— fifin ff-^ n ^ rlT h ree "executioners” wait the ^ Donald Hults, Item staff photographer, u f ^ ^ t o r c l ^ e r l o a ^ a n P. schreiber and Corporal Nick Gentile.Official witnesses ^ eraman Hflltf-on the retired list, left to right-corporal Joseph M Henn4nn, KennethHoag, E. Marshall, Corp. Ed. Heiss, Ted Stieve j§& right are: Corp. William Fanning, Sgt. Bob “Smith, Fred Rogge, Perkins. Elton Gee, George'Morrow, Jack Shea. At right-Three at the loading a s s m m ■ t ______t z l ____ - Aug. Draftees Marine Sgt, Speedup At Register Now Smith Dies Township voters not now Are Perf ect High School under permanent registration, Marine Sergeant Harold W. Miiihnm ’s August draft call and who will lose their vote Smith, former member of MU1- Starting with the Fall term unless Ih e condition is right­ was one of the smallest on burn Police Department, has in September, Millburn High ed, have until Thursday, Au- record but what It lacked In been killed in action in the School’s schedule Will be - re­ ~ numbers, It more than made Southern Pacific. adjusted to provide for daily ■- gust 12, to get under the wire. Such voters may register up In quality, for of the total, Word of Sergeant Smith’s opening at 8:30 A.. M. 10 min­ with the Township Clerk in 100 per cent, 'were accepted for death came to his father Po­ utes later than has been tM „ Town Hall and tor their service. lice Sergeant Harold R. Smith, rule. Closing time will remain convenience, he will open Following are the new sol­ last Friday in a telegram from a t 3:10...... :|— — diers, sailors and Coast Guards­ the War Department in Wash­ The noon lunch period will the office eveninp from 7:30 men: ington. aiso remain at 30 minutes du­ to 9, Monday, Tuesday and John Fairfield, Jr., Army On leave of absence from the ration except for seventh grade Wednesday, August 9, 10 and Milton Freiman - Army local police force which he students who will have 40 m in-- ml 1 i IS 1 H ...... John William Bruce Jr . - Army joined in 1940, he enlisted in utes on account of the large, Patsey Grosso Navy the Marines1 in January 1942. group. • Herbert F. Noll Coast Guard With his brother, George Cal- Superintendent Patterson and N o H r t A n d MARINE Sergeant Harold W. _ Principal FaddiA • plaimgd~-*e»^ Smithi-temed-ln-action.In South- .,.. via, ha went to Parris.. Island shorten some of the six dally em Pacifier------■■ 4 8 e for training. periods after the Board of Run In This ^ ★ Later both were sent to the Lazy dog owners who have Pacific area and In November Education Tuesday night heard Hugo Konegen of Meyersville, requests for such action by sev­ failed to secure licenses for P olice Reserves last year Sergeant Smith was thought he was victim of a their canines, are facing grief. wounded at Guadacanal, being eral Civic Associations. hit and run driver Wednesday Later opening time was sug­ Beginning today, police are later transferred to Australia when a car driven by a wom­ summoning all to Recorder’s S h o o t I t O ut' for hospitalization. There the gested because of hardship oh an, clipped his machine at Mor­ some families who have to get Court where They can explain two brothers were again brought ris’ and Millburn' avenues. Only why Fldo is expected to go-tax In a shoot a t the police range together. 7 ..-JS--’------parents to work and children to “hisr car was damaged but the school within a limited time. free while the rest of us pay. Sunday, Reserves tWmed In the No word "has come as "to “t}»„ other driver, he said, only Suggestions to add 10 min­ as we go. following scores: J manner or action In which -paused momentarily and drove utes to fhC' lunch period and * ' ...j?...... Class 1 - K. Sias, 94; ­ Sergeant Smith lost his- life, 20 minutes to the closing time, off. % M ,...... BURGLARS Saturday -night tain - Wright, - 92; Sergeant but It is assumed he may have — Peace--began...an.. Investiga­ were vetoed. Mr. FafldiS said forced a rear window at the •Robert Smith, 85 and Corporal been engaged in the Munda tion and later the real situa­ 30 minutes' has been found-ade­ home of Walter F. Downey at Fanning, 81. ^ •-... — - ...... fighting. tion came to light. The woman quate and~; additional time 52 Mou»talnview.road and Class 2 - Art Ecklund, 77; T. (Continued on Page 13) -"liriweyta'^'rf^^'geryTBegrT would increase problems among -Gonwrai Jofiet^ - her of the family to a “bus, currency, three rings valued Smith, 74; Corporal Gentile, 7l idle pupils and also prove temp­ didn’t bottier to for win­ ROTARY DISTRICT Gover­ tation for boys and girls to at $550. and $8 in War Stamps. and Corporal Heiss, 64. ter; and so when the cars kissed, Class? ^F rank Marcantontor nor-Joshua Golightly of—Mtll-- ~ was in no position to tarry a t burn, has begun the active establishments - during TunSK RED CROSS WORKERS 75; John Shea, f l ; Kenneth - the scene or get out and get shepherding of his flock. Next periods. later closing time, needed fomurgical dressings. Hoag, 70; E. Marshall, 64 and A under. Hugo m iy have been all week he will visit Washington, he said, would interfere too with H. PfaltZf 62. eyes buTKe faUed to note car ★ >v Ridgefield Park and L itthrF etrr the extra curricular program. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and Awarding the “Mystery Prize” make or license number.---- ;— to E. Hermann, members staged Rotary dubs communing with complete secretarial s e r v ic e . officers and lay members as to RUBBER STAMPS — Prompt - .j— ■ i - ... an outing with hot dogs and p.gn CROSS WORKER 6 Marion M. Copentt, Chatham plans for the year ahead. service, low prices. Item Office, road, Short mils 7-3044. - Adv. soda. 248 Mnhi ‘street,•MiNbum.—Adv: needed for surgical dressings. 1 ust 6,

COMBINED lssu6 of July and August Township Tattle Is W ra Millburn Klattsumer Aid now on sale at Johnson’s Phar­ | macy, Candlelight Shoo and' fclnPricing • A.w.v.S. Headquarters. W idelyPublicised Reporting that Price Panels Millbum, its Town Fathers Ss=-:havr now been completely or- Rita Now In and the Board of Education “ ' ganized in all 65 war Price and have-been basking in free-pub­ ^ Rationing Boards in northern T^Wew . the District OTA -Navy Hospital licity the past m onths, all as £ office has outlined a four-point a result of the-Township Com­ ~^$rogram for-consumer coopera- . Coxswain Albert-Rita of .55 mittee's semi-annual report^ [n * tlon. . - Main street, a foimeF“meinbef“ home owners and the' board's anphaaM ag that victory over of The Item bowling team, Is annual brochures setting forth ^ in fla tio n , the profiteer, and the -recovering -from injuries re­ school alms .and the yearly black market is impossible with ceived in battle practice, in a "budget. "" out the active and earnest co­ Naval hospital somewhere on ‘—The"American Printer, trade‘ operation of the consumer, the Atlantic coast.- publication to America’s best -—prlee officials outlined the fdl- •Word--ofbistfrjttry-wa6-^e— j aibijysherg._rurd...primt..,._got— lowing "four ways in Which ceived by his mother, Mrs. Gel- the Millburn . picture and consumers can help the govern­ samine Rita, Monday. It stated thought so well of the manner ment and their neighbors who an 8:lnch shell weighing nearly local officials took taxpayers -are volunteering their time and * quarter ton fell And*- struck- Into their confidence, that it effort as Price Panel members him, injuring his shoulder, hip, gave the idea a double page and Price Assistants: "fracturing several ribs, and so spread complete w ith story 1. lor legal food maiming his feet as to require "and reproductions 'OTeommit-' prices as they apply in your amputation of one toe. He is tee booklets and board folder. community. CUp out these of­ now serving" His second "Navy , WRGNB NUMBER ficial lists and carry them enlistment. how “New Jersey Town ‘Sell$’ when you shop. ^ ROSE RODGERS and Mrs. Elizabeth Szmans, operators at the Itself to its Citizens” is Jesse „ 'J j, When you 'buy, pay no New Jersey Bell Telephone Company’s Millburn telephone ex­ Thompson, and he commends more than the top legal price ~Fo f j f f f ...... change, and Mrs."Ethel Maley, cftTeT"operator, were startled -last our public 'Officials for their printed on the official list. •' week to see pictures of three other people Illustrating announce­ farsightedness in telling aims ahd purposes of cu rren t acts 3. If retailer’s prices are too Approximately six hundred ment in last week’s Item-that they were shown in a presentation as well as dialling expenditure high, talk with the seller about additional employees are needed of the new Bell System emblem of essential wartime telephone them The large majority of immediately by the War De- service. The Item had received In error a similar picture taken in of public funds. The Item is given due credit retailers are patriotic and hon- partment Office of Dependency the Unionville exchange. Miss Rodgers, Mrs. Szmans and Mrs. for production of the printed est;. they will welcome your Benefits in Newark, Brig. Gen, Maley (at right) appear above against (he background of the war- calling attention to Any prices H. N. Gilbert, USA. Director, busy MiUbum-Shoit Hills svritehbdard, which now handles over 'material," thereby insuring' a~ which are out of line—this is announced this week. 3,000 more telephone calls a day than before Pearl Harbor. renewal of its annual subscrip­ his protection against the dis- tions also. The ODB administers family to the creditors of- said deceased, to ' honest dealer. exhtbH t e the subscriber under oath or allowances and— allotmenta-of- affirmation.—their claims—and—demands 4. If the retailer belongs to pay for more than four mil­ Pigs Feet On against the estate of said deceased. the unpatriotic minority which wdtHin -six months -from ~ttris date? -o r lion soldiers on behalf of eight they will be foreygr.barred from prose­ BABYNEEDS is unwilling to correct errors, cuting or recovering the same against Wortzel Bros. Reg. Ph. -G. million dependents,----- At-—the Free L ist Now— **ttor~wrtsw?rtb©r/~”,"B=^ report the violation to the present time, an average of 12,- MERCHANTS & NEWARK TRUST Price Panel of the local ration­ A convenient check list for COMPANY OF NEWARK, N. J. Central Cut Rate 000 faipily allowance applica­ Riker, Marsh & Shipman, "Proctors DRUG STORE ing board. Complainants are consumers combining both ceil­ 744 Broad Street, tions and 6,000 allotment-of- Newark, N. J. 323 Millbum Ave. assured that their names will - pay authorizations are received ing prices and point values of Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3 the more popular cuts of meat not be used, by the Price Panel in the ODB daily. Because of in investigating reports. this, additional employees are used-ln tills area has been is­ Members of the Local" Price needed to augment the present sued by the District OTA office- Newark. Panel are: Ernest Brita, chair­ ODB force of over 10,000. man; Edgar G. Spitz, Mrs. “The ODB needs at least 566 Effective now, the list shows two changes in point values: R. B. Martin, Mrs. F. H. Or- more employees to* fill some loin end pork chops are up one merod, Mrs. M. L. Toulme. twenty different types of jobs point and short cut pigs’ feet incident to the administration have been made ration-free. ORDER TO LIMIT of these soldiers’ benefits,” Gen­ eral Gilbert said. There are no changes in prices July It. 1943 which were in effect last month. ESTATE OP KATHERINE or KATH- All these positions are War RYN ML NOLAN, deceased. Service appointments under Pursuant to the order of EUGENE F. Civil Service. Employees are HOFFMANN, -Surrogate OfTh©..XJOBBty of Essex, this 1 day made, on the ap­ entitled to such privileges as ESTATE o f ANNIE plication of the undersigned. Executor of anhual leave, care under the ceased. said deceased, notice is hereby given Pursuant to

