
Radiation Synovectomy Using 165Dy Ferric-Hydroxide and Oxidative DNA Damage in Patients with Different Types of Arthritis

Christian Pinch, Alexander Pilger, Eva Schwameis, Dietmar Germadnik, Ulrike Prufert, Ernst Havilk, Susanna Lang, Herbert Kvaternik, Juan A. Flores, Peter Angelberger, Axel Wanivenhaus, Hugo W. RUdiger, and Helmut Sinzinger

Departments ofNuclear Medicine, Orthopedics, Occupational Medicine, and Pathology, University of Vienna, Vienna; and University Hospital of Vienna, Research Center Seibersdorf Vienna, Austria

KeyWords:radiationsynovectomy;cytogeneticdamage;can Radiation synovectomy is an effective treatment for chronic cer;biomarker synovitisrefractorytopharmacologicaltreatmentinpatientswith J NucIMed2000;41:250-256 rheumatoidor seronegativearthritis.Concernspersistabout possible radiation-inducedcytogenetic damage after radiation synovectomyleadingto recommendationsto usethistechnique onlyintheelderly.Micronucleus(MN) frequencyinlymphocytes andurinaryexcretionof8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine(8OHdG) adiation synovectomy is an alternate, locally acting as an indicatorof cellularoxidativeDNA base damage are treatment for chronic synovitis refractory to the repetitive, biomarkersof radiation-inducedcytogeneticdamage.The course intraarticular application of glucocorticoids and systemic ofbothbiomarkerswasstudiedinpatientswithdifferenttypesof pharmacological treatment in patients with rheumatoid or chronicsynovitisundergoingradiationsynovectomywith very seronegative arthritis (RA or SA, respectively). A few case short-lived leaDy_ferric@hydroxide(DFH). Methods: Radiation synovectomyof the knee was performedin 13 men and 12 reports exist in the literature about malignancies after women(meanage,44 ±15 y) usinga meanactivityof9.48± radiation synovectomy (1). Therefore, concerns have per 1.65 GBq @Dy-DFHin 27 consecutivetreatments.MN fre sistedaboutpossibleradiation-inducedcytogeneticdamage quencyin lymphocytesand urinaryexcretionof 8OHdG, mea after radiation synovectomy (2). Chromosomal studies of sured by high-performanceliquidchromatography,were as circulating lymphocytes revealed an increased incidence of sessed before and 4 (MN only) and 20 h after radiation radiation-induced aberrations in patients undergoing radia synovectomy.Results: Urinaryexcretionof 8OHdG in patients (in pmol/molcreatinine; pretreatmentmean, 3.1 ±3.4; median, tion synovectomy with ‘98Auor @°Y(3—9).The immobiliza 2.27) was not significantlydifferentfromthat in healthyvolun tion of the treated after intraarticular injection (10) and teers(mean,2.0 ±1.2; median,1.87) and not alteredby the introductionof new preparationsof @°Y(6) or new radionu radiationsynovectomy(post-treatmentmean,2.5 ±1.5;median, cides with short half-lives and relatively large particulate carriers 2.04, NS). An increase in 8OHdG levels after radiation synovec (11—13)have significantly reduced the frequency and degree of tomy of more than 1 SD was found in only 1 patient, who leakage from the treatedjoint decreasing the irradiationof local experienced leakage to the lymph nodes but who already had elevatedurinary8OHdGlevelsbeforetreatment.The frequency lymph nodes and lymphocytes. The micronucleus (MN) assay ofMN/500binucleatedcells(BNCs)wasslightlylowerinpatients that measures the frequency of MN in lymphocytes is an (pretreatmentmean, 4.3 ±2.6; median,4.25) than in healthy accepted method of analysis for radiation-induced chromosomal volunteers(mean,5.4 ±2.3; median,5.3) and did not signifi aberrations. MN result from failure of chmmosomal fragments cantlychangeafter therapy,either (4-h post-treatmentmean, or of whole chromosomes to incorporate into daughter nuclei 3.9 ±2.1, median, 3.8; 20-h post-treatment mean, 4.1 ±2, during mitosis (14). The relation between the degree and site of median3.8 MN/500BNC).In22 of27 treatments,noleakageto nontarget organs could be monitored, whereas leakage to the leakage and the frequency of MN is not consistent (15). local lymph nodes and the liver was detectedafter 5 treatments. Furthermore, levels of biomarkers of cytogenetic damage were Conclusion:Radiationsynovectomyusing165Dy-DFHcauses analyzed at extended time intervals after radiation synovectomy, no significantradiationburdento