charges $ 20,583 From other sources $ 276 Total $ 29,017 . , ; ( b ) How has it been Applied ? Expense Account $ 150.00 Bonding Treas , ; , ; pd , urer $ 25.00 Necessitous Claims $ 600.00 Annuities ( . quarterly ) ; , ; , $ 36,249.54 Contingent Fund $ 581.88 Total $ 37,606.42 .

11. What amount has been apportioned to the Pastoral Charges within the , Conference to be raised for the Support of Conference Claimants ? by Approximately $ 35,000 . The amount is determined an apportion

ment of 350 for each member and a graduated apportionment on the

pastor's cash salary .

12. What are the Items and Aggregate of Annual Conference Benevolences by , approved this body for the ensuing year ? Area Budget $ 4,000 : , ; , ; East Lansing Church Fund $ 300 Summer School of Theology $ 300 1937 ) DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS 169

Clark Memorial Home, $ 15,000 ; Deaconess Work , $1,000 ; Bronson Hospital , $ 15,000 ; Conference Expense Funds, $2,500 ; Wesley Foun dation and Albion College , $8,000 ; Religious Education - Five cents per Sunday School member be recommended as the goal. 13. What approved financial campaigns are to be carried on in this Confer ence during the ensuing year , and for what amounts ? M. J. Clark Memorial Home $ 100,000.00 ( continued from last year ) . 14. What is the schedule of Minimum Support ? $ 800.00 . , 15. What are the approved claims for the support of District Superintendents , Bishops and Conference Claimants for the ensuing year ? , ; , ; District Superintendents $ 21,500.00 Bishops 214 % of cash salary , Conference Claimants $ 35,000.00 .

16. What shall be the Evangelistic and Religious Educational Plan for the

ensuing year ? See Report . by 17. What Standing Committees shall be appointed this body ? , , , , , Epworth League Evangelism Finance Memoirs Periodicals Resolu . , , tions Retired Ministers Social Service , Stewardship , Nominating , Committee Lay Nominating Committee . by 18. What other items of business shall be considered this United Session ?

None .

19. Where shall the Next Session of the Conference be held ? , First Church Albion . B. ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION

20. Who have had their Credentials Restored without readmission to the

Conference ? None . by , 21. Who have been Received Transfer and from what Conference ? , , LeRoy L. Lightfoot Bombay ( July 1 1937 ) .

22. Who have been Readmitted ?

( a ) After Voluntary Location : W. Y. Pohly .

( b ) After Involuntary Location . None .

( c ) After Restoration of Credentials . None .

( d ) After Withdrawal . O. W. Carr .

( e ) By Judicial Procedure or by General Conference . None . , 23. Who have been Received on Credentials and from what Churches ? None .

24. Who have been Received on Trial ?

( a ) In Studies of First Year . , , , , Floyd J. Fitch Kearney Kirkby Richard Swogger Wilson M. Tennant . Joseph B. Wilson

( b ) In Studies of Third Year under the Seminary Rule . None .

( c ) Exempt from Course of Study under Seminary Rule .

Oliver F. Drake .

25. Who have been Continued on Trial ?

( a ) In Studies of First Year .

Richard Harrison Beckett , George Frederick Bolitho , Willis James , Jayne , Dunn Herold Arthur William Marley Simpson .

( b ) In Studies of Second Year . , Charles Wilson Cookingham Marcius E. Taber .

( c ) In Studies of Third Year . , Charles William Dobbertin Harold E. Millard .

( d ) In Studies of Fourth Year .

Thomas Frederick Jackson ( purposes of record ) . ? ( at 26. Who have been discontinued Homer Yinger his own request ) .

27. Who have been admitted into Full Membership ?

( a ) Elected and Ordained Deacons this year . None . 170 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

( b ) Elected and Ordained Deacons previously . James Elwood Bartlett , Jr. , George Gorton Whipple . ( c ) Elected to be Ordained elsewhere . None . ( d ) Ordained Deacon , having been previously elected by Con ference . None .

28. What Members are in Studies of Third Year ? ( a ) Admitted into Full Membership this year . None . ( b ) Admitted into Full Membership previously . Thomas Edward Pollard . 29 What Members are in Studies of Fourth Year ? Harold Arthur Bedient , Lynn Erman Chapel , Roland C. Puffer. 30. What Members have completed the Conference Course of Study ? ( a ) Elected and Ordained Elders this year . John Walter Cermak , Lester Clough , Kenneth P. Griswold , James Kenneth Hoffmaster , Raymond L. Norton . ( b ) Elected and Ordained Elders previously . None . ( c ) Elected and Ordained Elders under the Seminary Rule . James E. Bartlett, Jr. , Eaden P. Davis , Emeral E. Price. ( d ) Elected to be Ordained elsewhere . None . ( c ) Ordained Elder , having been previously Elected by -Con ference . None . ( f ) Ordained Elder elsewhere under our Election . None . 31. What others have been Elected and Ordained Deacons ? ( a ) As Local Preachers . Clara V. Gibbs . ( b ) Under Seminary Rule . Harold Eugene Millard . ( c ) Under Missionary Rule. None . ( d ) Elected by this Conference and Ordained elsewhere . None . 32. What others have been Elected and Ordained Elders ? ( a ) As Local Deacons . None . ( b ) Under Missionary Rule. None . ( c ) Elected by this Conference and Ordained elsewhere . None . 33. Who have been left without Appointment to Attend One of our Schools ? Harold Jayne , Central Church , Lansing Quarterly Conference ; James R. Pollock , Albion Quarterly Conference ; Richard Swogger , Mount Hope Quarterly Conference .

34. Was the Character of each Preacher examined ? Yes . 35. Who are accepted as Supply Pastors ? Luther Brokaw , Scott Bartholomew , Robert Bennett , E. L. Carter , E. E. Clark , N. D. Chew , Kenneth Chubb , Earl Carpenter , C. E. Deal , Ernest E. Ford , A. J. Gibbs , Mrs. A. J. Gibbs, Hartwell Gosney , Har . old Hodgsen , Ivan Hodgsen , S. W. Hayes , LeRoy Hoover , Abram Jag gers , Harold Jacobs, V. E. Kilgren , Olive Knapp , Harley Lane , Everett Love , Frank Loomis , J. B. McGinnis , Jas . C. Matthews , Albert Moreno , Margaret Nash , L. E. Price, C. A. Peterson , W. E. Ragan , Bessie Rulison , Paul W. Schaenzlin , C. L. Schleuter , John R. Scott , E. M. 1 Smith , Howard Smith , G. W. Sowers , C. J. Towne , Geo . Tennant , Wirth Tennant, E. F. Vane , A. L. Wagley , Ralph Witmar , Geo . Van Wingerden , W. J. Weidenhammer , L. R. Wheaton , A. E. Wynn , Geo . Wingard , Fern Wheeler , Donald S. Winegar , Geo . Woomer , A. H. Zischke . 36. ( a ) What Accepted Supply Pastors now in charge are taking I. The Conference Course of Study ? 1. In the First Year. Robert F. Bennett , Kenneth H. Chubb , Steven W. Hayes , Harold Hodgsen , Leroy Hoover , Harold A. Jacobs , Everett Love , James C. 1937 ) DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS 171

Matthews , Paul Schaenzlin , Wirth Tennant , Levant R. Wheaton , Fern Wheeler , Donald S. Winegar, George Wingard , Alton H. Zischke . 2. In the Second Year . Edgar Maxwell Smith , Calvin J. Town. 3. In the Third Year . Clara V. Gibbs , Harley L. Lane . 4. In the Fourth Year . None . II . The Local Preachers ' Course of Study ? 1. In the First Year. None 2. In the Second year . None . 3. In the Third Year . None . 4. In the Fourth Year. None . ( b ) Was the character of each Accepted Supply Pastor now in charge examined ? Yes . ( e) I. Are the District Committees on Qualifications of Local Preachers nominated by the District Superintendents approved ? Yes . ( c ) II. What Local Preachers have completed satisfactorily the studies prescribed ? 1. For Deacon's Orders . None . 2. For Elder's Orders . None . 37. Who have been Transferred , and to what Conferences ? Charles W. Cookingham , North Indiana ( as a Probationer ) . Howard A. Seymour , Pacific North West . Versile D. Bentley , Detroit, January 1937 . 38. Who have Died ? 0. F. Bulman , John A. DeGraff , Paul D. Huff, William M. Puffer , Arthur S. Williams .

39. Who have had their Conference Membership terminated ? ( a ) By Voluntary Location . None . ( b ) By Involuntary Location . None . ( c ) By Surrender of the Ministerial Office and Credentials . None . ( d ) By Judicial Procedure . None . ( e ) By Withdrawal . ( 1 ) To Join the Ministry of another Church . None . ( 2 ) From the Ministry . Harold C. Kenyon . ( 3 ) From the Ministry and Membership of the Church . None . ( 4 ) Under Complaints or Charges . None . 40. What other personal Notations should be made ? ( Credentials restored , if and when accepted by Detroit Conference . ) L. W. Mooney , W. Y. Pohly ( restored and made effective ) . 41. Who are the Supernumerary Ministers, and for what number of years consecutively has each held this Relation ? Wesley W. Cook ( 2 ) , Clarence V. Howell ( to be made effective if and when he can be transferred ) , W. E. Timms ( 1 ) , Joseph C. Rice ( 2 ) ( to locate at the next Conference session ) . 42. Who are the Retired Ministers ? Levi Aler , Edward A. Armstrong , R. A. Baker, Emery A. Baldwin , G. A. Beacock , Richard W. Bell , Milton Benedict , John H. Bennett , John G. Biery , Dresden E. Birtch , N. L. Bray , Charles F. Brown , George A. Brown , Nathan P. Brown , Granger D. Chase , John C. Chase , F. H. Clapp , John Claus , S. Arthur Cook , August H. Coors , Louis Delamarter , John Dobson , John C. Dorris , William E. Doty , Albert N. Eldred , Walter I. Elmer, John C. Floyd , Selden B. Ford , Martin Luther Fox , John Wesley Foy , William P. French , Alfred T. Goslin , John R. Gregory , Lyman L. Hanthorne , John W. Hayward , Charles W. Holden , James M. Jensen , Charles H. Kelsey , Hugh Ken nedy, Luther B. Kenyon , D. D. King , Thomas Laity , W. W. Lamport, James R. Leitch , Alexander T. Luther , Elbert 0. Mather , Leander S. 172 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Matthews, W. P. Manning , Patrick J. Maveety , George W. Maxwell , Robert E. Meader , C. W. Miller, Arthur J. Morris ,William P. Mosher , August F. Nagler , John C. Newcomer , Charles Ostrom , Herbert G. Ozanne , Reuben C. Parshall , H. L. Potter, James H. Potts , David E. Reed , Moses E. Reusch , Loren P. Richtmyer , James W. Rochelle , Dwight A. Rood , Harry L. Rood , William D. Rowland , Carl Seipp, Arthur W. Simmons , Howard D. Skinner , Alfred A. Stephens , Thomas W. Thompson , Carl Treuschel , Elmer E. Vaughn , John W. Vickers , Harry E. Walker , Duncan M. Ward , Ira T. Weldon , Richard E. Yost , Benson J. Youngs . 43. Who have been granted Leave of Absence ? James H. Bancroft . 44. Who are the Triers of Appeals ? J. A. Randall, L. B. Niles , W. A. Eley , George A. Brown , A. T. Cartland . Reserve , L. M. Whittemore .

45. What institutions and organizations are approved by three -quarters vote of the Conference for appointment of Ministers in the Effective Rela tion with Annuity Claim ?

46. Where are the Preachers Stationed ? See appointments . 1937 ) 173



A. H. Pellowe , Superintendent 400 Bidwell St. , Albion , Mich . Third Year

Albion ...... S . B. Owens - M. 6 Holt ...... F . E. George , Sr.-M. 1 316 E. Porter Street Homer and Clarendon Athens and Indian Mission ( Paul Schaenzlin ) -8 . 1 C. H. Green-M. 4 Jackson : Amboy ...... ( E. L. Carter ) -S . 2 Beatrice Isbell ... E. K. Lewis - M.2 Pioneer , Ohio 143 Moore St. Battle Creek : Calvary R . B. Spurlock - M 1 Heights ...... Com . and Wash . 931 Backus St. W. J. Atkinson M.2 - Cooper , North , Vandercook 27 Bond St. ( J. R. Scott ) -S . 4 .L . H. Nixon M . 5 First ...... - 1306 Cooper St. 185 Orchard Place First...... Frederick Spence - M . 20 Maple H . R. E. Quant 1.3 ...... - Greenwood . .Claud M. 338 Capital N. E. Satterlee - 2 1508 Greenwood Ave. Upton .. Amos Bogart - M. 2 Haven ... Emil Runkel - M . 1 254 Upton Ave...... 127 Seymour Ave. Battle Creek Circuit V. J. Hufton — M. 2 Jonesville ...... T. H. Wright - M. 3 Lansing 961 Capital Ave. N. E. : Central Jayne Bellerue ...... Eaden P. Davis -M . 1 ...... A . M. M. 5 210 W. Ottawa Bronson ...... Howard Carey - M. 1 Street Camden and Frontier First ...... W . M. P. Jerrett - M . 2 1112 N. Cedar St. F. M. Clough - M. 1 Michigan Ave Ray Center Eaton ... C . T. Wheaton - M.2 ... Prescott - M.2 1400 ( P. O. Charlotte ) Jerome St. Mt. Hope . T. G. R. Brownlow Charlotte ...... George Mooers — M.4 - M. 2 1821 S. Cedar St. 312 E. Lawrence St. Potter Park , Bethel Coldwater . .M . W. Duffey - M. 1 Ray V. 18 Church St. Birdsall - M. 5 1011 Dakin Street Concord ...... ( Ralph Witmer ) . 2 -S Seymour Ave .. Henry Knauff - M. 5 Delta , Circuit ... W. J. Dunn Jr.-P. 3 618 Seymour Ave. P. 0. Lansing , R. 4 Leslie .... R. M. Lawrence - M. 4 East Lansing , Peoples Church Litchfield . .Howard N. A. McCune -M. 21 Fuller - M.2 504 Abbott Rd. Marengo . ( Alton Zischke ) -- S . 1 P. O. Albion , Mich . Eaton Rapids. . Wayne Fleenor - M. 2 610 S. Main St. Marshall .. F. M. Thurston —M.2 Eckford ...... ( H . G. Ozanne ) -S. 2 Mason .... .J . E. Bowker -M . 3 P. 0. 115 W. Walnut St. , 209 E. Ash Street Albion , Mich . Montgomery ..... ( E. F. Vane )—S . 2 Faith Haven ..... ( John Biery ) -S . 3 Mulliken ... ( C. L. Schlueter ) -S. 2 P. 0. 335 Linden Ave. , Sonoma Parish.J . F. Bowerman - M. 1 East Lansing , Mich . R. F. D. No. 7, Battle Creek Grand Ledge Large ...... S. W. - M . 4 North Adams ... ( C. J. Towne ) -S . 9 Hanover , Horton ... ( To be supplied ) Okemos .. Myron Hoyt -M. 2 Hillsdale .. .E . L. Sutcliffe - M. 1 Osseo ... .C. J. Kendall - M.2 45 Manning St. Parma . .Joseph Tuma - M. 2 174 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Partello Circuit ( Edgar Smith ) -S . 1 Springport-Pope . . Theron Jenne - M. 4 P. O. Albion Sunfield ...... J . Grimes — M. 1 Potterville ...... Ira E. Carley - M.2 Union City H. E. Wylie -M.2 Quincy .. .N . B. Lawrason — M. 1 ...... Reading N. E. Tabor -P . 1 Vermontville . Kearney Kirkby - P. 1 Somerset Center ( Abram Jaggers ) -S . 8 BIG RAPIDS DISTRICT Victor W. Thrall , Superintendent 417 Maple St. , Big Rapids , Mich . Fifth Year Alma..... Byron A. Hahn - M. 1 Ithaca ... W. W. SleeM.1 601 Pine St. Lakeview . ( S. W. Hayes ) -S . 3 Ashley and Bannister Leaton .. E. Mayhew -- M. 9 William M. Simpson - M. 2 P. O. Mt. Pleasant Ashton .. ( Geo . VanWingerden ) -S . 4 LeRoy and Luther Barryton and Chippewa Lake R. C. Puffer-M. 7 ( L. E. Price ) -S . 4 Marion ...... Raymond Norton --M.2 Beaverton and Dale Mears and Eldridge ( Harold Hodgson ) -- S. 1 ( Chas . E. Peterson ) -S . 3 Big Rapids , First Mexican Mission Floyd E. George, Jr.-M. 3 ( Albert Moreno ) —S . 1 202 Warren Ave. P. O. Mt. Pleasant Big Rapids Circuit . E. T. Smith - M.3 Middleton ( P. R. Glotfelty ) -S . 1 Third Ave. Morley ...... H . A. Carr-M . 2 Breckenridge..Floyd N. Drake - M. 2 Mt. Pleasant..C . W. Mackenzie M.9 Carson City ..... Lester Clough - M. 1 109 Wisconsin St. W. Clare and Farwell Mt. Pleasant Indian Mission George Stanford - M. 4 E. Mayhew — M. 9 Coleman ...... W . D. Robinson - M. 5 Newaygo ... Thomas Jackson -P. 2 Coral and Amble . S. J. Headley - M. 2 North Star .... .M . E. Tabor — P. 3 Crystal ( Elwood Philo ) -S . 2 Paris ...... ( L. W. Campbell ) —S . 1 Crystal Valley , Bethel and Pentwater ...... Oliver Drake - P. 1 Walkerville Perrinton - Fulton and Pompeii ( Gordon Showers ) -S . 1 ( W. E. Ragan ) -S . 4 Edmore and Blanchard Reed City .... James A. Rogers — M . 4 M. N. Clement - M, 1 Remus .. Henry Hulme - M. 3 Evert and Sears..G . E. Wright - M . 2 Riverdale . ... C . E. Davis - M. 1 Evart Circuit ( Vernor Kilgren ) . 2 -S Rosebush ...... J . W. Stanton M.4 Ferry - Sand Lake and Pierson ( Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Gibbs ) —S . 1 ( W. J. Weidenhammer ) . 2 Stanley Thayer -S Fremont...... — M. 4 Sanford and Averill Karl Keefer - M. 1 Gladwin ...... ( Earl Carpenter ) -S . 2 Gladwin Circuit Shelby ... .W . E. Beckett -M. 4 Hodgson ( Ivan ) -S . 2 Shephard .. , F . H. Cramer - M.2 Greenville ...... F. J. Schlueter - M . 2 Sheridan Lynn Chapel-M. 1 212 W. Cass St. St. Louis . .Geo . Beacock - M. 1 Hart ...... Harold Kinney - M . 2 Stanton Circuit . .... F . P. Frye - M. 2 Hesperia and Holton Stanwood , Higbee , and Halls E. M. Mumby - M. 2 Corners ( Hilding Kilgren ) -S. 1 Hope and Edenville Wheeler .. ... ( A . E. Wynn ) —S . 2 ( John Bullock ) —S . 1 White Cloud .. (Geo . Wingard ) —S . 2 Howard City ( Donald Winegar ) -S . 1 Winn ...... ( LeRoy Hoover ) -S. 2 1937 ) APPOINTMENTS 175


L. L. Dewey , Superintendent 846 Calvin St. S. E. , Grand Rapids, Mich . Third Year

Alto F. S. Kinney - M. 1 Hastings Circuit ... B. B. Swem - M . 2 Banfield .. ..W . A. Exner - M.3 Holland ...... W . G. Flowerday - M. 2 P. O. Bedford R. D. 69 W. Tenth St. Bath ..... ( Bessie Rulison ) -S . 1 Hubbardston and Palo Belding . ..J. 0. Randall - M.2 John Broxholm - M.2 Byron Center ...Wm . Blanding-M.2 Ionia ...... F . G. Dunbar — M.1 119 E. Main St. Caledonia ...... C. H. Bacon - M . 4 Ionia Circuit Kenneth Griswold — M. 2 Cedar Springs ... C. M. Conklin - M . 2 Kent City .... L. M. Whittemore - M.2 Coopersville and Ravenna H. R. Strong -M. 4 Lake Odessa ....Leon Manning —M . 4 Courtland Circuit..J . L. Ward - M. 4 Lowell, First . , Robert S. Miller - M. 4 P. O. Rockford Lowell, Zion ..... ( John Claus ) -S . 12 Delton ... .Ralph L. Bates M.3 Lyons.... .J . B. Wilson - P. 1 DeWitt . Fred Schaenzlin — M. 5 Maple Rapids ... H. A. Bedient - M. 2 Eagle .. ( Harold Jacobs ) —S . 2 Marne ... ( H. Gosney ) -S . 4 Elsie ... .James A. Brown - M. 5 Middleville .... L. M. Rigelman - M. 3 Freeport .... . ( Fern Wheeler ) -S . 3 Montague and Whitehall Grand Haven .... John Clemens - M. 5 A. W. Klaiber - M. 3 Muskegon : Rapids Grand : Central... .D . S. Coors - M. 4 Burton Heights..L . W. Stone - 1.3 243 W. Webster Ave. 1940 St. S. E. Horton Lakeside ...... C. H. Phillips - M. 3 Epworth ...... M. D. McKean - 1.3 2019 Harrison Ave. 626 Lafayette St. N. E. Wood Ave....Wm . Chapman - M. 2 First ...... Lester Kilpatrick - M. 3 1020 Wood Ave. 265 Madison St. S. E. Muskegon Heights E. H. Babbitt - M. 4 Jor Memorial.G . G. Whipple - M. 1 936 Sanford 10 National Ave. N. W. Nashville ...... J . R. Wooten - M.2 Oakdale ..... ( J . R. Gregory ) -S . 4 North Muskegon 936 Alexander St. S. E. ( G. W. Sowers ) -S . 1 Plainfield ...... H. V. Wade M. 4 Ovid ...... W . S. Phillips M. 2 Spencer -- 214 St. N. E. Portland .. W. E. Brown — M. 2 St. Pauls M. A. Braund — M . 2 ...... Rockford . .John Lockyer - M. 1 1160 Jefferson St. S. E. St. Johns .. .Leo B. Niles - M. 2 Second Street.J . C. DeVinney — M. 5 St. Wagley 600 Turner Ave. N. W. Johns Parish ( A. L. )-S . 1 Saranac and Orleans Gr . Rapids, South ( F. M. Loomis ) . 3 Wm . Blanding - M.2 -S Saugatuck .... ( Merle Wilson ) -- S. 1 Trinity L . T. Robinson - M.7 ...... Sparta Kenneth Hoffmaster - M. 3 235 Calkins Ave. S. E. .... Wacousta ...... ( Everett Love ) —S . 1 Valley Ave H. Irwin - M. 3 ...... W. Whitneyville and Snow 1248 Floral Ct . N. W. ( E. A. Armstrong )-S. 1 Grandville ... ..John Cermak - M. 1 1126 Watkins, Grand Rapids Hastings .. .W . M. Jones-M.4 Woodland ...... F . J. Fitch — P. 2 176 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


Glenn M. Frye , Superintendent 216 W. 10th St. , Traverse City , Mich . Second Year Alden and Williamsburg Lake City ...... Harold Dixon –M . 1 Dorr P. Garrett -M . 3 Levering , Pellston and Alanson Bear Lake ...... B . F. Wade - M. 1 E. C. Finkbeiner - M. 4 Bellaire and Central Lake Ludington .. .L , J. Nevins - M. 3 L. S. Reed — M. 2 304 Loomis St. Boyne City and Boyne Falls Mackinaw ...... ( N . D. Chew ) -S . 3 W. A, Eley -M. 5 Mancelona and Alba Copemish .... ( Harley L. Lane ) -S . 1 J. Marion DeVinney - M. 1 Cadillac, First ..... C . J. Kruse - M . 1 Manistee ... ..Paul Boodagh -M. 5 205 E. Mason St. Manton .. ( Luther Brokaw ) -S . 1 , Peoples Cadillac and Circuit Mesick ... ( Scott Bartholomew ) -S . 5 C. A. Lohnes — M . 1 George 609 Selma St. Moorestown . ( Tennant )-S. 1 Charlevoix.John W. Alexander -M . 2 Northport ...... Wilson Tennant - P 2 106 State St. Old Mission .. ( L. B. Kenyon ) -S . 3 East Jordan and Ellsworth Circuit P. 0. Traverse City ( J. C. Matthews ) —S . 1 Petoskey ...... C . E. Pollock - M.3 Elberta ...... (Kenneth Chubb ) -S . 2 722 Mitchell St. Elk Rapids ...... ( To Be Supplied ) Scottville .....Russell R. King -M. 2 Empire and Lake Ann Traverse City : ( Leslie Tippert )-S. 1 Asbury ... .C . E. Thies -- M. 6 Fife Lake .... ( Margaret Nash ) -S . 1 126 N. Spruce St. Frankfort ... .H . M. Smart - M, 10 Central ... Richard Miles - M.1 Freesoil ...... J . H. Rayle - M. 4 220 W. 10th St. Harbor Springs . George Bolitho –P . 2 14th St , and Inland Kalka ska Federated ( E. E. Clark ) -S . 2 Wesley C. Oldt - M. 4 Wexford Ernest Ford Kingsley ...... ( To Be Supplied ) P. O. Messick KALAMAZOO DISTRICT Henry W. Ellinger , Superintendent 1130 W. North St. , Kalamazoo , Mich . Third Year Allegan ... T. W. Marshall - M. 1 Colon ..... Stanley Buck — M. 4 Augusta .. .A . R. Elliott -M . 3 Constantine .. ... E. E. Price_ - M.3 Bangor ...... Scott MacDonald -- M . 5 Climax .. .A . T. Cartland - M. 1 Augusta Benton Harbor..P . H. Murdick - M . 4 P. 0. 266 Jefferson St. Decatur ... .H . E. Millard - P. 1 Berrien Springs Dowagiac ... Harold Weston - M.1 Ray W. Merrill - M . 1 201 Green St. Edwardsburg LeRoy Lightfoot Bloomingdale . Richard Beckett -P . 1 . - M. 1 Pohly Bradley and Indian Mission Fennville ... .W . Y. -M . 1 ( To Be Supplied ) Fulton ... George Brown - M. 1 Breedsville ..... Scott MacDonald - M. 5 Gal irg .John 0. Hagans - M.3 Buchanan .. Thomas Rice -M. 9 Galien ... ..C . J. Snell - M . 4 Burnips ...... Earl I. Prosser-M. 1 Ganges .. George Wright - M. 4 Burr Oaks .. ( George Woomer ) —S . 2 Gobles ...... C . B. Hahn - M . 7 Cassopolis ...... D . L. Reedy - M. 2 Hartford . Thomas Pollard -M. 1 Centerville..J . E. Bartlett , Jr.-M. 4 Hopkins ... .. ( Olive Knapp ) -- S. 1 1937 ] APPOINTMENTS 177

Kalamazoo : New Buffalo.Charles Dobbertin -P. 1 Damon and Comstock Niles .. ... T. 0. LeeM.3 R. D. Wearne M.5 310 Cedar St. 3211 Portage Rd . North Oshtemo ... ( C. E. Deal ) -S . 3 , East Avenue . LeRoy Whitney - M. 4 R. F. D. No. 9 Kalama zoo Otsego . W. Minor - M. 2 541 Phelps Ave. .. ..I Paw Paw .... Victor B. Niles - M. 1 .W . C. M. 4 First ..... Perdew- Oughton 208 S. Park Plainwell .... Charlles -M . 1 Salem Mission Oakwood and Oshtemo Indian Earl I. Prosser - M. 1 ( Robert Bennett ) -S . 1 Dodge P. O. Oshtemo Schoolcraft . ( Elwood J. ) -S. 1 Scotts . ( To Be Supplied ) Helrigel Parchment ... W . H. - M . 7 South Haven ... .W . B. Oldt -M . 4 285 Glendale Ave. 351 Indiana Avenue Simpson ...... G . A. Osborne - M . 3 Stevensville ...... 0. W. Carr - M . 4 818 W. North St. Sturgis ...... Stanley B. Niles - M. 3 Stockbridge . Henry Liddicoat - M. 6 202 Pleasant St. 1009 Stockbridge Ave. St. Joseph ...... 0 . R. Gratton – M.5

Wilson Memorial..W . T. Hill - M . 5 411 Main St.

1038 Hotop Street Three Oaks ...... W . W. Hurd - M.2 ) . 1 .. ( R . E. . Keeler ... Yost -S Three Rivers Dempster Yinger - M . 5 . A. Lawrence . .A Buege - M . 1 215 N. Main St. - M . 1 . Lawton A. W. Baker Vicksburg ...... T. H. Leamon - M . 7 . . - M . 5 Marcellus .A T. Halsted Watervliet .... Grant L. Jordan - M . 1 . . — M . 1 . Martin .F E. Chamberlain Wayland .. .H H. Harris M.3 . M . E. -- M . 1 Mendon .Robert Geiger - M . 1 White Pigeon .... Bowen SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS , Thomas Carter Professor in Albion College . Member of Albion Quarterly , Conference . 409 Allen Place Albion . , Ralph M. Dean Reserve Army Chaplain on temporary duty with the Civil , , , ian Conservation Corps . Hdqrs . Sparta CCC Sparta Wisconsin Member

Centerville Quarterly Conference . , F. S. Goodrich Chaplain in Albion College . Member Albion Quarterly , Conference . 302 College Court Albion . , Royal G. Hall Professor in Albion College . Member Albion Quarterly , Conference . 1000 E. Porter St. Albion . , Wm . F. Kendrick Superintendent of M. J. Clark Memorial Home . Mem

ber First Church Grand Rapids Quarterly Conference . 1546 Sherman St. , S. E. Grand Rapids . , Á . W. Nagler Professor in Garrett Biblical Institute . Member Battle , Creek Maple St. Quarterly Conference . Evanston Ill . , Wm . H. Phelps Editor Michigan Christian Advocate . Member Kalama , , , , zoo First Quarterly Conference . 32 E. Elizabeth St. Detroit Michigan . , John L. Seaton President of Albion College . Member Albion Quarterly , Conference . Albion Michigan . , Alfred F. Way Superintendent of Bronson Hospital . Member of First , Church Quarterly Conference Kalamazoo . , W. W. Whitehouse Dean of Albion College . Member of Albion Quarterly , Conference . 412 Darrow Street Albion . , Clark S. Wheeler Director of Financial Campaign for M. J. Clark Me

, 70 morial Home . Member of Trinity Quarterly Conference Grand Rapids . , , . College N. E. Grand Rapids LEFT WITHOUT APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND SCHOOL , , , Harold Jayne Central Church Lansing Quarterly Conference . 74 Mount , , Vernon Boston Mass . , , James R. Pollock Albion Quarterly Conference . 400 Orange St. New ,

Haven Conn . , , , Richard Swogger Mount Hope Avenue Lansing Quarterly Conference . , , Stony Brook Long Island New York . 178 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


Letta Adams ( Associate Deaconess ), Methodist Community House , Simp son Quarterly Conference , Kalamazoo . Leah Belle Lyman , Superintendent Aldrich Deaconess Home and Esther Hall , and Methodist Community House , Grand Rapids . First Church Quar terly Conference . Lela Powers , Assistant at Esther Hall and at Methodist Community House , Grand Rapids . Trinity Quarterly Conference . Mary E. Shoemaker , Forest Glen Community House , Battle Creek . Upton Avenue Quarterly Conference . Katherine Stroven , Vandercook Lake. Vandercook Lake Quarterly Con ference , Mildred Hewes , Recreation Park , Kalamazoo . Wilson Memorial Quar terly Conference . Helen Spessard ( Probationary Deaconess ), Methodist Community House , Grand Rapids , First Church Quarterly Conference .


Beckett , Richard H ...... Bloomingdale Jackson , Thomas Newaygo Bolitho , George F .. Harbor Springs Kirby . Kearney Vermontville Dobbertin , Charles . New Buffalo Millard , Harold E. Decatur Dunn , Willis J .. Delta Circuit Taber , Marcius E .. North Star ( P. O. Grand Ledge ) Tennent , Wilson Northport Drake , Oliver F .. Pentwater Wilson , J. B. Lyons Fitch , Floyd J .. Woodland

ACCEPTED SUPPLY PASTORS Bartholomew , Scott .Mesick Matthews , J. C.. East Jordan Bennett , Robert .... Oakwood and Oshtemo Peterson , Chas . A. .Mears ( P. 0. Oshtemo ) Price , L. E .. Barryton Brokaw , Luther Manton Ragen , W. E. .Perrington Carpenter , Earl ..Sanford Rulison , Bessie .... Bath Carter , E. L... ..Amboy Schaenzlin , Paul .. Homer (P. 0. Pioneer ) Schleuter , C. L ... . Mulliken Chew , N. D... Mackinaw Scott , John R. .Jackson Chubb , Kenneth Elberta ( 1306 Cooper Street ) Clark , E. E ... Traverse City , 14th St. Smith , Edgar M.. Partello Circuit Deal , C. E. North Oshtemo (P. O. Albion ) (P. O. R. F. D. Kalamazoo ) Smith , Howard A .. .. Saugatuck Ford , Ernest E. Sowers , G. W ... North Muskegon Gibbs , A. J.... Ferry Tennant , George Moorestown Gibbs , Mrs. A. J.. Ferry Tennant , Wirth Gosney , Hartwell Marne Towne , C. J .. North Adams Hayes , S. W.. Lakeview Vane , E. F ... Montgomery Hodgsen , Harold Beaverton Van Wingerden , George Ashton Hodgsen , Ivan . Gladwin Circuit Wagley , Amos L ... .St . John's Parish Hoover , Le Roy .... Winn Weidenhammer , W. J .. Sand Lake Jacobs , Harold Eagle Wheaton , L. R. Jaggers , Abram Somerset Center Wheeler , Fern Freeport Kilgren , Vernon . Evart Circuit Winegar , Donald . .Howard City Knapp , Olive .Hopkins Wingard , George . White Cloud Moreno , Albert . Mexican Mission Witmar. Ralph Concord Nash , Margaret Fife Lake *Woomer , George Burr Oaks Lane , Harley Copemish Wynn , A. E .. Wheeler Loomis , Frank M. .... Saranac Zischke , Alton H. ..Marengo Love , Everett Wacausta * Probationer in Detroit Conference .

SUPPLIES EMPLOYED BY DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS FOR ONE YEAR Bullock , John Hope Philo , Edward Crystal Campwell , L. W. Paris Showers , Gordon Crystal Valley Dodge , Ellwood J. Schoolcraft Tippert , Leslie Empire Ford , Ernest Wexford Wilson , Merle Saugatuck Glotfelty , P. R. Middleton Yost , R. E. Keeler Kilgren , Hilding Stanwood 1937 ) 179


( A ) District Superintendent's Report LEROY L. DEWEY

Dear Bishop and Brethren . We come to this sudden close of another Conference year , with mingled feelings of regret and rejoicing , -regret be cause of the things we have failed to do , rejoicing for achievements in King dom business . We regret greatly the serious illness of Bishop Edgar Blake but are pleased to report his steady progress toward health and renewed vigor and pray that soon he will be able to perform the active duties of his Area again . Bishop Brown's coming is a distinct delight to us ; his congenial spirit and his earnest interest have warmed our hearts and we trust that his coming as our presiding officer may be mutual in blessings and benefits . May I here express an exceedingly delightful personal pleasure in pre senting this report from the platform of this church to which I ministered for five happy and beneficial years . This has been a brief year , too abbreviated to have achieved all that we had hoped , but in the main , from the reports with which I have been made acquainted , we can record with some certainty an upward look and a steady progress toward the higher goals . Contrary to the rather doleful prophecies of some last fall , relative to a June Conference and Church finances , the Churches generally , even in the rural districts , report everything paid up and a cheerful , hopeful spirit prevailing . The spiritual interests have not been neglected , many of our Churches reporting increased spiritual concern among their members . Thus we take heart and pledge ourselves to another year of energetic and sacrificial service in the Church of our Redeemer . The task to which we have set our hand most surely demands all the strength of body, mind , and soul that we can possess and all the consecration and devotion that we can bring to it . We are convinced that if ever the world needed the stimulating and spiritual message of the Gospel that the Church and its ministers alone can give , it needs it now . It is an unbalanced world , a world out of poise , and the need of a balanced and well poised message is immeasurable and immediate . It is a rapidly changing world , complex and hurried , confused and gelatin , turbulent and combative , and needs the calming, certain , and peaceful emphasis of the Gospel of our Lord . Stanley Jones recently said , “ To lead the Christian forces of this nation in the future is going to take audacious courage . Christian America must set

its house in order if it is going to be big enough for this hour . The Church ; has often dealt with vast tribulations it must therefore cleanse itself from

pettiness and from becoming an end in itself . It must get hold of the living

God and must have a sense of divine mission to recreate the individual and , , the collective will . If I had one gift to give the Church and only one I would

give it of the gift courage . "

Courage is imperative . It underlies all true achievement and is the want , ed characteristic of every life especially of every preacher . , , " One who never turned his back but marched breast forward

Verer doubted clouds would break ,

Never dreamed , tho right were worsted , wrong would triumph , , , Held we fall to rise are baffled to fight better

Sleep to wake . ” 1 180 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

needed courage every passing day . one sees only It is the of The of us who > despair and disaster , crumbling and decay, has somehow missed the import of the Angels ' song , and the “ Be of good cheer ; I have overcome the world " of the Master . After all we are dealing with great creative forces rather than with decadent things . The Gospel of Jesus is more a message of commendation than of condemnation . It is much more a message of hopefulness than of hopeless ness . It is a message of great expectancy rather than of sheer futility . Its pre -eminent and transcendent purpose is to bring heaven and the heavenly into the experience of life and society quite as well as to bring life and society into heaven when earthly careers are ended . An experience in this office of District Superintendent , even tho brief, is illuminative to say the least , the effects of which will be somewhat evidenced by the trend of this paper . We cannot desist from the constant and persistent dictation of our experience to put our thoughts on paper and pass them on to our brethren of this Conference . We are ministers of the Gospel , voices in the wilderness crying out , work ers together with God , rightly and studiously dividing the word of truth. It is not an easy task , this to which we have determinedly set our hand . The marriage contract of preacher and Church with the community cannot be entered into unadvisedly but discreetly , reverenttly and in the fear of God . It calls for the consecrated cooperation of preacher and people in the greatest task of the world . It is a great give-and -take enterprise in which we dare to bury our sensitive feelings and narrow prejudices for the sake of larger good . The preacher does not and cannot always please his people ; the people do not and can not always please their preacher . Many things must be overlooked on the part of both and will be if both and all are working hard in the interests of the Kingdom of God and if both or all will put forth a Christ like endeavor to understand each other and to meet the common challenge in a Christian manner . Less frequent changes and more cooperative devotion to the Church and to our common task over a series of years is an imperative need . One member of a Church writes that unless the preacher , who has been on his field less than a year , be moved , thirteen people will withdraw from the Church . Thirteen people in a small Church , who have evidently had their way through many years,are now to withdraw if they cannot have their way against the desire of a large majority over a period of less than a year or even for two or more years in the future . What a comment on the religion of that baker's dozen ! No moral turpitude is involved ; it is only a matter of creedal and theological definitions and phraseology . It has ever been thus and perhaps ever will be but how different from the attitude of the apostles who , while they differed greatly with Jesus in his position toward the woman of Samaria , Zacchaeus and others , yet remained faithful to Him and to His cause . The minister's job is not an easy one . It calls for the earnest exercise of the most sterling qualities a man may possess, demanding the wisest and most patient diplomacy , the finest astuteness of mental powers , excellent consistency of ethical conduct , cultivation of an attractive and worthy personality , the continuous pressing back of his own horizons , the studied enlightenment of his own mind , loving service to his Church and community , and the sincere preaching of the redemptive message . The preacher's job is one that takes notice of neither night nor day , the program of which is more varied and demands a greater versatility than the program of any other profession . To make of this world a kingdom where dwelleth righteousness is the daring challenge to the preacher and people who call themselves Christian. To do it demands careful preparation , patient service , and persistent labor . We are quite in accord with the action of the General Conference requiring the com pletest possible educational as well as spiritual training for the men entering our active ministry . Broad -visioned , warm -hearted, energetic spirits are doubly needed to cope with the growing complexities of human society and life . To experience life as it was in Jesus, to find His way of life and of truth , to seek His method of approach to human need , to discover His mode 1937 ) REPORT OF DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS 181 , of dealing with sin and the sinner to minister rather than to be ministered , ; unto to be a friend of all rather than a master of any to cultivate friends , ; , rather than make enemies to notice all the rich and the poor the high and the , , , lowly the wise and the ignorant the sick and the well and have a thoughtful , , concern for the children remembering that Jesus said “ To such belongeth the , ; Kingdom of God " to give courage to the discouraged hope to the disheartened , ; and comfort to those overwhelmed with grief to visit the sick the aged and the ; , , ; shut - ins to call call call on everybody to give counsel and advice to ; those needing it and friendly warning to those who need such warning to ; ; befriend the friendless and rebuke the injustices and shams of life with Paul

“ Not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think but to think , soberly doing nothing through vainglory but in lowliness of mind each ; esteeming the other better than himself " to consider more the needs of this

present time which are always apparent than the signs of the future times ; which are ofttimes questionable to be an inspired prophet forthtelling rather ; than a dubious prophet foretelling to preach great spiritual precepts and ; principles rather than questionable personal prejudices to work and pray , for the time when swords will be broken into plow shares spears into pruning , hooks and when no nation will draw the sword against another and no longer ; shall men learn to fight ” to proclaim great affirmations rather than mere , ; negations to declare a hope that is eternal to have faith in men and in the ; , , world to cultivate the ability of Jesus to see in all people potential goodness , which as the mustard plant may be nurtured toward the biggest and the ; , best to carefully look after the youth entering into their interests and

pointing and leading them to the higher road that leads toward light and ; life to help the youth to dream dreams and see visions and make the seem ; ing unrealities of life true realities to lead them to the consciousness that life ; without God as its center is an empty failure to be interested in every ; worthy community project to lead his Church that it may become all things by ; ; to all men in order that it may win some to love and be loved to visit , ; the fatherless and the widow and to keep himself unspotted from the world ; to become vitally interested in every department of the Church work to

recognize that his time is not his own but belongs to the Church to which he ; , ; ministers to keep in vital touch with books with people and with God to , eridence a marked interest in all the interests and institutions of the Church ; the Area and the Conference to preach both social justice and individual ; righteousness to understand that social justice begins with individual atti . , tudes even with the ordinary personal' courtesies of life and with ethical ; , practices and honesty of word and work “ to do justly love mercy and walk ; humbly with our God " to have powers to vision humans the world around . marching toward the greatest and the best : this is our task

Walt Whitman in one of his characteristic poems says

" The Soul travels : , Forever alive - forever forward

Stately , solemn , sad , withdrawn ,

baffled , mad , turbulent , feeble , dissatisfied , by Desperate , proud , fond , sick , accepted men ,

rejected by men , go go go , They ! they ! I know that they but I go know not where they ; go But I know that they toward the best

toward something great . ” , So we march abead as a Church with the good God's help toward the best

toward something great and with a devotion and consecration to our task that

cannot be deterred . Preacher and people together with divine help will work

out the world's redemption by means of the preached word and every good . to work We dare not allow our fears conquer our hopes . 182 MICHIGAN AWXUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

All this and more is the thrilling work of the preacher , the very contem plation of which forces us to cry out , “Who is sufficient for these things ?" May the good God help us all with new purpose and consecration to work conscientiously at our task, determined not to use it simply as a stepping stone to something bigger for ourselves but as a starting place toward some thing real and vital in Kingdom building after the manner of Jesus Christ . We are promoters of the great interests of the Kingdom rather than promoters of ourselves .

The article in a recent Advocate by Dr. Carr is pertinent . We do need a revival of clarification of our records . Some of our Church records are over loaded with inactive , non -resident , and dead members . They must be revised , but should be revised with prayerful care , and the revision be made every year with some sort of an effective contact campaign before removals . Inflation is bad , but too sudden deflation is sometimes painful to say the least and dis concerting to our District and Conference records .

This is well illustrated by our Sunday School reports . The Statistical reports of last fall show a discouraging loss in the Sunday School enrollment , the total decrease over the year before being 6,558 . This will be impressed more thoroughly upon our minds if we will notice that it is a loss greater than the total membership of the Church in the Whole Grand Traverse District . Such a loss is startling and no effort should be spared to correct it . Of course we are aware of the fact that much of that loss is due to the juggling of figures and mere guess work reports . Sunday School records become loaded , and no careful and systematic annual check -up is carried out ; consequently at times of revision our Statistical records show a large slump . The need for systematic record -keeping is apparent . Every individual connected with Church statistics , preacher or layman , should study the book “ Christian Figures or Pagan Fancies ," or isn't there such a book ? Let us initiate a vigorous campaign in behalf of our Church Schools , enlarging them and at the same time making them more effective . We need more and better teachers , better trained officers, and greater consecration to this most important task . Sunday School surveys of our communities will surprise us , and no doubt arouse us to greater effort. In a county in the southern part of our Conference which can properly be called a rural county , the largest town in it being less than 6,000 in population , a thorough survey showed that less than fifty percent of the children of school age were in Sunday School . Such a condition is inexpressibly tragic and reveals the plain fact that there is something for us to do . We need a trained leadership , visioning the extreme importance of the task and consecrated to its Christianizing and character building opportunities . One of our fine young preachers , pouring out his heart to a District Superintendent , wrote , " Too many of our Sunday School teachers undo in their classes pretty much everything the trained preacher does in his teaching from the pulpit.” That is prima facie evidence of our need of teacher training classes since good lead ership is at the heart of the success or failure of every Church or Church School of religion . An authority says, “ No small amount of importance can justly be given to the Sunday Church School leadership . Both teachers and officers should be trained for, as well as devoted to , their task . " Our most prolific source for building the Church and the Kingdom is the Church School. It pre sents our supreme evangelistic opportunity . It is the work of Christ for and among the children , honoring them and recognizing their rightful relationship to Him , their Master and Lord . Beginning with the Cradle Roll, which in some respects is more important than any other department , right on up through the adult department , we need a new emphasis , an enlarged vision , a stimu lated enthusiasm . By Conference action the Church School work should be the work of special interest and emphasis this coming year with a definite and effective program inaugurated and continued for the youth of our com munities in co -operation with the Y. M. ( . A. and Y. W. C. A. , the Boy and Girl Scout , Boy Club and Camp Fire group movements of the land , if by some method we may win many to the fuller life . 1937 ] REPORT OF DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS 183

The immediate and pressing necessity of this is glaringly obvious in the records of child delinquency and youthful crime of our land , for a most alarming development is reflected in the fact that more than half the inmates of reformatories and prisons are between the ages of fifteen and twenty - five. Seren hundred thousand boys and girls under voting age are criminals and many thousands more are delinquent charges . The winning of children to the Christian way of life and the Christianizing of the American home should be the slogan of our work . One of the finest pieces of Christian service I have seen or heard of in recent years is that of one of our young preachers who , at the suggestion of some of the citizens of the town , took six or seven boys who had caused con siderable trouble in the community , under his care , invited them to his home for a supper , became their friend and adviser ,—their Christian guardian , so to speak . Under his surveillance the aggravating depredations have ceased and these boys, who had been definitely headed toward crime and the reform atory , are now headed the other way and they swear by this kindly preacher who has shown such a love for boys and such a desire to help them toward better things . Now as to the Church and education ; President Ruthven said in a recent address that an education that puts little stress upon Christian culture and character development is unbalanced and ineffective . We can well thank God , therefore , for the Christian college which is both Christian in its aims and ideals and thorough in its educational methods . Such an institution is our own Albion College . We can boast of but one Methodist college in our State

but we can also boast that that institution holds high rating among all the

educational institutions of Methodism . We congratulate the President and the faculty that high standards have been built up and are being maintained ,

in of depressing . eren the face conditions Here the emphasized effort is

toward increased knowledge and the fuller life . The ringing testimony of

trustworthy Christian students is that the atmosphere of the campus is defi

nitely Christian and that proper emphasis is placed upon the building of a by better world the balanced enrichment of mind and spirit and the develop ,

of feeble ment ethical and social ideals among men . No word of mine can

subtract from nor add to the importance of Albion College to the life of our

Church . Splendid young people within her halls are studying for nearly every

profession and vocation . A fine group of thirty or more capable young men

is preparing for the ministry and other types of Christian service . As a Church

we hare a grave responsibility toward Albion College . Indeed it ought to have precedence over many other interests . Albion has a right to expect the un

swerving loyalty and active support of every preacher and Church in our

Conference . It is evident that many of us are grossly misinformed or at least

uninformed on the type of work done there . At any rate Albion College Sunday , should be observed at which time the claims and the advantages of the College , should be presented together with the need of Christian education the cultur , ing of both head and heart the harmonizing of the widest possible knowledge , with the deepest spiritual insight the development of an exacting ethical sense , and an abiding concern for the best welfare of all and the cultivating of a

well rounded and balanced personality capable of understanding and meeting

the pressing needs of mankind the world around . A boost for Albion is a

boost for a better future .

Because hardly more than half the churches of the Conference have re

ported on the Clark Home campaign and but a little more than half the amount , desired has been pledged we deem it necessary to continue the campaign until

every church shall have made some effort to raise its quota and all our people The little shall have had an opportunity to share in this worthy enterprise .

church at Barryton was the first to report its full quota raised with Hastings , directly following . Several other churches have followed suit notably Muske

gon Central and Trinity , Grand Rapids with burdensome debts not withstand by ing . The increased endowment will make possible larger service this splen 184 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 did Conference institution which is so effectively ministering to the needs of our Methodist old people . Never were there so many seeking admission as now . . Clark Home is a worthy Christian institution and deserving of our most loyal support . Much could be said of the fine Christian service performed by the other Methodist institutions of the State but time and space will not permit . There are two items of ministerial social security that need special notice in this message . The first relates to the Minimum Salary Fund, a plan for real brotherhood sharing , giving us the privilege of not only preaching social justice but practicing it as well , and as Dr. Way says , “ It is a fund that should not be made to suffer because of neglect on the part of any brother member of the Conference ." 1 The second item has to do with the Conference Claimants fund . We have a leverage with our people now such as we have not had heretofore , because of the efforts of the Government toward Social Security from which ministers derive no benefit. For them the forty - seven billion dollar reserve is not only incomprehensible but impregnable against their most wistful hopes. The re ports coming in show increased interest in the retired ministers pension fund and prophesy larger giving than last year . We hope and pray that the figures released at the close of the Conference may prove this to be so . An apparent need is the coordinating of the various organizations of the Church in Kingdom building and Church loyalty . No organization is an or , ganization in and of itself. Each is for all and all for God working together

in building the Kingdom of God into the hearts of men and the heart of society . , , It is a great cooperative evangelistic enterprise in which all of our organ , izations are engaged . An experiment has been inaugurated at Central Church , Traverse City that augurs well for the future of the women's organizations , of our Church . A Women's Council has been organized composed of all the women of the chi in which or through which the Ladies Aid Circles and

the Missionary Societies function — six groups in all . Mrs. Clapp stated that

" an important result is a better understanding and an increase in membership

and gifts . " Wacousta has worked out a similar plan on a smaller scale . There

is a precise like - need in all of our churches . Every organization should bear

some responsibility toward every other organization of the Church . If the , , , , Ladies Aid Societies the Brotherhoods the Missionary Societies et cetera , should concentrate somewhat upon the interests of the Sunday School a new day would dawn for us in that department of our church work .

The Million Unit Fellowship campaign received slight attention in our

Conference due to the conflict with the Clark Home campaign : consequently

the reports that the District Superintendents were asked to send in to head

quarters in February as to the number of units subscribed were very meager .

Last year our Conference was high in all Methodism in World Service giving Fellowship gains and we cannot afford to slip this year . The Million Unit , by was , with reverent enthusiasm projected the last General Conference and

a waits our putting it into operation . The spirit of narrow nationalism has

swept over the earth and many have lost the missionary passion . But the world

is still our parish . We cannot become provincial and stay Christian . To be a follower of Jesus means to be interested in God's world . His way leads to go go every corner of the earth . We cannot with Ilim unless we all the way .

He was interested not only in the common man but in the last man . For Him

there was no Samaritan boundary line . To Him God was Father of all . The universal Fatherhood alone can eventuate in a universal brotherhood for which

we earnestly pray . The reports on World Service giving appear to be heart

ening as we close this brief vear . One of our circuits reports three times as

much raised these nine months as was raised all of last year .

The Michigan Christian Advocate challenges to its earnest support . Our homes need the influence and the information of this splendid Christian

periodical . The need is more religious reading and devotional exercises in our homes . 1937 ) REPORT OF DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS 185

Many perplexing and pressing social problems confront us but time will not permit a discussion . They demand alertness of mind, warmth of heart , and prodigious activity on our part in their solution , which may not be speedy but must be sure , as we continue building a better than what is world . Some times we become disheartened and think of days that were as the days of fewer problems , more spirituality , and deeper consecration . Some have fallen into the mental attitude that may be called defeatism and cry " What's the use ? " thinking only of yesterday as the day of promise . Quoting— "The work at present seems difficult and discouraging . The people are absorbed in money making, distracted by amusements , imbued with liberalism and unbelief , overwrought with the world and indifferent toward God . " That statement sounds like the statement of a discouraged contemporary preacher , but instead , it is a quotation taken from a presiding Elder's report read to this Conference more than thirty years ago . Yesterday was not all sunshine and roses , neither has faith died out in the earth to -day . It is still by regnant , thank God . There are perils in the path of its on - going but the

help of the Eternal these can and will be overcome and conquered . It is not

difficult for us to become mere ranting and caustic critics of the present day , , Church and society and get nowhere . It is for us however to build a con

structive program and proclaim a buoyant and expectant faith looking stead .

fastly toward a better to - morrow . , Nearly forty years ago Dr. John Graham in his Presiding Elder's report , , to this Conference said “ I will not be discouraged and will have no part with , the minority of disconsolates who criticise the Church announcing its short

comings and proclaiming the decadence of Methodism . " And neither will we . , , Let us believe my brethren that we are truly moving on and up toward the more abundant life . " is The best yet to be . , ; The last of life for which the first was made

Our times are in his hand , , Who saith ' A whole I planned ; ; Youth shows but half trust God see all , nor

be afraid . ' "

( B ) Standing Committees and Boards


Your Committee on Retired Ministers again calls the attention of the ( ' to of a adequate We onference the need more support for our retired men . , need not take your time to review the origin of this cause or to mention specific , cases of need . Rather we would remind you that this great need constitutes a

challenge to which the church can no longer remain indifferent .

Today society is more interested in the care of the aged than it has ever , , been before . Through unemployment insurance workmen's compensation and , old age assistance an aroused social consciousness is expressing itself . We

believe that this is one expression of the Christian social order for which we

work and pray . But we who are supposed to be leading the way in a Christian

expression of brotherhood are in danger of being outdone . It is easy for us , to talk about loving our neighbor as ourselves but when it comes to loving , our retired brothers as ourselves it seems to be more difficult . The way in

which we care for the retired ministers of our Conference will constitute a

practical test of our Christian brotherhood .

Our Church has evaded its responsibility to these veterans much too long 186 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 already . We have sought release from duty by reminding ourselves that “ The Lord will provide ,” that the psalmest had lived to a ripe old age, yet had not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread . We can no longer escape by thus misusing the great spiritual assertions of God's word . God expects us to do our best to supply our own human needs and supplies the means whereby we are able to do so . The great majority of these men who have borne the heat and burden of the day have now reached that stage in life where they must be cared for. This is not an alms ; it is their due. We suggest the following ways in which we believe that this may be accomplished : First , by a continued enforcement of the prorating rule of our Conference ; second , by making our people conscious of the need of the retired ministers by an occasional sermon and by presenting the matter to our official boards regularly and often ; third , by giving the cause a definite place in the program of our churches ; and finally , by being as much interested in this cause now as we will want others to be when we are numbered among the retired members of the Conference , Respectfully submitted , Harold F. Weston , Henry Hulme, J. H. Rayle , L. S. Reed , Smith Burnham , T. 0. Lee .


The General Conference Report on Social and Economic Questions printed in the Methodist Discipline ( 1936 ) paragraph 1463 on pages 653ffs, constitutes an official pronouncement of the Methodist Episcopal Church which commands our enthusiastic approval . This report of the Conference Committee on Social Service is deliberately a declaration of certain fundamental Christian princi . ples rather than an advocacy of specific political economic or social patterns . “ Human personality is the primary value , " therefore only those lifeway patterns which exalt the primacy of human personality justifies the support of the Church . The Church as an institution may not fabricate these life -way patterns . Rather it is the business of the Church to appraise life -way pat terns by Christian principles ; to project in an unredeemed society a culture of Christian social motives ; and to release spiritual impulsion which realizes in human society life -ways which are in accordance with Christian princples . We declare ourselves for the idea of democracy which we interpret as the greatest possible opportunity for the free spirit of man to determine political patterns . We commit ourselves to the conviction that the disintegrating forces which frustrate and defeat the free spirit of man in the achievement of the democratic ideal can be curbed by adequate controls arrived at without a recourse to direct revolutionary action . We commend to the attention of our Churches the observance of the Sesquicentennial of the Formation of the Constitution , commencing September 17, 1937 . In these days of challenge and change, we reaffirm our faith in the Way of Jesus. We pray His prayer for the establishment of the Heavenly Kingdom on earth . We firmly believe that the only lasting solution of our problems lies in finding and following the wise will of Jesus. We must not conclude that mere civil legality or legal justice as now constituted are Christian in many phases. Many laws are definitely immoral . We believe that we must rethink the whole concept of property . Cer tainly the traditional concept is unChristian . We affirm that property rights should be recognized only where the holder uses the property in accord with consideration for the needs of society as a whole . Perhaps we should explore the current question as to whether a worker has a property right in his job which should be protected under the same conditions of use or disuse that are now accorded property rights in factories or commodities .

We ought to inquire into the new technique of the " sit down ” strike . It , is not the business of the church to side with capital or labor but to explore of . the Will Jesus We believe in the conference table as a means of settle 1937 ] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND AGENTS 187 ment as opposed to the use of the night club and the bayonet . Any technique which mores away from violence and force is a step forward . We endorse the Methodist Federation for Social Service as a recognized organization to keep alive in the church the social conscience . We suggest tbat the nominating committee constitute the Conference Federation Execu tive Committee as the Social Service Committee for the Conference . We emphasize the imperative need to keep the pulpit free of any restrain ing influence . The first step in the establishment of a Fascist state is to silence speech , especially critical speech . If we are to be kept free in America it is imperative that the pulpit be kept free to criticise and suggest positive implementations of the Christian spirit. The People called Methodists require no apology for patriotism , and our love of country and loyalty cannot be impugned. But we declare that the agencies of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall not be used for the prepara tion of war , but for the preparation of peace . War as an arbiter to settle the controversies of nations is a self -defeating institution , a violation of human personality and an imminent threat to civilization itself. Therefore , we de . clare that the Methodist Episcopal Church as an institution does not endorse the recourse to war to settle controversies among nations . The historic position of our Church in respect to Prohibition is clearly set forth in the Methodist Discipline and the General Rules of our Church . The complete and uncompromising conviction : of total abstinence from alcoholic bererages continues to be the position of The Methodist Episcopal Church . Long ago, Methodism declared that intoxicating liquor cannot be leaglized without sin . The repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment was not the repeal of the Liquor Problem . Present controls are ineffective and inadequate . We endorse the W. C. T. U. and the Anti -Saloon League , and our own board of Temperance , Prohibition , and Public Morals and urge the mobilization of Methodism to combat this ancient evil . Realization of Christian principles is difficult under present day social conditions . Jesus' ideal of life applied to the structure of a continuing society would be a redeemed society . The objective of the Church cannot be less than the ideal of Jesus. The Church's fundamental social task is to make possible in an abiding society the Kingdom of God , according to the revelation of Jesus Christ . COMMITTEE : C. W. Mackenzie , W. A. Blanding , J. G. Biery , R. R. King , John Broxholm , W. J. Hoshall.


