American Mineralogist, Volume 85, pages 1851–1858, 2000


Abe, M., see Ohno et al., 288 Banfield, J.F., see Sitzman et al., 14 Bottazzi, P., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 Akaogi, M., see Miura et al., 1799 Banno, S., Shibakusa, H., Enami, M., Wang, C.- Brantley, S.L. and Mellott, N.P.: Surface area Akhmatskaya, E.V., see Nobes et al., 1706 l., and Ernst, W.G.: Chemical fine structure and porosity of primary silicate , Akhmatskaya, E.V., see Winkler et al., 608 of Franciscan jadeitic pyroxene from Ward 1767 Allan, N.L., see Purton et al., 1087 Creek, Cazadero area, California, 1795 Brigatti, M.F., Frigieri, P., Ghezzo, C., and Poppi, Alvarez, J.R., see Garvie et al., 732 Barbier, J., see Lévy and Barbier, 1053 L.: Crystal chemistry of Al-rich biotites co- Amthauer, G., see Paar et al., 1066 Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Halkoaho, T.A.A., and existing with muscovites in peraluminous Amthauer, G., see Redhammer et al., 449 Poirier, G.: The mechanism of charge compen- granites, 436 Anderson, O.L. and Isaak, D.G.: Calculated sation in Cu-Fe-PGE thiospinels from the Brigatti, M.F., Lugli, C., Poppi, L., Foord, E.E., melting curves for phases of iron, 376 Penikat layered intrusion, Finland, 694 and Kile, D.E.: Crystal chemical variations Anderson, O.L., see Hama et al., 321 Barnes, H.L., see Benning et al., 495 in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak Anderson, O.L., see Masuda et al., 279 Barnes, H.L., see Wilkin and Barnes, 1329 batholith (central Colorado), 1275 Anderson, O.L., see Suzuki et al., 304 Barth, A.P. and Dorais, M.J.: Magmatic anhy- Brizi, E., Molin, G., and Zanazzi, P.F.: Experi- Andrault, D., Fiquet, G., Charpin, T., and le drite in granitic rocks: First occurrence and mental study of intracrystalline Fe2+-Mg ex- Bihan, T.: Structure analysis and stability potential petrologic consequences, 430 change in three augite crystals: Effect of field of β-iron at high P and T, 364 Bass, J.D., see Jackson et al., 296 composition on geothermometric calibra- Andreozzi, G.B., Ottolini, L., Lucchesi, S., Bass, J.D., see Sinogeikin et al., 1834 tion, 1375 Graziani, G., and Russo, U.: Crystal chem- Bassett, W.A., Reichmann, H.-J., Angel, R.J., Brodholt, J.P., see Dobson et al., 1838 istry of the axinite-group minerals: A multi- Spetzler, H., and Smyth, J.R.: New diamond Brodholt, J.P., see Richmond and Brodholt, 1155 analytical approach, 698 anvil cells for gigahertz ultrasonic interfer- Broska, I., Petrík, I., and Williams, C.T.: Coex- Andreozzi, G.B., Princivalle, F., Skogby, H., and ometry and X-ray diffraction, 283 isting monazite and allanite in peraluminous Della Giusta, A.: Cation ordering and struc- Beall, G.H., see Xu et al., 971 granitoids of the Tribecˇ Mountains, West-

tural variations with temperature in MgAl2O4 Becker, U., see Harrison et al., 1694 ern Carpathians, 22 spinel: An X-ray single-crystal study, 1164 Becker, U., see Rosso et al., 1428 Brown, G.E. Jr., see Cheah et al., 118 Angel, R.J., see Bassett et al., 283 Behrens, H., see Holtz et al., 682 Brown, P.E.: Memorial: Memorial of Eugene N. Arlt, T., see Kunz et al., 1465 Benna, P., see Tribaudino et al., 963 Cameron, 1910–1999, 1566 Armbruster, T. and Gnos, E.: P4/n and P4nc Benning, L.G., Wilkin, R.T., and Barnes, H.L.: Brugger, J., Meisser, N., Schenk, K., Berlepsch, long-range ordering in low-temperature Solubility and stability of zeolites in aque- P., Bonin, M., Armbruster, T., Nyfeler, D., vesuvianites 563 ous solution: II. Calcic clinoptilolite and and Schmidt, S.: Description and crystal

Armbruster, T. and Gnos, E.: Tetrahedral va- mordenite, 495 structure of cabalzarite Ca(Mg,Al,Fe)2

cancies and cation ordering in low-tempera- Beno, D.J., see Hanchar et al., 1217 (AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2, a new of the ture Mn-bearing vesuvianites: Indication of Beran, A., see Redhammer et al., 449 group, 1307 a hydrogarnet-like substitution, 570 Bertka, C.M., see Fei et al., 1830 Brumm, R.C., see Oberti et al., 407 Armbruster, T., see Brugger et al., 1307 Berlepsch, P., see Brugger et al., 1307 Bruno, E., see Tribaudino et al., 963 Armbruster, T., see Geiger et al., 1255 Bickmore, B., see Bosbach et al., 1209 Brydson, R., see Garvie et al., 732 Armbruster, T., see Gnos and Armbruster, 242 Bigi, S., see Ottolini et al., 89 Burchard, M., see Grevel et al., 206 Audétat, A., see Garofalo et al., 78 Bindi, L., see Giuli et al., 1512 Burke, E.A.J., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 Bindi, L., see Olmi et al., 1508 Burns, P.C.: A new uranyl phosphate chain in Baba, S., Grew, E.S., Shearer, C.K., and Bishop, J.L., see Murad and Bishop, 716 the structure of parsonsite, 801 Sheraton, J.W.: Surinamite: A high-tempera- Bloss, F.D.: Memorial: Memorial of Louis S. Burns, P.C., Pluth, J.J., Smith, J.V., Eng, P., Steele, ture metamorphic beryllosilicate from Walter, 1933–2000, 1569 I., and Housley, R.M.: Quetzalcoatlite: A Lewisian sapphirine-bearing kyanite- Blundy, J.D., see Purton et al., 1087 new octahedral-tetrahedral structure from a orthopyroxene-quartz-potassium feldspar Bogdanova, A.N., see Subbotin et al., 1516 2 × 2 × 40 mm3 crystal at the Advanced Pho- gneiss at South Harris, N.W. Scotland, 1474 Bonazzi, P., see Giuli et al., 1512 ton Source-GSE-CARS Facility, 604 Bagdassarov, N., Dorfman, A., and Dingwell, Bonazzi, P., see Olmi et al., 1508 Burns, P.C., Roberts, A.C., Stirling, J.A.R., D.B.: Effect of alkalis, phosphorus, Bonin, M., see Brugger et al., 1307 Criddle, A.J., and Feinglos, M.N.: Dukeite, 3+ 6+ and water on the surface tension of hap- Borisov, A. and Palme, H.: Solubilities of noble Bi24Cr8 O57(OH)6(H2O)3, a new mineral from logranite melt, 33 metals in Fe-containing silicate melts as de- Brejaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil: description Bancroft, G.M., see Nesbitt et al., 850 rived from experiments in Fe-free systems, and , 1822 Banerjee, D. and Nesbitt, H.W.: Erratum: XPS 1665 Burns, P.C., see Cahill and Burns, 1294 study of reductive dissolution of birnessite Borisov, A. and Walker, R.J.: Os solubility in Burns, P.C., see Li et al., 1521

by H2SeO3 with constraints on reaction silicate melts: New efforts and Buseck, P.R., see Garvie et al., 732 mechanism, 1328 results, 912 Buseck, P.R., see Janney et al., 1180 Banerjee, D. and Nesbitt, H.W.: XPS study of Bosbach, D., Charlet, L., Bickmore, B., and Buseck, P., see Xu et al., 509

reductive dissolution of birnessite by H2SeO3 Hochella Jr., M.F.: The dissolution of Büttner, H., see Walter et al., 1117 with constraints on reaction mechanism, 817 hectorite: In-situ, real-time observations us- Bancroft, M.G., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 ing atomic force microscopy, 1209 Caballero, J.M., see Oberti et al., 578 Banfield, J.F., see Kogure and Banfield, 1202 Botella, V., see Sainz-Diaz et al., 1038 Cahill, C.L. and Burns, P.C.: The structure of

