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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09388-1 - Literature, Ethics, and Decolonization in Postwar France: The Politics of Disengagement Daniel Just Index More information Index Adereth, Maxwell, 189n.15 “Le point sur Robbe-Grillet?”, 190n.23 Adler, Laure, 188n.7 “Literal Literature”, 176n.34 Adorno, Theodor, 126, 153, 189n.14, 193n.1 “Of What Use is an Intellectual?”, 174n.3 Agamben, Giorgio, 188n.33 “The Last Word on Robbe-Grillet?”, 177n.38 Alazet, Bernard, 192n.21 “The Photographic Message”, 176n.23 Algeria, 4, 17, 89–90, 93–95, 116, 123, 129, 165, “The Third Meaning”, 176n.24 172n.6, 183n.5, 184n.18, 185n.33, 185n.30, Camera Lucida, 176n.25 190n.22, 195n.30 literature and action, 9–12 Camus’s representation of, 80–82, 85–92, myth, 6 105–107 Mythologies, 31, 43, 73, 172n.9, 175n.16, 177n.39 Algerian War, 72, 77–79, 85, 89, 97–99, 112–113, on film and photography, 34 115–116, 130, 135–137, 185n.33, 190n.27 on Flaubert, 27–31, 41 and international politics, 84–85 on Mallarmé, 41–42 and literature, 79 on Robbe-Grillet, 39–40 Duras’s journalism on, 124–125 on Sartre, 166 intellectuals and the Algerian War, 4–5, 84–85, on The Stranger, 31–34 123–124, 126–127, 129, 137–138, 164–165 political position, 7 opposition to, 68–69, 84 Writing Degree Zero, 11, 17, 24–44, 50, 53, 55, Algiers, 79–80, 82 58, 65, 77, 125, 160, 174n.1, 179n.18, 194n.16, Alleg, Henri 195n.34 The Question, 84 Bataille, Georges, 9, 47–48, 60, 65, 72, 76–78, Althusser, Louis, 70 141, 164, 177, 179, 182 Antelme, Robert, 78, 84, 127–128, 183n.37, 182n.36 Inner Experience, 60, 78, 179 Apter, Emily, 184n.18 Literature and Evil, 173n.20, 182n.29 Arabs, 86–87, 89–91, 106, 110 The Accursed Share, 191n.14 Aron, Raymond, 4, 11, 82, 171n.5, 183n.5 Battle of Algiers, 8 Augustine, St.
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