American Mineralogist, Volume 85, pages 1851–1858, 2000 2000 AUTHOR INDEX Abe, M., see Ohno et al., 288 Banfield, J.F., see Sitzman et al., 14 Bottazzi, P., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 Akaogi, M., see Miura et al., 1799 Banno, S., Shibakusa, H., Enami, M., Wang, C.- Brantley, S.L. and Mellott, N.P.: Surface area Akhmatskaya, E.V., see Nobes et al., 1706 l., and Ernst, W.G.: Chemical fine structure and porosity of primary silicate minerals, Akhmatskaya, E.V., see Winkler et al., 608 of Franciscan jadeitic pyroxene from Ward 1767 Allan, N.L., see Purton et al., 1087 Creek, Cazadero area, California, 1795 Brigatti, M.F., Frigieri, P., Ghezzo, C., and Poppi, Alvarez, J.R., see Garvie et al., 732 Barbier, J., see Lévy and Barbier, 1053 L.: Crystal chemistry of Al-rich biotites co- Amthauer, G., see Paar et al., 1066 Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Halkoaho, T.A.A., and existing with muscovites in peraluminous Amthauer, G., see Redhammer et al., 449 Poirier, G.: The mechanism of charge compen- granites, 436 Anderson, O.L. and Isaak, D.G.: Calculated sation in Cu-Fe-PGE thiospinels from the Brigatti, M.F., Lugli, C., Poppi, L., Foord, E.E., melting curves for phases of iron, 376 Penikat layered intrusion, Finland, 694 and Kile, D.E.: Crystal chemical variations Anderson, O.L., see Hama et al., 321 Barnes, H.L., see Benning et al., 495 in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak Anderson, O.L., see Masuda et al., 279 Barnes, H.L., see Wilkin and Barnes, 1329 batholith (central Colorado), 1275 Anderson, O.L., see Suzuki et al., 304 Barth, A.P. and Dorais, M.J.: Magmatic anhy- Brizi, E., Molin, G., and Zanazzi, P.F.: Experi- Andrault, D., Fiquet, G., Charpin, T., and le drite in granitic rocks: First occurrence and mental study of intracrystalline Fe2+-Mg ex- Bihan, T.: Structure analysis and stability potential petrologic consequences, 430 change in three augite crystals: Effect of field of β-iron at high P and T, 364 Bass, J.D., see Jackson et al., 296 composition on geothermometric calibra- Andreozzi, G.B., Ottolini, L., Lucchesi, S., Bass, J.D., see Sinogeikin et al., 1834 tion, 1375 Graziani, G., and Russo, U.: Crystal chem- Bassett, W.A., Reichmann, H.-J., Angel, R.J., Brodholt, J.P., see Dobson et al., 1838 istry of the axinite-group minerals: A multi- Spetzler, H., and Smyth, J.R.: New diamond Brodholt, J.P., see Richmond and Brodholt, 1155 analytical approach, 698 anvil cells for gigahertz ultrasonic interfer- Broska, I., Petrík, I., and Williams, C.T.: Coex- Andreozzi, G.B., Princivalle, F., Skogby, H., and ometry and X-ray diffraction, 283 isting monazite and allanite in peraluminous Della Giusta, A.: Cation ordering and struc- Beall, G.H., see Xu et al., 971 granitoids of the Tribecˇ Mountains, West- tural variations with temperature in MgAl2O4 Becker, U., see Harrison et al., 1694 ern Carpathians, 22 spinel: An X-ray single-crystal study, 1164 Becker, U., see Rosso et al., 1428 Brown, G.E. Jr., see Cheah et al., 118 Angel, R.J., see Bassett et al., 283 Behrens, H., see Holtz et al., 682 Brown, P.E.: Memorial: Memorial of Eugene N. Arlt, T., see Kunz et al., 1465 Benna, P., see Tribaudino et al., 963 Cameron, 1910–1999, 1566 Armbruster, T. and Gnos, E.: P4/n and P4nc Benning, L.G., Wilkin, R.T., and Barnes, H.L.: Brugger, J., Meisser, N., Schenk, K., Berlepsch, long-range ordering in low-temperature Solubility and stability of zeolites in