1851 1852 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000

agrinierite: a Sr-containing uranyl oxide hy- Cowley, J.M., see Janney et al., 1180 Dyar, D., see Carpenter Woods et al., 480 drate mineral, 1294 Craven, A.J., see Garvie et al., 732 Callegari, A., Caucia, F., Mazzi, F., Oberti, R., Crichton, W.A., see Dobson et al., 1838 Eeckhout, S.G., De Grave, E., McCammon, Ottolini, L., and Ungaretti, L.: The crystal Criddle, A.J., see Burns et al., 1822 C.A., and Vochten, R.: Temperature depen- structure of peprossiite-(Ce), an anhydrous Criddle, A.J., see Paar et al., 1066 dence of the hyperfine parameters of syn-

REE and Al mica-like borate with square- Criddle, A.J., see Welch et al., 1526 thetic P21/c Mg-Fe clinopyroxenes along the

pyramidal coordination for Al, 586 Cygan, R.T., see Fisler et al., 217 MgSiO3-FeSiO3 join, 943 Cámara, F. and Ottolini, L.: New data on the Cygan, R.T., see Kalinichev et al., 1046 Elbert, D.C., see Schubel et al., 858 crystal-chemistry of fluoborite by means of Elsetinow, A.R., Guevremont, J.M., Strongin, SREF, SIMS, and EMP analysis, 103 da Silva, C.R.S., see Karki et al., 317 D.R., Schoonen, M.A.A., and Strongin, M.: Cámara, F., see Ottolini et al., 89 Dainyak, L.G., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Oxidation of {100} and {111} surfaces of Can, N., see Karali et al., 668 De Brodtkorb, M.K., see Paar et al., 1066 pyrite: Effects of preparation method, 623 Carlson, W.D., see Donelick et al. Erratum, 1565 De Grave, E., see Eeckhout et al., 943 Enami, M., see Banno et al., 1795 Carpenter Woods, S., Mackwell, S., and Dyar, del Cerro, J., see Hayward et al., 557 Eng, P., see Burns et al., 604 D.: Hydrogen in diopside: Diffusion pro- de Leeuw, N.H., Parker, S.C., Catlow, C.R.A., Ernst, W.G., see Banno et al., 1795 files, 480 and Price, G.D.: Proton-containing defects Erskine, D., see Masuda et al., 279 Castañeda, C., Oliveira, E.F., Gomes, N., and at forsterite {010} tilt grain boundaries and Essene, E.J., see Wang et al., 41 Soares, A.C.P.: Infrared study of OH sites in stepped surfaces, 1143 Essene, E.J., see Wang et al., 792 tourmaline from the elbaite-schorl series, de Wall, H., see Kontny et al., 1416 Evans, B.W., Ghiorso, M.S., and Kuehner, S.M.: 1503 Delbove, F., see Fialips-Guédon et al., 687 Thermodynamic properties of tremolite: A Catlos, E.J., Sorensen, S.S., and Harrison, T.M.: Della Giusta, A., see Andreozzi et al., 1164 correction and some comments, 466 Th-Pb ion-microprobe dating of allanite, 633 Della Ventura, G., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 Evans Jr., H.T., Konnert, J.A., and Ross, M.: The Catlow, C.R.A., see de Leeuw et al., 1143 Della Ventura, G., see Robert et al., 926 crystal structure of tetranatrolite from Mont Caucia, F., see Callegari et al., 586 Dingwell, D.B., Hess, K.-U., and Romano, C.: Saint-Hilaire, Québec, and its chemical and Charlet, L., see Bosbach et al., 1209 Viscosities of granitic (sensu lato) melts: structural relationship to paranatrolite and

Charpin, T., see Andrault et al., 364 Influence of the anorthite component, 1342 gonnardite, 1808 Chateigner, D., see Manceau et al., 133 Dingwell, D.B., see Bagdassarov et al., 33 Ewing, R.C.: Memorial: Memorial of Arthur Chateigner, D., see Manceau et al., 153 Dingwell, D.B., see Romano et al., 108 Montgomery, 1909–1999, 1848 Cheadle, M.J., see Jerram and Cheadle, 47 Dobson, D.P., Crichton, W.A., Voc˘adlo, L., Cheah, S.-F., Brown G.E. Jr., and Parks, G.A.: Jones, A.P., Wang, Y. , Uchida, T., Rivers, Fasshauer, D.W., see Grevel et al., 206 XAFS study of Cu model compounds and Cu2+ M., Sutton, S., and Brodholt, J.P.: In situ Fei, Y.: Acceptance of the Mineralogical Soci-

sorption products on amorphous SiO2, γ-Al2O3, measurement of viscosity of liquids in the ety of America Award for 1999, 1098 and , 118 Fe-FeS system at high pressures and tem- Fei, Y., Li, J., Bertka, C.M., and Prewitt, C.T.:

Chen, C.H., see Huang et al., 473 peratures, 1838 Structure type and bulk modulus of Fe3S, a Cheng, X., Zhao, P., and Stebbins, J.F.: Solid Doering, T., see Witzke et al., 847 new iron-sulfur compound, 1830 state NMR study of oxygen site exchange Donelick, R.A., Ketcham, R.A., and Carlson, Feinglos, M.N., see Burns et al., 1822 and Al-O-Al site concentration in analcime, W.D.: Erratum: Variability of apatite fission- Fenter, P., see Hanchar et al., 1217 1030 track annealing kinetics: II. Crystallographic Ferraris, C., Chopin, C., and Wessicken, R.: Chinnery, N., Pawley, A.R., and Clark, S.M.: The orientation effects, 1565 Nano- to micro-scale decompression prod- equation of state of lawsonite to 7 GPa and Dorais, M.J., see Barth and Dorais, 430 ucts in ultrahigh-pressure phengite: HRTEM 873 K, and calculation of its high pressure Doremus, R.H.: Water speciation in silicate and AEM study, and some petrological im- stability, 1001 glasses and melts: Langmuir limited site plications, 1195 Chopelas, A.: Thermal expansivity of mantle model, 1674 Ferro, O., see Subbotin et al., 1516 relevant magnesium silicates derived from Dorfman, A., see Bagdassarov et al., 33 Ferry, J.M.: Patterns of mineral occurrence in vibrational spectroscopy at high pressure, Dorogokupets, P.I.: Erratum: Thermodynamic metamorphic rocks, 1573 270 functions at zero pressure and their relation Fialips-Guédon, C.I., Robert, J.L., and Delbove, Chopin, C., see Ferraris et al., 1195 to equations of state of minerals, 879 F.: Experimental study of Cr incorporation Cipriani, C., see Giuli et al., 1172 Dorogokupets, P.I.: Thermodynamic functions in pargasite, 687 Clark, S.M., see Chinnery et al., 1001 at zero pressure and their relation to equa- Finch, R.J., see Hanchar et al., 1217 Cohen, R.E., Gülseren, O., and Hemley, R.J.: tions of state of minerals, 329 Finger, L.W. and Conrad, P.G.: The crystal struc- Accuracy of equation-of-state formulations, Drits, V.A., see Lanson et al., 826 ture of “Tetragonal Almandine-Pyrope 338 Drits. V.A., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Phase” (TAPP): A reexamination, 1804 Cole, D.R., see Labotka et al., 488 Drits, V.A., see Manceau et al., 133 Fiquet, G., see Andrault et al., 364 Colliex, C., see Gloter et al., 1452 Drits, V.A., see Manceau et al., 153 Fischer, R.X. and Schneider, H.: Crystal struc- Conrad, P.G., see Finger and Conrad, 1804 Duan, W., see Karki et al., 317 ture of Cr-mullite, 1175 Cook, G.B. and Cooper, R.F.: Iron concentra- Dubrovinskaia, N.A., see Dubrovinsky et al., 386 Fischer, R.X., see Kahlenberg et al., 1061 tion and the physical processes of dynamic Dubrovinsky, L.S., Saxena, S.K., Dubrovin- Fischer, R.X., see Kahlenberg et al., 1492 oxidation in an alkaline earth aluminosili- skaia, N.A., Rekhi, S., and le Bihan, T.: Fischer, R.X., see Piotrowski et al., 1534 cate glass, 397 Grüneisen parameter of ε-iron up to 300 GPa Fisler, D.K., Gale, J.D., and Cygan, R.T.: A shell Coombs, D.S., see Nishimura et al., 1625 from in-situ X-ray study, 386 model for the simulation of rhombohedral Cooper, M.A., see Hawthorne et al., 236 Dubrovinsky, L.S., see Saxena and Dubrovinsky, carbonate minerals and their point defects, Cooper, M.A., see Welch et al., 1526 372 217 Cooper, R.F., see Cook and Cooper, 397 Duffy , T.S., see Shim and Duffy, 354 Fjellvåg, H., see Haavik et al., 514 Corazza, M., see Giuli et al., 1172 Dunn, P.J., see Grice and Dunn, 806 Fleet, M.E.: Thermodynamics of multicompo- AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000 1853

nent and the solution properties of Giester, G., see Kolitsch and Giester, 1816 Hansen, V., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 (Ni,Mg,Fe) SiO and (Ca,Mg,Fe) SiO oliv- Giuli, G., Bindi, L., and Bonazzi, P.: Rietveld Harrison, R.J., Becker, U., and Redfern, S.A.T.: 2 4 2 4 – – ines—Comment, 1543 refinement of okayamalite, Ca2SiB2O7: Thermodynamics of the R3 to R3c phase