mostpatientsas indicatedby with a possible influence of confounding factors, particularly the absence of adverse changes in levels of biomarkers of when using a very short-lived radionuclide such as cytogeneticdamageanda lowincidenceofleakage.Thesedata (16,17). suggestthattheriskofmalignancymaynotbeelevated. Urinary excretion of 8-hydroxy-2'-desoxyguanosine (8OHdG) has been described as a sensitive marker of Received Nov. 30, 1998; revision accepted Jun. 21, 1999. oxidative DNA damage by ionizing radiation linked to the Forcorrespondenceorreprintscontact:ChristianPinch,MD,Departmentof Nuclear Medicine, Universityof Vienna, Wahringer GOrtel 18—20,Vienna, responsetoradiotherapyandchemotherapyinlungcancer Austria. patients (18). The levels of 8OHdG have not been assessed

250 Tm@JOURNALOF NUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 41 •No. 2 •February 2000 in patients undergoing radionuclide therapy. Measurement ([ReAJ n = 2), osteoarthritis ([OA] n = 3), pigmented villonodular of urinary excretion of 8OHdG as a marker of oxidative synovitis ([PVNS] n = 4), and SA (n = 5). Of the remaining 3 DNA damage by radiation is a highly sensitive method (19). patients, 1 had adult-onset Still's disease, another had arthritis 8OHdG might be more suitable for biological dosimetry associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and another had ankylosing spondylitis. Patients were eligible for radiation than the MN assay, the latter showing in some cases a low synovectomy if suffering from persistent synovitis of the knee proliferation response of lymphocytes isolated from patients refractory to systemic and local pharmacological treatment, but with chronic inflammatory disease (9, 14). 8OHdG reflects withoutanyevidence ofinfection, trauma,orjoint instability.Local total radiation energy absorbed by different cells, whereas management involved glucocorticoids that were injected intraarticu MN relate to the DNA damage in lymphocytes. This larly. Systemic pharmacotherapy was defined as the use of nonste difference might be of importance since it is not known roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), glucocorticoids, and whether any suggested increase in malignancy risk already disease-modifying antirheumatoid drugs for at least 3 mo. The derives from irradiation of the highly vascular inflamed latter were taken by patients with autoimmune disease (RA, Still's synovium or, in the case of leakage of circulating lympho disease, IBD). NSAIDs were taken by all patients. All patients had cytes,throughthelymphnodes(3,4). undergone multiple arthrocenteses of the affected knee with We postulated that the urinary excretion of 8OHdG might cytological analysis for confirmationof diagnosedchronicsynovi tis. Patients with SA, RcA, and OA were treated when arthritis provide a useful index of total DNA damage (i.e., that which scintigraphy with @Tc-humanimmunoglobulin (HIG) had mdi has occurred but has been repaired) in patients undergoing cated synovitis. HIG scintigraphy was used as the imaging radiation synovectomy. Therefore, this study aimed to modality, because this method yields high accuracy in detecting investigate the course of biomarkers and their relevance in andgradinginflammatoryjoint disease (20). patients with different types of chronic synovitis of the knee 1\welve patients (including all patients with PVNS) had under treated with radiation synovectomy with 165Dy—ferric gone diagnostic at least 6 wk before radiation synovec hydroxide (FDH). tomy. Patients with RA were included after excluding a state of acutepolyarticularexacerbationof the disease. Radiographstaken MATERIALSAND METhODS before inclusion were classified according to Larsen et al. (21). The use of any accepted form of contraceptionwas obligatory @Dy-DFHPreparation for any fertile women treated with ‘65Dy-DFH.Exclusion criteria @Dy-DFHis aprecipitateof @Dy-hydmxideon Fe(II)Fe(ffl)hy fortreatmentwith ‘65Dy-DFHwerepregnancy,any life-threatening dioxide used as carrier. The improved preparation of the carrier was orinfectiousdisease,orthepresenceof a majorBakercystof the previously described in detail (13). respective joint. The carrier was prepared as follows: 90 mg FeSO4 X 7 H20 and Each patient was admitted to the application room