June 2003 Manufacturer Have Been Acquired
tion from that totaling $300! Another dona- The Official Newsletter of the tion from,Arvin Bell kicked off the fund rais- UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Roanoke Chapter, National ing drive with $100. June 19, 2003 – Regular Meeting Railway Historical Society, Inc. Two different contractors have looked over the building and provided detailed estimates. July 1, 2003 – Board Meeting Volume 35, Number 6 Samples of the roof tile, from the original July 17, 2003 – Regular Meeting June 2003 manufacturer have been acquired. The cost of the tile alone is estimated to be $150,000! August 21, 2003 – Regular Meeting And that does not include sustructure and installation. September 2, 2003 – Board Meeting The present roof on the main structure is September 18, 2003 – General Meeting considered a total loss. One contractor has recommended some changes in the design of October 7, 2003 – Board Meeting the roof to fix some original design flaws October 16, 2003 – General Meeting that created leaks. These suggested changes will not change the historical integrity and November 4, 2003 – Board Meeting apperance of the structure but will be better in reduced maintenance and long term November 20, 2003 – Annual Meeting preservation. December 2, 2003 – Board Meeting http://community.roanoke.com/RoanokeChapterNationalRailwayHistoricalSociety Turntable Times is published monthly as the newsletter of the Roanoke Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, Inc. Opinions and points of view expressed herein are those of the staff members of the Turntable Times and not necessarily reflect those of the members, officers or directors of the Chapter. Items of interest should be sent to Editor Kenny Kirkman, 590 Murphy Road, Collinsville, VA 24078-2128.
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