We discover in our survey of the year's record and in our conversation with the men of the Conference that there is an urgent need of bringing into our already splendid efforts a challenging emphasis to the evangelistic appeal , which includes the consecration of the whole man and the whole of life . Therefore , with this as our purpose , we as the Committee on Evangelism would heartily endorse and recommend the program of the General Conference Commission on Evangelism as outlined by Dr. Ralph M. Pierce before this session of our Annual Conference , which program includes the observance of the two hundredth year of Methodist history . We urge the use of the program incorporated in The Church Year in Evangelism and Christian Experience as outlined by the Commission on Evangelism . We would encourage the pastor of every church to unite with his local Committee on Membership and Evangelism to plan for the observance of Aldersgate year . We are particularly interested in the practical projects which the Commission is bringing to us in this four -fold program , which are : First , the urging of every member of every church to participate in the public worship of God every Sunday . 188 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Second , the establishing of family religion in every church home . We would suggest the use of " The Upper Room , " " Victorious Living " by E. Stanley Jones, " Sky Lines" by Leete, and other books suggested by our Methodist Book Concern . Third , the integration of Junior Groups into worship services . The follow ing processes of such integration we are suggesting : The formation of Junior Choirs , the reestablishment of the Family Pew , the employment of some form of unified service, and the asking of the Sunday School board to encourage the attendance of children at the worship services , Fourth , the promotion of the reading of religious books and literature. In this promotion we may have the cooperation of The Methodist Book Concern . May we hope and pray and strive to inject these projects into our services , believing always that there may be a spiritual renewal to the total life of the church . To this end , we also suggest and recommend that during the season imme diately following this session of the Annual Conference , the Committee on Evangelism , with the District Superintendents , arrange for Conference -wide spiritual retreats , and advise the employment wherever practicable of local and group preaching missions for individual and social evangelism . Respectfully submitted and recommended by the Committee on Evangelism of the Michigan Annual Conference . Signed , J. H. Bancroft , G. A. Mooers , Ray V. Birdsall , J. A. Brown , F. M. Clough . WORLD SERVICE COUNCIL

Rejoicing over the reports which come to us.of great loyalty to and of progress in the Million Unit Fellowship Movement and believing thoroughly in its basic principles -the consecration of men first and then of money to the great cause of World Evangelism —and believing also that consecrated giving confirms and strengthens consecration of life , we declare anew our allegiance to and faith in the World Service program of the Church and we recommend that 7,000 units be accepted as the quota of the Michigan Annual Conference for the coming year . We pledge our faithful effort toward the realization of this objective . While we approve as a general plan the methods suggested by our leaders in this great movement and the general principle of raising this amount by individual gifts and personal consecrations , yet we believe that the methods

used should be sufficiently elastic to permit pastors to fit these methods to , local conditions always with the understanding that efforts made shall be in

proportion to the tremendous importance of the movement .

We believe that a vigorous promotion of this movement is vital to the

life of the Church . , , , Samuel W. Large J. Marian DeVinney James Bowker , , Frederick Spence T. 0. Huckle Lester A. Kilpatrick . REPORT OF THE AREA SECRETARY

For four and one - half years I have acted as Area Secretary for the Michi , gan part of the Detroit Area in connection with my work as Secretary of the

Methodist Foundation of Michigan . Giving one's time to two tasks does not ; , make for the highest efficiency however as an emergency arrangement dur , ing the days of depression it has worked quite satisfactorily . It has been a time of limitation because of financial restrictions . The large territory in the

Detroit Area makes the work of the resident Bishop very exacting as well as

very taxing . During these years I have tried in every way possible to relieve

Bishop Blake of some of his heavy load .

I have given some of my time to help solve the embarrassing church debt ; situations also what help I could give in the World Service program . Most 1937 ] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 189 of the Sundays as well as many evenings during the week were given to the various churches . I have had some part in working out the figures for the Minimum Salary Plan . I have been treasurer of the Michigan Conference Fund and part of the time assistant treasurer for the Detroit Conference Minimum Fund . The money from both Conferences has come to the Area Offices. I have been treasurer of the Religious Education work which is under the direction of Dr. Poole . The World Service money has also come to the Area Office . The care of these funds has been possible only because of the efficient service of Miss Miller and the other office help . It has been a pleasure to work with Bishop Blake , who has been a sincere and true Christian gentleman . His courteous and kindly attitude has en deared him to the hearts of all of the office force . The helpful and kindly co -operation of the District Superintendents , the ministers of both Conferences , and laymen has left a memory which will always be gratefully cherished by this Area Secretary . Something over four months ago I was awakened in the night by the ring ing of the telephone. Bishop Blake's voice informed me that Bronson Hospital was without a Superintendent and, if possible, I was to go to Kalamazoo and assume the responsibility of acting Superintendent until such time as perma nent arrangements could be made . It has indeed been an interesting experi ence but not without some satisfactory results , even though the acting super intendent was an amateur in hospital management . The trustees of the in stitution seem to fear that they might get a worse one and have asked me to continue as Superintendent . During these months I have returned for a day or two each week to do the most necessary things for the Area and the Foundation . I have drawn my salary from the hospital , and the expense of travel to and from Detroit has been paid by the Area and the Foundation . In the absence of Bishop Blake , I think our wisest action today would be to appoint an executive committee and give to them power to work with the Bishop and the cabinets of the two Conferences in making arrangements for a permanent Area Secretary . I believe we should adopt the budget of last year, subject to any revision which may be necessary . With gratitude to our Heavenly Father for health , for His continued good ness , and for the fine fellowship and friendship of my brothers in the church , I submit this brief report . Signed , Alfred F. Way .


Your magnificent Lake Louise Christian Community property in that part of God's Out-of - Doors known as “ the play-ground of northern Michigan ," is carefully administered by the following Board of Trustees : Michigan Conference Detroit Conference

Stanley , Dr. B. Niles President Dr. S. J. Harrison , Secretary Ray Rev. Merrill Dr. H. Addis Leeson , U. P. Dr. Victor Thrall , E. E. Horner Carl T. Holmes Treasurer H. A. Ludwig Herbert Twining William Pearson Dennis Strong

The term of Mr. William Pearson expires this year and his successor should be elected .

All taxes and bills are paid in full . Seven hundred and fifty dollars has been appropriated for improvements 190 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 on camp buildings and equipment this year . One thousand dollars has been set a part in a reserve fund . The next five hundred dollars that is realized from sale of leases is desig nated for road improvement on Pioneer Platte . The Lake Louise Christian Community cordially invites all Michigan Methodists to camp at Lake Louise . A tourist park is set apart adjacent to the principal bathing beach for house trailers and tenting . Vacationing in northern Michigan can be realized very inexpensively by those of moderate means who so desire . One family of six reports a delightful month at Lake Louise last summer at an entire cost of $52.00 . Your attention is called to the official Lake Louise Christian Community brochure with announcements for this season . The boys and girls of Michigan Methodism will find at Lake Louise the best camp staff and faculty available anywhere . Among the leaders of the camp this year will be the following : Samuel J. Harrison , Professor at Albion College , Camp director ( “ Uncle Sam " to all campers ). Dr. F. S. Goodrich , Albion College , Instructor and Counselor . Dr. Stanley B. Niles , of Sturgis , Instructor and Counselor . Rev. Floyd George Jr. , Big Rapids, Instructor and Counselor .


For Support of Superintendents : Salaries -$ 16,000 Expense Allowance 5,000 Office Expenses and Miscellaneous 500

Total . $ 21,500


The Conference Finance Committee submits the following resolutions : 1. That the Anti -Saloon League be given the opportunity to present its cause in the Churches of the Conference . 2. That the White Gift Christmas Offering shall go to the Methodist Children's Village . 3. That the Sunday before Thanksgiving be observed as White Cross Sunday in the interests of Bronson Hospital and that an offering be taken and forwarded . 4. That the work of Christian Education through the office of Dr. Fred erick Poole receive the Rally Day Offering and that a goal of five cents a member be recommended . 5. That the following amounts be apportioned for the various causes : Area Budget , $ 4,000 ; East Lansing Church Fund , $300 ; Summer School of Theology , $300 : Clark Memorial Home , $ 15,000 : Deaconess Work , $ 1,000 ; Bronson Hospital, $ 15,000 ; (' onference Expense Funds, $2,500 ; Wesley Foun dation and Albion ( 'ollege , $ 8,000. Respectfully submitted , Finance Committee . THE AUDITING COMMITTEE REPORT June 12 , 1937 . The Auditing Committee has examined the reports of the pastors and found them satisfactory . 1937 ] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 191

We have audited the books of the treasurers of the Conference Expense Fund , and the Board of Stewards , and found them correct . The Conference Treasurer's Accounts for the past year , and the report sheets for this year have been examined and found correct . Signed , M. E. Bowen , Auditor . MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE This has been a tough year for religious papers and editors ( I have lost 10 pounds since Jan. 1) . The strikes , the renaissance of rank , ranting , rabid fundamentalism , the straining of our friendly relations with the Catholics , the political overturn in Michigan , the liberalizing of the church's attitude to worldly amusements , the growing resentment against drives for anything , all go to emphasize the words of Dr. Brashares a year ago : " It is a time for the pastors to stand by the Advocate and the Advocate to stand by the pastors ." Of critics, we never have had so many , a veritable bumper crop . I had supposed that age hardened the hide but the truth is that the skin grows thinner after men pass - say - forty . Providentially , the abundant flow of criticism at home has been tempered by what seems to us to be extravagant praise from the men afield . If one native son hints that the Advocate is a " gossipy little sheet " that we could just as well do without , there are plenty of testimonies in defense . We offer only one , coming from Dr. Frank W. Stephenson , Executive Secretary of the Board of Education of the Methodist Protestant Church : “ I continue to read the Advocate with great pleasure and equally great profit . It provides a spiritual stimulant and inspiration beyond any other periodical coming to my office or home .” A lot of criticism is 100 % unfair and surcharged with bitter prejudice . The surprising thing in this changing day is the number of old people who hare been mentally able to make the shift. Our criticisms have not come from our old friends but from the prejudiced minds of middle age . A few of our pastors who have really tried to find out the reactions of their laymen , rather than report their own likes and dislikes , seem to agree that the rock on which the Advocate crashes is the non -reading layman . One pastor of a small church in an industrial city writes : " My people here do not read anything regularly , not even Sunday School story papers ." Another insists that his people read only the comic strips . My observation is that there are a lot of men who are fairly good readers -on one side and on that side only . A prominent Detroit Methodist stopped his Advocate because it has " gone red ," but sends the Advocate oodles of clippings from his trade paper and two - gun Norris ' propaganda , which he evi dently reads avidly and swallows whole . Rev. W. C. Donald writes this on the back of his questionnaire : " We spend a lot of time asking , 'What is the matter with the Advocate ?' The Advocate is all right. The trouble lies with the people . In this age of sexy-literature , tabloid -newspapers , movie -minded people , etc. , is a very difficult task to get our people to read religious literature . They crave the light stuff that requires no thought on the part of the reader . When our people cultivate a deep love for fine , wholesome , sane religious literature , then our Advocate problem will be solved . We have to begin with the people , not the Advocate ." The Suggested Plan Following the order of the Advocate Trustees the special Committee to study the Advocate situation has done the work and assisted the editors to perfect a plan for submission to the Conferences , after having passed the scrutiny and sanctifying influence of the Advocate Board . 192 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

The Committee consisted of Glenn M. Frye, chairman , with George W. Olmstead and Alfred F. Way on the Committee . When Dr. Way was sent to Bronson , Dr. Gordon Phillips was put in his place. Glenn Frye prepared and sent out 50 questionnaires to 50 pastors repre senting all possible angles and levels . Out of Brother Frye's survey and suggestions plus the experience and convictions of the editors , the following has evolved . There are some funda mental provisions back of it .

1. A new emphasis on the evangelistic purpose of the Advocate , trying the power of silent evangelism on the groups so largely missed , the young people in high school and college , the young married people , the isolated people in rural sections , and the prospect - families on the pastor's record . No less emphasis on the need of the official member but a new push for a wider reading by new groups . If we have an Advocate hobby , it is in the effort to make the Advocate interesting and helpful to our youth . We would like to see the Advocate follow our boys and girls to college and to their new homes however far from Michigan .

Our dream for youth extends also to the high schoolers of our church and Bible Schools . I would have the church send the Advocate , directed to every high schooler in his own name, in the families on the fringe of our church and to the youth in the families who are not connected with any church , hoping that this method of silent evangelism might produce a hundredfold . Youth is too largely outside the reach of the average preacher . Why not send the Advocate on the trail of our lost youth ?

2. A study of the deficits of practically all the other Advocates brings us nearer to the long -dreaded but inevitable day of asking for an appointinent upon every charge for the assured support for the Advocate . We have paddled our own canoe until the Conferences have come to take it for granted . But the launching of new plans for the Advocate is certain to entail some financial loss. We must not go backward .

Why should the one son, on whom all the other children lean so heavily , be the only one to root for his living ? We should not have hesitated this long . The solicitation method that brought the emergency fund will not work again , despite the remarkable results of this year . Every right that any institution has to appeal to the Conferences , we have --and then some . Following the order of the Board , we started a quiet search for $ 5,000 to pay up our debts and if possible tide us over this coming year . To the everlasting credit of the layman , lovers of the old Advocate , they responded nobly . One layman offered to pay the last $500 . The Kresge Founda tion agreed to take " the next to the last ” $500. One man and one woman gave $500 each . Twenty -two others have raised the total to $1,865 , so that we are within $ 135 of the goal and hope to have that before this Conference closes . But this was an emergency move and cannot be done again .

3. We need to impress the younger men , especially the new -comers to our Conferences , that through nearly 64 years the Advocate has stood as the defender and assistant to the pastor . In sheer self defense the pastor wants his own church reading the Advo cate . That goes for all of us . We note with a good deal of dismay that one -half of the delegates and alternates elected to the annual Conferences in June are non -subscribers to their own Advocate . Most of them will not be at the session of Conference , but some of them 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 193 will, with their goodwill mixed with misinformation and prejudice against the church and her leaders .

4. An increasing number of pastors have succeeded in making their churches Advocate -conscious , so that they share the responsibility with the pastor . This should be stressed this year that the Boards may take pride in an informed officiary , a reading church , and a move for the silent evangelism of the Advocate among the younger group . We commend to you the two promising plans that the churches are trying out , the Harper plan and the Newsboy plan .

5. The influence of the Advocate is to be measured qualitatively as well as quantitatively , by the few careful and thoughtful readers as well as the large number of skimmers who give it a once -over and follow their fancies as to what they read. That is the reason for some of the heavier articles that the many may skip but that the few will read and inwardly digest , for the health of the whole church . Incidentally , that is our excuse for the long editorials ; some cases can not be “made " in a couple of inches of cold type .

6. Last but not least , I am sure that the new model of the Advocate can , be made its talking point . Credit for this goes largely to the Associate Editor but with my hearty approval and wise and unwise counsel . , Several years ago Dr. James M. Joy stated to the meeting of editors at , Washington this brief sentence : “ It is the guts in the paper that get it read

gazelle - not its like appearance . " pa , My point here is that the per must be made better as well as brighter

else it will be a flop . Everybody will welcome the new paper as a forward step . , We hope the pastors will capitalize on this new model this streamlined , up Advocate and quietly pick as many “ one dollar for six months ” subscrip

tions as they can find on their pastoral rounds . The figures for the new subscriptions from the five districts register the low water mark for any one year of my seventeen . Almost invariably the ,

replies , included this phrase : “ Our hearts are with you but the other powers

the ones ordained of God - have told us to sidetrack everything for the Clark , Home Campaign . " And on the sidetrack we have stayed silenced but not

convinced .

The Advocate in every home would have been a veritable godsend for Clark

Home and the men who realized it sent us in the following new subscribers

( not counting the copies delivered on Newsboy's plan ) :

Albion - Lansing District 98 Big Rapids District 47 Grand Rapids District 89 Grand Traverse District 43 Kalamazoo District 119

Total 396

We read this paragraph with tears in our voice . It is from the Associate

Editor's report to the Board on June 2 :

" When I made my report last December I called attention to the fact that

we stood to lose anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 subscribers as the result of the , , change of policy which reduced the extension beyond date of expiration from

fifteen months to six months . My estimate turned out to be a pretty close guess , for when the new policy was put into effect exactly 1,576 subscriptions 194 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937 were stopped , a terrible cut which was only partly offset by new subscriptions . This huge slash together with the fact that many of our most loyal friends failed to adjust themselves to the new policy , or else used it as an excuse to ship out from under the wing of their watchful pastor , has reduced the list from 14,600 to slightly above 12,000 where it now stands."


To the Members of the Michigan Annual Conference : Again the Methodist Children's Home Society makes report of its steward ship to little children in the name of Him who gathered the little ones to Him self . The Society is the Church interpreting the spirit and ministry of Jesus in the terms of modern life and need . Its program is so commanding , its ministry so manifest , and its leadership so farseeing , that it has been able to command the sympathetic attention and support of persons and societies not only within our own communion but of those others who recognize and value the high standards of our social services to children . In spite of the generosity of the church and other interested groups , the Society is still inadequate in resources for the many demands made upon it . These disturbed days are hard on little children and family life , and the Soci ety is attempting , within its means to meet the tragic situation forced upon the unfortunate children of this Commonwealth . This is a time for an ex panded program and increased resources , that the three great primacies of life Health , Home , and Happiness —may be made more secure . The problems of child -life are far -reaching . They are social as well as individual, and the Methodist Children's Home Society attempts the rehabilitation of family and child by bringing about as perfectly as possible social adjustments .


The Director's annual statement reports that during the past year three

hundred and six boys and girls have been given protective care and support on

the part of our Society . , ; Total number of interviews given 1,452 Total number of visits of inves , tigation and supervision 5,894 . , ; Medical Report : Number of physical examinations 556 number of treat ; , ; , ments 210 number of immunizations 266 number of diagnoses made 227 . , , ; ; Dental Report : Number of examinations 163 number of prophylaxis 82 , ; , ; , ; number of extractions 58 number of fillings 282 number of treatments 64 , local anesthesia 56 .

Co operation- , Indicative of the standard of service the Society gives it is interesting to

note the public and private agencies referring children to the Society for care ; , ; , during the year these include : Circuit Court Wayne County Juvenile Court ; ; ; Wayne County Salvation Army Hospital Girls ' Protective League Illinois , ; , ; Home and Aid Society Chicago Department of Public Welfare Detroit

Methodist Orphan Home , St. Louis , Missouri ; Michigan Children's Institute ; , ; Consultation Bureau Council of Social Agencies Wayne County Clinic for ; ; , ; Child Study Merrill - Palmer School Service Bureau Royal Oak Children's , ; , ; , Aid Society Detroit Superintendent of Schools Detroit Juvenile Court ; ; ; Kalamazoo Children's Fund of Michigan Children's Hospital of Michigan , ; , Woman's Hospital Detroit and the following churches : St. Paul's Highland , Park , Whitfield Central Church , Holmes Memorial , Ford Memorial , Cass Com , ; , , munity St. Clair Marine City First Church Jackson . 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 195

Finance The White Gift Christmas Offering from the Michigan Conference up to and including June 10, 1937 : Albion -Lansing . $1,412.20 Big Rapids 790.17 Grand Rapids 1,233.93 Grand Traverse 410.27 Kalamazoo 739.40

$ 4,585.97

The Society wishes to acknowledge its deep appreciation to the District , , Spperintendents Pastors Sunday School Superintendents and members of the

Churches and Sunday Schools in this Conference for their support of our work . by The Society delights in a definite plan formulated the Women of the

Conference in making the League of Children's Friends a new channel of

support and of interpretation of the spirit and ministry of the Society . Mrs. , , , H. C. Daley of Metropolitan Church Detroit the able president of this newly , organized League of Children's Friends covets the friendship and cooperation . of of the women this Conference

The summer camp to be conducted at Cheboygan this summer provides , a well organized- and efficient program for the wards of the Society and for , , , such other children referred by the churches as are in need of the health

, by Efforts play and character building- opportunities afforded camp life .

are now under way for the establishment of a permanent summer camp at

Douglas Lake in Cheboygan County . , The Kresge Foundation expresses again confidence in and generosity , , towards the Methodist Children's Home Society in a gift of fifty - thousand

dollars towards the new school building for the Children's Village . Plans for

this enterprise are now under way . , The Society extends its gratitude to Bishop and Mrs. Blake The Kresge , , , Foundation The Detroit Community Fund Mrs. Phillip H. Gray of Detroit , and to the Churches of this Conference and other friends of the Society ,

, Again throughout Michigan for their loyalty and support . the Methodist

Children's Home Society pledges its total effort and consecration to the cause , of little children in the Spirit of the living Christ and in the name of the

Methodist Episcopal Church .

Respectfully submitted ,

Robert M. Toms , President , - Sidney D. Era First Vice President , Charles E. Allinger Second Vice - President , Thomas E. Shaffer Secretary , Fred P. Todd Treasurer

Methodist Children's Home Society :


This short Conference year has been a period or great activity at the M. J. Clark Memorial Home . , This is not only because of the Endowment Campaign but conditions gen

erally have been such that it has brought about the transaction of a great

amount of business of every kind .

Early in the year we provided twelve new rooms at an expense of $ 6,429.33 . by A new fire alarm system was installed order of the State at an expense of

$ 1,200,00 . To care for this expense $ 7,500.00 was borrowed from the Old Kent 196 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Bank . This has been reduced to $5,500.00 . These rooms were filled as soon as finished and many people are seeking admission who cannot be cared for because of lack of room . Twenty -seven people have been received during the nine months . Fourteen of these are Life Members and thirteen are boarders . Ten have died and seven boarders have withdrawn . We now have a membership of 86. We have quite a large waiting list with new inquiries coming almost daily . There has been considerable activity in real estate . We now own one piece of outside real estate in Grand Rapids and seven in other cities of Michigan . In all we have sold fifteen pieces of outside real estate since last Conference . This will account for the large increase that we have in land contracts as only three were sold for cash and the rest on 6 % land contracts . We have taken in six homes from members during this period and sold four of them . The statement as presented by our Auditor , Mr. H. V. Owen , shows a good financial gain . Our Life Membership Reserve Fund has increased from $68.136.00 to $ 81,444.00 . Our Endowment Fund has increased from $69.235.0 ) to $70,358.00 with $5,950.00 increase in Annuities and the expenses of the Campaign paid . Our total Assets are $ 476,291.14 .

Some of our investments which were in a precarious condition a short time ago are paying out so that the whole of the principal will be sared .

Our investments are as follows , as of May 31st , 1937 :


Cash on hand and in banks ...... $ 4,242.89 Notes and Accounts Receivable . 3,394.13 Stocks and Bonds ( Cost ) 74,293.02 Sept., 1930 Increase Land Contracts 37,161.89 18,007.05 19,154.81 Mortgages 7,849.28 Aug. , 1930 Outside Real Estate 19,340.52 35,490.52 16,150.00

We are still employing Brown Bros. , Harriman Co. to advise us in all our

investments in Stocks and Bonds .

The Churches of the Conference have continued their loyal support in

contributions of provisions and cash in amounts that compare favorably with of those other years .

The Endowment Campaign has given the Home a great deal of favorable

publicity and we are sure that it holds a larger place in the minds of our people than ever before .

We have had the finest cooperation from a rery capable and loyal Board

of Trustees and also from the larger Advisory Board for which we are rerr

grateful . Especially do we desire to acknowledge our obligation to our Presi , dent , Dr. Hugh Kennedy our Secretary , Attorney Harold W. Bryant and our , , Treasurer Mr. L. W. Goddard and to Mrs. L. E. Buss President of the Ladies

Auxilliary who have given the Home much valuable advice and many hours of splendid service . , As Superintendent I desire personally to express my appreciation for the , fine cooperation of Dr. C. S. Wheeler my predecessor .

We are grateful to God for His continued blessing and look to the future with great confidence .

Respectfully submitted , , W. F. Kendrick Superintendent . 1937 ] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 197

REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE M. J. CLARK MEMORIAL HOME CAMPAIGN The Michigan Conference did a courageous thing two years ago when it roted in its United Session to put on a Campaign to raise $ 100,000.00 net for the Endowment of the M. J. Clark Memorial Home . Conditions were not favorable . The slime of the depression slough of despond was still on the garments of the Church . A number of Churches felt tbat because of debt conditions , and others because of a " combination of vir cumstances ," the Campaign would not be timely for them . The backwash of former Campaigns was not good , and the unfavorable experiences that some had had still persisted . More serious still was the lack of vision . The paralysis of faith , resulting from the moral slump, made it difficult for many to see the possibility of put . ting on a money -raising campaign . So when the Michigan Conference , in the face of these things , voted to put on this Campaign it was evidence of a deep conviction that the thing that needs to be done can be done , that the people called Methodists will re spond to the appeal of need , and that the spirit of God still leads in the affairs of His Church . Since the depression , when an emergency situation forced the Home upon the attention of the Church , there has been a new appraisal of this Home for aged people and a growing conviction that this is one of the most Christ -like ministries that the Church is carrying on . Testimonials from our Bishop and other Church leaders that this Home stands in the front rank of our forty-five Methodist Old People's Homes , and the many favorable observations on its good management and efficient ad ministration , have made the deposit that the M. J. Clark Memorial Home is one of the very best of our philanthropic institutions . The increasing number of our worthy and dependent old people seeking admission to the Home makes it compelling to provide a larger income with which to meet this expanding charity load that is being placed upon the Home.

Out of the urge of this imperative need , the campaign , the first appeal of its , kind ever made for the Home was launched .

As we entered into the active Campaign some interesting things developed . up 1. The Campaign should be credited with speeding a number of debt

raising and improvement projects . , Far be it from me to venture into the zone of motives but we cannot get

away from the suspicion that some invisible influence reasoned in susceptible up , mental processes that it would be well to hurry and get these things taken , , care of before the Campaign for the Home comes on so that presto many--

of our Churches are in better shape than they were before the ( ampaign' was voted . by 2. The Stewardship theory is quite generally and consistently held our

people but its experience and practice is far from a reality with our folks .

The proposition that there is enough money in the Michigan Conference

belonging to the Lord to not only float this Campaign but to adeqnately float

erery enterprise of the Church has not been challenged . Where stewardship is

experienced and practiced the financial program of the Church is a means of

Grace . This Campaign confirms the conviction that we have been lax in recent years on stressing the stewardship of life and the stewardship of

possessions .

3. We know but little about the technique of the every member canvass .

This has been prominent in the language of the Church for some time but we

fear in many instances as words without deeds . , Where the every member canvass is worked intelligently and efficiently , and without apology for asking for money the financial program of the

Church is invariably a success . 198 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

You will pardon the remark , for it may seem gratuitous to some , but I cannot refrain from the observation that the institutes for our younger preachers could be rendering a real service if a clinic in money raising could be maintained ; our preachers would increase their efficiency greatly by train ing themselves for leadership in this department of parish activity. 4. The Churches that have gone over the top with few exceptions have been the ones that have followed the program as outlined for the Campaign . The more information the people have had the better has been their attitude . But when we have come up to the canvass without the preliminary publicity having been given , the canvass has been more difficult and not so successful . It was stated at the beginning , and has been repeated many times , that this was not to be a high pressure Campaign put on by outside expensive workers , but was to be carried on by ourselves in a normal way . It has been the policy to so conduct the Campaign that our people will feel good about it after it is over and continue the maintenance of the Home in a happy and enthusiastic manner . There have been very few places of irritation and in variably these have been of their own creation . There has been very little out and out opposition . The attitude of our people toward the Home and toward this Campaign is good and a willingness to cooperate is apparent . There are just enough exceptions to this to prove the rule . A general feeling of satisfaction is found in that we have the Home . Gratification is evidenced that the Church in this laboratory of service has been pioneering in the principles of the social gospel and that we are doing a piece of work in the name of the Christ and worthy of His Church . The leadership of the District Superintendents has been exceptionally fine . Dr. Kendrick and Dr. Kennedy have given lavishly of their time and energy , in fact a great deal of credit for the success of the Campaign is due them . Some conditions not anticipated when the Campaign was planned have interrupted and in several instances made it necessary to postpone the can vass to a later date . Putting the Annual Conference date in June has made it necessary to put over a twelve months program in a period of nine months . The flood sufferers ' appeal came at a time set for the canvass . This emer gency appeal properly took precedence, but it interrupted the canvass and as a result we are but part way through the task . Thirty -five Charges have gone over the top with their full quota raised . The first gift to the Campaign of $250.00 by Mrs. Roemer of White Cloud put that Charge in the lead . L. E. Price of Barryton was the first to put on the canvass and report that his quota of $ 225.00 was over subscribed by $ 11.00. On the Montague and Whitehall Charge the officials at one point met and voted that it would be out of the question for them to do anything ; the Pastor , Brother Klaiber, led his people in a successful canvass and turned in $847.00 or a $ 236 surplus over his quota .

A signal victory was won when Muskegon Central, in the face of its debt , go situation was one of the first to over the top with a surplus of $ 165.00 over , the quota of $ 1,591.00 and it was an outstanding achievement when Trinity , Grand Rapids with one of the most serious debt situations in the whole Con , , ference and while working at its debt problem put on the canvass to raise

its quota . The cause was presented without apology in a dignified manner as

a reasonable claim and with the expectation that it would be met . The canvass by was made and faithfully followed . The quota was over subscribed the

members and when an annuity gift is added to these pledges Trinity will have , to its credit $ 2,510.00 on a quota of $ 1,428.00 . And last comes Maple Street , Battle Creek which with estate pledges , annuity gift and regular pledges

turns in cash and pledges $ 2,189.00 on a quota of $ 797.00 .

There has been turned in to the office in cash and bona fide pledges to date

a total of $ 51,660.40 . This $ 51,660.40 is composed of the following items : Reg . 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 199

nlar pledges, $ 38,910.40 ; estate pledges, $ 5,700.00; annuity gifts , $ 7,050.00 ; a total of $ 51,660.40. ( ash paid in on the above , $ 16,298.00. An analysis of the charges of the ( ' onference reveals the following : 35 charges are over the top. ( Apportionment , $18,345 ; pledged , $ 25,191.81 ) ; 97 charges have done pretty well and have possibilities of something more being raised in them ; 32 charges have made a partial canvass : 81 charges have not made the canvass and have reported nothing to the office . This is not an unreasonable or impossible task to which we have addressed ourselves . Those charges that have gone over the top hare demonstrated that it ( an be done even in the most difficult situation . The money is available . The whole program of the Church will be helped by making this campaign a 100 per cent success . So in the power of the vision splendid of what our work will mean to the hundreds of Methodist Old People down through the years we should complete the task we have so splendidly begun . Respectfully submitted , Clark S. Wheeler , Executive Secretary .

SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT OF BRONSON HOSPITAL To the Michigan Annual Conference , June 1937 January 9th , at the request of Bishop Blake , I became the Acting Super intendent of Bronson Methodist Hospital. May 19th I was elected Superin tendent , subject to the appo ; al of the Conference Cabinet . I have found many things for which we are all indebted to the former superintendents . It has been my task to carry on to completion improvements that had been talked of and some even begun and also to make some addi tional improvements . The following is a brief summary of improvements : The spiral fire escape was erected but not paid for. The cost was $ 1,953.00 . The operating table , which had been used by the surgeons for some months , has now been purchased . The cost was $ 1,003.00. The Cystoscopic or Urological Table had been ordered . The cost was $ 1,615.00 . This has been paid . The enclosed elevator was also ordered but not installed . This has been completed at a cost of $ 2,465.00 . It is a decided improvement over the old elerator and also meets the requirements of the State Fire Inspector . The installation of partitions with French doors on first and second floors has brought much favorable comment . They are preventatives of noise in the rooms and segregate patients on second floor from the obstetrical section . The cost was $ 207.00. The only sterilizer the hospital had gave way a few days after my ar rival . Perhaps it was my high blood pressure that may have caused the explosion . This , however , has been rebuilt at a cost of $ 305.00). Cupboards and work -tables have been installed in the utility rooms with other improvements , costing $ 193.57. The redecorating of the rooms on the obstetrical floor has greatly im proved the appearance and service . Cost , $ 249.00 . Lockers , chairs and other improvements in the doctors ' room have cre ated good -will among the doctors , who of course furnish us largely with patients . The new X -ray equipment , which had been the dream of Dr. Crane , of the firm of Crane and Jackson , a Roentgenologist of national repute , has been installed , and with its shock - proof feature and urological department we now have an equipment , in the words of Dr. Crane , which is second to none in this part of Michigan . The cost of equipment was $5,117.00 . 200 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

The wage scale has been very greatly increased . We are supposedly a Christian hospital and can not be indifferent to our social responsibility , but here again the readiness in efficient service and happy loyalty justifies the expense . The rising cost of food and other supplies adds to our problem of balancing the budget. The eight -hour day rule , now in hospitals , of course has entirely changed the work in the hospital and increases the cost of operating . We purchased cotton materials and other supplies for some months in advance , which has reduced our cash balance but has already saved us many dollars. Some changes have been made in our personnel , which means both ecenomy and efficiency . I am happy to report that there is a fine spirit of co -operation among our working force . Brief Summary for the Year There were 3,423 patients in the hospital during the year , 23,871.5 patient days . Average number of patients per day , 78.5 ; cost per patient day , $5,117 ; gross sales , $ 133,500.83 ; free service , $6,693.64 (uncollectable accounts $ 25,000 not included in the free service ) ; deaths for the year were only 5 per cent , including accidents ;473 X -rays taken ; 907 pathological cases ; 432 surgical cases ; 377 pediatrics ( includes out -patients ) ; 445 obstetrical cases, ( total births 421 ) . There are 50 nurses in the School of Nursing . There are 23 nurses in the graduating class . Twenty -five students will probably be received this fall . Our Future There is an ever increasing demand for hospital service . The journal of the American Medical Association states that during 1936 one out of every fifteen persons was a hospital patient . The number of patients receiving hos pital care during the year totaled more than eight and one half million , which represented an increase of nearly one million more over the preceding year . It was reported that the available beds increased 21,582 and nearly 7.000 more babies were born in hospitals during 1936 as compared with 1935 . There is no question about the need of increased capacity for hospital service . Someone possibly may say , why should the Church run a hospital when the State , County or Community might do it more efficiently . I would call in question the matter of efficiency. There were three distinct phases in our Lords' teaching - preaching , teaching , and healing . The last was a part of His great commission as was the first . When He looked upon the afflicted folk He was always moved with compassion and would stop the crowds to tenderly touch and heal . He is not now here in physical form to cool the fevered brows or stay ravages of disease , but the Church is His body . The members of His church are His hands . Surely we dare not do less of this tender min . istry in the hours of suffering ; we should do more . We do need a new unit to our hospital . We are continually finding it a problem to know where to put our patients . We are also often reminded of how much better the Borgess Catholic Hospital is equipped. Praise and not criticism is due these fine friends, but I am wondering whether we should continue to limp lamely to our great task or do the thing which is worthy of our good Master and Leader , Who will say , if we are worthy, “ Inasmuch as ye have done it into one of the least of these my brethren , ye have done it unto me." ALDRICH DEACONESS HOME In preparation for this report each worker in Michigan Conference com piled answers to various questions which tended to bring out a concise survey of the work done, the field in which she serves , the people reached and how , as well as the financial aspect of the situation . From those answers the following report is presented . 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 201

Forest Glen Community House at Battle Creek under the direction of Miss Mary E. Shoemaker ministers to American people who are employed as factory workers , laborers and under the WPA , most of whom are not connected with any recognized denomination . One of the largest groups is one in which boys and girls are taught nature study and handcraft , under the direction of a WPA worker . There are four workers assisting in activ ities, under auspices of the Public School , WPA , and Boy Scouts . Grand Rapids Community House has undergone a decided change of program this year as they have recognized the need of the colored people . With Miss Helen Spessard as leader , it has provided a place for the choirs of a neighboring negro church to practice , for other adult groups to gather for recreation , and has furnished reading opportunities for the children . The Vursery School in the afternoons under the direction of Miss Lela Powers has ministered to children from 2 to 4 years of age in a very satisfactory way . Vandercook Lake , Jackson , is served by Miss Katherine Stroven as parish deaconess . Americans living here are employed and there is little welfare work . In the weekly prayer service a fine group of adults participated in the study of Stanley Jones ' book , " Christ and Human Suffering ." The Vacation Bible Schools are held annually in the school building in cooperation with the other churches of the community . At Kalamazoo Community House a new policy and program have been carried out this year with the one worker , Miss Letta Adams, and a full -time housekeeper . The young people's work has been conducted under the direc tion of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. The adult activities of citizenship and home econoimes have been carried out by a WPA worker . Municipal development has changed the environment considerably and new highways have brought about the establishment of roadhouses , making the work more difficult . At Recreation Park , Kalamazoo , Miss Mildred Hewes who came into Michigan Conference last fall is giving full -time service to Wilson Memorial church . She has succeeded in building up all departments of church activities through story hour , Junior and Epworth League , prayer meeting , and by her group programs . The spirit of sharing , or the missionary spirit , has been developed in all

groups through the Home Guards and the Queen Esthers organizations . In all , , , these centers and in all thier groups the activities are four - fold : devotional , , educational recreational and social the greatest force in the spiritual devel .

opment in each place being the Sunday School work . , The Esther Hall has been well - filled this year with a happy congenial , , , , group of girls working studying or seeking employment and learning while

living together to live more harmoniously and happily in a Christian atmos , , phere . Mrs. Leah Belle Lyman superintendent urges all pastors to help

her get in touch with girls who need such a home . , A. R. . . of Mrs. Parker Pres Bd Managers . BOARD OF TRUSTEES . of I. Change Treasurer

At the Conference Session in Battle Creek last fall Mr. J. Arthur Wit .

worth who had served 15 years as Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer of the , Conference Claimants Endowment Fund handed a communication to the

Trustees with the request that he not be reelected Treasurer of the Fund

and in this communication very graciously and generously said “ Let me continue , not later that New Year's day , while you select and qualify my , successor . During the interval I shall be happy to explain to him all the

processes of record and management which we have used and to facilitate

gradual removal of your affairs from my office to his control as best suits

his convenience and desire . ”

Immediately after Conference the Trustees held a special meeting to

consider this communication . A communication to Mr. Whitworth was drafted 202 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937 expressing appreciation of his services and the services of Miss Emma Castor to the Fund and promising to grant his request of relief from further service as Treasurer . A committee from the Board was elected to secure a successor and arrange for new headquarters . At a subsequent meeting of the Trustees the committee reported and Rev. Hugh Kennedy was elected Treasurer and Gordon B. Wheeler , Assistant Treasurer and bookkeeper . Arrangements were made with the Clark Home to share the offices of the Clark Home Campaign and accordingly the headquarters were moved from Mr. Whitworth's office in the Michigan Trust Building to 1546 Sherman Street , S.E. , Grand Rapids. II . Corporate Name . The Corporate name is " The Trustees of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church ." It is important that we have the corporate name of this body clearly and prominently in our thinking ! We should be emphasizing to our people the desirability of remembering this fund in their wills . Frequently bequests are made and other than the corporate name is used . This causes confusion and sometimes requires some effort to convince the court the intent of the donor . The following form of bequest should be used “ To the Trustees of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church , for the Conference ( 'laimants Endowment Fund ." III . The Fund . 1. Changes in investments . 1935-30 1930-37 Cash .$ 12,868.00 $ 15,319.84 Bonds 319,586.89 334,351.77 Stocks 79,035.34 89,028.26 Real Estate 22,158.95 24,948.09 Mortgages 50,227,08 49,305.62 Land Contract 12,271.17 3,502.87 Notes Receivable 5,240.00 3, 109.41 Chattel Mortgages 2,105.00 2,165.00 Mills Farm --Tools and Stock . 2,103.20 2,463.20 Advance -- 1921-26 Campaign 7,599.35 6,210.55 Annuitant Fund 111,125.00 108,825.00

2. Principal Changes . $ 15,235.12 Less invested in bonds than one year ago . 9,992.92 More invested in stocks . 8,708.30 Less in land contracts , 1,388.80 Less in 1924-26 Campain Expense Fund . 2,300.00 Less in the Annuitant Fund . 107,750.00 of bonds have been sold and reinvested . 11,881.30 of common stock has be'n sold and reinvested . These changes have been made with a view of course of improving the Fund , particularly in bonds in shifting into shorter term securities . 3. Three distressed land contract and mortgage situations in the Con ference Claimants Fund and one in the Local Preachers Fund have been cleaned up . 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 203

4. The question is frequently a ked , “How much has the Fund suffered what are the losses during and since the depre sion ?" If you will check on the totals of the Fund as given year by year by the Treasurer you will dis ( urer that these have run as follows : 1930 .. . $575,520.9 "; 1931 . 586,787.48 1932 . 593 , 172.50 1933 . 592,839.38 1934 . 584,170.33 1935 . 550,921.22 1936 . 553,999.05 1937 .. 547,169.41 5 . The above figures approximate the gains and losses of the Fund but they are only an approximate showing . There have been some additions by bequests . We still have some defaulted bonds in the portfolio . We are carrying the investments of bonds and stocks on our books at the (cost price . This year the Treasurer will in addition to these cost figures give the market price at the time the report was prepared . The present market value of our bonds is $36,055.00 less than the cost price and the present market value of our stocks is $11,481.00 more than the (-ost price . ( a ) If we were to liquidate our bonds and stocks today there would be a loss of $ 24,574.00 . What future developments will be cannot be determined by your guess or mine. 6. Time and Expense of Supervision . The supervision service of Brown Brothers , Harriman (' ompany , while expensive i imaluable . The T. å mer and Trustees give a great deal of time to the administra tion of the property and investments of the Fund . This is time belonging to and paid for by other organizations of the Church . More time and atten tion should be given to it . A Fund of over half a million dollars not only

has considerable proportions but requires time and technical ability for its wise and safe administration ,

IV . Campaign Pledges .

We have $ 225,000.00 in unpaid pledges of the 1924-1926 Campaign . These

j vigorous » ledges are ten years old and should receive attention for their

collection . , V. Administration Problems

The 1932 General ( onference' legislated that the ( ' onference Trustees

may hold District property . It also provides that a declaration of trust shall

be given when the property is turned over to the Trustees . It seems quite

merely a holding apparent to the Trustees that the Conference Trustees are

body and that the declaration of trust accompanying the property should hy clearly set forth the conditions on which the property is held and whose . is to be authority the property held in trust alienated

The Conference in 1929 session at Kalamazoo voted that the adminis

tration of abandoned church property shall remain in the hands of the Dis trict Superintendent within the bounds of whose district the property is

located and the Conference delegates full power to the Conference Board of

Trustees for the disposition of unused churches subject to the Disciplinary )

( Page provisions . Minutes 1929 229.

place of It will be apparent that this action does not the title abandoned

church property with the Conference Board of Trustees . The Trustees must

hold the title to the abandoned property in order to be able to give a title . ( ' of to of in the disposition the property according this action the onference 204 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Your Trustees would suggest that in order to make this action of the Conference operative the District Superintendents secure the transfer of titles of abandoned property within the bounds of their respective districts to the Conference Board of Trustees , Respectfully submitted , Clark S. Wheeler , President , June 9th , 1937 . Conference Board of Trustees .

REPORT OF THE METHODIST FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN , 1936-1937 The need for such an organization as the Methodist Foundation of Mich igan is clearly recognized . The fields for fruitful service are many . They are all important - Acceptance of Trust Funds , Liquidation of Estates , Property Management , Aid in the writing of Wills , Counsel in Investment , Annuity Agreements , Executor of Wills , Claims for Probate , Presenting Claims of Beneficiaries . The Foundation is at work in all these fields and will continue to render service in an incr ing way . The original purpose of the Foundation , includes the above and in addi . tion an effort to seek funds for all her fourteen Beneficiaries , in the hope each one may expand its activities, making for more effective and fruitful service in each distinctive field . The field of Legacies and Wills is an almost unlimited one . Likewise , the field of Annuity Agreements , though more lim ited , is a large one . Here is a place for attractive interest rates to the aged or the widow who want earnings on their capital while they live and desire the Church to have the benefit of what they possess, or a portion of it, after decease . We have continued our work in these fields during the year . We hare also continued to care for the assets of the Methodist Educational Advance - Life Endowment , Estate and Scholarship Pledges , Trust Funds and Annuity Agreements , Claims for Probate and Property Management . Assets of one estate have been liquidated . Although the transfer was made some time ago , it has not been reported to this body. We therefore report a gift of Florida ocean frontage and one lot in West Palm Beach from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Wilmarth of Grand Rapids, Michigan , to the Methodist Foundation of Michigan . Deeds trans ferring the property to the Foundation are completed and on record . The ocean frontage consists of 1,423 feet , and has an investment of $40,000 . These two parcels were given with all taxes paid and without incumbrance . They are both valuable and will be held awaiting an advantageous time for sale . The gift is made without conditions and it is the hope of the donors that the Foundation may reap generously for their work in which these good friends of the Foundation are greatly interested . Mr. Wilmarth is a Vice President of the Foundation of Michigan . We herewith present our Statistical Statement covering the fiscal year from February 1, 1936 to January 31 , 1937 . METHODIST FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN Assets Cash in Bank 137.57 Bonds 16,110.00 Land Contracts 748.91 Standard Savings and Loan . 400.00 Florida Property a /c 287.33 $ 17,683.81 Liabilities Notes Payable $ 1,803.00 Specific Collection a /c's 3,016.58 Estate Principal : Perm . End . Fund and Funds reserved for Annuity Funds 12,964.23 $ 17,683.81 1937 ) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES , BOARDS AND AGENTS 205

METHODIST EDUCATIONAL ADVANCE Assets Cash in Bank .... .$ 1,298.24 Impounded Funds 931.99 Notes Receivable 4.523.23 Standard Savings and Loan . 000.00 Bonds 5,927.00 Stocks 103.00 Real Estate 27,139.55 Mortgages 16,738.17 Mortgages ( Recoverable ) 81.50 Pledges Receivable - All Forms.. 276,543.50 Annuity Payments recoverable from Benetici aries 12,361.08 $340,247.88

Liabilities Annuity Bonds Outstanding .$ 51,276.00 Restricted Funds 3,213.00 Estate Principal 291,758.28 $ 340,247.88

TRUST FUNDS - In addition to the capital Funds of the Foundation we are holding the following Trusts : Wesley Foundation of Albion ... 19,223.39 Wesley Foundation of Mt. Pleasant 7,631.04 Adams Trust Account 1,000.00 Ralston Trust Account 1,225.59 Insurance Trust Account 1,686,36 Children's Home Account 112.50 ( 'urrie Trust Account 318.96 Goss Trust Account 1,691.13 Coomer Trust Account 500.98 Johnston Clapp Trust Account 166.03 Orvis Trust Account 6,182.68 Jas. Slunt Trust Account 2,849.95 Annuity Trust Account 3,450.00 $ 46,018.67

STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES Annuity Payments $ 392.50 Salaries 1.803.72 Travel Expense 58.20 Office Rent 180.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 107.77 $ 2,602.19 METHODIST FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN A. F. Way , Secretary 206 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937


Pre ident , Archie E. McCrea , Muskegon , presiding . Reports from various districts of the Michigan ( 'onference indicated some decisive gains in membership and deep spiritual interest in this work of the men of the Methodist church . Grand Rapids district is well organized . Other districts are in process of organization . The nominating committee , Messrs . L. W. Shear , J. Jay Cox and R. E. Adrianson reported as follows : President , Archie E. McCrea , Muskegon Vice -president , E. C. Warriner , Mt. Pleasant Secretary - Treasurer , Wm . H. Shumaker , Three Rivers

District Vice -Presidents

Albion -Lansing . C. R. Sylvester , Battle Creek Big Rapids , C. ( '. Barnes , Mt. Pleasant Grand Rapids , Ernest V. Hartman , Holland Grand Traverse , T. 0. Huckle , ( 'adillac

Advisory Board

L. D. Dickinson , Charlotte Leon Scott , Battle Creek Jacob Kindleberger , Kalamazoo The report of the nominating committee was unanimously accepted and the candidates for the various offices declared elected . Following an inspiring address by Dr. Russell Throckmorton of the De partment of Education of the Methodist church , the conference adjourned . Wm . H. Shumaker , Secretary


Thomas ( arter

Ralph M. Dean $2,600.00 and Rent of House

F. S. Goodrich

Royal G. Hall W. F. Kendrick 2,000.00 and House

A. W. Nagler 2,100.00 and House William H. Phelps 3,500.00

John L. Seaton

Clark S. Wheeler 2,000.00

W. W. Whitehouse 19:37] 207

( These reports cover a 9 month year )


Hastings , Mich .

Assistants : J. M. Del'inney , E. M. Mumby , Thomas Pollard , Robert Bennett and Thomas Jackson . Schedule A-- Statistician's Report Schedule C —Circuit Report



Assistants :

Eaden P. Davis , Ivan E. Hodgson , Harold Jacobs, Lerant R. Wheaton , C. T. Wheaton , Myron (' lement, Fern Wheeler , Margaret Nash , Olive Knapp , Charles Dobbertin , Howard Fuller , S. J. Headley and Emeral E. Price .

Schedule B— Treasurer's Report Schedule D_Recapitulation

NOTE : The reports of the Statistician and Treasurer have been alternated by Districts upon suggestion of the special committee on Reduction of Minutes 208 STATISTICIAN -ALBION -LANSING DISTRICT BLUCHER B. SWEM , Statistician


Sup. of SupportSupport of Prep . Supportof Pastor District of Conference Bap Mem Supt. Bishops Claimants tisms bership NAMES OF NAMES OF CHARGES OR PASTORS . Rent CHURCHES Rent Exp Exp

in of Year now , in Support Re for , .House , Baptized .House , .

Deficiency . House House Baptized Value Dur Admin Admin . Paid Paid Claim Mem

Cl Mem Paid

Number , Roll

. Total . . Rent Prep cluding cluding Prep

List Rent

Total Tot Paid Adults Total Total Claim Total Ministerial Rental Children ceived on , , 1 11 . S B .. Albion Owens 2775) 27751 375 244 2441 60 60 412 412 3491 11 24 2 2 . 16 10 Athens C. H. Green 750 675 75 54 40 41 22 747 114 19 by 3 L. Amboy & Austin E. Carter Administered Ohio Conference 4 2 2 950 950 200 39 39 18 10 63 27 1026 44 BattleCreekCommunity- W. J. Atkinson. 5 12 10 L. H. First Nixon . 2250 2250 450 228 228 57 57 516 516 3051 32 50 8 6 ) ) 36 19 36 H. R. E. 1575 1575 225 108 108 1893 Maple . Quant Bagi 174 174 7 8 15 95 10 1325 1300 200 96 90 25 100 / 10 Upton Avenue AmosBogart. 1500 46 8 15 15 6 6 J. . 17 WashingtonHts . W. Atkinson 300 300 17 338 19 6 . V. J. BattleCreekCircuit Hufton . 855 855 105 55 55 19 61 61 990 Shop 5 2 . 10 10

10 J. F. 2 Bellevue Bowerman. 1137 1137 200 67 67 78 78 1292 11 ) 8 5 5 .. Bronson RichardMiles . 1449 1449 200 63 63 31 31 99 99 1642 30 2 20 20 1 12 Camden & Frontier. Harold Dixon 900 900 100 48 48 52 52 1020 10 9 25 6 .. 13 CenterEaton C. T. Wheaton 562 535 75 29 18 48 587 62 38 15 . 15 | 8 14 Charlotte GeorgeMooers. 2400 2400 400 132 132 38 1651165 2735 15 8 45 15 Coldwater W. W. Slee. 1650 1950 380 135 135 45 225 225 2355 75 5 10 9 16 Concord Ralph Witmer 450 455 30 30 8 16 500 , 22 5 1 8 2 17 DeltaCircuit W. J. Dunn Jr. 900 900 100 22 14 22 935 23 123 ) 12 18 A. 4050 4050 34 Lansing- Peoples. N. East . McCune 4050 38 7 3 38

19 Wayne . 1875 1875 375 144 144 2251225 2282 EatonRapids. Fleenon 9 11 4 3 . 20 Eckford .. H. G. Ozanne 214 151 12 12 175 66 voet 1 15 7 5 21 Faith Haven 500 179 18 3 192 344 John Biery . 1 2 2 22 GrandLedge. S. W. Large 1388 1388 188 93 93 30 30 137 137 1648 10 9 . 2 11 18 4 3 23 Gresham C. T. Wheaton 187 187 13 13 211 3 24 3 3

24 & . Yinger 25 Hanover Horton Mrs. Geo .. 532 560 100 590 69 12 J. 25 Hillsdale. H. Bancroft. 1800 1800 300 108 108 37 37 168 168 2113 14 3 26 Holt... Emil Runkel. 1650 1650 300 66 66 32 32 100 100 1848 12 28 & 51 . 5 27 Homer Clarendon JosephGrimes. 861 861 200 27 17 55 893 91 12 1 3 3 E. 24 28 Jackson - BeatriceIsbell .. K. Lewis 1200 1200 225 72 72 14 102 60 1346 52 15

29 2 Calvary. 450 108 108 33 33 2085 F. .35 E. George 1800 1800 144 144 2 . / ) 19 30 First Spence 6155 5040 7201356 2561114 101 898 600 5997 1526 18 75 Frederick ...

31 Cooper St. North St. 20 J. . 27 10 30 & VandercookLake . R. Scott 625 625 105 27 13 682 13 9 . 6 6 1 32 Greenwood ClaudeSatterlee. 157511575 450 72 72 27 27 112 112 1786 36 36 8 18 6 .. . 33 Haven Byron A. Hahn 1703 1703 240 101 101 148 148 1988 , 4 1 70 8 2 T. 200 50 50 18 10 1330 34 Jonesville H. Wright 1200 1200 70 . )

35 A. 61 LansingCentral- M. Jayne 5300 5300 800 354 354 84 84 751 751 6489 79 161 P. . 14 30 36 First .. W. M. Jerrett 1950 1950 300 135 135 49 49 253 253 2387 42 15

37 MichiganAve. Ray Prescott 2200 2200 400 120 120 45 45 204 204 2369 18 12 75 ) 24 11 38 T. G. R. Brownlow. 1950 1950 450 93 93 35 35 213 213 2291 Mt. Hope. 2 39 1575/1575 225 60 60 34 34 1 13 PotterPark & Bethel Ray V. Birdsall. 108 108 1777 21 5 3 18

40 .. 300 88 SeymourAve Henry . 1900 1450 62 45 25 64 1577 498

Knauff pas 86 . 3 8 9 41 Leslie Ray Lawerence 1275 1305 300 74 74 24 24 86 1489 35 45 30 16 37 42 Litchfield HowardFuller 863.863 112 11 52 939 8 7 6 96 1 1 43 Marengo. KearneyKirby 300 242 72 20 21 251 2 5

30 8 Marshall F. M. Thurston 1860 1860 360 116 116 301 155 155 2161 1 2 2

. 34 45 Mason J. E. Bowker 1575 1575 225 108 108 34 157 157 1874 12 , 25 2 6 31 12 46 Montgomery E J. Vane. 536 532 39 572 40 5 25 47 Mulliken C. L. Schleuter. 916 833 100 45 45 20 20 53 923 111 , 48 Newton Sonoma & 54 East Leroy HowardCarey 1210 1210 125 50 50 27 27 54 1341 4 15 1 J. 49 North Adams. C. Towne 700 700 100 45 45 15 32 32 792 45 10 10 20 45 ) 50 Okemos. Myron Hoyt 1200 1200 300 20 1275 1 1 39 51 20 45 13 785 Osseo & Lickley'sCor's . C.'J . Kendall 784 741 100 30 103 5 37 51 5 ) 37 52 Parina. Joseph Tuma 1275 1275 150 23 20 1337 se , 53 Partello Lee & , 5 18 5 4 18 8 7 Charlesworth Paul Schaenzlin .. 322 322 12 350 10 26 26 8 Potterville ) 72 72 70 70 1443 54 Ira Carley. 1275 1275 150 6 5 6 31

L. G. . 115 24 69 69 1375 . 47 24 55 Quincy & Allen Beacock 1235 1235 47

56 Reading EadonDavis 937 937 150 56 50 19 18 46 25 1030 28 4 15 9 6 57 SomersetCenter Jaggers 375 375 15) 9 12 12 411 Abram . sus 30 45 21 2 3 28 4 58 Theron 1100 1050 200 42 21 1141 55 7 Springport & Pipe . Jenne 3 1 20 59 Sunfield N. B. Lawrason 923 923 112 51 51 20 54 54 1048

60 en51 12 H. E. Wylie 15 15 75 64 190 . 880 150 60 Union City & Girard 1050 1010 10 15 14 3 61 Vermontville J. M. Clough 900 9001 150 53 42 996 | Total . 830498090812459458443241511135471036365 62951 3542402213 394604 Last Year 10188398490149846043550719931682 87207426113105 5529489191 412855

Increase 22 ) ) 18 ) Decrease.. 1883417502 252514591183 482 328 16171061 20154 1987 87 251 Total thisyear 83049809081245945844324| 1511135471036365 92951 3542 - year | 4147 Compared to % last 7641273868112384532413014951262 65405570 84829 • 16 * , | ) ) 56317951 Increase .. Darressa 6637 7040 1221 52 194 92 8122 605 209 THOMAS POLLARD , Assistant Statistician


Full Membership .

