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Impression of 300 copies TWO SIXTEENTH CENTURY TAXATION LISTS 1545 AND 1576

EDITED BY G. D. RAMSAY 0000000000000000000000000000LL,



LIST 01-I TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY 01-I I576 45 APPENDIX I. A Certificate of Residence, I551 I60

APPENDIX II. Instructions to the Subsidy Commissioners of I576 I61







The history of taxation in is a long one. Almost every century in the last millennium has witnessed fresh efforts by the central government to devise an effective means of tapping the wealth of the people and applying it to its own purposes. Some taxes from the beginning have proved failures and been dropped after the first vain levies; the pages of English fiscal history are strewn with the records of unsuccessful experiments. Others, such as the land tax, have had a long life. But all, save perhaps the customs, have tended with the lapse of time to lose their flexibility, to become stereotyped in assessment and ultimately disproportionate and profitless in collection. Almost every century has brought its own offerings to fiscal history ; the most enduring contribution, for instance, of the fourteenth century, so fertile in expedients, was the ‘fifteenth and tenth’, of the seventeenth, the excise, and of the nineteenth century, the permanent income tax. In the sixteenth century the outstanding fiscal development was the shaping of the Tudor subsidy, a graduated direct tax that played an important part in royal finance not only in the reigns of Henry VIII and but also in those of the early Stuarts, and that was not finally dropped until after the Restoration.‘ The two documents whose texts are printed in this volume illustrate the growth, incidence and methods of collection of this tax.’ Let us consider first the later and longer assessment list. A parlia- ment that was summoned, after a lapse of some years, for its second session on February 8, I576,3 duly made a grant to the queen of two

I The standard general account of taxation in England is still that contained in the four volumes of S. Dowell, History of taxation and taxes in England, second ed. (, I888), though for the Tudor period it has been largely superseded by the two works of F. C. Dietz, English government finance, I485-I558, University of Illinois studies in the social sciences, vol. ix (Urbana, Il1., I920) and English public finance I558-I641 (New York, I932). These two latter volumes have been freely used in the writing of this introduction. Several sixteenth-century subsidy lists for counties other than have been printed in whole or in part. There are helpful introductions to Taxation in Salford hundred I524-I802, ed. ]. Tait, Chetham Society, new Ser. LXXXIII (I924) and to Subsidy roll for the county of Buckingham anno I524, ed. A. C. Chibnall and A. Vere Woodman, Buchinghamshire Record Society, VIII (I950 for I944). 2 In particular, they have been selected from among the extant Wiltshire subsidy rolls among the exchequer records at the Public Record Office as surviving not only complete but in comparatively good condition, with few illegible passages. 3 I.e., I575/6. vii INTRODUCTION

' fifteenths and tenths ’ and one subsidy.‘ This considerable burden was necessitated primarily by the military commitments of the government in and by the need for supplying help in one form or another to the protestant cause i.n France and the Netherlands. The international outlook was in fact dark and the country moving towards war with Spain ; as the point was put in the text of the financial statute, there was ‘great Malice borne to those kingdomes which make profession of the Gospel ’ and it was therefore ' no less requisite to have some Masse of Treasure in Readinesse then to have a Preservative against Poyson '.’ The two fifteenths and tenths represented a fixed charge levied on each county, and its collection was a well-worn matter of routine ; the assess- ments for each borough and hundred were nearly two and a half centuries old and the details of the raising of this stereotyped tax were of no interest to the government, provided that the requisite sums were duly rendered to the exchequer? It was quite otherwise with the subsidy, which represented a genuine attempt to rate individuals according to their capacity to pay. The methods to be followed in assessing taxpayers for the subsidy and in the collection of the tax were laid down in detail by the enabling act. Payment was to be in two instalments. The basis of the assess- ments was twofold and alternative. Every person in possession of an income from land, including leasehold and copyhold property and rents, annuities, fees ‘or other yearely Profits ’, was to pay two shillings and eight pence in the pound for the first instalment and sixteen pence for the second, the lower limit of exemption being a pound. Alternatively, the taxpayer might be assessed on his movable property, if it were worth so much as three pounds. On movable property——-' Plate, Stocke of Merchandizes, all maner of Corne and Graine, Household Stuffe' were specified in particular—he was to pay twenty pence per pound for the first instalment of the tax and twelve for the second. Aliens were to pay double rates, save for those whose property was insufficient to qualify them for the levy ; these latter were to be charged with a poll tax of fourpence.‘ Taxpayers were to be rated where their goods lay or wherever they had ‘ most resort ’, and those who did not qualify for assessment on income from land were to be rated on their movables. Evidence from counties other than Wiltshire suggests that it was not unknown to change backwards and forwards from one basis of payment to the other and that there was perhaps even a certain marginal option.‘ But on the whole I I8 Eliz., cap. 23. The quotations in this and the four ensuing paragraphs, save where otherwise indicated, are from the text of this statute, punctuation being sometimes added. 2 Cf. the summary of Mildmay's opening speech in the text of J. E. Neale, Elizabeth I and her parliaments I559-I_58I (London, I953), 346-B. 3 An account of the later history of the fifteenth and tenth is given by H. C. johnson in his introduction to Surrey taxation returns, part II, Surrey Record Society, XXXIII (I932). 4 See the third index, infra. 5 S. A. Peyton, Village population in the Tudor lay subsidy rolls, English Historical Review, XXX (I915), 244. viii INTRODUCTION

the principles laid down in the statute for the assessment of the subsidy were definite and comprehensive. The instructions for administrative procedure were also specific and detailed; the subsidy was now a couple of generations old, and they embodied the fruits of so much experience. The main responsibility for the levying of the tax in each county was laid on a body of local com- missioners nominated by the great officers of the crown, of whom the lord chancellor or lord keeper of the great seal was necessarily one. The thirteen commissioners appointed for the raising of the tax in Wiltshire included the earl of Pembroke and the and mayor of , the other ten being well-known gentlemen of the county—in alphabetical order, ]ohn Brouncker, Sir ]ohn Danvers, Christopher Dodington, Giles Estcourt, john Eyre, Sir George Penruddock, Sir Henry Sharington, Sir ]ohn Thynne, Sir Thomas and Sir ]ohn Zouch. It was their business to divide the county into smaller and more manageable ‘ districts ’—-Wiltshire was split into six such portions—which could then be treated as separate fiscal units. What must have been the trickiest part of the duty of the commissioners next began—-the assessment of individual taxpayers. This was to be accomplished in each district by the use of simple enough machinery ; the commissioners were to summon the constables and from two to eight ‘of the most substantial discreet and honest persons Inhabitants’ of the district, and with their aid enquiry was to be made ‘ of the best and most value of the Substaunce of everie person dwelling and abiding within the Limits of the Places that they shalbe charged with ’. On the results of these enquiries hung, in theory at least, the amounts for which individuals were rated. As to their method and scope, there is little or no evidence available, though this is a crucial matter of the highest interest. A special exhortation to the subsidy commissioners in all counties was circularized at the end of March by the government, which professed anxiety that the well-to-do should not escape lightly, nor the less wealthy be overburdened, and that in general the assessments should be equitably graduated and ‘not so underfoote as heretofore hath ben used ‘.1 Corporate property did not escape taxation, the ‘borough lands’ in Wiltshire of , and Marl- borough (but apparently not of other corporations) being rated.” As to individuals, it is more than likely that the high assessment of Richard Kingsmell of Overton in the hundred of Selkley3 was the fruit of a special enquiry, probably involving the use of a jury, if the phrase ‘ by office ’ is to be interpreted as ‘ upon inquisition ‘.4 Once the assessments had I State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth I (S.P.I2), I07/97. This document is printed in appendix II, infra, I61-2. A speech of Sir Nathaniel Bacon regarding the manner of assessing for a subsidy in , c. I588, is to be found in The Oflicial Papers of Sir Nathaniel Bacon of Sliflhey, ed. H. W. Saunders, Camden third Ser., xxvi (I915), 75-8. 2 Infra, 48, 54, 92. 3 Infra, I04. 4 ‘ OI-“fice (OI-“ficiu m) doth signifie not onely that function by vertue whereof a man hath some imploiment in the aflaires of another, as of the King or other common person ; but also an Inquisition made to the King’s use of any thing by vertue of his office who inquireth.' —]. Cowell, The Interpreter (London, I607), Zz2. ix

1B INTRODUCTION been completed and the lists drawn up ‘ in a roll or book ’, it remained to appoint in each district a ‘high collector’ to receive the sums duly ‘ taxed in the Subsidy Booke ’ ; he in tum was to be served by ‘ petty collectors’ in each locality. The names of the latter are stated in the Wiltshire return here printed, while those of the assessors, other than the commissioners, unfortunately are not. The collection of the first instalment of the subsidy was carefully timed by the enabling statute. Parliament rose on March I5, and the initial commissions were to be issued out of chancery and delivered to their recipients before April 30. They in turn were to summon the constables and the other assessors to meet them before May I6, and the assessments for the first instalment of the subsidy were to be completed by June I2. The money yielded by this was to be paid in before October I2, but by _]uly I2 the lists of taxpayers’ names, with the amount to be levied from each, and with the names of the high collectors also stated, were to be ‘ certified unto the Queenes Exchequer’. It is the copy of these lists preserved in the custody of the queen's remembrancer in the exchequer, with the assessments for the first instalments of the subsidy duly certified by the several commissioners, that comprises the second document printed in this volume.‘ The separate portions for the six ‘ districts’ of Wiltshire were in fact delivered at the exchequer on various dates in ]une and ]uly, two being a few days late. It was presumably at the time of delivery that some exchequer clerk ticked off the totals from each village with the word ‘ probatur ’, in an abbreviated form, and added at the end of each list the words ‘ cum obligacione ’, to signify that the collector had given a bond to render the stipulated total in due course. A defaulting collector, like Alexander Langford of on another occasion, might well find himself in awkward legal entanglements.’ This document unhappily tells us little of how the Wiltshire com- missioners performed their statutory tasks. From two to four of them acted in each of the six fiscal districts, which were delimited sensibly enough by similarity of social structure rather than by equality of geographical area. The city of Salisbury formed one district, while the six industrial hundreds in the north-west part of the county, together with the liberties of and Trowbridge, provided two others. The remaining three districts were far more extensive and between them covered something like three-quarters of the face of Wiltshire. Sir ]ohn Danvers and Sir Thomas Wroughton were thus alone responsible for an enormous tract of country, chiefly downland, from and to Marlborough and . With regard to the appointment of

I The Public Record Office reference is E I79/I98/294. The totals of account were entered by the clerk of the pipe in Exchequer, lord treasurer’s remembrancer, enrolled accounts, subsidies, no. 52, rot. 7o, 77 (for the first payment), I03, I20 and 122d. (for the second). 2 Exchequer, queen's remembrancer, memoranda roll Easter I7 Eliz. (E I59/368), cornrnunia rot. I89 quoted by G. D. Ramsay, The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Oxford, I943), 47.


collectors, practice varied from district to district, with only a broad adherence to the terms of the statute. The latter had its most exact application in the south-westem district, where the commissioners appointed _]ohn Middlecott of , described as ‘ gentleman ’— he was fairly certainly a clothier—as high collector, with five petty collectors nominated to work under him. Danvers and Wroughton in their great province contented themselves with the appointment of no more than two ‘ collectors ’ tout court, each working independently in his own half. And in each of the two north-western industrial districts a single ‘collector’ was appointed, one of whom was a clothier. In Salisbury, two merchants acted, one as high and the other as petty collector. No doubt the assessments of the individual taxpayers in each district were of a piece with the possibly rough-and-ready standards of this general organization. A hitch in the collection of a subsidy might occur when an individual possessed property in more than one township, district or county. By the statute, as has already been mentioned, he was liable to pay only in the place where he chiefly resided, and he could therefore claim an exemption elsewhere. In order to secure this exemption, the normal course was to obtain from the commissioners at his home township a ‘ certificate of residence ’, indicating that he was being taxed there and that he therefore looked for a remission of his liability. Against the name of an absentee owner in the margin of the subsidy roll the collector noted the formula ‘exoneratur hic quia oneratur in X . . . ’ or ‘exoneratur hic eo quod alibi oneratur’ or some such phrase. The certificate of residence was then delivered, presumably with the subsidy roll, at the exchequer.‘ Or, if a person had left the township or no longer possessed any property on which the tax might be levied, the collector made a special certificate or affidavit, and the marginal entry was made against the name ‘ affidavit ’.“ The precise significance of the brief marginal note ‘oneratur’ is less clear, as is that of the marginal crosses and circles occasionally put against names——perhaps they were no more than Scribblings to aid the memory of the accountant. It is a curious fact that in only one Wiltshire district were certificates of residence required in I576—does this reflect any exceptional Standard on the part of the assessors or commissioners concerned ?

I Certificates of residence in the Public Record Office were unfortunately long ago separated from the subsidy rolls to which they belonged, and form a separate class of documents (E I15). They are arranged alphabetically by for the whole period in which the subsidy was a royal tax, from the reign of Henry VIII to that of Charles II, and there is an index of names. Very few of these certificates relating to the levy of 1576 appear to survive, and none of those whose existence is mentioned marginally in the roll printed below have come to light. A specimen certificate of residence, dated I 551, is printed in Appendix I, infra, I60. 2 This is the explanation of the marginal ‘ affidavit ' offered by A. R. Bax in his edition of The lay subsidy assessments for the county of Surrey in I593 or I594, printed in Surrey Archaeological Collections, XVIII (I903), I61-214 etc. xi INTRODUCTION


The first and shorter of the two documents printed below is some thirty years older than the second and like it a list of Wiltshire taxpayers. But it did not spring from a parliamentary grant, and indeed it bears witness to the extent to which Henry VIII had emancipated himself from the control of parliament not only in the enactment of legislation but also in the raising of taxes. This is a point that constitutional historians are not wont to stress, no doubt because the absolute fiscal power of the crown to some extent reached the end of a cul-de-sac with the death of Henry VIII. In the fifteen—forties the country had experi- enced over half a century of mounting economic activity and was thus equal to the payment of the unprecedentedly large sums sought by the king, some with and some without parliamentary sanction. The money for the most part was required to pay the cost of wars with both Scotland and France that were proving more expensive than had been foreseen, and that could not be waged even by adding to the ordinary revenue of the crown the produce of loans raised in the Netherlands, of more currency depreciation and of further seizures of church property. Finally, a military crisis of the first magnitude was to grow in I545. The Scots early in the year defeated the forces defending the border, and it was necessary to gather and send an army northwards to beat them back. At the same time, and even more serious, there developed a menace to the English bridgehead at Calais, for the king of France had made peace with the emperor of the Reich, taken Boulogne and was preparing to march further; indeed, later in the year he was to attempt an invasion of southern England. Money was thus required to finance the maintenance of large forces by both sea and land. The sum that the king early in I 545 proposed to raise for these urgent ends was officially described as a ‘ benevolence ’ or a ‘loving contribu- tion ’. There was, however, no suggestion that any levies now to be made would ever be returned to the pockets of the payers ; the crown to all intents and purposes was imposing a tax—an ‘unparliamentary subsidy ’. The need for more money had been evident before the end of I544, when a draft in the hand of Sir William Paget summarized the reasons for collecting a benevolence forthwith rather than waiting for a meeting of parliament in February, which would mean postponing the assessments for a subsidy until after the end of March. The concourse of lords and commons at Westminster would, it was argued, cause scarcities at the capital (no doubt the humblest member would bring a servant or two to attend him). Further, there would be trouble and expense to noblemen and others in coming up to town instead of preparing at home to serve in the wars. An enemy attack while parliament was sitting would indubitably be awkward. The positive advantages of a benevolence were that it would produce fifty or sixty thousand pounds, that it would not grieve the common people, since it would be exacted xii INTRODUCTION only from the reasonably well-to-do, and that it would enable the summons of parliament to be deferred until Michaelmas.‘ As with the parliamentary subsidy, local commissioners were appointed for each county, to supervise the assessment and payment of the tax. For Wiltshire, they were the bishop of Salisbury, lord Stourton, Sir Charles Bulkley and John Ernley ; the mayor of Salisbury also acted in respect of the contribution from his city. Their instructions were to use as the basis of the assessments for the tax the lists compiled for the collection of the last regular subsidy, a very recent exaction.2 They were to summon the contributors in groups of not more than ten or twelve, beginning with the largest, and explain to them the needs of the French war and the danger to the English stronghold of Calais——the full threat of a cross-Channel invasion did not develop until later in the year. They were to point out that Henry in his desire for peace had treated with the French, agreeing vainly to conditions ‘ so base and mean, as it is to be thought no loving subject coulde endure his Majestie shuld agree to eny lowre ’, and that he now expected that his loving subjects would gladly aid him with ‘sum liberall contribution’. The details of the levy were then to be explained, all ‘ uttred in a gentle and aimable havor,3 wherby to allure them to knowe their duetie as apper- teyneth '. If any expected contributor should refuse to make payment without reasonable ground, there was to be no scene ; he was merely to be told to go home, while his name was reported to the king’s council at Westminster. The chronicler tells only of two recusants, both London aldermen ; one was dispatched to the Fleet prison until he changed his mind and the other sent amid general execration to serve as a soldier against the Scots, to be used ‘ after the sharp discipline militar of the Northern Wars ’.4 Whether the commissioners met with any resistance to their blandishments in Wiltshire is not known. They divided the county into eight districts, for each of which a ‘collector’ or ‘high collector’ was appointed. The administrative labour was less than usual, since the poorer taxpayers were not asked to contribute ; this was only slightly offset by the extension of the levy to the clergy, who normally gave subsidies independently to the crown, but who were now to pay on their stipends or movables at the same rate as laymen. This rate was twenty pence in the pound on income derived from land, or ten pence in the

I Paget's draft is calendared in Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII, XIX, part ii, no. 689. 2 The instructions issued to the Derbyshire commissioners for raising the levy have been printed in Illustrations of British History, ed. E. Lodge, I (London, 1791), 71-7. There is no reason to assume that those for Wiltshire differed markedly from these, and the quotations in this and the following paragraph are from this source. Cf. the drafts in L. P. Henry VIII, XX, nos. 16 and 17 ; other administrative papers are printed in the same volume, passim. 3 Havor=deportment, behaviour. 4 Dietz, English government finance, 166. The quotation is from L. P. Henry VIII, XX, no. 98. Cf. the narrative given by ]. A. Froude, History of England, IV (London, 1870), 99-101. xiii INTRODUCTION pound on the value of movables. In Wiltshire, nobody was required to pay less than four shillings and most were rated for at least ten shillings -in some cases, very much more. When the commissioners had drawn up their ratings and interviewed the taxpayers—tasks that must have entailed for them a fair amount of travelling throughout the county, even if their lists were mainly copied from the most recent subsidy roll -—the formal returns were handed to the collectors, who were then bound to deliver them at London, together with the sums specified. It is the official copy of these lists, complete for the county, that comprises the first document printed in this volume.‘ It is worth observing that the levy was to be paid not to the exchequer,’ which with its lumbering and antiquated procedure was in a period of eclipse during the reigns of the early Tudors, but directly to the hands of Sir Edmund Peckham, who was the ‘ generall recever appoyntyd for the seyd benevolence ’ and who as cofferer of the king’s household held an oflice of high and recently augmented authority? But the lists of taxpayers nevertheless subse- quently found their way into the records of the exchequer, at what time can only be guessed. To return to Wiltshire, it is of interest to observe that the eight fiscal districts for the raising of the unparliamentary tax of 1545 were not at all the same as those for the levying of the subsidy in 1576. Nor were they by any means equal in either area or taxable capacity, and one in particular dwarfed the others. This was the great province, comprising all the northern part of the county, from and Chippenham to , Marlborough and Ramsbury, for which the ‘ high collector ’ was William Stumpe, gentleman. This can have been none other than the famous clothier of Malmesbury, whose influence in these parts must at this time have been near its climax. Perhaps the number of his employees and connections may have enabled him to discharge his fiscal duties over so exceptionally broad an area more easily than a lesser man. Whatever the case, one fact deserves mention, that Stumpe’s fee as collector—two pence in the pound was the habitual allowance—nicely covered, with a few shillings to spare, the three pounds, six shillings and eight pence which he himself was due to pay. as his share of the tax.‘ His colleagues in the other districts were obscurer folk; the Salisbury collector was a brewer, as far as is known, of no particular eminence. But whether the collectors were men of influence or nobodies, it is unlikely that they had any extraordinary difficulty in collecting the tax. As has already been mentioned, only two open refusals in the kingdom to pay

I The Public Record Office reference is E 179/197/230. The Calne entry was printed by A. E. W. Marsh, A history of the borough and town of Calne (Calne and London, 1903), 332. There is evidence of scribal carelessness in the compilation of the doeument— e.g., ‘ Crope ’ for ‘ Serope ’—infra, 28. 2 It is, however, possible that part of the benevolence may have been paid into the exchequer—cf. Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII, xx, no. 434. 3 G. R. Elton, The Tudor revolution in government (Cambridge, 1953), 404. There is consequently no enrolment of the totals of account on the lord treasurer’s remembrancer, enrolled accounts, subsidies. 4 Cf. Ramsay, The Wiltshire woollen industry, 47-8. xiv INTRODUCTION are known, and the German ambassador reported to his master that the English would refuse nothing, such was their fear of the king and eagerness to humilitate the enemy.‘


Below the county, the next fiscal unit was the hundred, an adminis- trative division of immense antiquity, whose origins stretched far back into the days when Teutonic conquerors first established themselves on the soil of Britain.2 But although the hundred is still in mid-twentieth century remembered in the offices of the tax-collector, the term has otherwise ceased to have meaning for any save the antiquarian topo- grapher. Even in the sixteenth century, the hundred as a territorial division was of comparatively slight importance and was already to a great extent moribund. The hundreds of Tudor Wiltshire, as listed in the two rolls printed in this volume, were composed of the most varied and curious assortment of or townships which in some cases owing to the accidents of feudal ownership had come to be associated together. The most widely dispersed hundred was undoubtedly that of Elstub and Everleigh, which in addition to the central nucleus of parishes in the upper valley of the Salisbury Avon included also Little Hinton and Wroughton to the north-east of the county, Ham on the eastern frontier, Westwood adjacent to and other detached pieces less distant. These places represented manors once held by the priors of St. Swithun, Winchester, formerly lords of the hundred of Elstub} and it is curious to find such an awkward and scattered group thus figuring in the royal tax accounts, some time after the end of the original associa- tion that had given rise to it. There were plenty of other detached fragments among the hundreds, especially in the south part of the county.‘ It is evident that the topographical complexity of these boundaries must have made the hundred a far from satisfactory unit for the efficient collection of royal taxes. Below—-occasionally beside—the fiscal group of the hundred the unit was either borough, liberty or township. The inconsistent variations of nomenclature that prevailed to describe these, the smallest fiscal units, nicely illustrate the empirical and practical, perhaps also the uneven and slapdash development of in Tudor England. The

I Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII, XX, no. 1087. 2 The hundred as a legal term is conveniently elucidated, e.g. by F. Pollock and F. W. Maitland, The history of English law before the time of Edward I (second ed., Cambridge, 1898), I, 556-560. 3 See the remarks of Sir R. C. Hoare, The history of modern Wiltshire. The hundreds of Everley, Arnbresbury, and Underditch (London, 1826), 1. 4 Those who care to pursue the matter, will have no difficulty in discovering dis- crepancies between the frontiers of the hundreds as indicated severally by the two docu- ments printed in this volume, and again between these and the boundaries assumed by the editors of The place-names of Wiltshire, English Place-Name Society. XVI (Cambridge, 1939). Even the county borders were by no means as simple as might be thought.

XV INTRODUCTION township, like the hundred, is a social unit of great age, and the vitality of the term survived the imposition of the legal concept of ’ manor ’ and the more general name of ‘ village ’ by foreign conquerors in the middle ages. Nevertheless, the word ‘ township ’ occurs in neither of the documents printed below, though in one of the Wiltshire districts in 1576 the smallest unit was described consistently as a ‘ tithing ’, in Latin decerma ; by the sixteenth century, ‘ township ’ and ‘ tithing ’ in common parlance both doubtless meant pretty well the same thing.‘ Elsewhere, a distinction was drawn between the maneriurn (manor) and burgus (borough) of Wootton. Confusion is intensified by the use of the term or its Latin form parochia. This was chiefly applied to the fiscal units comprising the larger boroughs in I 545, though Salisbury was both in I545 and I576 divided into wards and in the latter year was described as a parochia?’ The parish in the sixteenth century was in process of enlargement from an ecclesiastical into a civil unit as well, and the empirical and inconclusive nature of the incipient transformation is, it might be claimed, as well illustrated by these two documents as any others. But although the township may have been forgotten in Tudor Wiltshire, it remained sufficiently alive elsewhere to be carried across the Atlantic in the early seventeenth century to survive, with no more than a slight change of meaning, to the present day in America. In fine, the confusions in the nomenclature of county divisions in both the documents printed below are manifold, however the antiquarian might explain them. The time had not yet come when, mainly owing to the operation of the poor law, the only working unit below the county was virtually to be the parish, and not for another three centuries was there to be superimposed as if upon a blank map the utilitarian designa- tions of rural and urban district. But already, in the fiscal circumstances of mid-sixteenth century, there was little or no effective distinction between tithing, parish, manor or even liberty or borough, or any other unit below the hundred, which itself was a most haphazard collection of localities. There is plenty of material here to illustrate how tenacious was the local survival of the various terms used to designate these centres of habitation, how crowded was the palimpsest, and how ill the refinements of the constitutional historian apply to the practical workings of local govern- ment in Tudor England.

I For the original significance of the terms ' township ', ' tithing ’ and ‘ vill ’, reference may again be made to F. Pollock and F. W. Maitland, The history of English law, I, 560-571. 2 The argument that the cathedral close of Salisbury lay outside the city jurisdiction led to a curious lawsuit in 1588, when a number of laymen residing within its precincts refused to contribute to a levy due from the city-Exchequer, Depositions by Commission, 31 Eliz. I, 1588, Hi]. Io, calendared in Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, XXXVIII (1877), 258. See F. Street, The relations of the and citizens of Salisbury, I225-I612, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Magazine, XXXIX (1916), 330-2.



The two tax lists here presented are of obvious interest not only to the genealogist, but also to the topographer‘ and the antiquarian. They afford information whose significance can readily be enhanced when it is joined to that available from the parish registers, first ordered to be kept in the reign of Henry VIII, and from the visitations of the county by the heralds from the .’ Its utility to the economic historian is perhaps more indirect, though on points of detail these lists will help him in identifying and placing individuals in their local setting. A great deal hinges on the difficult question of the incidence of direct taxation in Tudor England, and much more work needs to be done in the publication and study of subsidy rolls before conclusive light can be shed on this central problem. It is generally accepted that by the end of the sixteenth century the valuations of taxpayers’ property in the subsidy books bore little relation to reality and that the assessments were mechanically fixed on the basis of previous entries in them? On the other hand, the claim has been advanced that some of the assessments for the reign of Henry VIII, and in particular those for the subsidy of 1524, cut close to the bone and corresponded fairly accurately to the capacity of the subject to pay.4 It is even arguable that the subsidy was a tolerably graduated levy on real wealth for the first half of the reign of Elizabeth I,5 which, if true, would certainly enhance the value of the second document printed below. But whatever the significance of the assessments, there must have been many poor folk whose names were passed over, and accordingly for any quantitative study of population problems in the reign of Elizabeth I, it is necessary to turn to the muster rolls rather than the tax lists.° The social historian, bearing in mind Leland’s description of Wiltshire and the surviving family papers and accessible legal records of the sixteenth century, should be able to strike a spark of life into the remote names on the dry roll of taxpayers. Save for the handful of Wiltshire I Some entries seem to have escaped inclusion in The Place-Names of Wiltshire— e.g., Burbage Sturmy, Dognell, Setherampton. 2 Two have been printed—The Visitation of Wilts, I565, ed. W. C. Metcalfe (London, 1897), and The Visitation of Wiltshire, I623, ed. G. W. Marshall (London, 1882). 3 The usual authority quoted for this assumption is the remark of Sir in the debate on the subsidy bill of 16o1—' our estates that be £30 or £40 in the queen's books are not the hundredth part of our wealth '. 4 The Buckingharnshire lay subsidy of I524, intro., xiii. 5 This view has been put forward by Peyton, Village population in the Tudor lay subsidy rolls, English Historical Review, XXX, 241. But cf. the words of Sir Walter Mildmay, quoted by Dowell, Taxation and taxes, I, 146. 6 As has been done by E. E. Rich, The population of Elizabethan England, Economic History Review, second series, II (1950). Even here, of course, allowance must be made for evasions. xvii INTRODUCTION

peers, who were separately rated,‘ the great landowners in each neighbour- hood can fairly readily be identified : of Lavington, Mompesson of Bathampton, Willoughby of Knoyle and the like, these are the middling families collectively as important as the better-known Hungerfords, or the Thynnes, or the St. johns of Lydiard Tregose, where their splendid funeral monuments still embellish the parish church. About the turbulent history of the Darrells of Littlecote, second cousins of Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, a surprising amount of information is yet available ; it is possible to follow the chronicle of their marriages, their brawls, quarrels and lawsuits, and the fate of the twenty—five manors that com- prised their family inheritance in the mid-sixteenth century, thanks to the chance survival of so much of their family archives.’ There are also the forefathers of some famous men on these lists. Among the ancestors of lord chancellor Clarendon, and thus of two queens regnant of Great Britain and Ireland, one, Alexander Langford, was a well-to-do clothier at Trowbridge and another, Laurence Hyde, a landowner at West Hatch near Salisbury ; the former figures in the 1545 roll, the latter in that of 1576.3 The Chamberlaynes of Lacock were probably the forefathers of the celebrated nineteenth-century politician Joseph Chamberlain.‘ More than one relative of the philosopher Thomas Hobbes is enumerated as living in or near Malmesbury, and the 1576 list includes the name of Thomas Lighte of Kington and Langley ; this was fairly certainly ‘ Mr. Thom. Lyte of Easton-Piers ’, a great-grand- father of John Aubrey, who noted that he died in 1626, aged 96.5 The great—great-grandfather of , the republican lieutenant- general of the Interregum, was residing in 1545 as a squire on the family property at Hill Deverill.6 Other families were to move very far afield in the next century. The Moodys of Garsdon, for instance, emigrated to Virginia in the new world, under the auspices of a chartered company in which another Sir John Danvers, the third son of the tax commissioner of 1576, was a leading spirit. The Zouches, too, were active in the early colonization of America.’ Indeed, not the least interesting point about these lists is that they provide us with the means of calling the roll of the middling and wealthier families of Wiltshire a couple of generations

I This accounts for the absence of the names of Wiltshire peers from these rolls, save as commissioners ; even the bishop of Salisbury, who was listed in 1545, does not seem to have been assessed. 2 They were extensively utilized by H. Hall in his Society in the Elizabethan age (third ed., London, 1892). They repose at the Public Record Office among the State Papers Supplementary (S.P. 46). 3 The immediate forebears of the first earl of Clarendon are enumerated by G. E. Cockayne, The complete peerage, ed. V. Gibbs, III (London, 1913), 263. 4 ]. L. Garvin, The life of joseph Chamberlain, I (London, 1932), 8-9. 5 ]. Aubrey, The natural history of I/Viltshire, ed. ]. Britton (London, 1847), 69. 6 The pedigree of the Ludlows is prefixed by C. H. Firth to his edition of The memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, vols. I-II (Oxford, 1894). 7 Information about the chief personalities in the early transatlantic migration is conveniently available in A. Brown, The genesis of the United States, vols. I-II (London, 1890) xviii INTRODUCTION or so before the first great scattering of the English people began in the seventeenth century. Although the history of the Wiltshire emigration to America in the reigns of the first two Stuarts has not yet been written, it certainly deserves to be. In the north-westem part of the county, and especially in the hundreds of Malmesbury, Chippenham, Melksharn, Calne, Bradford, and the liberties of Trowbridge and Corsham, a striking proportion of both the I545 and I576 levies was furnished by capitalist textile employers—— ‘ clothmen ’ or ‘ clothiers ’. Their prosperity had probably never been greater than in the former year, when, for instance, Thomas Horton of Iford was assessed for ten pounds, his brother-in-law Robert Barkesdale of for 26s. 8d., his son-in-law Henry Long of Whaddon at 20s. and the latter’s brother Thomas Long of Trowbridge—all clothiers at eight pounds. A generation later, the ramifications of this industrial cousinhood was to leave notable traces in the subsidy roll of I576. The two sons of Thomas Horton, Edward and William, both of Westwood and alike, though clothiers, described as ‘ gentlemen ’, were rated then to pay respectively £4 3s. 4d. and £2 13s. 4d. ; the Long brothers were now dead, but Thomas Long had left a widow at Trowbridge whose pay- ment topped the list of the liberty at four pounds.. Among the grandsons of Thomas Horton were the brothers John and William Yerbury, both clothiers, the one at Bradford and the other at Trowbridge ; they paid ten shillings apiece.‘ It is probably at Trowbridge that the subsidy assessments best illustrate the wealth of the textile capitalists; apart from the payment of the widow Long, Robert Wallys was rated to contribute £2 Is. 8d. and William Wylkens £1 I3s. 4d. Other clothiers heavily taxed included, e.g., John Scotte of Chippenham, Anthony Stokes of , and Clement Bathe and John Middlecott of Bishopstrow. Their contributions were not indeed as great as those of the largest landowners, such as Sir ]ohn Thynne or Sir Edward Baynton ; the highest levy of all in I576 was borne by Thomas Lodge of , who was not connected with the cloth industry, as far as is known. But their burdens compare broadly with those of the middling Squires of the type of Giles Thisselthwaite of Winterslow or Henry Boddenham of Ebbesborne Wake.“ The earlier list is additionally remarkable for its enumeration of the well-to-do priests of the close at Salisbury, perhaps as various a collection of men as might be found within any cathedral precincts in this age of unprecedented changes in religion. The bishop was William Capon alias Southcot, successively monk, abbot of two abbeys and before his translation to Salisbury in I539. It would appear that he was a pliable and somewhat self-seeking prelate, alleged to have appropriated church property for himself. He certainly managed to

I A genealogical table that shows the inter-marriages: of the Hortons, Longs and Yerburys is printed by W. H. Jones, Bradford-on-Avon : a history and description, ed. J. Beddoe (Bradford, I907), I86. 2 For a further discussion of this general point, see Ramsay, The Wiltshire woollen industry, 31-49. xix INTRODUCTION adapt himself to the vagaries of the times ; he held on to his see during the reign of Edward VI, returned to popery at the accession of Mary I and was still bishop when he died, in extreme old age, in 1557. His suffragan, Thomas Morley, bishop of Marlborough, remains an obscure workaday personage about whom little information is readily available.‘ Among the other dignitaries of the diocese, it is a little surprising to find Robert Okyng rated for the subsidy at no more than forty shillings. Okyng was a creature of bishop Capon, whose commissary he had been at Bangor and who in 1546 was to appoint him archdeacon of Salisbury. Less prudent than his patron, he voted against allowing the marriage of the clergy in convocation in I547, but took a wife as soon as this became lawful and so in 1554 was deprived of his archdeaconry. On the other side, the appellation of ‘ Sir Box ’ may possibly cloak the name of John Boxall, a fellow of New College, Oxford, in 1540, and prebendary of Salisbury in I553 ; a short but brilliant career during the reign of Mary I brought him to the deaneries of Peterborough, Norwich and Windsor and finally to a royal secretaryship of state: but on the accession of Elizabeth I, he in turn lost his preferment? By contrast with the broken careers of Okyng and Boxall, an example of successful veering is provided by Richard Chaundler, rector of Great Cheverell and from 1546 prebendary of Salisbury, who accepted prefer- ment equally from cardinal Pole and Elizabeth I, and held the arch- deaconry of Salisbury from I554 until his death nearly thirty years later. Among the older generation, Thomas Bennet—-magister doctor Bennet, assessed for the considerable sum of ten pounds——was a notable dignitary. He was a prebendary, canon residentiary and precentor of the cathedral, where his memory is preserved by a monument on the north side of the choir; he had also been bishop’s chancellor and vicar-general of the diocese. In the fifteen-twenties he had served cardinal Wolsey as chaplain and auditor and must have learnt something of high politics. He had also been employed by his master for the dispatch of various bits of government business in Wiltshire. On the fall of the cardinal he did not cease to be active in the affairs of the diocese, and on the instruc- tions of he had played some part in the suppression of the religious houses there in the thirties? Among the other pre- bendaries, Robert Awdley, assessed for eight pounds, was archdeacon of until his death in the summer of I545, presumably near the time when the benevolence was being levied ; John Bodenham was rector of St. Peter’s, Marlborough ; Richard Arche, vicar of , also held a canonry at Windsor ; Matthew Wotton was treasurer of the cathedral until his death in I551, when he was succeeded for a brief space by Arche ; 1 Morley was consecrated in 1537—-W. Stubbs, Registrum Sacrurn Anglicanum (Oxford, 1897), 101. He was vicar of Bradford-on-Avon and rector of East , W. H. Jones, Bradford Upon Avon in Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Magazine, Vol. V (I853) p. 226. 2 Capon and Boxall are noticed in the D.N.B. ; the rest of the information in this and the succeeding paragraph, save where another source is specified, is drawn from the compilation of W. H. Jones, Fasti Ecclesiae Sarisberiensis (Salisbury, I879). 3 There are numerous references to Thomas Bennet in the Letters and Papers of the reign of Henry VIII, from which a fuller account of his activities might be written.

XX INTRODUCTION and William Canynges, canon residentiary, had in some ways the most intimate connection with the daily life of the great church as custos puerorum and thus supervisor of the school.‘ In the parishes, the resident priests were less well off than the more important cathedral dignitaries. Some, however, paid middling sums and the parsons of Foxley and Landford were exceptional in being assessed at nil quia pauper? To sum up, the two taxation lists printed in this volume can be used to provide a sketch of the social structure of Wiltshire in the period immediately following the dissolution of the monasteries. It is not a complete picture, for the humbler classes—-the copyholders and small freeholders in the country and the lesser tradesmen, artisans and servants in the towns—-were spared in I545, and many doubtless were not netted in I576. We know little of them, and much further investigation is needed to dispel our ignorance. But in the higher ranks of society, the social types are clearer. At the top, the greater landlords, the unpaid servants of the crown who ruled the county in its name I these are well represented by the tax commissioners. Next come the lesser , who were assessed on their landed property. Particularly in the north- west, there were other rich men who had made their fortunes in the cloth manufacture, an industry that in I545 had half a century of prosperity behind it. The urban society of Salisbury was in some ways a local unit of its own. Throughout the county there existed a well- established clergy whose members, considering their lack of family cares, were by no means poorly off and whose greater dignitaries must have lived in some state in the houses of the close surrounding the thirteenth- century cathedral at Salisbury. As a body, the clergy formed the most clearly defined social group, for there is no lack of evidence to demonstrate how fluid was society in Tudor V)/iltshire, how ill-marked were the divisions between the classes and how individuals were continually passing from one into another. It is not always easy to visualize this long-dead society, for in four hundred years much has changed, with the of the county in decay, the cloth industry shrunken and specialized and the old names not all remembered. Yet the permanence of the essential background remains a light to the historian. For as in sixteenth, so in twentieth-century Wiltshire, sheep still graze on the upland plains, the villages cluster around the same churches along the river valleys and under the downs, and corn still grows in the fields around them.

I Since the second document printed below contains the assessments for a lay subsidy only, no clergymen are listed. 2 Infra, 6, 29.



The two documents printed below may conveniently be described together. They both contain a number of rotulets filed exchequer-wise at the top ; each rotulet normally consists of a single membrane.‘ The subsidy roll of 1545 is composed of 31 membranes in 30 rotulets, of a width varying from 5% to over 7 inches ; the longest is over 36 inches, the shortest, other than a certificate, some 29, and most are about 33 inches long. The 1576 roll is of somewhat larger dimensions ; its rotulets and membranes, other than certificates, number 46, from well under 7 to over 9 inches broad and varying in length from about 33 to 21 inches, with an average measurement of perhaps 26. Seven of the eight certificates in the first roll are entered on separate rotulets2 ; in the other, of its half- dozen, four occupy merely the top few inches of a membrane containing the assessment lists. All the 1545 certificates, and four of those of 1576, were sealed with what appear to be the personal seals of the commissioners. The former are of red, the latter of dark brown wax. They were affixed by means of seal tags ; almost all the seals that remain are very poorly preserved? The principles on which the transcription of the documents is based are those set forth in detail in a report by the committee of the publica- tions section of the British Records Association in 1946.4 Abbreviations have everywhere been expanded, save in a few cases where there is insurmountable doubt about the termination of a Latin word. Punctua- tion has been added where this seemed helpful, and the use of capitals has been rationalized. Letters or whole names that have obstinately remained so faint as to be illegible have been marked by square brackets enclosing dots. Very few have in fact resisted the use of the ultra-violet lamp at the Public Record Office. In cases of doubt, recourse has been had to the names listed on other Wiltshire subsidy rolls of the same period surviving among the exchequer records and to various printed indexes and lists readily accessible. In particular, the well-preserved assessment

I In the printed text, the beginning of a new membrane is marked by numerals in the left-hand margin. 2 The last certificate in the 1545 r0ll—-infra, 41-—was attached jointly to the bottom ends of two membranes. 3 There were originally probably 24 seals attached to the I545 roll and 13 to that of 1576 ; of these, there survive, for the most part cracked, mutilated or defaced, 10 and 7. The best-preserved of the seals belonging to the 1545 roll is attached to the Dunworth etc., etc., certificate printed infra, 17 ; it may be described as broken, armorial, a bend between 6 roundels (Stourton). Two other seals on this roll, affixed respectively to the etc. and Downton etc. certificates, infra 32 and 41, appear to bear the device of a bull's head (the crest of Bulkley). Only one of the seals attached to the 1576 certificates is decipherable. It is affixed to the Kinwardstone etc. certificate, infra 78. It is armorial, per pale (i), quarterly (i) and (iv) ?, (ii) and (iii) ? 2 bars, over all a bendlet; (ii) ? vairy. The arms are more than probably those used by Sir John Danvers—cf. J. E. Doyle, The oflicial baronage of England, I (London, 1886), 509. 4 Notes for the guidance of editors of record publications, a report by the committee of the publications section, British Records Association (London, 1946). xxii INTRODUCTION list of I567 for the hundreds of Malmesbury, Calne and Damerham North now in the custody of the County Archivist at Trowbridge has been very helpful for the district it covers. In order to simplify the work of not only the transcriber but also the printer, and to economize in the use of paper, certain liberties have been taken in the process of editing. The assessments and totals were written in Roman numerals; these have throughout been printed as Arabic. Marginalia of various sorts have been left out, save where they are part of the formal text of the document ; the omitted markings are composed chiefly of superfluous catchwords at the tops of some rotulets, crosses and notes (‘ sol ’ for solvit presumably to indicate payment, abacal annotations and a number of more or less obscure tottings and jottings made by the clerk to aid him in completing his calculations. Some of these were made in Roman, some in Arabic numerals, and there are one or two instances of a su1n being expressed in composite , with the shillings in Roman and the pence in Arabic figures. Money indications have also been formalized. Finally, a considerable saving in space has been achieved by a drastic rationalization of the 1576 assessments. In order to avoid printing after each name the basis of the levy, whether ‘ in goodes ’ or ‘ in landes ’ or otherwise, a capital L enclosed in brackets (L) has been used to denote an assessment based on landed property and all names not so distinguished——by far the greater proportion in the doeument—- are to be taken as paying on movable property. In the few cases where an unusual basis for assessment is specifically stated, e.g., ‘in yerely profittes ’—-this has been directly transcribed and printed in inverted commas. There has been no departure from this method even for the district that included the hundreds of Bradford, and Westbury and the liberty of Trowbridge, where taxpayers assessed on land and movables were listed separately for each locality under a collective marginal rubric ‘ landes ’ or ‘ goodes ’.


This volume is the ultimate fruit of a lengthy discussion in the early summer of I946 between the present writer and the then general editor, now chairman, of the Records Branch, which took place during a holiday at Clyro in the Welsh Marches, and it has been in preparation since that year. On all sorts of points, alike technical and general, Mr. R. B. Pugh has been fertile in both suggestion and criticism. A detailed acknowledge- ment of his help by appropriate footnotes would appreciably have lengthened the book, and it is far from certain that his name does not deserve a place in the title-page. The labour of transcription has been done in the first instance from photostats, but the later tasks of editing have taken me to the Public Record Office, where more than one of the Assistant Keepers has kindly xxiii INTRODUCTION afforded help. I am also indebted for aid to my neighbour Mr. H. E. Bell of New College, and to the County Archivist at Trowbridge, Mr. M. G. Rathbone, for so efliciently and courteously producing documents for me. In the concluding stages, I have leant heavily upon the aid of the present general editor, Mr. N. J. Williams. Finally it would be unjust not to acknowledge the cheerful help I have received from my wife in the tasks of checking the text and compiling the indexes.

Oxford, 11 May 1954


xxiv LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545‘ [I] Thys yndenture made the last day of Marche yn the yere of the regn of Henrye the VIII"‘ by the grac’ of God of Englond Franc’ and Yrelond kyng defendour of the fayth and yn erth of the churche of Englond and Yrelond supreme hed the xxxvith betwene John bysshop of Sar’, Wylliam lord Stourton, John Erneley and Charylas Bulkeley, comyssyoners for the practysyng and levyeng of a certayne benevolenc’ to be gevyn to the kynges majestie of hys moste lovyng subjectes withyn the countie of Wyltes’ of the one partye and Wylliam Notyngham of Ambresburye yoman of the other partye wytnessyth that we the sayd comissioners have chargyd and by thez presentes do charge the said Wylliam Notyng- ham that he withyn xii day next after the date herof do collect levie and receive of every person herafter namyd all and every suche some and sommez of monye as ys uppon there seyd names chargyd as herafter folowyth; and the seyd sommez of monie so by hym to be r[e]cevyd saffly to convey convert and pay to and at London to thandes of Edmund Peckham knyght cofferor of the kynges majestiez howsold, generall receivour oppointyd for the seyd benevolenc’ with yn xxx“ days next after the date herof. Yn wytnes wherof aswell the seyd comissyoners as the seyd collectour to thez endentures have enterchaungeablye set to their seals the day and yere above wryten. Signed.‘ Wm. Stourton’, John , C. Bulkeley [2] HUNDRED DE AMBRESBURYE GRETE AMBRESBURYE WEST AMBRESBURYE d £ s d - £ S Wylliam Sowth Mychell Skot . . . . 4 gentleman . . 50 Wylliam Notyngham 53 4 Thomas Byfflet Wylliam Ratway . . 46 8 gentleman . . 30 John Bundey . . 3 John Bekyngton . . 21 John Androws . . 23 4 Robert Bedyll 43 4 Thomas Gylbert . . 23 4 Nycholas Myles . . 8 Thomas Batt 23 4 -i-;— Rychard Bundey . . 20 £7 12s 4d Wylliam Myles 23 4 DORINGTON Edward Palmer 6 8 £ s d Robert Payne 8 Robert Maten senior 23 4 George Toggell 8 John Marten . . . . I6 8 Agnes Roffe . . 8 Rychard Coper . . 30 Rawlyn Cley . . . . U\O\O\ Wylliam Hardyng . . 6 8 £19 6s 4d £3 16s 8d I Public Record Office, exchequer, queen’s remembrancer, subsidies (E 179) / 197/230.


TUDWORTH WYNTERSLOW £ s d £sd Robert Bayte . . 3 Robet Bennat . . I34 Robert Rodman . . 21 Wylliam Yngram . . 8 Robert Maten junior 21 Mawde Moore . . 2o

i_i¢-i-iii £5 2s 41s 4d

BULFORD BORSCOMBE _ £ s d £ s d Wylliam Chaffyn . . 23 4 Henrie Clyfford esquire 5o Alys Chaffyn . . . . Io Wylliam Rutter . . 46 8 Anthonye Cotterell . . 12 The parson ther . . 13 4 45$ 43 £5 Ios

ALTON, CHOLSTON AND CHOLDERYNGTON ABLYNGTON £ s d £ s d Nycholas Noys 2o Thomas Wellat 15 Alexandre Rede . . 23 4 Edyth Wellat I 3 4 Thomas Gyen . . 23 4 43$ 4d Phyllyp Mortymer . . 26 8 John Coper . . . . 40 ALDYNGTON AND NEWTON TONY £6 8s 4d £ s d The parson ther 40 Robert Noble 18 KYNGSTON DEVERELL Rychard Androws . . 26 8 £ s d Edward 23 4 Cutbert Mychell . . 3 John Judde . . 16 8 Rychard Bernard . . 26 8 Henry Lavyngton . . 18 Wylliam Peryn 13 4 £4 6s 8d John Smart . . . . 13 4 £8 9s 4d BRYKMERSTON AND MELSTON £ s d DERNFORD John Shepard £ s gentleman .. 26 8 John Beele . 23 John Covye . . Io John Carter . . I6 The parson ther . . I3 4 Henrye Rag . . 46 John Hoper . . . . 53 50$ Katheryn Stovyng . . 23 @@-P-F--F~Q,

NORMANTON BYDDESDEN AND John Day . . 2o LUDGARSHALL £ s d Mathew Kyngtone . . 43 4 FYKLEDON John Munday . . 43 4 The vycar ther . . 13 4

£4 68 8d T_—§i£9 I6s Somma hundredi £83 15s probatur LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545 4] BUKHURST, BECHE, HENTON, GRETE AND LYTLE PYPERD AND TWYFORD SHYPERYNGES Wylliam Palmer . . Agnes Boke wydow . . Wylliam Yowng . . n.il quia Robert Letuse John Mylward junior onerantur Thomas Clerk nil quia Thomas Alexandre . . infra John Hopton alibi Johan Strowd wydow hundredum John Geny . . oneratur Rychard Woodcok Wylliam Blunt [sic] gentleman Robert Ellys [3] HUNDRED DE EVERLEY ET ELSTOB ENFORD EVERLEY £ s d £ s d Thomas Maten 4 Rychard Baker 53 4 Leonerd Maten 3 6 8 Jasper Mylez . . 25 Raffe Ryve . . 30 The parson ther I6 Robert Gerle . . 46 8 Symon Hunt . . 30 £4 I48 4d Robert Smyth 6 Thomas Goodale 8 LYTLE HYNTON 3 £ s Symon Ryve . . 33 Wylliam Crosse 4 Robert Walrond 33 23 4 Thomas Loveday I3 John Moors . . 14 John Jacob . . Jenkyn Carter I0 I3 -P-F-F-53. ii-qiiii; Thomas Barle IO Alys Dowse . . IO £3 -_-i WROGHTON 21 se £s ll Wylliam Web alias COLYNGBOURNE DUCES Rychemond 53 4 £ s Chrystofer Duke I2 Thomas Dowse 6 3 Walter Hughys IO John Beele . . 33 Alys Wylcokes IO Robert Munday 26 James Pyrton I34 Petre Merkat I6 CDGD-PCD53. Edward Hawkyns Io £3 18s 8d 13s 4,, BUSSHTON -5?“ £ cl HAM AND HAXTON Rychard Stevyns £ S d John Byde . . The parson ther 3 4 Christyan Hardyng Wylliam Potentyne 8 John Hayward cnuioooofo 8 Thomas Fawler paid 20 Robert Ryve 3 6 8 27s 8d 18s STOWKTON _f_ £ S (Z FYTELTON The parson ther 26 8 £ s d Nycholas Maten 26 8 Symon Pyper I6 8 Thomas Farle 20 Edward Barton 20 Thomas Mascoll I34 John Bromham Io Thomas Top 5 ——in 46s 8d £9 6s 8d 3 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

NETHERHAVEN FYFELD JUXTA MARLBURG £ 5 d £ S d , Christofer Dysmer . . 40 Wylllflm S1.1ttOI1 _. . 26 8 Thomas Streche _ 2: John Delynger ahas senior . . 10 Deuche " " 26 8 John Bisshop alias Henrye Collyns . . 10 Busshe _ _ _ _ 20 Robert Legg . . 26 8 A D Christian Wethers . . 26 8 ],;?,fieStg§1r:;r is Th°m45 G°1dY"8 -- 3 [. . . .] Streche wydow 6 3 Edmund Coper ' 23 4 John Streche son of The vycar ther . 13 John _ _ _ _ 6 8

£10 13s £6 48 4d

WESTWOOD AND YFORD £ s d OVERTON Tl'l;I'I1fiS HOIIOH en eman .. .. 10 lg 5 d Henry Wynstoucke . . 30 :Il"h1pm]a;s Godard . . 10 Tfiomas Gyqgllen . . 13 4 0 n yers .. . 13 4 e parson er .. 10 Wylliam Stevyns . . 18 -—--—i-- Robert Popyngay . . 12 [ILLEGIBLE] £12 13s 4d

£12 3s 4d [. . . .parJson ther 13 4‘ Summa hundredi £101 13s 4d

[3d] Summa totalis of this forsaid money geaven to the kinges highnes as is aforsaid and paid by’ the said William collector unto thandes of Sir Edmund Pekham knight generall receivour of the same, amountithe to £185 8s 8d per me William Notyngham Item paid to the said William Nottingham for the portage of the said some of £185 8s 8d after 2d of the pound 30s rod per me William Notyngham [4] Thys yndenture made the last day of March in the yere of . . ? the reign of Henry the viiith by the grace of God of Englond France and Yrlond kyng defendour of the fayth and yn erth of the churche of Englond and Yrlond supreme hed the xxxviih betwene John bysshop of Sar’, Wylliam lord Stourton, John Ernele and Charylis Bulkeley, commys- sioners for the practysyng and levieng of a certayne benevolence to be gevyn to the kynges majstie of hys moste lovyng subjectes withyn the countie of Wyltes of thone partye and Robert Sowth of Strotford Dean yeman of thother partye wytnessyth that we the seid commissyoners have chargyd and by thez presentes do charge the seid Robert Sowth ‘ A further entry which follows has been completely erased. 2 ‘by’ repeated. 3 Erased. 4 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545 that he with yn xii days next after the date herof do collect levie and receve of every person herafter namyd al and every such somme and sommez of monye as ys uppon their Seyd namez chargyd as herafter folowth; and the seid sommez of monye so by hym to be recevyd saffly to convey convert and pay to and at London to thandes of Sir Edmund Peckham knyght cofferer of the kynges majestyez howshold generall receivour appointyd for the seid benevolence with yn xxx" days next after the date her of. Yn wytnes wherof aswell the Seyd commyssyoners as the seid collectour to thez indentures have enterchangeably set to their seales the day and yere above wryten. Signed.‘ John Sar’, W. Stourton, , Charylys Bulkley [5] HUNDRED DE ALWARBURYE

ALWARDBURYE WINTERBOURNE DANCE AND £ s d ERLES Reychard Hyggyns .. 16 8 £ s d John Peper senior . . Io John Pruate . . 8 -—-i—-— Symon Cane . . I 3 4 26s 8d Rychard Browne . . 20 John Fanne .. .. 6 8 PYTTON AND FARLEY ——i-—— £ s d 48s Walter Andi-ows . . 23 4 John Strognell . . 6 8 Thomas Whytlok . . IO WYNTERSLOW G £ s d 40s Alexandre Thystyl- EST GRYMSTED [AND] DEAN Panic‘ I: ‘If,’ 4 5 d Gylys Thystylthwat . . 20 The parson ther . . 26 8 Th h Wylliam Shotter . 6 8 e parson t er 20

John Barkshyre . IO £4 IOS Wylliam Androws . . 26 8 John Denys . . . 12 Tristram Assheley .. 6 8 ‘mi £ s d £4 88 84 Wylliam Wymbledon 33 4 WYNTERBOURNE SHORBOROW Robe" Rutter ~- 4 £ s d John Gylberd . The parson ther . . I2 R036? Gomoldon ' ' 13 4 Wylliam Leedes . . 13 4 Henne Beld ' ' ' ' 8 WYlliam SwevYns . . 6 8 £4 85 32s GOMOLDON PLAYTFORD AND I'M d CRYSMUNDESLE George Woodford . . 8 £ s d Wylliam Wort senior John Pynhorne . . 23 4 John Lurgas ooo0O\°1 John Goose senior . . 10


WEST GRYMSTED AND £ s d WHADDON Edward Burgesse . . 10 £ s d Wylliam Soper 10 Rychard Parrok’ . . 26 8 Thomas Dyper 6 8 Johan Frye widowe .. 26 8 Umfrye Harrys . 10 36s 8d Henrye Pylgrym . 26 8 Wylliam Bysshop senior . . . Io The parson ther .. 6 8 IDMESTON £5 6s 8d £ s Robert Wort . . 26 LAVERSTOKE AND FORD Wylliam Tut . . 16 £ s d Edward Bold 23 MRI-F John Merten alias Noble . . .. IO £3 6s 8d Summa totalis hundredi £33 19s 4d

HUNDRED DE WENDREDYCHE WODFORD, HEELE AND LAKE STROTFORD £ s d £ s d Wylliam Grenear . . 3 6 8 Robert Sowthe 33 4 Michell Duke 1o Hugh Stamford 20 Robert Haydon 8 The vicar ther .. IO 53$ 4d FORD £4 14s 8d John Swevyng £3 Summa totalis £10 8s I54] HUNDRED DE FRUSTFYLD

WYGGTPARYSSHE Wylliam Cooper 20 £ s d John Husse . . 13 4 The vycar ther 20 The parson ther qu1a_ pauper Rychard Bacon nihil gentylman . . 26 Mychell Newman .. 23 £4 11s 4d Henry Gasset 13 Robert Selwyn 13 CID-F--F--F~ Wylliam Purdue 20 ABBATESTON Wylliam Sampson . . 16 8 £ s Rychard Lyght 26 £6 13s 4 Nycholas Cable 26 Thomas Roofe 6 WWWFL COWSFYLD STORNEY £ S d John Hurst senior .. 23 4 COWSFYLD LOVERES Wylliam Hurst I3 4 Thomas Gauntlet 26 8 John Stroggnell 26 8 LANFORD Henrye Yrelond 20 John Marshman .. 13 4 Rychard Marshman . . 8 £6 13s 4d Summa! hundredi £17 18s I ‘I7/18' has been set in the margin against this word, in Arabic digits. LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [6] HUNDRED DE BRENCH AND DOLLES

WYSHFORD SAYNT JAMES BERWYKE £ S d £ s d Nycholas Bonham The vycar ther . . 6 8 gentleman . . . 26 Robert Hulat . 23 4 Roger Love . . 10 Robert Penycot . . 2o John Kyngman . 40 i-—inii--_- John Yve . . . . 8 50s

i-ii. £4 4s ASSHERTON UYLE s d £ S Wylliam Hulat . . Katheryne Potycarye 20 John Potycarye . . 23 ZW Gylys Tut . . . . 20 The parson ther . . 26 SOWTH NEWTON £3 3s s d and 26s The vycar ther . . 6 8 John Cooper . 12 John Blake . . . . 13 4 HANGYNG LANGFORD £ S 32s Thomas Stanter . . 23 Wylliam Rowdon . . 15 M.-M-M-.-_-.-_-_i_i CHYLAMPTON 38s s d John Blake senior . . 6 8 Wylliam Hetheron . . 40 WYNTERBOURN STOKE John Blake junior . . 8 £ s 4o Rychard Mogryge . . 54s 8d Nycholas Lawys . . 50 John Wymbledon . . 26 i-ii. QWYRAMPTON £5 16s s d Rychard Bacon . . 2o ORCHESTON MARYE q £ s 208 The parson ther . . I2 John Basley . . . . 6 FYSSHERTON AWGER s d 18s John Pryst . . . . 20 John Baldwyne . 2o SHEREVETON John Rogone Io £ s John York . . 26 8 The vycar ther . . 5 John Mussell . . 8 Jamys Downe . . 40 John Syrnkyns 6 8 John Munday junior 23 Ellys Baker . . 2o John Gylbert . . 20 Robert Thomas . 1o John Corle . . . . 6 Robert Sherston . . I o Rychard Hughys . . [blank] £4 8s and 6s £6 11s 4d LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545

STYPLE LANGFORD s d £ s d Johan Tokar wydow 1o The parson ther . . 50 _ Elysabeth Mussell . . IO 35 43 John Mussell . . =3 4 and I08 Wylliam Mussell . . 8 Wylliam Champyon . . 23 4 Elysabeth Web . . STAPLEFORD 6 8 s d . The vycar ther 8 £6 16d Rychard Baker 26 8 Wylliam Foster 26 8 Wylliam Pretye Io SHERYNGDON Wylliam Kyng s I3 Thomas Atkyns 6 The parson ther . I6 John Collyns . . 6 John Passhyn . 13 Thomas Pegges John Wylton . . 16 @-F~@F§i 23 Mychell Pretye 6 U302-FU3-is 46s 8d 8s

BEMERTON TYLDESHED s s Luce Ward . . . 6 The vycar ther 6 Henrye Ward . . 13 Agnes Merchant 23 Robert Strognell . . 13 [....] .. 26 . . . . 16 W-Ii-IiW9. [....] .. 26 ®®-F@$§i ? [....] 15 50s _-ig 15s 4d LYTLE WYSSHFORD s d [64] Symon Parsons 26 8 DYCHAMPTON AND BURCOMB’ s d Wylliam Hayward 26 8 MADYNGTON John Pavye . . 6 8 Wylliam Gybberd Thomas Pavye IO senior . . . . 3 6 8 John Tokar . . . . 40 43s 4d Summa hundredi £71 19s 4d probatur

BURGUS1 DE WILTON £ s 8 d John Thayne 26 Henry Bodenham John Geet . . 16 . . 46 8 John Rodman 26 John Hayt . . . 4o John Creede . . 26 @@CIJ@Q.. Thomas Assheby . . 6 8 Gylbert Bowfort Io John Codymore 13 4 The parson of Saynt Stephan Sharp . . 26 8 Maryes . . 8 Elysabeth Tarrant . . Io John Mackes . . [blank] Margaret Clement . . 20 Johan Bray wydow . . [blank] Gilys Apevan . . 26 8 Walter Grey . . 6 8 Summa burgi £17 16s probatur Summa totalis hundredi et burgi [blank] ‘ BURGA in text. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

Summa totalis £151 63 probatur This forsaid some of money of one hundrethe fyftye one poundes six Shillinges paid by me the said Robert Sowthe collector the xxixth of Aprill Anno Domini 1545 unto thandes of Sir Edmund Pekham knight generall receiver of the Same to the kinges use. Memorandum paid to the said Robert Southe for the portage of the said some of £151 6s after 2d of the pound 25s 2d [There follows at this point an inverted and cancelled and partly erased list of the benevolence payers of Dychampton and Burcomb and of Wilton identical with that given above, as far as ‘the parson of Saynt Maryes’.]

9 24 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [71 w1LTES The certificat of John busshope of Sar’, William lorde Stourton, John Erneley and Charles Bulkeley. Extractes indented the first day of Aprill in the yere of the reigne of our soveraigne lorde Henry theight by the grace of God king of Englande Fraunce and Yerelande defendour of the faith and in earth under God of the church of Englond and Ireland supreme hed xxxvith wittnesseth that we John busshope of Sar’, William lorde Stourton, John Erneley and Charles Bulkeley, commissioners appoynted by the kinges high majesties commission for the practising and concluding with certen persons for a certen benevolence to be geven and graunted within the countie of Wiltes of the inhabitauntes inhabitingwithin the said countie and Aldaline Lambe gentleman high collectour appoynted of the borough of the Devisez, the hundredes of Melkesham, Pottern and Cannynges, Rowde and Brome- ham, Swanborough, Roborough Regis and Stodefelde, Kynwarston and the borough of Bedwyn for the collection and levieng of the said benevo- lence now concluded and geven of the said inhabitauntes inhabiting within the said hundreds wittnesseth that we the said commissioners have charged the said Aldaline Lambe by a like cedule indented by us the said commissioners to the said Aldaline delivered to collect and levey of every person and persons whose names are expressed in the like cedule hereunto annexed all and every Somme and sommez of money uppon every person and persons severally rated and charged which they and every of them have geven to the kinges high majestie by the way of benevolens which amownteth in the hole to the Somme of £266 16d; and the said Aldaline‘ Lambe saffly to convey and make payment of the same to Sir Edmunde Peckham knyght cofferer of the kinges moost honorable household and generall receivour appoynted for the same to the use of the kinges highe majestie before the last day of Aprill nex commyng. In wittnes wherof we the said commissioners have hereunto severally putte our seales. Yeven the day and yere abovewriten. Signed: John Sar’, Charylys Bulkeley, William Stourton, John Ernle [3] THE HUNDRED OF KYNWARSTON WITH THE BOROUGH OF BEDWYN SHALBOURNE AND FROXFELD AND STANTON BUTTERMERE £ S d £ s d John Chocke esquier 5 Robert Blunt ' ' 3 6 8 William Dowse . . 30 Raff Harrold . . . 26 8 John Dawnse 7 Robert Stawker . . 8 _ 56 8 William Myldnall . . 8 Robert D[. . . .] .. 13 42 John Burche .. .. 6 8 ‘ The name William was first written and then struck out. 2 Last entry struck out with the note ‘exoneratur hic eo quod oneratur postea’.


LITLE BEDWYN AND FOSTBURY AND TITCOMBE CHESBURY . 16 S d £ s d William Dale . . 40 Thomas Strete 40 Robert Dowse . . 40 Nycolas Kember 16 Edith Storeye wedowe 8 Thomas Hide 8 Johan Randall . . 6 8 Nycolas Thurman 8 Thomas Hall of Edith Terrant Oxenwod . . 3 6 8 William Bigger O‘~U1 8 COLI NGBOURNE KINGSTON d CHARDENISTRETE W1l.1am. .. Pile. . . . . 16 30S d . =5 S John Andros . . . . 40 William Coxe 26 William Wrenne 8 [8d: William Monday 8 John Wrenne 6 8 John Mondaye William Curr Io William Thurman . Robert Braban 6 8 Nycolas Grey 8 William Strete . John Newman . . C\OOO\OOCD 8 COLINGBOURNE VALENS AND Robert Reve clerke SOWTHURTON vicar ther . . . . 10 £ s d Jeffraye Dormer DOWNE PEWSEY gentleman . . 20 £ s d Thomas Drunton . 20 John Benger Edward Mondy Io gentleman .. 20 John Waterman . 13 4 Richarde Harding 50 Robert Amaria 1 3 4 Robert Pullton John Adeane . 8 John Haye . . Roger King . . . . 6 8 Johan Bath . . Richarde Raynolde . . 8 UIUIU1 John Newman senior decessus CHERCOT AND SOWTHCOT John Harding . . 6 8 fix d William Smyth . 8 Roger Glasse . . . . 8 William Eryll 6 8 Johan Ashton . . Thomas Monday . . Thomas Swanborough MARTEN AND CROFFTON Thomas Harding . . ‘Id OOC\.'JL.nC\°'* £ s d Robert Pike . . 20 William Vynce 10 KEPENELL Robert Busshell 20 . =6 5 d John Jenyns . . 8 Peter Pike . . 20 John Haye . . 8 Thomas Alyn . 13 4 CHUTE £ s d BU RBAGE SAVAGE Thomas Cordrey I-'l"\ d gentleman . . 30 John Barwicke thelder I-i O9! William Sotwell William Moers . . 8 gentleman . . 26 8 Robert Terrant . . 8 Robert Jourden 20 Robert Rakebourne . . O\O\O\ 6 John Childe . . 30 Richard Monday . 13 BU RBAGE STURMY John Abgod . . . 6 £4\ d John Monday . . 6 CDC!)-Iii William Bannyng Thomas Abgod . . 6 8 Wallter Story Austen Yngood nil quia pauper John Upton Ii-1 OCD939’! LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

ESTON S d £ s d Robert Daunse 16 John Barwicke William Pike . . 6 8 gentleman . . . . 3 Ales Myller . . I3 4 Thomas Whitard . . Io Thomas Williames . . IO Ales Browne . . Io John Hochyn 6 8 WILTON S d MYLTON 8 £ s d Wallter Clerk Jeffray Gunter 60 John Piper . . Io William Wyet Io Robert Smyth 20 CHILTON John Whitard 6 8 S d Robert Cureye 20 Thomas Wethurs I3 4 William Browne 6 8 John Serthorne 5 John Smyth . . 6 8 Thomas Aldwyn IO

FIFFEDE WESTGRAFTON £ s d s d John Warren Thomas Noys 26 gentleman .. 20 Thomas Childe 6 8 WESTBEDWYN WITH THE BOROUGH ESTGRAFTON £ s d S d John John Bronnsdon IO esquier . . 20 John Blandy . . IO Summa £81 13s 4d [9] THE HUNDERD or SWANBURGH, ROBOROUGH REGIS AND STODEFELDE GRETE! CHEVERELL IMBER s d _ £ s d John Courtney 8 Sir John Lrbbe parson ther . . . . Io Hughe Merywether . . 16 ESTERTON Christofer Merywether 6 8 John Shreve . . . . 6 8 Bartylmew Seynsburye John Hoskyn . . LITTELL CHEVERELL William Taylor . . _ _ £ s d William Busshope . . O\O\O\O\°'l COCOCDUDQI William Warde . . 40 Sir John Calcote vicar William Heywarde . . 8 ther . . . . I4 William Plancke . . 6 8 Sir Phelippe Stanlake parson ther . . 5 WEDEHAMTON d LITTELTON John Collett . . . . £ s d Robert Purnell 8 Thomas Beckett . . 20 John Garener . . O\O\CO°'I 8 Johan Beckett . . Io John Tocker . . . . 6 8 I ‘Rowborow Regis’ has been set against this name and the word ‘Grete' has been repeated . I 2 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 URSHAUNT [941] William Noys CHARLETON Nycolas Whode William Wyllons Robert Thornhull Thomas Bennet gentleman . . . . Richard Grace Thomas Whitebred . . Sir Nycolas Sallt William Mondaye . parson ther William Amor .

ESTOTT WILLESFORDE Nycolas Hame . . Roger Lavington . . William Fisshlake . . George Atwayle . John Hame . . . William Haukyns .


John Carpenter John Burden . wedowe . . Edmond Long Thomas Bewley John Bertlet . . George Hampton . DREYCOT George Bartlet

Wallter Skylling ALINGTON esquier . . . . Jeffraye Pravender . . STEORT UPHAVYN Mary Carpenter wedow William Taylor . . Thomas King senior . . Richard Cuff . . . . Thomas Baylye . John Pike . . . . WI LCOTE William Beare . . Thomas King junior . . John Snowe . . . . Margery Bayly wedowe Sir Thomas Cockes Sir Roger Gilforne vicar ther . . . . vicar ther . . . .