Fleet, M.E., Liu, X., and Pan,Y.: Rare-earth el- Structural evidence for the B/Si ordered dis- transition in the -hematite solid so-

ements in chlorapatite [Ca10(PO4)6Cl2]: Up- tribution, 1512 lution, 1694 take, site preference, and degradation of Giuli, G., Pratesi, G., Corazza, M., and Cipriani, Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and Smith, R.I.: – – monoclinic structure, 1437 C.: Aluminium coordination in tektites: A In-situ study of the R3 to R3c phase transi- Fleet, M.E. and Muthupari, S.: Boron K-edge XANES study, 1172 tion in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution XANES of borate and borosilicate miner- Giuli, G., see Romano et al., 108 using time-of-flight neutron powder diffrac- als, 1009 Gjønnes, J., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 tion, 194 Fletcher, I., see Silva et al., 649 Gloter, A., Guyot, F., Martinez, I., and Colliex, Harrison, T.M., see Catlos et al., 633 Foley, J.A., see Wright et al., 524 C.: Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of sili- Hartmann, L.A., see Silva et al., 649 Foord, E.E., see Brigatti et al., 1275 cate -magnesiowüstite high-pres- Hattori, T. , Nagai, T., Yamanaka, T., Werner, S., Francis, C.: Glossary of Mineral Synonyms. By sure assemblages, 1452 and Schulz, H.: Single-crystal X-ray diffrac-

Jeffrey de Fourestier, 1570 Gmelin, E., see Klemme et al., 1686 tion study of FeGeO3 high-P clinopyroxene Frantz, J.D., see Zhang and Frantz, 918 Gnos, E. and Armbruster, T.: Kinoshitalite, (C2/c) up to 8.2 GPa, 1485

Frezzotti, M.-L., see Viti and Frezzotti, 1390 Ba(Mg)3(Al2Si2)O10(OH,F)2, a brittle mica Hattori, T., see Nagai et al., 760 Friedrich, A., Wildner, M., Tillmanns, E., and from a manganese deposit in Oman: Hassan, I.: Transmission electron microscopy Merz, P.L.: Crystal chemistry of the new Paragenesis and crystal chemistry, 242 and differential thermal studies of lazurite

mineral brandholzite, Mg(H2O)6[Sb(OH)6]2, Gnos, E., see Armbruster and Gnos, 563 polymorphs, 1383 and of the synthetic analogues Gnos, E., see Armbruster and Gnos, 570 Hassan, I.: Transmission electron microscopy 2+ 2+ 3+ M (H2O)6[Sb(OH)6]2 (M = Mg, Co), 593 Gomes, N., see Castañeda et al., 1503 study of gaudefroyite, Ca8Mn6

Frigieri, P., see Brigatti et al., 436 Gordon, T.M., see Ghent and Gordon, 9 [(BO3)6(CO3)2O6], 1188 Frost, R.L. Kristof, J. Mako, E., and Kloprogge, Graziani, G., see Andreozzi et al., 698 Häusermann, D., see Haavik et al., 514 J.T.: Modification of the hydroxyl surface Grevel, K.-D., Nowlan, E.U., Fasshauer, D.W., Hawthorne, F.C., Cooper, M.A., Grice, J.D., and of potassium acetate intercalated halloysite and Burchard, M.: In situ X-ray diffraction Ottolini, L.: A new anhydrous amphibole between 25 and 300 °C, 1735 investigation of lawsonite and zoisite at high from the Eifel region, Germany: Descrip- Fujino, K., see Miura et al., 1799 pressures and temperatures, 206 tion and crystal structure of obertiite, 3+ 4+ Grew, E.S., see Baba et al., 1474 NaNa2(Mg3Fe Ti )Si8O22O2, 236 Gale, J.D., see Fisler et al., 217 Grew, E.S., see Jambor et al., 1561 Hawthorne, F.C., Welch, M.D., Della Ventura, Garvie, L.A.J., Rez, P., Alvarez, J.R., Buseck, Grice, J.D. and Dunn, P.J.: Crystal-structure de- G., Liu, S., Robert, J.-L., and Jenkins, D.M.: P.R., Craven, A.J., and Brydson, R.: Bond- termination of pinalite, 806 Short-range order in synthetic aluminous

ing in alpha-quartz (SiO2): A view of the un- Grice, J.D., see Hawthorne et al., 236 tremolites: An infrared and triple-quantum occupied states, 732 Griffin, B.J., see Watt et al., 1784 MAS NMR study, 1716 Garofalo, P., Audétat, A., Günther, D., Guevremont, J.M., see Elsetinow et al., 623 Hawthorne, F.C., see Robert et al., 926 Heinrich, C.A., and Ridley, J.: Estimation Gülseren, O., see Cohen et al., 338 Hawthorne, F.C., see Welch et al., 1526 and testing of standard molar Gunter, M.E., see Palmer and Gunter, 225 Hayward, S.A., del Cerro, J., and Salje, E.K.H.: thermodynamic properties of tourmaline Günther, D., see Garofalo et al., 78 Antiferroelectric phase transition in : end-members using data of natural Günther, D., see Stalder et al., 68 Excess entropy and short range order, 557 samples, 78 Gupta, P.K.S., see Moore et al., 810 Hazen, R.M., Weinberger, M.B., Yang, H., and Gasparik, T., Tripathi, A., and Parise, J.B.: Guyot, F., see Gloter et al., 1452 Prewitt, C.T.: Comparative high-pressure

Structure of a new Al-rich phase, [K, crystal chemistry of wadsleyite, β-(Mg1–

Na]0.9[Mg, Fe]2[Mg, Fe, Al, Si]6O12, synthe- Haavik,C., Stølen,S., Fjellvåg,H., Hanfland,M., xFex)2SiO4, with x = 0 and 0.25, 770 sized at 24 GPa, 613 and Häusermann, D.: Equation of state of Hazen, R.M., Yang, H., and Prewitt, C.T.: Gates, W.P., see Manceau et al., 133 magnetite and its high-pressure modifica- High-pressure crystal chemistry of Fe3+-

Gates, W.P., see Manceau et al., 153 tion: Thermodynamics of the Fe-O system wadsleyite, β-Fe2.33Si0.67O4, 778 Geiger, C.A.: Volumes of mixing in alumino- at high pressure, 514 Heaney, P.J., see Phillips et al., 181 silicate garnets: Solid solution and strain Haggerty, S.E.: The Nature of Diamonds. Ed- Heaney, P.J., see Xu et al., 971 behavior, 893 ited by George E. Harlow, 1104 Heinemann, S. and Miletich, R.: Structure and

Geiger, C.A., Armbruster, T., Khomenko, V., and Halkoaho, T.A.A., see Barkov et al., 694 twinning of tetragonal Ca3Mn2Ge3O12 gar- Quartieri, S.: Cordierite I: The coordination Hama, J., Suito, K., and Anderson, O.L.: net, 993 of Fe2+, 1255 Thermoelasticity of silicate and Heinrich, C.A., see Garofalo et al., 78 Geiger, C.A., see Kolesov and Geiger, 1265 magnesiowüstite and its implications for the Hemley, R.J., see Cohen et al., 338 Ghent, E.D. and Gordon, T.M.: Application of Earth’s lower mantle, 321 Hemley, R.J., see Shieh et al., 765 INVEQ to the geothermobarometry of meta- Hamada,Y., see Miura et al., 1799 Hernandez-Laguna, A., see Sainz-Diaz et al., morphic rocks near a kyanite-sillimanite Hamilton, M.A., see Terry et al., 1651 1038 isograd, Mica Creek, British Columbia, 9 Hanayama, Y., see Ohno et al., 288 Herreros, V., see Oberti et al., 578 Ghezzo, C., see Brigatti et al., 436 Hanchar, J.M., Nagy, K.L., Fenter, P., Finch, R.J., Hess, K.-U., see Dingwell et al., 1342 Ghiorso, M.S., see Evans et al., 466 Beno, D.J., and Sturchio, N.C.: Quantifica- Higgins, M.D.: Measurement of crystal size dis- Ghorbani, M.R. and Middlemost, E.A.K.: tion of minor phases in growth kinetics ex- tributions, 1105 Geochemistry of pyroxene inclusions from periments with powder X-ray diffraction, Hirschmann, M.M.: Thermodynamics of multi- the Warrumbungle Volcano, New South 1217 component olivines and the solution prop-

