ARTICLE OPEN Site-switchable mono-O-allylation of polyols ✉ Hua Tang1, Yu-Biao Tian1, Hongyan Cui1, Ren-Zhe Li1, Xia Zhang 1 & Dawen Niu 1,2

Site-selective modification of complex molecules allows for rapid accesses to their analogues and derivatives, and, therefore, offers highly valuable opportunities to probe their functions. However, to selectively manipulate one out of many repeatedly occurring functional groups within a substrate represents a grand challenge in . Yet more demanding is to develop methods in which alterations to the reaction conditions lead to switching of the

1234567890():,; specific site of reaction. We report herein the development of a Pd/Lewis acid co-catalytic system that achieves not only site-selective, but site-switchable mono-O-allylation of polyols with readily available reagents and catalysts. Through exchanging the Lewis acid additives that recognize specific hydroxyls in a polyol substrate, our system managed to install a versatile allyl group to the target in a site-switchable manner. Our design demonstrates remarkable scope, and is amenable to the direct derivatization of various complex, bioactive natural products.

1 Department of Emergency, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, and School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, 610041 ✉ Chengdu, China. 2 State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University, 210009 Nanjing, China. email: [email protected]


olecules containing multiple copies of the same func- modification of polyols. In this realm, various methods21,22 have tional group are ubiquitous in Nature and in drug been established to selectively modify the intrinsically most reac- M — candidates. Site-selective transformations reactions tive hydroxyl groups within a substrate (substrate control). that can manipulate one of these repeating functional groups Recently, systems that can override the intrinsic reactivity pre- while keeping others unaffected—provide efficient access to ferences and accomplish catalyst-controlled, site-switchable analogues and derivatives of these compounds, thereby facilitat- modification of complex polyols have emerged23–35. As eminent ing the interrogation and exploitation of their properties1,2. The examples, in a series of landmark studies, the Miller group23–26, same kind of functional groups tend to undergo similar trans- has identified several oligopeptide-based catalysts that enabled formations, however, and differentiation typically only occurs due site-switchable modification of complex antibiotics, such as van- to subtle steric and electronic environments. Accordingly, to comycin, teicoplanin, and erythromycin. In these studies, the achieve high site-selectivity following a generalizable strategy oligopeptide catalysts were designed as mimetics of the catalytic remains a significant task in chemistry3–8. Even more demanding domains of enzymes. Kawabata et al.29–31 devised chiral pyridine is the development of methods in which alterations to the reac- derivatives that were used in the site-selective modification of C4- tion conditions result in switching of the specific site of reaction OH of glucopyranosides as well as natural products such as 32 (Fig. 1a), since it necessitates the selective modification at posi- lanatoside C and avermectin B2a. The Tan group invented a pair tions that are inherently less reactive9–16. of pseudoenantiomeric imidazole-based catalysts that allow site- Polyhydroxylated natural products, carbohydrates in particular, divergent modification of polyols containing cis-1,2-diol moieties, play critical roles in virtually all biological processes and they are including anticancer agent digitoxin. Nargony and coworkers33 essential components of many pharmaceuticals (Fig. 1b). Rapid employed chiral phosphoric acid catalysts to accomplish site- access to the derivatives of these compounds holds tremendous switchable glycosylation of 6-deoxy erythronolide. Our group34 opportunities to understand and modulate key biological pro- reported the site-divergent O-propargylation of various mono- cesses17–19. Polyols contain numerous hydroxyl groups that offer saccharides as well as digitoxin employing a pair of chiral Cu- excellent opportunities for derivatization. Manipulation of only catalysts. These achievements notwithstanding, to develop general one or a certain few hydroxyls in the presence of many others in systems that can achieve catalyst-controlled, switchable site- these substrates, however, used to rely heavily on protection/ selectivity still represents a challenge. In particular, methods deprotection sequences20. Regardless, recent studies have shown capable of introducing a metabolically stable ether bond remain great promise and potential for the direct, site-selective rather limited.


