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Her Husband Claims Russian Throne to Father Recognise* Boy Tear Gas Convicts Who Education Budget" Buyers Return Republicans After 19«Year Search Quells For for Hot Coffee at 192S Expected From Run La Guardia Son, Also Hunting, Fail» to Riot Night To Be Europe Identify Man bv 32-Year- $95.600, ' Photo Spatial Disput eh It, //«-. tribune mitt*6*i work fl.;'f,f.frk'*i| (Ù member» On For ; Old IONIA. Äiich., Aug. _$». A riot in the and thair tuppfitter*. about IS p. m. and Board May Approve rWJ Olympic Congress MONTREAL. Aug. 29.~--Two photo¬ j. ni,» .¦*,-.'ifd. which led Deeaty.War¬ itate 3'eforrnatory here last midnight;, at one n old-fashioned den Tloyd Cummins to call en state Mecling graphs Hid'ti., authorities had to with ;-.. To-day. White Star Liner CliairmanKoeiiigAnnounces, which quell police at i** i u if for b.b?¡ stance. School« jj* Brings likeness of « man taken thirty-twd ¡tear bomb*, was started by maltón- Before th« pórato «. privad, 'Ward-in Likei? »o cC to Nominate Ex- a m»n- a Passengers With Decision jeni"- Bg". aurl the other fílete tonta who thought the prison super- Berns returoaa from Lansing with Because of Many ta! picture of a baby hoy- were the dozen taW gas bomb«, which he had Goej for Aideriuanic President to to each visors ought to serve coffee to the in- 0^ Sample Importation» only clows that could identify received from the State Department oi A Fall and Winter Wear Succeed Isaac Siegel other to-day two man whose mutuel mute, at night. Public Safety for use in jaft «uch an l'Ough '."?.t.n;f)î, r/ t« search had lasted nineteen years. Urievances over a cold meal, served ííjuergency. The bnmhft wer«-» immedi¬ budget for 1923 In the of a hotel the two men thrown the comb« tant* by mobUiw.';J2! lobby during a gas shortage, also played a ately among »fternootts om of on Zeltner INamed in 14th met, one fortifying his memory with tne prison guards. of the Board of th/S* English Girl Held Ship glances at th«; yellowing; picture in his part in the uprising. Sixty prisoner» As th«-r bomb« burst, scattering '. ¦:¦.<> Kd.-cati.r, »¿¡T* hand, tho other striving to recall the engaged in the disturbance. fumes through tire dormitory in which ¦;v,,n' Max H. Shebitz Chosen to features that were pictured only in hi.» The sent ft ¿Se ftfifhî centered, the comb«tant« ran, ¡*ad Deen éxp«««_«w3a/** Colonel Michael Friedsam mind. The machine-mad« picture prisoner» yesterday '..¡th tears streaming down tha'r.fa-Jé*., « Fill the Vacancy in Four¬ but the mind- committee to Warder- int'» itflothar dormitory, where they .o ...* Board of Back From Mis¬ proved useless, phantom homas Burns, but the mf«''--" RstirngV KÖ_» Special wan 1 rue. frievance only ware herded together by the *>ri?oj. .oration* «ill be made .. * teenth Senate District photo at issue wan ths of thf state ¿ .*.« sion forPresidentHarding Bernard Lovcque reached forward policy guard--. ..." to-morrow and embraced his whom he had in cutting $1 A day from the niteri'l Twelve state police, rushed fror.* approxlmaw figurew.r*-:^;-'^«^-of Samuel S. ""¿oenig. chairman of thé boy, on contract work, That was t&kotSJ not Men for twenty-eight years. His wages Lansing by' motor, arrived at th* re¬ said to have been agreed vp-,*- ** The first big quota of American buy¬ Now York Republican County Gonimit* settled satisfactorily, but th« com- at this and assisted This sum ,-. son, with the old photograph in his formatory juncture about ^itaa* , ers rushing home with their sample tee, gave the county leaders a good failed to recognize his father. mittee neglected to take up tho hot the reformatory official» in we#diftff than that recommended deal of a shock last announc¬ hands, coffe«*** bv t__ _* for fall and winter wear night by The death of wife forced An<T cold meals question .¦¡'h out th« ringleaders of the fight and of to-Mr-int-ndents and .* importations that it had been decided to nom¬ Lsvcque's tho warden. theft) in *****, «Ä" in thia was landed last ing hilft to put his two sons in fin orphan- j placing dells. By 3 o'clock 000 «r.ate.* :hflr, that country night inate Fiorelln H. La Guardia, former Prisoners dissatisfied with the com- order w-jh restored. r.a^J *!'0^- the Whit« Star liin*-r Board nge in Ogdcnsburg, N. Y.. twenty- by Olympic, President; of the of Aldermen, ago. The older a lad *14.720,78*.