ply operations, of the rapidly “The Merry Widow" and “The chusetts. expanding Army Air. Forces Chocolate Soldier^ with Mien Miss Mara, who was bom in 7^0 N e w * ground forces, th u s relieving Jones. These were the first Chicago of Russian parents, be­ PHONE BILLS trained pilots for full time fly­ light operas to be given at that gan her dancing career at the MAY BE PAID AT [Jeutenants- ing duty. August institution but broke age of ten. She studied in Paris Investors Savings & Loan As a civilian Lt. Nichols lived all records for popularity. with Olga Preobranjenskaya 64 Main Street NO 8BBVIOB CHABGE ponald A. Conner of MUlburn, at Highland avenue, Short Hills. Miss Gleason also sang in and appeared frequently at the was commissioned a second - * . “Night of Iove”_ with Jo h n Champs Elysees and the Olym- pia Theatre. She and her hus­ lieutenant in the Army of the n / r ^ Lodge and has starred with the Municipal Opera Company of band will be remembered by Our Job Is to Save “ IfSStT-TS Countess M antza Dallas, Texas. She is sooaJp Playhouse audiences for,_ the brilliant ballet work in “Babes Officer. Candida?/ Course at / i appear on Broadway in a Dollars In Toyland" presented last De- The Infantry jfldlQfiL _at Fort... r l U V l l O U J C ...... brand new operetta, the name - ember.' ' ------L j Buy ^ B enning. Lt. Conner is the son */ and authorship'of. Which is as yet a secret. War Bondi of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie Audiences at the Paper M il ★ . ____ Every Pay Day Conner of Ridgewood road. Playhouse have given an em. „ A special feature of “Countess THE SUPREME accomplish­ M aritza" is the dauQin,gJounded JThe new lieutenant ehllstgd thusiastic welcome to Helen ment is to pay one’s bills with in the army on April 3, 1942 Gleason, Metropolitan soprano largely on genuine gypsy and a smile, it e m w a n t a d s b e in g r e s u l t s . and served ’With" the Air Force now singing the leading role Czardas measures. It is under 'tRg' tnrectton^Tt Arthur Ma- at ifellr-"Pte^ - ' Te*a^ - Jjetofi'- going to Officer Candidate operetta “Countess Maritza.”— honey and Thalia Mara; who School three' months ago. He Miss Gleason last * appeared have recently conducted the held the rank of Sergeant be­ a t the Playhouse in October opening of the first exclustively fore being commissioned. §1 1941 In the ever popular “Merry dance festival theatre in Am­ The new officer Is a grad­ Widow" Since then, she has erica founded by Ted Shawn-at uate of MHlburn High School. appeared at Carnegie Hall in “Jacob’s Pillow,” Lee, Massa­ Staff/an Sergeant Gouvemeur------Nichols having successfully completed his three months SEWING MACHINES course at the Air Forces Officer Candidate School at Miami R *. Cash paid for used sewing machines. Any make. 3each, Florida, has received his Phone or write Mr. Mac Lean TO HELP BUILD FEDERAL :ommission as 2nd lieutenant SHIPS to BLAST the AXIS! n the Air Forces of the Army SINGER SEWING. MACHINE SALES AGENCY >f the United States. 159 Maplewood Ave., MapleWood S. 0. 3-0646 His duties will be to direct Open Evenings irital administrative and sup- m Experience Nece ssa ry ___ 1 G O O D P A Y ! Our boys need the weapons of Victory Destroyers, troop ships, c a r g o ships in a r unceasing flow will ®e bridge over which they will pass. At Federal you inexpen- enced men can take youtplace among the many who ar e producing these ships. Our skiRed tradesmen will tram you —and you will receive good pay from the minute you start. Even if you are physically handicapped, Federal has a job for you. H dp Federal ’’Keep ’Em Sailing! Helpers For Every Trade ^ JOBS.-vnii FORr n n MEN UPM AND 1UH WOMEN Ship Fitters ChipperS Burners Welders Electricians Riveters Boilermakers Office Workers Laborers Machinists Pipe Fitters Carpenters Tack Welders Sheet Metal Workers PROOF OF YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH REQUIRED DON’T WAIT .... AMERICA CAN’T Can You Afford to Miss These Advantages ? • HIGH WAGES! • CHOICE OF 100 • WORK FOR THE TRADES! S. DISABLED! • TRAINING PAY! — * CONVENIENT • OFFICE JOBS! # ESSENTIAL WORK! LOCATION! tome Today—II Will Pay Too Well !! Persons in war work or essential activities not c onsidered ...... without statement of availability ^ .

'Corns—ter etttrf’i—of—FHlCTHt—SM its- TWO EM PLOYM ENT offices be- WHERE, TOJPPLYT ------— . - t ween 7 c 3 0 A.—M. ctjicl—c—E.—M*. men who keep the rolling stock in perfect T he headlight of No. 1644 beams through KEARNY YARDS— Lincoln Highway the night as the “Big Fellow” pulls out with a running order, the dispatchers who work PORT NEWARK YARDS— Dor emus Ave. and Port S t, Newark record string of cars loaded with war supplies. on minute-timing, the trackmep who keep APPLY TO U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE ON OUR Your ear catches the crash of the shunting oper­ a sharp eye on the roadbed, supplemented PREMISES__BUS NO 4 direct from Pennsylvania Station in ations, heard against the ringing bell of an in­ by the men who operate the passenger Newark takes yon right to tho Port Newark yards. DIRECT TRAIN SERVICE TO BOTH YARDS, at starting and coming train. There’s a sudden hiss of steam trains and by many others who play their quitting times, via. JERSEY CENTRAL RAILROAD (Broad as the giant engine waits for the "high ball parts in the Railroad Army Without Guns. St., Ferry St. and East Ferry St.) signal to haul a half-mile of refrigerator cars The men and women of the American or A representative of this company will employ you at containing enough food to feed a community. Pailwwde are doing a job that is astonish­ U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE * * * ing die rest of the world. They don t ex­ 1058 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY (Between 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M,) What about the men behind all this—the pect medals nor citations. To them it’s all army of men and women who run Amer- inthedayVwork. ACT TODAY!! * * *‘ ica’s Railroads? They are the men of sure eye and steady They are winning the Battle of Trans­ portation for America while winning the nerve in the cabs of the engines, the men ntop the cars and in the cabooses, the shop­ thgftfei of the Nattonrr SHIPBUILDING and DRYIMM K COMPANY Kearny • Port Newark “ THE ESSENTIAL PEACE TO WORK’ B imfrrit & Bifr ■ ta a j p w g M t ' 6, 1943]