Wales, Australia, 1349 Hanchar, J.M., see Karali et al., 668 erties of (Ni,Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and

Giester, G., see Kolitsch and Giester, 1298 Hanfland, M., see Haavik et al., 514 (Ca,Mg,Fe)2SiO4 —Reply, 1548 1854 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000

Hochella Jr., M.F., see Bosbach et al., 1209 Jambor, J.L., Grew, E.S., and Roberts, A.C.: New gneiss from the Kokchetav massif, Hochella Jr., M.F., see Rosso et al., 1428 Mineral Names, 1561 Kazakhstan, 1368 Höchst, H., see Nesbitt et al., 850 Jambor, J.L., Kovalenker, V.A., and Roberts, Kawamura, K., see Miyake et al., 1159 Hoechst, H., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 A.C.: New Mineral Names, 873 Kenny, S.D., McConnell, J.D.C., and Refson, Hoffer, E., see Scheuermann et al., 784 Jambor, J.L., Pertsev, N.N., and Roberts, A.C.: K.: The ab initio study of the stability of low

Holdaway, M.J.: Application of new experimen- New Mineral Names, 1321 temperature Al/Si ordered albite, NaAlSi3O8, tal and garnet Margules data to the garnet- Jambor, J.L., Puziewicz, J., and Roberts, A.C.: 1681 biotite geothermometer, 881 New Mineral Names, 627 Keppler, H., see Sowerby and Keppler Erratum, Holtstam, D. and Larsson, A.-K.: Tegen-grenite, Jambor, J.L., Puziewicz, J., and Roberts, A.C.: 880 a new, rhombohedral spinel-related Sb min- New Mineral Names, 1843 Keppler, H., see Zotov and Keppler, 600 eral from the Jakobsberg Fe-Mn deposit, Jambor, J.L. and Roberts, A.C.: New Mineral Ketcham, R.A., see Donelick et al. Erratum, Värmland, Sweden, 1315 Names, 263 1565 Holtz, F., Roux, J., Behrens, H., and Pichavant, Janney, D.E., Cowley, J.M., and Buseck, P.R.: Khomenko, V., see Geiger et al., 1255 M.: Water solubility in silica and Structure of synthetic 2-line ferrihydrite by Kile, D.E., see Brigatti et al., 1275 quartzofeldspathic melts, 682 electron nanodiffraction, 1180 Kim, Y., see Hou et al., 173 Hoser, A., see Pavese et al., 1497 Jenkins, D.M., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 Kimata, M., see Kyono et al., 1287 Hou, X., Kirkpatrick, R.J., Yu, P., Moore, D., Jercinovic, M.J., see Terry et al., 1651 Kimura, M., see Ohno et al., 288 and Kim, Y.: 15N NMR study of nitrate ion Jerram, D.A. and Cheadle, M.J.: On the cluster Kinny, P.D., see Watt et al., 1784 structure and dynamics in hydrotalcite-like analysis of grains and crystals in rocks, 47 Kirkpatrick, R.J., see Hou et al., 173 compounds, 173 Johnston, A.D., see McBirney and Johnston, 1327 Kirkpatrick, R.J., see Kalinichev et al., 1046 Housley, R.M., see Burns et al., 604 Johnston, C.T., see Wang and Johnston, 739 Kitamura, M., see Miyake et al., 1159 Howie, R.A.: Acceptance of the Mineralogical Jonckheere, R.C. and Wagner, G. A.: On the oc- Klemme, S., O’Neill, H.St.C., Schnelle, W., and

Society of America Public Service Award of currence of anomalous fission tracks in apa- Gmelin, E.: The heat capacity of MgCr2O4,

1999, 1101 tite and titanite, 1744 FeCr2O4, and Cr2O3 at low temperatures and Huang, E., Chen, C.H., Huang, T., Lin, E.H., Jones, A.P., see Dobson et al., 1838 derived thermodynamic properties 1686 and Xu, J.: Raman spectroscopic character- Kloprogge, J.T., see Frost et al., 1735 istics of Mg-Fe-Ca pyroxenes, 473 Kahl, W.A. and Schumacher, J.C.: Multiple py- Kogure, T. and Banfield, J.F.: New insights into Huang, T., see Huang et al., 473 roxene and amphibole assemblages in the the mechanism for chloritization of biotite Hughes, J.M., see Ni et al., 251 amphibolite facies: Bulk compositional con- using polytype analysis, 1202 Hughes, J.M., see Wright et al., 524 trols,1606 Kohn, S.C., see Toplis et al., 1556 Hülsmans, A., Schmücker, M., Mader, W., and Kahlenberg, V., Fischer, R.X., and Shaw, C.S.J.: Kolesov, B.A. and Geiger, C.A.: Cordierite II:

Schneider, H.: The transformation of an- High-pressure Ca4Al6O13: An example of a The role of CO2 and H2O, 1265 dalusite to mullite and silica: Part I. Trans- calcium aluminate with three different types Kolitsch U., and Giester, G.: Elyite,

formation mechanism in [001]A direction, of coordination polyhedra for aluminum, Pb4Cu(SO4)O2(OH)4·H2O: crystal structure 980 1492 and new data, 1816 Hülsmans, A., Schmücker, M., Mader, W., and Kahlenberg, V., Fischer, R.X., and Shaw, C.S.J.: Kolitsch, U. and Giester, G.: The crystal struc-

Schneider, H.: The transformation of an- Rietveld analysis of dicalcium aluminate ture of namibite, Cu(BiO)2VO4(OH), and

dalusite to mullite and silica: Part II. Trans- (Ca2Al2O5)—A new high pressure phase revision of its symmetry, 1298

formation mechanisms in [100]A and [010]A with the Brownmillerite-type structure, 1061 Konnert, J.A., see Evans et al., 1808 directions, 987 Kahlenberg, V., see Piotrowski et al., 1534 Kononkova, N.N., see Ivanov et al., 1082 Huo, D., see Manceau et al., 133 Kalinichev, A.G., Kirkpatrick, R.J., and Cygan, Kontny, A., de Wall, H., Sharp, T.G., and Pósfai, Huo, D., see Manceau et al., 153 R.T.: Molecular modeling of the structure M.: Mineralogy and magnetic behavior of and dynamics of the interlayer and surface pyrrhotite from a 260 °C section at the KTB Isaak, D.G.: Ultrahigh-Pressure Mineralogy: species of mixed-metal layered hydroxides: drilling site, Germany, 1416 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Deep Chloride and water in hydrocalumite Kontny, A., see Pósfai et al., 1406 Interior. Edited by Russell Hemley, 1103 (Friedel’s salt), 1046 Konzett, J., see Shieh et al., 765 Isaak, D.G., see Anderson and Isaak, 376 Kampf, A.R.: The crystal structure of Konzett, J., see Yang and Konzett, 259 Isaak, D.G, see Stacey and Isaak, 345 pararobertsite and its relationship to Kovalenker, V.A., see Jambor et al., 873 Isaak, D.G., see Liebermann and Isaak, 269 mitridatite, 1302 Kristof, J., see Frost et al., 1735 Itaya, T., see Nishimura et al., 1625 Kampf, A.R., see Moore et al., 810 Krivovichev, S.V., see Li et al., 1521 Ivanov, A.V., Zolensky, M.E., Saito, A., Ohsumi, Karali,T., Can, N., Townsend, P.D., Rowlands, A.P., Kroeker, S. and Stebbins, J.F.: Magnesium co- K., Yang, S.V., Kononkova, N.N., and and Hanchar, J.M.: Radioluminescence and ordination environments in glasses and min- Mikouchi, T.: Florenskyite, FeTiP, a new thermoluminescence of rare earth element and erals: New insight from high-field phosphide from the Kaidun meteorite, 1082 phosphorus-doped zircon, 668 magnesium-25 MAS NMR, 1459 Karki, B.B.: Thermal pressure in MgO and Kuehner, S.M., see Evans et al., 466

MgSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle condi- Kunz, M., Arlt, T., and Stolz, J.: In situ powder

