Town Names and Their Frequencies, Extracted from Kremenets District Documents Prepared by Dr

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Town Names and Their Frequencies, Extracted from Kremenets District Documents Prepared by Dr Town Names and their Frequencies, extracted from Kremenets District Documents Prepared by Dr. Ronald D. Doctor ([email protected]) and Ellen Garshick ([email protected]) Co-Coordinators, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP / Kremenets-District Research Group Sorted by Town Name Sorted by Frequency of Occurrence Town No. of Entries Rank Town No. of Entries 26 Aug 2021 → 26 Aug 2021 Admont, Austria 8 1 Kremenets 141,810 Afek, Israel 25 2 Vishnevets 48,764 Afikim, Israel 4 3 Radzivilov 39,190 Afula, Israel 50 4 Shumsk 35,746 Ahuzat Shoshana, Israel 2 5 Katerburg 17,328 see Akkerman, Akerman Yampol 15,283 Bessarabia 6 Akimovka, Melitopol 3 Vyshgorodok 13,108 district 7 Akkerman, Bessarabia 10 8 Lanovtsy 12,674 Akko, Israel 21 9 Ostrog 12,367 Aktra 2 10 Belozirka 11,413 Albany, CA 3 11 Pochayev 9,349 Albany, NY 20 12 Oleksinets 8,181 Aleksandriya, Rovno Berezhtsy, Kremenets 127 6,048 district 13 district Aleksandrovskiy district, 1 Rokhmanov 5,973 Odessa 14 Aleksiniec, Aleksinets see Oleksinets 15 Dubno 3,963 Alexandria, Egypt 1 16 Kozin 3,925 Amesbury, MA 2 17 Berezhtsy 2,680 Amsterdam, Netherlands 6 New York, NY 2,581 18 Ananyev 5 19 Lakhovtsy 2,557 Andruga village 2 20 Teofipol 2,099 Andrushovka village 15 21 Annopol 2,005 Anniston, AL 1 22 Kunev 1,573 Annopol 2,005 23 Rovno 1,189 Annopol, Ostrog district 99 24 Berestechko 1,174 Ansbach, Germany 10 25 Verba 1,105 Ansonia, CT 45 26 Israel 1,008 Antonin, Russia 2 27 Lutsk 914 Antonovka 1 28 Zaslav 816 Antonovka settlement, see Antonovka, Rovno Buenos Aires, Argentina 812 Kovale district district 29 Antonovka settlement, see Antonovka, Rovno Tuchin community, Rovno Tel Aviv, Israel 773 district district 30 Antonovka, Lutsk district 6 Brody, Galicia 717 31 Antonovka, Rovno district 73 Bazaliya 701 32 Antonovka, Shumsk 3 Starokonstantinov 683 community 33 Antonovtse 34 34 Brooklyn, NY 637 Antonovtsy see Antonovtse 35 Haifa, Israel 636 Arad, Israel 2 36 Olyka 610 Argentina 74 37 Kupel 594 Ariel, Israel 4 38 Philadelphia, PA 491 Arizona, USA 2 39 Podberezhtse 461 Arkhangelsk, Russia 1 40 Boremel 459 Mezherichi, Ostrog Artic Center, IN 2 419 41 district Ashdod, Israel 14 42 Varkovichi 415 Ashdot Yakov Ihud, Israel 11 Krylow, Poland 410 43 Ashdot Yakov, Israel 8 44 Kilikiev 403 Ashkelon, Israel 9 45 Warszawa, Poland 402 Ashmyany district see Oshmyany, Belarus 46 Goshcha, Ostrog district 397 Ataki, Soroki district, 11 Gorokhov 382 Bessarabia 47 Atlantic City, NJ 2 48 Berdichev 370 Atlit, Israel 3 49 Poritsk 355 Austin, TX 1 50 St. Louis, MO 347 Australia 21 51 Mizoch 342 Austria 290 52 USA 342 Ayalon, Israel 1 53 Chicago, IL 339 Babi Yar, Kiev 3 54 Tuchin 309 Bacău (Bakoy), Romania 4 55 Ramat Gan, Israel 308 Bad Carlsruhe, Germany 3 56 Jerusalem, Israel 294 Bad Reichenhall, Germany 24 Austria 290 57 Demidovka village, Dubno Bad Salzschlirf, Germany 4 286 58 district see Badichany, Badiceni Muravitsa, Dubno district 286 Bessarabia 59 Badichany, Bessarabia 31 60 Korets 284 see Baymakliya, Baimaclia, Izmail district Izmail district, Vladimir 283 Bessarabia 61 Baker