Catalyst B Catalyst A

= A


Sucrose Geniposide 20-Hydroxyecdysone

c Pd-L LA C1-OH Pd-L LA modified product

OH Me 19 HO O Me HO 1 HO C19-OH HO HO HO O modified product O 3’ O HO Ouabain (8 hydroxyls) Reaction site controlled by LA Readily available reagents/catalysts Pd-L LA C3’-OH Broad scope (13 examples) modified product Natural product modification

Fig. 1 Site-switchable modification of molecules containing multiple identical functional groups. a Reagent/catalyst-controlled, site-selective modification of complex molecules: a challenge in synthetic chemistry. b Some representative, naturally occurring polyols. c Pd/Lewis acid co-catalyzed, site-switchable modification of polyols (this work).


a c Ph O O O O Pd(PPh3)4 0 All HO Pd -(PPh3)2 OMe Δ high G 9b Ph O All Additive = O O HO + Pd(PPh3)4 + LA OH O HO OBoc OMe THF, 25 °C, 12 h + low G Ph O OBoc O O 9 HO 12 3 O All OMe


Additive Yield Yield Entry 9b/9a (30 mol%) of 9b of 9a b OH OH 1 None 36% 36% 1:1 HO HO 2 2 Cu(OAc)2 56% 8% 7:1 Pd0-L O LA1 O All 3 Zn(II) (R,R)-prophenol 50% 50% 1:1 5 6

OH 4 PhB(OH)2 36% 8% 4.5:1 HO 5 Taylor’s catalyst 80% 20% 4:1 Activated Site-selectivity control 0 OH by additive (not by Pd -L) 6 Ph2BOH* 92% (86%) 7% 13:1

4 7 MgBu2 (-10 °C) 14% 42% 1:3

8 MgBu2/BINOL (-10 °C) 8% 84% (83%) 1:10 LA2 OH All OH O 2 OH HO Ph O Ph Ph Pd0-L Ph O N OH N OH OH OH OH B 7 8 OH

Me Selectivity determining stage Bond-forming stage (R,R)-prophenol Taylor’s catalyst BINOL

Fig. 2 Mechanistic underpinning and reaction design. a The Pd-catalyzed O-allylation of aliphatic alcohols is accelerated by addition of Lewis acids. b Our reaction design: the use of different Lewis acids (LA) to control site-selectivity. c Initial realization of site-switchable modification of polyols by exchanging additives. ‡Reactions were performed on a 0.2 mmol scale. Product ratios were determined by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of crude 0 * reaction mixtures. Yields in parenthesis are isolated yields. Pd -(PPh3)2 used in this study was generated in situ from Pd2dba3•CHCl3 and PPh3. Generated in situ from the commercial Ph2BOCH2CH2NH2. Ac acetyl, Ph phenyl, Boc t-butoxycarbonyl, Bu butyl, THF tetrahydrofuran, BINOL 1,1’-bi-2-naphthol, dba dibenzylideneacetone.

Here we report a strategy that enables site-switchable mono-O- the allylation of aliphatic alcohols by the Tsuji–Trost reaction is allylation of polyols by Pd/Lewis acid co-catalysis36. As a distinct often a slow process (1 + 2 to 3, Fig. 2a, orange arrow), but it can feature of our system, the task of activating electrophiles and that be accelerated by using Lewis acid additives (Fig. 2a, green arrow, of controlling site-selectivity were allocated, respectively, to the and Supplementary Fig. 2 in Supplementary Information). The Pd-catalyst and the Lewis acid additive. Resembling the role of a Lewis acid additives presumably function through complexing gRNA in the Cas/gRNA37 system, the Lewis acid additive serves as with hydroxyls, which would enhance their acidity and facilitate a guide in our system, and determines the site of reaction in the their deprotonation, thereby increasing their nucleophilicity39. modification of various polyols (Fig. 1c). Interestingly, such a Our initial supposition was that the unique reactivity of aliphatic strategy is akin to the switchable screwdrivers we use in our daily alcohols in the Tsuji–Trost reaction could be leveraged to achieve lives. The potential of this principle, however, has not been sys- reagent-controlled site-selectivity during the modification of tematically explored and exploited in chemistry to develop site- polyols. Specifically, we reasoned that if a Lewis acid additive (e.g., selective methodologies. The derivatization of cardiac glycoside LA1 or LA2 in Fig. 2b) could be identified to selectively complex ouabain provides an excellent example to illustrate our strategy. with a certain hydroxyl and enhance its reactivity toward the π- As will be discussed in more detail below, using the same Pd- allylpalladium intermediates, site-selective functionalization of catalyst to activate the electrophile but changing the identity of the polyols would result since hydroxyls not interacting with this specific Lewis acid additive, we accomplish highly selective ally- additive remain largely inert under the conditions (4 to 6 via 5, lation of the C1-OH, C3’-OH, or C19-OH of ouabain (Fig. 1c). or, 4 to 8 via 7). More importantly, in this regime, switch of the reaction site could in principle be realized simply by tuning the Results properties (bulkiness, number of available binding sites, Brønsted Reaction design. We were interested in the selective O-allylation basicity, etc.) of the Lewis acid additives. Compared with of polyols because the allyl group is among the smallest, yet most approaches to achieve selectivity switch through modifying the versatile, units in chemistry38. Among all of the allylic alkylation whole catalytic complex (e.g., Pd-ligand complex here) for each methods established to date, a well-studied and often utilized substrate, the advantage of our design lies in the greater ease and one is the Pd-catalyzed Tsuji–Trost reaction39. Intriguingly, extent of changing the characters of Lewis acid additives.