at calibration 14 mg Fe(N03)3 X 9H20 were dissolved in 0.5 mL 0.1 moIIL time. was performed in this room, under strictly H2S04 and diluted with 7.5 mL H20. Two mL 0.5 mollL NaOH aseptical conditions, with the patient in a supine position. ‘65Dy were slowly added while shaking the vial. The lO-mL vial was DFH was injected into the joint space using a 1.2-mm gauge sealed and heated for 30 mm at 90°C.The color of the suspension needle. The knee was then moved once or twice through a changed from green to deep black duringheating.The suspension flexion/extension arc and immobilized in extension. The patient was filtered through an 8-jim Nuclepore polycarbonate membrane was confined to rest for 5—6h to minimize movement. Both knee (Millipore Inc., Bedford, MA) before use. were treated with an interval of at least 2 mo in 2 patients. A 3-mg sample of naturalDy203 (Aldrich 20.318—1; Aldrich, Vienna, Austria) was dissolved in concentrated HNO3 and evapo EstimationofActivftyforTherapy rated in a quartz ampoule. The resulting Dy(N03)3 was neutron Earlier experience showed a target dose of about 100 Gy to be irradiated in the 9-MW nuclear reactor of the Austrian Research necessary for the therapeutic effect of radiation synovectomy. The Center Seibersdorf. The radiochemical preparation was performed activity to be applied to obtain a dose of 100 Gy was derived from under remote handling conditions in a lead-shielded cell. The target the equation for estimation of radiationfor the evaluation of the was dissolved in 1 mL 0.1 mol/L H2S04 and transferred into a dose D resulting from @3-emittingsources distributed in a volume V I0-mL septum-closed vial. To precipitate the ‘65Dy-DFH,a mixture (13). The contribution of-'y-rays to the energy dose is less than 0.1% of 1.5 mL 0.5 mol/L NaOH and 0.2 mL ferromagnetic “black―and thereforenegligible. Injectedactivities (Table 1) were some Fe(II)Fe(III)hydroxide suspension (0.4 mg Fe) was added, treated times lower than calculated activities, because of the time gap in anultrasonicbath,andheatedfor5 mmat90°C.Afterresuspension betweencalibrationandapplicationandsmall amountsof radioac the ‘6@Dy-DFHparticleswere immobilizedat the vial wallby applying tivity remaining in the syringe. an electromagnet.The solutionwas removedand discarded.The 165Dy particles were washed with 0.01 moL/LNaOH, resuspended in 0.01 BiokineticsandBiodistributlon:Determination mol/LNaOWO.9%NaCIsolution(pH10-11),resuspendedinthesame of Leakage solution,and autoclavedat 120°Cfor 30 mm. _YCameraImaging.Imagingof the ‘65Dydistributionwas performedusing a large-field-of-view -ycamera adjustedto 94.7 StudyProtocolandPatients keV ‘65Dyrays (3.6%). A low-energy collimator was used. Data The use of radiationsynovectomy was approvedby the Ethical were stored by a computer for subsequent analysis and review. Committee of the University of Vienna, and all patients gave their Patients were scanned in an anterior view I and 3 h after written informed consent to participate. The study included 25 intraarticularinjectionof ‘65Dy-DFH. patients(13 men, 12 women;meanage, 44 ±15y; range,19—69y) Whole-Body Counter Measurements.Whole-body counter mea with RA (n 6), ([PA] n 2), reactive arthritis surements were performed as published (13). In summary, the

RADIOSYNOVECTOMY AND OXIDATIVE DNA DAMAGE •Pinch et al. 251 TABLEI Medical By, Petten, The Netherlands) was labeled with 99mTc.. Patientand VolunteerCharacteristics pertechnetateaccordingtotheinstructionsofthemanufacturer.Ten patientswere injected intravenouslywith 740 MBq. Imaging was Patients Healthyvolunteers performed 4 and, if clinically necessary, 24 h after injection using a Sex(M/F) 13/12 MN,18/25;8OHdG, low-energy, general-purposecollimator.Anterior spot images of 41/41 the respective joints were obtained at a preset time of 7 mm. The Age (y) 44 ±15 MN,38± 11; images were collected in a 256 X 256 matrix for quantitative 8OHdG,38 ±12 analysis and visually interpreted (Fig. 1). Activityapplied 9.48 ±1.65 (GBq) Determinationof Biomarkersfor Genotoxicfty Larsen stage 2 (0—4) Cell Culture and Cytokinesis Block MN Assay. The MN Smokers 8 frequency in lymphocytes was calculated from 22 venous blood MNbeforetherapy* 4.3 ±2.6; 5.4 ±2.3; samples taken immediately before and 4 and 20 h after treatment. 