Jackson, J.M., Sinogeikin, S.V. and tions, 1447 diffraction study of titanite (CaTiOSiO4) at Bass, J.D.: Sound velocities and elastic prop- Karki, B.B., Duan, W., da Silva, C.R.S., and high pressure and high temperature, 1465

erties of γ-Mg2SiO4 to 873 K by Brillouin Wentzcovitch, R.M.: Ab initio structure of Kushiro, I.: Acceptance of the Roebling Medal

spectroscopy, 296 MgSiO3 ilmenite at high pressure, 317 of the Mineralogical Society of America for Jacobsen, S.D., Smyth, J.R., Swope, R.J., and Katayama, I., Parkinson, C.D., Okamoto, K., 1999, 1094 Sheldon, R.I.: Two proton positions in the Nakajima, Y., and Maruyama, S.: Kutoglu, A., see Scheuermann et al., 784 very strong hydrogen bond of serandite, Supersilicic clinopyroxene and silica Kyono, A., Kimata, M., and Shimizu, M.: The

NaMn2[Si3O8(OH)], 745 exsolution in UHPM eclogite and pelitic crystal structure of TlAlSiO4: The role of AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000 1855

inert pairs in exclusion of Tl from silicate Manceau, A., see Lanson et al., 826 Holtstam and Jürgen Langhof, 1570 minerals, 1287 Manecki, M., Maurice, P.A., and Traina, S.J.: Moore, P.B., Kampf, A.R., and Gupta, P.K.S.: The Uptake of aqueous Pb by Cl–, F–, and OH– crystal structure of philolithite, a trellis-like Labotka, T.C., Cole, D.R., and Riciputi, L.R.: apatites: Mineralogic evidence for nucleation open framework based on cubic closest- Diffusion of C and O in calcite at 100 MPa, mechanisms, 932 packing of anions, 810 488 Mao, H., see Shieh et al., 765 Morse, S.A.: A double magmatic heat pump at Landis, C.A., see Nishimura et al., 1625 Marchetti, F. and Perchiazzi, N.: The crystal the core-mantle boundary, 1589

Lanson, B., Drits, V.A., Silvester, E., and structure of gearksutite, CaAlF4(OH)⋅H2O, Mottana, A., see Romano et al., 108 Manceau, A.: Structure of H-exchanged hex- 231 Murad, E. and Bishop, J.L.: The infrared spec- agonal birnessite and its mechanism of for- Marshall, W.G., see Parise et al., 189 trum of synthetic akaganéite, β-FeOOH, mation from Na-rich monoclinic buserite at Martin, R.F., see Barkov et al., 694 716 low pH, 826 Martinez, I., see Gloter et al., 1452 Muthupari, S., see Fleet and Muthupari, 1009 Lanson, B., see Manceau et al., 133 Maruyama, S., see Katayama et al., 1868 Mysen, B.O. and Wheeler, K.: Solubility behav- Lanson, B., see Manceau et al., 153 Masuda, K., Erskine, D., and Anderson, O.L.: ior of water in haploandesitic melts at high Larsson, A.-K., see Holtstam and Larsson, 1315 Differential laser-interferometer for thermal pressure and high temperature, 1128 le Bihan, T., see Andrault et al., 364 expansion measurements, 279 Mysen, B.O. and Yoder Jr., H.S.: Presentation le Bihan, T., see Dubrovinsky et al., 386 Matsubara, S., see Miyawaki et al., 1076 of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Leslie, M., see Matsui et al., 312 Matsui, M., Parker, S.C., and Leslie, M.: The Society of America for 1999 to Ikuo Kushiro, VIII Lévy, D. and Barbier, J.: (Mg,Fe)0.85 MD simulation of the equation of state of 1092 VI IV (Mg,Fe)4 (Fe,Ge)3O12: A new tetragonal MgO: Application as a pressure calibration phase and its comparison with garnet, 1053 standard at high temperature and high pres- Nagai, T., Hattori, T., and Yamanaka, T.: Com- Levy, D., see Pavese et al., 1497 sure, 312 pression mechanism of brucite: An investi- Li, B. and Liebermann, R.C.: Sound velocities Maurice, P.A., see Manecki et al., 932 gation by structural refinement under

of wadsleyite β-(Mg0.88Fe0.12)2SiO4 to 10 Mazzi, F., see Callegari et al., 586 pressure, 760 GPa, 292 McBirney, A.R. and Johnston, A.D.: Memorial: Nagai, T., see Hattori et al., 1485 Li, J., see Fei et al., 1830 Memorial of William T. Holser, 1920–1999, Nagy, K.L., see Hanchar et al., 1217 Li, Y., Krivovichev, S.V., and Burns, P.C.: The 1327 Nakai, I., see Miyawaki et al., 1076

crystal structure of thornasite, Na12Th3 McCammon, C.A., see Eeckhout et al., 943 Nakajima, Y., see Katayama et al., 1868

[Si8O19]4(H2O)18: A novel interrupted silicate McConnell, J.D.C., see Kenny et al., 1681 Navrotsky, A., see Phillips et al., 181 framework, 1521 McNaughton, N.J., see Silva et al., 649 Nesbitt, H.W., Scaini, M., Höchst, H., Bancroft, Liebermann, R.C. and Isaak, D.G.: Dedication Meisser, N., see Brugger et al., 1307 G.M., Schaufuss, A.G., and Szargan, R.: to Orson L. Anderson, 269 Mellott, N.P., see Brantley and Mellott, 1767 Synchrotron XPS evidence for Fe2+-S and Liebermann, R.C., see Li and Liebermann, 292 Menchetti, S., see Olmi et al., 1508 Fe3+-S surface species on pyrite Lin, E.H., see Huang et al., 473 Merli, M., Ungaretti, L., and Oberti, R.: Lever- -surfaces, and their 3D electronic Lindgreen, H., Drits, V.A., Sakharov, B.A., age analysis and structure refinement of states, 850 Salyn, A.L., Wrang, P., and Dainyak, L.G.: minerals, 532 Nesbitt, H.W., see Banerjee and Nesbitt Erra- Illite-smectite structural changes during Merlino, S., see Subbotin et al., 1516 tum, 1328 metamorphism in black Cambrian Alum Merz, P.L., see Friedrich et al., 593 Nesbitt, H.W., see Banerjee and Nesbitt, 817 shales from the Baltic area, 1223 Middlemost, E.A.K., see Ghorbani and Nesbitt, H.W., see Pratt and Nesbitt, 619 Liou, J.G., see Tsai, and Liou, 1 Middlemost, 1349 Nesbitt, H.W., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 Liu, S., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 Mikouchi, T., see Ivanov et al., 1082 Neumann, E.-R., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397

Liu, X., see Fleet et al., 1437 Miletich, R., see Heinemann and Miletich, 993 Ni, Y., Post, J.E., and Hughes, J.M.: The crystal

López-Andrés, S., see Oberti et al., 578 Miletich, R., see Paar et al., 1066 structure of parisite-(Ce), Ce2CaF2(CO3)3, Lottermoser, W., see Redhammer et al., 449 Milman, V., see Nobes et al., 1706 251 Lucchesi, S., see Andreozzi et al., 698 Milman, V., see Winkler et al., 608 Nickel, E.H., see Strunz and Nickel, 1828 Lugli, C., see Brigatti et al., 1275 Miura, H., Hamada,Y., Suzuki, T., Akaogi, M., Nieto, J.M., see Ruiz Cruz et al. Erratum, 632 Lutz, H.D., see Parise et al., 189 Miyajima, N., and Fujino, K.: Crystal struc- Nishimura, Y., Coombs, D.S., Landis, C.A., and

ture of CaMg2Al6O12, a new Al-rich high Itaya, T.: Continuous metamorphic gradient Mackwell, S., see Carpenter Woods et al., 480 pressure form, 1799 documented by graphitization and K-Ar age, Mader, W., see Hülsmans et al., 980 Miyajima, N., see Miura et al., 1799 southeast Otago, New Zealand,1625 Mader, W., see Hülsmans et al., 987 Miyake, A., Kawamura, K., and Kitamura, M.: Nobes, R.H., Akhmatskaya, E.V., Milman, V., Mako, E., see Frost et al., 1735 Molecular dynamics simulation of Al/Si-or- White, J.A., Winkler, B., and Pickard, C.J.: Manceau, A., Drits, V.A., Lanson, B., dered plagioclase feldspar, 1159 An ab initio study of hydrogarnets, 1706 Chateigner, D., Wu, J., Huo, D., Gates, W.P., Miyawaki, R., Matsubara, S., Yokoyama, K., Nobes, R.H., see Winkler et al., 608 and Stucki, J.W.: Oxidation-reduction Takeuchi, K., Terada, Y., and Nakai, I.: Nowlan, E.U., see Grevel et al., 206

mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites: Kozoite-(Nd), Nd(CO3)(OH), a new mineral Nyfeler, D., see Brugger et al., 1307 II. Crystal chemistry of reduced Garfield in an alkali olivine basalt from Hizen-cho, nontronite, 153 Saga Prefecture, Japan, 1076 Oberti, R., Caballero, J.M., Ottolini, L., López- Manceau, A., Lanson, B., Drits, V.A., Molin, G., see Brizi et al., 1375 Andrés, S., and Herreros, V.: Sodic- Chateigner, D., Gates, W.P., Wu, J., Huo, D., Molin, G., see Pasqual et al., 953 ferripedrizite, a new monoclinic amphibole and Stucki, J.W. : Oxidation-reduction Möller, H., see Parise et al., 189 bridging the magnesium-iron-manganese- mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites: Moore, D., see Hou et al., 173 lithium and the sodium-calcium groups, 578 I. Crystal chemistry of oxidized reference Moore, P.B.: Långban: The Mines, their Miner- Oberti, R., Vannucci, R., Zanetti, A., Tiepolo, nontronites, 133 als, Geology, and Explorers. Edited by Dan M., and Brumm, R.C.: A crystal chemical 1856 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000

re-evaluation of amphibole/melt and am- Pasqual, D., Molin, G., and Tribaudino, M.: 1617

phibole/clinopyroxene DTi values in petro- Single-crystal thermometric calibration of Ramakrishna, B.L., see Xu et al., 509 genetic studies, 407 Fe-Mg order-disorder in pigeonites, 953 Ravna, E.J.K., see Terry et al., 1637 Oberti, R., see Callegari et al., 586 Pavese, A., Levy, D., and Hoser, A.: Cation Redfern, S.A.T., see Harrison et al., 194 Oberti, R., see Merli et al., 532 distribution in synthetic zinc ferrite Redfern, S.A.T., see Harrison et al., 1694

Oda, H., see Ohno et al., 288 (Zn0.97Fe2.02O4) from in situ high-temperature Redhammer, G.J., Beran, A., Schneider, J., Oglesby, J.V. and Stebbins, J.F.: 29Si CPMAS neutron powder diffraction, 1497 Amthauer, G., and Lottermoser, W.: Spec- NMR investigations of silanol-group min- Pawley, A.R., see Chinnery et al., 1001 troscopic and structural properties of syn- erals and hydrous aluminosilicate glasses, Peacor, D.R., see Wang et al., 792 thetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite 722 Perchiazzi, N., see Marchetti and Perchiazzi, 231 binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refine- Ohno, I., Abe, M., Kimura, M., Hanayama, Y., Pertsev, N.N., see Jambor et al., 1321 ment, Mössbauer, and infrared spectroscopy, Oda, H., and Suzuki, I.: Elasticity measure- Petrík, I., see Broska et al., 22 449 ment of silica glass under gas pressure, 288 Phillips, B.L., Xu, H., Heaney, P.J., and Refson, K., see Kenny et al., 1681 Ohno, I., see Suzuki et al., 304 Navrotsky, A.: 29Si and 27Al MAS-NMR Reichmann, H.-J., see Bassett et al., 283

Ohsumi, K., see Ivanov et al., 1082 spectroscopy of β-eucryptite (LiAlSiO4): Rekhi, S., see Dubrovinsky et al., 386 Okamoto, K., see Katayama et al., 1868 The enthalpy of Si,Al ordering, 181 Retallack, G.J. : Atlas Of Micromorphology Of Oliveira, E.F., see Castañeda et al., 1503 Pichavant, M., see Holtz et al., 682 Mineral Alteration And Weathering. By Jean Olmi, F., Viti, C., Bindi, L., Bonazzi, P., and Pickard, C.J., see Nobes et al., 1706 E. Delvigne, 878 Menchetti, S.: Second occurrence of Piotrowski, A., Kahlenberg, V., and Fischer, Rez, P., see Garvie et al., 732

okayamalite, Ca2SiB2O7: chemical and TEM R.X.: Na2Ca2(P2O7)F2, the first diphosphate Ribbe, P.H.: Presentation of the Distinguished characterization, 1508 of the cuspidine family, 1534 Public Service Award to Robert A. Howie, O’Neill, H.St.C., see Klemme et al., 1686 Pluth, J.J., see Burns et al., 604 1100 Ottolini, L., Cámara, F., and Bigi, S.: An Poe, B.T., see Romano et al., 108 Rice, J.A., see Sullivan et al., 1002 investigation of matrix effects in Pohwat, P.: Dana’s New Mineralogy. By R.V. Richmond, N.C. and Brodholt, J.P.: Incorpora- the analysis of fluorine in humite- Gaines, H.C.W. Skinner, E.E. Foord, B. tion of Fe3+ into forsterite and group minerals by EMPA, SIMS, and Mason, and A. Rosenzweig, 631 wadsleyite, 1155 SREF 89 Poirier, G., see Barkov et al., 694 Riciputi, L.R., see Labotka et al., 488 Ottolini, L., see Andreozzi et al., 698 Poirer, J.P., see Vocˇadlo et al., 390 Ridley, J., see Garofalo et al., 78 Ottolini, L., see Callegari et al., 586 Pöllmann, H., see Witzke et al., 847 Rivers, M., see Dobson et al., 1838 Ottolini, L., see Cámara and Ottolini, 103 Poplett, I.J.F., see Toplis et al., 1556 Robert, J.L., Della Ventura, G., Welch, M.D., Ottolini, L., see Hawthorne et al., 236 Popp, R.K., see Virgo and Popp, 753 and Hawthorne, F.C.: The OH-F substitution Ottolini, L., see Oberti et al., 578 Poppi, L., see Brigatti et al., 436 in synthetic pargasite at 1.5 kbar, 850 °C, Ottolini, L., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 Poppi, L., see Brigatti et al., 1275 926 Owens, B.E.: High-temperature contact meta- Pósfai, M., Sharp, T.G., and Kontny, A.: Pyrrho- Robert, J.-L., see Fialips-Guédon et al., 687 morphism of calc-silicate xenoliths in the tite varieties from the 9.1 km deep borehole Robert, J.-L., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 Kiglapait Intrusion, Labrador, 1595 of the KTB project, 1406 Roberts, A.C., see Burns et al., 1822 Pósfai, M., see Kontny et al., 1416 Roberts, A.C., see Jambor and Roberts, 263 Paar, W.H., Miletich, R., Topa, D., Criddle, A.J., Post, J.E., see Ni et al., 251 Roberts, A.C., see Jambor et al., 627 De Brodtkorb, M.K., Amthauer, G., and Pratesi, G., see Giuli et al., 1172 Roberts, A.C., see Jambor et al., 873

Tippelt, G.: Suredaite, PbSnS3, a new min- Pratt, A.R. and Nesbitt, H.W.: Core level elec- Roberts, A.C., see Jambor et al., 1321

eral species from the Pirquitas Ag-Sn de- tron binding energies of realgar (As4S4), Roberts, A.C., see Jambor et al., 1561 posit, NW-Argentina: Mineralogy and 619 Roberts, A.C., see Jambor et al., 1843 crystal structure, 1066 Prewitt, C.T.: Presentation of the Mineralogical Robinson, P., see Terry et al., 1637 Pakhomovsky, Y.A., see Subbotin et al., 1516 Society of America Award for 1999 to Robinson, P., see Terry et al., 1651 Palme, H., see Borisov and Palme, 1665 Yingwei Fei, 1097 Romano, C., Paris, E., Poe, B.T., Giuli, G., Palmer, J.L. and Gunter, M.E.: Optical proper- Prewitt, C.T., see Fei et al., 1830 Dingwell, D.B., and Mottana, A.: Effect of ties of natural and cation-exchanged heulan- Prewitt, C.T., see Hazen et al., 770 aluminum on Ti-coordination in silicate dite group zeolites, 225 Prewitt, C.T., see Hazen et al., 778 glasses: A XANES study, 108 Pan,Y. and Stauffer, M.R.: Cerium anomaly and Price, G.D., see de Leeuw et al., 1143 Romano, C., see Dingwell et al., 1342 Th/U fractionation in the 1.85 Ga Flin Flon Price, G.D., see Vocˇadlo et al., 390 Roselieb, K., see Walter et al., 1117 Paleosol: Clues from REE- and U-rich ac- Princivalle, F., see Andreozzi et al., 1164 Rosenhauer, M., see Walter et al., 1117 cessory minerals and implications for Puga, E., see Ruiz Cruz et al. Erratum, 632 Ross, M., see Evans et al., 1808 paleoatmospheric reconstruction, 898 Purton, J.A., Blundy, J.D., and Allan, N.L.: Rosso, K.M., Becker, U., and Hochella Jr., M.F.: Pan,Y. see Fleet et al., 1437 Computer simulation of high-temperature, Surface defects and self-diffusion on pyrite Paris, E., see Romano et al., 108 forsterite-melt partitioning, 1087 {100}: An ultra-high vacuum scanning tun- Parise, J.B., Marshall, W.G., Smith, R.I., Lutz, Pushcharovsky, Y.D., see Subbotin et al., 1516 neling microscopy and theoretical modeling H.D., and Möller, H.: The nuclear and mag- Puziewicz, J., see Jambor et al., 627 study, 1428 netic structure of “white rust”— Puziewicz, J., see Jambor et al., 1843 Rouse, R.C., see Wang et al., 792

