Radio Doings 270109.Pdf
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January 8 3 --------------------- - -~------------ Hear the "5-50" and Other Popular MODELS At the Following Authorized Dealers in Los Angeles and Vicinity: LOS ANGEIJES H oUYlvood DQltllllOlC'n SQu ,h .'\SDREWS R ADIO CO. -"MERICAI' R ADIO D AVIS RADIO CO. 1 70 ~ McCad d en P I ace 108 E. 8th 51. 2817 S. Main 51. Gl.adstone 07M T Ucker 6028 \VEslmore 6H8 (Branch 152 \V. 2nd, C. R. H AUSHR Pomona) DE Hooc: BROTHERS HIO Melrose Ave. 6120 S. Broadway OLY101,ia 2666 FRANK R AlIlO Co. THornwall 022 ~ 7 15 ~ 5. Main 51. J..oo ASGUE5 M usIc Co. O'rro K. OLES EN HIO S. Broadway ILLU~flNATING Co. I( ,\RR\' ,V. H ARR ISOS AXridge 5479 6548 H oJly,.. ood B h·d. 8~8 S. Flowu SI. T Rinity 9777 Sn)R(as M USIC Co. GLad$lone 5194 ~7 1 1 S. Broadway AXridge 7106 STARR P IANO Co. We. ,lake 630 S. Hill St. Solllh,,;e" T Ri nity 3905 RAMPART RAlIlO COLLiNGH H ARDWARE Co. 2620 W. 6th St. GtE'NDAU·.: 3425 S. Yermont A'·e. WAshington 1613 BEacon 7025 (j1.Y.NDAl.[ ;\-j uslc Co. L. A. DUNCAS (5almacia B ro~.) 2891 W. Pico 51. Wil, hire 118 S. Brand Ave. E Mpire 114 1 GLendale 90 BDIJNI EI..ECTRIC & R ,\DlO \VtS/lNO/lRG R ADIO MUSIC CO. Co. 1095. Vumo])t Ave. SOUTII PASADENA 38195. 'Vutern Ave. DRexel 2990 VErmont 7929 Till! RADIO Ell!CTRIC STORE W/lST COAST RADIO Co. CRosnv ELECTRIC Co. 1161 Fair Oaks 2~07 W. Sla uson Ave. H ID W. 6th St. Colorado 65H VErmonl 1893 W thhington 0372 Eliot 3397 • "For Coniplete Satis/action" Radio DointJ January 8 Double your stations Penetrate Interference Cut Through Local. by Adding Penetrola to Your Present Radio Set Penetrola transforms your old radio let into a powerful. up-to date receiver. It gives greater range and volume and real selec tivity. It stops radiation and "blooping." It ia easily attached and operates with any set. PRICE Penetrola ie manufactured hy the maker. of the Wal· bert !tofarad Receiver-the mod advanced radio re ceiver on the market. If YOII do not already own. radio receiver. let Ue tell YOII ahout the l.oEar.d witb $35 Penetrola bllilt·ia. Walbert Penetrola If Your Dealer Ca.', Supply You, Mail the Coupon C. W. SMITH CO. "TIM HOMe of Vtall Spt!«lcer." wntl ....... : EneloNd pI.... lind ehoc:lt or ...oney for ." for which plea .. MIld ml one Welb.. t Penetrole. If It the .nd of ] doo,.. It dou not perl...... to ...,. _11-. .ltl.t."Uon I will retn", It Ind )'<>11 wUI refund m,. man.,.. o Loop tYPI 0 Outdo.r ........1 type (Check which type of Ht ,.011 0_> Cl Send ml _ ....ll11e Informetloll ebout tbe W.lbert I'ofl.ld .eeel.... wlth.... t obllll'lltlo.. .. NAMIL ••••••••••••.•••. • : .......................................... ADOR£S.S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1125 Woll St. LOS ANGELES, CAL • WEatmore 3291 1Rabfo lDoinge . ~~' l"'!L I~ ~ ock Kart; .... I. ..... OIL :: ",. !"