4.3 (1.4—9.9) 5.3(1.3—11.7) Bloodsamplesfrom43 healthyvolunteers(18men,25 women)of MN4 hafter 3.9 ±2.1; comparable age (38 ±11 y) were analyzed according to the same therapy* 3.6(1.3-7.3) protocol. The test protocol for cytokinesis block MN assay was MN20 hafter 4.1 ±2.0; therapy* 3.8 (0.7—7.9) adapted from Fenech (22) with some modifications. Lymphocytes 8OHdGbefore 3.1 ±3.4; 2.0 ±1.2; were isolated from 5 mL whole blood by a density centrifugation therapyt 2.3(0.8—13.7) 1.9(0.1—5.8) with Ficoll—Paque(Pharmacia Biotech, Pitscataway, NJ) and 8OHdG20 hafter 2.5 ±1.5; washed twice with 3 mL pH 7.2 phosphate-buffered saline. Isolated therapyt 2.0 (1.0—6.1) lymphocytes were suspended in 5.0 mL chromosome medium lA Leakagetolymph 3 (twicein supplemented with phytohemagglutinin (Gibco BRL; Life Technolo nodes 1patient) gies, Paisley, UK) and incubated for 72 h at 37°C.At 44 h, Leakagetoliver 2 Cytochalasin B (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) was added at a finalconcentrationof 3 @ig/mL.At theend of the incubationperiod, *MNgivenasMN/500binucleatedcells(BNCs). the cells were pelleted by centrifugation,followed by hypotonic t8OHdGgivenaspmoVmolcreatinine. treatment(0.075 mol/L KC1)for 8 mm to cause cell swelling. The Valuesaregivenasfrequenciesormean±SDand/ormedianwith cells were pelleted again, fixed with methanol:glacial acetic acid range. (1:1), droppedon slides, air-dried,andstainedwith4',6-diamidino 2-phenylindole ([DAPI] Serva, Heidelberg, Germany). The slides were coded and at least 2000 binucleated cells (BNCs) with clinical whole-body counter is a shadow-shield construction consist well-preserved cytoplasm were scored and evaluated for the ing ofthe shielding and the transport construction. The latter carries incidence of MN. More than 1 MN in a BNC was still scored as 1 the guide rails of the movable patient bed, the shielding of the event. The criteria for identification of MN were: (a) DAPI measurement area, and the holding device of detectors and positive, (b) the same intensity of stain as 1 of the main nuclei, (c) collimators. Two-slit collimators of 10-cm thickness can be moved diameter <20% of the smaller of the main nuclei, (d) a round and in front of the detectors. A slit width of 2.5 mm was used for all well-defined shape, and (e) in the same plane of focus. measurements. Activity profiles were measured with 4 Na! crystal detectors that Urinary Excretion of 8OHdG are arranged in pairs above and below the bed. Within 10 mm, 345 The urinary excretion of 8OHdG was measured by high scanningStepSof 1 cm each were performed.Some hours after performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical application, the activity was localized from activity profiles that detection as described previously (23). In brief, morning urine were obtainedwith a clinical whole-body counter.The scan length specimens underwent a clean-up procedure by a 2-step solid phase is displayed as the longitudinal axis of the body (x axis), whereas extraction with Bond Elut C1@IOHcartridges (Varian, Harbor City, the counts perstep (1 step = 1 cm) areplottedon the y axis. From CA) using 50 mmol/L KH2PO4'pH 7.5 (bufferA), with 15%and the count ratio of the upperto the lower and from the left to the 20% methanol as eluents. To remove methanol, the samples were right detectors, a localization of activity point sources can be evaporatedand subsequently filled with buffer A to give a final obtained orthogonally to the scan direction. In all coordinates volume of 1.5 mL. An 80-pL aliquot of the preparedeluate was spatial resolution is 1 cm. Under the measurement conditions injected into the HPLC system. Quantification of 8OHdG in urine described earlier, the efficiency was calculated to be 5.5 MBq. The was performed by peak-height measurement and results are linearity of the efficiency is guaranteed below an activity of 1.8 expressed as 8OHdG-to-creatirnne ratios (ixmollmol). Levels of GBq. 8OHdG were also analyzed in spontaneous urine of 82 healthy Patients were scanned 2, 4, and, in case of leakage, 6 h after nonsmokers (41 men, 41 women; mean age, 38 ±11y) serving as intraarticular injection of ‘65Dy-DFH. controls. Measurement of Blood Activity. Blood activity levels were CytologicalEvaluationof