Fe(OH0.86D0.14)2, 189 Roux, J., see Holtz et al., 682 Parise, J.B., see Gasparik et al., 613 Quartieri, S., see Geiger et al., 1255 Rowlands, A.P., see Karali et al., 668 Parker, S.C., see de Leeuw et al., 1143 Ruiz Cruz, M.D., Puga, E., and Nieto, J.M.: Er- Parker, S.C., see Matsui et al., 312 Ranson, W.A.: Margarite-corundum phyllites ratum: Silicate and oxide exsolution in Parkinson, C.D., see Katayama et al., 1868 from the Appalachian orogen of South Caro- pseudo-spinifex olivine from metaultramafic Parks, G.A., see Cheah et al., 118 lina: Mineralogy and metamorphic history, rocks of the Betic Ophiolitic Association: a AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000 1857

TEM study, 632 P-V-T equation of state of MgSiO3 Sorokhtina, N.V., and Zubkova, N.V.:

Russo, U., see Andreozzi et al., 698 perovskite, 354 Tumchaite Na2(Zr,Sn)Si4O11·2H2O—A new Shimizu, M., see Kyono et al., 1287 mineral from carbonatites of the Vuoriyarvi Sainz-Diaz, C.I., Timon, V., Botella, V., and Shore, J.S., see Sullivan et al., 1002 alkali-ultrabasic massif, Murmansk Region, Hernandez-Laguna, A.: Isomorphous substi- Silva, L.C. da, Hartmann, L.A., McNaughton, N.J., Russia, 1516 tution effect on the vibration frequencies of and Fletcher, I.,: Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dat- Suito, K., see Hama et al., 321 hydroxyl groups in molecular cluster mod- ing of a Neoproterozoic overprint in Sullivan, D.J., Shore, J.S., and Rice, J.A.: 113Cd els of the clay octahedral sheet, 1038 Paleoproterozoic granitic-gneissic terranes, double-resonance NMR as a probe of clay Saito, A., see Ivanov et al., 1082 southern Brazil, 649 mineral cation exchange sites, 1022 Sakharov, B.A., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Silvester, E., see Lanson et al., 826 Sutton, S., see Dobson et al., 1838 Salje, E.K.H., see Hayward et al., 557 Sinogeikin, S.V., Schilling, F.R., and Bass, J.D.: Suzuki, I., Ohno, I., and Anderson, O.L.: Har- Salyn, A.L., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Single crystal elasticity of lawsonite, 1834 monic and anharmonic properties of spinel

Saxena, S.K. and Dubrovinsky, L.S.: Iron phases Sinogeikin, S.V., see Jackson et al., 296 MgAl2O4, 304 at high pressures and temperatures: Phase Sitzman, S.D., Banfield, J.F., and Suzuki, I., see Ohno et al., 288 transition and melting, 372 Valley, J.W.: Microstructural characteriza- Suzuki, T., see Miura et al., 1799 Saxena, S.K., see Dubrovinsky et al., 386 tion of metamorphic magnetite crystals with Swope, R.J., see Jacobsen et al., 745 Scaini, M., see Nesbitt et al., 850 implications for oxygen isotope distribution, Szargan, R., see Nesbitt et al., 850 Scaini, M.J., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 14 Szargan, R., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 Schaufuss, A.G., Nesbitt, H.W., Scaini, M.J., Skogby, H., see Andreozzi et al., 1164 Hoechst, H., Bancroft, M.G., and Szargan, Smith, J.V., see Burns et al., 604 Takeuchi, K., see Miyawaki et al., 1076 R.: Reactivity of surface sites on fractured Smith, R.I., see Harrison et al., 194 Terada, Y., see Miyawaki et al., 1076 arsenopyrite (FeAsS) toward oxygen, 1754 Smith, R.I., see Parise et al., 189 Terry, M.P., Robinson, P., Hamilton, M.A., and Schaufuss, A.G., see Nesbitt et al., 850 Smith, M.E., see Toplis et al., 1556 Jercinovic, M.J.: Monazite geochronology Scheuermann, P., Kutoglu, A., Schosnig, M., and Smyth, J.R., see Bassett et al., 283 of UHP and HP metamorphism, deforma- Hoffer, E.: Structure and stability of the high- Smyth, J.R., see Jacobsen et al., 745 tion, and exhumation, Nordøyane, Western

pressure phase, Ca3TiSi2(Al,Ti,Si)3O14, 784 Soares, A.C.P., see Castañeda et al., 1503 Gneiss Region, Norway, 1651 Schilling, F.R., see Sinogeikin et al., 1834 Sorensen, S.S., see Catlos et al., 633 Terry, M.P., Robinson, P., and Ravna, E.J.K.: Schmidt, C. and Ziemann, M.A.: In-situ Raman Sorokhtina, N.V., see Subbotin et al., 1516 Kyanite eclogite thermobarometry and evi- spectroscopy of quartz: A pressure sensor for Sowerby, J.R. and Keppler, H.: Erratum: Water dence for thrusting of UHP over HP meta- hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell experi- speciation in rhyolitic melt determined by morphic rocks, Nordøyane, Western Gneiss ments at elevated temperatures, 1725 in-situ infrared spectroscopy, 880 Region, Norway, 1637 Schmidt, S., see Brugger et al., 1307 Spetzler, H., see Bassett et al., 283 Thomas, R.: Determination of water contents Schmücker, M., see Hülsmans et al., 980 Stacey, F.D. and Isaak, D.G.: Extrapolation of of granite melt inclusions by confocal la- Schmücker, M., see Hülsmans et al., 987 lower mantle properties to zero pressure: ser Raman microprobe spectroscopy, 868 Schneider, J., see Redhammer et al., 449 Constraints on composition and temperature, Thompson, A.B., see Stalder et al., 68 Schneider, J., see Stanjek and Schneider, 839 345 Tiepolo, M., see Oberti et al., 407 Schneider, H., see Fischer and Schneider, 1175 Stalder, R., Ulmer, P., Thompson, A.B., Tillmanns, E., see Friedrich et al., 593 Schneider, H., see Hülsmans et al., 980 and Günther, D.: Experimental approach Timon, V., see Sainz-Diaz et al., 1038 Schneider, H., see Hülsmans et al., 987 to constrain second critical end points in Tippelt, G., see Paar et al., 1066 Schnelle, W., see Klemme et al., 1686 fluid/silicate systems: Near-solidus fluids Townsend, P.D., see Karali et al., 668

Schoonen, M.A.A., see Elsetinow et al., 623 and melts in the system albite-H2O, 68 Topa, D., see Paar et al., 1066 Schoonen, M.A.A., see Xu and Schoonen, 543 Stanjek, H. and Schneider, J.: Anisotropic peak Toplis, M. J., Kohn, S.C., Smith, M.E., and Schosnig, M., see Scheuermann et al., 784 broadening analysis of a biogenic soil Poplett, I.J.F.: Fivefold-coordinated alumi-

Schubel, K.A., Elbert, D.C., and Veblen, D.R.: greigite (Fe3S4) with Rietveld analysis and num in tectosilicate glasses observed by Incommensurate c-domain superstructures single peak fitting, 839 triple quantum MAS NMR, 1556 in calcian dolomite from the Latemar Stauffer, M.R., see Pan et al., 898 Traina, S.J., see Manecki et al., 932 buildup, Dolomites, Northern Italy, 858 Stebbins, J.F., see Cheng et al., 1030 Tribaudino, M.: A transmission electron micro-

Schuckmann, W., see Witzke et al., 847 Stebbins, J.F., see Kroeker and Stebbins, 1459 scope investigation of the C2/c → P21/c Schulz, H., see Hattori et al., 1485 Stebbins, J.F., see Oglesby and Stebbins, 722 phase transition in clinopyroxenes along the

Schumacher, J.C., see Kahl and Schumacher, Stebbins, J.F., see Zeng and Stebbins, 863 diopside-enstatite (CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6) 1606 Steele, I., see Burns et al., 604 join, 707 Sharp, T.G., see Kontny et al., 1416 Stirling, J.A.R., see Burns et al., 1822 Tribaudino, M., Benna, P., and Bruno, E.:TEM – – Sharp, T.G., see Pósfai et al., 1406 Stølen, Sv., see Haavik et al., 514 observations on the P1-I1 phase transition