OTBS OTBS 0 O 0 O Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) OMe Pd -(PPh3)2 (10 mol%) OMe

2 All 2 All ZnEt (20 mol%) HO O ZnEt (20 mol%) HO O OTBS 2 OTBS 2 (S,S)-prophenol (10 mol%) OH (R,R)-prophenol (10 mol%) OH O OMe O OMe THF, 0.1 M, RT THF, 0.1 M, RT 10a 11a HO OH 63% yield HO OH 86% yield 1:4 (3-OH:2-OH) 1:7 (3-OH:2-OH) OH OH

10 0 11 0 Pd -(PPh ) OTBS Pd -(PPh ) (from glucose) 3 2 (5 mol%) (from galactose) 3 2 (5 mol%) OTBS O OMe O OMe O

(100 mol%) 3 N (5 mol%) B HO OH HO OH 3 OH B(OH)2 O O THF, 0.1 M, RT All THF, 0.1 M, RT All 10b 11b 66% yield 96% yield 6:1 (3-OH:2-OH) >19:1 (3-OH:2-OH)

OTBS Me O OMe 0 O OMe 0 Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) 2 All 2 All HO O ZnEt (30 mol%) HO O OTBS 2 OH ZnEt2 (100 mol%) (R,R)-prophenol (15 mol%) OH Me O OMe O OMe (S,S)-prophenol (50 mol%) 13a THF, 0.1 M, RT 12a THF, 0.1 M, RT 63% yield HO OH 1:6 (3-OH:2-OH) HO OH 81% yield 1:5 (3-OH:2-OH) OH OH 12 13 0 Pd -(PPh ) (5 mol%) OTBS 0 Me O OMe (from galactose) 3 2 (from fucose) Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) O OMe 3 HO OH (30 mol%) (5 mol%) N HO OH N O 3 All B(OH)2 B(OH) O 2 THF, 0.1 M, RT All THF, 0.1 M, RT 13b 12b 92% yield 90% yield >19:1 (3-OH:2-OH) >19:1 (3-OH:2-OH)


0 O OMe Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) R O OR 2 All Most acidic OH HO O LiHMDS (100 mol%) HO OH OH OH THF, 0.1 M, RT 14a 47% yield (26% of SM recovered) A 7: 1 : trace (2-OH:3-OH:4-OH)*

OTBS OTBS O OMe O OMe R O OR 0 Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) 3 HO OH HO OH HO OH Most nucleophilic OH OH O OH N (5 mol%) All 14 B(OH)2 (from mannose) 14b B THF, 0.1 M, RT 84% yield 1: 18: trace (2-OH:3-OH:4-OH)

0 OTBS Pd -(PPh ) (10 mol%) 3 2 O OMe OTBS O OMe 4 B(OH)2 All O OH (100 mol%) H 4 2 Me N O O 2 OH Activated 3 O THF, 0.1 M, RT 14c B 51% yield (43% of SM recovered) R 1: trace: 7 (2-OH:3-OH:4-OH)* C

Fig. 3 Site-switchable mono-O-allylation of monosaccharides. Product ratios were determined by 1H NMR analysis of crude reaction mixtures. Reported yields are isolated yields of products that are underlined. * A small amount of diallylated product was formed. See Supplementary Information for experimental details. L ligand.