James and small son Johnny of . _ Mrs. Lewis Bates and children Plainfield, spent last week-end C arol Benedict 1 Or Barbara and Lewis, Jr., spent with her parents, Mr. and a few days In Wilmington last Mrs. Laffey. week. Lewis, Jr., le ft Sunday for Be August Bride Camp Ranger, W harton New Bert and Brute Ulrich, twin Jersey.------sons of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Invitations Jiave been .issued CLUlrlch of The Crescent, are' by Mr. and Mrs.'Purdy Faitoute spending the month at Camp Benedict of Highland avenue, Mitmisink, n ear Blairstown, for the marriage of their daugh­ New Arrivals ter, Miss Carol Benedict, to OF THE WEEK Lieut. Rodney Dennis HaH Jr, Mr. and Mrs. O. j, Heinzel- U.S,A. son of Mr. Hall of Flush­ daughter Judith and By Edith Clifford LaMond- Wilshire ing, L.T. and the lateMrs. Hall. ?9n Oteorge Jr, have moved to Mrs.- Malcolm D. Spinning of Mr. and Mrs.— Frederic R. __^ 1 * __ The ceremony will take triace 45 -Elmwood place, from Lake*. fe-W fattneytoad entertained Mon- Colic and daughter Posie of July 28tt), at a home cere- in ..Christ Episcopal Church on wood, Ohio, " " day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Woodcrest avenue, are expeeted mony, Miss Leona C. Wilshire, August 14th at 5:30 P. M., with „ * Olenn Erickson and Mrs. John home this week-end from a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. the rector, Rev. Herbert.-H.____*° d ^rs. J - A- pulsford T. Boone, also of Whitney road, three weeks’ vacation in New Wilshire of Bangor, Me, be- ^ ooper officiating. A reception tBejf daughter, Miss Pa- TorRTState. came the bride of Kenneth La ^ ttfo iio w " 1°—the -Benedict— pWjh WOO flBmerly f ts lded la -1 HUls this month: Mrs. Enckson Mond, son- of • Mr. and Mrs. home. Maplewood, have purchased the and children will join her hus- Mr. and Mrs. F . R. Schaum- Norman E. La Mohd o f . Had- house at 39 Baltusrol way. Miss Anne Benedict will be 9 . band, Lieutenant, j.g. Erickson berg and three of thejr chil­ donfield road. Rev. Anthony her sister’s maid of honor and Now residing at 17 Green­ ^ at Ban Diego, California, and dren_Laurence, Lorraine and Winser, pastor of Bangor Bap- the bridesmaids will be the Kathryn of Midhurst road, de­ ® t Churcfi pertonhed tlie cere­ wood -drixe, -ia- Mrs. Raymond 1 ... Mrs. Boone and family will join Mk\es Frances Bramhall of Mook and daughter Marilyn and Mr. Boone In Lancaster, Pa. parted last week for Chautau­ mony. A reception followed. Morristown. Mary Howard the former’s sister, M rs. Mar*, rhose attending were Mrs. A qua Lake, N. Y, where they The bride is a graduate of Elizabeth, Mary Bess Ogden of garet Carstens, formerly of will remain until after Labor Bangor High School. Mr. La A. Baldwin, Mrs. Eugene Wil­ Short Hills and Fredrika Pratt South Orange.. kins, Mrs. Claude F. Hind, Mrs. Day. Three other sons, John Mond graduated from Staun­ of Princeton, a cousin of the • H. R. Coursen, Mrs. Ralph Mar- Conrad and Frank, preceded ton Military Academy and La­ bride-elect. Capt. Eben C. Hall, Mrs. M. Bruns and daughter son, Mrs. J. S. Ferry, Mrs. Paul then), by several days. fayette College, and is a mem­ U.S.A. of Flushing, L. L, brother • ...... -or * *- • — Mias Marguerite Bruns, have F. Swanson, Mrs. William D. ber of Alpha Chi Rho. He is of Lieut. Hall, will be best man. Mrs.aB: L: Humber of Hillside rented an apartment at 510 Huyler, Mrs. Harold Huling and employed by American Airlines The list of ushers is incomplete Millbum avenue,- T he Bruns Mrs. W. L. G. Lester, all of avenue, departed last Thurs­ Air Transport Command, U.S.A. day for Henderson, Ky., where but will include Prieth F. Bene­ are former residents of Maple­ Short Hills, and Mrs. H. Rey­ dict of Elizabeth and Join! Pur­ she joined her . husband, 2nd wood. nolds of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carter and • Lieut. Humper, U.S. Engineers, dy Benedict of Short Hills, who sons Daniel and Michael of attends Princeton, both broth­ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Dun­ Mrs. Louis Flammang of Ft. of Fort Leonard Wood,' Mo, „ , . Baltusrol way, will move to St. ers of -the bride-elect. lop are residing at 88 Millbum Lauderdale,. Florida, has been ...who has. a fifteen day leave, jjrojs September 1st. Mrs. Car- -avenue. criioct n f M p an H AfrG T*hpv a r a v is tttrn r Vita—nar*«Tife * r ------Miss Benedict was graduated the guest of Mr. arid Mrs. They are visiting hisparents, ter and her sons have returned • Frank Kilber of Meadowbrook Mr. and Mrs. Richard Humber. from Kent Place School and The residence, at 20 Inwood • from Webster Grove, Mo.r where Vassar College, class of 1043. road for the past two weeks. they _ spent the past two road, has been purchased--by Mrs. Flammang is now spend­ Miss Barbara Ormerod of She is a granddaughter of the Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Kinsey, for- Mtfffctedale road, left Monday months. late Mr, and ing two weeks in Summit and + 9 iwn. will return to visit the Kilbers for Manasquan. She is spend/”' Mrs. George L. Lewis of Ho­ rence Benedict and of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 'H airy MeTcalfe, after that time. ing a week with Mi*, and Mrs. bart avenue, is spending a Charles Feick of Short HUls formerly of Riverside, R. I, are « IBIlpjl | A. L. Mauls of Park road, at month at the Breakers Hotel, and the late Mr. Feick. Lieut. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Brun­ their summer cottage. Hall is a graduate of KenV HOW litdflg at 47 Pine street. » Mantoloking. ner and children Billy and • ~ School, Kent, Conn, and Trin­ Bobby of Hawthorne road, have Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Fry- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Meyer of ity College, Hartford. He Is a ling of Bamsdale road, are One of onr every two fami­ returned from a several days Claremont drive, l^ave been va­ grandson of the late Mr. and lies have at least two work- stay at the Parker House in spending the remainder of the cationing in Asbury Park. Mrs. Nathaniel -Hall of Buffalo Figure it oat yourself Sea Girt. season .at their home -in Sea, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Eben hew mach beyond 10 per- ' ■ • Girt. Their daughter Mrs. B. Clarke of Pittsburgh and 1 cent sf ffor family income Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Frey Robert Staub and her small Florida. yon can pot Into War Bonds and daughter Lois and son daughter, Donna, will visit See Largest Year every payday. "Wayne of Whitney road, are them for three weeks. ★ spending the month-of August AFTER A VISIT to the beau ftfITT.TSTS at their summer residence in Mrs. Frederick Alvin Jones For H ills School tician, female hair usually looks -Ocean Gate. of Morris Turnpike, is visiting as hard and permanent as cast PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED * her uncle and aunt, Mr. and The enrollment for next year iron. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith C. Mrs. Kenneth G. Currier of at the Short Hills Country Day Broken Lenses Replaced Laffey of Montview avenue, left East Orange, at their summer School has already surpassed EYES EXAMINED BY on Wednesday for Spring Lake. home in Edgartown, Mass. any previous enrollment in the Any Excuse Yen T he- taffeys will spend three School's history; Several classes" tN H H A C an Find For Net Registered Optometrist weeks at the Monmouth Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Dog- are full and cannot accept any • gett and daughters the Misses j n p i H Upping Your new members. A. O. SEELER Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Ann and Sally Doggett of Bal­ New teachers have beep en­ BondBqpugWi Jeweler and Optician Busch and sons Herbert and tusrol way, are in Sea Girt for Please Hitler 324 Mlllbarn A ft., Mlllbarn, N. Roger of Park road, left this the remainder of the summer. gaged, the litchen and entire' week for Sea Girt. They will • facilities for serving hot lunches Lt. and Mrs. Edwin Laffey, Tetum after Labor Day. are being ^ completely modern­ ...... -...... • who make their home in St. ized, rooms are being painted, Mr. and Mrs. H. Norman Petersburg, Fla, arrived Mon­ the transportation committee Wyckoff and sons Bruce and— dM--.to_Jfi^_-thl.J^SS^rls.'_^r- is hard at work planning sched- Qary, who moved from 20 In- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith C. ules for the School station wa­ wood road, tcT their new home Laffey" avenue," gon, apd the School is looking at 54 Baltusrol way, last week, until Wednesday. On Wrednes- forward to a most, successful are spending this month at Pe- day they went to Amsterdam, year. conic Bay, L. I. N. Y, to visit her parents, Mr. / 4 and Mrs. C. C. Collette. Later ONCE IN A lifetime you see Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Pinnell in the month, Lt. and Mrs. a girl at a beach who looks like Ironized Yeast !t| .00 size 5 7 c and sons Charles of Whitney Laffey will join his parents an advertisement for a bath­ ounces road, have concluded a three who are now, vacationing in ing . Gude’s Pepto-Mangan 11 95$ peeks’ stay jn JBelmar. They Spring Lake for several weeks jFeenamint ; __ 2-resize were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. at the Hotel Monmouth. Lt. 19 frank Splain, Brother-in-law "Laffey is with the Air Corps. lEdward’s Olive Tablets 3 6 for 1 7 c and sister of Mrs. Pinnell. The couple were married the • first of the year in Big Spring, Pm kham ’s Vegetable Compound 1.25 size 8 6 c Elizabeth Emery, daughter Texas. He is now stationed in of the John Emerys of Mid- Tampa. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ’Absorbine, Jr. 1.25 size 73c hurst rood,Spent last -month at Camp Sloan, Lakeville, Conn, Conti Olive Oil 3 ounces 7 9 ° • > MACHINELESS | The Misses Mildred and Marle Calamine Lotion 4 -ounces m m Haugh of Pine terrace, will Join PERMANENTS their mother, Mrs. L. T Haugh Cool and Comfortable oChooee From Onr No Lodger at Silver Lake this month. 15.00 {;LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS) ...... at- | j | | -- ...L,.. AT BEST PRICES - WE SELL WAR STAMPS - Refrlgerator REPAIRS Betty Sawyer Closed Every N itht a t 10KW P. H. “See The Marks Bros.” Beauty Salon RADIO SALES CORP. 3S7 Mlllbarn A m m 324 Millbum Avenue Millbum 6.0015 Millhimi ______SALES AOENCT------343 Millbum Avt a a mracbtman. Ph.6“ Millbum 6-0449 ...... & » * * * * i2 H t - y jM M August Thi Millbum 6® Short . - 0(>0<>00<>0<>0<><><><><><><>OC>0< VOOOOOOGOOOO^OO^&OOOOOOOOOO^^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO1 S. Barsby, 91$ Ridgewood road. view road, has completed his Jack Coe, son of Mr. and Service N ew s Instructional activities of the primary flying training— at Mrs. Ralph Coe of Mountain ASTP at Illinois began July 12. Greenville Aviation School, View rOad was recently pro­ The men are under military Charles C. Dedecker, son of moted to Hospital Apprentice discipline at all times. They are Ocala' Florida, and has been Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dedecker- quartered in some two dozen transferred to an. Army Air first class at the Great lakes of 18 Whlttfihgham terrace, is fraternity houses' which have Forces Basic Flying School for Naval Training Station, Illinois. enrolled in the pre,-flight school been taken over for this pur­ further advanced training,., at the San Antonio Aviation DOST FORGET THE SMALL ADS. pose. C adet Oenter at San Antonio, Texas. After completion of his Aviation CacRt Harold L. Paging Mr. H-O-L-M-E. That ” - smiles" "Hutfffj** * 1)1 -■ Strieker, is, if you have any electrical \ n for more .training at other BOUDOIR CHAIRS! equipment needing repairing,— - flvlne schools; and will finally Havprtim j^lm e Repair Service , , be awarded’ his silverwings as Attractive and inexpensive boudoir chairs care for you^Kllo, refrigerator --^ a pilot. Bendix REPAIRS are still available. Covered to. order or other electriaU gadgets. "See The Maries Bros.” In the first group of soldiers The task of keeping the fam- RADIO SALES CORP. s c rie d to the University of — i *7 MUIbnm A rarat------— lly healthy falls on Mother. m tnnis for the Army Specialized Millbum 6-0015 She knows a good start on the Training Program is Kenneth road to health is the serving of milk as a beverage. Take your full quota of health food. Be sure it’s Canoe Brook Farms’ Vita-Rich milk. There Is a definite knack in sending Greeting Cards that" border on the unusual. If you want to stock up with the unique in this line, see those at the Town Book Store, Spring- field. Also a selection of choice gifts: ..... Tickets at Mill- burn Theatre for C. M. Hoeft- man.