. Buildgs . . . . on .. . Pl

De Prop by

Trans . . Ren . inc Faith . M. Year etc. Pr on Cur Sup

, Ind Sch . . to . Society now & Value Buildings P. . by . Schools . or Fund Members Build on Church Impr

in School Int Fund People and and Indebted

. Old Con Dur . . Other

, Aid and and Tran Number Exp.not Contrib from Bonds

fromOth on Day on Mem for for Cong Chur Debt , of and Advocates Hour . . . Land . . . Young

. List Teachers . Buildings ing Roo No. Rec Inactive Deaths Officers Number Paid Theological Reo Reo Full Removed Enrolled Estimated End Paid Indebtedness Paid Church Land Cur Ministerial Subscribers No. Val inc the Amt Ladies Rall of Present Senior | 24 1 1 34 6 996 244 37 14 515 254 117 7500010000 75 150 1744 633 3730 1250 1 3 1 5 3 125 43 204 84 7500 2000 28 18 100 345 145 266 3 2 say 144 46 2 2 1 37 310 230 1 15000 2750 325 10000 400 434 1 1569 126 26 12 52 805 322 25 1 14000010000 200 920 952 1495192275915 140 956 25 1 1 6 490 18 8 5 1 59 425 357 30000 4000 195 8000 1303 53 1073 1 75 2 123 18 5 154 25 16 26 185 20000 7000 56 100 1300 435 230 1 11 17 82 88 70 7000 25 90 160 3 30 3 2 9 206 7000 300 3 4

231 12 31 253 180 15 2 25000 3000 450 456 10 18 2 24 15 10.10 232 30 10 183 125 20 10000 25002500 400 300 250 375 325 2 10 51411 3 3 5 40 2 142 51 10 36 290 162 12 29000 3000 174 145 4100 264 567 2 .. 12 30 2 6 105 16 10 132 75 10000 1000 25 2 13 1 540 40 10 10 25 325 225 50000 5000 350 300 10001400 1 40 35 1i 15 550 395 201 75000 5000 475 1364 572 12 5

80 35 14 119 50 56 1 5500 1500 237 249 19 12 3 25 127 35 140 180 35 18000 1500 200 30 240 285 12 300 3 17 How 1 1629 290 218 900 950 51 344000 5000 120324605368 16000 ... 4200 18 1 25 1 524 137 35 40 400 136 53000 8000 4200 425 1194 30 1 20 10 519 6 . 2 2 48 20 1 288 50 7000 25 2 128 2 20

17 215 100 1 21 20 28 4 372 36 35 174 45000 4000 150 519 41 452 1 10 22 10 9 3 59 87 60 21 1 3500 1000 23 14 95 2 25 69 80 112 2 24 7 38 540 91 360 240 26 35000 4000 320 200 920.... 540 25 10 40 32 1 255 10 7 2 1 260 230 10000 3500 3000 300 21 215 26 6 20 10 34 728 32 29 257 150 2 25000 7000 300 350 16 27 9 18 210 304 255 120 25000 7000 3300 100 125 225 15. 334 1 67 28 1 1 600 9875 35 625 275 130 2 13000010000 300 4000 710001800 62 1038 29

40 11 1825 210 31 13 47 891 205 65 1421719 140001243714292755 14860018000 1145 125 30 3 1 3 3 110 55 27 280 150 11000 3500 50 175 2 325 31 8 28 1 9 1 80 11

118 1 3 274 79 21 276 25000 7000 82 131 2003 485 200 13 32 4 11 36 1 6 12 1 10 11 6 503101 635 364 40 40000 5000 125 146 1000 2700 1475 1129 8 33 2 2 155 364 32 170 145 2 13000 4000 20 220 441 34 1 61 36 107 2080 38 14 46 1060 688 198 25000015000 568 2700 1486811890 3017 35 37 20 28 668 68 53 52 567 430 98 50000 7000 800 385 1 20 25.36 38 1 75 18 2 25 1 12 13 21 45 29 10 656 55 400 396 262 10000010000 325 1100 6600 1475 1128 10 37 55 11 35 9

475 1 75 75 24 6 845 103 3 2 1 65 620 75000100003500 630 710 2200 14000 900 1300 38 , 2 2 221 34 16 4 2 58 546 244 51 21000 6000 120 141 788 7170 1160 124 39 1 28 1 25 170 1062 187 85 16000 5000 400 615 7 325 1 1840 8 6 1 3 45 3 3 10 244 39 268 123 14500 3000 792 304 22 1430 3 241 4 2 3 2 172 36 25 190 113 20000 2000 53 52 70 261 19 339 3 5 42 75 75 2 5 2 20 54 12 6500 1000 40 125 40 43 45 35 329 50 35000 3500 2500 50 75 16001500 25 750 1 7 35 10 370 50 95 426 1192 30000 5000 250 50 875 738 339 45 22

1 75 30 3 3 90 263 210 12000 400 325 5 200 46 : 1 20 20 15 2 2 132 145 60 10700 1500 75 7 337 47

16 10 189 10 2 3 30 151 170 36 3 15000 1700 120 180 8 345 3 48 5 50 1 20 173 120 90 1 172 70 7500 2350 10 200 180 6 12 49

1 5000 5000 1800 100 150 150 50 24 100 113 195 140 10000 1000 125 222 455 3 51 70 2 20 2 245 33 2 2 23 318 70 12800 2500 800 180 200 700 52 5 1 30 4 9 83 24 130 12000 710 115 5 337 4 53 3 183 33 4 3 3 25 255 172 52 20000 2000 100 200 457 350 29 362 3 5 54 18 20 3 2571 72 2 336 283 218 3 42000 4000 500 200 285 300 10 55 18 2 6 2 125 70 14 1 32 170 112 12000 2000 500 50 204 364 56

10 50 30 5500 200 57 2 128 12 33 240 180 35 6500 3000 1900 75 150 260 25 58 20 3 163 274 23 24 200 105 400 225 59 15 2 10 4 6 2 7 150 55 97 67 35000 6500 5500 125 130 200 125 329 2 60 2 3 185 57 22 31 180 154 2 14000 2400 710 12 197 480 61 ; 322 443750119212422857408178 1691101 1626810345: 2003 106 255521924270040912170798911218231630608014066330923 94 215 162 55

536... 422212413123309214 97 17421851112387176310325299552308004224916208 4085041527265384 2877199 3 99

... 291 871 4 .... 6976411900 14756 2152 - 5 36 79 266 ... 56 2243 2042 51 1337 19027252212 /: : ------210


DISCIPLINARY BEVECOLE CIS As orderedby theGeneralConference OTHER ITEMS World )

Purposes Service Supportor all Ed'n

. Fund NAMES OF CHARGES for Service Bd OR CHURCHES ( Benevolences Missionary Missionary World on Fund Service

for Items Payments Claimants Day Contributions Episcopal Foreign Home Service Superintendents ( Administration Service Disciplinary World Other Cash

Number ) World Bishops Apportioned Society Apportionment Society District Fund Total Woman's Woman's General List Total World toAdditional Total Children's Total Conference 1 Albion 2.2 963 522 161 683 10 367 432 1492 2141 60 412 716 16 2 8 ) 16 2 Athens 117 39 57 40 10 22 72 3 Amboyand Austin : 60 60 4 3 10 106 153 88 91 145 39 27 2 78

Battle CreekCommunity.

5 First . 951 1197 935 150 1083 36 195 260 1570 228 57 516 50 851

6 Maple St. 375 396 284 289 116 65 470 108 30 174 323 90 15 7 Upton Ave. 245 270 135 135 143 7 28 95 200 2 , 8 WashingtonHeights 50 47 45 15 6 17 9 Circuit . 162 198 74 5 126 203 19 61 135 8 10 Bellevu: 139 207 54 62 41 52 155 67 12 78 157 6 Bronson 93 234 187 22 209 8 31 2418 63 31 99 199 20 12 CamdenandFrontier 58 117 53 12 05 1 66 48 52 120 9 18 13 CenterEaton . 48 216 40 43 38 69 1.52 21 52 6 10 38 14 Charlotte. 459 396 188 198 229 159 586 132 165 341 15 Coldwater 400 558 541 47 586 388 363 1337 133 225 405 5 16 Concord 43 54 181 12 30 23 22 78 30 10 2 8 1 17 DeltaCircuit 80 90 20 21 41 41 23 32 18 ing 20 756 229 229 229 East Lan Peoples.

399 540 62 127 220 948 38 22.5 10 417 EatonRapids. 539 539 9 3 20 Eckford 40 36 15 2 17 17 12 24 1 5 6 1 1 1 7 21 Faith Haven. 36 . 13

369 592 93 30 137 0 260 22 Grand Ledge. 252 362 50 412 87 93 9 , 23 Gresham 05 46 4 50 50 13 2 21 3 3 22 55 24 30 24 HanoverandHorton . 50 72 22 77

23 Hillsdale. 674 477 375 21 396 141 136 682 108 37 168 10 323

26 Holt . 260 243 197 197 13 66 270 32 100 198 9 5 27 Homerand Clarendon 14 189 59 11 70 61 140 27 32 2 28 JacksonBeatriceIsbell 163 252 67 20 87 97 79 263 72 60 148 29 Calvary 251 459 300 08 368 223 591 108 33 174 322 1 60 15 10

81 33 30 Cooper St. 50 15 40 88 27 22 31 First 867 1308 464 73 5371 278 329 1144 256 101 600 972

32 Greenwood 138 288 24 170 183 3.13 72 27 112 5 216 5 33 Haven 223 300 232 28 20 117 131 508 101 148 29 )

34 Jonesville 93 171 35 44 50 70 1 131 774 394 84 751 33 Lan in Central 1100 2421 2723 58 2781 27 4578 59 1218

30 First 124 990 895 300 119.5 10 361 309 1875 137 233

37 MichidanAve. 344 567 192 8 200 20 103 181 505 120 45 201 101 379 9 38 404 567 657 56 713 96 106 915 213 3 Mt. Hope. , 39 PotterPark andBethel 272 378 374 374 163 537 60 34 108 5 202

108 18 5 133 40 SeymourAve ... 221 189 102 45 147 235 2 41 Leslie 226 207 86 161 102 20 22 146 74 24 89 189 37 42 Litchfield 75 162 10 47 62 109 30 33 77 9 7 1 1 6 2 43 Marenzo. 27 12 14 Marshall 170 369 301 22 323 104 111 538 116 30 153 301 34 45 Ma on 435 387 200 37 237 211 338 786 108 157 299 2 46 Montgomery 63 72 13 54 31 7 40 5 47 Mulliken 100 135 45 50 22 72 45 20 25 90 54 , 48 6 66 66 50 27 131 & 117 NewtonSonoma East LeRoy . 70 60 6 49 North Adams 82 108 78 84 50 134 45 15 32 100 9 10 50 Okemos 34 162 9 9 45 20 75 1 8 8 99 51 OsseoandLickley'sCorners, 28 41 49 30 13 52 Parma 29 207 20 20 43 63 37 20 62 5 5 2 , 30 3 30 53 Partello Lee & Charlesworth. 35 27 37 40 18 26 . 30 54 Potterville 152 180 30 5 96 64 195 72 70 170

5 69 55 Quincey & Allen 53 162 72 77 77 47 24 142

56 Reading 155 17 40 57 6 34 102 50 18 25 93 9 12 51 2 57 SomersetCenter 36 12 12 15 36

3 21 91 58 81 10 53 46 102 42 28 Springport & Pope. 68 43

7 19 54 59 Sunfield 77 153 52 58 110 51 124 5 7

City & 51 15 64 135 Union Girard 177 189 51 58 65 123

61 Vermontville 69 135 23 23 47 70 42 10 96 .. Total 11753| 19179| 12437 1434 13891 220 59704575 24636 4326 1355 6392 244 12317 211



Educational, En HospitalsandHomes, An, dowments,Bldg ., Endowments, Bldgs., Special Special Gifts Gifts ) and Fund Fund Church Invest of or Benevolences Claimants

& Etc. Conference Fund Disciplinary Conference on En Fund , Expense Entertainment Society Work Home . and Fund School Emergency Church 1 Foundation Conf College Conference Total and Annual Items Home Home Annual Lansing Expense Missionary

( Conference Number Peoples Hospitals Apportionment Theology City Sustentation Other Deaconess Distriet Wesley Enut Methodist Children's Annual ments Extension Fund Conference Miscellaneous Benevolences Other List Albion Homes Clark dowment Benevolences Travel Area Total Grand nual Summer Clark 4 140 109 245 100 25 37 83 22 68 837 3045 2 5 10 8 2 2 4 3 2 14 57 186

60 3 2 2 1 1 3 12 24 22 81 304 ONUN 5 75 40 10 25 150 38 125 63 79 693 3120 5 5 19 25 25 1032 40 30 1193 1986 6 7 10 60 6 85 570 3 4 5 8 3 3 4 . 22 15 74 159 8 9 5 2 9 8 18 23 77 417 15 3 6 56 10 10 368 10 2 3 16 13 13 31 12 12 9 141 588 11 12 4 2 1 3 1 15 47 233 12 2 5 1 150 2 12 179 383 13 75 5 5 10 20 10 150 1077 14 5 10 25 17 191 40 10 25 345 2087 15 9 10 1 1 1 33 158 16 3 5 25 33 106 17 20 40 300 35 395 624 18 5 75 75 15 40 60 68 42 9 5 9 25 428 1793 19 2 3 1 1 1 3 6 6 23 64 20 4 4 18 21 6 4 13 19 42 30 43 65 12 42 307 1165 22 16 3 1

26 100 23

. 14 33 2 53 160 24 10 60 11 33 40 559 33 15 25 25 823 1828 25 2 8 5 9 5 3 4 85 8 40 559 26 9 15 4 3 31 203 27 7 6 2 5 15 5 2 10 11 63 474 28 2 30 3 11 5 12 13 22 29 31 35 14 237 1150 29 2 1 3 2 8 31 2 11 2 179 30 5 10 ID 38 150 80 19 25 35 412 2528 31 S 9 8 5 6 3 20 31 98 667 32 7 2 10 85 30 23 15 15 187 985 33 4 15 2 38 2 12 329 34

134 15 130 133 157 82 16 86 753 6579 35

20 101 10 42 25 200 29 99 15 26 480 2792 36 2 15 3 20 10 10 10 15 13 103 988 37 3 23 10 5 84 701 15 55 267 1526 38 9 20 5 9 20 323 39 13 31 474 1218 39 4 5 51 18 40 103 12 187 575 40 10 4 4 2 5 34 12 10 27 2 121 456 41 4 5 27 35 1 13 1 99 285 42 11 2 1 5 34 43 2 11 2 10 21 29 15 141 980 44 2 15 26 ) 4 21 16 47 162 1247 45 1 6 1 10 26 120 46 COAG 94 12 8 34 158 320 47 4 5 7 22 1 49 246 48 5 61 1 15 2 24 31 7 157 391 49 1 ! 20 33 58 142 50 5 28 1 40 134 51 11 29 6 58 183 52 6 CROCO 291 16 1 1 63 133 53 2 3 2 57 10 12 97 462 54 2 15 6 2 4 10 10 55 43 7 159 378 55 4 10 1 10 20 26 101 4 3 186 381 56 4 1 1 2 5 1 23 73 57 37 17 2 67 260 58 15 3 4 2 12 5 8 25 76 310 59 4 5 10 10 2 37 1 77 335 60 2 6 4 61 29 38 30 2 115 281 76

17 316 601 1066 28 28 1014 1455 651 18 164 1152948502 1186 3369 40 3711028 101 212


Pastor's Cash Pastor's Cash Salary Salary CONGREGATIONS , CONGREGATIONS , CHURCHES OR CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES SOCIETIES of of School World School World Members Members to to Full Service Enrollment Full Claim Paid Claim Paid Service Enrollment Church Paid Paid Number Church Number 7 35 26

.. 67 358 Athens 110 375 Morongo . 166 131 9 9 40 28 Sherwood 79 42 263 206 Rice Creek. 131 111 16 36 15 Indian Mission. 37 75

Montgomery . 39 199 199 27 5 25 BattleCreekCircuit Algansee.. 85 169 174

Union .. 88 300 300 64 California 50 26 168 159 11

BaseLine 85 300 300 6 4 75 98 Briggs 150 150 Mulliken . 104 591 508 26

Dow . 47 28 225 225 24 Bellevue 162 1150 937

Kalamo, 68 200 150 Sonoma 66 82 5751 447 31

Newton 45 63 550 413 10 153 189 LeRoy 40 225 19 Bronson 1125 1125 187 East .. 300 30 SnowPrairie. 13 124 124 20 Osseo 116 31 228 242 10 24 2

Likely's . Camden. 78 40 750 563 Corners 49 56 342 342 25 14 Frontier 132 51 350 262 38 SouthPittsford. 114 57 3 Cambria 80 .. . 20 5 Partollo 20 8 50 30 ConterEaton. 110 64 375 396 LeeCenter 40 146 23 Gresham 78 59 187 187 50 Charlesworth. 50 131 22 .. Brookfield 22 41 112 64 Griffith 30 151 25 12 DeltaMills 75 54 200 200 Potterville 115 92 563 563 35 Delta Center 40 400 400 14 Robbins 80 46 281 281 30 1 29 45 Millett .. 200 200 WestBenton 60 281 281 51 24 8 150 89 5601 560 Wost Eckford 114 Quincy .. 26 Lyon Lake. 48 100 100 7 Allen 81 31 280 280 Fisher 52 65 280 280 182 750 750 54 Homer ..

Clarendon 75 200 200 3 SomersetCenter 112 112

LibertyMills . 112 112 . Cooper 100 30 176 176 Moscow 75 75 3 . 94 North 80 35 176 176 Jerome 94

) 12 Vandercook. 100 45 155 155

Springport. 200 860 750 750

Jonesville 100 85 525 525 13 Pope... 40 30 150 100

MoscowPlains. 70 70 475 475 22 Sunfield . ) 900 . 900 Lansing - PotterPark 410 148 SebewaCorners

Bethel .. 136 73 450 450 SebewaCenter

88 750 704 Leslie 172 151 675 675 Union City . 74 124 51 , 23 Felt Plains. 33 39 150 155 7 Girard 26 150 65 46 7 Eden .. 63 150 175

Vermontvillo. 1361164 619 619 27

638 638 42 . 131 Litchfield. 1401103 Bismark 90 21 131 5 30 Mosherville. 33 112 112 213


Pastor's Cash Pastor'sCash Salary Salary CONGREGATIONS , CONGREGATIONS , CHURCHES OR CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES of SOCIETIES of School World School World Members Members to to Enrollment Full Service Full Enrollment Claim Paid Service Claim Paid Number Paid Paid Church Church Number 30 28 90 Ashley 380 380 26 Morley 300 300 20

87 12 ) 40 25 210 210 Bannister 72 380 359 101 Higbie.

Sowers. 50 33 225 208 101 HallsCorners. 17 150 150 12 10 16 Ashton 40 225 225 Nowago. 750 750 73 70 Lion 38 8 187 187 OakGrove ..

Bethel 45 9 187 187 75 North Star . 281 200 2001 22 5 Beaverton 39 300 300 19 Newark 30 30 200 200 5 , 18 43 .. Edenville 262 216 26 Emerson 40 200 200 53 300 236 36

Hope . 94 . 13

. 30 225 208 Dale 125 2 Paris 40 Shepherd 30 48 150 142 25 150 90 Big RapidsCircuit Midgely. 12 , Third Ave. 237 128 700 552 55) 41 36 401 412 300 Pompeii . 412 Rodney .. 60 238 601

FultonCenter 40 34 225 225

40 28 98 Clare . 1000 750 Perrinton...

Farwell. 200 150 1 . 600 600 33 Herrick. 150 112 Remus 137

Mecosta 1 300 300 Coral 225 225 Millbrook 125 160 Amble 300 300 75 75 118 64 314 10 Deerfield. Riverdale 337 30 6 25 Elm Ha ! l . 112 112 9 . CrystalValley 34 169 169 46 Elwell 112 84 300 300 7 45

25 24 Walkerville. 150 153 42 SummerCenter 28

Bethel 65 52 150 1501 16

Sand Lake . 60 60 300 2261 47 6 30 5 ..

) 75 Evart . 167 900 925 Pierson 68 35 Sears. 48 150 162 Ensley 42 150 150 20

Fremont 1125 1125 Santord 72 228 228

EastDenver 150 150 Averill 31 190 190 ...

10 318 881 8811123 Waparville. 84 23 159 159 Shepherd .. 2 24 54 244 244 . McClure 63 187 187 12 PleasantValley. 18 Bethel .. 51 150 1501 13 4 Sheridan . 52 48 187 139 51 Greenville, 3001500 1350 1350 164 Fenwick 50 263 263 10

50 13 ) 213 16 Montcalm. 50 51 187 187 Vickeryville. 35 225 , 150 122 900 900 65 StantonUnion 74 25 312 295 Le Roy .. Luther 50 32 400 400 McBride 78 391 352 342 39 Entrican 64 48 244 231 ) Marlon ... 787 787 110 2

. 38 38 180 Park Lake Winn .. 180 3 Gulick 75 75 3 Mears 125 52 375 375 80 Coomer 112 112 112 112 35 112 112 Deerfield 12 Elbridge. 22 . Middleton 106 67 375 443 38

Sethton .. 50 37 225 226 28 21+



Sup. of SupportSupport of Prep.. Supportof Pastor District of Conference Bap Mem Supt. Bishops Claimants tisms bership NAMES OF NAMES OF CHARGES PASTORS . Rent of Exp

in Re now , in Year , . House

, Baptized House ... House Baptized Value Dur

. Deficiency Admin Paid Mem Mem Claim Cl

, Paid Number

. . . Roll Prep Prep Tot Rent Rental Adults List Total Claim Total ceived Total Children on Total 81 1 92 Alma .. C. J. Kruse 228112125 400 135 45 331 24151 271 12 10 30 30 18 2 1 | 54 19 Ashley & Bannister WilliamSimpson 1135 1097 150 56 1224 43 17 2 13 1 3 13 1 Ashton... Geo. VanWingerden 640 640 40 22 22 685 Barryton & Chippewa

Lake L. E. Price 737 617 100 33 33 10 29 680 132

5 Beaverton, Edenville 7 ) 2 5 34 8 B. J. 1056 977 100 19 13 10 40 23 1029 114 & Hope Wade 11 6 14

F. E. George 1825 1825 135 33 33 162 271 Big Rapids - First 600 135 162 2155 18 , , 20 16 4 5 7 9 E T.

. 1135 926 60 45 75 61 10-18 242 18 Big Rapids - Circuit Smith 7 8 73 22 15 81 10 Breckinridge F. N. Drake. 1320 1320 270 81 1489 9

J. 83 City E. 1050 1050 150 68 24 24 83 Carson Lockyer. 1225 5 3 2 21

10 & . 63 67 65 Clare Farwell GeorgeStanford. 1162 1162 1501 21 1311 15 5 15 9 8 11 98 12

D. 1012 965 75 52 52 56 Coleman W. Robinson tous 1037 gencluding 15

33 33 1 12 Coral & Amble. S. J. Headley 700 700 100 15 39 38 786 15 9 13 ElwoodPhilo 240 240 9 15 249 30

Crystal .. 14 CrystalValley, Bethel 10 514 517 45 27 27 10 32 32 586 & Walkerville Wirth Tennant 15 10 40

C. E. . 30 Edmore & Blanchard Davis 1050 1050 1501 48 21 45 1130 34 2 78 & . 16 Evart Sears GeorgeWright. 1250 1287 200 70 70 27 27 78 1462 25 10 2 17 Evart Circuit VernonKilgren 525 525 24 10 26 26 586 2 7 300 75 75 30 150 96 2 18 Fremont StanleyThayer. 1575 1575 1753 77

19 Gladwin Grant Jordan 1575 1575 225 68 68 27 27 93 93 1763 12 2

15 15 20 GladwinCircuit . Ivan Hodgson 571 572 75 12 12 26 26 625 20

21 Greenville F. J. Schleuter 1913 1913 400 124 124 37 37 310 225 2299 85 21 14 40 10 6 51 1 . 51 22 Hart Harold R. Kinney 1050 1050 1501 15 15 55 55 1171 14

1030 815 100 45 40 15 11 41 32 E. 898 233 23 Hesperia & Ferry M.Mumby 5 20 10 0 | 12

& 75 24 Holton Twin Lake J. B. McGinnis 525 418 12 20 433 144 12 26 25 HowardCity E. I. Prosser 637 637 112 33 33 12 26 708 , bestuur 4 8 13 26 Ithaca F. G. Dunbar. 1800 1800 300 112 112 34 34 158 158 2104 15 14 S. 6 27 Lakeview W. Hayes 900 830 200 48 47 49 48 959 53 7 7 28 Leaton E. Mavhew 300 300 12 12 19 19 338 5

21 15 54 81 R. C. 135 33 29 LeRoy & Luther Puffer 1122 1122 1143

30 Marion RaymondNorton. 900 900 75 30 30 15 15 31 31 976 19 15 15 , , 9 8 10 7 8 C E 21 23 31 Mears & Eldridge Peterson 583 581 96 21 623 13 1 4 13 A. J. 712 113 38 38 13 32 37 32 & Gibbs 782 870 Middleton Crystal . 75 16 2 8 16 33 Morley H. A. Carr 735 735 38 38 16 26 26 815 hoe ) / C. 34 Mt. Pleasant W. Mackenzie. 2623 2625 375 1731173 56 56 303 303 3157 25 32 38 40 35 Mt. PleasantIndian 3 5 7 3 5 2 8

E. 560 560 360 570 Mission Mayhew. 45 36 Newaygo ThomasJackson. 862 862 112 45 15 15 33 33 955 , 75 37 North Star M. E Taber 675 675 37 37 10 10 40 40 762

38 Paris LesterClough 625 540 100 18 12 9 30 552 130 Schoor 20 39 Pentwater W. I. Elmer 250 250 150 10 260 10

40 Perrington, Pompeii 2 27

& E. Ragan 30 12 Fulton W. 885 885 150 30 12 27 954 J. 75 41 ReedCity A. Rogers 1192 1192 180 60 60 20 18 56 1326 21 12 15 22 2

42 Remus Henry Hulme 1260 1260 200 52 52 8 8 70 70 1390 6 , 5 4 5 14 43 Riverdale M. N. Clement. 825 825 75 51 51 14 57 57 947 1 32338 2 1 . J. Rosebush W. Stanton. 1300 1300 200 60 60 20 20 60 1440 2 5 1 & 618 519 75 33 42 524 45 SandLake Pierson W. J. Weidenhammer * 12 181 & Sanford Averill . Earl Carpenter 538 538 120 19 19 10 10 19 19 586 7 E. 8 47 Shelby W. Beckett 1237 950 150 60 35 19 75 40 1032 408 9 2

Floyd ] 48 Shepherd H. Cramer. 1275 1275 150 82 82 26 26 96 96 1479 1935 17 2 49 Sheridan RobertBennett 806 746 131 49 15 49 849 72 14 1 6 . 50 St. Louis T.W.H.Marshall. 1125 1425 300 75 75 24 25 75 83 1608 15 16 17 17 51 Stanton F. P. Frye 1012 971 112 49 51 51 1088 9 52 Stanwood LesterClough 400 400 100 15 8 15 437 2 15 5.3 Wheeler A. E. Winn 900 900 150 37 37 15 56 56 1008 , 30 1 8 54 WhiteCloud GeorgeWingard 750 750 90 30 13 13 36 36 829 8 5555 25 5 55 Winn .. LeRoyHoover 524 524 45 22 12 26 13 564 23

Totals . 5380452623 836127362528 935 799 34752942 58892 2553280178 290 265

Last Year 669036475910355352333091237] 839 40352820 71727 4409295243 288 261

Increase 122 2 40 15 Decrease. 1309912136 1994 787 781 282 560 12835 1856 65

Total this year 5380452623 836127362728 955 799 34752942 58892 2553280178 290 265

Compared 4 year 3307221 1821216 196 with last . 5017748.569776626422482 928 629 30262115 53795

Increase 3627 4054 5951 94 27 170 449 827 5097 59 74 69 Decregup 7541 215 EARLE M. MUMBY , Assistant Statistician


Full Membership . End of . Buildings . . , . on .. . Pl Do. by . Prop inc .

Ren . Frith Trans Year

Cur Pr

M on Sch Ind , to Society Value dng now . . Value . Fund . Buildings not . & by . Schools or on P , Build Members . Exp Church Fund Interest School Impr and Indebted

and in Int Con People Dur Old etc. . .

. Other

, Aid and , Day Number and Exp

. Contrib Tran for on from fromOth Cong

on Mem for Debt

Chur of incl quayapu Advocates

, , and Hour . Land . . . . . List Young Theological Inactive Indebtedness Buildings Expenses Rally ing Removed Officers Number Val No. Deaths Senior Estimated Land Bonds Paid Paid Paid inc Cur Subscribers the Ladies Reo Full Current Estimated not Amt Rec Ree Rec No. Teachers Church Present Enrolled of 24 1 10 11 10 691 85 42500 3500195002000 551 2300 123002900 2019 : 38 93 10 NON 164 3 10000 200 3 3 NUS 3 3 114 85- 8000 1000 70 181 www 4 4 130 30 1 2 11 90 76 10000 800 125 100 129 4 5 9 30 148 3 4 29 239 300 16500 5000 250 75 212 335 4

se 325

. 1 1 10 17 21 450 10 27 408 400 196 55000 800012861 700 500 59 1250 .6 7 6 1 2 2 222 SR 30 297 137 112 9000 500 145 288 215 60 1 5 6 1 8 1 11 5 50 1 206 14 150 94 21 15000 6000 100 443 630 10 9 1 4 6 2 1 13 254 158 103 38 3 18000 4000 800 197 70 245 34 467 5 50 3 *** 3 148 4 3 35 355 22000 5000 125 315 824 10 2 2 2 2 196 19 167 97 15000 1000 250 287 11 797 31 8 6 3 2 12 : 2 3 24 100 131 a 150 8000 1000 200 1 5 1 7 2 30 1 35 46 5000 16 1 12 3 5 6 8 23 3 1 4 147 36 2 3 33 154 101 20 9500 2000 106 42 734 144 281 1 2 2 128 20 2 24 190 90 14 7500 3000 600 105 325 15 2 2 2 4 2 7 6 2 3 215 16 25 215 95 30 22000 2500 415 589 842 16 3 8 84 10 3 2 2 20 120 105 6500 3000 600 100 180 3 17 2 2 330 66 5 2 2 30 370 225 50 25000 5000 80 60 274 800 550 750 18 2 2 2 5 .. 2 6 202 10 40 275 231 24 9000 3000 30 75 115 310 34 609 17 19 2 3 65 8 2 3 28 198 84 60 3 6000 1500 125 10 163 20 2 551 34 350 235 51 75000 6000 900 273 87 100 1650 650 20 1127 2 21 9 3 1 1 5 228 57 14 216 114 21 11000 3000 130 36 12 639 459 258 10 10 922 2 172 26 3 2 26 186 101 2 6000 3500 500 200 160 10 329 23 36 2 24 28 163 65 8000 1500 35 2 234 10 .. 1 1 1 83 12 17 175 76 1 5000 2500 66 150 233 11 12 25 1 13 337 21 274 149 26 1 12000 2500 56 863 42 1040 1 9 26 3 40 3 145 36 177 142 2 10000 2000 60 144 12 274 27 1 1 1 1 11 18 85 45 50 15 139 28 117 16 4000 .... ! 2 20 2 8 122 20 200 115 9000 2500 12 50 50 215 250 2 7 15. 29 5 2 4 93 4 2 18 145 116 15 2 15000 2500 199 163 10 395 20 130 8 2 74 10 2 22 160 56 35 2 10000 305 300 31 6 104 29 26 156 100 14000 2300 175 123 268 2 32 3 70 2 3 70 14 38 10000 1500 200 260 33 1 1 8 32 14 37 15 24 757 26 26 652 425 28 35000 5000 19002275 3275 52 1264 34 1 5 2 3 65 2 1 12 135 35 14 128 20 7000 30 25 35 8 8 45 75 8 5 .. 2 33 2 60 71 35 2 25000 2000 7280 146 170 36 3 2 3 8 6 1 141 79 3 20 145 123 8000 3000 18 180 320 37 3 35 3 100 13 3 22 85 6000 1500 60 40 200 38 3 8 1 40 15 67 35 16000 1500 39 3 8 3 103 24 10 33 120 114 9000 1500 25 1600 202 531 40 6 5 1 1 275 75 2 18 143 125 15 28000 2500 1000 75 4500 400 25 300 3 5 3 3 10 2 137 24 189 113 35 18000 5000 100 100 200 13 863 42 3 4 8 4 1 215 35 47 237 180 1700 1500 50 400 10 600 43 9. 3 308 100 32 250 130 3 16800 4500 100 300 250 6 3 3 131 24 20 130 150 15 3 3000 3000 1500 50 150 100 325 45 35 2 9 2 2 60 20 18 85 3000 1200 34 96 159 5 .. 46 5 1 2 279 98 3 1 26 305 257 52 17000 4000 500 400 100 300 650 480 8..47 2 4 80 2 1 2 372 144 253 12 47 21000 2500 477 351 750 :: 48 15 3 3 10 134 15 1 3 3 32 152 57 10000 1500 135 12 385 49 1 5 1 30 1 1 272 40 254 120 67 20000 2500 360 300 14 350 50 2 3 6 3 111 63 39 216 187 8000 1500 1540 55 290 19 264 51 1 15 1 37 17 90 50 12 5000 1500 17 100 2 65 52 2 2 2 7 1 . vio 140 15 15 125 130 15000 1500 50 150 12 6 ..53 25 2 5 1 . 1 12 150 90 5000 1000 125 24 54 24 107 1 2 795 317 188 4 4 5 24 157 50 46 8000 500 460 60 380 :: 55 i 65 5 ... 31 10 131118147 100841525156118113144411047672113721227940001338004165111668757 3494 316581798352622739528 119550226 2013 3110084 1525 340 199 10309176513213211412671122268171673126 7809001278002386222280 18342772819566 23613121 24 177 158 13100 600017789 1660 3930 2 1 225 240 14 175 96 459 10612 1583 874 , 184158147 31 100841525 156 1181131444110476721 ...

232 127 77321324 99 99 85 950 8416 5113

51 2352 201 57 19 28 494 2631 1608 216


DISCIPLINARY BENEVOLENCES As orderedby theGeneralConferencrg OTHER ITEMS World ) Purposes Service Supportof all Ed'n

. Fund Service Bd NAMES OF CHARGES for OR CHURCHES ( Benevolences Missionary Missionary World Fund on

for Service Items Payments Claimants Day Contributions Episcopal Foreign Home Service Superintendents

( Administration Service Disciplinary World Cash Other

Number ) World Apportionment Apportioned Society Society Bishops Additional Woman's District World Woman's Total Total Children's Total Fund List Conference General to Total

1 Alma 245 450 199 199 111 169 479 92 33 165 29 2 2 36 108 50 50 21 73 54 18 5.5 Ashley- Bannister 127 11 5 6 11 3 26 54 13 10 Ashton. 22 90 4 36 10 10 20 20 33 10 20 . BarrytonChippewa- Lake 65 6 5 62 83 89 93 19 10 23 56 Beaverton- EdenvilleHope- . 126 , 6 BigRapids First 293 396 134 134 141 165 440 135 33 162 330

7 Circuit 111 108 115 115 119 16 61 127 73 8 225 130 130 93 22 15 81 Breckenridge. 174

9 CarsonCity 119 223 52 52 165 217 68 24 83 175 5 10 10 Clare & Farwell. 162 171 63 73 78 63 21 65 1 . 5 11 Coleman 68 153 47 47 92 52 15 72 2 26 15 38 12 Coral & Amble 113 108 24 24 33 86 ) 13 CrystalLake 18 9

14 Crystal Valley 85 991 104 104 36 140 27 10 32 75 8 7 15 Edmore- Blanchard 56 108 50 57 65 30 10 40 80 5 5 16 Evart - Sears. 279 180 126 23 151 112 268 70 27 78 180 81 20 20 2 2 10 17 Evart Circuit 60 20 60 50 94 7 96 18 Fremont. 201 360 154 204 298 75 178

19 ladwin 230 180 127 23 1.32 10 162 68 27 93 10 198 15 81 2 20 GladwinCircuit . 17 35 35 35 12 21 54

21 Greenviile 234 432 123 521 173 10 87 88 360 124 37 140 4 303

22 Hart 124 144 116 116 36 152 51 15 55 2 123 35 40 23 79 108 13 48 48 11 32 83

Hesperia- Ferry 4 26 26 10 20 24 Holton - Twin Lake 22 15 14 23 HowardCity 57 72 49 3 52 66 33 12 26 71

26 Ithaca 359 432 374 20 394 262 656 112 34 158 5 309 26 27 Lakeview 98 162 59 70 14 48 8 117 3 7 28 Leaton 80 54 29 29 32 12 19 2 40 5 0 2 ! 29 LeRor - Luther 21 198 54 59 109 174 21

30 Marion 194 105 110 115 15 59 189 30 15 31 11 87 8

- 90 53 25 80 31 Mears Eldrid e . 34 80 21 10 39 81 15 66 13 94 38 13 37 3 91

32 - MiddletonCrystal.

33 Morley 81 72 38 16 26 80

34 Mt. Pleasant 709 720 550 25 575 25 564 407 1571 173 56 303 10 542 2 3 35 Mt. Plea - antIndianMission 18 10 1 36 Newavgo. 153 90 73 73 73 15 33

37 North Star 75 90 31 31 31 37 10 40 3 90 38 Paris 63 12 12 30 39 Pentwater 36 301 30 10 10 11 11 2 40 75 126 77 30 12 27 69 Perrinton- Pomprii- Fulton 11 2 56 41 ReedCity 76 22 85 95 90 59 247 60 18 134 6 42 Remus 116 30 30 3 33 52 70 128 8 6 85 43 Riverdale. 126 17 23 25 51 14 57 128

Rosebush 92 123 2 25 25 20 60 135 7 SandLake - Pierson 27 81 42 42 42 21 10 38 19 10 20 46 SanfordAverill- 41 54 20 21 13 42

47 Shelby 76 153 55 14 14 83 35 7 40 82 3 48 Shepherd 193 216 123 12 125 82 26 96 207 1 49 Sheridan 48 108 27 9 36 10 47 44 15 103 50 St. Louis 133 279 200 200 139 339 25 83 183 41 51 51 Stanton 71 135 49 17 117 8 52 Stanwood 15 1 15 37 4 53 Wheeler 98 108 23 23 29 37 15 56 1 109 8 54 WhiteCloud 70 108 108 116 30 13 36 79 5 55 Winn 68 20 20 20 22 13 4 44

Total 5916 8451 4198 349 4547 118 2115 1114 7894) 2538 804 2860 102 6304 217



, Hospitals , Educational En andHomes An, dowments, Bldg ., Endowments, Bldg ., SpecialGifts SpecialGifts ) and Fund Fund Church Invest of or Benevolences Etc.

& Fund Conference Conference Disciplinary Claimants

Fund , En

on Expense Entertainment Society Home . Work Fund Hospital School Emergency Church Conf Conference Foundation Total College and Items Annual Home Home Annual Expense Lansing Conference ( Missionary Number City Wesley Apportionment List Theology Extension Fund nual Other Summer Methodist Annual Other Deaconess District Travel Arca Total Benevolences Bronson Clark Children's ments Sustenttaion Benevolences Conference Miscellaneous Clark dowment Albion East Grand Peoples

814 293 77 6 91 1

96 245 40 108 878 12 33 108 354

10 20 182 581 8

4 31 107 499

70 297 43 207

42 73 185

9 13 14 21 20 2 1101 325

8 20 73 218 15

6 11 559 16

5 52 132 17 3 3 30 5 76 154 630 18 29 ..... 5 10

10 19 18 46 124 484 2 1 13 15 . 42 131 20

12 4 12 18 167 832 21

3 22 12 31 219 494 22 ..... 43 174 23

29 70 24 1 1 2 ) - 7 11 84 221 25 5

45 10 193 1158 26 9 3 160 373 27 2 55 10 ... 127 28

25 31 226 29

17 6 101 3771 30

5 39 158 31 1 8 106 291 32

16 208 33 79

33 8 34 100 3 25 377 2490 BONES 10 35

2 34 201 36

11 24 145 37

- 9 21 38 71 ..... 3 : 11 51 39 22 129 275 40

11 63 444 41 12 111 272 41 !

19 78 231 43

: 6 2091 369 44 8 3 18 86 45 1 35 ) 6 118 46

: 1 77 242 47 3 2 215 547 48 28 178 49 69 591 50 9 .... 22 .... 71 229 51

1 : 23 76 5 6 3 ) 1 206

256 3 274 469 3 2 32 1 63 127

36 44 20 21 157 4910 19108 138 151 161 18 716 615 1224 162 ... 153 591 124 218 ► STATISTICIAN -GRAND RAPIDS DISTRICT BLUCHER B. SWEM , Statistician

MINISTERIAL SUPPORT CHURCH Sup. of SupportSupport of Prep. | Supportof Pastor District of Conference Bap Mem Supt. Bishops Claimants tisins bership NAMES OF NAMES OF CHARGES PASTORS . Rent Rent Exp . of Exp in now Re Year , in . Support for , House Baptised House ,. ... House Baptized House Value Dur

. Admin Admin Deficiency Paid Paid Mem Claim

Cl Mem

, Paid

Number ,

. Roll .ent . Prep cluding Parsonage Total ceived cluding Rent Adults Rental Ministerial Children List Total Total Total Total Tot Claim

Prep on 20 53 . Z Alto L. D. Miles . 9001 9001 75 55 55 20 531 1028 . 2 NN 36 19 2 75 34 36 34 Nisl Banfield. W. A. Exner. 825 825 19 914 . 8 18

. 38 31 912 J. 825 825 75 18 31 Bath S. 38 Kinney . . 5 5 4 5 5 ON Belding J. O. 3 45 . Randall 1800 1800 400 60 45 1910

5 42 15 6 15 A. 33 42 929 145 ByronCenter . W. Blanding 975 875 150 9 24 6 6 24

. 764 32 32 Calendonia. C. H. Bacon 764 150 42 42 862 7 8 ) 10 | 42 C. 1005 1005 150 43 43 21 21 42 1111 CedarSprings . M. Conklin 1 3 8 38

H. R. 38 Coopersville & Ravenna Strong 1200 1210 47 47 32 32 1327 9 2 2 75 31 19

. 23 CourtlandCircuit J. L. Ward .. 825 825 31 19 23 898 1 12 10 Delton. R. L. Bates. 900 900 93 48 46 19 17 48 40 1003 1 11 8 14 DeWitt . F. Schaenzlin. 840 840 120 36 36 12 12 27 30 918 3 3 15 25 25 15 22 629 12 . 600 567 22 33 Eagle . HaroldJacobs

, 180 72 78 78 13 Elsie J. A. Brown . 945 945 72 29 29 1124 95 15 6 26 14 Freeport . 845 714 34 28 18 21 778 145 . Fern Wheeler 9 16 8 16 . ) 15 GrandHaven. John Clemons 1728 1653 225 105 105 145 145 1919 28

16 Grand Rapids: , 7 2 37 L 2187 2187 500 2111211 37 226 226 2661 12 BurtonHeights . W. Stone 4 8 10 ) 17 Epworth M. D. McKean . 1725 1605 225 95 86 37 33 120 109 1833 144 36 .. 8 25

18 4310 4310 750 306 84 84 5280 16 L. A. 306 5801580 First Kilpatrick . 3 7 , 5 45 15 | 51 28 19 Joy Memorial C A. Lohnes. 1268 1100 180 42 32 1192 197 7 3 20 8 3 2

. 470 499 40 20 J. 490 12 R. 15 21

Oakdale Gregory. 3 2 12 V. | . 21 Plainfield. H. Wade 2250 2215 600 149 461 40 165 163 2564 41 25 28 6 22 St. Pauls . M. A. Braundt. 2250 2250 600 132132 41 149 149 2572 12 21 , 7 6 40 18 23 SecondStreet J. C. Devinney 1800 1800 450 117117 40 138 138 2095 11 24 Reported Byron SouthGrandRapids .. W. A. Blanding. with Center 60 4

L. T. 13 25 .. 60 11 Trinity .. Robinson 3075 3075 450 216 216 300 300 3651 6 2 16

. 74 26 ValleyAvenue. W. H. Irwin 1500 1500 300 74 27 27 84 84 1685 33 2 36 26

.. E. 50 27 Grandville A. Armstrong 750 683 30 15 12 33 751 83 7 7 5 46 28 Hastings W. M. Jones . 215012150 300 164164 46 240 240 2600 . 29 HastingsCircuit . B. B. Swem 1125 1060 225 60 53 23 19 49 42 1174 83 4 37

30 G. 2300 2300 37 198 198 14 Holland W. Flowerday. 500 145 145 2680 10 8 9 1 & .. 45 31 Hubbardston Palo John Brokholm .. 1093 1084 100 60 60 12 12 45 1201 6 9 32 37 10 . 1800 1800 300 135 135 37 161 161 2133 18 Ionia M. W. Duffey .. .. 20 11 .. 33 5 Ionia Circuit . KennethGriswold. 881 881 75 56 56 20 66 66 1023 . 3 1 34 Kent City W. M. Whittemore 1400 1400 100 40 40 20 20 30 30 1490 1 6 6 30 35 Lake Odessa. LeonManning 1425 1425 225 65 65 30 63 63 1583 3 7 , 80 8. 11 .. 36 Lowell First . R. Miller 1800 1505 225 98 39 32 120 99 1716 341 7 , 15 37 16 3 2 15 Lowell Zion .. John Claus 370 370 150 390 18 5 1 3 25 19 45 30 J. B. 38 Lyons .. Wilson 900 830 150 37 12 897 104 15 4 15 35 3 H. A. 39 Maple . 900 936 150 48 15 35 1034 Rapids .. Bedient 48 3 1 7 7 . 40 H. 316 316 18 18 14 14 355 12 Marne Gosney . 8 8 | L. M.

. 60 17 45 34 Middleville Rigelman. 1237 1237 112 69 27 1359 13 75 12 4 42 Montague & Whitehall .. A. W. Klaiber . 1461 1461 150 75 32 32 82 82 1650 23 14 ) D. S. . 67 67 4043 171 Muskegon- Central . Coors 3466 3466 600 2101210 300 300 28 2 3 C. H. 1500 1500 225 60 28 50 50 15 27 Lakeside Phillips . 60 1638 9 26 45 87 8 WoodAvenue Wm . Chapman 127511275 225 72 72 26 87 1460 20 9 46 MuskegonHeights E. H. Babbitt. 1800 1800 375) 103 31 31 142 146 2080 40 . 103 J. . 47 Nashville. R. Wooten 1050 975 150 57 50 22 20 49 50 1095 83 11 21 11

48 16 Muskegon. . Chapman 530 530 180 21 19 581 North Wm . 96 . 49 Ovid W. S. Phillips 1325 1325 200 81 81 28 28 96 1530 3 2 . 8 50 Portland. W. E. Brown 1200 1200 150 66 66 22 22 50 50 1338 26 3 26 51 Rockford. A. T. Cartland 127511275 225 54 54 48 48 1403 . 8 52 St. John . Leo Niles 1950 1950 300 120 120 41 157 157 2268 22 9 5 26 20 53 Winegar 675 675 27 St. Johns Parish Donald .. 27 26 23 745 , 9 F. 40 54 Saranao & Orleans Loomis 800 664 100 54 17 12 46 34 750 167 , 4 18 16 16 55 H 18 11 11 Sagatuck. C. Smith 450 450 495 65 56 22 50 50 13 3 Sparta .. KennethHoffmaster 1425 1425 225 65 22 1562 7 57 Wacousta BessieRulison. 712 712 112 43 43 15 15 42 42 812 56 . 20 68 94 10 Whitneyville & Snow G. W. Sowers 544 494 25 15 23 20 544 4 59 Woodland F. J. Fitch . 823 823 112 42 42 16 16 41 41 922 . Total 7654075137121534325419414951406 50064859 85596 1751383177 ) 311 693

Last Year . 9665795335146005688540619961733 66126024108498 3288492 164 377 609

Increase 13 8

Decrease. 2011720198 244713631212 501 327 16061163 22902 1537109 66 Total this year... 7654075137121534325419414951406 50064859 85596 1751 :

Compared ] with last year .. 7249371501109504266405514971300 49594518 81374 24661: IT ) 47 Increase. 4047 3636 1203 59 139 106 341 4222

Decrease 21 7151 219

ROBERT A. BENNETT , Assistant Statistician


. . Buildings of . Pl. . on . . De . by Prop . Mem . Ren inc Falth Trang . M. . Pr Year Cur Sup

on Sch

Ind to . . Society now Value Fund

& Value Schools

Buildings or . . not P. . by .

Members . on Build . Church Impr Fund Interest Indebted Exp Dur and Con . Inac School People . Int . and in Old . Other etc. Aid , . Day , Number and Contrib

. Exp from Tran fromOth for for Mem on . Cong on

in Chur of Debt Advocates and incl

. Hour Departments . . . Land . List . . Theological Young Deaths Paid Expenses Rally Reo Ree Buildings Rec Rec Removed Ministerial Subscribers No. Full Roll Inactive Ladies Number Paid Cur the Amt Estimated Land Val Paid Indebtedness not inc Estimated Bonds

of Present 24 Current Church Teachers Enrolled Officers all J.No. ding 2 218 32 3 1 145 865 2 29 175 130 9000 2000 58 97 17 2 2

2 356 12 509 2 6000 2000 24 211 66 parte 2 118 $30 27 54 10 587 2 32 131 100 10000 2500 200 1

225 1

2 350 1 15 200 600 10 1 60000 4000 20 140 90 4 SEE

153 2 2 6 45 2 14 89 362 217 315 2 20 6000 2000 15 208 119 2 2 180 24 25 225 180 3 15000 2500 125 200 100 180 250 11 1 3 2 15 191 2 10000 3500 2500 50 21 539 20 374 445 30 230 168 8 3 146 38 3 120 445 497 40 277 16200 6000 100 9 15 2 7 124 17 130 90 2 140002300 407 110 150 700 3 6 143 3 10500 1600 180 319 10 41 221 2 6 NWNWNNNNNN 5 3 14 149 1 43 156 100 60 9000 2500 200 130 20 60 111 3 84 1 109 6 169 12 8 2 3 100 20 6000 2000 100 - 2 2 37 . 457 328 3 30 195 125 28000 5000 122 437 13 5 5 2 150 230 14 92 12 1 1 32 125 65 15000 1500 2 10 462 24,5 22 2 40000 2500 370 336 374 7326 341 790 NNN 15 3 2 48 440 1 5 27 1 46500 8000 990 246 350 5300 1600 30 882 47 16 948 15 4 107 200 1 62 943 722 1 1 6 4 30 3500 100 100 550 535 12 417 246 46 35 290 180 17000 20 11..17 1 1 41 18

98 786 782 1520 166107517112 16 1567 14 13 152 2000001300017000 50 616 347 6 2 164 20 2 100 32 28 622 200 230 19 2015 26 200 150 13500 3000 2 1 35 24 50 2450 150 150 20 128 393 11 183 100 5000 7 1 6 10

1 225

4 153001200 21 48 506 75 5 30 375 160 49 36000 4000 1 45 1 10 13

7 486 22 3 18 67 20000 100005000 349 1482

658 3 15 49 252 1 40 448 293 1 1 13 1 3 5 34 119 62 359 2350 928 42 668 17 23 583 16 7000010000 5 2 1 33 272 171 24 1

50 1 25 13 4 15 1040 178 16 300000100005000 100 1300006540 52 1270 1 54 746 750 1 1 3 15 16 5 6 349 ) 32 30 32000 3000 275 54 540 900 600 28 617 226 32 327 313 1 1 135 4 ! 106 83 90 30000 1500 125 78 50 2990 490 27 16 146 1 1 77 96 40 5 28 3 8 2175 11 20 55000 4500 2000 500 1686 1080 12 772 106 11 41 473 194 5 299 5 10000 3500 106 150 713 29 55 2 40 ! 211 132 1 1 3 7400010000 150 148 825 3900 1800 50 300 30 10 717 3 80 20 3 42 410 371 3 3 105 260 452 31 38 15000 6000 1600 237 3 5 3 44 165 278 1 1

10 32 12 18 849 138 17 42 70000 5000 2450 1180 1975 38 1161 1 36 260 536 27 2 15 2 1

1 2 85 33 302 41 3 37500 4000 336 408 2

24 151 2 25 134 437 180 2 12000 3500 63 175 1200 210 12 657 34 2 25 82 120 1 10 1 31 526 481 61235 1 3 272 40 30 35000 130002000 1 34 202 2 206 11 278 139 21 1 28000 6000 500 206 240 100 637 650 807 36 19 1 211 1 38 1 2500 2000 10 106 45 37

10 15 6 2

40 2 80 36 175 127 38 32 3500 1500 740 565 38

13 1 2 24 132 2 13 2 176 17 532 39 6 12 170 30 15000 2000 217 2

18 3 2 34 1 . 183 127 4 53 10 5000 750 54 250 325 40 2

9 85 2 14

85 2 600 2 3 2 20000 2500 100 25 50 550 15 41 11 90 279 2 2 2

32 126 22 438 3 14 5 21 271 143 620 30 3 297 18 167 42 12

5 20000 1500 600 14

305 6 41 3 202 33 1 35 40 43 393 50 1 300 85811308189391 1838 54 29 10 1131 127 13 581 275000 8000 5000 1 16 12 15 44 54 771 1 480 460 4 42 75 28 280 272 1 8 2 .. 188 38 4000 3000 27 239 105 1 5 25 11 7 410 20000 6000 1000 387 1700 294 45

28 425 1 12 14 60 1 30000 5000 1580830 1216 7710 1860 40 870 30 5 10 46 440 609 2 669 325 2 2 330 2 22000 4000 70 210 ... 47

136 4 51 2 2 20 4 1 80 20 175 75 1 15000 6000 207 4600 212 304 48 2 10 95 294 92 117 30 2 35000 2500 403 27 450 528 27 658 49

167 1 9 8 310 115 35 280 25 1 50000 12001100 300 456 20 350 50 1 19 249 182 8 1 500 3 2 153 26 15 18000 7000 190 26 150 300 10 300 51 20 175 250 38 10 15 10 10 12 25 65004500 100 52

536 7 38 8 5 3 207 3 3 90 104 21 36 328 12000 35 374 49 353 22 67 173 15 115 153 54 6 1 . 54 25 32 200 60 35 1 10000 25 103 1055 8 60 22 850 324 450 14327 19 533 1 10 56 289 3 45000 3500 90 2 90 9 1 3 219 45 24 260 30 1 15500 2000 12 60 185 250 57 2 681 18 2 2 5 6

105 35 250 195 658 107 15 6 75 700 50 2 1

25 130 1 329 7 59 20 1500 62 282 12 180 2 15000 ..... 84 3 1 18 139 87 70 90

202 333219 241

325 86727415 64 1426 93 2094400231000505501155039881879335064550351 261 9780

18641 170 2668 92 170715676

2194734615655053113430286 93 97 288 210 93 1751 54 ... 38518261 2426 16208 11408 1480 22230352411006485011968

77 4489 180 242....

101 3154 4702 267 2871 3 40 . 14300 418 25 12863510100

40 1538 .. 44 1 532 . ::: : :: . 220


DISCIPLINARY BENEVOLENCES As orderedby theGeneralConference OTHER ITEMS World ) Purposes Service Supportof all Ed'n

. Fund NAMES OF CHARGES for Service Bd OR CHURCHES ( Benevolences Missionary Missionary World on Fund Service

for Items Payments Claimants Day Contributions Episcopal Foreign Home Service Superintendents ( Administration Service Disciplinary World Other Cash

Number ) World Apportionment Society Bishops Apportioned Society Additional District List World Woman's Fund General Total Total Woman's Conference to Children's Total Total 1 19 7 54 Alto 134 180 12 102 109 53 13 139 , 2 Banfield 33 99 98 7 105 5 110 36 19 34 93 3 1 9 Bath 82 99 21 10 31 40 38 18 31 88 4 76 88 45 Belding 87 225 76 164 60 5 110 5 ByronCenter 90 6 Caledonia 138 144 90 90 5 59 154 42 24 32 : 98 7 نم 90 CedarSprings 143 153 47 137 45 182 43 21 42 109 124 نم Coopersvilleand Ravenna 136 162 67 13 80 3 62 145 49 32 38 8 9 7 70 . CourtlandCircuit 126 106 20 126 133 31 19 23 - 84

10 Delton 251 153 135 135 10 721 217 46 17 43 106 11 36 30 11 DeWitt . 112 153 120 79 199 88 298 12 81 3 3

Eagle. 71 69 هنت 22 15 25 141 67 64 81 79 12 نن 13 Elsie 225 279 121 11 132 129 88 349 72 29 78 182 15 ن 21 14 Freeport. 62 108 43 47 58 105 28 69 6 15 GrandHaven 412 342 97 103 10 45 62 220 10.3 16 145 266 , 16 Grand RapidsBurtonHeights 941 855 853 65 918 462 508 1888 211 37 226 6 480

17 95 306 294 43 337 73 163 573 86 33 109 7 235 Epworth. . 18 First 1512 1383 96 1479 1038 715 3232 306 84 580 29 999 15 19 Joy Memorial 81 126 65 65 22 47 134 45 32 2 2 20 Oakdale 18 81 37 37 15 28 80 15 12 29

21 Plainfield, 266 459 250 257 111 175 543 146 40 163 349

an5 22 St. Pauls 498 486 341 341 384 333 1058 132 41 149 327 40 23 SecondStreet 236 432 385 15 400 230 113 743 117 138 as13 308 6 17 24 51 90 20 17 37 123 33 15 54 SouthGrandRapids. 69

10 :10 25 Trinity 197 774 425 43 468 362 307 1147 216 60 300 586

Valley .. 6 26 Ave 135 324 392 44 436 169 57 668 74 28 84 8 194 , 1 26 12 26 2 25 27 Grandville 74 144 25 30 70 Öncos Hastings 46 28 163 648 502 58 560 152 187 899 164 240 10 460

29 HastingsCircuit 154 171 90 14 104 64 168 53 19 42 116 30 Holland 60 729 429 429 478 338 1245 145 37 198 385 5 31 5 HubbardstonandPalo 143 189 86 91 77 173 60 12 43 15Jern 132

32 Ionia 604 594 280 52 332 10 319 218 879 135 37 161 11 344

33 Ionia Circuit 192 234 113 16 129 114 243 56 20 66 2 144

City 6 34 Kent 83 108 34 11 45 45 40 20 30 96 orson 5 35 LakeOdessa 130 279 171 171 160 331 65 30 62 162 91 36 LowellFirst 108 3601 212 26 238 72 401 80 32 89 201 2 2 3 37 LowellZion. 42 54 15 15 17 15 22 2 38 Lyons 20 63 22 22 36 58 25 12 30 oni 69

39 68 93 48 15 35 98 MapleRapids. 135 93 7 3

:1 40 Marne 57 10 70 18 13 - 39 30 Middleville. 92 216 80 81 36 150 60 17 45 122 9 42 MontagueandWhitehall 220 301 227 30 257 198 51 506 75 31 89 204 , 43 Muskegon 15 Central . 1107 936 994 57 1051 326 267 1644 210 67 300 592 5 Lakeside 177 180 180 47 227 60 287 60 28 501 obico 143

45 WoodAve. 111 287 520 27 547 23 365 935 72 26 87 322 207 5

49 Muskegon 91 75 Heights. 353 432 428 33 461 627 103 31 146 285 47 Nashville 99 189 59 59 102 83 244 50 20 50 na 124 6

48 50 90 5 11 sa NorthMuskegon 153 90 40 45 141 21 19 57 96 Ovid 243 333 168 10 178 77 142 397 81 28 @10 215 61 22 2 50 Portland 110 189 183 2 185 83 329 66 50 140 5 51 Rockford 288 198 155 5 160 160 26 48 133 8 coerno St. Johns 49 495 313 100 413 96 128 637 120 41 157 326 4 3 53 St. Johns Parish 78 90 49 6 55 48 27 23 20 6 SaranacandOrleans 90 126 56 10 66 12 84 40 12 34 5 91 3 11 2 55 18 . 21 Sauratuck 72 72 12 84 87 16 sera 56 Sparta 275 207 173 12 185 10 83 95 373 65 22 50 137 9 3 Wacousta 93 52 11 63 26 101 43 15 42 102 10 20 58 WhitneyvilleandSnow 52 90 58 18 76 81 20 53 Nowroi 41 59 Woodland 83 108 61 70 7 200 277 42 16 101 StanleyJonesFund 109

Total . 10530 11769 117712837 222 6702 4609 243704195 14054857 307 10764 221



Educational , En Hospitals andHomes, An, dowments, Bldg ., Endowments,Bldgs., Special Special Gifts Gifts ) and Fund Fund Church Invest of or Benevolences

& Fund Etc. Disciplinary Conference Conference Claimants Fund

En , on Expense Entertainment Work Society Home . Fund Hospital Emergency School Total Conference Foundation Conf College Church and Annual Items Home Home Annual Expense Lansing Missionary ( Conference Number Wesley Theolovy Apportionment City Deaconess District Methodist Annual Miscellaneous nual List Albion East Bronson Clark Children's ments Sustentation Benevolences Travel Fund Area Total Other Extension Conference Benevolences Grand Summer Clark dowment Other Peoples

20 .... 724

51 130 111

14 60 3 ONUN 6 ... 15 ... 35 287 3 1271 25 293 584

25 381 298 567 8 4 9 10 49 145 362 200

11 1 120 443 10

29 18 176 5551 11 31 20 11 1 61 271 12 3 N 59 4 1371 668 13 3 51 71 20 245 14 5 11 201 20 81 164 6501 15 4 57 17 151 281 2649 16

10 74 882 17 14 18 BOT 73 655 71 27 ...... 2921 7152 4 no 2 5 1201 348 19

9 118 20 3 74 2 966 21

44 ..... 10 15 345 1730122 2 10 6 . 13 21 306 1357 23 2

34 211 24 8 .....

