Clayton News, 12-01-1922 Suthers & Taylor
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-1-1922 Clayton News, 12-01-1922 Suthers & Taylor Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 12-01-1922." (1922). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. D The CLAYTON NEWS VOLUME FIFTEEN. NUMHEIl FIFTY. Clayton, New $1.50 PER YEAI IN ADVANCE Mexico, December 1, 1922 SUBSCRIPTION nATE Ffnl Inri ON 2) 7 YOUNG WINS CHAMPIONSHIP OF XOHTIIEIIN XKW MEXICO AMI IS ENTITLED MARRIED PEOPLE CLAYTON ISSUES CHALLENGE HOLD SOCIAL MEETING TO PLAY SOUTHERN CHAMPIONS FOR STATU IIONOHS. GEO. H. WADE TO ROSWELL SHIP SUBSIDY BILL, BACKED BY LOCALS MASTERS AT ALL STAGES, HUT HATON The Young Married People's Class Albuquerque, N. M Dec. I. TEAM IS ( ME LOSEH. of tho First Christian Church held Raymond Huff, Claylon, N. M. ADMINISTRATION, PASSES HOUSE their first of regular scheduled From out the great unknown he Clayton and lloswell are about base-me- d monthly social meellngs in the nl From of thn first whis- Clayton 22, Haton 7. came as a blessing, nol, only lo his even on the dope; all other of the Church last evening. own, lo He teams Nov. tle, llio result of the Turkey Day In the fourth, with the ball on but all humanity. walked eliminated. Washington, 29. The admin word and everyone of Iho 201 Re- game Members or the class with a few (he bridge or Hfo Addison S. Moore. shipping bill, which publicans with Halon was never in doubt the rd line in Clayton's posses- that led him into islration around who voted for II got up invited guests wore present, and en- an which, loo, is waged and Clayton cinched her claim to sion. Coble received the ball and eternity unknown, The above wire was received from was the most bitter partisan and cher red. joyed n pleasant evening. hut congress, the championship of northern New ran through a broken field for a which holds out lo moríais (he Mr. Moore, who is president of Ihe fight of the present was Would Chnnuo Name ÍW-- Six of (he men prepared and inviting ray of Hope New passed today by tho bouse wilh 21 Mexico witli a final score of 7. louchdown, and kicked goal. A few that beckons Mexico High School Athletic The house, in Ihe last singe of die served oysters in any style on. (o It would be difficult to pick out moments laler. Tixior hit the line lo: Association, with headquarters in voles spare. The final count was bnllle. defeated an amendment bv Mr. ami Mrs. C. .1. 208 to 181. the men who starred for Clayton. for another louchdown, and Co- Montgomery. Gcorgo II. 'Wade, a prominent Albuquerque, naming the Iwo Representative Lanbam, Texas, Wilh the exception of Clark, every ble kicked goal. The scoring was Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer. business man of Cln.vlon, a tireless strongest teams in the stale. You Sixty-nin- e Republicans broke to give the measure what Mr. man played his position with ease over, and stood .'kt to 7 in favor of and Mrs. F. P. Kilhurn. and conscientious worker in the M. will nolo that Clayton and lloswell away from (heir parly organia-lio- n he declared was Its proper ntuile. and perfection, but Ted seemed to Clayton's Orange and Ulack. Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Kdmondun. E. Church, a living monument, lo are nboul lied on points made, and and opposed Ihe bill, while four Mr. Lniibam wauled lo chang" ihe have an off-da- y, (o ercd-lle- Mr. and Mrs. Hex Reeves. Hie should play a game for Ihe and him is d II is not known yet who will be great teacher that touched the slate democrats supported it. tide of merchant marine net o the the Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hennemnn. championship. 1922, g responsibility for Union's the champions of Hie part shores of Gallilce in his ministry, There never was much doubt as 'hip subsidy act of only touchdown, southern Mr. and Mrs. I F. which came In the oí the stale. Up until yesterday's Lunsford has gone on. Ho wns released from Last year lloswell refused lo play to (ho result but die margin by that he had pul' forth Ihe pioposal I bird quarter. However, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Ross. ' in close, game lloswell and Las Cruces were the tic that binds lo mortality on a game, but it is not thought (hat which it went thru was much low- in Ihe final hope lhal a spade he was