aque- P., Bonin, M., Armbruster, T., Nyfeler, D., vesuvianites 563 ous solution: II. Calcic clinoptilolite and and Schmidt, S.: Description and crystal Armbruster, T. and Gnos, E.: Tetrahedral va- mordenite, 495 structure of cabalzarite Ca(Mg,Al,Fe)2 cancies and cation ordering in low-tempera- Beno, D.J., see Hanchar et al., 1217 (AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2, a new mineral of the ture Mn-bearing vesuvianites: Indication of Beran, A., see Redhammer et al., 449 tsumcorite group, 1307 a hydrogarnet-like substitution, 570 Bertka, C.M., see Fei et al., 1830 Brumm, R.C., see Oberti et al., 407 Armbruster, T., see Brugger et al., 1307 Berlepsch, P., see Brugger et al., 1307 Bruno, E., see Tribaudino et al., 963 Armbruster, T., see Geiger et al., 1255 Bickmore, B., see Bosbach et al., 1209 Brydson, R., see Garvie et al., 732 Armbruster, T., see Gnos and Armbruster, 242 Bigi, S., see Ottolini et al., 89 Burchard, M., see Grevel et al., 206 Audétat, A., see Garofalo et al., 78 Bindi, L., see Giuli et al., 1512 Burke, E.A.J., see Wulff-Pedersen et al., 1397 Bindi, L., see Olmi et al., 1508 Burns, P.C.: A new uranyl phosphate chain in Baba, S., Grew, E.S., Shearer, C.K., and Bishop, J.L., see Murad and Bishop, 716 the structure of parsonsite, 801 Sheraton, J.W.: Surinamite: A high-tempera- Bloss, F.D.: Memorial: Memorial of Louis S. Burns, P.C., Pluth, J.J., Smith, J.V., Eng, P., Steele, ture metamorphic beryllosilicate from Walter, 1933–2000, 1569 I., and Housley, R.M.: Quetzalcoatlite: A Lewisian sapphirine-bearing kyanite- Blundy, J.D., see Purton et al., 1087 new octahedral-tetrahedral structure from a orthopyroxene-quartz-potassium feldspar Bogdanova, A.N., see Subbotin et al., 1516 2 × 2 × 40 mm3 crystal at the Advanced Pho- gneiss at South Harris, N.W. Scotland, 1474 Bonazzi, P., see Giuli et al., 1512 ton Source-GSE-CARS Facility, 604 Bagdassarov, N., Dorfman, A., and Dingwell, Bonazzi, P., see Olmi et al., 1508 Burns, P.C., Roberts, A.C., Stirling, J.A.R., D.B.: Effect of alkalis, phosphorus, Bonin, M., see Brugger et al., 1307 Criddle, A.J., and Feinglos, M.N.: Dukeite, 3+ 6+ and water on the surface tension of hap- Borisov, A. and Palme, H.: Solubilities of noble Bi24Cr8 O57(OH)6(H2O)3, a new mineral from logranite melt, 33 metals in Fe-containing silicate melts as de- Brejaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil: description Bancroft, G.M., see Nesbitt et al., 850 rived from experiments in Fe-free systems, and crystal structure, 1822 Banerjee, D. and Nesbitt, H.W.: Erratum: XPS 1665 Burns, P.C., see Cahill and Burns, 1294 study of reductive dissolution of birnessite Borisov, A. and Walker, R.J.: Os solubility in Burns, P.C., see Li et al., 1521 by H2SeO3 with constraints on reaction silicate melts: New efforts and Buseck, P.R., see Garvie et al., 732 mechanism, 1328 results, 912 Buseck, P.R., see Janney et al., 1180 Banerjee, D. and Nesbitt, H.W.: XPS study of Bosbach, D., Charlet, L., Bickmore, B., and Buseck, P., see Xu et al., 509 reductive dissolution of birnessite by H2SeO3 Hochella Jr., M.F.: The dissolution of Büttner, H., see Walter et al., 1117 with constraints on reaction mechanism, 817 hectorite: In-situ, real-time observations us- Bancroft, M.G., see Schaufuss et al., 1754 ing atomic force microscopy, 1209 Caballero, J.M., see Oberti et al., 578 Banfield, J.F., see Kogure and Banfield, 1202 Botella, V., see Sainz-Diaz et al., 1038 Cahill, C.L. and Burns, P.C.: The