ORE RUSSALL John Chaundeler Robert Benger Thomas Willers parson ther . . . . HUYSSHE Thomas Burrey Thomas Hurle John Harding . . William Burrey Sir John Crawley par- Robert Sydnall son ther . . . . William Shale Robert Bewley STEPULLAVI NGTON

John Heyre gentleman CHIRTON John Heyre junior . . Richard Hull . . Robert Bayly . . John Seynsburye . John Baylye . . John Coke . . Sir Nycolas Hobbes John Hyscoke parson ther .. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

BECHINGSTOK ALTON BARNES £ 4 d £ s d Robert Stephyns .. nil John Benger . . 13 4 William Mylles 1 3 Sir Henry Brian parson ther . . 7 MANYNGFORD ABBOTES NEWNTON £ s d £ s Sir John Whitard John Ring I I parson ther 8 William Bewleye 6 8 John Hyller . . 8 MANYNGFORD BRUYS £ S Richard Benger 6 William Symondes 6 MANYNGFORD BOWNDES Sir John Burges parson _ _ £ s d ther . . 9 William Swaddon 20

STANTON £ s Thomas Eyles 8 WODEBOROWE Sir John Spynke vicar _ £ s d ther . . 5 Sir Thomas Pratt George Prater 314 parson ther 8 Summa £60 2s 8d et probatur


THE PARISSH OF SAYNT JONES PM £ s William Noryngton . . John Baker mayer 20 William Flower . William Page John Cooles . . o\o\u1°= R.oooo gentleman . . 26 Thomas Button 8 John Willons senior 40 THE PARISSH OF SAYNT MARYS John Willons junior 13 £ s d John Gregory 20 Walter Baylye 5 John Breade . . 26 Edward Haynes 20 Richard Batt 80 John Smyth . . 20 Robert Lewen 20 James Travers 20 John Isdale . . Io Robert Paradise 6 8 Roger Chever 20 Thomas Alden 6 8 Morgan Stephyns 20 Edwarde Haynes William Lerye Io junior . . 8 Nycolas Knyght I3 Henry Vaughan 8 Julyan Sundaker Io Robert Westbroke . . Elyn Clerke . . 6 William Willons . |-| O0O\O'\OJ 4



ROWDE S d Us Edward Dune I3 4 Robert Mawndwell U) Marian Prater IO Robert Summar . . Christian Rawlyn 6 8 Thomas Phylkes . . john Webbe junior I3 4 Sir Thomas parson ther u1u1O\O°= William Heyer I2 ]oan White . . IO BROMHAM Margery Ballerd 6 ,{ s d Robert Stephyn 6 Sir Thomas Hanley Robert Alande parson ther . . I3 4 john Webbe senior ]ohn Slade . . . . I6 Robert Pewde clerke O‘\O\O\ @@@@OO Summa £8 I48 8d probatur [II] THE HUNDERDE OF MELKESHAM MELKSHAM WHITLEY ,{ s d ]ohn Heweston I3 4 Henry Broncker ]ohn Rutly . . 6 8 esquier . . . 4 Edward White I3 4 Robert May . . . 4 ]ohn Girwiche 20 Nycolas Flower . . 26 john Lovedaye I0 William Selff . . 2o SHEND Thomas Small 5 d Raffe Griffe . . 8 Thomas Cox parson I-I john Showring . 5 ]ohn Hort . . Thomas Planck . I3 William Tiling john Weakes 13 Wallter Dalmer 8 Thomas Alonde . 6 Thomas Sweving 8 Thomas West 5 Robert Curtes O‘\O\O\U1U1O°= 8 john Flower . . 6 SHEND ROW £ S BENNAKER ]ohn Ball . . 10 £ s d Edith Whitoxmede I3 4 POLLSHOLT Christofer Temmys 20 £ S William Willson par- Thomas Sterige 5 son ther . . . . 20 William Pewe 6 8 William Hulbert . . 2o Thomas Kynton 8 Thomas Hulbert . I3 ]ohn Toker . . 8 BULKINGTON HESPERTON £ ,{ s d _]ohn Sumnar IO Thomas Smyth . . Nycolas Harrys 6 8 ]ohn Hiskyns . . ]ohn Mawndrell 6 8 ]ohn Stevyns senior . . ooowow“

WHADDON £ S WODROW Sir William Taylour £s d parson ther . . 8 Richard Uffenham Henry Long . . . . 20 gentleman .. 20 Summa £29 I05 probatur LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545

THE HUNDERD OF POTTERNE AND CANNYNGES CANNYNGES CHITTOW £ s d £ s d Mawde Vyveash Agnes Bayly wedow .. I0 wedowe . . I0 Johan Smyth wedowe BUPTON, HIGHWAY AND CLE\/E . . £ s d John Lake . . William Home . . 2o William Nasshe . . O\O\O‘\O\O CDIIICIJIII Richarde Dobbes 5

BURTON AND ESTON POTTORNE AND WHISTLEY £ s d £ s ]ohn Emle thelder Stephyn Agarde esquier . . . . 4 gentleman . . Thomas Smyth thelder 20 ]ane Burleigh wedowe IO William Sloper . . 40 Thomas Long senior 20 William Annettes . . IO Thomas Long junior I3 ]ohn Smyth . . IO _]ohn Flower junior Thomas Nete 6 8 I3 John Cocks . . . 6 8 WEKE AND RUDGES ]ohn Townsend . IO £ S Philippe Baskerfeld HORTON _]ohn Pery . . £ s d Wallter Self . . Ales Unwen wedowe . . 40 William Long junior Richard Fisshlake . . 1o _]ohn Roke . . O\@CIJCIJ Rafl Stephyns . 8 Thomas Ryter 6 8 MERSTON AND WORTON Robert Etall .. £ s ]ohn Duke . . CIJU1 ]ohn Flower senior Thomas Sallter 8 [rid] COTE LEES AND FOLY d S Robert Nicolas. 5 S Robert Harrys 30 gentleman . . 4 Thomas Bower 30 Robert Pynchyn . . 26 8 Richarde Myntye 20 William Golde . . 6 8 William Shyve IO Richarde Reynalde . . 5 LAVINGTON s RUNDWEY Ambrose Dauntsey £ s d CSq111B1' . . Thomas Golde . . 8 _]ohn Dawntsey Thomas Thownsend . . 8 gentleman . . 30 William Flower 4O WEKE Robert Bower 2o £ s d Ambrose Tynker IO Robert Trew Robert Pye . . I2 gentleman . . 12 Edmonde Fryer 6 Summa £55 13s probatur

Summa totalis £264 I29 8d‘ probatur


[I2] WILTES The certificat of John busshopp of Sar’, William lorde Stourton, John Emeley and Charles Bulkeley. Extractes indented the first day of Aprill in the yere of the reigne of our soveraigne lorde Henry theight by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Yerelande kinge defendor of the faithe and in erthe under God of the churche of Englonde and Yerelande supreme hed xx.xvi"" wittnesseth that wee John busshopp of Sar’, Wil.liam lorde Stourton, John Emeley and Charles Bulkeley, commissionars appoynted by the kynges high majesties commission for the practisinge and concludinge with certen parsones for a certen benevolence to be geven and graunted within the countie of Wiltes of the inhabitauntes inhabitinge within the said countie and Thomas Alfiord gentleman high collectour appoynted of the hundredes of Donworthe, Mere and Maydenbradley for the collec- tion and levieng of the said benevolence nowe concluded and geven of the said inhabitauntes inhabiting within the said hundredes witnesseth that we the said commissionars have charged the said Thomas Alford by a like cedule indented by us the said commissionars to the said Thomas delivered, to collect and levey of every parsone and persones whose names ar expressed in the like cedule hereunto annexed all and every somme and sommes of money uppon every parson and parsons severally rated and charged whiche them and everye of them have geven to the kinges high majestie by the waye of benevolens whiche amownteth in the hole to the somme of £106 7s; and the said Thomas Alford safiiy to convey and make payment of the same to Sir Edmund Peckham knyght cofferer of the kinges most honorable household and generall receivour appoynted for the same to the use of the kinges highe majestie before the last daye of Aprill next commynge: in wittnes wherof wee the said commissioners have here unto severally putte our seales. Yeven the daye and yere above written. Signed: John Sar’, Charylys Bulkeley, W. Stourton, John Emle


VVYNNEFORDE HATCHE £ s d £ s d Mathewe Colthurst . . roo . . ro William Bower . . 30 John Bennet . . . . 24 Davyd Broclcwey . . 4o William Heytour . . 20 Robert Grove . . 26 8 Henry Gerrerd . 20 John Kynch . . 8 Thomas Skamell . 2o Margaret Payne I3 4 Lawrence Skamell . . 13 4 I7 2B LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE o1= 1545

HATCHE—c0nt. ,{ s £ s d Henry Ley . . . . 25 Thomas Barter 2o John Buysshe 6 Edward Kerde I3 Wylliam Sanger 6 STAPLE Edmond Grey ,{ s John Skamell Thomas Webbe ro Robert Stone John Reve . . 50 John Sanger . . O'\O'\O\O\ @@@@@-F Thomas Mayho ro William Boll . . I3 TISBURY S d SWALCLIF Henry Lawrence 40 . £ S John Walterrnan 6 8 Thomas Codnngton . . 4o John Farwell 6 8 John Rabbettes . . ro Richard Jay . . 3 CHICKISGROVE John Luysshe 14 £ s Thomas Sanger senior 26 DOGNELL John Haylocke . . 20 s d John Rysse . . . . I3 Edmund Bower 60 John Davys . . 20 Richard Lanyen 40 COLL BERVVICK CHARLETON £ s s d Thomas Heytour . . r 3 Henry Cox . . 6 8 Edward Mullens ‘ 2o John Spuvns ro The parson ther ro

CHILMARK RUYGE 8 d £ s William Domynyck 20 Gregory Newe 4 William Cowherd r6 George Saunder 4 [I3d] Richard Bacon I3 4 FUNTELL GIFFORD Agnes Sharpe 5 £ s Thomas Mastall 6 8 John Marvyn armiger 5 John Bauston 6 8 John VVhyte . . . . 6 Robert Jerrard senior ro HAYSTONE John Wyatt . . . . 26 S d John Steynsmore =4 ANSTIE John Somer . . 6 8 £ s Nycholas Blacker 20 John Zowche armiger [blank] William Gyllet 20 John Michell . . . . ro John Bunter . . I3 4 John Best . . . . 6 Edmond Maling IO Wylliam Lye . . 6 Summa £60 r8s probatur [r4] THE HUNDRITHE [OF] MERE AND MAYDEN BRADLEY KINGSTON DEVERELL WEST KNOELL ,{ s d £ s Christofer Wyllowghby 4 William Hurle . . I0 Edwarde _ _ 6 Richard End person Walter Marketman dimissus quia. ther . . . . I 5 pauper LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

MIERE WODLAND d ,§sd £ Hugh Gyldon 8 Thomas Hewett . . Thomas Alford 2o Richard Carpinter . . 8 Robert Busshoppe ro Robert Hardinge . . John Forward 68 Rendall Bannester . . 8 George Persey John Pyk . . . . gentleman . . 20 Edwarde Harryson . . goI-ll-I John Gentyll . . IO John Alford . . . . 8 John Byrt . . 20 Thomas Swymerton . . @O\OOO\OO\@"> Wrlham Bartlett 20 Johanne Dodington Thomas Chafiyn vidua . . . . ro gentleman . . 30 Christofer Donington Thomas Cowley Is 4 gentleman . . . . I 3 4 John Gyldon . . 2 Alys Forward . . 20 Elizabethe Forward . . 6 8 STOURTON John Kyng . . . . ,§_ s d Robert Cowherd . Wylliam Fauntleroy ro Nycholas Kend 8 John Peret . . 8 John Fowrde . . . 8 Wylliam Breten 4 Edwarde Whafier . . O\O'\O\@@ 8 BROKE SEASCLEVEDON AND ALISBURY ,5 s d ,§ s d John Fowrde . . 8 Robert Harvy . . 6 8 Thomas Gye . . '6 8 Edwarde Gyldon . ro Richard Mompesson 20 William Radyshe 18 MERE William Bayly junior 20 £ s d William Bayly senior I3 4 The vicar of Mere . . 30 John Ryder . . ro Thomas Ayshlocke . . 7 William Bertlet 6 8 Wylliam Blake . . 4 George Bolde 68 Phillippe Blake . 6 8 Thomas White ro Roger Forwarde . 20 Thomas Bayly 8 Leonarde Harris . 6 8 Alis Dyser . . 6 8 John Ruggeys . 8 William Wylkynes mortuus est Raynold Churchyll . . 6 8 Richard Bayly 6 8 Summa £45 9s probatur Summa £106 7s probatur [14d] xxvii"=° die Maij anno domini I546 Memorandum paide by me the saide Thoms Alford collector ut supra the forsaid somme of one hundred six poundes seven shillinges sterling at London to thandes of Sir Edmunde Pekham knight generall receyvour apoynted four the same to the kynges majesties use. by me Thomas Alford

Item paid to the saide [Thoms Alforde four the pourtage of one hundred syx pounde 7s aftur the rate of 2d in every pound the som of seventene shillinges eght pence sterhnge. by me Thomas Alforde LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [Is] WILTES The certificat of John busshopp of Sar’, William lord Stourton, John Emeley and Charles Bulkely. Extractes indented the first day of Aprill in the yere of the reign of our soveraigne lorde Henry theight by the grace of God kynge of England Fraunce and Yrelande defendour of the faithe and in erthe under God of the churche of England and Ireland supreme [hed xxxvith witnesseth that we John busshopp of Sar’, William lorde Stourton, John Emeley and Charles Bulkeley, commissioners appoynted by the kynges high majesties commission for the practisinge and concludinge with certen persons for certen benevolence to be gevyn and graunted within the countie of Wiltes of the inhabitauntes inhabiting within the said countie and William Stump gentleman high collectour appoynted of the hundredes of Chegelowe, Sterteley, Malmesbury, Chippenham, Damerham North, Calne, Kyngbridge, Highworth, Cricklade and Staple, the borough of Marlebrough, Selkeley and Rammesbury for the collection and levinge of the said benevolence now concluded and geven of the said inhabitauntes inhabiting within the said hundreth wittnesseth that wee the said com- missioners have charged the said William Stumpe by a like cedule indented by us the said commissioners to the said William delivered to collect and levey of every parson and parsones whose names are expressed in the like cedule hereunto annexed all and every somme and somes of money uppon every parson and parsones severally rated and charged whiche they and every of them have geven to the kynges high majestie by the way of benevolence which amownteth in the hole to the somme of £434 7s 8d. And the said William Stumpe safily to convey and make payment of the same to Sir Edmunde Peckham knight cofferer of the kynges most honorable household and generall receyvour appoynted for the same to the use of the kinges highe majestie before the last daye of Aprill nex commyng. In wittnes wherof wee the said commissionars have hereunto putte our seales. Yeven the daye and yere above written. Signed: John Sar’, Charylys Bulkeley, W. Stourton, John Emle

[I6] THE HUNDERD OF KINGBRIDGE, BLACKGROVE AND THORNHULL WODELSCOTT THORNHULL £ s d £ s d William Ayleswourth r 3 4 Wflliam Garret . . 4o Elizabeth Saddler . . 2o William Leyne 5 DREYCOT FOLYATT £ s d OFFCOTE Thomas Webbe ro £ s d Elizabeth Webbe 8 Richard Cletter . . 8


CLEVE PIPPER CLEVANCY £ s £ s d John Hoper . . . . r 3 William Bonde .. 2o John Holwey . . . . 5 John Geffreye 13 4 Sir William Hodgkin- John Stowt . . r6 son vicar ther . . 8 BYNCKNALL BRODETOWNE £ s d £ s William Richman .. 13 4 William Reve . . 5 Thomas Church 5 Henry Sparkman . 5 MOGEALL CORTON £ s £ s Gabriell Pledall . 26 Robert Collman . . 26 Ales Welles . . 6 John Reve . . r3 John Sadler . . 13 Thomas Willryns . 5 William Welles 6 WODSN®-P» SALTROPE [I64] £ s WITCOMBE John Spencer . . 2o £ s d Richard Brownde . . r 3 Richard Broke - 5 LYNEHAM MELBOURNE £ s £ s d Richard Bowyar . . r3 John Wroughton William Dicke 5 gentleman . . 8 Nycolas Orcherd . r2 Thomas Warman Thomas Heywarde . . ro Robert Stephyns . 8 William Browne . 6 Robert Walldron H UJo\@o\ 4 WESTOKENHAM £ s LYDYARDE TREIGOSE John Danvers gentle- ' £ s d man r . . . . 2o John Seynt John gentleman . . . . [blank] SWYNDON Olyver Seynt John gentleman . . . . [blank] JohnCusse .. . £ Brysse Lymmyng . . 4o Robert Heth . . . James Chatterton .. 13 4 Anthony Stichall . Richarde Prater .. 6 8 UIUI®¢fi Wallter Lymmyng .. 5 GRENEHILL William Lane 8 £ s John Prater . . U\O\ John Baylye . . . 8 John VVheler . . 5 CHESILDEN £ s d WODSHAW Thomas Stephyns . . 6 I 3 4 IQ s William Smyth dimissus quia Roger Gatclif. . . . r 5 Robert Reve . . ro Thomas Smyth dimissus. . P‘“.‘P°'quia Richard Bath . ro pauper Robert Wheler . . 5 Catheryn Robertes . . ni BADBURYE £ s d WOTTON BASSET Kateryn Morce .. r3 4 £ s Thomas Morce 2o John Blake meyr . . 8 Nycolas Morce 6 8 William Small . . 6 Johan Morce . . ro LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545

HELMERTON £ £ s Richarde Edwardes . . William Holweye . . IO William Hatt. . . . John Broke . . . . 6 Thomas Coxe. . HOCDO\h Sir John Coleman vicar ther . . . . 18 LUDINGTON WANBOROUGH £ s £ s William Bristowe . . r6 Thomas Hynton . . 46 Sir Robert Aleyne vicar Thomas Brynde . . 4o ther . . . . ro Summa £48 4s 4d probatur

[I7] THE HUNDERD OF SELKLEYE OGBOURNE MESYE RICHARDSTONE £ s £ 8 William Blake . . 2o Symond Baskerfeld William Vlfhorebate . . ro gentleman . . . . 26 Thomas Croke . 6 Thomas Huchyns . . 6

ROBSTON MYDNALL £ s John Webbe . . . 30 William. Hey . . . . £ 2o‘ John Johns senior . . ro BACKHAMTON John Johns junior . . 13 £ s William Plastede . 4 Richarde Spencer . . 6 John B1'yne . . 6 Mighell Basset 20 ROKERIDGE (Slfi) KENNET 8 - £ 8 £ William Mortymer . . 6 Andrewe Mortymer . . Is Richarde Smyth . . as James Hughes I2 MANTON, AND PRESHEWT £ s ALDEBOURNE Thomas Stanner . . ro £ 8 Thomas Hiscocke . . 46 John Godderd gentle- man . . . . ro Thomas Waldron . . 3 ROKELEYE Richarde Hyett . . 2o £ s James Yate . . 2o William Lydyarde Thomas Coxe . . 20 junior . . 6 William Philippes . . r6 William Lydyard Thomas Collman . . ro senior . . . . 6 John Lawrens alias John Franckleyne . . 26 Barber . . . . Richarde Knastone . . WYNTERBOURN BASSETT Thomas Spanysweke £ s Richarde Sheparde . . . . 4o John Bacon . . . . O\O’\O\mm Sir Thomas Long Agnes Hobbes and parson ther 13 John Hobbes . . 20 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545 ALDEBOURNE—cont. £ s s d John Pope . . . . 8 Thomas Hatt .. 6 8 Richarde Balden . . ro Nycolas Gardyner . . ro Thomas Smyth . . 8 John Show-ter junior -. . 12 OGBORNE SAYNT GEORGE Mathew Andros . . 6 £ s d Sir Robert Stephynson Thomas Croke . . 20 vicar ther . . . . 8 William Coleman . . IO John Potter . . . . 8 MONCKTON Robert Newport . . 5 8 Thomas Dikson 6 8 Robert Sloper . . 33 John Eyraa . . . . 8 Thomas Stile . . . . 6 William Godderd . . I0 Sir Richarde Temmes John Brynde . . vicar ther . . . . 6 William Potterne . . Andrew Pottern O\@-liOO\ 8 WESTOVERTON s BRODEHINTON John Wattes . . . . IO £ s d- Edmonde Willmote . . 6 Sir William Wroughton Richarde Wyatt . . .5 knyght . . . . 6 r3 4 John Marchaunt . . r 3 4 OGBOUR.NE ANDROS s [I7dl Anthony Godderd . . 2o ABERY Androwe Godderd . . 6 £ s d John Webbe . . 6 John Shewter . . 4 John Sheperey IO Thomas Trouslowe . . 3 Rafi Coll . . 20 Androwe Smyth . . 8 Robert Drewe 8 Summa £69 8s 4d probatur


LUSSHULL s £ s d William Mondaye . . 8 Thomas Smyth alias William Buttler . . 8 Parker . . . . 8 Roger Topton vicar ther . . . . CASTLETON 9 £ s d Nycolas King parson ther . . . . Henry Curtes . . 8 HANNYNGDON Richard Tugewell . . Richarde Priour 8 Robert Pynrnell . . John Cnppes . . |oI-I Edith Batson William Kinge . . O\OO\@O\\1 8 Roger Walton WON-II"! Thomas Bekett IO OVERSTRATTON AND NEYTHER John Harper . . . . Is STRATON William Mathew . . IO £ s d vicar John Deneman 5 ther ‘ " . . . . 7 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 LYDYARD MYLCENT ESTROPE 4 s £s John Lecke . . ro John Boller . . I3 William Saunders . . ' 8 John Aleyne . . . . 6 William Saunders John Sodbury . . 6 coon->83. junior . . s Edward. Dynton vicar Richarde Church 5 ther . . . . Is Edwarde Newman . . Ia William Marten 40 [I35] Thomas Clerke IO PULLTON Thomas Myll . . 6 £s d John Hays parson ther 20 Thomas Hampton . . 20 Johan Shepard 6 8 SEVENHAMTON Thomas Blomeley . . 5 £ S MASTON MAYSYE John Warneforde £ s d esquier . . 40 Edmonde Skynner . . 6 8 William Coxe I3 Richarde Thomas . . 5 William Banckes 5 Henry Bancree 8 PIRTON John Davys . . 8 £ d Bennet Jeye . . WATER YETTON AND ESYE Thomas Saye William Cusse £ S John Godderd ..36 William Heyres 8 Thomas Parsons Thomas Shermour . . 8 William Barret WU! John Ryman . . Thomas Massy vicar Joyse Pulley . . 8 ther .. II John Messenger Thomas Dynton @U1O\O\(.nO\s@@°I WESTROP Margaret Pulley . . 20 £s Ambrose Haukyns . . I0 .. 8 John Coll . . CRICKLADE £ d SOWTH MARSTON Thomas Messenger . . Thomas Heynes 8 Joan Brynde . . Richarde Free William Brynde Raff Enmotes . . 8 Elizabeth Brynde . John Pittes . . . . U10\U10\U\°I Jane Brynde junior . . Thomas Cusse N STAUNTON FEWAREN £ d John Bryan . . 8 John Cusse . . O\O\OO\O\O\O°'l John Han'ys . . . . Aldame Cusse Thomas Renne o~ooo~<~ 8 HIWOURTH LATTON John Bryce . . ,{s d Roger Wodshawe Thomas Portlock . . 20 Thomas Yate ION Thomas Ti-ynder 8 John Stocke . . John Amare . . . . 6 8 John Roose . . John Dune . . . . 5 Agnes Heiwarde John Pulley vicar ther ro John Avenell . . @U1\IO\OO@‘" CHELWOURTH EH d ANDROW BLOUNSDON Henry Wallton £ s John Causton William Harding . . ro Thomas Busshley . . oot.noe°= LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

BRODE BLOUNSDON AND BERY SOMERFORDE KEYNES£AND LEE BLOUNSDON s d £ s d Humirey Hanley Thomas Buttler . 5 parson ther John Wake . . 26 8 Thomas Bollton Henry Coot . . RODEBOURNE Thomas Wake £ s d Thomas Packer I-I Thomas Mylles 3 6 8 Thomas Shermour WU-\O\@O\U1 William Wallter 2o William Morse 5 ASSHTON KEYNES 8 MORDEN AND HEYDON Thomas Crippes 40 I-I-5 d Leonard Haukyns 20 Nycolas Edwardes 8 20 Jone Gale . . 8 Sir Richarde Port curat Thomas Kemble nooo-o-=~ ther . . 40 Summa £61 13s 4d probatur


THE PARISSH OF OUR BLESSED ‘s LADY AND SAYNTE PETERS Thomas Wyne 20 ,{ s d Peter Taylour 8 Jefiraye Danyell Richard Courssey 6 gentleman . . 53 4 Robert Browne alias William Yokisall ro Weyer . . 40 John Paremhof 8 Thomas Bacon 20 Philippe Godwyn 20 John Pecock . . 6 John Hull . . 8 William Hiscock William Fraunces 10 orphan . . 20 John Barnerd 13 4 Robert Lawreye 8 Richard Wrenne 4o Raff Collyns . . 6 William Mydwynter 13 4 William Bromeley 20 Henry Wrenne 6 8 John Rone . . . . 24 Thomas Heyward 16 Robert Tyncller 8 John Abatte . . 8 Richarde Dykynson 26 William Vicars 10 John Avale . . 4o . . 5 Clement Yong 40 John Chapman 8 John Wodward 8 Sir Richarde Rede James More . . 4o vicar ther . . IO Thomas Avale 20 Robert Bythewaye 3o Robert Topping 24 John Lovell . . 6 8 Robert Smyth 5 Richard Ferfeide 13 4 Robert Smyth draper 20 John Lambe . . 5 George Raynold 6 John Stile . . 8 Richard Coll . . 20 William Symondes 26 8 William Andros 6 . . 20 Summa ,539 14s 4d probatur LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545

THE HUNDERD OF RAMMESBURYE RAMMESBURY . £ 8 _ ' £ d John Ballerd . . a Thomas Wlntwaye . . John Plotl: . . 6 William Smyth . . E3‘: -- 3 BISSHOPSTONE UIOUIGJW s AXFORD John Perse . . . . £ 20 £ S 4 John Precye . . . . 20 John Go1djng_ 3 John Palmer . . . . I4 Robert Golding 3 Wflham Blackgroves I6 [I941] William Hull . . 16 PARKE TOWNE William North . . ro _ .. £ 5 d Thomas Horton 8 6 ‘NH Thomas Hull . . 8 ITING DICHE £ s J Robert. Baker . . 12 Thomas Leveleye . . 8 SH Morgan wekes vicar ther . . . . [. . . ESTRIDGE £ s d Edward Darell knyght 6 £ s The Lady Darell Thomas Stephyns . . 6 wedowe . . . . 5 Julyan Stephyns . . 6 Summa £21 7s 4d probatur


Richard Snell £ S d Th01113.8 N6te ]l.‘ll1101'' ' . . £

l . . . 5 0 0 hnGsse .. .. 8 J°hn-l°n°s " Tl:,iomas°Co1man . . 8 R°b°rt B“ssh°P° ' ' Thomas Hull curat ther 8 RobertNycolasTownsendBaker o. ._ @O\Gl@O\O\‘°

NORTHLANGLEY £ s GR-ITILTON Thomas Bruer ro £ S 4 Robert Gyngell . . IO Edward Bristowe . . 20 Robert Taylour . . 5 John Gawen . . 5 Edwarde Haulryns . . 6 John Serjant . . . . 5 John Dicke . . . . 6 Summa £11 r6s 4d probatur

26 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR TI-[E BENEVOLENCE OF 1545 [20] THE HUNDERD OF CHIPPENHAM THE BOROUGH OF CHIPPENHAM LOKINGTON AN-D FOXHAM £ s d £ s d Richard Uparry . . 20 William Hide . . 68 Richard Blake 20 Edwarde Gele . ro Thomas Skott 4o Sir Thomas Felder . John Barkby . . 2o curat ther . . . 8 John Kent . . 6o Henry Bull . . . 4o SLAGHTONFORDE William Wodland . . 8 s d William Cokasfeld . . ro Thomas Vyner . . 40 Philippe Smyth . 20 Katheryn Cole . . 13 4 Adame Gore . . . ro Ch.ristofor Stokes . . 2o William Kempson . . 6 William Bonde . 6 ALDRINDTON John Budd . . s d Henry Goldnay . . O‘\U1 Chiles Gore gentleman ro William Nanseglose vicar ther . . . IO SOPEWOURTH s d NOURTHWREXALL Thomas Jenyns parson ther . . . . 8 8 Thomas Mallet parson John Shopey . . . . ro ther . . . . 2O William Dorban . . IO s d Richard Ivye ESTON GREYE gentleman . . . 4o S John Leker . . . . 5 John Adye gentleman 20 Thomas Smythson I William Tunley . . II curat ther . . . ro William Sallyer curat 6 SURRENDON s d ROWDON John Hainleyn esquier 40 S ALINGTON John Pye esquier . . 40 s d Roger Core . . . . ro LITTELTON DREW S YATTON KEINYLL Thomas Storbie parson s d ther . . . . 6 Thomas Ponting Robert Fisher . 6 parson ther . . 8 William Wa.ltman . . 6 8 SHERSTON PINGE Thomas Harrys . 6 8 S Robert Hort . . . . I3 STANLEY William Wylcox . . I-I LIGHE William King s John Godwyn . William Hill curat ther 5 Thomas Beryman . . John Colman . . . '. 6 Wallter Bankes . . O\mO\O\U-1°? O00003-l?~$54 I Thomas Harrys (6s 8d) has been inserted again under this entry and struck out. / LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [zod] THE LIBERTIE OF COSHAM £ s d SHEYSTON MAGNA _Richard Franck curat £ s d John Skydaw vicar ther . . . . H John Gibbes . . . . ther . . . . 13 John Salwey . . . . Thomas Heys . UIUIO 13 William Hulbert . . Nycolas Williames . . 46 Ul William Plummer . . Ihflxntfihnyth .. 3 - 13 -Pal-Ii-F Richard Bellet . 20 Robert Tyler . . 2o Thomas Bellot ro John Goynow 20 John Shep . . 6 John Clerke . . 6 BOXE- John Chape . . £ 8 d wfljjanl Wflcox _ _ O\O‘I Glfilfibfil Anne Bonhum WedOW I3 4 Nycolas Nowell . . 20 John Nowell . . . . TETHERTON LUCAS John West . . . . 1° £ s d 5 Lewes Melly vicar ther I5 Hugh Trowman . . 20 William Nowell . . 3 Thomas Benet 6 8 William Bissu . . 10 Thomas Turmey . 6 8 Henry Ooggesweu _ 6 8 £ S J CASTELCOMB £ d Robert Hungerford Richard [S]crope ‘S esquier . . . . 40 8 esquier . . . . 6 I3 4 Thomas Trymnell . . 6 8 Thomas Keynes . . William King . 6 5 John Harrys . . I2 Richard Busshell . 20 William Scott . r 3 4 Richard Norwell . 5 John Taylour . 20 William Stratton . 2613 48 Richarde Haukyns . . 5 John Nortorne . . I0 Robert Bruer . . ro William Prater . . Io John Stermyn clerk Jeffrey Jones vicar ther curat ther . . . . IO

LACOCK THE LIBERTIE OF KINGSWOD '£sd S d Henry Baynard William Spicer . . £ 26 8 gentleman . . . . 3 Richard Secoll 26 8 John Hulbert . 25 John Rowborow . 20 Robert Smyth 25 Thomas Neyle John Coke . . 20 Is 4 John Burges . . IO Richard Lewes 25 William Cappe 6 8 Richard Adames . . 6 8 £ S Thomas Noble . . 20 . . d - - William Ooggeswell . . 6 8 Rlfigrrd B“'t_°f' “Hf 8 Edwarde Edwardes .. 6 8

LANGELEY BURELL LAKEHAM £ s £ s d John Stokis . . . . 26 Edward Baynard John Wastfeld . . 6 esquier . . . . 6 Richard Wastfeld . . 6 Glfilfilili Thomas Wilshere . . 6 8 Henry Barton parson Thomas Baker . 1o ther . . . . .13 4 Summa £77 15s 8d probatur 28 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545 [21] THE HUNDERD OF CHEGELOWE AND STERKLEY ALIAS MALSBURYE [sic]

THE BOROUGH OF VOXLEY MALMESBURYE £ s d £ s d Thomas VVhite . . 6 8 William Stumpe john Rudlowe . . 6 8 esquier . . . . 3 6 john Pirton parson john Hodges . . 53 ther . . nil quia pauper john Boxe . . . . 6 LEE Thomas Wyndell . . 6 U303-PUD Thomas Prowt 10 EH d William Browne 6 8 Ales Myll . . 4 William Wattes 8 john Law-rens I3 4 H- William Power 5 Agnes Alexander . . Mathew King 20 john Woderowe . . Margaret Radway . . 5 William jakes . . °=on-aQ'\U1Ul 8 STANTON QUYNTON VVESTPORT £ s d £ s d john Power . . . . 6 8 john Mody gentleman 22 john Smart curat ther 10 john West gentleman 12 john Hoper . . . . 5 SOMERFORD MADERFAR £ s d MYLBOURN AND NORTON Thomas Arnolde £ s d parson ther 8 Richard Smyth . . 8 john Hoskyns I-I john Arche . . . . 6 8 john Knappe_ _ . . john Knappe ]1.'lIJ.10I' . . BURTON HILL AND ESTON john Hunt . . . . \ £ S john Mayho . . ClU'\UlUlU30 8 d Henry Cannope . . 40 OKESEY William Overbery . . 16 _ £ s d Agnes Light . . . . IO RlCh&Id Elys . . . . 6 8 Peter Vernam vicar Rafi Handshaw vicar ther ...... 10 ther . . . . 6 ASHLEY CHEGELOW d _ _ £ s d Wilham. . Cockes . . £ 20S William Blackzmour . . 8 john Helerd . . . . 6 8 NEWENTON Randall Shalve parson £ s d ther . . . . 9 Morys Cannope curat ther . . . . 8 SEGRE Robert Ridler . . 26 8 £ s d Robert Hancock 8 Henry Pewde 1 3 4 William Adye . . 5 £ s d SOMIERFORD MAWDIT Edmond Chatterton £ s d gentleman . . . . 40 Robert Long gentleman 1 o john Ponter . . . . 20 john Busshope . . 6 8 Richard Ponter . . 6 8 Nicolas Carter curat Lawrens Banckes vicar ther . . . . 6 8 ther . . . . 6 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545 [ard] CHARELTON KEMYLL £ S IR d Robert Water H Henry Banner curat William Heskyns . . ther . . . . H 8 William Forscott . William Wye . . . . 8 Thomas Davys Robert Gaye . . 8 Hem-y Davys uaonowonou John Bucke . . . O\O\O\N SUTTONBENGER BRYNKWORTH IR J £ 5 Thomas Boxe . . 8 Thomas Sherer . I0 Richard Pokeridge . . john Hoplryns 13 William Coller . . 8 William jones 6 Thomas Mon curat ther EownQ9! Richard Webbe 5 Robert Boyll . . . HANKERTON Rafi Norbourne . I'M William Collyar . jefirey Waflys . . I-I john Gage . . john Richemond . . OihlMU! john Dicke . . @@@R| Humfrey Brokhurst john Curtes . . H OO\O\O\°" parson ther . . 24 Hughe Whitehorne vicar ther . . . 8 DAUNTSEY £ s CRUDWELL Sylvester Danvers ,5 "s d esquier . . . . 7 Thomas Wallton . . 6 8 George Worth Agnes Yerle . . I0 8 gentleman . . 26 Thomas Heller 6 Richard Reve . . 6 BROKENBOROW Richard Sherer . . 6 £ s d Henry Willryns parson Richard Brymiedge . . 8 ther . . . . I 3 john Hunt . . . . 20 john Baylye . . 5 DREICOT john Kmg . . . 5 Sn‘. Henry Long knyght £5 8 GARSEDON £ s d John Skull . . . . 6 8 BREMYLHAM John Harrys parson ,5 s ther . . . . I0 Robert Buckull . . 2o Summa £62 14.9 8d probatur


THE BOROUGH OF CALNE STOKE £ s J ,5 s William Aleyn . . 30 Roger Blake gentleman 26 William Heyward . 6 8 Robert Gawen . . 6 . . I3 4 Rafi Aler . . . 8 STODELEY CUMBERFORD If s d ,5 s john Dodson . 6 8 Robert Clifiord . 5


COMPTON BASSETT WHETEI-IAM EH d £ s d Robert Blake 1-: Wallter Fynamour Thomas Harrold . . 8 gentleman . . . 26 8

§’°‘“QJiiiiilfii '" u\onO\n=~ H-'~=I>1N<=T<>N £ s d john Oldefeld . IO C JOhIl. S0011 . . 6 B John Migheu £ s d CHERELL £ s 0! gentleman. - - 13 4 Thomas Elly . . -- 5 Th°m33 Page 1% 4 Elizabeth Parsons .. 6 8 John Browne 1 A B . 30 mcwdsumm ~ 6 8 R%‘i;Zi.1=I§L?§e . 2° William Warne 5 William Godderd . 26 8 YATTESBURYE BERWICK BASSET ,5 a £ s William B1-eche . . I0 Thomas Crippes . . 13 Richard Chylvester . . Androwe Bronnsden 13 Robert Reve . . . john Holman . . 13 flu-ll-F-ll Thomas Fermour . O‘\CDU\O‘° 8 Summa £22 4d probatur 14s 8d‘ Summa totalis £433 15s‘ probatur

[ml] Apud London’ ultimo die julii anno I545 - Memorandum paid by me the forsaid William Stompe the said some of foure hundrethe thurtie thre poundes fyftene shillings sterling unto thandes of Sir Edmund Pekham knight generall recevour appointed for the same to the kinges use by me Wyllyam Stumpe" Memorandum paid to the said William Stompe for the pourtage of the said some of £433 I 5s after 2d for every p0und—72s 20! by me Wyllyam Stumpe“


I A line has been drawn through both 14s 8d and I5s. 2 On both occasions the name is inscribed in a formal hand, probably by an amanuensis.


[23] WILTES The certificat of john busshopp of Sar’, William lord Stourton, john Emely and Charles Bulkeley. Extractes indented the first day of Aprill in the yere of the reyne of our soveraigne lorde Henry theight by the grace of God king of Englande Fraunce and Ireland and in earth under God_ supreme hed of the and Ireland xxxvith witnesseth that we john busshope of Sar’, William lord Stourton, john Erneley and Charles Bulkeley, com- myssyoners appoynted by the kinges highmajestiez commission for practis- ing and concluding with certen persons for a certen benevolens to be geven and graunted within the countie of Wiltes of inhabitauntes inhabiting Within thesaid countie and William Hargill thelder gentleman high collector appoynted of the hundredes of Warmester, Heytresburye, West~ bury, VVhorwe1sdowne, the libertie of Trobridge, and Bradford for the collection and levieng of the said benevolens now concluded and yeven of the inhabitauntes inhabiting within the saide hundredes witnesseth that we the said commissioners have charged the said William Hargill thelder bya like cedule indended by us the said cormnissioners to the saide William Harg-ill delivered to collect and levye of every person and persons whose names are expressed in the like cedule hereunto annexed all and every somme and sommez of money uppon every person and persons severally rated and charged which they every of them have geven to the kinges high majestie by the way of benevolence which amownteth in the hole to the summe of £261 3s; and the said William Hargill saffly to conveye and make payment of the same to Sir Edmunde Peckham knyght cofferer of the kinges moost honorable howshold and generall recevour appoynted for the same to the use of the kinges high majestie before the last daye of Aprill next comyng. In wittnes wherof we the said commissioners have hereunto severally sette our seales. Yeven the day and yere above writen. Signed: john Sar’, William Stourton, Charylys Bulkeley, john Emle

[24] THE HUNDRITH OF BRADFORD BRADFORD £ s d COMERWELL Anthony Rogers ,5 s d esquier . . . . 3 6 8 Robert Browne . . 3o Wylliam Hall esquier 3 6 8 Thomas Hall CHALFFELDE gentleman . . . . 13 4 £ s d Robert Graunte . 53 4 Sir Thomas Davyd William Webbe . . 3o person. ther . . 5 Richard Randall . . 3o Thomas Bewsyn . . 13 4 Ma1'yan Randall . . r6 Hans Westbury wedow IO Bartylmew Davys . . ro Christofer Moxham . . 2o john Randall . . I6 john Howell . . . . 6 8 32 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545

TROLL BROUGHTON £ S CH d Valentyne Rogers . . H 4 Sir Henry Yonge john Stephyns . person ther . . r5 Mawde Rogers . Mychell Quynteyne james Wylsher . "1O\ooonu.\ 8 gentleman . . . . 26 Robert May . . . . 40 HOLTE Wylliam Gyryshe . . 26 £ s d Thomas Gore 20 Wylliam Bayly senior 20 Nycholas Prior 6 Richard Drusse . . 20 Nycholas Gaye 8 Merkes Graunte . . 6 8 john Boll senior 5 john Mayho . . . . 6 8 john_Hard.1nge Humfrey Feltham . . Wylliam Moxham . . I-I William Stephyns . . @\-O Wylliam Howell O\O‘~I ATWORTHE MONCKTON FARLEY £ ,{ s d Wylliam Kinton Sir john Davys person Richard Webbe ther . . . . 8 Jvim Krppvnse 006.8%» LYE ROWLEY 4 £ s d ,{ s john Rogers . . . ro Christofer Bayly 30 Roger Deverell ro john Busy . . . . r2 Henry Deverell ro Wylliam Grenelond . . 12 john Love . . . 8 Sir Phyllipe Mylton Wylliam Pekeryn . . 6 8 person ther . . 6 john Bayly . . . . ro Walter Graunt 6 8 WREXALL £ WYNYSLEY Robert Keynes . . _ ,{ s d john Buckley . . Richard Westbury . . 20 Walentyne Kyppinge Johan Carter . 6 8 Thomas Croke . . Richard Wyllys . I0 john Stock . . . . G9!U!@UI‘~I Summa £46 17s 8d‘ [244] THE LIBERTIE OF TROBRIDGE ,§ s d ,{ s john Forstall . . 6 8 Alexander Langford . . 4 William Wylkins . . 6 8 Edithe Dauntesey . . 20 Philipe Hishcocke . . 20 Thomas Longe . . 8 Walter Longe . . 34 john Walles . . 20 Robert Pryour dimissus quia john Long . . . . 20 pauper james jefirey . . 5 Robert Walles . 5 informith john Byrte . . . I0 Antony Passyon . . 7 Richard Dyat {Intodthe f0118' ro Thomas Erland dimissus quia john Dyatt wafte‘; 10 pauper Longe Thomas Wallis 6 8 Sir Thomas Mullens George Cutbert 5 person ther . . 20 Summa £28 19s probatur I The memorandum of total payment which follows here is printed infra, p. 37. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [25] THE HUNDRITHE OF WESTBURY WESTBURY BOROUGH £s J £ Gefiery Whetaker 2o Richard Grenhill . . Ambrose Adlame IO Edmond Hannam . PENLEY CHAUNTERY £s d john Adlame 6o Margaret Thomas . . Stephin VVhetaker 68

BRATTON LYE £ s d Rafi Aldrige . . . . Robert Bowyer 2o

William Rawlyns . . Richard Hyll 26 \ 8 john Bocher junior . . DULTON BAYLY £ s d john Busshe gentleman 4o john Howsse . Richard Hyll 26 8 john Whattelley . john Fysse . . . john Kynton . . If s d john Wethey 8 WESTBURY TETHING HAKERIDGE john Stancyall . . £ s d Robert Adlame Thomas Prevet 4o Sybill Adlame Nycholas Passham 1o Summa £27 9s probatur


STEPLE ASSHTON TYNHED £s d Richard Styleman . . Maryan Edwardes 2 Robert Whyte . john Gaweyne 534 Walter Markes Henry Nasshe 4o Roger Wynslowe . john Bayly . . NORTHBRADLEY Thomas Aysheley . £ d Robert Markes . Wylliam Lynnage Antony Martyn Richard West I-I Robert Pryour . . john Pyers . . john Ballard . . . . Thomas Smalwell Wylliam Whyte . . Nycholas Grennell @@U1OU993 Walter Markes junior jamys Wylkyns 20 Ezsdl EDINGDON WESTAYSHTON £ s d Hem-y Blackborowgh William Smythe 6 8 Edward Merrycke . . Stephin Whatley dimissus quia john Morris . . . pauper LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF I545

KEVELL £ S d LITTLETON Wylliam Bayly . . 4 S The lady Bayly . . Henry Longe 20 Robert Barksdale . . NU-I O\U-I @-F Thomas Bayly . . 26 8 Frauncys Holyday commoratur in SEMYNGTON comitatu Gloc’ S john jonys . . . . 2o Lucas Brodwey 40 Wylliam Lucas . . 2o Thomas Long IO john Forde . . . . 2o john Long junior 20 Wylliam Bayly junior 2o Henry Long junior IO john Alwey . . . . 8 john Pryour . . . . 8 Wylliam Gurden . 8 CULLESTON William Nasshe 8 £ s Thomas Lyne Aldam Lambe roo U\O\O\ Margery Pole . . 6 SOWTHWICK £ S d john Oryall . . I3 john Lambe . . 20 Ambrose Dauntasey . . 2o john Merywether 6 Thomas Willames . . 6 8 Roger Lambe 20 john Somer . . . . 2o Thomas Pryour . . 13 4 William Abraham . . 6 8 TILSHED Edward Grennell . 8 s john Adamps . 8 john Boys . . 26 Summa £53 ros 8d probatur [26] THE HUNDRITHE OF WARMISTER

DINTON s £ s d William Repe 2o john Mayho . . . . 2o William Carre 2o Roger Bodenham . 2o Thomas Rogers 2o Hughe Seinbarbe . 8 Elizabethe Bennett 6 William Dunne ro Richard Rabbettes I3 Agnes Harrys 6 8 William Wyckham IO George Barker 8 Alis Carpinter nil quia pauper Richard Bullocke 8 TEFFOUNT john Rawlyns 30 £ s d john Warde . . john Rowdon . ro William Wamsey Thomas Molton WARMISTER Elizabeth Pery £ s d john Heytour john Eyre . . ro john Stanlocke "-]U\O\O\@CIJ Stephin Bla.ke 8 Christofer Beche I6 George Rawlins 4o NORIGE john Warder 6 8 S Morris Bennett IO Richard Danyell 20 Elizabeth Audley Io William Eyre 3o LITLE SUTTON john Lawrence I 3 4 s Olyver Carpynter 26 8 Edward Burley 13 35 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE or 1545 UPTON SKYDMOUR BUSSHOPSTROWE

Androwe Bowyer Robert A Bathe Thomas Knight Richard Middlecote john Stokes . . Christofer Eyre H@0505"! 4 Robert Carpinter O\ 8 [25d] BAPTON GRETE _ £ s d john Keylwey Wylliam Poton john Foster . . gentleman . . .. 20 Walter Stephins . . I 3 4 BURTON William Hore nil quia mortuus john Holwey . . 2o William Cabbell Hemy Hynd . . . . 6 8 Thomas Gyfiord William Knight . 6 8 gentleman . . john 14011161 . . . . I 3 4 Thomas Langley Richard Hancocke . . 16 Thomas Stybbes . 6 8 SMALLBROKE Agnes Carpenter . 6 8 john Hopkins ro john Pery O . . William Whlthed Henry Carter Henry Blake . . GRETE SUTTON Henry Aleyne £ s d john Chamberlayne . . 26 8 NORTON BAVENT Thomas Henton . . 6 8 William Benet

FISSHERTON DALAMERE PERTWOURTH £ s d George Snelger . . IO john Mervyn Summa £44 12s 4d probatur

THE HUNDRYTHE OF HEYTRESBERY BATHAMPTON WHITCLIF £ s d Edmonde Mompesson Thomas Westley armiger .. .. 8 gentleman . . john Hussey gentleman . . HILDEVERELL £ s d BRIGHTSON George Ludlowe . . 40 William Knight Robert Humfrey Nycholas Serjaunt £ s d john Dredge . . Thomas Stantour armiger . . . . 3 TITHRINGTON Roger Style . . . 13 4 Thomas Davys 6 8 Stephin Bysshoppe I Or Lome. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545 HEYTESBURYE £ s £ s d William Henton 13 Thomas Ayshlocke 7 Henry Lacocke . . 8 Crystyan Frowde 4o Richard Crowche . . 33 john Frowde 3o Christofer Ayshlocke 4o Richard Markes 4o Richard Orchard UH I3 4 john Stoner curat ther N William Button IO Margaret Crowche . . john Lacocke . . ORSTON GEORGE Robert Heyward £s d Robert Stephins . "1O\O\O\CIJO john Downe . . 2o The parson ther 2o IMBER Bx CHITTERN Thomas Seymour £sd john Bayly . . . Wylliam Popley Walter Harns I0H gentleman . . 4 William Skutt john Imber senior 2o William Wyllryns O\CIJUJCIJO'" john Amyll . . 13 Avis Compton 6 john Imber junior I 3 john Compton 6 OJ-FOJ-F £ s Humfrey Heythe 8 William Stephyns Agnes Howse . . . exivit extra person ther . 16 comitatum john Slade . . 2o Edward Imber 1 o Wylliam Dawson . . 13 Thomas Courtlowe 8 William Lombe . . IO

CORTON AND BOYTON AISHTON GYFFORD1 £ s d £ s Thomas Mompesson john Randoll . . 2o gentleman . . 268 Rychard Marten 2o Summa £59 15s= Summa £261 3s 8d probatur

[24 co'ntd.] - Paid by me the forsaid William Argill at London the xxx of july anno 1545 the forsaid some of twoo hundrethe thre score one pound thre shillinges eight pennce sterling unto thandes of Sir Edmund Peckham knight generall receiver appointed for the same to the kinges majesties 115$ by me Wylliam Hargyll

Memorandum paid to the said William Hargill for the portage of the said some of £261 3s 8d after 2d of every pound: 43s 6d" ' - by me William Hargyll

‘ The Aishton Gyflord entry is twice written, the second time possibly in a different hand. A join in the membrane probably accounts for the double entry. 3 The sum £60 5s 4d has been struck out.

37 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE. BENEVOLENCE or 1545 [27] This indenture made the last day of March in the yere of the reign of Henrye the viii"! by the grace of God of Englond, France and Yrelond kyng defendour of the fayth and ynerthof the churche of Englond and Yrelond supreme hed the xxxvi"1 betwene john bysshop of Sar’, Wyflialn lord Stourton and Thomas Short mayr of the cyte of New Sar’, john Emle and Charylys Bulkeley, commyssyoners for the practysyng and levyeng of a certayne benevolence to be gevyn to the kynges majestie of his most lovyng subjectes withyn the cyte of New Sar’ yn the countie of Wyltess of the one partye and Thomas Gyrdle of the sayd citie bruer of thother partie wytnessyt that we the sayd commyssyoners have chargyd and by thez presentes do charge the sayd Thomas Gyrdle that he withyn xii days next after the date herof do collect levie and receve of every person herafter namyd all and every suche somme and sommez of monye as ys uppon theiz sayd names chargyd as herafter folowyth and the seyd sommez of monye so by hym to be recevyd saffly to convey convert and paye to and at London to thandes of Syr Edmunnd Peckham knyght cofferer of the kynges majesties howshold generall recevour appoyntyd for the seyd benevolence within xxx‘? days next after the date herof. Yn witnes wherof aswell the seyd commyssyoners as the seyd collectour to thez indentures have enterchangeablye set to their seales the day and yere above wryten. Signed: j. Sar’, Williain Stourton, john Emle, Charylys Bulkeley [ml xxix° die Aprilis anno domini 1545 Sum totalis of this forsaid money paid by me the said Thomas Girdell collector unto thandes of Sir Edmund Pekham knight generall receiver of the same twoo himdrethe nenetene poundes seven shillinges sterling by me Thomas Gyrdle

Memorandum paid to. the said Thomas Girdell for the portage of the said some of £219 7s., after 2d.’ of every pound, thirty six shillings six pence by me Thomas Gyrdle

[28] CIVITAS NOVE SAR’ WARDA FORI £ s J £ s d Thomas Chafiyn senior 6 13. 4 john Odyll . . Henry Rotslye Wylliam Lukas james Bar . . Thomas Hutten john Morall . . Robert Grug . . Robert Holmez Wylliam Web john Holmez Thomas Byngle Wylliam Holmez Robert Ayre . . john Gyrdle . . Rychard Pruynes Umirye Grene Thomas Sayntbarb Wylliam Walter George Wylton Christofer Olyvyer LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

WARDA FORI—co~nt. WARDA NOVI VICI—a0nl. £ s d s Edmund Gawyn 4o Rychard Achapell . . J6 8 Thomas Short . 40 john Bonner . . 23 Folgwes Mounslow . 20 Wylliam Ryse 13 Thomas Holmez . 4o . 16 Edward Meryval . IO Rychard Holt 2o johan Smyth wydow 26 8 Rychard Merkes . . 26 Elysabeth Note . 16 Wylliam Watkyns . . 26 john Evans . . . 4 john Abyen . . 4o john Blathet . . 20 Thomas Woodlok . . 2o john Rogers . . 6 8 Thomas Smyth 6 Thomas Boyn 5 Wylliam Cokes . . 5 jon Adams . . ro Rychard Fyld . . 4o Christofer Stokar . 36 8 john Baker . . 2o john Wal . . . 5 Henrye Bryt[..y....] 4o Wylliam Bryan . 6 13 4 Hem-ye Goldston . 4o [28d] Rychard Martyn 6 Wylliam Alexandre . 26 8 Henrye Dymmok . . 2o Lewys Davye . 3o Edward Barker alias Thomas Chafiyn . 3 Snert . . .‘ .. 8 Rychard Bryan . 26 Wylliam Obryt . . 8 Gylys Clowgh . 6 Henry Berksted IO Thomas Marshall . 26 Mylez james . . 6 Thomas Wescot 26 WWWW Vyncent Gawden . . 3o Thomas Browne Thomas Pedd 16 25 Mychell Securis . . 26 john Mompesson . I3 4 Edmund Weekwyk . 2o Wylliam Gawyn . . [blank] john Harward . 16 8 Wylliam jordan . . 3o james Maylerd - . [blank] Robert Gryfiyth . 4 Seyches Huland . 6 8 Thomas Bellye . . 6 Robert Butler . [blank] Thomas Codymore . . [blank] Thomas Woodshaw . ro Sir Henrye Walrond. . 5 john Thorp . . . Sir Hopson . . . . 5 5 Sir Sowth . . . . 1o WARDA NOVI VICI Summa wardi . . . [blank] £ s d john Watkyns . IO WARDA SANCTI MERTINI Robert Nelson 6 8 £ s john Barnabe I6 Wylliam Burwell . . 15 Lewys Gryfiyth . 6 8 Rychard Carpenter . . 28 Rychard Weston ' . 2o Rychard Lob . . 2o john Dyar . . . 13 4 Robert Wyndover . . 6 Anthonye Week . ro Gylys Vyncent 3o Chrystofer Chafiyn . 2o Elysabeth Stanter . . 6 Rychard Mannygton 6 8 Edward Short 13 Thomas Phyllypes . 2o Wylliam Emere 8 john Vlfhelpley 8 james Comfyt 6 Olyfle Hawler 16 8 john Bromham 5 john Davye . . I3 4 Roger Elys . . 2o Robert Hawler 2o james Androws 4o Rychard Godfrye . 2o Thomas Alye . . _ 12 Edward Nycholas . 3o Chrystofer Tomson . . 5 Thomas Cater 2o Wylliam Hannen . . 2o Davyd Lewys . 5 Wylliam Kent . . 3o john Coryat . . . 2o Rychard Shyngleton. . 13 Robert Elyat . 2o Wylliam Peny-ton . . 1o Rychard Browne . 1o Robert Fyssher . 2o Thomas Davye 8 Thomas Rudge 3o LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545 WARDA SANCTI MERTINI—oont. CLAUSUM ECCLESIE £ s CATHEDRALIS SAR’ Mychell Rudge 6 £ s Wylliam Byrt 5o johannes Sar’ episcopus [blank] Thomas Barkar 26 Episcopus sufiraganus de Merleburg’ . . 2o Edmund Fox 25 john Hyll . . 30 Magister doctor Bennet IO Olyvyer Gannyat 3o Magister doctor Okyng 4o john_ Bekyngham 2o Magister Awdley . . 8 Wylliam Hake [blank] Magister "Baker . . 6 13 Thomas Hannen 16 Magister Arche . . 5 6 Thomas Gretie quia pauper nihil Magister Wotton . . 50 Magister Cannynges 4o Magister Bodnam . . 2o Sir Rychard Chaundler 2o the subdean . . . . 6 WARDA PRATI the subchaunter . . 10 £ s Sir Thomas Knyght . . 13 Charylys Bulkeley 3 Sir Thomas Carpenter 8 Thomas jacob Is Sir Wylliam Foxall . . john Bat . . 50 Sir Gylys Crokford . . Nycholas Storye I3 Sir Box . . . . john Estacre . . 20 Sir Flowre . . . CIJCIJCIJUI Dame Alys Ratclyf . . 3 Sir Mackes . . . . I0 john Weldon . . [blank] Summa clausi [blank] Summa civitatis et clausi £219 7s probatur LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545 [29] WILTES The certyfycat of john busshopp of Sar’, William lord Stourton, john Erneley and Charylys Bulkeley. ' -

Extraictes indented the fyrst day of Apryll in the yere I of the reygn of our sovereygni lord Henry the eyght by the grace of God of Englond Fraunce and Irelond kyng ldefendor of the fayth and of the church of Englond and also of Irelond in earth the supreme hedd the xxxvim wytnessyth that we, john busshopp of Sar’, lord Stourton, john Erneley and Charylys Bulkeley, commyssyoners appoynted by the kynges hygh majestyes commyssyon for the practysyng and concludyng wyth certeyn persons for a certeyn benevolence to be gevyn and graunted within the countie of Wiltes of the inhabytauntes inhabytyng within the seyd countie and Rychard Mathew of Downton gentleman hygh collector appoynted of the hundredes of Dowriton,' Damerham sowth parte, Cawdon and Cadworth and Chalke for the collection and levying of the seyd benevolence nowe concluded and gevyn of the inhabytauntes inhabytyng within the seyd hundredes wytnessyth that we the seyd commyssyoners have charged the seyd Rychard Mathewe by a lyke cedule indented by us the seyd commyssyoners to the seyd Rychard delyverd to collect and levye of every person and persons whose names ar expressed in the lyke cedule herunto annexed all and every somme and sommez of money apon every person and persons severally “rated and charged whych they andevery of theym have gevyn ento the kynges hygh majestye by the wey of benevolence, whych amountyth in the holle to the somme of £146 6s; and the seyd Rychard Mathewe safieley to convey and make payment of the same to Sir Edmond Peckham knyght cofferer of the kynges moste honourable howshold and generall receyvor appoynted for the same to th'e use of the kynges hygh majestye before the laste day of Apryll next commyng. In Wytnesse wherof we the seyd commyssyoners have henmto sette our severall seales. Yeven the day and yere above wrettyn. Signed.‘ john Sar’, Charylys Bulkeley, William Stourton, john Emle


DAMERAM AND MARTYN £ s d £ s d Edmund Somerset . . 3 john Horse armiger . . 6 13 4 Walter Prynce . . 13 4 The vycar ther .. . 3o -George Compton . . 1 1 Thomas Welys . . ro _ john Lanhamsenior 13 ' 4 Nycholas Garrat . . 26 8 john Wekes . . . . 2o john Ho1way . . 2o Thomas Harrys . 4o john Garrat . . . 2o £19 17s 8d


DEVERELL mncnnvnc COMPTON CHAMBRELAYEN £ s d £ s d Wyllia.m Bryce I3 4 The vycar ther . . 13 Robert Carter 8 Elysabeth Powell . 12 Wylliam Tynknell 20 john Bedlecomb . 20 Thomas Molyns 30 Wylliam Bond 16 3 Nycholas Davye 26 8 john Vyllys . . 6 8 Leonard Bedborow 1o MUNKTON DEVERELL Thomas Clevelod 23 4 Walter Hoper 2o Georg Poton . . . . 26 8 The Wcar ther 2o Wylliam Fletcher . . 10 Thomas Gyer 13 4 Robert Merchant . . 12 £9 rrs 4d £5 I08 4d Summa hundredi £34 19s 4d probatur


\ ODSTOK AND HARNAM £ s d £ s d Wylliam Frey . 10 john Haywayd 40 Thomas Parker . . 23 4 -l- john Rydgeley IO Robert Harman 33 4 £5 Nycholas Gyllow 16 Rychard Ford 10 john Yowng senior 5 [304] FOFFONT £ s d 15514844 Henrye Hayward . . 8 Edward Gayspur . 10 john Candell . . 20 HOMYNGTON james Gaspur . 8 s d Thomas Thryng . 6 Wylliam Bostone 40 Thomas Feltam 13 john Lane . . 26 8 The parson ther . 16 Robert Modye 10 Robert Feltam 13 Thomas Bronkher IO Robert Lucas 6 W-Fon-I-on Edward Strong . 10 john Wylliamson . . 10 BARFORD Thomas Steede I3 4 W£6 2s john Carpenter senior 16 8 Rychard Channon 16 8 john Carpenter junior 40 SUTTON MANFFYLD The parson ther 16 £ s d Thomas Humbar . . 20 john Best junior . 13 4 £99844 The parson ther . . 13

COMBYSSAT AND VVHYTSBURYE £ s d LANGFORD AND BRETFORD Wylliam Soper 20 Nycholas Carvyngton 6 13 4 Edyth Barbour 26 3 Edward Harrys . . 1o Gefierye Husse 1o john Bacon . . . 10 Edward Collyns 10 john Haytour 20 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF 1545

LANGFORD AND BRETFORD— £ s d cont, £ s d Thomas Bacon IO The vycar ther . . 6 8 Stephan Rendall 13 4 Thomas Humbye . . Io Robert Rendall . . [blank] £11 16$ 4d BYLBRYDGE AND STRATFORD TONYE NETHERAMIPTON The vycar ther IO £ s d i The vycar ther . . 6 8 40 Summa hundredi £40 2s 8d probatur‘ [31] HUNDRED DE CHAWKE BRODCHAWK SEMLEIGH £ s d s Alexandre Good . . 30 The parson ther 2o Nycholas Rendall . . 13 4 Walter Clement 8 john Lodge . . 40 Walter Grey . . 13 Thomas Rendall 10 Thomas Amys 23 Wylliam Kyng 30 john Burdon . . I2 Stephan Cull . . 20 Wylliam Amys s Christian jay 10 john Hygden 13 Rafie Skynner 6 8 Wylliam Grene senior 6 Wylliam Grey senior 20 STOKE john Peny . . . . 26 8 EBLESBOURNE WAKE William Thombre . . IO £96s8d john Yukes . . 6 Nycholas Gefierye . . IO SAYNT JOHANNIS BERWYKE £ s J -27-“-IIS Robert Burdon . . 12 BURTCHALK The parson ther 26 8 £ s Agnes Vyncent 1o john Harrys . . 6 ALVEDSTON john Hardyman 1o Thomas Gawyn john Shergall I3 armiger . . . . 4 Wylliam Horse TOLLARD gentleman . . .. 30 Edmund Godard 12 The vycar ther .. 8 Wylliam Syphrewest 26

i- £7 16s 8d 18s Summa hundredi £28 13s 4d probatur [314] HUNDRED DE DOWNTON BURGUS DE HYNDON FONTYL EPISCOPI £ S d £ s d john Coper . . . . 10 1o Wylliam Edyans . . 13 4 The Pa1'5°n ther Thomas Clement . . 16 8 Edward Mal’ - - 2° john Feltam . . . . 16 408 1 The memorandum of total payment which follows is printed infra, p. 44. LIST on TAXPAYERS FOR THE BENEVOLENCE on 1545 KNOYL EPISCOPI r s Wylliam Due . . ._ 26 8 Alexandre Franklyn 26 john Burbage 12 Mauryce Maple . . 13 Thomas Bryther . I 1 Rychard Mathew . . 23 Rychard Basley . . 8 Gryflyth Stodley . . 16 Robert Gallysborow . . IO john Clement 13 CD81.CD-lb-It-It Wylliam Hunton . . 3 6 8 james Lyght . .5 . . 8 Agnes Harvy . . . . IO Rychard Saunders _. . 4o . john Haytour . . 26 8 john Noys . . . . 2o Thomas Husse 1o £10 17s Robert Rofie . . . . 6 Rychard Bawgh - . . 13 FALLESTON AND FLAMBESTON john Gawntlet junior 26 £ s d john Gauntlet senior 13 -IBCD-I503 Thomas Apryc Wylliam Humbye . . 8 armiger . . . . 4 £__m._._. Owyn Newman . . 13 14 8d Rychard Clark 6 john Raglond . 23 CHARLETON Wylliam Atwater . . 13 -It-FUD-lb The vycar ther . . 1o .-C S d johan Cokes . . s _ £7 6s8d Wylliam Whelar . . I3 4 -To Roger Estman . . I I3 4 john Newman at ford IO AND WALTOM john Newman at close IO ' £ s d Thomas . . s Rychard A Barow . . 26 8 john Newman senior 6 8 Wylliam Modye . . 13 4 Thomas Skete . . IO Wylliam Fursbye . . I 5 john Estman senior . . I3 4 455 EST DONNTON, HAMPTWORTH john Chub . . . . I3 4 AND PENSWORTH Wylliam Bampton . . I3 4 £ s cl john Estman . . I2 The vycar ther . . 23 4 john Maple . . . . 18 £6 IIS 4d Summa hundredi £43 Ios 8d probatur

[3od contd.] Surmna totalis £147 5s 8d‘ probatur Paid by me Richard Mathewe collector aforsaid the saidsome of one hundrethe fourtie seven poundes fyve £147 58 8d shillinges eight pennce sterlingunto Sir Edmund Pekham knight generall receiver of the same to the kinges use per me Richard Mathewe

Memorandum paid to the said Richard Mathew for the por- } 24$ 6d tage of the saidsome of £147 5s 8d after 2d of every pound ' ' ' ' per me RichardMathewe

* The eight pence has been struck out. I

LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576= [I] WILTES This extracte indented and made the fowerthe daye of june in the eightenthe yeare of the reigne of onre sovereigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande France and Irelande quene defendor of the faithe etc. Henrie Sharington knighte and john Eyre esquier com- missoners to our saide sovereigne ladie the quenes majestie for the hundreds of Calne Malmesburie and Cippenham with their borrughes and libertye of Cossham in division to us allotted assigned and appointed for the valuation taxation and settinge of everie man resiante dwellinge and abydinge in the said hundredes boroughes and libertie of Cossham afore- said for the firste payment of the subsidye granted to her highnes in the seid xviii“ yere of her graces reigne by acte of parliament have na.1ned and appointed William Norbome of Bremhill in the seid countie yoman highe collector for the seid hundreds borughes and libertie of Cossham with their parishes before mentioned. In witnes whereof aswell we the said commissioners as the said-, William Norbome to thes presentes have subscribed our names and putte our seales the daie and yeare firste above writen. Signed.‘ H. Sharyngton, john Eyre, W. Norborne


THE BOROUGH OF CALNE In $5. Us William jurden esquier (L) . I-ilk William Allen gentleman (L) . . 4o Robert Blake gentleman (L) . 2o Robert Newman (L) . . . 4o. William Fonnan gentleman . Thomas Nicholas . . . . Charles Tyler denizen . . (sic) Thomas Browne . . on-I-‘-It-I-‘~-I-‘~CD-I-'~CD55.- Wilfiam Weare . . George Burie john james . . 8 john Woodroof . . 8 Thomas Foote . . john Noyes . . Roberte Lamberne Henrie Guye ...... William Swaddon ...... ‘OhHH 4 Hem-ieWhite ...... O-Fmta-ILHLHLH-F-l>UJO’\LnLnLhUi O’\l'-9LnLnLnLnO’\O'\LnNU!OO’\@O\m@UI-8 Summa £7 1os probatur I Public Record Oflice, exchequer, queen’s remembrancer, subsidies E 17g/198/294. ’45 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BLACKLAND £sd £s d john Woodroof . 5 8 4 Thomas Michell . 4 6 8 Somma 15s probatur £84 £ Richarde Tucker (L) john Ponde (L) . . Roberte Lawrens (L) @®@§~¢ Richarde Baker . . UINNNGQ john Gylden . . I3 4 William Tayler . . IO William Appleford . . I3 john [L]ewen . s Henrie Segar William Segar . . Roberte Burchall . . ODGJ-Ii-P-Fl William Viveashe . . joane Hawkins wydow Thomas Breache . . ' LAJLAJLAJU1-Fh-FhU1®U\®U-7 Agnes Lumson wydow 3 @O\O\UIUIUIUI Somma £4 19s 8d probatur

STOCKE £ s d £s Thomas Blake gentleman (L) . 8 21 john Beare (L) . . 2 john Danyell . . 4 6 ®®-ii94 Somma 30s 8d probatur

YEATESBURY £sd UK d john Chilvester (L) 8 William Breache . . H Thomas Chilvester . . 8 William Good . . 8 William Chilvester the yonger . . . . . 8 Richarde Arnall . . Edmonde Parker . . LAJLIO-In-Fb-FlCh U'iUiO\O\O\Ol0¢n Somma 42s 8d probatur

EASTMANSTREAT £s cl Roberte Michell gentleman (L) . . . I3 4 Roberte Collman . . 5 Henrie Macye . . mum“ 5 Somma 23s 4d £ Roberte Scotte thelder Roberte Scotte the yonger john Scotte . . D4®®-Fl Richarde Scotte . . Maryan Lansier wydow Cysley Forte wydowe William Childe . . 8 john Rogers . . I0OO\U'lU'lU'|U\U\@IIn Roberte Townesend ro Humfrye Kinge . . HaxHQO\l'0-FUJUJU-I-F-PLI'l 16 8 Somma £4 ros probatur 46 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [Id] BARWICKE BASSETTE £sd £s d Thomas Mylles (L) . . 6 16 Henrie Crippes (L) . . 5 13 4 Thomas Houlman ‘in purchas' . 2 8 William Bronnsdon . . IO Thomas Crippes ...... IO Thomas_Br0wne ...... 8 4 ]ohnCnppes ...... \ .. .. UIU'iO\O\ 8 4 Somma £3 8s 8d probatur CHERELL £ s cl £ William Dangerfelde 4 john Cranage (L) . . . Walter Segar . . . H H john Pountney . john Elye . . @654@@@-F john Phelpes . Richard Parker . . William Hellier . . William Waterbrowne . . Walter Stapleford ...... William Parkere ...... O-PU-IU-IU-IU-DU-I-Pb-Pb O)U'lU'lU'iU'lUIO\O)O\U'lO)¢n 8 Somma £3 13s 8d probatur CUMMERFORD £ s cl £ cl William Goddard (L) 8 john Hannolde (L) ...... 8 john'Chfiord ...... 3 U'll~)l~)0'| Somma ros 4d probatur STOCKLEY ' £ sd £ S d Roger Segar alias Parsons ...... 9 Is Somma 15s probatur

CAULSTON £ sd £ 8 john Mytchel gentleman (L) . 4 IO William Frye ‘in purchas’ . 2 Richard Hudchins ‘in purchas' . . 2 john Ferret ‘in alyen’ . john Summerford . . 8 QGGQ-i-F-F Thomas Hewse . . 5 Thomas Page IO john Page ...... IO William Warne ...... 6 8 Richard Warne ...... Ololh-IUIU-I-F 5 Somma £3 12d probatur STUDLEY £ s cl £ Hem-ye Wente ‘in purchas' john Dodson . . . . 1-1

Thomas Wilteshr ...... -hon-ha. William'Townesend \ . . - ...... johane Hayter wydow ...... U-IQ-IU'l‘~I UIUImi-iuito Somma 35s 4d probatur The somme of the hundred aforseyd £35 15s 4d probatur 47 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576


THE BOROUGH OF MALMIESBURIE £ s d £. s cl The boroughe landes ...... 10 26 8 john Stumpe gentleman (L) . 12 32 john Moodie gentleman (L) 6 16 john jakes (L) . . . . 5 David Sainey ‘in purchas’ 2 William Millerd ‘in purchas' . Henrie Sparke ‘in purchas' . Edmonde Benbricke ‘in purchas’ Richard Neale ‘in purchas’ . Agnes Meriette wydoe ‘in purchas' john Overberie ‘in purchas' . 2.IOIONIQNIO john Weekes ‘in purchas' . QQQQGQMCID-F Adam Archard . . . . H 25 William Power . . . I5 Roberte Powell . IO David Gwynne . IO William Sheller . 5 William Hobbes . 3 4 Thomas Berrie . William Yonge . Richard Olyver . . Humfrye Elkington Anthonie Tayler . . Edmond Hobbes . . john Yonger . H Hewghe Berrie . . Thomas Alye . . . john Byddle the yonger . . john Uprichardes . . . . . Wifliam Canopye . . Thomas Dune . . Ralfe Nicholas . . . john George . . . . . 8 .-.. john Canopye (L) . . - O\LA)LA)|'-lJUJU)UJU'I|'-DC\C\\OU'l-FUJLAJUJLAJQDLDLAJLAJ Suuuuumuuoumuumu " Somma £13 5s 4d probatur

BRINKEWORTH AND GRYTTONHAM A it S d Henrie Richeman (L) . . . I3 4 jeflrye Clarcke (L) . . . . a Thomas Davis alias Taylor IO john Skull ...... 1o Anne Odye wydow . . H 16 8 Henrie Wayte . . 6 8 George jones . . Edwarde Pagham . . . Elizabeth Fosket wydoo . . Edmonde Wallys . . . .; [2] William Skynner . 4 Thomas Henley - - - - Thomas Beale theldour . . 4 john Phillippes ‘in purchase’ 8 Margaret jones wydoo . . 4 William Beale the yonger . . . . . . William Webbe ' . . uumwwww+o0mum%mwwm QUIUIUIUIQIOQLIILIILIILII LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BRINKEWORTH AND GRYTTONHAM—c0nt. sd £s d Richard Shearer . . 5 William Beale . . 13 4 Thomas Pynnell . . 13 4 Roberte Bronnsden woooowb" 5 Somma £8 9s probatur

POOLE sd £ Edwarde esquier (L) N Robert Blandforde john Sparrowe . . cnoooosi. William Hall . Richard jones john Wymann . 3""mum-as U'lU'lU'lO'\U\O'\In Somma 55s probatur


Elizabeth Wye wydow H William Wye gentleman

Elizabeth Tymbrill wydow -1»-aoosi, Richard Mayor . . Roger Bronne . . john Smythe Henrie Tymbrell . . William . . U'lLAlLAJLAlLAlU'lU'lQl"- William Curtes ‘in purchas’ Roberte Pytte ‘in purchas’ . . . . Roberte Westrappe ‘in purchas’ ...... onnmmurmmmmaa, oooooo-#- Somma £3 9s 8d probatur CRUDWELL £ sd £ s Thomas Walton esquier (L) IO 26 William Dycke (L) 28 3 William Earle . 6 john Archard 13 Gyles Dryver I-1 16 Nicholas White . 8

William Pears 8 -P-FED-P-CD\O@&, Thomas Erle . . Richard Waters . . 8 Agnes Wesbourne wydow Thomas Averie . . john Mylton . . 8 Margaret Clarke wydow HH Henrie Humfre Agnes Smyth alias Woodward wydow . . . . U'lLA-IO'\\3LAJLAJ-P-LAJLRLII$48O CDLnOi-iU'lU'lO)U'l 4 Somma £7 5d probatur

BRODE SOMERFORD s d £ S d john Ewe (L) . . 21 4 john Maio . . . . 8 4 Thomas Pocrege . . 1o Richard Knappe . . 1o Margaret Browne wydoo 6 8 William Knappe . . 1o Niclas Solye . . o~o~u\O\-F~colt--i>- 6 8 49


BRODE SOMERFORD——cont. in 9.. ZR d William Pytman . . . . 8 Thomas Wynckworth Thomas Heynes . . john Fylde . . . . Walter Flower . . . William Wyttes ...... uauauauaua-I-1“ William Selye ‘in purchas’ ...... 20 lQUlUlUlUlUlO\¢n 8 Somma £5 8s 4d probatur

MYLBOURNE s d £ S Edwarde Morgan gentleman (L) . . 26 William Cellwyn ‘in purchas’ . . 1o Richard Stiff . . . . 6 CIJCIJCIJQ. john Buylie . . . . 5 john Coghill . . 6 8 Thomas Gosmore ...... 8 4 john Player ...... 31*“o\u|-nu:-s-n 1o Somma £3 14s probatur CHARLETON s d £ s Henrie Knyvet knighte (L) IQ 53 Hewghe Waters . . . . I3 William Grymer . . . 8 Richard Davys William Tayler 5%CIJCIJ-Fh-Ii-Fh Roberte Davys john Foskett . . . Symon Mapson ...... Thomas Waters ...... wwww++mmo“ Richard Hoskins ‘in purchas’ . . . 20 8 Edward Strange ‘in purchas’ . . . . . 20 8 Alyce Hardinge wydow ‘in purchas’ . . . . 20 NNU'lUlUlU'lO\O\IQ 8 Somma £5 16s 4d probatur BURTONHILLE ,5 s d £ john Hungerforde gentleman ‘in purchas’ 4 [Blank] Clyfielde ‘in purchas’ . . . . 20 William Sellwyn ‘in purchas’ . . 40 Thomas Hall ‘in purchas’ . . 20 Richard Byddle . . . . 4 CIJCIJ-PCIJCIJQ, David Greyell ...... 6 HI-I William Hellier ...... 4 OiOO\l~M.nNOo> 8 Somma 44s 8d probatur [24] HANKERTON sd £ d john Warneford esquier (L) 8 john Hibbert (L) . . . . Simone Browne . . . . 4 john Curtes . 4 Edward Smithe . William Blayne . NI-I john Head . . William Dycke ...... -Fm‘-I\@LAJLI\LI\LiJBvD Agnes Gagge (L) ...... 2o i0O\CIJwU1CIJCIJOoO\o1 CIJCIJ-P-P Somma £4 7s 4d probatur 50 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY or 1575

BRINKEWORTH AND GRYTTONHAM—conl. Id £ s d Richard Shearer . . I I I I I I I I 5 William Beale . . I I I I I I . Q 13 4 Thomas Pynnell . . 0 0 0 0 0 I Q 0 13 4 Roberte Bronnsden I I I I I I Q Q LHWQLHUP 5 Somma £8 9s probatur

POOLE Ill Q.- EH Edwarde Poole esquier (L) N Robert Blandforde john Sparrowe . . QWWQ, William Hall . Richard jones . john Wymann . uuu++8M wwmommm Somma 55s probatur

KEMBLE AND EWEN Ill D. Us Elizabeth Wye wydow H William Wye gentleman Elizabeth Tymbrill wydow -Ii-lhfill, Richard Mayor . . Roger Bronne . . john Smythe . . Henrie Tymbrell . . William Coulston . . muuuuuuS% William Curtes ‘in purchas’ 20 Roberte Pytte ‘in purchas’ ...... 20 RoberteWestra.ppe‘inpurchas'.. .. M .. 20 noonoeoi9,noonuiuiuiui QWQ-Ii Somma £3 _ 9s 8d, probatur

CRUDWELL £ In R. Us Thomas Walton esquier (L) 10 William Dycke (L) 28 William Earle . . john Archard . Gyles Dryver - H Nicholas Vllhite . William Pears . -F-F~@-F~@\O@Fl- _ Thomas Erle . . Richard Waters . . 8 Agnes Wesbourne wydow , Thomas Averie . . john Mylton . . 8 Margaret Clarke wydow NHHHI-1 Henrie Humfrey . . Agnes Smyth alias Woodward wydow . . . . OU'll.i\-IQ-llO’I‘~1l.i\-II-i\-I-F'~l.i\-ILIILII CI:|LnQHLnLnO\LnClDCl‘JO\l.alO\l.alO\0i 4 Somma £7 5d probatur BRODE SOMERFORD sd £s d john Ewe (L) . . 21 4 john Maio . . . . 8 4 Thomas Pocrege . . 1o Richard Knappe . . 10 Margaret Browne wydoo 6 8 William Knappe . . 1o Niclas Solye . . - enl"'~oi-aoioiui4- 6 8 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

,. BRODE SOMERFORD-cont. s cl £ cl William Pytman . . 8 Thomas Wynckworth Thomas Heynes john Fylde . . Walter Flower William Wyttes wwwww-|=~l*\ William Selye ‘in purchas’ ...... (3)01NU'lUlU'lU'iUl 8 Somma £5 8s 4d probatur

MYLBOURNE s d £ S Edwarde Morgan gentleman (L) . . H 26 William Cellwyn ‘in purchas’ . . 1o Richard Stiff 6 WCIJWI5-i john Buylie 5 john Coghill 6 8 Thomas Gosmore . . 8 4 john Player oi“O'\U'l-FhUJ-Pb-Pb 1o Somma £3 14s probatur

CHARLETON s d £ S Henrie Knyvet knighte (L) . . to 53 Hewghe Waters I3 William Grymer . . s Richard Davys 6 William Tayler 3-iU505-Ii-Ii-Pb Roberte Davys john Foskett Symon Mapson Thomas Waters 1""000UJUJUJUJ-F5-PU‘! Richard Hoskins ‘in purclfas’ . 8 Edward Strange ‘in purchas’ . . 8 Alyce Hardinge wydow ‘in purchas’ . . . . NU'lU'iU'iU'lO'\NN 8 Somma £5 16s 4d probatur BURTONHILLE £ scl £ john Hungerforde gentleman ‘in purchas’ 4 [Blank] Clyflelde ‘in purchas’ . . . . William Sellwyn ‘in purchas’ . . . . Thomas Hall ‘in purchas’ . . Richard Byddle .. 4 WWI;CDU5-Pb David Greyell H William Hellier O\OO\NLnNO¢n 8 Somma 44s Bdprobatur [2dl HANKERTON sd £ d john Warneford esquier (L) 8 john Hibbert (L) . . Simone Browne 4 john Curtes 4 Edward Smithe William Blayne NH john Head . . William Dycke onwu1u1m'6l"'"-pun Agnes Gagge (L) NO'\@UJLn@@®O'\:n CD05-Pb-Pb Somma £4 7s 4d probatur 50 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

AYSLEYE £sd £s d William Sherborne (L) 2o 2 8 joane Hibberd wydow 7 II 8 Richard Hibberd . . 3 5 Roberte Sherbome 3 5 Somma 24s 4d probatur

OXSEYE 91 R 1*. ‘O d james Uninge . . 4 Elizabeth Baker wydowe 8 john Kyte . . . . Elyenor Cove wydowe Richard Elston . . Richarde Shurmar . . Geeorge Humber . . William Smithe thelder Thomas Ellys . . mwmmwwunmvo William Baker ‘in purchas’ ...... 268 LA-IUIU1UIl.J'lUIUIl.J'lO\@ 6i Somma 53s 6§d probatur

GARYSDON ' sd £s d Richard Moodie gentleman (L) . . Phillippe Wattes . . Hulk 2O joane Baylie wydowe Aldam Wynckworthe H Richard Gibbes . . Richard jakes . . Thomas Brode . . Agnes Hyllier wydow Thomas Beryman . . Roberte Woodroof . . William Flemynge -F~Ln-It-B-BLALA-lO\LA-INO DUIU)@O)U)O)'-Ill.-I1 '@-Ii@@O5 Somma £8 probatur

BROKENBOROUGH s cl £ s Edward Nicholas gentleman (L) . . 18 julyan Pleyer wydowe T3 Richard Sparrowe of Brymnam . . 6 Richard Sellwyn . . 6 coon-hoop, Richard Specke . . Richarde Sparrowe thelder William Tyrkle . . Thomas Tyrkle . . Roberte Nicolls . john Kinge . . H Thomas Saunders . . U1on-1*’*~osuuuuu-as @OUIUIUIUIUI 4 Somma £4 8s 8d probatur

SUMIVIERFORD PARVA sd £ S d William Busshoppe 1o john Barkesbye . . 16 john Selye . . . 13 john Colle . . . . 11 Rychard Thorner . . 8 -BOD-ih@ john Blyke . . . . umwmsa“ 5 joane Woodroof wydowe ‘in purchase’ . . . . 2o 2 8 Somma £3 7s 8d probatur 51 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

RODBOURNE In ii» I-“H Emyett Waters wydowe . . Edmond Pen . . . . Richard Alexander . . joane Towreman widdow . . joane Harrys wydoo GGQG-Flta. joane Gale wydowe john Pole . . . . Richard Box . . cull"-1-1-9.:-is-:-1-1- john Frye ‘in purchase’ 20 Agnes Malerd wydow ‘in purchase’ 20 William Knappe ‘in purchase’ ...... 20 Thomas Helie ‘in purchase’ ...... 20 NNNNO\O\LIIO\O\O\O\l:-I0; GGGQGG Somma £3 gs probatur

THE LEYE AND CLEVERTON £ s 4 £ Thomas Hungerford gentleman . . . 10 William Milles ‘in purchas’ . . 5 William Barnes ‘in purchas’ . . . 20 Isabell Packer wydow ‘in purchase’ 40 john Alexander ‘in purchase’ . . 20 @124G-FhG-In Alyce Goldinge wydowe ‘in purchase’ . . 3 Thomas Gouldinge ‘in purchase’ . . 20 8 Thomas Ryche ...... 8 Thomas Packer . . . . . john Alexander the younger . Thomas Sergeant . . . . Richard Ryche . . . . Thomas Palmer . . William Smythe . . 8 john Olyver . . joane Lynsey widow 8 john Alexander thelder ...... 8 George Oddowne ...... Ul-PH-PHD)-FOJLDU-I030-I‘-1 3onoiowi:4oiuiuiuiuiuisN4ennuinu’? Somma £6 16d probatur [3] COSTON £ sd £ john Sergent (L) . . 40 john Baylie thelder Thomas RYcheman Ia,GG-In Agnes Frye ...... Elizabeth Milles wydowe . . john Baylie the younger ...... H 8 Thomas Moone ...... -Fl“-ll-All-Al-Fl-Ii 8 Alyce Earle wydowe ‘in purchase’ . . . . 40 U'lO‘\l-lU|UIO‘\O‘\U'IIn 4 Soinma 52s 4d probatur

SUTTON BANGER sd £ cl Leonard Atkins . . 8 Richard Coller . . Richard Pocrege . . 8 jane Coller wydowe john Geale . . . . 8 john Palmer . . . . 8 Parnell Bernard wydowe . . Oi-ht»-ht.“-In-In-F O\O\O\80\UIO\0n 8 52 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 SUTTON BANGER—-cont. £ s d ' £ d Roberte Meseeter . . . . 3 Edward Boxe ‘in purchas’ ...... 2o 8 Richard Lovell ‘in purchase’ ...... 2o l~Jl~JU'Il'n 8 Somma 58s 8d probatur

DREYCOTT CERNE £ s 4 £ s d Robert Longe esquier (L) . 6o 8 Thomas Fylmer ‘in purchase’ ...... 2o 2 8 Henrie Warton ‘in purchase’ ...... 2o 2 8 Somma £8 5s 4d probatur DAUNTESYE , s d £ d john Danvers knighte (L) . . "*1-is 5 8 Richard Bernard alias Heyward . . john Skuse ...... 8 Henrie Hoskins . . . . Thomas Shearer . . 8 Roberte Oox . Richard Morse . . john Palmer . . Elizabeth Reve wydowe . . Roberte Sparrows . . W-F-Ii-li- Thomas Ley- . . _ Thomas Ferris ...... Walter Hunte ...... Q0O)-FU'|U'IU\Ul-Fl-B-lb-FUD sO\@@@U'IO\U'IO\BO\¢nO\U'I 8 Somma £9 13s 4a probatur NORTON £ s 4 £ s d johnArche...... 1o 16 8 Richard Wilcox ...... 1o 16 8 Somma 33s 4d probatur FOXLEY s 4 £ d Elizabeth White wydowe . . Roberte Harte ...... Roberte Morse ...... mum“ U'IU'|U'Il'n Somma 15s probatur

