
Prediction of the cage volume and density from anthropometric data. Célia Amabile, Julie Choisne, Agathe Nérot, Hélène Pillet, Wafa Skalli

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Célia Amabile, Julie Choisne, Agathe Nérot, Hélène Pillet, Wafa Skalli. Prediction of the volume and thorax density from anthropometric data.. 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.478. ￿hal-02898107￿

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HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. PREDICTION OF THE RIB CAGE VOLUME AND THORAX DENSITY FROM ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA.

1 2 1 1 4 C. Amoblle • , J. Choisne , A. Nérot • ,3 H. Plllet , W. Skolll 1 1 Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak / LBM , Paris, France 2 NYU Hospital for , Depart ment of Orthopedic Surgery, New York City, USA 3 IFSTTAR, UM R_T9406, LBMC Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Mécanique des Chocs, Bron, France •Arts et M étiers ParisTech, Institut de Biomecanique Humaine Georges Charpak / LBM , Paris, France

I NTROD U CT ION Rib cage volume and thorax density are useful both Prediction of the RCV was significant with p < 0.05 f or clinical issues (Sverzellati et al. 2013) and for and R2 = 0.88. SEE and LOOE were respectively 7 .3 3 multi-segmentol body modeling . ln the latter case and 7.8 3 of the mean RCV. Mean density was meon density is generolly ossumed, using dota from 0.80 g/cm3 (SD 0.007) . Dempster et al (Dempster 1955), which could be over-eva luoted due to the Iock of considerotion of DISCUS SION density. Bi-plonor X-R oy system (Dubousset et This study brings a new evoluotion of the rib cage al. 20 l0) combined with 30 reconstruction ollows volume from onthropometric parometers. T his to get both the rib cage and the externol body could serve os a reference when studying rib cage shope. The oim of this study is to estimote the rib variability for pothologicol population. cage volume compared to the thorax volume and Il olso ollows prov iding a refined value of global to propose a refined thorax density estimation. thorax density, which is lower thon the one proposed by Dempster et al. (0.92 g/cm)3 , and

METHODS could be more relevant for multibody humon 55 osymptomotic volunteers were considered ( 35 models. moles. 20 femoles); meon age: 38.3 y.o. [20-85] and meon body mass index (BMI) : 22.9 kg/m2 REFER ENCES [ 15.4-29 .5]. Head to feet low dose bi-plonor X- • Aubert, B. et al, Comput M ethods Biomech Rays were ocquired using the EOS system (EOS Biomed Eng lmaging Vis, (Moy),J-15, 2014. lmaging, Paris, France) follow ed by performing the • Badouna, A. N. /. et al. Phys Med Biol, 57(2): 30 reconstruc tions of the spine, rib cage and 473-84, 20 12. externol body shope (Humbert et al. 2009; Aubert • Dempster, W. T. Space Requirements of the et al. 20 14; Nérat et al. 20 15) (Figure l) . , Rib seated operator, 1955. cage and thorax volumes (TV) were computed • Dubousset, J. et al, JM R, 13: 1-12, 2010. ( from T lIo T l2 levels) . Lung volume was estimated • Humbert, L. et al. CM BBE, 12(S 1): 151-163, 2009. os the inner rib cage volume (RCV) minus the • Nérot, A. et al, Submitted to the /SB 2015 volume computed from the literature (Badouna et Congress, 20 15. al. 2012) . Multi-linear regression was consideredIo • Sverzellati, N. et al, PloS one, 8: e68546, 2013. search for correlation between RCV and regressors such os TV , BMI. Age and Gender. Gender was setIo l for Male subject and 0 for Female subject. Criteria Io determine the ideal number of regressors were: the leave-one-out-error ( LOOE) , the R-squared 2 stotistics (R ) , the p-value {pval) and the standard error of estimate (SEE) . Moreover, global thorax density was calculated using literature reported densities of eac h component {bone, lung, heart and soft tissues) , and their respective colculo ted volumes.

R ESULTS Mean RCV was 7793 cm3 (SD: 1 675) and mean reconstructed TV was 18020 cm3 (SD: 4528) . Figure 1: a) & b) Bi-planar radiographies with reconstructed The most relevant predictive equotion was: spine and rib cage. c) 30 reconstruction of the RCV (cm3) = 0.336 • TV (cm3) + 151.4 • Gender + 1609 .2. spine and rib cage.