January 8 3 --------------------- - -~------------ Hear the "5-50" and Other Popular MODELS At the Following Authorized Dealers in Los Angeles and Vicinity: LOS ANGEIJES H oUYlvood DQltllllOlC'n SQu ,h .'\SDREWS R ADIO CO. -"MERICAI' R ADIO D AVIS RADIO CO. 1 70 ~ McCad d en P I ace 108 E. 8th 51. 2817 S. Main 51. Gl.adstone 07M T Ucker 6028 \VEslmore 6H8 (Branch 152 \V. 2nd, C. R. H AUSHR Pomona) DE Hooc: BROTHERS HIO Melrose Ave. 6120 S. Broadway OLY101,ia 2666 FRANK R AlIlO Co. THornwall 022 ~ 7 15 ~ 5. Main 51. J..oo ASGUE5 M usIc Co. O'rro K. OLES EN HIO S. Broadway ILLU~flNATING Co. I( ,\RR\' ,V. H ARR ISOS AXridge 5479 6548 H oJly,.. ood B h·d. 8~8 S. Flowu SI. T Rinity 9777 Sn)R(as M USIC Co. GLad$lone 5194 ~7 1 1 S. Broadway AXridge 7106 STARR P IANO Co. We. ,lake 630 S. Hill St. Solllh,,;e" T Ri nity 3905 RAMPART RAlIlO COLLiNGH H ARDWARE Co. 2620 W. 6th St. GtE'NDAU·.: 3425 S. Yermont A'·e. WAshington 1613 BEacon 7025 (j1.Y.NDAl.[ ;\-j uslc Co. L. A. DUNCAS (5almacia B ro~.) 2891 W. Pico 51. Wil, hire 118 S. Brand Ave. E Mpire 114 1 GLendale 90 BDIJNI EI..ECTRIC & R ,\DlO \VtS/lNO/lRG R ADIO MUSIC CO. Co. 1095. Vumo])t Ave. SOUTII PASADENA 38195. 'Vutern Ave. DRexel 2990 VErmont 7929 Till! RADIO Ell!CTRIC STORE W/lST COAST RADIO Co. CRosnv ELECTRIC Co. 1161 Fair Oaks 2~07 W. Sla uson Ave. H ID W. 6th St. Colorado 65H VErmonl 1893 W thhington 0372 Eliot 3397 • "For Coniplete Satis/action" Radio DointJ January 8 Double your stations Penetrate Interference Cut Through Local. by Adding Penetrola to Your Present Radio Set Penetrola transforms your old radio let into a powerful. up-to­ date receiver. It gives greater range and volume and real selec­ tivity. It stops radiation and "blooping." It ia easily attached and operates with any set. PRICE Penetrola ie manufactured hy the maker. of the Wal· bert !tofarad Receiver-the mod advanced radio re­ ceiver on the market. If YOII do not already own. radio receiver. let Ue tell YOII ahout the l.oEar.d witb $35 Penetrola bllilt·ia. Walbert Penetrola If Your Dealer Ca.', Supply You, Mail the Coupon C. W. SMITH CO. "TIM HOMe of Vtall Spt!«lcer." wntl ....... : EneloNd pI.... lind ehoc:lt or ...oney 9.de. for ." for which plea .. MIld ml one Welb.. t Penetrole. If It the .nd of ] doo,.. It dou not perl...... to ...,. _11-. .ltl.t."Uon I will retn", It Ind )'<>11 wUI refund m,. man.,.. o Loop tYPI 0 Outdo.r ........1 type (Check which type of Ht ,.011 0_> Cl Send ml _ ....ll11e Informetloll ebout tbe W.lbert I'ofl.ld .eeel.... wlth.... t obllll'lltlo.. .. NAMIL ••••••••••••.•••. • : .......................................... ADOR£S.S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1125 Woll St. LOS ANGELES, CAL • WEatmore 3291 1Rabfo lDoinge . ~~' l"'!L I~ ~ ock Kart; .... I. ..... OIL :: ",. !"~fl= WIEol .... 