“Extraordinaiy” is the best way to express the value of Dermetlcs to the f a ir sex. D pfl metlcs cleanser works—almost - magic to particles of soil on the face and hands. I know many, who swear by the Dermetlcs Program. It will do much to keep your complexion fresher, younger and cleaner. Of course.„ Charlotte’s Beauty Salon would be the place In .town to get It. Folks with good credit stand­ ing find many ways they can negotiate loans at the First Natlonai Bank of~'Mitlburn7'Tf- you have ‘financial problems, diseuss them with an officer of the Bank. There is likely a banking service to meet your n eed s...... Member F.D.I.C. It’s worth a trip to Newark to see the latest exclusive pat­ tern In Royal Worcester bone china at WISS Sons, Inc. Bac­ chanal, is a garland of green leaves entwined w ith deep pur­ ple grape clusters. Acquire a “starter set” of five pieces. Nation wide approval is given to Johns-Manville rock wool. The Government urges home owners to insulate ceiling- and walls ip order to conserve heat from the fuel they bum. Did you ever realize that Rim- back Storage Company has. the finest equipment in the mov­ ing business? Wartime has produced many problems but Rlmback is continuing to serve and maintaining their usual service. The type of service to Transportation to the plants Is essy. Two please you. plants: To reach Harrison plsnti take bus 40 which connects with all Newark but lines. Or« It’s an art to be a gracious H. AM.Tubes to Harrison. Plant is opposite hostess. It’s “artier,” to be a Tube Station. grateful guest. If you would To reach Clark Township plant: take bus 35 from Wfcaheth. Take bus 54 from Woodbridge, a-visitittg go, take a small token Penh Amboy, Rahway and Westfield. of appreciation. The Betty Tel­ le r Studio, suggests an attrac­ tive cigarette, candy or dresser HYATT BEARINGS box. * Remember, Barberry Corner ’ DIVISION or Tea Room is closed this month. GENERAL MOTORS —Adv. Ninety-six cents out of Open Dafly, 8 A *L to 5 KB every dollar goes for War frtt»t,M Hw.iu.ws tortm A f la t To—Ham. expenditures. The other four cants goes for sOQoot em u* it mtilMfr G « v e r n m on t . .. expenses n*i for Fretdoa'S Soke usual.” Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Xuwday Wednesday Thursday 9 io ... II 12 o ^oo^Oooooo^oooo^ooo^ooooooooooo^^ooo^oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<>0 F ..-...* ★ NEWARK^------3 - ..■’ BRANFORD, 11 Branford Place. "CONSTANT NYMPH,” “GALS INC.,” August 6-10. •‘HONEYMOON LODGE,** “TWO TICKETS TO LONDON," August 11-17. ★ PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE STANLEY, 933 South Orange Avenue

"THE MORE THE MERRIER," Jean Arthur, Charles AMERICAN LEGION — Meets Fourth Thursday oC each Coburn; "MURDER IN TIMES SQUARE," Austut 6-12. month. 8 P. M., Recreation Building, Taylor Park. "CONET ISLAND," "HIRED THE BOSS," Aucult 13-16. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY — Meets second Tues- ELIZABETH day of each month, I P. M.f Recreation Building, Taylor Park. MOW RECENT, 39 Broad Street. CASA COLOMBO CIVIC ASSOCIATION meets first T h e .. pRWruw «• Friday of each month a t 7:00 .o'clock P. M. . e c u r at. a t vraii "TAXI -MISTBRi" -- William Bendix, Joseph Sawyer; time — but Thaatrw “ •BATAAN." Robert Taylor, August 6-11. “HUMAN COM­ FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, Continental Lodge - EDY,” Mickey Rooney, August 12-18. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 8 P. M., First National Bank Building. RITZ, 1148 East Jersey Street. • OOlNDY ISLAND," August 6-11.' "BACKGROUND TO ★ MILLBURN DANGER." “ IT'S A GREAT LITE," August 12-18. “FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO.’’ TAHITI HONEY," Si­ mone Simon, Dennis O’Keefe, August 6-7. “MY FRIEND ' “FtilCKA.-"- “ NIGHT PLANE FROM. CHUNGKING,"_Ellen LADIES AUXILIARY OF CASA COLOMBO — Meeta Drew. Otto Kroger, August 8-10. MORE THE MBR- third Friday of each month. 8:20 P. M a t Club House, 189 RIE2R," Jean Arthur, ~t5harles Oolmrn; ‘‘MURDER ' IN ~ Recreation Department TIMES SQUARE," August 11-12. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS — Meets first and third Thursday of each month, 8^20 P. M.. fit. Roee of Lima ★ UNION Church. ACTIVITIES MASONIC CLUB — Meets the first Tuesday of each “L is t e r b ig , '• “a s s ig n m e n t m b r it t a n y ," month in the Masonio Club - rooms, Bank Building, Millburu. Pierre Aumont, Susan Peters, August 0-7. "CRASH DIVE," Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter; * * STRANG ER IN TOWN," MEN’S CLUB — St. Stephen’s Church — Meets third Thuraday of each- month Safeg^arish^House, 135 Main " August 8-10. "FIVE : GRAVES . TO CAIRO.** T A H IT I “To r Information OiU MfflSiirn tf-i 2i8 HONEY,'* Simone Simon, Dennis O ’Keefe, August 11-14.

