THORAX ANATOMY LAB 1: LEARNING OBJECTIVES Thoracic Wall, Pleural Cavities, and Lungs
THORAX ANATOMY LAB 1: LEARNING OBJECTIVES Thoracic Wall, Pleural Cavities, and Lungs Primary Learning Objectives 1. Define thorax and state the structures that form its anatomical boundaries. 2. Describe the locations and boundaries of the superior thoracic aperture (clinical: thoracic outlet) and the inferior thoracic aperture. Identify the costal arch (margin) and state the ribs that form the arch. 3. Identify and palpate the bones that compose the sternum (manubrium, body, and xiphoid process) and associated osteological features: jugular notch, clavicular notch, and sternal angle. 4. For the sternal angle, identify its associated vertebral level, state its anatomical relationship to the trachea and aorta, state its significance in creating an anatomical division of the mediastinum, and identify the ribs that join the sternum at its location. 5. Identify and palpate the clavicle, sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, intercostal spaces, and thoracic vertebrae. 6. Differentiate true ribs from false and floating ribs. 7. Identify the following osseous features on a rib: head, necK, rib (costal) tubercle, body, shaft, and the costal groove. 8. State the weaKest region of the rib that is commonly fractured and describe the anatomy and physiology involving flail chest. 9. Describe the possible clinical manifestations of supernumerary ribs. 10. Identify the following rib joints: costovertebral (costotransverse joint and vertebral body joint) and sternocostal. 11. Identify the transversus thoracis muscle, the external, internal, and innermost intercostal muscles, and state their innervation, blood supply, and functions. 12. State the structures that compose the neurovascular bundle within each intercostal space and identify each neurovascular bundle by number. 13. Identify the neurovascular bundle inferior to the twelfth rib and state the names of each structure composing the bundle (subcostal artery, subcostal vein, and subcostal nerve).
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