Bibliography Selection of English Translations of Sources and Further Secondary Reading See also full annotations accompanying each chapter. Primary sources Abelard, Peter, Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian, trans. P. J. Payer, Medieval Sources in Translation, 20 (Toronto, 1979); see also the rendering of the text as Collationes, ed. and trans. J. Marenbon and G. Orlandi, Oxford Medi- eval Texts (Oxford, 2001). Aelred of Rievaulx, On Jesus at the Age of Twelve, trans. Th. Berkeley, in Treatises: The Pastoral Prayer, Cistercian Fathers Series, 2 (Spencer, MA, 1971) pp. 3–39. Anselm of Canterbury, The Prayers and Meditations of St Anselm with the Proslogion, trans. B. Ward (Harmondsworth, 1973). Bernard of Clairvaux, On Loving God, ed. and trans. E. G. Gardner (London, [1916]); On Loving God with an Analytical Commentary by E. Stiegman, Cistercian Fathers Series, 13B (Kalamazoo, MI, 1995). Benton, J. F. (trans.), Self and Society in Medieval France: The Memoirs of Abbot Guibert of Nogent (New York, 1970). Berger, D. (ed. and trans.), The Jewish–Christian Debate in the High Middle Ages: A Critical Edition of the Nizzahon Vetus (Philadelphia, PA, 1979). Chazan, R. (ed.), Church, State and Jew in the Middle Ages (New York, 1980). Edwards, J. (trans. and ed.), The Jews in Western Europe, 1400–1500 (Manchester, 1994). Eidelberg, S. (ed. and trans.), The Jews and the Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades (Madison, WI, 1977). Maccoby, H. (ed. and trans.), Judaism on Trial: Jewish–Christian Disputations in the Middle Ages (Rutherford, NJ, 1982). Resnick, I. M. (trans.), On Original Sin and a Disputation with the Jew, Leo, Concerning the Advent of Christ, the Son of God: Two Theological Treatises of Odo of Tournai (Philadelphia, PA, 1994).
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