15 693 23 328 25 ...... 2426 25 12 NO 18 8 48 189 1051 26

41 7 3 27 57 153

101 1000 8 101 1629 2988 28 2 3 1 117 401 29 4 26 22 10 167 1797 30

40 7 10 151 456 31 14 14 15 15 823 2046 32 5 4 3 189 576 33

1 60 201 34 8 12 3 12 2761 769 35

80 61 5 237 839 . 30 3 40 79 4 1 1 54 181 38 1 2 58 2491 39

10 1 43 152 40 60 332 41 141 40 ..... 87 443 1153142 74 8 40 997 3233 43 15

12 40 51 12 216 646) 44

6 15 242 1384145

15 71 18 292 1204 46 5 5 1 23 .... 101 144 512 47 1 4

31 1 48 246 48

1 91 49 12 23 15 189 801 NNNN 4

1 29 7161 50

6 247 ol

1 61 1 138 431 20 ONN

500 38 5 Uno 1380 2343 1 3 2

2 33 213 32 7 1 31 143 3181 54 4 4 11 1 80 4 ... 16 214 55 57 567 56 1 11 4 4 83 286 ... 1 ... 1 1 7 1 1081 2421 69 447 3 1 36 / 488 391 56 ... 1805 1747/ 5943 1357 2350 396 751 116 295 548 513 1644151575 222


Pastor's Cash Pastor's Cash Salary Salary CONGREGATIONS , CONGREGATIONS , CHURCHES OR CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES of SOCIETIES of World World School School Members to Members to Enrollment Service Enrollment Full Claim Paid Full Claim Paid Service Paid Number Number Paid Church Church

Banfield 86 51 375 375 56 HastingsCircuit 41 47 - . 46 375 187 Dowling. 125 375 49 Good Will 187 35 Hendershott. 45 187 187 10 . Bath. 50 82 450 450 Martin 33 29 150 116 34 50 SouthBath . 361 300 300 Quinby 59 78 187 187 Welcome 31 79 187 157

SouthGrandRapids Rutland . 29 Byron Center ) Hubhardstown 111 78 506 506 64 91 132 720 7201105 . 122 375 375 43 Cedar Springs .. Palo 98 East Wilson 49 135 135 32 Matherton. 45 37 112 11

Coopersville. 800 610 50 lonia Circuit 34

400 300 Le 6191108 Ravenna Valley .. 144 252 619 36 Nunica 200 150 2 Berlin Center 50 187 187 21 80 75 412 412 59 761 33 800 800 31 Courtland Kent City . 56 Oakfield. 50 49 338 338 57 Casnovia 25 500 500 10 76 98 64 550 412 88 90 450 450 56 Delton Maple Rapids. 70 80 . Prairieville. 110 400 300 47 Lowe 85 300 336 42 35 11 93 Milo . 125 70 Dewitt 61 262 262 50 Middleville . 221 235 975 975 88 8

. 86 150 Emmanuel 480 486 70 Irving . 50 150

Elsie 1301257 675 675 90 Montague 2001170 562 562

65 67 3701 42 Whitehall 100 60 449 449 Duplain. 370

Claybanks. 73 75 300 300 600 Freeport. 100 62 488 25 .. ] Carlton Center 30 150 131 Ovid 161 199 750 750 108

119 86 375 70 Shepardsville. 375

Joy Memorial 165/ 140 900 732 41 35 SouthWyoming 24 188 188 24 St. Johns Parish

Fowler 18 225 225 10 Greenbush 55 50 225 225 30

Price. 60 361 225 225 1 223


Pastor's Cash Pastor's Cash Salary Salary CONGREGATIONS , CONGREGATIONS , CHURCHES OR CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES SOCIETIES of of School World School World Members to Members to Enrollment Full Full Claim Paid Service Enrollment Claim Paid Service Paid Number Paid Church Number Church 36 50 Bear Lake . 60 500 335 48 Freesoil 52 300 300 125 28 16 75 Pleasanton 50 62 300 225 Fountain 30 75 9 96 Bellaire 132 1000 750 Grant . 52 30 150 153 86 50 16 500 19 ) CentralLake . 250 Kingsley. 157 115 Matchett 10 42 42 ) 36 75 BoyneCity 125 166 900 900 MonroeCenter .. 34 55 25 2 BoyneFalls . 24 300 300 SummitCity 20 42 23 27 60 61 12 Wexford. CadillacPeoples 180 146 700 525 40 50 15

. 375 281 Hollister Levering .. 115 93 675 696

Sherman 60 50 400 300 60 Pellston 85 41 312 312 4 30 12 Highland 150 112 Alanson 70 40 150 160 77 EastJordan . 100 103 487 487 Manton 110 625 625 100

Ellsworth 40 22 262 262 19 Bloomfield 55 51 300 300 80 30 4 25 45 .. 35 Barnard 206 206 Colfax. 125 125 30 , 20 75 Norwood 20 75 , Moorestown 40 33 112 113 8 3 . Elberta 124 57 525 525 Stittzville 30 12 93 90 7 38 4 Arcadia 58 225 225 Pioneer 30 17 75 75 7

Star City 11 37 27

Elk Rapids. 38 225 219

Kewaden 45 225 193 Northport 300 325 19 S. . 27 Millin 33 150 150 Indian Mission.

Yubs 28 115 115 Leland 150 200 IndianMission

Traverse - 14th St .. 225 256 20 .

Empire .. 300 280 Crawn 113 142 26 LakeAnn 150 174 Inland . 150 90 90 Fife Lake 57 400 300 18 Summit . 142 59 375 343 60 25 SouthBoardman 12 55 55 Fern . 34 14 113 113 10 30 7 East Boardman. 62 24 95 51 Smith'sCorners 75 109 15 224



Sup. of Support Support of Prep. Supportof Pastor District of Conference Bap Mem Supt. Bishops Claimants tisms bership NAMES OF NAMES OF CHARGES PASTORS . . Exp Rent Exp in Rent of Re now Year , . Support

in . for , House Baptized House , ... House House Baptized Value Dur Admin

. Deficiency Admin Paid Paid Mem Mem Claim Cl

, ,Paid Number

. . . Roll Prep Prep cluding cluding Parsonage List Rent Adults Total Rental Tot Paid Children ceived on Total Claim Paid Total Total Rent Claim Ministerial Total 1 2 30 15 1 1 Alba EverettLove 579 569 54 24 11 609 22 2 9 5 3 8 Alden D. P. Garrett 562 562 75 301 30 15 15 612 27 3 3 3 675 29 29 1 BearLake A. 75 30 12 749 L. Wagley 675 30 12 , 4 L. S . Bellaire & CentralLake Reed 1200 1100 100 67 67 22 22 80 80 1269 12 5 5

A. Eley BoyneCity & Falls . W. 160011800 200 84 84 30 10 85 85 1979 20 6 30 15 5 Cop mish JosephColes 435 435 60 30 32 8 478 34 3 6 6 7 8 Cadillac- First R. W. Merrill 2200 2200 400 95 95 27 27 1301130 2452 8 Kenyon 11 People & Circuit H. C. 172311268 200 60 53 34 120 36 1368 9 5 5 30 4 10 Charleroix J. W. Alexander 142 1425 225 84 84 30 105 1644 t 10 Ea Jordan & 90 1 12 EllsworthCircuit . John Cermack 112111121 62 62 23 57 1183 80 ; 8 3 11 31 8 Elberta KennethChubb. 82 765 75 33 13 12 26 24 832 65 35 2 3 3 3 11 12 , Elk Rapids J. C. Mathews 800 762 38 27 26 10 800 67 3 3 2 13 Empire HaroldHodson 450 455 30 18 9 22 480 3C 2 7 30 9 Fife lake Harley L. Lane. 488 476 30 24 511 40

18 10 15 Frankfort. H. M. Smart 930 930 180 38 38 50 1033 5 19 16 Freesoil J. H. Rayle 475 473 100 30 18 C 10 508 23 , 17 Harbor Springs GeorgeBolitho 1050 900 200 51 23 14 51 4 . 100 179 13 18 Kalka - ka Federated WesleyOldt No Report 13 6 2 19 Kingsley : 449 150 30 28 15 30 479 AltonZichke 52 121 2 2

20 City J. 150 59 15 15 44 10 Lake M. DeVinney 1125 112 59 1243 | Levering & ( 11 10 26 21 Alanson E. C. Finkbeiner 1337 1368 200 68 68 18 12 60 1508 15 6 ' 3 22 Ludin ton L. J. Nevins 1950 1950 300 132 132 33 33 159 159 2274 29 28 6 23 Mackinaw N. D. Chew 757 638 150 30 24 8 1 12 680 130 1 8 14 1 G. 21 Mancelona G. Whipple 862 862 112 38 38 14 39 39 953 zh 23 Mani tee PaulBooda 2050 2050 400 132 132 33 33 1181118 2333 4 8 13 J. 26 Manton W. Rochelle. 1200 1200 1.0 48 48 15 50 50 1313

27 Me ick ScottBartholomew 300 281 60 30 26 8 18 3 314 42 8 1 E. 8 18 2 30 14 28 Moore - town M. Smith 364 350 21 27 387 2 11 11 30 2 Northport WilsonTennant 52 627 75 30 693 7 30 3 15 Od Mission L. B. Kenyon. 52 52 18 20 10 18 20 572 1 12 31 Petoskes C.E. Pollock 21501228 500 132 132 41 162 163 2619 4 3 1 15 12 32 Seattville Russell R. Kinz 117511171 200 64 64 72 72 1326 ! 2 33 Sherman A. F. Jenne. 7 . 53 5 58 ; , 2 4 23 C. E. 82 TraverseCity Ashbury- Thies 127 127 150 68 68 23 82 1448 3 31 12 F. Central H. C'app 1800 1800 125 126 38 38 1471147 2111 1 30 10 6 4 36 14thSt. & Inland E. E. Clark 486 487 72 24 24 520

37 Wesley GeorgeTennant 608 610 30 30 8 8 18 18 660 15 38 Williamburg W. E. Bird all 339 79 10 349

Total 356293536 506719341868 621 476 19841663 39372 904 143 57 132 234

Total Lait Year 4563540170541722111867 853 549 23211620 44200 4044243 71 152 644

Increase 1 43

Decrease 100064895 330 277 232 73 337 4834 3142100 14 201410

Total this year 3562935365 506719341808 621 476 19841663 39372 904

Compared 4 la t 3034 with year .. 3422630128406316581400 640 412 1741121533155 :

Increase 1403 5237) 1004 276 468 64 243 448 6217 Decrease 19 2130 225

ALICE SWEM , Assistant Statistician


. . . Buildings of . Pl. . on . . De . by

inc . Mem Prop . . . Ren Trans Faith M. Pr Year on Cur Sup Sch Ind

to . Society . Value now . Value . Fund Schools Buildings P. . & , by . . not or Build on Members . Exp Church

in School Fund Inac Int Interest Impr and and Indebted . People Con . Dur . Old

, etc. . Other and Aid Day

, Number

and . Contrib Exp for for fromOth Tran Mem

from on

on Cong Chur in of Debt canadag

. incl Advocates

, and Hour ... Land . . . . List Young Expenses Senior ing Theological Deaths Buildings Rally Removed Officers Paid Full Inactive No. Enrolled Current Estimated Paid Indebtedness Church Number Estimated Land Val Paid Present Ministerial No.

Reo Rec Roll Teachers Bonds not inc Cur Subscribers the Amt Ladies Ree Rec |Ils of 24 600 200

3 1 800 300 22 56

1 1000 8 3 11 3700 8 2 3000 75 50 2 3

500 6 ...

5 5 403 5000

238888 4000 700 2 16 2 ... 21...... 2500 2500 50 12 1000 13

1000 14 3000 15 1200 16 oovove 280 2300 17 18 6 133 Oo 6 19 1 3 20 4 175 25 150 3 321 1 275 80 352831135 6500 1798 22 2 1 80 20 10 56 12 60 1319 124 23 11 5 162 64 30 1500 308 11 2 1 20 Twionwen 271 400011000 480 45 100 1 : 200 1800 TERE 100 800 3 27 7 2 2 600 28 3 3 Navn

2200 Grote 29

1 2000 30 1 09 3000 1 NEN 583 1 19 12 4 196 50 1 Novi 3 15 3 ... 3 400 3 3 6 , 4 3 ---- 98. 1500 28 ...... 1 76 64 24 61 78 78110 46 6187127 106 68 71 781 6426 3907 739 81 620750866001535038673854359643525711142 11935 84 181 79 62621251 94 69 75 820 6410 4995 744 84 64950094300150124059 4354 6360811947 14352

16 338 31610 16 : 1 4 39 1088 7700 192 28351 80 2417 1

1: 226


DISCIPLINARY BENEVOLENCES As orderedby theGeneralConference OTHER ITEMS World ) Purposes Service Supportof all Ed'n Fund Service . NAMES OF CHARGES for Bd OR CHURCHES ( Benevolences Missionary World Missionary on Fund Service For Items Payments Claimants Day Contributions Episcopal Foreign Home Service Superintendents ( Administration Service Disciplinary World Cash Other

Number ) World Bishops Society Apportioned Apportionment Society List Fund District World Woman's Total Total Children's Woman's Total Conference Additional General to Total 1 5 8 8 11 Alba 26 45 3 8 24 2 5 15 2 Alden 58 54 22 25 25 30 3 12 22 30 10 BearLake .. 90 66 76 76 29 4 4 13 BellaireandCentralLake . 141 144 102 115 110 225 67 22 80 173 5 10 85 118 180 58 10 68 57 34 159 84 179 BoyneCity andFalls . 6 10 9 30 5 Copemish oc8 . 54 37 46 46 43 7 CadillacFirst 328 450 305 7 312 214 85 611 95 27 130 252 8 11 20 PeoplesandCircuit . 132 135 21 21 41 53 36 100 9 30 Charlevoix.... 198 144 31 31 34 48 113 84 105 219 6 10 90 42 8 50 62 62 East JordanandEllsworth. 31 11 5 2 7 18 24 11 12 Elberta . 58 54 31 67 3 25 3 2 2 12 20 10 38 Elk Rapids . 120 2 33 94 5 13 18 EmpireandLakeAnn .. 43 54 13 461 48 25 6 5 14 8 20 Fife Lake ... 54 12 17 37 30 35 75 58 12 15 15 Frankfort. 140 180 70 38 50 105 5 18 18 16 Freesoil 27 45 103 121 121 10 33 45

17 71 14 18 Harbor Springs 49 180 85 68 153 45 108 7 7 18 7 Kalkaska Federated. 11 24 30 28 2 19 Kingsley 18 72 6 30 30 3 15 4 20 Lake City 97 126 30 34 1491 183 59 44 121 74 21 18 30 LeveringandAlanson. 110 126 12 44 68 12 60 140 9 22 Ludington 394 5 132 ... 360 125 125 69 104 303 33 159 333 9 6 3 24 6 91 12 42 23 Mackinaw. 22 54 14 3 24 Mancelona. 69 126 283 283 37 320 38 39 94 10 5 6 25 Manistee . 242 225 220 230 71 158 464 132 33 118 289 3 26 Manton 79 135 46 15 61 75 136 48 15 50 116 3 26 4 1 7 27 Mesick . 56 63 55 62 62 34 28 1 8 18 8 21 36 10 Moorestown 18 27 2 38 11 10 29 23 30 66 Northport . 55 90 33 331 251 7 30 Old Mission 35 63 52 14 66 66 20 20 47

31 Petoskey 25 . 705 594 415 440 26 170 193 8291 132 41 163 344 15 72 64 2 32 Scottville. 125 189 105 105 115 2201 153 5 6 18 6 5 33 Sherman 6 5 , 34 City 139 180 109 113 12 124 249 68 23 82 178 Traverse Ashbury. 38 11 35 Central .. 428 450 437 15 452 172 187 822 126 147 317 4 . 17 7 5 36 14thStreet 63 11 11 24 33 1 18 8 37 2 Wesley .. 24 63 89 19 108 114 224 30 6 9 3 38 Williamsburg 45 9 12 10 10 75 ) 58

945 ) Total . 4031 5151 2922 405 3327 1586 5933 1866 475 1663 4062 227



Educational, En HospitalsandHomes, An, dowments,Bldg ., Endowments, Bldgs., SpecialGifts SpecialGifts ) and Fund Fund Church Invest

or Benevolences & Conference Etc. Fund Conference Disciplinary Claimants Fund on En , Expense Entertainment Society Work Home . Fund Hospital Emergency School Church Conference Foundation Conf College Total and Annual Items Home Home Annual Expense Lansing Missionary

( Conference Number Peoples Wesley City Apportionment Other District Fund Miscellaneous Albion East Methodist Annual ments Sustentation Deaconess Travel Benevolences nual Other List Foundation Clark Children's Benevolences Conference Total Summer Bronson Clark dowment Extension Area Grand Methodist SU 3 7 1 ON 4 14 12 1

15 683 744 1082 66 155

2 12 330 1193 86 227 72 404 81 193

WEN 30 115 1

10 51 12 1 ON 114 5 1401 259 13 78 14 3 8 15 226 15 4 165 16

25 18 1 317 17

18 18 19 27 10 428/20

1005 1257 21 21 12 822 22

10 69 23 f

71 24 151 4 485 ... 10 57 810

35 3 12 20 147 399 26 4 1 18 27 114 1

> 16 72 28 17 119 29

1 135 30 7 10 8 10 22 15 162 1335 31 1 18 407 32 11 594 34 8 5 3 8 15 14 1448 1 52 1 1 1 1 343

9 31 53 38 1 5 149 1995 363 431 1638 688... 117) 124 62 93 201 24 4468 14463 228 STATISTICIAN - KALAMAZOO DISTRICT BLUCHER B. SWEM , Statistician


Sup. of SupportSupport of Prep . Supportof Pastor District of Conference Bap Mem Supt. Bishops Claimants tisms bership NAMES OF NAMES OF CHARGES PASTORS . . Exp in Rent Rent of Exp Year Re now , in . Support

.House , for House , Baptized .. . House House Baptized Value Dur

. Admin Paid Deficiency Admin Paid Claim Mem Cl Mem , Paid Number , . . . Roll Tot Parsonage Prep cluding cluding Prep Rent List Ministerial Total Total Rental Total Claim Paid Claim Total Adults Paid Children on Total 1 3 wceived Allegan | HaroldWeston. 1237 1237 300 531 53 24 24 64 64 1378 2 11 EX 7 8 Alinena. WilliamReace .. 225 225 11 7 8 251 3 SERent Augusta A. R. Elliott . 650 650 200 25 25 15 15 22 22 712 2 4 3 Bangor ScottMacDonald. 12.701250 200 56 56 26 26 84 84 1416 5 :: 9 BentonHarbor P. H. Murdick 3300 3300 450 225 225 66 66 338 338 3929 6 75 76 6 ] * 33 208950 R. B. Spurlock 1500 1455 150 72 114 1623 99 BerrienSprings 2016 7 10 31 Bloomingdale Margaret F. Nash 824 771 112 33 W31 14 39 846 64 8 , 11 11 8 11 A. A . Bradley & Indian Miss Buege. 4 9 7 7 : .. .. Breedsville ScottMacDonald 187 187 27 27 225NOS 10 2 . 6 Buchannan ThomasRice 1675 1675 400 75 75 24 24 93 93 18671 So 10 rnips M. E. Bowen 862 951 75 46 37 19 10 37 1008 45 2 12 Burr Oak GeorgeWoomer 870 870 120 37 37 18 18 54 54 979 5 67 15 13 Cassopolis D. L. Reedy 1400 1400 150 67 30 30 78 78 1575 25 25

14 , 997 957 54 2 J. E. 56 22 26 48 46 Centerville Bartlett Jr. 135 1083 6

Stanley . 5 15 Colon . Buck 1080 1080 180 49 49 22 22 67 67 1218 7 12 4 16 Constantine E. E. Price 1100 1100 200 50 50 21 21 53 53 1224 1 2 2 9 15 17 768 100 15 9 25 25 W. 855 12 Climax Y. Pohly 904 10 1 52 21 18 Decatur D. W. Parker 1026 900 150 41 18 54 45 1004 149 20 3 92 3 75 19 Dowagiac CharlesOughton 1500 1500 300 75 28 28 92 1695 2 9 11 1 15 20 Edwardsburg CharlesDobbertin. 765 765 240 33 33 8 21 821 . B. 4 21 Fennville Victor Miles .. 1087 1010 200 50 30 10 3 45 18 1061 131 , 9 22 Fulton H. E Millard 550 506 100 22 15 23 521 83 O. 28 1 23 Galesburg John Hazans. 1125 1125 225 41 23 23 28 1217 J. 12 5 24 Galien C. Snell 1042 1004 180 42 34 15 39 23 1073 65 60 2

Ganges F. 25 G. Wright 1350 1250 150 55 27 25 74 68 1398 113 4 2 26 Gobles Charles B. Hahn 900 985 75 52 52 22 22 59 59 1118 16 3 F. E. 27 Hartford Chamberlain.. 1262 950 250 31 24 62 42 1039 354 A. . 19 28 Hopkins W. Baker 1025 1025 200 37 37 19 47 47 1128 4 15

29 Kalamazoo- Damon 6 6 32 8 & Comstock R. D. Wearne. 1800 1800 337 75 75 32 116 116 2023 20 5 6 30 East Avenue. LeRoy Whitney 120001200 150 68 68 26 26 64 64 1358 10 16 C. 00 31 First W. Perdew 3150 3150 450 2251225 07 67 492 492 3934 12 27 6 7 7 32 Oakwood & Oshtemo R. E. Yost 810 661 135 34 31 27 23 719 1585 15 33 Parchment W. H. Helrigel 2350 2550 266 105 105 33 33 220 220 2908 27 -- 6 3 11 34 Simpson G. A. Osborne. 1763 1763 263 135 135 36 36 154 154 2088

Stockbridge - 12 35 Henry Liddicoat. 2150 2150 500 143 143 38 38 181 181 2512 14 6 7 T. 2 8 36 WilsonMemorial. W. Hill 10 10 19 1 37 Keeler Oliveknapp 850 828 100 30 27 15 14 30 30. 899 26 2 15 5 5 3 38 Lacota R. H. Beckett 270 270 45 277 81 2 39 Lawrence W. P. Manning 1125 1125 150 53 53 24 28 81 1287 15 40 Lawton R. G. Greiger 900 900 150 45 45 15 48 48 1008 8 , 41 . 60 Marcellus A. T. Halstead 131011310 185 60 60 24 24 60 1454 5 3 42 Martin A. A. Buege 1200 1200 75 60 60 26 26 62 62 1348 8 . 43 Mendon & Parkville ThomasPollard 1049 1049 112 52 52 20 19 90 83 1203 2 3 NewBuffalo- Lakeside. Floyd Yinger 118311170 360 48 38 21 13 45 26 1247 52 0. 45 Niles T. Lee 1362 1362 350 78 78 24 24 1787178 1642 11 3 6 6 C. E. North Oshtemo Deal 176 176 10 10 3 195 3 21 Otsego 5 20 47 I. W. Minor 1700 1700 200 131 131 36 36 153 153 2020 8 8 17 12 48 Paw Paw Howard A. Seymour 975 975 225 35 35 17 35 35 1062

49 Plainwell E. L. Sutcliffe 1425 1425 225 68 68 22 22 95 95 1610 8 10 35 21 2 2 50 Salem & Indian Mission M. E. Bowen 21 23 Lightfoot & 8 51 Schoolcraft Porta ze .. LeRov 118711204 250 54 54 15 15 67 67 1340 . 6 11 1 15 11 52 Scotts C. W. Cookingham 750 750 75 17 17 21 21 799 10 3 53 SouthHaven W. B. Oldt . 1650 1650 400 109 109 26 26 140 140 1925 14 15 15 54 22 Steubensville& Pokagon 0. W. Carr 1090 1090 223 22 57 57 1184 6 6

Stanley B. 56 17 55 Sturgis. Niles 2375 2375 500 1351135 56 190190 2756 *23 , 6 11 3 56 St. Joseph O R. Grattan. 2323 232 3751142 142 45 45 1851185 2697

57 ( 63 Three ako W. W. Hurd 1100 1100 200 52 52 22 22 63 1237 , ) 4 58 ThreeRivers DeinpsterYinger 1605 160 300 131 131 33 33 168168 1937 11 5 59 Vicksburg T. H. Leamon 132511350 200 75 75 25 25 08 68 1518 9 14 , 10 60 Watervliet Karl H. Keefer 1900 1900 250 60 60 10 113 113 2083 8 ) 14 , 61 Wavland H. H Harris 1176 1176 187 52 52 16 16 66 66 1310 211 46 62 White Pigeon GeorgeBrown. 936 1000 187 37 37 17 17 46 1100 29 | Total 739 8 7330712269375736501344127850164811 83046 1400330199 299

Last Year 932899060214894978467717231413 59115305102057 4088493 242 491) 356 Increase 57 Decrear 1933117357 232012211027 379 135 895 494) 19011 2488163 43 196

Total this year 739187330712269375736.5013441278 50164811 83046 1400

Comparedwith lat year 69967679971094237343508129210604433397976543 3066

Increase 3991 5310 1327 23 142 52 218 583 832 6503 Decrease 1666 JAMES MARION DEVINNEY , Assistant Statistician 229


. . End .. Buildings of . De on Mem Ren Faith Prop . Trans Year I'M now . & . Value l'alue , by . Schools Members

. Church Con in Inac School Dur . and People and

, etc. Other and from

on Tran fromOth ,

.Mem , , , Chur of and . , Departments . Ree Ree Rec Rec Full Rollin

Inactive No I Removed Deaths Young Enrolled Buildings Otheers Number Senior Church Estimated Val Estimated all of Bonds 3 2 1 190 3 23 15 195 1 3,00 1 120 37 20000 100 323 900 5 1 1 23 12 6 30 24 1 1000 30 90 1 1 5 1 1 76 13 155 1 67 1 10000 3000 2150 368 190 2 6 4 4 4 2 13 271 23 1 150 90 23 15000 2500 500 400 305 1 5 13 33 6 1042 250 3 11 33 483 475 30 1 210000 9000 21002200 1830350005071 600 1 19 3 2 1 39 2 284 45 2 311 255 20 6 23000 4000 75 175 680 67 2 15 3 132 27 46 3 30 200 70 4 12000 2000 203 195 510 3 7 1 5 20 1 500 1 13 80 23 150 37 1 9 3500 160 54 90 1 3 4 1 2

20 20 42 230 289 35 2 20000 6000 400 200 285 475 2 10 1 149 2 2 38 29 3

203 88 3 12000 2000 106 200 225 100 140 11 2 1 .

165 15 95 50 2 10 730 75 1 1012 7 2 5 2 222 59 2 18 158 79 35 3 341 325 255 2 13 1 5 3 56 2 2 195 21 142 17 63 2 12000 3000 6000 2393 2 50 70 310 2 14 7 7 1 4 20 185 24 220 145 38 1 20000 4000 523 150 375 260 250 1 15 3 3 1

184 36 17 183 135 1 15 20000 2000 150 350 100 1 16 1 7 1 2 12 142 2 19 140 145 2 23 2 11000 2000 200 150 250 510 7 17 9 3 1

132 16 123 1 90 24 12000 1500 700 20 1673 256 150 1 18 5 4 2 5 2 1

207 58 21 155 1 1 150 30000 5000 1000 50 500 450 5 19 5 1

68 2 23 98 59 2 10 18000 2 4000 188 356 8 20 3

145 38 2 3 . 32 315 180 33 18900 2000 500 25 430 120 2 21 4

19 2 89 10 15 108 43 2 7500 300 1400 192 68 82 279 2 22 1 2 1 2 1 182 23 150 20 1 1 16000 3000 1700 100 295 172 10 10 10 2 23 1 2 6 93 16 1 3 23 142 3 180 10000 3000 30 103 186 3 24 3 227 21 4 56 3 30000 2300 167 56 200 1800 767 3 10 25 7 2 9 4 2 153 2 27 256 255 2 15 8500 2000 600 10 170 255 2 26 9 2

167 2

20 150 180 2 18 22000 4000 4000 300 1000 400 500 2 27 1 2 1 2

149 23 27 2

80 2 188 24 15000 4000 94 150 172 5 3 28 1 6 5

15 1 221 2 41 349 154 21 2 24230 6000 1650 72 128 6260 572 506 2 14 29 7 5

55 1 203 21 16 1 250 200 20000 3000 100 154 1000 2300 740 389 1 30 27 11 7 1 52 1130 28 8 48 673 598 20 1 32 3000 45850 2230108001152005131 1773 1 21 31 2 1 2 168 58 36 255 200 2 8300 1500 230 100 275 350 7 12 32 N 15 4 23 1

427 17 44 526 597 60 7000 3000 1926 2232 125 33 1 424 75 1 warn 1 46 616 359 91 - 23000 4000 550 875 497 1 15 17 34 3 1 10 517 40 W3 1 1 - 45 581 304 23 600 1 23000 9000 1200 400 35 1 1 9 2 1

36 9 N 100 49 1 66 1 20 3.500 246 80 2 36 1 Sri 5 30 3 108 24 3 124 68 12000 1000 40 400 3 37 -- 1 1 5 10 35 1 15 1 - 3000 1200 100 18 100 1 38 4 6 3 3 1 183 11 31 18 125 10 E 143 15000 2500 83 320 320 1 39 1 1 3 2 3 184 32 1 22 220 115 1 15000 3000 144 215 3 271 50 40

38 2 2 299 180 42 11500 3500 5500 250 230 131 7 41

172 33 2 26 2 234 20000 2000 3000 50 40 800 350 500 2 42

234 64 2

24 2 240 123 30000 2600 150 400 150 2 43 2 2 114 3 15 2 120 2 159 16000 7000 120 80 225 325 2 6 5 5 1 477 128 8 50 556 193 35000 3500 1000 50 74 1472 197 1100 656 1 15 2445 15 1

10 1 1

80 30 10 1200 33 25 4 46 2 3 409 17 1 : 2 * 34 430 50 2 362 23400 3100 425 86 493 350 2 11 10 47 8 10 1 23 2 12 149 80 1 20 1 11000 4000 500 75 100 475 175 430 5 ... 1048 6 2 12

260 1 5 2

45 1 13 193 100 13500 4000 500 150 150 50 250 1 49 31 1 12 4 5

20 1 500 10 1 50 7 2 8 3 219 73 2 31 272 2 209 97 6000 5000 500 460 440 348 2 10 51 6 1 1 1 1 85 1 31 91 1 16 195 10 5000 1000 36 5 27 50 100 1 52 5 6 2

390 53 3 1 30 300 90 30 1 65000 5000 140 908 1293 10726 925 335 1 53 3 9

185 66 3 4 25 150 100 40 12000 3000 800 200 250 3 54 6 792 289 7 1 642 1 43 779 25 1 6500010000 200 200 2169 100 8 25 55 11 11 17 527 130 2 1 1 1 22 308 384 65000 7500 7100 170 300 2200 1 56 1 1 1 19 :::::::::: 188 1 29 239 123 23 20000 3500 6.3 582 446 1 57 7 16 4 493 80 29 1 28 275

167 1 20 40000 4900 400 700 435 10 10 12 58 9 5 7 1 205 30 3 1 1 22 189 148 20 20000 2000 400 200 400 544 1 59 31 12 3 2

437 23 71 3 447 490 8+ 23000 6000 100 550 643 3 60 5 2 176 18 2 2 23 292 230 12000 2300 475 40 2 61 1 1 1 29 250 275 15000 2500 50 300 1 62 43

221253 92 298 149242458285124 1562145221053712481001563350194200865501558157811855617652434977 2122995253 8776 510 373

162 93 1982319304041633 2224496 151082498260 156814045117621623 99 1575350204600956501699.3 577 5781 56 75 1 184 40 1 38 1223375 12000104009100 1412 1267 165166656 2 1015

1 2.0


DISCIPLINARY BENEVOLENCES As orderedby theGeneralConference OTHER ITEMS World ) Purposes Servicc Supportof all Ed'n

. Fund Service Bd

NAMES OF CHARGES for OR CHURCHES ( Benevolences Missionary Missionary World on Fund

for Service Items Payments Claimants Day Contributions Foreign Episcopal Home Service Superintendents ( Administration Service Disciplinary Cash World Other Number ) World Apportioned Apportionment Society Society Bishops List District Total World Additional Woman's Woman's Children's Total Fund Total General to Conference Total 1 5 Allegan 210 234 182 10 192 80 277 53 24 64 6 147 2 16 36 16 Almena. 32 16 11 7 9 27 3 25 2 34 20 15 Augusta 81 27 47 25 22 64 5 Bangor 162 234 76 18 94 124 223 56 26 84 166

5 BentonHarbor 305 693 164 61 225 274 199 698 225 66 340 631 6 10 15 76 BerrienSprings 276 351 253 263 181 459 52 20 148 7 51 Bloomingdale 68 46 12 58 58 31 10 31 72 8 . Bradley & IndianMission 85 7 4 .. Breedsville 51 72 29 56 85 27 38 . 94 25 75 10 Buchanan 161 252 119 198 317 24 93 8 200 11 90 90 10 77 108 32 58 37 10 Burnips. 57 :: 12 Burr Oak . 57 144 73 73 73 37 18 54 115 11 13 Cassopolis 135 171 52 63 65 67 30 78 18.3 54 30 54 46 14 Centerville. 135 126 53 88 26 128 15 Colon... 219 144 120 120 18 21 159 49 22 67 142 2 88 20 16 Constantine. 100 189 76 81 169 51 53 126 24 15 9 54 19 17 Climax . 58 31 25 52 . 2 18 18 Decatur 57 108 20 22 22 41 45 104 4 28 75 19 35 Dowagiac. 133 198 39 51 118 28 92 195 36 20 Edwardsburg 81 29 3 32 33 8 15 56 30 . 3 21 Fennville 51 153 24 24 24 18 51 7 34 22 Fulton 18 90 20 27 61 15 15 6 95 16 25 23 41 23 Galesburg 135 111 23 79 240 28 96 , 12 12 34 24 Galien 77 63 12 12 23 74 70 25 25 Ganges. 170 225 32 102 247 349 55 68 148 2 26 Gobles. 158 135 63 10 73 73 52 22 59 13.5 2 2 2 16 27 Hartford . 27 153 31 42 89 19 28 56 2 Hopkins ... 119 153 135 16 151 207 37 47 105 5 75

29 6 - 154 KalamazooDamon. 221 243 159 49 208 32 116 229 20 26 . 26 30 East Avenue 107 234 105 125 69 97 317 68 64 6 164 . 31 First 798 1125 740 35 775 531 327 1633 225 67 492 15 799 36 7 12 19 & . 32 Oakwood Oshtemo 46 12 31 24 2 61 7 33 Parchment. 105 432 432 25 457 23 64 86 632 105 33 220 365

34 36 Simpson 404 585 449 148 597 32 514 390 1533 135 154 10 335

33 38 492 648 689 11 Stockbridge. 669 20 213 230 1132 143 181 373 5 1 7 2 1 36 WilsonMemorial. 21 18 12 13 10 7 20 . 32 14 2 37 Keeler 42 81 32 32 27 30 73 2 5 2 7 38 Lacota 45 1 8

39 28 Lawrence .. 33 216 216 224 97 321 53 81 166 1 40 Lawton 128 171 33 33 79 112 45 15 48 109 4 . Marcellus 67 189 70 70 84 158 60 24 60 8 152 15 26 42 Martin 204 27 141 68 224 60 62 7 155 , 43 Mendon & Parkville 141 216 55 123 104 227 52 19 83 14 168

NewBuffalo- Lakeside. 15 162 58 62 38 13 25 76 . 43 78 24 Niles 150 498 386 74 460 158 384 1002 178 21 301 6 36 34 6 3 .. 10 45 North Oshteno 34 34 1 20 36 Otsego 356 387 312 20 332 17 100 93 542 131 153 10 330 3 35 48 Paw Paw 88 135 65 65 78 146 35 17 87 5 49 Plainwell 260 198 145 145 86 68 299 67 22 95 189 2 2 50 Salem & IndianMission

51 & Schoolcraft Portage. 189 198 156 12 168 172 38 378 43 15 67 139 17 11 52 Scotts 53 108 17 17 55 72 21 15 26 5 . 18 53 SouthHaven 230 270 11 29 56 55 155 109 140 280 15 15 & 135 2 54 Stevensville Pokagon .. 100 151 15 22 57 96 20 10

Sturgis. 55 438 684 566 566 322 149 1057 135 56 190 391 15 5 56 St. Joseph 575 414 183 185 154 104 458 142 45 180 372 . 38 4 57 ThreeOaks 133 171 78 116 37 157 52 22 63 4 141 25 6 58 ThreeRivers. 448 504 372 397 282 288 967 131 33 168 338 10 75

59 189 85 85 25 Vicksburg. 137 63 163 68 168 41 41 68 10 60 Watervliet. 121 342 114 60 1101 180 40 61 Wayland 198 167 167 13 180 52 16 66 134

143 17 62 White Pidgeon .. 193 216 143 . 203 346 37 46 100 ) Total ... 9204 13739 7741 910 8651 272 4873 2912 167083629 1277 4806 221 9933 231


ANNUAL CONFERENCE BENEVOLENCES OTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE ITEMS TER ITEMS Educational, En Hospitals andHomes, , of dorments,Bldgs., Endowments, Bldg., SpecialGifts SpecialGifts An

Fund ) Fund Fund Church Invest and

or Benevolences

& Conference Fund Etc. Conference Claimants on En Fund , Expense Entertainment Itens Society Work Home . Fund Hospital Claimants Emergency School Church Conference Conf Foundation College and Disciplinary Administration Annual Items Home Home Annual Missionary Expense Conference Lansing ( Number Other City Peoples Wesley Apportionment Extension Deaconess District Fund nual List Clark Methodist Children's Annual ments Sustenttaion Benevolences Travel Area Total Other Albion Bronson Clark Conference Miscellaneous Summer dowment Benevolences Other Total East Total General Conference 3 . 31 15 00 8 45 **

100 10 ...

19 10


15 11 45 8 9

, 1 28 10 2 11 8 201 219

2 280 12 : 11 12 315 13 14 255 6 هچ 124

15 415 2 رب * QUOD 16 315 رس 17 158 27 نم 25 * 171 18 6 338 19 10 118 20 * 2 134 21 *** 100 18

39 20 3 482 8 25 1 107 10 4 * 6 571 4 6 19 270

4 37 128 32 15.792 2 1 51 147 459 28

* 15 2 13 14 429 866 29 10 12 237 718 30

60 1611011 54 139 12 14 31 1059 3491 31 4 1 31 111

18 9 522 1519 . 18 91 2429

9 35 601 25 72 2048

1 67 36

1 1 190 37 29 38

10 36 3 765 39 269 40

4 10 433 41 7 22 509 42 2828288 412 43 17,8 187

4 45 48 11 1717

1 79 46 9

10 1501 47 251 48

10 3 10 589 2

23 19 656 130

e 16 18 5 492 53

20 .... 1 203 54

25 10 11 1695 55 9891 56 15 ..... 3 420 57 9 10 30 31 14 .... 20 1598 58

2 2 365 5 17 1 oo 404 60

13 ] 721 .... 22 er ... 499 14 | ...... 18 ) | 528.... 1367 1637 1181 2677 817 170) 345 236 482 115 1881 402 155 9032 35673 202


Pastor's Cash Pastor's Cash Salary Salary CONGREGATIONS , CONGREGATIONS , CHURCHES OR CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES SOCIETIES of School of World World School

Members to Members to Enrollment Full Enrollment Full Service Claim Paid Service Claim Paid Paid Number Paid Number Church Church 9 Bloomingdale 62 300 250 26 Oshtemo 751100 435 190

44 206 . 190 62 TownLine . 206 21 Oakwood 375 336 10 11 Glendale. 26 206 206

Keeler . 78 70 450 450 17 69 29 150 177 34 Silver Creek 32 31 150 158 15 Burnips. 14 20 150 125 Monterey 225 225 Wayne. Salem 136 100 412 474 45

Marcellus . 268 193 975 975 84 1231156 900 900 57 31 28 150 150 Cassopolis. Newberg

Jones 35 66 300 300 3 Martin 140 937 937 91 65 Centerville 89 750 710 88 Shelbyville. 188 188 55

Nottawa. 32 113 113 Mendon 155 1050 787 152

Climax 80 86 490 549 19 Parkville 75 200 150 60 56 178 12 W. Leroy 206

New Buffalo. 65 488 473 39

Edwardsburg 53 375 375 26 Lakeside 49 337 337 12

SmithsChapel 24 15 150 150 10 Otsego 323 1125 1125 280 Fulton 83 54 300 290 23 Trowbridge 86 375 375 32

Leonidas 25 31 150 116 4

Schoolscraft. 107 91 375 384 38

68 337 337 3 165 128 562 570 121

Galien Portage.

NewTroy 70 337 337 8 8 Dayton 15 187 148 Stevensville 75 70 450 450

MorrisChapel 30 60 240 240 3 112 600 50 45 56 175 175 Ganges 600 Pokagon. Glenn 39 262 225

Casco. 52 338 275 42 Watervliet 197 800 800 Coloma 166 700 700

Gobles 181 126 600 665 18 Riverside 74 150 150

Kendall 75 27 300 320 55 261 151 800 Wayland . 800 161 6 25 Hopkins 1241105 487 487 61 Dorr .. 31 189 189 90 SouthMonterey 64 41 337 337

Damon 114| 133 1100 8251103

Comstock 216 88 638 56 233


Disciplinary Benevolences OtherItems As Orderedby theGen.Conference

World Support of

for ) World Fund ) NAME OF on Service

for Society Claimants DISTRICTS Society Society Payments Day Claimants Fund Contributions Foreign Education Home Service Superintendents - of Administration Service Disciplinary Items World Cash Number Number Purposes World Episcopal Board Missionary Missionary Missionary Bishops Apportionments Apportioned Children's Conference Woman's Woman's District Additional Other List List Total Total Benevolences Conference General Total Service World AllTotal to ( ( 1 - Albion Lansing.

2 Big Rapids

Rapids . 3 Grand

4 Grand Traverse Ed

Kalamazoo ...

8789 6 6 OtherSources

Total .

Last Year 34 year...... 316141 3 as Increase. Decrease..... 371 ......


Annual ConferenceBenevolences OtherAnnual ConferenceItems

Edueational Hosp. and Homes Endowments Endowments , , Sp Sp

Bldg . Bldg . . . Gifts Gifts Annual Fund Fund Society ) . ,and Ex Fund Fund Investments Investments Church . Religious Fund Conference Conference Disciplinary Church Fund Claimants Fund Fund Fnund Expense Benevolences Entertainment Peoples Home Home Foundation Work

or . County

Found , Hospital Publication School Conference College Conference and

. Total Home Annual Items Emerg Annual Expense and Number Miss Number Wes Apportionment

Lansing . come Conference Children's City List Albion Children's Dist Minutes Methodist On Annual Other and Summer Endowment Benevolences Deaconess Travel Secretarial Area State Total Benevolence E. Bronson Clark ( Sustentation Miscellaneous Grand Conference Other List

1152948502 1 2 saas 153 591 36 20 21 114 10 157 44 4910 19108 3 396 751116 136 254 41 548513 1644151575 24 62 ) 11 ) 117| 124 1 82 201 4468 14463 4

9032 35673 5 87896


10 2283 81 86 70 213 23358623921148 36879

... 1976...... 227.... 27 234



Supportof Pastor Supportof Support Supportof ofDistrict of Confer. Supt. Bishops Claimants NAME OF NAME OF DISTRICT DISTRICT SUPT . Rent Rent Expenses House House Ministerial

including . of .

including inc

, inc , , for Value Rent Rent Deficiency Paid Paid Claim Claim Paid Number Number Administrative Parsonage Support List House Rental Total Total Total Total House Total Total and List 1 ) - Albion Lansing ... A. H. Pellowe... 83049 80909124594584 432415111354 7103 6365 92951 3542 1 ) | 2 V. ... Big Rapids. W. Thrall 53804 52623 8361 2736 2528 955 799 3475 2942 58892 25531 3 3

Rapids .. L. L. Dewey 7654075137121534325 419414951406 5006 4859 85596 1751 Grand ... 4 . GrandTraverse GlennM. Frye .... 3562935365 5067 1934 1868 621 476 1984 1663 39372 904 5 Kalamazoo... H. W. Ellinger ... 739587330712269 3757 365013441278 50164811 83046 1400 5 - 9 Total months ... 322980317340503091733616564592653132258420640359857101501 Totallastyear.... 404367389416599452244320766780262162759923199439593213601

Increase .. :1

Decrease.. 81387 72076 96365107 420211561903 5015 2559 7973611210 year % of last . ... 30327529206244959168321557553124662207001740032969516020

Increaseover 1970525278) 5350 504 989) 614 651 1884| 3240 30162 ... 1

Decrease.. 5870


Prep .

Bapti . | . Membership Memb Full ChurchSchools Ep . League


and . roll M. Roll ,

Received on P. Denomina Nur Transfer

Schools , Transfer Confession now Year

fromon by other by Members School Roll the and pupils Baptized , and Members Members from

on Mem's Number No. Renewal . . . Churche . Prep Prep Received During Teach Now Full Inactive No. List Received Received Removed Withdrawals Adults and Rec Inactive Church Senior Intermediate Officers List

1 Albion - Lans ... 402213 394 604 322 443 75011921242 2857 408178/101169116268103451557149 297) 1

2 BigRapids .. 280178 290 265 184 158 147) 3110084 1525 156118113/1444110476721 991191 190 2 96 3 3 GrandRapids. . 383177 311 693 202 241 325 64 18641 2668261170 92 17071567698701228102

78 4 4 Grand Traverse 143 57 132 234 78 110 46 6187 1255 106 68 71 781 6426 3907 703 361

5 Kalamazoo.... 330199 295 299 221 263 298 43 149242458 265 124 92 15621462210537979105 164 5 , Total 9 months15388241422209510071183| 163030371078| 1076311966584697185/64039413805450547 783 - Total Last Year201291117202725 21741408 .... 71181110631081 787 472 714866396473695620 634 1029 16

Increase 37 .... 222 115 .... 30 87

474 87 298 630 103 300 129 Decrease...... Do .. 2357 5989 162 246 235 i


RECAPITULATION FOR 1937 - STATISTICIAN BLUCHER B. SWEM, Statistician CHURCH ,PROPERTY Miscellaneous includ includ etc. by , Expenses or Land NAME OF for DISTRICT of of on not Properties Support the Bonds Improvements , Interest Charge Indebtedness Current to Parsonages Society Church Value Places Buildings Expenses and

Other on Contributed Indebtedness of Interest the

of Old Congregations Value Aid Preachers

and of by for

Number Buildings on Number including of Debt Ministerial ing ing Preaching List Building No. Buildings Estimated Number Present Local Advocate Estimated Value Paid Paid Indebtedness Paid not Subscribers Ladies Land Endowments Current Amount and List Number 94 1 | ) 22 1 Albion - Lansing.... 106/25552195724270040912170791891121823 16306080140 30923 ) ) 2 122 794000 57133800| 4165111668 757 3494 31658 17983 27 22739 119 2 Big

Rapids. 24 90 ) 3 58 /

3 932094400 231000505501155039881879335064550351 27415 GrandRapids. ) 4 81 620750 41186600 153503867 385435964 35257) 11142 17 11935 76 Grand Traverse ... 58 ) 95 ] 25 5 5 Kalamazoo.... 10015633501 19420086550155811578118556 17652434977 21229 , Total 9 months ... 5027627719271888300235013597452329198630757144194593115 114241474 1 ) year 888081045804193583126 119266| 493 Totallast ... 509775874027089860024162371508 1

1 9822 1010 Increase .. ... - 11 19 Decrease..... 7 131021 10300 661011763.. 288660 5025 1 236 ( 1937

( e ) OTHER TREASURERS CONFERENCE CLAIMANTS ' ENDOWMENT FUND Report of Hugh Kennedy , Treasurer of Board of Trustees INVESTED FUND ) AND PROPERTY ACCOUNT At close of fiscal year , August 31 , 1936 .... . $553,999.05 Items of Increase INCOME FROM PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Interest from Bonds $ 11,710.57 Mortgages 458.29 Land Contracts 89.74 Votes and Pledges 11.92 Notes Receivable 85.68 Campaign Pledges 29.50 Dividends from Stocks .. 3,143.88 $ 15,529.58 Income from Special Mention Funds M. R. and Anna S. Bissell Thankoffer ing Fund . $ 217.70 George G. and Margaret M. Whitworth Thankoffering Fund 187.50 405.20 Mills Farm - Cash income from products ... $ 935.30 Inventory : l'nsold products . $ 671.20 Live stock 1,385.00 Tools and implements ... 407.00 2,103.20 3,398.50

ADDITIONS TO GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND 1924-1926 Campaign Fund , cash collec tions . $ 2,731.38 Bequest from Estate of Emma J. Jolley . 500.00 From Annuitants' Fund , a /c death of : Nellie Lucy Driggs ..... $ 500.00 Mrs. Marian McWithey . 200.00 Mrs. Helen C. Fry . 500.00 Mrs. Carrie G. Fox . 1,000.00 Mrs. Rillie Foote 100.00 2,300.00 5,531.38 ADDITIONS TO SPECIAL MENTION FUNDS M. R. and Anna S. Bissell Thankoffer ing Fund $ 525.00 J. C. Caldwell Memorial Fund . 84.13 $ 609.43 ADDITIONS TO PROPERTY GAINS BY SALES OR CONVERSIONS Profit on Bonds and Stock ... 4,343.96 ADDITIONS TO TRUST FUNDS John Leeson Fund 7.88 Grand Rapids District Parsonage . 205.63 213.51 ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION FUND Income from Howard Morley Fund ... 188.50 Income from John G :aham Fund ... 51.70 240.20 1937 ] REPORTS OF TREASURERS 237

TOTAL INCREASE $30,271.76 Items of Decrease BOARD OF STEWARDS -- At 1936 ( 'onference . $ 10,000.00 INTEREST PAYMENTS TO ANNUITANTS . 4,068.70 EXPENSE 3,217.48 DECREASE IN ADVANCE FOR CAMPAIGN EXPENSE By Amortization 1,388.80 MILLS FARM Maintenance and Upkeep .. .$ 382.34 Inventory Aug. 31, 1936 . 2,463.20 Real Estate Depreciation 552.90 3,398.50 DECREASE OF ANNUITANTS ' FUND By deaths of : Nellie Lucy Driggs ..... $ 500.00 Mrs. Marian McWithey . 200.00 Mrs. Helen C. Fry .. 500.00 Mrs. Carrie G. Fox ... 1,000.00 Mrs. Rillie Foote 100.00 2,300.00 DECREASE OF CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE FUND Extension and reduction of C. B. Jack son mortgages .$ 1,260.18 Extension and reduction of Walter A. Kautz note 1,120.00 2,380.18 PROPERTY LOSSES BY SALES OR CONVERSIONS Loss on Bonds and Stocks . . $ 8,155.41 Loss on Land Contracts .. 2,192.33 10,317.74

TOTAL DECREASE $ 37,101.10 NET DECREASE .$ 0,829.6+ INVESTED FUND AND PROPERTY ACCOUNT 517,109.41 At close of fiscal year , May 31 , 1937 ...... $ Assets THE TOTAL FUND IS INVESTED AT ( OST AS FOLLOWS : ('ash on Hand : Peoples' National Bank of Grand Rapids .. $ 5,192.17 Old Kent Bank , Grand Rapids .... 1.298.01 City National Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago . 1.798.05 Impounded in Grand Rapids Saving : Bauk .... S50.11 $ 15,139.84 Bonds, Cost 334,351.77 Stocks , Cost 89,028.26 Real Estate 24.948.09 Mortgages on Real Estate . 49,305.02 ( hattel Mortgages 2.165.00 Land Contracts 3,562.87 Votes Receivable 3,409.14 Mills Farm Inventory 2,103.20 Advance for 1924-1926 Campaign . 0,210,55 Notes and Pledges ( exclusive of 1921-1926 ( ampaign Pledges ) Interest Bearing . $12.135.93 Non -Interest Bearing 20,531.02 238 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Jubilee Fund 236.75

$32,903.70 Less Depreciation Reserve 28,875.00 $ 4,028.70 Trust Funds Investments John Graham Fund , Michigan Trust Co. , Trustee .. $ 2,000.00 Howard Morley Fund , G. R. Trust Co., Trustee.... 200.00 John Leeson Fund ( $946.53 in open account ) , Bond 985.00 Maggie R. Smith Estate ( $500 in open account ) Grand Rapids District Parsonage . 2,064.40 Robey J. VanZile Estate ( Epworth M. E. Church mortgage ) 1,000.00 6,219.40

$541,162.74 Furniture and Fixtures 116.52 Accounts Receivable - Brown Bros. Harriman & Co .. 5,890.15

TOTAL ASSETS . $547,109.41 Liabilities THE TOTAL FUND IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS : General Endowment Fund $160,986.24 1924-1926 Campaign Fund 266,997.40 Special Mention Funds 28,678.09 Memorial Funds 10,225.00 One Per Cent Fund ... 8,571.34 Central German Conference Fund . 17.810.27 Annuitants ' Fund 108,825.00 Reserve appropriated from Income . 701.80 Outside Trusts for this Fund John Graham Fund , Michigan Trust ( ' o., Trustee .. $ 2,000.00 Howard Morley Fund , G. R. Trust Co., Trustee .... 200.00 $ 2,200.00 Held in Trust for Outside Beneficiaries John Leeson Fund . . $ 1,931.53 Robey J. VanZile Estate . 1,000.00 Maggie R. Smith Estate . 500.00 Grand Rapids District Parsonage . 2,064.40 5,495.93

$610,491.67 Less excess of Property Losses by Sales or Conversions . $95,124.79 over Property Gains by Sales or Conversions ..... 24,302.53 70,822.26

$539,669.41 Board of Stewards , for 1937 Distribution . 7,500.00


Amount to the Credit of the Board of Stewards for Distribution at 1937 Conference Computed as Follows : Interest and Dividends $ 15,529.58 Income Fund , First M. E. Church , Grand Rapids : M. R. and Anna S. Bissell Thankoffering Fund .$ 217.70 George G. and Margaret M. Whitworth 1937 ] REPORTS OF TREASURERS 239

Thankoffering Fund 187.50 405.20

Gross Income from Property ... 15,934.78 Interest Payments to Annuitants $ 4,068.70 Expense : For investment counsel . $ 1,461.91 To maintain and supervise invested funds 1,403.34 To solicit new money and collect pledges 352.23 3,217.48 Amortization of Advance for Campaign Expense . 1,388.80 8,074.98

7,259.80 Plus Gifts for Direct Distribution : Income from Howard Morley Fund ... 188.50 Income from John Graham Fund ..... 51.70 $ 210.20

Amount to the credit of the Board of Stewards for distribution at the 1937 Conference .... . $ 7,500.00

Special Mention Funds Melville R. and Anna S. Bissell Thankoffering Fund . 6,056.25 J. C. Caldwell Memorial Fund .. 2,898.81 Bequest of Manley Chase . 077.00 Cooper Church Fund 339.14 W. P. and Alice E. Custard Memorial Fund . 600.00 Douglass Church Fund 1,033.65 Julia A. Eddy Memorial Fund . 500.00 Charles W. Hurd Estate ... 006.01 John and Eliza Hicks Memorial Fund . 2,000.00 Ionia Camp Meeting Memorial Fund . 280.22 Rev. and Mrs. J. R. T. Lathrop Fund . 500.00 Legacy Lansing District 425.00 Liberty Parsonage Fund 57.36 Samuel Miller Memorial Fund . 29.22 Bequest of Alfred W. Newark . 500.00 Ransom Parsonage Fund 40.00 Alice J. Robinson Fund .. 500.00 Robinson Church Fund 378.50 Mary J. Scudder Fund .. 3,000.00 Fund from Estate of M. Ida Stafford . 881.22 Legacy Charles W. Watkins .. 443.92 Mary C. Wheeler Fund .. 200.00 Charles H. and Christine H. Wheelock Fund . 672.36 5,000.00 George G. and Margaret M. Whitworth Thankoffering Fund . Bequest of Elma Williams 1,000.00

TOTAL SPECIAL MENTION FUNDS ... . $ 28,678.69 Memorial Funds Samuel and Belle C. Barr 300.00 Mrs. Adelia Lugene Bell for Rowland R. Bell . 50.00 Martha Brown-St . Joseph 300.00 Charles A. and Anna M. Brunk .. 200.00 John D. and Emily A. Burghdurf . 500.00 Mrs. R. S. Chappell for her Mother . 200.00 R. S. and Lucy A. Comstock ... 500.00 240 MICHIGAN AXXI'AL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mustard .. 400.00 E tate of Rer , J. W. Davids . 100.00 Mrs. F. L. Dahl for her Mother , Ella Youngs Summer . 25.00 Sanford F. and Minnie B. Deatsman ... 500.00 Walter Drew for his Mother , Mrs. Angeline M. Drew 200.00 Sarah L. Defendorf , Dowagiac .. 1,000.00 John II . Emons 50.00 Mrs. Amy Eagle , Pioneer . 100.00 Mrs. M. Edith Isley Eley . 50.00 Ella J. Gum for Margaret Wholly 50.00 Wm . G. and Melissa P. Hudson . 1,000.00 Mrs. Pamelia S. Jordan 500.00 Henry and Myrtle Klahn . 400.00 Jacob and Acelia Kratz . 100.00 ( harles W. Loomis 500.00 Mrs. Mattie B. Kitzmiller . 100.00 John McDougal Estate 500.00 Samuel H. and Mary E. Rinker . 500.00 Estate of Mrs. Helen Rosecrans . 100.00 Administrator of Estate of Margaret A. Russell . 300.00 Sada M. Soule for her Mother , Mrs. Biria Howard . 100.00 Wm . C. and Harriet C. Sorter .. 500.00 Hal H. Smith for his mother . Mrs. Rachel Smith . 500.00 Alphens D. and Theodocia H. Towsley .... 100.00 ( harles H. Wheelook for his Mother , Milicent Bell Wheelook . 500.00


Investment Bonds Par Value Cost Market Value Alpha Alpha Alumni of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity , 5s , 1940 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 10.00 Argentine Republic 4s , 1972 . 10,0XX0.00 9,100.00 8,975.00 Armour & Co. 4s , 1955 .. 15,000.00 14,768.75 14,700.00 Atlantic Coast Line R. Co. 1s , 1952 . 10,000.00 9,760.58 9,500.00 Austrian Gov't . Internat'l. Loan is, 1957 . 5,000.00 4,750.00 5,062.50 Baltimore & Ohio R. Co. 4s , 1948 .. 5,000.00 5,338.76 5,325.00 Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. ( /Ds . 2,500.00 2,487.50 1,000.00 Boston & Maine R. Co. 1345 , 1961 . 10,000.00 9,025,00 8,000.00 Brookly -Manhattan Transit ( 'orp, 44.5, 1900 10,000.00 10,112.50 9,400.00 Budd Realty Corp. Os, 1941 . 5,000.00 4,950.00 5,200.00 ( 'alaveras Timber Co. C /Ds 10,000.00 9,950.00 1,000.00 Canadian International Paper ( 'o , Os, 1919 10,000.00 9,300.00 10,150.00 Central Industrial Real Estate Os, 1949 ... 10,000.00 9,850.00 1,900.00 Commonwealth Subsidiary Corp. 575, 1948 10,000.00 10,113.98 10,100.00 Consolidated Federal Farm Loan , 3s, 1955 5.000.00) 4,937.50 5,050.00 Consolidated Gas of N. Y. 425, 1951 ... 10,000.00 10,777.49 10,750.00 Denver Gas and Electric Co. 5s , 1951 .. 5,000.00 5,401.20 5,406.25 Dominican Republic 516,5, 1961 . 5.000.00 4,628.75 4,000.00 Federal Farm Mortgage ('orp . 3s , 1949 . 3,400.00 3,400.000 3,470.13 Finland Residential Mortgage Bank . 10.000.00 9,150.00 10,125.00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber ( ' 0. 5s , 1957 .. 5.000.00 4,750.00 5.225.00 Great Northern Ry . ( ' 0. 4s , 1946 . 10,000.00 10,285.72 10,950.00) Home Owners ' Loan Corp. 3s. 1952 . 3,350.00 3,350.00 3,408.63 Hudson & Manhattan R. ( '0. 5s , 1957 . 5.000.00 4,451.03 3.750.00 Idaho Power ( ' o. 5s , 1947 . 10,000.00 10,829.10 10.900.00 Indianapolis Power & Light Co. 5s , 1957 .. 5,000.00 4,950.45 5,300.00 Kansas City Southern Ry. Co. 3s, 1950 . 5,000.00 3,550.68 4,400.00 Memphis Power & Light Co. 5s , 1948 .. 15,000.00 15,123.57 14,775.00 1937 ) REPORTS OF TREASURERS 241

Missouri -Kansas -Texas R. Co. 5s , 1962 .. 5,000.00 2,443.50 3,950.00 New England Power Ass'n . 548, 1954 .. 0,000.00 5,769.08 3,730.00 New York Central R. Co. 44,5, 2013 .. 5,000.00 3, 131.23 1,181.2.3 , New York , Chicago & St. Louis R. ( ' 0. fs 1946 10,000.00 10,332 28 10,275.00

, 10,000.00 9,327.50 Oslo Gas & Electricity Works üs 1963 . 10.102.50

, 5,000.00 Oxford Miami Paper Co. Os 1947 . 5.000.00 1.700.00 Pacific Investing Corp. 10,000.00 10,131.63 10,000.00

, , 5,000.00 Pantlind Hotel Co 51425 1946 . 4,987.50 2,000.00

, 10,000.00 10,389.90 9,712.50 Pere Marquette Ry . Co. 44,8 1980 .

