Extensions of Remarks 17041

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Extensions of Remarks 17041 June 8, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17041 I also announce that the Senator from Dakota (Mr. YOUNG) are necessarily Pearson Schweiker Stone Pell Scott, Hugh Taft Missouri (Mr. SYMINGTON) and the Sen­ absent. Percy Sparkman Talmadge ator from Indiana (Mr. BAYH) are ab­ The result was announced-yeas 74, Proxmire Stafford Thurmond sent because of illness. nays 1, as follows: Randolph Stevens Tower Roth Stevenson Williams I further announce that, if present [Rollcall Vote No. 249 Leg.) NAYS-1 and voting, the Senator from Indiana YEAS-74 (Mr. BAYH), the Senator from Indiana Scott, William L. Abourezk Domenici Humphrey (Mr. HARTKE) , and the Senator from Allen Durkin Javits NOT VOTING--25 Washington (Mr. JACKSON) would each Baker Eagleton Kennedy Bayh Griffin McGovern vote "yea." Bartlett Fannin Leahy Brooke Hartke Ribicoff Beall Fong Magnuson Buckley Inouye Stennis Mr. HUGH SCOTT. I announce that Bellmon Ford McClellan Bumpers Jackson Symington the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Bentsen Garn McClure Church Johnston Tunney BROOKE), the Senator from New York Biden Glenn McGee Clark Laxalt Weick er Brock Gravel Mcintyre Curtis Long Young (Mr. BUCKLEY), the Senator from Ne­ Burdick Hansen Metcalf Eastland Mansfield braska (Mr. CURTIS), the Senator from Byrd, Hart, Gary Mondale Goldwater Mathias Arizona (Mr. GOLDWATER), the Senator Harry F ., Jr. Hart, Philip A. Montoya Byrd, Robert C. Haskell Morgan from Michigan (Mr. GRIFFIN), the Sen­ Cannon Hatfield Moss RECESS UNTIL 9 A .M. ator from Nevada (Mr. LAxALT), the Case Hathaway Muskie Senator from Maryland (Mr. MATHIAS), Chiles Helms Nelson The motion was agreed to; and at 8: 10 Cranston Hollings Nunn the Senator from Connecticut <Mr. Culver Hruska Packwood p.m., the Senate recessed until tomor­ WEICKER) , and the Senator from North Dole Huddleston Pastore row, Wednesday, June 9, 1976, at 9 a.m. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NO COMPROMISE WITH HONOR who are inclined to lean in that direction. HUNGARIANS IN ROMANIA Maintaining the traditional standards of public and private morality we have always HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. held to be a part of our national character HON. EDWARD J. PATTEN OF VIRGINIA seems to be getting harder all the time. OF NEW JERSEY The cheating scandal at West Point pro­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES vides a text-book case of the way in which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 8, 1976 these standards are being tested. Tuesday, June 8, 1976 The academy's Honor Code provides that Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ "A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or toler­ Mr. PATTEN. Mr. Speaker, the Amer­ dent, the Charlottesville, Va., Daily ate those who do." ican Hungarian Federation and the Progress published an excellent editorial In a civilized society that does not seem to Transylvanian World Federation, in co­ Sunday, June 6, concerning allegations be a terribly unreasonable standard of con­ ordination with other groups concerned of widespread cheating at the U.S. Mili­ duct to expect future officers of the United about the situation of the Hungarian tary Academy. States armed forces to live up to. Nor, for people in Romania, have provided a great that matter, does it seem an unreasonable deal of information about this human The Daily Progress says it disagrees standard of behavior to expect of any citizen. completely with those who feel that the rights problem. Yet there are those who say the code is The Romanian Government recently academy honor system should be dis­ obsolete; that it is out of place in our mod­ regarded. ern society. Its critics say everyone cheats published a paper to answer Hungarian The editorial makes a telling point in and the competitive environment of the organization charges of ''oppression and quoting retired Gen. Bruce Clarke, who Academy makes cheating necessary and even exploitation of the Hungarians and Ger­ asked in a speech last week: acceptable. mans in Romania." At the request of the Do yo\l want an officer who had to cheat We could not disagree more. American Hungarian Federation, I am to win his commission leading your son into The graduate of the United States Military submiting for the RECORD, the initial re­ battle? Academy will not be put to the test of pro­ sponse of the Hungarian organizations to fessional survival in the work-a-day world the Romanian paper. The statement fol­ The editor of the editorial page of the of business, the trades or the arts. lows: Daily Progress is George Bowles, a re­ His test may come on a battlefield where FOREWORD tired Army colonel. he will be in command of American soldiers. Upon his leadership and character will de­ On July 30, 1976 the American Hungarian I ask unanimous consent to have Federation, the Transylvanian