SEGRE s 4 Us d Elienor Brunynge wydoo (L) . N 8 Thomas Lovell . . . . 8 john Wheler . . . . Richard Hibberd . . john Bawthrie . William Adye . Thomas Adye ...... 4 Henrye Blaclcmore ...... wmwmmw+B“ O\O\mLnoeLnt.nLnLn Somma £3 6s 8d probatur

STANTON QUYNTINE In R» Us d William Sparrowe . . 4 William Baylie . . 8 john Davyes john Power HIII john Stevens ...... OH-D-BU)Wu“ U'IOU'IO\UJ°I Somma 40s probatur 53 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

HULLAVINGTON 9» M d Gyles Ivye gentleman H. 4 Walter Batten . . john Bleike . . Lawrens Punter . George Stevins . Richard Punter . Edmond Sergent . . Richard Power . . . . Roberte Punter . . . . wuwwwuuum“ William Kinge ‘in purchase’ ...... uO01 smmmmmmmmwa Somma 57s 4d probatur NEWENTON 8 4 ,5 3 john Rydler . . n 33 joane Waters wydow . . 1 1 Elyenor Yonge wydowe . . 1 1 R,once-In Elizabeth Persons wydowe 5 William Clarcke . . . . 8 4 William Wykes . . . . 8 Thomas Burge . john Hancocke . . Richard Eastcourte 8 Gyles Saunders . . s+uw+uuwwo“ momma 8 Somma £5 probatur [ad] CHRISTENMALFORD s 4 £ d john Stockham . . Thomas Reade . . 4 Richard Batten . john Hawkins . William Elger john Oven . . 8 john Curtes john Hickes . William Trewman . . Thomas Coxe . . john Hawkins _. . William Rycheman HH Roberte Himbridge U1oa-aoeuuuuo~uau:u=u:*'\ onuioeuaGooooeoeoeoO\Ol.nLn -ii-ii-F-ii-F-ii Somma £5 5s probatur The some of the hundred aforsaid £130 8d probatur


THE BOROUGH OF CHIPPENHAM . . . . £ s d £ s The boroughe lands . . . . . 7 18 john Kyte (L) ...... 20 2 joane Gouldney (L) 20 2 john Scotte . . 20 33 john Vizer . . . . . 5 8 Richard Balden . . . . 5 8 WWW“-1-ii-F-F“ 54 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

THE BOROUGH OF CHIPPENHAM—c0nt. sd £s d Edward Stafiord ...... 1o Leonard Woodland 6 8 john Wrotesley . . . . 10 joane Wrotesley wydow . . 11 Christian Burges wydow . . 11 Katherine Exliam Wydoe . . 8 William Gale . . . . 6 W-liww Hewghe Melkesham Peter jefllin . . Roberte Hawkins . . john Norwey . William Yonge . john Signet ...... john Banckes ...... mmummumsmwwmsm“ U'lU'lU'lU'lU'lU'lU'l Somma £8 14s probatur ALLINGTON, SHILDON. FOGHAMSHERE, MOUNCKTON, COCKLEBOROUGH AND HARDENHUISHE NEAR CHIPPENHAM £ s d £ s William Bayliff gentleman (L) ...... William Bakere (L) . . . (L) . . -Fiw-P9. Thomas [ ...... ] (L) . . Roberte Francklin gentleman . 4 Henrie Hulberd . . . . H Thomas Hulberd . . . . 4 Richarde Hare . . 4 Christopher Payne . . 8 Roberte Baker . . john V_yner . . . 4 johnSignet...... 4 Walter Batten ...... O\U'lL\JU'lU|UlL\J-F~UlU'l @@@fJlO\@@O@@LrlNU! 4 Somma £4 13s probatur STANLEYE £ s d £ Thomas Snell gentleman (L) . . . . William Dodson (L) . . Isaacke Taylor (L) . . Thomas Buryman (L) john Buryman (L) EL-Ii-P-P-Ii-Ii .Alyce Lawrens wydow . . 6 H john Batten ...... 3 WilliamGodwyn ...... 4 O)U'lchoU'lU'lU'lU'lU'l 8 Somma 48s 4d probatur TYTHERTON LUCAS AND KEYLEWEYES d £ s Edmonde Stokes (L) ...... 1o Hewghe Barret (L) . . . . . 1o Henrie Hucker . . . . 6

Henrie Busshoppe . . . . 8 -PWWWQ-i Margere Stockeman wydow Alyce Harrys wydowe . . . uiuiui-1:-1:-|>1"“~ Thomas Cogswell ‘in purchase’ . . john Newman ‘in purchase’ . Thomas Harrys ‘in purchase’ ...... Roberte Powell ‘in purchase’ ...... Nnwuuu WWW-Ii ' Somma 59s 8d probatur 55 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

GRETTLETON s d- £ d Maude Sergente wydoo 4 john Bullocke . . 4 Alyce Bristie wydoo U-lU'lU'lvD joane Tucker (L) . . 8 john Kylberne . 5 4 john Garton - 4 ONWNUIWW9; 8 Somma 39s 4d probatur [4] NETTLETON s d" £ d Thomas Deverell . . H Lawrens Nycolls . . Elizabeth Busshoppe wydowe . . Nicholas Baker . . john Neate . . . . William Busshoppe Clement Kington . . Roberte Nicolles . . 4 john joanes . . UILIIV-DIAIUIV-DUIUIO\U\ OU1@UlLnLnU'l!J'lU'l9| Somma 53s 4d probatur KINGTON AND LANGLEY £ s'd £ Nicholas Snell esquier (L) =0 john Tayler (L) . . William Butler (L) john Gingell (L) . . Richard Tanner (L) Thomas Lighte (L) Henrie Crumwell (L) William Gale (L) . . Ia,QQQ-i-h-F-F-it Walter Colman . . 3 Roberte Tayler . . . . . , 6 U1i-i Anne Browne wydow ‘in purchas’ William Coller ‘in purchase’ . . john Turney ‘in purchase’ . Roberte Tanner ‘in purchase’ . . john Hedges ‘in purchase’ john Stockman ‘in purchase’ john Dyke ‘in purchase’ Thomas Browne ‘in purchase’ . Thomas Yonge ‘in purchase’ 4 ...... William Hodnam ‘in purchase’ ...... NIOIOIOIONNIONIOOLnLnl0IOIOLnLnLnUl9| WQQWQWWQWQ Somma £6 4s 4d probatur LANGLEY BURALL 4 £ d john Reade (L) -. . H 4 john Wastefelde the younger (L) Agnes Gale wydowe (L) "Slalwtn Roberte Wastefeld (L) john Wastefelde (L) john Reade the younger (L) William Brewer (L) Henrie Alande (L) .. Anne Wastefelde wydowe (L) ...... QWQQQW john Stokes . . 3 uinioioiofififlvflvhim Somma 50s 4d probatur 56 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY or 1576 LACOCKE AND LACHAM £ s d £ Henrie Sharington knighte (L) . . 40 5 Elizabeth Baynard wydow (L) . . 10 N. Richard Sloper (L) . . . . 2O Richard Pyckringe gentleman . . an@'CID@@ Henrie Richardes . Edward Ladde . Richard Woodlande john Chamberlayne Richard Pountney . . CDCDQ-ll john Hulbert . . Richard Archard . 8 Walter jones . . john Baker . . . . 8 Richard Wilteshere Richard Weythe . . john Pope . . . john Gale . . joane Grevyll I William Smythe . . ah)O\O')O\UlGOUIUIUIUIUItnO\Q)O\GOUl 4 Nicholas Cooke . William Cake ' john Lyttle . B-IBUJU-lLnU0U-FUJUJU-l-IBUJ-IBUJ-ll-ll-lkLnUJ O\UIUl 8 Somma £12 9s 4d probatur

THE LYBERTYE OF COSSI-LAM (O Q1 CH d john Hancocke (L) . . . . - john Notte (L) ...... Thomas Horne (L) . john Sallaweye (L) . . uuuuvn john Gibbes thelder (L) . . ’ 40 William Keynes (L) . 40 Walter Gunse (L) . . . . 40 Edward Layster (L) . . 40 john Hulberte of Thingley (L) . . 4°_ William Pynchen (L) . . 40 john Gibbes the yonger (L) 40 William Baldon (L) . . 40 William Kington (L) . . 40 Thomas Hulberte (L) . 40 Lawrens Kington "(L) . 40 Richard Kington (L) . 6 Henrie Smyth (L) . . 4 I-ii-1 Richard Wadman (L) . 2O Nicholas Champion (L) . . . . 20 Roberte Archard (L) . . . . . 20 john Hulberte ‘of goodes in landes’ . 20 john Adlem (L) ...... 20 Richard Keynes (L) . . . . 20 Phillippe Weste (L) 20 William Lyttle (L) . 20 Roberte Shepperd (L) . . 20 Thomas Moxham (L) . . 20 Edithe Humfre wydow (L) 20 john Heyward (L) . .’ 2O [41] john Hulberte (L) . . 20 Thonlas I 0 o . 0 0 20 NQNNNNNIQNIQNNNNOO\UlUlUlUlUlUlUl§nUlUlUl@@@@0-i CID@CIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCDCDCID@CID@CID-ll-ll-ll-F-F-F-F-F-Fill-F 57. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576 THE LYBERTYE OF COSSHAM—c0'nf. £ 8 4 £ Thomas Dymok (L) . . . . . John Pynchen (L) . . . . William Woodman (L) _ . . ]ohn Wales (L) . . . . William Woodlande (L) . . Hen.rie Hambye (L) III CIJCDCIJCIJCDCIJ§.| Richard Grene . . Roberte Fissher ...... Jefirye White ...... LA-ILA-ILA-I-lih UILHLHONNNNNIA Somma £9 13s 8d probatur

SLAUGHTERFORDE s d 1,’ d Agnes Highte wydow I-I 8 john Burgeys . . Christofer Matrevors Richard Gill ...... 4 Thomas Averyce ...... -c=u1uu~1t’* O'\mu1'-HHIn 8 Somma 36s 8d probatur BOXE £811 £ Anthonie Longe gentleman (L) . . 4 H Mychell Niwell (L) . . . Richard Brode (L) . . . . ]ohn Chertenam (L) Anthonie Groome (L) William Sla[. . .]tter (L) . . George Morice (L) . . . . Thomas Balden (L) Philippe Bolewell (L) Edward Butler (L) Roberte Boynes . . . . on-am0ooo°°moo+mg,-as William Flower . . . . Thomas Sympson thelder . . John Coxe ...... William Pynchen . . Roberte Symons . . 4 William Beezie . ]ohn Weste 4 Richard Boster . ]ohn Tayler ...... UJLMLHLMLHLHLDUJQDQN ]ohn Curtes (L) ...... uiuiuioouioouiuiuiuiflfluwnfinnuanuaom 4 Somma £5 5s 4d probatur

BREMHILLE AND FOXHAM £ 4 £ S d Edward Baynton knighte (L) . . 30 Walter Hungerford esquier (L) . . 20 53 4 William Wattes (L) . . . 2 8 Edward Wattes (L) . . 2 8 William Tayler . . I0 Roberte Trymnel . . 8 4 William Norbome . . 16 8 Thomas Strotten . . I-II-I 16 8 Roberte Scotte . . 1o Edward Stockham . . 8 4 Thomas Pearse . . . . . La-ILnO'\OOLnO'\ 5 58 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

BREMHILLE AND FOXHAM—c0nt. £ 8 4 £ d Elizabeth P[ ...... ]ter wydow . . 3 Richard Shepperd ‘in purchas’ . . 8 ]ohn Norborne . . . . ]oane She perd wydow . . 8 David jeflgye . . . . 8 William Bartilmewe . . Wflliam Tayler the yonger Edwarde Butler . . . . Elizabeth ]efl‘rie wydow . . ISUIUIUIO\O\U'linNIUI ]ohn Olifl . . . . Richard Newman . . Edwarde Kinge . 8 Walter Geale ...... I-I 4 ]ohn Pewde ...... U-IOD-l’-‘~LAJU-IO\LDLAJUJ-l’-‘-FUD C\U'|U'|U100 Somma £14 19s 8d probatur

YATTON KEYNELL £ s d £ ]ohn_Lighte (L) . . Henrie Joynte (L) .. . John Busshoppe . . I-I William Malteman . . Roberte Harris . . William Busshoppe OD-F-F-P03039-| Nicholas Keynes ...... Henrie Keynes ...... W-l'-‘~UJ-l'-‘~U'|U'| O\LI'lO\@@UJl~Jl~Jin 8 Somma 53s 8d probatur

BYDESTON AND HARTHAM £ sd £ Anthonie Goddard gentleman (L) William Eymis gentleman (L) . . William Awste (L) . . . . . an-l’-‘-F-Fh ]ohnWoodman ...... 3 Edward Nowell ...... 3 UIUIUILHUIin Somma 26s probatur

NORTHWRAXALL sd £ d William Horte thelder . . Thomas Busshoppe Richard Edney . . Richard Tyrell . ]ohnHorte...... Richard ]ones ...... 0*l""‘~oouauauououa I-1I-I OU-\U'lU'|U'|U'|U'lin 4 Somma 48$ 4d probatur [5] COLLERNE £ s d £ d Thomas Tayler (L) . . 3 Marten Jones thelder (L) . William Bullocke ‘in purchase’ . . Nicholas Webbe ‘in purchase’ . . Thomas Gosslette ‘in purchase’ Roberte Asford ‘in purchase’ . . l~Jl~JU'll~JU'l@tr:| W-FhWW-Fh 59 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

COLLERNE—con1. ,5 - s d ,5 Water jones ‘in purchase‘ . . . 2o Thomas Sympson ‘in purchase‘ . . . . Margaret Chappe widow ‘in purchase’ . . joane Webbe wydowe ‘in purchase’ . joane Fonce wydowe ‘in purchase’ CIIICIIICIIIWQN Roberte Smythe . . William Leycester HIII Roberte Edwardes 4 ]ohn Edwardes .. Richard Smythe . . 8 Richard Simpson . . Roberte Awste . . Thomas Woodman Edmonde Barrette Nicholas Barrette . .

Raynolde Nowell . . -h-LDLAILAILDLD-Fri’-D§hU\U\ C71"-I'll’-I'll’-I'll’-I'lLl‘lO\U'l@O°l~>l~)Nl~>l~)fn 8 Somma £5 rrs 8d probatur

WESTEKINGTON '£ sd £ s Thomas Ivie esquier (L) . . 2o 53 Agnes Humfiie wydowe (L) 2 Richarde Murdyche William Barnes . . 94-F-FW-i Richard Bremblecombe Thomas Hatherwell r-1|-1|-4|--| ]ohn Backer . . 4 Roberte Busshoppe Richarde Waterforde AnthonieBen.net ...... l'.AIl'.All'.Al"-I'lO\O\@@ UlU|Ul@OOUJLA-I Somma £6 6s probatur

LYTTLETONDREW .-5 sd £5 J john Viser (L) . . 4 IO 8 Thomas Smarte (L) 4° 5 4 Somma 16s probatur ‘

CASTELCOMBE £ sd £ George Scrope esquier (L) 5 Hewghe Davyes (L) . . Edethe Osborne wydowe (L) . R4coon-a

Anthonie Stokes . . U) LnH Richard Harford . 4 William Humirie . . john Tomsyn . . Roberte Danniell . Henrie Boxe . Roberte Brewar . 4 . . Thomas Hollowaye Richard Smarte . . Thomas Harford . . Richard Tayler . OLDLDLDLDLDQHLDLDLAILDQH QONNLA-I@U'lU'lU'IU'lU'lU'IU'lU'lU'|in Somma £6 ros 4d probatur 60. LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE‘ SUBSIDY OF I576

LIGHE _ DALAMOR AND SURRENDYNE ,5. Thomas Hand (L) . . Thomas Rymer (L) john Hamlin gentleman (L) ...... Nicholas Hamlen gentleman (L) ...... UIUIIOIOIQ -F-RG03“- Somma r6s probatur ALDRINGTON -Y1 ,6 d Richard Gore esquier (L) “fix U1 4 Arthur Emeley . . 4 Edward -Waker . . Roberte Heynes . . Elizabeth Syminges wydow . Wolirane Powle . . Roberte Osborne . . Thomas Busshoppe john Marshe . . 8 Ralf Cox . . . . LA)-FLAJ1L1-ILAJLAJLAJLAJLJIO William Pontinge (L) " @U-IO'\U‘lU'lUlU'lU'lU'lNU!0; 8 Somma ,55 6s probatur EASTONGREY £ William Adye (L) . . Thomas Robens . . 5 Cutberte Horte 4 Anthonie Waters . . 4 O'\O'\@U'lin anUJUJ-F-F Somma 27$ probatur LUCKENTON 16 d joane Cooke wydowe (L) Alyce Gulliver (L) john Broye . . . . 4 William Hawkins . . 4 Flower Noble wydowe . . UIUJUIUI @U'l@@-Fl-Ffin 4 Somma 38s probatur [54] SOPPWORTHE £ S d joane Sheppwey wydowe 6 IO Thomas Idolles . . 3 5 john Lighte (L) . . 2 8 Roberte Clarke (L) 2 8 Somma zos 4d probatur SHARSTON MAGNA £ Roberte Houlboroughe (L) Richard Baylie (L) Thomas Pyrlyn (L) Roberte Woodcake (L) ooooooooa. Roberte Farre (L) . . Thomas Gore (L) . . 8 Thomas Prowte (L) 8 john Goodinoughe ' 3 Nicholas Hobbes . . 3 U'lU'll0l0-FNIOIOIQIV: 6r LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

SHARSTON MAGNA-cont. s d -£ Roberte Davyes . . . . Ethelbert Neale . . . . john Clarcke . Roger Longe . William Wilcoxe . . I0 Nicholas Busshell . . . . WI-9O\@@O\¢n Roberte Haye . . . . I3 William Isgar ...... Is john Seburne alias Plumber . . . . . oeceoeuu-a-auuuu-n-'3“ I3 Q-F-F-F-F-F-F-FWE!‘ Somma £6 us Bd probatur KINGESWOOD £84 £ Richard Spearte gentleman (L) . . IO Thomas Hende (L) . . . 20 William Barnewell (L) . . 20 john Brydges . . 4° 3 Nicholas Webbe . . 20 L0I0 Ammmma William Paclmmfi ...... 3 john Roboroughe ...... 5 QUIU-IO'\l0l0O'\ln 4 Somma £7 5s 4d probatur The somme of the hundred and lybertye a foreseid £126 13s 4d probatur The somme totall of three hundredes aforesaide amountethe to twoo hundred fower score eleven poundes nynetene shillinges fower pens £292 98 4d Per manum johannis Eyre inira nominati unius commissionariorum quarto die julii anno xviii° regine E. cum obligacione.

I The numerals show signs of having been corrected 62 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF “I576


CIVITAS NOVE SAR' Extractes indented made the tenthe daye of june in the eightenthe yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of God quene of Englande France and Irelande, defender of the faithe, etc. betwene the reverend father in God Edmonde bisshoppe of Sar’ [sic] Sir George Penruddock knighte, Richarde Shingleton mayor of the cytie aforesaide and Giles Estcourte esquier, fower of her majesties comissioners appointed within the citie aforesayde for the asseasinge taxinge and levienge of the firste payment of the subsidye graunted to her majestie in her parliamente holden at Westmiiister the eighte daye of Februarie laste paste of the one partie and Walter Hill marchaunte petie collector appointed within the saide cytie of the other partie, witnesseth that the saide comissioners have assigned and appointed the saide Walter Hill pety collector of the saide paymente of the saide subsydye within the saide cytie to collecte levye and gether all and everie some and somes of money uppon everie person and persons rated and chardged in his saide extractes and the same some and somes so levyed and gathered to paye unto Thomas Eyer marchaunte highe collector of the same cytie reteyn- inge two pence for everie pounde for the fees of the saide petye collector accordinge to the saide acte or graunte of subsidye. In witnes whereof wee the saide comissioners to these extractes have sett our handes and seales. Yeowen the daye and yeare firste above written. Signed: Edmund Sar’, George Penruddock, Rycharde Shyngleton maior Sar’, Gyles Estcourte Liberatur per manum Egidii Estcourte unius commissionariorum infra scrip- torum, xv“ die julii anno xviii° regine Elizabethe cum obligacione.

[6] WARDA DE NEWSTREATE (II Q» I'M d Andrewe Mathewe . . . . . Roberte Culter . . . . Thomas Barker . . ' Richarde Bussell . . Roberte Spikemell . . . 8 Symon Neale . . . 4 john Clement . . . . . Elizabeth Lane widowe . . 4 Charles Wotton . . Christofer Weekes . . I-ll-l UON|-1'-' 8 Ambrose Adlam . . -|=~\o:ou1u:u=\1o~u:u:u:l"‘~ 8 Nicholas johnson . . . . U0 Anne Corriett widowe . . 3 oU'liJ'liJ'lon.»ooouioul-1on-1Q, Thomas Sharpe . . . . IO 16 8 William Blacker gentleman . . 1o 16 8 john Hooper gentleman (L) . . IO 26 8 63 usr OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY 01-P1576

WARDA DE NEWSTREATE—0onl. s d £ cl Hughe Powell generosus (L) . . . 8 john Madely ...... john Oke . . . .- . . William Chambers generosus . . 4 john Anniett . . . . 4 Nicholas Hill . . . . Thomas Securis . . john Michell 4 Roberte Smythe . . john Dufilde . . . 4 Roberte Norman . . . Richarde Cranmer . . Henrie Dickenson . . Anthonie Walter . . . 8 Roger Tanner generosus . . . NNH|-|Chg,OH-|U1U|U1onuauiuiMU!QUIU1 8 [ ...... ]elye . 5 Edithe Holte widowe . 5 Roberte Newman ...... II 8 james Malyar ...... 33 4 David Eaton ...... 6 8 Thomas Tichebome and Frances Spenser 5 [blank] Smaleham widowe . . . . . I6 8 Edwarde Harris ...... 5 [blank] Abin widowe . . NH|-||-| ,I6 8 Anne Atyate widowe 5 William Hickes ...... I0 Thomas Hooper ...... 5 john -Baker generosus ...... wmmmomow+owmmmwumuuuummummmom 11 8 George Bewike, William Halett and Thomas jacobbe ...... 8 Augustin Abbott ...... john Abbott . . 8 Roberte Parker . . Alice Vynye widowe Walter Bellit . . .Roberte Boner . . . I-I O)OUIUIUIO\UI Henrie Hamon . . . . Thomas james generosus . . . I-I ON:-IO\L\lU-$0-I-IHLD-F 8 john Cator ...... 8 Thomas Toby . . . . Marie Cator widowe . NH 8 Richarde Edwardes Richarde Gauntlett Richarde Wrastlye Thomas Bartilmewe . QQQUIO\U1O\O\U'l john Baylie merchaunte . . . 26 Q-Fh-F-Fh Nicholas Huttofte ...... W Charles Estcourte esquyer (L) . . . to|-||-|U\O\U1U\U\U-1OOCH-lb 53 4 jesper jerman . . . . -1 8 Michaell Dove . . . . 4 12 [blank] Pilgrym . . 4 12 john Servis . . . . I 8 Swithen Williams . . I2 john Crome . . I2 Hartman Backehowse ...... I2 john Linche ...... -lb-F-In-lb I2 Somma hujus warde £35 4d 64 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

WARDA DE MARKETT s _. d {I ‘s d john Odell ...... 13 4 . Leonerde Warde . . 13 4 james Morin . 5. Richarde Spander 5 William Eaton . . . . 5 john_Toope _ . . 5 Gabnell White esquier (L) 53 Thomas Eyer . . . . 16 Frances Vaughamgenerosus 6 [blank] Wilton widowe . . 13 -IKUJCD-ii john Eyer generosus 3o William Eyer . . . . 8 4 George Cooke generosus . . 13 4 john Sewoode . . . . 1o William Thorley generosus 5 Phillippe Mutell . . . . 5 : Nicholas Aunsell . . . . Roberte Holmes . 4 Thomas Holmes . . 4 Roberte Bathiway . . john Tayler . 1-11-1 DUICDU-‘IUI Roberte Harte . ro William Lyne . . 5 William Moggen'dge 3o john Mors ...... 1o Nicholas Tumer . . . . 5 john Penruddocke esquier (L) 26 8 john Grafton . . . . I3 4 Phillippe Grene . . . . 8 4 William Godfrye . . William Wighte . 8 Edwarde Burte . . . . john Robertes . . . . 8 Roberte Olyver . . . . 4 Hughe Tucker generosus (L) 8 Thomas Meade . . ' . . Morris Gauntlett . . . . [blank] Wale widowe 8 William Holbeame Thomas Wuli . . 4 Arthoure Lamberte George Storie . . . . john Vennarde generosus HQ.)1-11-1HM1-11-1 Roberte Bryant . . . . Phillippe Lucett . .

[611] William Merivall -PW-PCB Thomas Dawton . . Roberte Frensh . . . john Hobbes NH1-1'1-I1-11-1-In1- Thomas Elliott . ' 8 - Thomas Willis William Younge . 4 Roberte Smythe . Thomas Reede john Weste . 4 Mathewe Comen . Richarde Prator . @@l+“OO\CDU'l@@-F~O)-F~UJUJ'-IU'lO\O\UJUI@§A-)'LA-IUJOU-I-FHUIUIOVLDUJCDUIUJUJ-F~UJUJUIUJUJLIIUJ-F~OUJUJUJU-ICDOCDQCDUJCD-Ii OQUIO\U1U'lON»ODU1U'lCDU10\OU1LnU-IU'lU'l1-1U'lU'lU-ICDCDQUI LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

WARDA DE lVLARKETT—-cont. sd 5 d William Lamberte . . . . Edward Roodes . . . . 4 William Davye gentleman 4 Margarett Wescotte . . William Broderton . Thomas Marshall . . 4 Roberte Elliott . . Thomas Marshall . . 4 William Grafton . . Lyonell Tychborne 1-1nomoumuuuouuW NHU-IH O10!QUIUIUJ01MU!MO 8 Aliendes Frances Mynion . . . . I 8 john Voclere . . . . I 8 Somma hujus warde £37 18s 8d

WARDA DE MARTYN sd { S d Richarde Shingleton 30 Andrewe Mark . . 5 john Carpenter . . 5 William Neighlor . . 1o Richarde Charles . . . . 5 Davye Gifine . . . . 5 Henrie Evered alias Newman 20 William Lanne . . . . 5 Gregorie Moyllin . . . . I0 john Barrie 5 john Cholles . . I0 Christofer Harison . . 2o james Leylande . . 5 john Baylie . . 5 Roberte Martin . . . 1o Christian Swan widowe . 5 Bryant Atcloughe . . 6 8 john Girdler . . 1o Thomas Grafton . . 5 Richard Stigrapnell 5 Christofer Eyer . . 1o Richard Raye . . II Thomas Heylthe . . 8 Bennett Sharpe . . 18 john Burton Thomas Burdge . . Thomas Wilforde . . Richard Williamson QQ-I-‘H-F-ll-F-F Thomas Willson . . 1 Stephen Pynnocke . . Raphe Heathe . . Roberte Wilson . . 1-11-11-1 Thomas Baye john F[ ...... ] . . . . QUIOUIU-I@0591OUI 4 William Foxe . . . . 13 4 Thomas [ ...... ] . . . . I0 Giles Thorneboroughe gentleman 13 Richard Grafton . . . . s William Holmer . . . . Son:u1-:SSum5'“QONQUIUJQ11»chumow-awO1-ht»ow:mumeeuiou-aom:ow: 16 Thomas Warre (L) . . 2 QM-F-II- 66 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

WARDA DE MARTYN—co-nt. Aliendes £ s d £ Peter Herne ...... 4 Walter Branne ...... 8 Somma hujus warde £70 17s 8d probatur

WARDA DE MEADE VI R1 I'M Charles jacobbe . . Christofer Batt . . . . . Richard Gauntlett . . . . Henrie Wurwood generosus (L) . . Thomas Ray . . . . . john Weste tanner . . john Shepperde . . . . Giles Hutchans . . . . Dorothye Bellenger widow . . . . Edward Pullyn (L) . . Richarde Bracham

Peter Haywarde . . I-II-I Christofer Player . . Edmunde Wyndover Robert Lovedaye . . . . . owocncn-aw1.n1.n-ant»-nu:-amoot“ Alien’ Peter Dollyant dwellinge with Richarde Morgan nil Somma hujus warde £7 18s 4d probatur Somma totalis omnium wardarum £101 I5s probatur


[3] prima solucione subsidii concessi [sic]

Thys extracte indented and made the tenthe of june yn the eyghtynthe yere of the reygne of our soveraygne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God qwene of Inglande Fraunce and Irelonde defender of the faythe etc. by Walter Hungerford knyght, Wylliam Brouncker and john Eyre essqwyeres, commyssioners to owre sayde soveraygne ladye the qwenes majestye for the hundrede of Melksham, the hundrede of Westburye, the hundrede of Bradforde and the libertye of Trowbrydge with theyr burrowes indyvycion unto us alloted sygned and appoynted for the valuacion taxacion and settynge of everye man resydine dwellynge and abydynge withyn the sayd hundredes burrowes and lybertyes for the fryste payemente of the subsydye grawnted to her hyghnes yn the xviiilh yere of her graces reygne by acte of parlyamente, have named and appoynted Wylliam Wylkens of Trowbrydge yn the sayd countye clothyer hyghe collectour for the hundredes, burrowes and lybertyes abovenamed and declared. In wytnesse whereof as well wee the sayd comyssioners as the abovenamed Wylliam Wylkyns have putte owre handes the daye and yere fyrste above wrytten.


MELKESHAM TOWNE EH In R1 EH d Inprimis john Flower ...... 18 LnOm Roberte Hamble . . roo 4 Thomas Bull 6o Henrye Ruttye . . roo Roberte Selfie roo Thomas Smale roo john Gyrryshe . . roo john Merye . . . . roo -Ii-Ii-F-P-Fe Thomas Sheaparde 60 Henrye Neweman . . john Selfie . . . . Roberte Smythe . . Wylliam Haywarde LULUUJLU Nycholas Hemynge 6o Nycholas Flower . . 3 @@@@@U1U'1UIUIU'1U'1U'1U'1Q Summa partis £6 probatur BYNAKER s 4 £ Nycholas Hancoke . . Thomas Flower . . Henrye Sheaparde . . -1»-1»-1>l“'- eoeema. Henrye Styrrydge . . 6o Wylliam Kyngton . . 4 8 Henrye Deverell . . 4 O’\O’\U10’\O’\O’\tn 8 Summa partis 38$ 4d Rycharde Romesye (L) 20 2 8 Summa partis 2s 8d probatur '68 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

WHYTLYE AND SCHAVVE £ _s d £ s Wylliam Gyrryshe (L) . . 8 21 Rychard Vllhyte (L) . . . . . 4o 5 john Busshyngton (L) ...... 2o 2 @-F-FQ] Summa partis 29s 4d probatur

[81] Roberte Maye ...... "'~I 1-1 8 Henrye Maye john Hayward Thomas Ruttie . . . . UJUJUJ Edwarde Coocke ...... I00 H@£.J'll..J'l£.J'l 4 Summa partis 35s probatur

1. HYLPERTON AND WHADDON ,§ s d £ s Henrye Longe (L) ...... ro 26 Thomas Smythe (L) . . 2o 2 Anthonye Steavens (L) . . 2o 2 john Sommers (L) . . . 2o 2 john Steavens (L) . . . 4 I0 Chrystyan Hoskyns (L) ...... 2o 2 john Smythe (L) ...... 4 I0 @@@@@@@§-1 i Summa partis 58s 8d probatur George Gravynar ...... 60 Wylliam Brouncker Wylliam More ' . . Christofer Smythe ...... O Thomas Longe ...... U3U\UlL.\J U1!-'UlUlU1 Summa. partis 3os probatur sauna AND sauna ROWE ,5 s d ,5 S d john Somner (L) ...... 4o 5 4 john Hardkyn (L) ...... roo 13 4 Summa partis 18s 8d Wylliam Stookes 2I 8 Roberte Gerryshe 1-11-1 8 john Tyllynge 1-11-1 Thomas Wylkens 8 Phylly-pe Smythe U\U\OO’\ 8 Wylliam Curtyes Wylliam Sommer . . LOU)-P-FO’\OU3 Robert Stevens . 1-1 Thomas Scotte

Thomas Basdale an Agnes Somner .

Roberte Somner OI O0 O0 OQ O0 8 Thomas Somner U)-P-PUJUJUJ OUIUIU\O\'l.nU1Ul 8 Summa partis rros probatur BULKYNGTON ,g S 4 £ Roberte Ellyngton (L) . 2o Margarett Pryer (L) 20 Thomas Tayler (L) . 2o john Stower senior (L) . . . . . 2o john Stower junior (L) ...... - . . 2o- NNNNNO: @@@@@§-1 Summa partis 13s 4d probatur 69 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

BULKYNGTON—conl. £84 £ J Wylliam Gafford . . 6o Rycharde Dalmer ...... ' Wylliam Wylkens ...... john Harrys and Wylliam Harrys U'IU'lU'lU'II’-n john Somner ...... 1-1 1-1 8 john Palmer . .- ...... UJOUJUIU-1 U101 Summa partis 41s 8d probatur [9] POLSHOTTE £s-a £s J Thomas Hulberde (L) ...... 5 4 Summa pa.r'tis 5s 4d probatur Wylliam Hulberde . . '1 ...... 4 6 Nycholas Hulberde . . . . I6 26 Wylliam Ellyngton 7 11 Nycholas Ambar . . roo 8 Wylliam Hatter . . 1o 16 Lucke Steaven . . . 5 8 johnSelfIe...... 7 11 W-F99¢?“994* Summa partis £4 Ios probatur ERLESTOKE 16 cl Wyfliam Brouncker armiger (L) . . 36 _;l*\ I-I Roger Wryte (L) ...... Thomas Vvhyte (L) . . john Batte (L) . . john Avey (L) . . jahann Hulberte (L) ...... john Axefiorde (L) ...... NNNNUIUIUIM 99959999-F-F Summa partis £5 17s 4a probatur Thomas Grawnte ...... roo 4 Rychard Tyllye ...... 60 Bartylmewe Perotte 8 john George . . john Purryer . . Edwarde Norrys ...... Walter Cockesye ...... UJUJUJUJ-F U'IU'IU'IU'IO‘IU'IG3 Summa partis 4os probatur

Summa totalis hundredi predict? £37 10s 4d probatur


LEE BURROWE IBI-DEM £84 £ J Edmonde Passyon . . . . 4 8 Robert Okeforde . . . Wylliam Whelple . . Rycharde Baylye . . 8- Roberte Shabden . . Rycharde Wattes . . UJUJ-BU-l U'IU'IU‘IU'IU'IU‘Il'-n I Predicte in text. 70 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

LEE BURROWE IBIDEM—-cont. 1» R1 PM d john Grenell ...... 8 _ Thomas Woode ...... Henry Belton ...... mm-1-’-*\ Lnu1O‘\=n Summa partis 50s probatur WESTBURYE TOWNE £ s d £ john Amylles (L) . . . . 4o Roberte Vllheataker (L) . . 2o Walter Westburye (L) . . 20

Thomas Frenche (L) OI I. II .. Steaven Wheataker (L) ...... ro 1-1 O)l’Ql’~)l'Ql-I'll!) WWWW-Fl$1.1 Summa partis 3os probatur ThomasBennette ...... roo Thomas Wheataker ...... 4 Thomas Saunders . . 4 john Edwardes . . 4 Nycholas Passyon . . roo WWW-F-Fl Roberte Marchante 6o Rycharde Grene . . ' Roberte George . john Hayward . 8 Thomas Whelple ...... L0-FILDLD john Wheataker ...... 3 UIUIWO\O‘\O\CIJO‘)?-IILIILII Summa partis 68s 4d probatur [94] - DYLTON AND CHAPNAMSLADE £ s 4 £ Wylliam Selfie (L) . . . . 4o Rycharde Parsons (L) . . . . 2o johnCouche (L) ...... 20 Rycharde Whythye (L) ...... 20 l'Ql'Jl'0U'lIn R1WWW-Fl Summa partis 13s 4d probatur

LYE £ s d £ d Christofer Stansehall (L) . . 4o 4 Roberte Coggeswell (L) . . 6o Wylliam Cocker (L) . . 2o Roberte Whatelye (L) . . 2o Thomas Hawse (L) ...... 2o Thomas Hussye gentleman (L) ...... _ 4.0 U'll'Ql'~Jl'OCDU'lIn WWW-F Summa partis 26s 8d probatur George Adlam ...... 8 13 4 Roger Bower ...... roo s 4 john Vllheatelye . . 5 Nycholas Han-ys . . IO Roberte Gryste . . 5 john Steavens . II 8 Henrye Phype . . I3 4 Thomas Hodgges . . . . 5 Wylliam Peares senior . . Wylliam Peares junior . . 4 Henrye Bys ...... Edwarde Googgeswell ...... WLDLHLDLDO\U1JW‘\ILD LHLHWLH Summa partis £4 15s probatur

71 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576 PENLYE AND BROWCKE ,g_ -_s d ,4; -- john More (L) . . . . 20 Wylliam Bannell (L) . . 2o john Kendall (L) . . . . 20 - Cubberde Lyghtefioote (L) 2o Walter Blancharde (L) ...... 2o WylliamCarr(L) ...... 2o nnnnniqcs Q.WWW"W'WW Summa partis 16s WylliamHales ...... 4 ~ -15 .3 Summapa.rtis6s Bdprobatur - -\

HAWKRYDGE AND HAYEWODE £ s ..d ' M jeflerye Deacon (L) ...... -. .- 2o jefierye Wallys (L) ...... 4o - Edwarde Ussher (L) ...... 2o be-1}-U1» on-Mona. Summa partis Ios 8d probatur Roberte Kyngeton ...... ro - 1'6 .8 Rycharde Deacon ...... 7 » -11 8 Wylliam Hoskyns . . 5 john Gye . . . . -5' Wylliam Bower . . . I0 Rycharde Edwardes ...... LA-IO'\LA-FLA) '5 john Mannett ‘denyson’ ...... 4 4 Summa partis 53s _ 8d probatur ' BRATTON 5 3 4 £ 'Wylliam Bannocke (L) . . 2o Wylliam Alredge (L) 2o Henrye Vllheataker (L) ...... 2o lQl'Jl'O¢n WWWR Summa partis 8s probatur [I0] james Ballarde . . Q. I II Rycharde Axefiorde - ro Agnes Alredge . . 6 8 john Bowecher senior . Rycharde Tydworthe . UIUI john Alredge . . Rycharde Aplegoudge . Thomas Gardener . . john Rawlyns . . 8 john Bucher wwwwmmwado I-Ii-I -mum 8 Summa partis 755- probatur Summa totalis hundredi predicti‘ £22 I3s 4d

HUNDREDUM DE BRADFFORDE LEE BURROWE IBIDEM £ s d £ s d john Hall armiger (L) . . 6 16 Cyslye Hall vidua (L) . . . 4 ro 8 Rycharde Longe (L) ...... 3_o_ - 4 Wylliam Howell (L) ...... 2o _2 is Summa partis 33s 4d probatur 1 Predicte in text. 72 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

LEE BURROWE IBIDEM—-cont. s J £ S d Anthonye Webbe ...... I3 4 Rycharde Horne . . 20 Walter Grawnte . . I3 4 john Yearberye . . IO Rycharde Smythe IO Roberte Grawnte . . 15 Thomas Aulye . 5 Thomas Grawnte ...... 5 Ralfle Cubberde ...... 1.»1.»<.»~oO~O\oosoo!'*- 5 Summa partis £4 16s 8d probatur LYGHE AND COMERWELL £ S d .-c d james Rogers (L) . . . . 2O 8 Wylliam Love (L) . . . . 4.0 4 Yeadye Clarke (L) . . 3O _ james Pyckerynge (L) . . 2o 8 Hem'ye Bapshyne (L) ...... 20 8 john Deverell (L) ...... 2o NNIO-F~UllOtn 8 Summa partis 2os probatur Roger Deverell ...... 7 11 8 George Beasser ...... 60 5 john Baylye ...... IO 16 8 james Barnes ...... 6 1o Summa partis 43s 4d probatur [I04] ROWELYE AND TROWLE £ S d .4 J Walter Hungerforde knight (L) . . . 55 7 8 Roberte Burlye gentleman (L) . . 6 I-I Christofer Baylye gentleman (L) 3 Edwarde Cleamente (L) . . . . 2O john_Smythe (L) . . . . . 20 Wylliam Drewette (L) . . 2O john Howell (L) . . 2O Christofer Morrys (L) 2O john Donnyoke (L) 2O john Newell (L) . . . . 2O john Foxe (L) ...... 2O john Steavens (L) ...... 20 nnnnnnnnnoooxoxe, WWWWWWWWW Summa partis £9 14s 8d probatur Thomas Wynscome ...... 4 8 Rycharde Byasye . . . . 7 8 Thomas Nott . OO 4 john Grawnte . Wylliam Wyddon . . Edwarde Rogers . . 4 Thomas Steavens 8 Rycharde Dreweatte 8 john Rogers . . . Anthonye Webbe . . 8 Roberte Hendye . . john Morrys . Agnes Mon-ys ...... AgnesBartton ...... UIUIUIUI-FLU-F-FWWW o1o11.nu1o~u1o~o~5o1u\o~m: Summa partis £4 15s probatur 73 M LIST’ OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

BROWGHTON AND MOUNCKETON £ s cl £ Nycholas Mopeham (L) . . . . 2o john Pryer (L) . . 2o Ma.rgeryeGye(L) ...... 2o Thomas Purvyer (L) ...... 2o IQIQIQIQII: WWWWQ, Summa partis res 8d probatur Roberte Maye I 00 so O0 IQ 44 73 Edwarde Longe ...... 20 33 Wylliam Goore . 8 13. Thomas Gerryshe 8 -P-P-P-F Nycholas Gorre I0 Mychaell Cufie . . IO Roberte Hubberte . . 8 Thomas Redman . . 8 jerome Geryshe . Allys Gyrryshe . john Redman . WWW-P--F john Awste Nycholas Pryer . . Elyzabeth Bull . john Twyflorde Elyzabeth Gyrryshe ...... LDLQLDLOUI-F-F-FLBLAO\O'\U'l U\U'lU'IU'IU'IO'\O\U\ Summa partis £10 Ios probatur

[II] CHAFFELDE MAGNA ,5 5 4 £ s john_ Eyre armiger (L) . . . . 2o 53 Wylliam Westburye (L) . . . . 8 2r Wylliam Weseburye junior (L) . . 4o 5 john Beweshen (L) ...... 5 I3 Roberte Moxehamm (L) ...... 4 IO RW-P-P-P-Fh Summa partis £5 4s probatur

HOLTE £ s cl £ Margarett Baylye (L) 4o Allys Maye (L) . . 4o Henrye Howell (L) 20 john Wathell (L) . . 20 Thomas Certeyn (L) 20 Mychaell Baylye (L) ...... 40 john Chepeman (L) ...... 20 IOLANIOIQUILAQ W-PWWW-P-FR1 Summa partis 26s 8d probatur I Edmonde Baylye ...... 8 Rycharde Chepeman ...... 4 johann Steavens . . roo Lucke Steavens . . roo -lb-P-W-Fh Wylliam Selfle . Rycharde Erle . . H 4 johanne Grawnte . . Wylliam Cater . . O"-nuatncocoon» 8 Thomas Blancharde W-FUIWU-I I3 4 Thomas Byssye ...... 7 II 8 Summa partis £4 rrs 8d probatur 74 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

ATWORTHE £ 4.11 £ d Thomas Tayler (L) Ellyn Tayler (L) Wylliam Crocke ) Thomas Selfle ( John Pyrwhvn l"~._.,l_.) NNNNN-PM WWWWW john Uncles (L "'11-I/"'5E’-I‘ Summa partis 17s 4d Thomas Pheltham ...... 6 ro George Streate ...... 3 5 Summa partis I 5s probatur

SOUTHE WRAXEALL £ _s' d £ d john Myson (L) . . 6o. Wylliam Brewer (L) 2o Edwarde Thedall (L) . 2o john Collett (L) . . . . 2o johanne Kyppynge (L) ...... 40 Mawde Crowke (L) . . ' ...... 2o NLRNNNWM W-FWWW Summa pa.rtis 24s probatur Wylliam Gybbyns ...... _ . . ro 16 8 Henrye Kyppynge . . ro 16 8 Roberte Peynter . . 5 8 4 Thomas Growe 3 john Peynter ...... 8 1-1 4 Thomas Crocke ...... 4 O50-IUI 8 Summa partis 66s 8d probatur

MOUNCKTON FARLYE £ sd £s E Allys Crocke (L) ...... 20 2 8 Summa partis 2s 8d George Brytten ...... 12 2o john Barnarde . . 3 5 john Grawnte . . 6 ro Roger Baker ...... 4 6 8 Wylliam Deverell ...... 3 5 Summa partis 46s 8d probatur

VVYNSELYE AND STOKE ,5 s d £ d john Payn (L) . . . . 30 johann Wyllys (L) . 4o 4 Edwarde Meade (L) 3o Rycharde Dycke (L) 20 john Longe (L) . . 20 Anthony Drewce (L) 4 1-1 Robert Whyte (L) . . 40 Thomas Poll (L) ...... 4o Rycharde Deverell (L) ...... 4o UIUIUIONN-bur-htn WWW-P-P-P Summa partis 45s 4d probatur [IId] Rycharde Wyllys ...... john Drewce 1-1|-1 4 Wylliam Hendye 8


WYNSELYE AND STOKE-—co-nl. ‘II =1. PH M Roberte Noute . . Wylliam Drwce [sic] Wylliam Weseburye W-FWQ. Wylliam Longe . . john Legge . . . . ooama“ 1-11-1OOO\WO'\ Summa partis £4 20d probatur Summa totalis hundredi predicti‘ £61 5s 411 probat1.1.r

LIBERTAT’ DE TROWBRYGE £ s cl £ s cl johann Longe vidua (L) . . . 30 Thomas Horlocke (L) 20 2 8 Christofer Hodsone (L) ...... 3 8 Rycharde Goore (L) 20 2 8 Summapartis £4 13s 4d Roberte Wallys ...... 25 41 8 Wylliam Wylkens . . 20 33 4 Wylliam Yearburye 6 ro Thomas Stocke . . 6 ro james jeflerys . 3 5 Edwarde Dyott . OO 8 Henrye Wallys ' . . john Tylton senior Anthonye Wylkens W-BW-B john Wylkyns . . Wylliam Wylkens junior . . Wylliam Wallys . . Thomas Synger . . 8 Thomas Addames . . john Hylman . . john Tylton junior William Slrynner . . Gryfiyn Steavens . . john Langeforde . . UILDLDUILDI-D-BU-ILDLD-BU!-F UIUIUIUIUIUIO\UlUIUlO\WO\ Summa partis £9 zod probatur

STUDLYE £84 £ S d Henry Certeyn (L) 20 2 8 Rycharde Pryer (L) 20 2 8 Summa partis 5s 42 probatur Thomas Horlocke . . 8 Henrye Tylton . 8 john Pynchyn . Roberte Buttye . . john Smythe . . Wylliam Certeyn . . Alexander Langeforde LDLDUILDU-I-F-F O10)UIUIUIUIUI Summa partis 38s 4d probatur STAVERTON mp WYCKF. ,5 s cl £ s d George Graunte . . 60 5 Lewes Smythe . . 60 5 1 Predicte in text. 76 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

STAVERTON AND WYCKE——c0nl. 1» R1- H-. R1- Phylype Waytye ...... Wylliam Graunte ...... Anthonye Pyckerynge . . . . uucurk. U\U\U\e, Summa partis 255 probatur Summa totalis libertatis predicte £17 3s 8d probatur Summe totales omnium hundredorum, burgorum et libertatis predictorum £128 r2s 8d

Per manum predicti johannis |Eyre arxvii° junii anno xviii” regine Elizabethe cum obligacione. Signed: Walter Hungerford, William Brouncker, john Eyre LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

[I2] This extracte indented made the firste daie of july in the xviiiih yere of the raigne of our sovereigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of England Fraynnce and Ireland defendour of the faith etc. conteyneth aswell the names and surnames of all suche persones as are charged for the firste payment of the subsedygraunted unto her majesty by her laste parlyamente as also the severall sommes of money payable for the same aswell within the hundredes of Kynwarston, Swanborough, Potteme and Cannynges, the libertyes of Rowde and Bromeham, and the borough of the Devizes as within the ‘borough of Marleborough, the hundredes of Highwourth, Cn'cklade and Staple, Kingsbridge, Blagrove and Thomehill, Selkeley and. _Ramesbu_ry-, taxed by Sir john Danvers and Sir Thomas Wroughton knightes commissioners in that behalf assigned etc. videlicet:


PAROCHIA DE GREAT BEDWIN tn '1'-5.1 Us d Thomas Sotherne ...... 4 Richard Walter ...... Thomas Blagrave gentleman (L) . . 4 Anthony Hungerford armiger (L) \ 8 john Le . . . . I . . . . john HawkinsY‘=°...... 8 Edward Cooke alias Somerset . . William Whitchurche . . 4 Robert Rumsey . . . . U1 Thomas Clarke . . 8 john Tiler . . 8 Stephen Markes . . Alice Clarke . . . john Shadwell . William Vance . . TNHBx 8 Thomas Erle . . Marian Bacheler . . NU!1-11-1 4 john Shefiord . . . 4 William Crowche . . Nicholas Walter . . john Soper . . Richard Florye . . 8 William Daunce . . U-7-FUJLUUJUIWU-IOI-HUIOUJUJUJ-F-PLHUIU-I-PU-IO UlO\UlLnUIWL9UlO\UlUlUlO\O\WUIOUIOLHUIWM Richard Brindson . . Thomas Hodson . . john Blandy . . . . Margaret Piper vidua . . ro HNN 8 Edmund Brindson . . . . 3 joane Bacheler vidua . . WU!O'\UIUlU\ 4 john Bat ...... ro alias Somerset . . 6 8 WilliamPiper '...... 6 8 john Noyce ...... 1-11-11-1 UIUIU-I-F-F-FONJI 23 4 Summa £17 r3s 4d 73' LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

EST BEDWIN 3 4 ,4 8 William Savage ro Agnes Kember r6 john Tarrante r6 13 William Izot 5 john Bushell IO William Bigges s Henry Clifton (L) IO Nicholas Haye II Raufle Erley 5 . . 20 Thomas Hide I5 Richarde Bushell oo~*'~-a-ouu~i-1-ulowuono 6 Summa £7 9s probatur‘ '-

COLLINGBORNE KINGSTON, SUNTON AND VALENCE £ 8 4 £ 8 Roger Earth (L) ...... r 5 4O Roberte Ryvers I4 23 Richard Lurges ' -ro r6 Robert Guggs 3 5 john Mundy 8 john Tharman 5 Robert Rutter 8 john Bartholomew rr Andrew Culley ro Henry Kent 5 William Thustin 5 joane Blrackmore 5 Richard Browne rr Thomas Fulwaie I0 john Adeane 5 Thomas Cooper William Dorington Erle Nicholas Newman john Rowden UIUIUIUIUI Thomas Dorington NO\\IU\U-IUIO\\IU\-IU1-IU1-ICU-IU-IU-IU-DU-DUI 33 Richard Mundy .. '8 I3

john Mundy I. I. I .. ‘Io r6

William Hapgood OI Oi OI OI O. 20 Summa £13 18s 4d

CHUTE £ s J £ 8 William Sitwell (L) 15 40 Thomas Cordrye (L) I8 48 Richard Mundye r6 26 Thomas Westcot 12 zo Roberte Smythe .. ro r6 john Cook . . .. 3 5 Nicholas Hapgood 6 john Swetwell ...... __I0 I6 Summa £8 rgs 8d probatur The sum of £7 zs 4d has beenstruck out. 79 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [13] SHALBORNE Q 9.1 I'M cl john Smythe 8 john Chocke 1-11-1 Robert Dawnce . 8 john jenewaye 4 Agnes Cannon . 8 Thomas Nowne . . NicholasMa.rsha1l ...... Thomas Alifl ...... u-mu-:~'-n-:~=o--15“ WUIUIHInO'1WO'1U\ 4 Summa £3 6s 8d probatur

STANDEN £ s cl £ S cl Thomas Goddard gentleman (L) ...... 15 40 Summa 4os probatur

BUTTERMEAR £ sd £s d Michaell Dowce . . ro 16 8 William Godfirye ...... 5 8 4 Thomas Yvie ...... 3 5 Summa. 305 probatur

FOSTBURY AND TITCOM s d £ d john Yvie ...... Robert Crowche . . 4 Thomas Smyth . 8 Thomas Vince . . Roberte Strowde . . john Tannege . . William Stablehorne Henry Spencer . . 8 Thomas Syer . . "SI-n-awwmw-au\w 4 john Hussey ...... I0 8

johnTutts (L) ...... 18 -hi-1WO\WO'lUlUIU‘lU‘lInOBWUI Summa £5 igs 8d probatur

FROXFEILD s d £ S d john Hinton generosus (L) 26 8 Walter Wirge . . . . I-ll-I 16 8 Richard Apleford . . . . ro William Burche . ro john Burche . . 5 William Munday ...... 5 William Gorge ...... Mwwoooom 8 4 Summa £4 zod probatur

CHARLETON STRETE sd £s Briant Gunter . . 8 Henry Edes . . r6 john Langfleild . 8 William Carre (L) . . ro johnPinnock ...... 8 -PW-PW-PR1 john Munday ...... so-.1‘.HU-iLn-htn 5 Summa 57s 4d probatur 80 LIST OF -TAXPAYERS: FORI THE SUBSIDY“ OF -1576 CHILTON FOLI'AT"-- £-""'+'-s 5 2 -8 £8

Thomas Hidden (L) .. 48 . ..|-' '3 Henry Parvis (L) . . . . 40 ,_ ' Alexander Rowswell (L) . . 40 " '3 Henry Smyth . . - . . William Shufie . . WW-B-B-BQ, Anthony Lovedaie . . -‘L Thomas Osmond . . LBW-B-B john Fawler (L) . . . 40 Edmund Merivall . . .. ro WilliamDixson ...... 4 Thomas Munday ...... 7 '" I-1_‘1-1O\O\UiUiUi_O\O\Uil-DUItnH WWW-B Summa £3 -Siliprobatur

BURBAGE s cl £ if Thomas Tarrant . . Walter Kingston .. john Skory . . . |_____}__ -s Thomas Raynold . . Fraunces Harris - .. john Morrant . . '_ William Ragborne . . ' 4 john Mors . . . . 1'; Margery Upton vidua john Churche . . George Bowlding . . john Evered . ' john Piper . . 8 Richard Blake . . William Hopkins . . . . joane Hutchins vidua . . -1-uaoa-lsoaoaoaoaoauuoaoaoa-1~oaoa*"“~ U\UILlIUIUIUIowrtinODUIUIUIO\UIUI5, '8 Fraunces Fant alien 4 Richard Upton -. . 3 5 William Shadwell . . . 2o 33 john Baininge . . 7 I-I _Edmond Somerset (L) 4° 5 -john Stag ...... - 3 . . . . 4 6 W-B Summa £7 ros 8d -probatur

WOTTON RIVERS s cl £ Richard Tutchmer . . john Smyth . . William Baynton . . -B-BWQ4 William Hed . 1-11-1OWOJ1-1tn William Pile William Kinge '. 8 Richard Helliar ; ......

Raufie Bainning ...... _. oioioi-i'-"*uaua-1-ow UlUiO\Ui Summa £3 probatur H [I4] MILTON LILBON £ sd £5 d Symon Gunter . . 1'0 ' 16 8 john Hall (L) . . 40 5 4 Anthony Whitharte . . 6 ro john Hamlin . . . . 8 13 4 8r


MILTON LILBON-cont. 0.1 hi EH d Thomas Carye . . . . . 8 4 john Bankes . . _1o james Mortyrner . . 1o joane Wiat . . 11 8 Henry Peerson 5 john Winter 5 john Hockley john e . . . Roberte:-genger . . William Cowles . Thomas Hamlin . +uuuuuuwoomM ommmmQ 8 Summa £6 zs

EASTON 3 4 ,5 d Richard Wiat . William Scriven . . 8 William Romane . . William Richardson john Cras . . . . 4 john Marrtins . . john Stag_ . . . . james Whitharte . . james Miste I-I William Kinge lbosuuuuiuu-nuoi U1mumQouuoiuiONUI Summa £3 PEWSEY £ s d £ s d Edmund Peters . . . 35 58 4 Henry Peeke . 12 2o William Amor . 8 13 4 Phillip Cafie . . 4o 5 4 Thomas Polton . . 5 Henry Baker senior 5 Richard Shorsell . . 13 Peter Glasse . . 13 john Foche . . . . 6 William Bristow . . William Allen . john Swetman . . W-IiWW-F-P- Rauffe Smythe . . . Thomas Mundy senior . . 1-1 4 Thomas Hardinge (L) . . Roberte Smyth . . 8 Richard Harding ...... johnBear ...... Wt»-Ii-Ln-L-InLow-P-Lnmmgggp UIU‘lO"IWLAJUlOlWO‘1 Summa £10 5s Summa hundredi npredicti £1or gs probatur

SWANBOROUGH ALCANNINGES AND ALLINGTON £ s d £ s William Erneley ...... 5 8 Robert Nicholas ...... 20 33 jeffrey Provinder (L) . . 5 13 R-P-P-F 1 W LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

ALCANNINGES AND ALLINGTON-0011-l. s d. £ john Bartele . . I-I james Masclin . . Thomas Pottinger . . Thomas Noyce . . ""ts Richard Ruddell . . Richard Burden . . john Collet . . john Buck . . Q-1W-ll-Ii-IiWW-F-ll john Hiscox john Filkes . . . . William Rivers . . mummaumuoamw jefirey Godman (L) 4° ' 4 Richard Sloper . . Richard Barret . . 8 William Went William Syms William Stevens . . jefirye Knolman . . john Crawley . . Richard Knolman . . U-IU-ILAIU-IU-IU-I-FHUJ Mmummmmuumuuummmmamwwm Summa £9 18s 8d

STANTON BARNARD £ s d- £ J Edmund Bartelet . . W 3 joane Plat vidua . . 8 john Rigger . . William Trente . . 8 William Bond senior 8 Briant Wyat . .

Mervyn Prater . . HI-ll 8 Thomas Lavington 4 jobs [P] Liddoll . . Henrie Godwin . . Bi-A-I-h-hb-I-FU-IU-IU'I UIUIO\O\U'ItoWO\U\Wflt Summa £4 20d probatur

[I5] ALTON BARNARDES s-d £s d William Workeman 1o john Benger . . IO OI ll 6 8 john Stone . . . . II II II w-1~o~*"’* 5 Summa 21s 8d

CHIRTON s d £ Roger Fulwine john Carpenter . . Bryant Deane . . Elinor Deane vidua

Agnes Bewley . . Q

William Lavington (L) I . I Q I Q Q Q N

Bartholemew Knighte . I . I I I I I mBm+mmm“~ WO'\WO\WWWon W-ItW-F-Ii-iiQ,-F Summa £3 15s probatur 83 LIST OF TAXPAYERS-FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

BECHINGSTOKEI IR in Fin IR "Richard Woodrofl . . 1-1 Thomas Barrye . . Christofer Lavington Richard Miles _johnHayward ...... O)W-F-F-F UiO\O\O\Oin‘ Summa 35s probatur

WOODBOROUGH IR john Mawdit . 1-1 Margery Mylles . William Holowaie . . John Kinge . . . john Smythe ...... ' john Fowle . . oil“-1:-mo.»-r-1=~ O\UiUiO\O\Oin Summa 4os probatur

LITTLETON _.g £ s William Becket (L) ...... 8 21 Robert Tidderley (L) ...... 1o 26 Summa 485 probatur

MANINGFORD ABBOTTES £5 Elizabeth Hiller vidua . . 8 ;_.j_oane Benger vidua F] 6 homas Smythe . . ' 1o Richard Smythe ...... 5 Robert Swaine ...... Lawoi-1=~u1*‘\ 3 Summa 38s 4d probatur ECHILHAMPTON £ £ William Lawrence . . 3 john Widdowes . . . _ 3 Richard Rawkins (L) ...... Richard Bailie ...... 3 UINIUIUIIn Summa 17s 8d probatur

MARDEN £ s William Carpenter .- . 6 james Clarke . . 5 Edith Amor . 1o Roger Lavington . . . . 6 Richard Hinton . . . _...... -1:-1-ow:-r~*‘* 6 Summa 35s probatur

URCHEFONT Bx William Kighte . I-I john Gittins john Bewley Thomas Dandy . john Weles . Robert Shergolld . . H William Collet . William Purnell . . . coo-iuao.1u1\i°\mu: WHWWUJUIUIUIIn 84 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF1576

URCHEFONT-cont. S S d William Edwardes . . 13 4 john joanes . . 5 Agnes joanes . . mum!“ 5 john Bennet (L) . . 20 2 William Springe (L) 2O 2 Cecilie Harvester . . 7 II William Wattes . 4 6 john Crook . . . 1o 16 Roger Willow 8 13 Robert Flower _...... 2o 33 WWWWW-F-F Richard Fishlake ...... 6 IO Summa £9 5s 4d probatur

CHARLETON s d £ Margery Cheynye . . - Robert Amer Thomas Rymell . . William Mortimer . . William Ricard WW-I-’~WWR1 Osmond Amor . john Stevens . 8 Richard Cupper . . Margaret Amer . ...... 8 Robert Thomehall...... Roberte Mundy ...... I-I ooi-hum-iso\-is-r~u1-r~.|5"~ 1-1|-11.1o\OO\U\U\OiOO\OiWO\O\rn 8 Summa £4 15s probatur [I6] MANINGFORD BRUCE sd £ S cl Steven Nicholas . . 13 4 Robert Woodrofi . . IO Peter Stronge . a 4 William Benger . . 5 William Noyce ...... I-I 20 ThomasSymons ...... wnwmom“ II 8 Summa £3 8s 4d

RUSHALL sd £ S d Osmond Plante . . . 20 john Longe . . 1o Wflham Pmkney junior . . 6 8 john Chaundeler . . 6 8 Thomas Hurle . . William Chergoll . . . .

William Pinkeney senior ...... n U-I 4 WilliamSidnoll ...... uuooaua-in-in@3515 WLDUIUI 4 Summa £4 15s probatur UPHAVEN £ sd £ cl Christian Wrighte . . 8 1-1 4 john Oram (L) . . 2o ‘ 8 john Alexander . . . . 3 john Bonner . . . . 3 U\U\I~)U-Ito 35 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

UPHAVEN-—cont. tn R1 Bx tn d john Abethell senior john Abethell junior Thomas Chub . 4 Robert Hurle .

john Tipper P jane Oram . . . William Pinkney .

Thomas Baylie . O 8

Robert Pike II II ll N001-1 john jervis . . Oi I I OO O0 iitn001.1-.u.nl"‘~Sxwuamm W0O'\U'lU'IU'IU'lUJU'lUl 4 Summa £6 4s 4d probatur

WILSFORD s d £ Anthony Web . Richard Lavington Clement Smythe . on-nook. William Acreman . I-1I-1 john Twayte . 4 William Holowaye . 8 Richard Burden . William Chaundeler 8 Thomas Trwman . Thomas Benger . 1"‘-oi-Intaco-lnw-nu:cub U'lUlO'\U'lO'\WOO'\U-IO'\tn Summa £6 13s 4d probatur

IMBER s d £ s d Thomas Deverell . 5 john Cowrthow . 5 john Aprice W°'*~roo-aw 2o Summa 3os probatur

NORTH NEWNTON s d john Kinge . 16 8 Edmund Rawkins . [sic 16 8 Edward Alexander senior . . 5 Edward Alexander junior . . 5 William Wiat . joane Blake . 4 Edward Lavington William Lavington 1-1 8 Edward Chaundeler S5*WU-|\.l'lU-IUJU-I-P~-1>- O'\l'lU'lWU'l 8 Summa £4 probatur


. . . Ii N Thomas Haster . john Gyll _. . _ . john Ward jumor .

William Dolle . OI OO OI Lawrence Gelley . on O0 no 00 8'“oawoawoano U'lUlUlU'lU'lOIn Summa 45s probatur 86 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 HEWISHE £ sd £5 Richard Hiscox ...... 12 2o Alice Stag . . 5 Summa 25s probatur

CHEVERELL MAGNA sd £5 john Clement . . 8 Thomas Hadder . . 8 joane Merywether . . o\1.nu1l""~ 1o Robert Mattock . 3 5

john Merywether . . I I I I I I I I 2o

. . I I I I I I I I 2o Summa £3 _11s 8d probatur


john Stockwell . I-1 Nicholas Webb . Richard Nashe . Robert Barnes mm-InO\u'"‘ uiuiO\OIn Summa 26s 8d probatur

[I7] WILCOT £ sd £ Sir Thomas Wroughton knighte (L) . 2o Thomas Cheyney . . Raufle Upton . . Katherln Pike

john Benger (L) . . William Bond . . William (L) U1H Mary Slnlling vidua (L) L9-Pb-FHLH-I-‘hi-IILH-F ON:-ICIDOO\WO\WLnfin Summa £5 135 4d probatur


john Hampton (L) 1-1 john Westall . . Richard Peers . . '-"'\U-lU\U'l Richard Hoskins (L) john Hoslcins . . john Foster . Amys Peers . . john Seinysbury . . john Brothers . john Tailor . . joane Dowce . Leonarde Dowce . . Christian Synsbury William Bishop . . UJUJUJLHUJLHUJLHUJLH LHUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIWU)NU’! Summa £3 19s 4d probatur Summa hundredi predicti £88 3s probatur 37 LIST or T=AfXPA*YERS;FQR='1IT.HE SUBSIDY -1-o1—~"15.76 POTTERNE -AND CANNINGES

9! R1 Us .139) George Burley (L) . . ' john Longe senior . . ‘ 11 William Longe . . 6 WW-FQ. Nicholas Peirey, . . 1o 4. joane Paradice . . 5 William Rooke . . 4 jane Cromall .8 Nicholas Gaye john Rook . . RichardRook ...... “*-O)-F\IUIoauaoa-auiui Arthur Tryrnell (L) . . " ._ ._ . . . . 20 O\_WWl~)UiUI_Ui 8 -snnnn £4“ 2'5’ 8d'i4pri:'batur WORTON sd £8 4 Thomas Carpenter . . ._Christofer Merywether . . William Peters . . j ...... 8 Robert Prior ...... oi-aoaoav‘ U'lO\U\UI0': ' Summa 215 8dpr@baa1r MARSTON s d £ fl john White . . III 4 '- Thomas Salter 3 _ Philip Horder . - _- Gilbert Bristow . Thomas Browne . William Lwdiin . . 8 ; Elizabeth Goodnow Roberte VVheler ...... johnLonge ...... _ mum-aoaww-a015°‘ O\U-IO\UIUIU\UIUIUIla‘ Summa 56s 8d probatur -__-1 I I -. WESTLAVINGTON ,4 " 5 if 5' s john Daunsey (L) . . ' 20 53 William Flowef senior (L) 20 2 _ Henry Chever . . . . 26 William Bower . . . I3 Ambros Sparke . 6 " john Talman 6 . William Mynter ._ , 6 R1WWW-FWW-F ' Henry Flower '...... III “ 2o Hughe Bartley ...... UIN-It-B-FW5 8 4 __ Summa £7 4s 4d probatur

CANNINGES EPISCOPI s £ William Stevens . . . William Hayward . . III Arthure Rose . . Q--F-F-F Thomas Nott . . . Elizabeth Townesend .

William Tailor . . .. 1' _ _ _ _ 8 Robert Nicholas . . I ' * '. . . . uawwumu“ WOWJIUIWU-IW01 4 - '1 - Su-inma".55s .probatur 33 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY QF 1576 [I3] WEKE AND MUSTEDE [sic] ‘fl Q1 PM 11 wmnmsmn .. .. K 4 Elizabeth Clower . . " Hughe Rucke . . Edward Barnes . . 8 Wifliam Chesterman john Trwe (L) . . Alice Vivashe . . Edward Vivashe . . Thomas Smythe . . Richard Sloper . . I-4I-4 Thomas Wilshire . . William Sloper . 8 William Weston . . john Wythers . Thomas Barret . . . . Thomas Wythers . . . . OUiUioUiUiUiUiO\Lnmu:enoiuwuaoo Mighell Ernele (L). 1*“ouiuiuaui-auaoiuauioiuiui-auiuiua 4 William Smythe ' ' 5 john Smythe I3 _William Sloper 16 john Amnettes 6 Richard Rudell . Thomas Sloper . WWW-ll-ll William Coxe Margaret Pope . Robert Herringe . . . _- john Sloper H H1-11-1 8 john Dicke 8own»Oiw-in-Foouiw-F ChO\U'lUiOU-ICh 8 Summa £14 4s 8d probatur

HORTON s d £ cl Raufie Ruddell . 8 Robert Eamll Richard Rudell - . Robert Dick . 4 William Eatall . William Dicke . .- Walter Bankes 8 . Thomas Weston 1-11-1 4 William Ehnes 1"“on-huauauiow»-1»-1» Chi»tnCNJIUIWOU\Ch8 Summa £3 6s 8d probatur

COTE £ sd £ Robert Marten . . 5 Thomas Meadous (L) 2o Richard Plars . . 9-1WW-F Roberte Marten junior . . john Tailer . . .' . . Thomas Nicholas ...... 8 Richard Woodroff (L) . . 1-11-1OOUJU-I-ll 101-1 U)O\U‘lU‘lOil'0CDo-1 8 Summa; £3 .11s -probatur 39 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

HIGHWAIE, BUPTON AND CLEVE sd £s d Margaret Quintin ...... 1o HenryQu.intin(L)...... 21 john Holowaie . . 6 William Lewes 6 Thomas White . . 6 WWW-It ]ohuBeverston ...... 5 Rauphe Cawleye (L) ...... ow.»-1-1-1-6661*“ 16 Summa £3 12s 4d probatur

CHETO s d £ s cl Robert Stot F4 16 8 Richard Berret . . 5 joane Bailie . . 5 Gyles Guyll...... 5 George Provinder (L) I“oUIL|-DU-IL!-I I3 4 Summa 45s probatur LIBERTATES ROWDE ET BROMEHAM ROWDE 5 5 4 5 cl .john Stot (L) . . . 2o 8 Anne Asheman vidua . William Gu . . 8 john Flewellzn . . Marian Flower . . William Dalley . . William Chester . . john Deanes 8 Symon Yorte . . William Mawndrell RU-I-P~L|-IL:-IL:-IL:-I-IhLi-I N RoberteFilkes(L)...... 40 4 johnWalter (L) ...... 20 OUIO\UIO\UIUIUiUifaNU!IO 8 A Summa £3 14s probatur [I9] BROMEHAM sd £5 Thomas Berington (L) . IO john Eyeres (L) . . IO john Hewes (L) . . "S-1--1-1- IO Thomas Paradice (L) 20 2 William Austyn . . 6 WWWWW9-1 William Slade . . IO George Dalmer . . I3 4 Thomas Ballerd . . 6 8 Robert Alande . . II 8 Robert Webbe . . Richard Chaundler Richard Crouche . . 8 john Slade . . . . 4 William Webbe . . LAIUI-lhta-IL:-I\l-P~WU)-F

Richard Slade (L) . . II I. II 8 Edward Windslowe ...... 3 WO\UiUiUINUI Summa £6 8d Summa hundredi predicti £54 14s ‘ 8d probatur 9° LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [20] BURGUS DEVIZES £ s d £ s Richard Guyflord ...... 1o 16 Henry Grint . . 1o 16 George Raynoldes . . 9 I5 Robert Morris . 7 I I William Barret . . 6 I0 Richard Mawndrell . 3 Robert Lewen . . . 16 john Burd . . . I 3 Thomas Bailie . . 30 john Willis . . . . I0 joane Bailie vidua . HH 20 Richard joanes . . I I Stephen Flower . I0 john Batte . . . 1 1 Thomas White . 6 john Preston . . 8 Robert Kempson . . Philip Fox . . . Henry Morris . . William Ernewood Bryant Benet . . Walter Stevens . William Reckes . . Alexander Webb . . Richard Adlington john Cannon Thomas Fitsall . Edward Hop Henry Barker . james Adlington . . Gabriell Bocher . . Robert Berifieild . . Thomas Smyth . William Kinge . Richard Bolton . Richard Kinge . ThomasHeywood .. jo rris john Hadnot . Richard Harper . . EdithP0lle...... O\\Imumow-ho»mm-awwwunwoiw-hum-a-awwoawui-a\1l~>O\00OOOU'I SowiulU'lU'lU'loiu-luau-1U\U\U'lU'lU'lU'lO’\U'lU'lUIU'lU'lU'lU'l Henry Curteis alien ...... Summa £17 15s 4d probatur Summa colleccionis hundredorum libertatum et burgi precedencium particulas Roberti Longe collectoris £266 2s 6d probatur [21] BURGUS DE MARLEBROGH £ s d £ s Robert Midwinter ...... 12 20 john Herste . . . . . 10 16 Agnes Wear alias Browne . 4o 3 6 Laurence Wolrldge . . 6 1o Robert Hall . . . . 6 10 john Colman . . . 3 5 91 ' LIST OF TAXPAYERS-‘FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BURGUS DE MARLEBRQG.H——0onl. s d £ ii 4 Thomas Stevens alias Hawkes . . . 2O john Bailie . . 5 john Marchante 5 Alexander Staples (L) 21 4 Rauffe Awsten 11 s Richard Colman 13 4 Edward Perlin -5 William Mersham 6.6 Anthony Hardinge john Godwin I3 William Malin II Richard Staunton .3 Richard Baininge II W-FW-FWW Richard Bull 5 john Peers .. _II 8 Richard Toms alias Grenefeild . IO Richard Herst _8 4 Thomas Herste 11 8 William Goddard 1o Vincent Goddard .6 Thomas Nicholas 6 Hughe Grig . . john Stump WWWW Thomas Toothe

Thomas Waterer '2" William Wake Richard Harper john Trwe . . W-F William Crook john Walflord 4 john Heyward 4 john Buck . . Thomas Bucke 4 William Redford Richard Franklin Walter Harris Richard Cornall 8 Edmund Hale 8 jeremy Bryant William Sclatter 8 Roberte Lyme Richard Brindson john Wrighte Edward Upton Thomas Clark junior . . W-ItW-F William Wear alias "Browne . William Patchet Richard Toms alias Grenefeild . . john Llache :5.‘uiuawua-P-"um-P-u1ua\iw.;n\,uau:u5u1uaQ1\]gg\]u-|\]guy‘“*5”Q“mumODtnuJ\lLn.pu|u.1.p.p..p..p Clement Wear alias Browne (L) . . 4 Robert Leery (L) 3 Robert Lowche (L) . . Richard Wren (L) . . Thomas Crapon -4 john Symons (L) 4 Thomas Caswell (L) . . . . WWWW-P- The boroughe landes (L) . . . . . 6 F1H:o1o~:u1u1u-- P4O‘\l¢UlWUIUlU'lUILnO\WO\WU'lonemumo\mLno~1o1ow-31-1o LIST OF ‘TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BURGUS DE MARLEBROGH—-cont james Cogines alien john Lovell . john Allen . . . john Cornall . Anthony Diston . Thomas Peeke . Robert Longe Summa £36 2s 4d probatur 22] VILLA ET HUNDREDUM DE RAMSBURY

RAMSBURY] It-. William Darrell armiger (L) W Steven Ballard . joane Ballard . john Osmond junior Thomas Seymour . O-FUILAJ-Fh °')WUI°') john Osmond . Thomas Marten . john Knackston . 1-1|-1 Alice Wheler .

john Baker . . . '-“LnC)O\-Ii UIUTOOO) Thomas Ballard . john Hamlin Roger Bankes WWW john Gilliinore . O'\UiU\Ui William Smyth . Roberte Everard . john Cook . . . u.iO\O\ William joanes . john Collins . Steven Apleford . Thomas Whitwaye WWU-IUJ Hem-y Baymon . Robert Spynage . Edward Gunter . N -Ii Richard Sexten . UiO'\U-‘I-F WU-IUI Henry Tickford . Thomas Baymon . Thomas Colman . Lionell Whitherte . Thomas Scull . john Saunders . Roberte Goldinge . O\U-ILAJLAJUJLAJUI H OUIUIUIUIUIW Summa £17 6s 8d probatur BAYDON john Ludlow (L) . john Paine . . . Oi 1-1 OUII-0 john Guyflord . john Colles . . H OLA-‘I 1-1 °')Ul james Neale . Margaret Sparrow .