structure of 1851 1852 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 85, 2000 agrinierite: a Sr-containing uranyl oxide hy- Cowley, J.M., see Janney et al., 1180 Dyar, D., see Carpenter Woods et al., 480 drate mineral, 1294 Craven, A.J., see Garvie et al., 732 Callegari, A., Caucia, F., Mazzi, F., Oberti, R., Crichton, W.A., see Dobson et al., 1838 Eeckhout, S.G., De Grave, E., McCammon, Ottolini, L., and Ungaretti, L.: The crystal Criddle, A.J., see Burns et al., 1822 C.A., and Vochten, R.: Temperature depen- structure of peprossiite-(Ce), an anhydrous Criddle, A.J., see Paar et al., 1066 dence of the hyperfine parameters of syn- REE and Al mica-like borate with square- Criddle, A.J., see Welch et al., 1526 thetic P21/c Mg-Fe clinopyroxenes along the pyramidal coordination for Al, 586 Cygan, R.T., see Fisler et al., 217 MgSiO3-FeSiO3 join, 943 Cámara, F. and Ottolini, L.: New data on the Cygan, R.T., see Kalinichev et al., 1046 Elbert, D.C., see Schubel et al., 858 crystal-chemistry of fluoborite by means of Elsetinow, A.R., Guevremont, J.M., Strongin, SREF, SIMS, and EMP analysis, 103 da Silva, C.R.S., see Karki et al., 317 D.R., Schoonen, M.A.A., and Strongin, M.: Cámara, F., see Ottolini et al., 89 Dainyak, L.G., see Lindgreen et al., 1223 Oxidation of {100} and {111} surfaces of Can, N., see Karali et al., 668 De Brodtkorb, M.K., see Paar et al., 1066 pyrite: Effects of preparation method, 623 Carlson, W.D., see Donelick et al. Erratum, 1565 De Grave, E., see Eeckhout et al., 943 Enami, M., see Banno et al., 1795 Carpenter Woods, S., Mackwell, S., and Dyar, del Cerro, J., see Hayward et al., 557 Eng, P., see Burns et al., 604 D.: Hydrogen in diopside: Diffusion pro- de Leeuw, N.H., Parker, S.C., Catlow, C.R.A., Ernst, W.G., see Banno et al., 1795 files, 480 and Price, G.D.: Proton-containing defects Erskine, D., see Masuda et al., 279 Castañeda, C., Oliveira, E.F., Gomes, N., and at forsterite {010} tilt grain boundaries and Essene, E.J., see Wang et al., 41 Soares, A.C.P.: Infrared study of OH sites in stepped surfaces, 1143 Essene, E.J., see Wang et al., 792 tourmaline from the elbaite-schorl series, de Wall, H., see Kontny et al., 1416 Evans, B.W., Ghiorso, M.S., and Kuehner, S.M.: 1503 Delbove, F., see Fialips-Guédon et al., 687 Thermodynamic properties of tremolite: A Catlos, E.J., Sorensen, S.S., and Harrison, T.M.: Della Giusta, A., see Andreozzi et al., 1164 correction and some comments, 466 Th-Pb ion-microprobe dating of allanite, 633 Della Ventura, G., see Hawthorne et al., 1716 Evans Jr., H.T., Konnert, J.A., and Ross, M.: The Catlow, C.R.A., see de Leeuw et al., 1143 Della Ventura, G., see Robert et al., 926 crystal structure of tetranatrolite from Mont Caucia, F., see Callegari et al., 586 Dingwell, D.B., Hess, K.-U., and Romano, C.: Saint-Hilaire, Québec, and its chemical and Charlet, L., see Bosbach et al., 1209 Viscosities of granitic (sensu lato) melts: structural relationship to paranatrolite and Charpin, T., see Andrault et al., 364 Influence of the anorthite component, 1342 gonnardite, 1808 Chateigner, D., see Manceau et al., 133 Dingwell, D.B., see Bagdassarov et al., 33 Ewing, R.C.: Memorial: Memorial of Arthur Chateigner, D., see Manceau et al., 153 Dingwell, D.B., see Romano et al., 108 Montgomery, 1909–1999, 1848 Cheadle, M.J., see Jerram and Cheadle, 47 Dobson, D.P., Crichton, W.A., Voc˘adlo, L., Cheah, S.-F., Brown G.E.
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