Israeli Visitor Draws Crowd

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Israeli Visitor Draws Crowd VOLUME XLII, ISSUE XXXII THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG DANIEL YUAN/GUARDIAN JOHN HANACEK/GUARDIAN AGREE TO ISRAELI DISAGREE Left: Armed with megaphones and picket signs, VISITOR Palestinian supporters clashed with Israeli student groups over DRAWS Michael Oren’s speech about U.S.-Israel relations. CROWD BOTTOM PHOTOS BY JOHN HANACEK/GUARDIAN Pro-Palestine protesters filled Price Center to <*)<+.,;*90:0:c6<;6-:;(;,;<0;065*6<3+/,37*36:,)<+.,;.(7 protest Israeli ambassador Michael Oren’s speech. =+;,+76;1,-:;)++-8<16/57:-676:-;1,-6<; By Ayelet Bitton Administrators discuss lowering system called the academic index score to Associate News Editor admit non-resident students, instead of the out-of-state admissions standards to more stringent comprehensive review system A dozen security officers lined attract higher-paying students. that is currently used to admit all students. the back wall of Price Center Haglund said the idea was motivated by Theater as Israeli Ambassador By Angela Chen state budget cuts. Admitting non- Michael Oren, surrounded by News Editor OPINION resident students brings in more another half dozen escorts, spoke It’s worth revenue due to the additional fees to an audience of about 500 people Admissions guidelines for prospective a shot, but they pay — $20,021 per year for on Feb. 8. not at the nonresident applicants may become more expense of tuition, as opposed to the $9,401 Outside, 40 more gathered to lenient. A committee for the UCSD Office of paid by residents. protest Oren's visit to the school and in-staters. Admissions is considering loosening applicant Page 4 “Since the state budget has his role in Israeli military affairs, requirements as a strategy to lure more out-of- been reduced, admissions has chanting, “Occupation is a crime! state students. been looking for different ways to save money, Free, free Palestine!” and “Killing According to Campuswide Senator Tobias and every piece of info they can use to increase children is a crime! Zionists out of Haglund, a member of the Committee on PHILIP RHIE/GUARDIAN Palestine!” Admissions, the committee is considering a See ADMISSIONSpage 7 Oren's presence stirred dis- cussion of the historical dispute between Israelis and Palestinians over the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. :7905.)(336; Oren — who was appointed Israeli ambassador in May 2009 by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ;\]LMV\[?QTT6W\.]VL;P]\\TM[*][;MZ^QKM[ Netanyahu — visited UCSD to speak about the U.S.-Israeli eco- The A.S. Council decides to fund campus transportation last elimination of popular bus lines. sustainability. nomic, military and political rela- lobby the Transportation night, when it voted to reject the D’Autremont met with A.S. “I really want this referendum tionship. Transportation Referendum. President Utsav Gupta and to pass because it’s important for Tritons for Israel with Hillel of Policy Committee instead The referendum would have cre- Chancellor Marye Anne Fox on sustainability,” he said. “I think most San Diego organized Oren's visit. of approving fee hikes. ated a $25 quarterly undergraduate Tuesday to discuss the referendum, people support this, and if it doesn’t Oren chose UCSD as one of the fee for busses and shuttles. Director with the Chancellor acting as a pass, it would be a big hit for finan- two schools in California he would By Angela Chen of Parking and Transportation mediator between the two parties. cially disadvantaged students.” speak at. News Editor Services Brian d’Autremont said D’Autremont said he had hoped Although d’Autremont said “We very rarely can have speak- the fee would have been necessary the council would see the transporta- results of the transportation survey ers like this come to our campus,” After a yearlong debate over stu- to maintain current levels of free tion department’s need for funding. sent out last April prove that stu- dent priorities, the A.S. Council public transportation, and that the Before the meeting, he said the ref- See ISRAEL,page 7 refused to raise student fees to initiative’s failure will result in the erendum’s failure would be a blow to See REFERENDUMpage 7 :762,5 -69,*(:; 50./;>(;*/ :<9-9,769; .(:7,9.(3365 05:0+, LOW We have higher academic THURSDAY FRIDAY *VTPJZ Height: 0-5 ft. Height: 0-5 ft. $2.73 5L^)\ZPULZZ standards than a lot of these THURSDAY FRIDAY Wind: 1-8 mph Wind: 4-5 mph Bobar Liquor, Chula Vista ,KP[VYPHS schools, making it difficult to get recruits H 63 L 46 H 65 L 47 THURSDAY FRIDAY Water Temp: 59 F Water Temp: 59 F 600 F St & Broadway HIGH 3L[[LY[V[OL,KP[VY here." SATURDAY SUNDAY =HSLU[PUL»Z+H`.PM[.\PKL KEITH OKASAKI Height: 0-5 ft. Height: 0-5 ft. $3.75 “ JUNIOR CAPTAIN, MEN’S GOLF SATURDAY SUNDAY Wind: 5-10 mph Wind: 5-9 mph 76, Point Loma *SHZZPMPLKZ H 72 L 49 H 71 L 50 SATURDAY SUNDAY 1704 Rosecrans St & Nimitz Blvd PAGE 15 Water Temp: 59 F Water Temp: 59 F :\KVR\ 2 THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 NEWS TWO COKES SHORT By Sam Pelle :PTVUL>PSZVU Editor in Chief (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Managing Editors 9LaH-HYHaTHUK :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors 2LSZL`4HYY\QV /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU News Editors (UNLSH*OLU (`LSL[)P[[VU Associate News Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Opinion Editor *OLY`S/VYP Associate Opinion Editor =PZOHS5H[HYHQHU Sports Editor 4H[[*YVZRL` Associate Sports Editor ,K^PU.VUaHSLa Focus Editor (WYPSSL4\ZJHYH Associate Focus Editor SUNNY-SIDE UP By Philip Rhie 1LUUH)YVNHU Hiatus Editor 4H[[OL^7LJV[ Associate Hiatus Editor ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor 1VOU/HUHJLR Associate Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editors 7OPSPW9OPL :HYP;OH`LY Web Editor 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH Training and Development Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU ;LYLZH;YPUO:PTVUL>PSZVU Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY4VUPJH/HPKLY1VUH[OHU2PT 4HZOH:VRVSV]5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ1V`JL@LO Web Designers 1HRL:JOULPKLY1LUU`;>HUN :*0,5*,AND;,*/5636.