★ SUMMIT For boys. Monday 7 P. M. Recreation MILLBURN COMMUNITY COUNCIL—Meets second Wed­ nesday ~of June, October, December, February and April at STRAND ~ths~Barberry Corner* Tea Room. MILLBURN REPUBLICAN CLUB — Meets the fourth “ ICE CAPADES REVUE," “MURDER IN TIMES Thursday of each month, 8:00 P. M. SQUARE," August 6-7. “ CHATTERBOX," “GORILLA MAN," August 8-10. “BACKGROUND TO DANGER," MILLBURN ROTARY CLUB — Meets at the Cbantlcler “ CINDERELLA SWING IT ." August 11-14. "IT 'S A GREAT L IFE.” "JOHNNY DOUGHBOY." August 15-17. each Tuesday noon for luncheon and program. SOUTH MOUNTAIN CIVIC ASSOCIATION, monthly LYRIC meeting held third Thursday of each month. Charles Bax­ “ CONEY ISLAND." August 6-11. "THE HUMAN COM­ ter, Ivy Teyrace, secretary. EDY," Mickey Rooney, August 12-18. WYOMING ASSOCIATION — Council meets second Tues­ ★ MADISON day of each month except July and 'August, at 8:30 P. M. BROWNIES — Mondays, 3 to 5. Reore&tien House. in Wyoming Club House, Linden S treet.-A rthur Sawyer Secretary. "THE HUMAN COMEDY,” Mickey Rooney, August SOFTBALL — Mens. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday T to 6-7. "BACKGROUND TO DANGER,” "COWBOY IN MAN-. 8:20; (jHrFs. Wednesday, 7- to 8430. Taylor Park. _____ HATTAN," August 8-10. "D IX IE ." Bing Crosby; "QUIET PLEASE. MURDER," August 11-14. "MR. BIG," "NIGHT TENNIS — Taylor P ark courts open dally from 9 A. PLANE FROM CHUNKING,” August M. to 9 P. M. Reservations may be made by calling Ro- ereatHon Department a t Millburn 6-1218. ------★ MORRISTOWN COMMUNITY, South Street. BASEBALL — Taylor Park dally. BARBERRY CORNITr — • S3 Taylor Street, Millburn SWIMMING — Monday through Friday, 10-12, 1:20-4, (Millburn 6-1739) dinner (5:30-8:90) 81-91-25. Sunday dinner 6:30-8. Saturday, 10-12, 1:30-4. Sunday, 1:30-6. (12:30-4:00) $1.26. No liquor. Closed Monday. PARK WYOMING PLAYGROUND — 9:00 to l2TO jM»d fi^0 tQ CHANTICLBR — Millburn Avenue, Millburn (Millburn ‘‘BOMBARDIER," "GET GOING." August 6-7. "CAP­ 9:00 P. M. Monday through Friday. 6-1454) Hie topj In supper clubs. Dinner (6:00-10:00 P. M.) TIVE WILD WOMAN." “SALUTE FOR THREE," August $1.60-92.00. Min. week nights and Sunday 91.50. Satur­ o LbNWOOD PLAYGROUND — 9:00 to 12:00. l&m- 8-10. "PILOT NO, FIVE," "STRANGER. IN TOWN." day $2.50. Closed Monday. August 11-14. “APPOINTMENT . IN, BERLIN.”. “ HENRY. day through Friday. ALDRICH SWINGS. IT," August 1647. — JLtAWiatfl —. as xr. in street, y ll)burn ^Mlllbum 6--1724) SOUTH MOUNTAIN PLAYGROUND — 9:00 to 11:00. Newly and completely redecorated cocktail bar and res­ ★ SOUTH ORANGE taurant. . well-known for Italian spaghetti. Luncheon 76c, Dinner 91.00. Spaghetti and meat balls 66e. CAMEO glH NEW MILLBROOK — 200 Main Street, Millburn (Mill- “ STRANGER IN TOWN." "CRASH DIVE," Tyrone burn 6-1476). Specialising in Itallan-Amerio&n foods served In the new Victory Room. A la carte. A popular spot BIG." August 11-13. "THE MORE THE MERRIER," Jean BOOKSm for banquets and parties. Arthur, Charles Coburn; ‘MURDER IN TIMES SQUARE," August 14-17. PALS CABIN — Prospect and Eagle Reck Avenue. West Orange (ORange 18-6638) Pine room setting famoua MILLBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY hours: Monday 10 A. ★ EAST ORANGE M. to 9 P. M.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and for oharcoal broiled steaks. Luncheon 60c - 75c. Dinner A Saturday 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Children’s Department la carte. Steaks from 91r00 - 95.00. will be open from 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. dally and 10 A. HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrison. M. to 6 P. M. on Saturday. WILLIAM PITT TAVERN — 24 Main Street. Chatham. (Chatham 4,0610) A widely known luncheon and dinner "BATAAN," Robert Taylor, August 6-11. "HUMAN SEA POWER IN CONFLICT, by Paul Schubert Here COMEDY," Mickey Rooney, A ugust 1248. is a clean-cut, double-barreled account of thC navies and rendezvous. Luncheon 60e. Dinner 96c -91.10. Sunday dinner the naval actions In the present war; clean-cut -because It 91.10. Supper 25o. ★ ORANGE Is clearly and economically written, double-barreled be­ cause that .is the way Mr. Schubert planned it. ~ ~MlHtom^Ltbrary"-hr making every effort -to become a EMBASSY, 49 Main Street. "WAR INFORMATION CENTER." W ith local blackouts. . gasoline- rationing . and—other events bringing home to us "2USTSR ' BIG,” "ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY,"| the fact that-w e are at war. people are interested In eoch« Pierre Aumont, Susan Peters, August 6-7. “ THIS LAND titles as WHAT THE CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IS MINE,1*- " fiUCKSKIN JBONTIER.1 ’ August 8-10. "FIVE CIVILIAN DEFENSE by Walter D. Blnger and Hilton H. GRAVES TO CAIRO," “JITTERBUGS," August 11-14. Bailey. This practical, up-to-date series Includes other book's on WHAT THE CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW awyttp ★ IRVINGTON WYOMING CLUB — Club dinner, second- Saturday of SANFORD, Springfield Avenue~at.S«nford. "WEEP NO MORE. MY LADY,1* by Alvin F. Harlow. each month at 7 p, M. Games- and entertainment follow. The book of Kentucky and her people has the stamp of ----- "THE MORE ,.THE. MERRIER. .V , authenticity without ‘‘the dust, of the archives. The cracker MEN'S NIGHT a t Wyoming Club every Monday night Coburn; "MURDER IN TIMES SQUARE," August 740. barrel,has contributed, no less than the steel stacks. The Bridge, ping pong and other games, * P M. "MY FRIEND FLICKA," "NIGHT PLANE FROM author switches comfortably from his own experiences to CHUNGKING.” R o b ert Preston. ^Otto Kniger. A ugust, 11-13. fictional narrative , to anecdote, but the total impression "BATAAN," Robert Taylor; "TAXI MISTER.” William is that of a book of anecdotes told with swinging gusto. Bendlx, Joseph Sawyer, August 1447. WHEN NEXT WE MEET, by Kelta Lambert. Whj« Tom Manley m ade up his mind that the girl — whose hair CASTLE, 1115 Clinton Avenue. was the color of straw and reminded him of harvest Unit in Sweden — was bored with her dancing partner, lie cut "MISTHR BIO." "ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY," in and waltzed her over to the bar- Over old-fathlonedi Pierre Aumont, Susan Peters, August 6-7. "STRANGER IN they Introduced themselves informally-—Tom and Mona. It's TOWN,” "CRASH DIVE," Tyrone Power, Anne Bavter, a story of the younger generation, taking Ufe as they August 8-10. "TAHITI HONEY.' ’ Simona Simon. Dennis C3tni0,*f J M I it? which 1? « $ JflWHyi A* carefree as they like to CHILDREN’S Parade an d Field -Day; Taylor Park. Wed- pretend...... •—...... % r • —^ — • • ■ e **** Tftsday, Angus!. tithT Z Z ^ l Three Gala Shopping Days To Buy The Things You Need At Prices You’ll Willingly Pay SUMMIT CUMMER OF COMMERCE AND ASSOCIATED MERCHANTS TO-SPONSOR THIRD ANNUAL SUMMIT DATS

ih e.ea.iest way to lick inflation is to buy the tK u m m lt 1 r j l s r a 4 th.e % against inflation.

PARK FREE FARE REFUND YOU CAN DRIVE TO SHOP. YOU KNOW! ROUND T R I P BUS o r RAILROAD fare wilt be refunded to o u t- £ town shoppers (within a radius of 25 miles) who attend SUMMIT D A Y S. Y our sales s lip s from any of the stores mLOTS, one m located att the rear of 37 MAPLE STR®^pTa"ds^ |^ " Aue 12, 13 o r 14 is all you need. Bring them to T H E SUMMIT between the LIBRARY and Y. M. C. A., also on MAPLE STREET. HERALD OFFICE, 357 SPRINGFIELD AVE., and get your refund.

PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS ’Public Service A & P Food Stores Hahn’s Market Hill City Delicatessen Rogers’ Coal and Lumber Co. American Stores Root’s Department Store Hollywood Shop, Babs Shop, The (Dresses) Root’s Men’s Store Bedrosian Rug Company Jeanette’s Dress Shop Schlosser,-fi. L., Cleaners Bilt-Rite Store Johns’Manville, Home Insulation Sears, Roebuck k Co. Busch & Son, Jewelers Division Spitzer’s Dress Shop Canoe Brook Farms George Bros., Rugs Strand Theater . Carroll’s Department Store Geddis’ Mobil Service Station Style Shop Charline’s Cut Rate Drugs Grand Union Summit Federal Savings & Loan Ass n Central Market, Inc. King’s Market Summit Hardware Co. Citizens Trust Company Summit Shoe Shop ..-Lyric Theater- B L ___ — Claudine G.Nicholson, Dressesand Summit Trust Co. Manser’s Hardware Columbia Cleaners Sweet'Kleen , Inc. Corby’s Enterprise Lanndry Mantel’s Department Store McElgunn’s Men’s Shop Trost’s Bakery ** D e te o r : r : Whelan Drug Co., Inc. Mills & Grayer, Doyle Fnmiturer Company Woolworth, F. W. & Cov W. D. Murphy, Music Shop Employee’s Personal Loan Wonder Store Nee Dell Shoe Shop First National Bank & Trust Company SZeigner’s Furniture Store B. H. Frumkin, Inc. | Public Fruit Exchange BUY WHERE YOU SEE THE “SUMMIT DAYS” INSIGNIA mtt m f f m f ' ist i, 6,l9J i943| >- < k>o o o o o o « ooooooooooo <>o o o o


Ml Main Street



H eal for the Man In Sendee J - • or Children Going to Camp $ T Boxed Kit Contains Indelible Ink, Ink Pad, W e'll Soon Be On the SheU and a Rubber Stamp of Your Own Name

food . . wen -J gSSLlLm al.. MiDbum & Short Hills Item, Miilburn, N. J. I want an Indelible Stamping Kit with a rubber stamp It*. It is given away free a t om Fufntibn and Conservation eenters. of the name, 'p i m i ,Tr.d%sF-HvicE I will call for the Kit after one week. Mail the Kit to me at: buy united states war savings bonds or stamps

(Add 10c for Postage) □ Remittance enclosed □ Charge ==4 BH? to j The Millburn & Short Mills ITEM ""^pAugu^t 6, it