Knee-JointEffusions determined from 8-mL blood samples taken before and 1 and 3 h aftertherapy,usinga -ycountercalibratedfor ‘65Dy. All effusions obtained on the day of treatment or the days after were analyzed blindly. Significant amounts of effusions (>10 mL) Arthritis Scintigraphy with @“Tc-HiG were drawnfrom 15 patientson the day of treatmentand from 4 Tenpatientswith SA, OA, or RcA underwentscintigraphywith patients within a few days after radiation synovectomy. It is well @“Tc-fflGto visualize the intensity of inflammation. One milli knownthatsome patientsexperienceadverseeffects (e.g., swelling gram of modified polyclonal HIG (Technescan 1110; Mallincrodt and pain) after radiation synovectomy. In our experience and that of

252 THE JOURNALOF NUCLEARMEDICINE •Vol. 41 •No. 2 •February 2000 .@f (@..

FIGURE1. @Tc-HlGscintigraphy(4 h afterintravenousinjection)in patientwith seronegativearthritisof left kneejointbe foreradiationsynovectomy.Activesynovitis of leftkneejointis visualizedby markedly increasedretentionoftracer,whereasthere I isnoevidenceofanyinflammatoryprocess J inrightkneejoint. others (24), these symptoms are most likely caused by a transient used to relate the levels of biomarkers before and after radiation inflammatory response. We hypothesized that, in the event of an synovectomy. Statistical difference was assumed if the null hypoth acute inflammatory response, both increased local blood flow and esis could be rejected at the 0.05 probability level. vascular permeability could induce an increase in oxidative DNA damage or MN frequency in circulating lymphocytes. For that RESULTS reason, post-treatment effusions were drawn when clinically re quired for palliation of symptoms and analyzed. Patient characteristics and results are given in Table 1. Microscopic Evaluation. Effusions were examined twice by 1 of the authors, who was unaware of the clinical and cytogenetic BiokineticsandBiodistribution:Determinationof findings. Cytological analysis was performed after Giemsa staining Leakage using a magnification of X400 and the following microscopic .y Camera Imaging. Imaging of the 165Dy-DFH distribu features were assessed semiquantitatively: fibrin exudation and tion revealed some leakage to the local lymph nodes in 1 mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell infiltration. patient. In VitroExperimentsforthe Determinationof Free Whole-Body Counter Measurements. Whole-body counter 1@Dy-DFHin Effusions measurements revealed some leakage to the liver in 2 A 5-mL sample of synovial fluid, obtainedimmediatelybefore patients and the lymph nodes in 2 patients (Table 2). radiation synovectomy by arthrocentesis of the treated knee, was Maximum nontarget organ doses to the lymph nodes and incubated with 0.5 mL ‘65Dy-DFH(740 MBq ‘65Dy-DFH,contain liver were 6.92 and 0.2 Gy, respectively, as calculated by ing 0.05 mg of the natural Dy2O3). The amount of free ‘65DyMIRDOSE3 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, (<0.45 pim) was determined by the use of a Millipore filter TN). Injected activities were homogeneously distributed (Millipore) after homogenization at 37°Cfor 2 and 4 h. For intra-articularly in all treated patients. comparison, 0.5 mL ‘65Dy-DFHwere incubated with 5 mL 0.9% Measurement of Blood Activity. In most patients any saline solution. The mean pH value of effusions drawn from 7 leakage to the blood was not measurable. In 9 patients patients immediately before treatment was 8.4 ±0.33. The amount leakage to the blood was detected with a median ofO.l2% of offree ‘65Dywith a diameter <0.45 @.imwas 0.96% ±0.36% after 2 the applied activity (range, 0.001%—0.95%). h and 1.5% ±0.33% compared with 0.03% for ‘65Dy-DFH incubatedwith a referencesolutionof 0.9%saline. Statistical Analysis. Data are given as frequencies or mean ± ArthrItisScintigraphywith @“Tc-HlG SD. Medians with range are added for biomarkersof cytogenetic Arthritis scintigraphy with @‘@Tc-HIGrevealed an in damage,becausethesewerenotdistributednormally.Nonparamet creased retention of the tracer in all investigated knees of ric tests (Wilcoxon, Friedman) were used for comparisons of patients undergoing radiation synovectomy for arthritis pretreatment and posttreatment values. Correlation analyses were (Fig. 1).

