January 8 3

------~------Hear the "5-50" and Other Popular

MODELS At the Following Authorized Dealers in and Vicinity: LOS ANGEIJES H oUYlvood DQltllllOlC'n

SQu ,h .'\SDREWS R ADIO CO. -"MERICAI' R ADIO D AVIS RADIO CO. 1 70 ~ McCad d en P I ace 108 E. 8th 51. 2817 S. Main 51. Gl.adstone 07M T Ucker 6028 \VEslmore 6H8 (Branch 152 \V. 2nd, C. R. H AUSHR Pomona) DE Hooc: BROTHERS HIO Melrose Ave. 6120 S. Broadway OLY101,ia 2666 FRANK R AlIlO Co. THornwall 022 ~ 7 15 ~ 5. Main 51. J..oo ASGUE5 M usIc Co. O'rro K. OLES EN HIO S. Broadway ILLU~flNATING Co. I( ,\RR\' ,V. H ARR ISOS AXridge 5479 6548 H oJly,.. ood B h·d. 8~8 S. Flowu SI. T Rinity 9777 Sn)R(as M USIC Co. GLad$lone 5194 ~7 1 1 S. Broadway AXridge 7106 STARR P IANO Co. We. ,lake 630 S. Hill St. Solllh,,;e" T Ri nity 3905 RAMPART RAlIlO COLLiNGH H ARDWARE Co. 2620 W. 6th St. GtE'NDAU·.: 3425 S. Yermont A'·e. WAshington 1613 BEacon 7025 (j1.Y.NDAl.[ ;\-j uslc Co. L. A. DUNCAS (5almacia B ro~.) 2891 W. Pico 51. Wil, hire 118 S. Brand Ave. E Mpire 114 1 GLendale 90 BDIJNI EI..ECTRIC & R ,\DlO \VtS/lNO/lRG R ADIO MUSIC CO. Co. 1095. Vumo])t Ave. SOUTII PASADENA 38195. 'Vutern Ave. DRexel 2990 VErmont 7929 Till! RADIO Ell!CTRIC STORE W/lST COAST RADIO Co. CRosnv ELECTRIC Co. 1161 Fair Oaks 2~07 W. Sla uson Ave. H ID W. 6th St. Colorado 65H VErmonl 1893 W thhington 0372 Eliot 3397

"For Coniplete Satis/action" Radio DointJ January 8 Double your stations Penetrate Interference Cut Through Local. by Adding Penetrola to Your Present Radio Set

Penetrola transforms your old radio let into a powerful. up-to­ date receiver. It gives greater range and volume and real selec­ tivity. It stops radiation and "blooping." It ia easily attached and operates with any set. PRICE Penetrola ie manufactured hy the maker. of the Wal· bert !tofarad Receiver-the mod advanced radio re­ ceiver on the market. If YOII do not already own. radio receiver. let Ue tell YOII ahout the l.oEar.d witb $35 Penetrola bllilt·ia. Walbert Penetrola If Your Dealer Ca.', Supply You, Mail the Coupon C. W. SMITH CO. "TIM HOMe of Vtall Spt!«lcer."

wntl ...... : EneloNd pI.... lind ehoc:lt or ...oney 9.de. for ." for which plea .. MIld ml one Welb.. t Penetrole. If It the .nd of ] doo,.. It dou not perl...... to ...,. _11-. .ltl.t."Uon I will retn", It Ind )'<>11 wUI refund m,. man.,.. o Loop tYPI 0 Outdo.r ...... 1 type (Check which type of Ht ,.011 0_> Cl Send ml _ ....ll11e Informetloll ebout tbe W.lbert I'ofl.ld .eeel.... wlth.... t obllll'lltlo.. .. NAMIL ••••••••••••.•••. • : ...... ADOR£S.S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1125 Woll St. LOS ANGELES, CAL • WEatmore 3291 1Rabfo lDoinge . ~~' l"'!L I~ ~ ock Kart; ...... I...... OIL :: ",. !"~fl= WIEol .... 1401 0 ...1 .. U. " The Red Book 0/ R,wo" HUBERT C. CHARLES G~aeral M .. aa .... H. C. CHARLE.!I. Editor CONGER .. nd MOODY, FORBES V AN WHY, S:haron Bu lldln&, Technic.. , Editor 54.. Fr. ncl.oo Repr . . ...t .t""'. MAJ . LAWRENCE MOTT, .!II .....' J. W. HASTIE. CO."., O.R.C., Auoclat. Editor Eut~ r n Repr ..... t.tho. New Yorio: Office, lSS E. 42nd St" N'lIiI w Yorio: City (~ .. _ ·daM ~. Nor. 16. !tn. Loo ,h.. 1oo. CoL . ~ 0IIIc0. __ Aft off "'Oft!! J, Im.1 0>\lf11 ...e.. I nl, ., 11_ 1'\11>11 "'1... eo.. 1-.4 W.. lli. h D 0001& II. C-. '1'11_ O"U&rI II. T.... C."od . .. ",,.-.,. ONJotrlooo, 11. .. _ T_. Vol. X Lo. Angelu JANUARY 8, 1927 San F rand,co No.2


SHOULD W OMEN SWIM NUDE? Gu,,/ ;1I/trnt bti"g Ihow" i" fht p,i,u {(",lui on Illis 11I0I1lt"'OIII qunt; on, al insti­ lultd by M"jor 111011 of KPIfIQ. fit ,,110 gi'llts th,~ first "ulhtnlit i"fo,malion 0 " tht b, o" dctJJ/ing of Iht C"/"lin,, Chan/ltl St~imming Ma,alhon, } anua" 151h. RADIO AN All) TO THE AMBITIOUS SINGER. ( Illustrated) } l)upJdnt Luuhut, lIlt "Am,,;uHI Ni,hting"/t," ", .. iru h,r .. pi";o,, .." ,,,did ,OJ a mta", 0/ ;,om .. ,;o" /0' 'lit U!>-(I)-dalt c.,Il,,1 ",a"ager . • PROMISI NG LOCAL ARTiST. (lilustr~tcd ) L .. uiu BowJn/, a mtmbtr of fIll' I'artnl-Ttnthus CommunilY Playtrs, Jilp/a,s h,1' supub a,/i"" htfOl't mir,.. phonl'. BROA DCAST CHANGES REGI NALD WERRENRATH I N RECITAL. ( lII ustr~ t e d ) T h, !>opu/al' Amtric"n b"ritont 10 Jin9 O'll" $lnlio n.I KFf anti KPO, Ja"/III,, 1Jth. DX CLUB CORRESPONDENCE RADIO TOPICS OF THE DAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ForbtJ /P. Pa" W h" A. l . E. E., A./. R. E. THE WOMAN'S PAGE Ediud b, Cart, Pi'll/ore Riltm,illtr. WHO'S WHO I N RAmo. ( l1Iu m~tcd) Cla'tnet E. Ogdtn, p,tsiJtnt, KoJl'1 Railll C.rpora,i"". TIMELY TRADE T OPICS.

ONLY $3. 00 A YEAR H i ve RADIO DOINGS mailed 10 YOllr home every week. Fill out blank below. Either mail to U ~, or you r dealer will be glad to take care of it lor you. Please indic:lte whelher ~"E'V or RE NE WAL. 1I 0RWOOO rUIH.ISIII:-IC CO.. ~07 F.. Pic. St., Los Angeles, 4 0 ~ New Call Build." •• S." F<.neiseo. C. !ilo

Add"," 6 January 8 gAfiKAYDX Harmony-Duo SINGLE DIAL CONTROL

Liberal This New Trade-in Attractive Allowance Set is On Your Priced Under Old Set $100 Complete


E D v E E M N 0 N N G S s T R u A N T T I L 0 N •

P omona Store 152 W elt Sec;ond Street Phone 1076 J 071 llo ry 8 7

Duplicate These Results by Having Us Build You REMLE~t ~RA+ D'&) AMPLIFIER

An,e"'{dft Radio ("0, 108 l1all81h SIrUI Lor Anr.eles, Co/if. Celltle",'ft: J ..., 0 ''''~ U'ords 10 lei )'0" how /.. ", «ell ,allSlie,1 I a'" wilh the 10",~"~ l"f.~d}'"C rtunl/)" " .. rrhosed 01 )'o"r ,.'au 01 b .. siftcu. I /'a,}~ had a le,~ of IIIe brsl radiDs dUJlaftSl.oUd 01 m)' I'MM, b", /ell Ihal sa"",hillt. ,ens larkillt. '" e,'cry si""I, one a/ th e,n, Same ollr recalllmCNded me (0 Iry lIu 1I'lradYlle, S";:;:OI,";: YOH' fir", aNd I .,,,'," d'" thon!.'I,,' IbM r ,lid Slop i" }'OW' stou ,,"d lell my order with yow, I "",'c' did ca,c Icr d'slo.«e .",Iil I tol my sel. Yaw Mid "'~ /I,is sct Oll lO"e qualily (lftd selectivity alo"~ . ..~illt. th, WtsUr>l Elulric COfte 111M )'011 .old "'~. I am "WilliNg to /> .. t this set II/> OKoillst ally for tone-ul for dis/alia, hrc a'" a f ew st(l/io.u 01/ on the loud,ptaker will, absolutely 110 loral ift,crfe"nu: WSWS, WCCO, WI-II', KDKA. KMOX. WJR. WIIAI' on,1 ""''')' M/,erS. A ..,.~ booster lor Ih. A"""ro" Radio Co, I 0111 r",put/nlly yo .. rs. JOlIN R. HARVEY, CIII~',,, City, Co/if.

Let us help you to build th e famous lnfradyne, or we will <: he<: k over the one you have built, W e <: lIn get you reault •. AMERICAN RAInO CO. 108 East 8th' St. TUcker 6028 Los Angeles, Cal

Pomona Store 152 W elt Se<:ond Strc~ t Phone 1076 8 Radio DoinXJ January 8

SEE THESE New Kits and Eliluinators SILVER SHIELDED SIX Silver Mar-ball', Famous Circuit-Complet.,r,. Shielded-S.,lectiv_Won­ derrul Ton&--Cet the Kit of Specified Makbed Part_No, 630

For. Small Set Ua .. the No. 620 Kit The Silver Cockaday Four Tube_Sinal.. Control-Interchanleable Plua;-in Coila for All Wav... All Parts for E. M. Sargent's Infradyne in Stock U.jDi Thorol., Camfield or All-American Coil. and Reml .. r Amplifier. Allo Special Cardwell, Hammulund and Contine ntal Condenu.u We now have Bremer Tully's New Kit in Stock The Counterph.... Power Si.-More Power, BeU'!r Tone and More Selec­ tive. A,k About it. Also see the Karas Equimatic Kit and the National Company', Browning-Drake Apparatw Cut Out Your "B" Battery Expense by Using a Dependable Eliminator Acme El will . upply leU of .i" tube. and up a t 180 Volb Acme E3 for seta up to ,i. tube. at 180 Voh. El-$50.00. £3-$39.50. Includinr Raytheon Tub. All-American Conltant B--very effident, $39.00 Kodel'. New ModeJ 10 B Tran,if..,r, $42.50 Kadel A a nd B Powe.. Unit, Le.. Tube, $65.00 New Silve.. Mar-hall Plgr-ln Eliminatou, T)'pe 650C The New Starlinr B Eliminator, Le.. Tube, $24.00 Keep Your "A" Battery Up with" a Trickle Charger Ballr;ite--Silite--T Unlal'-Acme--Ste .. linc-Vella An Ine.pen.i"e Wa,. of Keep;n. Your Batlery ,at Ita Beat for All Time.

DEALERS; Park Nest Door at Our E.pen." Ra~io Supply Co. WHOLESALE 920 So. Broadway VA_ 6063 Lo. Angeles Send for Our Cat.Jo.u., January 8 Radio DoingJ WE CARRY GOO D STOCKS Of the Representative Lines of Radio Parts at All Times H ere A.re Just a FetfJ of Them: ACME Apparatus, Eliminators and All Parts ALDEN T ruphonic Amplifiers, Parts, Etc. ALL-AMERICAN RADIO CORP.-Full Line AMERTRAN De Luxe and Regular Transfonnen AMSCO SLF Single and Siamese Condensers BENJAMIN Sockets, Brackets, Coils, Etc. BREMER TULLY Parts and Kit.-.Full Line CARTER RADIO CO.-Parts, Imp. Rheostats, Etc. DA VEN RADIO CORP.-All Resistance Units and Tube. DUBILIER CONDENSER CORP.-Comp,lete Line FORMICA Black and Walnut Sheet Bake'lite ana -rubing GENERAL RADIO PARTS-Full Line of Pan. HAMMARLUND Parts-Condensers, Coils, Etc. JEFFERSON Transformers and Tube Rejuvenators MARCO Dials. Switches and Other Parts NATIONAL CO.-Browning.Drake Units and Parts PREMIER Hedgehog T ransfonners and Part. REMLER Radio Parts-Infradyne Units, Etc. SAMSON Transfonners and Chokes-All Sizes SANGAMO Bakelite Fixed Condensers-Full Line SILVER MARSHALL rarts, Kits and Eli:minators STERLING Tube Testers, Eliminator., Trickle Chargers, Etc. THORDARSON Audio and Power Transfonners TOBE DEUTSCHMANN Hi Test Condensers TOWER Cone Speakers and Head Sets VESTA Trickle Chargers and A Power Units WESTON Meters-Complete Line Y AXLEY Parts-Rheostats, Jack., Switches, Etc. ALL.AMERICAN, THORDARSON AND MAGNAVQX REPLACEMENT TRANSFORMERS IN STOCK NOW DEALERS: P .. rk Next Door .. lOur Exp.. n ... Radio Supply Co. WHOLESALE 920 So~ Broadway' VA. 6063 Los Angeles Send for Our c .. t ..1orue 10 J anunry 8 PREPARE NOW!

Build fOIr the Future by Using the Stadley AJI-Wave Coil The Latest Achievement in Radio!

RADIO LISTENERS I Wh .. t will your .ct be w orth when the propo.ed nationa l ]"gi.lation goe, into eff ect} CA N YOU tune in on .t .. tion. b roaclca.ling on low wave length ,) THE STADLEY ALL.WAVE COIL make. pOIl.ibl" the tuning in of all . tation ... w heth er th ey b ra.dealt on a wave length of 30 meie r. o r SSO meter.. Th .. p.uenl·day conlu.lon .nd crowding On the limited wave length . ... trned t o broadealll"" .18tlon. maltu It lmpuatlv.. t hat new ehann.. l. bi opened, Ih ... which n ...... Iatlonl may be put on the at. and 0 101 O1otlon l , .. U.... ed of their p reunt eongullon. Tht. mean. Ihlll .llIIlon. mun b ....i p:"ed lo w . Iv. ]Ml,th., and IInle.. your radio ut i. equipped wllh ... a ll·wavi eoll. It will not ba poulbla fa. you to tuna In on .tationa u'ln, thue new low wa"u. E"en today. KDKA. Pltt.bu.,; WCV. Sch_ectad)'. and W1Z. New Vork. ue broadcaotlng on a low meter Wftva •• weU a. th. l. aUot ted bI,h meter "',,,e. Thl, .ha ws the trend of future developmenu. Modernlu you •• et by In.talllnll the STADLEV AL'L· WAVE COIL. P rice. In· "luding full direction. for InotelllnS". 11 0.00. If you . d.,.l". can not . upply you. tend money o.der Or bank drll!t for the above amount direct to manuf.ct u.e• •• a nd we wHl mlln you the coil poatpeld to any point In the Unit... St.ate.. (Per.on.l check. not accepted unle.. ..e.tllled .) Prlc. of coil complet. wllh t.ndem 00"· den. er. dial .nd . "'Itc h. S22.S0.

Harry A. Lu ure Co., 212 Chamber of Commerce 81d,., La. An,elel, Calif. Pho ae WE, t ",o •• 7345

K a ryl Radio Sho p, 2019 W ••t Seventb St. ( Nt. A!'·arado) Loa Anl'" le., Cal. P b ...... DRezei 7845

J obbe .. . ",d deale .. w. ",ted th.uou t t he oountty to ...t, t Us In ths dlstrlbu· tlon o f thla coil. Escll" I".. terrlto.y n ow beln, a lloned; att'act l"e p.opos ltlo ... ro. full detail, w rite d irect to manu la.. tu.e •• : STADLEY & ZIMMERMAN 2019 WEST SEVENTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA Progress

T is agreed by all that 1926 has been the most remarkable period in the history of Radio. even though nearly all the noted me:n in the Rndio industry dltre)' I in just what lws been tho most distinct achievement in lhe last twelve months. Hadio Teicililony across the Atlantic Ocean, beam or di rectionnl wireless, weather maps by Radio photograjlhy to the vessels at sea and the sending of short·wave messages half way around th .. wor!d seem to stand out as Ihe best of the achievements in 1926. The Radio experts. and those most closely connected with the Industry. :Ialu· rally think that the gr'ent deeds ~Lccomplished In their own particular line of endeavor were of lhe greatest benefit to t he industr;~ and to clvllhation. Major General C, 1\1. !;ialtman, chief of the Arm:f Signal Corps, states that the satisfactory establishlllent of Radio Telel)hony communication across the Atlantic Ocean, through the joint efforts of the American Telel)hone and Telegraph com­ panies and the Britlsh Post Office, is the outstanding achievement of the year. Dr. George K. Bm·gess, Director of the Bureau of Standul·ds. ami Dr. J. H. Dellinger, of the Radio Research Laboratory of the Burean, believe that the great· est change In radio lIas been the shiH of interest and importance from distauce reception to local reception and the great desire on tbe part of the pulJllc to receive clear and pel·fect I·ecelltlon rather than tho screeching and howling which usually accompanies recepllon from great distance. Senator Dill declares that the development of tlte Transmission of Radio signals by the Beam light recently deveolped by Marconi is of the great· est benefit to the public. Dave Sarnoff, V, P. of the Radio Corporation ol ~ America, pOintS out that the short· wave directional wireless mal'ks one of the gl'entesl steps in th e development of Radio. C, ~'. Mar vin. Chief of the " 'eather Bu reau, says that Hadio Is Indi!;pOll Sa ble to the operation of the weather bureau, and it has :aJded them greatly In the pre· paring and hroadcasting of forecasts and storm warnings. C. Francis J enkins, well known inventor of \Vashlngton, D. C.. states that Olle of the greatest accomplishments ot Radio has been the safety which It has assured the ships at sea, and through the use ot the wireless compass they are able at all times to get their bearing within one deg:ree. Capta.!n Ridley McLean, Director of ~ava l COmmunications. points out the great and constantly increasing use of ahort·wave receivers by the military and naval forces o[ not only this country, but of the world. and the eftlciency obtained through the use or this type of receiver, Radio has made vast strides during tlte past year, Slid even though it seems to have attained a high degree of perfection, it Is s.till in its infancy, so we may expect belter and greater tbings from lind through the use of radio in the years to come. We believ",that tbe greatest Improvement in RadiO has been in tbe fine type of clear broadcasting and tbe excellent talent whi ch the staUons are now em· ploylng. . 12 Radio Doings January 8 Should W omen Swim Nude? MuCh hali! been eald of "jealousy be· wilh a gTe'll cruwd of the company's tween stations," and so forth. but Ma­ ~ \le st9 on board, together with Presl· dent .T. H. Patrick of the Island Com· jor Lawrence Mott, at his wonderful pany and also president of the Mara­ little KFWO, OUI on the sun·blessed thon Committee. On th e Avalon will hIland of Catalina. has no faith in such also be all the newspaper men and things. He has a credo all Ills own. SI)OI't~ writer~, Three microphones are which Is, In errect, l inn there !lows In place on the vessel, one on the from the average human heart a I'cry bridge, one in the operating room and great deal of the milk of human kind· one over the splendid orchestra, that ness. And he has proven this by the will enliven the long night hours, 6XA fact that, in 1he malter of broadcast· will be in charge of one of the KNX ing station!! all ol'er the U. S. and CIlIl' engineering staff, Leslie Hewitt, and ada, he has m et with nothing but the lhe mlcrOI)hones will be kept warm by most courteous or treatment as to none othcr than the Town Crier of the his famous rebroadcasting or programs Day at J{l\'X, 1'i1 ~:ddl(! Albright. and here, there and c\'erywhere. The MfL' I ~oyal Underwood, Jar says In a communication to us: Not content to rest there, Major Mot! "Seems strange, but the only rebutr has gotten fn touch with the following that I have encountered In my requests distant staUons that will arrange to to other stations ror permission to reo pick up either KNX or KF"WO at VB· broadcast their programs, callie from­ L'loILS times during the swlmfest, and A LOll Angel6/! staUon! In \'ery truth, rebroadcast the !mlashlnR of lhe Pa· a pl'ollhet ill hot without honOL' save In cific OCClln, etc., wtth the latest race his own country!" news, for listeners allover the U. S, The fL'lendsh!!) existing between th e RCa, KGW, ROA, K!'.IOX and W-fA Z, hustling Major, perched out on his love­ and It Is a choice between three At­ ly Island. and the managemcnt of dis· lantic seaboard staUous. A deCisIon tant stations results in splendid ar· wm hll,'e been reached by th e nme rangements for the pleasilre of lhe lilO' tilis issue of Radio DOings Is in your tenlng public, as follows: The most hands. Th\ls It will be seen that there unique event In SILOrting annals w\l1 be Ilre but very few listeners in the whole held on January 15th on the Ca talina country that wl11 not have the distinct· Channel- the mnch-heralded Swimming Iy unique fun of listening to broadcast Marathon from the island to the main· from a floating microphone! 6XA, on land. a distance of approximately 21.1 the o;hip, witl probably be on ils usual miles, for an aggregate of $40,000 in 105 meters. KFWO and aU other sta.­ pri1.es olIered by that prince or SpOL·tS· lions associated in the recast wtll be meil, Wm. Wrlglcy, Jr. Through the on their rel;'\llar wave lengths, of course. courtesy of the Santa Catalina Island Further details wl!1 be In next week's Company. Major Mott has permission issue. Major Molt ad,'lses that letters to use the big Steamship Avalon or in the $25.00 contest for the best epls, the company's neet as a floating broad· tle, by either man or woman. on the casting station, and GXA, the well· subject, "Shall Women Wear Bathing known portable t ~n smltter of KNX, Suits or Not?" In the Ocean Marathon. has been installed on the huge vesscl, are coming In to KI~WO "by the bushel which will be the omclal convoy ship, basket loads, and all very sane." January 8 Radio Doings 13 Radio Aids the Singer Promising Local Artist Declaring radio to be the greatest Consldel'able comment has been single aid to the ambitious singer and made by those who recently heard tbe backing her statements by strong and rendition of tbe play "Spring," directed ]oglcnl conclusions, Josephine Lucchese, by Miss Marlta Foucher, during one Of world·famed Amerlcan·born and Amerl· KFl's popular dramatic hours, concern· can·tralned coloratura soprano, while Ing the young lady who played the role stopping In Los Angeles last week, pNl­ of "The Girl," and we are only too paratory to ]eavlng the alatau for a sea· pleased to publlah her photograph as ao n at the Royal Opera of Madrid, was tho ,Jueat Of President J. A. IIartley of the Pacific Wholesale Radio, Incorpo­ rated. Due to a cOllll"8ct made one year ago, but wblch expires this eprlng, the


well u to say a tew ~'ords about her. This role was played by Lou\se Bow· den, who Is prominently Identified with the Parenl·Teachen' Co mmunity P lay· ers of Loll Angeles; she bas also taken psrt \n a number or the Potboiler plays JOSEPHINE LUCCHESE In this city, and In each ot her many roles she blUl dlsplnyed nn artistry thot "American Nlgbtlngale," as she Is tully warl"8nted the many pleasing com· known. was unable to appear on any of ments made by local crlUcs. Both be­ the local rsdlo stations, much against fore the microphone and on the speak· ber own sentlmente. '" believe that U Ing stage this young lady has displayed the professional concert or opera sing· exceptional ability, and her future al)' er could but show his or her wares that pearancen are looked forward 10 with Increased box office salee would be the keen Interest. result," she stated. "The motion picture hOUS99 nowl-days sbow a few scenes Of could well be applied to the radio to be the nnt week's offering, tbus whetting used as n means of promotion tor the the appetite of the public. The same up-to-datE! concert manager. Radio DOJRt.J .Iall/WI·Y 8 Broadcast Changes