City, OR 20 Tarnopol district, Galicia 264 62 Bakhmut 7 63 Klevan 240 Bakoty, Kremenets district 1 Zbarazh, Galicia 237 64 Baku, Azerbaijan 2 65 Demidovka 222 Baldwin Harbor, Long 10 Boston, MA 221 Island, NY 66 Balfouria, Israel 7 67 Zhitomir 221 Balta 14 68 Volochisk 220 Baltimore, MD 65 69 Proskurov 208 Bamberg, Germany 1 70 Lviv, Galicia 203 Bar 18 71 Kornitsa 194 Baranovichi, Belarus 18 72 Odessa 191 Baranovka 24 73 Lobachuvka 182 Barcelona, Spain 2 74 Tarnopol, Galicia 176 Baremel see Boremel 75 Bielogorodka 175 Baretska volst, Kremenets see Boretsvoj-volosti Krupets 172 district 76 Barron, WI 8 77 Polonnoye 170 Barsuki 33 78 Slavuta 169 Bashuki, Staryy Oleksinets 4 Lodz, Poland 168 community 79 see Bashuki, Staryy Kulchiny, Starokonstantinov Baszuki Oleksinets, 165 district community 80 Bat Hefer, Israel 1 81 Omaha, NE 160 Bat Yam, Israel 76 82 Svinyukhi 154 Batavia, NY 4 83 Novyy Oleksinets 149 Bay Minette, AL 16 84 Mogilev 147 Baymaki 4 85 Brest, Belarus 146 Baymakliya, Izmail district, 2 Torchin 146 Bessarabia 86 Bayonne, NJ 1 87 Satanov 144 Bazaliya 701 88 Lublin, Poland 142 Baziilie see Bazaliya 89 Mlinov 140 Be’er Tuvia, Israel 2 90 Kovel 139 Lokachi, Vladimir-Volinskiy Bedzin, Poland 18 138 91 district Beer Toviya, Israel Ozeryany, Varkovichi 2 133 community, Dubno district 92 Beeri, Israel 1 93 Petah Tikva, Israel 132 Beersheba, Israel 30 94 Kolodno 128 Beit Dagan, Israel Aleksandriya, Rovno 4 127 95 district Beit Hashita, Israel 5 96 Folwarki Wielkie 125 Beit Oved, Israel 2 97 Oswiecim, Galicia 124 Beit She’arim, Israel 5 98 Newark, NJ 121 Beit She'an, Israel 6 99 Kolki 117 Beit Zayit, Israel 11 Mezhirichi, Rovno district 117 100 Belashov village 3 101 Kulchin 114 Belaya Krinitsa 10 102 Kiryat Hayyim, Israel 113 Belaya Tserkov 24 103 Lyubar 111 Belevo, Vyshgorodok 9 Kashovka, Kovel district 108 community 104 Belgium 4 105 Kremenets district 106 Belgorod community, Kiev Pankovtsy village, Yampol 1 105 province 106 community Belilovka, Kiev province 1 107 Holon, Israel 104 Belitsa, Lithuania 3 108 Staryy Oleksinets 103 Belizhintsy 2 109 Annopol, Ostrog district 99 Belka 6 110 Gritsev 99 Belle Harbor, NY 2 111 Stepan 97 Bellingham, WA 2 112 Berezno, Rovno district 94 Belmar, NJ 1 113 Legnica, Poland 93 Belogorodka see Bielogorodka 114 Bronx, NY 92 Belogorye see Lakhovtsy 115 Druzhkopol 91 Belokamenka, Austria 2 116 Nikolayev 89 Belopolye 4 117 Dvinsk, Belarus 87 Belostok 20 118 Hrubieszow, Poland 87 Belostok, Poland 37 119 Peremorovka village 87 Belotserkovka 2 120 Medzhibozh 86 Belozerka see Belozirka 121 Ozhigovtsy 86 Belozirka 11,413 122 Vinnitsa 85 Belozorek see Belozirka 123 Borki 82 Belozorki see Belozirka 124 Podolia province 82 see Bialykamien, Belyy Kamen Milwaukee, WI 80 Galicia 125 Belz, Galicia 5 Ostrozhets, Dubno district 80 126 Belza, Galicia see Belz, Galicia 127 Zholobki village 78 Belzec, Galicia 6 128 Bat Yam, Israel 76 Belzeki, Poland 1 129 Laszczow, Poland 76 Bełzk, Poland 1 130 Novograd Volynskiy 76 Belzyce, Poland 1 131 Paris, France 76 Bendery, Bessarabia 3 Popovtsy, Mogilev district 76 132 Bendin, Poland See Bedzin, Poland Dubrovitsa, Rovno district 75 133 Berdichev 370 134 Krasilov 75 Berdychiv see Berdichev 135 Argentina 74 Bere, Dubno district 3 136 Poland 74 Beremlets see Boremel 137 Shchepetovka 74 Beremli see Boremel