, 15,000.00 12,950.00 3,810.00 City of Porto Alegre 7s 1968 .

, 5,000.00 1,850.00 1,337.50 City of Porto Alegre 71s 1966 .

, 3,000.00 2,938.00 851.25 City of Porto Alegre 8s 1961 ..

, 4,900.00 State of Rio Grande Do Sul 78 1960 . 5,000.00 1,393.75

, 1,000.00 Rockefeller Bldg . 6428 1934 . 1.000.00 80.00

, 5,000.00 4,000.00 Southern Natural Gas Co. 6s 1960 . 4.912.50

, 5,000.00 1,350.00 Southern Natural Gas Co. 41/25 1951 . 5,000.00

, 10,000.00 United States Rubber Co. 5s 1947 . 10,667.43 10.700.00

, 10,000.00 9,905.00 10,125.00 Utah Power & Light Co. 5s 1944 .

, 10,000.00 9,333.14 10,402.50 Western Maryland R. Co. 4s 1952 . , $ 344,350.00 $ 334,351.77 $ 298 296.26 Investment Stocks No. Shares Cost Market Value . & . .. American Tel Tel Common 30 $ 4.611.80 $ 5.010.00 100 3.002.85 2,700.00 Burrough Adding Machine Co. No Par .. , Capitol Savings & Loan Co. Lansing . 400.00 400.00

Consolidated Cement Corp. Purchase Warrant . 250.00 50

Corn Products Refining Co. Common . 3,650.00 2.850.00 7,655.70 6,025,00 Diamond Match Co. Common . 200

) 2,448.34 5,375.00 General Electric Co. Common . 10

General Motors Corp. Common 50 3,333.88 2.975.00

Hazel Atlas Glass Co. Common . 50 5,516.75 5,250.00

Insurance Co. of North America .. 3,746.70 3,375.00

International Petroleum Co. , Ltd. , Common 200 0,818.20 7,100.00

, 100 0,080.21 5,525.00 Kennecott Copper Corp. Common No Par .

, , 5,021.00 5,337.50 Lake Shore Mines Ltd. Common . 100 11,918.00 , 118 11,162.85 Pure Oil Co 6 % Preferred ..

Shell Union Oil Corp. Stock Purchase Warrants 5 781.25 , l'nited Gas Corp. $ 7 Preferred No Par .. 100 11,160.13 11,600.0 % ) 00 Union Pacific R. Co. Common .. 6,611.00 8.610.00 F. & W. Woolworth Co. Common . 100 6,292.85 4,987.50

$ 89,028.26 $ 90,419.25

John Leeson Trust Fund - Bond Investment Par Value Market Value Cost , $

. $ 1,000.00 $ City of Porto Alegre 7s 1968 . 240.00 985.00 Mortgages Date Due Rate Principal , , Z. B. .. May 15 Arnold Kalamazoo 1919 1922 6 % 612.96 , ,

John Baker Grand Rapids . .Apr . 21 1928 1933 6 % 8,040.92 , ,

Bradley .Apr . 29

1928 7 1,000.00 Earl Oshtemo 1918 % , , . 3

Buitendyke Rapids *

1915 7 4,204.31 Wm Grand .May 1920 % , , , 8 E. 6 % Lulu Crawford Akron Ohio . .May 1928 1931 2.000.00 , , E.

% 6,288.68 David Dickson Grand Rapids .. June 17 1930 1946 1-5 , , . ,

3 1,698.85 Rose Dimich Akron Ohio .... .Oct 1931 1910 1-5 % , , 8 Arnold H. Goss Ann Arbor .. .Apr . 1930 1933 6,800.00 , , , B. . 2

Clarence O .. 1937 4,430.36 Jackson Akron .Jan 1943 1-3 % 242 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Lloyd V. Neller , Lansing . .Sept . 3, 1931 1926 7% 2,000.00 J. W. Pippitt , Mendon ...... Mar. 1, 1926 1941 6% 6,549.54 Lottie Rogers Armstrong , Indian River.Aug . 18, 1902 1905 7 % 100.00 John Schuring , Portage .. ..Dec . 26 , 1919 1924 6% 2,2 .00 James L. Young , Big Rapids . ..Jan . 6, 1931 1934 5 % 2,695.00

$49,305.62 * Under foreclosure . Chattel Mortgages

E. E. Davison , Freesoil ...... Apr . 1, 1932 1933 5 % $ 1,965.00 Stebbins Ice Cream Co. , Saranac ...... Oct. 15 , 1932 1933 7 % 200.00

$ 2,165.00 Land Contracts

Ernest T. Ludeman , Fountain ...... „.May 5, 1927 1945 6 % $ 1,457.78 Lloyd W. Lyke, Ypsilanti ... .May 5, 1935 1945 5 % 2,105.09

$ 3,562.87 Notes Receivable

Walter A. Kautz , Detroit ...... Feb. 1, 1937 5 yrs. 3 % $ 2,507.04 Valley Ave. M. E. Church , Gd . Rapids. . Apr. 19 , 1921 1 yr. 442 % 902.40

$ 3,409.44 Real Estate

Mills Farm , Sherman Township, Mason County , 320 acres ... . $15,109.74 Elk Lake , Whitewater Township , Grand Traverse County , 10 acres . 230.82 DeGraff House , 121 National Ave. , S. W. , Grand Rapids ... 2,960.10 3,466.69 Slocum Farm , Lowell Township , Kent County , 120 acres . Vroegindewey Farm , Oshtemo Township , Kalamazoo County , 80 acres 3,180.74

$ 24,948.09 LOCAL PREACHERS ' ENDOWMENT FUND Report of Hugh Kennedy , Treasurer INVESTED FUND AND PROPERTY ACCOUNT At close of fiscal year , August 31 , 1936 ..... $ 43,430.99

Items of Increase

INCOME FROM PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Interest from : Bonds . $ 614.88 Land Contracts 45.00 Notes and Pledges 5.02 Dividends on Stocks ...... 186.25 7 851.15 ADDITIONS TO PROPERTY GAINS BY SALES OR CONVERSIONS Profit on Bonds 325.70 ADDITIONS TO REAL ESTATE Henry Oak's Life Trust .. 24.50 ADDITIONS TO 1% FUND . 6.00 ADDITIONS TO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Balance owing Brown Bros. Harrison & Co ..... 979.46


Items of Decrease BOARD OF STEWARDS —At 1936 Conference ...... 954.53 EXPENSE : Brown Bros. Harriman & Co ..... 91.25 Inspection trips re. properties ... 53.76 Board of Trustees for pro - rated share of maintenance and expense . 72.98 Miscellaneous 1.50 219.49 PROPERTY LOSSES BY SALES OR CONVERSIONS Loss on Bonds $ 18.53 Stocks 119.00 Sale of Jos . Walker farm . 247.83 385.36

TOTAL DECREASE $ 1,559.38 NET INCREASE .$ 626.43 INVESTED FUND AND PROPERTY ACCOUNT At close of fiscal year , May 31 , 1937 ...... $ 44,057.42 Assets THE TOTAL FUND IS INVESTED AT COST AS FOLLOWS : Cash on Hand : People's National Bank of Gd . Rapids . $ 3,014.51 Impounded in G. R. Savings Bank .... 295.96 $ 3,310.47 Investment Bonds 19,783.76 Investment Stocks 8,794.32 Mortgages , Real Estate 3,817.88 Land Contracts 3,232.38 Real Estate : Home Township , Montcalm County .... $ 1,238.85 Richland Twp ., Montcalm County , 522.01 1,760.86 Notes and Pledges . $ 23,058.22 Less Depreciation Reserve 19,700.47 3,357.75

$ 44,057.42 Liabilities General Endowment Fund .. $ 43,117.24 Memorial Funds : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Gibson .. $ 500.00 John Leeson Estate 145.00 645.00 One Per Cent Fund .... 312.66 Reserve Account 1,251.59 Real Estate - Henry Oak's Life Trust . 90.74 Accounts payable - Brown Bros. Harriman & Co. , current bond exchanges 979.46

$ 46,396.69 Less excess of Property Losses by Sales or Conversions . $ 5,200.27 over Property Gains by Sales or Conversions ..... 2,229.34 $ 2,970.93

$ 43,425.76 BOARD OF STEWARDS For distribution at 1937 Conference .. 631.66

$ 44,057.42 244 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Amount to the Credit of the Board of Stewards for Distribution at 1937 Conference — Computed as follows : Interest and Dividends .$ 851.15 Expense 219.49

For Distribution at 1937 Conference ... . $ 631.66 Investment Bonds Par Value Cost Market Value Atlantic Coast Line R. ( '0. 4s , 1952 ...... $ 1,000.00 $ 992.78 $ 1,027.50 Baltimore & Ohio R. ( 'o. 58, 1948 . 1,000.00 1,081.68 1,140.00 Canadian International Paper Co. Os, 1949 2,000.00 1,860.00 2,030.00 Central Industrial Real Estate 6s, 1949 ... 2,000.00 1,925.00 380.00 Memphis Power & Light Co, 5s , 1948 . 2,000.00 2,080.57 1,970.00 New England Power Ass'n . 54.s , 1954 .. 3,000.00 2,895.18 2,895.00 New York , New Haven & Hartford 4s , 1956 4,000.00 1,310.77 1,580.00 Oslo Gas & Electricity Works 5s , 1963 .... 1,000.00 952.50 1.016.25 City of Porto Alegre 8s , 1961 .... 1,000.00 990.00 283.75 City of Porto Alegre 78, 1968 . 2,000.00 1,740.00 480.00 Southern Natural Gas Corp. 4128 , 1951 ... 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,965.00 l'tah Power & Light Co. 55, 1944. 2,000.00 1,955.28 2,025.00

$ 23,000.00 $ 19,783.76 $ 16,792.50

Investment Stocks No , Shares Cost Market Value Diamond Match Co. Common . 50 $ 1,793.50 $ 1,656.25 General Motors Corp. Common 45 3,005.08 2,677.50 Lake Shore Mines , Ltd. 31 1,804.57 1,654.63 Standard Sav . & Loan Ass'n ., Detroit . 500.00 500.00 United Gas Corp. $7 Pref . No Par .... 15 1,691.17 1,740.00

$ 8,794.32 $ 8,228.38 Mortgages

Rate Date Due Principal Thomas J. Bates , Edmore ...... 6% May 6, 1930 1935 $ 1,208.47 William McCarthy , Edmore ( under foreclosure ) .7 % Feb. 25, 1920 1925 2,309.41 Edson A. Wells Vestaburg . .6 % Apr. 28 , 1937 1940 300.00

$ 3,817.88 Land Contracts

Daniel E. Cole , Jr., Edmore . .3 % Jan. 1, 1932 1952 $ 2,257.38 Luther Kesner , Edmore .6% Feb. 1, 1930 1940 975.00

$ 3,232.38 Real Estate

Montcalm County : Home Township , 40 acres ( Jorgensen farm ) ... $ 1,238.85 Richland Township , 40 acres ( Wymer farm ) ... 522.01


Maintenance Income and Expense for the Period from September 1, 1936 to May 31, 1937 Maintenance Fund Balance Sept. 1, 1936 ... .$ 793.92 1937 ) REPORTS OF TREASU'RERS 215

Maintenance Income : Residents $ 19,230.34 Churches 5,283.81 Donations 602.93 Endowment Fund Earnings 1,428.44 Rent 220.00 Interest 32.75 Miscellaneous 136.34

Total Income $ 26,934.61

Total to account for ... $ 27,728.53 Maintenance Expense : Salaries and Wages .$ 7.101.15 Provisions and Supplies 7.923.27 Fuel 2.171.02 Light and Power 1,042.12 Health ('onservation 660.08 Repairs and Improvements 1.960.21 0,420.33 New Rooms on Ground Floor . * Annuities 505.00 Other Maintenance 2,257.51

Total Expense $ 30,660.02

Maintenance Fund Deficit May 31 , 1937 ..... 2,931.49 Although not a part of the cost of maintenance , this item showing the (cost of finishing new rooms on the ground floor is included here because it has been , or will be , paid for out of Maintenance Income . Combined Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of May 31, 1937 Assets : Cash on hand and in banks .... $ 4,242.89 Notes and Accounts Receivable . 3,394.13 74,293.02 Stocks and Bonds (cost ) . Land Contracts 37,161.89 Mortgages 7,819.28 Outside Real Estate 19,340.52 Home Gi . ' s and Buildings 320.944.26 Deferred Expense Endowment Campaign Expense 8,203.88 Doubtful Assets Notes Receivable 1.856.41 Cash in closed banks . 6,411.09

Total Assets $ 183,697.97 Liabilities : Accounts Payable --Maintenance .$ 2.906.83 Yotes Payable 4,500.00

Total Liabilities .$ 7,406.83

Net Assets $ 176,291.14 Represented by Funds, as follows : Clark Home Plant . $320,944.26 Life Membership Reserve Fund . 81,441.23 Annuity Endowment Fund 5,950.00 Endowmºnt Fund 70,358.20 Viles M. E. Trust Fund . 525.94

$479,222.63 246 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Less Maintenance Fund Deficit 2,931.49

$476,291.14 I hereby certify that the above statement of Maintenance Income and Expense for the nine months ended May 31 , 1937 , and the Combined Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of May 31 , 1937, were properly prepared from , and are in accordance with , the books and records of the M. J. Clark Memorial Home . June 5, 1937 . Harry V. Owen , Certified Public Accountant SUMMER SCHOOL SENATE REPORT For the year ending June 7, 1937 Enrollments in the Undergraduate School ( with comparisons with last year ) Michigan Conference ( increase of 5 ) ..... 25 Detroit Conference ( increase of 6 ) . 11 ( Increase due to additional Supply Pastors ; 14 in Michigan Conference and 7 in Detroit . ) Enrollment in the Graduate School Michigan Conference ( increase of 8 ) ... 55 Detroit Conference ( increase of 21 ) . 57 This is the largest enrollment in the history of the School . There were 87 in 1927 . Financial Statement RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 31 , 1936 .... $ 134.55 Granted by the Commission of Courses of Study . 325.00 Detroit Area Office 300.00 Registration Fees : Undergraduate School 72.00 Graduate School 176.75 Meals 315.00 Bank Credit 3.30 $ 1,326.60 EXPENDITURES Postage , printing , telephone calls ,etc ..... 138.08 Instructors and Officers of the Senate : Travel, board and room ... 160.00 Lecturers , fees , board , room and travel . 275.49 Meals 308.85 Rebates on meals to the Undergraduates . 8.60 Aid given to Undergraduates : Traveling expenses $ 151.66 Dividend of $ 33.00each to 36 students .. 108.00 259.66 $ 1,210.68 Balance on hand June 7, 1937 ... 115.92 Signed , Harry A. Brewer , Registrar -Treasurer .

INCOME AND EXPENSE - BRONSON METHODIST HOSPITAL July , 1936 , thru April 30, 1937 Total Gross Sales . $133,455.87 Less Free Service 6,693.64

Net Sales $ 126,762.23 Total Operating Expense 113,162.42 Other Deductions 9,001.36

$ 122,163.78 1937 ] REPORTS OF TREASURERS 247

Other Income Rents , Purchases , Disc ., etc .... 5,403.10 Donations White Cross , Cash 4,889.36 White Cross , Supplies 3,844.54 Other Donations 6,466.78 Estimated Interest in the Parker's Estate . 3,000.00 Vet Profit before Donations for year .. 10,001.55 Vet Profit plus Donations for year . 30,010.01 Gross Value of Land and Bldg , and Equipment 7/1/36 . 405,484.95 Present Gross Value of Land and Bldg . and Equipment . 410,903.92 Total Allowance for Dep . to date per Book ... 67,791.45 Improvements Urological Table . $ 1.615.00 Fire Escape 1,953.00 Otis Elevator 2.100.00 0 , R. Table 1.003.50 Other Equipment 811.07 7,482.57 Accounts Receivable 09,268.52 Allowance for Doubtful 20,000.00 Annuity - Securities to date 12,541.93 Annuity -- Cash 2,900.00 Accounts Payable May 1, 1937 ... 2,829.99 Net Worth of Bronson Methodist Hospital 4/30/37 before auditing .. 485,365.26 ( 'ash on Hand May 1, 1937, First Nat'l Bank .. . $ 36,121.39

MINIMUM SALARY FUND , MICHIGAN CONFERENCE RECEIPTS : Deficit from 1935-36 83.11 From Board of Home Missions , 1936-37 . $ 1,270.00 From ministers , 1936-37 1,373.93 $ 2,558.82 DISBURSEMENTS : Expenses : Postage 34.50 Printing 4.40 Office Supplies .40 39.30 Payments to ministers less than $ 800 ... 1,500.90 $ 1.540.32

Balance on hand June 8, 1937 ... . $ 1,018.50 REPORT OF TREASURER OF ALDRICH DEACONESS HOME July 1, 1936 to June 1, 1937 Property and Maintenance Fund Receipts : Balance on hand July 1, 1936 .. $ 303.53 From Michigan Conference Woman's Home Missionary Society 500.00 From sponsors of rooms for redecorating . 247.10 From Viles, Kryder bequest for fire alarm system . 250.00 From released funds , National Bank ... 7.48

Total received . $ 1,308.11 Disbursements : For redecorating $ 207.00) For cleaning furnace , stoker , etc. 8.90 For stoker and radiator repairs 11.75 248 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

For water cooler and plumbing involved .. 28.75 For lumber for remodeling basement .... 15.52 For fire alarm and emergency light system . 535.54

Total disbursed 867.46

Balance on hand June 1, 1937 .... .$ 440.65 Deaconess Fund Receipts : Balance on hand July 1, 1936 .. $ 408.19 From Michigan Conference Woman's Home Missionary Society 1,200.00 From charges of Michigan Conference . 447.50 From fields of service for deaconesses employed here . 980.00 From interest on endowment 366.40 From old accounts 53.50 From donations 55,00

Total received .$ 3,510.59 Disbursements : For Deaconess allowances - $2,205.00 For Grand Rapids Community House activities . 250.00 For Grand Rapids Community House upkeep . 135.66 For repairs of Grand Rapids Community House ... 216.30 For board and room for deaconess at Vandercook Lake 260.00 For deaconess emergency and relief fund . 50.00 For dues to Board of Hospitals , Homes and Deaconess Work 5.00 For auditor 5.00 For travel and moving of deaconesses . 38.35 For housekeeper at Kalamazoo Community House .. 64.00 For filing report with Secretary of State ... 3.97 For stationery and postage 3.97

Total disbursed . $ 3,245.58

Balance on hand June 1, 1937 .... $ 265.01 Respectfully submitted , Mrs. Lewis N. Irwin , Treasurer

Report of Esther Hall , July 1, 1936 to June 1, 1937 Receipts : Balance on hand July 1, 1936 ... $ 105.05 From Woman's Home Missionary Society 3,249,32 From Ilouse in board , room , etc ..... 3,370.82

Total receipts .$ 6,725.79 Disbursements : To Conference Treasurer , W. H. M. S .. $ 3,339.27 To Expenses : Deaconess allowance and wages $ 893.38 Food and gas 1.550.55 Electrivity , water , coal 363.09 Furnishings, dishes 89.99 Household supplies 53.67 Office supplies and postage 15.60 Medical supplies 2.50 Phone 87.62 Library supplies 15.60 1937 ) REPORTS OF TREASURERS 249

Freight, cartage , etc. 23.04 Auditor 5.00 Bank charge 2.43 Repairs and Improvements 157.59 3,260.12

Total Disbursements .$ 6,599.39

Balance on hand June 1, 1937 .... 126.10 Respectfully submitted , Leah Belle Lyman , Supt .

REPORT OF BOARD OF STEWARDS W. P. Manning , Chairman A. W. Klaiber , Sec . W. M. P. Jerrett , Treas . Receipts On hand from Fourth Quarter Fund . $ 8,569.42 From Chartered Fund 60.00 From Board of Pensions and Relief . 598.00 From Collections in Churches ... 20,583.00 From Treasurer of Invested Funds . 7,500.00 From Conference Sunday Offering . 176.00 From Secretary of Transportation Fund . 20.00 Special Gift , Rev. Ralph M. Dean . 30.00 Special Gift , Rer . W. H. Phelps . 30.00 Special Gift , Rer . W. F. Kendrick . 20.00 Special Gift , Rev. C. S. Wheeler .. 20.00 Special Gift , Mrs. A. R. Johns , included in first item .... $ 50.62

Total .$ 37,606.42 Disbursements Expense Account 150.00 Bonding Treasurer 25.00 For Necessitous Claims 600.00 Annuities , Paid Quarterly 36,249.54 Contingent Fund 581.88

Total .$ 37,606.42 Full Annuity Years of Claimants Full Annuity Years for Retired Ministers . 2.557 Full Annuity Years for Ministers' Widows . 1,238 Full Annuity Years for Minor Children . 21

Total Years 3,816 Annuity Rate of Distribution this Year .. . $ 9.50 Disbursed to Supply Pastor's 1937-1938 MEN'S LIST 1. Rer . G. S. Barnes , Cadillac ... . $ 50.00 2. Rev. Joseph Coles , Copemish 50.00 3. Rev. John Cornelius , Lake View ... 100.00 4. Rev. E. L. Holmes , Mount Pleasant . 25.00 5. Rev. C. E. Maltman , 1546 Sherman St. , Grand Rapids . 25.00 6. Rev. J. B. McGinnis, Holton .... 75.00

Total $ 325.00 250 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


1. Mrs. W. W. Chatfield , Evart .. .$ 50.00 2 Mrs. G. T. Fisher, East Lansing . 50.00 3. Mrs. Charles Hayward , Saranac 1070.00 4. Mrs. W. H. Holcomb , 1546 Sherman St. , Grand Rapids . 25.00 5. Mrs. A. C. Parsons , 2400 W. Main St. , Kalamazoo . 25.00) 6. Mrs. C. S. Jenkins , Marion . 100.00 7. Mrs. William Haskins, 1022 S. Park St. , Kalamazoo . 25.00

$ 375.00

Disbursed to Ministers as follows, 1937-1938 ( In Quarterly Payments ) ( Necessitous Claims paid in full with 1st Quarter )

Yrs . Annuity Nec . Total 1. Aler , Levi, Cross Village .. 16 $152.00 2. Baldwin , E , A., Weedsport , N. Y .. 31 294.50 3. Beacock , G. A. , St. Louis .. 22 209.00 4. Bell , R. W. , 1712 N. Bond St. , Saginaw . 18 171.00 5. Benedict , Milton , Jonesville . 20 190.00 6. Bennett , J. H., Ada .. 18 171.00 $ 100.00 $ 271.00 7. Birtch , D. E. 2521 Riverside Dr., Trenton ... 24 228.00 8. Bray , N. L. Chelsea 12 399.00 9. Brown , C. F. , 1546 Sherman St. , Gd . Rapids. 35 332.50 10. Brown , N. P., Eaton Rapids.. 36 312.00 11. Brown , G. A. , 1315 Cambridge Dr., Kalamazoo 41 389.50 12. Chase , G. D., 211 S. Clinton , Charlotte . 11 418.00 13. Chase , J. C., 808 Bush St. , Jackson .. 19 180.50 14. Claus , John , Lowell 43 408.50 15. Coors , A. H., Whitehall 38 361.00 16. Cook , S. A., Alden , Traverse City , R.F.D ), 3. 10 380.00 17. DeLamarter , Louis , 507 W '. Walnut St. , Lansing 16 437.00 18. Doty , W. E. , Olivet 10 380.00 19. Dobson , John , 1019 Asbury St. , San Francisco , Cal. 21 199.50 20. Dorris , J. C., 28 Lowell St. Grand Rapids ... 21 199.50 50.00 2 19.50 21. Eldred , A. N. 883 Provose Ave. , Benton Harbor 26 247.00 22. Elmer , W. I. , Pentwater 43 408.50 50.00 138.50 23. Floyd , J. C., 303 Gladstone St. Grand Rapids 50 475.00 24 , French , W. P. , 924 Chicago Blvd., Detroit ... 40 380.00 25. Ford , S. B. , 216 E. Erie St. , Albion .. 32 304.00 26. Fox , M , L., 223 X. Pine St. , Lansing . 32 301.00 27. Foy , John , R.F.D. 1, Battle Creek ... 39 370.50 28. Goslin , A. T. , 56 Louis Ave. , Detroit . 16 152.00 29. Gregory , J. R., 936 Alexander St. , S. E., Grand Rapids 29 275.50 30. Hanthorne , L. L., Chetopa , Kan .. 15 142.50 31. Hayward , J. W., Montgomery 37 351.50 32. Holden , C. W., 406 Rath Ave. , Ludington ... 29 275.50 50.00 325.50 33. Jensen , J. M., 140 Rust Ave. , Big Rapids... 34 323.00 34. Kelsey , Charles , Grand Ledge ..... 32 304.00 35. Kennedy , Hugh , 336 Benjamin Ave. , Grand Rapids 40 380.00 36. Kenyon , L. B. , Traverse City , R.F.I). No. 1. 31 294.50 1937 ] REPORTS OF TREASURERS 251

37. King , D. D. , 355 7th Ave. , Mount Dora , Fla .. 42 399.00 38 . Laity , Thomas , 1110 Lay Blvd. , Kalamazoo . 32 304.00 39. Lamport , W. W. , 1137 Illsley Dr. , Fort Wayne , Ind . 46 437.00 40. Leitch , James , East Jordan 24 228.00 41. Luther , A. T. , 127 Myrtle Ave. , Ionia . 27 256.50 42. Mather , E. O. , 517 Erie St. , Albion . 37 351.50 43. Matthews , L. S. , Ridgeley , Md ... 17 161.50 44. Mareety , P. J. , 398 Main St. , Battle Creek .. 50 475.00 45. Maxwell, G. W. , Sparta .. 38 361.00 46. Meader , R. E. , Richland , R.F.D .. 40 380.00 47. Morris, A. J. , Maple Rapids .. 24 228.00 48. Mosher , W. P. , Bellaire 40 380.00 19. Nagler , A. F. , Evart 42 399.00 50. Newcomer , J. C. , Harpers Ferry , West Virginia 15 142.50 51 . Oldt , M. A. , Leesbury , Fla . 26 247.00 52. Ostrom , Charles , Mt. Pleasant 30 285.00 53. Ozanne , H. G. , 115 W. Walnut St. , Albion . 37 351.50 54. Parshall, R. C. , Chase 12 114.00 15. Potter , H. L., Allegan 40 380.00 56. Potts , James H., Algonac 47 446.50 57. Reed , David , 1104 E. Porter St. , Albion . 24 228.00 58. Reusch , M. E. , 843 Ardmore St. , Grand Rapids 40 380.00 59. Richtmeyer , L. P., 907 W. Erie St. , Albion ... 14 133.00 CO. Rood , D , A., Bloomfield , Iowa .. 23 218.50 01. Rood , H. L., Otsego 29 275.50 62. Rowland , W. D., Pioneer , Ohio . 32 304.00 03. Seipp , Carl, Williamston 23 218.50 6t . Simmons , A. W., 304 West Grand River , East Lansing 29 275.50 05. Skinner , H. D., 410 Douglas St. , Jackson ... 47 446.50 66. Stephens , A , A. , Boyne City . 29 275.50 67. Thoinpson , T. W. , Woodland 12 114.00 08. Treuschel , Charles , Haines City , Fla .. 49 405.50 69. Vaughn , Elmer , Crystal Valley .. 22 209.00 50.00 259.00 70. Vickers , J. W. , Grand Ledge . 33 313.50 71. Walker, H. E. , Oshtemo ... 34 323.00 50.00 373.00 72. Ward , Duncan , Keego Harbor . 20 190.00 73. Weldon , I. T., 1027 Maple St. , Albion .. 35 332.50 74. Yost , R. E. , R.F.D. Hartford . 41 389.50 75. Youngs , B. J., Potterville 11 104.50 New Claimants 76. Armstrong , E. A. , 1126 Watkins St. , Grand Rapids 46 437.00 77. Biery , John , 355 Linden Ave. , East Lansing . 41 389.50 78. Clapp , F. H., 221 Boardman Ave. , Traverse City 35 332.50 79. Manning , W. P. , 1108 East Porter St. , Albion 43 408.50 80. Rochelle , J. W. , 42 Lincoln St. , Battle Creek 36 342.00

Disbursed to Widows of Deceased Ministers 1937-1938

1. Benz , Mrs. J. E. , 1319 Neies Ave. , Cincinnati, Ohio 31 220.88 2. Burchfield , Mrs. C. H. , Homer . 37 263.63 252 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

3. Bretz , Mrs. John , 828 Michigan Ave. , Marshall 14 99.75 4. Bready , Mrs. J. A. , 326 Eureka Ave. , Grand Rapids 37 263.63 5. Brown , Mrs. C. A. , Coleman .. 21 149.62 6. Brown , Mrs. L , M., 958 Grand St. , Kalamazoo 9 64.13 7. Bouck , Mrs. E. , Hastings 16 114.00 8. Bulman , Mrs. 0. F. , 1959 Burlington Ave. , S. W. , Grand Rapids ..... 36 256.50 9. Candler , Mrs. H. , 17204 Washington Ave. , Lansing 28 199.50 10. Chamberlain , Mrs. H. C., 370 Cartland Ave. , Highland Park 29 206.62 11. Cilley , Mrs. R. B., Vicksburg . 29 206.62 12. Corbett , Mrs. F. W. , 527 Barnes Ave. , Lansing 21 149.62 13. Cosner , Mrs. F. M., 4302 Howard Ave. , , Western Springs , III . 28 199.50 , , , 14. Crawford Mrs. D. C. 1111 E. Porter St. Albion 17 121.12 , , , 15. Deitrick Mrs. J. C. 1102 Cleveland St. Lansing 17 121.12 , , , 16. Demorest Mrs. F. C. 514 19th St. , 8

Washington D. C. 57.00

17. Elder , Mrs. W. W. Claim Relinquished

18. Emmons , Mrs. John , Albion 20 142.50 , , , 19. Fairbanks Mrs. G. K. 1546 Sherman St. Grand Rapids 22 156.75 , , , 1 20. Freeman Mrs. O. M. Homestead Fla .. 7.12 , , , R. 21. Freeman Mrs. D. 1520 Sherman St. Grand Rapids 32 228.00 , , , 22. Gardner Mrs. M. L. 214 Ellen St. Union City 21 149.02 , , ,

Geiger A. A. 23. Mrs. Wolcottville Ind .. 28.50 , , F. 24. Glass Mrs. W. Newaygo .. 13 92.63 25.00 117.63 , , , 0. 25. Golden Mrs. J. 1216 Crane Ave. Kalamazoo 26 185.25

26. Gray , Mrs. W. W. , 1216 So. Main St. ,

Carthage , Missouri 36 256.50 , , , 27. Green Mrs. D. A. 5133 Maxwell Ave. Detroit 21 149.62 , , A. F. 28. Hart Mrs. Lawrence . 21 149.62 , , , 29. Hoag Mrs. C. E. 1546 Sherman St. Grand Rapids 35 249.38 , , P. 30. Huff Mrs. D. Charlotte . 16 114.00 , , 31. Jamieson Mrs. D. 1546 Sherman St. ,

Grand Rapids 8 57.00 , , 4 32. Jennings Mrs. W. H. Albion . 28.50 , , , A. 33. Johns Mrs. R. Roger Smith Hotel

, 15 Stamford Conn . 106.88 , , , 34. Kletsch Mrs. George P. O. Box 1013

Hines City , Florida 40 285.00 , , , 35. Kitzmiller Mrs. W. R. 932 Stockbridge Ave. Kalamazoo 20 142.50 , , , 36. Laufman Mrs. W. L. 4 Bayside Ave. , , Port Washington L. I. New York ...... 20 142.50 , , , 37. Lewis Mrs. G. E. 340 James St. Grand Rapids 33 235.12 1937 ) REPORTS OF TREASURERS 253

38. Lumber , Mrs. E. T., 211 N. Sherman St. , Bay City 8 64.13 39. Martin , Mrs. D. D., Albion ... 43 306.38 40. McGregor , Mrs. R. S. , 507 W. State St. , St. Johns 34 242.25 41. McKee , Mrs. S. D., 417 W. Van Buren St. , Battle Creek 16 114.00 42. Middleton , Mrs. R. N. , 14640 Provost St. , Detroit 15 106.88 43. Millar , Mrs. G. B. , Saugatuck . 26 185.23 44. Millard , Mrs. R. C. , 614 Michigan Ave. , East Lansing 15 106.88 45. Miller , Mrs. H. H., 439 W. Maritosa Ave. Sierra Madre , ( 'alifornia 6 42.75 46. Morlock , Mrs. M. C., 4632 Prospect Ave. , Downers Grove , Illinois 29 206.62 47. Motyer , Mrs. A. C., Howard City . 3 21.38 48. Viles , Mrs. F. L., 202 Greenwood St. , Grand Ledge 35 249.38 49. Odle , Mrs. E. L., Reed City . 42.75 50. Palmatier , Mrs. C. H., 4717 So. Wayne Ave. , Fort Wayne , Ind . 25 178.12 51. Parsons , Mrs. W. H. , Quincy . 8 57.00 52. Peatling , Mrs. J. B. , 816 Van Vranken Court , Kalamazoo 31 220.88 53. Peshman , Mrs. J. F. , Martin ... 17 121.12 54. Pinkard , Mrs. J. B. , 419 So. Park St. , Kalamazoo 34 242.27 53 , Puffer , Mrs. W. M. , 1514 Portage St. , Kalamazoo 50 356.25 56. Riddick , Mrs. I. H. , 1212 Burns St. , Albion . 1 7.12 57. Sheneman , Mrs. G. C. , 1833 Fair Ave. , Juskegon 8 57.00 58. Shire , Mrs. Richard , Otsego . 18 128.25 59. Sheehan , Mrs. John , 343 Evergreen St. , East Lansing 4 28.50 60. Showerman , Mrs. R. E. , Hastings . 26 185.25 61. Slee , Mrs. R. J. , 400 Ash Ave. , Ames , Iowa.. 41 292.13 62. Smith , Mrs. Albert, 110 Hastings St. , Grand Rapids 18 128.25 63. Stark , Mrs. A. K. , 236 Northwood St. , Grand Rapids 18 128.25 64. Stewart , Mrs. A. K. , 143 E. Union Ave. , Fullerton , Cal ., 24 171.00 50.00 221.00 65. Streeter , Mrs. D. , 783 Carlton Road , Westfield , N. J. 9 64.13 66. Taylor , Mrs. F. M. , 4614 Finley Ave. , Los Angeles , Cal . 30 213.75 67. Taylor , Mrs. W. A. , 576 Capitol Ave. , South , Battle Creek 9 64.13 68. Tench , Mrs. Edwin , Leonidas .. 12 85.50 69. Thompson , Mrs. H. W. , Leslie .. 26 185.25 70. Tredinnick , Mrs. J. S. , Liberty , N. Y .. 36 256.50 71. Trott , Mrs. Arthur , 2738 Florence Ave. , 30

. 213.75 Chicago , Ill , , , 72. Tubbs Mrs. S. D. 3137 Winona Ave. , 8 Berwin Ill . 57.00 25.00 82.00 254 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

73. VanDewalker , Mrs. F. A. , 112 Gladys Ct ., Kalamazoo 28 199.50 74. Walker , Mrs. Quintin , 22 Moyer Ave. , Oxford 13 92.63 75. Weeks , Mrs. G. W. , 1002 Washington St. , Evanston , ni. 6 42.75 76. Wightman , Mrs. M. A. , 1638 Beach St. , Flint 4 28.50 77. Wesbrook , Mrs. J. HI., Middleville . 10 71.25 78. Whitman , Mrs. P. E. , 200 W. 14th St. , Holland 18 128.25 79. Wright, Mrs. R. A. , 44 Grand St. , Coldwater 29 206.62 80 . Yinger , Mrs. G. D. , Hanorer . 30 213.75 81. Zerbe , Mrs. F. H. , Scottville .. 49.88 Special Claimants

82. Odlum , Mrs. G. A. , 117 Hunter St. , Nec . Hamilton , Ontario , Canada 25.00 83. White , Mrs. John , Constantine .. 25.00 84. Willitts , Mrs. M. W. , Galesburg . 100.00 Minor Children Age Yrs . Amount 1. Richard Brown 6 9 $21.38 2. Gwendolyn Motyer 9 7.13 3. Shirley C. Motyer 7 3 7.13 4. Derwin C. Motyer 4 3 7.13 5. Ruth Sheehan 10 40 95.00 6. Wesley Wood 12 25 59.38 COMMISSION ON FINANCE Michigan Annual Conference , Methodist Episcopal Church Treasurer's Report , Conference Year , 1936-1937 Received from Districts Budget Paid Deficit Albion -Lansing . $ 4,563.00 $ 4,227.37 ( 93 % ) $ 335.63 Big Rapids 2.467.00 2,426.88 ( 98 % ) 40.12 Grand Rapids 3,934.50 3,737.00 ( 95 % ) 197.50 Grand Traverse 1,645.00 1.518.00 ( 92 % ) 127.00 Kalamazoo 3,515.50 3,305.00 ( 91 %) 210.50

Total . $ 16,125.00 $ 15,214.25 ( 94 % ) $910.75 Paid to District Superintendents Sal. & Exp. Paid Arrears A. H. Pellowe .$ 3,150.00 $ 3,025.00 ( 90 % ) $ 125.00 V. W. Thrall 3,150.00 3,025.00 ( 90 % ) 125.00 L. L. Dewey 3,150.00 3,025.00 ( 96 %) 125.00 Glenn M. Frye 3,150.00 3,025.00 ( 96 % ) 125.00 H. W. Ellinger 3,150.00 3,025.00 ( 96 % ) 125.00

Total . $ 15,750.00 $ 15,125.00 ( 96 %) $625.00

Financial Statement - Conference Year, 1936-1937 Balance , beginning Conference Year : Union Bank of Michigan $ 16.83 Grand Rapids Savings Bank (impounded ) .. 1.39 $ 18.22 Received from Districts, for : 1936-1937 Conference Year 15,214.25 1930-1931 Conference Year 55.35 1937 ) REPORTS OF TREASURERS 255

1932-1933 Conference Year 10.84

Total Receipts ... •$ 15,298.66 Paid District Superintendents , 1936-1937 .. .$ 15,125.00 Paid District Superintendents , 1930-1931 . 55.35 Paid District Superintendents , 1932-1933 . 10.84 Office and miscellaneous expense 90.56

Total Disbursements . $15,281.75 Balance June 30, 1937 16.91 Balance Union Bank $ 15.52 Impounded , G. R. Sav . Bank 1.39 16.91

Grand Rapids, Michigan C. S. Wheeler ,

June 30 , 1937 . Treasurer

Audited and found correct , June 29, 1937. Wm . H , Gingrich , Public Ac countant .


The splendid service of Albion ( 'ollege to the church and to civilization continues with increasing effectiveness . As for the previous dozen years the academic year will close with the budget balanced and all obligations met. The need is keenly felt , however , for more money to spend for student aid and for some additions to the faculty . Income 1. From Students ( a ) Tuition .$ 105,550.00 ( b ) Laboratory and Other Fees 39,401.00 ( c ) Dormitory and Dining Hall ( Net Protit Negligible and Reserved for Replacements 55,000.00 2. From Endowment , Exclusive of Annuities . 55,000.00 3. From Annuity Investments 3.850.00 4. From Scholarship Endowments and Gifts . 4,900.00 5. From Church Sources 0,600.00 6. From Gifts and Grants for Current Expenses .. 7.000.00 7. From Other Sources ( Rentals , Service Charges , Gate Receipts , Concerts , Albionians, Bequests , etc. ) 32,610.00

$254,911.00 Expenditures

1. Administrative . $ 21,400.00 2. General ( Audit, Graduation , etc. ) 1,750.00 3. Publicity 9,500.00 4. Alumni Association 6,000.00 5. Maintenance and Operation of Plant . 40,125.00 6. Instructional 139,467.00 7. Annuity Payments 3,850.00 8. Athletic Control 11,000.00 9. Special Items , Mostly Student Aid . 21,219.00

$254,311.00 The budget will be somewhat larger for next year but the College hopes to continue with no deficit and no debt, even though some very desirable things should be left undone . 256 ( 1937

VII . Memoirs


William Martin Puffer was born at Sheldon , Vermont , June 12, 1860. His father , the Reverend William R. Puffer , was for nearly forty -nine years a high ly useful Methodist minister serving as pastor and Presiding Elder in the Troy and Vermont Conferences . Some years ago , the writer was speaking in one of the larger churches of northern Ver mont . His notice was attracted to a beautiful stained glass window which had been placed by the congregation in memory of Pastor Puffer . The church was built under his administration . His mother was Martha Esther Ann Kinsley . She was a devout Chris tian woman . Both parents were of the strongest moral fiber , devoted to Christ and His Church and the home was a typical Christian center . William attended the public schools and in 1878 while his father was Super intendent of the St. Johnsbury Dis trict, was graduated from the St. Johns bury Academy , known in New England as one of the fine secondary schools of that region . The principal, N. T. Ful. ler , afterwards president of Massachu setts Technological Institute , was a very fine teacher and a scholar of large attainments . , Following his graduation from St. Johnsbury William went to Old Wes , , leyan University in Middleton Conn . where he graduated in 1882. He took

on the sterling type of education and culture for which this noble institution has long been noted . It is interesting to read the list of fellow students during , . the period of young Puffer's attendance For instance there was Karl P. , Harrington longtime professor of Latin in his Alma Mater and who has three , ; times been one of the editors of the Methodist Hymn Book Joseph R. Taylor ; , professor of Latin in Boston University H. S. White professor of Mathe , matics at Northwestern University and Vassar College former president of

the American Mathematical Association . There were many others whose

vigorous young manhood made a lasting impression on William . Cyrus D. , , Foss afterward Bishop was President and was an inspiring influence in the

life of any young man . One of his professors was C. T. Winchester who was

about the finest type of the best New England culture and one of the most , inspiring teachers Methodism has had . And there was William North Rice

name ever to be revered . Dr. Puffer once said that he probably owed more

to Professor Rice than to any other man he had known except his father . , After graduation from Wesleyan he came to Michigan in August 1882 and was superintendent of schools at Farwell and Clare . During the time ,

of his teaching he passed through an intense religious experience with the , result that in September 1884 he joined the Michigan Conference of the Meth

odist Episcopal Church which convened that year in Lansing under the presi

dency of Bishop William X. Ninde . It is an indication of his ability and the 1937 ) MEMOIRS 257 rigor of his ministry that twelve years later he returned to Lansing as the Presiding Elder of the important Lansing District. His ministry was every where potential and was always marked by strong executive and administra tive impacts . What a record this is :

1884-85 , pastor at Hart ; 1885-88 , pastor at Plainfield Ave. , Grand Rapids ; 1888-93 , pastor at Hastings ; 1893-96 , pastor at Manistee ; 1896-1901 , Presiding Elder of Lansing District ; 1901-07 , pastor at Kalamazoo First Church ; 1907-13 , District Superintendent of Kalamazoo District ; 1913-17 , pastor at Trinity Methodist Church , Grand Rapids ; 1917-19 , pastor at Big Rapids ; 1919-25 , District Superintendent of Kalamazoo District. Then for his crowning work -Superintendent of Bronson Methodist Episcopal Hospital, 1925-34 .

An almost innumerable number of important positions have been filled by Dr. Puffer . For more than a quarter of a century , he was the President of the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Conference . He was a member of the General Conference held in Chicago in 1900 ; a member of the epoch making World's Missionary Convention held in Edinburg , Scotland , in 1910 ; a mem ber of the Federal Council of Churches ; a member of almost every important committee raised in his Conference in recent years . Wherever he served , he was a factor in the social and civic life of the community . His judgment was so sound and he was so well poised that his advice and counsel were always in demand .

With two outstanding achievements in the life of Michigan Methodism , he was intimately and creatively connected . In 1893-94 , a proposition was made by the then General Manager of the Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad, Mr. W. H. Baldwin , who later became president of the Southern Railway System , to have the Methodist Church undertake the project of founding a summer assembly and recreation center on Lake Michigan at Ludington . The site was most desirable , the city of Ludington was anxious to have the Assembly and the railroad was liberal in its support of the enterprise . After much nego tiation , 80 acres of land on the bluffs of the lake near Ludington were deeded to a group of men who became the Assembly Trustees , and out of this grew the present Epworth Heights , widely known as one of the prosperous and desirable summer resorts . Bishop Thomas Nicholson and Dr. William M. Puffer were two of the executive committee , the former being superintendent of the first Assembly , and the latter acting as secretary and devoting much time and valuable service . He was able to enlist other men like Judge John H. Grand of Manistee and the late lamented Elvin Swarthout who three times became mayor of Grand Rapids. It is not too much to say that Dr. Puffer was one of the most valuable and constructive members of the Board of Trustees .

The other project relates to Dr. Puffer's long residence in Kalamazoo where he was in turn pastor and District Superintendent . In 1920, while Superin tendent of the District , he arranged for the taking over of Bronson Hospital by the Methodist Episcopal Church and he later became its Superintendent . The Hospital at the time was valued at about $ 75,000 . During the administration of Dr. Puffer , different properties were bought , plans were enlarged , and a new building was erected at a cost of $113,000 and was dedicated by Bishop Nichol son January 1, 1928. This Hospital has been widely useful and its manage ment has commanded the respect and confidence of the community . Between 1920 and 1931 , 35,622 patients were cared for, a school for nurses was founded which has had over 300 student nurses . This splendid institution is a real monument to the genius and executive ability of Dr. Puffer . Some indication of the vigor of his ministry is indicated by the fact that he had a share in the building of eleven Methodist churches , in the renovation of five churches and the obtaining of a parsonage on one of his charges , and during his pastorates he received 1,759 persons into the church , performed 534 marriage ceremonies and conducted 434 funerals . 2.58 MICHIGAW AWXUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

While at Farwell , he was married on June 11, 1883 , to Miss Margaret McMichael , who has been a most devoted and helpful wife and mother through all the years . The children are : William James , now educational director of Scout work in St. Louis , Mo. lle was graduated at Kalamazoo College and University of Chicago and has studied at Columbia University and the Uni versity of Michigan . He is married and has three children . Rodney Arthur , now assistant to the superintendent of schools at Devern , Colo . He graduated at Kalamazoo College and received the degree of M. A. at the University of Colorado . He is married and has one child . And Anna , who is married to Andrew Lenderink , a consulting engineer in Kalamazoo , Mich . She was grad uated at Kalamazoo College and has three children . William Martin Puffer was a man of strictest integrity and great ability . He had a keenly analytical mind and an almost uncanny insight into the various problems with which he dealt . He was a man of indefatigable indus try , a tine personality and greatly devoted to the Church . IIe took an institu tion which is reported to have been practically bankrupt and built it into prom inence and usefulness for the future . Amid all the calamities of the depression , he kept it substantially out of debt and created a property worth roundly half a million dollars . Michigan Conference has lost one of its foremost leaders and the State of Michigan has been deprived by his going of a far -sighted , all around nobly useful citizen . His memory will be blessed by hundreds of those whom he has helped and inspired . The funeral was held at First church , Kalamazoo . A large company of ministers attended and addresses were given by Drs . J. C. Floyd , P. J. Javeety , and Louis DeLamarter ; Jacob Kindleberger spoke for the laymen . Years ago , Drs. Puffer, Floyd , Cogshall , and Maveety agreed to officiate at the funeral of any one of their number who died . Two now remain . District Superintendent Henry W. Ellinger had charge of the service and Dr. W. C. Perdew and Rev. A. L. Ellsworth read the Scriptures , Bishop Blake making the closing prayer . The pall -bearers were Drs. Wheeler , Kennedy , Armstrong , Meader . Good rich , and Robinson . The two grandsons , Rodney Lenderink and William Puffer Il stood by the casket at the church before the service .

REV . PAUL D. HUFF Paul Delgarnold Iluff was born near Chatham , Ontario , on July 15, 1862 and died November 14, 1936 , at his home in Charlotte , Mich . He leaves his devoted wife and companion of many years , Levinia : his daughters , Mrs. Glen Peck of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Glenn Buxton of Columbus , Ohiv ; his sons , Raymond of Battle Creek , Clayton of Ann Arbor, Edwin of Midland ; also four brothers and one sister , all living in Canada . He is sur vived by 23 grandchildren and one great -grandchild . His oldest son , Abraham , was killed while serving with the ('anadian army during the World War . Rer. Paul D. Huff spent his life as a pioneer minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church , serving several pastorates in northern and

central Michigan . After retiring from the active ministry on account of ill , health he became a resident of Charlotte where he spent the closing years

of his life . , , Thus has ended a beautiful life on earth to blossom in heaven a life which

was ever watching for an opportunity to help others . , , It was Brother Huff's request that Rev. G. D. Chase of Charlotte have , charge of his funeral and that as many as possible of the other ministers of

the district be present . Because of the shortness of the time and the barriers , , A. of distance and condition it was not possible for all to come . H. Pellowe , , , , , M. W. Duffer L. P. Richtmyer J. R. Wooton W. M. P. Jerrett A. W. Simmons , , , , , Harold Jacobs Myron E. Hoyt J. G. Biery George Moores E. 0. Mather and

Dr. Chase were present to represent the district and to pay loving tribute to a 1937 ) MEMOIRS 259

departed comrade . Singers were Miss Julia Snavely , and Mrs. Harlan McCall , with Mrs. Joy Chevalier at the organ . Members of the Men's Class of the Charlotte church acted as pallbearers . All of Brother Hluft's children were able to present , as well as his brother and family from Chatham , Ontario . The body was laid to rest in a gently -sloping hillside in Japle Ilill ceme tery at Charlotte , November 17 , 1936 . Mrs. Huf and the other relatives of this good man are deeply appreciative of the kind words and of the thoughtful and helpful acts performed by the many good friends who stood with them during their sorrow .

REV . 0. F. BULMAN Rev. Ora F. Bulman , 66, pastor of First Methodist church of Grandville , died Dec. 10, 1936 in Butterworth Hospital, where he had been taken twenty days before for surgical treatment . Ora F. Bulman was born Jan. 9, 1870 , near the city of Burr Oak . Soon after , his family moved to Grand Rapids , in which city he grew to manhood , graduating from Central High School, contacting the city's active business life in its growing years and receiving impressions , both practical and spiritual , that never left him . In the year 1891 he was joined in happy marriage to Lulu Weed and to

them five children were born , all of whom are living and blessing the memory

of a good a home and loving father now gone . , , These children are : Ruth now Mrs. Witt of Lansing : Theodosia now ; , , ; Mrs. Seebeck of Bangor Vivian now Mrs. Zook of Kalamazoo Bert of Grand , , Rapids and Glenna now Mrs. Foster of Munising . , Somewhat later in life than is the case with many Brother Bulman felt

the call into the ministry and in 1900 he was admitted to the Michigan Con , , , ference on trial . In 1903 he was ordained deacon receiving his ordination . as elder in 1907 hy Through the years he has proved faithful to the trust placed in him his

brethren of the Conference . With fine sacrificial devotion and with conscien

tious and energetic purpose he has performed the work of the ministry . He

was a fine preacher of the Word and a good administrator of the work of the

church . In him was a splendid combination of spiritual fervor and practical , , service . His head his hands and his feet worked in pleasing harmony with

his heart .

He was in constant communion with his God but he did not slight his , . communion with his fellow men He kept in touch with both God and man

loving them both . He was a man of God seeking to make all men Godly .

The children and young people loved him and followed his leadership .

The churches prospered under his devoted care , and the communities felt the

impress of his personality . He was a faithful minister of Jesus Christ .

Through the years of his ministry he brought blessing and benediction to , , , at , the churches Winn . Gladwin Glenn and Casco Jonesville Quincy Union , , , , , , City Bangor Breedsville Lawton Lake Odessa Okemos Sparta , and Grand , he ville where was leading his people to new hope and enlarged achievement , , a when in early death struck him down after brief illness the morning of

Dec. 10th . , it ,

Truly be of can said him " Well done good and faithful servant thou hast a been faithful over few things I will make thee ruler over many things , enter of thou into the joy thy Lord . "

Remaining in deep sorrow who indeed sorrow not as those who have no , , hope are the wife of many years the five children ten grand children and , , E. O. of one brother Bulman Grand Rapids .

by of As relatives and friends we how the still form a loving spirit and "

say - bye Good until the morning . " 260 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon , Dec. 12 , in the Grand ville Methodist church , District Superintendent L. L. Dewey in charge . Dr. H. Kennedy offered the prayer and Rev. J. C. DeVinney read the Scripture lesson .-L. L. Dewey .


John A. DeGraff , son of John W. and Catherine Ann Van Keuren DeGraff , was born on the old farm south of Homer , May 26 , 1857. His parents made a very beautiful, homey home for their children . Even the neighbors often sought the glow and cheer of their fireside . In his early days the grandfather Mansfield often brought him down to the Presbyterian church with his family , and to the Sunday School held at the Bouten school house by the Presbyterian church people , which was also a great help to him . Largely through these influences he was converted one night while alone in his room . This ex perience was so definite that it remained with him always . Later he renewed his faith , in the meeting at the Methodist church , received baptism , and united in membership with that church . At his re quest his casket was placed in the Homer M. E. church during the funeral service , at the very place where he was baptized . He was received into the Conference on trial in 1888. He was ordained deacon in 1890 and elder in 1892 .

During his ministry he served the following charges : Holton , 1887 ; Glad win , 1888 ; Ludington , Fourth Ward and Buttersville , 1890-93 ; Elk Rapids, 1894 ; East Jordan , 1895-6 ; Harbor Springs , 1897-8 ; Frontier and Amboy , 1899 ; Prattville , 1900 ; Muskegon , Lakewood Heights , 1901-3 ; Hart , 1904-5 ; Rock ford , 1906 ; Grand Rapids, Joy Memorial , 1907-9 ; Superintendent of M. J. Clark Memorial Home , 1910-12 ; Supernumerary Relation , 1913 ; Berlin , 1914 ; Coop ersville , 1915 ; Grand Rapids Circuit and Whitneyville , 1916-17 ; Grand Rapids , Joy Memorial , 1918-23 ; Retired , 1924. Died at Homer , Mich ., March 4, 1937 . Funeral services were conducted from the Homer M. E. Church at 2:00 p. m ., March 7. The Methodist Brotherhood conducted brief services at his home at noon , after which the body lay in state at the church from 12:15 to 2:00 p . m . The members of the Brotherhood served as guards of honor .

He is survived by his widow and three sons : Stanley C. of Grand Rapids, John W. of Fruitport , and Philip A. of Trout Lake . Those taking part in the funeral service were Dr. Goodrich of Albion , Rev. Floyd George of Jackson , Rev. Joseph Grimes , pastor at Homer and Rev. J. T. Skinner . Rev. P. J. Maveety delivered the main address . A large group of relatives and friends were present . At the grave , Rev. D. E. Reed offered prayer , Mr. Grimes read the committal service , and Rev. P. J. Maveety pronounced the benediction . 1937 ] MEMOIRS 281


Rer . A. S. Williams was born in Champlain county , N. Y., 1858 , and died at the home of his daughter , Mrs. Or pha Hull , in Detroit, on April 16, 1937 . Between those dates lies the record of a long life and a faithful ministry . He came to Michigan in boyhood , making his home with an uncle in Eaton county . He was converted in early manhood and his call to the min istry meant seven years at Albion Col. lege . He was married on December 29, 1886 , to Miss Cornelia Blauvelt ; their three children were : Mrs. Orpha Hull , Mrs. Vera Shugg , and Warren J. Wil liams .. Mrs. Shugg died July 11, and Mrs. Williams died July 15 , 1936 , less than a year before her husband's death . Services were conducted at the home on Monday , at Detroit , the burial being at Albion . E. J. Warren , John Zoller , H. G. Pearce , and W. H. Phelps conducted the service , with six of the pastors acting as honorary pall bearers . Mrs. Hull , as her father had requested , sang “ The Old Rugged Cross . " A second service was held at Albion , where brief addresses were given by Dr. F. S. Goodrich , E. O. Mather, and Richard D. Wearne . The other pastors taking part in the service were Thomas Laity , George A. Brown , and W. P. Manning .

The Record

Arthur S. Williams was received into the Michigan Conference in 1887 , ordained deacon in 1885 and made an elder in 1891. He served the following charges : Caledonia , 1887-8 ; Berlin and Lamont , 1889-90 ; attended school , 1892 ; Three Oaks , 1893-5 ; Lawton , 1896-8 ; Saranac , 1899 : ; Ludington , Fourth Ward , 1900 ; Tompkins, 1901-3 ; Tekonsha , 1904 ; Vandalia , 1905-7 ; Hanover , 1908-9 ; Reading , 1910-11 ; Jackson , Cooper Street , 1912-14 ; Springport , 1915 17 ; Ganges and Glen , 1918-19 ; Schoolcraft , 1920-1 ; Schoolcraft and Portage , 1922 ; Goblesville , 1923-4 . He retired in 1925 and supplied Fennville, 1926-8 , then retired in 1929. For several months he had been supplying the Embury church , in South Birmingham . A beautiful floral cross testified to their love for him . by , Brother Williams had been ill but six days his death hastened pneu , monia . Far from the scenes of his life's chief activities he kept a watchful , eye on all events in his own Michigan Conference while entering into the

religious life of his new home . , ; At the funeral E. J. Warren spoke of his good work at Embury H. G. ; Pearce recalled the days they were together at college W. H. Phelps referred

to the short time between the death of the wife and husband and quoted this

poem :

Going Home

From the Largo of the Symphony “ From the New World " by , by Op . 95 Anton Dvorak . Words and adaptation William Arms Fisher . 262 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Going Home , going home, No more fret or pain , I am going home ; No more stumbling in the way , Quiet - like , some still day , No more longing for the day . I'm just going home. Going to roam no more ! , just by , It's not far close Morning star lights the way , Through an open door ; Restless dreams all done ; Work , by , all done care laid Shadows gone , break of day , Going to fear no more . Real life just begun . Mother's there expecting me , There's no break ; there's no end , Father's waiting, too ; living ; Lots of folks are gathered there, Just a - on All the friends I knew . Wide -awake, with a smile Nothing lost , all is gain , Going on and on .


One of God's noble women came to the end of the journey of life Sunday morning , December 27 , 1936 , when Mrs. Ettie Manning crossed over to the other side . In her own home, with her two daughters , Lois and Faith , the end came as all could wish , taken from activity and full interest , without pain or weary waiting . Ettie Moore was born on a farm near Shepherd , into a pioneer family . The axe and the plow were the symbols of pioneers subduing the wilderness . In such a home work is honorable . With great courage she married a young Methodist preacher , Lewis

Manning , entered fully into co-partnership with him . She married both the , man and his profession . From that moment all that he did was the product . of both lives Together they served communities just growing into towns .

Later they served at Sturgis and Petoskey . Wherever they lived friendships , were formed that only death terminated . Just this Christmas greetings came a from town served thirty years ago .

highly . Dr. Manning was a man every one trusted and respected He was , by honored being made district superintendent which office he held at the of time his death twelve years ago . , , , Four children came to this home James and Stuart Lois and Faith , , ,

in Lansing James passed away in 1936. Stuart married lives and Lois and

Faith were home keepers for their mother . Lois is a valued teacher in the

Lansing schools .

Mrs. Manning loved her Church and Christian work . Until the last few

years she always taught a large Women's Class in Sunday School . She was

president of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society for one year . She was , in constant demand for addresses in State and Branch meetings sharing freely

her deep faith and expectation .

She seemed instinctively to know what was needed for the deepening of

the spiritual life . When she led the devotions a great satisfaction came to all .

To the end she called on people because she loved them and was concerned

for their welfare .

A long illness two years ago undermined Mrs. Manning's health more than , anyone realized at the time . Devotedly loved by her children held in high , by , regard by her church respected all who knew her she lived a full and

happy life . It will be quite impossible to think of her as dead . That indom

itable spirit has merely gone before to the God with whom there are no dead .

The funeral was held in the Central Methodist church in Lansing in charge , of

pastor A. Jayne . Ilugh Kennedy the Dr. M. Dr. offered prayer . , Scores gave flowers saying what lips could put into words . Back to the

old home scenes we bore the body to the cemetery which is within sight of the

old home place . 1937 ) MEMOIRS 203

There , side by side , these two who were one in life , rest , never to be separated again . - A. M. Jayne.