1401 0 ...1 .. U. " The Red Book 0/ R,wo" HUBERT C. CHARLES G~aeral M .. aa .... H. C. CHARLE.!I. Editor CONGER .. nd MOODY, FORBES V AN WHY, S:haron Bu lldln&, Technic.. , Editor 54.. Fr. ncl.oo Repr . ...t .t""'. MAJ . LAWRENCE MOTT, .!II .....' J. W. HASTIE. CO."., O.R.C., Auoclat. Editor Eut~ r n Repr ..... t.tho. New Yorio: Office, lSS E. 42nd St" N'lIiI w Yorio: City (~ .. _ ·daM ~. Nor. 16. !tn. Loo ,h.. 1oo. CoL . ~ 0IIIc0. __ Aft off "'Oft!! J, Im.1 0>\lf11 ...e.. I nl, ., 11_ 1'\11>11 "'1... eo.. 1-.4 W.. lli. h D 0001& II. C-. '1'11_ O"U&rI II. T.... C."od . .. ",,.-.,. ONJotrlooo, 11. .. _ T_. Vol. X Lo. Angelu JANUARY 8, 1927 San F rand,co No.2 IN THIS ISSUE SHOULD W OMEN SWIM NUDE? Gu,,/ ;1I/trnt bti"g Ihow" i" fht p,i,u {(",lui on Illis 11I0I1lt"'OIII qunt; on, al insti­ lultd by M"jor 111011 of KPIfIQ. fit ,,110 gi'llts th,~ first "ulhtnlit i"fo,malion 0 " tht b, o" dctJJ/ing of Iht C"/"lin,, Chan/ltl St~imming Ma,alhon, } anua" 151h. RADIO AN All) TO THE AMBITIOUS SINGER. ( Illustrated) } l)upJdnt Luuhut, lIlt "Am,,;uHI Ni,hting"/t," ", .. iru h,r .. pi";o,, .." ,,,did ,OJ a mta", 0/ ;,om .. ,;o" /0' 'lit U!>-(I)-dalt c.,Il,,1 ",a"ager . • PROMISI NG LOCAL ARTiST. (lilustr~tcd ) L .. uiu BowJn/, a mtmbtr of fIll' I'artnl-Ttnthus CommunilY Playtrs, Jilp/a,s h,1' supub a,/i"" htfOl't mir,.. phonl'. BROA DCAST CHANGES REGI NALD WERRENRATH I N RECITAL. ( lII ustr~ t e d ) T h, !>opu/al' Amtric"n b"ritont 10 Jin9 O'll" $lnlio n.I KFf anti KPO, Ja"/III,, 1Jth. DX CLUB CORRESPONDENCE RADIO TOPICS OF THE DAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ForbtJ /P. Pa" W h" A. l . E. E., A./. R. E. THE WOMAN'S PAGE Ediud b, Cart, Pi'll/ore Riltm,illtr. WHO'S WHO I N RAmo. ( l1Iu m~tcd) Cla'tnet E. Ogdtn, p,tsiJtnt, KoJl'1 Railll C.rpora,i"". TIMELY TRADE T OPICS. ONLY $3. 00 A YEAR H i ve RADIO DOINGS mailed 10 YOllr home every week. Fill out blank below. Either mail to U ~, or you r dealer will be glad to take care of it lor you. Please indic:lte whelher ~"E'V or RE NE WAL. 1I 0RWOOO rUIH.ISIII:-IC CO.. ~07 F.. Pic. St., Los Angeles, 4 0 ~ New Call Build." •• S." F<.neiseo. C. !ilo<nia. Gentkmen: I enclOK SJ .OO, lor ... hicb lend me RADIO D()INGS fo< Olle rur. NI!:W_REN£WAL. Nam... ____________________________________ __,- _____________________ Add"," 6 January 8 gAfiKAYDX Harmony-Duo SINGLE DIAL CONTROL Liberal This New Trade-in Attractive Allowance Set is On Your Priced Under Old Set $100 Complete FREE OPEN E D v E E M N 0 N N G S s T R u A N T T I L 0 N • P omona Store 152 W elt Sec;ond Street Phone 1076 J 071 llo ry 8 7 Duplicate These Results by Having Us Build You REMLE~t ~RA+ D'&) AMPLIFIER An,e"'{dft Radio ("0, 108 l1all81h SIrUI Lor Anr.eles, Co/if. Celltle",'ft: J ..., 0 ''''~ U'ords 10 lei )'0" how /.. ", «ell ,allSlie,1 I a'" wilh the 10",~"~ l"f.