OTBS OTBS OTBS HO HO HO O O O 0 0 O O Pd -(PPh ) (10 mol%) O Pd -(PPh ) (10 mol%) HO All O 3 2 HO 3 2 HO HO HO OTBS OH OTBS OH OTBS O All O O ZnEt2 (100 mol%) O (R,R)-prophenol (50 mol%) HO HO HO (30 mol%) THF, 0.1 M, RT SPh SPh B(OH)2 SPh 15b 15 15a 73% yield (22% of SM recovered) THF, 0.1 M, RT 49% yield (27% of SM recovered) >19:1 (3-OH:2-OH) (from lactose) 1:4 (3-OH:2-OH)

TBSO O OTBS TBSO TBSO Pd0-(PPh ) 0 O OTBS O OTBS 3 2 (5 mol%) Pd -(PPh3)2 (10 mol%) OH O O O O O OH O HO HO SEt SEt O O HO HO HO HO HO SEt Cu(OAc) (5 mol%) HO All O HO 2 HO HO (30 mol%) THF, 0.1 M, RT All B OH 16 16a 16b (from maltose) 56% yield (16% of SM recovered) 85% yield THF, 0.1 M, RT 1:4 (3-OH:2-OH) >19:1 (3-OH:2-OH)

OTBS OTBS OTBS O HO O HO O HO 0 HO HO OTBS All O OTBS OTBS 0 Pd -(PPh3)2 (10 mol%) Pd -(PPh ) (10 mol%) HO HO 3 2 HO O O O O O O O Cu(OAc) (30 mol%) OTBS HO OTBS HO OTBS 2 O (30 mol%) THF, 0.1 M, –10 °C All B HO HO OH HO 17b 17a 87% yield THF, 0.1 M, RT 17 73% yield >10:1 (3-OH:3’-OH) (from sucrose) <1:10 (3-OH:3’-OH)



Fig. 4 Site-switchable mono-O-allylation of disaccharides. Product ratios were determined by 1H NMR analysis of reaction mixtures. Reported yields are isolated yields of products that are underlined. See Supplementary Information for experimental details.

The validity of our design was first established in the site- formation of the other isomer 9a, albeit with moderate selectivity divergent mono-O-allylation of glucopyranoside 9 (Fig. 2c). (entry 7). Further optimization of reaction conditions revealed Compound 9 contains two vicinal, equatorial hydroxyl groups that simultaneous addition of MgBu2 with BINOL afforded 9a in that are similarly reactive toward an electrophilic π-allylpalladium dramatically improved site-selectivity and efficiency (entry 8). intermediate. Under the standard Pd-catalyzed O-allylation Thus, we identified two sets of conditions that install an allyl conditions and in the absence of any additives, the C2-OH group onto the two different hydroxyl groups in 9 (see below for a modified product 9a and the C3-OH modified 9b were formed in mechanistic rationalization). These conditions employ an iden- 0 almost equal amounts (entry 1, Fig. 2c). We then attempted tical transition metal complex [i.e., Pd -(PPh3)2] and differ only adding each of the Lewis acid complexes listed in Fig. 2c in the oxophilic additives utilized [Mg(II) vs. B(III)]. Collectively, individually to the reaction mixture so as to explore their effects these results validated the proof of principle of a strategically on the site-selectivity profile of this transformation (entry 2–7). distinct approach to achieve reagent-controlled, site-switchable fi We found that the use of Ph2BOH as an additive resulted in the modi cation of polyols. predominant formation of 9b in an efficient fashion (entry 6). 40,41 Notably, the O’Doherty group reported the use of Ph2BOH to Reaction scope. Following the above protocol, we proceeded achieve Pd-catalyzed site-selective glycosylation. More intrigu- to explore the generality of our strategy. We first examined ingly, the use of MgBu2 as an additive led to the preferential this method in the site-selective modification of various



