
Draft Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of Parish Council held on 9th November 2020

This meeting was held using the Zoom Video Conferencing Platform

Present; Cllrs Bridges (Chairman), Keyse, Hall, Marks and Sparkes. In attendance; Mrs C Churchill (Clerk). Cllr Mrs Green. 3 members of the public Apologies Cllr Bell and Meade.

Questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village. Concern regarding the drains and gullies outside The Old Post Office, residents have been tackling two drains that adjoin their boundary but it was a lot of work and not safe.

Report from Wiltshire Cllr Mrs Jose Green. Needless to say Covid 19 has had a huge impact on how is operating at present, many are home working but committees are still working well through Microsoft Teams and Zoom. Planning decisions are made with the public able to contribute to the decision process as usual. Full Council also works well with the voting protocol being very efficient. Last week a live stream was online for anyone wanting to hear the latest on the pandemic in Wiltshire. The mobile library service has ceased whilst we are in this second lockdown but the Household Recycling Centres are open, hopefully the bin collections will be reliably emptied but if staff need to self isolate alternative staff need to step in at the last minute so there could be delays. 8,000 Wiltshire businesses have been supported by discretionary grants and recently the Government sent a further £600k to help provide long term accommodation for rough sleepers. There are currently 12,500 people across Wiltshire on unemployment payment with 2,400 under 24 yr olds, we must do our utmost to reduce this number and we must all be aware of the mental health of all ages as these unprecedented weeks continue. Free school lunches are still available for children. £168k came down from Government to support those in self-isolation, the most recent figures on this is that there have been 180 applications but only 40 were eligible. Wiltshire Council has responded to the Government’s white paper on ‘Planning for the Future’, it was debated fully; like many others there are concerns about maintaining democracy when planning applications are submitted. It is also proposed to increase the housing numbers from 42 thousand to 56 thousand in Wiltshire , although there are some 1 million houses across the UK that have permission but remain unbuilt, there should be some tougher pressure placed on those developers to commence building sooner rather than ‘land banking’ as some are inclined to do. The SWW Area Board is on the 11th November where some priorities are beginning to be identified to enable Councillors to address over the next 3-5 years. These priorities very much influence what projects are supported by grant applications. I hope as many people as possible will respond to the emails that will be circulated to all PC’s, businesses and organisations asking for their opinions. Finally, there are 24 Support Groups in our Area and our sincere thanks go out to those volunteers who have given of their time during this exceptional situation. As it still continues please contact me if you need any further information for help. We are all in this together!

Cllr Bridges opened the meeting at 7.42pm

1009. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bell (technical issues) and Meade (working). Berwick St John PC resolved to accept the apologies for the reasons given. Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).

1010. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th September 2020. Berwick St John PC resolved to approve, without amendment, the previously circulated Minutes which were taken as read and will be signed by the Chairman. Local Government Act 1972 sch 12 para 41(1)

1011. Interests. (i) Cllrs to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests related to any matters to be considered in this agenda that do not appear in the Cllr’s register of interests. None declared. (ii) In accordance with the Dispensation Procedure, any requests for a grant of dispensation must be submitted prior to this meeting. None received. Cllrs were reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure their register of interests on the WC website is kept up to date.

1012. To exclude members of the Public and Press. To resolve to exclude, if required, for matters that need to be discussed in confidence. Not required. Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100.

1013. Update of actions form the Minutes dated 7th September 2020. 1. (0989.1) Sign for the overflow car park at the Memorial hall - the making of this sign. No update available due to the absence of Cllr Meade. Cllr Meade 2. (0989.2) Emergency Plan. Cllr Hall confirmed the planning matrix has been updated and he will circulate the plan electronically. Cllr Hall 3. (0989.3) Update on the purchase of a flag and flag pole for the Memorial Hall. Cllr Sparkes confirmed this has been purchased and the invoice sent to the Clerk. 4. (1000iii) Telephone kiosk in Water St. Clerk has informed BT that the parish wishes to adopt this kiosk. 5. (1000.iv) Painting of the telephone kiosk, willing volunteers are ready to paint this, just waiting for confirmation from BT and the telephony to be removed. Ongoing 6. (1001) Planting of the Oak tree. This has been planted, thanks to Cllr Sparkes for making the guard (kindly donated), thanks also to Julie for nurturing the tree and to the nursery. Cllr Bridges will write and thank the nursery. Cllr Bridges All other actions are separate agenda items.