RADIOSYNOVECTOMY AND OXIDATIVE DNA DAMAGE •Pinch et al. 253 TABLE2 Characteristics of Patients with Leakage of 1@Dy-DFH

Patient Age Site of no.T21 Sex (y) Smoker Diagnosis leakageExposure*(Gy)T0MNt T1T280H T0dGI Liver0. 44 Yes SA F 50 No Still'sdisease Lymphnodes5.15 5.53 4.31NG NGNG NGNG NG5.4 5.47.1 Liver0. 58 No PVNS nodes6.927.26.64.1NANA*RadiationF 58 No SA Lymph

MIRDOSE3.tMNexposurecalculatedaccordingto BNC.t80givenasMN/500 creatinine.T0HdGgivenaspmoVmol grown.Values= beforetherapy;T1= 4 haftertherapy;T2= 20haftertherapy;NA= notavailable;NG=lymphocytesnot givenasfrequencies,mean±SD,and/ormedianwithrange.

MNFrequencyinPeripheralBloodLymphocytes cantly altered by radiation synovectomy (Table 1). An There was no significant difference in the mean frequen increase in urinary excretion of 8OHdG (pmol/mol creati ciesofMN/500BNCsinpatients(4.3±2.6;median,4.25) nine) after radiation synovectomy of more than 1 SD was and healthy volunteers (5.4 ±2.3; median, 5.3), although shown in only 1 patient (patient 2, Table 2), with elevated MN frequency tended to be lower in patients. MN frequency baseline 8OHdG levels far outside the normal range. This did not significantly change after radiation synovectomy female patient was treated twice and revealed some leakage (Table 1). An increase in the frequency of MN of >1 SD of activity to the local lymph nodes after both treatments but after radiation synovectomy was found in 3 patients, of with no further increase in urinary 8OHdG excretion. whom 2 already had elevated baseline levels (cutoff level, 4 Patients with autoimmune disease exhibited increased levels MN/500 BNC). One of these patients revealed some leakage of 8OHdG (Table 2). to the liver (patient 1, Table 2). Biomarker levels of patients CorrelationAnalysis with autoimmune disease are shown in Table 3. No relations were found among applied activity, age, and Urinary Excretion of 80 HdG biomarker levels in our study. Pre- and post-treatment levels There was no significant difference in urinary 8OHdG of biomarkers were significantly related to each other (@imo1/molcreatimne) levels in patients (pretreatment mean, (8OHdG: pre- versus post-treatment levels, r = 0.627, P < 3.1 ±3.4; median, 2.27) and healthy volunteers (2.0 ±1.2; 0.001; MN frequency: pre- versus 4-h post-treatment levels, median 1.87). Urinary excretion of 8OHdG was not signifi r 0.546, P 0.003; pre- versus 20-h post-treatment levels, r = 0.420, P 0.029). TABLE3 Adverse Effects Biomarkers of Cytogenetic Damage in 9 Patients with Post-treatment effusions and local tenderness were ob AutoimmuneDisease served in 7 patients within a few days after treatment with a maximum duration of 6 d. Arthrocentesis was performed in Sex(M/F) 4/5 4 patients to resolve the symptoms quickly. Age(y) 53 ±9 Activity applied (GBq) 9.57 ±1.35 Cytological Evaluation of Effusions of the Knee Joint Larsen stage 2(1—3) All 15 pretreatment effusions analyzed revealed signs of Smokers 3 C-reactiveprotein(mg/dL) 5.4(1.9—13) chronic inflammation characterized by the predominance of MNbeforetherapy* 5.2 ±2.9 lymphocytes. Post-treatment effusions were obtained within MN4 h aftertherapy* 4.9 ±1.7 48 h after tracer injection from those 4 patients requiring MN20haftertherapy* 4.8 ±1.7 arthrocentesis for palliation of symptoms. One patient each 8OHdGbeforetherapyt 4.5 ±2.9 8OHdG20 haftertherapyt 3.9 ±2.2 had PA, SA, RA, and arthritis associated with IBD. Micro Leakageto lymphnodes 3 (twicein1patient) scopic evaluation revealed signs of an acute inflammatory Leakageto liver 0 response with an excess of neutrophils as compared with the cytological pretreatment pattern. *MNgivenasMN/500BNC. t80 HdGgivenaspmol/molcreatinine. DISCUSSION Valuesgiven as frequencies,mean ±SD, and/or medianwith This study demonstrates that both MN frequency and range. urinary excretion of 8OHdG do not significantly change in

