简介 Introduction

中华全国工商业联合会成立于 1953 年,简称全国工商联,又称中国民间商会。

工商联是中国共产党领导的面向工商界、以非公有制企业和非公有制经济人士为主体 的人民团体和商会组织,是党和政府联系非公有制经济人士的桥梁纽带,是政府管理 和服务非公有制经济的助手。工商联工作是党的统一战线工作和经济工作的重要内容。 工商联事业是中国特色社会主义事业的重要组成部分。

工商联高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科 学发展观为指导,坚持党的领导,坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基 本经济制度,围绕经济建设中心,服务党和国家工作大局,以非公有制经济健康发展 和非公有制经济人士健康成长为工作主题,积极投身社会主义经济建设、政治建设、 文化建设、社会建设和生态文明建设,为把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐的社会主 义现代化国家,为实现祖国完全统一和中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗。

工商联是党领导的统一战线的重要组织和人民政协的重要界别,具有统战性、经济性、 民间性有机统一的基本特征,其工作对象主要包括私营企业、非公有制经济成分控股 的有限责任公司和股份有限公司、港澳投资企业等,私营企业出资人、个体工商户、 在内地投资的港澳工商界人士、原工商业者等。其主要职能作用是充分发挥在非公有 制经济人士思想政治工作中的引导作用;在非公有制经济人士参与国家政治生活和社 会事务中的重要作用;在政府管理和服务非公有制经济中的助手作用;在行业协会商 会改革发展中的促进作用;在构建和谐劳动关系、加强和创新社会管理中的协同作用。 其基本任务是加强和改进非公有制经济人士思想政治工作,引导非公有制经济人士做 合格的中国特色社会主义事业建设者;参与政治协商,发挥民主监督作用,积极参政 议政;协助政府管理和服务非公有制经济,促进非公有制经济健康发展;促进行业协 会商会改革发展,培育和发展中国特色商会组织;参与协调劳动关系,协同社会管理, 促进社会和谐稳定;反映非公有制企业和非公有制经济人士利益诉求,维护其合法权 益。

工商联按国家行政区划设置全国组织和地方组织:全国工商联为全国组织;省、自治 区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团工商联,市工商联为地方组织。县工商联既为地方组 织又为基层组织。工商联所属商会为基层组织。工商联按行业设立行业商会等行业组 织。截至 2016 年底,全国共有县级以上工商联组织 3,407 个,各级工商联所属商会 共有 44,375 个,已形成覆盖全国的组织网络。


工商联会员分为企业会员、团体会员和个人会员。地方各级工商联的会员,同时也是 上一级工商联的会员。工商联所属商会是工商联的团体会员,其会员也是工商联会员。 截至 2016 年底,全国工商联共有会员 471 万多个,其中企业会员 260 万多个,团体 会员 6 万多个,个人会员 205 万多个。全国工商联同世界上 100 多个国家和地区的 400 多个组织、机构、商会、企业等建立了广泛联系和友好合作。

全国工商联第一、二、三届主任委员陈叔通(曾任全国人大常委会副委员长、全国政 协副主席),第四届主任委员、第五届主席、第六届名誉主席胡子昂(曾任全国政协 副主席),第六届主席荣毅仁(曾任国家副主席),第七、八届主席经叔平(曾任全 国政协副主席),第九、十届主席,第十一届名誉主席黄孟复(曾任全国政协副主 席),第十一届主席王钦敏(现任,并担任全国政协副主席)。担任过全国工商联领 导职务的还有第七、八届名誉主席王光英(曾任全国政协副主席、全国人大常委会副 委员长)等。

Established in 1953 under the leadership of the Communist Party of , the All- China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), also known as the All-China General Chamber of Industry and Commerce (ACGCIC), is a group of the masses and a chamber of commerce oriented toward the business circle and with the enterprises and personages of the non-public economy as its main entity. It is a channel for the CPC and the government to liaise with the personages of the non- public economy, and an aide of the government in administering and serving the non-public economy. The work of ACFIC is a key component of the CPC’s united front and economic work. The cause of ACFIC is an important part of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. ACFIC is a key organization of the CPC-led united front and a key unit of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, with basic characteristics of the united front, the economy and the masses. ACFIC upholds the flag of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is guided by the Deng Xiaoping theory, the thoughts of “Three Represents” and the Concept of Scientific Development. It clings to the CPC leadership, and the basic economic system with the public economy as the main component and the co-existence of the economies of various ownerships. Its work centers on economic construction, serves the big picture of the CPC work and the whole country, and focuses on the healthy growth of the non-public economy and its personages. It participates in the China’s construction of Socialist economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization, and contributes to building China into a rich, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern nation, and achieving complete national reunification and rejuvenation.