asked ahd vrtll-cQntinue to seMfe aftec the war and because the D e fe n s e neighborly programs sponsored >000000000000 by the Community War Ser­ vices Division win be • continued •*Th« time has come," the Walrus . W IL L B U R N & in " l o talk of many things; throughout the years to come.” Of ehoep — and ships - and . ITEM He pointed out that under' 0if cabbages — and kings.” SHORT HILLS ■ >000000000000 The News the Community War Services various agencies, in many com­ (Official Notices of mot tines, Founded In 1888 ~ courses, dates and general Informa­ m unities, working" toward th e , tion in regard to Local Defense will samp end^ are working together — befoumi la thls-ooHtBM^ eaflh etorttfr— THE T^ITC^BURN and- S&ORT HILLS fTEM ii pubHsbed every Friday by in Mrmdn^ltoE^FTiBl^ffilfeti The Item Publishing and Printing Company, a corporation, at 249 Main There will be no meeting-of The Bee is & 4>usy little soul fc— ------Street, Millburn, N; J. Editor, H. Q. More. Advertising Manager,______. Zone Wardens during August. cooperation, a c c o m p lis h in g Willard H. Baetzner. Official newspaper of the Township of Millbarh. things -with speed and efficien­ no time for birth p*-'-*- Subscription rates, by mall, postpaid; One year two dollars; iiz months, The Defense Council will meet control. . ope dollar; payable In advance. Single copies five cents each. Entered cy. --- r~ in the Post Office In Millburn,. N. J„ as Second-Clao^Mall Matter. as usual, however, on the sec­ "So that is why in times like ond Thursday in the month...... it...... these, • Editor, The Item: We have so many Sons of Bees. Local OCD forces met a num­ “AhWildemess AhRagweed,. Price Enforcement —— ------— ■fcABYANOlf ber of planned incidents last and several more ahs i f you * zJ-, The Office of Price Administration this week calls on all might with, their customary ef­ want ’em...... -c- Lady, you don’t know the residents to aid the local nation Board Price Panel by reporting ficiency and alertness. The In­ We have both the wilderness half of it, but Levi Price can it- to it any violations of pricey ceilings. cidents were planned to test and the ragweed and now is. give you the whole family his­ .1 Whether or not . this is the answer to price control and to local forces as part of the rou­ the time to rob the latter of tory. holding the cost of living within bounds Is debatable, but at least tine training. its sting. a ~ -it is the only step loft tn pnnaunpre. ahn mnre and more arp Pearce Chauncey has been The Township -recently en­ — “Contrary to general belief a' feeling the pinch. acted an ordinance calling for ‘Bee Tree’ is a geneological rec- irr*--- There may be doubts as to the entire OPA program but so appointed as the new radio aide by the Defense Council, -clearing-of weedy and ord of -the offspring ofApts long as its heads think they are right, the public can try to make areas, work to be done by own­ Mellifica,” says the Township it work and see what happens. and his appointment con­ firmed by the FCC In Wash­ ers or by the community, at Engineer. One thing can be accepted as certain, we can do our own • ington. He replaces John J. Van owner expense. - snooping or let the government add an army of priee spies to the “Sons, daughters and all the N. King, whose duties as com­ • I have seen plenty of rag­ ^ present topheavy federal pay roll. It will be cheaper to do our own. rest are proud of it and jealous, munications officer have be­ weed heading for flower, but as you’H- find if you turn the Tz ★ come so extensive, they now oc­ has anyone seen any notices to leaves.” cupy all his available time. growers, that the nuisance W in The War, Save America Too • must be abated? j know how some folks feel A gas reconnaisance meeting Between taxes, shortages and about; bees but me, I ’m differ- “Four ..Freedoms” discussion may be something to take the was held last week, at which prlces we all have reason enj. j gUess, “Leave ’em lay" is __minds of conquered peoples off their immediate troubles but Am­ -tone r Chairman A , Q, Walker enough for weeping without myffiotto aftd ail I expect or swore in the new squad. ericans are fast awakening to a danger that threatens all, not M .fev« being added, to the want from .them fertilize-- — just fo y of their long cherished liberties. Continued use of Board of list. the1 tomat, cuke *and squash This threat lies in the growth of bureaucracy, setting up two Education controlled property Mow them down friends and blossoms. segments of our population, drones and workers. .Our is a two in Millburn avenue, was granted neighbors ere every breeze car­ party system and here sefemingly, are the two ready to supplant Bom* folks resort to them as .Tuesday— might- for Victory ries a sneeze.______present Republican and Democratic- designations. Gardens next year. The action RED EYE a cure for rheumatics but this — Senator. Harry .F,.-Byrd, Democpftt of- Vtrginia, notes clearly came ih response to an inquiry * looks too much like jumping the trend that had its beginning with the New Deal, and says of by Committeeman Harold M. Editor, The Item: out of the frying pan into the it: Kain, who said that tenants As I scan The Item I wonder fire. “In Massachusetts there are 21,000 state employees. Federal • would want to plow this Fall in at local merchants hiding‘their -.... I never was really mad a t bees employees there total 129,000. In Pennsylvania there are 44,500 anticipation of using the same light under a bushel. state employees; 215,000 federal employees. The State .government ..but once and that was when -plots again. Practically every resident one bit me below the . of Wyoming employs 1100 people. The federal government’s 'pay need is available here, but none roll in Wyoming is 6200. •Despite cheering news from would sense It from reading Even then verse was furthest “With over three million civilian employees—exclusive of the the war fronts it would be the the home newspaper. from' my thoughts. army and -navy—our federal government-now has-mere -persons— height of folly “for us to relax Residents long invlted ' and “------,----«----- on the taxpayers’ payroll than the combined total of all the em­ for a moment the vigilant pro­ schooled to shop abroad are At that bees are a blessing ployees of all the 48 states plus all the employees of all the coun­ tection on the home front,” continuing despite travel han­ and without them there try’s county and municipal governments. In the last war the ratio Leonard Dreyfuss, State Civilian dicaps, largely because home wouldn’t be any Victory Fair was one civilian government employee to five soldiers. The ratio Defense Director, warns Local shops and stores fail to grasp in Millburn next month. Council chairmen. * now Is one civilian employee to 2Vfe soldiers. their opportunity to gain new __ Gardeners have had back “The successful progre^ -of -v----- “Fifty-five per cent of those persons are not directly engaged customers and good will th at aches enough without going in the war effort. Since July, 1939, more -than two years before the war," he said, “seems to will endure after peace returns. from blossom to blossom polo- Pearl Harbor, the federal government has increased the number have raised doubtslntheminds In two years - residencein nizing each one to fruitfulness, of its new employees almost 50 per sent every six months. Despite of some as to the value -or Millburn I have found it a self • • ...recommendations to the contrary from Congress, the peak is no­ necessity for the Civilian De­ contained not once had com­ ....i t has* been-done- but few are where in sight. fense organizations. Let us look munity. My education could endowed with Burbank patience “These representatives of accumulated executive power have at this thing squarely. Our have progressed much faster or skill. j now set up shop in every state and in .every nook and comer of military strategists tell us the with judicious advertising co­ • the country. Bureaucracy, rabbit-wise, is self multiplying. The enemy will attack when least Anyway, when there’s so operation. much war work and canning, - consequences of its fecundity are everywhere apparent. expected. There is always the MRS. C. J. D. why not let nature have this “This bureaucracy is not elected by the people. It Is not re­ likelihood of & bombing when the German High Command job as the Lord intended. sponsible to the people. It does not answer for its acts-~at-■ the- Editor, The Item: # polls. Yet it wastes the people’s money, flouts the will of the peo- makes up its mind that it is The thanks of the community It is microscopic stuff at best 'elected representatives and--down to the li^ ,''q p ggroiu!lg^','VP'-— neeessary - t o -bolster cracking- should go"out to Messrs Orben, " and if the New Deal has"'over"' lage and farm—is extending its power over the people’s lives.” German morale.” Hill and The Item, All three looked paying an army of gov­ 7 Senator Byrd, seeing the danger of losing America at the same He said he had heard many have performed heroicly in ernment fertilizers already, council chairmen and others time we are winning the war, adds in closing: beating the mosquito plague. then lay off. | “It is a matter of no less importance to see to it that, while say a good bombing would be No one thought the insect war ...... * *• the war is being won, America— the America we have known and a fine thing to bolster the mo­ would come to an end in 1943 There are plenty,of probiscises • -eur fighting men believe in—is not lost. That America can be lost. rale of civilian defense volun­ but the enemy is surrendering being stuck into everything . Even now I believe that only a great upsurge of national indig­ teers’. by the million as a result of now without bringing that up. “I don’t think we need a nation against this Frankenstein monster and of national demand propaganda effort alone. __I didn’t think rwe’d heard or ■ for a return to represen tative,responsible government can save it.”_ bombing to be good citizens,” It is -the old story, ‘'attack is he said. “We went into Civilian seen "tiie last- of the Wyoming __ i t the best defense.” It has worked horse troubles, and so it seems. Defense to save our country on the home front, is progress­ ! Earlier in the year various State agencies expressed fears that from a repetition o f Pearl Har­ ...... ------i ...... gasoline rationing would cut tremendously into State revenues de- ing in Italy and will encompass .. “You can lead a horse to bor — we resolved we wduld all our enemies ih time. water but you can’t make him . rived from motor vehicle license fees and other department never again be caught flat- ■-sources, but according to Motor Vehiclp Commissioner Magee rev- When one stops to think th at , drink,” and visa versa. footed. I think the 600,000 per- each of us, man, woman and — Why not make the best of - enues have already surpassed the most optimistic estimates. The sops in Civilian Defense in New : Motor Vehicle Department fixed the estimated revenue for 1943 at child would Tiave had to swat a bad situation and bring the Jersey..are.—steadfast patriots •at-iessrT^ 'Wyoming rodeo to the Victory $16,687,<)9&.-In-hi3 budget message GovernorEdisoh reduced this and will see the job through : figure to $14,487,000, and the appropriation committee made a to accomplish what has been Fair! until the Axis surrenders un­ done by the above named- then " • further cut to $14.4i2,000. conditionally.” ...... — * ' irj------' comes full understanding of These members, of Junior Red It was expected that many motorists would lay up their cars He declared that he believed ’’ because of the gasoline situation. Instead the rush for renewals the wear and tear not to men­ Cross have been acting as S taif- Civilian Defense will pay last­ tion^ discomfort, we ' have Assistants during the jm m m er; ; prior to and after the deadline of March 31 was the greatest in. ing dividends through “knowing the department’s history. The result Is that, as of June 10, the escaped. Peggy Bailey, Ratty Callahan, our neighbors better; because :- - - J. K. W. Jean Foulkes, Joan Shepard.. | Motor Vehicle Department has taken in a grand total of $17,720,- large industrial plants have Patty Tnnle arid Marv Jane Ui; ; 209, nearly 23 per cent more than anticipated by the appropriation learned- rthe value of the a ir — rppe. They are working at the ; committee, and this is expected .to inferease materially before the raid warden system and will Adolph, Benito and Hirohito desks and have permitted the L_close of the fiscal year. This Is good-news^-and it would be well never be without it in peace —the three blind mice. Make Staff Assistants Cbrps-to keep , for the State to conserve, this additional revenue for p«a»ntini pur. time; because auxiliary police them run with ten percent of poses.— Paterson C'lUnidu - ■ ——— - your Income- in War Bonds all desks covered in spite of and auxiliary firemen will be every p ay d a y .- _ ...... some members being away. Augttlt ^ - i943 ] The MtilhumMSMt ffllilTEM [ P ag e n j GQQ&0l&0&00&0Q0Q0OO&Q&OO&OOOOOO<>OOQOOG0: een and sheTtaklflgmjr' be=~ privates in the Marine Corps. The Miller during his senior ing overseas like A trooper. She Norman 'Cohen Cohen is the son of Mr. and year, and was also active on LetterrJFrm^ has had a couple of nervous Mrs. Morris L. Cohen and was the tennis team. breakdowns and the flu—other-- Men In Service wise she is okey. A t Muhlenberg graduated from the Mlllbum RED CROSS WORK&Jt My Mom and Dad live up on High School with this year’s North .Africa, July 16 the Turnpike. Dad -works at Training to become an of­ class. He served as editor of needed for surgical dressings; This is Red~Bmith again — the Fandango Mill and Mom ficer in the United States I just wrote you a Yrmail let­ keeps house'Tor them — She Navy, Norman H. Cohen of 18 t e r — but as I have a lot more did-work when I was home. She Parkview Drive, is now a mem­ MILLBURN, N. J. “•fra to-jay- I'm w riting, again. 1 wanted m r to - finish high ber of the Navy V-12 unit sta- Minute* ’ Walk from Lackawanna £ 1 haven’t got an envelope as yet school badly. 6 he‘s tfie ‘ most tioned on the campus of Muh­ B. Station and P. 8. Boa Stop at Mlllborn —*------BuT n r flnd~tmer Alao excuse patriotic person I know — she lenberg college in Allentown. writing and both sides being loves both of us boys deariy— Pennsylvania. Phone Short Hills 7-3601 ~ covered with my scribbling. yet when Tom wanted to enlist, The unit, composed of 455 Frank Carrington, Director There is a shortage Of paper prospective officers for the she let him. She knows how we weeks ending August lltii) so I try to conserve as much as all feel and she feels the same. Navy or Marine Corps, has been I can. I’m mighty careful about She puts almost 60 percent in in training since July 1. Men HELEN CLEASON- a n d DONALD g a g e whaf_T “Wflte- a r" th e -c e n 8or ' war ixrads: My"snratte£t-brother—assigned!. to_.. the—Muhlenberg ------IN THE GAY, DASHING OPERETTA doesn’t have to cut dolls out of Pete has a job for. the sum­ station have the rating "ol ap -‘ my letters. mer — $10 a week — he’s only prentice seamen in the Navy or “COUNTESS MAHITZA" Well. I have filled up my 15 or he would be in the army Hook And lyrics by Harry B. Smith—Music by Kmcrich Kalmaa pipe and flexed the muscles of too. He spend* most of his DR GEO. A. KAEGI Wednesday and Saturday, 8:85i 55c, 85c, $1.18 my right arm and rolled up my money for stamps and bonds. EYES. 8:85: 85c, $1.10, $i;«S, $8.8# SURGEON CHIROPODIST TICKETS at nox Office and Krcwo Department Store, Newark sleeves -— so you can expect a. Hoot, by appointment Bo»> Office Open at 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. No Sunday F crfo m w aP long letter from me at this and there must be a million Tueodajr — Thursday — Saturday Even. 8:85 Sharp (Over a t 10:50). 'M kl«.;8:88 Sharp (Orcr at 4,5$). time. m Mlllborn Awe., Woolworth Bldg, other families back home the Phone MlUburn M id i The French — The "Free” same way, so you can under­ French — celebrated Bastille stand why we will win the war. day — the French Independence We have so much to go home day — the fourteenth day of to. - __ ...... -____ July. In “Occupied” Franee the That’s about all for now — French couldn’t celebrate. Their so HI close, People—don’t let “Protectors" said—“It is wrong us down and I’ll guarantee you to celebrate Bastile day — only we won’t leave you down. We fools want freedom!” Ah broth­ can’t afford to. We’ll win this er what a fool I am and thirty war dam quick now — America milHnn more Americans — but is “all out” on production sched­ I think we Uke being fools. — ules and her fighting forces are it’s so mucH Tiiih: one thlng ’the gaEMKg hew Victories every day . great Protectors are learning— With the help of God — and we don’t fool when we fight. our undying faith and belief The Ethlopeans — who Mus- that man was created to live sie wanted to protect — Want" and die as free men — Amer- very much to help ue -protect lca"wili survtve- this ordeal and Mussle in our own quaint little any that may come in the fur way. They would very much ture. like to help invade Mussie’s “THE RED HEAD” little Island or boot — and do Cpl. Henry L. Smith a little protecting. I, for one soldier — and I’ve ★ been one for three years next THE MINDS of some people month—am very very glad to are packed with unorganized w America isn’t like Germany information. as far as treatment of prison­ ers is concerned. The Germans I'm an O -P -R and Italians are like bad boys VITAMINS that need chastising — and Wortsel Bros. Beg. Ph. G. shown that peace is the way of Central Cut Rate Although I’m hot a W AC or WAVE, life not war. From what I hear ____DRUG STORK MARINJE, WAF, WIRE or SPAR- they are learning the Ameri­ 323 Mill burn Ave. cans aren't .brutal like they I am the girl that helps ’em all, were told. I hope I live to see For Tm an O-P-R. the day -When world peace is a reality — not only a dream. , I’ve given three years of my USED CARS I plug the calls that speed the bombs, life to that dream — three years Build planes, and ships, and tanks— of training and actual service WAF because I think our way of life To keep ’em flying, floating, fighting— is the best in the world. God BOUGHT I’m plugging for the Yanksi has looked upon us and I think even He agrees with me. — Youhave already.-karoed I’m FORCASH I wear no uniform, you say, a married man — have been "t f f j jlWfty my^lagfcf'-- - since October 27, 1942-and I’ve been overseas all- but three I need no uniform, I say, weeks of that time. Jackie — A headset’s all I ask. my wife — works for th e Tele­ phone Co. — d ie is an opera­ Although I’m not a W AC or WAVE, tor while I’m a telephone line­ Wells man for Uncle Sam’s Army. MARINE, WAF, WIRE or 5PAR- She’s swell — Sh,e is only eight­ Cadillac - OldsmobUe Co. I am the girl that helps ’em all. For I’m an O-P-R. 25 Vose Avenue SOUTH ORANGE SEAR “See The Marks Bros.” Next Poor to_ Post Office RADIO SALES CORP. 3S1 u a b n A M W f- S. O. 2*7069 Millbum 6-0015----- AND working with the 8500 telephone XX operators in New Jersey central offices providing service vital to the nation’s war effort—-are* 6500 skilled men and women in more than 200 other kinds of telephone -fobs. They wear the Telephone Emblem of .essential war service shown at right