NEW ST ATIONS Wa ve Frequency Call Owne r Length Keys, WLBR Alford Radio Com pany, Bel videre, Ill . 335 89' KGDX William Erwin Antony, Shrevepol·t. La. 291.1 1030 WBSO J3abson's Statistical Organization. Wellesley l-HlI s, Mass. 242 1239 WBET Boston Transcript Co., Boston, Mass .. , a8 4.4 780 WMPC First Methodist Protestant Church, Lapeer, "'ich .. .. 222 13S1 WLPP Robert A. Fox, Ashland, Ohio,...... 220.4 1360 WLBJ Henry Grossman, Clel'eland, Ohio ...... ,. 300 999.4 WLBN William Evert Hll(>r. Portable (Chicago, TILl .... 22S.4 1330 KGDY J. Albel·t Loesch. Oldbam. S. Oak ...... 210 1428 WC01\1 172nd Field ArUJ1err, Headquarters Battery, New Hampsblre Na tional Guard. Manchester. N. B .. 252 1190 I\CDZ Nor wegian Lutheran College, Decorah, Iowa. 431 69S.6 KYA Pacific Broadcasting Corp., San I"ranclsco, Calif.. ~99.8 750 WLBA P hiladelphia School of Wlreleiis Telegraphy. Philadelphia, Pa ..•...... 236.1 1270 WRSC The Radio COI· p. Chelsea, !\l ass ...... 270.1 1110 KFCR Santa Ba rbara Broadcast. Co .. Santa Barbara. Cnlif. 413 726 WTRL Technical Radio Labol'atory, Midland Pa rk, N. J. 280.2 1070 WOKT TUus·Ets Corp., Rochester, N. Y .. 340 881.8 WLBO ~~rederick A. Trebbe, Jr., Galesburg. Ill. 243 1234 WLBQ S. Dale Trout, Atwood. Ill.. 230.6 1300 CHANGES WKBO Camith Corporation, Jersey Clly, N. J., wave length changed [rom 309.1 metel's. 970 kilocycles. to 303.9 melers, 986.6 kllocycies. WJAR T he Outlet Co., Providence. R. 1.. wave length changed from 30S.9 meters. 980 kilocycles, to 483,6 meters. 620 kilocycles. WIDW C. L. Carrell. Portable (Chicago. Ill.), name changed trom Dr. L. L . Dill. l...ocalion changed from Logansport. Ind. 'Vave length changed from 220.4 meters. 1260 kilocycles. to 21S.7 meters, 1390 kilocycles. WIBi\! C. L. Carroll, Portable (Chicugo, JJl.l. name changed from Billy Maine. ,\ro,v Woodmen of t.he World. Omahll. Nf'h .. ('a ll leiters chl1ngell from W O Ai\t. OELETES

K~~ UU B. C. Colburn and Eo L. i\lathewson, Oakland. Calif. \VIDA Elite Radio Stores. New Bedford, Mass. STANDARD RADIO CO. 417 Wed Pica Street, lot Angeles, Calif. F ADA- A TWATER -KENT AND WESTERN ELECTRIC DEALER We Carry a Complete. Line Open Model Atwa ter·Kent Wave length Cut Down to 200 Meter. We Are Allo Making a Specialty of Sharpening Tuning in Any Radio Set 2.Tube Harkne .. Changed to 3-Tuhe, Guaranteed Perfect Tune-Out on . Local Station •. Telephone WEstmore 1560 Open Evening. Until 9 o'dock Jamlllry 8 Reginald Werrenrath to Give Recital Heginald Werrenrath, the IlOpular American baritone who 8ing8 over KFI Auth()ri~d and KPO on January 13th, through the Dedic:) courtesy or Hay Thomas. believes that every singer ~ho\lld on ly sing SOllgH thal Ht his or her personallly. When Ray Thomas, wllo III Southerll '@ Callrornla dl8trlbutor or Atwater Kent radio, was In the East making a rrange· ments ror Werrenrath'a concert here. Werrcnl'ath made his Ideas Oil this point very clear. "There Is nothing Illo re ridiculou s," 1'Ie said. "Ollln tor a virile tenor or a ponderous bailS to YOUR OLD PHONOGRAPH HAS A CASH VALUE! EXICHANGE IT FOR A Radiola 20 Operating without batteries. o bother-no worry. Just plug into li ght socket.

Lei u. D emonJIlrnle elSay a tender luIJaby which Is esaen· tlalJy a wOman'8 song, a mother croon· Ing to her baby. Then, too, It Is not C.. ll BEacon 7439 very convincing for a woman to aing a passionate love aong at a 8ultor woo· Ing a malden, for abe appears to make . SouthernCalifomiaRadioCo. love to henelr." 2135 W . Pico Lo. Angele. Werrenrath h' among the great ar­ Usts selected by Ray Tho~aB to give OPEN EVENINGS I'lld lo COnCer11! t hlll winlt'r. ,- - 16 Radio DoingJ January 8 DX CLUB

FROM 'WAY DOWN SOUTH I can tune In KFI any night tbrough December 14 , 1926. and kind ot Interference v.-ith loud s ileaker volume, Editor of DX Club: Mr receiver Is an S,5 OZII. I'ka Senior. I have just noUced some of the DX Two radio detectors and two audios. records In your November 20tl1 Issue. All of the stations have been vel'ltled. Althougb I am not bOBallng, 1 belle\'6 I won IIrst prize In the Ozarka 1926 T have a DX log for 'any night owl to Inte rnational Teat Contest. Would be shoot at. I have never heard Australia glad 10 hear from any OX ran, especially or Japan. aa some of the Pacific COBa l Ihose 0 11 the Pacific Coast. fans ha,'e, hut here goes what I have tuned in. T have !teaI'd 462 atations. TEO LEHMAN, 1104 Greenup Ave., All of tbe United States, Canada, Mexl· As hland, Ky. can, Cuba and Porto Rico slatlona came III on the loud speaker. The rest, with the exception of two In Europe, were THE TOWN'S IDOL h eard on the headphones. Th ~ rollow­ Wllipple, Ariz., Dec. I , 1926. ing are . the mOllt distant ones: KGU, DX Club: Honolulu ; S8R, Brussels, ; Jusl R few IInes. to your club. Our· Breaieau. Germany; IRQ, Rome: 2BD, ing that hea\'y rain we had here I had Aberdeen; 51T, Birmingham: 5WA. fin e reception of tile Army and Navy Cardiff; 2EH, Edinburgh; sse. Glas­ footbuH gama at Chicago, getting them g:ow: 6PY, Plymouth; 6LV, Liverpool; at 1:30 p. m.; also at 4 p. m. same 2LO. London: 5NO, Newcastle; 2ZY, day hRd WJZ, . I was the . only M anche~te r ; PTT, Paris; CYA, Mexico one here tllat got the returns, so you City; CYL. Mexico City; F AY, Mexico can see I a m mlgbty proud ot my ra­ City; OAX, Lima, Peru; WKAQ, San celltlon. I also pIcked up W IOD, MIami J uan; PWX, Havana ; 6KW, Tulnueu; Beach, Florida, at about 6 p. m. I am 20L, Havana; CKCD, Vancouver; us ing a Radlola 20 a nd a Gos llco aerial CFAC, CFCN, Calgary; KFIU, JUneau ; Rnd give this kind of aerial a. whole KFI, KHJ. KNX, KFSG. KTBI, KMTR. lot of praise tor the wonderful recep· KNRC, Lol Angeles: KFO=-<, Long tlon I have been bavlng since tb9t Beach; KPSN, Pasadena ; KGW, KOIN. Rerlal bas been Inltalled. Portland: KFQX. KOMO, KFOA, KJR, HAROLD E. WALES. Seattle; KOAC, Corvallis; KGO, KLX, Oakland ; KSL, Suit Lake City; KPO. Mory Leaf, popular and noyelty long San Francisco; KFSD, San Diego; a rtist. who became popular over KNX, CNRV, Vancouver; KOWW, Walla the Evening Express radio Itation, has Walla ; KOB, State College; KFAF, severed hIs connection with a local th&­ KLZ, KOA, KFEL, Denver; KFKA. ater, atter a two months' run, and will Greeley; KFEY, Kellogg; KFA,D, Pho&­ again be heard from time to time on nix. and a new government station In radio programs. He has always been Haiti at Port au Prince. an 6rcluslve ~NX a rtist.. / rrn wary ,J" DX CLUB

HEARING IS BELIEVING KPSN 316, he couid bring in KOA, Den· ox Club: \'cr 322, and KDKA 310, Pittsburg, "too Recenlly there appeared In the DX toud to listen to"-tbat settled It, I got Club section of Radio Doings two artl· my nret Penetrola, attached It to my cles about my summer and winter reo oid set, which ,could barety hear Denver, cClltlon with your ~cnetrola attachment nnd when KPSN was on they mllCed up on my set, that hall aroused a questlou ..... Itb KNX; well, I duplicated the doc· of doubt among IDany Rndio fal18, deal· lor's results, and then logged 130 out· NS and other set manufacturers; forc· of.town stations during tbe early sllrlng ing me to hereby protect my good uame and summer, getting distant stations and that good product, so I will give two and three meters either side of our a statement of my ClCperlence which localS. With the Penetro\a the old set you are at libcrty to ahow anyone, and 'Iult blooplng, squealing and howling, if they desire they may come to my home and I '01'111 demonstrate to them and raised my radio signals above the what I have accomplished, for the Jlroof noise level. I played Portland, Walia of all radio reception Is in the hearing Walla and CNRV, Vancouver, B. C., 011 Ilnd seeing fOI' oneself. laet summer on tlie speaker, louder tllan Since radio came to the I)ul.lll c we most 5·tube sell! can get KFON, Long havo had In our famlly several kinds of Beach. lIets, and like all fans, continually S. W. HENKEL, >learchlng for "the bes!." Three years 1338 N. Oronge Grove Ave .. ago T built a 7·tube Precise, two dial Hollywood, Calif. McLaughlin. The nClCt year I wanted Phone Ii &-5273. to " modcrnlze my set and get more volume, so T added on a stage of "push· Ali classes of broadcasting has sbown Ilull" audio, making the set have 9 a marked Improvement during the year, tnbes; San Francisco then being obtain· lIut nOlle so milch na the manner ot an· cd weakly on the speakCr gn \'e us a nounclng the football games. Previous· thrill. Iy, the announcer simply told of the Last spring I read your advertise· play that had bcen made, now the run· ments about the Penetrola, but having nlng form of annOUncing ball added tried various boosters and attachments very much to the Interest of the hearer tryIng to get selectivity ami dtstance, uud It 18 not hard to follow the ball, and only to be dlsllp)lolnted, I Willi skept1cnl 0110 Clln almost feci thllt you orc attend· about the Penetrola claims. I delayed Ing the game. Wo bellove Glenn RIce buying a Penetrola unU! I accidentally of KNX was the flrllt to use this method nverheard a doc\.or from Pasadena 1119- aud others have quickly followed, much ('n!isl ng with a frIend how, since )lutung to the advantage of tbe lovers Of the It Penetrola on his set and, llespite the gnme who have not been able to lIeE! the rllrt that he lived only four hlol'kll trom games In pel·SOII. 18 Radio DoingJ CJ\gdia Uapics af the 1)ay A If/eek/y Review of Radio News, Thought and Opiuion

EXPECT TO HAVE AVIATION JAP SUPER-STATION TO BE BEACONS EVERY TWENTY­ RUSHED FIVE MILES More light on the building of the As a part of the Government's elab­ f,reat Ja panese station-to be one of orate program tor dev,e loping commer­ the most IJOWerful In the world and for cial Rylatlon during the coming yesI', communication with Europe and maybe the Bureau ot Standards Is making a Ameriea-waa contained In a dispatch model Installation or three types ot from H. -r'. Goodier. our consul at Ne· radio aids at College Park, a suburb of goya. Washington - radio telephony t rom The 8ta\.lon will be built by the Tele­ ground to aircraft, the directive radio funken Company of Germany and will beacon, and a aystem of marker bea· be located at Isaml·mura, DOt a great cons. ways from. Yokohama and Tokio. The equipment will be modern In every Nl' The beacon towers have been erected Il pect and the Installation Is expected ~nd generators !lud equipment are be­ to be compiefed at the earliest possible ing assembled. Improvement in the time. beacon system bas been carried OUl on the laboratory scale; one of the Im­ provements is expected to reduco tbe NEW LAKES BEACON use ot these beacon signals to the mere A rsdlo beacon has been established watching of a light on the alrplane.in: at Thundell' Day IlIland Light Station, OD IIl rume nt board. the west sIde of Lake Huron, Mich. It The marker beacons are small radiO /lOunds ev ~ ~ ry 120 seconds In groups of transmitters to be placed every 25 miles two dashes for 60 seconds a nd silent to act as milestones to tell the aviator for 60 lIec(mds. bow far be has flown. It Is expected that the actual Instal· KOP COMES BACK UNDER A lations en route may be delayed some· NEW NAME wbat, due to the fact that the commer· Di sguised by a few {ulse whll\ken in clal aviation program carries a limited the shape of call letters, WVlPR, the Ilpproprlallon for aida to navigation. DetroIt PoJlce Department, whose old and It I~ evidently the present Inlen· station was famous ror Its deSignation t;on to Install lights and other visible KOP, ·has again been licensed to broad· rnarkerH before IntenHlvely going !n fo r cast. In tact. four stations were au· radio aldH. thorb;ed toO go on the nlr this week. bringing the total numbers UP to 621. A well known public service official recenUy remarked that radiO had taken Never lIut oil or vRReline on the the place of the 116100n. ~w1tcbee ot a set. January & Nadio D oingj 19

Questions and Answers ? By FORBES W. VAN WHY, A. I. E. E., A. I. A. E., ? • Technical Editor Radio Doings •

QUESTION-E. C. B., Colton, Calif.: In mind that all YOIl can expect Is more Am a constant reader of Radio 0 01ng8. volume, and NOT more distance. I have two New York Co;1 Company s upers, and they do not seem satisfac· QUESTION-A. S. Smith, LOl An­ tory, unstable, no volume. Is that char· geles. Calif.: WIH a steel non-<:orroslve acteristlc of that type of set, or is It In clothes line w ire be as efficient as en· the Individual let? Could I use the ameled w ire of single conductor? Am parts on a Best 45,000 cycle set, or I rioht in thinking that single wi r e I, would the regular Best parts be best? better than stranded, because it ha, ANSWER- The New York Coli Com· less resistance? Please advise what pany supers give good results If cnre· kind of ground is best t obring In Aus· fully balanced and IJrlnts and speclfi· tralian stations. Is a ground using two cations are exactly followed. Any at· dead "B" batteries efficient? tempt to Incorporate personal Ideas III ANSWER-The slcel wire does not supers often results In I)OOr reception. have the conductivity of copper wire Trouble Is undoubtedly within your own and while It may be tcrmed lIon·corro· receiver. and. I suggest you check an si"e by the dealer. atter melng sub­ wiring and parts carefully. The Bes t J{)ctcd to the elements for a shnrt pe­ 45,000 super 18 excellent, and It you riod. will take on a high resls'ance do decide to build one of them, use the coaling upon Its s urface. The ennmeled parts prescribed by Mr. Dest. nlld ad· wil'e has a protection for Its surface. bere strictly to his specifications, and The high frequency currell1 trave]" YOU wlll ]1>'1\'0 {l firllt daSH receiver. Do upon the surface qf a· conductor. There· not ad"lae Using forelgll parts on an, fore, stramied wire Is better than a sin· ot her tY]J(3 of receiver, due to the fact gle coU/iuctor for high frequency CUI'­ that III this particular cast, as well as rents, since It offers more surface, or many others, the Ta]ues and units of to be exa('t, mof~ surfaces, equipment to be used ha"e beall prede­ termined· by long and vigilant lal,o:a· tory expel·lments. You should, Clei-e· QU ESTION-Aex L. Stevens, Cadiz, fore, 3\'all yourself of these findings. Calif.: I am contemp lating changing a three·tube regenerative set using the QUESTION-Leo MeColgan, Or oville, peanut tubes, to use the C·301A tubes. Calif.: Would like very much t o use a and wish to know if this will make It power tube UX 11 2 In a S.tube Neutro' necessary to ehange the balance of the wound reeeiver, one of the ol der mod· ut or not, a lso Is there a n adapter that els, usin g 3 st ages of transformer cou· I can use in t he small soekets, in order piing on audio frequency, and wiSh to to use the large tubes? Is such an ap­ know If I should do away wit h the last pllanee on the market? Will it be ne~ stage and the power tube used In what essary to change Vo ltage also? as now Is now the 2nd audio, or ,hou ld I leave using 4 V2 volts of " A" battery, T hank it as It Is and use a ' i three stages, the you, kindly, last as a power tube? Also, what reo ANSWER-The receiver may be oper· suits could I e:<"pect1 ated with "A" tuhes without changing ANSWER-We do not ruggest chang· the equipment, other than sockets and In,;- the gcneral continuity or the nell· Increasing the "A" battery to 6 volta, tl'owolllld circuit. It Is a good circuit, "S", battery should be in accordance especially for volume, the writer hal'" with Instructions 011 cartons containing Ing had consldcrab]e e...: perlence with the " ,\" tu]JCs, At present no adapters this rccelver. Since you atready have (lTe a\'allable, whereby large t\lbee can good volume, we dg not see what there be adapted to small sock ets. In mak· Is to be gained by putting In a power ing t he cllnnge, I s uggest Installation of tube. U yon actuany desire Il'Iore vol· large socken, using adapters In the ume, the proper thing Is to Install event you ever desire to use smaller power tllbe In last audio stage. Bear tubes again. 20 Radio Doings l allu ary 8 73he Woman's Page


THE FAMILY BUDGET saving, with II beUer rate ot interest, Th is beginning of Nineteen lIundred invested in building and loan cerll l!. · and Twenty-Seven makes Ullproprlnte a catcs. It Is a simple lIllng to Investl· little about budgets. To the average gate the standing or any company orrer, woman this word Is a lJugbear; lllie In; this method ot saylog, through the tearll It Dlay mean 100 great self-denial: Stale authorities; ..... ho supervise the or mor e likely her tOlll' is thal th,'ough operations of these concerns, and this Us application she IIllly beconle stingy Is always advisable, One very simple lI od mean. But it Is 1\ matter that method of budgeting tor the woman IIhoul d be talked 0\'61' with the IIllin of who dislikes keeping accounts, Is 10 th e bO UlID, and his comIliele CO-O llcratlon have a series ot envelopes with labels secured It there Is to he a succcsdul - "Rcnt," "Table," "'nsurance," and 80 business administratIon In your home. on- the amount allo ..... ed for ellch Item At first thought this co-operation would to be I)'aced in ellch envelope on PIIJ· Iccm sure, but I know that 110stli of da)'. 1 bave kno ...... n women who have women find It difficult to llolt! the Illun cal'rled on "ery successfully In this way, to a stated nllowanC6 tor his own usc, but the budget book presents a system 18 weI] 118 for ller II SC In th e house. of checkinj:(" ba ek OD yourself, which la EIther he thinks Bhe should spend less in\'Rluable, and give him morc, 01' he wonlt! have ber dress and entertain on the Mame SAL A D DRESSING seale as does the wtrc of his bOilS, Ilnd Noll' for the salad dressing which I It the home manage r Is unable to man· promised last week, 1 believe you will age it on her allowance, charge accounts like it. Once In my home, I entertained are encouraged to meet exigencies of a famous chef, who was greatly In· . peclal occasions, and debls and obllga· trlgued by the dressing 00 the salad, so lion. on every 1l3nd, won'y ami create I gave him Ihe recipe, ao(lslnce then he dissension. We are told by those who has made it one of the featuros of his have made a study of the home budget service. that out of an income ot $200 a month, US8 the best oll\'e 011; the economical 5311 :l h oull.l b" allowe d for rent; '4(; (01' wily 1.'1 to purchalJe a gallon CIIII, Mill tbe table; $15 for life or health Insur· 3 tubleSI)()ons of olive 011 with 2 table­ ance; $15 for laundry; $25 for c1otlllng, spoons ot granulated sugar, % teaspoon and $25 for the man's lunches and car· salt and 'h teas poon pallrlka. Scrape tare; that leaves $.0 for miscellaneoull the surface of a n onion In such a way expenditures, The relit cstimate might thnt 10 or 12 dl'ops of the juice ~ 1I1 be raised to $50, and applied on the drop into the mixture. T hen ndd a few pu rchaa8 ot II Ilome, which would be one drops at a time, sUrrlng constantly. 1\ method of saving. Qut If $35 Is ailn pl,. Hne quality of vinegar, or whnt is bet· /\,olog out In rent, the addltlonal amount ter, lemon juice, !lnUi the oil mh:ture sbould be pinced in the savlng!C bank; and acid are thoroughly blended Into a 0(, ",bat Is reali)' as saff' a me tho(1 Of smooth dressing, about the thickness Jalluary 8 The Woman's Page -Continued or syrup. This Is a splendid dressing tor head lettuce. endh'e, tomatoeq and ror a grape· fr uit salad.

