Local Allocations Masterplans Consultation Report Part 1 November 2015 Consultation Report This Consultation Report outlines the steps taken in preparing the masterplans for the Local Allocations designated in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. It covers the nature of the consultations carried out, the means of publicity employed, the main issues arising and how these influenced the final documents. Obtaining this information in other formats: If you would like this information in any other language, please contact us. If you would like this information in another format, such as large print or audiotape, please contact us at
[email protected] or 01442 228660. CONTENTS PART 1: Page No. 1. Introduction 1 2. The Council’s Approach 3 3. Notification and Publicity 5 4. Results 7 5. Summary of the Main Issues 8 6. Changes Proposed 20 ANNEX A: METHOD OF NOTIFICATION 22 Appendices: Appendix 1: Advertisements and Press Articles 23 Appendix 2: Dacorum Digest articles 31 Appendix 3: Example of Display Material for Exhibitions 34 Appendix 4: Organisations and Individuals Contacted 40 Appendix 5: Sample Notification Letters 53 Appendix 6: Cabinet Report (July 2014) 58 Appendix 7: Minutes of Key Meetings 73 Appendix 8: Cabinet Report (October 2015) 81 PART 2: RESULTS (see separate document) Table 1 – List of Groups / Individuals from whom Representations 4 were received Table 2 – Breakdown of comments received 18 Table 3 - Main Issues raised and Council’s Response 19 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Core Strategy for Dacorum Borough was found sound in 2013 and formally adopted on 25 September 2013. The Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) is the second part of the new emerging Local Plan and forms part of the Local Planning Framework (LPF) for Dacorum.