Roberte Clarke . U-ILAJU-‘I UIUIUI Peter Reveler alien Summa 52s 4d probatur LIST OF TAXPAYERSFOR THE SUBSIDY or 1576

BISHOPSTON in R- M J William Spainswick 8 john Hardinge Thomas Horton Elizabeth Perton john Vicars . john Palmer William Norris . Thomas Heckes Robert Raynoldes WW-F-F john Tailour Henry Blagrave . john Walter Robert Butt 8 Hem-y Hedges . Ei‘u1o~:oeoou1u1u1u1ChfiihuiChm 8 Hemy Precye 11 8 Roger Colley 5o Thomas Hall Ho.» 16 8 Gilberte Wheler *'\oo-14-ho.»O\UJ4'~'~1U'lU'lUJUJUJUJ-In-1- 6 8 Summa £9 probatur Summa ville et hundredi predicti £28 19s probatur [23] HYWORTH, CRICKLAD AND STAPLE LIDEARD MILICENT £ s d £ d William Chatterton (L) . . . 18 William Web . . . 1o William Garrard (L) 20 Richard Churche (L) 40 james Pannell (L) . . 20 WWW-F james Clarke (L) . . 30 Richard Smyth (L) 20 Thomas Newman (L) 20 john Yorke . . 4 Roberte Churche (L) 20 john Loker (L) . . 20 William Sawnders . . WWWWW-F Ambros Hawkins . . 1-1 N1-1-L William Masclin ...... 8 George Hancock ...... ul-I-‘~UiLn uicmnoonnoonn-anuanoaoool Summa £7 20d probatur RODBORNE, HEYDON, MORDON AND EVEN SWINDOl\il J6 . £ 5 Thomas Wintersall (L) ...... 11 Nicholas Bale (L) . . 20 john Williams . . . -BW-I-‘~83, Christofer Milles NHH William Milles 4 john Warman . Richard Barret Edward Goldinge Thomas Andros Thomas Milles -Phi-Hi-HLHUJUIQW @U'lU'lU'lU'1WOO-lN\O¢n 8 94 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

RODBORNE, HEYDON, ota.—-cont. £ s cl £ S d WflliamMo1se 1- .. .. 6. 9 I5 Anthony Geringe . . .1 .1 .. .. 20 33 4 Summa £6 185 8d probatur

STRATTON AND GROUNWELL s cl £ S cl Nycholas Bennet . . 5 William Butler =5 Christian Kemble vidua =5 john IO james Owher 3 4 john Hermge 5 Elizabeth Benet HHH 21 8 john Cox . . 5 William Straungel . . 6 8 Fraunces Kemble . . I3 4 Roger Butler oiW-F~LaJLrJLaJLno~<.nu1ui"\ William Hardinge (L) 4 Gilberte Heath 5 4 john Barret 4 Robert Butler 3 LRWWUIUI Summa £7 17s probatur

STAUNTON sd £ S d William Burges 2o john Horton 6 8 Richard Hall 6 8 Thomas Bacon 5 john Acreman 5 Nicholas Cusse IO john Harris G'o~o:o:-5-i~i3'l‘\ =5 Summa £3 185 4d probatur

HANNINGTON sd £ S d Richard Batson IO Nicholas Pinnell . . IO William Cowll 5 Elizabeth Becket . . 1o Alice Savery 4 Agnes Mathew 4 john Batson Robert Savery awuuawoo“ O\UIWW 8 Summa £3 3s 4d probatur

LISHELL AND sd £5 Water Smyth 26 Nicholas Mason II Elizabeth Mannson 6 Nicholas Curtes s -FWWWQ, john Kiblewhite . . IO Anthony Curtes s 4 Thomas Showell 6 8 Richard Tuckwell . . '5~'l*\00-ho:ow:-5-i I3 4 I The words ‘cancellatum sit quia oneratur in comitatu Bark" have been set in the margin against this name. 95 LISTOF TAXPAYERSIFOR THE. sussruv OF 1576

LISHELL AND CASTLE EATON—-cont. s d d"- ThomasMason ...... ' -.- "- Thomas Skinner ...... J1- Edward Goddard ...... Ouiuath 4 Ln. EH45 U-l_WU'l._o; Summa £9 8s 4d probatur

INGLESHAM cum LYNTE S dp Eh __d john Stocke . . . . . Thomas Spaynswicke . . 3 john Wand senior . . Edith White vidua . . . . , , Agnes Ludlow ...... u.>u.>u.>.n\ol"\ '1-1 U'lU'lU'lo,own Summa 36s 8d probatur [24] S d EH Thomas Hinton . Richard Kemble . . Christofer Strainge __ Thomas Parsons . . Roberte Gabbat William Acreman ' john Kemble W-Fl _ Richard Butler _ , _ Cntn-Ii-Ii-Iiours,-s--in William Kemble H1-1WW-liLnUiLnol‘l\ U-ll-IH|-|Ob-WuO'\O'\WWWO\o," ' Summa £5 11s 8d. probatur SOUTHMARSTON S d £ - 5 Elizabeth Cusse . . 3 Edmond Cusse .3 William Briant . . Philip Lewes . . -moi-n-i~*'*~ Edmond Burges (L) 40 William Monday (L) 20 NICHOIHS Io CDO:-lion Richard Burges ...... 6 I-I'I-IN I 4 William Cusse ...... 4 o~oo~1oo1o~oo~o~m 3 Summa £4 16d probatur

SEMINGTON S ' 5 £ 3 d Suzan Warneford vidua (L) I-I 26 3 Sacry Pleddalll (L) . . I6 Robert Peers . . . . , ‘ 5 Valentine Cripps . . I0 jefliry Shilton Richard Beard Thomas Smyth . . George Townesend Richard Cox ...... William Lewes ...... , . wmmmmwow@oM muummm Summa £4 7s 8d"probatur

I The words .‘cancellatur quia oneratur_ in villa. de Liddiarde Tregose’ have been set in the margin against this name. - - 96 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

HAMPTON AND WESTROP In 5:. U-. d Giles Milles I-I anin 4 Richard Read 5 Edith Arden 11 8 John Arden 6 8 Thomas Wissc 11 8 ]ohn Colly . . 5-I 2o ]ane Cox . . 1o ]ohn Pit . . 5 Robert Plome 1o Mighell Sparrow u:o~c»o~n-\:-is-nu»ool'»"* 5 Summa £4 18s 4d probatur

ESTROP s d £ J Edward Bowltar 8 John Cullan Symon Watkins 3 Virgill Butcher 8 Katherin Sadbury John Sadbury Robert Stmunge 8 Christofer Disson 8 John Clarke I-I Wflliam Aylifi can-r~+ww-is-nu:-l>l""~ I-INwo~o~u=-oo~o~o~u=u=4 Summa £4 zod probatur

HYVVORTH Q an UH S d ‘William Bridges IO Thomas Bailie IO Wflliam Yate mO\O'\""“ 13 4 Laurence Cusse (L) 20 2 8 Roberte Broolnnan 5 s 4 John Palmer O0 3 Thomas Blandiord (L) .. . 20 ]ohn Rosse (L) -llO Thomas Barget John Pitman Q-F-FQ John Butler John Davis . . Alice Hale . . Avery Churche [blank] Allin vidua Richard Goldinge H O'.N.nLnLnUlUlO\O'.N.nNUI 4 II 8 ]ohn Sadbury 13 4 Thomas Marshall U-II-I 50 Wflliam Adams 6 8 John Fereley 5 Thomas Adams OUL»-ItOJ-Iuuocuuouaw-bur 5 Summa £10 7s 4d probatur

MARSTON MESEY M st rs J Thomas Jackettes 3 Robert Shewell 3 Wflliam Skinner o-is-l~l"'~ I-I OO\O\m 97 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

IVIARSTON MESEY—cont. £sd £s d Thomas Toms . . 4 6 8 Edmond Coxe . . 4 6 8 Summa 36s 8d probatur [25] PIRTON 05 m EH <3 Robert Masclin . . Thomas Greneway . . Edmond Pannell . . John Dix . . Edmond Rymon . . Richard Tailour . . Anthony Dowswell (L) 40 4. Roberte Smyth senior 3 Robert Smyth junior 3 ‘John Read (L) . . 4O 4 John Whitton (L) . . 8 Leonarde Pndye . . Christofer Cleter . . 8 'Wflfiam Keblewhite 4 Nicholas Parker . . Adam Elboroughe . . -John Ryrnon . . William Hellyar . . Thomas Tellinge . . H|-|H|-|HH William Saunders . . William Cox . ‘.' William Bathe senior‘ Anthonye Dinton . . CIDWCIJ-ll~F-ll Christian Rymon . . Thomas Heskins . . Richard Heskins . . John Gled . . . . wwwwuuu+w+©wwm+@+wowmuam Roberte Graunger (L)- 20 nuuuummmowmmmumaoouuuuuouuuoQ 8 George Masclin . ; 3 John Sadler . . 8 4 Henry Sevigar IO {-H O\U-l'U| s Anthony Gled 4 6 8 Thomas Carter 9 1'5 Summa £12 Ios 8d probatur

EASEY £83 £5‘ d Edmond Barret . . IO 16 8 Thomas Cusse 4 6 8 Wifliam Gills 3 5 John Mesye . . IO 16 8 Nlcholas Blackwell 3 5 Summa 50s probatur

LYE £s_d £s d William Wake . . 7 II 8 William Shurmore . . 7 II 8 I 'Oneratur' has been set in the margin against this name. gs LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

LYE—c0-nt. sd £s yd Richard Shurmore . . Anthony Manye . . 8 William Leeche 8 John Slatford _Robert Ballard 8 Thomas Hushe John Packer . . . . . LA-I B John Deynton ...... 1%-r-'3w-I-1.»-r-r~u.> Oil-lLnO\UIO\O\Lh B Summa £4 16s 8d probatur LATTON ,5 5 d 5 Jane Prater vidua 3 William Townesend Richard Mathew . . " Walter Thomas . . W-Fh-BN9-1 Richard Newman . . Richard Elborow . . Robert Stone Thomas Stone Richard Ware John Trender 4-H I0 Edward Downe LIILBLDLDLDLAJLD-IBUILBO CIJLnLnLnLnLnLnO\@@O\lh 4 Summa £7 Bs 4d

SUMERFORD KEYNES s d £ d William Hawkins . . . Thomas Emotes . . Anne Izold . . B William Parslow . . Anne Ellis vidua . . . Agnes Blandiord vidua . 8 Anthony Heslrins . Ellin Gaye vidua . .

Thomas Colles HB“ N Thomas Burge B

Thomas Browne ...... IQLDUJ-FLA-TEA)-FLDLDCD-F U\QLnUlO\U\UlU!O\UlUl"I Summa £3 I 5s probatur CHELWORTH ,g rd ,5 d Roberte Hobbs (L) 20 B William Russley . . 4 Richard Trinder . . . Thomas Bowlter . . . . John Castenl (L) . . . . B Elizabeth Champernowne B Richard Bye . . . . B . John Hongerford . . 4 Thomas Norris . . Agnes Kemble vidual, ...... H LA-IO\LhU-l-Fl-Fh-FHUJLAJLD NHH O\O\OU\U\CIDNtnHOCIDU1 8 Summa £4 Ios probatur

\ I ‘Oneratur’ has been set in the margin against this name. 99. usr OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [26] CRICKLAD £85 £ d Thomas Wey (L) . 5 4 Jenever Teynter (L) 3 Thomas Emottes (L) John Betterton (L) Richard Heynes (L) John Kemble . 050505-P’ William Howse . Thomas Messenger William Symons . William Woodard . 8 John Cleredew . Thomas Manby . Raufie Wrighte . 8 Thomas Jacob Wflliam Peer Nicholas Haynes . William Alcot . John Cawstinl OD-F0909 Richard Hodson . Hughe Trender . 4 William Burge . 4 Roberlrwaterhouse Jenever Slatter . Thomas Kemble . John Prater Henry Kemble Richard Patsall . Thomas Denys |-||-|HH Edward Frye U!ODS-P-P-LHLMLMQHQHLH-FKH-F-FC1-P-LMUJ-P-UJUJO'\U1 WU-IO'\ODO'\O'\OODODU1O'\U1U'lO'\U'lU10;O'\O'\O\U1U1U'lOOUIOIONODUJ 050505-Ii-ll Summa £10 7s 8d! probatur


John Hawkins . U-I George Feres 4 Morice Andros 4 John Chapperlen . 4 Anthony Hill - John Archard William Riche . Thomas Tailour . Thomas Litton . Water Robertes . John Kinge . . . Richard Stofeild . U1|-|H 090505-509$-F Richard Sininges . Morice Chapperlin . Thomas Tellen . Roberte Clifford . 8 Nicholas Browne . *'\w-:~o»o;u»o»-:-:-r-or-n-r~Gnu-lU1§nUlO Wflliain Browne (L) 4 Richard Wfllis (L) . NU1U1O'\U1LnU1U10909090|-|O\O'\@O'\O'\LnLnin 8 I The words 'ca.ncellatur quia oneratur in villa de Chelworth’ have been set in the margin against this name.


ASHTON KEYN'ES—0cmt. £ s d £ s d Jeflrey Yles (L) . . . . 2o 2 8 22 36 8 Roberte Draper ...... 12 20 Summa £11 19s probatur Summa hundredi predicti £133 5s 4d probatur

SELKLEY ALBORNE sd £s d Steven Barley ...... Thomas Smyth alias Wheler 4 John Bacon ...... H 8 John Spaynswick . . . . 8 John Mot . . . Joane Knackstone . . 4 Robert Morley . . Christofer Burrell ." . . Mary Goddard vidua . 4 Richard Collins . . Thomas Flower . . . Thomas Shepherd senior . . 8 John Stevens senior . Robert Story . . NHH 8 Richard Hatt . 4 John Templer O\O\@U1QLIILIIUIUILnQ!-IUION-I1U1 James Yate . . 5 Thomas Goddard . . 36 8 Edward Waldron . . . 25 JohnPeers..- ...... giwmszw-hwumuuowl-neat“coo:-l=~w<'.I'-"5 5 John Brighte ...... 4 6 8 Summa £16 13s 4d probatur

ROCKLEY 5 sd £ S d William Lideard senior . . 12 20 John Yate . . . . . 8 13 4 John Smyth . . 7 I I 8 Roberte Browne (L) 3 6% Alice Lideard ...... 5 s 4 William Lideard junior ...... 12 20 Richard Franklin ...... 14 as 4 Summa £5 21}d probatur

[27] MILDNHALL 5 sd £ In d Thomas Peers (L) . . 4 William Joanes . H Alice Lyrninge . 8 William Hall 8 John Bowshire . John Symons . John Vaughan . William Anker . . . . Thomas Cook (L) . . UJUJUJUIUJ-Ii-IiO\ 8-"U1\-Iii-IIUIO‘\O‘\OU'l [sic]


MILDNI-IALL—c0-nt. s d £ 's Thomas Franklin . . rr William Joanes . 8 Steven Peers . O'\U\\1U\ IO ' Summa £4 3s 8d probatur OGBORNE ST.'-GEORGE £84 £ John Brind (L) . . Gregorye Pithouse . . Raufie Titcom . Thomas Reason . . John Potter junior Edmond Raymon . . John Pope (L) . . John Eyres . .

Thomas Dixon . HH William Newporte . . John More (L) _ . .

John Potter semor H Thomas Lideard (L) Nicholas Webb . . H John Porte . . . . William Potter . . George Dixon . . John Eyres junior x . Thomas Cope . . Anthonye Smyth . . William Yonge . . William Goddard . . N-ll LA-I Vincent Croke . . uoowwmmwwmwmw+mommmam OM»O\U'lUIU'lLnU'lUlLA-Inun.»o0O\uaunnooooeunO'\m.p9, Summa £12 rgs probatur OGBORNE ST. ANDROS £ s d £ Nicholas Wren (L) . . John Tarrant (L) . . John Web . . . John Lideard . . Pawll Hall . . . . I LA-IUI@570-Ffin Nicholas Shepery (L) UIQLAJQH I3 Summa 46$ 8d probatur

OGBORNE MEYSEY £ sd £ S William Goddard ., . . IO r6 John Hurles . 6 ro Thomas Bome 7 II Summa 38$ 4d probatur BRODE HENTON sd £ John Marchante . . Richard Hedges . . Richard Collins . John Adye . . . . Thomas Liddall . . H William Francklin . . onorwmua-ail“ U'lOU\U\U\O\¢n Summa 36s 8d probatur I02 LIST OF TAXPAYERS ‘FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

WINTERBORNE £ s 'd £ s 6 Thomas Browne junior , , . 30 50 Thomas Hutchins , . 20 33 William Baskerfeild 4 6 Roberte Webb I0 16 Thomas Browne senior 7 11 Thomas Tailour 11 Elizabeth Frye 6 WWWWW-P Summa £6 16s 8d probatur

MOWNTON s d £ S d Thomas Etwell I0 Katheiin Stile I0 John Stile . . 6 John Hardinge 6 Symon Sloper 23 H 16 W-PWW Thomas Sloper o~o-i§'-r-:-o~o~"*- I0 Summa £4 3s 4d probatur

ABERY s d £ S d John Shwter 6 8 Edith Chesterman I0 Thomas Baldin 8 4 Nicholas Browne 8 4 James Pope 4 Richard Mortimer Margery Andros Thomas Andros Walter Gibbes Anthony Toms John Ronien I-II-II-I

Roberte Holoway O Edmund Packer WWWWW-P Hughe Brooke Thomas Pope John Spencer ow.»on-|=-|=-h-huaw-P-Peeu1u1o-hl*- O\O\O'\OU1U-IO'\U1U1O'\O'\U-I 8 Summa £6 5s probatur

BAKENTON sd £s d Custance Spencer 6 8 John Pope . . I0 William Grlflin 8 4 John Shwter I0 33 4 John Truslow -r~ou1o-h*“- 6 8 Summa £9 rrs 8d probatur [23] EST AND WEST KINNET £34 £ S d Richard Franklin 28 46 8 Thomas Smyth 15 25 Richard Hardinge (L) 5 4 Thomas Weston (L) 3 8 George Mortimer I2 20 Joane Smyth vidua . . 9 I5 I03 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

EST AND WEST KINN'ET—com!. £ s d £ s d John Stronge ...... 4 6 8 GeorgeCrook ...... 3 5 Summa £6 11s 8d probatur OVERTON £ s d £ d Katherin Smith 5 4 William Smyth ~ 3 John Mortymer

Robert Kinsman fH ON-HUIWO1 8 Edmond W'il.mot ...... IO John Dismore IO Richard Kingsmell armiger ‘by oflice’ . . ‘8c~o~8e» H N Summa £14 15s probatur PRESHET s d £ d Thomas Yonge ...... 4 Edward Joanes ...... 4 Thomas Chapman alias Hiscox . . . . William Lewes ...... Elizabeth Chapman alias Hisoox vidua . . John Evans ...... William Daniell armiger (L) . . . reO0-rumO\UlLnt"\ Roberte Chapman alias Hiscox (L) 4o

John Chapman alias Hiscox ...... 20 L0U!H Richard Wear alias Browne ...... 4o 3 O'\LDUILDU!UILlIO@@0-J W-Ii-Ii-lb Summa £10 4d probatur

Summa hundredi predicti £103 18}d probatur

KINGSBRIDGE, BLAGROVE ET THORNHILL WANBOROUGH ,5 S a ,5 d John Edwardes ...... 6 John Langley clerke (L) . . 40 4 William Ha.nis (L) . 40 4 Thomas Eyres (L) . . 20 8 John Lovedaie . Thomas Smyth . . Thomas Edwardes . . Joane Coxe . . . Miles Coventrie . . Thomas Brinde (L) H 8 Anthony Biinde ...... I-INH 4 JohnRead...... WOLDLDUJLDU-P-lb OILDOinOIUIUIUIUIUINUIUI 8 Summa £4 15s probatur LUDINGTON £ sd £ s William Edwardes (L) . 40 5 Robert Morce . . 8 I3 Thomas Fisher (L) 40 5 . . 5 a Ra-ll-Ii-F-lb Thomas Smarte . 3 5 Anthony Bristow ...... 12 20 Richard Webb ...... 8 I3 4 Summa £3 Ios 8d probatur I04 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 UFFCOT -£ S d £ d George Sadler (L) . . 4 Christofer Baker . 4 8 -John Tuck . . 3 Edward Spicer I2 Richard Clitter ...... 5 4 William Sadler ...... 6 noH 0mOLnO\LnIn Summa 555 4d probatur

CHESELDEN, HODSON AND BADBURY £ s d £ Thomas Stevens armiger (L) . . . . 35 -Ii Nicholas Stevens gentleman (L) . . 5 Robert Ta.iler (L) . . . . . Alice Hoskins (L) . . . . John Wex (L) . Thomas Morce I0 LgHH Richard Morce . Q.»WWW-Ii-ll-Ii-ll. William Combe . Thomas Northe . _Robert Gibbes Robert Webb . . Walter Hwes . . 4 Thomas Stevens junior . . . . 4 Roberte Combe O-F~LnLnLnu-DLQLQLR O)-WWU'lU'lU'lU'lInWU-‘II0I08NLA-‘ILA-‘I Summa_£9 19s 8d probatur

ELCOMBE s"-d £ s d Thomas Hancock . . 5 . 5 Hughe Manington . . IO Richard Spencer . . 13 4 John Sadler H 23 4 John Wedborne Ln-Inooo-I-no-11"“ 5 Summa £3 20d probatur [29] swmnon ,5 s d £ d Anthony Stechell . . 5 4 John Stechell . . 3 John Heath (L) . . 8 William Restrop (L) 8 Thomas Heath . . 4 William Weste . John Farmer Roger Ewen . Richard Stevens . . Anthonye Farmer . . 8 Henry Cusse . HHHH 4 John Smyth ......

Henry Farmer ...... LAJLAJW-IiO\LDL|JO\W LnLnu.\O\OLnLnouannLnoom Summa £4 12s probatur

BURGUS DE WOTTON £ £ S d Thomas Jacob . . . . 3 5 William Gorway . . . . 8 13 4 105


BURGUS DE WOTTON—ca-M. M VI IL d William Saye . . IR Nicholas Bushell . . Thomas Arman . . 4 Richard Bathe . . UJLHUJUJ John Prater (L) . . 4 Roberte Skeat 3 John Hedland 3 Robert Trinder 3 u1u1u1u1u1mun.»9, Summa £35 2s probatur

MANERIUM DE WOTTON s d £ Richard Heskins . . Davie Brindson . . Thomas Felps Robert Reve William Sadler Nicholas Web OJ-lb-lb-llWWFL Davie Wheler John Bysse . . 8 John Parsons John Masclin 8 John Skeat John Robins Alice Web . . . . 8 Katherin Wheler . . Richard Rowswell . 4 JohnLane .. .. 4 Thomas Parker Ono:-huaua-bu:-|~ua~1u\eeu1-h-nil"ow: I-II-I|-||-|OWU-IU1O’\U'IO’\U'lU'IO\LnHO:|L\JO:O\O\m Summa £6 rrs Bd probatur rocrmam WEKE £ sd £ s d Isack Walter (L) .. 5 4 Mawd Jacob vidua 6 10 Thomas Smyth . . 4 6 8 Summa 22s probatur

LYNEHAM AND CLACK AND PRESTON sd £ S Oliver Pledoll gentleman ...... 23 John Archard . . HH 21 William Newnton . . 13 Henry Archard . . s Thomas Reve . . I3 John Browne . . s Edmund Tarrante Hem-y Burchewell Thomas Reve . . W-h-h-P-h-PRW-P-Fh John Pedington . . William Browne . . 8 Richard Parker . . 8 Hemy Woodrofi . . Thomas Burchewell Henry Hore_ . . Thomas Tugwell . . Thomas Arnold . . U"wuaua-hm-I-s~uu1-I~mmcomWt»-h O\U‘lUIUIUIO\O’\U‘lW056 I06 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

LYNEHAM AND CLACK AND PRESTON-cont. s d £ s d Richard Danvers . . ' ...... 3 4 John Girdeler ...... I0 Thomas Lanier ...... 5 John Burchell ...... O\U'Il'*\-hm 6 3‘ Summa £9 11s 8d probatur HELMERTON 8 J 16 8 <1 Robert Colman 3° Thomas Kinge 3 4 Thomas Rawlins . . 3 4 John Arnold 5 William Bonde H 20 Agnes White 5 Robert Jefirye I5 John Bailie . . I0 John Tugwell . . 3 4 Roberte Goodman . . Isabell Pontinge vidua . onouamu-ILnnuauuuieel-"'* William Essingtone Robert Barrowe . . 8 William Horte ...... William Stowte ...... -PW-PW O"-IIO\U'lU'lU'l 8 Summa £7 3s 4d probatur

CLEVE PEPER £ s d £ s d Edmund Peek (L) . . 8 13 4 John Hooper (L) . . 2o 2 8 Thomas Lewen . . IO William Granger . . 8 4 Richard Hayward . . John Graunger . . John Peers . . William Colman . . William Garlike . . Henry Spaynsweke William Holoway . . Roger Goddard . . Anthony Goddard GeorgeLane ...... JohnReve...... "~I-Fl-F\LnUJO\UI-Fl-FMUIU-lUIO\ H HO\O\WLflOWO\O\WLn WWW-P-FHWW-F Summa £5 17s 8d probatur [30]

BINKNALL Q4 FR John Richemond . . Alice Franklin William Tucke . .

Richard Franklin . . HH Thomas Franklin -:~ee-:-:-nil“ Thomas Parris (L) ...... -:-005 -l~ee-neeeeoos. Jilian Elborow ...... 3 Ll'lUIo\U-lHQ\Q\q Summa 55.9 4d probatur

I 'Bona’ has been inserted before this assessment, and the sum altered from 6s to 6s 8d I07 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

LIDEARD TREGOSE £ sd £s Nicholas St. Johns (L) . 30 Gabriell Pl edall 2o 33 Zacry Pledall 2o 33 Agnes Lyminge 4 6 Agnes Bathe John B a-the . . Thomas Ey res Richard Parsons Richard Hayward Adrian Frye Edmund Pannell Ambros Saunders Nicholas Prater Katheryn Churche John Welles John Masclin John Browne NNOUI-Inwuawwwwulwuiui W-llWWOUIUIUIUIUIUIWUIUIUI Summa £14 8s 4d probatur

Summa hundredi predicti £79 6s 8d probatur

Summa colleccionis hundredorum et burgi ultimo precedencium pro parte Phillippi Cutie collectoris £380 14s 6d probatur Summa totalis £639 Ios 6§d

Signed: John Danvars, Thomas Wroughton 30¢] Per manum John Calley gentleman xiii“ die Julii anno xviii° regine Ehza bethe cum duabus recognicionibus

108 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [311 WILTESHIRE 0] [4Extractes indented made the tenthe daye ofJune in the eightenth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of Englande France and Irelande, defender of the faithe etc. Betwene the righte honerable Henrie earle of Pembroke, Edmonde by the sufferaunce of God bisshoppe of Sarum [sic], Sir George Penruddock knighte and Gyles Estcourte esquier, fower of her majesties commis- sioners amongeste dyvers other within the countye of Wilteshire appoynted for the taxinge seasinge and levyenge of the firste paymente of the subsidye graunted to her majestie in her parlyament holden at Westminster the eighte day of Februarye laste paste before the date hereof within the hundredes of Ambrosburie, Downton, Frustfilde, Chalke, Cawdon and Cadworthe, Underdyche, Elstubbe and Everleighe, Brenche and Dolle, Alderburye, and the boroughes of Wilton, Lurgateshall, and Downton of the one partie and Henrie Bodenham gentleman petye collector appoynted within the saide hundredes and boroughes of the other partie witnesseth that the saide comissioners have assigned and appoynted the saide Henrie Bodenham pettie collector of the saide paymente of the saide subsidye within the saide hundredes and boroughes to collecte gether and levye all and everie the saide some and somes of money uppon everie parson and persons rated and chardged in his saide extracte and the some so levied to paye unto Henrye Bodenham esquier highe collector of the saide hundredes and boroughes at suche tyme and place as the saide highe collector shall appointe within the saide hundredes and boroughes reteyninge two pence for everie pounde for the fees of the saide pettie collector accordinge to the saide acte or graunte of subsidye. In witnes wherof wee the saide comissioners to these extractes have sett our handes and seales. Yeaven the daye and yeare firste above written. Signed: Edm. Sar’, H. Pembroke, George Penruddocke, Gyles Estcourte Liberatur per manum Egidii Escourte unius commissionariorum infrascriptorum xvm° die Julii anno xviii° regine Elizabethe cum obligacione.

[31] HUNDREDUM DE BRENCH ET DOLL SOWTH NEWTON £ s d £ d John Bakon . . . .

William Nicholles . . UJUJ Roberte Yonge . . William Blake John Swete . . . . John Mackerell . . Thomas Carpenter . . Edithe Staple . . William Swete . . . . *+ Roberte Bustye wmwwwmww Mmmmmmmmmmu 109 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

SOWTH NEVVTON—cont. s d £ s d John Deare . . . . . 5 Christofer Eyer . . 16 8 Alexander Pressey . . IO William Boldye . . IO William Blake . 5 John Blake . . . . uuL»O\»O\3ouu\ 8 4 Summa £5 11s 8d

VVYNTERBORNE STOOKE sd £ s John Saw-fie . . . . 16 John Downton senior . . I3 Roberte Collier . . John Downton junior . Thomas Moggeridge WK-F-F-In-lb John Scutt . . . . Walter Burde . . UIUIWWW Nicholas Snowe . . HI-I 43 Richarde Mackarell Ia Anthony Keyleway 13 John Lawes WWWO’\UJLA-DUIUIUImo!“ Ia -F-F-F-lb Summa £7 8s 4d

SHREWTON sd £ S John Baslye 18 John Barlie . . 21 Charles Vvheler 8 -FW-Pfi- John Smythe 1o Roberte Sutton . . 5 Thomas Bolter . . 5 John Gilberte (L) . . . 13 4 Agnes Hooper widowe . 16 8 Roberte Wansboroughe . . HH nouuwmuafivs 20 Richarde Monndaye . . 5 IO William Goldesboroughe . . 15 =5 Summa £7 13s 4d

WISHFORD MAGNA sd £ s d Thomas Yonge . . 5 William Catcotte . . 5 John Love . . . . 3 4 Nicholas Kinge . . . . 5 Elinor Hilman . . . . 5 Walter Bonham gentleman (L) . . H 32 Walter Kyngman . . . . II 8 Henrie Hetherthorne . . 13 4 Nicholas Kingman . . . . 5*won-1WWWnone: 5 Summa £4 15s 4d

WYLIE sd £ S d Johane Potticarie . . IO Roberte Locke . . . . IO Thomas Hilman . . . . O'\O’\l1~\-F 6 8 1 The digits of this sum are repeated immediately underneath the first entry, in Arabic numerals .


\V'YLIE—-ccmt. .sd £ d Brent Rawlings 8 Roberte Belliee Jane Potticaiie 2 John Harris Thomas Corchett Gye Stlfie . . Richarde 8 John Peerson m+©wwmu+m I-II-IOO\U\U1t..nLnt..nQxm Summa£4 5.5

BARWIKE srs. JAMES sd £ d Richarde Frances 4 Edwarde Milles Richarde Landesdale . Elizabethe Feltham Katherin Lambe 8 John Adames

William Hewlett H John Hewlett _ |-1|»;|-| 4 William Cowselade umnu+uuum“ OUIUIUJInO\U'lU'lUlU-l Summa £3 18s 4d

TYLSEDE s d £ d John Cromme |-1 8 Richarde Wise John Marchaunte 8 John Myntie Thomas Pettite John Elliott U\UlU'lO\U'l|-1In John Tailer . . IO Thomas Wise IO Edwarde Wise (L) IO 8 James Nashe 5"on-r~o\o\uau.>w-r-u-\-: I3 4 Summa £4 2s 4:1 [314] MADDINGTON sd_ £ William Miles William Bichfilde John Monday WW-F85¢ Nicholas Humfrie John Broxfilde WU'lO\O\W=n Mawde Tucker 16 Thomas Harris 11 Thomas Worte II WWW-F William Symons 1o Thomas Hopper I-IH -Io\~iv~:ou=u.\-r-r-u1l="~ 18 4 Summa £5 3s 4d

STAPLEFORDE sd £ d Alice Kinge . . John Richardes 4 William Burges John Bigges senior muuuW I-I OUIWLIIIn


STAPLEFORDE-—cont. 5 sd £ d George Collyns . . John Salte . . John Pavye John Atkyns . H OUIUILHIn Thomas Baker . 11 8 11 8 John Bigges ]l.ll1101' . . H O\1\1owwwwtu 16 8 Summa £4 13s 4d

SHERINGTON £ sd £ d Walter Sidman . . 3 Thomas Tenpell . . . . 3 John Wilton ‘in anuytie’ . . 4 Agnes Mickson . . 4 John Burbage . . Tristram Crowche . . 8 Roberte Etheridge . . -B-hO\Ul @058WLHUIUIIn 8 Summa 47s

HANGINGE LANGFORDE ET LITLE LANGFORDE s d £ John Randa.ll . . John Merrett . . William Rowdon . . WW-BE John Lamporte . . Richarde Kendoll . . Thomas Rowdon junior . . 8 John James alias Mason . . William Webbe . . Richarde Larcome . . 8 Elizabethe Stantour HB“ gO\LnLnO\LnLhO\O\Wh Johane Frances . . William Waterman William Hay-tour . . Roberte Rowdon . . 4 Edwarde Randoll . . . . O\W\OWWN-BWW-BLOW-B-BLH I-IHI-I QUJUILHLH Summa £5 13s 4d

ELSTON £ sd £ S J William Whatley‘ . . . . 6 IO Henrie Maye gentleman ...... 25 41 8 Summa 51s 8d

NORTH BURCOME £ sd £ s William Hebarde . . 7 11 John Haytor . . s I3 John Whiteharte (L) 2 W¢~W§_\ Roger Tarrant . . . . 5 John Cuddymore senior . . 1o William Dyer of Dichampton 5 John Cuddymore junior . . U-‘lb-'IO\U-‘I _5

1 The words ‘exoneratur per billam residencie' have been set in the margin against this name.


NORTH BURCOME—cont. s d. “Hs J _ Henrie Saunders . . .3 '4 Thomas Hawarde . . I_I 8 Christofer Mackes . . U-‘l"'~IU'lU\ 5

‘- Summa £3 17s 8d

' \ LIT1'_'.,E WISHFORD £ S dr £.;~.. 5 d William Waglande . . 6 I0 William Davies . . 12 20 \ Summa 3os S J. ET QUIDHAMTON d Edithe Gouche . . "4 -Thomas Williams . . Scamell . . ounce?» 8 Henrie Strugnell . . John Warde John Chetwell Henrie Warde _ 4 William Feltam " .- . H-H ION"I-IOU-iknkno Alexander Cater . . 5 Edwarde Strugnell ow.»n_-emu.»o-solo-1*“ 1o

Summa £4 18s 4d -1

ORCHESTON MARYE sd £ d "Richarde Cooker . . "s Thomas Pike . . Thomas Hardinge . . John Hardinge . . John Huett_ . . "S-l>uauau.>-In oiuuuzuno\In B Summa 28s 4d

FISHERTON ANGER sd £ Mistris Powell . . ‘John Marshall . . -Thomas Hoskyns . . John Bastarde

John Randall H Giles Austen . . -Thomas Crowche . . mu:oc.:u1u:u|i"* HNI.WWWHWWWM WW‘-Fh-F-Ii-Ii-ItQ4 Summa £4 [32] srrrrr LANGFORDE £ sdl £ d William Cattcote . . 8 William Northe . . Edwarde Hqskyns . . Thomas Foote . . Nicholas Mussell . . H Roberte Hemynge . . 1-In John Maye . , . . O'\U'lU-‘lU-‘IU-‘I-FU1 oo0u1u1unu1O\°= 4 Summa £3 5s_ 113 BB LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

WILTON BURGUS sd £s d William Graye . . 16 8 John Twiforde . 2o Walter Sharpe . . 1o William Hancoote . . 5 Richarde White . 5 Walter Grey

John Hayes . John Mathewe . William Goore . . John Nosbye . . Thomas Potticaiie . . William Kerlye . . 4 Stephen Webbe . . Richarde Rodeman 8 Thomas Hayes (L) ...... I-ll-ll-IQJLQOO\OL\JOU\U\UI!.n!.n!.n 8 William Parsons ...... W-Fo\noi"*~ochooeuwuiwuiuowui 5 Summa £9 12s 4d

Summa totalis hujus hundredi £86 14s 8d probatur

[33] HUNDREDUM DE FRUSTFILDE COWSFILDE sj d £ d John Gauntlett (L) John Robertes . . John Strugnell . 4 Henrie Gauntlett . . 4 William Morris . . John Hurste junior Markes Hurste . . 4 Edmonde Rose . Elliot Thayne . . . . 4 John Hussey . . . . . 8 Thomas Locke ...... WWUIWO\WUIWinWU\U\ 4 Thomas Gauntlet gentleman (L) ...... H&U'lU'l-FUIUJUILOUJUIUIUJUJ 40 Summa £5 16s 4d

ALDERSTON sd £s d Nicholas Bakon . 33 4 William Smythe ...... 8 4 John Hurste ...... William Whiteyeare . . . . . Edwarde Saintebarbe gentleman (L) . Vyncent Hore ...... William Stookes ...... Frances Bulkeley gentleman (L) . . N-F 8 Thomas Roose ...... John Beswikei ...... 8

Elizabethe Purdewe (L) ...... U-‘I-PU-lOQQUJWU-IU-lino WO\U\O\UIU\WUIUI Summa £7 16s 1 'A.flidavit’ has been set in the margin against this name. 114 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF- I576

WHELPELEY sd £3 d Roberte Selon 5 Roberte Morris 1o Johane Pretye widowe . 8 4 Henrie Hussey 8 4 Thomas Michell 5 Richarde Sampson 11 Nicholas Sampson 6 Markes Morris 11 Henrie Pococke 6 John Sampson rr John Hurste I-I 16 Richarde Cabell hooo0-1-P--1-P-~:u.>c.nc.now» 13 WWWWWW-Pb Summa £5 15s

ABETTSTON sd £ d Roger Elkyns 8 John Lufnarn Richarde Pursse Thomas Lande 1"“-Ju.>u.>-|=~ III 0-|L.nL.nO\to 8 Summa 28$ 4d

LANFORDE sd ,£ Thomas Bower Richarde Marshman Henrie Hussey John Marshman R-ll-ll-P-ll John Pressey John Hussey Margerie Whitehere . . John Stantor gentleman . . . . I-I 8 Richarde Emerye ...... 5*-zoo-vmmuwuwurur |-In-I oooooooo|-|O\U|LnU|M 8 Summa £3 16$ Bd Summa totalis hujus hundredi £24 12s 4d probatur


WIKE s d _-£ 3 d Edmonde Mathewe gentleman . . . . 30 Richarde Overye I3 4 Roberte Overy 8 Morrice Dyer 4 Henry Gauntlett John Mussellwhite . . 8 Thomas Randall Wflliam ChamPY11 U-‘EH-P-U-1Ln-P-€ID'aDl"\ Alexander Walton 8

Morrice Fursbye I-I IO William Fursbye 0 U1N-P- @OO\U1UlO"\UI@O\ 4 Summa _-£5 15s II5 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BISHOPPISTON s d £ S . Thomas Newman 13 John Gyatt I3 Roberte Tawbott 6 Giles Kinge 6 mm-I-'-I-'~9",, William Whitemershe 5 Thomas Harforde 5 Thomas Smithe 16 8 Hughe Kinge Sum-In-hon-:1“-~1 11 8 Summa £4 8s 4d

FAULSTON £ sd £ S d John Aynell I5 25 John Kmge 7 I I 8 Michaell Servington gentleman (L) 2 8 Anthonie White I2 20 Edwarde Haywarde . . 20 33 4 Sumina £4 Izs Bd

335] FLAMSON £ sd £ s John Atwaters IO 16 John Frenche‘ Nicholas Newman II 05-8-1059- Walter Nitingall 5 Thomas Atwaters 5

John Newman Q’) . 5

O Thomas Randall I\-1 H 3o

Thomas Clarke OI II OI @LAJLAJLAJ‘"-1‘\'l 11 8 Summa £4 5s 4d

EST ENDE s d £ d Tristram Mathew gentleman ‘in landes and fees’ Thomas Drables gentleman 4 Richard Luke Walter Phillippes William Master William Hussey 4 Richarde Lighte 8 Edwarde Monndaye He Rolf senior Agnes Sawnder W1dOWB 4 William Jackeman William Pickernell William Sawnder 8 Margerie Hussee widow . . 8 Henrie Rolf senior= Roberte Sansome Richarde Truslowe Roberte Studley 4 Symon Gauntlett oourmuaw-h-Ino\ua-huiuatuuaun03"‘oluaur "1I-II-II-IU0@U‘lU‘lU‘lO'\O'\OU'lO‘\@U‘lU‘lU‘l@O‘\0|@OUl 4 S_n_mma_ £7 2s_ 8d

I ‘Alien’ has been set in the margin against this name. 2 Presumably a namesake of the man listed six lines above. II6 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

DOWNTON BURGUS sd £ d Thomas Musselwhite Anthonie Martyn . . William Overy . . 1"“uamua U\U\U\0: Summa 15s

CHURCH TITHINGE £ sd £ s d Elizabethe Grene widowe (L) . 2o 53 4 John Stockeman gentleman 5o John Nutbeame . . . . 1o Roberte Newman . . 8 4 Thomas Wilkyns . . John Lecyter . John Hambye John Cannons Henry Humby . . John Studley . . . . 4 John Gawen gentleman . . 8 Roberte Snelgar . . . . Ln|-1|.)OU\LnUJUJUJUJLnLnO\O H-llUH-ICDU\U\U\U\U\ 8 Summa £10 13s 4d

CHARELTON £ sd £ 5 Roberte Carpenter . . IO 16 Richarde Cope . . IO 16 William Barnes . . 7 11 Roger Estman senior 7 11 Si.oooooooo William Newman . -. 5 Roger Skete . . 6 8 Richarde Noyse . Nicholas Newman . . Morris Bremmer . .

John Newman . . 0 0 0 8

Roger Estman junior . . I I 0 0 . " 0 0 |-1 O‘-lUJUJUJ-F~U-1 |-1|-1 O\l-IIUIUIUI 8 Summa £5 rrs 8d

BOTENHAM ET NUNTON sd £ d Henrie Staple . . . . Katherin Luke . 8 John Luke . . William Gifiorde . . Alice Estman . . Thomas Carpenter . . Mawde Figge . . John Chubbe junior John Bampton . . William Whitemershe . . 1"“on-:-:~u=o=u.1m-:~ua-r~ O\O\CDOUU\U\ON:9!O\U\ CDCD-Fl-PCD-Fl Summa £3 Irs 8d

Summa totalis hujus hundredi £47 15s 8d probatur I17 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576 [34] HUNDRED DE CAWDON ET CADWORTHE COME BISSET sd £ s d William Barber . . I3 4 Annis Whitemershe I0 John Cornellys . . 6 3 William Collyns . . 6 8 Hughe Whitemershe 6 8 Thomas Collyns . . 5 William Willowghby 5 Edmunde Barber . . I'll o~on*'\CU-FLA-I-lb-lb-Fl 16 3 John Mathew . . I0 16 8 John Lupell . I0 16 3 Thomas Barber . . . 6 I0 Summa £5 I35 4d

BARFORDE STE. MARTYN sd £ S ]ohn Walker . . . . . 11 Roger Mawdeley gentleman (L) . . 21 John Morris . . . . 6 Dennys Collyns . . 8 -PW-FHWQ-| Christofer Tanner . . 5 John Pavie . . . II 8 Roberte Raynoldes 5 John Chalke . . I3 4 Stephen Hibberte . . 8 4 Thomas Tanner . . 23 4 Osmunde Tanner . . 5 Walter Tanner . 5 8 John Crede NI-IMO-BU-l-BU!@\1@U-l\'lLDLII-F as 4 John Weaver . I5 =5 John Carpenter . 20 as 4 Summa £10 I85

BIRTEFORDE sd £ d John Sheperde thelder . . Nicholas Hayter . . Alice Sheperde wydowe . . Jerman Pore . . Richard Hayter . . 4 John Wynter . John Smythe . . 4 Thomas Wrastley . . . . Edward Wattes . . . . I-ll-I Edmunde Michell . . . . 8 Thomas Smythe the yonger ur-:~\o~ou|u»uu.»u:u:u»t‘" @LnUIUILnQOSUIUIQUIIn 4 Summa £4 6s 8d

EASTE HARNAM sd £ s d Margery Forde . . 15 Arthur Forde (L) . . 18 8 Roberte Gaunte . . I3 4 Richard Gilloe . 5 Edwarde Pore . . 5 William Hancocke . . on-1\o‘7‘*Lawn» 5 I18 _ LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

EASTE HARNA.M—-cont. £ s d £ s d Roberte Nuttinge 6 I0 William Gilloe 9 15 Summa £4 7s

WEST HAR.NAM sd £ s d John Robye 6 8 Nicholas Jefirye 5 John Soopp I0 Richard Carpenter gentleman 16 8 Thomas Longley 13 4 Rafie Mory I0 John 1°51‘? '5“ow:-|>moms 13 4 Summa £3 15s

FOVENTE sd £ d Thomas Martyn Edithe ChaPP°ll 4 -Thomas Stronge Margaret Barter 8 Richard Eastman Thomas Candell 8 Edward Parsons John Barter Jackman Nytingale Nicholas Candell Edgar Thringe John Williamson Thomas Barter William Candell |-||-| O\U'lI-lLnLnU'1LnUIOU'1MOUUI 8 Henry Jesper 1*"ow:-ism-inwunoO\‘-1U-ILDU-IUJUJ IO Edwarde Willowghbye gentleman IO 16 Edmunde Skryne IO 16 Davie Feltham IO 16 Roberte Lucas 4 6 @@@CD Summa £8 5s

ODSTOCKE sd £ d Roger Howell Guye Hemsworthe Thomas Maggott Roberte Modye Richard Carter Agnes Heyward William Chubbe I-I 8 John Chubbe 8 Rafie Eastman 8 John Ellyot WLAJ-Pb-F‘-1U-IUJUJLDUJLAJ U'lO\O\|-lU'lU'lU'lU'lU'lU'l0: Summa £3 STRATFORDE TONYE sd £

John Selwoode I-I Thomas Selwoode William Milles John Barter Q.-FUD-Ii-Ii John Whitemershe LAJU1-FU'I@vD LnO'JO\Cnu-i01 I19 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576'

STRATFORDE TONTYE-'-cont. sd. £ d Thomas Sewter . . . . John Parsons . . . . John Sewter 4 Pyers Clemente . . John Hill . I-I no Davie Nayler . . Lnnwuwwh“ OoOLn05oouiuu 4 Summa £4 I 3s 4d [3-4d] HUMMINGTON sdi £5 d Thomas Ste. Berbe (L) . 21 4 Walter Grey . . 6 8 Margaret Bostone . . William Braffield . . Lewys Smythe ' William Mathewe .. . 8 William Clarcke . . I-lb) 4 Henry Whitemershe 8 Peter Still . . . . . Roger Milles . . . . coco-inm3~<.»<.»<.».=-ooh" UIUIO"\L\JU\U'IU'IUI Summa £4 19s 8d

NETHRINGETON sd £ d Henry Thringe . . Roger Shropsheire . . Alice Ordall . . John Randall . . Richard Hybbard . . Henry Alexander . . 8 Thomas Randall . . H O05O\LnLnLnLnLn Thomas Light I3 4 John Sherlocke o~ov:o-M.-in.-5:.-in.-5:.-»*‘\ IO Summa £3 5s

BURCOMBE SOWTHE sdl£ d William Hibberd . . . 8 John Chalke thelder Elis Hibberd . . 4 Thomas Lamberte . . 4 Elize Antrarn . . . John Challce the yonger . . John Milles ...... Richard Hybberd the yonger Richard Hybberd thelder . . '6'u|-hunt.»-:u|u.>+*‘“ IOH ow»o-oo0~oou|:..omun 00-F-CIJ-P Summa £4 8s 4d

BAVERSTOCKE sd £s d Edward Purchis . . . . 5 Roger Cooles . . . . 5 John Willowghby gentleman II 8 Gyles Grene . . . . II 8 Thomas Grene . . . . 5 Walter Grey Ln<..o\1\1o.><..o*‘\ 8 4 Summa 46s 8d


SUTTON MANFIELDE s d £ Phillippe Humber Richard Biddelcome Thomas Porcher

Mistris Cicile Rede wydowe I-l |-1 Thomas Sanger Walter Sanger John Cowrtney John Brittayne

John Belinger Ow-emu“LAJLAJLAJLAJU1 O\O0O-IU\U'lU\U'lC0O"\U'l Summa £3 5s

WHITESBURYE s d £ Christian Parker James Warwycke

John Ellyot mwwu“ UIUIUItn Summa I 5s LANGEFORDE £ sd £ s Richard Gardiner . . . . 3 5 Summa 5s

BREMSHEAWE sd £ Thomas Dowce gentleman -P Henry Androwes I-I John Bannyster William Wygley Michael Ardell r.»<.»u1o\oP"* U1U1000O\cn Summa £4 I 5s

Summa totalis hujus hundredi £68 18s probatur

HUNDRED DE ELSTUBBE ET EVERLEIGHE ENDFORDE £ s d £ s Edward Fawler I5 25 Thomas Maton of Chesinbery IO I6 Thomas Maton of Endiord (L) IO 26 Edmund Griffen 3 Richard Rolfe John Ranger Thomas Carter Thomas Adams John Horman Thomas Dowce of Fifield William Bawden Richard Adams . . John Dicke . . John Rolfe . . Roberte Wythers Thomas Barley III_5-1 John Lavington COCOUIUICOCDUIUJUIUI""QCLJ1r-lU'lU'l Thomas Tarrante of Endiorde U\LAJ'\1U-lU-l'\1LnLDLAJU\UlU-JLRUILAJ


ENDFORDE—c0nt. s d £ d Edmunde Morrante of Endford 4 Ralfe Dyke ...... Richard Hunte . . . . 4 Johane Downe wydowe . . Alice Dyer wydowe John Miles ...... Thomas Hardinge . . . . William Rollfe of Compton Margery Dyfiord wydowe uiui-l=-l=~u1o.:u1o.:u1I*\ 0005OOO0U\O'\CDU100U1 CD00-l’-“~-l'-“-l'-“~ Thomas Dowce of Endford (L) 3 8 Simon Hunte . . . . 18 30 Roberte Williams . . . . I6 26 8 Thomas Rolfe . . 15 25 Leonard Maton 12 20 John Cooke . . 3 5 Summa £18 Is 4d [35] BUSHTON s d £ S (Z Henry Quintyn gentleman‘ (L) 21 4 Thomas Hayward . . . . IO John Heyward . . . . 5 William Heyward . . 5 Thomas Lanfilde . . 5 John Hardinge 6 8 John Olyver (L) . . 18 8 Thomas Stephens“ . . l-l 25 John Cooles . . o\00“'\o.=u1-:-1:-ueoaua 5 Summa £5 zod

HAMME sd _£ Thomas Boyler gentleman Thomas Cannon . . . . Thomas Martyn . . . . 00-l’-“-P31. William Martyn . . Katherine Lewdon mm-numb“ Richard Clarcke (L) 8 John Hunt . . . . 4o 8 John Polhampton (L) 5 I-l L»JO\l~JU1U10\O000

WESTEWOODE £ sd £ Edward Horton gentleman 50 John Doggett (L) . . . . Johane Player wydowe . . John Harris . . . .

John Bayly ...... 0

William Horton gentleman (L) 00 O0 0 N O-PUIUI U1 L»JO\O0O0NL»Jin as-1:-oo-is-1:-oo-an Summa £8 2s 8d

I ‘Oneratur' has been set in the margin against this name. 2 The words ‘exoneratur per billam residencie' have been set in the margin against this name.


LITTELL HI NTON £ s d £ s d Roberte Wallron 18 30 John Loveday 10 16 8 William Palmer 16 26 8 Roberte Bery 5 Thomas Loveday I0 Thomas Heathe senior . I3 4 Thomas Heath junior . William Perkyns Roberte Heathe thelder . 8 Roberte Robyns Marryan Jacobbe 8 Roberte Bray U1-BL»-I-FLA-IU-IGJO\U-I O\U1U1GJO\U1 4 Summa £6 18s 4d

EASTE OVERTON s d £ s d Roberte Popejoye 16 8 John Benger 15 Nicholas Smythe II William Godwyn 6 Richard Smythe 8

Thomas Streche O0 no 0 6

Thomas Stevens an 00 O0 6-aui-a\1-@885“ 16 GIG)-P~GJGJ Summa £4 20d

FI FFIELDE sd £ S d William Stretche II 8 John Dy-mare IO Elizabeth Streche IO Edward Passion (L) 32 Mathewe Stodly l-ll-I o~o\o\-:“* 16 8 Summa £4 4d

WROUGHTON sd £ S d John Streate 26 8 Thomas Francklyn II 8 William Lewe I0 William Lord senior I0 8 George Howes William Bayly Richard Lorde Thomas Buckland -P-P-P-P-P~ William Lorde junior Roberte Odye John Pickett Christofer Spenser 8 N Christofer Ducke OO OI O TU-.H G\U1U1U1GJOGJGJGJGJ William Smythe Q0 no 00 CiO\O\*-JLnt~J.l>~z,i.>z,i.>z,i.>u\u1U1u1U1 4 Summa £7 1 os

EVERLEIGHE sd £s d Hughe Kinge II 8 William Chamberlaine . I0 Richard Moncke 6 8 William Webbe w-l=~o\-1t*“ 5 123 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

EVERLEIGHE—-cont. sd £ d William Cooke John Fry . . John Pyper . . Hughe Neate 8 Jesperde Prater 4 John Cowper Edward Gilberte 4 Richard Reynold 4 John Knighton (J1I-1l-i Hl-ll-1l-1 8

John Cheyny LnOCDOU\U'IOL\JUJL\JZ‘|\ U'IO'\UJUJo@O'\U'IU'IU'Iln Summa £10 20d


Roberte Heron I O O O II William Blackeiner 11 Thomas Brusden 8 Martyn Orne 6 C0-P333994 Roberte Fidler IO William Batt 4 Roberte Edington Jesper Blackiner John Webb . . 4 Elizabeth Webbe 4 Thomas Hasell . . John Blackiner John Ryves Thomas Child

Richard Dowce IQ Lpl-lUJCIJLHLFIU\UJU)O‘-CI3U1U'I CD-IiCD-F~ John Benson 5

Edmunde Blake O O I CM»Ch-P~u-\i\i':**nooo-bu-wwuunwwu IO Summa £8 13s 4d 35d] STOCKTON sd £ d Jeromme Potycary 8 William Maskell 8 Richard Gofie Ln-Ir-\Ih'\ John Perrye (L) 8 Elizabeth Toppe 4 8 William Hopkins 4 8 Nicholas Maton I5 IQI-l Elize Hoper 4 O\UIO\O\l~JUIO\l-1in 8 George Gyfiord 15 25 Summa £4 16s

ALTON ET STOWELL sd £ d William Button esquier (L) 8 Edward Rawlinge I-1 8 Gillyan Stevens wydowe Thomas Tucke John Redborowe Cutberte White William Spenser Edward Champen wwwwwwwg“ u-mu-uiuwuQxl-1¢,, I2 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

ALTON ET STOWELL-—c0'm!. sd £5 d Mathew Hede 5 Andrewe Mason I3 4 Walter Hollway oouaI"“~-|=~ 6 8 Summa £8 13s 4d NETHERHAVEN s d £ d William Dolman 8 Thomas Spratt Thomas Eyne John Hacheman Richard Wateridge 4 Richard Harper John Sutton Thomas Dyke 8 John Grate William Eyres Thomas Cox Agnes Goldinge (L) l-1I-1 8 Thomas Page 4 Thomas Jarvis Edwarde Rae lJ'lU'lU3OU'lU'lU'lCPU‘!OCXl‘U'lU'lU'lO\¢n John Groyne uauaoau1-lxuaoaua-l=~uao\u1oauaua-|=~t""“ 5 Thomas Bushell 25 41 John Barnard 16 26 Richard Goodale 7 11 Simon Ryve 1o 16 Mistris Bryningei (L) 16 42 Thomas Hearne ...... 5 8 Thomas Bayly ...... 4 6 U3-PUJOCUJUJOO Summa £12 155

PATNEY sd £ S William Gilberte I3 Agnes Miles wyddowe . II Agnes Drewett wyddowe . . 6 Mawde Earle wydowe 6 Brian Mannynge 6 R4EIJEIJEIDEIJ-P John Nashe I5 William Carter OO\.O-F-F-F~'-1oo1""“ I3 4 Summa £3 13s 4d FITTELTON sd £ s d Leonard Pyper I6 8 John Ranger 2o Roberte Roffe IO Roberte Dyer 1o William Baker 6 8 Christian Browman 8 4 John Browman IO Simon Rolfe 11 8 Edmunde Harte I5 21 Roberte Ryves l—|l-lt+_\4-1 QU1-PU-l\.O'\lO"-O"-IQO 8 Summa £6 IOS Summa totalis hujus hundredi £114 145 8d probatur I The words ‘exoneratur 265 8d, ultra 165 oneratur’ have been set in the margin against this name. I25 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 [36] HUNDREDUM DE UNDERDICH d. WILLESFORDE ET LAKE s d £ Thomas Ryves . . . . 8 William Hedde . John Pressey . Johane Haydon . 3 Richarde Hedde . 4. John Ryves 4 George Duke 8'“Ownon-446:6:-:> I-II-IQUJUJO‘\U'lLnO’\€n Summa 55s

GREATE WOODFORDE sd £ Gerrard Errington gentleman Francis Grene gentleman (L) Hughe Waters . . . . WCIJCIJR4 William Waters . . . . John Rofe . . . . Roger Webbe . . 4 Thomas Borrowghe 8 Thomas Waters . . William Hedde . Johane Stoven . John Selfe . . . . 4 Richard Harforde .. Nicolas Dawkyn . Nicolas Mores . . William Compton . . 4 Richard Whitehorne Richard Presey . . 4 William Borrowghe B-35“OwnchtnuauawuuauaO’)-FUIUJUJ-P I-II-II-|N0O'JOCnU\t.n!.n@U'IU'lOO\@U'I(J'|O\Q‘\Q'\l:n Summa £10 5s

LITTELL WOODFORDE sd £ cl Thomas Benger . . Hughe Hedde . . John Hedde . . Thomas Whithorne Johane Bigges wydowe 8 Roberte Boldie . . Richard Tomsyn . . 4 Roberte Tyncocke . . oi-4“~u.wu.wu.wu.w*"\\1u\ l-4I-1CDOH=6O\t.nt.nL.nLn 8 Summa 56s 8d STRATFORDE DEANE AND STRATFORDE COMMON £ 8 d £ d John Androwes . . 4 Henry Pewed . William Gefferies . . James Parham . . Roberte Stamford . . H John Parsons . Antony Parrye . UJUJCIJ-F-F John Ludwell B-FUIUJUIUJUI-F U'\UJO\O\O\OJU'lClJ¢n Summa £3 5s 126 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

MILFORDE £ s d £ s d Roberte Bundy IO 16 8 Roberte Hake IO 16 8 John Jeffery 3 5 Summa 38$ 4d

Summa totalis hujus hundredi £21 probatur


PLAITFORDE U‘: 55-4 PH U‘: d Thomas Humber . . 8 Vincente Bawche . . William Light HH 4 Thomas Rapply 4 J ohn EmerYe Roberte Irelande . . William White John Pynhorne Nicholas Slackstede ...... UJU-‘IUJUJUJU1ooow-l=~l""\ CIJUJU1U1U1U1U1OO'\ Summa £3 3s 4d

ALDERBU RYE £ sd £ S Sir George Penruddocke knyght (L) 4O 6 John Moggeriche ...... IO 16 Richard Tutte thelder . . . . 7 II Richard Tutte the yonger 11 18 -PCDCDCDQ-4 Richard Mors 3 5 Nicholas Newton . . . 6 8 Thomas Calbran 8 James Kempe 8 John Blubon L»-P-P-P U10‘\O‘\ Summa £9 3s 4d

LAVERSTOCKE sd £ William Fockner esquier (L) “fix William Foxe‘ George Ackred O0-P-P~$-L Roger Kill . . Jeffery Nicholas John Burges Gyles Hateridge William Cooper 8 Christofer Gyflord ...... Charells Swevynge ...... UJU-l-FKUJUJUJUJ-F~U1NI U1U10’\U1U1U1U1Q\CIJU1in Summa £6 17s

WESTE WINTERSLOE £ sd £ s Gyles Thisselthwaite armiger (L) 2O 53 Alexander Thisselthwayte . IO 16 Roberte Cooper 5 8 -P~CIJ-F~$-L John Webbe 3 5 I The words ‘exoneratur per billam residencie' have been set in the margin against this I1Ei.lll(Z'-. 127 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576 d. WESTE WINTERSLOE—~com!. sd £ S Thomas Vincente . . . . 5 Alexander Webbe . . . . 6 8 Thomas Payne . . 10 Leonarde Thisselthwaite . . owo»-:>e.»l"\ IO Summa £5. I55 [36dl DEANE AND GRIMSTEADE sd £ d Richarde Rooe . . . . l-1 8 Richarde Cooper . . . . 5. Harry Harwaye . . . . William Rogers alias Cooper Purnell Fucher . . . . John Driver . . . . U1U1U1U1U\Hin Nicholas Atkins . . 5 John Thisselthwayte N 33 Thomas Denys . . 11 John Culle . . . 8 John Harway . . -hU1‘\lOL»JL»JL»JL»JL»J-lk‘\lh\ 6 00-itO0-ii Summa £5 3s

WHADDON AND GRIMSTEADE £ sd £ s d Elizabethe Gawen . . . . I5 25 John Carter . 6 IO Hughe Pildrem . IO 16 8 Summa 5 is 8d


Edwarde Zouche esquier (L) ll-1 8 Edithe Whitlocke . . . . 4 Richarde Noble . . . . William Baker Edward Burges . Roberte Strugnell . . 4 John Crowche . . Alexander Payne . . 8 Elizabethe Blake . . William Peare . Roberte Bewster . Mychall Batter . I-14-»|¢, Nycholas Arnolde . . Thomas Windsor . . 4 John Shotter . . mumO\LnL».rL».rL».ru10l""\owwww-A LnCDUILIIUI00056,CDUIouluiuiowo Summa £5 185 4d

WINTE RBORNE EARLES s d £ d Roger Marteyn thelder . . Nicholas Rastall . . . . 4 John Pruett Nicholas Note William Haytor . . . . 8 Roberte Tinnam . . . . Elizabeth Fidler alias Rastall . . 8 John Cane ...... c*-ho.»-:>u.»u.>u1o.»l"'\ 1-: OO\UlU1OOU1in@U\ 128 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

WINTERBORNE EARLES—c0nt. £ s d £ d Thomas Cane . 00 3

John Porter . 0 IO I-0 8

George Batter 00 no 00 5 4 Roger Martyn 00 IO II 5 ooO0O\Lncn 4 Summa £4 ios

WINTERBORNE GUNNER ALIAS SHURBOROWE EH d Nicholas Rive . 4 William Rive . Johanne Johnson . 8 Richard Balles . 8 William Judde . 8 Margarett Browne widow . .

Thomas Leades . on on IO I-II-I

William Budd . cl 00 O0 o\u.>-I:-I=-inc»onoat“ OU1LnO\O\O\Lnuarn Summa £2 18s 4d

WINTERBORNE DAWNCY £5 d Richard Seywoode . 6 8 William Judde . 5 John Webb . . . 10

Richarde Thometon I I 11 8

Roberte Rice . O O I O *‘\o\o.>-:=--a-\1 6 8 Summa £2

PORTON £ s d John Rutter 10 Walter Beldey 8 4 Thomas Muncke . 5 Richard Blacke . 5 Nicholas Wimbleton 5 Richard Wymbleton 1o William Wymbleton‘ 8 4

William I 0 0 I I-I 21 8

John Richardes . O O O I O O uruaulo\*‘\o\u.>u.»u.>r..n 8 4 Summa £4 zod

GOMMYLDON £ s d William Lurgas . 8 4

John Tutt . . . O0 II II 10

Nicholas Woodforde IO O0 IO ooo\=.ni‘\ 13 4 Summa 31s 8d

EDMASTON £ s Roberte Kente (L) 13 Edwarde Clarke . 11 Walter Bathe . 11 Richard Worte . 6 William Brownjohn 8 Q,CDCDCD-P-P Thomas Stapell . William Beale . Thomas Batten alias Perryn

Edmunde Palmer . I O I Edith Wortte uauauauiuaul-I:-\1\1u|*‘\ LIILIILIILIILII 129 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

EDMA STON—c0nt fix in $1. fix d John Linder 8 Henry Carpenter alias Wheler . LnO\cn William Collyns Davy FesneyI ...... O\Ui Roberte Thacham gentleman (L) I3 John Brownjohn thelder . . |-4 =3 John Brownjohn thonger . . ‘\1-PU!-PU-IUJ-F II U3-P-PUD Summa £7 8s 4d

Summa totalis hujus hundredi £61 2s probatur

[37] THE HUNDRED OF AMBROSEBURYE GREATE AMBROSEBURYE £ 4 £ John Ratewe 11 Martin Batter 8 James Mastlin 5 R-P-P-P William Lundey (L) Richerd Miles (L) 7 Jane Elliott 11 4 John Harris William Longe 5 4 Thomas Miles 4 8 Marie Beckington widowe 6 |-||-4I-ll—lOQUJUIGJLDUJUJLDQM John Beckington 5 Phillippe Poore 2O 33 William Scott 2O 33 John Tuggell 5 8 Roberte Lurges s I3 John Elliott 14 =3 -P-P-P-P-P Summa £10 165 7d NEWTON TONYE £ 4 £ d Richerd Carpenter 5 4 John Smarte John Perrin Cristofer Osgood 4 8 David Drake Richerd Kent William Lavington Nicholas Mortimer Roberte Carpenter r-1 8 Richerd Gawntlet |-4|-4 4 John Gewyne O\U1UiO\Uil'._nLnU1GJUJG301 4 OWJIGJO IO Summa £4 13$ 4d GREATE DURNEFORD £ s d £ d Elinor Ingram widowe . 4 8 Richerd Cundicte William Ames 5 4 Nicholas Ratewe Lnoo<.nO\cn I ‘Affidavit’ has been set in the margin against this name. 130 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

GREATE DURNEFORD—c»-iuiO\LnuiO\O\:n Edithe Jerrom widowe . 60 Arthur Errington . . . 6 John Shorley . . . . IO I-ll-I O‘\OU1 John Williams alias Carter 8 I3 John Waters ...... 5 s John Younge gentleman (L) ...... 2o 53 -P-P-Pm Summa £11 zod

ALLINGTON 5 sd £s d Henrie Weekes 4 6 8 Edmond Knapp 6o 5 Roger Cockes . . . . . 8 Ia 4 John Carpenter ...... 7 II 8 Summa 36s 8d

COMPTON AND AWLTON £ s d £ s Roberte Harte . . . . 4 6 Thomas Wellet . . . 2o 33 Richerd Sewyen ...... 2o 33 -P-IKCDR. Robert Morce ...... 6 IO Summa £4 3s 4d [374] DURINGTON g s d £ d Walter Wattes . . . . 6 I-I Roberte Greyley . . . . 5 4 John Worden alias Hunewell 6o William Hydney . . . . 6o John Weste . . . . 6o Thomas Goselinge . . 6o John Jeney‘ . . 6o U1U1U1U1U'linU30 William Eyres . 6o Roberte Martin . 12 NI QUI Henrie Bachelor . . 8 I3 4 Libias Manners ...... 7 11 8 Hewghe Marten ...... 6o 5 Summa £4 18s 4d TIDWOORTHE ,5 s d £ d Thomas Bailie . . 5 4 Purnell Bailie . . . Roberte Bailie her sune . . O\O\00 Roberte Bailie senior ...... 6o Elizabeth Walle ...... Io H O00:o'\U'lU'lU'l 8 I ‘Affidavit' has been set in the margin against this name. I31 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

TIDWOORTHE—c0m!. £ £ d William Browne . . George Dicockes . . Roberte Dailinge . . UIUIUIin John Taylor . . 5 John Maiton senior I5 25 John Knight . . I2 20 Richerd Parsons . . I3 2I 8 John Maiton junior . . . . 7 II 8 Summa £6 18s 4d

LU RGASAWLLE BURROUGHE £ £ cl John Goodale ...... 5 4 Richerd Cheeke . . . . Roberte Garlicke . . John Mondaie . . Thomas Faierwood William Newman (L) 8 Roberte Collens . . Henrie Mondaie . . 2O U-I 4 William Kinton . . . 5 4 John Goodale‘ . . 5 (DinCXJCIILA-IU'lN>U'lU1l.nU'l 4 Summa £4 6s

CHOWLDRINGTON £ s Henrie Clifford esquior (L) N 53 Cudbert Rives (L) . . . . IO Robert Noise . . . . 8 -P00-#9.. Robert Daie . IO John Brownejohn . . uiowui-|=~o*"\ 8 4 Richerd Rutter . . . . . 5 Summa £4 15s 8d

BOSCOMBE £ £ s d Edmond Gyllett 5 8 4 John Nobill . . 5 Stephen Rutter . . I2 20 Summa 33s 4d

WELLOWE £ fix d Thomas Strong . . Roberte Awldridge Roberte Whitehere l.nl.nl.nIn John Jewell . . 6 IO Nicholas Awldridge 6 IO Richerd Jackman . . . . 5 Roberte Rolfe . . . 6 IO Summa 5os

BRIGMASTON AND MILLSTON £s William Poore ...... 6

John Pointer . . . . . I II 6

Mr. Buckland ...... O II IO 0-|=-|=-“D 33 -F-O0O0&. I The words ‘exoneratur quia bis hic' have been set in the margin against this name. 132 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BRIGMASTON AND MILLSTON—c0ni. £ s d £ s d John Lawes ...... 7 11 8 Henrie Norrice ...... 6 10 Summa 68s 4d [38] KINGESTON DEVERELL ,5 .4 d ,5 S d John Michell . . . . 30 50 Roberte Rose . . . . 12 20 William Clove 9 15 Cudbert Curtis 60 5 Cudbert Feelde . . 5 8 4 Thomas Sparke . . 60 Morris Attkins 60 William Sparke 60 John Frenche . . . . 5 GJUIUIUI 4 Richerd Barnarde ...... 14 23 4 Summa £7 5s WINTERSLOWE ,5 5 d ,5 S d Alexander Thistelltwhaite 8 13 4 Henrie Traske (L) . . . . 4 10 8 Thomas Greenewood 60 5 Alexander Bennett 7 11 8 William Moore . . 16 26 8 Awgustine Bennet ...... 60 5 Summa 72s 4d BULLFORD ,5 5 4 5 S William Mersheman 1o 16 Richerd Cropp . . IO I6 William Stapull . . 5 8 Thomas Cotterell . . 5 8 00009..-Pb-Pb John Dowley 60 Edward Biddell . . 60 Henrie Cumpton . . 4 8 . . 60 Roger Culley 15 Nicholas Pointer . . . . 4 8 John Mathewe ...... 6 NH OO\UiU1O\UiLn Summa £5 13s 4d BRODEHINTON £ s d £ s d Thomas DeronI gentleman one of the queenes majesties ordinarie servauntes of household, in landes and fees ...... 20 53 4 Thomas Collens (L) ...... 20 2 8 Henrie Hawthorne 8 13 4 Edmonde Deverell . . 60 Thomas Johnson . . 4 8 William Bradford (L) 20 8 Mr. [blank] Lyne . . 4 8 Thomas Crockford . . 60 John Merifilde (L) ...... 20 8 Thomas Soper ...... 8 H U-lh)U\O'\l0O'\U1 4 Summa £5 11s 4d I The words ‘exoneratur per billam residencie' have been set in the margin against this name. I33 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

HINTON PIPER £s J John Strowde . . . 2o Henrie Soper alias Coles . . 5 Ralfe Spoore . . 5 Summa 3os HINTON ODES £ s J William Hide 6 8 Summa patet

HINTON HATCHE £s J Thomas Millwardel (L) 16 Summa patet BUCKHURST £ s Richerd Allin gentleman (L) 26 Thomas Mattingley . . 16 Jone Mattingley widowe . . 16 Richerd Younge . . . 6 William Tickner . . 8 -P°°Q°Q0005°~ Summa 75s BEACHE £ J Nicholas Ailiffe . . . . Katherin Pallmer widowe 4. Thomas Bye . . . . Thomas Bigges . . . ®U1@U1In 4 Summa 26s 8J [384] FARLEYHILL l.'l\ Richerd Pallmer . . Richerd Pincke . . Christofer Ellis (L) Richerd Fuller . . HH Fraunces Tailer (L) l’~3C\N(.AIO\¢o 099%000909-P“ Summa 42s GREATE SHIPRIDGE 4 £ Richerd Alexander John Troll (L) . . Henrie Tailor (L) . . John Holles (L) . . . Jane Richerdes widowe . . Q1-P-Pu-F-B-P William Wier . . . . William Brownesmithe (L) 8 William Staniforde . . H William Lockewarde . Q\Ql\lLJ'I@LJ'ILJ'IU'l@In 8 Summa 57s

LITTELL SHIPRIDGE J £ s J William Jenninges . . . . 13 4 Roberte Ellis . . . . 16 8 I The words ‘exoneratur per billam residencie’ have been set in the margin against this name. I34 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

LITTELL SHIPRIDGE—-cont. £ sJ £ s J Jone Blunt widowe . . 6 10 Thomas Cordrey (L) 20 2 8 William Randall (L) ...... 20 2 8 Roberte Wilder ...... 8 13 4 Summa 58s 8J DIDDENHAM £ sJ £5 J George Woodcocke gentleman (L) . . . . 20 53 4 Summa patet

FIHELDEANE £ S 51.. CH J Thomas Cooper junior (L) 4 P-1 8 James Coolley . . . . 5 4 Roberte Ames . . . 60 Roberte Gregorie . . 4 8 Thomas Jollie senior 4 8 Thomas Subden . . 60 LnCh¢~LnOoOin James Pollorne . . 60 Katterin Smarte . . 8

Edmond Milles (L) H -F-NCFU1 8 John Freeland . . IO Symon Shepperde ...... IO John Cuttler ...... O\O\O\O\-F- [O Summa £6 6s 8J Summa totalis hujus hundredi £107 15s 7d probatur



Mistris Dorothie Horsey widowe (L) NI P-IV) John Bright alias Lewcas‘ . . John Vincent ...... 005“-1:-1=~ FL0909-lb Roberte Popple . . 60 Richerd Muncke (L) . . 20 8 John Dibbin . . . . 60 William Bright alias Lewcas 60 John Lewcas . . . . 5 O“-ChoouiuiNLn 4 Thomas Toppe ...... 12 no Jerrom Barnarde ...... 5 O00 4 Summa £4 9s [39] BRODECHALKE s J £ s Johane Randall . . '13 Elizabeth Lodge . . I 1 Barthollmewe Good 8 -Ii-O9-P-R. John Lawes . . 1*“Q\U\\I-L. 10 William Skinner . . 60 5 John Randall . 60 5 Edward Kinge 6 1o Roberte Everley . . 60 5 JohnCane ...... 5 8 4 Walter Folliat ...... 60 5 I The words ‘exoneratur quia bis hic' have been set in the margin against this name. I55 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BRODECHALKE—.cont £sJ £-s J

John Code . . . . 6o L5 Edward Bennett . . 6o 5 Thomas Kinge junior 6 1o Thomas Kinge senior 1o 16 Henrie Good . . 14 23 Thomas Carter ...... 5 s Alexander Randall ...... 5 s O0-Pb-Ii-F~ Summa £8 8s 4J STOKEVERDEN sd £s J John Kinge . . . . 11 8 William Savage senior 1o John Pennye . . -|=-o\\1l*\ 6 8 John Bryne . . 6o 5 William Pennye . . H 16 8 Walter Savage II 8 John Savage . . 1o Thomas Prestman U1O‘\\lO 8 4 Summa £4 KNIGHTON £ J £ s J Edward Seintlowe gentleman (L) 1o 26 8 Mighell Streete . . _ 5 Thomas Angood alien sic] 6 8 Summa 38s 4d BU RDCHAWLKE J £ s Jewlian Welshe . . I3 Thomas Shargall . . s Edithe Ingram ool*\-|=-ui 5'-LO0-Ii-B Richerd Ingram . . John Norris 7 8 William Holmes . . John Garrett 6 Alice Shorte 5 4 William Lodge Richerd Harris 4 8 Roberte Shorte 5 4 Peeter Hardiman . . 4 8 Roberte Lawes . . Roberte Burforde . . Richerd Ingram senior William Shargall . . 1o Edward Shargall . . 6 John Pennye 11 John Tovie . . . I-1 16 William Yeallowe . . 0OO\l‘F‘ox I3 -#000000 Summa £8 8s 4J TOLLA RDE £ sJ £s J Thomas Tolke senior 8 I3 4 John Benberie . . 5 Edmonde Goddarde 20 33 4 Thomas Bennett ...... 6 1o Henrie Tulke ...... 6 IO Summa 71s 8J 136 LIST or TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY or 1576 FIFFEHED £ sd £ s J John Cudderington IO 16 8 Summa patet [394] ALLVESTON sd £ Alice Gawen widdowe (L) IQ John Grindon Johane Kinge Androwe Dunstone -14616108" O0-P-P-PQ-4 John Tilden Nicholas Morgan 12 t»)U1 Nicholas Toomer I. II II 4 8 Phillippe Powlden II II II U1O'\OU1C'1\OCU3U-IIn Summa £5 13s 4J EBBESBORNE WAKE £ 4 £ J William Hussey esquior (L) IO 8 Simon White William Hailocke John Hailocke William Best Roger Rose . . Henrie Boddenham esquior (L) . . 20 4 John Hinckes 4 8 John Rabbettes Nicholas Button 7 8 Richerd Wilkins II I II 5 4

Roberte White II IO II 16 NLnI-I O\oor-euiO\LAJU‘lLI1\-l'lU'lLI1C'\O1 8 Summa £8 3s 4d

SEMLEY s J £ S J Roger Boddenham IQ 33 4 Roberte Abbott 15 John Grey thelder I1 8 William Hascoll IO William Sturmey 6 8 Lawrence Sherrodde U1-P~U\\1\DQvT‘ 8 4 Richerd Sturgis William Browne Mawlde Blanforde Thomas Wilde Walter Blanforde Nicholas Grey John Grey . . John Ames . . William Ames (L) U'lU'lLI1LI1U1LI1LI1LJiUl 4 William Blanforde 5 William Wrenche 16 26 8 Thomas Blanforde 7 11 8 Thomas Ames 13 21 8 Summa £9 15s 4J Summa totalis hujus hundredi £55 4s 4J examinatur Summa totalis omnium hundredorum et burgorum predictorum £585 8s £586 17s 3d examinatur I37 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

[414] WILTES The Extractes indentyd of and for the firste payment off the subscydie graunted unto the quenes majesty by the laytie in the parlyament holden at Westminster in the xviii“ yere of her gracious raigne and according to the same acte of parlyament directed unto perticler collectors of every hundred and libertie herafter ensuyng for the collectione of the same and the said perticler collectors herafter in every hundred and libertie named to make payment therof accordingly to John Middelcott of Bisshopstrowe in the said countie of Wiltes gentylman assigned and appoynted high collector of the said hundreds and liberties by Sir John Zowche and Sir knightes, and Christofer Dodyngton esquier, comissioners amongest others assigned and appoyncted within the said countie of Wiltes by the quenes majesties lettres patentes for the taxation assessing and leveying of the said subscidy to them in that behalf addressed which said hundreds and liberties and every of them hereafter specified by the assent of all the comissyoners of the said countie and allotted and appoynted to be within the limites of the afforenamed commisshioners. In witnesse wherof the afforesaid John Zowche, John Thynn and Christofer Dodyngton to either perte of theis present extractes have sette their handes and sealles the xvii“ daie of June in the xviii“ yere of the raign of our soveraign lady Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of Englond Franc’ and Ireland defender of the faith etc.

