The Shield Diamond
Vol. X. Whole No. 47. No. 1. The Shield 11(1--- -~ Diamond. ~ublb•ll.rb- lty tlle ~uvr.em.e QI;cun.dl in th.e of th.e ~ra.t.ernttu. ®, 1900. Entered at the Postoffice, Charleston, S. 0., m second clau matter. THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND. Published by the Supreme Council from the General Office of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, No. 7 Adger's Nm-th Wharf, Charleston, S. 0. EDITORS. ROBERT A. SMYTH, Managing Editor, Box 397 Charleston, S. C. Or. H, B, ARBUCKLE, Decatur, Georgia. J. PIKE POWERS, Jr., Contributing Editor, 520 Gay Street, Knoxville, Tennessee. SUBSCRIPTION-$2.00 per year, in advance. Make checks, money orders, etc., payable to order of RoBERT A. AMY;rH, Grand Treasurer. MANAGEMENT-Robert A. Smyth is the Managing Editor. All matter for insertion in these pages must be sent to him for corrections before being published. Address all letters: Robert A. Smyth, Grand Treasurer, Box 397 Charleston, S. C. TIME PUBLISHED-Five times a year, on the 25th of October, Decem ber, February, April and June. All matter must be in by the ji?·st of the month to secure insertion. CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS- Frontispiece-Dr. EdwardS. Joynes. Mu Chapter. CONTRIBUTIONS- PAGE, EdwardS. JoynE:>s, A.M., LL.D . 1 Sketch of Upsilon Chapter .... 8 Chi Chapter-as seen by her rivals . 8 Sketch of Beta Chapter . 9 A word of Counsel to the Chapters .. 85 CHAPTER LETTERS- Alpha, 17; Beta, 18; Gamma, l!l; Theta, 34; Iota, 21; 1\Iu, 22; Nu, 23; Rho, 24; Sigma, 25; Upsilon, 27; Chi, 28; Psi, 29.
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