«« .;. o'clock. It was for in Congress from eight years boy- day ¿i^****1 which docked at 7:10 Representative of aeven- -died, but Bernard jr. thrived. Automobile Ciub and the ambulance .school«, $2,1.4,571.1; ;,; ^ liner over the 20th District, now represented by schools, and estimated that the brought Isaac Every nummer, for nineteen years, Chauffeur transport are en -operating with tlMlMMß tí ¿ff* Siegel. whenever his work in New York Repudiates brigade schools, making a a* at least 4,000 trunks and crates, the In 1920 La Guardia was bit¬ per¬ "he Aero Club ifi the plan. total _<*ÏÏ*'' Major mitted him a vacation, he spent it in Divorce Suit «21.GO. Another $\ .ö,g?o «{ ^ifr property of her 1,422 passengers. terly opposed to the Republican state searching for his father. The trail Testimony paid by th» Federal gw**r-*-W /-*¦ The bulk of the baggage was ticket and denounced it in strong Sisters Drown on Vacation vocational great terms. He did not become reconciled finally led to Montreal. His father had Affidavits Filed to Have Decree training. eSJ.*! rot cleared until 11:80 o'clock and been, nil tho a tinuation and similar ** to the Republicans last year in the Whil<*, conducting Tn* failure of puro.»«7 much of it was sent to the Appraiser's similar search. An advertisement to¬ Favoring Ernest Schüler Phephe and Gretchen Lyden, of ¿«sterdsy'B mayoralty campaign. William R. pass tne budget wai »"«ig,. Stores for examination. Hearst n few days ago in¬ day brought word to the boy's room Set Aside Rutherford, the Victim» expi.-,**J^J* special strongly that a stranger was to see desire of the committee chare«! tl3 The customs officials would not say- dorsed Major La Guardia as the fittest waiting Affidavits involving repudiation of FRANKLIN, N. I", Aug. 29.. side? requests for candidate for the to nom¬ h im. The stranger was his father. equals»«« ..Z*' < that had been advised in advance Republicans Both will now live at the home in testimony given previously by wit- Gretchen and Phoebe of Ruther¬ ppraitâl.ôf salaries to they inate for Governor. boy's Lyden, time for that bf^-fí»"P'W ÎS*'* of the big rush on the Olympic, but The 20th District, in which Ma¬ New York. noBset* in the suit for divorce brought ford, N. .7.. sisters, eighteen and fifteen puraos«. Ernest an and es- Mueh of the -iscusiion T«t..j ' the surveyor's stafT had an unusually jor La Guardia will run, 'embraces by Schüler, importer years old, rortpcctively, were drowned centered around the coal a Socialist vote. Two of 11. Nassau were filed ii£822r!£ big list of deputy surveyors, inspectors large years ago porter, Street, in the Pemigewaaset River to-day. the opinion that it will net b* the Republicans and Democrats fused Son of Blind Pastor with Justice in to cloe "^! and appraisexs on the pier when the in their of «Mr. and de¬ May Brooklyn yester- They were daughters o£ Ffanlc P. sary any schools bem«»-fY'*'f *» support Siegel day in support of the wife's application threatened shortage ,.«*«,- Olympic sent its targe commercial pas¬ feated Morris Hillquit, Socialist, Enters College at 13 Lyden, 'assistant general manager of Pressent George J, Ry_n senger complement ashore. Zeltner Picked in 14th j to have* the decree set aside. the International Paper Company. that Inas been pafaE*.;* individual col¬ :.i. Kuhlkin tho provision ffi_-uZ% Automatically, every Chairman Koenig announced that Al¬ Learned Letters While a Baby Louis jr., corespond¬ Ph ce be. who was wading where the schools outside Manhattan fa ,£_ lection of baggage with dutiable con¬ derman Louis Zeltner had been chosen ent named in the divorce action and borough the firm which in was held and Soon Read Books and as river bottom drops off sharply, got -ei. *£,£* tents exceeding $500 value as the. Republican candidate for Con¬ formerly employed the Schuiera' the contract found itself »nable or examination at the to at their her and sank. Gretcheft . t* W special Ap- gress in the 14th District, now repre¬ Newspapers Father chauffeur Whitcstone, Queens, beyond depth up to the agreement and ih« b;d. i»I *. -aiscr'a Stores. The segregation of sented Syrrlal Dispatch to Ttft Tribuna home, now declares that the testimony lost her life attemn'.ir.g to -r-icue her to be reaavertlse-*. "f* . by Meyer London, Socialist. Th,; -?f, e luggage took up much time and In the 14th Senate District Max CHICAGO, Aug. 29.--Willmore Ken¬ he gave at the trial was "wholly false oister. Neither girl could swim, opened this afternoon. .ihree and a half hours after the véa¬ H. of the dall thirteen matricu¬ and untrue and wfts inspired by the Leo Routhier, who went to the girls' The contract for the Star Shebitz, president Fed¬ jr., years old, was overcome ««cos-j aMk\V¿ lo! docked the White Line pjer eral Republican Club, was chos.n lated nt Northwestern Univer¬ plaintiff." He had testified that he had assistance, nearly by to the Curt,, High School, N« *.