[42] THE HUNDRED OFF WHOORELSDOWNE John Lambe gentleman peticollector ibidem

THE THETHING OF STIPLE ASSHETON s J £ s Anthonye Stileman gentleman (L) . . 13 John Grenehill 23 George Whitt (L) ...... 13 Roger Markes . 13 Deonys Markes . 13 '81.-R-Ii-Ii-In-B Roger Martene . . 1o Andrew Tremayne . . 5 John Woolfreys . 5 John Crooke . . 10 Walter Hancock . . John Whatlye . William Stileman . . Thomas Grenehill William Whitt Walter Markes I-IH 8 William Tylly John VVhelpley 8

William Palmer theldor I-II-I

Walter Neale . . . . . moi-nwowwoiwwoiwwowooooui-su1**\ U1O\UIUIUIUIUIOo\U'l 138 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

STIPLE ASSHETON—c0nt. s J £ J Walter Palmer . . . John Dusye John Player John Harding Elice Margerame . . John Markes . . . I-1 -¢~mwwuiw1*‘- N 4 John Mayho ...... 3 U'lL»JLI1LI1LI1LI1LI1an Summa rec’ istius decenne £11 8s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF WEST ASHETON s J £ S J Robert Martene ...... IO Edithe Allene wido . . . . 10 John Silverthorne . . 6 8 Richard Williams . . . . 6 8 William Whatley . . . . . 5 William Sylverthorne thonger . 5 John . . . . 10 Phelip Holwey . . . . IO William Sylverthorn theldor 6 8 John Whatley . . . . 6 8 Trystrame Flower . . . . Jone Sylverthorn wido . . . .

Robert Burgeys ...... www-P-Ii0\0\ww-:4-Ino~o\l*‘~ LI1LI'ILI1 Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 iis 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF TIDELESHED £sJ £s J Robert George ...... 1o 16 8 Jone Wyes wido ...... 6 10 Summa rec’ istius decenne 26s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF HENTON £54 £ Dorothie Wilson wido (L) . Amery Talman . . . . John Swayne . . . . Henry Wheler alias Knave Q,CIJCIJ-F-F~ William Talman . . . . Thomas Talman . . . William Hardyng . . . LMLMLH-P-F-LI1 Roger Pryor ...... 3 LHLHLHU1O'\O'\(IJLI1in Summa rec’ istius decenne 47s probatur

THE TETHING OF SEMYNGTON AND LITELTON £ s J £ S J George Drynckwater . . . . 12 2O John Smythe . . 8 I3 4 Alane Smythe . . IO William Witcombe s 4 Peter Poole . . . . 5 George Sylverthorne 6 8 Thomas Long theldor . . 2o John Magges ...... I-II-I Ol\)-PUJU‘IO\ 16 8 Thomas Longe thonger (L) . . 5 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 5s 4J probatur 139 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

THE TETHING OF KEVELL sJ £ S J Thomas Jones (L) . . . . . 1o 8 Robert Pewell . . . . 1o Roger Blackdene . . . . 16 8 William Jourdene theldor 5 William Pryor . . . . HH 16 8 Christofer Baylye . . . 8 4 William Jones . . H Nicholas Lyne . . . . |'_4zJ] Elionor Ford widow Anthony Burgeis . . . . James Spiert . . CIJCDCD-F- James Lyne . . Stephan Condytt . . . . William Jourdeyn thonger Robert Jourdeyn . . . . William Litefootte . . . . . owoow-rsibUJLDUJUJLD-P-F-P~U'low: John Goore ‘in yerely profittes' . I IQ 8

John Harrys ‘in yerely profittes' O II 0‘\O\O‘\CDQNNUIUIUIUIUI 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £6 16s probatur


Walter Wylkyns . . . . . O 16 8 Richard Cooche . . 15 John Willons . . . 1o Richard Weste . . . . 13 4 Margaret Smallwell wido . . 6 8 John Ayssheton . . . . James July .. .. Richard Grenehill . .

Thomas Dusye . . . . . U O O BU“wwww-Pooono

John Guly (L) . . . . . I O O NlUIU'lUlU'| 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 4s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF SOUTHE WIKE sJ £s J Walter Busshe gentleman (L) . 16 John Druse ...... 1o Jone Juell wido . . . . 6 John Kepyng 8 Richard Norrice . . John Crabbe William Pryor . . -F-03133-F-03 Thomas Randell . . William Coope . . H Anthonye Vynare . . John Norrys . . Thomas Reade

Cristyan Tucker . . . . . O I I Q William Tressher . . . . . 0505"“UJUJUJU-IL»O\LDU1-F-PU!-F UIUIUIUIUICIJO‘\U\OUI Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 2s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF EDYNGTON £ sJ £s J Henry Baynton esquier . . . I4 =3 4 Henry Shaston . . . . . 30 50 Richard Bromage . . I2 20 Oswald Barkley . . 5 8 4 140 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

EDYNGTON—c0nt. (O R. ZR Thomas Barkley . . John Carpentor Thomas Adlame . . William Morrys . . . . Oswald Buirell . . . . o.>‘L»o->uao.>¢*\ uiuiuiuiui6, Summa rec’ istius decenne £6 6s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF TENEHELD £ s J £ s Henry Naisshe ...... 32 53 Robert Blackeborowgh . 12 20 Geoffrey Whetacre 5 8 Richard Cockell . . 6 1o William Allene . 6 William Whatly . . Robert Druett . . Richard Hart . . Stephan Donnyck . . John Harvord ......

John Greneland ...... LA-ILAJLAJLAJLAJUJ-P U'tU't(.nU'tU'tU't Summa rec’ istius decenne £6 8s 4J probatur THE TETHING OF BAYNTON £ s J £ s Henry Danveis gentleman (L) ...... 4 1o Hugh Merywether ...... 6 1o Summa rec’ istius decenne 20s 8J probatur THE TETHING OF COWLSTON 5 5 4 ,5 5 John Lambe gentleman (L) . . 1o 26 John Poole ...... 8 13 Richard Markes . . . 30 50 Thomas Markes . . 3 5 Thomas Bowcher ...... 4 6 Robert Yelwey ...... 3 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 6s 8J probatur

Summa totalis rec’ hundredi predicti £60 4s 4J probatur

[43] THE HUNDRED OFF HAYTRESBURY Thomas Aysshelock peticollector ibidem


Jasper Moore esquier (L) ...... 2.» _F~tI‘\ John Snelgare ...... i—l Edward Cooke . . Richard Hulett . . Thomas Smythfeld ...... William Temple ...... U-IU-I-l=-L4.I\ll->t*“ U'l(J'lO\U'l|-‘U’!Oi Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 18s 8J probatur

THE WESTE TETHING OF HAYTRESBURY £ s J £ s Thomas Aysshelock ...... 35 58 John Frowd . . . . 32 53 141 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

WESTE TETHING OF HAYTRESBURY—c0m!. £ s J £ J Richard Markes ...... 3 William Bendall ...... 5 4 Henry Molton ‘in yerely profittes’ . . . . 20 8 Thomas Dewe ...... 3 U'lNGJU'l0i Summa rec’ istius decenne £6 12s 8J probatur


Valeryan Bisshop ...... H H 8 John Marshe . . 4 Stephan Ball . . . Thomas Chamberlayne . Hem-yWall ...... Robert Classe ...... mwwwwo“ COU'lU1U'|to000* 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 48s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF KNOOKE in 9.. £ s J Philip Morgain gentleman . . 13 4 Gregory Clyston ...... 13 4 John Cookeman ...... o\oooo1"'\ 10 William Edwardes ‘in aniiuytes’ ...... 2o 2 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 39s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF UPTON LOVELL 81. £ s Hugh Rylye gentleman (L) . . . . 13 Robert Stephans theldor . . . . 26 Robert Curteis . . . . . 8 Walter Market ...... -nu-au\!‘\ Agnes Corser wido ‘in annuytes' . . John Mogge (L) ...... nu O0in CDODOO-Ph$5,OD-P Robert Stephans thonger . . . 3 Thomas Hayward ...... 4 O\U\NNO\ 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £3 12s probatur THE TETHING OF BOYTON AND CORTON £ s J £s J Thomas Momepesson gentleman (L) . . . . 1 37 4 Robert Morren ...... 8 4 Christofer Henton . . . 15 Agnes Laycock wido IO Walter Classe . . 10 John Helior . . 10 Robert Smythe . . . 8 4 John Mody of Boyton . 8 4 John Classe . . . . IO Drewe Hulett . . 8 Richard Gibbes . . 8 John Mody of Corton .

Jone Helior wido . . . . UJLIJ-P-FO‘\U\U'lO‘\O‘\O‘\\OLn-I‘-‘~ John Tylly ‘in frehold’ . . 2o Stephan Wattes ‘in frehold' 2o John Peers ‘in copyhold’ . . 20 Stephan Slye ‘in copyhold’ 2o George Slye ‘in copy hold’ 2o William Mody ‘in copil:iold' ...... 20 Richard Mody ‘in copil:iold' ...... 20 nnunnnnmmmo @@C)OCIJCI>CIJCIJ Summa rec‘ istius decenne £7 19s 4J probatur 142 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576


William Crowche ...... P-1 Walter Ratford 4 John Stephans . . . . . 8

John Rendall ...... U)UJ-l'=~Ul Elizabeth Rendall ‘in annuytes' ...... 2o 8 George Passhion ...... 5 %N'U'lO\@Oin 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 41s probatur [4341 THE TETHING OF BOTHE CODFORDES s J £ J John Smythe ...... 4 Alexandor Farlye . . 4 John Skutte John Wethers 8 Agnes Ingrame . . Anthonye Bennett Edmund Crowche . . . . Edward Slade ...... oooioio.»-1-~u-1u1u1i*“ 4 William Stephans ‘in annuites’ . . 20 8 John Hebberd . . . . . H Thomas Mody . . . . Thomas Pynchine . . William Bennett . . Christofer Courteney . .

Thomas Snelgare . . . . . -PUIUJUJU-l\D Anthonye Smythe ‘in annuites’ . . 20 Nicholas Snelgare ‘in annuites’ . . 2o Agnes Fremantell ‘in annuites' . . . . 20 @@@@-F

J0hnPry0r...... 3 UlNNNO'\@'l-I1LflLfl'l.flNUJLflLflU10\LflO0O0tn Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 17s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF BATHAMPTON £sJ £s J Dame Elizabeth Mervyn wido (L) 40 106 8 Susane Mompesson (L) . . . . 3o Robert Kent ...... 6 10 Peter Micoll, Frencheman ...... nil 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne £9 17s probatur

THE TETHING OF BOTHE CHITTORNES £sJ £s John Flower gentleman (L) . . . . 16 42 Thomas Flower gentleman (L) . . . . 5 I3 John Imber . . . . 2o 33 -l’=-l’=~CD$3< William Tymbery . . . . 12 20 William Pryor . . 4 6 8 Peter Polden 8 I3 4 William Imber IO Walter Mylles . . IO Aldelme Axford . . 5 Edward Furnavell ...... Humfry Imber ...... U'lUJUJO'\U\ Eresmus Chamberlayne ‘in yerelie profittes’ 20 John Newman ‘in yerely profittes’ . . 2o John Elyngton ‘in yerely profittes’ 2o John Compton ‘in yerely profittes’ . . 20 NNNNCDU1 CD@OOCD-Fh I43 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

BOTHE CHITTORNES—cont. ,5 S J John Toppe in yerely profittes’ . . . . . 2o 2 8 Edward Courtelow ‘in yerely profittes . . 2 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £9 3s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF ORCHESTON GEORGE S J Nicholas Downe ...... NI 33 4 Robert Pyiry ...... 1o Nicholas Ward II 8 Robert Miles ...... o~\io~o“\ IO Thomas Foster ...... 3 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne £3 1os probatur

THE TETHING OF IMBER J Mathew Spencer . . . . 4 James Blevyn . . . . Walter West . . Thomas Porter . . Robert Chamberlayne ...... “DO'\L:L:-IUJLH HM John Spendor ...... 3 U1QU1U1UlOD0i Summa rec’ istius decenne 58s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF HULDEVERELL s J Edmund Lewdlowe gentleman (L) . . 26 8 Peter Frenche ...... 5 Richard Dawkyns . . . . . 5 William Whetell . . 5 Edward Pewell ...... 8 4 Robert Rabbettes ...... Suiuao-:6.»3"“ 16 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £3 6s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF BRIGHTESTON DEVERELL £ s J S $1. Thomas Lodge ...... roo I3 William Watsone ...... 7 II Richard Knight . . 4 6 Peter Pindor ...... 4 6 OOOOCD-P Mighaell Humfry ...... 9 I5 Summa rec’ istius decenne £8 13s 4J probatur

THE TETHING OF WHITLEY £sJ S J Edith Westley wido (L) ...... 8 21 4 Richard Westley gentleman . . . . 3 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne 26s 4d probatur [44] THE TETHING OF BAYCLIFFE £sJ s J George Danyell ...... IO 16 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 16s 8J probatur


Roger Stantor esquier (L) . . . . U-I 4o William Stantor (L) . . 1o 8 John Style thonger . 8 .4 Henry Marshe . . . . 6.161-1=~u1P'\ 5 I44 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

HORNYNGESHAM——a0nt. s J £ J Edward Epdene William Goodridge John Adlame John Dewe . . Robert Kyng Thomas Foster Edmund Stourton John Stile theldor mwwwwwwwi“ 4 William Stile 4 O‘\CDU'lU'lU\U'lU'lU'lU1In 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 14s probatur

Summa totalis rec’ hundredi predicti £81 14s 8J probatur

THE HUNDRED OF WARMASTER John Mervyn gentleman peticollector ibidem THE TETHING OF DINTON ALIAS DONNYNGTON £ S d £ s J Henry Mayho gentleman (L) . . 5 13 4 Ralfe Daniell 12 20 William Donne IO 16 Henry Moggridge (L) 5 William Jesse 21 Thomas Sheperde 8 John Harrys 8

John Amys . . 8 CD-POO-F-P-P John Daniell IO Elizabeth Montagewe wido 5 Thomas Parker I3 4 William Clement 5 William Tabor 8 John Phelips 6 William Sheperd Walter Bownd HH H CDCIJCIJ-P Richard Oborne

Thomas Ignes O\U'lU'lU'lUJCDUJO-F-F~U'lUJU-IUJ U'lU'lO‘\U\ Summa rec’ istius decenne £9 3s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF TEVOUNT sJ £s J John Luffenham 4 Richard Purches 4 Walter Rowden 4 Walter Baberstooke William Coward William Lusshe 8 John Rikardes 4 Edward Prestman William Grove Thomas Prestman 8 William Grene o\LflLfl\J-F~U-IUJUI-F~UJ00'-“D 8 Leonerd Newe (L) 4 H|_||_|HQ._¢@u1u1ooo~u1ooooou.\ 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 19s probatur

I 613 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576 THE TETHING OF FISSHERTON AND BAPTON in st fix J Henry Snelgare ...... 8 Jarman Androwes Thomas Rebike . . 8 VVilliam Merywether 8 John Wannysbury . . John Foster . . 8 William Androwes . . Rainold Eyles . Christofer Lenes . James Rabson U'|U1U1U10\U10\O\U10\u; Thomas Toppe . . 13 4 John Hoskyns ...... mmwwwwswssws“ 13 4 Peter Farrett, Frenchman ...... nil 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 3s 8J probatur

THE TETHING OF LITELL SUTTON =6 F“-L 1% J John Elderton . . . . ro co 4 Stephan Addams ...... Richard Exdene . 8 Phelip Henton ...... Ln-4=~Ln0z*“ Robert Snelgare ...... 3 <.nUiO\Lnu.>:6 Summa rec’ istius decenne 55s probatur [444] THE TETHING OF GREAT SUTTON sJ £5 John Bolland ‘in annuites’ . . . Robert Chamberlayne . . . . Stephan Henton . . . . . 13 -¢~0oCDF~1. John Henton theldor of Upend . . IO Robert Lucas . . . . . Richard Henton . . . . 6 8 John Henton of Newename 8 4 John Folyat . . . . Stephan Long . . . . 4 John Presse ......

Edward Dewe ...... HIi-(hqn John Henton alias Clarke ‘in annuites’ . . IO o 8 John Eliott ...... Roger Bisshop ...... Stephen Tytt . 8 John Bisshop . . John Eme theldor Jone Gilbart wido . . 8 Jone Hobbys wido ...... John Henton thonger ...... wwswwsww@wmwm+@@m88“ uiUiO\uiuiO\U1Lnt~JQu100u1QQxox Summa rec’ istius decenne £8 6s probatur

THE TETHING OF in F-L fix J William Bennett ‘in annuytes’ . . . . 4 Richard Dewe ‘in annuites’ . . . . 8 Richard Knight . . . . 5 Christofer Aysshelock 8 4 William Dewe . . . . 4 Geofiery Hawkyns . . . . . +mmw¢mN I51:-||:,-JOwm 8 146 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

NORTON BAVANT—c0'nt. s d if d ]ohn Edwardes . . . . 8 Thomas Mathew . . . . Thomas Edwardes . . . . u.>u.>-r=~Z*\ William Moore ‘in annuites’ 2 o 8 Christofer Candy ...... 3 U1NUlUlC\¢n Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 45 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF UPTON SKIDMORE s d if S d Christofer Ayer gentleman . . . . 30 Thomas Saynsbury ...... 8 4 ]0ne Knight wido . . . 13 4 Jone Escott wido . . . . IO Margaret Hill wido . . u1o\oou1al*“ 8 4 George Daniell ‘in annuytes’ 20 2 8 William Lyde ...... I2 20 ]ohn Cabell ...... 6 IO Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 2s 8d probatur THE TETHING OF NORRIDGE AND THOLVESTON if s d S d William Cabell ...... 3 5 George Morgane ‘in yerely profittes’ . . 2O 2 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 7s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF LITELL CORSELEY £ S d \Villiam Carre ...... 13 2I 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 21$ 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF GREAT CORSELEY £ sci d William Whoper (L) ...... 4o 4 William Mayore (L) 1 >0 8 William Quyll . . ]ohn Higgyns . Richard Holwaye . . 8 Richard Crispyne . . ]ohn Hill ......

]ohn Pylton ...... l—t Ou.>u.>~\1u.>1.u b-l-1 8 ]ohn Knight ‘in yerely profittes’ '20 QHUILJ101O\LJ'lUlNU! 8 William Hynd ...... 3 ]ohn Hopkyns ...... 3 Thomas Carpenter ‘in yerely profittes’ . . 2O 8 Mighaell Lighe ...... 3 ]ohn Lambe ...... 7 I-1 Alice Stephans ‘in yerely profittes’ 20 ]ohn Wattes (L) ...... 40 Margaret Grene ‘in annuites' . . 40 Agnes Pratt ‘in yerely profittes’ . . . 20 Thomas Hewstas ‘in yerely profittes’ _. . 20 Thomas Helyor ...... 4 Thomas Goughe ...... 4 William Holwaye . . . . 5 John Rawlyns ‘in annuites’ 20 U3-PUJUJUJUJ-P-PCIJCIJ Henry Stookes . . . . 3 Thomas Titt ‘in annuites' 20 8 ]ohn ]ervis ...... 3 U'lNU1NUJO\O\NN'».J1LJ1[Q|-|U1ggU1U-| I47 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

GREAT CORSELEY—c0nt. £ 8 4 £ S d Henry Gerard . . . . I2 20 Geofiery Gately ...... 8 I3 4 ]ohn Rawlyns ...... 5 3 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne £9 5s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF £84 £ 8 d ]ohn Mervyn gentleman (L) . . 3 2I 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 21s 4d probatur

[45] THE TETHING OF BISSHOPSTROWE £ s d £ 8 Clement Bathe ...... 20 33 ]ohn Middelcott ...... 20 33 Margarette Middelcot ‘in annuites’ 5 I3 ]ohn Addams ...... 6 R.0':-In-F-IA _]ohn Stookes 5 Henry Stookes Thomas Stookes . Stephan Lawrence . . john Cocle ...... john Fosbury ...... LA-ILA-ILA-ILA-ILA-IU-l-P UILHUIUILH Summa rec’ istius decenne £5 16$ 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF SMALBROOKE s d £ d William Blake ...... l—l 8 Richard Gardenor . . 8 William Lawrence . . Richard Bullock . . 8 ]ohn Bennett (L) . . 8 William Busshe . . William Burdge . . 8 William Carter . . . .

Katheryn Whithed wido . . . . 00 00

Peter Bristowe ‘in annuites' . . O0 00 08'“KOLALA-lab-I'\I-F~u.1-In NI-I1-| 00O‘~LnQ\Q\cn-Ik'l.n'l.nO\U1 Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 19$ 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF BORAME AND BOURTON s d 8 d William Howper ...... N 33 4 ]ohn Chamberlayne I0 Nicholas ]ansone . . 8 4 ]ohn Langley . 8 4 Henry Wil-came ...... I0 ]ohn Eliott ...... -r=o\<.nu1o\o**\ 6 8 ]one Chamberlayne wido ‘in annuites’ 20 2 8 Edward Bayly ...... 3 William Bourtone ‘in annuites' . . 20 8 ]ohn Gifford gentleman (L) . . I4 LA-I '\Il~)'lJ1 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne £6 4s 4d probatur

THE TETHING AND TOWNE OF WARMYSTER £84 £ d ]ohn Whatlye i . . . . 5 4 Geoffery Dade in annuites' 20 8 _]ohn Burgeman . . . . 3 LHIQCDO1 I LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

VVARMYSTER-—c0nt. £ s d £ d Thomas Robbyns ...... 3 ]one Rawlyns wido ‘in annuites' 20 8 ]ohn Rawlyns draper ‘in annuites’ 20 NNLHQ; 8 ]ohnDale ...... 10 William Morgane ...... 5 ]ohn Multon I3 4 Thomas Cabell 16 8 ]ohn Webbe |-1|-1 2o Thomas Strenger . . . . 8 4 Thomas Cockell . . . . . U'lU'lNIo%U-lo’) 8 4 William Wattes ‘in annuites’ . 20 2 8 Thomas Blake (L) . . Walter Cotton . . . . 8 George Brent Henry Rawlyns . . William Blake ]ohn Carpentor . William Rawlyns . . ]ohn Yerbery . . 4 ]ulyan Beache wido (L) . . Henry Snowe . . I-lI-l 8 Lawrence Pylchard ]ohn Lide . . . . 8 William Gardenor . . Richard Yong . . . . 8

]ohn Whitehed . . . . OUJU10’\LA.)l~JLA)UJ\IlUJLu-PL»-PL» Robert Feattes ‘in annuites’ 20 8 ]ohn Pitman . . . . 3 ]ohn Alleyn ‘in annuites’ . . 20 8 Humfry Leycetor . . 3 ]ohn Guly ‘in annuites' . . 20 William Middelcot . . . . 22 Robert Howse . . . . 8 IOHII-ILA)|-4|-1 ]ohn Stanlock ‘in annuites’ 20 CD-F~@@ Roger Harrys ...... 3 O\t~JU1<...nt~JLaoNU’!IOU1O'\U\O'\U10'\UJUJOknOLnU1l-100 Summa rec’ istius decenne vel burgi £15 12s 4d probatur The tething of Avenesfee ...... nil

Summa totalis rec’ hundredi predicti £83 3s 8d probatur

THE LIBERTIE OF DEVERELL LANGBRIDGE ]ohn Mervyn gentleman peticollector ibidem THE TETHING OF DEVERELL AND CROKERTON £ s d 48 S d Sir ]ohn Thynne knight (L) . . . 60 Edward Adlame ‘in yerely profittes’ . 20 Edward Phipp ‘in yerely profittes’ . 20 ]ohn Middelcott ‘in yerely profittes’ . 2O William George ‘in yerely profittes’ 20 Nicholas Peers ‘in yerely profittes’ . 20 William Bui-ford ‘in yerely profittes’ . 2O William Hill ‘in yerely profittes’ . . . 20 VVil1iam Crowche ‘in yerely profittes’ . 20 William Thressher ‘in yerely profittes’ . . 20 NNNNNIONNIO @@@@@CIJCIJCIJ@ 149 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

DEVE RELL AND CROKERTON—~c0m!. £50! £3 ]ohn Hobbys ‘in yerely profittes’ 2o 2 Thomas Thynne gentleman 3 Ralfe Fawconer gentleman 13 Nicholas Davys . . . . 13 Valentin Adlame . . . I3 U351-1-Ii-It-Rh-F William Davys . IO john Chynnock . . . 3 ]ohn Mattock . . . . 3 Agnes Bedborowgh wido . . William Mullens . . . Thomas Ayshelock Thomas Gilbart . . . Thomas Tannor alias Bis . . l3Jl3J@@E¥J-F-F Richard Bosdene . . . Maurise Wickame . . Thomas Hobbys . . . Edith Bedborowgh wido . . Thomas Adlame . . . Thomas Bartelet . . ]ohn Adlame . William George . Walter Beast . . Robert Clevelod . . . . Stephan Cowper . . . . LnLuLuLULuL»LuUJLuLuLnJ-F-F-B-B-F§fl§flO\UJ09UJU1 U1U1U1U1U1U1U1UIU’1U1UIO\O\O\O\O\ Summa rec’ istius decenne £17 Ios probatur

THE TETHING OF MOUNTTOWN DEVERELL al £ s William Powton . . . . no 33 Robert Peerrott . . 13 Thomas Neale . 11 William Stride 8 ]ohn Stride . . . . 8 Robert Smythsone Noell Lucas ...... aauuwmom 51-1W-is-IiU30‘)-Ph-ii ]ohn Shorly . . . . 3 U’10\C\ Summa rec’ istius decenne £4 13s 4d probatur

The sum totall of this libertie £22 3s 4d probatur

THE HUNDRED OF DONWORTHE john Mervyn gentleman peticollector ibidem

THE TETHING OF SEDGELL M 0: & M al ]ohn Coward thonger . . Thomas Tresse . . . . 8 Edward Kyng . . ]ohn Coward theldor Edith Powton wido ]ohn Hilgrove . . . Thomas Kyng theldor . 8 William Prynce . . 4 William Godderd . . I-II-1||-4' Thomas Godderd . . 8 William Kyng . A#©m¢w@ww¢@ O\O\OUJO\LnO!.n!.nO\O0-, 8 I50 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

SEDGELL——c0nt. In st ,6s d Thomas Kyng 6 8 ]ohn Kyng . . . . I0 Elene Frowd wido . . 11 8 ]ohn Frowd ...... o-av“ow: IO Richard Kyng ...... 8 I3 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne ,66 11s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF TEVOUNT EVIAS U! $5.. ,6 S William Ley gentleman (L) . . . I-I 34 William Dove . . . . 13 William Swette . . . . 3 -F-POOR. ]ohnDove...... o.>u1ono.>“'\ 5 Thomas Bownd ...... 3 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne ,63 6s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF CHEKELATT ,6 s d ,6 d William Pike gentleman (L) . . 40 4 Christofer Blackman ‘in annuites’ . . . . 40 4 Richard Kyng ...... 3 U'IU'IU1in Summa rec’ istius decenne I 5s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF BARWIKE ST. LEONERD s d ,6 S d William Powton gentleman (L) . . 26 8

Thomas Stookes ...... I-ll-I 20 Walter Cooles . . . . 1o ]ohn Knight ...... 1o ]ohn Sheperd ...... -r=~o~o-o*"* 6 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 63 13s 4d probatur [46] THE TETHING OF FOWNTELL GIFFORD U‘) FL ,6 s d Nicholas Vyncent alias Brooke . . . . 16 8 Robert Gerard ...... 1o Robert Clement . . I0 George Knight . . 8 4 Thomas Cantelowe Stephan Knight . William Blycke ...... u.>u.>oau1o\O\6b"* Richard Androwes ...... 3 U'IU1U1U'I Summa rec’ istius decenne 63 5s probatur

THE TETHING OF CHILMARK s d ,6 s d Christofer Holme ‘in annuites' . . 26 8 Cecely Coward wido . . . 1o George Plymton . . . . . 8 4 Richard Rogers alias Furnell . IO William Boolles . . . . 8 4 Richard Banstone . . . . 8 Richard Stephans . . . . Robert Clare ...... William Rogers alias Furnell . . come.»-I-~u1o\u1o~8F"\ Agnes Mascall wido ‘in annuites' 20 8 Henrie Clare ‘in annuites' . . . . 2o NNU1U1U1U\ 8 15x LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

CHILMARK—c0nt. 6 s d 6 S d Walter Mayho no no On 8 13 4 William Moore Q. IQ II 9 15 Summa rec’ istius decenne 65 18s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF RUDGE s d 6 S d jone Newe alias Saundors wido . . 13 4 Edith Poope wido II II O 5 Richard Fricker II O0 6 8 Nicholas Kyrby 5 _]ohn Moore II 8 William Newe wuwawm“ 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne 46s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF SWALLOCLIF s d 6 s d Thomas Southe esquier (L) . . 34 8 ]one Rabbett wido 33 4 John Gibbes 5 ]one Best wido 5 Robert Rabbett On I 5 William Varret, Frenchman . . O. Q. awww 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 64 3s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF ANSTIE s d 6 s d john Zowche knight (L) . . n 53 4 Alexandor Mighell IO Henry Mayho 5 William Rabbett 6 8 Edmund Best Edithe Alie wido 8 Beantrix Drewe wido . . 8 ]ohn Frowdd L»-i=-ht»-I:-woxoh‘ U‘lU\O\Ln Summa rec’ istius decenne 64 18s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF TISBURY s d 6 S d _]ohn Combe 16 8 William Abbott 10 Edward Lawrence I5 Thomas Skamell IQ|'|h,\ 33 4 Edward Waterman 1o George Haytore 8 4 Humfry Cotton Edward Fezard 4 john Fezard William Farnell U1U'IUJU1 Summa rec’ istius decenne 65 16s 8d probatur THE TETHING OF STAPLE £ s d 6 s Thomas.Webbe (L) 5 Robert Bracher IO I6 Walter Roose II 18 _]ohn Bisse . . 4 6 Robert Turner II 18 Thomas Maiho I4 23 Robert Milles 4 6 GD-h-PUD-PFLCD-ii Summa rec’ istius decenne 64 I 5s 4d probatur 152 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF I576

THE TETHING OF CHEKESGRAVE s d 6 S d Anne Mompesson wido (L) . . 21 4 john Haylock ...... I-l 20 Edward Boolls . . . . 13 4 john Bisse theldor I3 4 john Sompsyon . . 3 4 Henry Fryker . . Marian Davys wido Mary Davys wido ...... 00"“wwmuioooon UIUIUI Summa rec’ istius decenne 64 11s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF HATCHE £ s d 6 S Lawrence Huyde esquire (L) . 2O 53 Thomas Bennett gentleman (L) . . 20 53 Thomas Cox (L) ...... 8 21 Thomas Roose . . . I0 16 5%O9-F-P-F john Skamell theldor . 5 [4661] Thomas Snoke 6 8 john Grey . . . . "William Sanger . . 4 Edward Skamell . . 4 Helene Sanger wido john Friker . . 8 john Whithere . . . William Wikes . . . . 4 Thomas Skamell thonger Thomas Card . . . . Thomas Hunt . . . . Humfry Lyon . . . .

Thomas Barter ‘in annuites’ U*U1LnL.»J-PU-I-F-F~‘\3l-PU-IUIU-I-F john Hoode ‘in annuites’ 40 00000000-F Peter Candy . . . . Alexandor Abbott . . . 8 William Barker . . O9-PU-I 4 Edward Combe ...... IO n-1I-ll-IH|-1ownO\U1U1OO\HO\U10DLnO\OO0O0Ln 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 614 I 5s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF HAYSTONE s d 6 s d john Lusshe theldor . . . . 23 4 Thomas Bonter . . . . . 6 8 Walter Blacker . . 10 Thomas Mullens . . 5 William Persons . . HHEM 16 8 Deonys Sturges . . 8 4 Edward Wells . . . john Speryng theldor . William Hayme . . john Gourd . . . . 4 Richard Staysmore . . . . 8 john Staynsmore ‘in annuites' . . OUJU)-F-FUl"\]U1l..lJl..I-Il..IJU'1 I-ll-I COUIUIUIOH-1 Summa rec’ istius decenne 66 12d probatur

THE TETHING OF DOGGENHELL £861 £ S d john Lanhen ...... 30 50 john Longeman ...... 8 I3 4 Thomas Corsare . . 3 5


DOGGENHELL—c0nt. 9'1 El EH d Edmund Wekes (L) Richard Lusshe . . 4 Edmund Rabbett . . 4 john Eliott ...... 8 Richard Speryng . . . . Thomas Mullens ‘in copyhold’ . 20 8 Hughe Rabbett . . . . john Kirley . . . . Alice Burden wido . . . . . wow-Iu.=~quiuiu:l*“~ Thomas Bower gentleman (L) . . 0 0 0 T Q NI-Ibi 8 Walter Skamell ...... 5 OU1notor:CM.noooooccnI-1 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 68 7s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF CHARLETON (fl Fl. PR s William Brockwey ...... 13 john Longford . . . . 13 Henry Honye . . 8 Eh.-3-|=-P~ William Wyllowes . . john Speryng . . 4 Thomas Grove 4 john Mountier 8 Thomas Abbotte . . William Eliott ...... 8 Thomas Dibbyn ...... 8 Christofer Kyng ...... on-#-P~w-n~u|u1wu10ooot*‘* William Martene alias Perham ‘in copihold’ . 40 4 William Cox ...... 12 noosowuiQuiuicmocooui Summa rec’ istius decenne 65 12s probatur

THE TETHING OF WYNSFORD R. CH s Robert Grove gentleman ‘in annuites' . . 53 jane Bower wido ...... I-lb) I6 Alexander Kyng ...... I 3 -PCB-PQ, john Brockwey (L) . . . . 8 Thomas Godderd ...... 8 Thomas Bower thonger ‘in copihold’ . . Walter Tovye ...... mu:-P~woo0O3‘\ Richard Hayme ‘in copyhold’ . . 8 David Brooke ‘in copihold’ ...... -lib) 4 Thomas Cooke ...... I0 '00(n I-I ONLHl\JU100C'/5 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 66 I 5s 8d probatur Summa totalis recept' predicti hundredi 691 14$ probatur

[47] THE HUNDRED OF DAMARHAM SOUTHE Robert Bownd peticollector ibidem

THE TETHING OF DAMERHAM in El l*\ 0'1 Anthonye Aissheley gentleman (L) 13 Olyver Horsey gentleman . . 3 j0h11 Garrett ...... 1 1 john FOICI . . . 1 1 0000-P-P~gs, William Thressher . . IRO‘\\1\IU1l.n 10 I54 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

DAMERHAM—00m!. U1 R. I*\ FL. William Powlton . William Brether . Henry Chator 8 john Rendall . Richard Bodden . Arthure Hunt Thomas Hunt ' john Hunt . . Richard Hunt 6 O0-P--P--P--P-CCCICE-B Henry Storke Robert Grey Ralfe Chatore john Thomas john Amore john Chator . . William Trippock . . ‘ Edith Hunt wido . . Christofer Holwey Agnes Skeat wido . . Richard Ford Frances Ford john Yelowes ...... William Notte ...... UJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJLHUJUJLAJUJUJ-'5-'5-PLR-HLflLflLflLflI*\ 0000000U1LflLflLflLflLflLflU'LflLJ'1'\J1'~_J'1U1LJ'10000“ Summa rec’ istius decenne 69 13s 4d probatur

THE TETHING OF MERTENE 3 3 ,5 3 d Barthelmew Horsey esquier (L) . . to 53 john Blake ...... 13 William Legiare . . 8 john Abbott 8 -Ii-Ii-P-ll john Langhame . 1o john Sweteaple . . IO George Wekes . . 1 1 8 john Wekes . . 5 Christofer Sweteaple Edmund Compton . . 8 john Harrys . . Edwyne Whitting . . john Prynce . . 8 Elizabeth Chaper . . Peter Prynce . . 8 Nicholas Lanham . . 4 john Storke . . Edmund Wekes . . 8 Richard Storke Thomas Sevior 8 Peter Storke William Hurst . . Edward Stone . . Edmund Sweteaple Nicholas Streat . . Thomas Prynce . john Clarke ...... FDO\O\U'\Lno\o»oJo»o»u»-1:-oa-I:-oauw-I:-us-1:-mo:-I:-o»o»-1-A000 C\LnLnO'\LnC‘-LnC\6LnLnU1LnU'\C\Lnoo<.':\u1 8 David Grove ...... 4 6 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 612 probatur I55 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

THE TETHING OF COMPTON CHAMBERLAYN sd 6 S gentleman . . 26 john Rives . 23 William joye . 13 john Bownd . I3 james Eliott . 6 U5-F-P-P009-4 Richard Skidmore . Thomas Rowlye . Thomas Parker . LJ'lL.l'lLJ'l Humfry Wattes . 5 Robert Bownd . 1-1|-1|--4t_|__\ 16 8-

Thomas Ford . 0 00 QOLALHLHLH-P03%-F0* 1o

john Marsheman . O 00 no 6 1o Summa rec’ istius decenne 67 probatur

Summa totalis rec’ hundredi predicti 628 13s 4d probatur

47¢] THE HUNDRED OF MERE Thomas Awbrey peticollector ibidem

THE TETHING OF THE TOWN OF MEERE sd 6 S J Leonerd Chafiin gentleman . . IO Edward Chaffin gentleman I3 4 William Chaffin gentleman 3 4 Giles Sandfeld . 6 8 William Dick . IO William Kendall . 6 8 Alexandor Boower . II 8 Henry Swetname . IO Thomas Barthelet . II 8 Thomas Coowche . 8 4 john Foreward 5 john Bourne 5 john Deverell . I3 4 Richard Gildon . 5 john Longe . 5 Christofer Alford . 13 4 john Bisshop . 5 _ ohn Tovye glovyer 5 Wulston Foster . I3 4 Thomas Barnerd . 13 4 Robert Bisshop 26 8 john Coward 3333363.o\->91oor..»o.>u1~1o\~1-isooo~*"“*oocucucu 5 Mighaell Lamyng . 3 5 john Sheperd (L) . Io 26 8 john Brynck alien . nil 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 612 3s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF BOTHE SEALLS s d 6 s d William Lucas . 5 Thomas Stower . II 8 William Peereman . 5 john Hayne . 5 john Guyer O\!.».>L».>\1!.»t"""~ IO


BOTHE SEALLS—c0nt. s d 6 William Gildone . . William Tovye . . Thomas Robbyns . . Phelip Hendy . . . . Thomas Gildon . . . . |-¢1-1 CI3@@CDCI3Q_, Katheryn Foreward wido . . Edward Anstwike ...... E-35'“r.»r.»\14=-4=- ‘in copyhold’ . . I~JU'lU'1HC\C\U‘~U‘~¢n 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 64 17s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF STOURTON sd 6 d Richard Rogers gentleman . john Riall ...... john Genynges . . . . William Britayne . . john Porter . . . Richard Addams ...... wwwwuwfib mu-mu-muin Summa rec’ istius decenne 30s probatur

THE TETHING OF WOODLAND sd 6 s d Christofer Dodyngton esquier (L) re 53 4 Thomas Huyt ...... 16 8 Thomas Kyng . . . . . I0 Thomas Alford of Bourton 5 William Barraker . . . . Aves Foreward wido . . 8 Robert Coward . . . . Thomas Coward . . . . <.»G.><.»<.»o~'5'o**~ Anciet Chiselet ‘in copyhold’ . 8 john Forward t-honger . . 4 Edward Ford . . . . Thomas Wattes . . john Foreward theldor . . john Hiskett . . . . LAJO'\UJLAJU'l Thomas Bourne ‘in copihold’ . . Nicholas Clement ...... 5 Rendallus Bannister . . . . 10 |q|-1|-1 Thomas Alford theldor ‘in copyhold’ Leonerd Cowly ‘in copihold’ . . NLnO'\OO|~JLJ'1OLJ'1Ln@NILnU'lC*U'l C0-PC13-P00 Summa rec’ istius decenne 69 18s 4d probatur [48] THE TETHING OF CHADDENWITH £84 £ s d Thomas Awbrey ...... 10 16 8 Henry Monckes ...... 3 5 Summa rec’ istius decenne 21s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF KYNGESTON DEVERELLS s (Z 6 d Roger Hurle ...... 4 john Wattes john Atkyns Richard Curteis . . . . jone Hurle ...... Suauaua005'“ I-1|-1 8 Cuthbart Hurle ‘in copihold’ . . 8 Henry Batt ...... 5 CI3lQC7\U'lLnLnU-lin 4 Summa rec’ istius decenne 56s probatur


THE TETHING OF KNOYLE ODIERN 6 s d 6 S ti Henry Willoughby esquier (L) . . . . . 12 32 Isabell Willoughby ‘in annuytes’ . I0 26 Richard Pirry ‘in copihold’ . . 20 2 Edithe Grene wido . . 5 8 Richard Preston . . . . . 10 16 Edward Wyott ‘in annuites’ 4 1o Christofer Wylloughby ...... 4 6 Robert Dowdyng ‘in copihold’ ...... 2o 2 O‘JO‘J¢oO‘J-F~CDW Summa rec’ istius decenne 65 6s 4d probatur

Summa totalis rec’ hundredi predicti 637 13s 8d probatur

THE LIBERTY OF MAYDEN BRADLY Thomas Awbrey peticollector ibidem sd 6s d William Mompesson gentleman . . 16 8 Christofer Raddisshe gentleman . . 15 jone Rider widowe . . . . P-1P-lt‘_\ 16 8 Thomas Wallys . . . . 6 8 Philip Rycardes . Peter Holwey john Whitt . . Henry Hull . . . Robert Bisshop . Henry Davys . . joice Toogood wido Andrew Showard . . . . Ralfe Bayly . . . .

Thomas Dondene . . . . OKOOUJUJUJUJUJUJL)JUJL)JUJ-P William Whitt ‘in copihold’ . . john Bayly theldor ‘in copihold’ Henry Marshall ‘in copihold’ . . Giles Dicer ‘in copihold’ . . john Andrewes ‘in frehold’ john Moore ‘in copihold’ . . . . Edward Dodymead ‘in frehold’ . . Elizabeth Whitt wido ‘in copihold’ john Wikes gentleman (L) . . 4 O30‘)CDCDCDCDCDCD-Ii john Brether ...... 3 William Multon ‘in yerely profittes’ 6 |-4|-4Q'\UlOl'~Jl~Jl'~JUIl'~JU'IUIUIUIUlUIUIUlUI<..J1MNN Summa totalis rec’ libertatis predicte 68 8d probatur

THE LIBERTY OF , HYNDON AND BYSSHOPPE FOWNTELL john Mervyn gentleman peticollector ibidem THE TETHING or EAST KNOYLE 6 3 d ,5 3 3 William Hunton theldor . . . . . 90 7 1o William Hunton thonger . . . . 7 1 1 8 Robert Goldisborowgh . . 2o 33 4 Edward Basely ‘in annuites’ . . . 6 16 158 LIST OF TAXPAYERS FOR THE SUBSIDY OF 1576

EAST KNOYLE—c0nt. in Sb. t+\ d Thomas Brether . . |—l 8 Robert Browne . . Thomas Rendall . .

Helene Burbadge ...... )—I_|—|\—l Henry Skarlet ...... o»o»o=\ooft\ u1OOuiC'*=n Summa rec’ istius decenne 613 7s 8d probatur

THE TETHING OF MILTON AND UPTON U1 31. 1+5 cl Richard Hewes ...... 8 William Wobern . . IO john Godderd john Stone 5 Richard Miles Clement Boolls ...... om-31*“-c=-um» 8 Agnes Kyrby wido ...... 3 6U'lQ'\U1Chin Summa rec’ istius decenne 48s 4d probatur [4861] THE TETHING OF BISSHOPS FOWNTELL $5.. it-w (Z Walter Felthame ...... 10 Henry Addams 10

john Rowden . . I—l Edward Felthame . . 1o William Smythe . . 5 john Ingrame . . 5 Richard Domynick john Moonck . . . . Richard Cooke ...... <.no.>o»o.>o.>o\o\o\o»“"* 4 William Snelgrove ‘in annuites’ ...... no o0. noouiui=3o 8 Summa rec’ istius decenne 63 11s probatur

THE BORROWGH OF HYNDON (I1 Q. it-w cl Andrewe Blackman gentleman (L)

john Cooper ...... I-‘ll-l IO-P 8 john Hayman . . . . . 8 William Wylmotte 5 . . Raynold Coward ...... CN.n?-j"\o.>o.>o.>-t=~ Richard Orame ...... 4 O'\U'lU'lO‘~CI*Oo. 8 Summa rec’ istius burgi 64 15s probatur

Summa totalis rec’ libertatum predictarum 624 2s probatur

Summa summarum totalium receptuum omnium hundredorum predic- torum cum libertatibus et decennis antedictis 6437 9s 8d probatur

Inde deducitur pro feodis comissionariorum collectorum etsubcollectorum juxta ratum 6d pro qualibet libra secundum formam statuti 610 18s 6d

Et sic remanet clare domine regine 6426 11s 2d probatur

Signed.‘ john Zuche, john Thynne, Christofer Dodyngton _ Per manum Radulfi Fawkener vii° die julii anno xviii° regine E. cum obligacione I59 Appendix I




PAROCHIA DE BADBURY Sir William Wroughtun, knight, and Geoffry Danyell, esquier, com- myssyoners assigned by the kinges majesties comyssyon to assesse and taxe his graces subjectes to the payment of the thyrd parte of the relief graunted to the kinge by acte of parlyament. The said commyssyoners, emongest others assigned to execute the said commyssyon within the hundreth of Kyngesbrydge, Blagrove and Thornhill in the countie of Wiltes, to the right worshipfull the kinges commyssyoners assigned to assesse and taxe the said payment of the said relief within the countye of Berka, gretenge. We do certyfye unto you by this our writinge of certyfycat that Thomas Stephyns, gentylman, of Burdrope withyn the said hundreth of Kyngysbridge, Blagrove and Thornhill and the said countie of Wiltis, ys seassed and taxed to the said payment of the said relief before us in goodes and cattalles to the some of one hundreth poundes; so that he be not sessed or taxed before you at any greater some that then he may be discharged before you and be charged before us accordinge to the statute. Thus we bidd you moste hertely fare well. From Marle- borugh the viii“ of Apreill in the vi“ yere of the reigne of our moste dread sovereign lorde kinge Edward the vii“, by the grace of Godd of Englond, France and Irlond kinge, defender of the faith, and of the church of Englond and also of Irlond in erthe the supreme hedd. I551. By yours assured [sz'gned].' Wylliam Wroughtun, Geoffery Danyell Examinatur per j. Marwood. In margin. 6189 8s 8d’ feod’ 64 I483 6d debt’ 6184 14s 3d‘

I Public Record Oflice, Exchequer, Queen's Remembrancer, Certificates of Residence (E115)/36o/71. 2 Altered from 6192 15s 4d. 3 Altered from 16s. 4 Altered from 6187 19s 3d.

160 Appendix II


After our hartie commendacions, you shall receave herewith the queenes majesties commission under the great seale of England for the assessinge, levienge, gatheringe and aunsweringe to her majesties use the first payment of the subsidie granted to her heighnes by her lovinge subjectes in this last session of parliament. And like as the same is addressed unto you, as persons chosen uppon speciall trust and confidence above others, to joyne in commission for this purpose, so is yt requisit, aswell in dischardge of your owne duties as in satisfyenge of her majesties good expectacion, that you should take speciall care, and use your utter- most indevors, that the taxacion of the persons chardgeable maie be made indifferentlie and answearable to the meaninge of the parliament, and not so underfoote as heretofore hath ben used. Wherin as the good example of the just taxacion of your selfes shalbe doubtles the best meanes to induce others to be rated in such reasonnable sorte as is convenient, so we thincke yt necessarie to make you to understand as a matter that her majestie earnestlie desireth to have refourmed, that where heretofore persons of very great possessions and wealthe have ben assessed at very meane sommes, and persons of the meanest sorte have ben enhanced to paye after the rate of the uttermost value of their substaunces, you shall now have good regarde to order the said taxacions more indifferentlie, so as the greatest burden beinge laid uppon the most welthie, the poorer sorte maie in proporcion be the more easied. And this proceadinge of her majesties most gratious disposicion and care to the good usage of her people is of you to be substantyallie considered in your doinges, and very meete to be imparted to all such as in this case you shall have to deale with, to thend that yt maie appeare that her majestie is no lesse carefull to have yt levied without grief, then to conceave the same to be geven of her subjectes with most franke and lovinge good will. And for the gatheringe and aunswearinge the sommes to be taxed, yt is requisit and so we earnestlie requier you, that you appoint such sufficient persons to be collectors as for their honestie and wealthe shalbe willinge and hable to make payment to her majesties use at the tymes appointed. And this, with the good opinion that is conceaved of your wisdomes and good discrecions, we thincke sufficient for this purpose to provoke you to do

1 Public Record Office, State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth I (S.P.I2)/107, No. 97. 161 APPENDIX II so much as this case requireth. And so we bid you right hartelie farewell. From the Courte at Whitehaule, the [blank] of Marche, 1576. Your lovinge frindes, [unsigned]

Endorsed. Ultimo Marcii 1576. A memorandum of the lettres sent with the commissions for the taxing and leavieng of the first payment of the subsidie granted to her majestie at the late session of the parliament, to all sheires throughout the realme.


A Barow, Richard, 44 Adlington : A Bathe, Robert, 36 james, 91 Abbott, Abatte, Abbotte : Richard, 91 Alexander, 153 Adye : _ Augustine, 64 john, of Broad Hinton, 102 john, of Marlborough, 25 ——, of Easton Grey, 27 ——-—-, of Martin, 155 Thomas, 53 -——-—, of Salisbury, 64 William, of Easton Grey, 61 Robert, 137 -in of . =9. 53 Thomas, 154 Agarde, Stephen, 16 Wflliam, 152 Ailifie, Nicholas, 134 Abethell: Aissheley. See Assheley. john, the elder, 86 Alande, Alonde : i---, the younger, 86 Henry, 56 Abgod : Robert, 15, 9o jfahn, 11 Thomas, 15 omas, 11 Alcot, Nicholas, 1oo Abin, [blank], of Salisbury, widow, 64 Alden, Thomas, 14 Abraham, William, 35 Aldrige, Alrege : Abyer, john, 39 AS1169. 72 Achapell, Richard, 39_ john, 72 Aclcred, George, 127 Ralph. 34 Acreman: William, 72 J0hn.95 Aldwyn, Thomas, 12 William, of Blunsdon, 96 Aler, Ralph, 3o i—, of Wilsford, B6 Aleyn, Alegne. See Allen. Adams, Adames, Adamps, Addames, Alford, Al ord : Addams : Christopher, 156 Henry, 159 JOhn.I9 john, of Berwick St. james, 111 Thomas, of Mere, high collector, 17(3), i--, of Bishopstrow, 148 ——-—, of Salisbury, 39 19(4) i—, of Southwick, 35 ——-—, of Woodlands, of Bourton, 157 Richard, of Eniord, 121 ——-—, the elder, of Woodlands, 157 ——-—, of Lacock, 28 Alje. See Alye. i--, oi Stourton, 157 Alifi, Thomas, Bo _ Stephen, 146 Allen, Allene, Alleyn, Alleyne, Allin, Thomas, of Enford, 121 Alyn : ——-—, of Highworth, 97 Edith, 139 ——-—, of Trowbridge, 76 Henry, 36 William, 97 john, of Eastrop, 24 Adeane : ———, of Marlborough, 93 john, of Collingbourne Kingston, 79 Z—, of Warminster, 149 i—, of Collingbourne Valence and Richard, 134 Sutton, 11 Robert, vicar of Liddington, 22 Adlam, Adlame, Adlem : Thomas, 11 Ambrose, of Salisbury, 63 William, of Calne, 3o, 45 ——-—, of Westbury, 34 ——-—, of Pewsey, B2 Edward, 149 ——-—, of Tinhead, 141 George, 71 [blank], of Highworth, widow, 97 john, of Corsham, 57 Alexander, Alexandre : ——, of Hornlngsham, 145 Agnes, 29 i—, ‘of and Edward, the elder, 86 Crockerton, 15o i—, the younger, 86 ——-—, of Penleigh, 34 Henry, 120 Robert, 34 john, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 Sybil, 34 ——-—, of , B5 Thomas, of Edington, 141 if-, the elder, of Lea and Cleverton, ——-—-, of Longbridge Deverill and 52 Crockerton, 15o ———, the younger, of Lea and Clever- Valentine, 15o ton, 52 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Alexander, Alexand1'a—cont. Apleford. See Appleford. Richard, of Great Sheepbridge, 134 Aplegoudge, Richard, 72 4, of Rodbourne, 52 Appleford, Apleford : Thomas, 3 Richard, 8o William, 39 Stephen, 93 Alonde. See Alande. William, 46 Alrege. See Aldrige. Aprice, Apryc : Alwey, john, 35 john,86 Alyn. See Allen. Thomas, 44 Alye, Alie : Archard : Edith, 152 Adam, 48 Thomas, of Malmesbury, 48 Henry, 106 4, of Salisbury, 39 john, of Ashton Keynes, IO-O Amaria, Robert, 11 4, of Crudwell, 49 Ambar, Nicholas, 7o 4, of Lyneham, etc., I06 Amer. See Amor. Richard, 57 Ames, Amys : Robert, 57 john, of Dinton, 145 Arche : 4, of , 137 john, of Milbourne and Norton, 29 Robert, 135 4, of Norton, 53 Thomas, 43, 137 Magister, 4o William, of Durnford, 130 Ardell, Michael, 121 William, of Semley, 43, 137 Arden : Amnettes, john, 89 Edith, 97 Amor, Amare, Amer, Amore: J0hn.97 Edith, 84 Argill. See Hargill. john, of Damerham, 155 Arman, Thomas, 106 4, of Latton, 24 Arnold, Arnall, Arnolde : Margaret, 85 john,1o7 Osmund, 85 Nicholas, 128 Robert, 85 Richard, 46 William, of Charlton, 13 Thomas, of Lyneham, etc., 106 4, of Pewsey, 82 4, parson of Great Somerford, 29 Amyll, Amylles : Asford, Robert, 59 john, of , 37 Asherman, Anne, 90 4, of Westbury, 71 Ashton, Ayssheton : Amys. See Ames. john, of , 14o Androwes, Andrewes, Andros, Androws : 4, of Sharcott and Southcott, 11 james, 39 Assheby, Thomas, 8 jermyn, 146 Assheley, Aissheley, Aysheley : john, of Ambury, 1 Anthony, 154 ——--—, of Collingbourne Kingston, 11 Thomas, 34 4, of , 158 Tristram, 5 4, of Stratford Deane and Strat- Atcloughe, Bryan, 66 ford Common, 126 Atkins, Atkyns, Attkins : Henry, 121 john of , 157 Margery, 103 4, of Stapleford, 112 Matthew, 23 Leonard, 52 Maurice, roo Maurice, 133 Richard, of Allington and Newton Nicholas, 128 Tony, 2 Thomas, 8 4, of Fonthill Giflord, 151 Atwater, Atwaters : Thomas, of Avebury, 103 john, of Flamston, 116 4, of Rodbourne Cheney, etc., 94 Thomas, 116 Walter, 5 William, 44 Wifliam, of East Grymsted and Dean, 5 Atwayle, George, 13 4, of Fisherton de la Mere and Atyate, Anne, 64 Bapton, 146 Audley, Awdley : —-——, of Marlborough, 25 Elizabeth, 35 Angood, Thomas, alien, 136 Magister, of Salisbury, 4o Anker, William, 101 Aulye, Thomas, 73 Annettes, William, 16 Aunsell, Nicholas, 65 Anniett, john, 64 Austen, Austyn, Awsten : Anstwike, Edward, 157 Giles, 113 Antram, Ellis, 120 Ralph, 92 Apevan, Giles, 8 William, 9o I INDEX OF PERSONS

Avale : Baker, Bakere : john,25 Christopher, 105 Thomas, 25 Elizabeth, 51 Avenell, john, 24 Ellis, 7 Averie, Thomas, 49 Henry, the elder, 82 Averyce, Thomas, 58 john, mayor of Devizes, 14 _ Avey, john, 70 4, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 Awbrey, Thomas, petty collector, 156, 4, of Ramsbury, 93 157- 153 4, of Salisbury, 39 Awdley, See Audley. 4, of Salisbury, gentleman, 64 Awldridge : Magister, of Salisbury, 40 Nicholas, 132 Nicholas, 26, 56 Robert, 132 Richard, of Compton Bassett, 46 4, of Everleigh, 3 Awste : 4, of Stapleford, 8 J01111. '74 Robert, of Allington, etc., 55 Robert, 60 4, of Bishopstone, 26 William, 59 Roger, 75 Awsten. See Austen. Thomas, of Lackham, 28 Axford, Axefiorde : 4, of Stapleford, 112 Aldhelm, 143 William, of Allington, etc., 55 john,7o 4, of Fittleton, 125 Richarde, 72 4, of Oaksey, 51 Ayer. See Eyre. 4, of Pitton and Farley, 128 Ayleswourth, Wifliam, 20 Bakon. See Bacon. Aylifi, William, 97 Aynell, john, 116 Balden, Baldin, Baldon, Baldwyne : Ayre. See Eyre. . john,7 Aysheley. See Assheley. Richard, of Avebury, 23 Ayshlocke, Ayshelock, Ayshlocke, 4, of Chippenham, 54 Aysshelock: Thomas, of Avebury, 103 Christopher, of , 37 4, of Bax, 58 4, of Norton Bavant, 146 William, 57 Thomas, of Heytesbury, 37 Bale, Nicholas, 94 4, of Heytesbury, petty collector, Ball : 141(2) john, 15 4, of Longbridge Deverill and Stephen, 142 Crockerton, 150 Balles, Richard, 129 4, of Mere, 19 Ballard, Ballarde, Ballerd : Ayssherton. See Ashton. john, of Eastridge, 26 4, of , 34 james, 72 Baberstooke, Walter, 145 joan,93 Bachelor, Bacheler : Margery, 15 Henry, 131 Robert, 99 joan, 78 Stephen, 93 Marian, 78 Thomas, of Bromham, 90 Backehowse, Hurtman, 64 4, of Ramsbury, 93 Backer, john, 6o Bancree, Henry, 24 Bacon, Bakon : Bankes, Banckes : john, of , 22, 101 john, of Chippenham, 55 4, of Longford and , 42 4, of Milton Lilborne, 82 4, of , 109 Lawrence, vicar of Hullavington, 29 Nicholas, 114 Roger, 93 Richard, of Chilmark, 18 Walter, of Horton, 89 4, of Quidhampton, 7 4, of Stanley, 27 4, of Whiteparish, 6 Bannell, William, of Penley and Brook, 72 Thomas, of Bulbridge and ' Sether- 4, of Sevenhampton, 24 hampton ’, 43 Banner, Henry, curate of Kemble, 30 4, of Marlborough, 25 Bannister, Bannester, Bannyster : 4, of , 95 john,121 Bainning, Baininge, Bannyng : john,81 Randal, 19, 157 Ralph, 81 Bannocke, William, 72 Richard, 92 Bannyng. See Baining. William, 11 Banstone, Richard, 151 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Bapshyne, Henry, 73 Barthelet, Bertlet : Bar, james, 38 john,13 Barber, Barbour : Thomas, 156 Edith, 42 William, 19 , Edmund, 118 Bartilmewe, Bartholomew : john. See Lawrens. john, 79 - Thomas, 118 Thomas, 64 William, 118 William, 59 Barget, Thomas, 97 Bartlet, Bartelet, Bartlett: Barkby, john, 27 Edmund, 83 George, 13 Barker, Barkar: Thomas, 150 (or Snert), Edward, 39 William, 19 George, 35 Bartley, Hugh, 88 Henry, 91 Barton, Bartton : Thomas, 40, 63 Agnes, 73 William, of Hatch, 153 Edward, 3 Barkesbye, john, 51 Henry, parson of Langley Burrell, 28 Barkley : William, 26 Oswald, 140 Barwicke : Thomas, 141 john, 12 Barksdale, Robert, 35 4, the elder, 1 1 Barkshyre, john, 5 Basdale, Thomas, 69 Barley, Barle, Barlie : Baskerfeld, Baskerfeild : john, 11o Philip, 16 Stephen, 101 Simon, 22 Thomas. 3, 121 William, 103 Barnabe, john, 39 Basley, Basely, Baslye: Barnes : Edward, 158 james, 73 john, of Orcheston St. Mary, 7 Edward, 89 4, of , 11o Robert, 87 Richard, 44 William, of Charlton, 117 Basset, Michael, 22 4, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 Bastarde, john, 113 4, of West Kington, 60 Bath, Bathe: Barnewell, William, 62 Agnes, 108 Baron, Barons : Clement, 148 Richard, 111 john, of Pewsey, 11 Thomas, 44 4, of , 108 Barow, A. See A Barow. Richard, of Woodshaw, 21 Barraker, William, 157 4, of Wootton Bassett, 106 Barret, Barrette, Berret : Robert A. See A Bathe, Robert. ' Edmund, of Colerne, 60 Walter, 129 4, of Eisey, 98 William, 98 Hugh, 55 Bathiway, Robert, 65 Jqhn-95 Bat. See Batt. Nicholas, 60' Batson : Richard,ofAllCanningsandAllington,83 Edith, 23 4, of Chittoe, 90 Jqhn.9s 4, of Rodboume Cheney, etc., 94 Richard, 95 Thomas, of Tytherton Lucas, 28 Batt, Bat, Batte : 4, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Christopher, 67 William, of Devizes, 91 Henry, 157 4, of Water Eaton and Eisey, 24 john, of Devizes, 91 Barrowe, Robert, 107 4, of Erlestoke, 7o Barrie, Barrye : 4, of Great Bedwyn, 78 john,66 4, of Salisbury, 40 Thomas, B4 Richard, 14 Bartele, john, 83 Thomas, 1 Bartelet. See Bartlet. William, 124 . Barter: Batten : john, of , 119 J0hn.ss 4, of Stratford Tony, 119 Richard, 54 Margaret, 119 (or Perryn), Thomas, 129 Thomas, of Fovant, 119 Walter, of Allington, etc., 55 4, of Hatch, 18, 153 4, of Hullavington, 54 INDEX OF PERSONS Batter: Barnard, Barnarde, Barnerd, Baynard. George, 129 See Bernard. Martin, 130 Baynton: _ Michael, 128 _ Edward, knight, 58 Bayly, Bailie, Bayhe, Baylye : Henry, 140 gnes, 16 William, 81 Christofer, of Keevil, -140 Baylifl, William, 55 4, of Rowley, 33 Bayte, Robert, 2 4, of Rowley and Trowle. 73 Beache, Beche : Edmund, 74 Christopher, 35 Edward, 148 Beale, Beele: joan, of Chittoe, 90 john, of Collingbourne Duels, 3 4, of Devizes, 91 4, of Durnford, 2 4, of Garsdon, 51 julian, 149 john, of Brokerborough, 30 Thomas, the elder, 48 4, of Chirton, 13 William, of Brinlrworth and Grittenham, 4, the elder, of Corston, 52 49 4, the younger, of Corston, 52 4, of , 129 4, of Greenhill, 21 4, the younger, of Brinlrworth and 4, of , 107 Grittenham, 48 4, of Imber, 37 Beard, Richard, 96 4, of Leigh, 33 Bear, Beare : -'4, of Leigh and Cumberwell, 73 john, of Pewsey, 82 4, of Maiden Bradley, 158 4, of Stock Street, 46 4, of Marlborough, 92 William, 13 4, of Salisbury, 66 Beasser, George, 73 4, of Salisbury, merchant, 64 Beast. See Best. 4, of Steeple Ashton, 34 Beche. See Beache. 4, of Westwood, 122 Becket, Beckett, Bekett : llalargaret, 74 §:l.lhZ-gbfltll, 95 argery, 13 o , 12 Michael, 74 Thomas, of Hannington, 23 Pernel, 131 4, of Littleton Pannell, 12 Ralph, 158 William, B4 Richard, of Brook, 19 Beckmgton, Bekyngton: 4, of , 84 john, of , 130 4, of Sherston, 61 4, of West Amesbury, 1 -4, of Westbury. 70 Mary. 130 Robert, of Chirton, 13 Bedborow, Bedborowgh : 4, of , son of Pernel, 131 Agnes, 150 4, the elder, of Tidworth, 131 Edith, 150 the lady, of Keevil, 35 Leonard, 42 Thomas, of Brook, 19 Bedlecomb, john, 42 4, of Devizes, 91 Bedyll, Robert, 1 4, of Highworth, 97 Beele. See Beale. 4, of Keevil, 35 Beezie, William, 58 4, of , 125 Bekett. See Becket. 4, of Tidworth, 131 Bekyngton. Sea Beckington. ——-—, of Upavon, 13, 86 Bekyngham, john, 40 Walter, 14 Beld, Henry, 5 William, of Keevil, 35 Beldey, Walter, 129 —-——-—, of Stanton St. Quintin, 53 Bellenger, Belinger: 4, of Wroughton, 123 Dorothy, 67 4, the elder, of Brook, 19 john, 121 4, the elder, of Holt, 33 Bellet, Bellit, Bellot : 4, the younger, of firook, 19 ¥Lchard, 28 4, the ou er, of eevil, 35 omas, 28 Bauston, john? 181:8 Befialtefi it“ Bawche, Vincent, 12 ‘es, o , 111 Bawden, William, 123 Bellit, Bellot. See Bellet. Bawgh,_Richard, 44 Bellye. Tllflma-‘I. 39 Bawthne, john, 53 Belton,_Henry, 71 Baye, Thomas, 66 Benberie. l°hn. I36 B3,y'mQn : B6l1b1'lCkO, Edmund, 43 Henry, 93 Bendall, William, 142 Thomas, 93 Benet. See Bennett. I57 INDEX OF‘ PERSONS

Benger : Best, Beast : joan, 84 Edmund, 152 john, of Alton Barnes, 14, 83 joan, 152 4, of East Overton, 123 john, of Ansty, 18 4, of Pewsey, gentleman, 11 4, the younger, of Sutton Mande 4, of Wilcot, 87 ville, 42 Richard, 14 Walter, 150 Robert, of Milton Lilborne, 82 William, 137 ~ 4, of Oare, 13 Beswike, john, 114 Thomas, of Wilsford, 86 Betterton, john, 100 4, of Woodford, 126 Beverston, john, 90 William, 85 Beweshen, john, 74 Bennett, Benet, Bennat, Bennet, Bewike, George, 64 Bennette : Bewley, Bewleye, Buylie : Alexander, 133 Asses. B3 _ Anthony, of Codford, 143 john, of Milbourne, 50 4, of West Kington, 60 4, of , 84 Augustine, 133 Robert, I_ 3 Brian, 91 Thomas, 13 Edward, 136 William, I4 Elizabeth, of Stratton St. Margaret and Bewster, Robert, 128 Groundwell, 95 Bewsyn, Thomas, 32 ——-—, of Warminster, 35 Bichfilde, William, 11 1 john, of Hatch, 17 Biddelcome, Richard, 121 ---—-—, of Smallbrook, 148 Biddell, Edward, 133 4, of Urchfont, 85 Bigger, William, 11 mag-ister doctor, of Salisbury, 40 Bigges : Maurice, 35 joan, 126 Nicholas, 95 john, the elder, of Stapleford, 111 Robert, 2 4, the younger, 0 Stapleford, 112 Thomas, of Chicksgrove, 153 Thomas, 134 4, of , 136 William, 79 4, of Urchfont, 13 Bis, Thomas. See Tanner. 4, of Westbury, 71 Bishop, Bisshop, Busshope, Busshoppe : William, of Codford, 143 Elizabeth, 56 4, of Norton Bavant, 36, 146 Henry, 55 4, of Somerford Keynes, 25 john, of Little Somerford, 29 Benson, john, 1 24 4, of Mere, 156 Berifleild Robert 91 4, of Sutton, Veny, 146 . ' ' 4, of , 59 Berington, Thomas, 90 (Oz, Busshe), John, 4 Berksted. Henry. 39 Robert, of Maiden Bradley, 153 Bernard, Barnard, Barnarde, Ba.rnerd, 4, of Mere, 19, 156 Baynard : 4, of Nettleton, 26 Edward, 28 4, of West Kington, 60 Elizabeth, 57 Roger, 146 Henry, 28 Stephen, 36 jerome, 135 Thomas, of Alderton, 61 john, of Marlborough, 25 4, of , 59 4, of Monkton Farleigh, 75 Valerian, 142 4, of Netheravon, 125 William, of Easterton, 12 Richard, 2, 133 4, of Little Somerford, 51 (or Heyward), Richard, 53 4, of Market Lavington, 87 Parnel. 52 .4,of Nettleton, 56 Thomas, 156 4, of West Grimstead and Whad Berret. See Barret. doll. 5 f Y tto K ' u Berrie, Bery: ° 3- '1 elme - 59 Hugh’ 43 Bisse, Bis, Bys, Bysse, Byssye : Robert, 123 Hem?» 7f , -1-homas, 43 john, of Staple , 152 Bertlet. See Barthelet. 4, of Wootton Bassett,- 106 Bery‘ S” Berrie‘ 4,Richard,th71; elder, 0f Ch1ckS8'1'ove, I53 Beryman I Thomas, of Holt, 74. See also Tanner Thomas. of Garsdon. 51 Bisshop. See Bishop. 4. of 5tan1ey. =7 Bissu, William, 28 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Blacke, Blacker : Blandy : Nicholas, 18 john, of East Grafton, 12 Richard, 129 4, of Great Bedwyn, 78 Walter, 153 Blanforde. See Blandford. William, 63 Blathet, john, 39 Blackborowgh, Blackeborowgh : Blayne, William, 50 Henry, 34 Bleike. See Blake. Robert, 141 Blevyn, james, 144 Blackdene, Roger, 140 Blomeley, Thomas, 24 Blackeborowgh. See Blackborowgh. Blubon, john, 127 Blackeiner. See Blackiner. Blunt : Black-groves, William, 26 joan, 135 Blackiner, Blackeiner: Robert, 10 jasper, 124 William, 3 john, 124 Blycke, Blyke. See Blake. William, 124 Bocher: Blackman : Gabriel, 91 Andrew, 159 john, the younger, 34 Christopher, 151 Bodden, Richard, 155 Blackmore, Blackmour : Boddenham, Bodenham, Bodnam : Henry, 53 Henry, of Ebbesborne Wake, 137 joan, 79 4, of Wilton, 8 William, 29 4, petty collector, 109(3) Blackwell, Nicholas, 98 Magister, of Salisbury, 40 Blagrave : Roger, of Dinton, 35 Henry, 94 4, of Semley, 137 Thomas, 78 Boke, Agnes, 3 Blake, Bleike, Blycke, Blyke: Bold, Bolde: Edmund, 124 Edward 6 Elizabeth, 128 George, 19 Henry, 36 Boldie, Boldye : joan, 86 _ Henry, 131 john, mayor of Wootton Bassett, 21 Robert, 126 4, of Hullavington, 54 William, 110 4, of Little Somerford, 51 Bolewell, Philip, 58 4, of Martin, 155 Boll : 4, of South Newton, 7, 110 john, the elder, 33 4, the elder, of __Chilhampton, 7 William, of ' Staple ', 18 4, the younger, of Chilhampton, Bolland, john, 146 7 Boller, john, 24 Philip, 19 Bolter, Thomas, 110 Roger, 30 Bolton, Bollton : Robert, of Calne, 45 Richard, 91 4, of Compton Bassett, 31 Thomas, 25 Richard, of Burbage, 81 Bond, Bonde, Bownd : 4, of Chippenham, 27 john, of , 156 Stephen, 35 4, the elder, of Fyfield, 4 Thomas, of Stode Street, 46 Robert, petty collector, 154, 156 4, of Warminster, 149 Thomas, 151 William, of Fonthill Gifiord, 151 Walter, 145 4, of Mere, 19 William, Of Chippenham, 2'7 4, of , 22 4, of Clevancy, 21 4, of Smallbrook, 148 4, of Compton Chamberlayne, 42 4, of South Newton, 109, 110 4-, of Hilmarton, 107 4, of Warminster, 149 4, of Wilcot, 87 Blaneharde ; 4, 12116 elder, Of St-3.1112011 St Thomas, 74 B61113-I'd. 33 Walter, 72 Boner. See Bonner. Blandford, Blandforde, Blanforde : Bonham : Agnes, 99 Nicholas, 7 Maud, 137 Walter, IIO Robe;-1;, 49 Bonhum, Anne, 28 Thomas, of Highworth, 97 Bonner, B01161‘ I _._._., of Semlgy, I37 jOI‘l.Il, OI S3.ll.SlJl11'Y, 39 Walter, 137 4-, Of UPGVOH, 85 William, 137 Robert, 64 I69 7A INDEX OF PERSONS

Bonter, Thomas, 153 Branne, Walter, of Salisbury, alien, 67 Boolls, Boolles: Bray: Clement, 159 Joan, 8 Edward, 153 Robert, 123 William, 151 Breache, Breche : Borne. See Bourne. Thomas, 46 Borrowghe : William, 31, 46 Thomas, 126 Breade, John, 14 William, 126 Breche. See Breache. Bosdene, Richard, 15o Bremblecombe, Richard, 60 Boster, Richard, 58 Bremmer, Maurioe, 117 Bostone : Brent, George, 149 Margaret, 12o Breten. See Bfittayne. William, 42 Brether, Bryther: Bourne, Borne : john, 158 %_ohn, 156 Thomas, 44, 159 homas, of Ogbourne Maizey, 102 William, 155 -———, of Woodlands, 157 Brewer, Brewar, Bruer : Bourtone, William, 1-48 Robert, of Castle Combe, 28, 60 Bowcher, Boweeher, Bowshire : Thomas, 26 john, of 1VI.i1denha.l.l, 101 William, of Langle Bun-ell, 56 i, the elder, of Bratton, 72 ——i, of South Vgraxall, 75 Thomas, 141 Brian, Briant, Brind, Brinde, Bryan, Bower, Boower, Bowyar, Bowyer : Bryant, Brynde, Bryne : Alexander, 156 Anthony, 1o4 Andrew, 36 Elizabeth, 24 Edmund, 18 Sir Henry, parson, of Beechingstoke, 14 J8-Ha 154 Jane, the younger, 24 Richard, 21 Jeremy, 92 Robert, of Westbury Leigh, 34 Joan, 24 -i, of West Lavington, 16 ]ohn, of Mildenhall, 22 Roger, 71 —-Z, of Ogbourne St. George, 23, 1o2 Thomas, of Broadleas and" Folly, 16 i, of , 24 i-—, of Dognell, 154 —-Z, of Stoke Farthing, 136 i-—, of Landford, 115 Richard, 39 Thomas, the younger, of Winsford, 154 Robert, of Durnford, 131 William, ofHawkeridge and Heywood, 72 —i, of Salisbury, 65 i, of West Lavington, BB Thomas, 22, 1o4 —-Z, of Winsford, 17 William, of Salisbu , 39 Bowfort, Gilbert, 8 William, of South grston, 24, 96 Bowlding, ]ohn, 81 Bridges, William, 97 Bowltar, Bowlter : Bn'ghte, ]ohn, 1o1 Edward, 97 Bright (or Lewcas) : Thomas, 99 John, 135 Bownd. See Bond. William, 135 Bowshire. See Bowcher. Brindson : Box, Boxe : Davie, 1o6 Edward, 53 Edmund, 78 Henry, 60 Richard, of Great Bedwyn, 78 ]ohn,29 —--_—-, of Marlborough, 92 Richard, 52 Bristie, Alice, 56 Thomas, 3o Bristow : Sir [blank], of Salisbury, 40 Anthony, 1o4 Boyler, Thomas, 122 Edward, 26 Boyll, Robert, 30 Gilbert, 88 Boy-n, Thomas, 39 Peter, 148 Boynes, Edward, 58 William, of Liddington, 22 Boys, ]ohn, 35 -i, of Pewsey, 82 Braban, Robert, 11 Bfittayne, Breten, B1‘-ytten : Bracham, Richard, 67 George, 75 Bracher, Robert, of ' Staple ’, 152 ]ohn, 121 Bradford, Wifliam, 133 William, 19, 157 Braflield, Margaret, 12o Bromeley, William, 25 Brampton : Broncker, Bronkher. Sea Brouncker. {$hn, 1 1 7 Bronnsden : illiam, 44 Andrew, 31 I70 INDEX OF PERSONS

Bronnsden—cont. Browne—aont. %(oh.n, 12 Thomas, of Salisbury, 39 obert, 49 ———_, of Somerford Keynes, 99 William, 47 ———, the elder, of Winterbourne Brocke, Hugh, 103 Bassett, 103 Brockwey : ———, the younger, of Winterbourne David, 17 Bassett, 103 ]ohn,154 William, of Ashton Keynes, roo William, 154 iq of Lyneham, 21, 106 Brode : ———, of Malmesbury, 29 Richard, 58 ———, of Marlborough. See Wear. Thomas, 51 ———, of Milton, 12 Broderton, William, 66 ——-—-, of Semley, 137 Brodwey, Lucus, 35 ———, of Tidworth, 132 Broke. See Brooke. Brownde, Richard, 21 Brockhurst, Humfrey, parson of Brink- Brownesmithe, Wflliam, 134 worth, 30 Brownejohn : Bromage, Richard, 14o ]ohn, of Cholderton, 132 Bromham : ———, the elder, of Idmiston, 13o John, of Fittleton, 3 ———, the younger, of Idmiston, 13o -———, of Salisbury, 39 William, 129 Bronne, Richard, 49 Broxfilde, John, 111 Brooke, Broke : Broye, John, 61 David, I54 ‘ Bruer. See Brewer. John, 22 Brunynge, Eleanor, 53 Nicholas. See Vincent. Brusden, Thomas, 124 Richard, 21 Bryan, Bryant, Bryne. See Brian. Brookman, Robert, 97 Bryce : Browman : ]ohn,24 Christian, 125 William, 42 John, 125 Brydges, John, 62 Brothers, John, 87 Brymiedge, Richard, 3o Brouncker, Broncker, Bronkher : Brynck, John, of Mere, alien, 156 Henry, 15 Bryminge, Mistress [blank], of Nether- Thomas, 42 avon, 125 William, commissioner, 68-7o, 77 Bryt[ . . y . . . .], Henry, of Salisbury, 39 Browne : Brythen. See Brether. Agnes, of , 31 Brytten. See Brittayne. ———, of Marlborough. See Wear. Bucher, John, 72 Alice, 12 Buck, Bucke : Anne, 56 John, of A1lCa.nnings and Allington, 83 Clement. See Wear. ———, of Kemble, 3o john, of Wellington, 31 ——-—-, of Marlborough, 92 ———, of Lydiard Tregoze, 1o8 Thomas, 92 ———, of Lyneham, etc., 106 Buckland : ———, of , 22 Thomas, 123 Margaret, of Great Somerford, 49 Mr. [blank], of Brigmerston and Milston, ——-—-, of , 129 132 Nicholas, of Ashton Keynes, 1oo Buckley, ]ohn, 33 ———, of Avebury, 103 _ Buckull, Robert, 3o Richard, oi Collingbourne Kingston, Budd : etc., 79 J°!1I.'» =7 ———, of Marlborough. See Wear. William, 129 ———, of Salisbury, 39 Buflord, William, 149 ——-—, of Winterbourne Dauntsey and Bulkeley : , 5 Charles, commissioner, 1(2), 4, 5, 10(3), Robert, of Cherhill, 31 17(3). 20(3). 31(3). 40- 41(3) ——-—, of Cumberwell, 32 Francis, 114 ———, of East Knoyle, 159 Bull : ———, of Rockley, 1o1 Elizabeth, 74 (av Weyer), Robert, 25 Hem'y, 27 Simon, 5o Richard, 92 Thomas, of Berwick Bassett, 47 Thomas, 68 ——-—-, of Calne, 45 Bullock, Bullocke : ——-—-, of , 56 ]ohn,56 Z-—, of Marston, 88 Richard, of Smallbrook, 148 171 INDEX OF PERSONS