1014. Parking at the village hall an update on the issue. Berwick St John PC resolved that any wording would be acceptable. Cllr Bridges will discuss with Cllr Meade. Cllr Bridges

1015. Flooding within the parish. To receive an update on the drains and gullies within the parish. (i). To confirm if the following drains have been attended to;  Bottom of The Tithe House Drive  About 10 on The Cross  Couple at the Top of Water Street  Also mud on the road from the recent heavy rain. The drains were reported and a lorry visited but recent rain has shown the issue is still a problem (it maybe more has washed down). It was reported that none of the drains had been cleared out. It was agreed that it is unacceptable for a member of the public to lift the cover and unblock the drain.

Wilts Cllr Mrs Green reported that all drains are cleaned on a three year rotation unless on a high speed road or likely to cause property flooding. Issues should be reported using the MyWiltshire app.

It was also reported that a Highways worker stated he is not allowed to lift the drain covers but he would report the issue and advised the parish council also reported it. Berwick St John PC resolved that the Clerk should contact Mr Everett (WC Drainage) and enquire where the parish is on the three year rotation. Clerk Wilts Cllr Mrs Green also suggested contacting Paul Bollen (Tim Woolford’s successor). Clerk Berwick St John PC also considered that parish council funds could be considered to contribute to highways works involving emptying the drains.

(ii). No date has been set for the next Flood Working Group, an email regarding the format for the meeting has been circulated. The Clerk will circulate the date once received. Clerk

(iii). Update on the checking of drains by the parish Flood Warden. No update available due to the absence of Cllr Bell. It was noted that a lot of leaves required sweeping as they will end up in the drains and cause blockages. Cllr Sparkes will request a road sweeper visits using the My Wiltshire app. Cllr Sparkes Leaves in Water St. Cllr Bridges Mud on the road from the Priory to the Coal Yard. Cllr Sparkes Mud and leaves in Blind Lane. Cllr Sparkes

The letters sent after the last meeting did not arrive, there is no longer a requirement to resend as the work has been completed. Clerk to send a letter re the ditch outside 2 Allotment Cottages, Cllr Bridges will send the correct postal address and also report this on the app. Cllr Bridges

1016. Play Area. (i) Grass cutting – no issues reported. Cllr Marks will enquire about invoice as nothing received. Cllr Marks (ii) To note the inspection report (if received). This has not yet been received, Clerk to contact and chase this. Clerk Cllr Bridges asked to be notified of the visit, Clerk thought it had taken place but will check. Clerk (iii) Update on the state of the shed and to authorise any work required. This work will hopefully be completed in January 2021. Cllrs Bell / Meade (iv) To note any issues or concerns. None reported

1017. Highways (i) To receive an update on:  white lines at the junction of Luke Street / Top Road.  illegible sign for bend going out of village towards .  missing sign junction of Top and Bottom roads.  posts for the guard rail on bottom road (east of the junction with Top road)  Obscured 30mph on Top Rd (near Upton Cottages). The obscured sign has been cleared by the Parish Steward. Cllr Bridges confirmed that because the correct process was not followed Berwick St John PC missed out on the opportunity for the Top Ten scheme. All issues should be reported on the MyWiltshire app. Cllr Bridges Cllr Bridges will put a reminder in the Bulletin about the new MyWiltshire app. Cllr Bridges

Cllrs were reminded that any issue should be reported to WC using the app, this ensures it goes on the list. If possible using a smartphone at the location ensures it is recorded correctly.

(ii) To receive an update on the request to WC to clean the roads preferably with a road sweeper. The sweeper has been but there is more mud on the road following the recent heavy rain. Also covered in 1015(iii).

(iii) To note any matters that need reporting to Highways. Covered in other items. (iv) To note previously reported overgrown vegetation and outcome following sending of a letter;  Hedge opposite Ferne. The letter sent in September was not received, the issue remains, Clerk will send a letter by email. Cllr Bridges to supply email address. Cllr Bridges / Clerk  Hedge at the junction of Top Rd and Main Rd. This has been cut by the Parish Steward.

(v) To note any items to be placed on the Parish Steward list. Clearing leaves. Cllr Bridges

(vi) Rights of Way. Clerk has requested the directional signs (0994). No replacement signs have been put up, Clerk to contact Rights of Way and ask what is happening, if it is not possible to put them up this can be arranged and if necessary they could be collected from Wilton. Clerk

Restablishing the ancient path, the Cranborne Droves Way, which forms part of the now named Great Chalke Way. Cllr Bridges gave a brief report on the project, no action is required by the parish council.