~d}'"C rtunl/)" " .. rrhosed 01 )'o"r ,.'au 01 b .. siftcu. I /'a,}~ had a le,~ of IIIe brsl radiDs dUJlaftSl.oUd 01 m)' I'MM, b", /ell Ihal sa"",hillt. ,ens larkillt. '" e,'cry si""I, one a/ th e,n, Same ollr recalllmCNded me (0 Iry lIu 1I'lradYlle, S";:;:OI,";: YOH' fir", aNd I .,,,'," d'" thon!.'I,,' IbM r ,lid Slop i" }'OW' stou ,,"d lell my order with yow, I "",'c' did ca,c Icr d'slo.«e .",Iil I tol my sel. Yaw Mid "'~ /I,is sct Oll lO"e qualily (lftd selectivity alo"~ . ..~illt. th, WtsUr>l Elulric COfte 111M )'011 .old "'~. I am "WilliNg to /> .. t this set II/> OKoillst ally for tone-ul for dis/alia, hrc a'" a f ew st(l/io.u 01/ on the loud,ptaker will, absolutely 110 loral ift,crfe"nu: WSWS, WCCO, WI-II', KDKA. KMOX. WJR. WIIAI' on,1 ""''')' M/,erS. A ..,.~ booster lor Ih. A"""ro" Radio Co, I 0111 r",put/nlly yo .. rs. JOlIN R. HARVEY, CIII~',,, City, Co/if. Let us help you to build th e famous lnfradyne, or we will <: he<: k over the one you have built, W e <: lIn get you reault •. AMERICAN RAInO CO. 108 East 8th' St. TUcker 6028 Los Angeles, Cal Pomona Store 152 W elt Se<:ond Strc~ t Phone 1076 8 Radio DoinXJ January 8 SEE THESE New Kits and Eliluinators SILVER SHIELDED SIX Silver Mar-ball', Famous Circuit-Complet.,r,. Shielded-S.,lectiv_Won­ derrul Ton&--Cet the Kit of Specified Makbed Part_No, 630 For. Small Set Ua .. the No. 620 Kit The Silver Cockaday Four Tube_Sinal.. Control-Interchanleable Plua;-in Coila for All Wav... All Parts for E. M. Sargent's Infradyne in Stock U.jDi Thorol., Camfield or All-American Coil. and Reml .. r Amplifier. Allo Special Cardwell, Hammulund and Contine ntal Condenu.u We now have Bremer Tully's New Kit in Stock The Counterph.... Power Si.-More Power, BeU'!r Tone and More Selec­ tive. A,k About it. Also see the Karas Equimatic Kit and the National Company', Browning-Drake Apparatw Cut Out Your "B" Battery Expense by Using a Dependable Eliminator Acme El will . upply leU of .i" tube. and up a t 180 Volb Acme E3 for seta up to ,i. tube. at 180 Voh. El-$50.00. £3-$39.50. Includinr Raytheon Tub. All-American Conltant B--very effident, $39.00 Kodel'. New ModeJ 10 B Tran,if..,r, $42.50 Kadel A a nd B Powe.. Unit, Le.. Tube, $65.00 New Silve.. Mar-hall Plgr-ln Eliminatou, T)'pe 650C The New Starlinr B Eliminator, Le.. Tube, $24.00 Keep Your "A" Battery Up with" a Trickle Charger Ballr;ite--Silite--T Unlal'-Acme--Ste .. linc-Vella An Ine.pen.i"e Wa,. of Keep;n. Your Batlery ,at Ita Beat for All Time. DEALERS; Park Nest Door at Our E.pen." Ra~io Supply Co. WHOLESALE 920 So. Broadway VA_ 6063 Lo. Angeles Send for Our Cat.Jo.u., January 8 Radio DoingJ WE CARRY GOO D STOCKS Of the Representative Lines of Radio Parts at All Times H ere A.re Just a FetfJ of Them: ACME Apparatus, Eliminators and All Parts ALDEN T ruphonic Amplifiers, Parts, Etc.
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