Bullock, Bullocke-—com. Burte, Byrt, Byrte: Richard, of Warminster, 35 Edward, 65 William, 59 ]ohn, of Mere, 19 Bundey, Bundy : ——i, of Trowbridge, 33 ]ohn,1 William, 40 Robert, 127 Burton : Richard, 1 John, 66 Bunter, John, 18 Richard, vicar of Lacock, 28 Burbage, Burbadge : Burwell, William, 39 ]ohn, of East Knoyle, 44 Buryman, John, 55 -—i, of Shorrington, 112 Busshe, Buysshe : Helena, 159 John, of Fyfield. Sec Bishop. Burchall, Burchald, Robert, 31, 46 ————, of Haystone Easton, 18 Burche : Walter, 140 ]ohn,1o William, 148 William, 80 Bushell, Busshell : Burchell, Burchewell : Jqlm. 79 Henry, 106 N1cho1as, of Sherston, 62 ]ohn,1o7_ i—-, of Wootton Bassett, 106 Thomas, 106 Richard, of Bremhill, 28 Burd, Burde : i—-, of Little Bedwyn, 79 ]ohn,91 i——, of Salisbury, 63 Walter, 11o Robert, 11 Burden, Burdon : Thomas, 125 Alice, 154 Busshley, Thomas, 24 John, of All Cannings, 13 Busshop, Busshoppe. See Bishop. --—-, of Semley, 43 Busshyngton, john, 69 Richard, of All Cannings and Allington, Bustye, Robert, 109 Ba Busy, John, 33 --—-—, of Wilsford, 86 Butcher, Virgil, 97 Robert, 43 Butler, Buttler: Burdge. See Burge. Edward, of Box, 58 Burforde, Robert, 136 i-—-, of Bremhill and Foxham, 59 Burge, Burdge, Burgeis, Burges, Burgesse, ]ohn,97 Burgeys : Richard, 96 Anthony, 14o Robert, of Salisbury, 39 Christian, 55 -—i, of Stratton St. Margaret and Edmund, 96 _ Groundwell, 95 Edward, of Laverstock and Ford, 6 Roger, 95 -—i, of Pitton and Farley, 128 Thomas, 25 John, of Castle Combe, 28 ' William, of Kington Langley, 56 —-—-, of Laverstock, 127 ——i, of Stratton St. Margaret and i—-, of , 58 Groundwell, 95 Si.r]ohn,parson o£Manning'lord Bruce,14 i——, of Upper Stratton and Stratton Richard, 96 St. Margaret, 23 Robert, 139 Butt, Robert, 94 Thomas, of Long Newnton, 54 Buttler. See Butler. -—i, of Salisbury, 66 Button : ———-, of Somerford Keynes, 99 Nicholas, 137 William, of Cricklade, roo Thomas, 14 -—i, of Smallbrook, 148 William, of Alton Priors and Stowell, i—-, of Stanton Fitzwarren, 95 124 i-—-, of Stapleford, 111 i—-, of Heytesbury, 37 Burgeman, John, 148 Buttye, Robert, 76 Burie, George, 45 Buylie. See Bewley. Burleigh, Burley, Burlye : Buysshe. See Busshe. Edward, 35 Byde, John, 3 George, 88 Byddle : _ Jane, 16 John, the younger, 48 Robert, 73 Richard, 50 Burrell : Bye : Christofer, 101 Richard, 99 Oswald, 141 Thomas, 134 Burrey : Byfflet, Thomas, 1 Thomas, 13 Byngle, Thomas, 38 William, 13 Byrt, Byrte. See Burte. 172 INDEX OF PERSONS

Bythewaye, Robert, 25 Carpenter, etc.—c-ontd. Robert, of Charlton, 117 Cabell. Cabbell, Cable : ——i, of Newton Tony, 13o ]ohn,147 ——i, of , 36 Nicholas, 6 Thomas, of Bodenham and Nunton, 1 17 Richard, 115 ——i, of Corsley, 147 Thomas, 149 ——i, of South Newton, 109 William, of Boreham, 36 ——i, of Worton, 88 ——i, of Non-idge and Thoulstone, 147 Sir Thomas, of Salisbury, 4o Cafle, Philip, 82 William, 84 Cake, William, 57 Carr, Carre : Calbran, Thomas, 127 William, of Charnham Street, 8o Calcote, Sir John, vicar of Easterton, 12 ——-—, of Corsley, 147 Ca.lley,]ohn, 108 ——i, of Penley and Brook, 72 Candell : ——-—, of Warminster, 35 John, 42 Carter : Nicholas, 119 Henry, 36 Thomas, 119 Jenkyn, of Enford, 3 William, 119 John, of Durnford, 2. Sea also Candy : Williams. Christopher, 147 ———, of Vvhaddon and Grimstead, 128 Peter, 153 ——i, of Winsley, 33 Cane : Nicholas, curate of Little Somerford, 29 John, of , 135 Richard, 119 ——i, of Winterboume Earls, 128 Robert, 42 Simon, 5 Thomas, of Broad Chalke, 136 Thomas, 129 ——i, of Enford, 121 Cannon, Cannons : ——i, of , 98 Agnes, 8o William, of Ashton Keynes, roo ]ohn, of ' Church Tithinge ', 117 ——i, of , 125 ——i, of Devizes, 91 —-———, of Smallbrook, 148 Thomas, 122 Carye : Canopye, Cannope : ]ohn,82 Henry, 29 Thomas, 82 ]ohn,48 Carvyngton, Nicholas, 42 Maurice, curate of Long Newton, 29 Casten. See Cawstin. William, 48 Caswell, Thomas, 92 Cannynges, Magister, of Salisbury, 4o Cater, Cator : Cannope. See Canopye. Alexander, 113 Cantelowe, Thomas, 151 ]ohn,64 Capon (or Southcot), John, bishop of Salis- Mary, 64 bury, commissioner, 1, 4, 5, 10(3), 17(3), Thomas, 39 =°(a)._ 32(3). 33(1). 40. 41(3) William, 74 Cappe, Wflliam, 28 Cattcote : Card, Thomas, 153 William, of Steeple Langford, 113 Carpenter, Carpentor, Carpinter, Carpyn- ——i, of , 11o ter : Causton. See Cawstin. Agnes, 36 Cawleye, Ralph, 9o Alice, 35 Cawstin, Casten. Causton : (or Wheler), Henry, 13o ]ohn, of Chelworth, 24, 99 ]oan, 13 ——-—, of Cricklade, roo ]ohn, of Allington, 131 Cellwyn. See Selwyn. ——i, of Barford St. Martin, 118 Certeyn : ———, of Chirton, 83 Henry, 76 —-——, of Edington, 141 Thomas, 74 ——-—, of Salisbury, 66 William, 76 ——i, of Warminster, 149 Chaffin, Chafiyn : ——-—-, theelder, of Barford St. Martin,42 Alice, 2 i——-, the younger, of Barford St. Christopher, 39 Martin, 42 Edward, 156 Mary, 13 Leonard, 156 Oliver, 35 Thomas, of Mere, 19 Richard, of Newton Tony, 13o ——i, of Salisbury, 39 —-——. of Salisbury, 39 ——-—, the elder, of Salisbury, 38 __i, of West , 119 William, of , 2 ———, of Woodlands, 19 ——-—, of Mere, 156 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Chalke : Chesterman : John, of Barford St. Martin, 1 18 Edith, 103 ——-—, the elder, of , 12o William, 89 ——-—, the younger, of Burcombe, Chetwell, John, 113 12o Chever : Chamberlayne, Chamberlaine, Chapperlen, Henry, 88 Chapperlin : Roger, 14 Erasmus, 143 Cheyney, Cheyny: ]oan, 148 John, I24 John, of Ashton Keynes, roo Margery, 85 -—i, of Boreham and Bourton, 148 Thomas, 87 ——-—, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 Child, Thomas, 124 ————,' of , 36 Chilvester, Chylvester : Maurice, roo ]0hn,46 Robert, of Imber, 144 Richard, 31 ——-—-, of Sutton Veny, 146 Thomas, 46 Thomas, of Tythering-ton, 142 William, the younger, 46 William, 123 Childe : Chambers, William, 64' ]ohn,11 Champernowne, Elizabeth, 99 Thomas, 12 Champion, Champen, Champin, William, 46 Champyon : Chiselet, Anciet, 157 Edward, 124 Chocke : Nicholas, 57 John, of Shalbourne, 8o William, of Market Lavington, 8 —————, of Shalbourne and Buttermere, ———, of Wick, 115 1o Channom, Richard, 42 Cholles, John, 66 Chape, Chaper, Chappe t Church, Churche : Elizabeth, 155 Avery, 97 gphn, 28 ]ohn,81 argaret, 6o Katheryn, 108 Chapman, John, 25 Richard, 24, 94 (or Hiscox), Elizabeth, 104 Thomas, 21 gzohn, 104 Churchyll, Reynold, 19 obert. 104 Chylvester. See Chilvester. Thomas, 104 Chynnock, John, 15o Chappe. See Chape. Chub, Chubbe : Chappell, Edith, 119 John, of Nunton, 44 Chapperlen, Chapperlin, Sea Chamber- ——-, of , 119 layne. —-i, the younger, of Bodenham and Charles, Richard, 66 Nunton, 117 Chator : Thomas, 86 Henry, 155 William, 119 gzohn, 155 Clare : s1Ph- Iss Henry, 151 Chatterton : Robert, 151 Edmund, 29 Clarke, Clarcke, Clercke, Clerk, Clerke 1 James, 21 Alice, 78 William, 94 Edward, 129 Chaundler, Chaundeler, Chawndlor: Ellen, 14 Edward, 86 James, of Lydiard Millicent, 94 John, of Durnford, 131 i, of Marden, 84 ——-—, of Oare, 13 Jeffry, 48 ——-—, of Rushall, 85 John, of Eastrop, 97 Richard, of Bromham, 9o Z—-, of Martin, 155 Sir Richard, of Salisbury, 4o ———, of Sherston, 28, 62 Thomas, 3o ——-, of Sutton Veny. See Henton. William, 86 Margaret, 49 Cheeke, Richard, 132 Richard, of Faulston and Flamston, 44 Chepeman : ‘-3 of Ham, 122 Robert, of Baydon, 93 J0hn.74 i, of S worth, 61 Richard, 74 Thomas, of Flamston, 116 Chergoll, William, 85 ——-—, of Great and Little Sheep- Chertenham, John, 58 bridge, 3 Chester, William, 9o ——-—, of Great Bedwyn, 78 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Clarke, etc.—-amid. Coke, Cokes. See Cooke. Thomas, of Lydiard Millicent, 24 Cokesfeld, William, 2 ———, the younger, of Marlborough, 92 Cole, Coles, Coll, C7ol1e, Colles, Coole Walter, 12 Cooles, Cowles : William, of Homington, 12o Henry. Spa Soper. ——-—, of Long Newnton, 54 ]ohn. of Bagdon, 93 Yeadye, 73 ———, of road Chalke, 136 Classe : ——-—, of Bushton, 122 ]ohn,142 -i—, Of Devizes, 14 Robert, 142 -i—, of Enford, 121 Walter, 142 ———, of Little Somerford, 51 Clement, Cleamente, Clemente : ———, of Westrop, 24 Edward, 73 Katheryn, 27 ]ohn, of East Downton, etc., 44 Ralph, 23 ——-—, of Great Cheverell, 87 Ric ard, 25 ——-—-, of Salisbury, 63 Roger, 120 Margaret, 8 Thomas, 99 Nicholas, 157 Walter, 151 Piers, 12o William, 82 Robert, 151 Coleman, Collman, Colman: Thomas, 44 John, of Lei h Delamere, 27 Walter, 43 ———, of Lfarlborough, 91 William, 145 Sir John, vicar of Hilmarton, 22 Clercke, Clerk, Clerke. See Clarke. Richard, 92 Cleredew, John, roo Robert, oi Corton, 21 Cletter, Cleter, Clitter : ———, of Eastmanstreet, 46 Christopher, 98 ———, of Hilmarton, 107 Richard, 2o, 105 Thomas, of Aldbourne, 22 Clevelod : --——-, of Kington St. Michael, 26 Robert, 150 ———, of Ramsbury, 93 Thomas, 42 Walter, 56 Cley, Rawlyn, 1 William, of Cly-fie ard, 107 Clifiord, Clyflord : -i—, of Ogbourne. St. George, 23, 102 John» 47 Coller, Collier, Collyar : Henry, of Boscombe, 2 Jane, 52 —-——, of Cholderton, 132 Richard, 52 Robert, of Ashton Keynes, roo Robert, 110 -———, of Qnemerford, 3o William, of Hankerton, 3o Clifton, Henry, 79 ———, of Kington Langley, 56 Clitter. See Cletter. ———, of Sutton Benger, 39 Clove, William, 133 Collett, Collet : Clower, Elizabeth, 89 john, of All Cannings and Allin811° Clowgh, Giles, 39 ———, of South Wraxall, 75 Clyfielde, [blank], of Burton Hill, 50 ———, of Wedhampton, 12 Clyflord. See Cliflord. William, 84 Clyston, Gregory, 142 Collier. Sea Coller. Cooke, William, 124 Collman, Colman. See Coleman. Cockell, Cocle : Collyar. Sea Coller. £11111, 148 Collins, Collens, Collyns : chard, 141 Dennis, 118 Thomas, 149 Edward, 42 Cockes, Cocks. See Cox. George, 112 Cooker, William, 71 ]ohn, of , 118 Cockesye, Walter, 70 ———, of Ramsbury, 93 Codrington, Thomas, 18 ———, of Stapleford, 8 Codymore : Henry, 4_ John, 8 Ralph, 25 Thomas, 39 Richard, of Aldbourne, 101 Coggeswell, Cogswell : ———, of Broad Hinton, 102 Henry, 28 ' Robert, 132 Robert, 71 Thomas, of Broad Hinton, 133 Thomas, 55 ———, of Coombe Bissett, 118 William, 28 Wflliam, 130 Coghill, John, 5o Colley, Colly : Cogines, James, of Marlborough, alien, 93 £0110. 97 Cogswell. See Coggeswell. °8B1'. 94 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Colthurst, Matthew, 17 Corchett, Thomas, 111 Combe : Cordrey, Cordgre : Edward, 153 Thomas, of hute, 11, 79 gqohn, 152 —-——, of Little Sheepbridge, 135 obert, 1o5 Core, Roger, 27 William, 1o5 Corle, ]ohn, 7 Comen, Matthew, 65 Comall : Comfyt, ]ames, 39 J0hn.93 Compton : Richard, 92 Avice, 37 Cornellys, ]ohn, 118 Edmund, 155 Corriett, Anne, 63 George, 41 Corser, Corsare : Henry, 133 Agnes, 142 J0h0-37-I43 Thomas, 153 126 Coryat, John, 39 Condytt, Stephen, 14o Cotterell: Cooche, Coowche, Couche : Anthony, 2 ]ohn,71 Thomas, 133 Richard, 14o Cotton : Thomas, 156 Humphrey, 152 Cooke, Coke, Cokes, Coocke : Walter, 149 Edward, of Heytesbuig, 141 Couche. See Cooche. -——-—, of Whitley an Shaw, 69 Coulston, William, 49 (or Somerset), Edward, 78 Courssey, Richard, 25 George, 65 Courtelow, Courtlowe : ]oan, 61 Edward, 14.4 ]ohn, of Chute, 79 Thomas, 37 ——i-, of Enford, 122 Courteney, Courtney : —-——, of Lacock, 28 Christopher, 143 ——i-, of Little Bedwyn, 79 ]ohn, of Imber, 12 —-——, of Market Lavington, 13 ———, of , 121 -—i-, of Marlborough, 25 Cove, Eleanor, 51 ——i-, of Ramsbury, 93 Coventrie, Miles, 1o4 Nicholas, 57 Covye, ]ohn, 2 Richard, 159 Coward, Cowherd : Thomas, of Mildenhall, 101 Cecily, 151 —-———, of Winsford, 154 john, of Mere, 156 (or Somerset), Thomas, 78 , the elder, of , 15o William, 39 ——-—, the younger, of Sedgehill, 150 Cooker, Richard, 113 Reynold, 159 Cookeman, ]ohn, 142 Robert, 19, 157 Coole, Cooles. See Cole. Thomas, 157 Cooley, ]ames, 135 William, of Chilmark, 18 Cooper, Coope, Coper, Cowper : —-——, of Teflont Magna, 145 Edmund, 4 Cowley, Cowly : ]ohn, of Alton, etc., 2 Leonard, 157 -—-—-, of Everleigh, 124 Thomas, 19 --—-—, of Hindon, 44, 159 Cowll, William, 95 -—-———, of South Newton, 7 Cowper. See Cooper. Richard, of Durrington, 1 Cowrthow, ]ohn, 86 ——-—-, ofWest Dean and Grimstead, 128 Cowselade, William, 11 1 Robert, 127 Cox, Cockes, Cocks, Coxe : Stephen, 15o Edmund, 98 Thomas, of Collingbourne Kingston, Henry, 18 etc., 79 ]ane,97 -—-———, of Figheldean, 135 ]oan, 1o4 William, of Deane and Grimstead. See john, of Box, 58 Rogers. ——-—-, of Burton and Easton, 16 -—i-, of Landford, 6 ——-—, of Charlton, 44 ——i-, of Laverstock, 127 ———, of Stratton St. Margaret an -—i-, of Southwick, 14o Groundwell, 95 Coot, Henry, 25 Ralph, 61 Coowche. See Cooche. Richard, of North Wraxall, 59 Cope : ——-—, of , 96 Richard, 117 Robert, 53 Thomas, 1o2 Roger, 131 I INDEX OF, PERSONS

Cox, etc.—contd. Crouche, Crowche—c-on-id. Thomas, of Aldbourne, 22 William, of Ashton Giflard, 143 ——-—, of , 54 ——-—, of Great Bedwyn, 78 -i, of Hatch, 153 G", of Longbridge Deverill and -—---—-—, of Netheravon, 125 Crockerton, 149 -i, of Wanborough, 22 Crumwell, Henry, 56 i, parson of , 15 Cubberde, Ralph, 73 Sir Thomas, vicar, of Wilcot, 13 Cudderington, ]ohn, 137 William, of Ashley, 29 Cuddyinore : -i, of Ashton Keynes, 1o1 John, the elder, of Burcombe, 112 -i, of Charlton, 154 ——-—, the younger, of Burcombe, —-i, of Chamham Street, 11 112 —-i, of Purton, 98 Cufle, Cuff : -—-i, of Sevenhampton, 24 - Michael, 74 -i, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Philip, collector, 108 Crabbe, John, 140 Richard, 13 Cranage, John, 47 Cullan, john, 97 Cranmer, Richard, 64 Cull, Culle : Crapon, Thomas, 92 ]ohn,128 Cras, John, 82 Stephen, 43 Crawley : Culley : gohn, of All Cannings and Allington, 83 Andrew, 79 ir John, parson of Huish, 13 Roger, 133 Creede, Crede : Culter, Robert, 63 ]ohn, of Barford St. Martin, 118 Cumpton. See Compton. ——-—, of Wilton, 8 Cnndicke, Richard, 13o Cripps, Crippes : Cupper, Richard, 85 Henry, 47 Cureye, Robert, 12 john, of Berwick Bassett, 47 Curtis, Curteis, Curtes, Curtyes : ——-—, of Castle Eaton, 23 Anthony, 95 Thomas, of Ashton Keynes, 25 Cuthbert, 133 Thomas, of Berwick Bassett, 31, 47 Henry, of Castle Eaton, 23 ' Valentine, 96 —-i, of Devizes, alien, 91 Crispyne, Richard, 147 John, of Box, 58 Crockford, Crokford : -—--——, of Christian Malford, 54 Sir Giles, 4o -i, of Hankerton, 3o, 5o Thomas, 133 Nicholas, 95 Croke, Crook, Crooke : Richard, 157 Alice, 75 Robert, of Seend, 15 George, 103 ——-—, of Ulpton Lovell, 142 ]ohn, of Steeple Ashton, 138 William, of emble and Ewen, 49 -i, of Urchfont, 85 -—-Z, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 Maud, 75 Curr, William, 11 Thomas, of Ogbourne St. George, 23 Cusse : -i, of Ogbourne Maizey, 22 Aldam, 24 —-i, of South Wraxall, 33, 75 Edmund, 96 Vincent, 1o2 Elizabeth, 96 William, of Atworth, 75 Henry, 105 -i, of Marlborough, 92 John, of South Marston, 24 Crokford. See Crockford, ——-—, of , 21 Cromall, ]ane, 88 Lawrence, 97 Cromme, Crome : Nicholas, 95 ]ohn, of Salisbury, 64 Thomas, of Eisey, 98 -—-i, of Tilshead, 111 -i, of South Marston, 24 Crook, Crooke. See Croke. William, of South Marston, 96 Cropp, Richard, 133 -i, of Purton, 24 Crosse, William, 3 Cutbert, George, 33 Crouche, Crowche : Cuttler, ]ohn, 135 Edmund, 143 ]ohn,128 Dade, Geoflery, 148 Margaret, 37 Daie. See Day. Richard, of Bromham, 9o Dailinge, Robert, 132 --Z, of Corton and Boyton, 37 Dale : Robert, 8o ]ohn,149 Thomas, 113 William, 1 1 Tristram, 112 Dalley, William, 9o I INDEX OF PERSONS

Dalmer: Davye—conJd. George, 90 ' Lewis, 39 Richard, 70 Nicholas, 42 Walter, 15 Thomas, 39 Dandy, Thomas, 84 William, 66 Dangerlelde, William, 47 Davyes, Davys. See Davis. Danvers, Danvars: Dawlryn, Dawlryns : ]ohn, of Dauntsey, knight, commis- Nicholas, 126 sioner, 53, 78, 108 Richard, 14.4 ——-—, of West Tockenham, 21 Dawnce, Dawnse. See Daunoe. Richard, 107 Dawntsey. See Dauntsey. Silvester, 30 Dawson, William, 37 Danveis, IIBIIIRY, 141 Dawton, Thomas, 65 Daniel, Danie , Danniell, Danyell: Day, Daie : Geofiery, commissioner, 160(2) Edith, 131 George, of Baychfi, 144 ]0hn, 2 ———, of Upton Scudamore, 147 Robert, 132 J0510?. 25_ Deacon : ]ohn, of Dmton, 145 Jeffrey, 72 ——-—, of Stock Street, 46 Richard, 72 Raclgh, 145' Deane, Deanes : Ri ard, 35 Bryant, 83 Robert, 60 Eleanor, 83 William, 104 ]0hn, of Rowde, 90 Darell, Darrell: -i, of South Newton, 110 ‘Eidward, knight, 26 Delynger (or Deuche), ]ohn, 4 illiam, 93 Deneman, ]ohn, 23 ‘ the Lady ’, of Eastridge, widow, 26 Denys : Daulbtsey, Daunsey, Dauntesey, zlplhn, 5 awntsey : omas, of Cricklade, 100 Ambrose, of Southwick, 35 -i, of West Dean and Grimstead, —-in of West Lavington, 16 128 Edith, 33 Deron, Thomas, of Broad Hinton, queen's John, 16, 88 ordinary household servant, 133 Daunce, Dannce, Dawnse, Dawnce: Deuche, ]ohn. See Delynger. ohn, 10 Deverell : Robert, of Great Bedwyn, 12 Edmund, 133 —-i-, of Shalbourne, 80 Henry, of Beanacre, 68 William, 78 -i, of Leigh, 33 Davis, Davies, Davyes, Davys: ]ohn, 156 Bartholomew, 32 Roger, of Leigh, 33 Henry, of Charlton, 30 i, of Leigh and Cumberwell, 73 -—i, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Richard, 75 Hugh, 60 _ Thomas, of Imber, 86 ]ohn, of Clplckggrgytei 18 i, of Nettleton, 56 ——-—, o 1g w , 97 William, 75 ——-—, of Sevenhampton, 24 Dewe, Due : ———, of Stanton St. Quintin, 53 Edward, 146 Sir John, parson of Monkton Farleigh, ]ohn, 145 33 Richard, 146 Mflfiofl. 153 Thomas, 142 M317. 153 William, of East Knoyle, 44 Ni¢11013-9. 15° -i, of Norton Bavant, 146 Ri0h0-rd. 50 Deynton, John, 99 Robert, of Charlton, 5o Dibbin, Dibbyn : ——-—, -of Sherston, 62 ]0hn, 135 Thomas, of Charlton, 30 Thomas, 154 ——-—, of Horningsham, 36 Dicer, Giles, 158 (or_ Taylor), Thomas, 48 Dick, Dicke, Dycke, Dyke : Wflliam, of Little Wishford, 113 John, of Enford, 121 -———, of Longbridge Deverill and ———, of Hankerton, 30 C1‘°¢1leI‘l=0I1. 150 -i, of Kington Langley, 26, 56 Davyd, Thomas, parson of Great and -i, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Little Chalfield, 32 Ralph, mg Davye: Richard, 75 J0hn. 39 Robert, 39 I INDEX OF PERSONS Dick, etc.—-could. Dowce, Dowse--ccmtd. Thomas, 125 Thomas, of , 121 William, of Crudwell, 49 ——-—-, of Collingbourne Ducis, 3 ——-—-, of Hankerton, 50 -?—, of Enford, ' of Endford ', 122 -—i, of Horton, 89 -—i, of Enford, ‘ of Fifield ', 121 -?—, of Lyneham, 21 William, 10 -i—, of Mere, 156 Dowdyng, Robert, 158 Dickenson, Dykynson : Downe : Henry, 64 Edward, 99 Richard, 25 ]ames, 7 Dicockes, George, 132 joan, 122 Dikson. See Dixon. J0hn.s7 Dinton, Dynton : Nicholas, 144 Anthony, 98 Dowley, john, 133 Edward, vicar of Eastrop, 24 Downton : Thomas, 24 ]oh.n, the elder, of Winterbourne Dismore, ]ohn, 104 Stoke, 110 Dodington, Dodyngton, Donington : ——i, the younger, of Winterbourne Christopher, commissioner, 19, 138(2) Stoke, 110 157- 159 Dowse. See Dowce. ]oan, 19 Dowswell, Anthony, 98 Doggett, ]ohn, 122 Drables, Thomas, 116 Dolle, William, 86 Drake, David, 130 Dollyant, Peter, of Salisbury, alien, 67 Draper, Robert, 101 Dolman, William, 125 Dredge, ]ohn, 36 Domynick, Domynyck, Donnyck : Drewce, Druse, Drusse: Richard, 159 Anthony, 75 Stephen, 141 ]ohn, of Southwick, 140 William, 18 -—i, ofWinsley and Limpley Stoke, 75 Dondene, Thomas, 158 Richard, 33 Disson, Christopher, 97 William, 76 Diston, Anthony, 93 Drewe : Dix, ]ohn, 98 Beatrix, 152 Dixon, Dikson, Dixson : Robert, 23 George, 102 Drewett, Dreweatte, Drewette, Druatt : Thomas, 23, 102 Agnes, 125 William, 81 Robert, 141 Dobbes, Richard, 16 Richard, 73 Dodson : William, 73 J0hH.30.47 Driver, Dryver : William, 55 Giles, 49 Dodymead, Edward, 158 ]ohn,128 Donington. See Dodington. Druett. See Drewett. Donne, Dune, Dunne : Drunton, Thomas, 11 Edward, 15 Druse, Drusse. See Drewce. ]ohn,24 Drwce. See Drewce. Thomas, 48 Drynckwater, George, 139 William. 35. I45 Dryver. See Driver. Donnyck. See Domynick. Ducke, Duke : Donnyoke, john, 73 Christopher, 3, 123 Dorbam, William, 27 George, 126 Dorington : ]ohn,16. Thomas, 79 Michael, 6 William, 79 Due. See Dewe. Dormer, jefirey, 11 Duflilde, ]ohn, 64 Dove : Duke. See Ducke. ]ohn,151 Dune, Dunne. See Donne. Michael, 64 Dunstone, Andrew, 137 William, 151 Dusye : Dowce, Dowse : l0hn.1s9 Alice, 3 Thomas, 140 1000.37 Dyat, Dyatt, Dyotti Leonard, 87 Edward, 76 Michael, 80 J0hn.ss Richard, 124 Richard, 33 Robert, 11 Dycke, Dyke. See Dick. I INDEX OF PERSONS

Dyer, Dyar: Edw-ardes—contJ. Alice, 122 Richard, of Wanborough, 22 gphn, 39 Robert, 60 aurice, 115 Thomas, of Norton Bavant, 147 Robert, 125 —-i, of Wanborough, 104 William, 112 William, of Knock, 142 Dyflord, Margery, 122 -——-—, of Liddington, 104 Dymare, ]ohn, 123 —-i, of Urchiont, 85 Dymmok, Dymok : Edyans, William, 44 Henry, 39 Elboroughe, Elborow : Thomas, 58 Adam, 98 Dynton. Sea Dinton. Gillian, 107 Dyper, Thomas, 6 Richard, 99 Dyser, Alice, 19 Elderton, John, 146 Dysmer: Elger, William, 54 Amy, 4 Elkington, Humphrey, 48 Christopher, 4 Elk-yns, Roger, 115 Robert, of Shalbourne and Buttermere, Elliott, Eliott, Elyat, Ellyot : IO James, 156 ane, 130 Earle, Erle, Hurle, Hurles: iohn, of Amesbury, 130 Alice, 52 -2, of Boreham and Bourton, 148 Cuthbert, 157 ———, of Dognell, 154 [email protected] —?, of Odstock, 119 john, of-Collingbourne Ducis, 124 ——-—, of Sutton Veny, 146 ———, of Ogbourne Maizey, 102 ———-—, of Tilshead, 111 Maud, 125 ———, of Whitsbury, 121 Richard, 74 Robert, 39, 66 Robert, 86 Thomas, 65 Roger, 157 William, 154 Thomas, of Crudwell, 49 Ellis, Ellys, Elys: —-——, of Great Bedwyn, 78 Anne, 99 ———, of Rushall, 13, 85 Christopher, .134 of Crudwell, 49 Richard, 29 ——-—, of Kingston Deverill, 18 Robert, oi Great and Little Sheep- Earth, Roger, 79 bridge, 3 Eastcourte, See Estcourt. -—?, of Little Sheepbridge, 134 Eastman, Estman: Roger, 39 Alice, 117 Thomas, 51 John, of Nunton, 44 Elly, Elye: ———, the elder, of Charlton, 44 ]ohn,47 Ralph, 119 Thomas, 31 Richard, 119 Ellyngton, Elyngton : Roger, of Charlton, 44 John, 143 ———, the elder, of Charlton, 117 Robert, 69 —-——-, the younger, of Charlton, 117 William, 70 Eatall, Etall: Ellyot. See Elliott. Robert, 16, 89 Elmes, William, 89 William, 89 Elston, Richard, 51 Eaton : Elyat. See Elliott. David, 64 Elye. See Elly. William, 65 Elyngton. See Ellyngton. Edes, Henry, 80 Elys. See Ellis. Edney, Richard, 59 Eme, John, the elder, 146 Edington, Robert, 124 Emeley, Arthur, 61 Edwardes : Emerye, Emere : Edward, 28 ]ohn,127 John, of Colerne, 60 Richard, 115 ———, of Norton Bavant, 147 William, 39 ———, of Wanborough, 104 Emottes, Emotes, Enmotes: —-——, of Westbury, 71 Ralph, 24 Marion, 34 - Thomas, of Cricklade, roo Nicholas, 25 ———, of Someriord Keynes, 99 Richard, of Hawkeridge and Heywood, End, Richard, parson of Kingston Dever- 72 _ ill, 18 ——-—, of Salisbury, 64 Enmotes. See Emottes. 180 INDEX OF PERSONS

Epdene, Edward, 145 Eyre, etc.-contd. Erland, Thomas, 33 Thomas, of Wanborough, 104 Erley, Erle: William, of Bromham, 15 Rfllph. 79 i, oi Durrington, 131 William, 79 i, of Netheravon, 125 Ernle, Ennele, Erneley: —i, of Purton, 24 John, the elder, commissioner, 1(2), 4, 5, i, oi Salisbury, 65 10(3). 16. 17(3). 00(3). 30(3). 38(1). i, of Warminster, 35 _4I(3) Michael, 89 Faierwood, Thomas, 132 William, oi All Cannings and Allington, Fanne, John, 5 82 Fant, Francis, of Burbage, alien, 81 Ernewood, William, 91 Farlye, Farle: Errington 2 Alexander, 143 Arthur, 131 Thomas, 3 Gerard, 126 Farmer : Eryll, William, 11 Anthony, 105 Escott. See Estcourt. Henry, 105 Estacre, john, 40 ]ohn,1o5. Essingtone, William, 107 Richard, 105 Estcourt, Eastcourte, Escott, Estcourte: Farnell, William, 152 Charles, 64 Farre, Robert, 61 Giles, commissioner, 63(3), 109(3) Farrett, Peter, oi Fisherton de la Mere and JQ5111. 147 Bapton, Frenchman, 146 Richard, 54 Farwell, John, 18 Estman. Sea Eastman. Fawler: Etall. See Eatall. Edward, 121 Etheridge, Robert, 112 ]ohn,8r Etwell, Thomas, 103 Thomas, 3 Evans : Fawconer, Fawkener: john, of Preshute, 104 Ralph, 150 i, oi Salisbury, 39 Randuli, 159 Evered, Everard : Fauntleroy, Wifliam, 19 john,81 Feattes, Robert, 149 Robert, 93 Feelde, Cuthbert, 133 Evered (or Newman), Henry, 66 Felder, Sir Thomas, curate of Lucking-ton Everley, Robert, 135 and Foxham, 27 Ewe, John, 49 Felps, Thomas, 106 Ewen, Roger, 105 Feltham, Feltam, Felthame, Pheltham Exdene, Richard, 146 Davie, 119 ' Exham, Katherine, 55 Edward, 159 Eyles : Elizabeth, 111 Reynold, 146 Humphrey, 33 Thomas, 14 John, 44 Eymis, William, 59 Robert, 42 Eyne, Thomas, 125 Thomas, of Arworth, 75 Eyre, Ayer, Ayre, Eyer, Eyeres, Eyres, —-——, of Fovant, 42 Heyer, Heyre, Heyres : Walter, 159 Christopher, of Salisbury, 66 William, 113 —-——, of South Newton, 110 Fereley, John, 97 —i, oi Upton Scudamore, 36, 147 Feres. See Ferris. john, of Bromham, 90 Ferfeide, Richard, 25 —-——, of Great Chalfield, commis- Fermour, Thomas, 31 sioner, 45(2), 62, 68, 74, 77(2) Ferret, john, 47 —i, of Market Lavington, 13 Ferris, Feres: —i, oi Ogbourne St. George, 23, 102 George, roo —-——, of Salisbury, 65 Thomas, 53 —i, of Warminster, 35 Fesney, David, 130 —-——, the younger, of Market Laving- Fezard : ton, 13 Edward, 152 —i, the younger, oi Ogbourne St. John, 152 George, 102' Fidler: Robert, 38 (or Rastall), Elizabeth, 128 Thomas, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108 Robert, 124 —i, of Salisbury, merchant, high Figge, Maud, 117 collector, 63, 65 Filkes, john, 83 INDEX OF PERSONS

Fisher, Fissher, Fyssher: Forward, Forwarde : John, 104 Alice, 19 Robert, of Corsham, 58 Avice, 157 —i, of Littleton Drew, 27 Elizabeth, 19 -—i, of Salisbury, 39 John, of Mere, 19, 156 Thomas, 104 i, the elder, of Woodlands, 157 Fishlake, Fisshlake : i, the younger, of Woodlands, 157 Richard, of Horton, 16 Katherine, 157 —i, of Urchfont, 85 Roger, 19 William, 13 Fosbury, ]ohn, 148 Fissher. See Fisher. Fosket, Foskett : Fisshlake. See Fishlake. Elizabeth, widow, 48 Fitsall, Thomas, 91 ]ohn,5o Flemynge, William, 51 Foster : Fletcher, William, 42 John, of Bapton, 36 Flewellen, john, 90 i-, of Fisherton de la Mere and Florye, Richard, 78 Bapton, 146 Flower, Flowre 2 --——, of Market Lavington, 87 Henry, 88 Thomas, of Homingsham, 145 John, of Chitteme, 143 i, of Orcheston St. George, 144 -—i-, of Melksham, 15, 68 William, 8 -—i, the elder, of Marston and Wulfston, 156 Worton, 16 Fowle, ]ohn, 84 —i, the younger, of Potteme and Fowrde. See Ford. Whistley, 16 Fox, Foxe : Marian, 90 Edmund, 40 Nicholas, 15, 68 l0hn.73 Robert, 85 Philip, 91 Stephen, 91 William, of Laverstock, 127 Thomas, of Aldbourne, 101 -—i, of Salisbury, 66 —i, of Beanacre, 68 Foxall, Sir William, of Salisbury, 40 Tristram, 139 Foxe. See Fox. Walter, 50 Frances, Fraunces : William, of Box, 58 john, 112 —i, of Devizes, 14 Richard, 111 —i, of West Lavington, 16 William, 25 -in the elder, of West Lavington, 88 Franck, Richard, curate of Corsham, 28 Sir [blank], of Salisbury, 40 Franklin, Franckleyne, Francklin, Foche, ]ohn, 82 Francklyn, Franklyn : Fockner, William, 127 Alexander, 44 Folyat, Folliat : Alice, 107 ]0hn,I46 ]ohn,22 Walter, 135 Richard, of Bincknoll, 107 Fonce, ]oan, 6o i, of Kennett, East and West, 103 Foote : i, of Marlborough, 92 Thomas, of Calne, 45 ——-—-, of Rockley, 101 —i, of Steeple Langford, 113 Thomas, of Allington, etc., 55 Ford, Forde, Fowrde : in of Bincknoll, 107 Arthur, 118 ———-——, of Mildenhall, 102 Edward, 157 —-i, of Wroughton, 123 Eleanor, 140 William, 102 Francis, 155 Fraunces. See Frances. John, of Brook, 19 Free, Richard, 24 -—i, of Damerham, 154 Freeland; ]ohn, 135 -—i-, of Keevil, 35 Fremantell, Agnes, 143 -in of Woodlands, 19 Frenche, Frensh : Margery, 118 ]ohn of Flamston, 1 16 Richard, of Damerham, 155 —-——, of Kingston Deverill, 133 _ -in of Odstock and Harnham, East Peter, 144 and West, 42 Robert, 65 Thomas, 156 Thomas, 71 Foreward. See Forward. Frey, William, 42 Forman, Wil.liam, 45 Fricker, Friker, Fryker: Forscott, William, 30 l0hn.153 Forstall, John, 33 Henry, 153 Forte, Cecily, 46 Richard, 152 182 INDEX OF PERSONS

Frowd, Frowdd, Frowde : Garton, John, 56 Christian, 37 Gasset, Henry, 6 Ellen, 151 Gatclif, Roger, 21 Joh.n, of Ansty, 152 Gately, Geofiery, 148 i—-, of Heytesbury, 37, 141 Gaunte, Robert, 118 ———, of Sedgehill, 151 Gauntlet, Gauntlett, Gawntlet : Fry, Frye : Hen.ry, of Cowesfield, 114 Adrian, 108 ———, of Wick, 115 Agnes, 52 John, of Cowesfield, 114 Edward, 100 ——-—, the elder, of East Downton, etc., Elizabeth, 103 44 Joan, 6 ———, the younger, of East Downton, John, of Everleigh, 124 etc., 44 i—-, of Rodbourne, 52 Maurice, 65 William, 47 Richard, of Newton Tony, 130 Fryer, Edmund, 16 ———, of Salisbury, 64, 67 Fucher, Parnell, 128 Simon, 116 Fuller, Richard, 134 Thomas, 6, 114 Fulwaie, Thomas, 79 Gawden, Vincent, 39 Fulwine, Roger, 83 Gawen, Gaweyne, Gawyn : Furnell, Furnavell : Alice, 137 Edward, 143 Edmund, 39 Richard. See Rogers. Elizabeth, 128 Fursbye : Joh.n, of ' Church Tithinge ’, 117 Maurice, 115 ———, of , 26 William, of Wick, 115 —--i, of Tinhead, 34 i—, of Wick and Walton, 44 Robert, 3o Fyld, Fylde : Thomas, 43 John, 5o William, 39 Richard, 39 Gawntlet. See Gauntlet. Fylmer, Thomas, 53 Gawyn. See Gawen. Fynamour, Walter, 31 Gaye : Fysse. J0hn. 34 Ellen. 09 Fyssher. See Fisher. Nicholas, of Potteme, 88 F[ ...... ], John, of Salisbury, 66 ——-—, of Broughton Gifiord, 33 Robert, 30 Gabbat, Robert, 96 Gayspur, Gaspur: Gafiord, William, 70 Edward, 42 _ Gage, Gagge : James, 42 Agnes, 50 Geale: John, 30 John, 52 Gale : Walter, 59 Joan, of Moredon and Haydon, 25 Geet, John, 8 ‘-4 of Rodbourne, 52 Gefirye, Gefierye, Gefieries : John, 57 John, 21 William, of Chippenham, 55 Nicholas, 43 ——-—, of Kington Langley, 56 William, 126 Gallysborow, Robert, 44 Gelley, Gele : Gannyat, Oliver, 4o Edward, 27 Gardiner, Gardener, Gardenor, Gardyner I Lawrence, 86 Nicholas, 23 Gentyll, Joh.n, 19 Richard, of Longiord, 121 Geny, John, 3 ———, of Smallbrook, 148 Genynges. See Jenninges. Thomas, 72 ' George, Gorge : William, 149 John, of Erlestoke, 7o Garener, John, 12 ——-—, of Malmesbury, 48 Garlicke : Robert, of Tilshead, 139 Robert, 132 ——-—, of Westbury, 7 William, 107 William, of Longbridge Deverill and Garrard, William, 94 Crockerton, 149, 15o Ganett, Garrat, Garret : —--i, of Froxfield, 80 John, of Bower Chalke, 136 Gerard, Gerrerd : ———, of Damerham, 154 Henry, of Corsley, 148 i—, of Damerham and Martin, 41 ——-—, of Hutch, 17 Nicholas, 41 Robert, 151 William, 2o Geringe, Anthony, 95 183 INDEX OF PERSONS

Gerle, Robert,3 Gled : Gerrerd. See Gerard. Anthony, 98 Gerryshe, Geryshe, Gyrryshe, Gyryshe : John,98 Alice, 74 ' Goddard, Godard, Goddarde, Godderd: Elizabeth, 74 Andrew, 23 Jerome, 74 Anthony, of and Hartham, John,68 59 Robert, 69 -———, of Clyfle Pypard, 107 Thomas, 74 -———, of Ogbourne St. Andrew, 23 William, of Broughton Gifiord, 33 Edmund, 44, 136 -i——, of Whitley and Shaw, 69 Edward, 96 Gewyne, John, 130 John, of Aldbourne, 22 Gibbes : -in of Milton and Upton, 159 John, of Corsham, 28 ——-—-, of Water Eaton and Eisey, 24 -i——, of Swallowclifle, 152 Mary, 101 -i-, the elder, of Corsham, 57 Roger, 107 -i——, the younger, of Corsham, 57 Thomas, of Aldbourne, 101 Richard, of Boyton and Corton, 142 -———, of Sedgehill, 150 -i-, of Garsdon, 51 ———, of Standen, gentleman, 80 Robert, 105 -i—-, of , 4 Walter, 103 -in of Winsford, 154 Giflne, Davye, 66 Vincent, 92 Giflord, Giflorde, Gyfiord : William, of Cherhill, 31 Christopher, 127 -—-i, of Marlborough, 92 George, 124 -i—-, of Ogbourne Maizey, 102 John,148 -—-i, of Ogbourne St. George, 23, 102 Thomas, 36 -i-—, of Quemerford, 47 William, 117 -i—-, of Sedgehill, 150 Gilberte, Gilba.rt, Gybbard, Gylberd, Godirye, Godflrye: Gylbert : Richard, 39 Edward, 124 William, of Buttermere, 80 Joan, 146 -i—-, of Salisbury, 65 John, of Porton, 5 Godman, Jeflrey, 83 -———, of Shrewton, 7, 110 Godwin, Godwyn : Thomas, of Amesbury, 1 Henry, 83 -in of Longbridge Deverill and John, of Marlborough, 92 Crockerton, 150 ——-—, of Stanley, 27 William, of Patney, 125 --——-, Philip, 25 —-——-, the elder, of Maddington, 8 William, of East Overton, 123 Gildon, Gildone, Gylden, Gyldon : -i-—, of Stanley, 55 Edward, 19 Gofie, Richard, 124 John, of Compton Bassett, 46 Golde : -—-——, of Mere, 19 Thomas, 16 Hugh, 19 William, 16 Richard, 156 Goldesboroughe, Goldisborowgh : Thomas, 157 Robert, 158 ' William, 157 William, 110 Gilforne, Sir Roger, vicar of Upavon, 13 Golding, Goldinge, Goldyng, Gouldinge: Gill, Gills : Agnes, 125 Richard, 58 Alice, 52 William, 98 Edward, 94 Gillimore, John, 94 John,26 Gilloe, Gyllow : Richard, 97 Nicholas, 42 Robert, of Axford, 26 Richard, 118 -i——, of Ramsbury, 93 William, 119 Thomas, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 Gingell, John, 56 -i-, of Netheravon, 4 Girdell. See Gyrdle. Goldisborowgh. See Goldesboroughe. Girdler, Girdeler : Goldnay, Gouldney: John, of Lyneham, etc., 107 Henry, 27 —-——-, of Salisbury, 66 J000. 54 _ Girwiche, John, 15 Goldyng. See Golding. Gittins, John, 84 Goldston, Henry, 39 Glasse: Gomeldon, Gomoldon : Peter, 82 Roger, 5 Roger, 11 William, 129 I INDEX OF" PERSONS

Good: Gregory, Gregorie-—aontd. Alexander, 43 Robert, 135 Bartholomew, 135 Grene : Henry, 136 Edith, 158 William, 46 Elizabeth, 117 Goodale : Francis, 126 John, 132(2) Giles, 120 Richard, 125 Humphrey, 38 Thomas, 3 Margaret, 147 Goodinoughe, Goodnow : Philip, 65 . Elizabeth, 88 Richard, of Corsham, 58 John, 61 i—-, of Westbury, 71 Goodman, Robert, 107 Thomas, 120 Goodridge-, William, 145 William, of Tefiont Magna, 145 Googgeswell, Edward, 71 ——-—-, the elder, of Semley, 43 Gore, Goore, Gorre : . Grenear, Wflliam, 6 Adam, 27 Grenefield, Richaild. See Toms. Charles, 27 Grenehill, Grenhill : John, 140 John, 138 Nicholas, 74 Richard, of North Bradley, 140 Richard, of Alderton, 61 ——-—-, of Westbury, 34 -———, of Trowbridge, 76 Thomas, 138 Thomas, of Broughton Gifford, 33 Greneland, Grenelond : ———, of Sherston, 61 John, 141 William, of Broughton Gifiord and William, 33 Monkton, 74 Grenell, Grennell : ——-—-, of Wilton, 114 Edward, 35 Gorge. Sea George. John, 71 Gorway, William, 105 Nicholas, 34 Goselinge, Thomas, 131 Grenelond. See Greneland. Gossbette, Thomas, 59 Greneway, Thomas, 98 Gosmore, Thomas, 5o Grenhill. See Grenehill. Gosse, John, 26 Grennell. See Grenell. Grouche, Edith, 113 Gretie, Thomas, 40 Goughe, Thomas, 147 Grevyll, Joan, 57 Gouldney. See Goldnay. Grey, Graye : Gourd, John, 153 Edmund, 18 Goose, John, 5 Edward, 159 Goynow, John, 28 John, of Hutch, 153 Grace, Richard, 13 ———, of Semley, 137 Grafton : ———, the elder, of Semley, 137 John, 65 Nicholas, of Collingbourne. Kingston, Richard, 66 11 Thomas, 66 i—-, of Semley, 137 William, 66 Robert, 155 Granger, Graunger : Walter, of , 120 Robert, 98 i—-, of Homington, 120 William, 107 —-——, of Semley, 43 Grate, John, 125 —-——, of Wilton, 8, 114 Graunt, Graunte, Grawnte : William, of Wilton, 114 _ George, 76 ———, the elder, of Semley, 43 John, of Holt, 74 Greyell, David, 50 - ———, of Monkton Farleigh, 75 Greyley, Robert, 131 -———, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 Grifie, Ralph, 15 Mark, 33 Grifien, Griffin : Robert, 32, 73 Edmund, 121 Thomas, of Bradford-on-Avon, 73 William, 103 ———, of Erlestoke, 70 Grig, Hugh, 92, _ Walter, of Bradford-on-Avon, 73 Grindal, Edmund, bishop of Sahsbury —-——, of Leigh, 33 commissioner, 63(2), 109(2) William, 77 Grindon, John, 137 Gravynar, George, 69 Grint, Henry, 91 Graye. See Grey. Groome, Anthony, 58 Greenwood, Thomas, 133 Grove : Gregory, Gregorie : David, 155 John,14 Robert, 17, 154 185 INDEX OF PERSONS

Grove—ccmtd. Hale, Hales : Thomas, 154 Alice. 97 145 Edmund, 92 Growe, Thomas, 75 William, 72 Groyne, John, 125 Halett, William, 64 Grug, Robert, 38 Hall : Gryfiyth : Cecily, 72 Lewis, 39 John, of Bradford-on-Avon, 72 Robert, 39 -in of Milton Lilborne, 81 Grymer, William, 50 Paul, 102 Gryste, Robert, 71 Richard, 95 Guest, Edmund, bishop of Salisbury, 63(2) Robert, 91 Guggs, Robert. 79 Thomas, of Bishopstone, 94 Gulliver, Alice, 61 -in of Bradford-on-Avon, 32 Guly : -i-, of Burton Hill, 50 John, of North Bradley, 140 -i-, of Fosbury and Tidcombe, ' of -—i, of Warminster, 149 Oxenwod ’, 11 Gunter : William, of Mildenhall, 101 Brian, 80 —-——, of Poole Keynes, 49 Edward, 93 -i-, of Bradford-on-Avon, 32 Jeflrey, 12 Hamble, Robert, 68 Simon, 81 Hambye : Walter, 57 Henry, 58 Gurden, William, 35 John,117 Guye, Gye : Hame : H0017. 45 John, 13 John, 72 Nicholas, 13 Mars01'Y. 74 Hamlin, Hamleyn : Thomas, 19 John, of and Surren- William, 90 dell, 61 Guyer, John, 156 -in of Milton Lilborne, 81 Guyfiord : -in of Ramsbury, 93 John,93 —-——, of Surrendell, 27 Richard, 91 Nicholas, 61 Guyll, Giles, 90 Thomas, 82 Gwynne, David, 48 Hamon, Henry, 64 Gyatt, John, 116 Hampton : Gybbyns, William, 75 George, 13 Gybbard. See Gilberte. John, 87 Gye. See Guye. Thomas, 24 Gyen, Thomas, 2 Hancock, Hancocke, Hancoke : Gyer, Thomas, 42 George, 94 Gyfiord. See Giflord. John, of Corsham, 57 Gylberd, Gylberte. See Gilberte. —i-, of Long Newnton, 54 Gylden, Gyldon. See Gildon._ Nicholas, 68 Gyll, John, 86 Richard, 36 Gyllett, Gyllet : Robert, 29 Edmund, 132 Thomas, 105 William, 18 Walter, 138 Gyllow. See Gilloe. William, 118 Gyngell, Robert, '26 Hancoote, William, 114 Gyrdle, Girdell : Hand, Thomas, 61 John, 38 Handshaw, Ralph, vicar of Oaksey, 29 Thomas, brewer, collector, 38(6) Hanley : Gyrryshe, Gyryshe. See Gerryshe. Humphrey, parson oi Somerford Keynes Gysden, Thomas, 4 and Leigh, 25 Sir Thomas, parson of Bromham, 15 Hacheman, John, 125 Hannen, Hannam : Hadder, Thomas, 87 Edmund, 34 Hadnot, John, 91 Thomas, 40 Hailocke : John, 137 William, 39 William, 137 Hannolde, John, 47 Hake :' Hapgood : Robert, 127 Nicholas, 79 William, 40 William, 79 INDEX OF PERSONS

I-Iardyman, Hardiman : Harris, Harrys——oontd. £oh.n, 44 john, of Westwood, 122 eter, 136 —-i, of , 111 Harding, Hardinge : i-—, parson of Garsdon, 3o Alice, 5o Leonard, I9 Anthony, 92 Nicholas, of Bullcington, 15 Christian, 3 i, of Wtbury Leigh, 71 John, of Bishopstone, 94 Richard, 136 —i, of Broughton Giflord, 33 Robert, of Broadleas and Folly, 16 —i, of Bushton, 122 i, of Little Bedwyn, 79 —i, of Collingbourne Valence and —-—-—, of Yatton Keynell, 59 Sunton, 11 Roger, 149 —i, of Huish, 13 Thomas, of Damerham and Martin, 41 —i, of Manton, 103 i, of Maddington, 111 —-Z, of Orcheston St. Mary, 113 i, of Tytherton Lucas and Ke]la- —i, of Steeple Ashton, 139 WHYS, Richard, of Kennett, East and West, i—, of Yatton Keynell, 27 103 Walter, of Imber, 37 —-i, of Pewsey, 11, 82 —-Z, of Marlborough, 92 Robert, 19 William, of All Canning, and Allington, Thomas, of Enford, 122 Ba ‘—i, of Orcheston St. Mary, 113 ——-—-, of Bulkington, 70 —i, of Pewsey, 82 G, of Stapleford, 112 —i, of Sharcott and Southcott, 11 G, of Wanborough, 104 William, of Blunsdon St. Andrew, 24 Harrold : —i, of , 139 Ralph, I0 —i, of Stratton St. Margaret and Thomas, 31 Groundwell, 95 Harryson. See Harison. —i, of Dunington, 1 Hart, Harte : IHardkyn, john, 69 Edmund, 125 .Ha.re, Richard, 55 Richard, I41 .Harford, Harforde : Robert, of Compton and Alton, 131 Richard, of Castle Combe, 60 —-Z, of Foxley, 53 —i, of Woodford, 126 i, of Salisbury, 65 Thomas, of Bishopstone, 116 Harvester, Cecily, 85 —i, of Castle Combe, 60 Harvord. See Harward. Hargill, Argill, Hargyll, William. the Harvy : elder, high collector, 32(4), 37(4) Agnes. 44 Harison, Harryson : Robert, 19 Christopher, 66 Harward, Harvord : Edward, 19 john, of Salisbury, 39 Harman, Horman : L, of Tinhead, I41 john,121 - Harway, Harwaye : Robert, 42 Harry, -128 Harper: john, 128 john, 23 Hascoll, 137 Richard, of Devizes, 91 Hasell, Thomas, 124 —i, of Marlborough, 92 Haster, Thomas, 86 —i, of Netheravon, 125 Hateridge, Giles, 127 Harris, Harrys : Hatherwell, Thomas, 6o Alice, 55 Hatt : Asnes. as Richard, 101 Edward, of Longford and Britford, 42 Thomas, 23 —i, of Salisbury, 64 William, 22 Francis, 81 Hatter, William, 70 joan, 52 Haukyns. See Hawkins. Humphrey, 6 Hawkes, Thomas. See Stephens. john, of Amesbury, 130 Hawkins, Haukyns, Hawkyns : —i, of Bower Chalk, 44 Ambrose, of Lydiard Millicent, 94 —i, of Bulkington, 70 ——-—, of Purton, 24 —i, of Castle Combe, 28 Edward, of Collingbourne Ducis, 3 —i, of Great Cheverell, 87 -—i, of Kington Langley, 26 —i, of Dinton, 145 Geofl-rey, 146 —i, of Keevil, 140 Jvan. 46 . —i, of Martyn, 155 john, of Ashton Keynes, roo —i_ of Stanton Fitzwarren, 24, 95 ——-—-, of Christian Malford, 54 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Hawkins, etc.—contd. Haywarde, etc.—contd. John, of Great Bedwyn, 78 John, of Bushton, 3, 122 Leonard, 25 i-, of Corsham, 57 Richard, 28 —-——, of Marlborough, 92 Robert, 55 i-, of Odstock and Hamham, East William, of Luckington, 61 and West, 42 i-, of Somerford Keynes, 99 i—, of Westbury, 71 i-, of Wilsford, 13 i-, of Whitley and Shaw, 69 Hawler : Peter, 67 Olave, 39 Richard, of Dauntsey. See Bernard. Robert, 39 i—, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108 Hawse, Thomas, 71 Robert, 37 Hawthorne,-Henry, 133 Thomas, of Brinkworth and Gritten- Haydon : ham, 48 ]ohn,126 i-, of Burcombe, 113 Robert, 6 i-, of Bushton, 122 Haye, Hayes, Hays, Hey, Heys: i-, of Devizes, 91 John, of Kepnal, 11 i-, of Durnford, 131 i-, of Pewsey, 11 i—, of Lyneham, 21 i—, of Wilton, 114 i-, of Marlborough, 25 i—, parson of Lydiard Millicent, 24 i-, of Upton Lovell, 142 Nicholas, 79 William, of Bishop's Cannings, 88 Robert, 62 i-—-, of Bushton, 122 Thomas, of Sherston, 28 i-, of Calne, 30 i-—, of Wilton, 114 i-, of Ditchampton and Bur- William, 22 - combe, 8 Haylock, Haylocke, ]ohn, 18, 153 i-, of Little Cheverell, 12 Hayman, John, 159 i-, of Melksham, 68 Hayme : Head, Hed, Hedde, Hede : Richard, 154 Hugh, 126 William, 153 John, of Hankerton, 5o Haynes, Hayne, Heynes: i-, of Woodford, 126 Edward, of Devizes, 14 Matthew, 125 i-, the younger, of Devizes, 14 Richard, 126 John, 156 William, of Wilcot, 87 Nicholas, roo i-, of Wilsford and Lake, 126 Richard, 100 i-, of Woodford, 126 Robert, 61 i-, of Wootton Rivers. 81 Thomas, of Cricklade, 24 Hearne, Thomas, 125. Sec also Heme. i-, of Great Somerford, 5o Heath, Heathe, Heth, Heythe : Hayt, John, 8 Gilbert, 95 Hayter, Haytor, Haytore, Haytour, Humphrey, 37 Heytour : John, 105 George, 152 Ralph, 66 Joan-41 Robert, of Swindon, 21 John, of Burcombe, 112 Z-, the elder, of Little Hinton, 123 -——i-, of East Knoyle, 44 Thomas, of Swindon, 1o5 i-, of Longford and Britford, 42 i-, the elder, of Little Hinton, 123 i-—, of Warminster, 35 i-, the younger, of Little Hinton, Nicholas, 118 ' 123 Richard, 118 Hebarde. See Hibbert. Thomas, 18 . Heckes, Thomas, 94 William, of Hanging and Little Lang- Hed, Hedde, Hede. See Head. ford, 1 12 Hedges : i-—, of Hatch, 17 Henry, 94 i-, of Winterbourne Earls, 128 Jqlm. 56 Hayward, Haiward, Haiwarde, Hawarde, Richard, 102 Haywarde, Haywayd, Heyward, Hedland, ]ohn, 106 Heywarde, Heywood : Helerd, John, 29 Agnes, of Highworth, 24 Helie, Thomas, 52 i-—-, of Odstock, 119 Hellier, Helior, Helliar, Hellior, Hellyar, Edward, of Durnford, 131 Helyor, Hiller, Hyller, Hyllier: i-, of Faulston, 116 Agnes, 51 Henry, 42 Elizabeth, 84 Joan, 131 Joan, 142 ]ohn, of Beechingstoke, 84 John, of Boyton and Corton, 142 I INDEX OF. PERSONS

Hellier, etc.--contd. Heyward, Heywarde, Heywood. See {qc->‘hn, of Manningford Abbots, 14 Hayward. ‘chard, 81 Hibbert, Hebarde, Hebberd, Hibberd, Thomas, of Corsley, 147 Hibberte, Hubbard, Hybberd : G, of Crudwell, 3o Ellis, 120 William, of Burton Hill, 50 ]oan,51 G, of Cherhill, 47 ]ohn, of Codford, 143 in of Purton, 98 G-, of Hankerton, 50 Hemsworth, Guy, 119 Richard, of Ashley, 51 Hemynge : —-——, of Netherhampton, 120 Nicholas, 68 in of Seagry, 53 Robert, 113 ——-—-, the elder, of Burcombe, 120 Hende, Hendy, Hendye: in the younger, of Burcombe, 120 Philip, 157 Robert, 74 Robert, 73 Stephen, 118 Thomas, 62 William, 112, 12o William, 75 Hickes : Henley, Thomas, 48 ]ohn,54 Henton, Hinton, Hynton : William, 64 Christopher, 142 Hidden, Thomas, 81 ]ohn, of Froxfield, 8o Hide, Huyde: i, of Sutton Veny, ’ of Newen- Lawrence, 153 ame ’, 146 ' Thomas, of Little Bedwyn, 79 i, the elder, of Sutton Veny, ‘of in of Little Bedwyn and Chisbury, Upend ’, 146 11 in the younger, of Sutton Veny, 146 William, of Luckington and Foxham, 27 (or Clarke), ]ohn, 146 in of Odes, 134 Philip, 146 Higgyns, Hyggyns : Richard, of Marden, 84 Jqhn.I47 lg of Sutton Veny, 146 R.lCh3.1'd, 5 Stephen, 146 Highte, Hyett: Thomas, of Blunsdon, 96 Agnes, 58 G, of Sutton Veny, 36 Richard, 22 G, of Warborough, 22 Hilgrove, ]ohn, 150 William, 37 _ Hill, Hyll : Herbert, Henry, earl of Pembroke, com- Anthony, 100 missioner, 109(2) ]ohn, of Corsley, 147 Heme, Peter, of Salisbury, alien, 67. See in of Salisbury, 4o also Hearne in of Stratford Tony, 12o Heron, Robert, 124 Margaret, 147 Herringe, Heringe : Nicholas, 64 ]ohn,95 Richard, of Westbury Leigh, 34 Robert, 89 in of , 157 Herste. See Hurst. Walter, merchant, petty collector, -63(2) Heskins, Heskyns. See Hoskins. William, curate, of Leigh Delamere, 27 Heth. See Heath. L-, of Longbridge Deverill and Hetheron, William, 7 Crokerton, 149 Hetherthorne, Henry, 11o Hiller. See Hellier. Hewes. See Hughes. Hilman, Hylman : Heweston, ]ohn, 15 Eleanor, 11_o Hewstas, Thomas, 147 ]ohn, 76 Hewett, Huyt, Thomas, 19, 157 Thomas, 11o Hewlett, Hulat, Hulett: Himbridge, Robert, 54 Drew, 142 Hinckes, ]ohn, 137 ]ohn, 111 Hinton. See Henton. Richard, 141 Hiscox, Hiscock, Hiscocke, Hiscoke, Robert, 7 Hishcocke, Hyscoke : William, of Asserton, 7 Elizabeth. See Chapman. " G, of Berwick St. ]arn, 111 ]ohn, of All Cannings and Allington, 83 Hewse. See Hughes. ——-—-, of Market Lavington, 13 Hey, Heys. See Haye. i—-, of Marlborough, orphan, 25 Heylthe, Thomas, 66 in of Preshute. See Chapman. Heynes. Sea Haynes. , Philip, 33 Heyer, Heyre, Heyres. See Eyre. Robert. See Chapman. Heythe. See Heath. Richard, B7 Heytour. See Hayter Thomas, of Manton, etc., 22 INDEX OF PERSONS

Hiscox, etc.-—contd. Hoode, ]ohn, 153 Thomas, of Preshute. See Chapman. Hooper, Hoper, Hopper, Howper: Hiskett, John, 157 Agnes, 11o Hiskyns. See Hoskins. Anthony, 131 Hobbes, Hobbs, Hobbys : Ellis, 124 Agnes, 22 John, of Clyfle Pypard, 21, 107 Edmund, 48 -i—-, of Durnford, 2 Joan, 146 -in of Salisbury, 63 John, of Aldbourne, 22 —i, of Westport, 29 i—, of Longbridge‘ Deverill and Thomas, of Maddington, 111 Crockerton, 15o —-——, of Salisbury, 64 i—, of Salisbury, 65 Walter, 42 Nicholas, of Sherston, 61 William, 148 Sir Nicholas, parson of Chirton, 13 Hop, Edward, 91 Robert, 99 Hoper, Hopper. See Hooper. Thomas, 15o Howes, George, 123 William, 43 Hopkins, Hopkyns : Hochyn, John, 12 John, of Brinkworth, 3o Hockley, ]ohn, 82 —--1, of Corsley, 36, 147 Hodges, Hodgges: William, of Burbage, 81 ]ohn,29 —--1, of Stockton, 124 Thomas, 71 Hopson, Sir [blank], of Salisbury, 39 Hodgkinson, Sir William, vicar of Clyfle Hopton, John, 3 Pypard, 21 Horder, Philip, 88 Hodman, Wifliam, 56 Hore : Hodson, Hodsone : Henry, 106 Christopher, 76 Vincent, 114 Richard, 1oo- William, 36 Thomas, 78 Horlocke : Holbrame, William, 65 Thomas, of Studley, 76 Holles, John, 134 —-——, of Trowbridge, 76 Holman, Houlman : Horman. See Harman. ]ohn,31 Horne : Thomas, 47 Richard, 73 Holme, Christopher, 151 Thomas, 57 Holmer, William, 66 William, 16 Holmes, Holmez : Horsey, Horse : ]ohn,38 Bartholomew, 155 Robert, 38, 65 Dorothy, 135 Thomas, 39, 65 ]ol1n, 41 William, of Bower Chalke, 136 Oliver, 154 i—, of Salisbury, 38 43 Holt, Holte : Hort, Horte : Edith, 64 Cuthbert, 61 Richard, 39 john, of North Wraxall, 59 Holyday, Francis, 35 _ —i, of Seend, 15 Hollowaye, Hollwaye, Holowaie, Holoway, Robert, 27 Holway, Holwaye, Holwey, Holweye : William, of Hilmarton, 107 Christopher, 155 -i, the elder, of North Wraaall, 59 ]ohn, of Clyfle Pypard, 21 Horton : i—, of Corsley, 36 Edward, 122 ?—, of Damerham and Martin, 41 John-95 ?—-, of Highway, etc., 9o Thomas, of Bishopstone, 26, 94 Peter, 158 —-——, of Westwood and Iford, 4 Philip, 139 William, 122 Richard, 147 Hoskins, Heskins, Hoskyns, Hiskyns, Robert, 103 Hoskyn, Hoskyns : Thomas, 6o Alice, 1o5 Walter, 125 Anthony, 99 William, of Clyfle Pypard, 107 Christian, 69 ———, of Corsley, 147 Edward, 113 —i, of Hilmarton, 22 Henry, 53 —i, of Wilsford, 86 John, of Easterton, 12 ——, of Woodborough, 84 —i, of Fisherton de la More and Hongerford, John, 99 Bapton, 146' Honye, Henry, 154 ——-—, of Great Somerford, 29 190 INDEX OF PERSONS

Hoskins, etc.—contd. Humby : john, of , 15 Henry, 117 i—-, of Market Lavington, 87 Thomas, 43 Richard, of Charlton, 5o William, 44 —-——, of East Lavington, 87 Humfrey, Humfre, Humfrie, Humfry : Z-, of Purton, 98 Agnes, 60 l—, of Wootton Bassett, 106 Edith, 57 Thomas, of Fisherton Anger, 113 Henry, 49 i—, of Purton, 98 Michael, 144 William, of Charlton, 3o Nicholas, 111 i—-, of Hawkeridge and Heywood, Robert, 36 72 Wifliam, 60 Houlboroughe, Robert, 61 Hunewell, john. See Worden. Howell : Hungerford, Hungerforde : Henry, 74 Anthony, 78 John, of Great and Little Chalfield, 32 john, of Burton Hill, 5o i-‘, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 i—, of Great Bedwyn, 12 Roger, 119 Robert, 28 William, of Bradford-on-Avon, 72 Thomas, 52 Z—, of Broughton Giflord, 33' Walter, knight, commissioner, of Rowley Howper. See Hooper. and Trowle, 68, 73, 77 Howse, Howsse : i-, of Bremhill and Foxham, 58 Asses. 37 Hunt, Hunte : John. 34 Arthur, 1 55 Robert, 149 Edith, 1 55 William, 1oo john, of Brokenborough, 3o Hubbard. See Hibbert. i—-, of Damerham, 155 Hucker, Henry, 55 i—, of Ham, 122 Huett, John, 113 i—, of Great Somerford, 29 Hughes, Hewes, Hewse, Hughys, Hwes: Richard, of Damerham, 155 James, 22 i——, of Enford, 122 John, 90 Simon, 3, 122 Richard, of Fisherton Anger, 7 Thomas, of Damerham, 155 l—, of Milton and Upton, 159 i—, of Hatch, 153 Thomas, 47 Walter, 53 Walter, of Chisledon, etc., 105 Hunton : i—, of Wroughton, 3 William, of East Knoyle, 44 Huland, Seyches, 39 i—, the elder, of East Knoyle, 158 Hulat. See Hewlett. i—, the younger, of East Knoyle, Hulbert, Hulberd, Hulberde, Hulberte : 158 Henry. ss Hurle, Hurles. See Earle. ' John, of Corsham, 57(2) Hurst, Herste, Hurste : l—, of Corsham, ‘ of Thingley ’, 57 John, of Alderstone, 114 i—, of Erlestoke, 7o i—, of Marlborough, 91 —-——, of Lacock, 28 ——-—, of Whelpley, 115 i—, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 Z-, the elder, of Cowesfield, 6 Nicholas, 7o i—, the younger, of Cowesfield, 114 Thomas, of Allington, etc., 55 Mark, 114 ——-—-, of Corsham, 57 Peter, 155 —-——, of , 15, 7o Richard, 92 William, of Corsham, 28 Thomas, 92 i—, of Poulshot, 15, 7o William, 6 Hulett. See Hewlett. Hushe, Thomas, 99 Hull : Hussey, Husse, Hussee, Hussye : Henry, 158 Geoffrey, 42 john,25 Henry, of Landford. 1'15 Richard, 13 i-, of Whelpley, 115 Thomas, of Bishopstone, 26 ]ohn, of Cowesfield, 114 ——-—, curate of Kington St. Michael, i—, of Fosbury and Tidcombe, 8o 26 i—, of Landford, 6 William, 26 l—, of Landford, 115 Humber, Humbar : i—, of Vlfhiteclifi, 36 George, 51 Margery, 116 Philip, 121 Thomas, of East Downton, etc., 44 Thomas, of Plaitford, 127 Z-, of Westbury Leigh, 71 Z-, of Sutton Mandeville, 42 William, of East End, 116 191 INDEX 0F- PERSONS

Hussey, etc.--amid. ]akes : William, of Ebbesborne Wake, 137 ]ohn, 48 —-——, of Wilton, 114 Richard, 51 Hutchins, Hudchins, Huchyns, Hutchans : William, 29 Giles, 67 ]ames : ]oan, 81 l0hn.45 Richard, 47 Miles, 3'9 Thomas, of Richardson, 22 Thomas, 64 ———, of Winterboume Bassett, 103 iames (or Mason), ]ohn, 112 Hutten, Thomas, 38 ansone, Nicholas 148 Huttofte, Nicholas, 64 ]arvis. See ]ervis. Huyde. See Hide. jay: _. _ Huyt. See Hewett. Christian, 43 Hwes. See Hughes. Richard, 18 Hybberd. See Hibbert. jefiery, jefierys, jefirie, jefirey, jefiry Hydney, William, 131 ]e_flrye 1 Hyett. See Highte. David, 59 Hygden, ]ohn, 43 Elizabeth, 59 Hyggyns. See Higgins. James, 33, 76 Hyll. See Hill. ]ohn, of Milford, 127 Hyller, Hyllier. See Hellier. —i—, of West Harnham, 119 Hylman. See Hilman. Nicholas, 119 Hynd : Robert, 107 Henry, 36 ]efl.lin,'Peter, 55 William, 147 jefirie, Jeffry, Jeffrye. See Jeffery Hynton. See Henton. jeneweye, ]ohn, 1o, 80 Hyscoke. See Hiscox. ]eney, ]ohn, 131 Idolles, Thomas, 61 jenninges, Genynges, Jenyns : Ignes, Thomas, 145 ]ohn, of Marten and Crofton, 11 Imber: --———, of Stourton, 157 Edward, 37 Thomas, parson of Sopworth, 27 Humphrey, 143 William, 134 43 ]er1nan, Jasper, 64 ]ohn, of Chitterne, 1 ]ohn, the elder, oi Chitterne, 37 }:rI':-I‘n<_i1..Robert. the elder, 18 ———-__ , the younger, of Chitterne, 37 Edith‘, I31 William, 143 Ingram, Ingrame : William, the younger, 131 Agnes, 143 jervis, ]arvis : Edith, 136 ]ohn, of Corsley, 147 Eleanor, 130 -Z-, oi Upavon, 86 ]ohn,159 I Thomas, 125 Richard, of Bower Chalke, 136 Jesper’ Henry’ H9 -—-—-. the elder. oi Bower Chalke, 136 jl§fj§fi_H°u‘;‘;{': 145 Irelande, Robert, 127 J Isdale, ]ohn, 14 ]oan,14o Isgar, William, 62 ]ohn, 132 Ivie, Ivye : ]eye, Benedict, 24 Giles, 54 ]oanes. See ]ones. Richard, 27 ]ohn, Seynt. See Seynt ]ohn. Thomas, 6o ]ohns: Izold, Anne, 99 ]ohn the elder, of Mildenhall, 22 ——-—, the younger, of Mildenhall 22 Izot, William, 79 ]ohnson : Jackeman. See Jackman. john, 129 Jackettes, Thomas, 97 Nicholas, 63 Jackman, Jackeman : Thomas, 133 Richard, 132 ]ollie, Thomas, the elder, 135 William, 116 ]ones, ]oanes, ]onys : ]acob, Jacobbe: Agnes, 85 Charles, 67 Edward, I04 ]ohn,3 George, 48 Marian, 123 Jefirey, 28 Maud, 106 ]ohn, of Keevil, 35 Thomas, of Cricklade, 1oo ——-—-, oi Luckington, 61 i-—-. Of Salisbury. 40. 64 —-——, of Nettleton, 26, 56 —-——, of Wootton Bassett, 105 ——-—-, of Urchfont, 85 192 INDEX OF PERSONS jones, Joanes, Jonys-—contd. Kent, Kend, Kente—ccm!d. Margaret, 48 Robert. of Idmiston, 129 Martin, the elder, 59 Thomas, 13o Richard, of Devizes, 91 William, 39 ——-—, of Poole Keynes, 49 Kepyng, John, 14o ———, of North Wraxall, 59 Kerde, Edward, 18 Thomas, of Castle Combe, 6o Kerlye. See Kirley. . ———, of Keevil, 14o Keyleway, Keylwey : Walter, of Coleme, 6o Anthony, 11o ———, of Lacock and Larkham, 57 john, 36 William, of Brinkworth, 3o Keynes : ——-—, of Keevil, 14o He1:|ry, 59 ———, of Mildenhall, 1o1, 1o2 Nicholas, 59 ———, oil Ramsbury, 93 Richard, 57 Jordan, Jourden, jourdene, Jourdeyn, Robert, 33 Jurden : Thomas, 28 Robert of Chute, 11 William, 57 ———, of Keevil, 14o Kighte, William, 84 William, of Calne, 45 Kill, Roger, 127 ———, of Salisbury, 39 King, Kmge, Kyng : ——-—, the elder, of Keevil, 14o Alexander, 154 ——-—, the younger, of Keevil, 14o Alice, 111 ]oye, William, 156 Christopher, 154 joynte, Henry, 59 Edward, of Bremhill and Foxham, 59 Judde: ———, of Broad Chalke, 135 ———, of Sedgehill, 15o William,J°!"¥- 2 of Winterbourne. Dauntsey, Giles, 116 129 Hugh, of Bishopstone, 116 ———, of Winterbourne Gunner, 129 ———, of Everleigh, 123 uell. See jewell. Humphrey, 46 uly, James, 14o ]ohn, of , 137 urden. See Jordan. ———, of Ashton Keynes, 1oo ——-—-, of Brokenborough, 3o, 51 Keblewhite, Kiblewhite : ———, of Faulston, 116 JOhn.9s ——-—-, of , 86 William, 98 ———, of Sedgehill, 151 Kember : ———, of Stoke Farthing, 136 Agnes, 79 ———, of Woodborough, 84 Nicholas, 11 ——-—, of Woodlands, 19 Kemble : Matthew, 29 Asses. 99 Nicholas, of Great Wishford, 11o Christine, 95 ———, parson of Castle Eaton, 23 Francis, 95 Richard, of , 151 John, of Blunsdon, 96 ———, of Devizes, 91 ———, of Cricklade, 1oo ———, of Sedgehill, 151 Henry, 1oo Robert, 145 Richard, 96 Roger, 11 Thomas, of Cricklade, 1oo Thomas, of Hilmarton, 107 ———, of Moredon and Haydon, 25 ———, of Sedgehill, 151 William, 96 ———, of Woodlands, 157 Kempe, james, 127 ———, the elder, of Broad Chalke, 136 Kempson : ———, the elder, of Sedgehill, 15o Robert, 91 ———, the elder, of Upavon, 13 William, 27 ———, theyounger, of Broad Chalke, 1 36 Kend. See Kent. ———, the younger, of Upavon, 13 Kendall, Kendoll : William, of Bremhill, 28 john, 72 ———, of Broad Chalke, 43 Richard, 112 ———, of Castle Eaton, 23 William, 156 ———, of Devizes, 91 Kent, Kend, Kente : ———, of Easton, 82 Edward} 2 ———, of Hullavington, 54 John. =7 ———, of Sedgehill, 15o Henry, 79 ——-—, of Stanley, 27 Nicholas, 19 ———, of Stapleford, 8 Richard, 13o ——-—, of Wootton Rivers, 81 Robert, of Bathampton, 143 ———, vicar of Hannington, 23 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Kingman, Kyngman: Kyppinge, Kyppynge : ilohn, 7 Henry, 75 icholas, 11o John, of Atworth, 33 Walter, 11o -———, oi South Wraxall, 75 Kington, Kinton, Kyngeton, Kyngton, Valentine, 33 Kyng-tone, Kynton : Kyrby : Clement, 56 Agnes, 159 John, 34 Nicholas, 152 Lawrence, 57 Kyte : Matthew, 2 John, of Chip , 54 Richard, 57 -——-, oi O Robert, 72 Thomas, 15 Lacocke, Lacock, Laycock : William, of Atworth, 33 Agnes, 142 William, of Beanacre, 68 Henry, 37 ——-—-, oi Corsham, 57 John, 37 ——-—, oi Ludgershall, 132 Ladde, Edward, 57 Kingsmell, Richard, 1o4 Lake, John, 16 Kingston, Walter, 81 Lambe : Kinsman, Robert, 1o4 Aldaline, high collector, 10(3) Kinton. Sea Kington. Aldhelm, 35 Kirley, Kerlye : John, of Corsley, 147 John, 154 ——--, of Coulston, East and West, 35 William, 114 -———, of East Coulston, 141 Knaclmton, Knaclnstone : --—--, of Marlborough, 25 Joan, 101 —-——, petty collector, 138 John, 93 Katherine, 111 Knapp, Knappe: _ Roger, 35 Edmund, 131 Lamberne, Robert, 45 John, of Great Somerford, 92 Lamberte : ——-—-, the younger, of Great Somer- Arthur, 65 ford, 29 Thomas, 12o Richard, 49 William, 66 William, of Great Somerford, 49 Lamporte, John, 112 ———-—, oi Rodbourne, 52 Lamyng, Michael, 156 Knastone, Richard, 22 Lande,_ Thomas, 115 Knave, Henry. See Wheler. Landesdale, Richard, 111 Knight, Knighte, Knyght : Lane, Lanna, Leyne : Bartholomew, 83 Elizabeth, 63 George, 151 George, 107 Joan, 147 . John, of Homington, 42 John, of Berwick St. Leonard, 151 ——-—, of Wootton Bassett, 106 ——-—-, of Corsley, 147 William, of Lydiard Tregoze, 21 ——-—, of Tidworth, 132 ——-—-, of Salisbury, 66 Nicholas, 14 ——-—-, of Thornhill, 2o Richard, oi Brixton Deverill, 144 Lanfer, Thomas, 107 -———, of Norton Bavant, 146 Langeforde. Sac Langford. Stephen, 151 Langfieild, Lanfilde : ' Thomas, of Upton Scudamore, 36 John, 8o Sir Thomas, of Salisbury, 4o Thomas, 122 William, of Brixton Deverill, 36 Langford, Langeiorde : ———, of Corsley, 36 Alexander, 33, 76 Knighton, John, 124 John, 76 Knolman: Langhame. See Lanham. Jefirey, 83 Langley : Richard, 83 John, of Boreham and Bourton, 148 Knyght. See Knight. —-——, of Wanborough, clerk, 1o4 Knyvet, Henry, knight, 50' Thomas. 36 Kylbemei John, 55 Lanham, Langhame, Lanhen : Kynch’ ohn’ I John, ofDogne1_l, 153 K _ ‘L K-7_ —--—,ofMart1n,155 Kyngeton,yng asSeamgKington. ——-—-,Mart-n theI elder, of Damerham and Kyngman. See Kingman. Nichglés? I55 KrnsI=9n. Kvnswne. Kynton- 8“ Lanne. Sea Lane. K111313011. » Lansier, Marion, 46 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Lanyen, Richard, 18 Lewes, Lewys—confd. Larcome, Richard, 112 William, oi Highway, etc., 9o Laeri1'1n;1gl;on,hI.a\3.mgton : —-——, of Preshute, 1o4 s o er, 4 A-, of Semington, 96 Edwarcl: 86 Ley, Lighe, Lye : Henry, 2 Henry, 18 ]ohn,121 Michael, 147 Richard, 86 Thomas, 53 Roger, oi Marden, 84 William, of Ansty, 18 -—i, of Wilsford, 13 A-, of Teflont Evias, 151 Thomas, 83 Leycester, Layster, Leyceter : William, of Chirton, 83 Edward, 57 A-, of Newton Tony, 13o Humphrey, 149 —-——, of North Newnton, 86 ]ohn,117 Lawes, Lawys : William, 6o ]ohn, of Brigmerston and Milston, 133 Leylande, Iames, 66 —-——, of Broad Chalk, 135 Leyne.- See Lane. ——-—-, oi Winterbourne Stoke, 11o Leyte. See Light. Nicholas, 7 Libbe, Sir ]ohn, parson of Rowborough Robert, 136 Regis and Great Cheverell, 12 Lawrence, Lawrens : Liddall, Liddoll : Alice, 55 ]ob,83 Edward, 152 Thomas, 1o2 Henry, 18 Lide, Lyde : ]ohn, oi Malmesbury, 29 ]'ohn, 149 i-. of Warminste1'. 35 147 (or Barber), ]ohn, of Aldbourne, 22 Lideard, Lydyarde : Robert, 46 Alice, 101 Ste hen, 148 ]ohn,1o2 William, of Etchilhampton, 84 Thomas, 1o2 ——-—, oi Smallbrook, 148 William, the elder, oi Rockley, 22, 1o1 Lawreye, Robert, 25 —i, the younger, of Rockley, 22, 1o1 Lawys. See Lawes. Lighe. See Ley. Laycock, See Lacocke. Light, Leyte, Lighte, Lyght : Layster. See Leycester. Agnes, 29 Leades, Leedes : James. 4'4 Thomas, 129 ]ohn, of Great Bedwyn, 78 William, 5 —i, oi Sopworth, 61 Lecke, ]ohn, 24 —i, oi Catton Keynell, 59 Richard, oi Abbotstone, 6 Leeche, William, 99 —i, of East End, 116 Leedes. See Leades. Thomas, oi Kington Langley, 56 Leery, Lerye : —i, oi Netherhampton, 12o Robert, 92 William, 127 William, 14 Linche, ]ohn, 64 Less. I-esss= Linder, ]ohn, 13o ' ]ohn, 76 Liteioote, Lyghtefloote : Robert, 4 Cuthbert, 72 Legiare, William, 155 William, 14o Leker, éohn, 27 Litton, Thomas, 1oo Lenes, hristopher, 146 Llache, ]ohn, 92 Lerye. See Leery. Lob, Richard, 39 Letuse, Robert, 3 Locke : Leveleye, Thomas, 26 Robert, 11o Lewdlowe. See Ludlow. Thomas, 114 Lewcas. See Lucas. Lockewarde, William, 134 Lewdon, Katherine, 122 Lodge : Lewe, Wil.liam, 123 Aliee, 136 Lewen : Elizabeth, 135 ]ohn,46 J01111. 43 Robert, 14, 91 Thomas, 144 Thomas, 107 William, 136 Lewes, Lewys : Loine (or Lome), ]ohn, 36 David, 39 Leker, ]ohn, 94 Philip, 96 Lombe, William, 37 Richard, 28 Lome. See Loine. I INDEX OF PERSONS