AN ITALIAN DISH ~'Ol" this week·s slmille dinner menu. lot me eive yon Sl ~plend l d recipe for Italilln spaglJelt1 with mllllt balls. 'Villi JI, shh' dish or puree of spinach. this makes a COlllllle!e meal. To make lhe meat balls, take l 'h Ibs. ground round or beef, a ll d "%.I b. f/:rouud frelll! pork. To t his add I labiellpoon gBrlic and 2 tablelll)()OnS parsley. botb choPlled tine. Ad d salt and pepper. 2 CUPII bread VALLEY crumb\! (take dlly old bread and grate the Inside) and I cup grated Pal·mellnn cheese. Add 2 raw eggs and work all B Power Unit tOgeth er with t he hands until very ligbt. Then roll Into balls the size of an egg The V a lley " 8 " Power Unit a nd fry in olive oil until an ft lliletizing ta kes the place of " 8" batteries brown. P lace the meat balla In deep by p ro viding plate voltag e from k etUo and Ilour a ll the 011 and scraps th e hOllse lighting circuit for left In the trying Into the kettle. any radio receIV ing aet o f Then add stTalned tomato juice. It III twelve tubes or less. For Re ~ better to pllrchase the best grade of lia ble reception, this unit oper­ canned lomnloes-2 cans-and WOrk ates with the famous Raytheon through a collendar. Simmer slowly Tube. Priced t o sell at $50. about l'h houTS. Tn a large kettle have complete. boilIng water I1nd 15 minutes berore Valleytone Model No. 52 servIng the dinner d rop In the spagbet· tl; the italian way Is to serve the long The .mall " .. t below . how. the VaUey. tone Radio ReceIve• • S·t .. h ... t uolOd ,.dito spa ghetti unbroken. F trteen minu tes' f ••qu"ncy. Two dial control. Wi...... t ha t the ..... of the pow". , .. b. t • ..,.. cooking sllould be enough. Dra In an d 'Jone l. Prlu $98.00. ser ve 011 h ot plates. with 2 ment balls and a ladle or the tomato sauce, OVllr all a sprinkling of Pnrmesnn cheese. Serve berore thIs dish. rl po olives and hearls or celery, then a jello or a prune wblp ror dessort. V ALLEY ELECTRIC CO. THEY ACT ALIKE ST . LOUIS. MO.

Never dil JJo D(l upon your hus band. your chUd, your COOk. or your radio to Western States Sales Co. "show orr" at the critical moment when 288 Chro" JcI. Bu Udi .... S_ Freado.. ·U 5 s ... Fe.-ne ndo Bid•• • Lno An.-ln you most w Slnt them to.-Exchnnge. lZ Radio DojngJ January 8 Distant Stations for the DX Fan

l.ocatlon khedule of Concert and o.rtee MUllc JaliUary 8 RadIO DoinXJ 23


Do you get these stations.l BOSCH DOES Reiman Wholesale Electric Co. 218 to 228 East Third St. Los AlIgeles MEtropolitan 4280 WHOLESALE ONLY Rad.o DOHlfJ J a nuOP')' 8 Filter-Flex LAMP SOCKET RADIO This Radio Entirely Eliminates Both A and B Batleries It Hal More Power a nd Better Tone Than Any Other Set That Sells at Anywhere Near Its Price

No Here Batteries It THIS MODEL Today No $125 C.1I On An, of Eliminators Complete the Below ~o thlnll .".t ... to buy and pUdl. Menlioned. No co lly no upkeep. De.len for a Hum Demon.lralion.

T ahle Model Co mplele

LO I A Nonu HO LLYWOOD LONG BEACII_ Math , . Cat', M",w IIIuoio c.. B.,.•• III Moio c.. 111M lIoUJ'W'OOd. m l'd. sn "",,,'un " A' ... OENA_T...... &. Ct"'" R.. "' ..... $ ...... 1110 liMa " ...... , BlLL n .Ow "R_IItIlW. .... "-I •. IIO.l fSu...-... n:s. nrood." O·arl";"'l ~~" ., COV I NA_L. T. H...... I. f>U (NT(_L. T. 1I0.~ 0 ..1.1 1a'1o ('1\>11' A .... SA NTA ANII-II • • I.) s-ti., f~ n a Mtln 81. CU LVER CITy_Vi.... Child .... G_.c... ~ I1.~...... N ~I~;':.."'l.J~~:::"c •. GlIOt W .....lul\toor III,.,!. SANTA BARBARA_OI ...... In... Ra.lo 'h., DOWNEY_Dorn, H E.... 1110 .. R.dlo. 0 111-, MIll ltd. 2&01 W. IIlo o,",R IO~ N C,."f<>r'd. SA NTA MONICA_A. E. J ..k ..~ M .. T ...... HERMOSA B£ACH--e. Mu.lo, lUI Third 81. Uflle!. '"...... Nil .... " Ni l ... AI .... dtr SA HTA PAULA_Ill! eorw. 4310 II. A ••l on lI1


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Authorized Dealer for F .. da an:d Crosley Seta Salet, Service and Exchange Battery Cbar.ina, SG.:-Tube. Rej .... en.ted Fr_ DAVIS RADIO CO. Tima Payment. if De.ired.. WEotmore 6948 OlMn E"eni"a' and Sunday. 281'l' S, M..ia St., t.o. ADa.a., j TXIJ'I!I!i!t; I II,' Ill' III' l x Ixlx'"l ! j j !, T I, .. x Ix Ix ...... , '.-01,* Il'\1t I ,,. ,. I" ' " I ,. IX IX Ix IX IX •...... --a11ODt1a.t I "O)ll r Ix . I''" I' '" Ix. · I ' I" I '" t' ". · " .. " Ix lx x lx lx ll' " ' ~''''''''''OCIII I IIIX I 1S)I Ie X ,. .. · , . II ' · ...... , ~, , . I ' " I' ,. . · ' " X IX . I ,. " · IX III: IX I '"-.oj)'lll.-oIOOS IOU 1 :)"0)11 ,. ,., ,. '" I" I" . I ····· · ·· I"dIl>lld laocll l.Lt I HI O)! ' I" XI x :1 o '" ,.'" ," X IX I" . '" '" I ·" I .. · '" I " Ix ········,....lIDd ln 11r; I :l]~)1 · X Ix I " . r ," , , pIII""'.. ," · Ix X ," '" I" ...... ItIE I IIrJ)Ii " '" I " . I " '" • · I ' . 1" 1" I 'x II' X Ix ' I X Ix Ix Ix ········_"""'1I11III1 lit I , Ik lx I" " I . • · t ' ' " . ' " ' " j "· ... Ix ]I x ," , ·•··• ...M""'MDOI I8l filM · X X X ...... --.Loo; 0'iI: I oW)l1 [ xIX)( 'WI' · X X .... • .. ·---..ooslooCnltt( I ,",' • X X" tiH)! ' ' " I- i· . [. I- I· o I' I' ,""I ,. • II: X ]I ...... ··· ~IOCII_ 0 1'11 0)11 " •. ... · , X X X X If · ' " x l ·· ·······.. u-slwl2 lm IH)! X ., · , ...... ·'"u · 0 1' • J" · , I DOGII~ ., , , I ' . ' " I ' " , ' I XIX X x l x lx X xl ··· ·· · ~~OOI 1I8JlI , I' ' 1' . · ,. I' I' . ,. , . , . · Ix Ix Ix · ...... ·_ ..1 1001 .. . I' IX IX HMJlI · Ixlx ~ ...... x x ix X ...... ,., I · . · .. I · ~~"~ I I!I!LI'R'". _ _l _I/_)jl!..L_ .:...£ I · I · · . ' , . , . I ::, . I~lX, I X x l ' i I' iFI.. H+.-f.. X IIlxlxl ' !xIXIIlI ' ''-~II-si I OOll ' la£I IMJlIrl ' I ' ' ' I ' I 'I' I ' IX I X I ' I ' I ' 1 l ' lxlx l Ix ll;!X.L.:...... -JUWS IIl9 t.w:1 allJlll x l I 1'1 ' 1 l ' I-I ' j ' I ""' ] T Ixlx IXIXIX IX 111 1 X IXIX I . , .. I' , "I I"'" " 1"' XI "'-.-:;) '"IlII()I£ I_IZ I H~lIlX , I' I' ' I l'I"' l x lxlx lx xlx lxl ' · ...... 'W OGI Dl IIW'lI ' 1' r ' , . I' I "" .,. · X X Ix lx · ...W '~W I DOQlhl' I H'~ ,. .,. · I ' I ' r . 1 ...w --r WIJ. 001 ItIt I IW'I'I x lx'x x lx lxlX x' i"x rXl ' ...... t.to -S 01 1_ , l ' , . ,. , , :lIJ lIl ' . · I' xix ' I I ' Ix x , , , Ix X I .. ·. ..IQ""5 IDOG I I ..~ I O'J)I . ,. · ,. · , ,. X X X X ...... i. 00Il cot , IX X Ix X ," , , , X · .. · ...... 8 Q2 I NO"lI'" , X Ix IX' X X X Ix ...... ''''IOGI I :lMJ)!] X Ix Ix ' Ix Ix , · ,., " · ,. · I' Ix I X ...... 1 ILl I Nldll ,. " 11' II' I Ix l ll III Ix I ...... ~ r OOlIIUI ZOJlIl xJx ' ! !, . Ix , . I ' I ' Ix Ix I ' t· I' I ' i

.qy "1' II() 'I 0011'110 N,uIP"1 (X) DIU :)l.tJ:.yd D.L Q'U£tlJ'OY STlBY.L ~ T1V 31HV.L 3WI.L A VCINOW January 8 Radio_Doings 11 YOU canno l llf- ford to be with o ut one o r the other_ Some people h ave a h .. y _ wi~. ide .. that the radio h ... .up- your planted t h e phono. phonograph graph . TODAY. on account of the new or old n ewly developed elect rical and repr oducin g phono g ra p h. more people th an ever a re your radio chllnging t heir ideal regarding are just that the phonograph. HEAR r eal mUlic whenever you wi.h. without r egard to .ealon or , hour. MU lic to meet th e mood of th" moment. Dance m u.ic when you w .. nt • it. E ndu ring operu lung and played by famou. arti,tl. H ear the "irrin g swell of g reat ,ymph ony orchestr.... ._ ALL THIS I. now "",.. !ble without buy!nll' the n ew hlgh -prl':'ed e!ectdcal ,eproduciog phonog raphl You who have I n old phonograpth and a modem radio reo ""Iver cen now replace the old phon<>a-raph arm wit h the VOLUPH ONE electrical reproducer and gee the ... me wonderlul result. at .. nomina' GO"U No chana-Ing or r ... wiring of your radio .et I, n ece" . a.y. ASK your dea le. for further d.,hll. Itnd • demonstrlltlon. Ma nufactured b, VOLUPHONE --- Manufacturing Co. 133 V .... le. Boulevard L ..a Anlfel"., Calif. Pb ..... WE•• "" .... . Ga711 Distributor.: Yale Radio Electric Co. 1111 Wall Street Phon. WE.lmo." 3351 ••• Illinois Electric Co. 315 So. S an Pedro St. Pb"n. VAndlke 1381 LOl Anl"I"" Cal. . A.U.. TDIPt T Am.&e ADJlJS'I'1tD TO PAOFIC TIME TUESDAY TIME TABLE (X) h.dle.I •• SI.ti,,,, I. 0 .. tI••

I , . , , . , , .


. , , .

I , . ,

,. I . . 1 . January 8 Radio Doi"f'

In k~pin~ wilh lhe de~ree of perfcclion 11.IIained by makers of Itadio Rccehln~ II1Sl rUmenis. Vesla has Impro"ed Ihe accessories. whic h are. In fact, the most Important parls of Radio. A radio in­ strument may be the finest made but i t is only tiS g ooli as ils lubeS and batteries. These Vesta Unlls will make poor sets good and good selt beller. VEST ... QU ... UTY TUBES We ur~e all radio owners-in the Inlerest of bet­ (l'r receptIon and economy in operatlon-toeome ~~;:2".,:"... ::,~.... ! :t.::1::, (;;:"",~":: and see this new dC\'clopmcnt in th ... essential •• ,. 01_•• " . " ...... ' • • _ ,~" ••••••• n' ... .." ._ ••••• ,• •• units. ..." ...... " .. " ...... " n ..._. • • ••••• • • __•

Distributed by The Leading Radio Jobbers •


[yery R ad!" ., " "" "­ n u d . ,III .

Pacific Coa.t Priceo on "A" Unilt; $26.50 an,;1 $ 29.00, Re.pectivel,. Tt-'i ckle Charlier, $ 10.50


1358·60 S. Figueroa St. 515·517 Eddy Street Lo. Angele. San Franei.co Tel . WEst",or. 55118 T el . Fra nklin 8228 WEDNESDAY TIME TABLE

Wil1lOut Acceuorie. Complete Portable "5"

Clear Tone-Selectivity-Volume­ Distance-at an exceptiollally loU'! price SMALL AND COMPACT

The T rav-Ler is fi nished in attractive black leatherette - 10" x 12 Y2" - weight 24 pounds. Single dial c'ontro!; five tubes; spring base sockets; built-in loud speaker; 2 stages of radio frequency; 1 detector : a stage of audio amplification; phone jack and loop aerial are some of the many features o f t he T rav-Ler Portable. All parts are standard an d easily obtainable. A REMARKABLE PORT ABLE AT A LOW PRICE " W .. lI uarante.. and insure your le.ti, faction

Sold br Ihe /oIlou;ing d eol en :

LOS ANGELES PASADENA ".Whorte, Radio ...... •••.. 821. S. Vor .. ".1 Ol~ lI odlo Sh...... 1239 [. Gree. St. SUnM' ['001'1•.. •...... 1~6 8 Sun .. ' Blvd. Pleo IIodl •...... 4~' W. P," CUNUALI: lI o,yl lIadl •.... 2019 "" u, 71h SI. SUp",o, Rodi...... 102 W. O.. odwa, Clo'" II od lo • ...... 9114\'. S. Vo'",.' SANTA ~ION I CA nO lll'woon F. J. O.b...... 421 Santo Monl .. Olod. Co O. Hue.l.d ...... 7300 SonMt Ol.d. Wa, ..~ Rodl...... Iua 1111> St. IIU"" I NCTON I',\, RK UNKIillSIIIM Smith ... , •• Sh...... 102 E. n ....", ..... ~. O.I~ .. . .8241 U.ke.. /Il. 0104 . CUI.VER CITl" IIERMOSA ilEAC" C.I.. , City II odlo .• .. •• ... 10116 "".. /lIOIlon Ol.d. IIodl. Mu.i... . 132G H...... OCEAN PAHK S,!..N DIEGO .... 'n. Radio ...... 122 Mo,l .. 51. H • •••• nodi •...... us E 51. o ..u Park G.. o~.. . . . 11' PI.. A... Unit ... R.dll. • .2801 U., ..... il' Distributed by HERBERT H. HORN 1629 So. Hill St. Pbone.: WE.tmore 1713·1543 ., ., ., , , , , , , , ., , , , , ., , ., ., , ., , , , ., , Jaf/uary 8 Radio DoingJ 33 Distance- AND Selecfivi ty! ON YOUR SUPER-HETERODYNE YOU GET BOTH WITH A RADIO POWEU BOX RESULTS GUARANTEED

Use the Radio Power Box One Week on the Radiola Semi-Porta­ ble, 24, 25, or 26 Super-Heterodyne, then. if you are not sat­ is lied, return the Box and the purchase pri.ce will be refunded.

MODELINo. 24 DE LU~~ MODEL No. 25 Thi. model built for R .. diol.. ..nd This modd built uclul ively for other types of Super-Heterodyne. . R .. diol .. :Z5 Super.Heterodyne Now $6.00 Now $7.00 Sold Direct to Set Owne.rs Only Mail Orders Given Immediat:e Attention THE SANTEE CO. 216 Calo Building Teh~phone TUcker 4951 443 South Sa·n Pedro Street LOIS ANGELES, CAL. Al.L TIME T ABlL5 ADJlIS1'ED TO P ACIFIC nME FRIDAY TIME TABLE (X) 1II.dleat ... Statio .. b 0 .. tb.

ST"Yl0N , I. 1- ., ., , I. I . , , . , .,

, , , , . .1 ., I .' . , I , , . , ., , , ., , ., , , , ., , , , , ..,, , ., , , , , .,. I , , ., , ., , , , , , , , , , , ., . , , , , ., , , ., ., , , . , , ., , , , . , . , , I· , ,. . , ., , , ,. , , I January 8 35

Bo&7 rin' _ ...... J.boI'o II oil."." Ill, (loa. I...... :mP&riloOD\ wll.lo r_"'-...... Itb ttl ..... 1>1 ...... r... blOlt.'- I'."el. ,,1>1<:11 1.1 QUI<"l1$ I .., ~.....,. cbar_ ... ."" ...U, ..",o .. blo, al· ....,t..,. .u.un.ta<. "bloeb 1.,...ln, ...... 10 aU bat· &r'O nU7-olJ' ....-1... 1l'0III . lew. Bod: Ia _ ,_ ~i:'. ,~ ot~t~rn .~~~"!~ .... W.. _ fII Mu.iM. '0.otbe . ftlnlpm""t " K! ..I r­ Model 200

(PoL J,pplloa .....1 M.ode ZOO, ..,ilh Z2JlUh Cone Loud. peake,. COII.oIe I(!;lh Cone Loud.peaker • Read:r /01' Sel and ~:g;;~:t~~~r:rJ~ !~~""¥.~ .,::;-~ BaUerle- A Revelation In Radio Reproduction

Model Z10 beauty, Ju o, •• II entered Uoc The Wlndlo, Cone -and Ho ro micropll.oue. Loud$peakcr., combined ""ith at. tucti.. " piece. of furniture in man)' modelo. arc belOW demo". ornle

I . 1. I. I .1 . 1. , I I.

I I I I I. , , I I . I. , , ., . I. I , , .1. I . , I I I I , I , I .1. .,. I I I. I I. I . I I I , I , , I I I , , .1. I I. I I , , I I I , 1 . 1 . I I I , , , I ., ·1, , I I . . 1. , , .,. , ., . .1. , .1. , ., I ., .1. , . ., , , , . , , , I . , , , , . 1 ,. ,. , . I .,. , ,. , ,. , I . , , , . I I. ., , I , I. I . , . 1 , , , ,. I I I .,. , . I , I. , . , ., , . I . 1. I. , , , .1. I I , , . , I. I .! . I I , . ,. , ., . I I .,. I .1 I ,. , ,. I . 1 . , .,. , 1. 1 . I , , I . I. , , I. I I. , I . ., . I . I. ., . . , ,. . 1 I , . , . I , . 1 I I I I· I I , I ,. , I . . 1 , , ., I .,. ., . I , .1. I . I ,. 1, , . I . ,. I ., I ., . , , I. I , , , , I , , I. , , I I I , ., I. I . I ., I , I , , . I . ,. I , I I , I. I I I I ,. 1, , . I I I I I I .1. I. I . , I . 1 I. I I. I I I . I. I. I. I . ,. I . I I Ja nuary 8 37 $5 Down PUTS A

SOCKET POWER In Your Home FREE DEMONSTRATION On Your Own Radip Set Proves These Benefits ... cleare r, .harper reeeption. No Hum':""'-No di.­ tortion. One . witch controls everything. Operal.,. from your e l ~c t ric li ghl current. EIiminal.,. a!! hat­ te ry Iroubl", and hothertome recharging. IMtall ed FREE. SOI i. faction GUARA NTEED

Other Prod ...:tI We Jlamlle: Philco Automobile St or alle Batt.,n"• ... C"Co Tube• ... Ray-O-Vac Dry Bauerie • . Repair all mak.,. of St oralle Ba Uerie., Starten a nd Ceneraton. PH/LCD SALES §SERVICE CO. 1514 South Hope St. Phone WEabnore 9065 MAILTHIS ,.. - ~ ------, COUPON I !!!.N.m."..' __-- ____ or Phone I Addre98 WE. 9065 I lor f ReE DEMON- I Mal.. • of Radio Set STRAT10N iJl 7_' . h..om..DOkr ...It pobll.atio1l.ia" .. you ,_ _ • _ _ _ _ ------, 39 38 Radio Doings J anuary 8 J an uary 8 Radio D oings

RunsAny Radio Set r-yromthf./ Light Socket Thin/&, How Convenient and Economical­ See Your Dealer Today or No More Batteries to Fuss With Mail the Coupon Below Just connect a Pemco to your Radio and forget a ll about bat" There is no doubt a Pemco dealer near you. If not. mail the teries. It runs from either 50 or 60 cycle current. No m ore coupon for fu ll information. battery fUll o r bother but full .alid.ction all th e liml!, month in a nd V · 'b The Electric Corp. month out. It doe. not matter what kind of Ra dio you h ave-home· Sh er ln.n, Cl.,. & Co. Iltr. alor. 1050 ,!.a.,ee St .. '- A... e IM '" s.._ So t- ._1- R d' I made or factory-made-Peffico will sive full ... tidaetion. .. r .cific Whol_ le a 10, nco And what's more, the original cost of a Pemco will long be 11110 5. a .. P...... t- • .,..1.. forgotten whil e you are , till Ke lling full . ati. fac:lion. No more con­ .Iant decrease in voltagl! at with balter;e• . Distance? Yes, and Quality, Too There is absolutely no hum or noise with a Pemco. You get a q uiet Row of "A" and "B" powe r that will bring out the full tonal qualitiu o f your lei. The maximum voltage a Pemco delivers to your set m akes possible a m o re constant reception of distance sta ti o ns . ~ It i. like having new batteriu ",II the time. You c.an a lway. depend upo n peak e ffi ciency. No Switches-All Automatic <.10K and "B" There are no switches on a Pemco. Everything is automatic. You use the switch now on your set the same as you always Power Unit ha " e. Insta lling a Pemco does not in a ny wa y change the wiring of your Radio. , -Mail Today----·--··------c-- ;;~~~~~;::i~fi~-~O.::f.dOry)1020 Santa Fe Annue, Lo. Ana"I"• . Free Installation-Easy Payments Gentlemen: b b d f 1 Plea ... .end me lull inf o rm.ti~n a out .t e .won er u A ny dealer wi ll gladly demonstrate a Pemco on your own set PEMCO A .nd B Powe, Unit. WIth out obils ahon on my rree. And when you do buy th ere i. no cha rge whatlOever for in. part. . otalling. You r dealer will arrange the e",.iu t of pa.ymentt. N",me ...... ••• • ...•. . •. . •.• ••. Add.e...... \~~,;:f1iil~-7ViiIi/tUbll RADIO ~ of Operation ? - selectivity}