Josephine Gasser , langhter of Jr. and Mrs. Benedict Gasser , was born near Angola , Ind ., December 20, 1856. Josephine attended the public school and the high school of Angola , also the Normal School , and entered the teach ing profession , teaching a number of terms in Indiana and in Nebraska . In girlhood she accepted Christ and joined the Methodist Church of Ingola . She was united in marriage to Rer . J. ( '. Dorris on April 28th , 1886. To them was born one son , W. I. Dorris , who preveded his mother to the Better World , March 30th , 1918 , nineteen , ear's aga ). Jrs . Dorris labored faithfully with her husband in the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church 25 years , serving faithfully in mission and other ( hurches . Mrs. Dorris was talented and served in the various organizations of the church with a very special interest in boys and girls . Mrs. Dorris , for the past seven years , had lived in Los Angeles , Calif . It was here that she contracted infineuza and was taken to the Los Angeles lIospital and died February 9th , 19:37. She leares a brother , Jr, Fred Bilsser of Angola . Ind . sister Mrs. Addie Crome , also of Angola , and other relatives and friends besides her husband , who will miss her presence here , but will be comforted with the thought of our Master who said , " I go to prepare a place for you ... that where I am there se may be also ." Funeral services were conducted at Angola , Ind .. by Rev. V. E. Smith , pastor of First M. E. ( hurch , February 21 , 1937 , with interment in Circle Ilill ( emetery , Angola , at the side of their son , Wesley .- .X. E. Smith . MRS . THOMAS LAITY Eva I. Laity, the wife of Rev. Thomas Lait ”, a retired member of the Michigan ( 'onference, entered into the life immortal on Tuesday , February 16, 1937 , at Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo . She had been in excellent health until she suffered a stroke on Monday , February 1. She was born in Kalamazoo on May 5, 1872 , the daughter of James E. and Hannah VI . Ames . When she was three years old her mother died , and she was taken to live with her grandmother in Canada . At the age of 13 she went to live in Grand Rapids with her father , who had remarried . She was graduated from the Grand Rapids high school and later from the normal school in that city , For twenty - five years she taught the first grade in the Grand Rapids schools , during which time she was a member of the Tenth Avenue Methodist ( hurch (now the St. Paul's church ) and later the Trinity Metho dist churrh . For many years she was superintendent of the primary depart ment of the Trinity Sunday School . On December 27, 1917. she was uited in marriage with Rer . Thomas Laity , at her home in Grand Rapids . She carried on the work of a minister's wife at Grand Ledge and at First church . Lansing . After three years at First ( hurch , Lansing , her husband had a nervous breakdown and moved to Kala mazon . She was a member of the First ( hurch of Katlana zoo until she moved to a new address near the Stockbridge Avenue Churell, of which she was a member at the time of her death . She was actively engaged in the work of the Woman's Ilome Missionary Society , being a liſe member of both societies . She served in the Ladies ' Aid Society and faithfully risited the sick : od shut -ins. She loved children and gare freely of her talent in the Sundar School , serving as superintendent of the primary department at First Church , Kalamazoo , the past five years . She made it a practice to make a personal call in the home of every child in her 264 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 department every year . She was abundant in good deeds and works , a true helpmeet to her husband , and devoted to her family , her church , and her God . She leaves her husband , Rev. Thomas Laity ; her children , Mrs. Irene Shell of Kalamazoo , and Harry A. Laity of Benton Harbor ; two sisters , Mrs. Charles A. Rogers and Mrs. Elton Broughton , of Grand Rapids ; an uncle , Thomas Walker, of Lansing ; a niece, Miss Elizabeth Rogers , of Grand Rapids ; a grandson , Thomas Laity, of Benton Harbor . Funeral services were conducted in First church of Kalamazoo on Febru ary 18 , 1937 , with Rev. Henry W. Ellinger , Rev. D. Stanley Coors , Rev. Wil liam C. Perdew , and Rev. Henry Liddicoat participating . A large number of ministers and their wives were present . The burial was in the Schoolcraft cemetery .


Mrs. Eva Tiney was born in Ontario , Canada , June 4, 1867 , the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Marself. Her girlhood was spent in a number of Meth odist parsonages in Michigan , after which she attended Albion College and was a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority . After leaving Albion , she mar ried Rev. Seward C. Tiney , who held several Michigan Methodist pastorates . As a pastor's wife , she helped in the work at Woodville , Stittsville , and other charges in the Big Rapids district. For several years she had been a member of Trinity , at Grand Rapids . Mrs. Tiney served nearly 35 years as director of music at the Michigan Soldier's Home , playing and singing for practically all Protestant services and for hundreds of special programs throughout this period . It is estimated that Mrs. Tiney assisted at approximately 3,500 funerals at the Home chapel and it was indeed fitting that the final services in her honor should have been conducted at the same place . Chaplain Swart, with whom she had worked for six years , officiated . Burial was at Fairplains , beside her husband and parents . She had made a place for herself in the hearts of everyone at the Home -members , employees, and officials . Although not qualified for membership in a military institution , she was taken into the Home hospital when she could no longer carry on her work and given every medical care available until the day of her death , Friday , April 9, 1937 . Mrs. Tiney leaves a daughter , Mrs. Laura Simons , three grandchildren , a sister , Mrs. Emma Briggs, and one niece .


Mary Delia Chase was born in Kingsley, August 6, 1877 and died Thurs day evening , April 15 , 1937 , at the age of sixty . She was married to Chester W. Chase in 1895. Together they served their Master in the gospel ministry on Grand Traverse district for more than a quarter of a century . She leaves two sons : Rar , of New York City , and Otto , who lived with his mother until her death ; one brother , George Chase , of Grand Rapids . By the sincerity of her faith and consistency of her life , she proved her readiness for her departure to be with the Lord . Funeral services were held at her home on Old Mission Peninsula . They were conducted by her pastor , assisted by Rev. Glenn M. Frye, who gave a very hopeful and comforting address . -L . B. Kenyon .


Mrs. W. Z. Cole , 73, widow of a Michigan Conference minister , died recently at her home in Moscow , Idaho . Catherine M. Stewart was born in Canada , July 26, 1864. When four years old her parents mored to New York and from there to Michigan , where she graduated from high school and from Albion 1937 ) MEMOIRS 265 college . She became a charter member of the first Greek letter sorority or . ganized , at that time called the Sorosis . On March 31 , 1897 , she was married to the Rev. Walter Z. Cole at Albion , Michigan . Here they served in the ministry for several years . From there they moved to Nebraska and then to Idaho , coming to Moscow in 1917 , where she since resided . Her husband and a daughter died some years ago . She is survived by two sons, Mark G. Cole of Genesee and Paul A. Cole of Moscow ; four grand children ; one brother , Manley Stewart of Lake City , Michigan , Funeral services were held at the Short chapel , the Rev. H. F. Pember . ton officiating .


Mrs. E. W. Davis , widow of the Rev. E. W. Davis , member of Michigan ('onference , passed away in Lansing , May 3. She was born November 12, 1871 , in Sebewa township , Ionia county , the daughter of Henry Church Carpenter and Ellen Smith Cooper Carpenter . At the age of twelve she was converted and

early developed the spiritual mind and heart which has characterized all her

unusual life . Her young womanhood was spent in the teaching of music and

in deaconess work . , , On September 24 1902 she was united in marriage with Edwin Waite , Daris a young minister stationed at Remus . Later she served with her , , husband at Howard City . Clare and Rockford a total of twenty years . Since , , the husband's death in 1923 Mrs. Davis has resided in Lansing where she

carried on in rearing and educating her family . , She was a valuable member of Bethel Methodist Church where she taught

in the Sunday School and sometimes filled the pulpit . Her testimony was an

inspiration to young and old . by , , Funeral services were conducted her pastor the Rev. Ray V. Birdsall by , , assisted the Rev. John H. Cornelius of Lakeview . By her request the

congregation sang hymns of her choosing at her funeral at Bethel church and , at the cemetery at Mulliken . Three children survive her : Donald and Carroll , , of Lansing and Mrs. Doris Somers of Williamsburg . There are six grand children .-- Ray V. Birdsall .

MRS . HATTIE DE GRAFF , , , Saturday afternoon May 1st Mrs. Hattie E. Conrad - DeGraff of Homer , , , . to Mich was laid rest in Lakeview Cemetery Ludington after impressive

at by ,

pastor L. J. services First Methodist church conducted the Rev. Nevins . at Ypsilanti in Mrs DeGraff was born 1863 and came to Ludington with , , , her parents James and Clara Conrad pioneers of Mason county when a small child . She attended the Amber and Ludington schools and later gradu , College ,

Ypsilanti high . from a ated Teachers with honors She was success . up ful teacher in Mason county and Grand Rapids to the time she married J. A. in

preceded in Rev. DeGraff 1891. He her death only eight weeks . Mrs.

DeGraff was the first girl from Mason county to graduate from Ypsilanti . , by She was financially assisted with her education Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hawley worthy friends . , , Her fine intelligent Christian character made her a real helpmeet to her

pastor . She would shine in any refined company . If a thing was right in her , A : " mind she would never waver . favorite expression was Don't let down

the bars . ” She was interested in missions and temperance and would give to

these causes more than her budget would allow . One of her last acts was to

send money to Africa . 266 MICHIGAN ANSUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Mrs. DeGraff was a singer and a lover of the arts. If she arranged a few flowers and grasses , they would show the artist's hiud . Jrs . DeGraff had not been in good health for a long time . She knew her heart was constantly growing weaker , She ( alled her doctor and lived only one hour after he arrived . She leaves three sons and their families : Stanley DeGraff of Grand Rapids, Johu DeGraft of Fruitport : Philip 1. DeGraff of Trout Lake : three granddaughters ; two sisters : Jurs , Emma Kendrick , Grand Haven , and Ida L. Dodge, Grant's Pass , Ore . ller only brother , James B. ( onrad of Luding ton , passed away five weeks before her death . The pallbearers were the three sons and Mr. Albert Swanson , ( 'arl Gun berg ,and Albert Boline . - Mrs . Emma Kendrick .


A well known resident of this community for the past twenty -five years in the person of Mrs. Joseph Wilks, passed away on Saturday , May 28th , 1937, after an extended illness , which contined her to her home for some time . The deceased was born in London , England , and came to this country with her parents when a young woman , and resided here until her death . She was married to Mr. Frank Wray of Lindsar , who died shortly after their marriage , and she then moved to Bailieboro where she resided for about eighteen years . Searly twenty years ago she married the Rev. Joseph Wilks who came to Millbrook from Big Pine . California , and who predeceased his wife some nine years ago . Before his stay in the United States , Rer . Mr. Wilks had charges in Port Perry and lxbridge , and also served in South Africa as a missionary . Mrs. Wilks was herself an Anglicul , and a faithful ( hristian worker . She had no family , but had relatives in Toronto and Vancower, B. ( '., anu a niece in London , England . The funeral took place on Monday , May 31st , from St. Thomas ' Anglican ( hurch , Willbrook . The service was conducted by the Venerable Arhdeacon William Simpson , B. d ., ilssisted by Rer. d . L. Sisco of St. Andrew's United Church .


Viss Mary Irvilla Durham was the youngest danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeheil V. Durham and was born October 26, 1880 , at Summit . Mason county , Michigan . She was married to Rer . Edward T. Smith , July 3rd , 1.901. Mrs. Smith spent twenty -nine years in Methodist parsonages . llere she measured up to the high responsibilities of a minister's wife . The problems of the parish became a part of her life . She entered sympathetically into the needs of the people to whom her husband was pastor . She had an unusual love for elderly people and was constant in her ministry to them . Her feet easily found the paths that led to the rooms of those who were in sorrow or suffering . She loved to help to lift loads from drooping shoulders . In hours of need she was a veritable angel of ministration . There are many in the churches where she labored with her husband who will rise up and call her blessed . She went among them in the name and spirit of our Lord . Ten weeks before her death Mrs. Smith suffered a serere stroke of paralysis . Since that time she had been a constant sufferer . Her suffering was endured in patience and from the first she seemed to realize that her days were few . Early one morning the chariot swung low and bore her to her eternal home. 19:37] MEMOIRS 267

Funeral services were held in the Third Avenue church in Big Rapids. Short addresses were made by Drs . Victor W. Thrall and ( 'lark S. Wheeler .

Fred G. Dumbar, Floyd George , Jr., James ... Rogers and Chas . W. Mackenzie attend asisted the services . Jany other brethren of the ministry were alice . Many beautiful flowers were sent by friends from the charges they , had served . The burial was at Summit near to her childhood home.--Victor


REV . N. W. WESTON , , , Sathan W. Weston was born in Niagara comty New York on July 4 , , 1861. and entered his eternal rest on September 25 1936 at the home of his , , daughter in Lakeriew Michigan , , When he was four years old his parents came to Michigan settling at ,

grew to Bridgman where he young manhood . , He was united in marriage to Hattie L. ( olburn' on December 7 1877. To , , , this union three children were born : Walter who passed away in 1910 Lillian , an Ilarold our present pastor at llegilli .

He entered the ministry of the Methodist Church in middle life and served , , churches at Sethton Ashly . Berlin ( ' enter and Emerson . , , ; , He is survived by his daughter Mrs. Lillian Hares of Lakeview his son , ; , , , llarold of Allegan one sister Jrs . Flora George Weston of Independence , , Mw . i seven grandchildren several pieces and nephews and a host of friends . , Services were held from the Methodist church in Allegum at . 11:00 a . m . , , p J. Monday September 28 and from the Baniield church at 3:00 . m . Rev. H.

( ornelius' officiated at Allegon and Rer . W. 1. Exner at Bauntield .

RET . WILLIAM HASKIN , Willian Haskin was born in ( anada' on Nov. 26 1853 the youngest son

of Ithamer and Sarah Ilaskin .

A few years after his birth the family moved into the United States . eventually arriving in Michigan , His youth and early manhood was spent in pioneer work . ( utting timber

logging and clearing land . Some of this work was done in the vicinity of , Kalamazoo some in Allegan county and later in Wexford coumty . While

engaged in clearing a farm in Selma he met Sara Flaight whose parents were ,

clearing . also land near Boon Their marriage at Cadillae on the 28th of May They began 18_1 was the culmination of this romances their married life . on the farm he had cleared A little later they moved to ( adillac and en , gaged in the grocery business . Their first child a son . Was born in ( adillac'

but lived only six months . They gain went onto a farm near Boon and here , , , their other children were born Mattie no !! Mrs. Forrest ( ' . Reed . Lula now , , Vrs Karl Gibson and Verne .

Soon after the railround went through Boon Mr. Haskin became its tele .

graph operator and station agent at Boon . The occupied this position for eight

years and was a great favorite of the traimmen who lovingly called him . “ Billie , Boon . " He was also l'ostmaster at Boon at this same time moving the Post

office to a grocery store which he started after leaving the railroad . up A little later he gate the ministrations to the physical life of his

fellow man and became engaged in the ministry to their spiritual life . Ile

became affiliated with the Methodist Church and held pastorates at Manton , , , , , , , Circuit Empire . Paris Sears Lacota Cortland Breedsville Leroy East Jor , , dan Mesick Oakfield and Gladwin Circuit . This was a work to which he was

particnlarly well adapted . In this relation he made and enjoyed countless , hundreds of lasting friendships for he never failed a friend in need and has by aided many a world weary soul over the rough spots his friendly sympathy

and kindly advice . 1 268 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

His passing on March 11th, 1937 leaves not only his wife , son and two daughters to mourn their loss, with fourteen grandchildren by whom he was dearly loved . REV . CHARLES 0. HAYWARD

Rev. Charles Older Hayward was born September 5th , 1849 at Horseman den , England . He came from England with his parents to Toronto , Canada , in 1853 and resided there twelve years . Then , with his parents , he went to , , , Tonica , Ili . from there to Dwight Ill .

and at these two places he spent his boy

hood . , , In April 1872 he was united in mar , riage with Miss Eliza Willmot of , , Dwight Ii . and they took up their resi . , dence at Decatur Ill . , Attending a revival there February , , 26 1873 he was converted under the

preaching of Rev. Harry Saule . , Moving from Illinois to Douglas , , Mich . he received an exhorter's license , , , January 28 1887 from Rev. W. M. Barth , pastor of the Methodist church and in

May of the same year he received his

first local preacher's license from Dr. D. F. . a Barnes From child of seven years , he if he felt that ever were converted he of would be called God to preach the gos

pel . After receiving his local preacher's

license he spent three very profitable , years in evangelistic work where many . were brought to Christ , , At the Annual Conference held at Hillsdale in 1891 he received his first , ,

charge at I. Robinson under W. Cogshall . , , In the fall of 1893 he was ordained under Bishop Bowman in Grand , Rapids returning to Robinson for his second year . Over eighty were con

verted and united with the church . God He preached forty years and never missed a yearly Conference . , by crowned his efforts with hundreds of souls as was known many ministers

of that day . , He retired from the regular work twelve years ago and since that time , has resided at his home in Saranac but he never lost interest in the work

he loved so well . One of his greatest trials was when he no more could attend , the means of grace which he said was manna to his soul . , For three years past he has been in failing health . On February 22 he

entered Bronson Methodist Hospital where he and his family and friends ; hoped he would receive some benefit but nothing availed and at two o'clock , , ; Tuesday morning March 23 he went calmly and peacefully to sleep the rest , he had longed for so much of late was his after eighty - seven years of a useful

and well - spent life . , , There is left a loving devoted wife who with him had rounded out almost ; , sixty - five years of wedded life also two daughters Tillie Hayward White of , ; , Lowell and Effie Hayward Hathaway of Grand Ledge one grandson Charles , ; ; Howard White of Grand Rapids a half - sister in California two nieces five 1937 ] MEMOIRS 269 nephews , one Rev. J. H. Hayward , a member of the Michigan ('onference . These cherish his memory , his love, devotion and example . Services were held from the home and at the Methodist church which he had previously served as pastor at one o'clock on Good Friday , with the pastor , Rev. Frank Loomis , Rev. Frank P. Frye , and Rev. R. S. Miller officiating . He

was laid to rest in the family lot in Saugatuck .

REV . CHARLES S. JENKINS , , , Rev. Charles S. Jenkins was born September 6 1866 at Carbondale Pa .

He began the active ministry as a local preacher at the age of thirty in the , , , Benessee Conference in New York . He was ordained Deacon October 8 1899 , , by at Bath N. Y. Bishop S. M. Merrill . Soon after he was ordained local Elder

in the same Conference . He brought Mrs. Jenkins and their two small daugh , , ters to Michigan in May 1909 and in September received an appointment in the Michigan Conference . He came well recommended by several district , , superintendents under whom he had served . One of these Dr. J. E. Williams , writes “ His past success would indicate that he will be a success in any

field that may be given him . He is specially gifted in making crooked places

straight and rough places plain . ” , , , He came to Marion in September 1926 as pastor but failing health forced

him to retire the following April . The charges he has served bear testimony

that he was a good minister of Jesus ( ' hrist in spite of a severe physical handi , ( ap . During the ten years of illness he has shown unusual courage and an

unshaken faith in the Christ he served so well . Many ministers and laymen share the sorrow with Mrs. Jenkins and the two daughters , Esther and Mrs.

Martha Berkel . on of Funeral services were held the afternoon May 20th in the Marion

. following present

part in church The ministers were and took the service : , , Raymond , E. Ragan Rev. Norton Rev. W. Rev. Charles Ostrom and Rev. J.

M. DeVinney . - Raymond Norton . 270 [ 1937


For Roll of those deceased prior to October 5, 1920, consult minutes of 1932 and before .

Joined DATE OF Entered Mich . NAME DEATH PLACE OF DEATII AGE NATIVITY Reg. Confer . Ministry ence

John R. Oden Oct. 5, 1920 Los Angeles 1862 1862 Wm . H. Colby . Oct. 13, 1920 Owosso 84 New York 1861 1861 John Graham Dec. 24, 1920 Grand Rapids 85 Scotland 1860 1869 Alex R. Keillor July 19, 1921 Boyne City 67 Canada 1881 1981 John C. Beach. Dec. 10, 1921 Berrien Springs 67 Michigan 1881 1881 John II . Emmons .. Feb. 18, 1922 Albion 67 Michigan 1890 1890 Julius S. Valentine ..... Feb. 23, 1922 Lansing 83 Ohio 1868 1868 Walter R. Kitzmiller July 10, 1922 Kalamazoo 56 Ohio 1892 1892 Hale HI. Miller ...... Aug . 1, 1922 Alhambra , Calif . 66 Michigan 1891 1891 Edgar L. Sinclair ...... Aug. 31, 1922 Hastings 71 Michigan 1888 1888 Gaylord Sheneman Oct. 22, 1922 Muskegon 34 Michigan 1913 1913 George L. Mount Dec. 14, 1922 Ypsilanti 79 Michigan 1871 1871 G. W. Gosling Jan. 2, 1923 Madison , Wis . 85 Michigan 1867 1867 W. W. Rork .Jan . 9, 1923 West Olive 88 New York 1861 1861 Edwin W. Davis Mar. 30, 1923 Rockford 57 Michigan 1894 1894 Alfred Thompson May 1, 1923 Traverse City 35 England 1917 1917 Robert A. Wright July 16, 1923 Coldwater 64 Canada 1885 1885 Owen J. Golden Oct. 19, 1923 Richland , Mich . 76 New York 1875 1879 Douglas Streeter Oct. 22, 1923 Port Arthur , Texas 70 New Hampshire 1889 1902 Thomas Riley .Jan. 3, 1924 Lansing , Mich . 81 Canada 1884 1873 Frank M. Taylor .. Feb. 7, 1924 California 66 Michigan 1889 1898 Robert H. Bready .. Mar. 24, 1924 Grand Rapids, Mich . 76 Canada 1875 1875 Edward Andrews April 23, 1924 Kalamazoo , Mich . 51 England 1904 1918 James Draper .May 16, 1924 Hart, Mich . 93 Canada 1871 1871 Edward G. Lewis May 19, 1924 Grand Rapids 69 Ireland 1888 1890 Lewis H. Manning .June 2, 1924 Lansing 53 Michigan 1895 1895 Wm . H. Thompson July 11, 1924 Edgewood, Pa . 81 England 1869 1879 Fred L. Niles .Aug . 9, 1924 Woodland , Mich . 64 Michigan 1889 1889 James B. Pinckard Dec. 12, 1924 Jackson , Mich . 65 Illinois 1887 1891 Andrew W. Burns Feb. 10, 1925 Albion , Mich . 80 Ohio 1883 1883 Irving II . Skinner Feb. 12, 1925 San Diego , Calif . 86 New York 1866 1866 Irving Eagle . Aug. 9, 1925 Hillsdale , Mich . 67 Ohio 1887 1887 Nimrod F. Jenkins .Aug . 26, 1925 Detroit, Mich . 73 Michigan 1884 1901 Elliott Bouck .Sept. 13, 1925 Eagle, Mich . 63 New York 1891 1899 Arthur Trott ..Oct . 15, 1925 Paw Paw, Mich . 61 Canada 1888 1888 Louis Grosenbaugh Dec. 15, 1925 Lynn Haven , Fla . 75 Ohio 1874 1884 Martin L. Gardner Jan. 11, 1926 Dixon , Ohio 66 Ohio 190, 1911 George A. Buell Feb. 28, 1926 Kalamazoo, Mich . 78 Michigan 1877 1877 Clinton L. Barnhart April 4 , 1926 ( oldwater, Mich . 83 New York 1865 *1871 George Kileen June 29, 1926 Flint, Mich . 75 New York 1886 1880 Royce C. Millard . Aug. 30, 1926 Vermontville , Mich .. 45 Michigan 1911 1922 George A. Odlum .. Jan. 7, 1927 Boulder , Colo. 73 Canada 1881 1881 Joseph C. Cook Mar. 11, 1927 Martin , Mich . 64 Canada 1887 1887 John Zedler . April 3, 1927 Morristown , Tenn . 62 Germany 1894 1894 Edward A. Tanner April 7, 1927 Oisego, Mich . 78 England 1871 1872 Clinton II . Anderson . April 23, 1927 Edwardsburg , Mich .. 67 Michigan 1893 1893 William A. Taylor June 11, 1927 Battle ( reck, Mich .. 75 Michigan 1888 1888 W. W. Diehl .Sept. 29, 1927 Detroit , Mich . 61 Michigan 1891 1917 C. W. Jones Oct. 1, 1927 Wayland , Mich . 85 Michigan 1880 1886 R. D. Freeman . Mar. 11, 1928 Grand Rapids , Mich . 64 Michigan 1894 1894 Albert Smith Mar. 2, 1928 Grand Rapids , Mich . 75 Canada 1879 1886 John W. Buell Mar. 23, 1928 Grandville , Mich . 77 Michigan 1879 1879 N. D. Marsh April 10, 1928 Evanston, II . 92 Michigan 1868 1868 Jacob W. Steife May 17, 1928 Albion , Mich . 73 Ohio 1880 1880 A. 0. Carman .May 18, 1928 Potterville , ilich . 74 Michigan 1888 1888 Quinton S. Walker June 13, 1928 Battle Creck , Mich .. 58 Scotland 1901 1901 Toel Hilburn .Sept. 17, 1928 Pacific Grove, Calif .. 61 Iowa 1894 1894 Wilbur I. ( og hall Oct. 13, 1928 South Haven , Mich . 78 Michigan 1371 1871 George S. Hickey Nov. 20, 1928 Detroit , Mich . 88 Michigan 1869 1869 1937 ] ROLL OF THE DEAD 271

Joined DATE OF Entered Mich . NAME PLACE OF DEATII AcЕ NATIVITY Reg. DEATH Ministry Confer : ence

Richard W. Tindall ...Jarr , 24, 1929 Buffalo , N. Y. 79 Canada 1884 1884 Edward T. Lumbar ... Sept. 8, 1929 Bay City , Mich . 80 England 1881 1881 1888 Joseph Wilks Oct. 24, 1929 Millbrook , Ont. 83 England 1893 1891 1895 Clarence E. Hoag Oct. 29, 1929 Kalamazoo 59 Michigan John W. Sheehan .Nov . 28, 1929 Lansing 64 New York 1888 1888 James Allen .Jan. 4, 1930 Coldwater 85 Ontario 1862 1888 , , 1885 1885 Arthur K , Stewart Mar. 2 1930 Fullerton Calif . 76 Ontario 1897 1897 Runa B. Cilley ...... Mar . 15, 1930 Vicksburg 62 Michigan Alfred Chamberlain .... July 14, 1930 Marcellus 68 1921 , 1889 1889 Ernest W. Wood .Aug . 24 1930 Traverse City 76 Michigan Morton D. Carrel .Oct , 8, 1930 North Adams 81 Ohio 1871 1871 Joseph Peatling 1893 1893 B. . Jan. 13, 1931 Grand Rapids 66 Pennsylvania John W. Hart Mar. 18, 1931 Whittier , Calif . 70 1889 1889 1916 Henry Candler Mar. 31, 1931 Grand Rapids 59 England 1899 Francis M. Cosner April 30, 1931 Constantine 72 Ohio 1894 1894

William L. Mann . May 24, 1931 Gobles 60 Michigan 1904 1904 , 1892 Charles II . Palinatier . May 31 1931 Jackson 64 Michigan 1892 George B. Millar July 31, 1931 Saugatuck 80 Illinois 1910 Judson P. Durham .Sept . 12, 1931 Muskegon 78 Canada 1883 1896 John A. Bready .Oct . 10, 1931 Grand Rapids 85 Ontario 1886 1886 J. R. T. Lathrop ..Oct . 24, 1931 Chicago 75 Indiana 1870 1896 Isaiah Wilson Feb. 28, 1932 Kalamazoo 89 Ireland 1873 1876 Frank M. Cottrell Mar. 17, 1932 Lansing 64 Michigan 1899 1899 ,

76 ( 1888 James H. Wesbrook .April 4, 1932 Middleville Canada Ont . ) 1888 William W. Gray April 9, 1932 Wayland 64 Missouri 1892 1910 George W. Plews . April 20, 1932 Lansing 52 England 1903 Arthur W. Mumford . April 20, 1932 Dearborn 69 Michigan 1895 1895 1906 Roy E. Showerman April 21, 1932 Kalamazoo 59 Michigan 1906 Isaac H. Riddick .May 12, 1932 Albion 86 Ohio 1875 1896 Burton S. Mills .Aug . 26, 1932 Scottville 90 New York 1868 1868 John W. Hallenbeck .. Aug. 26, 1932 Detroit 87 New York 1872 1873 John C. Dietrich .Dec . 9, 1932 Lansing 72 New York 1892 Albert J. McCulloch Dec. 9, 1932 Albion 61 Missouri 1902 1920 Leroy N. Pattison Jan. 7, 1933 Ann Arbor 85 Indiana 1883 1890 , .1. Clare Motyer Jan. 24, 1933 Howard City 37 Hamilton Ber . muda Islands 1929 John S. Tredinnick Feb. 7, 1933 Port Huron 62 England 1895 1928 Elight A. Treadgold Forrest , Ontario 88 England 1869 1869 Charles Nease .Feb . 24, 1933 Grand Rapids 81 Ohio 1885 1888 Charles S. Burchfield Mar. 9, 1933 Eckford 65 Indiana 1894 1912 Andrew A. Geiger ..... May 28, 1933 Carson City 65 Michigan 1891 1891 Oliver Morton Freeman June 10, 1933 Fulton 63 Iowa 1908 1932 George K. Fairbanks June 26, 1933 Ovid 70 Michigan 1894 1894 John E. Benz .Aug. 28, 1933 Kentucky 66 Iowa 1897 1933 , Lloyd Martin Brown Sept. 15 1933 Kalamazoo 32 Michigan 1922 1922 N. M. Barnes Oct. 6, 1933 Grand Rapids 85 Indiana 1892 1892 W. M. F. Emery Dec. 18, 1933 Georgetown, Mass. 77 Massachusetts 1911 W. Z. Cole .Jan . 29, 1934 Moscow , Idaho 76 Michigan 1889 1889 Eli Wigle . Feb. 12, 1934 Grand Rapids 92 1874 L. E. Lennox Feb. 27, 1934 Cabot, Pa . 90 Canada 1886 Alfred Hart April 28, 1934 Lawrence 77 Michigan 1886 1886 Geo. D. Yinger May 9, 1934 Kalamazoo 59 Michigan 1904 1904 Robert J. Slee May 25, 1934 Kalamazoo 66 England 1892 1892 A. Raymond Johns .Sept. 13, 1934 Petoskey 69 Michigan 1890 1915 .Sept , Lansing Fred W. Corbett . 24 1934 76 Michigan 1888 1888 Geo. S. Robinson . Jan. 20, 1935 Lansing 73 Ontario 1884 1884

Dempster D. Martin April 5, 1935 Albion 73 Michigan 1884 1889 George Varion . May 7, 1935 Grand Rapids 91 Ireland 1879 1879

Floyd H. Zerbe .. July 8, 1936 Kalamazoo 49 Michigan 1927 1927

75 1889 Matthew C. Morlock .. July 26, 1936 Downers Grove , Ill . Ontario 1911 , William M. Puffer Oct. 10 1936 Kalamazoo 76 Vermont 1884 1884 , D. Paul Huff Nov. 14 1936 Charlotte Ontario 1894 1894 ,

Ora T. Bulman Dec. 10 1936 Grand Rapids 66 Michigan 1900 1900 , John A. DeGraff Mar. 4 1937 Homer 79 Michigan 1888 1888 , S. 79 Arthur Williams Apr. 16 Detroit 1887 1887 . 1937 New York 272 ( 1937



Organized by the General Conference of 1836 .


1 Sept. 7, 1836 Mansfield , Ohio J. Soule H. O. Sheldon . Sept. 6, 1837 Detroit , Mich . R. R. Roberts Edward Thompson . Sept. 5, 1838 Tiffin , Ohio Beverly Waugh Edward Thompson . Sept. 4, 1839 Ann Arbor , Mich . J. Soule Edward Thompson . Aug. 19, 1840 Marshall , Mich . E. Hedding H. Colclazer .

6 Sept. 15, 1841 White Pigeon R. R. Roberts H. Colclazer . 7 Aug. 17, 1842 Adrian , Mich . T. A. Morris H. Colclazer . 8 Aug. 16, 1843 Ann Arbor , Mich . J. Soule J. S. Harrison . 9 Oct. 2, 1844 Coldwater , Mich . L. L. Hamline H. Colclazer . 10 Sept. 10, 1845 Detroit , Mich . E. S. Janes H. Colclazer . 11 Sept. 23, 1846 Marshall , Mich . E. S. Janes H. Colclazer . 12 Sept. 15, 1847 Ypsilanti , Mich . T. A, Morris E. H. Pilcher . 13 Sept. 6, 1848 Kalamazoo , Mich . E. S. Janes E. H. Pilcher . 14 Sept. 5, 1849 Adrian , Mich . L. L. Hamline E. H. Pilcher . 15 Sept. 4, 1850 Albion , Mich . T. A. Morris E. H. Pilcher .

16 Sept. 3, 1851 Monroe , Mich . T. A. Morris E. H. Pilcher . 17 Sept. 15, 1852 Niles , Mich . Levi Scott E. H. Pilcher . 18 Sept. 14, 1853 Detroit , Mich . Beverly Waugh E. H. Pilcher . 19 Sept. 13, 1854 Ann Arbor, Mich . 0. C. Baker T. C. Gardner . 20 Sept. 5, 1855 Flint, Mich . E. R. Ames T. C. Gardner .

21 Oct. 1, 1856 Coldwater , Mich . T. A. Morris R. C. Crawford . 22 Sept. 26, 1857 Lansing , Mich . Beverly Waugh R. C. Crawford . 23 Sept. 15, 1858 Kalamazoo, Mich . E. R. Ames R. C. Crawford . 24 Sept. 14, 1859 Marshall , Mich . E. S. Janes R. C. Crawford . 25 Sept. 27, 1860 Ionia , Mich . M. Simpson T. H. Sinex . 26 Oct. 2, 1861 Battle Creek, Mich .... E. R. Ames T. H. Sinex . 27 Oct. 2, 1862 Grand Rapids, Mich ... L. Scott T. H. Sinex . 28 Sept. 22, 1863 Jackson , Mich ! M. Simpson T. H. Sinex . 29 Sept. 28, 1864 Niles , Mich . 0. C. Baker J. W. Robinson . 30 Sept. 13, 1865 Albion , Mich . E. R. Ames L. R. Fiske . 31 Sept. 6 , 1866 Hillsdale , Mich . M. Simpson A. A. Dunton . 32 Sept. 11, 1867 Lansing , Mich . D. W. Clark M. B. Camburn . 33 Sept. 3, 1868 Three Rivers , Mich .... E. R. Ames M. B. Camburn . 34 Sept. 15, 1869 Grand Rapids , Mich ... L. Scott M. B. Camburn . 35 Aug. 31, 1870 Coldwater , Mich . D. W. Clark M. B. Camburn .

36 Sept. 13, 1871 St. Joseph , Mich . E. S. Janes M. B. Camburn . 37 Sept. 18, 1872 Jackson ,Mich . E. R. Ames J. I. Buell . 38 Sept. 10, 1873 Ionia , Mich . I. W. Wiley J. I. Buell . 39 Sept. 9, 1874 Kalamazoo, Mich . M. Simpson G. B. Jocelyn . 40 Sept. 8, 1875 Battle Creek, Mich .... L. Scott G. B. Jocelyn . 41 Sept. 13, 1876 Niles , Mich . G. Haven G. B. Jocelyn . 42 Sept. 5, 1877 Grand Rapids , Mich ... S. M. Merrill A. R. Boggs . 43 Sept. 4, 1878 Three Rivers , Mich .. J. T. Peck A. R. Boggs. 44 Sept. 10, 1879 Ionia , Mich . R. S. Foster H. M. Joy. 45 Sept. 15, 1880 Muskegon , Mich . T. Bowman H. M. Joy. 46 Aug. 31, 1881 Jackson , Mich . R. S. Foster H. M. Joy. 47 Sept. 6, 1882 Coldwater , Mich . E. G. Andrews W I. Cogshall. 48 Sept. 5, 1883 Albion , Mich . W. L. Harris W. I. Cogsball. 49 Sept. 19, 1884 Lansing , Mich . W. X. Ninde W I. Cogsball. 1937 ) HISTORICAL 273


Sept. Cogshall . 1885 Grand Rapids Mich ... H. W. Warren W. , , J. F. . 15 Sept. 1886 Kalamazoo Mich Hurst W_I . Cogshall . , , I. A.

. Wightman . Sept. 6 1887 Bay View Mich W. X. Ninde R. , , S. Sept. 4 1888 St. Joseph Mich . M. Merrill James W. Reid . иииии , , . D. Sept. 11 1889 Greenville Mich . Cyrus Foss James W. Reid , , E. . 55 Sept. 10 1890 Muskegon Mich G. Andrews W. I. Cogshall . , , I.

56 9 Sept. Cogshall . 1891 Grand Rapids Mich ... J. P. Newman W. , , C. . 14 P. J. 57 Sept. 1892 Hillsdale Mich H. Fowler Maveety . , , P. J.

Maveety . 58 Sept. 6 1893 Grand Rapids Mich ... T. Bowman , , F. , .

59 P. Sept. 12 1894 Jackson Mich W. Mallalieu J. Maveety , , . P. J.

60 F. Maveety Sept. 18 1895 Albion Mich John Hurst . , , . P. 61 J. Sept. 16 1896 Lansing Mich John M. Walden Maveety . , , . P. J. 15 62 Sept. 1897 Kalamazoo Mich John H. Vincent Maveety . , , S. . . 63 Sept. 14 1898 Lansing Mich M. Merrill M. M. Callen , , . 64 C. . Sept. 13 1899 Ionia Mich H. Fowler M. M. Callen , , 65 D. A. M. . Sept. 12 1900 Battle Creek Mich .... Goodsell M. Callen , , , . 66 Sept. 11 1901 Muskegon Mich H. W. Warren M. M. Callen , , . 17 67 Sept. 1902 Traverse City Mich ... J. N. FitzGerald M. M. Callen , , . E.

68 Cyrus D. Sept. 23 1903 Jackson Mich Foss A. Armstrong . , , E. . C.

69 Sept. 14 Rapids 1904 Grand Mich ... Chas McCabe A. Armstrong . , , . E. 70 Sept. 6 L. B. 1905 Charlotte Mich Wilson A. Armstrong . , , . J. E. 71 F. 12 Berry Sept. 1906 Cadillac Mich A. Armstrong . , , F. . E. 72 Sept. 10 W. McDowell A. 1907 Albion Mich Armstrong . , , J. E. .. 73 Sept. 16 Joseph W. 1908 St. Mich Hamilton A. Armstrong . , , S. . 74 Sept. 22 1909 Grand Rapids Mich ... David H. Moore Clark Wheeler , ,

75 . S. . Sept. 21 1910 Jackson Mich Earl Cranston Clark Wheeler , , S. . .

76 A. Sept. 13 1911 Kalamazoo Mich . Wm Quayle Clark Wheeler , , S. 77 . Sept. 18 1912 Big Rapids Mich ..... Earl Cranston Clark Wheeler , , S. 78 . Sept. 17 1913 Battle Creek Mich William Burt Clark Wheeler , , . S. . 79 Sept. 16 1914 Muskegon Mich William Burt Clark Wheeler , , 80 Hastings . 8 Sept. 1915 Mich William Burt .... George A. Brown . , 81 , Sept. 27 1916 Grand Rapids Mich ... Theodore S. Henderson George A. Brown .

82 , , Sept. 12 1917 Traverse City Mich ... Theodore S. Henderson George A. Brown . , ,

83 . George . Sept. 11 1918 Jackson Mich Joseph S. Berry A. Brown , ,

84 Lansing . S. Sept. 9 1919 Mich Theodore Henderson George A. Brown . , ,

85 Sept. 14 1920 Battle Creek Mich .... Theodore S. Henderson George A. Brown . , 86 , Sept. 20 1921 Benton Harbor Mich ... Theodore S. Henderson J. R. Wooton . , , . 87 S. 12 J. R. Sept. 1922 Albion Mich Theodore Henderson Wooton .

88 , Sept. 11 1923 , Grand Rapids Mich ... Theodore HendersonS. J. R. Wooton . , , . S. 89 Sept. 10 1924 Jackson Mich Thomas Nicholson Clark Wheeler . , , . J.

90 .. Sept. 9 1925 Lansing Mich Francis McConnell Clark S. Wheeler . , , S. 91 Sept. 8 1926 Traverse City Mich ... Thomas Nicholson Clark Wheeler . , , J. F. .

92 7 Sept. 1927 Battle Creek Mich .... William Anderson R. Wooton . , , . J. 93 Sept. 19 Mich Thomas Nicholson 1928 Ionia R. Wooton . , , . 11 94 Sept. C. W. Burns J. R. 1929 Kalamazoo Mich Wooton . , , E. . J. 95 Muskegon . Sept. 10 1930 Mich Charles Locke R. Wooton . , 96 , Sept. 9 . 1931 Grand Rapids Mich ... Thomas Nicholson John W. Broxholm , ,

97 . Edgar Sept. 7 Lansing 1932 Mich Blake John W. Broxholm . , 98 , . Sept. 20 1933 Benton Harbor Mich ... Edgar Blake John W. Broxholm , , . D. 99 Sept. 12 1934 Petoskey Mich Frederick Leete .... Lloyd H. Nixon . , ,

Sept. 11 . 100 1935 Grand Rapids Mich ... Edgar Blake Lloyd H. Nixon , , . 101 Sept. 9 1936 Battle Creek Mich .... Edgar Blake Lloyd H. Nixon , , . 102 June 9 1937 Big Rapids Mich...... Wallace Brown Lloyd H. Nixon 274 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


Under the direction of the Commission of Courses of Study , Allau MacRossie , D.D., Director , 150 Fifth Avenue , New York City . Conference Officers to whom all communications should be addressed : Chairman - D. Stanley Coors , 213 W. ebster , Muskegon . Registrar - Claude W. Satterlee , 1508 Stanwood , Jackson .

THE CONFERENCE COURSES OF STUDY Admission Year Subjects for Examination Instructor ( 1 ) Doctrines and Discipline for 1930 . Robert S. Miller ( 2 ) Life of John Wesley ( McConnell ) Myron E. Host ( 3 ) Methodism in American History ( Sweet ) W. II . llelrigel ( +) A Bible Biography ... L. W. Stone ( 5 ) A Written Sermon .. .L . T. Robinson Directions and Helps for Admission on Trial

First Year Subjects for Examination Instructor ( 1 ) The Abingdon Bible Commentary ( Selected New Testament Articles ) . Richard C. Miles ( 2 ) The Teachings of Jesus ( Branscomb ) ..George A. Mooers ( 3) The Work of Preaching ( Hoyt ) .. W. C. Perdew ( 4 ) Psychology of Religious Experience ( Strickland ) .... F. S. Kinney ( 5 ) Directions and Helps for First Year. First Year Collateral Reading and Study Instructor ( 1 ) Biblical Readings and Studies ... Richard C. Miles ( 2 ) Are You An Evangelist ( E. H. Hughes ) R. B. Spurlock ( 3) The Jesus of History (Glover ) . Richard C. Jiles ( +) The Technique of Public Worship ( Odgers and Schutz ) . R. B. Spurlock The Story of Methodism ( Luccock and Hutchinson ).. W. H. Helrigel ( 6 ) Special Homiletical Work ...... L. T. Robinson

Second Year Subjects for Examination Instructor ( 1 ) The Abingdon Bible Commentary ( Selected Articles, General and Old Testament )..... L. W. Stone ( 2 ) The Church in History ( Nagler ) ... W. H. Helrigel ( 3 ) Religious Education - Based on the following books : ( a) Teaching of Christian Living ( Vieth ) ( b ) The Pastor and Religious Education (Munro ) .... M. Jayne ( c) Teaching Religion Today ( Betts ) ... ( 4 ) Directions and Helps for Second Year. Second Year Collateral Reading and Study Instructor ( 1 ) Biblical Readings and Study .... .L . W. Stone ( 2 ) The Beacon Lights of Prophecy ( Knudson ) L. W. Stone ( 3) Psychology and Life (Weatherhead ) .. W. C. Perdew ( + ) The Christian Enterprise Among Rural People ( Butterfield ) ... IV . E. Beckett John Wesley - Sermons and Selections (McConnell) .. James Bowker Creative Men ( McDowell ) Myron E. IIovt . ( 7 ) Special Homiletical Work . .L . T. Robinson 1937 ] MINISTERIAL TRAINING 275

Third Year Subjects for Examination Instructor ( 1 ) Paul and His Epistles ( Hayes ) ..... W. C. Perdew ( 2 ) Introduction to Philosophy ( Brightman ) .F . S. Kinney ( 3 ) Religions of Mankind ( Soper ) .. Maylon Jones ( 4 ) The Pastoral Office ( Beebe ) .. Robert S. Miller ( 5 ) The Church and Society ( Johnson ) . W. E. Beckett ( 6 ) Directions and llelps for the Third Year Third Year Collateral Reading and Study Instructor ( 1) Biblical Readings and Study ... W. C. Perdew ( 2 ) Martin Luther - The Man and His Work (McGiffert ) ...... Myron E. Hort ( 3) The Art of Preaching ( Brown ) .R . B. Spurlock ( 4 ) Christianity Tested ( Buck ) ..Geo . Mooers ( 5 ) Religion in Life .... Robert S. Miller ( 6 ) Special Homiletical Work .... L. T. Robinson

Fourth Year Subjects for Examination Instructor ( 1 ) Systematic Theology ( a ) The Doctrine of God ( Knudson ) ( b ) God and Ourselves ( Lewis ) . . James Bowker ( c ) Faith for Today (Rall ) ( 2 ) Social Salvation ( Bennett ) . W. E. Beckett ( 3) The Christian Mission in the Modern World ( Schermerhorn ) Maylon Jones ( 4 ) Directions and Helps for the Fourth Year Fourth Year Collateral Reading and Study Instructor ( 1 ) Biblical Readings and Studies .. .L . W. Stone ( 2 ) Improving Religious Education Through Supervision ( McKibben ) ...... A . M. Jayne ( 3 ) The Preacher as Man of Letters ( Roberts ) .R . B. Spurlock ( 1 ) Christ's Alternative to Communism ( Jones ) .R . B. Spurlock Phillips Brooks ( briefer edition ) ( Allen ) Myron E. Hort ( 6) Religion in Life .... .Robert S. Miller ( 7 ) Special Homiletical Work ... L. T. Robinson Detailed instructions in all subjects for examinations and for collateral work , which should be followed very closely by both students and instructors , will be found in " Direction and Helps,” prepared by the Commission on Courses of Study and published by the Book Concern . CONFERENCE STUDIES FOR LOCAL PREACIIERS SEEKING ORDINATION AND FOR ACCEPTED SUPPLY PREACHERS Local preachers seeking ordination or desiring to be continued as Ac cepted Supply Pastors are required to take the Local Preacher's Course of Study or the Course of Study for Traveling Preachers . In the Michigan Conference the latter is the rule . This Course of Study under the direction of the Board of Ministerial

Training is required of all un - ordained Local Preachers who desire to be

by A in charge of a employed a District Superintendent . Local Preacher

church should enroll at once for the Course of Study . Failure to do this and

failure to complete the work within eight years will make it impossible for

such a supply to be employed . GRADUATE COURSES OF STUDY , All preachers of the Michigan Conference in both the local and traveling , , connection who have completed the Conference Course of Study are urged by to enroll in one or more of the many Graduate Courses offered the Com

mission on Courses of Study of the Methodist Episcopal Church .

For each course or unit that is completed a certificate will be furnished .

Upon the satisfactory completion of five of these courses or units a diploma by , will be granted issued the Ceneral Conference Commission . A complete by , list of the courses offered can be obtained writing to Dr. Allan MacRossie 276 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Director of the Commission on Courses of Study of the Methodist Episcopal Church , 150 Fifth Ave. , New York , N. Y. The Conference Board of Ministerial Training is also the Committee on Enrollment for Graduate Courses . The graduate men of the Conference are urged to enroll in one or more courses during the year . Send registration fee of two dollars to Dr. Allan MacRossie , 150 Fifth Ave. , New York , N. Y. SCHOOLS OF MINISTERIAL TRAINING ( I ) UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL A School of Ministerial Training for all students taking the Conference Course of Study is held annually . The 1938 School will meet at Lansing , Central Church , May 2-13 . All students in the Course of Study are required to attend this Undergraduate School except those who are carrying regular work in residence in an approved Theological Seminary . This includes all unordained Supply Pastors . Class room work is offered in all subjects requiring examination in the Conference Course of Study . At the close of the School the required written examination in each subject is given . Written work in all subjects requiring examination must be completed before the opening of the School . The required written work on Collateral books must be in the hands of the instructors 30 days before Conference . A registration fee of $ 2.00 will be charged each student attending the School , but in return each student will receive his equitable share of the expense fund provided by the Detroit and Michigan Conferences for the support of the School . ( II ) THE GRADUATE SCHOOL A School of Ministerial Training for Graduates meets annually , offering attractive courses provided by the General Conference Commission on Courses of Study . A strong educational program of lectures and forum discussions is appreciated by a growing number ofministers. This School is open to all preachers who have completed the Conference Studies . Work throughout the year in Graduate Study is advised , but is not a condition of attendance . The 1938 Graduate School will meet in Lansing , Central Church , May 9-13 , ( III ) SENATE AND OFFICERS OF THE SCHOOLS The School Senate is responsible for these two Schools and is composed of the following members : The resident Bishop , the Chairman and the Regis trar of the Board of Ministerial Training in both the Michigan and the Detroit Conferences , the Dean and Registrar of the Schools and one undergraduate and two graduate students from each conference . The present officers of the Senate are : President - Bishop Edgar Blake , 34 E. Elizabeth St. , Detroit . Executive Chairman and Dean - Charles C. Becker , Detroit . Vice -Chairman and Asst . Dean - D. Stanley Coors , Michigan . Secretary , Treasurer , Registrar - Harry A. Brewer , Detroit . STUDENTS —ATTENTION ( 1 ) Read carefully Paragraphs 542 and 543 of the 1936 Discipline . ( 2 ) No student will be permitted to take more than one year of work in the Course of Study , in addition to any conditions of the previous year , with out the permission of the Board of Ministerial Training in advance . ( 3) It is expected of each student that he write to the Chairman or Registrar of the Board not later than thirty days prior to the meeting of the Annual Conference a letter containing the following data : A. Occupation during the year ; Attending school , Name of school, Grades , In a pastorate , In secular employment . B. Credits expected this year ; C. Plans for the following year . 1937 ) 277


Rule 1. The rules of the General Conference shall be the rules of this Conference in so far as they are applicable to the proceedings of an Annual Conference and in so far as they do not conflict with our printed rules .

2. The Conference shall meet at 8:30 a. m ., spending 30 minutes in de votional exercises , and adjourn at 12:30 p. m., but may alter the time of meeting at its discretion . 3. The Secretary shall keep a Journal of the Conference proceedings which he shall cause to be published in the Annual Minutes , and when so published it sball be the official Journal of this Conference . He shall edit all matters for publication in the Minutes except the statistics , and shall make contracts for the publication thereof for the next Annual Conference or Quadrennium as in his judgment may seem best. He shall have charge of the Journal and Conference files, and forward them to the seat of the next Annual Conference . He shall be the custodian of the ancient documents of the Conference .

4. The President shall appoint all committees not otherwise ordered by the Conference , but any member may decline serving on more than one committee at the same time . 5. All motions and resolutions introduced by any member shall be re duced to writing , if the President , Secretary or any member requests it . 6. Any motion or resolution may be withdrawn by the mover with the consent of the second at any time before the decision or amendment .

7. No person shall speak more than twice on the same subject or more than five minutes at one time , without leave of the Conference , nor shall any person speak more than once until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken . 8. It shall be in order to move that the question shall be taken without further debate on any measure pending before the Conference except in cases where character or Conference relations are involved , and if sustained by a two -thirds vote , the question shall be so taken . 9. No motion , resolution or report of committee shall be laid on the table until the mover or introducer be allowed to speak on the question .

10. All committees whose reports are to be printed in the Minutes shall present their reports in writing to the Secretary . 11. All candidates for readmission , for admission on trial , for admission on credentials from other churches , for admission into full membership , and for recognition of orders shall be required to appear before the Conference Board of Ministerial Training which shall also be the Committee on Minis terial Qualification , and furnish such information as may be desired , touching their general qualifications for the ministry . 12. Conference visitors shall be allowed fifteen minutes in which to address the Conference . District Superintendents ' reports shall be limited to Afteen minutes , or if presented by one of their number , to forty - five min utes ; and reports of committees , except Board of Stewards , to five minutes . 278 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

13 . In the distribution of Conference Claimants ' Funds, the action of tbe Board of Stewards shall be final . Provided , that in case the claimant is dissatisfied with the action of the Board , he or she may appeal to the Con ference .

14. The Stewards shall give a general report of their work to the Con , ference and furnish the Conference Secretary for publication in the Minutes

answers to Disciplinary Questions Nos . 45 and 46. Widows of deceased min

isters who have never traveled with their husbands may be temporary , , claimants and shall be referred to the Board of Stewards who shall de to cide each case from year year .

15. The Stewards shall pay annuities to the Conference Claimants quar , terly the first payment to be made on or before July 1 after the close of each Conference session , and the subsequent payments each succeeding three

months thereafter . , , 16. The Biographical Secretary when elected to that office shall also , be elected to membership on the Board of Stewards and shall be ex officio

the Assistant Secretary of said Board . The Chairman of the Board of Stewards

shall be a member of the ( ' ommittee on Memoirs . , 17. The Conference shall elect a Conference Auditor who shall be , authorized to nominate one assistant from each district and the auditor and by his assistants shall be the Auditing Committee required the Discipline . , , p ( See plan Minutes 1918 . 389. )

18 . The Conference Treasurer shall give bond as required by the Dis

cipline in the sum of $ 5,000 ( five thousand dollars ) . The Conference shall , pay for the cost of said bonds

19. All applications for collections to be apportioned to the charges , by in the Conference under the head " Ordered the Annual Conference ” shall

be referred to the Committee on Finance and reported to the Conference in

budget form .

20. The nominating committee shall consist of 6 members of this confer , ence other than District Superintendents 2 of whom shall be elected each ; year for a term of 3 years the conference shall designate each year one of , the 6 as chairman . This committee shall make all nominations including the , by chief executive officers of the conference unless otherwise ordered the

discipline or the conference . It shall make its report to the Cabinet for their , , consideration not later than the 1st day of conference and then to the con

ference for final adoption .

21. The meeting of the Corporate Conference shall be the special order , for 10 o'clock a . m . on the second day of the Conference session . by 22. The Conference may order an executive session at any time a

two - thirds vote .

23. The Memorial Service for decca sed members of the Conference and

the deceased Supply Pastors and the deceased wives of preachers shall be , the special order for the first day of the Conference session immediately

following the devotional exercises and the organization of the Conference . 1937 ) 279


In this record R stands for year of reception on trial in any Methodist Conference or for reception into this Conference from other denominations ; D stands for year of ordination as Deacon ; E for year of ordination as Elder, and ( * ) for a retired member . The appointments listed are for charges served in this Conference only , and those listed within brackets are for the years served as a supply pastor . The dates given are for the years of appointment and previous to 1937 were in September , unless otherwise noted . All postoffice addresses , except for the retired men , will be the same as the last appointment . Except in cases where the appointment named is identical with the Post Office Address , the address has been added to this list . This record is compiled by Albert R. Elliott , the Biographical Secretary Any correspondence concerning corrections in the record should be sent to him at Augusta . Bishop Edgar Blake , Honorary Member . 34 E. Elizabeth Street , Detroit .

*ALER , LEVIV ( R., 1887; D. , 1889; E. , field , 1918; Partello , 1919; Supernumerary , 1891) . Paris , 1887; Stanwood and Altoona , 1920; Retired , 1926. Address , 442 Emmett 1888: Hersey , 1889; Chippewa Lake , 1890; St. , Battle Creek . Shepherd , 1893; Boyne City , 1894; File *BALDWIN , EMERY A.- ( R., 1880; D. , Lake , 1895; Manton , 1896; Monroe Center , ; E. , ) . Transferred from Central 1898; Wexford , 1899; Cross Village , 1900; New York Conf ., 1900; Union City , 1900: Retired , 1903. Address , Cross Village . Sherwood and Leonidas , 1904; Cassopolis , ALEXANDER , John W.-R. , 1918; D. , 1905; White Pigeon , 1907; Freeport , 1908; 1920; E. 1923) . (Charlotte Circuit , 1917) ; Retired , 1910. Address , Weedsport , New Allen , 1918; Butler , 1921; Levering , 1922; York . Harbor Springs and Circuit, 1924; Bellaire , BANCROFT , JAMES H .- ( R ., 1908; D. , 1931; Charlevoix and Indian Mission , 1936. 1911; E. , 1913) . Cedar Springs , 1908; Shep Address , 106 State St. , Charlevoix . ardsville , 1909; Sheridan , 1913; Berrien *ARMSTRONG , EDWARD A. ( R., 1891; Springs , 1917; Portland , 1922; Otsego and D., 1893; E. , 1895). Sherwood , 1891; Quin Trowbridge , 1925; Mason , 1931; Hillsdale , cy . 1893; Battle Creek , Maple Street , 1896; 1935; Leave of Absence , 1937. Address , Jackson , Ida Stiles Memorial , 1897; Cadil Otsego . lac , 1899; Ludington , First , 1904; D. S. BARTLETT . JAMES ELWOOD (R., Albion District , 1908; Big Rapids, First , 1935; D .. 1936; E. , 1937) . Centerville , 1914; St. Johns , 1917; D. S. Big Rapids March , 1935. District , 1920; Conference Secretary of BATES , RALPH LEO- ( R., 1926; D. , Home Missions , 1926; Byron Center and ; , , ; , 1934; 1931 E. 1933) . In school 1926 Partello Dorr , 1928; Caledonia , 1932 ; Alto , ; , ; , , January , ; , ; 1929 In school 1930 Grandville March Grandville 1937 Retired 1937 1933; Delton , 1935. (Whitneyville and Snow , 1937) . Address , 1126 Watkins St. , Grand Rapids . *BEACOCK , G. A .- ' ( R., 1910; D. , 1910; E. , 1912) . Transferred from Detroit Conf ., ATKINSON , W. J .-- ( R., 1896; D. , 1896; , 1920; Reading , 1919; Frontier and Amboy , E. 1899) . Transferred from Detroit Con ; , ; Supernu ference , 1921; Fremont . 1921; Manistee , 1921 Leave of Absence 1922 ; , ; merary , 1923; Orleans , 1924; Sunfield , 1926; 1922 South Haven and Casco 1925 Evart Hopkins , ; , , , ; , ; Newaygo 1930 Retired 1933. Address St. and Sears 1926 Scottville 1929 Louis . and Holton , 1933; Harbor Springs , 1934; Battle Creek , Community and Washington BEACOCK , LEE GEORGE- ( R ., 1926; Heights , 1936. Address , 27 Bond St. , D.. 1928; E. , 1930) . Crystal Valley and Battle Creek . Walkerville, 1926; Bannister and Ashley , ; , , ; , 1928 Muskegon , Central , Asst ., 1930; BABBITT EDMOND H.- ( R . 1924 D. , Community Washington 1927: E .. 1929) . (Climax and , Battle Creek and Sonoma Heights , ; Quincy , ; , 1923) ; Kalamazoo , Damon , 1924; Edwards 1932 1933 St. Louis 1937. burg , 1928; Watervliet and Coloma , 1930;; BECKETT , WILLIAM ERVINE — ( R. , Muskegon Heights , 1934. Address , 936 1922; D. , 1924; E. , 1926) . Alto Parish , 1922; Sanford , Muskegon Heights . Fennville , 1929; Shelby , 1934. , BACON , CECIL H.-- ( R., 1915; D. , 1927; BEDIENT , HAROLD ARTHUR ( R. E. , 1931) . Transferred as a Probationer 1934; D. , 1936; E. , ) . (Climax , 1933) from Dakota Conference , 1923;; Elk Rap 1934; Byron Center , 1935; Maple Rapids , ids, 1923; Cadillac , Peoples Church , 1924; 1936. Springs , , Cedar 1925: Caledonia 1934. *BELL , RICHARD W .-- ( R., 1906; D. , BAKER , ALBERT W .- (R ., 1908; D. , 1906; E. , 1910). Transferred from North 1908; E. , 1912) . ( Boyne Falls , 1907), 1908; ern Minnesota Conf ., 1918; Hesperia , 1918; Fife Lake and South Boardman , 1910; Palo , 1919; Wheeler , 1921; Leave of Ab Riverdale , 1913; North Star , 1916; Climax sence, 1923; Supernumerary , 1924; ( Pope , and Sonoma , 1919; Oshtemo , 1921; Martin 1925) ; Retired . 1926. Address : 1712 N. Parish , 1924; Colon , 1926; Bellaire , 1928; Bond St. , Saginaw . , ; , Galien 1931 Perrinton , 1932; Wheeler *BENEDICT , MILTON- ( R ., 1907; , ; Hopkins , ; , D. 1934 1936 Lawton 1937. 1909; E. , 1911) . At school , 1907; Sherman , BAKER , RALPH A .- ( R ., 1911; D. , 1908; Clarion , 1909; South Frankfort , 1910; 1913; E. , 1916). Sears , 1911; Entrican , Jennings , 1911; Williamsburg , 1912; Leroy , 1912; Entrican and McBride, 1913; White 1914; Rosebush and Indian Mission , 1917; Cloud , 1915; Supernumerary , 1917; Ban Hesperia , 1919; Galien , 1921; Vandalia and 280 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937

Jones , 1924; Leave of absence , 1926; Super Lake , 1909 ; Fremont , 1913 ; Holland and numerary , 1927; Retired , 1928. Address , West Olive , 1916 ; Grand Rapids , Burton

Jonesville . Heights , 1919 ; Jackson , Haven , 1923 ; Jack , , * BENNETT , JOHN H .- ( R ., 1887; D. , son St. Luke's and North Street 1925 : ; , ;

. Springport 1888; E. , 1890) . Ada , 1887; Casnovia , 1888; Retired 1926 Parma 1927 and Pope , ; , ; Caledonia , 1889; Grand Haven , 1891; Mus 1931 Bellevue 1934 Sonoma Par , , , . kegon , Wood Avenue and North Muskegon , ish 1937 Address Battle Creek R. F. D. , , , , 1893; Coopersville , 1894; Three Oaks , 1897; BOWKER JAMES E. - ( R. 1918 D. Retired , 1898; (Ada , 1899) ; Irving , 1900; 1920 ; E. , 1924, Elected and ordained else

Freeport , Vergennes , ; , ; 1901: and Keen 1903 where ) . Jerome and Liberty 1918 Liber Conference Evangelist , 1905; Supernumer ty and Somerset Center , 1919 Jackson , St. , ; , , ary , 1906; (Whitneyville and Snow , 1906-7); Luke's Asst . 1920 Jackson North Street Grandville , 1910; Retired , 1911, Address , 1921 ; At school , 1923 ; Coleman , 1927 ;

, , ; , Ada Traverse City Asbury . 1929 Jackson Cal , , ; , vary . Address 209 E. , ; , , ; 1933 Mason 1935 * BIERY JOHN G .-- ( R . 1897 D. 1897

Ash Street . , , ; , E. 1901 ) . ( Pittsford 1896 ) . 1897 Partello ; , , , ; 1898 Martin 1903 Athens and Indian BRAUND MARSHALL A. --- ( R. 1905 : , ; , ; , , ; , , Mission 1906 Norwood 1909 Perrinton D. 1907 E. 1909 ) . ( Bailey and Ashland ; , ; , , ; , ; , 1913 Okemos 1916 Greenville Circuit 1904 ) 1905 Alto 1906 Grand Rapids Ep , , ; , 1918 ; Crystal , 1920 ; Delta , 1921 ; Saranac , worth and Berlin 1909 Leave of absence ; , ; ; , ; , 1922 Delta Circuit 1924 East Lansing . 1911 Elk Rapids 1912 Grand Rapids Ep , ; , ; , ; Breckenridge People's Church . Asst . 1925 Old Mission worth 1913 1915 Trans , ; , ; , : and Yuba 1933 Gresham 1935 Faith ferred to Oklahoma Conf . 1917 Three , ; , , , ; Haven 1936 Retired 1937. ( Faith Haven Rivers 1918 Transferred' from Oklahoma , , , ; , ; , ; 1937 ) . Address 335 Linden Avenue East Conf . 1919 Nashville 1920 Evart 1923 , , ;

Lansing : . Evart and Sears 1924 Alma 1926 Eaton , , Rapids , 1935 ; Grand Rapids St. Paul's , , , ; BIRDSALL RAY V. - ( R . 1914 D. 1916 , , 1936. S. E. , ; , Address 1160 Jefferson , E. ) .