By Edith Clifford .M r. and Mrs. La Monel spent _ , , , l i ttle ' week-end in Short HiSs JVftllhlJt'fl ■ # lth Mr. La Mond’s parents. 1 Y 1 rffiter guests-ofthe La Mead 's - Mrr «»d-Mrs. David H. Wolfe were Mr. and Mrs. Ttadger of 11 Douglas street, will spend Nichols of. Jackson Heights, L. the week-end in Winsted, Conn. JL, who accompanied the young They will visit Mr. and Mrs. ^ y a le to Kennebunknort. Maine E. Weston Roberts of Edendale, for several days. formerly of Chestnut street. gi Ml«c Ja n ia Klmhall nf Linden — Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stoeckle street and Miss Audrey Kerr of and daughter Sally Jane of 15 Clinton place,- departed on BodweU terrace, have returned -Wednesday for Springfield, O., from Ocean Grove, where they to visit the former’s brother, spent a two weeks’ vacation. Air Corps Student, Bob Kim­ • ball, who is attending Witten­ Harry W, _Wimmer, son of berg College. They will be gone Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wimmer week. of 17 Blaine, street, is taking itp p l • his Naval training at the New­ Donald Redman, son of Mr. port Naval Training Base, New­ and Mrs. N. Redman of Cy­ port, R. I. press street, has returned from * -Camp Ken-etiwa-pec, where he The marriage of Miss Vera spent two weeks; M. LeMoine, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. Harry J. Le Moine of Naval Aviation Cadet Jack- 170 Baitusrol avenue, Spiring-' son Allan Riker, son of Mr. field, formerly of Millburn, to ----JXIXUa n d Mrs. George Riker of Reeve Pfc. Thomas L. Economy, son jele, has been transferred of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Economy inT Naval Air Station \ Lake- of South Orange, vriTl takopfice — hurst,—to—Moffett Field, pal:,— August 7tb at a p M ln the for further training, j First Presbyterian and Trinity •...... Church, South Orange. Returning last Saturday from a two weeks’ vacation at Madi­ The bride-elect is a graduate of Millburn High School. Pfc. son Beach, Madison, Conn., Beonemy—is-&- graduate of St were Mr. and Mrs. G. Noyes Benedict and the Diesel School ONE OF THE 1948~ flower arrangements-compactly - designed b y -Horaoo Head, which-U- -Slayton and their daughters, ’gay withdut pretention; Roses, several varieties of chrysanthemums and bouvardla are accented the Misses Lucene and Carolyn of Engineering,- Newark, He is stationed at Fort Hancock. by richly ctilored croton leaves. ‘ Slayton of 438 Wyoming ave­ • nue. Rudolph Szmans of 88 Rec­ included the Misses Janis Kim­ the intersection of the center line of • tor street, who left Monday for Forest Drtve and Park Place, said point ORDER TO LIMIT Miss Marjorie Nicol of 89 ball, Barbara Coburn and Bar­ being marked by a cross cut: in the rhn "Linden street, has concluded a the Merchant . Marine, is sta­ bara Wilson, of Millburn and of a sewer manhole; thehce fllfifiifig tioned at Sheepshead Bay, New along the center line of Forest Drive visit in May, with her Nancy Waterman and Frances south thirty- three degrees fifty min­ York. His brother -Emil is a utes west one hundred twenty-three Pursuant to the •order of EUGENE F. uncle and aunt. Her mother, Caniffe of Short Hills. and seventy-nine hundredths feet to an HOFFMANN, Surrogate of the County sergeant in the U. S. Army. "7 . i i , t .______iron bolt maridng the beginning of a of Essex, this day made, on the appli­ kfrs. Norman G. Nieol, has also ...... • ...... ' curve to the southeast having a radius cation of the undersigned, Administra­ visited there recently. Pvt. John R. Dover, who Is of two hundred twenty-four and thtrty- tor of said deceased, notice is hereby Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frenderick - given to the creditors- of said deceased. » stationed at the Dartmouth one hundredths feet; thence southerly __ and daughter Paula of Cape - along said curve to- the southeast twenty-.. to exMiblt to the subscriber under oath Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trautner Marine Base, spent last week­ Court spent a few days last owe gnTt~~-TiiTraty=Blx —hundredths -feet; ■ Or. - affirmation^ -their claims and de­ Of Glen avenue, are spending end with his mother, Mrs. Lena thence along lands of the Hartshorn mands against the estate of said de­ week with Mrs, Frenderick’s Estate south fifty-seven degrees - twelve ceased, within six months from this a week in the Poconos. M. Dover and family of Park- minutes east two hundred eighteen and date; o r they trill be forever barred fruin J ...... * ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. ninety-two hundredths feet; thence along prosecuting o r recovering the same view drive. lands of H. Edmiston north • thirty-' against the subscriber. - Word has been received by Crane of - Lahaska, Pa. * three degree fifty minutes east' ' one JOHN D. MILLEK Mrs. H. E. Shreeve of 88 Lin­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Garri- hundred forty-five and five tenths feet Harry Silverstein, Proctor to the center of Park Place; thence along 64 Main Street. den street, that her son, Her­ gal of Greenwood drive have the center line of Park- Place, north fifty- Millburn, N. J. seven degrees twelve minutes west two July 30. Aug. 6. 13, 20.' 27 bert Prescott Shreeve, U.S.A., concluded a three week’s va­ hundred twenty feet to the BEGINNER. -w hoIs on active duty overseas, cation-at the Jersey shore, — B^ing known a s No. 10 Forest Drive Short Htlte,-N...... - ...... has been promoted from Lieu­ The approximate amount of the de­ A ten days’ stay ln Manto- LEGAL NOTICE cree to be satisfied' by said sale is the tenant to Captain. sum of Eight Thousand One Hundred loking has ended for Mr. and — (Phan care—B-E&------On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. T. Mets and their SHERIFF’S SALE — In Chancery—o f 160.92), together with the costs of this New Jersey. Between Guerdon , W. sale. ___ Philip Lewis of 51 Chestnut daughters, the Misses Ruth Whittaker, e t fnstr, | complainant, and Newark, N. J., July 2.6th, 1943. street will leave to spend a and Dorothy Mets of Gr6en_- Katharine M\ Henshaw, St al., defend- GEORGE BEICKER, Sheriff. ants. FI fa!', for sale of mortgaged McCarter. English & Egner, Sol’rs. week in Avon, Betty and Alice wood drive. . - premises. $21.42 Farrar, daughters of Lt. Col. IP By virtue of the above stated write of Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27 ' Joan Forbes, daughter of fieri facias, to me directed, I shall ex­ B. B. Farrar who are with the pose for sale :by public vendue at the the John G. Forbes of Green­ Court House, in Newark, on Tuesday, Lewises for the duration, are the thirty-first day of August next, at wood drive, will return tomor­ visiting their grandfather, Col. two o’clock P. M., all the 'following row from Camp Nyoda, Oak tract or parcel of land and premises Frederick Osterman in San hereinafter particularly described, sit­ MILLBURN Ridge, where she speftt the Past uate. lying and being in the Township M 4-0800 e Diego, California. of Millburn, Essex County. New Jersey. #■...... six. weeks. BEGINNING at a point formed by LAST SHOWINGS Captain Ralph B. Maust and ...... Today and Tomorrow Our high-grade coal will wife and son Ralph, Jr., and Miss Gloria Schwartz of Ridgewood road, entertained at Back tjie attack by upping “FIVE GRAVES jits , Louis Streit of Nashville, yonr payroll sayings your TO CAIRO” give you trouble-free a house party last week-end at yery next payday. Measure Tennessee, were recent guests “TAHITI HONEY” heating. of tha^Captain's parents, Mr. the Schwartz summer home in yonr savings by yonr new Shore Acres. Those attending higher Income. Sun, Mon. Tues., Aug. #, 9, 10 and Mrs. Robert W. Maust of RODDY McDOWALL — 155 Sagamore road. PRESTON FOSTER J- - a ...... W " ‘ “MY FRIEND FLICKA” Avis Hummel of 87 Elm street, (In Technicolor) PLUS miLLBURn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. “NIGHT PLANE FROM giimmaf is spending-the month **# Valle, Street, Sooth O ru te CHUNGKING” of August at Pocono Camp, South g ran g e 2-4000 ROBERT PRESTON—ELLEN DREW COWL Lake Greeley, Pa. • Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sato . Aug. 11, 12, 13, 14 FIREPROOF JEAN ARTHUR-JOEL MeCREA “THE MORE THE ' 9 M l M ! N S T . RADIO REPAIRS 4 BOMB PROTECTED MILLBURN 6 0 0 0 8 “ge* The Marks Bros.” On Same Program RADIO BALES CORP. “MURDER IN NIGHT PHONE SUMMIT M209-J S B MUlbani A iea n STORAGE TIMES SQUARE” — EDMUND LOWS — COAL - COKE - FUEL OIL I Millbum - § # £ . -MARGARET rJiePM.M - \ A u g S p l P S 4 3 j * T h tMillburn & Short m & W m | P«ge 13+::