T~h~~e;"~\:~i:i~'~~r.I:::i.:' Corporoperationation thhae s firdesst ignrequied sh"iteo ofradio a good rece nradio'mg .s etsOne for ofp ethcopl!iec . whothe ; h ere, sells for 582.50 without accessories. T he other, abo n six·tuhe, single dial receiver, sen s a t the rernnrkuhly low price of 567.50 . . .. prohahly the lowest IJrice "l!ich it is possible to huy a six·tube, single d ial radio o f I)roven performance. The women family will appreciate a radio thai is easy to OIJCrale .... which require! simply the a single dial to hring in the different broad casting sta tions. Any lIamed in this advertisement will gladly dem onstrnte either of these receive rs in own home. Ca ll on OtiC oj ,hern today.

llol'rwood Dealer, CO L TOM. H. C. Bn.. HI NES, Von .. I •• t l • • P ... SO ROBLE" H. C. H.. I •• ell! II. ,,".nlb 81. INGLEWOOD. R. O. ... ,II.WH'Ib p tCO. 1" .. H.dll 111 •• ILL S. ~ 1 .rt;'L 81. .... RROW. .. CONItWR"HT COM"TON. M.... ' E_II c.. pOIION..... 8_.. w. HI. tt ns II. ~I.I. !Ct.. L... JOLL.... A•• " , .. .. Whit. I N It. "'In! 8t. ~_ I:Il"" Ttl! L I' ..." ..... " .... ."d lIoln S ...... TW ... TER R... OIO .. ELEC, co. [SCONDIOO. O IU' ''~ ·. EIMtrl. 8/1", fI ... N p ~ O RO. h. 1' ...... F ~ .... Ce • INTEIIpH ON[ ELECTRIC CO, OCE", NSIOE. DUdll, L. AlII 'U W. I!IIUb III. UG Oltnd&l. HI.d. 6..118 11""10 \,1",. ~I. In 1\ K.lml. B«:oDd S•• ' ... NT", ... N .... ,holet', Mu,lo II.. . FU LLE RTON. H. I... lIIu.l. Co, OR ... NGE. A. , 0 •• L•• • tI CH ... PM ... N HOUSE ' '''LEI CO. "' ''' N C H Ea TE~ 11 ... 010 CO . tt3 N. ~ . I" B~ UII·IO 8. Vll\l • ...,. 8t. IlG 8. B",/I• • Bt. 1I ~ 1'. 0 1._11 St. 162' r.. M. '>rbM"" .. ... II ... AOEN .... 0 .. I " on OW[NSIIIOUTH. A., O. "' ...... S ... NT ... S ... RS ... R ... . 10'.1 Fi t, .. D["'N K. B ... RR IS MOH "'WIt BU. I. 11 ... 0 . CO. 1211 IV. 1&51" flL In 81&t. 8t. II" 8. v ...... , A... filS 8\1_ II """ p ... ' ... OEN .... W)'dI." .. Vetrio,... s ... NT ...... 11 1.... r...., • , ...., IIl[NOIB __"'LEw .Q Will'iI_J. " N.II .... lIlI Sor'" "'q 5t.. 11. !:. )101. fit.. II .... Rdl. S . ... I. StnIct NI L880 N • NE LION , ... e",(': A(.r:H. I .... A. " • • ~ 4UO "" -LiIIII lI.hcl. m FA D'...,.... ' ... LM &. Bri.k." R"10 [100. !lA NT'" .. ON IC.... J. Co eta", lllOO '1': ... F1.... 8t. c.. H~ \\110101 ... HOIITO N .. NOR TON GUNOOR... . J . . .. M. II .., I HIM \\'.. b ln .."" 11.1,<\. U NSON H ... ROW ... R[ COM'... NV ' ...... O,t:N .... P ....I .. 11.' 1, I"'NT'" ' ... UL .... n. /III .", fI", 11 8 iIoulb H... "..,- t?:11 S. Droo.d .... HER"OS... B[ "' CM . Colli. A'dlo ,. II Co.IlIoml. 8l. 11104 w. 1oI.", 8l. Eloo. IL ... p ...... DEN .... 1' ...1 .. A.". Co. I ... TlCO Y. H. H. W" lht BIRONG I. BUSH"'"0 pOTTEII " ... 01 0 S ... LEa CO. fll E. camLno a ...1 0 1811 W. ~lb 8L ""bl. '''' Club BIlla. lla'" ."" 0 IIU. li lT W. Ad.",. SL HUNTINIITON P"'"K. H. L. (lidlo) CH ... S, .... ROBIN SO N ' ... ' ... DEN ... . 0 . '11'11'. "u•• TA FT. L. H. BI" IUn FI n_,. Klo, 4:iOf 8. N_.,,~I. 11& E. Imlll\Oll St.. ''0 C..,to, B•. Ult'l W.. , Jetr.....,.. fO ~:~:.l"'&I(IfO.do .lTO. TONOp ... H. N[V ... D'" 11 ... 010 ELE CTR IC SMO,. T...... 11.<1, 1. C. m. .., ... . w. COOPEII 152 8. \" "710" 1 ... , •. UI~ IV. bill 51. Up L... NO . 10, M. 11_ TH "' YER U[CTRIC CO. VEN IC E. at. ... .,·Worn. R., 11 " R ... NI( W. H... SBROUCK f9GII \\1IUd.. UI<". Slu, l. 'fll 8. \',,,,,,,,,, iiiiiWfPJwcIucf4.l2f.eWif.e7~ VISSER 11 ... 010 ... NO UEC. Co. lOft "'""'no"", BI1"I"1ft Rio<\. Wholcsa lt> Dist ributors Stewart ·Warner Radio } W"' LNUT 10 ... 1111;. TU.I• • I [1_ IU l\' .., J.I!..-- 8t. 10l0I ,.., 111. lit. W:~~I ~:''r~':~ ~ '0 .. UEe. WE ITMIN I TER. III . "". hilI HOUANO UECtRIC 1 11010 WEST ' TAT U [lECT CO 1366.south Figueroa SU"eer - Los ANGELES WHitTI ER. H. C. Oldh. 1<131 1'&II4Oa& ... .. I TiI iIoul.lt _..... • • lU Il Or..1ll.o.I rn"" S[ rct:t (llell'- ·F· )-SAN DIEGO WILMINITON. III . f. ClQol.. fll W...... ""'_ at. 42 Radio DoingJ January 8 Lo. Angele., CaIifornia-467 Meter.

Radio C_~=~~o~~~~ th " D 7 . lac. 1000 S. Hop.. P ho". W E. 0331. Aft. r p . P,M .. W E. 0 337 KFI Ct. .. "8" 1l000·Wul W . E. $ 1... OperaU" ..... anom. 6:15 p . .... _ RodloIO.I,,!. 6:30 p. m~V •• 1 Pocket.

MONDAY. W EDNESDAY AND FRmAY_ KFI W omo,,'. 1.. l enol O.p.rt..... nt-U"d .... th. 0 1.... 11" .. of A ...." Whit•• 10:00 to 10:20 p. m ._Talk o n Foce and Scolp HYlrlene. by C..."r1a O. Ceo.,.. 10:20 10 10:40 ., ... .-Furnl.hln". for tho horne b y Aa"u White, dlroelo . .. tho Dept. 10:40 to 11,00 ...... -Beny Croc:ker--Cold Med.1 Flour Homo Service Tolluo. 11 : 10 10 11 :30 ..... _F-.I toll.o by A,nu Whit • .

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, JANUA!tY iI. 1927 SUNDAY, JANUARY 9- 10,00 ...... --Church n rY\cco under di,e<:llon of Lo. Anllel •• Ch .. rch FederaUon. 2:45 p. m.-51andard O il Comrany 0/ Califo,nla, San r,anelaeo Symphony O.ehUlra. Alfred Hertz. QOnd .. <:tor: KF. Lo, An¥e]~, KPO, Soo n F. a nellco, and KCO. Oak].nd. 6 ,00 p . m,_ Prog. am by Runlan Academy 0 / MUllcal Art. Bori. My tonoff. plano; MI,eha 5p.,II.,I, violin: A] .... Bor t lloff. ·ee!lo. 7:00 p . m ._AeoU"n org"n ,eehal, AI .... Remy .. t Ih, Cona .. le. 8:00 p. m._Paek .. ,d C1u I~e 1-]010', Syivh. Zeillen Ro' entl>"l. eone",I pla nlot. Louile K]ol Trio. 9:00 p .....-Bob Bouger "nd hlo Venetian, O .. nee O rel>e.olrl. 10:00 p . ...- P .. ck.,d Si. O rcheolr... sm Henneuy, dl,eclo" Dolly M,eOon,ld, ooloht: Eoll>e. Walke,. pl"nilt. MONDAY, J ANUARY 10- 7:00 p.m.-Owen Fallon and I>i. C.. lifo,nian" Starke Sbte" (Minnie end M .... de) . 8:00 p. m .-Reelt.1 by Reren" Steiner. 'eelllot; La Verne Beal, planilt. 9:00 p. m.-P'Olf.m by Roberl Hurd a nd Lilyan Ariel 10:00 p . .... -P' o!!'r .... p,,,unlen Broo TUESDAY ,JANUARY 11- 7:00 p . ...._ P .... l How.rd·1 Q.,t.llty Serenad... . 8:00 p. m .--G.. Uone 5trlng Q .. artet. 9:00 p. m .--Gle.. n ...· Q u .. rtet: Tl>om ... W .. llace. b .. rltone. I.ma B •• dy. conlr.lto. 10:00 p ....._Azu'e Muoic Club; Clenn Edmund. and 1>11 CoD",i.n" Edn. Cook. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12_ 7:00 p . .... -R.y Fill>e", Original Victorl.no 7 :30 p .....-Nic k Hurl• • d. 'ecllve . Iorl",. 8:00 p. m.-c.lIfot nl" Petrol" utn Corpo.allon pr0lr ra", : C .. lpet O rch ...tr •. 9:00 p. m._Vlr,inla MeCoy. contr".eontr"lto; S. A. 1. Trio. 10:00 p .....-Sun",t Inurum" nu.1 Qu.. ,tet: Dorothy Ruth Miller. pltoniot: Paul Weber. bui. lone. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13- 7:00 p . ...._ Pro,r.. ", by Unlverolly 01 Southern Callfornl. 11:00 p. m .-KFI dra ..... hou • . 9:00 p . ....-Reln .. ld Werrenr.. Ih. Intern.. lionelly famous barllOne. prennted b y Rey Tho ...... i n,," .. LOl An; eleo, Southern Calilo,nl. dlotr lbutorl for Atwa t.r Kent ••nd Er'le.t In;old. In<:.. San F ... nel.eo. Norll>.rn C .. lIfo,ni. distrIbutor. for Atw.. ter Kenl .eeelvln, .et.. BroadcasI sim .. lt.. neously by KFI. Los An,.leo... nd KPO. s.n Fre,,· elo.co. 1(1:00 r . ...~ Joh" • • on . nd F ....lr . Mu. h, 0,,", 1> ...... dl,,,,,,!.,,, " I c.,.. .. John.. o n. wit" J .m. Jack .. nd Cene Trio, and 80101.u. FRIDAY. JANUARY 14- 7:00 p. m.-Prog. am by P"ul Roberts and Lulie Adams. 8:00 p . ...._Aeollan orson r.eh.l. AI ... Reilly at tl>. Con... 1 • . 9:00 p . ... .-AI ..... F r .. ne ... Cordon. conlr.. lto: Del Monte 5t"n, T,io: Lily.. n A.lel. planlOl. 10:00 p. m.- Paek. rd ballad hour: Harry Rowe, b .. rlton.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 15- 7:30 p. m._Fellpe Dell;"do. SPDnilh lyrle b"rfton"" Edna Clark Muir, pl.. nlst. 8:00 p . ...._ Prog. am 01 eoneerl and pop.. l.. r m,,"lc. C .. m"t Ma le Quarl ..., Mi ..ion S.1l Orehutr .. , Chleo De Verde. dlreclor: Loul ... K]oo. Paul RobertI. Pr.",ented by t he Lo. Anlreleo Soap Compa ny. S,oad... 1t . Imult.-neoully by Kf'l. Los Anlel...... nd KPO. !an Fr"ncl,,,,,. 9:00 p. m .-Si]verton" Quft rtet and Eve]yn M ...Dn Jubilee o- .. rtet. with sololotl. 10:00 p . ....-Paek~o'tI R .. dlo Club. 11 :00 p . ...._ KF] Midnill l>l FrDlle. 'CO"" .h,M 1027. E,.. l~ C. Anthonv. 1..,,, 1 OUR NEW ADDRESS, 407 E. PieD St.- TELEPHONE WE. 1401 Jan uary 8 Rad,o DOlfi,s HEAR HOW CE CO TUBES IMPROVE RADIO RECEPTION

Let Your Ears be the Judge at any Ce Co Dealer o You' II immediately note the improved clearness in tone. Even distance is increased by these super-sensitive tubes. Your Ce Co dealer will give you the Ce C o lubes m ade specially for your radio set. Ce Co Tubes HAD to be best to be Ic the unanimous choice of these foremost Radio Engineers


15th aad Hop. Sta. WubDot. 4038 Some of the CeCo Dealers in Southern California LOS ANGELES Atwater R.dio Shop J. M. Andrew. 3208 Glendale Blvd. 209 Wei' 18th St. Hebel Radio Senice Cutlet Radio 8303 Se nta Mbnica Blvd. 9)0 North We.len. Ave. PASADENA Walker Radio fLam .. & Summerville 58)5 South Vermont 41 North Broadway Clea H . Demer WeL. let Electric: Cat.,e 6292 South Vermont 100 Ea.t Union Ave. Calli ... Hardwe" Co. BREA, Bennet. Radio ) 425 South Vermont CARDEN CROVE, W. E. A.bl.,. H . H . We lker . VAN NUYS, Va.. Nu,.. Mtuic: Co. 132) Venice Blvd. 6) 12 Sherman W. y Philco Sale. and Sen';ce LA HABRA, C. PetTy 15 14 South Hepe St. 117 We.t Center St. Tivoli Radio Shop WHITTIER, Qualit,. Radio 4204 South Central 12 1 Nortb Newlin St. HOLLYWOOD ANAHEIM. CaYerley Radio Barrow.·Coo.kwri,Lt 217 West Cenl.,r SL U4S Suo. ..t Slv• . MONROVIA, Mack M... ic Co. 44 Radio Doings Janu ary 8 Los Angeles, California-405.2 Meters

Time. Bld ,~ F lrot a ..d Broadwa,. Loa A .. , el .. Ow ..e d end Operate d by Lo. An,el.. Tim•• KHJ J OHN S . DACCETI, Me.. a "r a n d Pro,.. ", A .... o .. n ce. Pbona MEt. 0700

NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY_ 7 ,30 p . ...-Sc r lpture R N d in l. DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY_ 8:00 to 6:30 p . BO._Whlt. Kina Quartet. WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 SUNDA Y, JANUARY 9- 10:00 •• m ._S~'mon hom KHJ .Iudlo. 10:30 •. m.-Scrvkea hom the Flu. Meth.O"l Church, 7:00 to 8,00 p. m._£ven;nl ..,.viu ftom th.. flu. Methodlat £pla"ol>"l Church. 8 :00 10 10:00 p . m ._Newt item.. Pro!! ••m preHntlnlj; the Arion Trio; Frederick Mac_ Murray, viol.. : .Q.pheul Four Mele Qua . t et ... nd oth"ro. MONDAY, JANUARY 10- 8:00 p . m .- Nil/hlly hOlt report. TUESD A Y, JANU ARY 11- 2:30 p . m._Weekl,. brldae Irame. 6 :30 t o 7 :30 p. m.-Chlldren". hou r. Weekly vLllt of the R.dlo rald.. , Que-en T itania a nd her S.ndman; Chari .. D. McRoy'. P IIYIiI . ound Harmoni.,.. Band; Charlu Lull" H ili. " H oney Soy;' ~nd 011." ... 7:40 I'..... - H . M. Robenlon will talk on ··Doa •. ·· 8:00 t o 10:00 p .....- New. l'e..... 0 .. hu:" p,oa.am. 10:00 t o II :00 p. m ._Da nce hour by th .. Lo" Anael... Railway O reh... t . a. WEDNESDAY, JAN UA RY 12- 2:30 p.m._ T alk on ··C..den... · by Fred C. McNabb. 6:30 to 7 ,30 p. m.-Chlldre n·" hour. Inclu dina Dick Win.low, Juvenil" reporter: Vivian r.1P.ple. ··S] .. e Sell 01 KHr', Clenn Fltz. "OpIi... I.llc Ma"ect": p .. r1cia Eccluton. ··U tll. D"ffodU", Loi. Jane C.mpbell, "Srowo Eyu,"' pupil. 01 Ma ••hall Sl edman. 7:40 P. m.- D •. M.... lIHumga . dl will ]""t ...e on "A.lron omy:· 8:00 t o 10,00 p. m .-New. ilem.. Do l .. xe p,oil."m. T H URSDAY, J ANU ARY 13-- • 6 :30 t o 7:30 p. m,-Children·. prOIl, &m . Featurlna Billie Moo. e. 10.year·old .eader, pup il of Mar.h"ll Stedman, Dick;" Brandon, 'Creen juvenile, J une Brandon. contralto, Junna De Sard. '"Bonni" Jeane", Ro.etta Lewin. 4 \!t.yea •. old reader: Nancy Nolen ...S ... il... ·· , Joyce Coad. "Red Rldln .. Hood"; Nelita Bennett, ··Cjna"rb .... d Clrl." 7 :40 p .....- 0 •. Phl1lp M. Lovell will talk on "Cue of the Body." 8 :00 t o 10 :00 p. "'.- New" Item.. Program p ....entlng t he Zoellner Quartet, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14- 8 :3010 7:30 p. m._Chlldren·, 1.0.... Inel"dina Mara .....il" B.I .. ha .... "Nlghtln;'I,,'", t he Collin. Twin•• Catherln" and Ellen: Robe.ta B".h, "FireR,. o f KHj", DaYld Durand, '"Littl.. Boy BI ..e··, Henrl"tta Poland. "!"oraet.Me.Not of KHJ." a n d o l he ••• 7,30 p. m._Fa.hlon talk by Pe;;y Hamllion. 8:00 to 9,00 p. m._New. item.. Proaram by tha Auto Club o f Southern C.1Ifornla. 9:00 to 10:0 0 p .....- 0. I",.e pro;.am. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15- 8 :3010 7:30 p.m.--Childr~n'. pro;. am. P ....en t inll' Nona Ch, !!p. "S"n,hin" Fairy'", Dolly W riaht. "Dolly of Radloland'": Arth". Steyen •• "Kina A.thu.·; M .. rjo.l. Cenevleve Lowe. 8:00 10 10:00 p. m._New. It~m.. De I ..:u proll,am.

OX Reception A ..... r . d _30 o/~ More Vol ... m _R . mar~ a bly S el e et1 y_ P e r", ," e ~ t N•• 14 0 ...... 30 ... I.. t . Soft R, .ft. B~ ., 100 _ 1t" I ~ . P, ... I.... C. O. Do C""U ...... 10. COSILCO RADIO PRODUCTS CO. IIUNTIN o. TON P ' RII . Co\LU·. J20 MotlH"l ...... Viol.,!}' ....ta F. u. InI ..... II un <>b ,gl n"" 1'0 ... ) ·., .r oI _ ln, ,,,d~. dl •• , . Palo n' Pond lnl 0 .... IIntli NI .. Janl/ary 8 Radio D oingJ 45 The Set for all the Year

The COIUpanionable Set

Light lCejght~tUily htlndled----ean be taken 8ny plaee. Pe,./eet ,.ep,.od"etion, .eleetil'jty, flmume; beautifully duig..... Will Fit in Any Selting. The Lowe.t PrieM Set 01 It. Kind on lbe Mark.t. ON DISPLAY IN LOS ANCELES AT The Ambauad or HOlel The BUlmore Holel Subway Terminal W ail in. rOO m {between 41h and 51h on Hill S I.' P acific E lKtric Waitio,room (6th and Main SU. ) Oi. trlbul ed by John.on Radio Co.: 688 Gear,. SI .• Sa n Franchco Th• .. Radio S tudio., 1207 Fourtb Ay e~ S.attl • KEMPER RADIO LABORATORY 1238 Santee St. LOS ANGELES WEstmore 2504 Make,. of Kesaper AmpUpboaic Coaaol. 10 Radio DoingJ January 8 Hollywood, California-337 Metero 750 WATTS--a90 KILOCYCLES La" ANGELES EVENINC EXPRESS Pau.! G. H,dr... . . •• Stud.ba" ... BId... I1le HolI_ood Dlvd.. l-!oJ~oocl . Pbo". HEmpet.ad 4101 KNX NAYLOR ROGERS, Mall., •• IIlId Pro...... DI...ct.... C1.EN RICE, A .. I. MII .. a ••r "r.. ,,_ . / • .u.~ DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ 8,00 II..... _ In.pl •• Uon. 1 utI< lind ... omln, p •• ,.er. 8:111 ...... -Tim. """al" from WII.hln,ton D. C. 8:00 ...... -R..dlo Shoppln, N ..., conduetiOCl by Ca.e)' P • .,.lo lI Rltteme'.tu...... IdHoIJ 10:00 p . ...._Town Crle. of the Oil,'. momlll' m ...... 4- 10 ,30 II . ...._ Kat. Brew Va",hn, Dlr..,to. Houuhold Economic. Dcpt .. Evonln" E .. p ..... n cept Fr .d.,. ...d S.t ...da,. . 2 ,00 p . ....-R.dlo Trade. Au oclatlCln m .. ,I,..,1 prOI.II.... 12,00 ....-Ceo • •• Redma" OrchuuII. p . ....-T Ir.. Boo k Worm. •""•n p. m,-M.r1'et ,epo rt •. ..,. p . .... -Th. Town Tattler . 8,15 p ....._W. F. Alder T ravelog .. e. "" p . .... _Atw.tn Kent O rchutra, c .... rtuJ Re,. Thome.. Inc. WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 SUNDAY, JANU ARY ~ 10,00 a. m.-Fh.t P .e.b yterian Church of Hollywood. Rev. 5t_.rt P. MecLenne ... 2 ,00 t o 4,00 p. m.-Cily. Pa .k S""'rd mUlleal prolram. 8,30 p. m._Holl!,woad Unlta.ian Chu'ch. 7,00 p . m ._flut P,nbyt erian Church 01 Hollywood. a,oo p. m.--Clrcle Theat.e Coneert O rch.n •• lind o ' lan ''''''ltel. 9 ,00 P. m._Featu.e p rorr.m. MONDAY, J ANUARY 10- 3 ,00 p . _ ._Flut P . ..byterlan Church of Hollywood• • :00 p. m.-Liltle J een .nd the Town Crier 01 the Day . • :30 p. m.-Blue Mandl,. Frollc-Howerd Cla.k. 7 :00 p ...... -Ge rolram. 9 :00 p. m.-Featu •• p ro .... m. t I :00 p. In.-Hotel Amb..... do •. CUI Arnhcim·. Co.;.,..nu' Coro"a Or.;hu ..a . THURSDAY, JANUARY 13- 11 ,00 •• m._Nbture tllk. cou .... y M&rvel Ant Cal.Une Company. 7 ,00 p. m .-Orll'an . ecltal. cou.tny of the Overell Furniture Company. jI,no r> . .... -Tu'... Lyon. Arm. Company. cou.lelY p rOR rl .... 8:00 to 10:00 p. m._Featu.e p,o,ram. 10 :00 p. m._Fealure pro,.am. 11 ,00 p . m._Hotel Amba ...dor. Cuo Arnhelm·. Coc"",nut Crave O.chu ..a . FRIDAY, JANUARY 14_ ••• 3 ,00 p . m .-L. A. DI . u lct Federuion o f Women', Ch.h .....u.leal p rolrlm. 4 ,00 p . ....-Bo y Scout.' mUlleal pro"am. 7 ,00 p . m.-Featu'e p'O"am. 9:00 p ....._ Davll Pcrf""'tlon Brebd Compan)'• .:'o"rteo), pl"D, r.m. 10:00 p. m.-Futu.e p.o,tlm. 1 1:00 p . m.- ~I otel Amb.... do r. Cu. A.nhelm·. Cae... nul Crave O.chenra. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 ~ 3:00 P. m._ T own Crier of the Day and hi. Palo. 7 :00 p. ",.-SIO'II" 0' In""",t life, by Hu.,. W . McSpaddea. 7 , 15 p . m.-Announcement of Sunday le.vlcn of the lcadin, Lao An,.l.. church.... 7 :30 p. m._Luna Pull. court ••y proa.am. 5 :00 P. m._Featu •• pro"am . . 10:00 p. m.-Hotel Amb.... dor. Cu. Amh~l m '. Caenenut Cl"Dve On:h... l ra. 11 :00 p. m.-K NX Frolic. from Ihe main I ludln. January 8 Radio DoingJ #7

Making l\liUiolls Happy Every Day of the Year ATWATER KENT RADIO NOW --IN OVER

1,000,000• HOMES

See it! Hear it! Operate it!

and you'll know the reason!