( Ashley 1918 1913 ) . 1914 Orleans ; , ; , ; , ; , L .- ( R . 1870 , 1916 Shepardsville 1919 Tekonsha 1921 * BRAY NICHOLAS D. ; , , ; , , Jackson Beatrice Isbell and Vandercook 1872 E. 1874 ) . Mt. Pleasant 1870 Evart , ; , , ; ; Lake 1924 Beatrice Isbell and Cooper 1872 Woodland 1873 Orleans 1876 : , ; , ; , ; , ; , Street 1925 Beatrice Isbell 1926 St. Lowell 1878 Quincy 1881 Sturgis 1884 : ; , ; , ; , Louis 1928 Portland 1931 Lansing Pot P. E. Coldwater District . 1887 Muskegon ; , ; , , , , ter Park and Bethel 1933. Address 1011 Central 1893 Portland 1895 Jackson , ; , , Dakin St. Haven 1899 P. E. Big Rapids District

; Evangelist , ; , , , , 1903 Conference 1908 Retired 0. * BIRTCH DRESDEN E .- ( R . 1895 ; ,

, Agent Supply : 1895 E. 1899 ) . Transferred from Idaho 1909 Field Pastor's Fund , , ; . . ; , ; , 1910 Retired 1913 Address Chelsea ( onf' .. 1906 Sunfield 1906 Middleville , , ; , ; , ; , ; 1908 Rockford 1910 Coopersville 1913 * BROWN CHARLES F. - ( R . 1885 D. ; , , ; , ; Vicksburg 1915 Centerville 1916 Super 1887 E. 1889 ) . Transferred from Minne . , ; , ; , , numerary 1918 : Douglas and Saugatuck sota Conf . 1892 Allen 1892 Kinderhook ; , ; , ; , : : 1919 Retired 1920. Address 2521 River 1894 Stevensville 1896 Mattawan 1899 , , ; , ; , side Drive Trenton . Bloomingdale 1901 Banfield 1903 Fulton ; ; , 1905 ; Augusta , 1907 Bowne 1903 Barry , ; BLANDING WILLIAM A .-- ( R .. 1925 , , ton 1912 : Rosebush and Indian Mission ; , , ;

D .. E. ) . ( Crystal Valley ; , , ; ; 1932 1933 1923 1915 Millbrook 1917 Luther 1918 Re . , ; .

Liberty ) Horton and 1924 . 1925 Cale , , , tired 1920. Address 1546 Sherman St. , , : donia 1926 Vandercook Lake 1928 : At Grand Rapids , , , school 1929 : Beaverton and Edenville ,

( R .. Evangel ; From 1932 Transferred to New York East Conf . BROWN GEORGE- , ; , , April 3 1932 for purposes of election to full ical Association 1906 Ordained elsewhere , ; ,

: Completed membership and Deacon's orders , and then D. 1898 E. 1900 course of ; , , ,

.; study ) . Cloud 1907 Bannister transferred back to Michigan Conf Hart . 1913 White ; , , ; ; . ford , 1933 ; Byron Center and South Grand 1909 Okemos 1912 Riverdale 1916 Sher , ; , ; Portage , , idan 1919 Schoolcraft and 1923 . Rapids 1936 Address Byron Center . Galesburg and Scotts , 1924 ; Leslie , 1928 ; , , ; , ; , B ( ; , BOGART AMOS .-- R. 1922 D. 1924 White Pigeon 1934 Fulton 1937. , ; , E .. 1926 ) . ( Wexford 1919 Marne 1920 ) . ; , , , * BROWX A ( R . 1892 D. 1922 ; Ravenna , 1923 ; Augusta , 1925 ; Kala GEORGE .- , ; ; , E. ) . mazoo , Damon and Wilson Memorial , 1928 ; 1893 1896 Camden 1892 White Pis , ; , , Allegan ; con 1894 Evart 1898 : 1905 Cassopolis , 1930 ; Battle Creek , l'pton Ave Battle Creek , Upton Avenue , 1908 ; Kala nue , 1936. Address , 254 Upton Ave. , mazoo East Avenue , 1911 ; Lyons , 1915 ; , , ; , ; BOODAGH PAUL ( R . 1923 D. 1925 Coloma and Watervliet , 1919 ; Ganges Par , , ) . . ; , E. 1927 Transferred from Dakota Conf ish , 1922 ; Cassopolis 1927 Paw Paw and ; , ; , , , ; . 1926 Sheridan 1926 Okemos and Holt Almena 1930 Retired 1933 Address :

; Boyne City Boyne , ; 1927 and Falls 1931 , 1315 Cambridge Drive Kalamazoo . , , Manistee 1933. Address 372 Second St. , , ; , ; BROWN JAMES A .- ( R . 1915 D. 1917 , , ; , E ( R . 1927 D. , , ; BOWEN MILFORD .- E 1919 ) . Delta 1915 Tompkins and Win ; , , , , , ; ) ) : : 1929 1931 ( Dewitt 1926 1927 field 1916 Hanover and Moscow 1919 ; , . ; , Transferred from Central Gerinan Conf Hubbardston , 1921 Remus 1928 Elsie ; , ; by merger , Burnips 1933 1933 White 1933. , Pigeon 1937. , ; , BROWN NATHAN P .-- ( R . 1891 D. ; ; , , ; ( R .. BOWERMAN . JAMES F. 1901 1893 E. 1895 ) . Woodville 1891 Mackinaw , ; , ; . , ; , , ; City East 1893 D. 1903 E. 1906 ) . ( Douglas 1899 ) Pipe 1892 Jordan Luther

, ; Pokagon , ; , ; stone 1901 1903 Girard 1904 1895 ; Tompkins , 1897 ; Mosherville , 1901 ; ; , , ; , Constantine 1907 : Grand Haven and Spring Fulton 1903 Bloomingdale 1905 Green 1937 ) PASTORAL RECORD 281 ville Circuit, 1908; Shepherd , 1910; River wagiac , 1912; Manistee , 1914; Kalamazoo , dale , 1912; Montague , 1913; Alto , ,1916; Stockbridge Avenue , 1917; Supernumerary , Tekonsha , 1917; Delton and Prairieville , 1919; Kalamazoo , Damon , 1920; Located 1918: Martin , 1920; Hopkins , 1922; Potter at own request , 1921: (Kalamazoo , Damon , ville , 1924; Casso polis , 1926; Retired , 1927; 1923) : Readmitted , 1926; Carson City , 1926; ( Charlesworth , 1928-33). Address : 227 Lowell, 1927; Lake Odessa , 1931; Rock Holmes St. , Eaton Rapids . ford , 1934; Climax , 1937. Address , AU gusta BROWN , WARREN E .- ( R., 1932; D., . 1934: E .. 1936). (Leslie , Asst ., 1931) ; CERMACK , JOHN WALTER— ( R., 1932; Spring Brook , 1932; Hopkins , 1933; Port D., 1934; E., 1937) . ( Northport , Indian land , 1936. Mission and Leland , 1931) , 1932; East Jor BROWNLOW , THOMAS G. R. -- ( R. , dan and Ellsworth , 1934; Grandville , 1937. 1901; D. , 1902; E. , 1905). (Saugatuck , CHAMBERLAIN , FRANK E.- ( D., 1894; 1899) ; Fulton , 1901; Marengo , 1903; Scott E. , 1898, in Free Methodist Church . Re . ville , 1905; Carson City , 1909; Ovid , 1911; ceived as Elder from Free Methodist Alma , 1913; Cadillac , First , 1917; Lansing , Church , 1907) . (Ashley , 1906) , 1907; Com Michigan Avenue , 1922; Eaton Rapids , pleted course of study , 1909, ordained pre 1926; Grand Rapids , Second Street , 1930; viously ; North Star , 1909; Alto , 1912; Mon Holland and Saugatuck , 1933; Lansing . Mt. tague , 1916; Marcellus , 1920; Elsie, 1924; Hope , 1936. Address , 1821 S. Cedar St. Lawrence , 1927; Breckenridge , 1933; Hart , ; , BROXHOLM , JOHN W.- ( R ., 1913; D. , ford 1936 Martin 1937. 1917; E. , 1920) . (Sherman and Harietta , CHAPEL , LYNN ERMAN-( R ., 1933: , Summer , 1910; Thompsonville , 1910; Osseo, D. 1935; E. ). ( Student Supply at 1911; At school , 1912) ; Allen , 1913; Camden Partello and Lee Center , 1931) ; Ashton and Austin , 1914; Aurelius , 1917; Walker and Luther , 1933; Luther , 1934; At school , ville , 1919; Alto Parish , 1921; Shepherd , 1935; Sheridan , 1937. ; , ; , ; 1922 Stanton 1924 Hartford 1926 Men CHAPMAN , WILLIAM- ( R., 1906: D. , don , 1933; Hubbardston and Palo , 1936. ; , Byron , Addregs , , 1909 E. 1911). ( Center and Porr Hubbardston 1904) ; Pentwater , 1906; Constantine , 1909: BUCK , STANLEY M .- (R., 1932; D.. Chaplain , Battle Creek Sanitarium , 1912; 1934; E. , 1935). (Spring Brook , 1931) ; At Battle Creek , Maple Street , April , 1913; school , 1932; Colon , 1934. Hillsdale , 1918; Lansing Central , Asst ., , A ( R , ; D.. April , 1922; Cadillac , January , 1933; Trav BIEGE ARTHUR .- . 1919 City , , ; , ; 1923; E. , 1925) . (Ferry . 1916) ; Freeport , erse Central 1924 Marshall 1931 ; Wayland , ; Pigeon , ; Muskegon , Wood Avenue , 1936. Address , 1919 1922 White 1926 1020 Wood Ave. Martin , 1931: Martin and Bradley Indian Mission , 1935; Lawrence , 1937. CHASE , GRANGER D .- ( R ., 1887; D. , , , ; , 1889; E. , 1891) . Pentwater , 1887; White , CAREY HOWARD RAY -- ( R. 1932 D. , ; City , ; , 1935; E. , 1936) . (Alto Parish , Asst ., 1927) ; hall 1888 Traverse 1900 Mason At , ; Byron , 1893; Cadillac , 1895; Charlotte , 1896; Lan school 1932 Center 1934: sing , ; Muskegon , , Newton , Sonoma and Leroy , ; Central . 1899 Central East 1935 ; Rapids , ; Bronson , 1937. 1901 P. E. Grand District 1903 St. Johns , 1909; Supernumerary , 1910; CARLEY , IRA E.- (R., 1919; D. , 1921; (Charlotte Circuit , 1911) ; Eaton , 1913; E. , 1922) . Transferred from Detroit Conf ., Mendon and Parkville , 1920; Kalamazoo , 1930: Reading , 1930: Battle Creek , Com East Avenue , 1925; Bellevue , 1927; Retired , munity and Washington Heights , 1933; 1934. , 211 South Clinton St. , , Address Potterville 1936. Charlotte . CARR , HERBERT A. ( R. , 1910; D., " , C ( R., 1886; D. , 1884; ; -, ; CHASE JOHN .-- 1912 E .. 1914). Girard 1910 Berrien E. , 1890). Kendall, 1886; Monterey , 1887; Springs , 1913; Sheridan ; 1917; North Star , Banfield , 1888; Bloomingdale , 1890; Prai ; , , ; 1919 Wheeler 1924; Riverdale 1929 rieville , 1892; Delton , 1894; Douglas . 1895; , ; Morley , Coral and Amble 1934 1936. Morley , 1896; Cadillac , 1899: Supernumer . *CARR , ORLOW W.- ( R., 1911; D. , 1913; ary , 1901; Woodville , 1905; Supernumerary , E. , 1915) . ( Saugatuck , 1908; Kalamo , 1909; 1909; (Woodville . 1909) : Retired , 1914. Sonoina , 1910) ; Hopkins , 1911; Brecken Address : 808 Bush St. , Jackson . ridge, 1913; Grand Rapids , Joy Memorial . *CLAPP , FRANKLIN H .- ( R ., 1902; D. , 1915; County Secretary Y. M. C. A. , 1916; 1903: E.. 1907). Transferred from New , ; Elsie 1917 Transferred to Central Illi York East Conf . 1903; Jackson , Haven , , ; nois Conf . 1919 Transferred from Central 1903; Alma , 1906; Niles , 1907; Manistee , , ; Vicksburg ; Illinois Conf . 1922 . 1922 Jack 1909; Grand Rapids , Second Street , 1914; son, Beatrice Isbell , 1923; Supernumerary , Bitttle Creek , , 1917; D. S. Albion , ; First 1924: Withdrawn 1925 (Stephensville , District , 1919; Leave of Absence , 1925; ; , ; 1934) Readmitted 1937 Stephensville , Field Secretary . Drew Theological Sem 1937. inary , 1926; President Cammon Theological CARTER , THOMAS- ( R., 1912; D. , 1916; Seminary , 1928: Reed City , 1932; Traverse E. , 1918) . Transferred from Illinois Conf ., ( 'ity , Central , 1934; Retired , 1937. Address , 1926; Professor in Albion College , 1926. 2: 1 Boardman Ave. , Traverse City . , , Address 409 Allen Place Albion . *CLAI'S , JOHN- ( R., 1888; D. , 1890; E. , CARTLAND , ALBERT T. -- ( R. , 1897; 1892). Cannelton , Ind ., 1888; White Creek , D., 1899; E. , 1901). Danby , 1897; Wacous Ind ., 1889; Hamilton , Ohio , 1894; Indian ta, 1898; Battle Creek , Upton Avenue , apolis , Ind ., 1899; Louisville , Ky ., Jeffer . 1899; Professor in Michigan Agricultural son St .. 1901; Santa Claus , Ind .. 1907: College , 1900: Bath , 1901; Cassopolis , 1903; Evansville . Ind .. Second . 1911; Boonville , Supernumerary , 1905; Fremont , 1909; Do Ind ., 1915; Caborn , Ind ., 1921; Lowell, 282 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Mich ., 1925; Retired , 1931. ( Lowell, 1931) ; Rapids , Epworth , 1925 ; Grandville , 1928 ;

Transferred from Central German Conf ., Hart , 1929 ; Coopersville and Marne , 1931 ; by merger , 1933. Address , Lowell. Cedar Springs , 1934 ; Edmore and Blanch , ; , CLEMENS , JOHN- ( R., 1906; D. , 1910; ard 1936 Riverdale 1937. ; , , E. , 1914) . (Scotts , 1904; Cambria , 1905) ; DAVIS EADEN POWELL ( R . 1935

, ; , ; , ; , , , ; Aurelius 1906 Camden 1907 Discontin D. 1935 E. 1937 ) . ( Reading 1934 ) 1935

, ; , ; Ashley , , ued 1908 Read mitted 1909 Bellevue 1937. ; Alden , ; Williamsburg, 1914; 1909 1912 , , ; , ; DEAN M ( R . 1917 D. 1923 , ; Quincy , ; RALPH .- East 1915 1917 Brecken , , , ; , Jordan E. 1925 ) . ( Elwell 1916 ) 1917 U. S. Army ridge , ; City Asbury , 1922; 1920 Traverse . 1918 ; At school , 1920 ; Alba , 1921 ; Pells , ; , Ave Manistee 1925 Jackson Greenwood ton , 1925 ; Centerville , 1928 ; Reserve Army , ; , 1933. Address , nue 1930 Grand Haven Chaplain on temporary duty with Olvilian 334 Columbus St. Conservation Corp. , 1935. Address , Sparta ,

CLEMENT , MYRON N- ( R., 1927; D. , Wisconsin . ; , , ; , 1933 E. 1935). ( Evart Circuit 1924 Paris , , ; , , ; * DELAMARTER LOUIS- ( R . 1880 D. , ;

; and , ; At school 1928 Coral ; , 1926) . 1927 1880 E. 1884 ) . Leslie 1880 Mendon 1883 , ; , ; and Amble 1930 Riverdale 1934 Edmore , ; Rapids , ; , , Mason 1886 Eaton 1889 Kala . , , ; Blanchard 1937. Address Edmore mazoo First 1894 Muskegon , Central ,

; ; , , M , 1902 ; CLOUGH FREDERIC .- ( R . 1898 P. E. Lansing District 1901 Cold

Elected D. , 1904, Ordained as local Dea water , 1907 ; Greenville , 1910 ; Ovid , 1913 ; ; , , ; , con , 1895; E. , 1906) . ( Sonoma , 1901) 1902 Hillsdale 1914 Field Secy . Conference

Hopkins , 1904; Gladwin , 1905; Aurelius , Claimants Endowment Fund , 1918 ; Retired , , . 1907; Ooncord , 1908; Montague , 1910; Grand 1926 Address : 507 S. Walnut St. Lansing . , ; and Sodus , 1914; ville 1911 Eau Claire , , ; DEVINNEY ( R . 1900 ; Springs , ; JAMES CLYDE- , , ; Supernumerary 1915 Cedar 1923 , ; , . D. 1902 E. 1904 ) Parkville 1900 Gobles , ; Augusta , ; , Centerville 1925 1928 Paw Paw ville , 1903 ; Douglas and Saugatuck , 1906 ; ; , ; 1929 Colon and Leonidas 1930 Middle Comstock and Stockbridge , 1907 ; Kalama , ; , ; , 1936; ton 1932 Hart 1933 Vermontville zoo , Stockbridge , 1908 ; Grand Rapids , St. Camden and , 1937. Address , Frontier Pauls , 1910 ; Mt. Pleasant , 1916 ; Big Rap . Camden ids , First , 1919 ; Transferred to Detroit , : CLOUGH , LESTER- ( R., 1933; D. , 1935; Conf . 1922 Transferred from Detroit ; , ; , E. , 1937) . (Wesley , 1932), 1933; Paris and Conf . 1923 Holland 1923 Conference

City , , ; Stanwood , 1936; Carson 1937. Claimants Endowment Secy . 1926 D. S. CONKLIN , CHARLES MELVIN (R. , Big Rapids District , 1928 ; Grand Rapids , , , 1923; D. , 1926; E. , 1929) ;; ( Wexford , 1922) , Second Street 1933. Address 600 Turner 1923; Ellsworth , 1924; Galien , 1928; Hast Ave. , N. W. , , ings Circuit , 1931; Cedar Springs , 1936. DEVINNEY JAMES MARION ( R. ; , ; , , ; *COOK , S. ARTHUR- (R ., 1895; D. , 1897; 1925 D. 1927 E. 1928 ) . At school 1925 E. , 1899). Transferred from Detroit Conf ., Caledonia , 1928 ; Rockford , 1932 ; Lake City , 1921; Traverse City, 1921; Cadillac , 1924; 1934 ; Mancelona and Alba , 1937. Address , Grand Ledge , 1927; Lyons , 1930; Alden , Mancelona . , , ; , ; , ; , 1932; Supernumerary 1934 (Alden 1934) DEWEY LEROY L. ( R. 1907 D.

, , . ; , , ; , Retired 1935. Address Alden 1909 E. 1911 ) . ( Breedsville 1901 ) Girard COOK , WESLEY W.- ( R ., 1921; D. , 1923; 1907 ; Galien , 1908 ; Cassopolis , 1910 ; Read E. , Elected 1928, ordained elsewhere ) . At ing , 1912 ; Shepherd , 1916 ; Ithaca , 1919 ; , ; , ; school , 1923; Supernumerary , 1936. Ad Big Rapids . First 1922 Hastings 1927 , , ;

Rapids Heights S. dress , Philadelphia, Pa. Grand Burton 1934 D. Grand Rapids District , 1935. Address , 846 , ; ;

, .-- ( R . D. , *COORS AUGUST H 1888 1890 Calvin Ave. S. E. ;; , , E .. ) 1892 ) . ( Gladwin 1887 Pentwater , , , E. - ( R. : D. 1888 ; Clare , 1892 ; Vicksburg , 1897 ; , DIXON HAROLD — 1927 Hart ; , , ; ) 1931 E. 1932 . At school 1927 Battle 1899 ; Sparta , 1904 ; Shelby , 1906 ; Bellevue , Creek Circuit , 1931 ; Camden , 1934 ; Lake 1913 ; Bath , 1918 ; Whitehall , 1920. Retired , , City 1937. , 1925. Address Whitehall . , , * DOBSON JOHN - ' ( R . From Primitive , , , ;

D. ( R . D. COORS STANLEY- 1917 , Methodist Church of Canada 1887 ) . Oke ; , ; E. ) . ( )

Ferry , 1917 1918 1911 Transferred ; , mos 1887 Greenville Circuit 1888 : Or , ; from New East Conf . 1919 Grand York ange , 1891 ; Palo , 1894 ; Vicksburg , 1899 ; , ; Rapids , Avenue Grand 1919 , ; , Plainfield ; Montague 1901 Parma 1903 Freeport ,

Rapids , Heights , ; , Burton 1923 Kalamazoo 1907 ; Supernumerary , 1908 ; Retired , 1912 ; , , ; Muskegon Central 1934. Ad First 1925 , , ( Jackson Cooper Street 1924 ) . Address : dress , 243 W. Webster St. 1019 Asbury Street , San Francisco , Cali , , ; , . H CRAMER FLOYD .- ( R . 1912 D. fornia ; , , ; ,

) . ( Trowbridge , ; ; *

1914 E. 1916 1909 C ( Kala DORRIS JOHN .- R . 1890 D. 1890 , ; , ; , ; ,

) Augusta mo 1910 1912 Stanton 1915 E. 1894 ) . Transferred from Oklahoma , ; , ; ; , ; , , Stanton and Entrican 1916 Remus 1918 Conf . 1897 Middleville 1897 Ravenna , ; , ; Lake Odessa 1923 St. Louis 1925 Jack 1899 ; Fulton , 1900 ; Monterey , 1901 ; Park

, , ; Belding , ; son Beatrice Isbell 1928 1934 ville , 1903 ; Penfield , 1905 ; Partello , 1906 ; ,

Shepherd . , ; , 1936 Woodland 1907 Hoytville 1908 ; Sanfora , ; and , ; , , ; Averill 1909 Stanwood 1910 Re DAVIS CHARLES E ( R . 1909 Admit .

.- , , , ted on Deacon's credentials from Christian tired 1911. Address 28 Lowell Avenue

Rapids . , ; , , ; Grand Crusaders 1909 E. 1912 ) . ( Paris 1908 ) , ; , , , ; , ;

Wesley * Leaton and Indian Mission 1909 DOTY WILLIAM E.-R. 1901 D. 1901 ; , ; , ; , , ; , 1911 Shepherd 1912 Evart 1916 Howard E. 1906 ) . ( Berlin Center 1895 Entrican , ; , , ; City ; , ; , ; 1917 Jackson Beatrice Isbell 1920 1896 Crystal 1898 Wacousta 1899 ) Lan , ; , ; Potterville 1923 Reading 1924 Grand sing , First , 1901 ; Grand Ledge , 1905 ; Alma , 1937 ) PASTORAL RECORD 283

; Belding , ; Lansing Michigan , ; , ; , 1909 1913 . port 1926 Lakeview 1929 Banfield 1935 . , , Avenue , 1917; St. Johns , 1920 ; Kalamazoo , Address Bedford R. F. D. Simpson , 1923; Marshall, 1926; Jackson , , , ; , ; , ; , FINKBEINER ELVIN O. ( R. 1923 Haven 1931 Portland 1933 Retired 1936. , , , ; , , D. 1925 : E. 1927 ) . Butler 1923 At school

Address Ollvet . , ; 1924 : Pokagon 1925 Schoolcraft and , ; , , ; , ; Portage ; DRAKE, FLOYD N .-- ( R . 1922 D. 1924 1927 Decatur 1929 Rosebush , , , ; , ) . Edwardsburg E. 1926 and Smith's and Weidman 1931 Levering 1934.

Chapel , 1922 ; Middleton , 1925 ; Hubbards , , ; , FLEENOR WAYNE H ( R . 1924 D. , ; , .-

Breckenridge . ton and Palo 1928 1936 ; , 1926 E. 1928 ) . Transferred from Indiana , , ; , ; , ; , DUFFEY MATTHEW W. - ( R. 1901 Conf . 1926 Three Oaks 1926 Jackson , , ; , ; , , ; , , . D. 1902 E. 1905 ) . ( Berlin and Lamont First Asst 1929 Camden 1932 Parma , ; , ; , ; ; , , 1900 ) 1901 Freeport 1903 Sparta 1907 1934 Eaton Rapids 1936. Address 610 S. . ; , ; , Main Boyne City . 1912 Alma 1917 Charlotte ; , ; , S. 1923 D. Albion District 1925 Ionia FLOWERDAY , WILLIAM GEORGE ; , , 18 . 1931 Coldwater 1937 Address Church , ; , , ( R. 1920 D. 1922 E. 1924 ) . Battle Creek St. Circuit , 1920 ; Augusta , 1921 ; Grand Rap , , ; , , , ; , ; DUNBAR FREDERICK G .- ( R . 1907 ids Trinity Asst . 1923 Ludington 1924 , ; , , ; , , , ; Lansing Michigan Ave D. 1909 E. 1911 ) . ( Saford 1906 ) 1907 Coldwater 1929 , , ; , ; , ; Sears 1908 Harrison , 1909 ; Lakeview nue 1931 Holland and Saugatuck 1936 , , ; , ; 1911 Middleton and Sethton 1913 Wheel Holland 1937. Address 65 W. Tenth St.

, ; , ; City , ; , , ; er 1914 Scottville 1918 Carson 1922 , ; * FLOYD JOHN C .- ( R . 1876 D. 1878 ; , ; , , ,

Belding . . 1926 Ithaca 1930 Ionia 1937 E. 1880 ) . Riverton and Indian Mission , . Address 119 E. Main 1876 ; Hesperia , 1877 ; Evart , 1879 ; White , , ; , ; * , ; ,

P. E. Big ELDRED ALBERT N- ( R . 1877 D. hall 1881 Manistee 1884 Rap ; , ; , Trang ; , , ; 1888 1879 E. 1881 ) . Williamsburg 1877 Pipe ids District 1885 Albion , ;

to Bengal . stone , 1878 ; Northport , 1880 ; Waukeshma , ferred Conf 1891 Transferred , ; , ; , ; , ; Bengal 1881 Irvington 1882 Douglas 1884 Litch from Conf . 1892 Grand Rapids , ; , field , 1886 ; Leroy , 1888 ; Lawrence , 1890 ; Second Street 1892 Grand Rapids Divin , ; Edwardsburg , 1892 ; Berrien Springs , 1895 ; ion Street 1894 P. E. Kalamazoo Dis , , , ; , : Decatur 1896 Coloma and Watervliet trict 1897 Field Secy . Missionary So , ; , ; , ; , , 1900 Colon 1901 Retired 1903. Address ciety 1903 Asst . Secy . Board of Foreign , ; . 883 Povone Avenue Benton Harbor Missions . 1909 D. S. Grand Rapids Dis trict , 1913 ; Detroit Area Staff , 1919 ; Evart , , , ; , ELEY WILFRED A. ( R. 1915 D. ; 1920 Executive Secy . Conference Claim ; , , , 1920 E. 1922 ) . ( Traverse City 14th Street , ; , ants Endowment Fund 1923 Retired 1926. ; , ; ; , 1911 ) Frankfort 1915 Pellston 1917 , , Address 303 Gladstone St. Grand Rapids . Rockford , 1920 ; Stevensville , 1922 ; Mon , , ; , ; , ; , * B ( R . D. tague and Whitehall 1926 Ovid 1929 : FORD SELDON .- 1894 1896 , , ; , ;

) . Augusta Boyne City and Boyne Falls , 1933. Address , E. 1899 1894 At school 1896 , ; , Delta 1898 De Witt ; Coopersville , Boyne City . 1900

1903 ; Whitehall , 1908 ; Frankfort , 1910 ; St. , , ; , ( R . , ; , ELLINGER HENRY W.- 1907 D. Louis 1913 North Adams 1919 ; Maple ; , , ; ) . ; , , , 1909 E. 1912 Winfield 1907 Jerome and Rapids . 1923 Retired 1926 ( Marengo , ;

Wheatland 1908 Horton and South Jack , , 1926-33 ) . Address 216 E. Erie Street Al , ; son 1909 Horton , 1910 ; Eckford , 1911 ; bion .

Hanover and Moscow , 1913 ; Sunfeld , 1915 ; , , * ( R . From the Shepherd , 1919 ; Fremont , 1922 ; Kalama FOX MARTIN LUTHER- , ; , ; , , in U. S. D. 200 Simpson 1926 D. S. Kalamazoo Dis Reformed Church the 1898 ; , , ; , ) . , , , E. 1895 South Haven 1898 Ionia trict 1935. Address 1130 W. North St. ; , ; 1901 Muskegon Central 1905 D. S. Niles Kalamazoo . , ; , ; District 1909 Lansing Central , 1914 , , ; , R , , ; , ; ELLIOTT ALBERT .- ( R . 1910 D. Kalamazoo First 1919 St. Johns 1923 ; , , , , , ,

E. ) . ( Cannonsburg 1912 1914 April and Lansing Central Asst . 1926 : Retired , , ; , ;

Sept. ) 1909 1910 Ravenna 1911 Holton , , 1930. Address 223 N. Pine Street Lansing .

, ; Muskegon , , ; , , and Sitka 1914 Lakeside 1918 ; , FOY JOHN WESLEY- ( R . 1891 D. Lansing , Potter Park and Bethel , 1923 ; ; , , , ; 1891 E. 1902 ) . ( Mission 1890 ) 1891 Kent City and Casnovia , 1928 ; Grand old At schcool , 1892 ; Eden , 1892 ; Comstock , Rapids , Joy Memorial , 1929 ; Constantine , 1897 ; Glen and Casco , 1899 ; Battle Creek , ; ,

Augusta . , ;

1931 1935 ; Upton Avenue 1901 Vicksburg , 1904 , , ; , , ; , ; , * ELMER WALTER I. — ( R. 1890 D. Martin 1906 Schoolcraft 1910 Penfield ; , ; , ; , ; , ) . ( 1891 E. 1894 Eden 1889 ) Thompkins 1913 Bellevue 1918 Bellevue and Kal , ; , ; 1890 ; Penfield , 1892 ; Olivet , 1894 ; Sonoma , amo 1920 Reading and Cambria 1921 ; , ; , 1895 ; Athens , 1899 ; Vicksburg , 1901 ; Battle Lawrence , 1924 Bronson 1927 Retired , ; , , , , . Creek Upton Avenue 1904 Jackson 1929 Address : R. F. D No. 1 Battle , ; , ; Greenwood Avenue 1908 St. Louis 1910 Creek .

Muskegon , , , Wood Avenue and North ; ,

Mus * FRENCH WILLIAM P ( R . 1881 D. ; .- , , , , kegon Muskegon ; ; 1913 Wood Avenue , , 1883 E. 1885 ) . Bangor 1881 Decatur ; ; , ; 1914 Dowagiac , 1921 Retired 1924 1882 ; Cooper , 1883 ; Richland , 1884 ; Vicks , ; , ; , , ( Marne 1925 ) Pentwater 1926 Retired burg 1888 ; Mendon , 1889 ; Homer , 1891 ; ; , , ( ) . 1934 Pentwater 1934-6 Address Pent Portland , 1893 ; Benton Harbor , 1895 ; Cold water , water , 1898 ; St. Joseph , 1900 ; Lansing , , ; , , ; , ; , Lansing A ( R EXNER WILLIAM .- . 1892 D. Central 1903 P. E. District 1907 , , ; ; , , ; D. S. , 1894 E. 1896 ) . Woodville 1892 Hersey Kalamazoo First 1913 Niles Dis , ; , , . ; , ; 1893 Leroy 1895 Palo , 1899 ; Shepards trict 1914 Retired 1921 Address 924 , , ;

, ; Chicago . ville 1901 Potterville 1905 Martin , 1910 ; Boulevard Detroit , ; , , , ; , Athens and ; P

Indian Mission 1912 ( R . Bellaire FRYE FRANK .- 1908 D. 1895 ; , ; ; , 1916 Shelby . Manton 1920 1925 Free E. 1902. Ordination in Methodist Protes 284 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 , , ; tant Church ). Transferred from Iowa Conf ., GRIMES . JOSEPH . ( R. 1910 : D. 1913

; ; , , 1929 (Orleans , 1926 Rural Evangelist , E. 1916. ) Transferred from Indiana Cont .

1927; Center Eaton , 1928) , 1929; Saranac 1923 ; Camden and Austin , 1923 ; Fennville , ; , and Orleans , 1930; Eagle , 1933; Stanton , 1925 Fulton and Leonidas 1926 : Bear

1936. Lake , 1927 ; Northport , 1929 ; Big Rapids FREY , GLEN M .- ( R., 1921; D., ; Cirruit , 1931 ; Homer and Clarendon , 1935 ; 1921 , Sunfield 1937. E. , 1923). Transferred from Nebraska , , ; Conf ., 1925; Ithaca , 1925; Lansing . First , GRISWOLD KENNETH P.- ( R. 1933 , ; , , ; 1930; D. S. Grand Traverse District, 1936. D. 1935 E. 1937 ) . St. Johns Parish 1933 Address , 216 W. Tenth St. , Traverse City . Ionia Circuit , 1936. Address , Ionia , R. F. D.

No. 2 . FULLER , H. HOWARD (R., 1925; D. , , ; ,

HAGANS JOHN ( R . 1934 1927; E. , 1929). ( Kalkaska , 1920; Lick OLIVER- , ; , 1934 E. 1936 ) . Transferred as a ley's Corners , 1921; At school , 1922) ; Old D. Pro , Mission , 1926; At school , 1929; Trans bationer from Southwest Kansas Conf . ; , ferred to Bolivian Mission Conf ., 1930; 1935 Galesburg 1935. , , ; , ; (Mulliken , 1932) : Transferred from Boliv HAHN BYRON A .- ( R . 1918 D. 1920 , , ; ,

) . ( Hersey ian Mission Conf ., 1933; Stanwood , 1933; E. 1922 1917 ) 1918 Cedar

Litchfield , 1936. Springs , 1919 ; Big Rapids Circuit , 1923 ; , ;

Lansing . GARRETT , DORR PRESCOTT (R. , Concord 1926 Potter Park and 1932; D. , 1934; E. , 1936) . Copemish , 1932; Bethel , 1928 ; Jackson , Haven , 1933 ; Alma , 1937. Leland , Northport and Indian Mission , , ; , , 1934: Alden , 1935; Alden and Williams HAHN CHARLES B. - ( R. 1929 D. burg , ; , , 1937. Address , Alden . 1931 E. 1934 ) . Beaverton and Edenville , , , GEIGER ROBERT G. (R., 1931: D .. 1929 : Gobles and Kendall 1931. Address

1933; E. , 1935). At school , 1931; Lawton , Gobles . ; , 1933 Mendon 1937. , , HALL ROYAL GLENN- ( R . From Con , GEORGE , FLOYD E. Sr .- ( R ., 1910; D .. gregational Church as Elder 1926 ) . Pro , , 1912; E. , 1914) . (Casnovia and Kent City , fessor at Albion College 1926. Address , 1907; Kent City . 1909) : Saranac , 1019: 1000 E. Porter St. Albion .

Rapids , Joy , ; , , ; Grand Memorial 1912 Kala HALSTED ALFRED T .- ( R . 1922 D ..

, , ; , ; , , mazoo East Avenue 1915 Battle Creek 1924 E. 1929 ) . Transferred from France

Upton , ; Lansing , ; , , ; Avenue 1918 Mt. Hope , 1927 ( Lyons 1926 ) 1927 l'nion City and

; Joseph , ; Muskegon , ; , 1921 St. 1924 Heights , Sherwood 1930 Marcellus 1933. 1925; Grand Rapids , Plainfield Avenue , , , :

* ( R . 1909 1928; Ludington , ; , Calvary , HANTHORNE LYMAN L- 1934 Jackson , ; , 1935: Holt , 1937. D. 1911 E. 1915 ) . Transferred from De , ; , ; troit Conf . 1919 Mt. Pleasant 1919 Re

, , .-- ( R . , , , GEORGE FLOYD E. : D .. Jr 1930 tired 1924. Address Chetopa Kansas . ; , ,

) . ( Kelloggsville 1933 1935 ) : E. 1929 South , , ; H .— ( R . 1897 D .. , ; HARRIS HARLEY Grand Rapids Rapids , Ep 1930 Grand , ; , , ;

E. ) .

, 1899 ; 1901 Alanson 1897 Manton , worth 1931 Big Rapids First , 1935. Ad ; , ; , ; dress , 202 Warren Ave. 1898 Sherman 1900 Kalkaska 1905 At , ; , , school 1910 : Sheridan 1911 Lawrence , , ; , ; S -- ( R .

GOODRICH : . FREDERICK 1892 1913 Lowell 1919 Middleville 1924 : , ; , E. ) . D. 1890 1893 Transferred from De Galesburg and Comstock , 1928 ; New Buf , ; . troit in Conf 1914 Professor Albion Col , ; , falo 1930 Wayland 1935. , lege ; ,

1914 Chaplain in College Albion , , , * ( R . HAYWARD JOHN W. 1900 : D. , . 1935 College , . Address 302 Ct Albion . ; , , ; , 1902 E. 1908 ) . ( Kingsley 1897 Stittsville , , ; , ; , * ; , ;

) . Ashley T ( R . GOSLIN ALFRD .- 1900 D. 1902 1899 Sethton 1900 1902 Breck , ; E .. , ; , ) . , 1904 West Casco 1900 ; Comstock enridge 1904 DeWitt 1906 Marengo , ; , ; , 1901 Delton 1903 At school 1904 ; Po 1908 ; Kent City , 1910 ; Gladwin , 1912 ; Pier , ; , ; kagon 1907 Vandalia 1910 Vandalia and son , 1915 ; Cedar Springs , 1917 ; McBain , , ; , ; , ; ; , Jones 1911 Stanwood 1912 Wesley 1914 ; 1919 Greenville Circuit 1920 Sanford and , ; , ; , ; , ; Beaverton 1915 Supernumerary 1916 Re Hope 1923 Frontier 1925 Leave of Ab , , ; , . : tired 1919 Address : 56 Louise Avenue , sence 1928 Burr Oak 1929 Edwards ; ; , . , Detroit burg 1930 Montgomery , 1932 Retired , . , 1934 . , ; , ;

R Address Saranac ( R GRATTON OTIS .-- . 1915 D. 1918 , , , , ; , E. ; ) . ( J ( R . 1922 Litchfield 1917 ) . 1918 Trans HEADLEY SHIRLEY .- 1911 D. , ; , , ; ) . ferred from Missouri Conf . 1918 Trans 1915 E. 1920 Mesick and Harrietta , ; ; , ; , ferred to . Detroit Conf 1919 Transferred 1910 ) Thompsonville 1911 Boyne Falls , , . from Detroit Conf : ; , ; ; , 1923 Kalamazoo 1912 Winn 1913 Wesley . 1915 Luther ; , Parchment , 1923 Niles 1925 ; Muskegon 1916 ; Gladwin Circuit , 1918 ; McBain , 1920 ; , ; , ; , ; , , Heights 1928 Traverse City Central 1931 ; Ashton 1921 Sand Lake and Pierson 1925 , , Joseph , ; , St. 1933. Address 411 Main . Copemish 1927 Copemish and Brethren ; , ; , , , ; , GREEN CHAUNCEY H- ( R . 1923 D. 1928 White Cloud 1931 Coral and Amble , . ; , , ; 1936. Address Coral , E. ) . ( 1927 1931 Bath 1922 ) Mulliken ; , , ; , ; , Barryton ; 1923 1924 Central Lake 1925 HELRIGEL WILLIAM H .- ( R . 1919 , ; Coral and Morley , ; , , , 1927 Eckford 1929 D. 1923 : E. 1924 ) . Jerome and Wheatland , ; Concord 1930 Fulton , 1933 ; Athens and 1919 ; Eaton Rapids Parish , 1920 ; Okemos , , ; , ; , Indian Mission 1934. 1921 New Buffalo 1922 Berrien Springs

; Boyne City Boyne , ; * ;

. 1924 and 1928 R Falls ( R .. D GREGORY JOHN .- 1898 .. , , . . ; , Kalamazoo Parchment 1931 Address 1900 E. 1902 ) . Transferred from Detroit , . ;

, ; 285 Glendale Ave. Parchment Conf . 1917 Hastings 1917 Grand Rap , , ; , , , ; , ; ids Second Street 1920 Retired 1927. HILL WILLIAM T .- ( R . 1901 D. 1903 , , , , , ; ( E ) . Rapids , ) . Grand Oakdale 1934 Address 1905 ( Freesoil 1900 ) 1901 Grawn . , ; , ; , ; 936 Alexander Street Grand Rapids , 1903 Supernumerary 1905 Marion 1906 1937 ) PASTORAL RECORD 285

Stanton , 1907; White Pigeon , 1908; , ; Lansing , Pells Conf . 1933 . Central, 1933. Ad ton 1910; Kalkaska , 1911; North Adams dress , 310 W. Ottawa . and Wheatland , 1913; Eau Claire , 1915; , Comstock , 1917; , ; , ; JENNE THERON WHINNERY ( R. , Scotts 1918 Lacota 1919 ; , ; , Kalamazoo , Damon , ; 1914 D. 1917 E. 1926). ( Thompsonville , 1921 Supernumerary , 1913) ; At , ; , 1934 Kalamazoo , Wilson , school 1914 Osseo 1916; Je Memorial 1933. rome and Somerset , ; Super Address , 1938 Hotop St. Center 1917 numerary , 1918; 1922-7; (Grand Rapids , HOFFMASTER , JAMES KENNETH Oakdale , 1924; Byron , ; , ; , Center 1926) Quin ( R. 1932 D. 1935; E. , 1937) . (Grand Rap cy and Fisher , 1928; Quincy , , , and Allen ids Oakdale 1931), 1932; Banfield , 1933; 1929; Homer and Clarendon , 1931; Spring Sparta , 1935. port and Pope , 1934. Address , Springport . , *HOLDEN , CHARLES W ( R ., From the JENSEN JAMES M .-- R., 1903; D., 1902; .- , Congregational Church as Elder, 1896) . E. 1908). (Coleman , 1902), 1903; Mission iCaldwell , 1895) ; Remus , 1896; Chippewa ary to Nevada , 1904; Rosebush , 1905; Re , ; Lake, 1898; Sears , 1899; Harrison , 1901; mus, 1908; Gladwin 1909 Leroy . 1912; McBain , 1902; Supernumerary . 1905; Bar Rockford , 1913; Wayland , 1917; Pellston , ryton , 1908; Rosebush , 1910: Rosebush and 1920; Galesburg . 1922; Hopkins , 1924; Riv Indian Mission , 1911; Lakeview , ; erdale , 1925; Alto Parish , 1929; lonia Cir 1913 Far , well . 1915; Leroy . 1917; Coral , 1921; cuit 1930; Retired , 1936. Address , 140 , Stan , Big wood 1922; Crystal Valley , 1924; Holton , Rust Ave. Rapids . 1925; Retired , 1927: ( , Freesoil 1929-32). JERRETT , WILLIAM M. P ( R , ; Address , 406 Rath , Ludington .- . 1905 Avenue . D. , 1907; E. , 1909). (Edenville and Hope , HOWELL , 1904) ; Hersey , 1905; Farwell, 1906; , CLARENCE V .- (R ., 1912; ; Orleans D., 1914; E. , Elected to , 1910 Frankfort , 1913; Grandville , 1914; Elder's orders or , ; dained elsewhere , , Lowell 1917 Dowagiac , 1919: Jackson , 1920) . Stittsville 1912; , Bowne , 1914; Supernumerary , ; Greenwood Avenue 1921: Battle Creek , 1915 At Upton , school , 1917; Dept. of Evangelism , Avenue 1924; Kalamazoo , Stock Board bridge , ; Rapids , of Home Missions , 1922; Supernumerary , 1929 Grand St. Pauls , ; Lansing , 1934. Address , 500 W. 122 St. , New York 1932 . First 1936. Address , 1112 City . N. Cedar St. , HOYT , MYRON E (R., , ; JONES WILLIAM MAYLAN -- ( R., 1914; .- 1906: D. 1908 D. , 1915; , E. , 1910). Transferred from , E. 1917) . Transferred from De Detroit Conf . troit Conf ., 1919; Jackson , , , as Probationer , 1907; Weidman , First Asst . 1907: Glen 1919; Elsie , 1921; , ; and Casco , 1909; , ; Super Buchanan 1924 Lans Bellevue 1911 ing Mt. Hope , ; Ludington , ; numerary . 1913; Lake City , 1914; East 1926 1929 , Hastings , 1934. Address , Jordan 1917; Hastings Parish , 1920; Au 138 W. Walnut . gusta , 1923; Traverse City , Asbury , 1925; JORDAN , GRANT L. ( R. , 1910; D. , , ; , - Grandville 1929; Nashville , March , 1933; 1914 E. 1916) . ( Delta , 1908) ; Cambria , Okemos ( Federated ), 1936. 1910; Aurelius , 1911; Pokagon , 1914; Mar cellus , 1915; Sparta , 1920; Jackson , First , HUFTON , VICTOR .-- ( R., 1909: , , ; ; , J D. Asst . 1921 Lawrence , 1922; Dowagiac , 1909 E. 1914). Transferred from Detroit 1924 , ; , ; : Grand Haven 1928 Kalamazoo , East Conf . 1926 East Jordan , 1926; Frontier , , ; , ; ; , Avenue 1933 Gladwin 1934 Watervliet , 1928 Coleman 1930; Mulliken , 1933; Battle 1937. Creek Circuit , 1936. Address , 961 Capitol , Ave. , N. E. , Battle Creek . KEEFER KARL H. ( R. , 1916; D. , 1924; E. , 1926). ( Devereaux , 1914; Muske HILME , ( R., ; , ; gon, Lakeside , 1915). 1916: , , HENRY- 1910 D. 1910 ; Discontinued E 1914) . Transferred from Wisconsin 1918 Received on Trial , 1923; Hastings Conf., 1920; Lawrence , 1920; , Parish , 1923; Potterville , 1928; ; East Jordan Watervliet 1922 Bronson , 1924; Constantine , 1925; and Coloma , 1934; Gladwin , 1937. Augusta , ; 1929 Schoolcraft and Portage , *KELSEY , CHARLES H ( R., ; , 1932; Remus , 1935. .-- 1905 D. 1908; E. , 1911). ( Delta , 1903.) 1905; Oke , HURD , W. W ( R ., ; , ; mos 1906; Perrinton , 1909; Bangor , 1913; .- 1906 D. 1910 E. , , ; , 1912) . ( Crystal, 1903-5;) New , ; Homer 1918 Millet 1920; Paw Paw , 1921; Buffalo 1906 City , Mattawan , 1907; Lyons , 1908; City , Union 1923; Delta Group , 1925; Re ; Carson tired , 1935. , , 1915 Jackson , Beatrice Isbell , 1918; Mon Address R. F. D. No. 4 Grand tague , ; Ledge . 1920 Belding , 1923; Fremont , 1926; Clare and , ; Farwell 1927 Charlevoix and KENDALL , CHARLES J. (R. , 1906; Indian Mission , ; , , ; 1931 Three Oaks 1936. D. 1908 E. , 1913) . ( Chippwa 1905), 1906; Millbrook , 1907; Winfield , 1909; Thompkins IRWIN , WILLIAM H ( , ; D. , ; .- R. 1900 and Winfield , 1911; Aurelius , 1914; Fulton 1902 E. , 1904). (Woodville and White , and Scotts , 1917; Fulton , 1918; Athens Cloud 1898) ; Scottville and Indian , and , Mis Indian Mission 1919; Hopkins , 1920; sion 1900; Reed City , 1904; Traverse City , ; Asbury , Bloomingdale , 1922 Leave of absence, 1906; Kalamazoo , Simpson , 1908; ; , , ; Sparta , 1925 Delton 1926; Hastings Circuit , 1928; Clare 1912 1914; Buchanan , 1919; Shepherd , ; , ; 1929 Central Lake and Elis Hartford 1922 Reed City , 1924; Portland , worth , ; , ; 1928; Muskegon , ; 1930 Concord 1933 Center Eaton , Lakeside , 1930 Grand 1934; Osseo Lickley's Rapids , Valley , and Corners , 1936. Avenue 1935. Address , 1248 Address , Osseo. Flora Ct ., N. W. , , KENDRICK WILLIAM F .- ( R ., 1896; JAYNE ARTHUR MATSON- (R ., 1909; D. , 1898; E. , 1900). Battle , Upton D., 1911; E. , 1913) Creek . Received and ordained Avenue , 1896; Ganges , 1899; , in Upper Iowa .; ; Greenville Conf Transferred to Okla 1902 Grand Rapids , Second Street , 1908; homa Conf ., 1926; Michigan Transferred to D. S. Grand Traverse District , 1911; Kala 286 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 , , mazoo , First , 1916; D. S. Grand Rapids Whitehall 1935. Address Montague . , ; , ;

District 1919 Ionia 1925 D. S. , Kalama , ; , ; - ' ( R KNAUFF HENRY . 1897 D. 1895 200 District , 1931: Supt . M. Clark Me J. , , E. 1902 In Northern Germon Conf . ) morial Home , 1935. , La Address 1522 Sher , , ; ,

N. Superior , Mourne Dakota 1897 West

E. , , man St. S. ; , ; . Wis 1898 Clear Water Minn . 1900 , , ; *KENNEDY , HUGH- ( R., 1895; D. , 1897; Maple Grove Minn . 1904 Transferred to , ; , , . E. , 1899) . Sherman , 1895; Traverse City , Central German Conf 1906 Seymour Ind . ; , , ; , , Asbury , 1899; Mt. Pleasant , 1906; Battle 1906 Pittsburg Pa . 1912 Marion Ohio

Creek , Maple Street , 1909; Big Rapids , 1916 ; Cleveland , Ohio , Bethany , 1920 ; Cin First , 1910; D. S. Albion District , 1914; cinnati , Ohio , Auburn Avenue , 1929 ; Trans by Centenary Executive Secy . and Detroit ferred from Central German Cont .

Area Staff , 1919; Area Secy ., Detroit Area , merger , 1933 ; Lansing , Seymour Avenue , , 1925; D. S., Grand Rapids District, 1932; 1933 . Address 618 Seymour Ave. , 1935. , 363 Benjamin Retired , Address , , ;

KRU'SE J ( R . , Rapids CHARLES .- 1901 D. Street , Grand . : 1903 E. 1905 ) . ( Edgerton and White , ; , , , ; , ; .-- *KENYON LUTHER B ( R . 1885 D. Creek 1895 Holton 1897 Berlin and La ; , , ; , ) ; , , ; , 1898 Cannonsburg 1900 1889 E. 1892 ) . Belding 1885 At school mont 1901 , ; ; , , ; ; 1886 Eaton Circuit 1887 Liberty , 1888 ; Grand Haven 1903 Montague 1905 Lan ; , , , ; , , , Lakeview 1891 ; Saranac 1892 Eagle sing Michigan Avenue 1910 St. Johns ; , , ; , 1895 ; Breckenridge , 1899 ; Perrinton , 1900 ; 1914 Traverse City Central 1917 Ionia ; , , ; , , ; Potterville 1903 Missionary to Nevada 1921 Grand Rapids Burton Heights 1925 , ; , ; , ; 1905 ; Orleans , 1906 ; Duplain , 1910 ; Wood Petoskey 1926 Sturgis 1931 Alma 1935 , , , ; , , land 1912 Litchfield 1915 Montgomery , Cadillac First 1937 . Address 205 E. ; , , ; 1917 Retired 1918. ( Partellom 1920-4 Mason St. , Cadillac ; , ; ,

Circuit , ; 1929 Gresham 1931-4 , ; * LAITY THOMAS ( R. 1895 D. 1898 , , Old Mission 1935 ) . Address R. F. D. No. , , ; E. 1900 ) . ( Oshtemo 1892-3 ) Blooming , 1 Traverse City . dale , 1895 ; Schoolcraft , 1897 ; Battle Creek , , , ; , ; , ; KILPATRICK LESTER A .- ( R . 1914 Upton Avenue 1900 Glen and Casco 1901 , ; , , ; , ; D. 1916 E. 1918 ) . Transferred from Gen Galesburg 1903 Plainwell 1905 Lake , , ; , , ; , ; . Rapids esee Conf October 18 1935 Grand Odessa 1910 Grand Ledge 1917 Lansing . , , , , ; ; . First 1935 Address 265 Madison Ave. First 1920 Retired . 1923 Conference , S. E. , ; , Evangelist 1925 Retired 1927. Address , ,

Lay . ; , ; * , KING D. D .-- ( R . 1885 D. 1887 E. 1110 Blvd. Kalamazoo

) . Wyoming , 1889 Transferred from . , , ; Conf * LAMPORT WARREN W. ( R. 1879 ; , ; , ; , , ; , , 1893 Olivet 1893 Parma 1894 Jackson , ; ) . ( Shelby D. 1881 E. 1883 1878 ) 1879 ; , Greenwood 1896 Pigeon , Avenue White Hesperia , 1880 ; Luther , 1883 ; Mattawan , ; 1898 Transferred to Central New York 1884 ; Hartford , 1886 ; Decatur , 1888 ; Mar , ; . Conf 1900 Transferred from Central New tin , 1890 ; Climax , 1892 ; Vicksburg , 1894 ; , ; , , ; , ; , York Conf . 1913 Grand Rapids Plainfield Jonesville 1897 Leslie 1899 East Jordan , ; , ; , Avenue 1913 Ovid 1914 Lake Odessa 1907 ; Mancelona , 1910 ; Frankfort , 1917 ; ; , ; , ; 1917 Decatur 1919 Retired 1922 Grand Lake City and Jennings , 1919 ; Central , , ;

Rapids Epworth , ; , : 1923 Oshtemo and Com Lake 1922 Retired 1924. Address 1137 , ; , ; , , , , ( stock 1925 Retired 1927 Oshtemo 1927 Illsey Drive Fort Wayne Indiana . 1930-31 ; Howard City and Morley , Summer , , ; D .. ( R . ;

; , , LARGE SAMUEL W 1902 ) of 1933 Grand Rapids Oakdale 1933 .- ; , , , , ; Mackinaw City and Carp Lake 1934 Re 1905 E. 1909 ) . ( Alden 1901 ) . Petoskey , ; , , tired 1935. Address , 355 7th Ave. Mt. Grace Church 1902 Clarion and Horton , ; , ;

, Bay Montgomery Montgomery Dora Florida . 1904 1907 and California , 1909 ; Tekonsha , 1910 ; Cass , , ; , ( ; ,

R. ; , KING RUSSELL 1927 D. , R. opolis 1912 Clare 1915 Evart 1917 : ; , , ; 1932 E. 1936. ) ( 1922 Evart Paris Cir Battle Creek , Maple Street , 1920 ; Retired , ; , ; Weidman and , 1924 cuit 1923 Leaton 1923 ; Grand Haven , 1924 ; St. Johns , 1926 ; , , ; , ; ) ; North Star 1926 1927 Stanwood 1929 , Lansing . Michigan Avenue 1928 South , ; Edmore and Blanchard 1933 , Scottville , ; , Haven and Casco 1931 Grand Ledge 1934 .