Long, Longe : Lovell I Anthony, 58 J01111. 25. 93 Edmund, 13 Richard, 53 Edward, 74 Thomas, 53 Henry, of Hilperton and Whaddon, Lowche, Robert, 92 69 Lucas, Lewcas, Lukas : -—i-, of Littleton, 35 John, 135. See also Bright. -—i-, of ‘Whaddon, 15 Noel, 150 the younger, of Semington, 35 Robert, of Fovant, 42, 119 Sir Henry, of Draycot Ceme, 3o i--, of Sutton Veny, 146 joan, 76 William, of Berwick St. John. Sn John, of Marston, 88 Bright. Z--, of Mere, 156 i-—-, of Keevil, 35 A-, of Rushall, 85 i-—-, of Salisbury, 38 -—i-, of Trowbridge, 33 in of Zeals, 156 -—i-, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, Lucett, Philip, 65 75 Ludlow, Ludlowe, Lewdlowe :' -—i-, the elder, of Potteme, 88 Agnes, 96 -—i-, the younger, of Semington, 35 Edmund, 144 Robert, of Draycot Ceme, 53 George, 36 -—i-, of Little Somerford, 29 ]ohn,93 Roger, 62 Ludwell, _]ohn_. 126 Richard, 72 Lufienham, Luinam : Stephen, 146 John, of Abbotstone, 115 Thomas, of _ Hilperton and Whaddon, -—i-, of Tefiont Magna, 145 69 Lnkas. See Lucas. -—i-, of Marlborough, 93 Luke : i-—-, of Semington, 35 john, 117 -—i-, of Trowbridge, 33 Katherine, 117 -—i-, the elder, of Potterne and Richard, 116 Whistley, 16 Lumson, Agnes, 46 -—i-, the elder, of Seming-ton and Lundey, William, 13o Littleton, 139 Lupell, John, 118 -—i-, the younger, of Potterne and Lurgas, Lurges : Whistley, 16 ]ohn,5 -—i-, the younger, of Semington and Richard, 79 Littleton, 139 Robert, 13o Sir Thomas, parson, oi Winterbourne William, 129 Bassett, 22 Lusshe, Luysshe : Walter, 33 John, the elder, of Easton, 153 William, of Amesbury, 130 i-—-, of Tisbury, East and West, 18 i-—-, of Potteme, 88 Richard, 154 -—i-, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, William, 145 76 Lwdun, William, 88 -—i-, the younger, of Potteme Wick Lye. See Ley. and Rudge Mead, 16 Lyght. See Light. Longeman, John, 153 Lyghtefloote. See Litefoote. Longford, John, 154 Lyme, Robert, 92 Longley, Thomas, 119 Lyminge, Lymmyng : Lord, Lorde : Agnes, 108 Richard, 123 Alice, 101 William, the elder, of Wroughton, 123 Bruce, 21 —-——, the younger, of Wroughton, Walter, 21 123 Lyne : Love : James, 14o John, of Great Wishiord, 110 Nicholas, 14o i-—-, of Leigh, 33 Thomas, 35 Roger, 7 William, 65 William, 73 ‘ M12’, of Broad Hinton, 133 Loveday, Lovedaie, Lovedaye : Lynnage, William, 34 Anthony, 81 Lynsey, Joan, 52 John, of Little Hinton, 123 Lyon, Humphrey, 153 i-—-, of Melksham, 15 Lyttle : i-—-, of Wanborough, 104 ]ohn,57 Robert, 67 Thomas, 57 Thomas, 3, 123 William, 57 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Mackerell, Mackerell : Marshe : John, 109 Henry, 144 Richard, 11o John, of Alderton, 61 Mackes : in of Tytherington, 142 Christopher, 113 Marshman, Marsheman, Mersheman : John, 8 John, of Compton Chamberlayne, 156 Sir [blank], of Salisbury, 4o in of Landford, 6, 115 Macye, Henry, 46 Richard, 6, 115 Madeley, John, 64 William, 133 Maggs, John, 139 Martene (or Perham), William, 154. See Maggott, Thomas, 119 also Merton. Maiho, Maio. See Mayho. Martin, Marrtins, Marten, Martene, Maiton : Marteyn, Martyn : John, the elder, 132 Anthony, of Downton, 117 in the younger, 132 in of Steeple Ashton, 34 Malerd, Agnes, 52 Hugh, 131 Malin, Maling : John, of Durrington, 1 Edmund, 18 ——-—-, of Easton, 82 William, 92 Robert, of Coate, 89 Mallet, Thomas, parsonof NorthWraxall,27 i-, of Durrington, 131 Malteman, William, 59 i—, of Salisbury, 66 Malyar, James, 64 i—, of , 139 Manby, Thomas, 1oo i-, the younger, of Coate, 89 Manington, Mannyngton : Roger, of Steeple Ashton, 138 Hugh, 105 ——i, of Winterbourne Earls, 129 Richard, 39 i-, the elder, of Winterboume Manners, Libias, 131 Earls, 128 Mannett, John, 72 Richard, of Ashton Gifiard, 37 Mannson, Elizabeth, 95 i-, of Salisbury, 39 Mannynge, Brian, 125 Thomas, of Ham, 122 Mannyngton. See Manning-ton. i-, of Fovant, 119 Manye, Anthony, 99 in of Ramsbury, 93 Maple : William, of Ham, 122 John, 44 i-, of Lydiard Millicent, 24 Maurice, 44 Marvyn, John, 18 Mapson, Simon, 5o Marwood, J., 16o Marchant, Marchaunt, Merchant : Mascall, Mascoll, Maskell : Agnes, 8 Agnes, 151 John, of Broad Hinton, 23, 1o2 Thomas, 3 —-——, of Marlborough, 92 William, 124 -——————-, of Tilshead, 111 Masclin : Robert, of , 42 George, 98 —-—i—, of Westbury, 71 James, 83 Margerane, Ellis, 139 John, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108 Markes, Merkes : i-, of \Vootton Bassett, 106 Andrew, 66 Robert, 98 Dennis, 138 William, 94 John, 139 Mascoll, Maskell. See Mascall. Richard, of East Coulston, 141 Mason : i—, of Heytesbury, 37, 142 Andrew, 125 in of Salisbury, 39 John, of Bemerton, 8 Robert, 34 ——i, of Hanging Langford. See Roger, 138 James. Stephen, 78 Nicholas, 95 Thomas, 141 Thomas, 96 Walter, of Steeple Ashton, 34, 138 Massy, Thomas, vicar of Water Eaton and -———, the younger, of Steeple Ashton, Eisey, 24 34 Mastall, Thomas, 18 Market, Walter, 142 Master, William, 116 Marketman, Walter, 18 Mastlin, James, 13o Marshall : Maten, Maton : Henry, 158 Leonard, 3, 122 John,113 Nicholas, 3, 124 Nicholas, 8o Robert, the elder, 1 Thomas, of Highworth, 97 i—, the younger, 2 i—, of Salisbury, 39, 66(2) Thomas, of Enford, 3 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Maten, Maton-could. Merivall, Meryval—contd. Thomas, of Enford, ' of Chesinbery ’, 121 William, 65 —i, of Enford, ' of Endford ’, 121 Merkat, Peter, 3 Mathew, Matthewe : Merkes. See Markes. Agnes, 95 Merrett, John, 112 Andrew, 63 Menycke, Edward, 34 Edmund, 115 Mersham, William, 92 John, of Bulford, 133 Mersheman. See Marshman. —i, of Coombe Bissett, 118 Merton (or Noble), John, 6. See also —i, of Wilton, 114 Martene, Martin. Richard, of East Downton, etc., 44 Mervyn : —-——, of Downton, collector, and high Elizabeth, 143 ¢°11<==~=t°1'. 41(3). 43(3) John, of Pertwood, 36 —i, of Latton, 99 —i, —i, petty collector, I 45> Thomas, 147 148, 149, 15o, 158 Tristram, 116 Merye, John, 68 William, 23, 12o Meryval. See Merivall. Matrevors, Christopher, 58 Meryweather, Merywether : Mattingley : Christopher, of Worton, 88 Joan, 134 —i, of Rowborough Regis and. homas, 134 Great Cheverell, 12 Mattock : Hugh, of Baynton, 141 John,15o -i, of Rowborough Regis and Robert, 87 Great Cheverell, 12 Mawdeley, Roger, 118 Joan,87 Mawdit, John, 84 John, of Great Cheverell, 87 Mawndrell, Mawndwell : —i, of Coulston, East and West, 35 John, 15 William, of Fisherton de la Mere and. Richard, 91 Bapton, 146 Robert, 15 Messenger : William, 9o John, 24 May, Maye : Thomas, 24, 1oo Alice, 74 Messeter, Robert, 53 Edward, 44 Mesye, John, 98 Henry, of Elston, 112 Michell, Mighell, Mitchell, Mychell, —-i, of Whitley and Shaw, 69 Mytchel : John,113 Alexander, 152 Robert, of Broughton Gifiord, 33 Cuthbert, 2 —i, of Broughton Gifiord and Edmund, 118 Monkton, 74 John,-of Ansty, 18 —i, of Melksham, 15 —i, of Calstone Wellington, 31, 47 —i, of Whitley and Shaw, 69 —i, of Kingston Deverill, 133 Mayberd, James, 39 —i, of Salisbury, 64 Mayho, Maiho, Maio: Robert, 46 Henry, of Ansty, 152 Thomas, of Blackland, 46 —i, of Dinton, 145 —-——, of Whelpley, 115 John, of Steeple Ashton, 139 Mickson, Agnes, 112 —i, of Dinton, 35 Micoll, Peter, of Bathampton, Frenchman, —i, of Holt, 33 143 —-——, of Great Somerford, 29, 49 Middlelcott, Middlecote : Thomas, 18, 152 John, of Bishopstrow, high collector, Walter, 152 138,148 Mayor, Mayore : —i, of Longbridge Deverill and Richard, 49 Crockerton, 149 William, 147 Margaret, 148 Meade : Richard, 36 Edward, 75 William, 149 Thomas, 65 Midwinter, Robert, 9 Meadows, Thomas, 89 Mighell. See Michell. Melkesham, Hugh, 55 Millerd, William, 48 Melly, Lewis, vicar of Box, 28 Miles, Milles, Myles, Mylez, Mylles, Mylls : Meriette, Agnes, 48 Agnes, 125 Merifilde, John, 133 Alice, 29 Merivall, Meryval : Christopher, 94 Edmund, 81 Edmund, 135 Edward, 39 Edward, 111 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Miles, etc.—contd. Monday, etc.—aontd. Elizabeth, 52 Henry, 132 Giles. 97 John, of Biddesden and Ludgershall, 2 Jesper. 3 -i-, of Charnham Street, 8o John, of Burcombe, 12o -i, of Chute, 11 -i, of Enford, 122 —-———, of Collingbourne Kingston, etc., Margery, 84 II. 79(1) . Nicholas, 1 —-—, of Ludgershall, 132 Richard, of Amesbury, 13o i, of Maddington, 111 -——-—, of Beechingstoke, 84 ———, the younger, of Shrewton, 7 i, of Milton and Upton, 159 Richard, of Chute, 11, 79 Robert, of Orcheston St. George, 144 ——-—, of Collingboume Kingston, etc., -i, of ' Staple ', 152 79 Roger, 12o i, of Shrewton, 11o Thomas, of Amesbury, 130 Robert, of Charlton, 85 -i, of Berwick Bassett, 47 -i-, of Collingbourne Ducis, 3 -i, of Durnford, 131 Thomas, of Chilton Foliat, 81 -i, of Lydiard Millicent, 24 i, of Sharcott and Southcott, 1 1 -i, of Rodbourne Cheney, etc., 25, 94 —-—, the elder, of Pewsey, 82 Walter, 143 William, of Charlton, 13 William, of Amesbury, 1 -i, of Collingbourne Kingston, 11 i, of Beechingstoke, 14 i, of Froxfield, 8o —-———, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 —-—, of South Marston, 96 —-—, of Maddington, 111 —-—, of Upper Stratton and Stratton -i, of Rodbourne Cheney, etc., 94 St. Margaret, 23 - -i, of Stratford Tony, 119 Moody, Mody, Modye, Moodie : - Millwarde, Mylward : John, of Boyton and Corton, ' of John, the younger, 3 Boyton ’, 142 Thomas, 134 -i-, of Boyton and Corton, ' of Miste, James, 82 Corton ’, 142 Mitchell. See Michell. —-—, of Malmesbury, 48 Mody, Modye. See Moody. -i, of Westport, 29 Moers. See Morse. Richard, of Boyton and Corton, 142 Mogge, John, 142 -i, of Garsdon, 51 Moggeridge, Moggeriche, Moggridge, Mog- Robert, of Homing-ton, 42 ryge : i, of Odstock, 119 Henry, 145 Thomas, 143 John,127 William, of Boyton and Corton, 142 Richard, 7 -i, of Wick and Walton, 44 Thomas, 11o Moonck. See Moncke. William, 65 Moone, Thomas, 52 Molton : Moore. See More. Henry, 142 Mopeham, Nicholas, 74 - Thomas, 35 Morall, John, 38 Molyns, Thomas, 42 Morce. See Morse. Mon, Thomas, curate of Sutton Benger, 3o More, Moore : Montagewe, Elizabeth, 145 James, 25 Mompesson : Jesper. I41 _ Anne, 153 John, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Edmund, 36 ———, of Ogbourne St. George, 1'02 John. 39 i, of Penley and Brook, 72 Richard, 19 i, of Ridge, 152 Susan, 143 Maud, 2 Thomas, 142 William, of Chilmark, 152 _ William, 158 -i, of Hilperton and Whaddon, 69 Moncke, Monckes, Moonck, Muncke: —-——, of Norton Bavant, 147 John. I59 -i-, of Winterslow, 133 Henry. 157 Moors. See Morse. Richard, of Berwick St. John, 135 Mores. See Morris. i, of Everleigh, 123 Morgan, Morgain, Morgane : Thomas, 129 , Edward, 5o Monday, Mondaie, Mondaye, Mondy, George, 147 Monndaye, Munday, Mundy, Mundye : Nicholas, 137 Edward, of Collingbourne Valence and Philip, 142 Sunton, 11 Richard, 67 in of East End, 116 William. I49 I INDEX OF PERSONS

Morice. See Morris. Mullens—oontd. Morin, James, 65 Thomas, of Easton, 153 Morley : . Sir Thomas, parson of Trowbridge, 33 Robert, 1o1 William, 15o Thomas, bishop suflragan of Marl- Multon : borough, 4o John, 149 Morren, Robert, 142 William, 158 Morris, Mores, Morice, Morrys : Muncke. See Moncke. Agnes, 73 Munday, Mundy, Mundye. See Monday Christopher, 73 Murdyche, Richard, 6o George, 58 Mussell : Henry, 91 Elizabeth, 8 John, of Barford St. Martin, 118 John, of Fisherton Anger, 7 i, of Devizes, 91 —-—-.-, of Market Lavington, 8 i, of Edington, 34 Nicholas, 113 ——-—, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 William, 8 Mark, 115 Mussellwhite : Nicholas, 126 John, 115 Robert, of Devizes, 91 Thomas, 117 i, of Vvhelpley, 115 Mutell, Philip, 65 William, of Gowesfield, 114 Mychell. See Michell. i, of Edington, 141 Myldnall, William, 1o Morrant, Morrante: Myles, Mylez, Myll, Mylles, Mylls. See Edmund, 122 Miles. ' ‘John, 81 Myller, Alice, 12 ' Morse, Moers, Morce, Mors, Moors : Mylton : John, of Badbury, 21 John,49 i, of Burbage, 81 Sir Philip, parson of Rowley, 33 i, of Enford, 3 Mylward. See Millwarde. -i, of Salisbury, 65 Mynion, Francis, of Salisbury, alien, 66 Katherine, 21 Mynter, William, 88 Nicholas, 21 Myntye, Myntie: Richard, of , 127 John, 111 —-——-, of , etc., 105 Richard, 16 i, of Dauntsey, 53 Myson, John, 75 Robert, of Compton, and Alton, 131 Mytchel. See Michell. —i, of Liddington, 1o4 -'i, of Foxley, 53 Naisshe. See Nashe. Thomas, of Badbury, 21 Nanseglose, William, vicar of Chippen- —i, of Chisledon, etc., 105 ham, 27 William, of Burbage, 11 V Nashe, Naisshe, Nasshe : —-——-, of Rodbourne Cheney, etc., 25, Henry, of Tinhead, 34, 141 95 James, 1 1 1 Mortimer, Mortymer : John, 125 Andrew, 22 Richard, 87 George, 1o3 William, of Bishop's Cannings, 16 James, 82 i-—, of Keevil, 35 John, 1o4 Nayler, Neighlor : Nicholas, 130 Davie, 12o Philip, 2 William, 66 Richard, 103 Neale, Neyle : William, of Charlton, 85 Ethelbert, 62 —-——-, of Lockeridge, 22 James, 93 Ralph, 119 Richard, 48 Mot, John, 101 Simon, 63 Mounslow, Folgwes, 39 Thomas, of Kingswood, 28 Mountier, John, 154 -i, of Monkton Deverill, 15o Moxham, Moxehamm 1 Walter, 138 Christopher, 32 Neate, Nete : Robert, 74 Hugh, 124 Thomas, 57 ]ohn,56 William, 33 Thomas, of Burton and Easton, 16 Moyllin, Gregory, 66 -i, the younger, of Nettleton, 26 Mullens : Neighlor. See Nayler. Edward, 18 Nelson, Robert, 39 Thomas, of Dognell, 154 Nete. See Neate. ZOO INDEX OF PERSONS

Newe : Niwell. See Newell. Gregory, 18 Noble, Nobill : (or Saunders), ]oan, 152 Flower, 61 Leonard, 145 John, of Boscombe, -132 . William, 152 i, of Laverstock and Ford. See Newell, Niwell : Morten. ' John, 73 Richard, 128 Michael, 58 Robert, 2 Newman, Neweman : Thomas, 28 Edward, 24 Noise. See Noyes. Henry, of Melksham, 68 _ Norborne, Norbourne : ———, of Salisbury. See Evered. John, 59 John, of Charlton, 117 William, 58 —i, of Charlton, ' at close ’, 44 Ralph, 3o -- —i, of Charlton, ' at ford ', 44 William, of Bremhill, high collector —i, of Chitterne, 143 45(3) . ——-—-, of Collingbourne Kingston, 11 Norman, Robert, 64 —i, of Flamston, 116 Norris, Noriice, Nonys : ——-—, of Tytherton Lucas and Kelle- Edward, 7o ways, 55 Henry, 133 . —i, the elder, of Charlton, 44 John, of Bower Chalke, 136 —i, the elder, of Collingbourne —i, of Southwick, 14o ‘ Valence and Sunton, 11 Richard, 140 Michael, 6 Thomas, 99 Nicholas, of Charlton, 117 William, 94 —i, of Collingbourne Kingston, etc., Northe : 79 Thomas, 105 —-—-, of Flamston, 116 William, of Bishopstone, 26 Owen, 44 i, of Steeple Langford, 113 Richard, of Bremhill and Foxham, 59 Nortorne, John, 28 —i, of Latton, 99 Norwell, Richard, 28 Robert, of Calne, 45 Norwey, John, 55 —i, of ‘ Church Tithinge ’, 117 Noryngton, William, 14 ——-—, of Salisbury, 64 Nosbye, John, 114 Thomas, of Bishopstone, 116 Nott, Note, Notte, Noute : —i, of Lydiard,Millicent, 94 Elizabeth, 39 William, of Charlton, 117 John, 57 —i, of Ludgershall, 132 Nicholas, 128 Newnton, William, 106 Robert, 76 Newton, Nicholas, 127 Thomas, of Bishop's Cannings, 88 Newport, Newporte : L, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 Robert, 23 William, of Damerham, 155 WiJliam,1o2 Nottingham, Notyngham, William,of Neyle. See Neale. Amesbury, collector, 1(3), 4(4) Nicholas, Nicolas, Nycholas : Noute. See Nott. Edward, of Brokenborough, 51 Nowell : —i, of South Marston, 96 Edward, 59 —i, of Salisbury, 39 Nicholas, 28 Jeffery, 127 Reynold, 6o John, 156 William, 28 Ralph, 48 Nowne, Thomas, 8o Robert, of All Cannings andAlling'ton, 82 Noyes, Noise, Noyce, Noys: —i, of Bishop's Cannings, 88 John, of Calne, 45 ——-—, of Coate, 16 —-——, of East Downton, etc., 44 Stephen, 85 L, of Great Bedwyn, 78 Thomas, of Calne. 45 Nicholas, 2 ' ---—-, of Coate, 89 Richard, 117 —i, of Marlborough, 92 Robert, 132 Nicolls, Nicholles, Nicolles, Nycolls : Thomas, of All Cannings and Allington, Lawrence, 56 - . 83 - Robert, of Brokenborough,‘ 51 i, of West Grafton, 12 L, of Nettleton, 56 William, of Manningford Bruce, 85 William, 109 i, of Urchfont, 13 Nitingall, Nytingale: Nutbrame, John, 117 Jackman, 119 Nuttinge, Robert, 119 Walter, 116 Nycholas. See Nicholas. ZOI


Nycolls. See Nicolls. Paige. See Page. Nytingsle. See Nitingall. Palmer, Pallmer: Edmund, 129 Oborne, Richard, 145 Edward, 1 Obyf. William. 39. John, of Bishopstone, 26, 94 Oddowne, George, 52 ———, of Bulkington, 7o Odell, John, 65 -—i, of Dauntsey, 53 Odye : ——-—-, of Highworth, 97 Anne, 48 ———, of Sutton Benger, 52 Robert, 123 Katherine, 134 Odyll, John, 38 Richard, 134 Oke, John, 64 Thomas, 52 Okeforde, Robert, 7o Walter. 139 Okeleye, Robert, 26 William, of Buckhurst, etc., 3 Okyng, Magister Doctor, of Salisbury, 4o —-—, of Little Hinton, 123 Oldefeld, John, 31 ——-—, the elder, of Steeple Ashton, 138 Olifl John, 59 Pannell : Olyver, Olyvyer: Edmund, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108 Christopher, 38 ———, of Purton, 98 John, of Bushton, 122 James, 94 _ -——-—, of Leasnd Cleverton, 52 Paradice, Paradise : Richard, 48 Jinan, 88 Robert, 65 obert, 14 Oram, Orame : Thomas, 9o Jane,86 Paremhof, John, 25 John, 85 Parham, Perham : Richard, 159 Jam, 126 Orchard, Orcherd : William. See Martene. Nicholas, 21 Parker, Parkere : Orchard, Richard, 37 Christian, 121 Ordall, Alice, 12o Edmund, 46 Orne, Martin, 124 Nicholas, 98 Oryall, John, 35 Richard, of Cherhill, 47 Osborne : -—i, of Lyneham, etc., 1o6 Edith, 6o Robert, 64 Robert, 61 Thomas, of Compton Chamberlayne, Osgood, Christopher, 13o 156 . Osmond : -—i, of Coombe Bissett and Whits- John, of Ramsbury. 93 _ bury, 42 ———, the younger, of Ramsbury, 93 ———, of Dinton, 145 Thomas, 81 -—i, of Lus Hill. See Smyth. Oven, John, 54 -—i, of Wootton Bassett, 106 Overbery, Overberie : -" William, 47 {‘c;hn, 48 _ Pa.rris, Thomas, 107 illiam, 29 Parrok, Richard, 6 Overy, Overye: Parrye, Anthony, 126. Sea also Uparry. Richard, 115 Parslow, William, 99 Robert, 115 Parsons, Persons : William, 117 Edward, 119 Owlier, James, 95 Elizabeth, of Cherhill, 31 ———, of Long Newnton, 54 Packer : john, of Salisbury, 39 Edmund, 103 -———, of Stratford Tony, 12o Isabel, 52_ -———, of Stratford Deane and Strat- ‘John, 99 ford Common, 126 Thomas, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 -—i, of Wootton Bassett, 106 -———, of Somerford Keynes and Roger. See Segar. Leigh, 25 Richard, of Dilton and Chapmanslade, Packstafl, William, 62 71 Page, Paige _: ———, of Lydiard Tregoze, 1o8 John. 47 -——-—, of Tidworth, 132 Thomas, of Colstoue Wellington, 31, 47 Simon, 8 ———, of Hatch, 17 Thomas, of Blunsden, 96 ———, of Netheravon, 125 ———, of Water Eaton and Eisey, 24 Wifliam, 14 Wflliam, of Easton, 153 Pagham. Edward. 48 -———, of Wflton, 114 202 INDEX OF PERSONS

Parvis, Henry, 81 Pembroke, earl of. See Herbert. Passion, Passham, Passhion, Passhyn, Pen, Edmund, 52 Passyon : Pennye, Peny : Anthony, 33 John, of Bower Chalke, 136 Edmund, 70 ———, of Stoke Farthing, 43, 136 Edward, 123 William, 136 George, 143 Penruddock, Penruddocke: John, 8 George, knight, commissioner, 63(2), Nicholas, of Hawkeridge, 34 109(2), 127 - —i, of Westbury, 71 John, 65 Patchet, _William, 92 Peny. See Pennye. Patsall, Richard, roo Penycot, Robert, 7 Pavie, Pavye: Penyton, William, 39 John, of Barford St. Martin, 118 Peper, John, 5 —i, of Ditchampton and Bur- Peret. See Perotte. combe, 8 Perham. See Parham. ——-—, of Stapleford, 112 Perkyns, William, 123 Thomas, 8 Perlin, Edward, 92 Payne, Paine, Payn : Perotte, Peerrott, Peret : Alexander, 128 Bartholomew, 7o Christopher, 55 John, 19 John, of Baydon, 93 Robert, 15o —i, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, Perrin, Perryn, Peryn : '75 John, 130 Margaret, 17 Thomas. See Batten. Robert, 1 William, 2 Thomas, 128 Perrye, Perrey, Pery, Pin'y, Pyrry: William, 5 Elizabeth, 35 . Pearse, Peare, Peares, Pears, Peers, Pers, John, of Potterue Wick and Rudge Perse : Mead, 16 Arnice, 87 —-——, of Smallbrook, 36 John, oi Aldbourne, 1o1 —-——, of Stockton, 124 —-——, of Bishopstone, 26 Nicholas, 88 —i, of Boyton and Corton, 142 Richard, 158 ———, oi Clyfle Pypard, 107 Robert, 144 —i, of Marlborough, 92 Pers, Perse. See Pearse. —-——, of Ramsbury, 26 Persey, George, 19 —-——, of Shalboume and Buttermere, Persons. See Parsons. ro Perton, Elizabeth, 94 Nicholas. 149 Pery. See Pen'ye. Richard 87 Peryn. See Perrin. Robert, 96 Peters : Stephen, 102 Edmund, 82 Thomas, of Bremhill and Foxham, 58 William, 88 —-——, of Mildenhall, 101 Pettite, Thomas, 111 William, of Cricklade, roo Pewde, Pewed : —-——, of Crudwell, 49 Henry, of Seagry, 29 —-——, of Pitton and Farley, 128 —-——, of Stratford Deane and Strat- —i, the elder, of Westbury Leigh, 71 ford Common, 126 —i, the younger, of Westbury J9hn.59 Leigh, 71 Robert, 15 Pecock, John, 25, cf. Pococke. Pewe, William, 15 Pedd, Thomas, 39 Pewed Sea Pewde. Peding'ton,gohn, 106 Pewell Peerrott. ea Perotte. Edward, 144 Pegges, Thomas, _8 Robert, 14o Peek, Peeke : Peynter: Edmund, 107 John, 75 Henry, 82 Robert, 75 Thomas, 93 Phelips. See Philippes. Peereman, William, 156 Phelpes, John, 47 Peers. See Pearse. Pheltham. See Feltham. Peerson : Philippes, Phelips, Phillippes, Phyllypes : Henry, 82 John, of Brinkworth and Grittenham, Lohn, 1 1 1 48 Pe eryn, William, 33 ———. of Dinton. I45 20


Philippes, etc.—aonld. Plastede, William, 22 Thomas, 39 Plat, Joan, 83 Walter, 116 Player, Pleyer: William, 22 Christopher, 67 Joan, 122 Edward, 149 John, of Steeple Ashton, 139 Henry, 71 -——-, of Milboume, 5o Phylkes, Thomas, 15 Julian, 51 Phyllypes. See Philippes. Pledall, Pleddall, Pledoll : Phype. See Phipp. Gabriel, of Midgehall, 21 Picke, John, 26 -——-—, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108' Pickett, John, 123 Oliver, 106 Pickernell, William, 116 Zachary, of Lydiard Tregoze, 1081 Pike, Pyk : —-——, of Semington, 96 John, of U%von, 13 Pleyer. See Player. -——-, of oodlands, 19 Plome, Robert, 97 Katherine, 87 Plott, John, 26 Peter, 11 Plumber, Plummer : Robert, of Marten and Crofton, 11 John. See Seburne. ——-—, of Upavon, 86 William, 28 Thomas, 113 Plymton, George, 151 William, of Great Bedwyn, 12 Pococke, Henry, of Whelpley, 115, aft -——-—, of Chicklade, 151 Pecock Pildrem, Hugh, 128 Pocrege. See Pokeridge. Pile : Pointer : William, of Coll.ingbourue Kingston, 11 John,132 -—i, of Wootton Rivers, 81 Nicholas, 133 Pilgrym, Pylgrym : Pokeridge, Pocrege : Henry, 6 Richard, 3o, 52 [blank], of Salisbury, 64 Thomas, 49 Piucke, Richard, 134 Polden, Peter, 143 Pindor, Peter, 144 Pole, Poll, Polle : Pinkney, Pinkeney: Edith, 91 William, of Upavon, 86 John, 52 -——-—, the elder, of Rushall, 85 M3-1'8°1'Y.35 ——-—, the younger, of Rushall, 85 Thomas, 75 Pinnell, Pynmell, Pynnell : ' Polhampton, John, 122 Nicholas, 95 Poll, Polle. See Pole. Robert, 23 Pollorne, James, 135 Thomas, 49 Polton, Pullton : Pinnock, Pyunocke : Robert, 11 John,8o Thomas, 82 Stephen, 66 Ponde, John, 46 Piper. PYP°1'= Ponter, Punter: John, of Burbage, 81 John,29 ———, of Everleigh, 124 Lawrence, 54 —-———, of Wilton, 12 Richard, 29, 54 Leonard, 125 Robert, 54 Margaret, 78 Ponting, Pontinge : Simon, 3 Isabel, 107 ' William, 78 Thomas, parson of Yatton Keynell, 27. Pirry. See Perrye. Wifliam, 61 Pirton, Pyrton: Poole : James, 3 Edward, 49 John, parson of Foxley, 29 John,141 Pit, Pytte : Peter, 139 John,97 Poope. See Pope. - Robert, 49 Poore: _ Pitman, Pytman : Philip, 130 John, of Highworth, 97 William, 132 —-——, of Warminster, 149 Pope, Poope : William, 5o - Edith, 152 Pittes, John, 24 Edward, 18 Planck, Thomas, 15 Hughe, 103 Plante, Osmund, 85 James, 103 Plars, Richard, 89 John, of Avebury, 23 20 INDEX OF PERSONS

Po , Poope—anld. Powton : Jacfhn, o Beckhampton, 103 Edith, 15o -——-—, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 William, of Monkton Deverill, 15o —-——, of Ogbourne St. George, 102 ——-—, of Berwick St. Leonard, 151 Margaret, 89 Prater, Prator : Thomas, 103 Elizabeth, 59 Popejoye. See Popyugay. George, 14 Popple, Popley : Jane, 99 Jasper, 124_ sir»8-111. 37 John, of Cricklade, roo Popyngay, Pfioye : —-——-, of Lydiard Tregoze, 21 Robert, of t Overton, 123 ——, of Wootton Bassett, 106 -———, of West Overton, 4 Martin, 15 Porcher, Thomas, 121 Merpm. 83 Pore: Nicholas, 108 Edward, 118 Richard, of Lydiard Tregoze, 21 Jerman, 118 ——, of Salisbury, 65 Port, Porte: William, 28 John, 1o2 Pratt : Richard, curate of Ashton Keynes, 25 Agnes, 147 Porter : Thomas, parson of Woodborough, 14 John, of Stourton, 157 Pravender, Provinder : ——-—, of Winterbourne Earls, 129 Geoffrey, 13, 82 Thomas, 144 George, 9o Portlock, Thomas‘, 24 Precye, Presey, Presse, Pressey : Potentyne, Wrlham, 3 Alexander, 11o Poton : , Henry, 94 George, 42 John, of Bishopstone, 26 William, 36 ——-—, of Landford, 115 Potter: ——, of Sutton Veny, 146 John, of Ogbourne St. George, 23 ——-—, of Wilsford and Lake, 126 -—-——, the elder, 1o2 Richard, 126 ——-—, the younger, 1o2 Prestman : William, 1o2 Edward, 145 Potteru, Potteme : Thomas, of Stoke Farthing, 136 Anliifiew, 23 -——-—, of Tefiont Magna, 145 W‘ am, 23 Preston : Potticarle, Potycary, Potycarye : Johu,91 Jane, 111 Richard, 158 Jerome, 124 Pretye : Joan, 11o John, 7 'chael, 8 Katherine, 7 William, 8 Thomas, 114 Prevet, Thomas, 34 Pottinger, Thomas, 83 Pridye, Leonard, 98 Potycary, Potycarye. See Potticarie. Prior, Priour, Pryer, Pryor, Pryour: Pountney : John, of Broughton Gifiord and Monk- lqhn.47 ton, 74 Rrcllilard, 517 ——, of Codford, 143 Powe , Pow e: ———, of Keevil, 35 Elizabeth, 42 Margaret, 69 ' Hugh, 64 Nicholas, 33, 74 Robert, of Malmesbury, 48 Richard, of Castle Eaton, 23 ——-—-, of Tytherton Lucas and Kella- ——-—, of Studley, 76 walls. 55 Robert, of Steeple Ashton, 34 Wolfranc, 61 ——-—, of Trowbridge, 33 ‘ Mistress ’, of Fisherton Anger, 113 ———, of Worton, 88 Power: Roger, 139 Jab-n. 1-:19. 53 Thomas, 35 91131‘ - 54 William, of Chitterne, 143 William, 29, 48 _ ——;, of Keevil, 14o Powlden. See Powltou. ——-—, of Southwick, 140 Powle. See Powell. Provinder. See Pravender. Powlton, Powldeu : Prowt, Prowte : Philip, 137 Thomas, of Malmesbury, 29 William, 155 —-——, of Sherston, 61 20 INDEX OF PERSONS

Pruett, Pruate, John, 5, 128 Quintin, Quintyn, Quynteyne : Prynes, Richard, 38 Henry, of -Bushton, 122 Pryer. See Prior.- —-——, of Highway, .etc., 90 Prynce : Margaret, 9o John, 155 Michael, 33 Peter, 155 Quyll, William, 147 Thomas, 155 Walter, 41 Rabbett, Rabbettes : William, 15o Edmund, 154 Pryor, Pryour. See Prior. Hush. I54 Pryst, John, 7 Joan, 152 Pulley : John, of Ebbesborne Wake, 137 John, vicar of Latten, 24 —-——, of Swallowclifie, 18 Jpyce, 24 Richard, 35 argaret, 24 Robert, of Hill Deverill, 144 Pullton. See Polton. ——-—, of Swallowclifle, 152 Pullyn, Edward, 67 William, 152 Rabson, James, 146 Punter. Sea Ponter. Raddisshe, Radyshe: Purches, Purchis : Christopher, 158 Edward, 12o William, 19 Richard, 145 Radway, Margaret, 29 Purdewe, Purdue : Rae. See Ray. Elizabeth, 114 Rag, Henry, 2 William, 6 Ragborne, Rakebourne : Pumell : Robert, 11 " John, 103 William, 81 Robert, 12 Raglond, John, 44 William, 84 Rakebourne. See Ragborne. Purryer, John, 7o Randall, Randell, Randoll, Rendall : Pursse, -Richard, 11.5 Alexander, 136 Purvyer, Thomas, 74 Edward, 112 Pyckerynge, Pyckringe : Elizabeth, 143 Anthony, 77 Jeen. I35 James. 73 John, of Ashton Giflard, 37, 143 Richard, 57 —-——, of Bradford-on-Avon, 32 Pye : —-——, of Broad Chalke, 135 Johu,27 —-——, of Damerham, 155 Robert, 16 ——-—, of Fisherton Anger, 113 Pyers : ——-—, of Fosbury and Tidcombe, 11 John, of North Bradley, 34 —-——, of Hanging and Little Lang —-———, of West Overton, 4 ford, 112 Pyk. Sea Pike. ——-—, of Netherhampton, 12o Pylchard, Laurence, 149 Marion, 32 Nicholas, 43 Pylgrym. See Pilgryru. Richard, 32 Pylton, John, 147 ' Robert, 43 Pynchyn, liznchen, Pynchine Stephen, 43 John, of tworth, 75 Thomas, of Broad Chalke, 43 ——-—, of Corsham, 58 —-——, of East Knoyle, 159 ——-—, of Studley, 76 —-——, of Flamston, 116 Robert, 16 ———, of Netherhampton, 120 Thomas, .143 —-——, of Southwick, 140 William, of Box, 58 ———, of Wick, 115 —-——, of Corsham, 57 William, 135 Pynhorne, John, 5, 127 Ranger : Pynmell, Pynnell. Sea Pinnell. John, of Enfor'd, 121 Pynnocke. See Pinnock. -———-, of Fittleton, 125 Pyper. See Piper. Rapply, Thomas, 127 Pyrlyn, Thomas, 61 Rastall : Pyrry. See Perrye. Elizabeth. See Fidler. Nicholas, 128 Pyrton. See Pirton. Ratclyf, dame Alice, 4o Pythouse, Gregory, 1o2 Ratewe : Pytman. See Pitman. John,13o Pytte. See Pit. Nicholas, 13o INDEX OF PERSONS gtford, $3521, 143 Reve, Rive, Rives, Ryve, Ryves: tway, ' ' m, 1 Cuthbert, 132 Rawkins : Elizabeth, 53 Edmund, 86 John, of Clyfle Pypard, 107 Richard, 82 —i, of Collingbourne Ducis, 124 Rawlins, . Rawlinge, Rawlinge, Rawlyn, i, of Compton Chamberlayne, 156 Rawlyns : —-——, of Corton, 21 Brent, 111 —-——, of Staple, 18 Christian, 15 —-——, of Wilsford and Lake, 126 E-gcward, 124 Nicholas, 129 1'89. 35 Raéph, 3 Henry, 149 Ri ard, 3o Joan, 149 Robert, of Fittleton, 125 John, of Bratton, 72 i, of Ham and Harton, 3 i, of Corsley, 147 —-——, of Woodshaw, 21 Z-— [another], of Corsley, 148 -—-——, of Wootton Bassett, 106 ——-—, of Warrninster, 35 -—i, of , 31 i, [P another], of Warminster, 149 —-——, vicar of Collingbourne Kings- Thomas, 1o7 ton, clerk, 11 William, of Bratton, 34 Simon, of Enford, 3 -i—,' of Warminster, 149 i, of Netheravon, 125 Rag, Rae, Raye: Thomas, of Lyneham, etc., 106(2) dward, 125 —-——, of Wilsford and Lake, 126 Richard, 66 Wifliam, of Broad Town, 21 Thomas, 67 -——-—, of Winterbourne Gunner, 129 Raymon, Edmund, 1o2 Reveler, Peter, alien, 93 Raynold, Raynolde, Raynoldes, Rey- Riall, John, 157 naldo, Reynold : Ricard. See Richardes. George, of Devizes, 91 Rice, Ryse, Rysse: ——-—-, of Marlborough, 25 John, 18 Richard, of Coate, 16 , Robert, 129 -i-—, of Collingbourne Valence and William, 39 Sunton, 11 - Richardes, Ricard, Richerdes, Rikardes, i, of Everleigh, 124 Rycardes : Robert, of Barford St. Martin, 118 Henry. 57 -—-—, of Bishopstone, 94 Jane. I34 Thomas, 81 John, of Porton, 129 Read, Reade, Rede, Reede: i, of Staflpleford, 111 Alexander, 2 i, of Te out Magna, 145 Cecily, 121 Philip, 158 John, of Langley Burrell, 56 Wflliam, 85 i, the younger, of Langley Burrell, See also Uprichardes. 56 Richardson, William, 82 -i-—, of Purton, 98 Riche, .Ryche : ——-—, of Wanborough, 1o4 Richard, 52 Nicholas, 55 Thomas, 52 Richard, of Hampton and Westrofi, 97 William, roo -i-—, vicar of St. Peter's, arl- Richeman. See Richman. borough, 25 " Richemond, Rychemond : Thomas, of Christian Malford, 54 John, of Bincknoll, 107 -i-—, of Salisbury, 65 i,‘ of Brinkworth, 3o —-—-—, of Southwick, 14o William. Sea Webb. Reason, Thomas, 1o2 Richerdes. Sea Richardes. Rebike, Thomas, 146 Richman, Richeman, Rycheman : Reckes, William, 91 Henry, 48 Redborowe, John, 124 Thomas, 52 Rede. See Read. William, of Bincknoll, 21 Redford, William, 92 —-——, of Christian Maliord, 54 Redman : Rider. Sea Ryder. John, 74 Ridler, Rydler: homas, 74 J9hn.s4 Reede. See Read. Robert, 29 Renne. Sea Wren. Rigger, John, 83 R°P°. Wifliam, 35 Rikardes. See Richardes. Restrzp, William, 105 Ring, John, 14 Reyn de. Reynold. See Raynold. Rive, Rives. Sea Reve. INDEX OF PERSONS

Rivers, Ryvers: Rose, Roose, Rosse-ccmtd. Robert, 79 Edmund, 114 William, 83 ]ohn,24,97 Robbyns, Robens. See Robins.- Robert, I 33 Robertes : Roger, 137 Catherine, 21 Thomas, of Alderstone, 114 John, of Cowesfield, 114 ——-—-, of Hatch, 153 —-——, of Salisbury, 65 Walter, 152 Walter, I00 Rotslye. See Wrotesley. Robins, Robbyns, Robens, Robyns: Rowborow. See Roboroughe. glohn, 106 Rowden, Rowdon : obert, 123 ]ohn, oi Collingbourne Kingston, etc., Thomas, of Easton Grey, 61 79 —-——, of Warminster, 149 ———, of Fonthill Bishops, 159 ——-—-, of Zeals, 157 ——-—, of Teflont Magna, 35 Roboroughe, Rowborow, .]ohn, 28, 62 Robert, 112 Robye, John, 119 Thomas, 112 Robyns. See Robins. Walter, 145 Rodman, Rodeman : William, 112 ]ohn, 8 Rowlye, Thomas, 156 Richard, 114 Rowswell : Robert, 2 Alexander, 81 Roie, Rofie. Sn Rolf. Richard, 106 Rogers : Rucke, Hugh, 89 Anthony, 32 Ruddell, Rudell: Edward, 73 Ralph, 89 james, 73 Richard, of All Cannings and Allington, ]ohn, of Heddington, 46 83 -——-, oi Leigh, 33 -in oi Horton, 89 ——-—, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 ——-—-, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 -i, of Salisbury, 39 Rudge : Maud, 33 Michael, 4o Richard, of Stourton, 157 Thomas, 39 (or Furnell), Richard, 151 Rudlowe, ]ohn, 29 Thomas, 35 Ruggeys, ]ohn, 19 Valentine, 33 Rumsey, Rornesye : (or Coo ), William, 1:8 Richard, 68 Rogone, ftlln, 7 Robert. 78 Roke. Sec Rook. Russley, Wifliam, 99 Rolf, Roie, Rofle, Rolfe, Rolfle, Rooie Rutley, ]ohn, 15 Agnes, I Rutter : Henry, 116 ]ohn, 129 —-——, alien, 116 Richard, I 32 ]ohn, of Enford, 121 Robert, of Collingbourne Kingston, etc., -i, of Woodford, 126 79 Richard, 121 -i-, of Porton, 5 Robert, of East Downton, etc., 44 Stephen, 132 ——-—-, of Fittleton, 125 Wifliam, 2 —-——, of Weflow, 132 Ruttie, Ruttye : Simon, I25 _ Henry, 68 Thomas, of Abbotstone, 6 Thomas, 69 —-——, of Enford,‘ I22 Rycardes. See Richardes. William, 122 Ryche. See Riche. Rornane, William, 82 Rycheman. See Richman. Romesye. See Rumsey. Rychemond. See Richemond. Rone, ]ohn, 25 Ryder, Rider: Ronier, ]ohn, 103 oan, 158 Roodes, Edward, 66 }ohn,I9 Rooe, Richard, 128 Rydgeley, john, 42 Rooie. See Rolf. Rydler. See Ridler. Rook, Roke, Rooke : Rylye, Hugh, 142 ]ohn, 16, 88 Ryman, Rymon : Richard, 88 Christian. 98 William, 88 Edmund, 98 Rose, Roose, Rosse: ]ohn, 24, 98 Arthur, 88 Rymell, Thomas, 85 INDEX OF PERSONS

Rymer, Thomas, 61 Saunders, etc.—co-ntd. Ryse, Rysse. See Rice. Thomas, of Westbury, 71 Ryter, Thomas, 16 William, of East End, 116 Ryve, Ryves. See Reve. —-——, of Lydiard Millicent, 24, 94 Ryvers. See Rivers. i-—, of Purton, 98 Savage : Saintebarbe, Ste. Berbe, Sayntbarb, ]ohn, 136 Seinbarbe : Walter, I 36 Edward, 114 William, of Little Bedwyn, 79 Hush. as -——-—, of Stoke Farthing, 136 Thomas, of Homing-ton, 120 Savery : -——-—, of Salisbury, 38 Alice, ,95 St. ]ohns, Seynt ]ohn : Robert, 95 ]ohn, 21 Sawfle, ]ohn, no Nicholas, 108 Saw-nder, Saw-nders. See Saunders. Oliver, 21 Saye : Sadbury : Thomas, 24 ]ohn, of Eastrop, 97 William, 1o6 -——-—, of Highworth, 97 Saynsbury. See Seynsburye Katherine, 97 Sayntbarb. See Saintebarbe. Sadler, Saddler : Scamell, William, 113 Elizabeth, 2o Sclatter, William, 92 George, 105 Scoop, ]ohn, 119 ]ohn, of Elcombe, I05 Scott, Scotte, Scutt, Skot, Skott, Skut, -———, of Midgehall, 21 Skutt, Skutte : in of Purton, 98 ]ohn, of Chippenham, 54 Wflliam, of Uflcote, 1o5 i-, of Codford, 143 i-, of Wootton Bassett, 105 i-, of Heddington, 31, 46 Salisbury, bishop of. See Capon (or -——-—, of Winterboume Stoke, 11o Southcot) and Grindal. Michael, 1 Sallaweye, John, 57 Richard, 46 Sallyer, William, curate of Easton Grey, 27 Robert, of Bremhill and Foxham, 58 Salte, Sallt : ———, the elder, of Heddington, 46 ]ohn,112 i-—, the younger, of Heddington, 46 Sir Nicholas, parson of Urchfont, 13 Thomas, of Chippenham, 27 Salter, Sallter : in of Seend and Seend Row, 69 Thomas, of Marston, 88 William, of Amesbury, 13o Z-, of Marston and Worton, 16 i-—, of Bremhill, 28 Salwey, ]ohn, 28 i-, of Imber, 37 Sampson : Scriven, William, 82 ]ohn, 115 Scrope : Nicholas, 115 George, 60 Richard, I15 Richard, 28 William, 6 Scull, Thomas, 93 Sandfeld, Giles, 156 Scutt. See Scott. Sanger : Seburne (or Plumber), John, 62 Helen, I 53 Secoll, Richard, 28 John, 18 Securis : Thomas, of Sutton Mandeville, 121 Michael, 39 Z-, the elder, of Chicksgrove, 18 Thomas, 64 Walter, 121 Segar : William, 18, 153 Henry, 46 Sansome, Robert, 116 (or Parsons), Roger, 47 Sarney, David, 48 Walter, 47 Saunders, Saunder, Sawnder, Sawnders: William, 46 Agnes, I16 Seinbarbe. See Saintebarbe. Ambrose, 108 Seintlowe, Edward, I 36 George, I8 Seinysbury. See Seynsburye. Giles, 54 Self, Selfe, Selfl, Selfle: Henry‘, 113 ]ohn, of Melksham, 68 Joan. See Newe. in of Poulshot, 7o ohn, of Ramsbury, 93 ———, of Woodford, 126 lohn, the younger, of Lydiard Millicent, Robert, 68 24 Thomas, 75 Richard, 44 _ Walter, 16 Thomas, of Brokenborough, 51 William, of Dilton and Chapmanslade, 71 INDEX OF PERSONS

Self, etc.—conld. Shearer, Sherer : William, of Holt, 74 Richard, of Brinkworth and Gitten- ——-—, of Melksham, 15 ham, 49 —-——, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 ——-—, of Dauntsey, 3o Sellwyn. See Selwyn. Thomas, of Brinkworth, 3o Selon, Robert, 115 ——-—, of Dauntsey, 53 Selwoode : Sheller, William, 48 flrohn, 119 Shefford, John, 78 homas, 119 Shep, John, 28 Selwrm Cellwyn. Se11w:rI== Shepery, Nicholas, 1o2 Richard, 51 Shepherd, Sheaparde, Shepard, Sheperd, Robert, 6 Sheperde, Shepperd, Shepperde : William, of Burton Hill, 5o Alice, 118 ——-—, of Milbourne, 5o Henry, 68 Selye : 03-1'1» 59 ]ohn,51 lohn, of Berwick St. Leonard, 151 William, 5o ——-—, of Brigmerston and Milston, 2 Sergeant, Sergent, Sergente, Serjant, ———, of Mere, 156 Serjaunt : ——-—, of Poulton, 24 Edmund, 54 —-——, of Salisbury, 67 John, of Corston, 52 —-——, the elder, of Britford, 118 ——-—, of Grittleton, 26 Richard, of Aldbourne, 22 Maude, 56 —-——, of Bremhill and Foxham, 59 Nicholas, 36 Robert, 57 Thomas, 52 Simon, 135 Serthorne, John, 12 Thomas, of Dinton, 145 Sevigar, Henry, 98 ——-—, of Melksham, 68 Servington, Michael, 116 -——-—, the elder, of Aldbourne, 101 Sevior, Thomas, 155 William, 145 Servis, John, 64 Sheperey, John, 23 Sewoode, John, 65 Shepperd, Shepparde. See Shepherd. Sewter: Sheppwey, Joan, 61 John, 12o Sherborne : Thomas, 12o Robert, 51 Sewyen, Richard, 131 William, 51 Sexten, Richard, 93 Sherer. See Shearer. Seymour : Shergall. Shergold. See Shargall. Thomas, of Imber, 37 Sherlocke, John, 12o -Z-—-, of Ramsbury, 93 Shermour, Shurmar, Shurmore : Seynsburye, Saynsbury, Seinysbury: Richard, of Leigh, 99 Bartholomew, 12 ——-—, of Oaksey, 51 ]ohn,I3,87 Thomas, of Purton, 24 Thomas, 147 ———, of Somerford Keynes and Seynt John. See St. Johns. Leigh, 25 Seywoode, Richard, 129 William, 98 Shabden, Robert, 7o Sherrodde, Lawrence, 137 Shadwell : Sherston, Robert, 7 John, 78 Shewell. See Showell. William, 81 Shewter, Shwter : Shale, Wifliam, 13 john, of Avebury, 23, 103 Shalve, Randal, parson of Ashley, 29 -——-—, of Beckhampton, 103 Shargall, Shergall, Shergolld : ——-—, the younger, of Avebury, 23 \ Edward, 136 Shilton, Jeffrey, 96 ]ohn,44 Shingleton, Shyngleton, Richard, mayor Robert, 84 of Salisbury, commissioner, 39,- 63(2), Thomas, 136 66 William, I 36 Shopey, John, 27 Sharington, Sharyngton, Henry, knight, Shorley, Shorly : commissioner, 45(2), 57 John, of Durnford, 131 Sharp, Sharpe : —i-, of Monkton Deverill, 15o Agnes, I8 Shorsell, Richard, 82 Bennett, 66 Short, Shorte : Stephen, 8 Alice, 136 Thomas, 63 Edward, 39 Walter, 114 Robert, I36 Shaston, Henry, 14o Thomas, mayor of Salisbury, 38, 39 ZIO INDEX OF PERSONS

Shotter: Skryne, Edmund, 119 whn, 128 Skull : illiam, 5 John, of Brinkworth and Grittenham, Showard, Andrew, 158 48 Showell, Shewell : -i-, of Garsdon, 3o Robert, 97 Slruse, Richard, 53 Thomas, 95 Skut, Skutt, Skutte. Sn Scott. Showring, ]ohn, 15 Skydaw, John, vicar of Sherston, 28 Shreve, John, 12 Skylling. See Skilling. Shrogsheire, Roger, 12o Skynner. See Skinner. Shu e, William, 81 Slackstede, Nicholas, 127 Shurmar, Shurmore. See Shermour. Slade : Shwter. See Shewter. Edward, 143 Shyngleton. See Shingleton. ]ohn, of Bromham, 15, 9o Shyve, William, 16 -i, of Codford St. Mary and St. Sidman, Walter, 112 Peter, 37 Sidnoll, William, 85 Richard, 9o Signet : William, go Iohn, of Allington, etc., 55 Slatford, ]ohn, 99 ——-—-, of Chippenham, 55 "Slatter, Jenifer, 1oo Silverthorne, Sylverthorn, Sylverthorne : Sla[ . . . ]tter, William, of Box, 58 George, 139 S1 er: goan. 139 ollivhn. 89 ohn, 139 Richard, of All Cannings and Allington, William, the elder, of West Ashton, 139 83 —i, the younger, of West Ashton, -———, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 139 -———, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Simpson, Sympson : Robert, 23 Richard, 60 Simon, 103 Thomas, of Colerne, 60 Thomas, of Manton, 1o3 —-2, the elder, of Box, 58 ?-—, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Sininges, Richard, roo William, of Burton and Easton, 16 Sitwell, _William, 79 ——-—-, of Wick and Nursteed, 89(2) Skamell : Slye : Edward, 153 George, 142 ~ John, of Hatch, 18 Stephen, 142 —-i, the elder, of Hatch, 153 Smale. Sea Small. Lawrence, 17 Smaleham, [blank], widow, of Salisbury, 64 Thomas, of Hatch, 17 Small, Smale : —i, of Tisbury, 152 Thomas, 15, 68 —i, the younger, of Hatch, 153 William, 21 Walter, 154 Smallwell, Smalwell : Skarlet, Henry, 159 Margaret, 14o Skeat, Skete : Thomas, 34 Agnes, 155 Smart, Smarte: £01111, 106 ]ohn, of Allington and Newton Tony, 2 obert, 106 ?'—. curate of Stanton St. Quintin, Roger, 117 29 Thomas, 44 Kattefine, 135 Skidmore, Richard, 156 Richard. 60 ' Skilling, Skijlinge, Skylling '; Thomas, of Liddington, 1o4 Mary, 87 —i, of Littleton Drew, 60 Walter, 13 Smith, Smithe, Smyth, Smythe : William, 87 (or Woodward), Agnes, 49 Skinner, Slrynner: A18-11. I39 Edmund, 24 Andrew. 23 Ralph, 43 Anthony, of Codford, 143 Thomas, of Highworth, 97 ———, of Ogbourne St. George, 1o2 —-2, of Lus Hill and Castle Eaton, 96 Christopher, 69 William, of Brinkworth and Gritten- Clement, 86 ham’ 48 EdW&Id, 50 . _ __i_, of Broad Chalke, 135 Henry, of Chilton Fohat, 81 —-i, of , 97 '——'i-. Of _C01'Bh8-I11. 57_ —-2, of Trowbridge, 76 ]oa.n, of Bishop's Cannings, 16 31,0,-y, {ohm 3; ——, of Kennett, East and West, 1o3 Skot, S ott. See Scott. i-—. 0f 5911551111 39 211 INDEX OF PERSQNS. Smith, etc.—contd. Smith, etc.-could. ]ohn, of Britford, 118 (or Wheler), Thomas, 101 ———, of Burton and Easton, 16 Walter, 95 —i, of Codford, 143 William, of Alderstone, -114 —i, of Devizes, 14 —i, of Chisledon, 21 —i, of Hilperton and Shaw, 69 —i, of Collingbourne Valence and —i, of Kemble and Ewen, 49 Sunton, 11 —i, of Milton, 12 —i, of Fonthill Bishops, 159 -—i, of Newton Tony, 13o —i, of Lacock and Lackham, 57 —i, of Rockley, 101 _ —i, of Lea and Cleverton, 52 —i, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 -—i, of Ramsbury, 26, 93 -—i, of Semington and Littleton, 139 ——-—-, of West Ashton, 34 ——, of Shalbourne, 8o ——-—-, of West Overton, 1o4 -—i, of Studley, 76 —i, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 —i, of Shrewton, 11o —i, of Wroughton, 123 —i, of Swindon, 105 —i, the elder, of Oaksley, 51 —+, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Smythfeld, Thomas, 141 —i, of Woodborough, 84 Smythson, Smythsone : -—i, of Wootton Rivers, 81 Robert, 15o - Katherine, 1o4 Thomas, curat_e_.of West Kington, 27 Lewis, of Homington, 12o Snelgar, Snelgare, Snelger : —i, of Staverton and Wyke, 76 George, 36 Nicholas, 123 John,141 Philip, of Chippenham, 27 Henry, 146 ——, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 Nicholas. I43 . Ralph, 82 Robert, of ' ‘Church Tithinge ', 117 Richard, of Bradford-on-Avon, 73 ———-——, of Sutton Veny, 146 —i, of Colerne, 6o Thomas, 143 —i, of East Overton, 123 Snelgrove, William, 159 ——, of ' Kennet ’, 22 Snell : —i, of Lydiard Millicent, 94 Nicholas, 56 -—i, of Manningford Abbots, 84 Richard, 26 ———, of Milbourne and Norton, 29 Thomas, 55 Robert, of Boyton and Corton, 142 Snert, Edward. See Baker. —i, of Chute, 79 Snoke, Thomas, 153 ——, of Colerne, 6o Snowe : ——, of Corsham, 28 Henry. -149. —i, of Enford, 3 ]ohn,13 ———, of Lacock, 28 Nicholas, 110 —i, of Marlborough, 25 Sodbury, ]ohn, 24 —i, of Marlborough, draper, 25 Solye, Nicholas, 49 —i, of Melksham, 68 Somer. See Somner. —i, of Milton, 12 Somerset : —i, of Pewsey, 82 Edmund, of Burbage, 81 —i, of Salisbury, 64 —i, of Damerham and Martin, 41 -'—i, [another], of Salisbury, 65 Edward. See Cook. —i, the elder, of Purton, 98 Thomas. See Cook. -—i, the younger, of Purton, 98 Somner, Somer, Sommers, Sumnar, Thomas, of Avebury, 23 Summar : WWI of Bishopstone, 116 As11e~==.69 WWI of Chisledon, 21 John, of Beanacre, 15

iii of Devizes, 91 —i, of Bulkington, 7o

WW‘! of Fosbury and Tidcombe, 8o -—i, of Easton, 18

WWI of Hilperton, 15 -—i, of Hilperton and Shaw, 69 ——, of Hilperton and VVhaddon, 69 ———, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 -—i, of Kennett, East and West, 103 Richard, 31 -—i, of Manningford Abbots, 84 Robert, of Rowde, 15 L.’ of Salisbury, 39, 67 ———, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 é of Semington, 96 Thomas, of Seend and Seend Row, 69.

in I of Tockenham Wick, 1o5 of Southwick, 35 —i, of Wanborough, 1o4 William, 69 é of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Sompsyion, John, f1 53 —i, the elder, of Burton and Easton, Soper : -_ 16 ]ohn,78 —+, the younger, of Britford, 118 (or Coles), Henry, 134 (or Parker), Thomas, 23 Thomas, 133 - - 212': INDEX OF. PERSONS

Sor—con¢d Spikernell, Robert, 63 William, oi Coombe Bissett and Whits- Spinng. Sea Speryng. bury, 42 Spoore, Ralph, 133 —-——, of Laverstock and Ford, 6 Spratt, Thomas, 125 Sotherne, Thomas, 78 ' Springe, 85 Sotwell, William, 11 Spynage, Robert, 93 Southcot, ]ohn. See Capon. Spynke, Sir John, vicar of Stanton St. Southe, Sowth, Sowthe : Bernard, 14 Robert, of Stratford Deane, collector, Squire, john, 95 4(1). 9(1) Stablehorne, William, 8o ——-—-, of Stratford-sub-Castle, 6 Stafford : Thomas, 152 Edward, 55 William, 1 ]ohn,123 Sir William, of Salisbury, 39 Stag: Spainswick, Spanysweke, Spaynsweke, Alice, 87 Spaynswicke : ]ohn, of Burbage, 81 Henry, 1o7 -1-, of Easton, 82 ]ohn, 101 Stamford : Thomas, of Aldbourne, 22 Hugh, 6 —-——, of and Lynt, 96 Robert, 126 William, 94 Stancyall, Stansehall : Spander, Spendor: Christopher, 71 ]ohn,144 Richard, 65 Staniforde,J°!="1»34 William,. . 134 Sparke : Stanlake, Sir Philip, parson of Little Ambrose, 88 Cheverell, 12 Henry, 48 Stanlock, Stanlocke, john, 35, 149 Thomas, 133 Stanner, Thomas, 22 William, 133 Stansehall. See Stancyall. Sparkrnan, Henry, 21 Stanter, Stantor, Stantour: Sparrow, Spa.rrowe : Elizabeth, of Hanging and Little John. 49 Langford, 112 Margaret. 93 ———, of Salisbury, 39 Michael, 97 . John, 1.15 Richard, ’ of Brymnam ’, of Broken- Roger, 144 borough, 51 Thomas, of Hanging and Little Lang- —-——, the elder, of Brokenborough, 51 ford, 7 Robert, 53 —-——, of Horningsham, 36 William, 53 William, 144 Spaynsweke, Spaynswicke. See Spains- Staple, Stapell, Staples, Stapull: wick. Alexander, 92 Spearte, Spiert : Edith, 199 james, 14o Henry, 117 Richard, 62 Thomas, 129 Specke, Richard, 51 William, 133 Spencer. See Spenser. Stapleford, Walter, 47 Spendor. See Spander. Stapull. See Staple. Spenser, Spencer : Staunton, Richard, 92 Christopher, 123 Stawker, Robert, 1o Constance, 103 Staynsmore, Staysmore, Steynsmore : Francis, 64 john, 18, 153 Henry, 8o Richard, 153 John, of Avebury, 103 Stechell, Stichall : i-—-, of Salthrop, 2.1 Anthony, 21, 105 Matthew, 144 ]ohn, 1o5 Richard, of Beckhampton, 22 Steede, Thomas, 42 ——-—-, of Elcombe, 1o5 Stephens, Steaven, Steavens, Stephans, William, 124 Stephins, Stephyns, Stevens, Stevyns: Speryng, Spmng : Alice, 147 ]ohn, of Charlton, 18, 154 Anthony, 69 ——-—-, the elder, of Easton, 153 George, 54 Richard, 154 s Gillian. 124 Spicer : GI'Yfi}"11. 75 _ Edward, 1o5 john, of Ashton Giflard, 143 William, 23 ———. of Charlton. 85 Spiert. See Spearte. ———. of Hflperton and Shaw. 69 ZI


Ste hens, etc.—contd';- Stileman, Styleman : Jghn, of Holt, 74-_;_ Anthony, 138 L, of Stanton St. Quintin, 53 Richard, 34 L, of Trowle, 33 . William, 138 L, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 Stock, Stocke : L, of Westbury Leigh, 71 john, of Highworth," 24 -L, the "elder,-of Aldbourne, 1o1 L, of Inglesham and Lynt, 96 L, the elder, of Hilperton, 15- L, of South Wraxall, 33 Julian, 26 -- Thomas, 76 _= Luke, of Holt, 74 Stockeman. See Stockman. L, of Poulshot, 7o Stockham : Morgan, 14 Edward, 58 Nicholas, 1o5 ]ohn, 64 Ralph, 16 Stockman, Stockeman : Richard, of Bushton, 3 john,-of ' Church Tithing ’, 117 L, of Chilmark, 151 L, of Kington Langley, 56 -——-—, of Swindon, 1o5 M1-rs11'y. 55 Robert, of Beechingstoke, 14 Stockwell, john, 87 L, of Bromham, 15 Stodley. See Studley. L, of Medbourne, 21 . Stofeild, Richard, 1oo L, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 Stokar, Christopher, 39 L, of Upton Lovell, 37 ' Stokes, Stokis, Stookes : L, the elder, of Upton Lovell, 142 Anthony, 60 L, the younger, of Upton Lovell, Christopher, 27 142 _ "- Edmund, 55 Thomas, of Baydon, 26- Henry, of Bishopstrow, 148 L, "of Burderop, 160 L, of Corsley, 147 L, of Bushton, 122 john, of Bishopstrow, 36, 148 L, of Chisledon, 21, 1o5. L, of Langley Burrell, 28, 56 L, of East Overton, "12-3 Thomas, of Berwick St. Leonard, 151 L, of Rowleyland Trowle, 73 L, of Bishopstrow, 148 L, the younger, of~Chisledon, etc., William, of Alderstone, 114 105 "" ' L, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 (or Hawkes), Thomas, 92 Stone : Walter, of Corsley, 36 Edward, 155 -. - —--.-, of Devizes, 91 john, of Alton Barnes, 83 William, of All Cannings and- Allington, L, of Milton and Upton, 159 33 . Robert, of Hatch, 18 L, of Bishop's Cannings, 88 L, of Latton, 99 L, of Codford, 143 Thomas, 99 L, of Holt, 33 Stoner, john, curate of Upton Lovell, L, of West Overton, 4 37 L, parson of Codford St. Mary and Stookes. See Stokes. St. Peter, 37 Storbie, Thomas, parson of Littleton Stephynson, Sir Robert, vicar of Avebury, Drew, 27 23 Storke: Sterige, Thomas, 15 Henry, 155 Stermyn, John, curate of Castle Combe, 28 Peter, 155 Stevens. Sea Stephens. Richard, 155 Steynsmore. See Sfaynsmore. Stot : Stichall. Sea Stechell. john, 99 Stiff, Stifie : Robert, 99 Guy, 111 Story, Storeye, Sto1'ie,"Story_e : Richard, 5o Edith, 11 Stigragnell, Richard, 66 George, 65 Stile, till, Style : Nicholas, 4o John, of Manton, 103 Robert, 101 ' L, of Marlborough, 25 Walter, 11 L, the elder, of Homingsham, 145 Stourton : L, the younger, of Homingsham, Edmund, 145" 144 William, lord Stourton, commissioner, Katherine, 193 1(1). 4. 5. 19(3). 17(3). 19(3). 31(3). Peter, 12o 33(1g- 41(3) Roger, 36 Stoven, tovyng: Thomas, 23 ]ohn,126 William, 145 Katherine, 2 \ 21 INDEX OF PERSONS

Stower: . Sturmey, William, 137 john, the elder, of Bulkington, 69 Stybbes, Thomas, 36 L, the younger, of Bulkington, 69 Style. See Stile. Thomas, 156 Styleman. See Stileman. Stowt : Styn-ydge, Henry, 68 John, 21 Subden, Thomas, 135 William, 107 Sumnar, Summar. See Somner. Strange, Strainge, Straunge :" Summerford, john, 47 Christopher, 96 Sundaker, Julian, 14 Edward, 5o Sutton: Robert, 97 John, of Netheravon, 125 William, 95 L, of Shrewton, 11o Stratton, William, 28 William, 4 Straunge. See Strange. Swaddon : - Streat, Streate. See Streete. William, of Calne, 45 Streche, Stretche : L, of Manningford Bowen, 14 Elizabeth, 123 Swaine, Swayne : John, 4 ' john, 139 Thomas, of East Overton, 123 Robert, 84 L, of Fyfield, 4 Swan, Christine, 66 William, 123 Swanborough, Thomas, 11 widow [blank], of Fyfield, 4 Swayne. See Swaine. Streete, Streat, Streate, Strete : Swetaple, Sweteaple : George, 75 Christopher, 1 55 John, 123 Edmund, 155 M.ichael, 136 john, 15-5 Nicholas, 155 Swete: Thomas, 11 john, 109 William, 11 William, 109 I Strenger, Thomas, 149 Sweteaple. See Swetaple. Stretche. See Streche. Swetman, John, 82 Strete. See Streete. ' Swetname, Henry, 156 Stride, john, 15o__ Swetwell, john, 79 Stroggnell, Strognell-; - See Strugnell. Swette, William, 151 Strong, Stronge : ' Sweving, Swevyng, Swevy-nge : Edward, 42 Charells, 127 John, 1o4 john, 6 Peter, 85 Thomas, 15 Thomas, of Fovant, 119 William, 5 L, of ‘ Wellowe",'132 Swymerton, Thomas, 19 Strotten, Thomas, 58 Sydnall, Robert," 13 Strowd, Strowde : Syer, Thomas, 8o Joan, 3 Sylverthom, Sylverthorne. See Silver- John, 134 thorne. Robert, 80 Syminges, Elizabeth, 61 Strugnell, Stroggnell, Strognell : Symkyns, john, 7 ' Edward, 113 - Symons, Symondes: Henry, 113 john, of Marlborough, 92 John, of Cowesfield, 6, 114 L, of Mildenhall, 101 -——-—, of Pitton and Farley, 5 Robert, 58 Robert, of Bemerton, 8 Thomas, 85 L, of Pitton and Farley, 128 William, of Cricklade, 1oo Studley, Stodley : L, of Maddington, 111 Gryflyth, 44 L, of Manningford Bruce, 14 John, of ’ Church Tithing ’, 117 L, of Marlborough, 25 --—-, of Fyfield, 4 Sympson. See Simpson. Matthew, 123 Syms, William, 83 Robert, 116 Synger, Thomas, 76 Stump, Stumpe : Synsbury, Christian, 87 John, of Malmesbury, 48 Syphrewest, William, 44 L, of Marlborough, 92 William, of Malmesbury, high collector, Tabor, William, 145 20(4), 29, 31(3) Tailer, Tailor, Tailour. See Taylor. Sturges, Sturgis : Talman : Dennis, 153 Amery, 139 Richard, 137 John, 33 215 INDEX OF PERSONS

Ta1man—contd. Temmes, Temmys—00ntd. Thomas, 139 Sir Richard, vicar of Winterboume William, 139 Monkton, 23 Tannege, John, 8o Temple, Templer, Tenpell : Tanner : John,1o1 Christopher, 1 18 Thomas, 112 Osmond, 118 William, 141 Richard, 56 Terrant. See Tarrant. Robert, 56 Teynter, Jenifer, roo Roger, 64 Thacham, Robert, 13o Thomas, 118 Tharman, John, 79 (or Bis), Thomas, 15o Thayne : Walter, 118 Elliot, 114 Tarrant, Tarrante, Terrant : John, 8 Edith, 11 Thedall, Edward, 75 Edmund, 106 Thisselthwaite, Thisselthwayte, Thistell- Elizabeth, 8 twaite, Thystylthwat : John, of Little Bedwyn, 79 Alexander, of Winterslow, 5, 133 L, of Ogbourne St. Andrew, 102 L, of West Winterslow, 127 Robert, 11 Giles, of Winterslow, 5 Roger, 112 L, of West Winterslow, 127 Thomas, of Burbage, 81 John, 128 L, of Enford, ' of Endforde ’, 121 Leonard, 128 Taunton, John, 139 Thomas: Tawbott, Robert, 116 John, 155 Taylor, Tailer, Tailor, Tailour, Tayler, Margaret, 34 Taylour : Richard, 24 Anthony, 48 Robert, 7 Ellen, 75 Walter, 99 Francis, 134 William, 133 Henry, 134 Sir [blank], parson of Rowde, 15 Isaac, 55 Thombre, Wifliam, 43 John, of Bishopstone, 94 Thorley, William, 65 L, of Box, 58 Thorneboroughe, Giles, 66 L, of Castle Combe, 28 Thornehall, Robert, 85 L, of Coate, 89 Thorner, Richard, 51 L, of Kington Langley, 56 Thorneton, Richard, 129 L, of Market Lavington, 87 Thornhull, Robert, 13 L, of Salisbury, 65 Thorp, John, 39 L, of Tidworth, 132 Thownsend. See Townsend. L, of Tilshead, 111 Thressher : ' Peter, 25 William, of Damerham, 154 Richard, of Castle Combe, 60 L, of Longbridge Deverill and L, of Purton, 98 Crockerton, 149 Robert, of Chisledon, etc., 1o5 Thringe, Thryng : L, of Kington Langley, 26, 56 Edgar, 119 Thomas, of Ashton Keynes, roo Henry, 12o L, of Atworth, 75 Thomas, 42 L, of Bulkington, 69 Thurman : L, of Brinkworth. See Davis. Nicholas, 11 L, of Colerne, 59 William, 11 L, of Winterbourne Bassett, 103 Thustin, Wifliam, 79 William, of Bremhill and Foxham, Thynne : 58 John, knight, of Longbridge Deverill L, of Bishop's Cannings, 88 and Crockerton, commissioner, 138(2), L, of Charlton, 5o I49. I59 L, of Compton Bassett, 31, 46 Thomas, 15o L, of Easterton, 12 Thystylthwat. See Thisselthwaite. L, of , 13 Ticheborne, Tychborne : L, the younger, of Bremhill and Lionell, 66 Foxham, 59 Thomas, 64 Sir William, parson of Vifhaddon, 15 Tickford, Henry, 93 Tellen, Thomas, 100 Tickner, William, 134 Tellinge. See Tiling. Tidderley, Robert, 84 Temmes, Temmys : Tilden, Tylton : Christopher, 15 Henry, 76 21 INDEX OF PERSONS