HO HO 0 0 OH Pd -(PPh ) HO 3 2 (5 mol%) Pd -(PPh3)2 (5 mol%) OH H OH All H HO ZnEt (100 mol%) H O O OH 2 HO (30 mol%) 2 OH (R,R)-prophenol (50 mol%) 2 B O 3 OH H OH HO All O THF, 0.05 M, 0 °C HO H 3 H THF, 0.1 M, RT O O 18b 18a 47% yield (32% recovered SM) 20-hydroxy ecdysone 58% yield 1:4 (C2-OH:C3’-OH) 18 2.4:1 (C2-OH:C3’-OH)

MeO MeO MeO O All O O OH H 0 0 O Pd -(PPh ) OH H Pd -(PPh ) O O H 6 3 2 (5 mol%) O 3 2 (5 mol%) 6 6 HO O HO O HO O HO O H O B(OH) HO O H O HO H OH 2 (100 mol%) OH OH 1’ B (30 mol%) O 1’ 1’ OH OH OH All THF, 0.1 M, RT Geniposide THF, 0.1 M, 0 °C 19b 19a 64% yield (20% recovered SM) 19 55% yield (32% recovered SM) 1:6* (C6-OH:C1’-OH) >19:1* (C6-OH:C1’-OH)

Ar B Ar O 6 All O O HO O 0 O Pd -(PPh ) (5 mol%) OH 3 2 OH 3 2 6 HO O F O O HO 3 2 OH B (100 mol%) OH OH OH OH 0 OH 20b 6 1’ Pd -(PPh ) (10 mol%) 6 1’ THF, 0.1 M, RT 4 3 2 HO O 64% yield (35% recovered SM) HO O O 6:1* (C6-OH:C1’-OH) HO O HO 2 2 OH 3 O 3 No additive All CH2Cl2/DMA (2:1), 0.05 M, 25 °C All Salicin OH 20a 0 O 20 Pd -(PPh ) (5 mol%) 36% yield (32% recovered SM) 3 2 6 1’ HO O 5:1:1 O BPh HO (C2-OH:C1’-OH:C6-OH) 3 BPh (100 mol%) 3 2 OH O 3 1’ H THF, 0.1 M, RT 20c O 42% yield (55% recovered SM) 1:>19 (C6-OH:C1’-OH)


OH All 19 HO 0 O Pd -(PPh3)2 O 1 HO HO HO HO O O No additive 3’ O THF/iPrOH (3:1) HO 0.05 M, 25 °C 21a, 59% yield (30% recovered SM) (C1-OH:C3’-OH:C19-OH = 6:1:0)

OH 19 HO O All HO 1 HO HO 0 O Pd -(PPh ) 19 HO HO O 3 2 Me O O HO O B 19 O HO 1 HO HO O 1 H HO Me–B(OH) (200 mol%) 2 HO 5 HO O O 3’ O THF/iPrOH (3:1) O 5 HO Ouabain 0.05 M, 25 °C 21b, 72% yield H 21 (C1-OH:C3’-OH:C19-OH = 1:1: >19)

0 HO Pd -(PPh3)2 OH 19 HO HO O O HO 1 3’ O Ph HO Ph O O B O HO O O O O All 3’ O (30 mol%) B HO 22 OH 21c, 62% yield* I THF/iPrOH (1:2) 0.02 M, 25 °C (C1-OH:C3’-OH:C19-OH = 1: >19:1)

Fig. 5 Site-switchable mono-O-allylation of polyhydroxylated natural products. Product ratios were determined by 1H NMR analysis of crude reaction mixtures. Reported yields are isolated yields of products that are underlined. *A small amount of diallylated product was also formed. ‡Small amounts of C3-OH and C4-OH modified products were also formed. DMA, N,N-dimethyl acetamide. See Supplementary Information for experimental details.


a Me Me Me



22a22b 22c One-step transformations 64%, dr = 1:1 72%, dr = 1:1 45%, dr = 1:1 20b Co-L*, tBuOOH, Et3SiH, TsN3 Co-L*, tBuOOH, PhSiH3, TsCN Fe2(ox)3, NaBH4, selectfluor CN Me

O N OH OH O CN O HO O O HO HO + O N Cl HO OH + OH N - BF - F (BF4 )2 N 4 2 OMe 22d 22e Selectfluor Py-I 76%, dr = 1:1 76%, E/Z = 7:3