RAyTH()MAS.INC. Atwater Kent Di&,rilmtor WEstmore 6334 1248 Soulh Hope St. Loll Angeles, Calif. 48 Radio Doings January 8 Hollywood, California-252 Meters 500 WATTS-tt90 KILOCYCLES WARNER BROS. M OTiON P ICT U RE STUDIOS W ...... er Br o •. W".t Cou. Studio. 5M2 Suou t Blyo. CERALD L. K ING, Manal e.. Phone CL. 9461 KFWB "M ...... "-"4'" DAI LY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 8:00 t o 7 ,00 p ...... -Pont\.a c Siz Din ner Hou r 8,00 to 8,10 p . ....-New . Ite m •. 10 : 10 10 11:00 p ....._ W ... ,....,. 8 . 0 •. f roUc , M ONDAY. T UESDAY A ND W EDNESDAY_ 6 :00 to 6:00 p . ....--Chil d ren·. H"ur.

W E EK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ , 1927 SUNDA Y, JANUARY ~ 9 :00 10 I I :0 0 p . m .- Worner B."o: F r olic, introducin 8 s everal mot ion pictu re . ta •• and dire<:tou In nove lty and 1 ... pr; I" number.: and F . anUI St, Ce<>rlle, Al ben Ke glo vich. On" C ridle y , Su.. ke Si.t.,u, Ed ..... ard Novl•• Nell L ...."n. Harty C. K e ipe r and h i. ramo .. 1 Movieland O rchutra. M ONDAY, JANUARY 10- 8:00 10 9:00 p. m._ l-'rogrMn p rnenud by courteoy 01 Bundy . nd Albright. lutunnll Kenneth GHlum, Ann Grey. P eggy Math" ...., In. Mit chell Butler. Bu ndy a nd Alb. lght O. che.tra. 9:00 10 10:10 p. m.- J uliu. Phillip •. a ccompanied by Ennon l.ee P hHlip.; June P " ,ket . .. nd other •. TUESDAY. JAN UARY 1 1- 7:30 t o 8:00 p. m.- PrOSram by cou. t n y of Blohm·La.well. Inc., j""tu ring Franc". St. George. Elmer 8 ram el. T he Fabric Cou p" Body O rchuu a. 8 : 10 t o 9 : 10)1'. m.- Kenneth Gillum. Bab" Brown .. nd hi. ukulele. Enher Whit e. 9 :10 10 10:10 p . m._ enbe Bro wn a nd hi. u kulel". Edwa rd Novi • . Wa rner 8 ro.· Sy neo· p .. tor • . P eggy M .. thew• . WEDNES DAY, JANUARY 12-- 7 :00 t o 7:30 p. ",._ Thirty minute. o f . unohine, undu the direction of Ch .... W . Ha m!>. by co" n n y o f ,1>" Ion.. Compa ny. • 7 :30 10 7:50 p. m.- "Where to g o and whal 10 buy"· 8:00 10 9:00 p. m._ Pro pllm IMturin'l' Ann Cre y. nan Cr idley. Bob Robln. on. 9:00 t o 10: 10 p . ",.- Elmer Bra m el. Ina Milchell Butle •• E.the. White. Albert Keglo v k h. a nd othe ... THURSDAY. JANUARY 13- 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.- Fr"n",," St. Gorge. J uliuo Phillips. Wa rner Bro.: Sy ncopators. 9:00 t o 10: 10 p.m.- Edwa rd Novl, . Peggy Mllthe", • . Bob Robir.. on . FRIDAY, J A NUARY 14_ 8 :00 t o 9:00 p. m.- Juli". P l>iHpo. Ba b" Brown .. nd hi. ukulele. June Parker. 9 :00 t o 10:10 p . m.- Kennelh Cilium. In. Mitchell BUller. E lmer B.amel. Ana C rey. SATURDAY, J ANUARY I S-- 7 :00 10 8:00 p. m._ ' ·Wh",.. to go and what to b uy:' 11:00 10 9:0 0 p. ",.- Prog ram prelenled by cou rt ...y 01 Ihe Mona Mot o. Oil Company. leat urlng June P arker ~nd the Mon" MOlar O il Company O reh... " •. MOlD. Oil Company Orchest ra . 9:00 10 10:00 p. m.- A.t Good. tem. PeaiY Mathews, W a rner Bro. : Sy ncopator• . CONSOLE CABINETS For Your Radio MADE RIGHT_ RIGHT HERE R ICHT PRICE Complete .tock on I>and Or wtU m. k. to Yoor Order RADIO T ABLES R . ... od.II.. ~. b l n"l Work-Re p. lrI ...

Keep """r Good Olel RADIO CABINET SHOP. T . bl. H ...... lI d Put It Ia 0"• • 1 n ••• UNiy. 5563 04353 S. Vermo",1 l._ AapI.. , Cam. January 8 Radio Doings 49 "Put Me On Your New Years List"

The WILLARD Radio "A" Power Unit and " B" Battery Charger "I'll make it my job to show someone what radio satisfaction really is. My two~speed charging keeps me in condition all the time. Colored balls indicate how much ch arge re­ mains-and you simply throw a switch to turn on th e charging current. I keep 'B' Batteries charged, too." Ask about Willard nA" and "B" Radio Units, also about Willard Radio Batteries. AT WILLARD SERVICE STATIONS OR YOUR NEAREST RADIO DEALER 50 Radio Do,ftXJ January 8 Hollywood, California-370.2 Meters 100 WATTS 1025 N. Hllhf..':!JR.. ~~? Sl.1!'.?!. HD1I.,. ao'ae Owned . nd Op.... I. d by C. C. JULIAN OUVER S. GAJU(ETSON, Tacb"kal ED .....r KMTR Port.bla Broadc • • t ·Statlo.. 6XBA " ...._ ., • ..u,.....,r DAILY F.xCEPT SUNDAY- 1:30 to 2,30 p .....-R.dlo Pre .. H .... r. 2:30 to 3:30 p .....-P.I.t. O. Ollnee. .:00 to .,15 p. m._V • .,.,Uon no, • . 5:00 to 8:00 p ....._ Hom. Hour. ". ALU'Wl1'I PHn.PS 8:00 to 6:45 p. m._Du.o Sy.!.m Dlnne. Hou. Conurt. M..., .... r .Dd A .... ouDcer 8:45 10 7,00 p .....-V. catlon Ooy •. 7:00 10 7:30 p. m.-Muolcot ProW ...... 10:00 to 11 :00 p . .... -Ml1lc ... Caf. Lafayette O rchcoI'., 11:00 10 12:00 mJdn l,bt- O"nce Muole hom P. l.t. d. OOIlC4l. TUESDAY, THURSDAY, 5ATURDAY- 8:30 to 10,00 p .....-Sy lvla, the Blind Cook. WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1921 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ 6,:10 10 7 :00 p .....-IAU. c... tbe.,'. h o lf hOIl.. ··Vou. Mind .Dd How to UI. It:' 7:00 to 5:00 p .....- MUler·. Lafayetto Caf. Concert Oreh .. lr., 8,00 10 9:30. p ..... -COncert period, J ...... e,en.how', O rcheou• . MONDAY, JANUARY 10-- 7:30 10 8:30 p ....._5 .. I~w .. y Storu' pro, ...... 8:30 to 9:30 p . ....-E\l r~ b Vacuum C I~ .. ner Comp.. ny p ....s r .. m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11_ 10:00 to 10, 15 ...... - FiFteen Minute. of Sunahlne by Ch .. rln H .. mp. 10:15 to 10:.5 a • .... _D •. T. J. Coulter. "Do,a and Cau." 11 :00 to 12 :0::1 a ....._ Mme. Alene'. talk. 7 :30 to 8:00 p .....-SUver Sh inl Qu"rtet. 8:00 to 9:00 p . .... - Leonore Duncan Ballad En.ernblo. 9,00 to 10:00 p . ....-C .. llfornl.. RU lli.. n Quartet, Chico de Verda. directo r . WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12- 10:00 '0 10:30 ... m.-Dr. Ch ... . Watson I",m UnlveullY Chrl.,lan Church. 8:00 to 9:00 p . ....- Hou r of a,"I.. 1 enterl.. ln ment. 9 :00 to 10,00 p ..... _ L o ..... n.eln R ... Uwa y 0,.,1..,.,",. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13- 10,00 to 10, 15 ...... -Fllteen Mlnut.. 01 Sunlhlne by Charle. Hamp. 10,18 to 10:48 " ....._ Dr. P.ul J. DorOlh. Th. DI"t Queotloll BOL 10,45 til 11 :00 a. m.-ceo.,la O. Ceor,e. 7 ,30 to 8:00 p. m.-Ch .... SllIlm .. n·. Res Trio. 8:30 10 9:00 p . ....-A nlilelul Inl trumental Qu.. rtel. 9:00 to 10:00 p .....- SI". ... Slnlle... M .. le quartet. FRIDAY. JANUARY 14- 8,18 to 9,15 ... m._ The B.eaklut Club. 7 ,30 III 8:00 p. m._Thlrty Min,,'''' of Sunshine by Charlu Hemp. 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.- KMTR Concert Orchutra. Loren Powell. dlreclo,. 9:00 to 10,00 p ....._ Rey B .. Uey·_ Strlnlil Quartet. SATURDAY, JANUARY IS-- 10:00 to 10:15 a .....-C harln Hamp, director of radio actlvltleo for Ihe lona Compan,. 10,15 10 11 :30 e. m._Auditorlum pe. lod. conducted by Selwyn Harrll. 1,00 10 1 :15 p ..... -Cordon W hLt noU . m l nlsinlil director. Clly Plannlnlil Comml.. lon. 1 :18 to 1:30 p . ...,-.O ffi cer Earl H. Cooper. Bureau 01 PubUc Salety. 7 :30 ta 1:10 p .....- Lol Anleln Police and Fire department•• 9:20 to 8:30 p .....-Sh erlff·_ Office. Burelu of PubLIc Rel.tlool. 1:30 to 9:00 p . ....- Y . M. C. A. prO'''"n. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Speclal mUlleal prollra .... SHEPHERD RADIO SERVICE Authorized D e aler for Stromberg-Carlson, Federal Ortho-Sonie Receiving Sets We _pecialize in correcting balky receive,.. Super.Heterodyne., Infradyne,. Rob"rtl, etc., m ad" to perform efficientl,. Trantforme,. Match"a, Coila Balan ced Phone U. Your Troublel. O ur Service Will Plea." Ban"ri"a Chana-ed, Tube. Reactivated. Work Called for and Delivered GRanite 7482 7562 Sunset &oulen.rd H o lI,.wood. California January 8 Radio DoingJ 51 Selling Like Hot Cakes The Powell '8' Eliminator

Uncondition­ ally 25 Guaranteed $12

Absolutely No Hum Operates any set from light socket without the use of expensive and troublesome "B" batteries. A large surplus of power at 1 00 volts and at a cost of only a few cents a year. • MORE VOLUME MORE DISTANCE GREATER SATISFACTION BETTER QUALlTY BETTER PRICE No Tubes, No Acid and Nothing Else to Buy

A .en.dtl)' 'riaJ with ab&olu.fe .ati.j tlc';on or money ba~k

GUARANTEE Thi. in.t rument i. the re.ult of month. of e"perimenting a nd e"hau.tive tut.. The beat of ma te rial. and workman.h ip have been combined to inture ita tati.fac:tion with the Uter and it i. guaranteed unconditionally for on .. ycar. If for any realOn it fail. to perform tatitfac:torily it .hould be returned to the teller who i. inttruc:ted to repair or replace. free o f charge.

Call or Telephone VErm~nt 1619 for Demonstration . Powell Manufacturing Co. 4009 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. $2 Radio DOI"KJ January 8 Loa Angeles, California- 294 Meters 750 WATTS-I020 KILOCYCLES BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANo.£.l..D MR. M. E. CARRIER, M ...... u PROP. H. G. TOVEY, DlrK l o r of P ...... KTBI Pbo... ME. 8701 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ S:30 10 ':00 •. m ~DevoUon.1 Hour. 2 :00 to 3:00 p ...... _ In.pl .... tlon.' Hour. DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY AND SUNDAY _ '/' :14 t o 8:00 p . ....-Aunt Martha'. Children', Ho ur M. E. C.n ler ...... ~..., .. WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 SUNDAY, JANUARY 9- 10:30 • . m. to 12:30 p. m.-Relul••• ervice of tho Church of the Open Door. 6:00 to 7:00 p . m._ lhdlo .....per u rvic". Sermon by Rev. ]. T . Vorl •. 7:15 10 9 :30 p. m.-Regular .venlnl! u rvlce of Ihe Church of th" Open Door. M OND AY, JANUARY 10- 8:00 10 9:00 p. m.-M",,;.:.n prog •• m. directed by Rov. Ben P I".. ..,n , " "p.

SUNDAY. JANUARY ~ 10:30 to 11 :30 a. m._ Reaul... le.vle.. with ... rmon by Aim"" Semple McPhe.oon. 2:30 to .:30 p. m._Ahernoon Otlpen ... lional I .. ,vlee br. Aimee Semple McPh ....o n. 5:30 t o 8:00 p. m._ Mulle.. lo hour. The Anll elus Temp e Chol •. aaod and ,olol,t•. 8:00 t o 9:30 p. m._ Revival u .vlee by Aimee Semple McPhe' .... n. 10 :00 10 I I :00 p. m.-Organ recital by E l th.. . F.lcke Greo"" T UESDAY .J ANUARY 11- 3:30 to .:30 p. m._Vupe. Hour. Oraan reclt.1 by B. E .nelt aan.rd. 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.--£vange1L,Uc .crvlcea by Student Ev.~, elL,t •. W EDNESDAY, JANUARY IZo- 11:30 •• m. to 12 :30 p .... .-Noond.y Musleale. O raan .ecit. 1 by B. Ernut aan• • d. 7,30 to 9:30 p. m ._R~gul.r Mld·week prayer ,en·l.,. by I\lm •• Sempl. McPhe.oon. Mu · ,Ic... l p,oll',,,m by Ihe Four Squ... ~ Choi,. T HURS DAY, JANUARY I S-- 3,30 to 4 ,30 p. ",._Ve"per Hour. O'lIl>.n .""ltal by a . E. nut a.n ••d. 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.-Regulor Water aaptilm.r ",.vlce by Aimee Semple McPherooD. 9:15 to 10:00 p. m.-Gray Studio Pooa •• m. 10:00 tD 1 1:00 " . ....--o.g&n R.cll.1 by E.ther f'r1cks C ....ne . FRIDAY. JANUARY 14- 3:30 to .:30 p. m.-Vupe. Hou.. O'R'an Reclr.1 by £ atl;er F.lcke Cr....,e. 7 :30 t o 9:30 r. ... .-crus .. der R.lly. Se.mon by Aimee Semple McPher.on. 10:00 10 11 ,00 p. m.-Back Home Ho u •. SATURDAY. J ANUARY 15- 3:30 to . :30 p. m.-The Chlld.en·s Happy Hou •. 7,30 t o 9,30 p. m._Dlvln. H ... llna S .. rvlcc conduct ed b,. Alm _ S.mpl. M<"Ph ...on January 8 Radio Doings 5J

Splendid Competent Service Salesmen


New stations commg on .the air make it more and more difficult to get through local interference for those DX thrills.

Radiolas are super-selective

A Demonstration Will Prove It

Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 510 South Broadway LOS ANGELES 54 Radio DoiFlKs J anuary 8 Hollywood, California-226 Meter. .... Ho rth A • .,.I. A_.. HollJ"Wood. Callforai• Gl.Iod.lo ~ "197; GL.d.t .... SIN OAVE WARD, P ...... DI • ..,lo.... 01 Aa..aMlIIC ... L E. TAFT. T ...h"tCC&l EDam- KFQZ " :r .... ,,--. ._..... ""-..ft."

DAILY U CEPT SUNDAY_ 12,00 to 1,00 p . "' ~Lo . ADae l.. Muc""" t,' 0001 M.,n.f.c! ••••• · Ho .... ~hOO 10 7 .00 p . ... -Decke• • Diamo nd 0 ,,01 Decaer. Hawalla. Trlo. 7.00 10 8 , 00 p . .... - Mu.le.1 Hour.

WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, J A NUARY 9, 19 27 SUNDAY, JAN UAR Y ~ 8:00 10 9:00 p . m.-Silv•• String ClendpUanl. 9:00 10 II :00 p . .... _ KFQZ Yellow Jack ....: J oe H.wley on d hi. tipple lIult .., a nd VI.· aini... King. 0 :00 10 12:00 p . m.--Old time rs In old·tlme melodi.... M ON DAY, JAN UARY 10.- 5:00 to 6:00 p. m ._ T echnicft l que.Uon. bnd an"Wen, by Lull" E. Taft. 8:00 10 9 :00 p . m.- Sem;·dnu lca l hou r presented by My. n B~l1e Vlcke ••. 9:00 10 10:00 p . m.- L. A. R,,;lway Quart et. W end"n Smith. Badse. and Mueaele •• and Ha ul and the Office Boy. T UES DAY, JANUARY 11 - 8 :00 10 9 :00 p . m.-Police and Fi.e Joint p.ogram. 10:00 10 1 1 :00 p. m.-e"lilornia DOni ond Bob Sw.. n, .ololat. W EDNESDAY. J ANUARY 12_ 8 :00 10 9 :00 p. m .~C. Howard PBXIOO. Art Cood.tein in blue .ons •. Ha rlan Pauley a nd hll .te~1 Ifoit.... a nd Ch.... Cn rey Rumley. 9:0 0 10 10:00 p. m.- Kilty And the Boy • . a nd Jack Coode. 11010101. 10:00 te 11 :00 p. m._ KFQZ Yellow Jacket., LAurence l oh •• Ekin H .. IS. Virsinl.. KinS .. nd t he Office Boy. THURSDAY. J ANUARY 13- 8:00 10 9:00 p . m._ Rebroadca.t or E"Uern otalionl. 9:00 to 11 :00 p. m.- L. A. Railway Orche.tr... FRIDAY. J ANUARY 14_ 8 ' ~d Ip o:~~ O p. m._ Marl .. n Booga. in pianologuu. HUSh W:J1Ington. Bir die Le Belle and

9,00 to 1\ :00 p. m._Cernrd·. Syncopnte". ··Red·· Wyatt , H~le n McColl and P at Lee. S A TU~ D AY . J ANUARY I S-- 1 :00 t o 2 ,00 p . m._ Bob M cDon~ld. Hue! and the Offiee Boy. 8:00 t o 9:00 p . m._ Laurence Loh •. Ruth Miehe!.on. E kln Hais. Royal W .. II.. ce and uke. 9,00 to 11 ,00 p. m.- L. A. RA ilway Orchulra. Billie Lee. Don Stevene. ond Bud Riley. OUR NEW ADDRESS, 407 E. Pico St.-TELEPHONE WE. 1401

Pasadena, California-3IS.6 Metero PASADENA STAR.N£WS 1000 WATTS--91S0 KILOCYCLES GEORCE CECIL COWING, M . ...tin' Dlrecto. GEORGE FRENG£R, Pro...... M ...... FORBES W . VAN WHY, £ .. ti .. Hr.I... C!oar,. KPSN P£JlCY C. PRYOR, Studio OfIlc. Plio ... W ....lIe!cI alii

DAILY EXCEPT IIUNDAY- 12:00 t o 12:18 p .... .-New. Bulletin. 8:00 to 7 :00 p . .... - Dlnn .. r ·Ume neWI report.

