Anniversaries and Other Celebrations United States
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ANNIVERSARIES AND OTHER CELEBRATIONS UNITED STATES July IS, 1938. Cincinnati, Ohio: Celebration of eighty-fifth anniver- sary of publication of the American Israelite. July 22-24, 1938. Bellefaire, Ohio: Celebration of seventieth anni- versary of founding of the CLEVELAND JEWISH ORPHAN HOME. July 25, 1938. New Rochelle, N. Y.: Eighty-fifth anniversary of birth of PHILIP COWEN, communal worker, former editor of American Hebrew. August 7, 1938. Philadelphia, Pa.: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of HORACE STERN, State Supreme Court Judge, communal leader. August 10, 1938. Philadelphia, Pa.: Eightieth anniversary of birth of JOSEPH H. RUBIN, communal worker. August 28, 1938. Erie, Pa.: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of ISADOR SOBEL, civic and communal leader. September 13, 1938. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of CYRUS ADLER, scholar and communal leader. September 23, 1938. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fiftieth anni- versary of SOLOMON SOLIS-COHEN as physician. October 28-30, 1938. Baltimore, Md.: Celebration of eighty-fifth anniversary of founding of TEMPLE OHEB SHOLEM. October 30, 1938. Cincinnati, Ohio: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of DR. DAVID PHILIPSON, as rabbi of Rockdale Avenue Temple, on his retirement. November 11-13, 1938. Milwaukee, Wis.: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of founding of CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL. November 13, 1938. New York City: Fiftieth anniversary of Ameri- can debut as pianist of MORITZ ROSENTHAL. November 26, 1938. New York City: Twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of PHI SIGMA SIGMA, national collegiate sorority. November, 1938. Springfield, Mass.: Twenty-fifth anniversary of SAMUEL PRICE, as rabbi of Temple Beth El. November, 1938. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of birth of Louis FABRICANT, communal worker. December 8, 1938. New York City: Sixty-fifth anniversary of birth of Louis GINZBERG, talmudist, professor at Jewish Theological Semi- nary. December 11, 1938. New York City: Celebration of tenth anniver- sary of founding of YESHIVA COLLEGE. December 11, 1938. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fiftieth anni- versary of founding of the JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA. December 18, 1938. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of founding of the UNITED HEBREW TRADES. December 18, 1938. New York City: Fiftieth anniversary of birth of ROBERT MOSES, head of Park Commission. 393 394 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK December 25, 1938. Baltimore, Md.: Celebration of fiftieth anni- versary of founding of the Baltimore Branch of the ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE. January 6, 1939. Memphis, Tenn.: Celebration of eightieth anniver- sary of birth of HARDWIG PERES, Zionist leader. January 17, 1939. Gloversville, N. Y.: Eightieth anniversary of birth of Lucius N. LITTAUER, philanthropist. January 19, 1939. New York City: Twenty-fifth anniversary of publication of Menorah Journal. January 20-22, 1939. Detroit, Mich.: Celebration of fortieth anni- versary of LEO M. FRANKLIN as rabbi in Detroit. January 22, 1939. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of MAX L. HOLLANDER as secretary of Independent Order Brith Abraham. January 27-30, 1939. St. Louis, Mo.: Celebration of centenary of founding of the UNITED HEBREW TEMPLE. February 1, 1939. New York City: Fiftieth anniversary of birth of Z. H. RUBINSTEIN, editor. March 10, 1939. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of seventieth anni- versary of founding of CONGREGATION AHAWATH ACHIM, and twenty- fifth anniversary of JOSEPH H. PAYMER, as its rabbi. March 14, 1939. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary on the stage of SARA P. ADLER, actress. March 14, 1939. Princeton, N. J.: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of ALBERT EINSTEIN, scientist. March 15, 1939. New York City: Twenty-fifth anniversary of found- ing of NEW YORK GUILD FOR THE JEWISH BLIND. April 9, 1939. Philadelphia, Pa.: Fiftieth anniversary of establish- ment of KENESETH ISRAEL FREE LIBRARY and eightieth anniversary of birth of HART BLUMENTHAL, Chairman of the Library. April 11, 1939. Portland, Ore.: Celebration of seventieth anniver- sary of birth of JOSEPH SHEMANSKI, philanthropist. April 20, 1939. New York City and Paris, France: Fiftieth anniver- sary of birth of DAVID J. SCHWEITZER, communal worker. April, 1939. New York City: Celebration of Golden Jubilee of found- ing of the FRIENDLY CLUB, originally formed for aid to exiles. May 7, 1939. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of HERBERT S. GOLDSTEIN, as rabbi. May 10, 1939. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary as minister of SAMUEL SCHULMAN, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu-El. May 15, 1939. New York City: Fiftieth anniversary of birth of H. LEVICK, Yiddish playwright and poet. May 21, 1939. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of literary and communal activity of M. KATZ, publicist. June 15, 1939. Washington, D. C: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of founding of CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS. June 23-25, 1939. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of founding of SIGMA OMEGA PSI FRATERNITY. June 25, 1939. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of publication of the Jewish World. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS 395 OTHER COUNTRIES July 3, 1938. Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: Twenty-fifth anniversary of HERMAN BARANOV, as Secretary of the United Hebrew Congregation. July 10, 1938. London, England: Celebration of seventy-fifth anni- versary of founding of the BAYSWATER SYNAGOGUE. July 27, 1938. London, England: Seventieth anniversary of birth of MICHAEL ADLER, D.S.O., minister. July, 1938. London, England: Twenty-fifth anniversary of appoint- ment of HIRSH FERBER, rav in Soho and West Central districts. July, 1938. Manchester, England: Celebration of seventieth anni- versary of birth of JACOB PHILLIPS, minister. August 4, 1938. London, England: Seventieth anniversary of birth of J. F. MIDLOWSKY, physician and communal worker. August 28, 1938. Jerusalem, Palestine: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of M. M. USSISHKIN, Zionist leader. August, 1938. Kingston, Jamaica: Fiftieth anniversary of founding of the DUKE STREET SYNAGOGUE. August, 1938. , Palestine: Fiftieth anniversary of birth of SHMUEL JOSEPH AGNON, Hebrew author. August, 1938. Antwerp, Belgium: Celebration of ninetieth anniver- sary of birth of ELIAS KARLIN, communal leader. September 11, 1938. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of ministry of M. GOLLOP, Dayan. September 14, 1938. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of publication of the Jewish Times, and of MORRIS MYER, its founder, as Editor-in-Chief. September 15, 1938. Canada: Two hundredth anniversary of Jewish immigration to Canada. September, 1938. Glasgow, Scotland: Celebration of fiftieth anni- versary of founding of the GLASGOW HEBREW BENEVOLENT LOAN SOCIETY. October 17, 1938. London, England: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of SIR EDWARD MEYERSTEIN, philanthropist. November 15, 1938. Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: Thirtieth anniversary of publication of the Zionist Record. November, 1938. Leeds, England: Celebration of eightieth anni- versary of birth of JACOB SAMUELS, reader emeritus. December 20, 1938. Manchester, England: Seventy-fifth anniver- sary of the birth of REV. HARRIS NEWMAN. December, 1938. , Netherlands: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of DUTCH BRANCH OF THE ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE. December, 1938. Leeds, England: Twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of the UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS JEWISH STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION. January 14, 1939. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of ministry of VIVIAN G. SIMMON, at West London Syna- gogue. 396 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK January 16, 1939. Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: Celebra- tion of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of A. M. ABRAHAMS, Zionist leader. February 4, 1939. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of EPHRAIM LEVINE, as minister. February 5, 1939. Jerusalem, Palestine: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of PlNCHAS RUTENBERG, Zionist, hydro-electric engineer. March 2, 1939. London, England: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of SIR PHILIP JOSEPH HARTOG, K.B.E., educator. March 2, 1939. Jerusalem, Palestine: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of DAVID YELLIN, philologist and lecturer. March 11, 1939. Sydney, New South Wales: Seventieth anniversary of birth of SIR SAMUEL COHEN, communal worker. March, 1939. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Celebration of eighty-fifth anni- versary of birth of ALEXANDER ZISSKIND RABINOWITZ (Azar), poet, moralist, talmudist, Zionist. April, 1939. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Celebration of tercentenary of the AMSTERDAM SEPHARDIC JEWISH COMMUNITY. April, 1939. Glasgow, Scotland: Ninetieth anniversary of birth of H. M. LANGMAN, communal worker. May 4, 1939. Jerusalem, Palestine: Seventieth anniversary of first issue of Hebrew weekly Havazeleth. May 7, 1939. Moscow, Russia: Celebration of seventieth anniver- sary of birth of LEO BRAMSON, president of the Ort. May, 1939. Moscow, Russia: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of SHOLOM ALEICHEM, deceased. June, 1939. Warsaw, Poland: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of publication of Haint, Yiddish weekly. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS UNITED STATES ADLER, JULIUS OCHS, New York City, elected by Boy Scout Foun- dation of Greater New York, member of Executive Board; reported, May 17, 1939. AMBERG, JULIUS, Grand Rapids, Mich., awarded by Community Chest, honor