Antonovka, Rovno district 73 138 Berestechko 1,174 139 Cherniostrov 73 Bereza Kartuska 3 140 Volhynia 72 Berezan 4 141 Sudilkov 71 Peredmirka, Lanovtsy Berezdov 3 69 142 community Berezets see Berezhtsy 143 Pinsk, Belarus 69 Berezhanka village, 5 Pilyava 68 Vyshgorodok community 144 Berezhets see Berezhtsy 145 Chelm, Poland 67 Berezhnitsa 22 146 Zamosc, Poland 67 Berezhtsy 2,680 147 Chelsea, MA 66 Berezhtsy, Kremenets 6,048 Kalisz, Poland 66 district 148 see Berezno, Rovno Berezne, Rovno district Kiev 66 district 149 see Berezno, Rovno Berezni, Rovno district Torgovitsa 66 district 150 Berezno 18 151 Baltimore, MD 65 Berezno, Rovno district 94 152 Rishon Lezion, Israel 65 see Berezno, Rovno Berezny, Rovno district Volkovyye, Dubno district 65 district 153 Berezovaya Kretshma 6 154 Chudnov 63 Berezovka 1 155 Krakow, Poland 63 Berkeley, CA 12 156 Middletown, CT 63 Berlin, Germany 9 157 Hadera, Israel 62 see Berezno, Rovno Berrezno, Rovno district Bykovtse 61 district 158 Bershad 2 159 Winnipeg, MB, Canada 61 Bessarabia 14 160 Dederkaly 60 Bet Nir, Israel 3 161 Frampol 60 see Biala Duzha, Biała Duża, Vyshgorodok Vyshgorodok Kamenets Podolskiy 60 community community 162 Biala Duzha, Vyshgorodok 1 New Haven, CT 60 community 163 Biala Podlaska, Poland 16 164 Dragany village 58 Biala, Galicia 17 165 Szczebrzeszyn, Poland 58 Białka Mała, Vyshgorodok 2 Breslau, Germany 57 community 166 see Bialykamien, Bialokamin Givatayim, Israel 56 Galicia 167 Bialykamien, Galicia 27 168 Slutsk, Belarus 56 Bialystok see Belostok, Poland Felshtin, Proskurov district 55 169 Mezherichi, Mezhirichi, or Biela Tserkav see Belaya Tserkov 54 170 Miedzyrzec Bielatserkov see Belaya Tserkov 171 Stobykhva 54 Bielawa, Poland 30 172 Yagur, Israel 53 Bielogorodka 175 173 Zinkov 53 Bielozirka see Belozirka 174 Ludvipol, Rovno district 52 Bielsk Podlaski see Bielsk, Poland 175 Pultusk, Poland 52 Bielsk, Poland 3 176 Zdolbunov 52 Bieltsy, Bessarabia 1 Podkamien, Galicia 51 province 177 Bikavets see Bykovtse 178 Shklov, Belarus 51 Bila Tserkova see Belaya Tserkov 179 Afula, Israel 50 Bila Tserkva see Belaya Tserkov 180 Kiryat Motskin, Israel 50 Bilgoraj, Poland 11 181 Brazil 49 Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy see Akkerman 182 Munich, Germany 49 Bilozorka see Belozirka 183 Providence, RI 49 Bilozorke see Belozirka 184 Turiysk 48 Binghamton, NY 1 185 Zloczow, Galicia 48 Binyamina, Israel 4 186 Netanya, Israel 47 see Berezno, Rovno Birezhny, Rovno district Sadki village 47 district 187 see Berezno, Rovno Birezne, Rovno district Gutsisko village 46 district 188 see Berezno, Rovno Birezni Ansonia, CT 45 district 189 Birk see Borki 190 Lithuania 45 Birk, Romania 2 191 Merkaz Shapira, Israel 45 Birobidzhan, Russia 3 192 Lyuboml 44 Blaszki, Kalisz district, 12 Novo-Konstantinov 44 Poland 193 Bludov 1 194 Vilna, Lithuania 44 Bnei Brak, Israel 30 195 Canada 43 Bobr, Mogilev province, Zheguvets, 4 43 Belarus Starokonstantinov district 196 Bobruisk, Belarus 3 197 Detroit, MI 42 Bochany 2 198 Kuty village 42 Bodaki village 5 199 Lawrence, MA 41 Shimkovtsy, Kolodnoye Boguslav, Kanev district 13 41 200 community Bolgrad, Bessarabia 1 201 Vesela Dolina village 41 Bolivia 7 202 Givat Hashlosha, Israel 40 see Bolizuby, Bolizuby village Letichev
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