W EE K COMMENCING SUNDAY. J ANUARY 9, 1927 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ 10:30 to 10:45 • . m.-Feml1y Alt.. r Service by Ihe United Church Brotherhood • . 1 1 :4 4 •. m._Su vlce h om the P8I.. dena P . ...bytu la n Ch .. ",h. 6 :00 t o 7 :00 " . m ._Dinner hoor mu. ical " r08ram. 7:30 to 8 : 15 p. m .-Nel",hborhood Ch ureh monthly broadcaot. TUES DAY, J ANUARY 11_ 8:00 to 9 :00 • . m ._St.. . ·N~ wl concer t. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13- 8:00 to 9:00 p. m._Program a rranged for tbe Pand"". Chamber of Commerce. SATURDAY. J ANUARY I S-- .:00 to 9 :00 p. n> ._St ar·N,w. conce rt . ( January 8 Radio Doi"KJ 55 Santa Monica, California 238 Meter. 1000 WATTS CAPACITY Owned and Openl"d by KEIRUUI< ... RAVENS. CROFT COMPANY. Municipal AudIto rium. Ocean P.,.k, Santa Monica, Calif. Phone Santa Monica 63_101. KNRC rOM MITCH ELL. Studio M.n.J er a nd Announcer. C. B. JUNEAU, Tran.ml .. ion EnJlnee •• "rI•• 5 •••10 .. ..,/11• • 5",1"" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6:30 to 7,30 p .... .--club C. .... Del M.r orllan .edtal. Remote control. 7:30 p. In .- Talk on 00110 by Tom Mitchell. 10:0010 11 :00 p .... .--club Ca .... Del MarOrcbeal ••. Remotecont.ol. OAILY EXCEPT MONDAY_ 6:00 10 9:00 p. m.- Band Concen. 2:30 p. m.- Band Concert.

WEEK COMMENCINC MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1927 MONDAY, JANUARY 10-- 1t30 to 2:15 p. m.-Shopplnlf Tour with M. rlluel McDonald Sho nn .nd Marllerel de NolI . 4:15 p .....-Brot hu Tom and hI. Family Ci. cle. 6:30 p. m.--Club C .... Del Mar Orll"" Recital wilh j ullu. K. J ohn_on. 8 ,00 to 10,00 p. m.- K. and R. PrOll r .. m. BI .. ck end T.n o..ch. • Warren C. C.ame, 10,00 to 11:00 p .....--Club C ..... Del M". Orch. • by Remote Con trol throUllh KNRC. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11_ 4:15 p. m._ Brothe. Tom and hi. F"mily Circle. 9:00 10 10:00 p. m.-Tike Whinnery a nd hi. Muolc Muter • . Sherman Hun • .,.. 'eno" WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12_ 1 :30 10 2 :30 p . ....- Shoppln; Tour wllh Marlle. e' McDoo.. ld Shonn .nd M. rlle. e. de Nol... 4: 115 p. m.- Brother Tom .. od hI. Family CI.cle. 9,00 to 10:00p .....- K .•nd R. Pro;.e m. Pl.ate Ba nd : Edn.. P .. uley. cootralto, T HURSDAY, JANUARY 13- 4 ,15 p ....._Broth e . Tom .nd hi. Family Circle. 9 ,00 p. m.--Ch.rlie Diamond Steel Cult.r•• nd olhe .. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14- 1 130 to 2:15 p. m ._ Shoppln ll Tour by M"rllert McDonald Shonu a nd M"'lIeret de Noill. 4 : 15 p. m._ B.othe. Tom and hi. Family CIrcle. 9 :00 p. m.-L. A. R. R. O rch., or .t. ln; Qua rtette; FBY Du.n• • op.~no : SATURDAY. JANUARY 16- 4 : 115 p . m.- Brolher T om .. nd hh F .. mlly Circle. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m.-K. and R. Pro;.am. 11,00 to 12,00 p. m.---c..bleo Club Frolle. Lee Younlil. J •. and hi. O.ch .. ...mote contro l. SUNDAY, JANUARY 16- 10,4S a .....- Pillilrlm Luther.. n Church Service • • emote con trol. 15: 115 10 6: t .5 p. m._Plrate Band. 6,15 p. m .-P US.lm Lutheran Church Evening Service .•emot. controL. 7:00 10 8:00 p. m.--Qrllan Reclt.l Club c.. ... Del Ma •. .9:00 10 10:00 p. m.--Club Can Del M ... Orch. • by 'emole control thru KNRC. OUR NEW LOCATION, 407 E. PICO ST., LOS ANGELES

PALMER RADIO LABORATORY Eatebli.hed 1923 . Specialising in SUPER.HETERODYNES AND lNFRADYNES Int~diate Tranltformer. Made and Calibrated AI.o ell otlter type. of recei,.er. mede to operate eBide.t1, s.thl_"o" C._,.,H4 .r N. C_•• Adrie. 'Fre. Opell. Enll.iD•• Till .. P. M. Cou.rt." to AU 4529 5, Vermo_t. Lo. A_•• l.. Pholl. VErmOllt 1883 RaJ.o Doin,'J January 8 Vemce, Californi8L-20S Meters 1;00 WATTS McWHLNNlE ELECTRIC CO., V_lc. Ballroom, V.niu Calli. Phoo. 65959 or 65950 S tatioo Mr r ~ W. H. \VH!TE. Technician, O. B. Ml!..UI KFVD DA ILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ a,oo '0 10,00 L ••._No w ••n " m,.. I.,..\ pr.,r.",. (hOO '0 1.00 p. m.-.5hoppln, Hint ••nd Mu.I.,..1 P.o,.am. 10,00 '0 12.00 ";d.. ~hl_V enl "" a a Ur_m 0 ...... 1. 0.

WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, J ANU"ARY a. la27 SUN DAY, JANUARY ~ 10,00 '0 12,00 o>ldnl,h_Verdee B.nI.o...... Orch.. tt•. MONDAY, JANUARY I G- .,00 I .. 8;.3() p. m._Kath,,.n Pr.u. eo"".. 1 planl.l. 8 ,SO t o 9,00 p ...._Hn.,. DlnowIU.. r, vlolinl.t: Ceo,S'e Thl,oWl, ukul..Je ertl. , . 9 .00 t .. 10,00 p. m..--Melba Lyon, KFVD st,l, a"d 011."... TUESDAY, JANUARY 11- 1,00 I .. 9,00 p. ",._Ma rtln W a llace Den.,.. O,chelt.. ..,d e"tenalnment, tuturlll. Bob Wallace and Bill W.IL"C., Seolch eoo>edl.n •. ',00 10 10,00 p. m.-ceraldlna Co.don. fomal. barlton", On. Siein, DaNlY ...d Siz Su..... Panny. Melb.· Lyon. KfVD ,Irl. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12- .:00 to 5:00 p . ....-chlldren·. Hour p.o,...... und•• the d :l . eeUon of U ..ula March Lar,e,.. 8:00 t .. 8:30 p. m.--ca.l B.aoden""", t .... or. 8:30 I .. a:3O p. ",.-Bnka, Brotho.. KIDS' Pl. y.ra: Vlol.t Ro •• . whl. tl.,,: Ranclall Brothe.. , pltn lolol.to. 9:30 t .. 10,00 p .....-Ed funnelll .nd C_.,e Cun'Y, h.n.... nle • • 0101 . 1• • THURSDAY, J ANUARY 13- . • :00 to 6:00 p ...... -5peclal pro,ra'" , ... turin, Loul. Luol.ch, Siavonien tenor, . nd ..th ... . • '00 to 9'30 p. m ._Vlrglnh. McCoy. cont .. conl.alto. • ;30 t .. 8;00 p ....._Th .. Ancient Quartet. futu.lng the f'ou r old loldle.. . 8,00 to 10,00 p .... .-Pop.·. Californian.' D.nce O'cheot,a; M.lbe L,...... KFVD ,1.1, . nd oth... . FRIDAY, JANUARY t4_ . ,00 10 5:00 p .....-chlld." n·. Hour P'08"''''' 8,00 to 8:30 p ...... c.eoeent Ba,. Chleo Quart.. t. 8:30 to 9:30 p. m._L. A .•RaUwey Sinni Quartet . • ,30 to 10:00 p .....--ca llfornla C .. lontal aand under Ihe dlr..,tlon ..f F.ank P,Ut; M.n... Lyon. KFVD ,lrI. and oth • ••. SATURDAY, JANUARY IS-- 8:00 t .. 10:00 p .....-St udlo program a nd eV"rYbody walco",e. 1% :00 mldnl, ht_F,olic at the Ship Cafe, fUlurin, Da".. SDtll and hll wanda. o.chelt... ; Val Rob.rt •. Mal Kalleh and C.,...g. Llo,.d. Avalon, CaliforniaL- 211.1 Meters THE ISLAND STATION Power 250 WatU-W~ . t.rn Electric Equipment "KataB~., 'or WondeTful Outln ... " MAJOR LAWRENCE MOTT. Owner.Op.... I.:.. KFWO MISS FRANCES H EWITT, Siudio &: Pr .. , .. m Dir• •• ,."" lot. IF"I> • Sma . " W INTER SCHEDUl.ES AT KFWO T he Moll Station at C .. laUna bland, CaUfornla lIn .lfeet week 01 Sept. 20th) DAILY EXCEP T MONDAY_ 12:30 10 1 :30--Hotel SI. Ctotherlne O,chell,•. 6,30 to 8,OO--Hole! St. Catherine O.ehulra. DA ILY EXCEPT MONDAY, T HURSD.AY AND SUNDAY_ 6:00 t .. 6,30--Studlo. 8:00_ MI .. 1·I.wlu·. Colden Hour. 8:00--Studlo. to 9:00-Studio P,oll:,am. t .. 12:00 Mldnl, ht-Over. e .... 6:30--W, jll:ley Chlmeo. to g,OO--Sludio P,oll:,am. FRIDAYS: 5:00 t .. 6:00-Mlu Hewitt'. Colden Hour. SATURDAYS: .. 3.0.00 t ... ,30--Rebr""dcoon of KNX. 9:15 I .. 10,OO-Studlo. SUNDAYS, 15:00 to 6,OO--MIII Hewlll'l Colden Hou •. 6,00 t .. 6,3Q-Wrilfley Chime•. 8:00 to a:I &--Lobby Concut } amwry 8 Radio Doings 57

Better In Every Way

The Advance fixed

CRYSTAL ADIO enthusiasts with aLL R types and makes of s elS DETECTOR have learned thai if lUbes are nOi operated under precise This d etector is as near voltage conditionl! they will perfect for all require­ experience lone distortion and needless lube expense. ments as can be made. S uper-tested for sensitiv­ These Weston Model 506 tWO inch. panel voltmeters possess ity and permanel)t setting the characteristics which dis­ of gold point. Positively tinguish Wes ton instruments fixed. Very finest con­ from all others. There are varioull modelS of this 506 type struction throughout. More - hence. the purcbasershould than 85.000 now in use consu It his radiodealer orwrite and giving ~bsolute satis· uS for the booklet entitled faction. "Weston Radio Instruments."

Yo". I)o.l.... ~ ... II"ES. $1.50 a t your radio ro,,, I n".u"'~n.. o • ...Ul ••0 ,~ ~ _ ,... _pol,. dealer-or by mail pre­ / ... ", .1, fl.dl ... Jobb4. paid. (If ordering direct send name of nearest ra­ WESTON ELECTRICA •• dio deale r.) INSTRUMENT CORPORAT ION Newaok. N. J. Advance Electric Co. 1260 W. Second St. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 58 Radio DomgJ J (Jnua ry 8 Long Beach, California- 233 Meters 1280 KILOCYLE$-750 WATTS NICHOLS .. WARRINER. INC. Studto :211 J ar , in. T ruot Bld, _ Phone. 61 7-19, 814-M 8 ' ..1 ...... Office, 2 12 J e r,lne T r u. , BId,. KFON P h on ... , 6 17_19, 81ot· 60 HAL C. NICHOLS, Ma ..a ... . and Studio 01..... 10 . " ""• •• y ..... Slo t,. c .. _ I,.M DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ 11 :30 ...... t o 12:30 , . m.-P d E"'. Hour. 4 :00 to 4:30 p . .... _ P ...... T .. l.. a r. m Lata New&, &:00 t o 6 ,00 , . ..._K FON Con e.,..! O. e" "U •• . 6,00 10 6:50 p . .... -or lit.o Re<;ltal from Stat o ",_1.... . &: 150 to 7:00 p . m.-Paclfic Land Co: . T rovelo p e. 9:00 to 10:00 p . ... .-.. Th .. Hour Dc Lu ..:' DAILY EX(;EPT SU N DAY AND M ONDAY_ 2 ,30 to .:00 , . ...._M .. n i.. i p.' Band Con « .L

W EEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1921 SUNDAY, J AN UARY ~ .:00 10 5:00 p . ....-Vupe r hour. S:OO 10 6:500 p . ....--K FO N Coneert O.c" ...I •• , 7 :00 10 7 :45 p. n •._P " . ry·, Cafe O .c:hen r • • , , 45 10 9 , 00 p. m.-Se. vleu from F lrn C h u. e h o f C hrlat. Sele.. UOl. 11:00 10 }'2:00 p . m .-··Eve . ybody·. N ta hl." . m ate" ," and p.o(;,.. k>n .. I• • MON DAY, JANUARY 10- 7 ,00 10 8,00 p ....._T h rilly Sa n d y p roa ' ''''', , ponoo. ed by Cl' izen l S tato s...... 10:00 t o 11 :00 p .....-C"pitol Thelll'" O' lIIan. 11 :001012:00 p. m.-Maj ... ,lc B"llroom O ..,h e .. , ... T U ESD A Y, JANU ARY 11_ • .• 7 :00 10 7:30 p . ....-S tudlo pro ,ram. 1 :30 to 8:00 p . ....-C hat fo r book lovero. 8 :00 10 9 :0 0 p. m .- p . .... Te le li!l.am p.e..,nl ln ll LOn lll S .... ch Municipal Band. 9 :00 10 10:00 p . ....-" T he Ho u r De Lulte:' 10:00 10 11 ,00 p.m.-S' "dlo p rogr.. m . 11 ,00 to 12,00 p. m.-M .. je.. '" B.lIroom O . c h u trll. b y remote con,rol WEDN ESDA Y , JANUARY 12- 7 :00 to 8:00 p. m._p .. clfic Co... . Club Orch... t ••. 8:15 10 9:00 p ....._ P . ....T c Lclll . llm p.e..,n,ln lll PAcifi c eoa .. Club a.ch...... 9:00 I .. 10:00 p ....._ T .uck F l. " Se rvlu prolll ... m . 0 10 ,00 10 1 1:00 p. m._M .. je.tic Ball room Orchc ... n. by rem ote eonlrol 11 :00 10 12:00 p.m.-P"clfic C ..... t Club Orch on.". TH U RSDAY, JANUARY 13- 7 :00 10 8 :00 p . ....- Prolll ' ''''' p . uented tll rou lI l> courteoy of Ch.Yl lc, de.. l" r • . 8 :00 10 9 :00 p. m.-Prell.T eleg . .. m p . eoenlin ll Lo n lll e .... ch Munlel""l B .. u d . 9:00 10 10 :0 0 p. m._Sheli 0 11 Company ', O rchUlr.. . 10:00 to 1 1:00 p . ... .--C.. pltol Th.... l.e Ofll"n. 11 :00 10 12:00 p. m .- M .. jutlc B"llroom O rc he ...... b y , emote coot.o! F RI DAY, JANUARY 14- 7 : 18 10 7:4 5 p .....-Chu . c h o f Chtill. by Rev. Erne.. Bean. 8,00 I .. 9:00 p . m.-P.eu.T "leg .... m p,uenlin ll Lon a Beach M" .. lclp.. 1 Ba.nd. 11 :00 10 10 :00 p . m.-C... ki1l M .. nufaelurlnlf Co. .. nd MilO",,,n Radio Co. p..,... m . 10:00 10 12:00 p . m._Elko· Frolic. Lcd,e No. U 8. SATU RD A Y. J ANU ARY 15- 7 :00 10 8:00 p. m.-P .. clfic eoa .. CI"b Orch u "" 1,00 10 9,00 p. m.-P.o ... Telegra m pr... e n tlnjl" Lo ng Beach M .... lclpal Band. 9 :00 10 10:00 p. m.-P"clfic Coast Club O . e ho.t ... 10:00 10 1 1:00 p. m ~C. p !t o l "h""lro o rilia n. 11 ,00 10 12'00 p. m.-P" clfic COlli Club O rc h ...l ra

HORNS CO MPARIS ON INVITED UNITS FOR H ORNS We Rep."..... , PORTABLES Numb~r-S 'u, To_ Tn • • 1 Holliday R a dio CABI N ETS 100-6" Diam., 6 " Deep . ••.••• 13" Co., I n c. CONSOL ES 200- 5"",8", 8 " D eep ••• • .•• •. 18H Manu ' act u. o .. 0' Ih. Wondo. ful Tone; ..0 200--8" O iam., 8" D e op •. • • . • . I S" belt Commercia l U .." .,qua ... co.llen to on I he m ...k et. W Ill ",,, "e I hat h ollow 300--10" O ia m •• 9 %" D e ep • • •• 23" l eko ' ho power tub.. _ad Ilk.. '"Iootln ' '" 400--8"",12", 1 1 % .. De.p ••• • . . 35" w ltho"t dl.tortIOQ. d ...... a b a r rel. 400--11%" Ojam., 1 1%" Deep. 35" Fully C uar ant eed We Will O u t _O'c:mo n.tratc: A ny H o rn Made, R e gar d l..... o f I.. C o . t or Wh. 1 M a leri.l I. U.ed i n h , Manufact. re. M. J. CARLS, 1929 S. 1.0. Angel.. St. WE. 2712. Loo Angel.. Ja llu ary 8 Radio D oings 59 III


ING RAD IO is made, not in a loft thar can be K d~d f<:\1norrow, but in a great factory that has been famou ~ fOf twenty years for it!! fine precision products. Seven acres of floor space all Ull der one roof. ~;"'''~'l hund~d ;"!!o:-Ie. An annual ~'olume in fine "I(iio atts that moun\:5 well into the miUi


"Most·Radio Pcr Dollar" K~NG RAD~O 0/) /:(QdlO DOH',J January 8 San Diego, California-245.8 Meter.

u. s. Gr•• 1M) :~~~::~~~".RAYMUNl> v. MORJU5, r .... w. ..1 KFSD T OM. SEXTON, Aaao"ac ... DAILY_ 6,30 to 1:00 p . .... _Nt,htly m,,"oIcal uviflw. 7:00 10 8:00 p ....._ .. Vupe r Hour:' O rtha,"onl.. . .,clt,l. DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY- 8:15 to 6:30 p. m ,-Ya Towne Topic' , DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ 10:00 to t 1:00 p. m.-H a rvey Bdl and hi. U. S. C •• ,ot Hotel 0.. chut ••. WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ 3 .00 t o 4:00 p .....-T cmple u,v!c. o f the Theoaophlcal Unl"e.. lI,. u Pel.. , La.a, C.IU ~ 6 :00 to 9:00 p. m.-Mi:oed ...... I"al prol.e ... , .:00 to 10:00 p. m.-:-All St a r Flv. and Cena Mcrrltt, 1.-.110... . M ONDAY, JANUARY tG- 1:00 10 9:00 p. m.- Flrn Unlta,lan Ch .. , <: h, Howard fl.. eard 9:00 to 10:00 p .....-M i:ud m".lcal pro" om . TUESDAY, JANUARY 11- . • :00 to 9:00 , ....._ Unlon T itl. Com""ny ··Cl.aulc: HO\l_r" prollro .... 9:00 t o 10:00 p . .... - R. V . Mo rdl. Inc:. . Ha w.n." m\l,Le. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12- 7:00 to 7:15 p . .... _ Health and 6eouty t.lL.... by Do.011r.y H.YI. Inc:. 7,15 to 7:30 p . .... _ Studio proll,.m. 7 ,30 to 1:30 p .... .-conce •• P.OIl '''''' f .. mllhed by the Theo... phl ... l Ulllv ..,hy It P.t.t Lomo. Cali! .. by remote control. 1 :30 t o 10:00 p .....-K F S D .eq .....t p roll""'. THU RS DAY. J ANUARY 13- ':00 10 9:00 p . .... -John P . Millo. Inc:. . RI ..i • • o VIII .. O.ebel'''' ' :00 t o 10:00 p . ... _"Popul.. Ho.. ," Orthopbonlc ,echal FRIDAY, JANUARY 14- ',00 10 ':00 p. m .-P. M. D.lry Conce.t arcb .."., trio 'Dd "'0". (hOO 10 10:00 p. m.-Mhled muol".' proa...... SATURDAY. JANUARY I~ .,00 10 9:00 p. m ._ Mme. d . a . .... I• •• • "Fr."co.Amerlca"" bour. ':00 to 10:00 p .....-Mlnd mUII... 1 proll"m. 11 :00 o. ItO . 10 1 :00 •. m. K 1'" .'I n '"U" .. I"h. r . "IIe. run for ... ,,",one. OUR NEW ADDRESS• 407 E. Pica St .-TELEPHONE WE . 1401 RADIO SERVICE A SIPECIALTY B.tterieo Rechar lied, Call ed For Itnd Del;"ered O ur Work I. Guarante , ~ VERMONT MUSIC CO. DR_ol 3229 826 S, Vermont 0._ Till 10 p, M .