World Fed­ printed in the RECORD the editorial cap­ pend the lives of his men the success of their mission. eration and other Transylvanian organiza­ tioned "No Compromise With Honor." tions submitted a Memorandum to the Sub­ There being no objection, the edi­ The officer who finds himself in com­ commission on Prevention of Discrimination mand in such a situation must have proved and Protection of Minorities of the United torial was ordered to be printed in the himself every inch of the way. He must not RECORD, as follows: Nations Human Rights Commission in Ge­ have gotten there by cheating. neva. The Memorandum contained concrete No COMPROMISE WITH HONOR Thus in the present scandal West Point information about the oppression and exploi­ Allegations of widespread cheating at the is as much on trial as are the accused cadets. tation of the Hungarians and Germans in United States Military Academy at West If the standards of honor are lowered the Romania which has reached the stage of Point are once again causing the present­ whole country will be the loser. cultural genocide. day relevance of the school's Honor Code to Let us not forget every citizen has a stake Lately, the Government of the Socialist be questioned. in the outcome. Not only do we rely upon Republic of Romania has sponsored the pub­ It seems to be a pa.rt of human nature to these young men-and women-to develop lication by its state-administered Institute discard a principle if enough people disre­ into strong leaders for the defense of the of Political Sciences and of Studying the gard it, no matter how sound the principle Republic, but we must remember if another National Question in Bucharest, entitled may be. Even in the halls of Congress, many war comes, which God forbid, it is our "The Hungarian Nationality in Romania." of the gentlemen on the hill seem willing sons they will be leading. The bo<·.tlet was sent "With the Compliments to wink at the sexual meanderings of other As Gen. Bruce Clarke asked in a speech of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of members because such activity is privately last week, "Do you want an officer who had Romania" to many Senatorial and Congres­ conceded to be common practice, and-as to cheat to win his commission leading your long as no public money is involved-none sional offices. of the public's business, anyway. son into battle?" Both of our Federations have been ap­ The American character has never been We certainly do not. palled by the mendacious assertions in the quite willing to institutionalize the proposi­ The code's critics notwithstanding, on the booklet which purport to refute our argu­ tion that a rip-off is all right as long as you battlefield there can be no compromise with ments based on concrete ducumenta.tion and get away with it, but there are always those honor. have decided to publish a short, immediate 17042 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 8, 1976 reply to the booklet and send it to interested As to the acquisition of Transylvania. in stantial degree as conveyor belts of Roma­ parties in the United States Senate, House 1918, the booklet conveniently forgets that nian culture to the national minorities, par­ of Representative, the Administration's ap­ after having concluded a peace treaty in ticularly the Hungarians and Germans. We propriate agencies and scholars. A later study March 1918 they "declared war" on a Hun­ will deal with the particular statistics which will deal with the statistical assertions of the gary which had left the war in the wake of is at best misleading, if not mendacious, in booklet: this time the genera.I assumptions the dissolution of the Dual Monarchy and a later study. and descriptions of the booklet are being had demobilized its army. The Hungarian In the Annexes the "voluntary" state­ analyzed. offer of plebiscites at the peace negotiations ment of Bishops Papp and Klein and Super­ We hope that the reader will be able to were not accepted. intendent Lengyel ls reproduced calling the reach his own decisions about the true situ­ The economic and participatory parts national President of the American Hun­ ation in Romania.. This could be compared show, even according to the quoted statis­ garian Federation, Bishop Beky misinformed with the worst of national minority oppres­ tics, that compared to the rapid development about the conditions of religious freedom sion in all of Europe against the largest na­ of Romanian economy, the Hungarian coun­ in Romania. Interestingly, the statements of tional group in Europe outside of the soviet ties, particularly those of the Szekely areas Bishop Beky at the Nairobi Congress of the Union which finds itself, without having which are purely Hungarian have remained World Council of Churches were not re­ been asked by any plebiscite, in the Socia.list slightly industrialized and developed in com­ futed in specifics by the clergymen from Republic of Romania.
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