@ 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director )*TM[[QVOQV,Q[O]Q[M".QOP\QVO+IVKMZ?Q\P0MZXM[ 9VI*VYLH Marketing Team Leader ,]HU*VVR Network Administrator ity, it works.” to be heightened, and by engineering parts of their bodies not directly Student Marketing and Events By Angela Chen @LSLUH(RVWPHU+HYH)\2PYI`2VV News Editor However, this treatment has been it to carry the protein, we ensure that injected. :OHUUVU>PU[LY:OH^U?\ Business Assistant dangerous because some of the viruses GM-CSF also creates a response.” This type of gene therapy can be ;PMMHU`/HU UCSD researchers have discov- made matters worse by spreading Daniels conducted a clinical study used for other cancers as well. Advertising Design and Layout ered how to use an STD to treat skin through the body, or causing cancer in which 50 patients with melanoma “The therapy can also be used )YHUKVU*O\,]HU*VVR2PT*VVWLY Distributors cancer. themselves. Now, the herpes virus can were injected with the virus twice for head and neck cancers too, or (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa:HS.HSSHNVZ:JV[[/H]YPZPR A team of scientists led by Dr. be engineered so that it is elicits the weekly. any cancer that starts from the skin,” ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z Gregory Daniels, assistant clinical immune response while still being “We saw over 80-percent success Daniels said. HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ professor of oncology at the Moores harmless for non-cancerous cells. [rates] in the tumors,” Daniels said. The next step is for the Food ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK HSS Daniels’ team of researchers used “They just went away.” and Drug Administration to review YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL Cancer Center, has engineered the MVY[OLYL[\YUVM\UZVSPJP[LKTHU\ZJYPW[ZVYHY[;OL]PL^Z herpes virus to kill melanoma, or skin recombinant DNA technology to In addition, Daniels said the Daniels’ study and decide whether this L_WYLZZLKOLYLPUKVUV[ULJLZZHYPS`YLWYLZLU[[OLVWPU PVUZVM[OL<*:+.\HYKPHU[OL<UP]LYZP[`VM*HSPMVYUPH cancer, tumors. delete the genes in the herpes virus virus elicited such a strong immune is a safe treatment for skin cancers. VY (ZZVJPH[LK :[\KLU[Z ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ M\UKLK When a foreign substance, such as that cause the disease and the genes response throughout the entire body, ZVSLS`I`HK]LY[PZPUN6ULVM/PWWV»ZSH^Z Readers can contact Angela Chen at .LULYHS,KP[VYPHS! a virus, is introduced to the body, the that program the virus to spread, that 20 percent of the patients saw [email protected] immune system detects the change making it harmless to noncancerous melanoma tumors disappear from [email protected]. 5L^[email protected] and begins to fight the entire area, cells while simultaneously eliciting an -VJ\[email protected] /PH[\[email protected] killing the cancer present as well. immune response. [email protected] The cancerous cells are not usually “We engineered the virus to delete :WVY[[email protected] REBEKAH HWANG/ 7OV[[email protected] detected because they are integrated harmful genes until we had a less GUARDIAN (K]LY[PZPUN! with the body’s cells. robust version of herpes,” Daniels said. [email protected] According to Daniels, surgeons The herpes virus was then injected -H_! have been using viruses to stimu- with the protein GM-CSF, which late immune response to cancerous initiates the inflammatory immune ;OL<*:+.\HYKPHU tumors since the 1880s.
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    POST-CINEMA: THEORIZING 21ST-CENTURY FILM, edited by Shane Denson and Julia Leyda, is published online and in e-book formats by REFRAME Books (a REFRAME imprint): cinema. ISBN 978-0-9931996-2-2 (online) ISBN 978-0-9931996-3-9 (PDF) ISBN 978-0-9931996-4-6 (ePUB) Copyright chapters © 2016 Individual Authors and/or Original Publishers. Copyright collection © 2016 The Editors. Copyright e-formats, layouts & graphic design © 2016 REFRAME Books. The book is shared under a Creative Commons license: Attribution / Noncommercial / No Derivatives, International 4.0 ( Suggested citation: Shane Denson & Julia Leyda (eds), Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st-Century Film (Falmer: REFRAME Books, 2016). REFRAME Books Credits: Managing Editor, editorial work and online book design/production: Catherine Grant Book cover, book design, website header and publicity banner design: Tanya Kant (based on original artwork by Karin and Shane Denson) CONTACT: [email protected] REFRAME is an open access academic digital platform for the online practice, publication and curation of internationally produced research and scholarship. It is supported by the School of Media, Film and Music, University of Sussex, UK. Table of Contents Notes On Contributors.................................................................................xi Artwork…....................................................................................................xxii
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