Co(acac)2, tBuOOH, Et3SiH, Py-I Grubbs I catalyst

b OH Me HO O OAc Me HO HO AIBN HO O OAc O HO O 21c + SH O AcO O AcO 1,4-dioxane OAc O HO AcO S 75 °C AcO OAc Ouabain glucose conjugate 23 54% 24

Fig. 6 Product derivatization. a Derivatization of 20b. b Derivatization of 21c. Product ratios were determined by 1H NMR analysis of crude reaction mixtures. See Supplementary Information for experimental details. L* = (R,R)-( − )-N,N’-Bis(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine. ox oxalate.

monosaccharides (Fig. 3), including those derived from glucose allyl group to the C3-OH, while employment of Cu(OAc)2 steered (10), galactose (11–12), and fucose (13). All of these mono- the allyl group to the C2-OH instead. It is worth noting that saccharides contain three contiguous secondary hydroxyls. In synthetically versatile but chelating thioether groups present in 15 these cases, the allylation occurs at the C3-OH of the pyranose and 16 were well tolerated by our conditions. We further applied ring if an organoboron compound42 was used as additive (green this method to the site-divergent modification of fructoside 17, 43 arrows), but at the C2-OH when ZnEt2-prophenol complex was which contains a pyranoside ring linked to a furanoside ring. We employed (orange arrows). To rationalize the switchable site- precisely delivered the allyl group to the C3-OH of the pyranoside selectivity observed in these cases (10–13, Fig. 3) and in the case ring using Taylor’s catalyst as an additive, or to the C3’-OH of of 9 (Fig. 2c), we propose that the C3-OH is the most nucleo- the furanoside ring if applying Cu(OAc)2, instead. Here, we philic44 hydroxyl in each of these substrates, and it therefore most rationalize that Taylor’s catalyst complexes with the C3-OH of 47 readily complexes with the organoboron compound (cf. structure the pyranose ring (see structure E), but Cu(OAc)2 chelates with A). The C2-OH, on the other hand, is most readily deprotonated the C2-OH and the C3’-OH of 17 and activates the C3’-OH (cf. by a base since it is closest to the electron-withdrawing anomeric structure D). It is worth highlighting that, in this case, the center (cf. structure B). selectivity switches between two hydroxyls that are six atoms Each of the three hydroxyls in mannopyranoside 14 could be apart. Therefore, it would be challenging to achieve a selectivity selectively alkylated in a controllable manner. As can be explained switch between these two hydroxyls through designing Pd-ligand by the structures A and B shown above, the use of LiHMDS complexes. (orange arrow) and quinolin-8-ylboronic acid (green arrow) furnished the C2-OH allylated product 14a and the C3-OH allylated product 14b, respectively. The C4-OH allylated product Modification of natural products. We continued to apply our 14c could be obtained by using 4-dimethylaminophenylboronic strategy to the site-switchable modification of polyhydroxylated acid, which, through formation of a stable boronic ester (cf. natural products (Fig. 5). 20-Hydroxyecdysone (18)isanecdys- structure C), deactivates the C2-OH and C3-OH45 and teroid hormone that controls the metamorphosis and ecdysis of simultaneously enhances the reactivity of the C4-OH position. arthropods. This compound contains six free hydroxyls, three of We then showed this strategy could be adopted toward the site- which are secondary. Site-divergent modification of 18 could be switchable allylation of structurally more complex disaccharides achieved. If Taylor’s catalyst was employed as additive, the ally- (Fig. 4). For example, the lactose derivative 15 contains five free lation occurred preferentially at the C2-OH (green arrow), whereas hydroxyl groups. The use of ZnEt2-prophenol complex directed if Zn(II)-Prophenol complex was used, the allylation occurred at the allyl group to the C2-OH of 15 with high selectivity (orange the C3-OH (orange arrow). Geniposide (19) is an iridoid glycoside arrow). Switching the additive to phenylboronic acid altered the that exhibits diverse biological activities. In addition to five free preferential reaction site to the C3-OH (green arrow). Moving to hydroxyls, this compound also contains a sensitive enol ether maltoside 16, we found the use of Taylor’s catalyst46 (10H- moiety and an enoate ester group. Employing our strategy, we dibenzo[b,e][1,4]oxaborinin-10-ol) guided the installation of the could selectively install an allyl group to the C6-OH of the glucose