, BRUCE , LAWRASON NATHANIEL , ; , S. KINNEY FLOYD ( R. 1907 D. , , ; , ( ) . - R. 1925 ( Burr Oak 1923 ) Hesperia ; , , ; ,

E. ) . ( Crystal ) ,

1913 1915 1906 At school , ; Circuit Group 1925 Discontinued 1926 . ; , ; , ; 1907 Delta 1910 Bath 1913 Duplain , , ; , ; , ( R. 1928 D. 1930 E. 1932 ) . Transferred , ; , ; 1916 : Wacousta 1918 Parma 1921 Ban ; , Wilmington , from Conf . 1934 Sunfield , ; , ; ; nister 1923 At school 1925 Elsie . 1927 ; , 1933 Quincy 1937. Quincy and Allen , 1931 ; Union City and , ; , ; , , , ; , Sherwood 1933 Bath 1936 Alto 1937 . LAWRENCE RAY M .-- ( R . 1919 D.

to membership to , , ; , Elected full be ordained R ( R . KINNEY HAROLD .- 1933 D. , ; , in . E. ) . ( ; , , ; Rock River Conf 1921 1924 1934 E. 1935 ) . At school 1933 Center Lib , ; , , ; ,

erty ) ville , April , 1934 ; Vermont ville , 1934 ; Hart , 1917 Horton 1918 1919 At school ; ; , 1920 1924 Edwardsburg , 1936. Constantine

1925 ; Camden , 1926 ; Pellston , 1928 ; Shelby , , , ( R. KLAIBER AUGUST WILLIAM ; , 1930 Leslie 1934. , ; ; , , ( 1903 D. 1903 E. 1910 ) . Santa Cruz , , ; , , , ; , , , H ( R . Calif . 1902 ) 1903 Cleveland Ohio Zion LEAMON THOMAS .- 1893 D. ; , ; 1904 ; Toledo , Ohio , Galena Street , 1906 ; 1895 E. 1897 ) . ( Freesoil 1891 White ; , , ; , ; , , ,

and ) Montague Muskegon Mich . 1910 Cloud 1892 1893 Farwell 1894 Banfield , , ; ; ; Henrietta , Ohio , 1912 ; Akron , Ohio , 1916 ; 1899 Fennville 1903 Buchanan 1907 , , , ; , ; , ; Detroit Mich . Third Church 1920 Rose Vermontville 1911 Cassopolis 1916 Au ; , ; , ville , 1925 ; Grand Rapids , Valley Avenue , gusta 1919 Colon 1920 Watervliet and ; 1929 ; Transferred from Central German Coloma , 1925 Kalamazoo , Damon and ; , , ; ,

merger Vicksburg . Conf . by 1933 Montague and Comstock 1930 1931 1937 ] PASTORAL RECORD 287 , , , LEE , THOMAS OTTO_ ( R., 1908; D. , Rapids Epworth 1935 . Address 626 La 1909; E.. 1911) . Transferred from Illinois fayette , N. E.

, ; , ; , , , , Conf . 1931 St. Louis 1931 Niles 1935. MANNING LEON W.-R. 1926 : D.

, 310 Cedar St. ; , Address 1928 E. 1932 ) . Transferred as Probation , ; *LEITCH , JAMES ( R.. 1909: D. , 1903; er from North Indiana Conf . 1926 Van

E. , 1907) , (Monroe Center , 1892; Kingsley . dalla , 1926 ; Spring Arbor , 1927 ; Pokagon ,

; Levering , ; , ; , ; , 1893 1901-5 Central Lake 1929 Three Oaks 1930 Lake Odessa 1934 . ; , , 1906-7) Transferred from Idaho Conf . , ; P. MANNING WALLACE ( R. 1908 1923; Newaygo , , ; East Jor

( 1922) 1923 , ; , , ;

D. E. ) . ( Shepherd , , , 1903 1918 1892 Ra dan 1928: Retired 1934. Address East venna , 1893 ; At school , 1894 ; Ashton , 1895 ; Jordan . , ; , Cadillac Circuit 1896 Morley 1899 : Big LEWIS , ELWIN K .- ( R ., 1911; D. , 1913; Rapids Circuit , 1900 ; South Lowell , 1902 ; ; E. , 1915) . ( Douglas , 1909) ; Lacota and Byron Center and Dorr . 1903 Cedar ; , , Breedsville , 1911; Hopkins , 1913; Middle Springs 1905 ) Conference Evangelist ; ; ; , ville , 1917; Bellevue and Kalamo , 1921; 1908 Sheridan , 1909 Woodland 1911 , ; , Kalamazoo , East Avenue , 1927: Ovid , 1933; Homer 1912 Field Secy . Supply Pastor's , ; , Jackson , Beatrice Isbell , 1936. Address , Endowment Fund 1913 Bronson 1922 :

143 Moore St. Paw Paw and Almena , 1924 ; New Buffalo , LIDDICOAT , HENRY- ( R ., 1913; D.. 1927 ; Galesburg and Scotts , 1930 ; Law , , , . : 1937 1915; E. , 1917) . Mosherville , 1913; Osseo, rence 1933 Retired Address 1108 , 1914; Jackson , North Street , 1916: Leslie , E. Porter St. Albion . 1917; Breckenridge , 1922; Buchanan , 1926; MARSHALL , THOMAS W. H.-R. , 1912 ;

Big Rapids , , , , ; , First 1929: Kalamazoo Stock D. 1914 E. 1916 ) ) . Transferred from De bridge , , , ; , , Avenue 1932. Address 1009 Stock troit Conf . 1919 Jackson North Street bridge Av. 1919 ; East Jordan , 1920 ; Scottville , 1922 ; , ; , ;

Breckenridge . LIGHTFOOT . LE ROY- ( R ., 1916; D. , Leslie 1925 1926 Middle 1918; E. , 1919). ( Burlington , 1915). 1916; ville , 1928 ; Stanton , 1929 ; Evart and Sears , ; ; , ; Newton , 1918; Kamtee , India , 1920: 1930 Carson City . 1933 St. Louis 1935 , , Transferred to Central Provinces , India , Allegan 1937. Address 228 Cutler St. , , ; , 1921; Transferred to Bombay Conf ., India , * MATHER ELBERT 0 .- ( R . 1889 D.

; , Trang ; , , , Dec. 1921 ( Schoolcraft 1935) : 1884 E. 1893 ) . Homer 1889 : Battle Creek ferred from Bombay Conf ., 1937; Edwards . Maple Street , 1890 ; Galesburg , 1892 ; Paw ; , burg, 1937. Paw , 1897 ; North Adams , 1903 Evart

; , ; Sparta , ; LOCKYER , JOHN- ( R., 1912; D., Omit 1907 Buchanan 1912 1919 Pent , , ; ted thru War Emergency Act ; E. , 1918). water , 1920 ; Lyons 1922 Retired 1926. Ad , , Transferred from Detroit Conf ., 1927; dress 517 Erie treet Albion . , , ; Charlevoix and Indian Mission , 1927; Clare * MATTHEWS LEANDER S .- ( R . 1879

, ; , ; , ; , , ; and Farwell 1931 Remus 1934 Carson D. 1881 E. 1883 ) . ( Benona 1878 ) Marcel

City , 1935; Rockford , 1937. lus , 1879 ; LaGrange , 1880 ; Berrien Springs , ; , ; ; LOHNES , CHARLES A .----( R., 1900; D. , 1882 Hartford 1884 Edwardsburg . 1885 , ; , ; 1900; E. , 1904). Transferred from Detroit Bronson 1887 Girard 1888 Supernumer . ; , : Boyne , Conf ., 1921; Plainwell , 1921; Clare , 1922; ary . 1889 Benzonia 1891 City Hesperia , 1924; Wayland , 1926; Alto , 1930; 1895 ; East Jordan , 1897 ; Supernumerary , ; , ; , Grand Rapids , Joy Memorial . 1934; Cadil 1898 ( East Jordan 1899 ) Retired 1901. lac, People's and Circuit , 1937. Address , Address , Ridgeley , Maryland , , , ; , 609 Selma . * MAVEETY PATRICK J .-- ( R . 1878 D. ; , ; , *LUTHER , ALEXANDER T.- ( R ., 1886; 1880 1882 ) . Olivet 1878 Bellevue ; , ; , ; D. , 1889; E. , 1891) . Transferred from Rock 1880 Cassopolis 1883 Homer 1884 Ovid . River Conf ., 1887; Admitted to full mem 1887 ; Benton Harbor , 1892 ; Hillsdale , 1893 ; , , ; , bership . 1889; Lowell, 1887; Lansing , First , Jackson First 1895 P. E. Albion District ; , , ; , 1892; St. Louis , 1896; Maple Rapids , 1898; 1897 Battle Creek First 1903 Field Secy . , ; Ovid , 1900; Holland , 1903; Lake Odessa , Board of Education 1907 Corresponding , , ; 1907; Grand Rapids , Clark , 1910; Paw Paw , Secy . Freed man's Aid Society 1908 Re , , , 1911; Supernumerary . 1914; Retired , 1922. tired 1928. Address 398 Main Street Address , 127 Lytle Avenue , Ionia . Battle Creek . , , ; MAC DONALD , SCOTT D .- ( R ., 1918; * MAXWELL GEORGE W. - ( R. 1894 , ; , , ; D., 1922; E. , 1924) . Transferred from De D. 1896 E. 1898 ) . ( Leroy 1893 ) . 1894 ; , , ; , 1904 : troit Conf ., 1922; Pope , 1921; Eaton Rapids Sears 1895 Farwell 1899 Clare ; , ; ,

Belding . Parish , Onondaga , 1923; Bath , 1926; Law 1908 Mason 1913 Grand Haven

; Sparta , ; , ; , ton, 1929; Bangor and Breedsville , 1933. 1918 1921 Lawton 1926 Retired , , ( , Address , Bangor . 1929 Schoolcraft and Portage 1929 ) ; , ; 1931 Augusta , 1932 Retired 1933. Ad , ; , W .-- ( R . 1918 MACKENZIE CHARLES , dress Sparta . , ; , D. 1918 E. 1920 ) . Transferred from Wy , , ; MAYHEW ELIHEU ( R. 1908 D .. , ; , , oming Conf . 1921 Grand Rapids Trinity ; E ..

1910 previously : , ; , ; , Elected ordained Asst . 1921 Coldwater 1923 Mt. Pleasant ; ,

) . Hersey April Cir , 1912 1908 Greenville 1929. Address 109 W. Wisconsin St. , ; cuit , 1910 ; Marion , 1914 ; Stanton 1918 , ; , ; McCUNE NEWELL A .-- R .. 1906 D. Shepherd 1924 Leaton and Indian Mis , , ; , , . 1906 E. 1908 ) . At school 1906 ( Preached sion 1929. Address Mt. Pleasant , at Williamsburg . ) .

Detroit Conf Three , , ; * MEADER ROBERT E .- ( R . 1896 D .. , ; , ;

Rivers 1907 Benton Harbor 1910 East ; , , ; , 1897 E. 1902 ) . Augusta 1896 Jackson , . ,

Lansing . People's Church 1917 , ; Greenwood Avenue 1898 Mendon 1900 : , ; , ; , , ; , Rapids McKEAN MAURICE D .— ( R . 1925 D. Eaton 1903 Benton Harbor 1906 , ; S .. , ; ; , D. Grand Traverse ) . ( 1927 E. 1928 Sherwood 1922 Burr Coldwater 1910 , ; , ; , , ; , ; Oak 1924 ) 1925 Middleville 1929 Grand District 1916 Ionia 1919 Charlotte Par 288 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE [ 1937 ish , 1921; Battle Creek , Maple Street , Nebraska Conf ., 1934; Benton Harbor . 1923; D. S.. Kalamazoo District, 1925; 1934. Address , 266 Jefferson St. Niles , 1931; Representative Board of Pen , , ; ; , NAGLER ARTHUR W. ( R. 1910 sions and Relief . 1935 Retired 1936. Ad Transferred from , , , North Indiana Conf . as dress R. F. D. Richland a Probationer , 1911; D. , 1915; E. , 1918 ) . MERRILL . RAY WILLIAM -- ( R., 1907; Galesburg . 1911; At school , 1912-4; Galeg D., 1909; E .. 1912) . Vermontville , 1907; burg . 1915; Instructor in Garrett Biblical North Adams and Wheatland , 1910; Kala Institute , 1916. Address , Evanston , Ill . ; , mazoo , Simpson , 1912 Marshall 1914: *NAGLER . , ; Boyne City , ; , ; , AIGIST F.- ( R . 1886 D.. 1917 Alma 1923 Hillsdale 1888; 1890) . , ; ; , ; , ; E. Sheridan 1886 Howard 1926 St. Johns 1928 Lowell 1931 Cac City , 1889; City , ; , ; , ; Springs , Reed 1894 Bellevue 1897 illac 1934 Berrien 1937. Charlevoix . 1898; Jackson , Ida Stiles , 1904 ; MILES , RICHARD C - R , 1928; D., South Haven , 1908: Marshall , 1913; Dowa 1930; E. , 1931). ( Sonoma , 1927). 1923; giac , 1914; Lake Odessa , 1919; Plainwell , Bronson , 1929; Traverse City , Central . 1937. 1922; Retired , 1928. Address , Evart . *MILLER , C. W .- ( R ., From Free Meth NEVINS , LESLIE J. (R., 1920; D. , odist Church , 1921; D., 1889: E. , 1891:) Elected , 1923, ordained previously ; E. , (Ganges and Glen , 1920) . 1921; Banfield , 1924) , Marengo , 1920; At school , 1922 ; ; , ; , 1922 Retired 1923 Alamo and Kendall Supernumerary , 1924; Union City , 1925; 1924; Lake Ann , 1925; Retired . 1927. Ad Union City and Sherwood , 1927; Battle dress , R. F. D. No. 6, Kalamazoo . Creek , Maple Street , 1930; Ludington , 1935. MILLER , ROBERT SPENCER ( R. , Address , 305 E. Loomis St. 1915; D., 1918; E. , 1921) . At school , 1915; *NEWCOMER , JOHN C.- ( R., 1891; D. , Mosherville , 1916; Duplain and Green 1893; E. , , ; , , ; , ; 1895). Cambria 1891 Jonesville buxh 1918 At school 1919 Transferred 1894; Evart, 1895; , ; , ; Centerville 1898 Man to Wisconsin Conf . 1921 Transferred from celona , 1904; Supernumerary . 1906; Re , Boyne City ; Wisconsin Cont . 1923: . 1923 tired , 1911. Address , Harpers Ferry, West Albion , Student Pastor , 1925; Gladwin , Virginia . ; , , 1926 Jackson Greenwood Avenue Janu , ary ; , ; ity , NILES LEO B .----( R., 1911; D. , 1913; E. , 1928 Manistee 1930 Traverse ( 1916) . Butler , 1911; Leonidas and Central , 1933; Lowell, 1934. Sher wood , 1914; Bronson , 1918; Rapids , , ; Eaton MINOR IRVING W. - R 1902 D. , Parish , Onondaga Group , 1921; At school , ; , , ; , 1902 E. 1908). Prattville 1902 Jackson 1923; Portland , 1925; Greenville , 1928; St. ; changed Diamond . 1904 (Name to Bea Johns , 1936. Address , 103 Linden St. trice Isbell , 1908) , Beatrice Ishell , 1908; Supernumerary , ; Rapids , Ep NILES , STANLEY B. R. , 1918; D. , 1910 Grand ; , worth , 1911; Grand Haven , 1913; Traverse 1920 E. 1923) . ( Horton , 1916-7) ; U. S. City , Asbury , ; Army, 1918; Camden and Austin , 1919; At and 14th Street 1918 Kala , ; , , ; mazoo , Stockbridge Avenue , 1921; Ovid , school 1920 Albion Student Pastor 1923 At school , ; Dowagiac , ; 1925; Montague and Whitehall, 1929: Mus 1925 1928 Eaton kegon , Wood Avenue and North Muske . Rapids , 1930; Sturgis , 1935. gon, 1932; Otsego , 1936. NILES , VICTOR B .— ( R ., 1922; D. , 1926; MOORES , GEORGE ANSEL (R., 1925; E. , 1928: ( Spring Arbor , 1921) ; At school , D. , 1923; E. , 1927). Transferred from Cen 1922; Okemos , 1926; Sheridan , 1927: Per tral Illinois Conf ., 1926; Reading , 1926; rinton , 1928; Vermontville , 1930; Galien , Belding , 1930; Charlotte , 1934. Address , 1932; Fenville , 1934; Paw Paw , 1937. 312 E. Lawrence St. NIXON , LLOYD H .- ( R., 1921; D. , 1923; , * MORRIS , ARTHUR J .--'( R., 1890: D .. E. 1925). (Augusta , 1920) ; Jonesville , 1894; E. , 1900). Inland , 1890; At school , 1921; Remus , 1923; Lowell, 1924; Grand 1891; Newaygo , 1893; Saugatuck , 1894: Rapids , Second Street , 1927; St. Joseph , Pierson and Sand Lake . 1895; Supernu 1930; Battle Creek , First , 1933. Address , merary , 1896; South Frankfort , 1898; New 185 Orchard Ave. Buffalo , 1900; Bangor , 1903; Jackson , NORTON , RAYMOND L .- ' ( R., 1932; D. , Cooper Street , 1905; Galesburg . 1906; Su 1935; E. , 1937) . Lansing . First , Asst ., 1932; pernumerary , 1908; Retired , 1913; (Harri Beaverton , Edenville and Hope , 1933; Mar son, 1916-8) ; Weidman , 1919; Coleman , ion, 1936. 1921; Marion , 1923; Hesperia , 1926; Maple OLDT , WESLEY B .- ( R ., 1911; D. , 1897; Rapids , 1927; Retired , 1930. Address , E. , 1899). Transferred from Rock River Maple Rapids . Conf ., 1918; Manistee , 1918: St. Louis , *MOSHER , WILLIAM P .- ( R ., 1882; D. , 1922; Leave of absence, 1925; Battle Creek , 1884; E , 1886) . Penfield , 1882; Liberty , Urbandale , 1926; Battle Creek , Community , 1885; Parma , 1888; Bellevue , 1890; Mon 1928; Charlotte , 1930; South Haven , 1934. tague , 1891; Hart , 1893; Girard , 1896; Han Address , 351 Indiana Ave. over , 1898; Vermontville , 1902; Maple Rap OLDT , WESLEY C.- ( R., 1931; D. , 1933; ids, 1906; Bellaire , 1908; Pellston , 1912; E. , 1935). (Wesley , 1930) . 1931; At school , Mancelona , 1917; Concord , 1919; Retired , 1932; Kalkaska , Federated , 1935. Address , 1923. (Jackson , Cooper Street , 1922-3) . Kalkaska . Address , Bellaire . OSBORNE , GEORGE A.-R. , 1910; D. , MUMBY , EARL M .- ( R., 1924; D. , 1927; 1912; E. , 1914) . (Scottville , June -Sept ., E. , 1931) . Bellaire , 1924; Manton , 1928; 1907) ; At school , 1910; Transferred to Old Mission , 1930; Central Lake , 1933; Iowa Conf ., 1912: Transferred from Iowa Hesperia and Ferry. 1936; Hesperia and Conf ., 1917; Breckenridge , 1917; Belding . Holton . 1937. Address , Hesperia . 1920; Nashville , 1923; Battle Creek , Maple MURDICK , PERRY HARVEY ( R. , Street , 1925; Hillsdale , 1930; Kalamazoo , 1903; D. , 1903; E. , 1905) . Transferred from Simpson , 1935. Address , 818 W. Xorth St. 1937 ] PASTORAL RECORD 289

*OSTROM , CHARLES ( R. , 1907; D. , 1916; Mulliken , 1919; Decatur , 1923; Su 1910; E. , 1914) . ( Cooper , 1904; Kendall , pernumerary , 1926; Located , 1931. ( Climax , 1905) ; Delta , 1907; Delton and Cressy , 1935) . Restored to Membership and made 1308; Irving , 1909; McBain , 1910: Weid Effective , 1937: Fenville , 1937. ; , ; man . 1911 Coral 1914 Sand Lake and , Pierson , 1918; Sanford and Hope , 1920; POLLARD THOMAS EDWARD- ( R.. Morley , ; 1932; D. 1935; E. , ) . ( Beaverton and and Stanwood 1923 Coral and , ; Edwardshurg , Morley ; , ; Edenville 1931) 1933: . 1926 Marion 1927 Marion and Bloomingdale , , , ; Newaygo , ; 1933: Mendon and Parkville Evart Circuit 1928 1930 Re ; , 1937. tired , 1932; Maple Rapids , 1934; Retired . 1936 Hartford 1936. Address , R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. Pleas . POLLOCK , CECIL , E. - ( R. , 1902; D. , ant . 1904; E. , 1906). Stanton , 1902; Howard OUGHTON , CHARLES - (R. , 1913; D. , City , 1903; Shepherd , 1906; Grand Ledge , 1915; E. , 1917) . (Copemish and Pomona , 1910; Portland , 1915; Coloma and Water Jan. and Sept. 1910; Jerome and Somerset vliet , 1916; Kalamazoo , Stockbridge Ave. Center , 1911; Horton and Spring Arbor, nue, 1919 ; Otsego and Trowbridge , 1921; 1912). 1913; Montgomery , 1915; Concord , Charlevoix and Indian Mission , 1925; Big 1917; White Pigeon , 1919; Union City , 1921; Rapids , First, 1927; D. S. Lansing District , , ; Grandville . 1924; Reed 1929: D. 8., Albion -Lansing District, 1931; At school 1923 , City , 1928; Dowagiac , 1932: Plainwell , 1937. Petoskey , 1935. Address 722 Mitchell St. OWENS , SPENCER B .-- ( R., 1909; D. , POLLOCK , JAMES RUSSELL ( R. , 1911; E. 1913. In Northern New York 1932; D., 1933; E. , 1934) . At school . 1932. Conf .). Transferred to Genesee Conf ., Feb. Address , 400 Orange St. , New Haven , Conn . , ; 1 1923 Transferred to Michigan Conf ., *POTTER , L ( R ., 1891; D .. ; , , HERBERT -- 1932 Albion 1932. Address 316 E. Porter . 1894; E. , 1896) . At school , 1891; Hartford , *OZANNE , HERBERT G .– ( R ., 1900; D. , 1892; Buchanan , 1897; Dowagiac , 1900; Ot 1899; E. , 1909) . Transferred from Dakota sego, 1907; Grand Rapids , Burton Heights , Conf ., 1921; Hesperia , 1921; Harbor 1912; Hart , 1915; Allegan , 1918; Retired , Springs , 1922; Bangor nad Breedsville , 1931. Address , 160 North Street , Allegan . 1924; Marcellus, 1928; Reading . 1933; Man , , ; , ; , ; , , *POTTS JAMES H .--- ( R. 1869 D. 1871 celona 1934 Retired 1936. ( Eckford 1936) . , Ganges , ; Springs , Address , 115 W. Walnut , Albion . E. 1873). 1869 Cedar 1870; Allen , 1872; Plainwell, 1873; Jones * PARSHALL , REUBEN C. ( R. , 1909: ville , 1876: Supernumerary , 1877; Agent D., 1911; E. , 1913) . Entrican , 1909; New Preacher's Saving Fund , 1878; Associate Buffalo , 1912; Bowne , 1915; Norwood , 1917; Editor Michigan Christian Advocate , 1884; U. S. Army . 1918; Mancelona , 1919; Bel Editor Michigan Christian Advocate , 1885; laire , 1920; Retired , 1921. Address , Port Retired , 1917. Address , Algonac . Sanilac . PRESCOTT , W. RAY- ( R .. 1915; D. , PELLOWE , ALBERT H.-- ( R., 1919; D. , ; , , ; , ; , 1917 E. 1919) . Partello 1915 At school 1922 E. 1924). (Jerome and Somerset Cen 1917; Edmore , 1920: Shelby , 1922; Lawton , ter, 1916; U. S. Army , 1917) ; Jonesville , ; , ; , ; Syrian 1925 Mason 1926 St. Johns 1931: Lan 1919 Instructor in Protestant Col sing . Michigan Avenue , 1936. Address , 1400 lege, 1920; At school , 1921; ( Held pastorate Jerome St. in Rock River Conf .) ; Battle Creek , Ur bandale , 1924; Jackson , Haven , 1926; Pe PRICE , EMERAL EVERETTE ( R. , ; , ; , , ; toskey . 1931; D. S., Albion -Lansing Dis 1934 D. 1936 E. 1937) . ( Winn 1931) trict , 1935. Address , 400 Bidwell St. , Al Fulton , 1934; Constantine , 1935. bion . PROSSER , EARL I.-- (R., 1916; D. , 1918; PERDEW , WILLIAM C.- ( R ., 1917; D. , E. , 1921). Transferred from Dakota Conf .. 1920; E. , 1924). Transferred from Upper 1922; Bear Lake , 1922; Manton , 1925; Mul Iowa Conf ., 1930; Grand Rapids , Burton liken , 1928; Howard City and Morley , 1933; Heights , 1930; Kalamazoo , First , 1934. Burnips and Salem Indian Mission , 1937. Address , 208 S. Park . Address , Burnips . PHELPS , WILLIAM H .- ( R., 1894; D. , PUFFER , ROLLAND CHARLES- (R ., 1897; E. , 1899) . At school , 1894; Martin , 1932; D., 1935; E. , ) . ( Stittsville ', 1920; 1895; At school , 1897; Grand Rapids , Ep Wexford . 1924; Wexford and Kingsley . worth , 1899; Manistee , 1902; Three Riv 1925; Big Rapids Circuit , 1928; Leroy and ers, 1904; Battle Creek , First , 1907; D. S., Paris , 1931), 1932; Leroy and Luther , 1937. Lansing District , 1914; Editor Michigan Address , Le Roy . , Christian Advocate , 1920. Address 32 E. , ; , Elizabeth St. QUANT . HENRY R. E. - ( R. 1895 D. 1897; E. , 1891) . Partello , 1895; Burlington , PHILLIPS , CLARK H. ( R., 1925; D. , 1898: Osseo, 1899; Osseo and Pittsford , 1927; E. , 1928) . At school , 1925; Vermont 1900; At School , 1902; Comstock , 1903: ville , 1927; Wayland , Bradley Indian Mis Athens , 1904; Ganges , 1906; Hartford , sion and South Grand Rapids , 1930; Mug . 1909; Jackson , Beatrice Isbell , 1911; , , Ma kegon , Lakeside 1935. Address 2019 son, 1918; Charlevoix and Indian Mission , Harrison Ave. 1921; Grand Rapids , St. Pauls , 1925; Big PHILLIPS , WADE S. ( R. , 1905; D. , Rapids , First , 1932; Battle Creek , Maple , , 1907; E. , 1910) . ( Holton , 1904), 1905; Way Street 1935. Address 338 Capital Av. land . 1907; Freeport , 1910; Hubbardston N. E. and Fowler , 1915; St. Johns Circuit , 1921; RANDALL , JOSHUA 0 .- ( R ., 1889; D., Newaygo , 1928; Shepherd , 1930; Ovid , 1936. 1891; E. , 1893) . Transferred from Mon , POHLY , WILLIAM Y .- ( R., 1914; D. , tana Conf . 1921; Benton Harbor , 1921; 1916; E. , 1921) . Potterville , 1914; Ashley , D. S., Grand Traverse District , 1925; Hol 290 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937 land and Saugatuck , 1931; Jackson , 1896; E. , 1906) . Vergennes and Keen , 1896 ; Greenwood , 1933; Belding , 1936. Caledonia , 1898; At school , 1900; Discon , , ; , ; tinued , 1901: (Kinderhook , 1905) ; (Re RAYLE JOHN H .- ( R . 1894 D. 1897 , E. , 1899) . Transferred from Northwest In ceived on trial in studies of Second Year diana Conf ., 1912; North Adams , 1912; 1906). Kinderhook , 1906; Pokagon , 1910 : ; Rapids , ; Wacousta , 1911; Shepardsville , 1914; Con Kalkaska . 1913 Elk 1916 Leave Evangelist , ; and of absence, 1919; Hartford , 1920; Berrien ference 1916 Hanover , ; , ; or Springs , ; , 1924; Leave of ab Moscow 1918 Coleman 1919 Leave 1922 Remus , ; Supernumerary ; sence, 1928; Coleman , 1929; Ganges , 1930; absence 1921 . 1922 Kal kaska and East Boardman , 1923; Mance Lake City , May , 1933; Freesoil , 1934. lona , 1924; Athens and Indian Mission , * REED , DAVID E .- ( R ., 1893; D. , 1895; 1925; Ravenna , 1927; Delton , 1928; Perrin E. , 1897) . ( Freesoil , 1892), 1893; Shepherd , , ; Ashley and , 1932 ; ; City , ; ton 1930 Bannister 1894 Howard and Coral 1898 Man Manton , 1936; Retired , 1937. Address , 42 celona , 1903; Conference Evangelist , 1904; Lincoln St. , Battle Creek . Retired , 1916. Address , 1104 East Porter , , ; Street , Albion . ROGERS JAMES ALBERT- ( R. 1921 , ; , ) . Transferred from De , , ; , ; D. 1923 E. 1926 REED LOREN S.- ( R . 1921 D. 1923 troit Conf. 1923; Harbor Springs Circuit , E. , 1925). ( Stittsville , 1910-1; Old Mission , ; , ; Springs , ; ; 1923 Homer 1924 Harbor 1931 1920) , 1921; Levering . 1924 Marion and Reed City , 1934. , ; Evart Circuit 1930 Bellaire and Central ; D ,, Lake , 1936. Address , Bellaire . " ROOD , DWIGHT A. - ( R .. 1901 ; , , ; Crys , , ; , 1900 E. 1904) . ( Berlin Center 1897 REEDY DANIEL L. ( R. 1923 D. , , ; Hoytville , 1903; At school, ; , , ; tal 1899) 1901 1929 E. 1931) . (Evart Circuit 1921) 1904; , 1906; Coloma and Wa , ; , ; City , Wacousta Paris 1923 Eckford 1926 Lake tervliet , 1909; Galien , 1911; Central Lake , 1928: Mancelona and , May , ; Alba 1933 1912; Norwood , 1913; Copemish , 1916; Re Potterville , 1934; Cassopolis , 1936. tired , 1919; ( Bellaire , 1920) , 1923; Tray * REUSCH . MOSES E. (R., 1896; D., erse City , 14th Street , 1924; DeWitt , 1925 ; 1898; E. , 1903). ( Ellsworth , 1895) ; Alden , Maple Rapids , 1926; Orleans , 1927; Su 1896; Traverse City , Second or Asbury , pernumerary . 1928; Retired , 1934. Ad 1897; Jackson , Diamond and North Street , dress , Vermontville . 1899; Transferred to Iowa Conf ., March , * ROOD , HARRY L ( R ., 1889; D., 1891 ; ; , , .- 1903 Transferred from Iowa Conf . Dec. E. , 1893). (White Pigeon , 1888) ; Cold wa 1918; Jackson , Haven , Dec. , 1918: Grand ter Circuit, 1889; Camden , 1890; Gilead and Rapids , Plainfield , 1923; Mt. Pleasant , Ovid , 1891; Lacota , 1892; Lawton , 1893; 1926; Sturgis , 1929; D. S. Grand Traverse Keeler and Silver Creek , 1895; Supernu , District , 1931; Retired , 1936. Address 843 merary , 1896; At school , 1897: Bellaire, Ardmore St. S. E. Grand Rapids . 1898; Northport , 1900: Benzonia , 1901: RICE , JOSEPH , CLARENCE - R., 1924; Casnovia , 1903; Casnovia and Kent City , , ; Super D. , 1925; E. , 1928) . Keeler , 1924: At 1904; Berlin and Lamont 1906 numerary Secretary to school , 1925; Camden , 1928; Litchfield , , 1907: President ; Supernumerary , Address , P. O. of Clark University , 1911; Supernumerary . 1932 1936. , ; , 243, Hillsdale . 1912; Kendall and Alamo 1915 Fulton ; City , ; Wayland , ; ; , ; 1916 Kent 1917 1920 RICE , THOMAS -- ( R., 1917 D. 1919 Freeport , 1922; Ashley , 1923; Retired , , Spring , ; Montgom E. 1923) . ( Arbor 1918 1925: , 1925; Alden , 1927-8). Ad ery , ; , ; ( Palo 1919 Osseo 1921) Transferred from dress , 238 E. Franklin Street , Otsego . Detroit Conf ., 1922; Pokagon , 1922; Three , , 1887; Oaks , 1924; Decatur , 1926; Buchanan , 1929. *ROWLAND WILLIAM D. — ( R. D., 1889; E. , 1891). ( Irving , 1885) ; Hast *RICHTMYER , LOREN P. ( R. , 1894; ings Circuit , 1887; Byron Center and Dorr , D. , 1896; E. , 1899) . (Comstock , 1892; Fen , ; City , ; , ; , ; Douglas 1890: Casnovia 1892 Lake 1894 Har ville 1893). 1894 Delton 1895 rison , 1895; Dushville , 1898; Leaton and and Saugatuck , ; 1897 Supernumerary , Indian Mission , 1899; Supernumerary , 1900; 1898; Penfield , 1899; Prairieville , 1902; , ; , , ; , ; , Cadillac Circuit 1901 Greenville Circuit Mosherville 1903 Partello 1904 Bowne 1903; Lakeview , 1905; , 1908: , Parkville 1906; Supernumerary , 1908; Retired 1911. Sonoma , 1911; Prairieville , 1913; Kalamo , , Address 907 W. Erie Street Albion . and Maple Grove , 1916; Goblesville , 1918; RIGELMAN . LEWIS M.- ( R., 1927; D. , Retired , 919. (Waldron , 1920) . Address , 1932; E. , 1934). Newton and Sonoma , 1927; Pioneer , Ohio . Middleville , 1935. RUNKEL , EMIL A .- ( R ., 1925; D. , 1925; ROBINSON , LEROY T. (R., 1909; D. , E .. 1929). Edgerton , Ohio , 1925; Holt , 1912; E. , 1914). Crystal , 1909; At school , Michigan , 1928; Transferred from Central 1910; Duplain , 1912; Harbor Springs , 1916; German Conf . by merger , 1933; Jackson , Jackson , Ida Stiles , 1920; (Changed to Cal Haven , 1937. Address , 127 Seymour . , ; Rap vary in 1928), Calvary 1929 Grand SATTERLEE , CLAUD W.- ( R ., 1919; D. , dis , Trinity , 1931. Address , 235 Calkins , 1921: E. , 1923). (Whitehall , 1918), 1919; S. E. Orleans , 1920; Big Rapids Circuit , 1921; ROBINSON , WILLIAM D.-- ( R., 1908; Muskegon , Lakeside , 1923; Carson City , D. 1908; E. , 1912) . (North port and In . 1927; Battle Creek , Upton Avenue , 1931; dian Mission , 1907), 1908; Levering , 1909; Jackson , Greenwood Avenue , 1936. Ad Burr Oak , 1911; Galesburg , 1914; Middle dress , 1508 Greenwood Avenue . ton and Sethton , 1915; Parma , 1920; Mid , ; , , , ; SCHAENZLIN FRED- ( R. 1902 D. dleville 1921; Marcellus 1924 Brecken ; , Muskegon , ; , ridge , ; , ; , 1904 E. 1906) . 1902 Goshen 1928 Elsie 1931 Coleman 1933. Ind ., 1905; Kockville, Mich ., 1908; Marine *ROCHELLE , JAMES W .- ( R ., 1896; D. , City , Mich ., 1912; Elmore , Ohio , 1916; Ak 1937 ) PASTORAL RECORD 291

, , ; , , , , ; , ron Ohio 1920 North Braddock Pa. SPENCE FREDERICK— ( R . 1894 D. ; , 1925 ; Hopkins , Mich ., 1929; Transferred 1896 E. 1902 ) . Transferred from Detroit , ; , , from Central German Conf . by merger , Conf . 1919 Jackson First 1918.

; , , , 1933 DeWitt 1933. SPURLOCK RAYMOND B .- ( R . 1922 : , ; , SCHLEUTER , FRED J.- ( R ., 1912; D. , D. 1926 E. 1928 ) . Transferred from Mis , ; , 1914 ; E. , 1916). ( Kendall , 1911) ; Kalamo , souri Conf . 1927 Grand Rapids Trinity . , ; , , ; 1912: Kalamo and Maple Grove , 1913; Mul Asst . 1927 Albion Student Pastor 1928 , liken 1915; Perrinton , 1919; Hart , 1923; Mendon and Parkville 1929 : Berrien ; , , Fremont , 1927; Otsego and Trowbridge , Springs . 1933 Jackson Calvary 1937. Ad 1931; Greenville , 1936. dress , 931 Backus St. , , ; , SEATON , JOHN L .- ( R., 1895; D. , 1897; STANFORD GEORGE P .- ( R . 1916 D. ; , , ; E. , 1901) . Transferred from California 1922 E. 1924 ) . ( West Olive 1915 ) Cryg . , ; , ; ,

S. Army Conf., 1924; President Albion College , 1924. tal 1916 U. 1918 At school ; , Address , Albion. 1920 Transferred to Detroit Conf . ( Studies , ; of 2nd Year ) 1921 Transferred from De

, , Wesleyan , ; , ; ; *SEIPP CARL- ( R. 1906 from troit Conf . 1925 Jonesville 1925 Bannis

; , ;

recognition , Methodist Church on orders ter and Ashley 1926 Ellsworth 1928 :

E , 1903). (Crystal Valley , 1905; Leaton Alanson and Levering , 1930 ; Clare and

, ; , ; , , . and Indian Mission 1906 Okemos 1909 Farwell 1934. Address Clare

, ; , , ;

Middleton and Sethton 1912 North Star D .. ,

STANTON JOHN ( R . 1915 1913; Gresham , 1916; De Witt , 1918; Re W .- ; , , ; , tired , 1923; Woodland , 1924; Eagle , 1927; 1917 E. 1920 ) . ( Bendon 1910-1 Clarion , ; 1913 ) Northport and Indian Mission Retired , 1929. Address , Williamston . ; ; , ; 1915 Manton . 1919 Grandville 1920 Per , , " SIMMONDS, ARTHUR W.- ( R.. 1895; rinton 1924 ; Edmore and Blanchard

, ; , ; ; , ; , D. 1897 E .. 1899). Eaton Circuit 1895 1928 Remus 1933 Rosebush 1934. , ; Breckenridge ,

and , Okemos Holt 1896 , * STEPHENS 1889 : ; , ; , ; ; ALFRED A.-R.

1897 Orleans 1899 Woodland 1900 De , ; , , , ; Orange , ; , ; D. 1890 E. 1893 ) . ( Marion 1888 ) : Glad

1908 , ; ; , Witt 1903 1906 Girard win 1889 Summit 1891 , Berrien Springs , ; , ; Vermontville 1910 Marcellus 1913 1894 ; Bath , 1895 ; Perrinton , 1898 ; Elsie , Supernumerary , 1915; Bannister , 1918: ; , ; , 1900 Retired 1903 ( Horton's Bay 1903 ) : , , ; , Aurelius 1919: Litchfield 1920 Centerville Sheridan , 1904 ; Hart , 1906 ; Retired , 1910 ; 1922; Bronson , 1925; Retired , 1927. Ad , ; , ;

( Bay ) , , Horton's 1910 Colon 1912 Trav ; ; dress 304 West Grand River Avenue East , , erse City Asbury , 1914 Ithaca 1918

Lansing ; ; , . , Lawrence 1919 Retired 1920 Mance( , ; , SIMPSON , WILLIAM M. ( R. , from lona 1920 Mancelona and Antrim 1922 ) . , Baptist Church , Elder's Orders recognized , Address R. F. D. No. 2. Boyne City . 1936) . , ; Ashley , , ; , ( Manton 1934) and Ban STONE L. WINSTON ( R . 1915 D. , , Ashley .- nister 1936. Address ; , . 1920 E. 1922 ) . Transferred from North , ; , "SKINNER , HOWARD D. -- (R. , 1888; Indiana Conf . 1925 Jackson Greenwood D. , 1890: E. , 1892; (Eden , 1881) ; Summit , Avenue , 1925 ; Charlotte , Feb. , 1928 ; Do. , ; 1888; Fremont , 1891; Perrinton , 1895; El wagiac 1930 Montague and Whitehall . ; , , sie , 1898; Kalamazoo , East Avenue , 1900; 1932 Grand Rapids Burton Heights 1935 . , Otsego, 1902; Dowagiac . 1907; Jackson , Address 1940 Horton Av .

, ; , , , ; , Greenwood Avenue 1912 Grand Haven STRONG HERBERT R .- ( R . 1910 D. 1921; Muskegon , Wood , 1924; , , E. Avenue Elected 1914 Ordained previously : Pigeon , ; , White 1932 Retired 1934. Ad 1916 ) . Transferred from North Dakota , , ; , ; dress, 410 Douglas Street , Jackson . Conf . as Probationer 1914 Waldron 1913

Shepardsville , ; , ; SLEE , WILLIAM W ( R ., 1895; D. , 1916 Riverdale 1919 De ; , ; .- Supernumerary , 1925 Maple 1898; E. , 1900) . (Cadwell , 1894) ; Ada , Witt 1923 , Rapids , 1930 ; Coopersville and Marne 1895; Newaygo , 1897; Spring Lake , 1899; ; Coopersville , Cedar Springs , 1901; Grand Rapids , Ep 1934 and Ravenna 1935. Ad ,

dress Coopersville . worth , 1903; Homer , 1907; Portland , 1910: , , ; , Eaton Rapids , 1915; Sturigs , 1918; Benton SUTCLIFF EWART L .- ( R . 1920 D. ; , , ; Harbor , 1925; Niles , 1928; Coldwater , 1931; 1922 E 1925 ) . Orange 1920 Ionia Cir , ; ; Ithaca , 1937. cuit 1922 Scottville , 1925 Plainwell , , ; 1929 Hillsdale 1937 . , ( ; , SMART , HARRY M. R. 1917 D. , , , ; ,

- B ( R . 1919; E. , 1921). Transferred from Detroit SWEM BLUCHER .- 1918 D. , ; , ) . ( 1921 E. 1924 Evart Circuit 1916 ) : Conf ., 1929; Frankfort and Arcadia , 1928. , Address , Frankfort . Cadillac Circuit 1918 ; Delton , 1920 ; Ful ; , ; , ; ton . 1921 Lake City 1924 Sunfield 1925 ; SMITH , EDWARD T .- (R ., 1911; D. , Weidman and Leaton , 1926 Cadillac , 1913; E. , 1915) . (Robinson , 1908; Ravenna , People's 1929 ; Manton , 1930 ; Stanton , 1934 ; , , 1909) ; Casnovia , 1911; Morley , 1914; Ed Hastings Circuit 1936. Address 519 E. , more , 1916; Marion , 1918; Gladwin , 1920; Green St. Hastings .

, ; , ; , Paw Paw and ; , Almena 1923 Clare 1924 THAYER . STANLEY ( R. 1920 D. , ; ; Clare and Farwell 1926 . 1927 ; , , ; Hart Ev 1920 E 1922 ) . Sunfield 1920 Sears and

, , ; ; , art and , Sears 1929 Weidman 1930: Barryton 1922 : Gladwin 1924 Sparta ,

Ashley , ; ; , ; , Bannister and 1931 Colon and 1926 Okemos 1932 Fremont 1934. Leonidas , 1932; Colon , 1933; Homer , 1934; , , ; , E ( R THIES CHARLES . Big Rapids Circuit , 1935. Address , Big .- 1910 D. ; ) . 1912 1916 ( Northport and Indlan Rapids . , , ; , ; Mission 1909 ) 1910 Copemish 1912 Man . , ; , ; , ; , ; Rapids SNELL , CLAIR J .-- ( R . 1931 D. 1933 ton 1916 Elk and Kewadin 1919 , , ; , ; , ; E. 1935 ) . ( Eagle 1930 ) . 1931 Courtland Leave of absence 1923 Old Mission 1924 , , ; , ; , Circuit 1933 Gulien 1934 . lonla Circuit 1925 Mancelona and Alba 292 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

1930; Traverse City , Asbury , May , 1933. 1931; Middleton , 1933; Newaygo , 1934; Address , 126 N. Spruce St. Beaverton , Edenville and Hope , 1936: , "THOMPSON , THOMAS W .- ( R ., 1921; Bear Lake 1937. D. , 1924; E. , 1926) . ( Richland , 1920,) 1921; WADE , HERBERT V.- ( R., 1900; D., Martin , 1922; Oshtemo Parish , 1924; Cen 1902; E. , 1904) . ( North Cambria , 1898) ; ter Eaton , 1925; Supernumerary , 1928: Empire , 1900; Pellston , 1903; Wheatland , Gresham , 1929: Sunfield , 1930; Vermont 1906; Litchfield , 1908; Jackson, Beatrice ville , 1932; Retired , 1934. Address , Wood Isbell , 1910; Carson City , 1911; Lansing . land . First , 1915; Grand Ledge , 1920; Cadillac , THRALL , VICTOR W .- ( R ., 1902; D. , First , 1927; Grand Rapids , Plainfield Ave 1904; E. , 1905). Transferred from Holston nue, 1934. Address , 214 Spencer St. N. W. Conf ., 1925; Albion , 1925: Battle Creek , * WALKER , HARRY E.- ( R ., 1902; D. , First , 1928; D. S. Big Rapids District , 1904; E. , 1907) . ( Barryton , 1897; Wood 1933. Address , 417 Maple St. ville and White Cloud , 1900) , 1902; Maren THURSTON , FREDERICK M. ( R. , go, 1905; At school , 1908; Harbor Springs , ; Rapids , , ; 1900; D., 1902; E. , 1904) . Transferred from 1909 Grand St. Pauls 1916 Kal . , ; amazoo , Parchment , 1925; Kalamazoo , Central New York Conf . 1916 Traverse , , ; , , City , Central, 1916; Grand Rapids , Second First Asst . 1929 Retired 1931. (Oshtemo Street , 1917; Three Rivers , 1920; Stur 1931-5) . Address , Oshtemo . (Deceased gis , 1925; Kalamazoo , Parchment , 1929; since Conference .) Battle Creek , Community and Washington *WARD , DUNCAN M .- (R ., 1871; D.. Heights . 1931; Lansing . Mt. Hope , April , 1874; E .. 1875) . Ashton , 1871; Pierson , 1932: Marshall , 1936. Address , 210 E. 1872: Mattawan , 1874: Whitehall and Mansion St. Montague , 1876; Transferred to Detroit , , ; , Conf ., 1877; Transferred from Detroit TIMMS WILLIAM E. (R. 1928 D. , ; Orange , ; , ; ; , People's , Conf . 1879 1879 Pewamo 1880 1930 E. 1932). (Cadillac 1927) . Berlin , 1881; Retired , 1882; De Witt , 1888; 1928; Kent City , 1929; Grand Rapids . Joy , ; , ; Okemos , 1891; Supernumerary , 1893; Re Memorial 1931 Three Oaks 1934 Leave , ; Eagle , ; , ; , ; Supernumerary , tired 1894 1899 Hubbardston 1901 of Absence 1936 1937. ( In Retired , 1904. Address , Keego Harbor . England ). WARD , J. LAWRENCE- ( R., 1930; D. , * TREUSCHEL , CHARLES - '( R., 1875; D. , ; Fort 1932; E. , 1934) . (Greenbush , 1928) . 1930; 1877 E .. 1879). Kendleville and , ; , Wayne , 1875; Kendleville , 1876; Lansing , At school 1933 Courtland Circuit 1934. Address , Rockford , R. D. Mich ., 1877; Detroit , Beaubien Street , 1880; Bay City , 1883; Wheeling , Ohio , 1886; Co WAY , ALFRED F .-- ( R., 1901, D., 1903; lumbus and Newark , 1891; Columbus , 1893; E. , 1905). (Danby , 1900) : Sheridan , 1901; , ( 'incinnati , Third Church , 1894; Evansville , Orange , 1904; Nashville 1906; Ithaca , ; , ; ; First , 1899: Louisville , Ky .. Jefferson and 1909 Three Rivers 1913 Charlotte . 1916 Secy Deaconess Hospital , 1908; D. S. Louisville Hastings , 1921; Field .. Methodist District, 1909; Detroit , Mich ., First , 1915; Educational Advance of Michigan , 1923; Cincinnati , Ohio , Third . 1917; Dayton , Seey., Methodist Foundation of Michigan , 1918; Marion , 1921; Retired , 1924; Trans 1927; Also Area Secy ., Michigan Part of ferred from Central German Conf ., by Detroit Area , Jan. , 1933; Superintendent , 2224 merger , 1933. Address , Haines City , Flor Bronson Hospital , 1937. Address ida . Benjamin St. , Kalamazoo . TUMA , JOSEPH- ( R., 1910; D. , 1910: E. , WEARNE , RICHARD D.-- ( R., 1914; D. , 1912). Transferred from Detroit Conf ., 1916; E. , 1918). Glen and Casco , 1914; 1926; Shelby , 1926; Coopersville and Battle Creek , Urbandale , 1916; Burr Oak , Marne , 1928: Breckenridge , 1931; Evart 1918; Supernumerary , 1919; Center Eaton and Sears , 1933; Parma , 1936. Group , Charlotte Parish , 1920; Rockford , 1923; Berrien Springs , 1928; Kalamazoo , " VAIGHEN , ELMER ( R. , 1906; D. , , , ; , Damon and Comstock 1933. Address 3211 1908 E. 1916). (Winn 1905). 1906: New Portage St. aygo , 1903; Supernumerary , 1910; McBain , 1313; Waldron , 1916; Beaverton , 1919; *WELDON , IRA T.- ( R ., 1890; D. , 1892; , , ; , ; Hanover , 1921: Keeler , 1926; Blooming E. 1895) . Penfield 1890 Three Oaks 1891 , ; Bangor dale , 1928; Retired . 1930. (Crystal Valley Keeler and Silver Creek 1892 and , 1895: Bath , 1898; Sunfield , and , 1931; Crystal Valley and Breedsville Walkerville 1900; Elsie , 1903: Lansing , , 1907 Bethel , 1932-3) . Address , Crystal Valley . First : Three Rivers , 1912; Lowell , 1913; Grand . , VICKERS JOHN W .- ( R ., 1883; Re ville , 1917; Litchfield , 1919; Quincy , 1920; ceived into Michigan Conf ., from New , ; , , , Jonesville 1924 Retired 1925. Address foundland Conf . Methodist Church of 1027 Maple Street , Albion . , ; ; , , Canada 1889 D. 1985 E. 1887) . Alma , , , ; , ; Ledge , ; Reading , ; WESTON HAROLD F - '( R. 1921 D. 1889 Grand 1892 1896 1926: E .. Liberty Jackson , Ida Stiles , 1900; Charlevoix , 1904; 1927). ( and Somerset , ; Allegan , ; Center , 1920), 1921; Likely's Corners , 1922: Schoolcraft 1906 1908 Muske . , ; , ; Allegan , ; gon Heights , ; , ; , Banfield 1924 Martin 1927 1931 1915 Homer 1920 Retired Dowagiac , Address , 201 Green St. 1922. (Grand Ledge Circuit , 1923). Ad 1937. dress , 214 Maple Street , Grand Ledge . WHEATON , CORNELIUS T .- ( R ., 1926; , ; , , ; , , , D. 1931 E. 1934) . Butler 1926 North WADE BENJAMIN F- ( R. 1909: D. port , 1927; Kingsley , 1929; Cadillac , 1911; E. , 1913) . Empire , 1909; Sherman , People's , 1930; City 1931: ; Marengo , ; Tompkins Mackinaw . 1910 1912 and Win Montgomery . 1934; Center Eaton , 1936. , ; Wesley , Sanford and field 1914 1916: Address , Charlotte , R. F. D. Averill , 1918; Coral, 1920; Supernumerary 19: 1; (Winn , 1923) ; Caledonia , 1924; Pot WHEELER . CLARK S.- ( R ., 1890; D. , terville , 1926; Mackinaw City , 1928; Hart , 1892; E. , 1896) . ( Marion , 1899) ; Paris , 1937 ] PASTORAL RECORD 293

1890; At school , 1892; Prairieville , 1895; ary , 1924; Wacausta , 1925; Saranac and Grand Rapids , Epworth , 1896; Shelby . Orleans , 1933; Ganges , Jan. , 1935. 1899; Bellevue , 1901; Battle Creek , Maple WRIGHT , GEORGE ERVIN .- ( R ., As Street , 1903; South Haven , 1906; Jackson , Elder from Free Baptist Church , 1905). Ida Stiles , 1908; Hillsdale , 1911; D. S. Big Mattawan . 1905; Marcellus , 1907: White Rapids District , 1914; St. Joseph , 1930: Pigeon , 1910; Tekonsha , 1912: Mendon , Petoskey . 1924; D. S. Big Rapids District , 1914; Otsego and Trowbridge , 1918; Battle 1926; D. S. Grand Rapids District . 1928; Creek , l'pton Avenue , 1921; Ovid , 1924; Supt . Clark Memorial Home , 1932; Direc Nashville , 1925; Grand Ledge , 1930; Jack tor Financial Campaign for M. J. Clark son , Beatrice Ishell , 1934; Evart and Sears , Memorial Home , 1935. Address , 70 ( ollege , 1936. Address , Evart. XE WRIGHT . TRUMAN H .- ( R ., 1921; D., WHIPPLE , GEORGE GORTON ( Re . 1916; E. , 1920). ( Saugatuck , 1907; Ban celved on recognition of orders from the feld , 1908; Glen and Casco , 1912: DeWitt , Baptist Church , 1936). Mancelona , 1936; 1914; Wheeler , 1918) : Orleans , 1921; Spring Grand Rapids , Joy Memorial , 1937. Ad port , 1923; Pope , Griffith and Springport , dress , 10 National Ave. , N. W. 1930; Kent City and Casnovia , 1931; Jones , WHITEHOUSE , WILLIAM W. ( R. , ville 1935. 1913; D., 1914; E. , 1915) . Transferred from WYLIE , HERBERT E .-- ( R., 1895; D.. Wisconsin Conf .. 1919; Parma , 1919; At 1898; E. 1900). (Alba , 1893), 1895; Kings school , 1920; Professor in Albion College , ley, 1896; Elm Hall , 1897; Lyons , 1903; 1922; Dean of Albion College , 1929. Ad Maple Rapids , 1908; Montague , 1911; Man dress ; 412 Darrow St. , Albion . ton, 1913; Hesperia , 1916; Holton and , Reading ; WHITNEY , LEROY M .- ( R., 1919; D., Sitka 1918: West . 1921 North , ; Likely's , 1922; E. , 1923). (Wesley , 1918) ; At school , Adams 1925 Osseo and Corners 1919; Farwell , 1920; Rosebush , 1924; Glad 1929; Baih , 1931; Union City and Girard , win , 1928; Kalamazoo , East Avenue , 1934. 1936. Address , Union City . Address , 541 Phelps Av . YINGER , G. DEMPSTER_ ( R., 1925: D.. WHITTEMORE , LOITS M. -- ( R., 1922: 1929; E. , 1931) . (Greenville Circuit , 1924) ; D. , 1920; E. , 1921). ( Fife Lake and South Spring Arbor , 1925; At school , 1927; Three Boardman , 1920), 1922; Ravenna , 1923; Rivers , April , 1934. Address , 215 N. Main . Muskegon , ; North and Holton 1927 North *YOST, RICHARD E. ( R. , 1895; D. , City Muskegon , 1928; Lyons , 1932; Kent 1897; E. , 1899). ( Alanson , 1894) ; Clarion , and Casnovia , January , 1937. Address , Kent 1895; South , ; , City Boardman 1897 Bear Lake . 1898; East Jordon , 1902; Williamsburg , WOOTOX . J. RALPH -- ( R., 1892; D., 1903: Vorwood , 1906; Lake City , 1909; 1894; E. , 1897), Crystal Lake, 1892; Stan . Springport , 1910; Hastings Circuit , 1911; ton, 1893; Freeport , 1894; Shepardsville , Lawton and Mattawan , 1917; Fenville , 1897; Lansing . First , 1898; Alma , 1900; 1919; Middleton , 1922; Edmore and Blan Ovid , 1903; Grand Rapids , St. Paul's , 1906; chard , 1925; Bangor and Breedsville , 1928; Lowell , 1910; Eaton Rapids , 1911; Grand Galesburg and Scotts , 1933; Retired , 1935. Ledge, 1915; Ovid , 1917; Marshall , 1919; (Kalamazoo , Oakwood , 1935; Keeler , 1937.) Lansing , Hope , ; , ; Mt. 1924 Greenville 1926 * YOUNG , BENSON J.- ( R ., 1895: D. , Hillsdale , 1928; Battle Creek , Community , , , ; ; , ; , ; 1896: E. 1918) . (Wheatland 1894 Breck 1930 Premont 1931 Okemos 1934 Nash enridge , , ; Ashley , ; ville, 1936. 1895) 1896 1897 Dis continued , 1898; (Ashley , 1898: Berlin WRIGHT , FRANK G- ( R. 1910: Center , 1899; Einerson , 1906; Randall 1913; 1915) . ( Bloomingdale , 1908) , 1909; Wheeler , 1910: Wacousta , 1911): Re . 1910; Fenville , 1911; Lacota , 1914; Poka admitted , 1916; Wacousta , 1916; Wood - gon, 1915; Alto , 1917; Newaygo and Oak land!, 1918; Potterville , 1920; Retired , 1923. Grove, 1919; Hesperia , 1922; Supernumer Address , Potterville . 294 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937


Accepted Supplies ..178 Albion Collefie .142, 145, 255 Alphabetical Roll ..279 Appointments 173 , 178 Auditor , Conference 190 Boards , Commissions and Committees . 142-148 Bronson Methodist Hospital , Trustees . 1:12 Report of Treasurer .246 Report of Superintendent .199 Clark ( M. J. ) Memorial Home , Trustees .. .143 Advisory Board and Campaign Com .. 143-145 Repts . of Superintendent and Executive Secretary . . 195 , 197 Treasurer , Report of ...... 244 Classes , Ministerial ( Questions 17-25 ) . 169-170 Committees 144-146 Committees , Standing . 146, 160 Conference Officers 141 Conference Relations ( Changes ) 157 , 161. 171 Conference Rules of Order .... . 277-278 Conference Sessions , Historical .272-273 Conference Sunday .162 ( 'orporate Conference ..152 Courses of Study .274-276 Daily Proceedings ..149-164 Deaconess Board Report ( Aldrirh Home ) . . 200-247 Deceased Members . 149 , 171 , 256 , 270 Disciplinary Questions ..168-172 District Superintendent's Report .179 Education , Board of .144 Educational Interests .153 , 156 Epworth League , State and District Officers . .148 Finance Committee Report ..190 Finance Commission Report 190 , 254 Historical .. .272-273 Journal , Daily .149-164 Lay Conference Journal, Resolutions and Roll . 165-167 Local Preacher's Endowment Fund ..242 Memoirs .256-269 Methodist Children's Home , Trustees and Report . . 143 , 194 Methodist Foundation of Michigan , Trustees .. .142 Report .204 Michigan Christian Advocate Trustees and Report . .142 , 158 , 191 Ministerial Training ... ..274-276 Ministers ' Wives ' Association .147 1937 ) INDEX 295

Nominations , Committee on .... 146 Officers of Conference Societies 147-148 Ordination Certificate .164 Organization of Conference ..149 Pastoral Record ...... 279 Pensions and Relief Checks 150 , 168 Probationers .178 Prorating .152 , 153 , 155


Auditors . 1.90 Albion College .255 Bronson Hospital .199 , 246 Brotherhood , Annual Conference ..206 Clark Memorial Home 195 , 197 , 244 Conference Claimants Endowment .236 Deaconess Board and Home 200 , 247 District Superintendents ' .179 Evangelism ..187 Finance , Commission on .190 , 254 Finance , Committee on .190 Lake Louise .189 Local Preachers ' Endowment .242 Methodist Childrens ' Home 194 Methodist Foundation ..204 Michigan Christian Advocate ..191 Minimum Salary Fund .247 Retired Ministers .185 Social Service 186 Special Appointments , Salaries of .206 Statistician's Report .208 Stewards , Board of .249 Treasurer's Report .208 Trustees , Board of .201 World Service .188


Committee Report 103 American Bible Society .103 Boston University .161 Church School Attendance .157 Clark Home Campaign . 151 Conference Claimants Endowment Fund 162 Joint Fall Conference 156 Lay Conference Resolutions .166 296 MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ( 1937

Retired Preachers ..171 Roll, Alphabetical ( Pastoral Record ) .279 Roll Call ...... 149 Roll of Dead .270 Rules of Order ..277 Social Service . 158 , 186 Stewards , Board of 159 , 161, 163, 249 Supernumerary Pastors ... 171 Supply Pastors (Accepted ) .170 , 178 Supplies employed for one year . ..178 Transfers .... 169 , 171 Triers of Appeals .145 Trustees of Conference Organizations .144-145 l'nited Session 157 Woman's Home Missionary Society Officers . .147 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Officers .. ..147 World Service .160, 168 , 188