TO JOBBERS AND MANUFAC1URERS Spaulding Fibre, Spaulding Bakelite, Hope Talking Tape. Irvington Spaghetti and Wire F" aclory StOCk. and Cultina- Equipm.,nt---='Amp 1.. Stock' in Lo. Ana-.I.. Panell. Waabera. Diaca, Spec:ial Shapea . CLAPP & LaMOREE ato E, Po~rtIo lit .. '- AaaIllN...... LOS ANCEL.ES SAN FRANCISCO PORn..AND Jalluary 8 Radio D oings bI

Let the light socket run your set! Buy a WESTINGH~OUSE Radio '"A" Autopower

Charger and "A" battery combined in both four and six volt sizes. Absolutely automatic! Plug it into your light socket and get smooth----continuous--even flow of cur­ rentl Noiseless, non-pulsating-absolutely without hum. An entirely new device, invented and built by Westing­ house. Economical. Practically indestructible. No re­ placements. No tubes. No liquids in charger. No special wiring. Bring your radio up to date with the "A" Autopower. Get the best your set can give-every night-week after week -year after year. A&k Your Dealer for Demon.Jtration Southern California O;ltributo .. H arr y W . H a rriso n, Inc. 848 South Flower St. Phone TRinity 9777 ALSO ILLINOIS ELECTRIC CO. SHERMAN, CtA Y & CO. .. 315 S. San p .. dro St. 944 Sant_ St. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 0< Radio DomgJ January 8 San Francisco, Calif,ornia-428.3 Metero 1000 WATTS-700 KILOCYCLES HALE BROTHERS AND THE CHRONICLE CLAIRE MORRISON, TechnluJ OJ""",or Phon. K. ~ ",ey 5777 KPO ",.Io. f', ...... , .s.. ,,_..... ~ DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6,45, 7 , 15 ..,eI 7,.15 • __.-D.Uy h ..llh drill br H".h Barrfll Dolob. 10:10 ....._ Hou .. hold Hlnll. 10:30 •• ..... _··Y. Town~ Crier:' 12:00 noon_Tlm~ .IIIn.l. and S."lplu •• r eadlns. 12,30 to 1 :00 p • ••-Cllft Hote.] Con".rt Trio. 1 :00 to 2:00 p. m.-Rudy S.I,or·, Fairmont Hotol Orch.. ,." 3,30 lQ 5:30 p ....._Pal.c. Ho,el Conce,t Orche,tro. 11130 '0 11:15 p .....--Chlld.en·. t-Iou •• 6:115 10 6:30 p. m.-"Ye Towne Crle.:· 6:30 10 7:00 p . m._S, •••• RuLl• .,.on! O. ch .., ••. 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.-Rudr Selle,". Fel,mont Hotel (h"hell •• 7:30 10 8:00 p . .... - DX. WEEK COMMENCINC SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 11127 SU~~.1YioJ~:,~t:."... ~ndenomln.llonal and non.leclad.n "h .. ,ch acrvlee. 10:45 a. m.-Unlted Stalu "'ell' he. fore" .. , and lener.1 Info,m.. tinn. 2:45 to 4:15 p .... .-Concert of Ihe S"n frand.eo Symphony O,ehe-I .... Alfred 1·lern dl. reCIO., 10 b. b r_dea.t from Ihe N.w Currall Theater by KPO, KCO e nd KFI. 6:00 10 6:30 p . • .-stalu RUle.,ranl Orehco'ra. 8:30 p. m.-"Y" To... ne Cryer" livin, lener.l Info,mlltion. 6:35 10 8,35 p. m .-Pal.u HOlel Concerl O,chell,a. 11:35 1o 10:00 p. m.-R .. dy Seilfcr'. Falrmonl 1-I 01~1 Conccrl Orche.lr•. 10:00 10 12,00 p .....-john Wolohon Ind Hi, C.llfo,nl"". at the Trianon ballroom MONI>AY. J ANUARY 10- 8:00 to 8:10 p . .... -Chamber 01 Comm.,rce ... Ik o n " Ind".trl.l SIn F ronel.co" 8:10 10 8:25 p . ...._B_k revie.... by Harold A Small of Tha Ch,onlcla. 8 :25 10 9:00 p. m._ Brld,e leuon No. U . 10:00 10 11 :00 p . ...._Bllly Lonl!" Coobl,\"n •. 11 :00 '0 12:00 p. m._KPO·, Variety lIou •. fulurlnlf KPO·. ",.,11 known ..1111 •. TUESOAY. JANUARY 1 1- 8:00 10 9:00 p . ... . - "Ud" Waldrop Ho u •. " fe'>lurinll Ud" Waldrop. KPo-. officl.l o'lI"nlll 9,00 '0 10:00 p .....-Studio prOIf,am. 10:00 10 11 ,00 p. m ._P.llc., lio,el Rou Room Dance O rch.,."•• C",!" jam .. direclor 11 :00 10 12:00 p.m.-Billy Lon.'. Cabl,!.n •• WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12- 8:00 10 9:00 p ....._PrOIl,am by tho AI",.le. Kent Arli.h. 9 :00 t o 10:00 p.m.-StudIo proll ,,,m. 10:00 10 11 :00 p. ",.-S.a ,e. Ruta.,rant Orche. .... W aldemar Lind. dl,e"'o,. 11 :00 10 12:00 p . ... -john Wolnhan and Hi. CaUforn;"" •• , th .. Trianon BllI.OOm. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13-- 8:00 10 9,00 p. m.-studio pro;ra ... 9:00 10 10,00 p. m .-St.,d ... prollram. 10:00 10 11:00 p . ....-P"I."., lio,,,1 Ko.eroom D.nu O."h",,,", Cene j .... '" dlrcetor 11 :00 10 12:00 p.m.-john Wolohon "nd Hi. Californian" a, 'he Trianon B. llroom. F RIDAY. JANUARY 14- 8:00 10 10:00 p. ",._W.lt•• Krl us;rllr. Baleonadeo Ballroom O.ehulra. 10:00 10 1 1 :00 p . m .-st.. teo Reo",.,ro nt Orchellra. Wald~o r Lind dirac to•. 11 :00'012:00 p. m._John Wolohan o nd IIi. Coollfo rni.nll.t the T.ianon Ballroom. SATURDAY. JANUARY IS-- 8:00 10 9:00 p. m ._ Sim"lt"nr:<>u. b,o.. dc... ' by KPO and Kfl of " prolf'am preunlod by Ihe S .. n F.nnclleo branch of the m"nufact ...., •• of Whil.. Kin/! Ilnd Mi .. lon B.,l1 Soap. 9 :00 10 10:00 P .....- P . lac. Hotel Rooc,oom o.nc., Orch",t,a. Cene Jam.. di,eclo', 10:00 10 1 :00 •• m. Watt"r Kr"u'lfrjlJ·. B"Jcon.. deo Ballroom Oreh"'tr•. "SUPER-HET" OWNERS! Do you fight the elements, o r do you get real reception ;l \Vith our system of construction and TRANSTROM INTERST AGE THANSFORMERS We Arc Gellinll U"belier;al,ie Re" d u al Fi/fh nml Hrom/wClY! INSPECTfON INVITEO SIERRA. RADIO LABORATORIES 3 18 W. Fifth St. r..:.. Anllel~., Calif. VAndik., 6464 January 8 Mud//.) DUJnJl,J 03


B u i I 1- i n $ speaker. large lube., 100 A. H. Rubber 59 Case Battery, even the inside aerial is in~ eluded-nothing elae to buy.

Selectivity : : Quality :: Distance New MocIi.6eel S. L. F. conelen..,u allow a mple ""Paration of low wave length. Ilnel giv ... abl olule , e lectivity on all Italion.. U. i.ng Kellolj:if', laboratory grade tnnafonneu a ..Ure, you of tone perfection, and for di.. tance the ulmol t in .en. itivity hal been achieved through proper d ... ian of condenHu aDd inductance. Made of Finest Parts Obtainable

The Supreme--Made of the fin ...t of JIlaterial luch 11.1 Kellogg, Ya:IJo,., Cartor, C. R. L., Benjamin. &kelite coil...

Order YOW' Set Today and yon'lI aey, liko overyone ell e thllt beau the Supreme. 'lbal'. the beal ,eca;v., I ever beard_it'. wonderful." 11' ••imply not equalled for p\lritJ' of tona or fidelity of reproduction. Remember .,ve..,. pari i, guarantoed til. ),ou.-you taka no dumce•• THE PATTERSON FACTORY TO YOU SALES PLAN put. a Ij:uaranteed $155 conlOle, 5·lube receiver in J our home for ca.h 11.1 a bout $35 Ie .. than t b .. actual whole ..l .. prica. Volum .. production i. th o an.wer. Patterson Radio Manufacturing. Co . . Edabli.bed 1921 239 S. Los Angeles St,-V A. 8139 Los Angeles, Calif. Radio D oings January 8 San Francisco, California-2G8 Metera O ..... ed . 11.1 Operate d b y DOD Le.. C.lilomi. DJ.lrib.,l or for C.dill.c Mot or Car. 50 W ATTS-112O KILOCYCLES LANSING T EVIS, M . .... er KFRC HARRJSON HOLLlWAY, St . UO D M..ter "K .~ p F<>r ~ ~ R ..d/