groat. Coble Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom G. H.ishnell. Friday, December 1st, may be ' ' at epinrter and Ihe contenders, with Claylon lead- and put out Clavlou will experience any diffi- er than estímales publicly given by called by its proper nari Tixior at full seemed Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Phillips, lo sea in a guided by in- culty in II s by Hip lo receive ing number of points scor- craft an securing a game this year. most of the leaders. was, how- nns(( house, no !me most I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huslipell. attention from lie Haton boys, ed. Figured on Ibis bash through finite hand. Supl. Ilufr hns wired the president ever, just about what they figured was lefl in tho bill relnlief? lo ihe who to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ri.i-en- n were Unable slopHhom, how- the regular process or elimination Fisher. Mr. Wade camu lo Clayton a'iml or Iho Stnte Associntion requesting on privately. subject, oí liquor selling on ever, (hey Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hnpgs. and wandered almosl al. Claylon has won the championship IS years ago, from his unlive state that he arrange if possible a match In the face or threats to delay, if ships. When die question will over tho grid when car-vi- ed Last Sunday (he game e, vesteulny in or they of the stale, and will be subject lo was first of Kentucky, Ho made many friends as early as possible. We give not prevent its passage, by the sen-al- commil're the ball. Ileckner was knock- challenge liy the next strongest or the class since its reorganiza and no enemios. If is uprighl char- his telegram: die measure will go Monday to the whole, the Hankhead nl ed out twice in the first hair, but team. lion. Ii members were iircsenl and acter, his devotion lo the duty of Addison S. .Moore. the senate committee, which plans prohibition amendment was p if went back in the game. N. M. aside and n suos lis later Coble II much interest was mnniresled in service, has mado him :i much loved Pres. High School Assn. lo accept it as passed by the. house tule offered is reported that Albuquerque - was also crippled in the fourth ifuar-le- r. llio future work program. The or Albuquerque. N. M. V- I'liinonds ar copied. ilerealed Ilovell; Halon defeated! and much respected eillzen his and take the fight In he floor next but soon recovered and re- The class has a splendid pros,id:iil, Telegram received. We are ! flipulnled llnl if a ip on anv Albuquerque, then Claylon should community. week. '. sumed play. One liatón nun went aclive, interested, and will do much extremely anxious lo play llos- po'limlar voya perni'lled 'he give a good account of herself when A little incident lliat give an in The usual motion to recommit, down and out in the third. lo promote Ihe class interest He well for stale championship as of ..pur il con d she tries for Hie champion-.hi- p sight into (he character of the man for the purpose of striking out the tale is Mr. F. P. Kilhurn. soon as possible. we pot shfiee in a subsidy for dial Wo failed lo pel Hie garni play b was related lo die wriler by a citi Last year provision relating lo lax exemptions tried hard get play, and haven't round anybody The class has not sought lo in- zen of Claylon. lie nsked his small lo lloswell to play and compensations, was made The came yesterday was (he I us etintuoionshifi hnl direct The Edmonds amendment went else who did. 1ml (he following Is terfere with oilier classes or son what he would do if his ontne Mnv by Hardy, Texns, cleanest and Ihe hardest fought' of father Representative out on a demand Tor a separate vole llio score by quarters, as vn saw it: churches, hul desires for its mem- and his mama should suddenly bo would not ilay. Can yon ar- the season. Pome unpleasantness ranking Democrat of tho merchant in In I he first quarter Clayton forc- bership those young peo- range slate championship game the house by Represenlatlve last year in agreement married taken away from him. The little marino committee which framed it resulted an - between Clayton lloswell Cramlon, Republican. Michigan, an ed Union back by a series of line ple who an- members of no other fellow paused for a moment before and defeated, 215 lo 172. for this year that Halon would fur- year.