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:5681 | | 7 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | ring employing Taylor’s catalyst, or to the C1’-OH with phe- in chemistry. This design allocates the task of activating electro- nylboronic acid as an additive. Here, the site of reaction switches philes and that of controlling site-selectivity to, respectively, the cleanly between two primary hydroxyls. Pd-catalyst and the Lewis acid additive. Thus, switch of reaction Following the above principle, we were able to selectively site was achieved simply through changing the identity of Lewis modify up to three different hydroxyl groups within some acid additives, a tactic that has not been systematically explored complex polyols. For example, salicin (19) is a natural product before. The allyl unit installed by this method could serve as an that acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the human body. The entry point to various other functional groups. We anticipate that C2-OH of the glucopyranoside ring in 19 is intrinsically the most the generality, immediate utility, and the operational ease of this reactive hydroxyl and gets allylated preferentially in the absence method will inspire further exploration that ultimately leads to of any additives (blue arrow). Intriguingly, applying Taylor’s precise control of site-selectivity during modification of complex catalyst as an additive in the standard reaction conditions compounds. delivered the allyl group to the C6-OH of 19 (green arrow), presumably via the intermediacy of the ate complex F. If the Methods bulky, monovalent BPh3 was employed instead (orange arrow), fi ’ Synthesis of 9a.InaN2- lled glovebox, nBu2Mg (1 M in heptane, Energy Che- the allylation occurs at the benzylic hydroxyl (C1 -OH) with high micals, Lot DL140184, 45 μL, 0.045 mmol, 0.3 equiv), (±)-BINOL (8.6 mg, Energy site-selectivity (cf. G). Thus, three individual hydroxyls within Chemicals Lot DI240132, 0.03 mmol, 0.2 equiv) and THF (200 μL) were weighed salicin could be selectively modified in a controllable fashion. into a screw capped vial (labeled as Vial A) containing a stir bar. The mixture was Ouabain (21) exhibits potent antiproliferative activities against stirred for 5 min, at which time compound 9 (42.6 mg, 0.15 mmol, 1.0 equiv) was 48,49 added. The resulting solution was stirred for an additional 30 min. several cancer cell lines at nanomolar concentrations . This • To another vial, compound 2 (36.4 mg, 0.23 mmol, 1.5 equiv), Pd2(dba)3 CHCl3 μ molecule contains eight free hydroxyls, including one primary, (7.8 mg, 7.5 mol, 0.05 equiv), PPh3 (7.8 mg, 0.03 mmol, 0.2 equiv), and THF (200 five secondary, and two tertiary ones. When no Lewis acid μL) were added in sequence. The mixture was stirred for 10 min, and then additive is used, the Pd-catalyzed allylation occurs at the transferred to Vial A. An additional portion of THF (2.6 mL) was added to Vial A secondary C1-OH to afford 21a with decent selectivity and so that [9] was adjusted to 0.05 M. Vial A was tightly capped, taken out of the fi glovebox, and stirred at −10 °C for 12 h (400 rpm). The reaction mixture was then ef ciency (orange arrow). When we used methylboronic acid as concentrated in vacuo. An aliquot of the residue was taken for 1H NMR analysis, an additive, the primary C19-OH was selectively modified to give which indicated that products 9a and 9b were formed in a ratio of ca. 10:1. Flash – product 21b in high yield (blue arrow). We hypothesize that chromatography (SiO2) using petroleum ether/EtOAc (6:1 3:1) as eluent afforded methylboronic acid simultaneously complexed with the C1-OH, 9a as a yellow solid (41 mg, 0.127 mmol, 83%). C5-OH and C19-OH of 21 (see structure H), and activated the least hindered primary hydroxyl in the Pd-catalyzed allylation fi Synthesis of 9b.InaN2- lled glovebox, compound 9 (56.5 mg, 0.20 mmol, 1.0 reactions. If the oxaborole derivative 22 was employed instead, equiv) and 2-(diphenylboryloxy)-ethanamine (2.4 mg, Aladdin Lot J1824016, 0.01 the site-selectivity changed again. This time the C3’-OH of the mmol, 5 mol%), and THF (500 μL) were weighed into a screw capped vial (labeled sugar ring was modified with high efficiency (green arrow). We as Vial A) containing a stir bar. The resulting solution was stirred for an additional 30 min. assume that the bulky oxaborole 22 will preferentially form an • To another vial, compound 2 (38.0 mg, 0.24 mmol, 1.2 equiv), Pd2(dba)3 CHCl3 μ ate complex with the vicinal diol moiety in the sugar ring (see (5.2 mg, 5 mol, 0.025 equiv), PPh3 (5.2 mg, 0.02 mmol, 0.1 equiv), and THF (200 structure I), which renders the equatorial C3’-OH most reactive. μL) were added in sequence. The mixture was stirred for 10 min, and then Lastly, the group that can be transferred by our method is not transferred to Vial A. An additional portion of THF (0.3 mL) was added to Vial A so that [9] was adjusted to 0.2 M. Vial A was tightly capped, taken out of the restricted to the parent allyl unit. For instance, cinnamyl groups glovebox, and stirred at 25 °C (outside temperature) for 12 h (400 rpm). The bearing various substituents could be installed onto ouabain with reaction mixture was then concentrated in vacuo. An aliquot of the residue was good site-selectivities as well, if the corresponding electrophiles taken for 1H NMR analysis, which indicated that products 9a and 9b were formed are employed (see Supplementary Fig. 3). in a ratio of 1:13. Flash chromatography (SiO2) using petroleum ether/EtOAc (3:1–1:1) as eluent afforded 9b as a pale yellow oil (55.4 mg, 0.172 mmol, 86%).