Shaw, C.S.J., see Kahlenberg et al., 1061 Stolz, J., see Kunz et al., 1465 in feldspars along the join CaAl2Si2O8-

Shaw, C.S.J., see Kahlenberg et al., 1492 Strongin, D.R., see Elsetinow et al., 623 SrAl2Si2O8, 963 Shearer, C.K., see Baba et al., 1474 Strongin, M., see Elsetinow et al., 623 Tribaudino, M., see Pasqual et al., 953 Sheldon, R.I., see Jacobsen et al., 745 Strunz, H. and Nickel, E.H.: Pseudosinhalite is Tripathi, A., see Gasparik et al., 613 Sheraton, J.W., see Baba et al., 1474 a structural isotype of chondrodite, 1828 Tsai, C.-H. and Liou, J.G.: Eclogite-facies rel- Schenk, K., see Brugger et al., 1307 Stucki, J.W., see Manceau et al., 133 ics and inferred ultrahigh-pressure metamor- Shibakusa, H., see Banno et al., 1795 Stucki, J.W., see Manceau et al., 153 phism in the North Dabie Complex, Shieh, S.R., Mao, H., Konzett, J., and Hemley, Sturchio, N.C., see Hanchar et al., 1217 central-eastern China, 1 R.J.: In-situ high pressure X-ray diffraction Subbotin, V.V., Merlino, S., Pushcharovsky, of phase E to 15 GPa, 765 Y.D., Pakhomovsky, Y.A., Ferro, O., Uchida, T., see Dobson et al., 1838 Shim, S.-H. and Duffy , T.S.: Constraints on the Bogdanova, A.N., Voloshin, A.V., Ulmer, P., see Stalder et al., 68 1858 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000

Ungaretti, L., see Callegari et al., 586 hydroxyl-bearing titanate from Garnet lands, 1397 Ungaretti, L., see Merli et al., 532 Ridge, Arizona, 792 Wylie, A.G. and Verkouteren, J.R.: Amphibole Watt, G.R., Griffin, B.J., and Kinny, P.D.: Charge asbestos from Libby, Montana: Aspects of Valley, J.W., see Sitzman et al., 14 contrast imaging of geological materials in nomenclature, 1540 Vannucci, R., see Oberti et al., 407 the environmental scanning electron micro- Wylie, A.G., see Verkouteren and Wylie, 1239 Vannucci, R., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 scope, 1784 Veblen, D.R., see Schubel et al., 858 Wegner, R., see Witzke et al., 847 Xu, H., Heaney, P.J., and Beall, G.H.: Phase tran- Veblen, D.R., see Xu et al., 509 Weinberger, M.B., see Hazen et al., 770 sitions induced by solid solution in stuffed Velde, D.: Mineralogy of mafic xenoliths and Welch, M.D., Cooper, M.A., Hawthorne, F.C., derivatives of quartz: A powder synchrotron

their reaction zones in the olivine and Criddle, A.J.: Symesite, Pb10 XRD study of the LiAlSiO4-SiO2 join, 971

from Prairie Creek Arkansas and the (SO4)O7Cl4(H2O), a new PbO-related sheet Xu, H.,Veblen, D.R., Buseck, P., and paragenesis of haggertyite, Ba mineral: Description and crystal structure, Ramakrishna, B.L.: TEM and SFM of

[Fe6Ti5Mg]O19, 420 1526 exsolution and twinning in an alkali feldspar, Verkouteren, J.R. and Wylie, A.G.: The tremo- Welch, M.D., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 509 lite-actinolite-ferro–actinolite series: Sys- Welch, M.D., see Robert et al., 926 Xu, H., see Phillips et al., 181 tematic relationships among cell parameters, Wentzcovitch, R.M., see Karki et al., 317 Xu, J., see Huang et al., 473 composition, optical properties, and habit, Werner, S., see Hattori et al., 1485 Xu, Y. and Schoonen, M.A.A.: The absolute and evidence of discontinuities, 1239 Wessicken, R., see Ferraris et al., 1195 energy positions of conduction and valence Verkouteren, J.R., see Wylie and Verkouteren, Wheeler, K., see Mysen and Wheeler, 1128 bands of selected semiconducting minerals, 543 1540 White, J.A., see Nobes et al., 1706 Virgo, D. and Popp, R.K.: Hydrogen deficiency Wildner, M., see Friedrich et al., 593 Yamanaka, T., see Hattori et al., 1485 in mantle-derived phlogopites, 753 Wilkin, R.T. and Barnes, H.L.: Nucleation and Yamanaka, T., see Nagai et al., 760 Viti, C. and Frezzotti, M.-L.: Re-equilibration growth kinetics of analcime from precursor Yang, H. and Konzett, J.: High-pressure synthesis

of glass and CO2 inclusions in xenolith oliv- Na-clinoptilolite, 1329 of Na2Mg6Si6O18(OH)2—a new hydrous sili- ine: A TEM study, 1390 Wilkin, R.T., see Benning et al., 495 cate phase isostructural with , 259 Viti, C., see Olmi et al., 1508 Williams, C.T., see Broska et al., 22 Yang, H., see Hazen et al., 770 Vo cˇadlo, L., see Dobson et al., 1838 Winkler, B., Milman, V., Akhmatskaya, E.V., and Yang, H., see Hazen et al., 778 Vocˇadlo, L., Poirer, J.P., and Price, G.D.: Nobes, R.H.: Bonding and dynamics of Mg Yang, S.V., see Ivanov et al., 1082 Grüneisen parameters and isothermal equa- in pyrope: a theoretical investigation, 608 Yoder Jr., H.S., see Mysen and Yoder, 1092 tions of state, 390 Winkler, B., see Nobes et al., 1706 Yokoyama, K., see Miyawaki et al., 1076 Vochten, R., see Eeckhout et al., 943 Witzke, T., Wegner, R., Doering, T., Pöllmann, Yu, P., see Hou et al., 173 Voloshin, A.V., see Subbotin et al., 1516 H., and Schuckmann, W.: Serrabrancaite,

MnPO4·H2O, a new mineral from the Alto Zanazzi, P.F., see Brizi et al., 1375 Wagner, G.A., see Jonckheere and Wagner, 1744 Serra Branca pegmatite, Pedra Lavrada, Zanetti, A., see Oberti et al., 407 Walker, R.J., see Borisov and Walker, 912 Paraiba, Brazil, 847 Zhang, Y.G. and Frantz, J.D.: Enstatite-forsterite- Walter, H., Roselieb, K., Büttner, H., and Wohletz, K.H.: The Physics of Explosive Volca- water equilibria at elevated temperatures and Rosenhauer, M.: Pressure dependence of the nic Eruptions. Edited by J.S. Gilbert and pressures, 918 solubility of Ar and Kr in melts of the sys- R.S.J. Sparks, 267 Zhang, Y., see Wang et al., 41

tem SiO2-NaAlSi2O6, 1117 Wu, J., see Manceau et al., 133 Zhang, Y., see Wang et al., 792 Wang, C.-l., see Banno et al., 1795 Wrang, P., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Zhao, P., see Cheng et al., 1030 Wang, Y., see Dobson et al., 1838 Wright, S.E., Foley, J.A., and Hughes, J.M.: Op- Ziemann, M.A., see Schmidt and Zeimann, 1725 Wang, L., Essene, E.J., and Zhang, Y.: Direct timization of site occupancies in minerals Zeng, Q. and Stebbins, J.F.: Fluoride sites in alu- observation of immiscibility in pyrope-al- using quadratic programming, 524 minosilicate glasses: High-resolution 19F mandine-grossular garnet, 41 Wu, J., see Manceau et al., 153 NMR results, 863 Wang, S.L. and Johnston, C.T.: Assignment of Wulff-Pedersen, E., Neumann, E.-R., Burke, Zolensky, M.E., see Ivanov et al., 1082 the structural OH stretching bands of E.A.J., Vannucci, R., Bottazzi, P., Ottolini, Zotov, N. and Keppler, H.: In-situ Raman spec- gibbsite, 739 L., Gjønnes, J., and Hansen, V.: Origin and tra of dissolved silica species in aqueous flu-

Wang, L., Rouse, R.C., Essene, E.J., Peacor, structural character of haüyness in spinel ids to 900 °C and 14 kbar, 600 D.R., and Zhang, Y.: Carmichaelite, a new dunite xenoliths from La Palma, Canary Is- Zubkova, N.V., see Subbotin et al., 1516