254 [email protected]@iOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 41 •No. 2 •February 2000 patients undergoing radiation synovectomy with ‘65Dy either. Translated into clinical practice, we suggest the DFH. The assessments of MN frequency as a biomarker of complete removal of any effusion from the treated joint and cytogenetic damage might have some limitations in chronic to inject physiologic saline solution if required for activity inflammatory disease. The sensitivity of the MN assay might distribution. be limited even more when patients were treated with Any local adverse reaction (e.g., swelling on pain) was irradiation, as it was reported in some cases that lympho infrequently observed and temporary in this study. Local cyteshadnotrespondedtogrowthstimuli(16,25).Indeed, adverse reactions were not associated with changes in MN frequency could not be determined in 3 patients, all of biomarker levels, although an acute inflammatory response whom were treated with a combination therapy of immuno with a marked shift in the cytological pattern of the joint suppressive drugs. It is unclear whether the underlying effusions was seen within a few hours after radiation disease or immunosuppressive treatment or a combination synovectomy in 4 patients. of both is responsible for this effect. Urinary 8OHdG excretion was assessed as an alternative biomarker for Limitations biological dosimetry. The results suggest that the total Biomarkers of cytogenetic damage show marked interin radiation burden absorbed by cells is not significantly altered dividual variations as a result of various exogenous and by radiation synovectomy with ‘65Dy-DFH.However, the endogenous factors. However, the use of a protocol that dose—response curve of biomarkers to radiation shows assessed levels ofbiomarkens just before and 4 and 20 h after marked interindividual variations that characterize a van treatment reduced the probability that other factors might able susceptibility to cytogenetic factors (e.g., radiation, have influenced the results. cancer,inflammation,or smoking)(26). We founda trend toward an increased urinary excretion of 8OHdG in patients CONCLUSION ascomparedwith healthyvolunteers.In agreementwith This study demonstrates that radiation synovectomy using previous studies, the increase was the most pronounced in ‘65Dy-DFHdoes not cause any significant oxidative DNA patients with autoimmune disease (e.g., RA) (27). Inflamma damage, which suggests that the risk of malignancy may not tion can accelerate the development of cancer (28), but the be elevated. The underlying disease should be considered link between inflammation and cancer is by no means a when interpreting the levels of biomankers of cytogenetic simple one. On the one hand, one might hypothesize that damage in terms of malignancy risk in patients with chronic persistently elevated biomarken levels reflect the fact that synovitis undergoing radiation synovectomy. patients with RA are exposed to an increased risk of cancer and mortality, independent of whether they were taking ACKNOWLEDGMENT antirheumatoid drugs (29—31).On the other hand, cancers do not develop with certainty at the most intense site of .. This study was supported by a grant from the Osterreichische Nationalbank (Jubilaumsfondspnojekt 6248). oxidative stress (i.e., the synovium), where excessive cell proliferation is present in patients with RA. High levels of MN and 8OHdG were seen in another patient with chronic REFERENCES inflammation, suffering from arthritis associated with IBD. 1. Litpon JH. 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256 THEJouRr'@.LOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 41 •No. 2 •February 2000