Its work is closely tied to the following groups of enterprises and people:

Private enterprises; limited liabilities companies and share holdings companies with non-public economic components as the controlling share-holder; - and Macao-invested enterprises; investors of private enterprises; individual industrial households and merchants; people from the industrial and commercial circles of Hong Kong and Macao with investment in the Mainland; and former industrialists and merchants.


Play a guiding role in the ideological and political work of the personages of the non- public economy; facilitate the participation of the personages of the non-public economic sector in China’s political life and social affairs; assist the government in administering and serving the non-public economy; boost the reform and development of business associations and chambers of commerce; and play a coordinating role in promoting the construction of harmonious labor relations, and strengthening and innovating social administration.


Strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of the personages of the non-public economy and guide them to be qualified constructors of Socialism with Chinese characteristics; participate in political consultation and democratic supervision; assist the government in administering and serving the non-public economy, and boosting its healthy growth; facilitate the reform and development of business associations and chambers of commerce, and foster and develop chambers of commerce with Chinese characteristics; participate in coordination of labor relations, coordinate social administration and promote social harmony and stability; and reflect the interests and appeals of enterprises and personages of the non-public economy, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.


ACFIC is a national organization with local branches in all the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities and counties. The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is a local branch. County federations are categorized as both local branches and grassroots organizations. Chambers of commerce are categorized as grassroots organizations.


By end of 2015, there are 3,404 county and above-county-level federations of industry and commerce, a rise of 10 over end of 2014. This includes 333 prefecture federations of industry and commerce, 2,829 county federations of industry and commerce, and 41 federations of industry in the municipal districts, administrative districts and economic development zones not yet listed as the country’s administrative regions, as well as 14 division-level and 154 regiment-level federations of industry and commerce in the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

By end of 2015, there are 41,679 chambers of commerce associated to various levels of federations of industry and commerce, up 12.7% over end of 2014. Chambers of commerce of an industry account for 30.4% of the total number of chambers of commerce, rural township chambers of commerce 38.2%, neighborhood chambers of commerce 9.3%, non-residential chambers of commerce 14.0%, and market chambers of commerce and other types 8.1%.


ACFIC has three categories of members: enterprises, groups and individuals. The members of federations of various levels automatically become the members of their immediate upper-level federations. Chambers of commerce are the federations’ group members while the members of the chambers are also the members of the federations.

By end of 2015, ACFIC has 4,385,663 members, up 10.5% over 2014, including 2,314,582 corporate members (52.8%), 55,689 group members (1.3%), and 2,015,392 individual members (45.9%) of which, there are 1,612,605 individual merchants and 36,067 former industrialists. 54.8% of ACFIC members belong to county and below-county-level federations of industry and commerce, and 37.5% come from chambers of commerce.

The top five provinces in terms of memberships in 2015 are Guangdong (288,762), (274,206), Liaoning (260,396), Henan (251,988) and Shanxi (250,572).

By end of 2015, the corporate members of federations of industry and commerce account for 10.6% of the country’s total number of enterprises, while the private enterprise members of federations of industry and commerce account for 10.2% of the country’s total number of private enterprises.

The top five industrial sectors in terms of corporate memberships are manufacturing (609,900), catering and dining (463,027), information transmission, software and information technology (191,515), agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing (177,401), and service for local residents, repair and other service industry (171,846).


Water conservancy, environment and public facilities administration, scientific research, technological service, transport, storage and postal service have witnessed fast growth.

International Relations

ACFIC has established extensive contacts and cooperation with more than 400 groups, institutions, chambers of commerce and enterprises of over 100 countries and regions.

Leading Figures in ACFIC History

Chen Shutong, Chairman of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ACFIC Executive Committees; Hu Zi"ang, Chairman of the 4th and 5th Executive Committees; , Chairman of the 6th Executive Committee; , Chairman of the 7th and 8th Executive Committees; , Honorary Chairman of the 7th and 8th Executive Committees; Sun Fuling, Deputy Honorary Chairman of the 7th and 8th Executive Committees; and Mengfu, Chairman of the 9th and 10th Executive Committees.