W E EK COMMENCING SUNDA Y. JANUARY 9 , 19Z7 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ 6:30 p. m ~The Sta ge "nd Screen. 8 :30 to 10:00 p . m.-Dane.. mue;e b y Wa lter Kr.u. lJ rm ·. Orchutra. MONDAY. JANUARY 10-- 10:00 to 1 1 :00 • . m._Holloehold H lnl . by M.ry Lewl. Halnu. domuUc od ence editor 01 T he Call. 7:00 10 7 :30 p. m.-KFRC H a waIIan •. 8 :00 to 9:00 p . m .- Around the C<>mpfire with Mac. T UES DAY, JANU ARY 11- 5:00 to 5 : 15 p. m ~ "F;ften Minu!... a t Ih" Ampico." cOllrte.y L ..... S. Rober.... . Jnc. 5 :15 to 5 :3 0 p.m ~Hea l th Talk by eeorge Win ter Sanborn. 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.-D.nce mllolc by .. P II .... Donahoo and hi. Hotel O.kl ...d Oroh_ .. 8 :00 to 8:30 p . .... _ K FRC Rodlo Movie Cillb. 8:30 t o 11:00 p.m._ Danca muole by W.lter Kr.lI"arBl'. O rchu u • . WED NESDAY. JAN UARY 12- 10:00 t o 11:00 ...... - H o usehold Hln lo by Mary L ewl" Halnu. domeotle .ctonco edito r .t T h e Call. 8 : 10 I" 10:30 p. m .-Cra nd Opera . " II TroV.IOr..... presented b y Lee S. Robert •• In ~ .. Chickering· Ware Room • • dl ,..c t .. d by Fronk Mo .. . 10:30 to 12:00 midni .. ht-Da n ce mllolc by Wa lter K ra ll oarHl'. OrCh Ulra. T H U RSDAY. JANUARY 13- 7 :00 to 7:S0 p,m.- Ra y To wl.. a nd hb Novelty Band. 8 :00 t o 9:00 p . m.-Mo na MOlar OLl Proa r" m. 9:00 t o 10:30 p.m._Dance Mu.ic by W a lte r K rall "atill·. Orcheat •• . FRIDAY. J ANUARY 14- 8:00 t o 10 :00 a.m._KFRC Ba rgain Hour. direction Albert White. 5:00 t o 5:15 p . m ~Fift ee n Minutea a t the Ampico. cou nny Lee S . Roberto. l"e. 5:15 t o 5 :30 p . ___H e"lth T . lk by C""r g" Winter S.nhorn. 7 ,00 t o 7:30 p. m._ Prog ram courteoy Ru .. e1 ·Colvin Co. 8 :00 to 10:00 p. In.-Education Proaum. 10 :00 t o 1 1:00 p, In.-D. nce mllole by W .. Lter Kra.,orrlll'o Orchutra. SAT URDAY, J ANUARY 15- 8 :30 p . m . 10 1:00 ...... -Dance mUlle fro m the Ba leon .. de. Bllllroom. OUR NEW ADDRESS, 407 E. Pica St.-TELEPHONE WE. 1401

~~~~'i.'i~S';!o" TRICKLE CHARGERS, SPECIAL $8.15

UX Univers.. 1 Socket., 25c Alltron Blue " A " T u b .... 95c Well Known AUDIO TRANSFORMERS at $1.88

.00035 SLF VARIABLE CONDENSERS, 69c ; .0005, 73c

825 SOUTH MAIN J. C. ENDLER L A._TR. 4281 OP£lif BVENINGS ..... EU ABLE MAIL ORDERS .... RADIO • EUCTRIC Ja nuary 8 R adio D oings 65 Oakland, California- 303 Metero

na. A5S0ClAT£D BROADCASTER:!! KIAB- ADA MORGAN O'8Rl&N. 01"""0, D AILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- . ,411 to Ih l ...... - P noTu Senol_ . , 1. to . ,4...... -5 l1opplol . nd womeo', ho ... • :00 to 8 :00 p . ...---child ren', ho .... 111 30 to 7 ,00 p . ....-Twlllrh t hour. 7 :00 t o 7 :30 p. ID.--Sho pplnr ho ....

W EEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1.27 SUNDAY, JANU A RY &- . :48 10 10:. 5 ...... -P rof. E. C. Lln.loy·, Blbl. CI .... 11 :00 ...... , nd 7:.5 p . ....--cllu rch 'Clvlce Tenth Aven·,. B.pU. , Church MONDAY. JANUARY I~ 8 :00 to 10:00 p . ....-SI.vlc ... u.le. TUESDAY .,JANU A RY 11_ 8 :00 to 8 :15 p. m.-"FUtnn Min .. t., wltll Stamp Collector . ... 8,15 to 10,00 p . ....--S t .. dlo p ... ,ro .... f_turlnr the KTAB Quartet WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12- IhOO to 10 ,00 p . ... _Women·, Choru • . FRIDAY. J ANUARY 14- a ,oo 10 . :00 p . .... -Oden and Richard'. Haw,lI.n Troupe. Mr. J ack Burt. Sarllone. " nd Heul Fo rd Wood. controlto . • :00 10 10,00 p . ....---Co.t I.lond Coot •.


T HE NEW A- I WOODWORKING COMPANY BATTERY TABL£­ a t. ble o f very p lealinl' p roportion •• wilh a n attractive hil'h·lighted fini.h . Conlt r ucled of Philippine M .. hogany in two .iz... No. t025. 13'1t. 27 In. T op ; 27 I ... H i, h _ $12.50 LI. I No. I0'2!!. 13'1t.36 10. T " p : 27 In. Hi,h ..... 't •. OO W.t I'rku r. O. II. r... • .....J .. A. I WOODWORKINC COMPANY 13032.1342 SAN JULIAN ST . LOS ANCELES. CALIF'. J(/nllary 8 Oakland, CallfornilO-361.2 Meter. 4000 WATT'S---83O KILOCYLES PACIFIC COAST STATJ:ON. CENERAL ELECTRIC CO. KGO PhD". Fruitvale 5980 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ 1 :30 . .. c! 6:00 p . ....--Stock anc! w"uher report.. Bueb.U . COOre. 3:00 to 4:00 p ..... _Hot el Learnlna:lon coonoert. 4,00 to 5:00 p ..... _Aunt Samanth;.'. cha t. 8:00 to 8,55 p .....-Bem·. Llnle Symphony O rcllutr.

WEEK COMMENCINC · SUNDAY. JANU .... RY 9. 1927 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ 11 :00 ...... - Tr lnl~ Episcopal Church urYlce. . 2:40 p. m.--.5a n Franci.= Symphony O rche.tra concert. ,.. I. 8:20 p . m .-An In terview wilh the Agricultural Eco"o>mtoi . 8:30 p. m._W. O. W. 1101 ..1" Trio. 8:40 p ....._Add re... "The Rnilroad Commi .. ion and tho F.armer.'· 9,00 p. m.-W . O. W. Mal" Trio. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13- 5,00 to 6,00 p. m.-George W. Ludlow. "Friend ' 0 Hoy • ." 8:00 to 9:00 p. m._Program by Adon Trio. KeO .tudio ,Ualf. and the KGO MInot reI. 9:00 p ..... to 12:00 midnl, hl_ Phli L .. mpkin's Mu.ic"l B""rs. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14_ 11:10 a . m ~ P rudence Penny, Home.making T "lk • 8:00 10 9:00 p. m._ ProgrDm by d lO!Tibutoro of Rad,o Co'por"' ion of Amuic.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 15- 12:30 p . .... - Weather. 12:33 p. m .- New York elocko. ~ 12:40 p. m .-San Frandaco slock •. 8:00 p. m .-"Weckly Sport Review." by AI Santo.o. 8:115 10 9:15 p.m.-PrOGram from Hotel Leamington. Oakland. 9:15 p. III . to 1 :00 a . m.- Dance muoic. Wilt Gun~cndo rf ex·. Hotel Whitcomb Band. OUR NEW LOCATION, 407 E. PICO ST., LOS ANGELES THE TECHNICAL LABORATORY -OF N. E. BRO'WN I. R. E., A. I. E. E., A. S. M. E. with ita thou.and, of dollan worth o( equipment .,nd yeare of "Ip"rience, i, in a position to improve the .electivity, tonal quality and performanc.. in .en"ral of your radio equipm"nt, be that what it m'.y. Special and authori:l:"d R. C. A. (Radiola) and Silver·Mar. hall lervice. No other laboratory on the co.... t i .... thoroua:hly equipped with precia;on ;notnlmenU. Special equipment . for th .. te.tin. and matchina: of luperheterodyne int,entaa:" trano(ormen. The hil'be.t del'ree of accuracy I'uaranleed. T edo .. nd reporb On part. and equipment. Telephone THomwall 0270 for nppointments 6805 So. Western Avenue Los Angeles Reference" California Bank, M"rcantile.Al'enci,u and Our Cullomen. JaIllUl'-Y 8 07 OUR EXCEPTIONAL OFFER

Get the Two Greatest Radio Magazine! For .4lmo!t the Price 01 One/ SAVE $2.00 RADIO NEWS-The National Radio Monthly with the largelt circulation and following of any Radio publication in the world-- RegultJr Price '2.50

RADIO DOINGS-Th. Leading Pacific Caut Radio Weekly- the Radio authority of the Pacific Coaat- Regular Price 'S.OO

T he.e two leaden in their r.lpeeli .... field_th. ,reat National Monthly and the areat Pacific Co.. , W eelr.ly_ BOTH NOW FOR $3.50 fOD Con'l Alord 10 Pan TAb oger By

Attach Mooey Order, Check or Cu rrency to tbe Coupon aDd Mall to U. Ril'ht Now

RADIO OOI1'lGS. 407 E. Pieo Slre!! l, Or 406 NetIJ Call BId.. . , l..oI An ..ele •• C.i/. San Fronei.eo, C.i/. &nd me RADIO O(IIIW;S and " RADIO NEWS" for o"'e TeGr. , e",dOle $$.56. Neme._.______.. _____ .. ______.. __ .

Addre.. .____ .. ____ =-______.. _.. _. ______.. __ ..... _.... _...... _

CftT""" Sklt8______. ______. •.. _.__ __ _

(Speclf, NEW or RENEWAL) R·' Radio D oingl January 8 Portland, Oregon----491.5 Metero 1000 WATTs--cno KILOCYCLES KGW THE MOltNlHC OREGONlA.l\I DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY_ 7:15 ...... -.s. uln. u p nerd ... Ih'"1 10 10, 00 ....- Wom.,,·. he.llh n.rcl... . 10,00 to II ,SO ...._Town C.ler. wool.h.r r_ . t . , o.w. n ...... 12:30 to 1130 P . ....- Noon con cert:. 6 .00 to 7,00 P ....._Dlnne. Co ...:: • • ! . 7.30 to 7,45 p. ID .-Woolh.r .lId ..... rk.- repOrt.


SUNDAY. J ANUARY ~ 10,$5 ...... to 12,30 p. m._Mornln , ...vle. lrom St. St.,phen·. Pro.Calh.dr.l. 1:30 to 11,00 p .... .-Even;n, ..,..vlce. 1r0fll the Hineon Memo.lel BopU.l Ch.. ...,h. 11,00 t o 10,00 p. In.--concen h)' tho Chevrolet LIllie Syrnpho.. , O.cheu ••. MONDAY. JANUARY 10- 7 ,00 to 7:30 p. 1n .--E:hUdren·. proar.m. COU .lu)' Kerr C;fford Company. 8:00 10 8,30 p. m._V... deville enlert"lnmenl. 8,30 10 11: 15 p. m._ Porlland Symphony Orchutr•. hom MunIcipal A ..ditorlum . 9,15 to 10:00 p. m._V.udevHle ente.t"lnment. 10:00 to 12:00 p .....- Dance ",u.le b), Cole McElroy'. O •• :hnl ... TUESDAY. J ANUARY 11 _ 2:00 t o 3:00 p. m.-Wom en·. mnllnce. 7,00 ' 0 7,30 p .....-C hildren·. pro8T1.m. b.olltletoa! .lm .. lla n.,., ...I)' with KF"OA .nd K HQ. 8:00 10 10 :00 p. m._ Ed .. c"'lon~1 p ro, •• ",. 10:00 10 12:00 p. m.-Dllnce m ... le, 1.,,,, .. rln8 He.man K ..nln .. nol hi. o . che.t ••. WEDNESDAY. J ANUARY 12_ 8:00 10 0:00 p. m.-Concen pruenled by the Weu" rn AulOu Suppl), Compan),. 0:00 to 10:00 p .....-Concen, p.e..,nled b), M .. ",we\l Hou.. Coif.... Company. T HURSDAY. JANUARY 13- 7:45 '0 8,00 p. 1n._ Lectu.e ••Iven .. nder tho . ... plc.. 01 Ihe C.thollc Truth Society 01 Orcaon. 8 :00 to 10:00 p . m.-V... devtlle entert.lnment. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14- 2:00 to 3:00 p . .... _Women·. m.tin ..... 7:00 10 7,30 p .....-C hild.en·. p ' oa'o"'. Couft U)' Knl.ht Sh... Company. , ,00 to 8:30 p. rn._W«kl)' m « linl,l 01 Ih. KGW Movie CI .. b. 8,3.0 to 10:30 p. m._ D~nce ...... Ie by ~ Ie MeEnroy·. Otcheotr •. 10:30 to 12:00 p .....-Weekly frolle o f tll. Keep C rowin g Wiee. o.dn o f Hool Owl • . SATURDAY. JANUARY I &-- 7 :00 to 7 :30 p. m.-ChUd,,,n·. p.ollr.m 11 :00 ' 0 10 :00 p . m._Conce. t. C.lumet S lrtn, Quartet. 10:00 10 12:00 p .....- Dance ...... Ic. I ... t ... ln. Herm.. n K e n ln a nd hi. o...,h utra.

OUR NEW LOCATION, 407 E. PICO ST., LOS ANGELES THE COMPLETE BOOTER AERIAL Y o u get Ihe e quivalent of a 100· foot aerial for d i.tan ce a nd volume, with Ihe .elec livity of a SO· 'not a.ri .. l.

( A S.,t of Sill 1100t.,r, AloDe. $ 1.00) THE F. E. WOLTERS CORP. Radio OI ..I. ID II 324 N. San Pedro SL Lo. Ang . I • • , Calif. Jalluary 8 Radio Doings McKinley "8" Power Unit

Throu,bout the World A ... Cettln, '.llof.eUon from 1M. Llttl. ··C. le' '.ver" BeSureilsa~

O"'ln.I_ Be...... 01 Imll.tlono C ~~;.. BLAX HEAVY A P e rfed " B" E liminator Gi .. i n r • Maxim .... m and Conllant DUTY TRANSFORMER Power Suppl,. E.pedo U)' Dut,ned and Wound Ab.olulel)' no "um on local Or dl.'Onl Futni.h.. "A" Currenl for Radio Selo re<:epllon. REQUI RED FOR 3 TUBES DR MORE Oeeigned for Ihe D·X ' .. n, UMPROVES 2 TUBES lOO _Volt Unll., "', .• ,"'" ,.,' , $20.00 l OO_Volt He.. v)' Dul' ,.",.". " Z5,OO 8" ,,1,. Yo., So. fII ... I SO_Voll ,.,"",.,',.,' "', .. ,' 35.00 Blu, Pol.riler (Spulol) •.••...... •.... 76c S.ll .... <: to.y Service I I.. Made Our BI.,. Polerinr (Teel ed in ..I ) .•...... $1.00 Bu.tn... C.ow BI.... H .... , OUI)' T .... do ...... , .. " . $.2..00 Phone York 1111 fo r DemOn.t.alion Bl... . 3. Tube Bl ua Pri .. I " •. , ••••••. . •••. 25<: If You . !nale< Can't ;5 uppl,. You, Send Now McKin ley Radio Mfg. Co. 10905 S. M ain 51. Lo...... 1 .. Bl.ACK BROS., INC. E",c:ellenl o... le. Propooilion Lo...... 1 ..


Q dFEDERAL S S ~ an Ortho-Sonic E A R T wo Wa ys of Saying L V " Radio At Its Best" E I HETZEL RADIO C SERVICE S E " H e lael Radio. E .. eel" 8 303 s. .. t. Mo.. ica BI.d, SCHRADER-ROSS P hD ... CRell.lta 517. 3.206 WHI w ... hinl"to.. Bl.. d, ()pe8 £...... EMpl .. ~ 70 Radio DOHlgJ January 8 Denver, Colorado-322.4 Meters 930 KILOCYLEs-5000 WATTS GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY KOA Pacific Sta nda rd Tima DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY_ 10:45 •. m._Weathe.. Stock a nd Produce Rep" '" 'I : 115 ... m .-O'ijBn Redtal. 15:00 p .....-Stoc k and Market Report • . 7:00 p. m._Mu.ical Pmg." ", DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY­ II :I S ...... --Orll"n redtal. Freeman U. T.lbot .4 nno,,,,e.r . SUN DAY, J ANUARY 9- 10:00 ". m.-Se rvice from Firat BaptlU Church. Denver, 5:30 p. m._O'lI'&n recilal from Fint Sapti.! Church. 6:15 p.m._ Evening .".vice hom Firat a"ptiot Church. MONDAY, JANUARY 10-- 6 :30 p. m.-Children". hour. 7:15 p. m ._ Studlo prog,am pruented by the Cred"y Cha mber of Commerce. TUESDAY ,JANUARY 11 - 2:30 p. m ._ Houaewivos' matinn. 6:30 p. m.-Farm Queation Bo:<. 8:00 p. m.-Radlo ;natmction In auction bridge. conducted by s tudio player •. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12- 6:30 p. m ._ Wynken. Btynken and Nod time. 7:15 p. m.--Studio prog.um p resented by the Public Service Company of Colorado. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13-- 2:30 p. m.- Hou..,wiv ~. · r",Hin ee. 3:30 p. m.-Culinuy hints. Mr• . Cla.a Hoover. Sllent night. F RIDAY , JANUARY 14-- 12:00 noon,- O.gan recital. Aladdin Theatre. Denve •. 2:30 p. m .- Hou.ewive.' matin".,. 6 :30 p. m._Prevle w of International Sunday SchOOl lenon. 7:15 p. m._ Studio pro gram. presented by the Denver Daily New •. D ~nve," SATURDAY. JANUARY 15- 9:30 p. m ._ Oance program. Sche uerman'. Colorado Q,cheotra. from Corona do Club. De nver. Radio Cabinets ANY STYLE BUILT TO YOUR LIKING

This model HellUlily made 01 yor~r hOllle Hlack wilh orle 01 Walnut, our radio having space cf.hi,wtS. lor cone You select speak er amI the style. battery l eave Ill(' elillipmmit. rest. 1.0 u.~. MarlY other YOrt must lu' models to 1,/eased. select from..

OI'EN ErENINGS AND SUNDAYS GOODWORK RADIO CABINET SHOP 6707 Avalon Blvd., LOl Angeles Di.count to Dealers Jllnuary 8 71 ~~ On_inI THE PIONEER ONE-DIAL SET Any of the following dealers will be glad to demonstrate a set for you. Once demon.trated, you will buy. LOS ANGELES REDLANDS, Mun",i. Radio L. A. Dunca.. 1017 Tribune St. 2891 Weat Pieo CALEXICO, City Electric Co. Bob Brown 3 13 Se<:ond St. 4353 South Figueroa St. INDEPENDENCE, Slerlina Bro •. Monarch Radio Compa.. ,. Gara.e 2 189 W. Wuhinaton Blvd. BISHOP, Eltide Sattery Shop L a: Y Electric Co. SAN CLEMENTE, San Clemente 8864 Weat Pico Electric Shop Norma .. die Radio LONE PINE, Jamu G. Ducker 5069 Hollywood Blvd. MONROVIA, J. H. Terry Barney Campbell 416 South Myrtle 82 10 Sun. et Blvd. SANTA BARBARA. Chunel Elec· Top Notch Radio tric Co., 523 Anacapa St. 747 S. Main St. SANTA PAULA, Kit Catton ANAHEIM, Schmidt Muaic: Co. SANTA MONICA Ba,. Dill. Dealer, 217 West Center Warren Radio Shop, I H8 17th St. GLENDALE--Aleunder Radio SEAL BEACH, D. W. Collier Shop, 2 16 North Brand 321 Main SI. WHITTIER, H. D. Squires LOMITA, Calkins Hdwe. Co. 218 South Greenleaf TORRANCE, De Bra Radio Co. LONG BEACH, R. W. Ha,.neo BELLFLOWER, S. E. Moo~ 137 East Fourth 617 Someuel St. CARLSBAD. Standard Garale SAN PEDRO, Journey Elao;:tric Co. WILMINGTON_Kelm Radio 380 Sixth St. SANTA PAULA_Kit Catton PASADENA ONTARIO-D .... i. Electrie Co. L.e. Radio SAN DIEGO 922 E. Colorado Wil,oD. Mulie Co. Nebo.. Radio 180 E. Colorado Fain, Radio Shop Radio Doc SOLANO BEACH, I. £ . Connor--- IS81 Walnut St. COOK-NICHOLS CO. 411 S. San Pedro St. 482 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Loa Angel.. Cal. PuadeIUI. Cal. 72 January 8

reasons why Clarence E . Ogden Radio bas brought many young men worked so well, tbat I wondered If a to the front and, among them Clarence market could not be developed for them. ~~ . Ogden, president of the Kadel Radio At that Ume I was acquainted with a Corporation. hustling salesman who had charge of a Being asked how he came to get In· wide territory. I discussed with him terested In the radio business, Ogden the possibilities at marketing these pan· els. Wei1, to make a long story short, we secured moro business than we could take care of. My factory was my cellar, and I worked far Into the night, my good wife llelplng me to wind the colis. Business Increased so that we had to have some of the panels built by an electrical house. By the time my sales· man frlelld arrIved In town we bad enough stock and money on hand to In· cOI'po rate a $10,000 company, and we rented a loft, employed a few people, and that was the start at the Kadel Company." Today Ilhe Kadel Company Is one of the large:lt manufacturers ot Charging equipment and Battery Eliminators In the world:, this within the short space or five YE!ars. PresIdent Ogden Is now visiting the Pacific coast, dividing hlB time be· tween Los Angeles and San FranCisco. We are glad that Mr. Ogden has vis· said: "Going back ten or twelve yean Ited the western part of the country and I was working on a model'ate salary has had an opportunIty of seeing for for a big electric house In Cincinnati himself the healthy condition of the and was wondering what I could do to radio Industry In thIs territory. He was Increase my income, as I had lately been so much Impressed with conditions here married. I had been making tor my that he has decided to keep a big stock own use charging panels or special de­ on hand 'In Los Angeles to supply the sign, which It was Impossible to get trade and also to Insta\] s servIce sta. from any of the electrical bouses. These tlon here. January 8 Radio DoingJ 73 Timely Trade Topics On Decem ber 23 last, between the- Sidney N. Spector of the Spector Co., hou1"s of 4 and G a. m. , thieves broke called In to sce us on his way to New In to the establishment of the Hetzel York, where he Is going to join the Radio Sen ' Ice, 8303 Santa Mo nica Blvd., fanks of the benedlcts. Congratulations LoB Angeles, and made away wtth about nnd good luck, Sidney. The Spector $800.00 worth of merchandise. Radio COlll pany afC Pacin I.' coast represellta­ deale rs and buyen thruont the Weat llvos for Acme Apparatus Co., Alden are urged to be on t he lookout for Mfg. Co.. and Po]ymCt. tbeae miscreants. Following is a Ileacrlptlon of the Items taken : One Due to the large amount of busi ness RCA 2.; C De RCA 26, aerJal number developed by the I\odel Railio Corpora­ 211 023; one RCA 102 speake r. serial tion on the PadRe coast, Clarence E . number 201)875 ; one Federal Ortho­ Ogden, president. hilS made arrange· Sonic 0 110, serial number 115118; one menll to lu!;tall II ser\'lce station In Los Ke mper Portable; one Western Ele<: trlc Angeles. A large stoCk will also Ile Cone Speaker. Any Information should carried to supply the territory Ilt the be wired Immediately to nearest police local o ffi ce. Derlram Smith. 400 San CLuthor lties a nd to Mr. Ralph He tzel. a t F'e rnando building. l..os Angeles. III the a bove address. Phone GRaulte 5874. reprellenlati\'e for the Kodel Company.

The fo urth edition of the n adlo Ke~' L.clcclIter M . Mlnglns. I)resldent Twen· Dook by E. K. n il uland. All American tleth Centurr I{ndlo corporation, Brook· Radio Conlol'atlon, is now ofT the Ilress Iyn. haM bee n elected president of th e a nd ready fo r distrIbution. [t con· Oarod Corporation. Belledlle. N. J .. tai ns such Information of lise to radio lIlonuracturers of Gnrod Electric Power IIsers, new thlugs In ra dio. hookups and Recei\,et·s. The Twentieth Century na· how to read them, p,·;tctical hhllli for dio Corporation I.. the largest dlstrlb· building and serv icing s.e18. circuit!' utor of Garod Recel\'('rs In the country. with full conlltructlonn l luformllllolt and Illustrations. E. N. Rnuland. IIrcsldent of the All American Radio CorporaUon. will visit Lombard J . Smith. Southe rn Califor­ the Pncltlc Coast during the month. ac­ nia representa tive for Balklte, Dudlo, cording to Cart A. Stone, Pacific Coallt SamBon, Mu ter, and Apex. has returned rellresentath'e or this company. home atter a n ex tended trip to the va­ rious factories he relll·esents. To II · The United Stlltel! IIUpl)lIed 7 per lustrate the demand for trickle charg­ <..e nt or the annual radio purchases of ers. Lombard tells liS that the Balklte Sweden. decreasing the value of Its Co. hi'l\'e put out o\'er one million of shipments approximately 23 per cent as tbll type. compared with th e year before.

CROSLEY SPEClAUST Perf.ct t .. _ quelll,., HIHU .. II]I' .DoI dt. teD.,. .... • .. ,. Crest.,.. H .... ,...... lap ...... d I>al .... c.d at _.11 ., ...1 . 0,...... ID ••• e t .. IL CHILDS LASORATORY 1187 W. Ulia STREET S£..,... 7", LO! ANGELES, CAL. J aflullry 8 A I'''KOVEO H\' ]8 MONTIIS Of' l'UIH. l e usa - NO OTIIJ;H a ,\ 1TE ItY I!> LIKE IT

TIfe IAJ,·.bill ,aU llltIl r",,,, , ~~riQn " rcr, .•• /1 fJl· jill .u ~ilUI~ ',,"' i.,td. f., b.rrfT,/ ,'U'. Practical tests have shown this to be the most UOllolJllca l of "B" batteries

I ~ DAII.\' li se in Ihe homc. E,·c ru.dy Layer· cylindrical cclts. ,.. ilh many ~ old e r e d con· hi lt "B" Balter), No. " S6 h:1$ fulfilled the neetions, and a g reat dc~ 1 of spacc ,.. H tcd promises made fo r it in labor310ry 1\' 511. bC1 ween Ih,! celts .. The Laye rhi h j~ buil! ~ I ore than a ye:lr's sludy "f Ihe perform­ up of layers of fi(ll currcnt·prooucing ele ­ anCe of this battcry in Ihe hands of Ih c m c nt ~ Ihal make conntttion with cach public hu shown that it ill the m O~l u ti s­ othc r automatica lly, and Ihal lilt alt a'·ail· faclO ry and mo.t eoono;>lni cat "8 " baHny able space in side the battery ca.e. It i. C\'er dc,·eloped. All 10Ild '51,uker leu rc­ e"cry inch a b ~ tte r)'. In it )"ou ~e l more qu ire liea ,'),- I)"I), baHuiu _ and th ~ acti ve mate r ials th an in any olher b~ t ­ Layerbill h3~ pro"ed i,

Another blonde radio blues singer bas Aftel' January 1, WGY will be in­ tleel! added to the array of talent 1\8' cillded In the Illations affiliated with sembled at Kfo'WD, Warner Broth­ lhe National Broadcasting COm l)any and ers' studio radio station. The new­ many of Its I)fograms will be provided comer Is Virginia King, wbo, though a by that company, WGY will be on professional Singer, bas never before what Is known liS the "Red Network" al)l)eared before the microphone. June with WEAF nil lhe key etatlon. Parker and Pegg}' Mathews are already listed among the popular "preferred The HOllIe haa palll8ed a bill that the type" at KFWB. <.ther within the Umlts of the United States Is "the Inalienable possession of lhe people," but no one aeems to know A new I)leaslng voice over KNX, the exactly what ether is. Evening Express, Is that of Miss AI· lheada Oliver, a mezllO soprano. So­ Radio engineers are considering the pranos nil a rule do 1I 0t COliform to the 1)0Bsibllltleli of further snfeguardlng liking of most radio audiences. so the commercial airplanes between Venice management at KNX feels satisfied and Vienna which fly over the Alpl en when It runs across a \'olce that "goes route. o\'er" in nice style. Hatch Graham draws many requests rrom Kl"WI:I fans, a checkup ot tile nightly recorda of \Varner Brothers' stu· The Atlantic Broadc811111ng Corpora· dlo radio station revesls. Hatch has a tion of New York Ilas purchased the quaint manner ot putting hla homely old Grebe groul) of stallons, including the songs on the air with the aid of his new super-llOwer 5· I{W transmitter trulty banjo that has gained him an WAHG and lhe 500-watt station WBOQ. Immense following. The new organization will have Its New --- York stUdio on the seventeenth floor "And now," said the announcer, dur- of 113 West Flfty·second Stroot, occu· in; a I'ecent I)rogram, "Mlldame Aida pylng an enUre floor or Stein way Hall. will cOllclude her second group with II All the trllns.mltterl will be loeated In Finnish song." Richmond Hill, Long Island. In olhel' wordl, a Finnish finish.

NO 11 1\0 11> SET COMPL ETE WITHOUT IT I IIlterferellce t:.Utda,b' n_, 1M I ..,d I 4111 .....1ft>Ilod Eliminator -....., SI&II ... at Will. Co.\. out lalla""''''' &lUI ulWloolncl ....uou. 'tIut. I.. 10lI(l ...4 -.-. 400,000 .&.malIn, ..-J~'" .,. ('...,...... a-...... 1_ antoa~a uood . • _ III.ne _ I ...... Sold ~=. STEINlTE LABORATORIES 1..0. load.$l ~~_- 614 So. ally. St. ""'ae''', Calli. Pb ..... TV,,1r.er 726Z ~- NOTIC': Ifrou. doaltr ~ .....", .... I'IJ' 7011. ...,.. DrIll....__ IUId I:I1lJ .. .woSl­ ~ ...... 76 J antlary 8

RADIO MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CO. 1000 So. Broadway Los Angeles On the Corner of 10th and! Broadway STANDARD PARTS and KITS Disc::o unts to Builders . WRITE FOR PRICE SHIEET EXAMPLE! BATIERIES AUDIO TRANSF.

~B~,~e. ~~: ~ ~ ~ t...... $ 1. 95 ~~~~ f~: :~or e~!'T~~e ...... 90c ' H . .., D o", 4 S·Volt "8" ...... li!~ 2 . 95 W .R.C, Ratio 3 1i . l . ~1 ManuE.eturen T ype ... .tII' • 30 IOO-Amp, Slora,. " A," ~:::::t e~:t e: ,1,1•• P .l ~ t.e~'.$7 _8 5 ~~~~:::~or e~!'T~·pe ... .$1.35 • Improved Recep tion , Hiah Read;ns. Hi, l.. ~ 1 15 TetlinI' R.M.C. Amplify ina: Tube• . . • . •• .. til' •

SPEAKER UNITS VAR. CONDo ::~~~.~~::: ~:'Typ e ...$4 . 75 ~'O~25~~ i ~ : ~ ~ e:~~~ :...... , 60c Baldwi n, N. Y. Coil :Selector, Li mited Qua ntity ...... $5 • 90 .00035 ... • •••••• •• •• ••. .75c Oven. hire, ~8 65 Ceneral Inst .... ment. ~l 45 Symphony Unit ...... ~. .00035·.0005 ....•.•• • tIl' • "ALL HENRY" All Our P. tron, Report Chic.Eo, Some Report Ne w Yo rk, Tbr oul'h Loul, BLUE PRINTS All Circuit_lO Cent. E."b

RADIO MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY(9. 1000 So. Broadway ~ Los ANGELES ON mE CoRNER?f 10th eBllOADWAY January 8 Radio Doi1lKs 77

The 1927 deluxe model 45,000 cycle superheter­ odyne by Gerald M. Best is announced in "RADIO" for F ebruary--- on sale at all news stands January 28tb. This "Super-de-Iuxe­ super" is Best's crowning achievement. The hundreds of thousands of followers of Best's super will realize the importance of this announcement.

And that', not all. The February issue of " RADIO" also shows how to use the Infra dyne amplifier on the Bremer Tuny, Silver Marshall, Browning Drake, and Hammarlund Roberts H I"'Q receivers. What a differ­ ence this amplifier makes to your present receiver. An­ other feature in February " RADIO" is the construction of a radio-electric phonograph. A brand new idea by an eminent authority. Everybody can cash in on this scoop. About a dozen other feature articles round out the greatest issue in our ten years' history of radio magazine publishing. It will pay you to subscribe to "RADIO" for one year. It costs but $2.50 and insures regular receipt of copy. PACIFIC RADIO PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Pacific Building San Francisco, Calif. lH January S

THE ADVANCED HANDY TRICKLE -BOOSTER CHARGER Converts your present battery into an up-ta-date "A" Power Unit. For Either 6 or 4 Volt Storage Batteries Absolutely quiet - Use. the long.life, 2 ampere bulb. Great Flexibility - Long Life -Maximum Efficiency. The Solution to the Radio "A" Power Problem The Handy Trickle-Booster Charger with its "slow and fase rate feature, gives the radio fan two chargers in one compact unit at a price lower than the Atandard battery charger. Should be permanent­ ly connected. Ideal for console and built­ in battery cabinets.

110 Volt., 50 or 60 Cycl~omplete-$ 1 5.00

,4..1, Your Dealer for u Demor... frcrliuFl C. C. LAWTON CO. 1125 Wall Street L OI Angele. WEstmore 3291 ClmpLu," with 2 Bulb.

Charges "B Batteries Batteries Both at Once Connects to light socket. Operata with­ out disconnecting batteries f rom set Now, at .. reroubbly low price. you an COIlVQ"t your llet to ;a.ught eoo::ket recci~. JUIt C(lIlIlttt the ne"", SimultlDeOUa CharF to"A .. ~ "B" lunge batteria iUld plul into tht boose lightinl currmt. After wing the ndio. turn onthelwitch. Battuiel ;lre brought up together to full strength by a.orning. No.more IQllt p£OgnfM oe pocr rttcp' UoIIdue to",-eakened conditionolbatteric:l. NOl!lOl'emooni olbatteriea foe recfw'ginl' The Simuluneou. Clurgu, invented by Interlta te, ehrgeo "A" and "B" batteries lin Sly or both;a.t oneco No diUlgu of ovuclmginl u cuttent tapeQ off as battery becoDlel charged. Ab. oluuly nobden in operation. Nothina: to wear OUt. It COIlWns no liquids 01' ttida to . pill and ruin rugs Of furnitUle. It iI complete in every detail, having ammeter and ro.ill.iammetu to indicate ntc of charge. Eneucd in beautiful all metal walnut n .H."d7'1"rl«.It-a-... 6nisb container. Site 6J{" J: 6}{" :r: 9". EmploYI.t;a.ndud ft::::'::'f:i:.';'::'~ n:cti5er Bulbll. No other eh;a.r~r like it. None 110 limp!e. oeD' <.w .... •u frI 0.... _._11 vutient and dtpend;J.ble. n it. 8.1. '71>4 S ,~.oo c..."pin.. Ask ,our deal~ fur dDn.oNtradOIl INTE STATB St.Loui. ,ELECTRIC COMPANY U.S.A. L()Cal RfJwe.e,llal i"c, W. Do . RHOAOES. 3923 n e~'erc A,·c., Los AII.ele!! Dr... "' ...... C. C. LAWTON CO. PACIFIC WHOLESALE RADIO, h,e. YALE RADIO" ELECTRIC CO. WESTERN AUTO ELECTR IC CO. Federal Ortho-Sonic

Model D40 Priced Ortho­ at Sonic $200 Console

0...... _

• You will like the Model 0410 Ortho· Sonic. Selectivity, tone quality, beau­ tiful appearance, and the ability to bring in distant stations, coupled with the simplicity of tuning, are bound to please you if you purchase this New Model Federal. Dealers everywhere are ready to dem­ onstrate the superiority of Federal Ortho-Solnic Radio

Exclu,it:e Whole.al. Di.;ribmon YALE. RADIO ELECTRIC CO . 1111 Wall St., Los Ang~les PhtCtne WEatmore 3351 This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites, catalogs, booths or kiosks , either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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