1018. Traffic speeds in Berwick St John. Reports of vehicles driving in excess of the speed limit have been reported. To consider the options available to help raise driver awareness and reduce speed. See attached reports on Speed Indicator Devices (SID) Community Speed Watch (CSW) and also 20mph schemes. The various options were discussed, it was agreed that the main issue is as traffic approaches to the village both by Manor Farm and from Alvediston; Top Rd; Water St. Wilts Cllr Mrs Green reported that funded a 20mph by increasing the precept following a referendum and that was recently awarded a grant from SWWAB for a SID. Berwick St John PC resolved that the most effective method available was a Speed Indicator Device. Berwick St John PC resolved that more research is undertaken on a SID with a view to purchasing one.

PLANNING 1019. To respond to Wiltshire Council on the following planning applications.

(i) 20/08983/LBC. Cobblers Cottage, Water St. Replace 6 ill fitting timber casements, repaint all windows and doors and clad existing rough finished and stained brickwork to front elevation of old southern lean-to. Berwick St John PC resolved to support this application.

(ii) 20/08615. The Chapel. Conversion of former Methodist chapel to holiday accommodation. Berwick St John PC resolved to support this application subject to the following conditions; That the applicant approach the owner of the track and paddock adjoining the property to negotiate access for:  Bringing in materials and equipment, since the access via the bridge is not adequate  Parking at the rear of the property

1020. To consider how to respond to any planning applications received after the publication of this agenda. There were none.

1021. To note any applications for tree work received after the publication of this agenda. 20/09691/TCA, Huberts House, Luke St. 1 Ash and 2 Sycamore – prune back to clear roof. Berwick St John PC made no objection.

1022. To note the current status on a planning decision from Wiltshire Council. The planning application for the Walled Garden (20/03937) remains undetermined.

1023. Breaches of deemed planning consent. To receive information relating to any breaches of planning within the parish, this maybe work carried out without appropriate planning consent or not in accordance of planning consent. None reported.

1024. To receive an update on the following; (i) Berwick St John Parish Council website. No issues. (ii) Covid-19. Most parishioners are more prepared, the support group is ready. (iii) Berwick St John village website. No issues (iv) Invasive plants within the parish. The plants near Upton Farm has been treated.

Finance. 1025. Year ending 31st March 2021. (i) To note the balance of the accounts. Opening balance £13,577.20 Total receipts £ 7,304.15 Total payments £ 2,283.02 Closing balance £18,578.33 This includes ring fenced sums totalling £809.61, leaving an available balance of £17,768.72 The ringfenced sum consists of £500 from the sale of the football goals and £309.61 for printer and website training (transparency grant).

(ii) To note the budget / spend spreadsheet. Clerk to circulate this with the Minutes. Clerk (iii) To vire funds from reserves to budget if required. Not required. (iv) To note payments made since the last meeting (£95 – 2 x broadband monthly. Berwick St John noted the information. Invoice for flag pole and flag has recently been received and will be paid. (v) To authorise payments totalling £391.72 Berwick St John PC authorised this payment and the flag payment. Local Government Act 1972 s150(5)

1026. To agree what should be submitted to the Bulletin. Speeding Emergency Plan My Wilts app. Precept information. Planting of the Oak tree.

1027. To set a budget for the financial year ending 31st March 2022. Berwick St John PC had read all the supporting paperwork circulated with the agenda. Berwick St John PC resolved to set a budget totalling £11,600.00

1028. To request a precept for the financial year ending 31st March 2022. The Council Tax Base had been received shortly before the meeting, there was a slight change. Berwick St John PC resolved to request a Precept from Wiltshire Council of £7,300 which = a Band D of £55.15. Clerk The Band D for the current financial year is £54.87. The remaining funds for the budget will be taken from free reserves.

1029. Clerk’s Report inc correspondence Emails re coronavirus SWWAB meeting (virtual) on 11th November CATG (September) meeting was held virtually. SWWAB – was held virtually meeting on 30th September Attended webinar on Website Accessibility and started to audit the parish council website. Attended the SLCC virtual conference

1030. To note items for the agenda of the next meeting. Any items for the agenda should be sent to the Clerk before Thursday 17th December 2020. Cllrs are reminded that agenda items should include a title, brief description and a proposal.

1031. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Monday 4th January 2021. This meeting will be held in the village hall if restrictions allow otherwise it will be held via the Zoom conferencing platform. If the meeting is held in the hall a risk assessment is required from the hall committee.

Cllr Bridges closed the meeting at 9.26pm.