Product derivatization. To further demonstrate the utility of this Data availability method as a tool for the late stage functionalization of naturally Additional data supporting the findings described in this paper are available in the occurring polyols, we have performed the reactions shown in Supplementary Information, and also are available from the corresponding author upon Fig. 6. We show that the alkene group installed on salicin could be reasonable request. conveniently converted to a variety of other functional groups in one step (Fig. 6a). For instance, we showed that a cobalt-catalyzed Received: 30 July 2020; Accepted: 2 October 2020; hydroazidation reaction50 smoothly incorporated an azide group onto 20b. The resulting product 22a is thus primed for the venerable azide alkyne coupling reactions51 that are extensively utilized in the fields of chemical biology and material science. By using similar hydrofunctionalization reactions of alkenes, we also References successfully attached a nitrile52 group (22b), a fluorine53 atom 1. Cernak, T., Dykstra, K. D., Tyagarajan, S., Vachal, P. & Krska, S. W. The (22c), or a pyridine54 ring (22d) onto the target molecule. Fur- medicinal chemist’s toolbox for late stage functionalization of drug-like – thermore, a cross-metathesis reaction55 readily converted 20b to molecules. Chem. Soc. Rev. 45, 546 576 (2016). 2. Yoganathan, S. & Miller, S. J. Structure diversification of vancomycin through a dimeric structure 22e. Lastly, we prepared a conjugate of oua- peptide-catalyzed, site-selective lipidation: a catalysis-based approach to bain and glucose (24) from 21c and 23, taking advantage of the combat glycopeptide-resistant pathogens. J. Med. Chem. 58, 2367–2377 potent -ene click reaction56. Therefore, when coupled with (2015). the synthetic versatility of alkenes, our site-switchable O-allyla- 3. Toste, F. D., Sigman, M. S. & Miller, S. J. Pursuit of noncovalent interactions – tion reaction provides rapid and efficient accesses to derivatives for strategic site-selective catalysis. Acc. Chem. Res. 50, 609 615 (2017). 4. Hartwig, J. F. Catalyst-controlled site-selective bond activation. Acc. Chem. and analogues of complex polyols. Res. 50, 549–555 (2017). 5. Huang, Z. & Dong, G. Site-selectivity control in organic reactions: a quest to differentiate reactivity among the same kind of functional groups. Acc. Chem. Discussion Res. 50, 465–471 (2017). This study showcased the power of a dual catalytic strategy for 6. Mahatthananchai, J., Dumas, A. M. & Bode, J. W. Catalytic selective synthesis. site-switchable modification of target molecules, a key challenge Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 51, 10954–10990 (2012).


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