~fl= WIEol .... 1401 0 ...1 .. U. " The Red Book 0/ R,wo" HUBERT C. CHARLES G~aeral M .. aa .... H. C. CHARLE.!I. Editor CONGER .. nd MOODY, FORBES V AN WHY, S:haron Bu lldln&, Technic.. , Editor 54.. Fr. ncl.oo Repr . ...t .t""'. MAJ . LAWRENCE MOTT, .!II .....' J. W. HASTIE. CO."., O.R.C., Auoclat. Editor Eut~ r n Repr ..... t.tho. New Yorio: Office, lSS E. 42nd St" N'lIiI w Yorio: City (~ .. _ ·daM ~. Nor. 16. !tn. Loo ,h.. 1oo. CoL . ~ 0IIIc0. __ Aft off "'Oft!! J, Im.1 0>\lf11 ...e.. I nl, ., 11_ 1'\11>11 "'1... eo.. 1-.4 W.. lli. h D 0001& II. C-. '1'11_ O"U&rI II. T.... C."od . .. ",,.-.,. ONJotrlooo, 11. .. _ T_. Vol. X Lo. Angelu JANUARY 8, 1927 San F rand,co No.2 IN THIS ISSUE SHOULD W OMEN SWIM NUDE? Gu,,/ ;1I/trnt bti"g Ihow" i" fht p,i,u {(",lui on Illis 11I0I1lt"'OIII qunt; on, al insti lultd by M"jor 111011 of KPIfIQ. fit ,,110 gi'llts th,~ first "ulhtnlit i"fo,malion 0 " tht b, o" dctJJ/ing of Iht C"/"lin,, Chan/ltl St~imming Ma,alhon, } anua" 151h. RADIO AN All) TO THE AMBITIOUS SINGER. ( Illustrated) } l)upJdnt Luuhut, lIlt "Am,,;uHI Ni,hting"/t," ", .. iru h,r .. pi";o,, .." ,,,did ,OJ a mta", 0/ ;,om .. ,;o" /0' 'lit U!>-(I)-dalt c.,Il,,1 ",a"ager . • PROMISI NG LOCAL ARTiST. (lilustr~tcd ) L .. uiu BowJn/, a mtmbtr of fIll' I'artnl-Ttnthus CommunilY Playtrs, Jilp/a,s h,1' supub a,/i"" htfOl't mir,.. phonl'. BROA DCAST CHANGES REGI NALD WERRENRATH I N RECITAL. ( lII ustr~ t e d ) T h, !>opu/al' Amtric"n b"ritont 10 Jin9 O'll" $lnlio n.I KFf anti KPO, Ja"/III,, 1Jth. DX CLUB CORRESPONDENCE RADIO TOPICS OF THE DAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ForbtJ /P. Pa" W h" A. l . E. E., A./. R. E. THE WOMAN'S PAGE Ediud b, Cart, Pi'll/ore Riltm,illtr. WHO'S WHO I N RAmo. ( l1Iu m~tcd) Cla'tnet E. Ogdtn, p,tsiJtnt, KoJl'1 Railll C.rpora,i"". TIMELY TRADE T OPICS. ONLY $3. 00 A YEAR H i ve RADIO DOINGS mailed 10 YOllr home every week. Fill out blank below. Either mail to U ~, or you r dealer will be glad to take care of it lor you. Please indic:lte whelher ~"E'V or RE NE WAL. 1I 0RWOOO rUIH.ISIII:-IC CO.. ~07 F.. Pic. St., Los Angeles, 4 0 ~ New Call Build." •• S." F<.neiseo. C. !ilo<nia. Gentkmen: I enclOK SJ .OO, lor ... hicb lend me RADIO D()INGS fo< Olle rur. NI!:W_REN£WAL. Nam... ____________________________________ __,- _____________________ Add"," 6 January 8 gAfiKAYDX Harmony-Duo SINGLE DIAL CONTROL Liberal This New Trade-in Attractive Allowance Set is On Your Priced Under Old Set $100 Complete FREE OPEN E D v E E M N 0 N N G S s T R u A N T T I L 0 N • P omona Store 152 W elt Sec;ond Street Phone 1076 J 071 llo ry 8 7 Duplicate These Results by Having Us Build You REMLE~t ~RA+ D'&) AMPLIFIER An,e"'{dft Radio ("0, 108 l1all81h SIrUI Lor Anr.eles, Co/if. Celltle",'ft: J ..., 0 ''''~ U'ords 10 lei )'0" how /.. ", «ell ,allSlie,1 I a'" wilh the 10",~"~ l"f.