Tilden, Tylton—ccmtd. Trente, William, 83 John, of Alvediston, 137 I _ I Tresse, Thomas, 15o L, the elder, of Trowbridge, 76 Tressher, William, 14o L, the younger, of Trowbridge, 76 Trew, Trwe : Tiler. See Tyler. John, of Marlborough, 92 Tiling, Tellinge, Tyllynge : L, of Wick and Nursteed 89 John, 69 Robert, 16 Thomas, 98 Trewman, Trowman, Trwman William, 15 Hugh, 28 Titt, Tytt : Thomas, 86 Stephen, 146 54 Thomas, 147 Trinder, Trender, Trynder : Tinnam, Robert, 128 Hugh, 100 Tipper, John, 86 John,99 Titcom, Ralph, 1o2 Richard, 99 Toby, Thomas, 64 Robert, 106 Toggell, George, 1 Thomas, 24 Tokar, Tocker, Toker: Trippock, William, 1 55 Joan, 8 Troll, John, 134 John, of Maddington, 8 Trouslowe. See Truslow. L, of Poulshot, 15 Trowman. See Trewman. L, of Wedhampton, 12 Truslow, Trouslowe, Truslowe Tolke, Thomas, 136 John, 103 ‘Toms : Richard, 116 Anthony, 103 Thomas, 23 (or Grenefeild), Richard, 92 Trwe. See Trew. L, [another], 92 Trwman. See Trewman. Thomas, 98 Trymnell, Trymel, Trymnel : Tomson, Tomsyn : Arthur, 88 Christopher, 39 Robert, 58 John, 6o Thomas, 28 Richard, 126 Trynder. See Trinder. Toogood, Joyce, 158 Tuck, Tucke : Toomer, Nicholas, 137 John,1o5 Toothe, Thomas, 92 Thomas, 124 To£,_Toope, Toppe, Topping William, 107 hzabeth, 124 Tucker : John, of Chitterne, 144 Christian 14o L, of Salisbury, 65 Hugh, 65 Robert, 25 Joan,56 Thomas, of Berwick St. John, 135 Maud, 111 L, of Fisherton de la Mere and Richard, 46 Bapton, 146 Tugwell, Tuckwell, Tugewell, Tuggell L, of Stockton, 3 John, of Amesbury, 13o Topton, Roger, vicar of Upper Stratton L, of Hilmarton, 107 and Stratton St. Margaret, 23 Richard, of Castle Eaton, 23 Tovie, Tovye: L, of Lus Hill and Castle Eaton, John, of Bower Chalke, 136 95 L, of Mere, glover, 156 Thomas, 106 Walter, 154 Tulke, Henry, 136 William, 157 Tutts, John 8o Townsend, Thownsend, Townesend : Tunley, William, 27 Elizabeth, 88 Turmey, Thomas, 28 George, 96 Turner : John, 16 Nicholas, 65 Robert, of Heddington, 46 Robert, 152 L, of Nettleton, 26 Turney, John, 56 Thomas, of Chelworth, 99 Tutchmer, Richard, 81 L, of Roundway, 16 Tut, Tutt, Tutte : William, of Latton, 99 John, 129 L, of Studley, 47 Richard, the elder, of Alderbury Towreman, Joan, 52 127 Traske,Henry,133 L, the younger, of Alderbury Travers, James, 14 I27 Tremayne, Andrew, 138 William, 6 Trender. See Trinder. Twayte, John, 86 21 INDEX OF PERSONS

Twiforde, TWvflorde = _ Vincent, Vincents, Vyncent : John, of Broughton Gifford and Monk- Agnes, 44 ton, 74 Giles, 39 L, of Wilton, 114 John, 135 _ Tychborne. See Ticheborne. (or Brooke), Nicholas, 151 Tydworthe, Richard, 72 Thomas, 128 Tyler, Tiler : Viser. See Vizer. Charles, 45 Vivashe, Viveashe, Vyveash : John, of Charlton, 85 Alice, 89 L, of Great Bedwyn, 78 Edward, 89 Robert, 28 Maud, 16 Tylly, Tyllye : William, 46 John,142 Vizer, Viser : Richard, 7o John, of Chippenham, 54 . William, 138 L-, of Littleton Drew, 6o Tyllynge. See Tiling. L, of Salisbury, alien, 66. Tylton. See Tilden. Vycars. See Vicars. Tymbery, William, 143 Vyllys, John, 42 Tymbrell, Tymbrill : Vyner, Vynare : Elizabeth, 49 Anthony, 14o Henry, 49 John,55 Tyncker. Sea Tynker. Thomas, 27 Tyncocke, Robert, 126 Vynce. See Vince. Tynker, Tyncker : Vyncent. See Vincent. Ambrose, 16 Vynye, Alice, 64 Robert, 25 Vyveash. See Vivashe. Tynknell, William, 42 Tyrell, Richard, 59 Tyrkle : Wadman, Richard, 57 Thomas, 51 Waglande, William, 113 William, 51 Wake : Tytt. See Titt. John,25 Thomas, 25 William, of Leigh, 98 Uflenham, Richard, 15 L, of Marlborough, 92 Uncles, John, 75 Waker, Edward, 61 Uninge, James, 51 Wal, Wale. See Wall. Unwen, Alice, 16 Waldron, Walldron, Wallron, Walrond : Uparry, Richard, 27 Edward, 1o1 Uprichardes, John, 48 Sir Henry, 39 Upton : Robert, of Little Hinton, 3, 123 Edward, 92 " L, of Medbourne, 21 John,11 Thomas, 22 Margery, 81 Wales. See Wallis. Ralph, 87 Walker, John, 118 Richard, 81 Walfiord, John, 92 Ussher, Edward, 72 Wall, Wal, Wale, Walle : Elizabeth, 131 Henry, 142 Vance, William, 78 John. 39 Varret, William, of Swallowclifie, French- widow, [bZank|, of Salisbury, 65 man, 152 Walldron, Wallron. See Waldron. Vaughan : Wallis, Wales, Walles, Wallys : Francis, 65 Edmund, 48 Henry, 14 Henry, 76 John, 1o1 Jeflrey, of Brinkworth, 3o Vennarde, George, 65 L, of Hawkeridge and Heywood Vernam, Peter, vicar of Burton Hill and 72 Easton, 29 -John, of Corsham, 58 Vicars, Vycars : L, of Trowbridge, 33 John. 94 Robert, 33, 76 Thomas, 26 Thomas, of Maiden Bradley, 158 William, 25 L, of Trowbridge, 33 Vince, Vynce : William, 76 Thomas, 8o Wallton. See Walton. William, 11 Walrond. See Waldron. 21 INDEX OF PERSONS Walter, Wallter: Waters = Anthony, 64 Anthony. 51 Isaac, 106 Emyott. 53 John, of Bishopstone, 94 Hugh. of Charlton. 59 _____I of Rowde“ 90 I L, of-Woodford, 126 Nicholas, 73 Joan. 54 ' Richard, 78 John, 131 William, of Rodbourne Cheney, 25 Richard, 49 L, of Salisbury, 38 Thomas, of Charlton, 5o Walterman, John, 18 ---, of Woodford, 126. Waltman, William, 27 William, 126. Walton, Wallton : Wathell, John, 74 Alexander, 115 Watkins, Watkyns _: Henry, 24 John. 39 Thomas, 30, 49 Simon, 97 Wamsey, William, 35 William, 39 Wand, John, the elder, 96 Watsone, William, .144 Wansboroughe, Wannysbury : Wattes : _- John,146 Edward, of Bremhill and Foxham, 58 Robert, 1 10 L, of Britford, 118 Ward, Warde : _ _ Humphre , 156 Henry, of Bemerton, 8 John, of (lbrsley, 147 L, of Bemerton and Quidhampton, L, of Kingston Deveri.ll, 157 1 13 -.-——, of West Overton, 23 John, of Bemerton and Quidhampton, Philip, 51 1 13 Richard, 7o ——-—-, of Little Cheverell, 86 Stephen, 142 L, of Warminster, 35 Thomas, 157 L, theyounger, ofLittleCheverell, 86 Walter, 131 Leonard, 65 Wil.liam, of Bremhill and Foxham, 58 Luke, 8 L, of Lea, 29 Nicholas, I44 L, of Urchfont, 85 William, 12 _ L, of Warminster, 149 Warden (or Hunewell), John, 131 Wayte, Henry, 48 Warder, John, 35 Waytye, Philip, 77 Ware. See Warre. Weakes. See Weekes. Warman : Wear (or Brown): John, 94 Agnes, 91 homas, 21 Clement, 92 Warne: Richard, 1o4 Richard, 47 William, 92 William, 31, 47 Weare, William, 45 Warneford, Warneforde : Weaver, John, 1 18 John, of Hankerton, 50 Webb, Web, Webbe: L, of Sevenhampton, 24 Alexander, of Devizes, 91 L, of West Winterslow, 128 Warre, Ware : Alice, 106 Richard, 99 Anthony, of Bradford-on-Avon, 73 Thomas, [66 L, of Rowley and Trowle, 73 - Warren, Jphn, 12. L, of Wilsford, 86 Warton, enry, 53 Elizabeth, of Collingbourne Ducis, 124 Warwyke, James, 121 L, of , 2o Wastfeld, Wastefeld, Wastefelde : L, of Market Lavington, 8 Anne, 56 Joan, 6o _ _ John, 28, 56 John, of Collingbourne Ducis, 124 Robert, 56 . L, of Ogbourne St. Andrew, 23, 1o2 Water, Robert, 30 L, of Rabson, 22 Waterbrowne, William, 47 L,, of Warminster, 149 _ _ Waterer, Thomas, 92 L, of Winterbourne Dauntsey, 129 Wateriorde, Richard, 6o L, of West Winterslow, 127 Waterhouse, Robert, roo L, the elder, of Bromham, 15 Wateridge, Richard, 125 L, the younger, of Bromham, 15 Waterman : Nicholas, of Colerne, 59 Edward, 152 L, of Kingswood, 62 John, 11 L, of Ogbourne St. George, 1o2 William, 112 L, of Stert, 87, _;. 219 . ‘INDEX OF PERSONS

Webb, Web, Webbe—c0ntd. West, Weste-could. Nicholas, of Wootton Bassett, 106 Philip, 57 Richard, of Atworth, 33 Richard, 34, 14o L, of Brinkworth, 3o Thomas, 15 L, of Liddington, 104 Walter, 144 Robert, of Bromham, 9o William, 105 —-—-——, of Chisledon, etc., 105 Westall, John, 87 L, of Winterbourne Bassett, 103 Westbroke, Robert, 14 Roger, 126 _ Westbury, Weseburye, Westburye : Stephen, 114 Hans, 32 Thomas, of Draycot Foliat, 20 Richard, 33 L, of ‘ Staple ’, 18, 152 Robert, 71 William, of Bradford-on-Avon, 32 William, of Great Chalfield, 74 L, of Brinkworth and Giittenham, L, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, 43 76 L, of Bromham, 9o L, the younger, of Great Chalfield, L, of Everleigh, 123 '74 L, of Hanging and Little Lang- Westcot, Wescot, Wescotte: ford, 112 Margaret, 66 L, of Lydiard Millicent, 94 Thomas, of Chute, 79 L, of Salisbury, 38 L, of Salisbury, 39 (or Rychemond), William, 3 Weste. See West. Wedborne, John, 105 Westley: Weekes, Weakes, Wekes, Wikes, Wykes: Edith, 144 Anthony, 39 Richard, 144 Christopher, 63 Thomas, 36 Edmund, 154 Weston : George, 155 Richard, 39 Henry, 131 Robert, 16 John, of Damerham and Martin, 41 Roger, 23 L, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Thomas, of Horton, 89 L, of Malmesbury, 48 L, of Kennett, East and West, 103 L, of Martin, 155 William, 89 L, of Melksham, 15 Westrappe, Robert, 49 Sir Morgan, vicar of Bishopstone, 26 Wethers, Wethurs : William, of Hatch, 153 Christian, 4 L, of Long Newnton, 54 John, 143 Weekwyk, Edmund, 39 Thomas, 12 Wekes. See Weekes. Wethey, John, 34 Weldon, John, 4o Wethurs. See Wethers. Weles. See Wells. Wex, John, 1o5 Wellat, Wellet : Wey, Thomas, roo Edith, 2 Weyer, Robert. See Browne. Thomas, of Alton, etc., 2 Weythe, Richard, 57 L, of Compton and Alton, 131 Whaffer, Edward, 19 Wells, Weles, Welles, Welys : Whatley, Whatelye, Whatly, Whatlye, Alice, 21 - Whattelley : Edward, 153 John, of ' Bayly ’, 34 John, of Lydiard Tregoze, 108 ——-—-, of Steeple Ashton, 138 L, of Urchfont, 84 ——-—-, of Warminster, 148 {_ulian, I36 L, of West Ashton, 139 homas, 41 Robert, 71 William, 21 Stephen, 34 Went, Wente : William, of Elston, 112 Henry, 47 ——-—-, of Tinhead, 141 William, 83 L, of West Ashton, I39 Wesbourne, Agnes, 49 Wheataker. See Whetacre. Wescot, Wescotte. See Westoot Wheatelye, John, 71 Weseburye. See Westbury. Vllheler, Whelur : West, Weste : Alice, 93 John‘, of Box, 28, 58 Charles, 11o L, of Durrington, I 31 Davie, 106 L, of Marlborough, 25 Gilbert, 94 L, of Salisbury, 65 Henry. See Carpenter. L, of Salisbury, tanner, 67 (or Knave), Henry, 139 L, of Westport, 29 John, of Greenhill, 21 220 INDEX OF PERSONS

Wheler, Whelur—aontd. Vlfhiteharte etc.-ocmld. John, of Seagry, 53 Th0IT18-B. I2 Katherine, 1o6 Vlfhitehed, Whithed : Robert, of Marston, 88 John,149 L, of Woodshaw, 21 Katherine, 148 Thomas. Sea Smyth. William, 36 Wifliam, 44 Whitehere. See Whiteyeare. Whelpley, Whelple : Whitehorne, Whithorne : John, of Salisbury, 39 Hugh, vicar of Hankerton, 3o L, of Steeple Ashton, 138 Richard, 126 Thomas, 71 Thomas, 126 William, 7o Whitemershe : Whelur. See Wheler. Annis, 118 Whetacre, Wheataker, Whetaker : Henry, 12o Geofirey, of Tinhead, 141 Hugh, 118 L, of Westbury, 34 John,119 Henry, 72 William, of Bishopstone, 116 John,71 L, of Bodenham and Nunton, 117 Robert, 71 ‘Whiteyeare, Whitehere, Whitere : Stephen, of Penleigh, 34 John, 153 L, of Westbury, 71 Margery, 115 Thomas, 71 Robert, 132 ,VVhetell, William, 144 William, 114 Whitard. See Whiteharte. Whithed. See Whitehed. Whitchurche, William, 78 Whithorne. See Whitehorne. White, Whitt, Whyte : Whitlocke, Whytlok : Agnes, 1o7 Edith, 128 Anthony, 116 Thomas, 5 Cuthbert, 124 Whitoxmede, Edith, 15 Edith, 96 Whitt. See White. Edward, 15 Whitting, Edwin, 155 Elizabeth, of Foxley, 53 Whitton, John, 98 L, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Whitwaye, Thomas, 26, 93 Gabriel, 65 Whyte. See White. George, 138 Whytlok. See Whitlocke. Henry, 45 Whythye, Richard, 71 Jeffrey, 58 Whode, Nicholas, 13 J9111. I5 Whoper, William, 147 John, of , 18 Whorebaite, William, 22 L, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Wiat. See Wyatt. L, of Marston, 88 Wickame, Wikame, Wyckham : Nicholas, 49 Henry, 148 Richard, of Whitley and Shaw, 69 Maurice, 15o L, of Wilton, 114 William, 35 Robert, of Ebbesborne Wake, 137 Widdowes, John, 84 --—-—, of Steeple Ashton, 34 Wier, William, 134 L, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, Wighte, William, 65 75 Wikame. See Wickame. Simon, 137 Wikes. See Weekes. Thomas, of Brook, 19 Wilcox, Wilcoxe, Wylcockes, Wylcox : L, of Devizes, 91 Alice, 3 L, of Erlestoke, 7o Richard, 53 L, of Foxley, 29 William, of Sherston, 28, 62 L, of Highway, etc., 9o L, of Stanley, 27 William, of Maiden Bradley, 158 Wilde, Thomas, 137 L, of Plaitford, 127 Wilder, Robert, 135 L, of Steeple Ashton, 34, 138 Wiliorde, Thomas, 66 Whitebred. Thomas, 13 Wilkins, Wilkyns, Wylkens, Wylkins, Whiteharte, Whitard, Whitharte, Whit- Wylkynes, Wylkyns : herte: Anthony, 76 Anthony. 81 Henry, parson of Dauntsey, 3o James, B2 James, 34 John, of Burcombe, 112 John, 76 L, of Milton, 12 Richard, 137 ~———-,parsonofManningford Abbots,14 Thomas, of ‘ Church Tithinge ’, 117 Lionel, 93 L, of Corton, 21 221 913 INDEX OF PERSONS

Wilkins, etc.-—contd. Wilson, Willson—ao-ntd. Thomas, of Seend and Seend Row, 69 Thomas, 66 Walter, 140 William, parson of Poulshot, 15 William, of Brook, 19 Wilteshere, Wilteshr. See Wilshire. L, of Bulkington, 7o Wilton, Wylton : L, of Imber, 37 George, 38 L, of Trowbridge, high collector, John, 8, 112 33. 68(1). 76 widow [blank], of Salisbury, 65 —-———, the younger, of Trowbridge, 76 Wimbleton, Wymbledon, Wymbleton : Willers, Thomas, parson of Rushall, 13 John,7 Williams, Williames, Wylliames : Nicholas, 129 John,94 Richard, 129 (or Carter), John, 131 ‘William, 5, 129 Nicholas, 28 Windslowe. See Wynslowe. Richard, 139 Windsor, Thomas, 128 Robert, 122 Winter, Wynter : Swithin, 64 John, of Britford, 118 Thomas, of Bemerton and" Quidhamp- L, of Milton Lilborne, 82 ton, 113 Wintersall, Thomas, etc., 94 -—-—-, of Great Bedwyn, 12 Wirge, Walter, 8o L, of Southwick, 35 Wise, Wisse, Wyes : Williamson, Wylliamson : Edward, 111 John, 42, 119 Joan,139 Richard‘, 66 Richard, 111 Willis, Wyllys : Thomas, of Hampton and Westrop, 97 John, of Devizes, 91 L, of Tilshead, 111 L, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, Witcombe, William, 139 75 Wobern, William, 159 Richard. of Ashton Keynes, 1oo Woderowe, John, 29 L, of Winsley, 33 Wodland. See Woodland. L, of Winsley and Limpley Stoke, Wodshawe. See Woodshaw. 75 Wodward. See Woodward. Thomas, 65 Wolridge, Laurence, 91 - Willmote. See Wilmot. Woodard. See Woodward. Willons, Wyllons : Woodcocke, Woodcake, Woodcok : John, of North Bradley, 14o George, 135 L, the elder, of Devizes, 14 Richard, 3 L, the younger, of Devizes, 14 Robert, 61 William, of Devizes, 14 Woode, Thomas, 71 L, of Urchfont, 13 Woodford, Woodforde : Willoughby, Willowghby, Wfllowghbye, George, 5 Wylloughby, Wyllowghby : Nicholas, 129 Christopher, 18, 158 Woodland, Wodland, Woodlande : Edward, 119 Leonard, 55 Henry, 158 Richard, 57 Isabel, 158 William, of Chippenham, 27 John,12o L, of Corsham, 58 William, 118 Woodlok, Thomas, 39 Willow, Wyllowes : Woodman : Roger, 85 John, 59 William, 154 Thomas, 6o Willson. See Wilson. William, 58 Wilmot, Willmote, Wylmotte: Woodrofi, Woodroof : Edmund, 23, 1o4 Henry, 106 William, 159 Joan,51 Wilshire, Wilshere, Wilteshere, Wilteshr, John, of Blackland, 46 Wylsher, Wylshere : L, of Calne, 45 James, 33 Richard, of Beechingstoke, 84 .l°h11- 75 L, of Coate, 89 Richard, 57 Robert, of Garsdon, 51 Thomas, of Lackham, 28 L, of Manningford Bruce, 85 L, of Studley, 47 Woodshaw, Wodshawe : L, of Wick and Nursteed, 89 Roger, 24 Wilson, Willson : Thomas, 39 Dorothy, 139 Woodward, Wodward, Woodard : Robert, 66 Agnes. See Smyth. 222 INDEX OF PERSONS

Woodward etc.—¢:ontd. Wylkens, Wylkins, Wylkynes, Wylkyns. John,25 See Wilkins. William, ioo Wylliames. See. Williams. Woolfreys, John, 138 Wylliamson. See Williamson. Worden (or Hunewell), John, 131 Wyllons. See Willons. Workeman, William, 83 Wyl1oughby,Wyllowghby. See Worth, Wort, Worte, Wortte : Willoughby. Edith, 129 Wyllowes. See Willow. George, 3o Wyllys. See Willis. Richard, 129 Wylmotte. See Wilmot. Robert, 6 Wylsher, Wylshere. See Wilshire. Thomas, 111 Wylton. See Wilton. William, 5 Wyman, John, 49 Wotton : Wymbledon, Wymbleton. See Charles, 63 Wimbleton. ‘ Magister._', of Salisbury, 4o Wynckworth, Wynckworthe : Wrastley, Wrastlye : - Aldhelm, 51 Richard, 64 Thomas, 5o Thomas, 118 Wyndell, Thomas, 29 Wren, Renne, Wrenne : Wyndover : Henry, 25 Edmund, 67 John, 11 Robert, 39 Nicholas, 102 Wyne, Thomas, 25 Richard, 92 Wynscome, Thomas, 73 Thomas, :24 Wynslowe, Windslowe : William, 11 Edward, 9o Wrenche, William, 137 Roger, 34 Wrighte, Wryte : Wynstoucke, Henry, 4 Christian, 85 Wynter. See Winter. John, 92 Wyott. See Wyatt. Ralph, ioo Wythers : Roger, 70 John,89 Wrotesley : Robert, 121 J91-n. 55 Thomas, 89 Wrotesley, Rotslye : Wyltes, William, 50 Henry, 38 John,55 Wroughton, Wroughtun : Yate : John,21 James, 22, 101 Thomas, of Wilcot, knight, commis- John,1o1 sioner, 78, 87, 108 Thomas, 24 William, of Broad Hinton, knight, William, 97 commissioner, 23, 160(2) Yeallowe, Yelowes : Wryte. See Wrighte. John, 155 Wulf, Thomas, 65 William, 136 Wurwood, Henry, 67 Yearberye, Yearburye. See Yerbery. Wyatt, Wiat, Wyat, Wyet, Wyott : Yelowes. See Yeallowe. Brian, 83 Yelwey, Robert, 141 Edward, 158 Yerbery, Yearberye, Yearburye : Joan, 82 John, of Bradford-on-Avon, 73 John, 18 L, of Warminster, I49 Richard, of Easton, 82 William, 76 L, of West Overton, 23 Yerle, Agnes, 3o William, of Milton, 12 Yles, Jeflrey, 101 L, of North Newnton, 86 Yngood, Austin, 11 Wyckham. See Wickame. Yngram, William, 2 Wyddon, William, 73 Yokisall, William, 25 Wye : Yong, Yonge. See Younge. Elizabeth, 49 Yonger, John, 48 William, of Kemble, 30 York, Yorke : L, of Kemble and Ewen, 49 John, of Fisherton Anger, 7 Wyes. See Wise. L, of Lydiard Millicent, 94 Wyet. See Wyatt. Yorte, Simon, 9o Wyggley, William, 121 Younge, Yong, Yonge, Yowng: Wykes. See Weekes. Clement, 25 Wylcockes, Wylcox. See Wilcox. Eleanor, 54 22 INDEX OF PERSONS

Y°‘[n86. ¢li¢;—~60‘fi3d- _ Yrelond, Harry, 6 Sir Henry, parson of Broughton Gifford, Yukes’ John, 43 33 John, of Durnford, 131 Yvie. Yvoi --_--., of Odstock and Harnham, E531; John, of Fosbury and Tidcombe, 8o and west, 43 -——-—, of Great Wishford, 7 Richard, of Buckhurst, 134 Tl10IJ1£l-‘I. 30 —-—-—-, of Warminster, 149 Robert, 109 Thomas, of Great Wishford, 11o —-———, of Kington Langley, 56 ———-—-, of Preshute, 104 of Buckhurst, etc., 3 Zouche, Zowche, Zuche: ——-—, of Chippenham, 55 Edward, 128 ——-—-, of Malmesbury, 48 John, of Ansty, 18 --—--, of Ogbourne St. George, 1o2 -——-—, L, lmight, commissioner, L, of Salisbury, 65 138(2), 152, 159


This index is to all intents and purposes a list of inhabited places in Tudor Wiltshire. It has been compiled with special reliance on The Place-Names of Wiltshire, ed. J. E. B. Gover, A. Mawer and F. M. Stenton, English Place-Name Society, XVI (1939), though by no means all the names enumerated in the text of the two rolls printed above figure in this volume. As far as possible, each place has been refeired to its modern spelling, and an effort has been made to set it in relation to a parish or, in one or two instances, a hundred, if not itself one or the other. Very few names have completely defied identification. Page-headings are not indexed.

Abbotstone, Abbateston, Abettston [in Atworth, Atworthe, 33, 75 Whiteparish], 6, 115 Avebury, Abery, 23, 103 Abery. Sea Avebury. Avenesfee [unidentified], 149 Abettston. See Abbotstone. Awlton. Sea Alton. Ablington, Ablyngton [in Figheldean], 2 Axford [in Ramsbury], 26 Aishton Gyflord. See Ashton Gifiard. Aysleye. Sea Ashley. Alborne. See Aldbourne. Ayssheton Gifford. Sea Ashton Gifiard. Alcanninges. See Cannings, All. Aldbourne, Alborne, Aldebourne, 22, ioi Alderbury, Alderburye, Alwarburye, Alwardburye, 5, 127 Backhampton. Sea Beckhampton. L, hundred of, 5, 109, 127 Badbury, Badburye [in Chisledon], 21, Alderstone, Alderston [in Whiteparish], 1o5, 16o 114 Bakenton. See Beckhampton. Alderton, Aldrindton, Aldrington, 27, 61 Bapton [in Fisherton de la Mere], 36, 146 Aldyngton, Alington. Sea Allington Barford St. Martin, Barford, Barforde Ste. Alisbury. See Zeals Ailesbury. Martyn, 42, 118 Allcannynges. See Cannings, All. Bark.’ See Berkshire. Allington, Aldy-ngton [in Amesbury hun- Barwicke Bassette. See Berwick Bassett. dred], 2, 131 Barwicke St. John. See Berwick-St. John. Allington, Alington [in Swanborough hun- Barwike Ste. James. See Berwick St. dred], 13, 82 James. I Allington, Alington [in Chippenham], 27, Barwike St. Leonerd. See Berwick St. 55 Leonard. Allveston. See Alvediston. Bathampton [in Langford], 36, 143 Alton, Awlton [in Figheldean], 2, 131 Baverstock, Baverstocke, 12o Alton Barnes, Alton Barnardes, 14, 83 Bayclifi, Bayclifie [in Horningsham], 144 Alton Priors, Alton, 124 Baydon, 26, 93 Alvediston, Allveston, Alvedston, 43, 137 Bayly [un£dentified, possibly in Hawk- Alwagburye, Alwardburye. See Alder- ridge, in Heywood, and Leigh, in ury. - Westbury], 34 Amesbury, Ambresburye, Ambrosburie, Baynton [in Edington], 141 Ambroseburye, GreateAmbroseburye, Beaches, Beache, Beche [now in Woking- Grete Ambresbury, 1, 130 ham, co. Berks], 3, 134 L, West, West Ambresburye [in Beanacre, Bennaker, Bynaker [in Melks- Amesbury], 1 ' ham], 15, 68 L, hundred of, 1, 109, 130 Beche. See Beaches. Ansty, Anstie, 18, 152 Bechingstok, Bechingstoke. See Beech- Asheton, West. See Ashton, West. ingstoke. Ashley, Aysleye [now co. Glos.], 29, 51 Backhampton. Backhampton, Bakenton Ashton Gifiard, Aishton Gyfiord, Aysshe- [in Avebury], 22, 103 ton Gifiord, 37, 143 Bedwyn, Great, Bedwyn, Great Bedwin, Ashton Keynes, Asshton Keynes, 25, ioo Westbedwyn, borough of, io (2), 12. Ashton, Steeple, Steple Asshton, Stiple L, parish of, 12, 78 Assheton, 34, 138 Bedwyn, Little, Est Bedwin, Litle Bed- Ashton, West, West Asheton, Westaysh- wyn» 11- 79 ton, 34, 139 Beechingstoke, Bechingstok, Beching- Asserton, Assherton [in Berwick St. stoke. 14, 84 James], 7 Bemerton, 8, 113 Asshton Keynes. See Ashton Keynes. Bennaker. See Beanacre. 22 INDEX OF PLACES

Berkshire, Bark’, commissioners for col- Bretford. See Britford. lecting a subsidy in, 160 Brightson. See Deverill, Brixton. -——-—, person dwelling in, 95n. Brigmerston, Brigmaston, Brykmerston Berwick Bassett, Barwicke Bassette, [in Milston], 2, 132 Berwick Basset, 31, 47 Brinlrworth, Brinkeworth, Brynkworth, Berwick, Coll. Sea Berwick St. Leonard. 30. 48 Berwick St. James, Barwilie Ste. James, Britford, Birteforde, Bretford, 42, 118 Saynt James Berwyke, 7, III Broadleas, Lees [in Roundway], 16 Berwick St. John, Barwicke St. John, Broad Town, Brodetowne, 21 _ Saynt Johannis Berwyke, 43, 135 Brodchawk, Brodechalke. See Chalke, Berwick St. Leonard, Barwike St. Broad. , Leonerd, Coll Berwick, 18, 151 Brodehinton. See Hinton, Broad. Biddesden, Byddesden [in Chute], 2 Brodetowne. See Broad Town. Biddestone, Bydeston, 59 Broke. See Brook. Bincknoll, Bynknall [in Broad Hinton], 21, Brokenborough, Brokenborow, 3o, 51 1o7 Bromham, Bromeham, 15, 9o Birteforde. See Britford. L, hundred or liberty of, 1o, 15, 78, Bishopstone, Bishoppiston [in Downton 90 hundred], 116 Brook, Broke [in Stourton], 19 Bishopstone, Bishopston, Bisshopstone [in Brook, Browke [in Heywood], 72 Ramsbury hundred], 26, 94 Broughton Gifiord, Broughton, Browgh- Bishopstrow, Bisshopstrowe, Busshops- t°1'1. 33. 74 trowe, 36, 138, 148 Browke. See Brook. Bisshopstone. See Bishopstone. Brykmerston. See Brigmerston. Bisshopstrowe. See Bishopstrow. Brymnam. See Bremilham. Blackgrove, Blagrove, Blakgrove, hun- Brynkworth. Sea Brinkworth. dred of, 20, 78, 104, 160 (2) Buckhurst, Bukhurst [now in Wokingham, Blackland [in Calne], 46 co. Berks], 3, 134 Blagrove, Blakgrove, hundred of. See Bulbridge, Bylbrydge [in Wilton], 43 Kingsbridge. Bulford, 2, 133 Blounsdon, Bery. Sea Burytown. Bulkington, Bulkyngton, 15, 69 Blunsdon, 96 Bupton [in Clyfle Pypard], 16, 90 Blunsdon, Broad, Brode Blounsdon [in Burbage, Burbage Savage, 11, 81 Blunsdon], 25 Burbage Sturmy [in Burbage], 11 Blunsdon St. Andrew, Androw Blounsdon, Burcombe, Burcomb, Burcombe Sowthe, 14 North Burcome, 8, 9, 112, 12o Bodenham, Botenham, 117 Burdchawlke. See Chalke, Bower. Boreham, Borame, Burton [in Warmin- Burderop, Burdrope [in Chisledon], 16o ster], 36, 148 Burtchalk. See Chalke, Bower. Boscombe, Borscombe, 2, 132 Burton [in Bishop’s Cannings], 16 Botenham. See Bodenham. Burton [in Mere], 157 Bourton. See Boreham and Burton. Burton. See also Boreham. Box, Boxe, 28, 58 Burton Hill, Burtonhille [in Malmesbury], Boyton, 37, 142 29. 5° Bradford, Bradfiorde, Bradforde, hundred Burytown, Bery Blounsdon [in Blunsdon], of, 32 (2), 68,72 25 Bradford-on-Avon, Bradford, borough of, Bushton, Busshton [in Clyfie Pypard], 3, 32. 72 122 Bradley, Maiden, Maydenbradley, May- Busshopstrowe. See Bishopstrow. den Bradley, Mayden Bradly, hun- Busshton. See Bushton. dred of, 17, 18 Buttermere, Buttermear, 10, 8o L liberty of, 158 Byddesden. Sea Biddesden. Bradley, North, Northbradley, Northe- Bydeston. See Biddestone. bradly, 34, 140 Bylbrydge. See Bulbridge. Bramshaw, Bremsheawe [now co. Hants], Bynaker. See Beanacre. 121 Bynknall. See Bincknoll. Branch and Dole, Brench and Doll, Brench and Dolles, Brenche and Dolle, hundred of, 7, 109 (2) Cadworth, Cadworthe, hundred of. See Bratton, 34, 72 Cawdon. Bremhill, Bremhille, 28, 45, 58 Calne, borough of, 30, 45 (2) Bremilham, Bremylham, Brymnam [in L, hundred of, 20, 30, 45 (2) Foxley], 30, 51 Calstone Wellington, Calston [in Calne], Bremsheawe. See Bramshaw. 31- 47 Bremylham. See Bremilham. Cannings, Cannynges, hundred of. See Brench, Brenche. See Branch. Potteme. 22 INDEX OF PLACES

Cannings, All, Alcanninges, Allcannynges, Chippenham, Cippenham, borough of, 27, 13, 82 45. 54 Cannings, Bishop's, Canninges Episcopi, L, L, lands of, 54 Cannynges, 16, 88 ' L, hundred of, 20, 27, 45, 54 Castelcomb, Castelcombe. See Combe, Chirton, 13, 83 _ Castle. Chisbury, Chesbury [in Little Bedwyn], 11 Castleton. See Eaton, Castle. Chisenbury, Chesinbery [in Enford], 121 Cauden. See Cawdon. Chisledon, Cheselden, Chesilden, 21, 105 Caulston. See Calstone Wellington. Chitterne, Chittern, Bothe Chittornes, 37, Cawdon and Cadworth, Caudon and Cad- I43 worth, Cawdon and Cadworthe, hun- Chittoe, Cheto, Chittow, 16, 90 dred of, 41, 42, 109, 118 Chittornes, Bothe. See Chitterne. Chaddenwick, Chaddenwith [in Mere], 157 Chittow. See Chittoe. . Chalfield, Great and Little, Chafielde Cholderton, Cholderyngton, Chowldring- Magna, Chalfielde [in Atworth], 32, 74 ton, 2, 132 Chalke, Chawke, Chawlke, hundred of, 41, Choulston, Cholston [in Figheldean], 2 43» 1°9- 135 Chowldrington. See Cholderton. Chalke, Bower, Burdchawlke, Burtchalk, Christian Malford, Christen Malford, 54 Church Tithinge [unidentified in Downton], 44.136 117 Chalke, Broad, Brodchawk, Brodechalke, Chute, 11, 79 43. 135 Chylampton. See Chilhampton. Chantry, Chauntery [in Westbury], 34 Cippenham. See Chippenham. Chapmanslade, Chapnamslade [in Dilton], Clack [in Lyneham], 106 34. 71 ' Clatford [in Preshute], 22 Chardenistrete. See Charnham Street. Clevaricy, Cleve [in Hilmarton], 16, 21, 90 Charelton, Charleton. See Charlton. Cleve Peper, Cleve Pipper. See Clyfle Charleton Strete. See Charnham Street. Pypard.. Charlton, Charelton, Charleton [in Cleverton [in Lea], 52 ], 30, 50 Clyfie Pypard, Cleve Peper, Cleve Pipper, Charlton, Charleton [in Swanborough 21,107 hundred], 13, 85 Coate, Cote [in Bishop's Cannings], 16, 89 Charlton, Charleton [in Donhead St. Cocklebury, Cockleborough [in Langley Ma-FY]. 18. 154 I Burrell], 55 Charlton, Charelton, Charleton [in Stand- Codford St. Ma.ry and St. Peter, Codford, lynch], 44, 117 Bothe Codfordes, 37, 143 Charnham Street, Chardenistrete, Charle- Colerne, Colleriie, 28, 59 ton Strete [now in Hungerford, co. Colingbourne Kingston. See Colling- Berks], 11, 80 bourne Kingston. Chauntery. See Chantry. Colingbourne Valens. See Collingbourne Chawke, Chawlke. See Chalke. Ducis. Chedglow, Chegelow, Chegelowe [in Crud- Collerne. See Colerne. well], 29 Collingbourne Ducis, Collyngborne Ducis, L, hundred of. See Malmesbury. Colyngbourne Duces, 3, 124 Chekelatt. See Chicklade. Collingbourne Kingston, Colingbourne Chekesgrave. See Chicksgrove. Kingston, Collingborne Kingston, 11, Chelworth, Chelwourth [in Cricklade], 24, 79 99. 109*" Collingbourne Valence, Colingbourne Chercot. See Sharcott. Valens, Collingborne Valence [in Cherhill, Cherell, 31, 47 Collingbourne Ducis and Kingston], Chesbury. See Chisbury. II. 79 Cheselden, Chesilden. See Chisledon. Combe, Castle, Castelcomb, Castelcombe, Chesinbery. See Chisenbury. 28, 60 Cheto. See Chittoe. Combyssat, Come Bisset. See Coombe Cheverell, Great, Cheverell Magna, Grete Bissett. Cheverell, 12, 87 Comerwell. See Cumberwell. Cheverell, Little, Littell Cheverell, Compton [in Enford], 122, 131 Cheverell Parva, 12, 86 Compton Bassett, 31, 46 Chickisgrove. See Chicksgrove. Compton Chamberlayne, Compton Chicklade, Chekelatt, 151 Chamberlayen, Compton Chamber- Chicksgrove, Chekesgrave, Chickisgrove 11Yfl. 41. 156 [in East Tisbury], 18 Conock, Conk [in Chirton], 13 Chilhampton, Chylampton [in South Coombe Bissett, Combyssat, Come Bisset, Newton], 7. 42, 118 Chilmark, 18, 151 Corsley, Great Corseley, Grete Corsley, Chilton Foliat, Chilton, 12, 81 Litell Corseley, 36, 147 (2) 22 INDEX OF PLACES

Corsham, Coshain, Cossham, liberty of, 28, Ditchampton, Dichampton, Dychampton 45(3). 51 _ [in Wilton], 8, 9, 112 Corston, Coston [m Malmesbury], 52 Dognell, Doggenhell [in Donhead], 18, 153 Corton [in Blfilyton], 37, 142 Doll, Dolle, Dolles, hundred of. Sea Corton [in ' marton], 21 Branch. Cosham, Cossham. Sea Corsham. Donny-ngton. See Dinton. Coston. See Corston. Donworthe. See Dunworth. Cote. See Coate. Dorington. See Duri-ington. Coulston, East and West, Cowlston, Downton, 41 Culleston, 35, 141 ' L, borough of, 109, 117 Cowesfield, Cowsfilde, Cowsfyld Loveres, L, hundred of, 41, -44, 109, 115 Cowsfyld Storney [in Whiteparish], Downton, East, Est Donnton [in Down- 6 (2), 114 ton]. 44 _ Cowlston. See Coulston, East and West. Draycot Ceme, Dreicot, Dreycott Ceme, Cowsfilde, Cowsfyld Loveres, Cowsfyld 3°. 53 Storne . See Cowesfield. Draycot Fitz Payne, Dreycot [in Wilcot], Cricklade, (lricklad, Crycklade, 24, 100 I3 L, hundred of. See Highworth. Draycot Foliat, Dreycot Folyatt [in Criddlestyle, possibly to be identified with Chiseldon], 20 Crysmundesle [in Fordingbridge, co. Dulton. See Dilton. Hants], 5 Dunworth, Donworthe, hundred of, 17 (2), Crockerton, Crokerton [in Longbridge 150 - Deverill], 149 Durnford, Dernford, Greate Durneford, 2, Crofton, Crofiton [in Great Bedwyn], 1 1 130 Crokerton. ' See Crockerton. Durrington, Dorington, Durington, 1, 131 Crudwell, 30, 49 Dychampton. See Ditchampton. Crycklade. See Cricklade. Dylton. See Dilton. Crysmundesle. See Criddlestyle. Culleston. See Coulston, East and West. Easey. Sea Eisey. Cumberford. See Quemerford. Eastcott, Estott [in Urchfont], 13 Cumberwell, Comerwell [in Bradford-on- East End, Est Ende [in Downton], 116 Avon], 32, £3 Easterton, 12 Cummerford. ea Quemerford. Eastmanstreet, Eastmanstreat [in Calne], 46 Damerham, Dameram [now co. Hants], Easton, Eston [in Kinwardstone hundred], 41, 154. 12, 82 L, Damerham sowth parte, Easton, Haystone [in Berwick St. John], Damarham Southe, hundred of, 41 (2) I3. I53 15 Easton, Eston [in Bishop's Cannings], 16 Damerliam, North, hundred of, 20, 26 Easton Grey, Eastongrey. Eston Greye, Dauntsey, Dauntesye, 30, 53 27, 61 Dean, West, Dean, Deane, 5, 128 Easton Piercy, P Eston [in King-ton St. Dernford. See Durnford. Michael], 29 Deverill, Brixton, Brigteston Deverell, Eastridge, Estridge [in Ramsbury], 26 Brightson, 36, 144 Eastrop, Estrop, Estrope [in Highworth], Deverill, Hill, Hildeverell, Huldeverell, 14. 97 35. I44 Eaton, Castle, Castleton, 23, 95 Deverill, Kingston, Kingeston Deverell, Eaton, Water, Water Yetton [in Latton], Kingston Deverell, Kyngston 2 Deverell, 2, 18, 133 Ebbesloorne Wake, Eblesbourne Wake, 43, Deverill Longbridge, Deverell Langbrydg, 137 Deverell Langbrydge, 42, 149 Echilhampton. See Etchilhampton. L, liberty of, 149 Edington, Edyngton, 140 Deverill, Monkton, Mounttown Deverell, Edmaston. See Idmiston. Munkton Deverell, 42, 150 Edyngton. See Edington. Deverill, Kingston, Kingeston Deverell, Eisey, Easey, Esye [in Latton], 24, 98 Kyngston Deverell, 2, 18, 133 Elcombe [in Wroughton], 105 Devizes, Devisez, borough of, of the, 10, Elstob. See Elstub. 14, 78, 91 Elston [in Orcheston St. George], 112 L, parish of St. John, 14 Elstub and Everleigh, Elstubbe and L, parish of St. Mary, 14 Everleighe, Everley and Elstob, hun- Dichhampton. See Ditchampton. dred of, 3, 109, 121 Diddenham [now in Shinfield, co. Berks], Enford, Endforde, 3, 121 (3), 122 (2) I35 Erlestoke, 70 Dilton, Dulton, Dylton, 34, 71 Est Ende. See East End. Dinton, Donnyngton, 35, 145 Esterton. See Easterton. 22 INDEX OF PLACES

Estgrafton. Sn Grafton. Gomeldon, Gommyldon, Gomoldon [in Eston. See Easton and Easton Piercy. Idmiston], 5, 129 ' Eston Greye. See Easton Grey. Grafton, Estgrafton, Westgraiton, 12 (2) Estott. See Eastcott. Greenhill, Grenehill [in Wootton Bassett], Estridge. Sea Eastiidge. 21 Estrop, Estrope. See Eastrop. Grettleton. Sea Grittleton. Esye. Sea Eisey. Grimstead, East and West, Grlmsteade, Etchilharnpton, Echilhampton, 84 Est Grymsted, West Grymsted, 5, 6, Everleigh, Everleighe, Everley, 3, 123 128 (2) --—-, hundred of. See Elstub. Gritilton. See Grittleton. Ewen [in Kemble], 49 Grittenham, Gryttonham [in Brinkworth], 8 Falleston. See Faulston. Grittleton, Grettleton, Gritilton, 26, 56 Farliiigh, Monkton, Monckton Farley, Groundwell, Grounwell [in Blunsdon], 95 ounckton Farlye, 33, 75 Grymsted, Est, West. Sue Grimstead, Farley, Farleyghe, 5, 128 East and West. Farley Hill, Farleyhill [now in Swallow- Gryttonham. See Grittenham. fioldl. I34 Faulston, Falleston [in BiSl10pst011e, Downton hundred], 44. 116 Hakeridge. See Hawkeridge. Fiffede. See Fyfield. Ham, Hamme, 3, 122 Fiflehed. See Fifield Bavant Hamptworth [in Redlynch], '44 Fiflielde. See Fyfield. Hankerton, 30, 50 Fifield [in Enford], 121 Hannington, Hannyngdon, 23, 95 Fifield Bavant, Fiflehed [in Ebbesborne Hardenhuish, Hardenhuishe near Chippen- Woke]. I37 ham. 55 Figheldean, Fiheldeane, Fykledon, 2, 135 Harnham, East and West, Harnam, Easte Fisherton Anger, Fyssherton Awger [in Harnam, West Harnam, 42,118, 119 Salisbury], 7, 113 Hartham [in Corsham], 59 Fisherton de la Mere, Fissherton, Fissher- Hatch, Hatche [in West Tisbury], 17, 153 ton Dalamere, 6, 146 Hawkeridge, Hakeridge, Hawkrydge [in Fittleton, Fittelton, Féytelton, 3, 125 Heywood], 34, 72 Flamston, Flambeston, Flamston [in Haxton [in Fittleton], 3 Bishopstone, Downton hundred], 44, Haydon, Heydon [in Rodbourne Cheney], 116 25. 94 Fofiont. See Fovant. Hayewoode. See Heywood. Foghamshire, Foghamshere [in Chippen- Haystone. See Easton. ham]. 55 Haytresbury, Est Tething of, Haytres- Folly, Foly [in Roundway], 16 bury, Weste Tething of. See Heytes- Fonthill Bishops, Bisshops Fowntell, bury. Bysshoppe Fowntell, Fontyl Epis- Heale [in Woodford], 6 copi, 44, 159 Heddington, Hedington, 31, 46 L, liberty of, 158 Heele. See Heale. F0nthi11GiflEord, F0wnte11Giflord, Funtell Helmerton. See Hilmarton. Gifiord, 18, 151 Henton. See Hinton. Ford [in Laverstock], 6 (2) Hesperton. See Hilperton. Fosbury, Fostbury [in Tidcombe], 11, 80 Hewishe. See Huish. Fovant, Fofiont, Fovente, 42, 119 Heydon. See Haydon. Fowntell Gifiord. Sea Fonthill Gifiord. Heytesbury, Est Tething of Haytresbury, Foxham [in Bremhill], 27, 58 Weste Tethinlgl of Haytresbury, Foxley, Voxley, 29, 53 Haytresburye, eytresbery, Heytres- Froirfield, Froicfeild, Froicfeld, 10, 80 burrs. 37. 141 (1) Frustfield, Frustfild, Frustfilde, Frustfyld, —---,-hundred of, 32, 36, 141 hundred of, 6, 109, 114 Heywood, Hayewode, 72 Funtell Gifiord. See Fonthill Gifiord. Highway [in Hilmarton], 16, 90 Fyfield, Fiffielde, Fyfeld juxta Marlburg Highworth, Highwourth, Hiwourth, Hy- [in Selkley hundred], 4, 123 worth. 14. 97 Fyfield, Fiflede [in Milton Lilborne], 12 Highworth, Cricklade and Staple, High- Fykledon. See Figheldean. wourth, Crycklade and Staple, Hy- Fyssherton Awger. See Fisherton Anger. worth, Cricklad and Staple, Hyworth, Fytelton. See Fittleton. Crycklade and Staple, hundred or hundreds of, 20, 23, 78, 94 Hilmarton, Helrnerton, 22, 107 Garsdon, Garsedon, Garysdon, 30, 51 Hilperton, Hesperton, Hylperton, 15, 69 , Gloc’, person dwelling in, Hindon, Hyndon, borough of, 44, 159 35 L, liberty of, 158 22 INDEX OF PLACES

Hinton, Henton [now in Hurst, co. Berks], Knoyle, East, Knoyl E is-co i, , 1 8 3 L (with Bishop's %‘onthill4ind5Hin- Hinton, Broad, Brodehinton, Brode Hen- don), liberty of, 158 ton, 23, 102, 133 Knoyle, West, West Knoell, Knoyle Hinton, Great, Henton, 139 Odiern, 18, 158 Hinton, Little, Littell Hinton, Ly-tle Kyngbridge, Kyngesbrydge, Kyngys- 1-_ Hynton, 3, 123_ brydge. See Kingsbridge. Hinton Hatche, Hinton Hatch [now in Kynwarston. Sea Kinwardstone. Hurst, co. Berks], 134 Hinton Odes. See Odes. Lackham, Lacham, Lakeham [in Lacock], Hinton Pipard, Hinton Piper, Pyperd [now 15. 57 in Hurst, co. Berks], 3, 134 Lacock, Lacocke, 28, 57 Hiwourth. See Highworth. Lake [in Wilsford], 6, 126 Hodson [in Chisledon], 105 La.keham. See Lackham. Holt, Holte, 33, 74 Landford, Lanford, Lanforde, 6, 115 Homington, Homyngton, Hummington, Langeforde. See Longford. 42,120 Langeley Burell. See Langley Burrell. Homingsham, Hornyngesham, 36, 144 Langford, Hanging, Hanging9aLangforde, Horton [in Bishop's Cannings], 16, 89 Hangyng Langford [in ngford], 7, Huish, Hewishe, Huysshe, 13, 87 112 Hullavington, 29, 54 Langford, Little, Litle Langforde, 112 Huldeverell. See Deverill, Hill. Langford, Steeple, Steple Langforde, Hummington. _ See Homington. Styple Langford, 8, 113 Huysshe. See Huish. Langford. See also Longford. Hylperton. See Hilperton. Langley, Kington, Northlangley, 26, 56 Hyndon. See Hindon. Langley Burrell, Langley Burall, Langeley Hynton, Lytle. See Hinton, Little. Burell, 28, 56 Hyworth. See Highworth. Latton, 24, 99 Laverstock, Laverstocke, Laverstoke, 6, Idmiston, Edmaston, Idmest0n,_6, 129 127 Iford, Yford [in Westwood], 4 Lavington, Market, East Lavington, Imber, 12, 37. 86, 144 Stepullavington, 13, 87 Inglesham, 96 Lavington, West, Lavington, Westlaving- ton, 16, 88 Lea, Lee, The Leye, 29, 52 Keevil, Kevell, 35, 140 Lee. See Lea and also Leigh. , Keyleweyes, 55 Lees. See Broadleas. Kemble, Kemyll [now co. Glos.], 30, 49 Leigh, Lee, Lye [in Cricklade hundred], Kennet [unidentified], 22 25, 98 Kennett, East, Est Kinnet, 103 Leigh, Lye, Lyghe [in Bradford-on- Kennett, West, West Kinnet [in Avebury], _ Avon]. 33. 73 _ 103 Leigh Delamere, Lighe, Lighe Dalamor, Kepnal, Kepenell, 11 27, 61 Kevell. See Keevil. Leye, The. See Lea. Keyleweyes. See-Kellaways. Liddiarde Tregose. See Lydiard Tregoze. Kingeswood. See Kingswood. Liddington, Ludington, 22, 104 I Kingsbridge, Blackgrove and Thornhill, Lideard Milicent. See Lydiard Millicent. Kingbridge, Blackgrove and Thorn- Lideard Tregose. See Lydiard Tregoze. hill, Kingsbridge, Blagrove and Lighe, Lighe Dalamor. See Leigh Dela- Thornehill, Kyrigbridgo, Ky-ngys- mere. bridge, Blagrove and Thornhill, Lishell. See Lus Hill. Kyngesbrydge, Blakgrove and Litelton. See Littleton. » Thomhyll, hundred of, 20 (2), 78, 104, Littelton Drew. See Littleton Drew. 160 (2) Littleton, Litelton, Littelton [in Seming- Kingswood, Kingeswood, Kingswod [now ton]. 35. I39 co. Glos.], 62 L. See also Littleton Pannell. L, liberty of, 28 Littleton Drew, Littletondrew, Littelton Kington St. Michael, Kington, Mighels Drew, 27, 60 Kynton, 26, 56 Littleton Pannell [in West Lavington], Kington, West, Westekington, 27, 60 Littleton, 12, 84 Kinnet, Est and West. Sn Kennett. Lockeridge, Lokeridge [in West Overton], Kinwardstone, Kynwarston, hundred of, 22 1° (1)- 73 (1) Lokington. See Luckington. Knighton [in Broad Chalke], 136 London, 1, 5 Knoell, West. See Knoyle, West. L, Whitehall,. Whitehaule in, letter , Knooke, 142 dated at, 162 230 INDEX OF PLACES

Longford, Langeforde, Langford [i.n Brit- Melksham, Melkesham, 15, 68 ford], 42, 121 L, hundred of, 1o, 15, 68 (2) Luckington, Lokington, Luckenton, 27, Melston. See Milston. 61 Mere, Meere, 19, 156 Ludgershall, Ludgarshall, Lurgasawlle, L, hundred of, 17, I8, I56 Lurgateshall, 2 Mere Woodland. See Woodlands. L borough of, 109, 132 Merleburg’. See Marlborough. Ludington. See Liddington. Merston. See Marston. Lurgasawlle, Lurgateshall. See Ludger- Mertene. See Martin. shall. ' Midgehall, Mogeall [in Lydiard Tregoze], 2 1 Lus Hill, Lishell, Lusshull [in Castle Milbourne, Mylbourne, Mylboume [in Eaton], 23, 95 Malmesbury], 29, 50 Lydiard Millicent, Lideard Milicent, Mildenhall, Mildnhall, Mydnall, 22, 101 Lydyard Mylcent, 24, 94 - Milford, Milforde [in Laverstock], I27 Lydiard Tregoze, Liddiarde Tregose, M.ilston, Melston, Millston, 2, 132 Lideard Tregose, Lydyarde Treigose, Milton [in East Knoyle], 159 21,96n,1o8_ Milton Lilborne, Milton Lilbon, Mylton, Lye, Lyghe. See Leigh and also West- 12, 81 bury Leigh. Mogeall. See Midgehall. Lyneham, 21, 106 Monckton. See Winterboume Monkton. Lynt, Lynte [in Inglesham], 96 Monkton, Mouncketon [in Broughton Gifiord], 74 Maddington, Madyngton, 8, 111 Monkton, Mounckton [in Chippenham], 55 Malmesbury, Malmesburie, Malmesburye, Moredon, Morden, Mordon [in Rodbourne Malsburye, borough of, 29, 45, 48 Cheney], 25, 94 L, L, lands of, 48 Mouncketon, Mounckton. See Monkton. Malmesbury, Chedglow and Startley, Mownton. See Manton. Malmesbury, Chedgelowe and Stork- Mustede. See Nursteed. ley or Malsburge, Chegelowe, Sterteley Mydnall. See Mildenhall. [and] Malmesbury, Malmesburie, hun- Mylbourn, Mylbourne. See Milbourne. dred of, 20, 29, 45, 48 Mylton. See Milton Lilborne. Manningford Abbots,Maningford Abbottes, Man ngford Abbotes, 14, 84 Netherampton. See Netherhampton. Manningi'ord Bohun,Manyngford Bowrides, Netheravon, Netherhaven, 4, I25 14 Netherhampton, Netherampton, Neth- Manningford Bruce, Maningford Bruce, rington, 43, 120 Manyngford Bruys, 14, 85 Netherhaven. See Netheravon. Manton, Mownton [in Preshute], 22, 103 Netherington. See Netherhampton. Manyngford Abbotes. See Maningford Nettleton, Nettilton, 26, 56 Abbots. Newename. See Newnham. Manyngford Bowndes. See Manningford Newenton. See Newnton, Long. Bohun. Newnham, Newename [in Sutton Veny], Manyngford Bruys. See Manningford I46 Bruce. Newnton, Long, Newenton [now co. Glos.], Marden, 84 19. 54 Marlborough, Marleborough, Marlebrogh, Newnton, North, Newnton, 14, 86 Marleborugh, Marlebrough, Marle- Newton, South, Sowth Newton, 7, 109 burgh, Merleburg, borough, hundred Newton Tony, Newton Tonye, 2, I30 or parish of, 20, 25, 78, 91 Norige. See Norridge. L, L, lands of, 92 Normanton [in Wilsford], 2 L, bishop sufiragan of. See Morley, Norridge, Norige [in Upton Scudamore], T. 35» I47 L, letter dated at, 160 Northebradly, Northbradley. See Brad- Marston, Merston [in Potterne], 16, 88 ley, North. Marston, South, Southmarston, Sowth Northlangley. See Langley, Kington. Marston, 24, 96 Northwraxall. See Wraxall, North. Marston Meysey, Marston Mesey, Maston Norton, 29, 53 Maysye, 24, 97 Norton Bavant, Norton Bavent, 36, 146 Marten [in Grafton], 11 Nourthwrexall. See Wraarall, North. Martin, Martyn, Mertene [now co. Hants], Nunton, 44, 117 41» I55 Nursteed, Mustede [in Roundway], 89 Maston Maysye. '.S‘ee Marston Meysey. Maydenbradley. See Bradley, Maiden. Oaksey, Okesey, Oxseye, 29, 51 Medbourne, Melbourne [in Liddington], 21 Oare, Ore [in Wilcot], 13 Meere. See Mere. Odes, Hinton Odes [now in Hurst, co. Melbourne. -Sea Medbourne. Berks], 136 231 INDEX OF PLACES

Odstock, Odstocke, Odstok, 42, 49 Richardson, Richardstone [in Winter- Oficote. See Uflcott. bourne Bassett], 22 Ogbourne Maizey, Ogborne Meysey, Og- Ridge, Rudge, Ruyge [in Chilmark], 18, bourne Mesye [in Ogbourne St. 152 George], 22, 102 Roborough, Roborow Regis, hundred of. Ogbourne St. Andrew, Ogborne St. See Swanborough. Andros, Ogbourne Andros, 23, 102 Robston. See Rabson. Ogbourne St. George, Ogborne St. George, Rockley, Rokeleye, 22, 101 Ogborne Saynt George, 23, 102 Rodborne. See Rodbourne Cheney. Okesey. See Oaksey. Rodbourne [in Malmesbury], 52 Orcheston St. George, Orcheston George, Rodbourne Cheney, Rodborne, Rode- Orston George, 37, 144 bourne, 25, 94 Orcheston St. Mary, Orcheston Marye, 7, Rokeleye. See Rockley. 113 Rokeridge. See Lockeridge. Ore. See Oare. Roundway, Rundwey, 16 Orston George. See Orcheston St. George. Rowborough Regis, hundred of. See- Overstratton. See Stratton, Upper. Swanborough. Overton, East, Easte Overton [in West Rowde, 15, 90 Overton], I23 L, hundred or liberty of, 10, 15, 78,. Overton, West, Overton, Westoverton, 4, 90 . 23, 104 Rowden, Rowdon [in Chippenham], 27 Oxenwood [formerly co. Berks, now in Rowley, Rowelye [in Winkfield], 33, 73 Shalbourne, co. Wilts], 11 Rudge. See Ridge. Oxseye. See Oaksey. Rudge Mead, Rudges [in Potteme], 16 Rundwey. See Roundway. Park Town, Parke Towne [in Ramsbury], 26 Rushall, Russall, 13, 85 Patney, 125 Ruyge. See Ridge. Penleigh, Penley, Penlye [in Dilton], 34, 72 Pensworth [in Redlynch], 44 Salisbury, Nova Sar’, Sar’, city, 38 (3), 63 : Pertwood, Pertwourth [in East Knoyle], 36, bishop of. See Capon, J. ; Guest, E. I48 cathedral church of St. Mary in, close Pewsey, Downe Pewsey, 11, 82 of, 40 ' Pinkney, Sherston Pinge [in Sherston], 27 L, subdean of, 40 Pitton. See Purton. -L, succentor of, 40 Pitton, Pytten, Pytton, 5, 128 mayor of. See Shingeton, R.; Short, Plaitford, Plaitforde, Playtford, 5, 127 T. Pollshott, Polshotte. See Poulshot. wards of : Poole Keynes, Poole [now co. Glos.], 49 Market, warda fori, 38, 65 Porton [in Idmiston], 5, 129 Meadow, Meade, warda prati, 40, 67 Potterne, Pottorn, Pottorne, 16, 88 New Street, Newstreate, warda Potterne and Cannings, Pottern and Can- novi vici, 39. 63 nynges, Potteme and Canninges, St. Martin’s, warda de Martyn, 39, Potterne and Cannynges, hundred of, 66 Io, 16, 78, 88 Salthrop, Saltrope [in Wroughton], ya) Potterne Wick, Weke [in Potterne], 16 Schawe. See Shaw. Pottorne. See Potterne. Seagry, Segre, 29, 5 3. Poulshot, Pollsholt, Polshotte, 15, 70 Sealls. See Zeals. Poulton, Pullton [now co. Glos.], 24 Seasclevedon. See Zeals . Preshute, Preshet, Preshewt, 22, 104 Sedgehill, Sedgell, 150 Preston [in Lyneham], 106 Seend, Sende, Shend, 15, 69 Pullton. See Poulton. Seend Row, Sende Rowe, Shend Row [in Purton, Pirton, 24, 98 Seend], 15 Pyperd. See Hinton Pipard. Segre. See Seagry. Pytten, Pytton. See Pitton. Selkley, Selkleye, Selkeley, hundred of, 20, 22,78,101 Semington, Semyngton, 35, 139. See also Queinerford, Cumberford, Cummerford, Sevenhampton. _ [in Calne], 30, 47 _ Semley, Semleigh, 43, 137 Quidhampton, Quidhamton, Qwyrampton Semyngton. See Semington. [in Bemerton], 7, 113 Sende, Sende Row. See Seend, Seend Row. Rabson, Robston [in Winterbourne Bas- Sevenhampton, Semington, Sevenhamton sett], 22 [in Highworth], 24, 96 Ramsbury, Ramesbury, Rammesbury, Shalbourne, Shalborne, 10, 80 Rammesburye, 26, 93 Sharcott, Chercot [in PewseY]. I1 L, hundred of, 20, 26, 78, 93 Sharston Magna. See Sherston. INDEX OF PLACES .

Shaw, Schawe [in Melksham], 69 Sterteley. See Startley. Sheepbridge, Great, Shipridge, Shypet- Stock Street, Stocke, Stoke [in Calne], 3o, ynge, Greate, Grete [now .in Swallow- 46 field, co. Berks], 3, 134 Stocke. See Stock Street. Sheepbridge, Little, Shipridge, Shyper- Stockley [in Calne], 47 ynge, Littell, Lytel [now in Swallow- Stockton, Stowkton, 3, 124 field, co. Berks], 3, 134 Stodefelde. See Studfold. Sheldon, Shildon [in Chippenham], 55 Stodeley. See Studley. Shend, Shend Row. See Seend, Seend Stoke. See Stoke, Limpley and also Stock Row. Street. , Sherington, Sheryngdon, B, Stoke Farthing, Stokeverden, Stoke War- 1 12 den [in Broad Chalke], 43, 136 Shereveton. See Shrewton. Stoke, Limpley, Stoke, 75 Sherston, Sharston Magna, Sheyston Stourton, 19, 157 Magna, 28, 61 Stowell [in Wilcot], I24 Sherston Pinge. See Pinkney. Stowkton. See Stockton. Sheryngdon. See Sherrington. Stratford Common, Stratforde Common Sheyston Magna. See Sherston. [in Stratford-sub-Castle], 126 Shildon. See Sheldon. Stratford Deane, Stratforde Deane, Strot- Shipfidge, Great, Little. See Sheepbridge. ford Dean [in Stratford-sub-Castle], Shrewton, Shereveton, 7, 11o 4, I26 Shyperynges, Grete and Lytle. See Stratford-sub-Castle, Strotford, 6 Sheepbridge. Stratford Tony, Stratford Tonye, Slaughter-ford, Slaghtonforde, Slaughter- Stratforde Tonye, 43-, 119 forde, 27, 58 Stratforde Common. See Stratford Com- Smallbrook, Smalbroke, Smallbroke [in mon. Warminster], 36, 148 Stratforde Deane. See Stratford Deane. Somerford, Great, Brode Somerford, Stratton St. Margaret, Stratton, Neyther Somerford Maderiar, 29, 49 Straton, 23, 95 Someriord Keynes, Somer-lorde Keynes, Stratton, Upper, Overstratton [in Stratton Sumerford Keynes, 25, 99 St. Margaret], 23 Somerford, Little, Someriord Mawdit, Strotford. See Stratford-sub-Castle. Summerford Parva, 29, 51 Strotford Dean. See Stratford Deane. Sopworth, Sopewourth, Soppworthe, 27, Studfold, Stodefelde, hundred of. Sea 61 Swanborough. Southcott, Sowthcot [in Pewsey], 11 Studley, Stodeley [in Calne], 30, 47 Southmarston. See Marston, South. Studley, Studlye [in Trowbridge], 76 Southwick, Southe Wike, Sowthwick, 35, Sumerford Keynes. See Somerford 14o Keynes. Sowthcot. Sea Southcott. Summerford Parva. Sea Somerford, Sowthurton. Sac Sunton. Little. Sowthwick. Soc Southwick. Sunton, Sowthurton [in Collingbourne Standen [in Chute], Bo Kingston], 11, 79 Standen, North, Stanton [now in Hunger- Surrendell, Surrendon, Surrendyne [in ford, co Berks], 1o Hullavington], 27, 61 Stanley [in Bremhill], 27, 55 Sutton Benger, Sutton Banger, Sutton- Stanton. See Standen, North, also Stan- benger, 3o, 52 ton St. Bernard. Sutton, Great. See Sutton Veny. Stanton Fitzwarren, Staunton, Staunton Sutton, Little, Litell Sutton, Litle Sutton Fewaren, 24, 95 [lost in Sutton Veny], 35, 146 Stanton St. Bernard, Stanton, Stanton Sutton Mandeville, Sutton Manflyld, Barnard, 14, 83 Sutton Manfielde, 42, 121 Stanton St. Quintin, Stanton Quintine, Sutton Veny, Great Sutton, Grete Sutton, Stanton Quynton, 29, 5 3 35.146 Staple [111 Tisbury], 18, 152 Swallowclifie, Swalclii, Swalloclif, 18, 152 -—i-, hundred of. Sea Highworth. Swanborough, Rowborough Reg-is and Stapleford, Stapleforde, 8, 11 1 Studfold, Swanburgh, Roborough Startley, Sterk ey, Sterteley, hundred of. Regis and Stodefelde, hundred of, 1o, Sea Malmesbury. 12, 78, 82 Staunton, Staunton Fewaren. See Stan- Swindon, Swyndon, 21, 1o5 ton Fitzwarren. -——-—, Even [in Swindon], 94 Staverton, 76 Steort. See Stert. Teflont Evias, Tevount Evias, 151 Stepullaving-ton. See Lavington, Market. Tefiont Magna, Teflount, Tevount, 35, 145 Sterkley. See Startley. Teneheld. See Tinhead. Stert, Steort, Sterte, 13, B7 Tetherton Lucas. See Tytherton Lucas. 2 INDEX OF PLACES

Tevount. See Teflont. Weke. See Wick and also Potteme Wick. Thingley [in Corsham], 57 Wellow, Weste, Wellowe [now co. Hants],. Tholveston. See Thoulstone. 132 - Thornhill, Thornehill, Thornhull, Thom- Wendredyche. See Underditch. hyll [in Broad Town], 20 Weseburye. See Westbury. ———, hundred of. See Kingsbridge. Westayshton. See Ashton, West Thoulstone, Tholveston [in Upton Scuda- Westbedwyn,. See Bedwyn, Great. more], 147 Westbury, Weseburye, Westburye Tidcombe, Titcom, Titcombe, 11, 80 borough of, 34, 70, 71 Tidworth, North, Tidwoorthe, Tudworth, —-i, hundred of, 32, 34, 68, 70 2, 131 -—_——, tithing of, 34 Tilshead, _'I‘ideleshed, Tilshed, Tyldeshed, -——-——, town of, 71 Tylsede, 8, 35, 111, 139 Westbury Leigh, Lye, 34, 71 Tinhead, Teneheld, Tynhed [in Edington], Westekington. See Kington, West. 34, I41 Westewoode. See Westwood. Tisbury, East and West, Tisbury, 18, 152 Westgrafton. See Grafton. Titcom, Titcombe. See Tidcombe. Westlavington. See Lavington, West. Tithrington. See Tytherington. Westlecott, Wodelscott [in_ Wroughton], Tockenham, West, Westokenham [in 2o Tockenham], 21 Westminster, parliament held at, 109, 1.38 Tockenham Wick, Tocknam Weke [in Westokenham. Soc Tockenham, West. Tockenham], 106 Westoverton, See Overton, West. Tollard Royal, Tollard, Tollarde, 44, 136 Westport [in Malmesbury], 29 Trobridge. See Trowbridge. Westrop [in Highworth], 24, 97 Troll. Soc Trowle. Westwood, Westewoode, 4, 122 Trowbridge, Trowbrydge, Trowbryge, Whaddon [in Alderbury], 6, 128 Trobridge, liberty of, 32, 33, 68 (2), 76 Whaddon [in Semington], 15, 69 Trowle, Troll [in Bradford-on-Avon], 33, Whelpley, Vlfhelpeley [in Whiteparish], 115 Tudizrgrth. See Tidworth, North. Whetham, Wheteham [in Calne], 31 Twyford [now in Hurst, co. Berks], 3 Whistley [in Potterne], 16 Tydryngton. See Tytherington. Whiteclifi, Whitclif [in Brixton Deverill], Tyldeshed. See Tilshead. 36 Tylsede. See Tilshead. Whiteparish, Wyggtparysshe, 6 Tynhed. Soc Tinhead. _ Whitesburye. See Whitsbury. Tytherington, Tydryngton, Tithrington, VVhiting Diche. See Vvhittonditch. [in Heytesbury], 36, 142 Whitley [in Hill Deverill], 144 Tytherton Lucas, Tetherton Lucas [in Vlfhitley, Whytlye [in Melksham], 15, 69 Chippenham], 28, 55 Whitsbury, Whitesburye, Whytsburye, 42,121 Whittonditch, Whiting Diche [in Rams- Uflicote, Oficote, Uflcot [in Broad Hinton], bury], 26 20, 1o5 Whorwellsdown, Whoorelsdowne, Whor- Underditch, Underdich, Underdyche, welsdowne, Worwelldowne, hundred Wendredyche, hundred of, 6, 109, 126 of. 32. 34- I38 Upavon, Uphaven, Uphavyn, 13, 85 Whytlye. Soc Whitley. Upend [unidentified 1n Sutton Veny], 146 Whytsburye. See Whitsbury. Uphaven, Uphavyn. See Upavon. Wick, Wike, Wyke [in Downton], 44, 115 Upton [in East Knoyle], 159 Wick, Weke [in Roundwfl-Y]. 16, 89 Upton Lovell, 37, 142 Wike, Southe. See Southwick. Upton Scudamore, Upton Skidmore, Wilcot, Wilcote, 13, 87 Upton Skydmour, 36, 147 Wilsford, Willesforde, 13, 86, 126 Urchfont, Urchefont, Urshaunt, 13, 84 Wilton, borough of, 8, 9, 109, 114 Uyle. See Wylye. Wilton [in Grafton], 12 Winsford, Wynneforde, Wynsford [in Valence. See Collingbourne Valence. Donhead St. Andrew], 17, 154 Voxley. See Foxley. Winsley, Wynselye, Wynysley, _33, 75 Winterboume Bassett, Winterborne, Wynterbourn Bassett, 22, 1o3 Walton, Waltom [in Downton], 44 Winterbourne Dauntsey, Winterborne Wanborough, 22, 104 Dawncy, Winterboume Dance, 5, 129 Warminster, War-master, Warmester, Winterbourne Earls, Winterborne Earles, War-mister, Warmyster, 35, 148 Winterbourne Erles, 5, 128 ----, hundred of, 32, 35, 145 Winterbourne Gunner, Winterborne Wedhampton, Wedehampton [in Urch- Gunner alias Shurborowe, Wynter- font], 12 bourne Sherborow, 5, 129 2 INDEX OF PLACES

Winterbourne Monkton, Monckton, 23 Wraxall, South, Southe Wraxeall, Winterbourne Stoke, Wynterborne Wrexall, 33, 75 _ Stooke, Wynterboum Stoke, 7, 11o Wroughton, Wroghton, 3, 123 Winterslow, Winterslowe, Wynterslow, 2, Wycke. See Wyke. 5, I33 - Wyggtparysshe. See Whiteparish. Winterslow, West, Weste Wintersloe [in Wyke, Wycke [in Trowbridge], 76. See Winterslow], 127 also Wick. Wishford, Great, Wishiord Magna, Wysh- Wylye, Uyle, Wylie, 7, 110 ford, 7, 1 1o Wynselye, Wynysley. Soc Winsley. Wishford, Little, Litle Wishford, Lytle Wynneforde, Wynsford. See Winsford. Wysshford [in South Newton], 8, 113 Wynterborne Stooke. See Winterbourne Witcomb, Witcombe [in Hilmarton], 21 Stoke. Wodeborowe. Soc Woodborough. Wynterbourn Bassett. Soc Winterbourne Wodelscott. See Westlecott. Bassett. ' Wodford. See Woodford. Wynterboum Stoke. See Winterbourne Wodrow. See Woodrow. Stoke. Wodshaw. See Woodshaw. Wynterbourne Sherborow. Soc Winter- Woodborough, Wodeborowe, 14, 84 bourne Gunner. Woodford, Greate Woodforde, Littell Wynterslow. See Winterslow. Woodiorde, Wodford,_6, I26 Wyshlord. See Wishford, Great. Woodlands, Woodland, Mere Wodland [in Wysshlord, Lytle. See Wishiord, Little. . Mere], 19, 157 Woodrow, Wodrow [in Melksham], 15 Woodshaw, Wodshaw [in Wootton Yatesbury, Yeatesbury, Yattesburye, 31, Bassett], 21 46 W'ootton Bassett, Wotton Basset, Wot- Yatton Keynell, Yatton Keinyll, 27, 59 ton, borough of, 21, 1o5 Yeatesbury. Soc Yatesbury. Wootton Rivers, Wotton Rivers, 81 Yford. See Iford. Worton, 16, 88 Worwelldowne. See Whorwellsdown. Wotton, Wotton Basset. See Wootton Bassett. ' Zeals, Bothe Sealls, 156 Wraxall, North, Northwraxall, Nourth- Zeals Ailesbury, Alisbury [in Zeals], 19 wrexall, 27, 59 Zeals Clevedon, Seasclevedon [in Zeals], 19


Ashley Lacock Ashton Keynes Langley Burrell Avebury Latton Leigh Delamere Beechjnggtgke Liddington Bishopstone [Ramsbury hundred] T-ifiill"-#11011 Drew Box Luckington Brinkworth Lydiard Millicent Bromham _ Broughton Gifiord Ma-m1m8f°1'd Abb°tB Burton Hill and Easton Piercy Marlborough Chalfield Newnton, Long Cheverell, Great Cheverell, Little Oak"? gfi£'%e:‘ham Poulshot Clyfie Pypard Rowde Codtord . Rowley Collingbourne Kingston Rushall Combe, Castle Corsham Seend Sherston Dauntsey Somerford, Great Deverill, Kingston Someriord Keynes and Leigh Somerford, Little Easterton Sopworth Easton Grey Stanton St. Bernard Eastrop Stanton St. Quintin Eaton, Castle Stratton St. Margaret Eaton, Water and Eisey Sutton Benger Farleigh, Monkton Trowbridge Foxley Upavon Garsdon Upton Lovell Urchfont Hankerton . Hannington Whaddon [Melksham hundred] Hilmarton Wilcot Huish Winterbourne Bassett Hullavington Woodborough Kemble Wraxall, North Kington St. Michael . Kington, West Yatton Keynell

236 INDEX OF SUBJECTS affidavit, for exemption of payment, 1 14n, denizens, 45, 72 13on, 1 31n. Sea also certificate of exonerations : residence. because already charged, 132n, 135n 11-liens. 47. 66 (2). 67 (3). 81. 91. 93 (2). because dead, 36 11611, I36, 156. See also Frenchmen. because dwelling elsewhere in Wiltshire, Arabic numerals, use of, iron 96n, ioon assessments : because dwelling in another county, 35, made by inquisition, ' oflice ’, 104 37, 95n, 112n, 12211. 127n, 133n, rated ‘in purchase ', 47 (4), 48 ([9], 1 34n 49 (3). 5o (9). 51 (1). 52 (11). 53 (4). because poor, 6, 11, 18, 21 (2), 29, 33 (2), 54. 55 (4). 56 (1o). 59 (5). 6o (5) 34.35.4° _ ———- on annual profits, 142, 143 ([4 yl‘a without cause assigned, 12511 144 (1). 147 (_6). 149 (9). 15o. 158 Frenchmen, 143, 146, 152 ———- on annuities, 112, 142(2), 143(5), occupations : 146(4).147(5).14B(5).149(7).151(4). brewer, 38 153(3). 154. 158(3). 159 draper, 25 ———- on copyholds, 142(5), 1541[5 yl‘a glover, 156 157(6). 15 (B) household, the king's, queen's, cofferer ———- on fees, 116, 133 of. See Peckham, E. ———- on freeholds, 142 -—-——, servant in, 133 —-i- on ' goods in lands ', 57 merchants, 63 (2), 64 bonds, recognizances, 62, 63, 77, 108, 109, tanner, 67 159 portage. payments for. 4. 9. 19. 31. 37. 38. certificate of residence, 160. Sea also 43 aflidavit. recognizances. See bonds. commissioners for collecting a. subsidy, instructions to, 161