~d}'"C rtunl/)" " .. rrhosed 01 )'o"r ,.'au 01 b .. siftcu. I /'a,}~ had a le,~ of IIIe brsl radiDs dUJlaftSl.oUd 01 m)' I'MM, b", /ell Ihal sa"",hillt. ,ens larkillt. '" e,'cry si""I, one a/ th e,n, Same ollr recalllmCNded me (0 Iry lIu 1I'lradYlle, S";:;:OI,";: YOH' fir", aNd I .,,,'," d'" thon!.'I,,' IbM r ,lid Slop i" }'OW' stou ,,"d lell my order with yow, I "",'c' did ca,c Icr d'slo.«e .",Iil I tol my sel. Yaw Mid "'~ /I,is sct Oll lO"e qualily (lftd selectivity alo"~ . ..~illt. th, WtsUr>l Elulric COfte 111M )'011 .old "'~. I am "WilliNg to /> .. t this set II/> OKoillst ally for tone-ul for dis/alia, hrc a'" a f ew st(l/io.u 01/ on the loud,ptaker will, absolutely 110 loral ift,crfe"nu: WSWS, WCCO, WI-II', KDKA. KMOX. WJR. WIIAI' on,1 ""''')' M/,erS. A ..,.~ booster lor Ih. A"""ro" Radio Co, I 0111 r",put/nlly yo .. rs. JOlIN R. HARVEY, CIII~',,, City, Co/if. Let us help you to build th e famous lnfradyne, or we will <: he<: k over the one you have built, W e <: lIn get you reault •. AMERICAN RAInO CO. 108 East 8th' St. TUcker 6028 Los Angeles, Cal Pomona Store 152 W elt Se<:ond Strc~ t Phone 1076 8 Radio DoinXJ January 8 SEE THESE New Kits and Eliluinators SILVER SHIELDED SIX Silver Mar-ball', Famous Circuit-Complet.,r,. Shielded-S.,lectiv_Won derrul Ton&--Cet the Kit of Specified Makbed Part_No, 630 For. Small Set Ua .. the No. 620 Kit The Silver Cockaday Four Tube_Sinal.. Control-Interchanleable Plua;-in Coila for All Wav... All Parts for E. M. Sargent's Infradyne in Stock U.jDi Thorol., Camfield or All-American Coil. and Reml .. r Amplifier. Allo Special Cardwell, Hammulund and Contine ntal Condenu.u We now have Bremer Tully's New Kit in Stock The Counterph.... Power Si.-More Power, BeU'!r Tone and More Selec tive. A,k About it. Also see the Karas Equimatic Kit and the National Company', Browning-Drake Apparatw Cut Out Your "B" Battery Expense by Using a Dependable Eliminator Acme El will . upply leU of .i" tube. and up a t 180 Volb Acme E3 for seta up to ,i. tube. at 180 Voh. El-$50.00. £3-$39.50. Includinr Raytheon Tub. All-American Conltant B--very effident, $39.00 Kodel'. New ModeJ 10 B Tran,if..,r, $42.50 Kadel A a nd B Powe.. Unit, Le.. Tube, $65.00 New Silve.. Mar-hall Plgr-ln Eliminatou, T)'pe 650C The New Starlinr B Eliminator, Le.. Tube, $24.00 Keep Your "A" Battery Up with" a Trickle Charger Ballr;ite--Silite--T Unlal'-Acme--Ste .. linc-Vella An Ine.pen.i"e Wa,. of Keep;n. Your Batlery ,at Ita Beat for All Time. DEALERS; Park Nest Door at Our E.pen." Ra~io Supply Co. WHOLESALE 920 So. Broadway VA_ 6063 Lo. Angeles Send for Our Cat.Jo.u., January 8 Radio DoingJ WE CARRY GOO D STOCKS Of the Representative Lines of Radio Parts at All Times H ere Just a FetfJ of Them: ACME Apparatus, Eliminators and All Parts ALDEN T ruphonic Amplifiers, Parts, Etc.