Gtrh Speak : if; > To Rotarians

Rotarians heard an unusual JSf. (Continued front Page one) group of speakers at their • meeting on' Tuesday at the Sgt. Smith: Wai -bdtn 'here,- 1 J I j ' juiy 14, 191$. He was graduated Chanticler, when Recreation from Millbiiirn High School In Supervisor George H. Bauer 1934. In high school he was brought three of his .playground an all-around athlete and~ was supervisors to tell the buslness- captaln o f tfta football team. - meil of their work. News dispatches October 8, The three girls, all graduates mentioned him as “one who of Millbum High Scafobl last got his dap." . June,' ate Lb® Ruth Thevenet, and Charlotte Ren- Sgt. Smith’s two brothers are ard. also In service. Pvt. Lloyd R. ANY ONE OF THE six-different Jars and closures shown' here -is. in .the Army at-E art Bragg, There’s little, if anything, w iltkeepyour canned-food "“8hlp-3fa&pe.u"Type3-pietofed4netude CORNSOMETI^ brown" N. C. and Pvt. Emerson R. is to compare with the deli* 1. “Lightning type” jar sealed with bail down. during processing, because the with the Army'Air Forces at dons taste of redtly freak Chicago. A sister, Mrs. Lillian 2. Jar with three-piece lid: small rubber ring, glass disc, and high temperature causes a car- La Rocca, lives in Mlllburn. a metal screw band. melization of the sugar In the vegetables—'cooked short* 3. Jar with a zinc top, porcelain-lined — no longer being corn. ly after they’ve been taken manufactured,______THEDODQEBfl still-lead the from the garden. £ ‘‘Lightriing type” jar again unsealed: Recreation Department’s * Jun­ S T A T I 0 N E R Y ior Baseball league as a result 5.. Jar With self-sealing metal disc fastened on with a screw FOR HOME, SCHOOL OR OFFICE of their two wins In the past band. That’s only one of the re­ week. They subdued the Car­ 6. The commercial jar which can be re-used with the addl- — TOY8 — wards of. a successful Vic­ dinals and the Phillies. The tion of a self-sealing metal disc which fits into the old top after GREETING CARDS tory Garden. Others are* Phijlies triumphed over the the.paper lining has been remnved.______.. ■...... • 7. A .wlde-mouth “lightning type” jar. ALPE1TS Cards to hang on to second 46 MAIN STREET MI 6-0814 • Plenty of fresh, whole­ place.------* - . ....* some vegetables for your family during the sum- and fall—and enough to store for winter.

• You will be somewhat in­ dependent of food ration- ing.

• You will release more food for our fighting men. V There’s nothing to com­ pare with pure, fresh wa­ ter. There’s no substitute for it. For your health’s sake, drink plenty of it and take a daily bath.

Commonwealth Water Co.

• Hammermill Bond Typewriter Paper is clean and uaable down to the last sheet, -. Its pleasing appearance and adaptability to typewriting, car­ bon copies and pen or pencil work account for its popularity in thou­ sands of homes and office*.------Box of 500 Sheets

$ 1 . 5 0

Telephone Millburn 6-1200 Mlllhiirn ft ab ort HfflB ltero^ 249 Main St. Millburn, N. J.


The Taylor Park Toughtes w SPORTS . 8 beat the South Mountain Slug, gers In a girls’ softball game at Taylor Park on Monday. The AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES final, score after all adding machines were checked, YESTERDAY children from was a to a. all Township playgrounds at- X i d s D a y -tended the NewarkBears-Mon-- Tile game lasted five innings, troal Royals baseball • game at *and -um pire Prank Horack! after supervising for several Wfa R u p p e r t Stadium as the guests W ednesday of the Bears’ management. Bill- hours,-decided it . was time to quit and go home. It Is rumored “ * A "big day for Hie SJds Slid Winner w?s in charge- fer the Recreation Department. .'].. that a recount la being de­ their parents Is planned by the manded. ' ^Recreation Department for ------— rn ^ m a ttesdsy, August l l t hrA s a- --- ■— - — rihnax to the summer play- g\y (^OaCTl and the questions were, there­ ground season, Recreation Di­ fore, quite different. Questions were on such subjects as: The rector George Bauer has T7' „ X7 ^ /-> e U n ll ~ planned a gala parade and f Ol T OOlDflll world situation, arrfied forces, ‘field day. World War H heroes, and nurs­ , The parade, leaving JVhit- Millbum High School’s foot­ JANET TIMKEN of Short Bills, one of the outstanding mem‘ ery rhymes. For those who tlngham terrace at 10 A. M. ball coaching staff will bebers of the WatChUng Lake Swimming Club wno a n on “ -sur­ -ave­ strengthened by appointments day to compete in a three day swimming meet at Tarboro, N. c. prise — consequences. nue, complete with , made Tuesday night by the this week-end. Hie consequences proved en­ —horses and floats, and thence Board of Education. Janet is entered in a special class of events for girls 14 years tertaining to everyone. One of . go down Main street to Tay- • Chester Scalzo of Long of age or under and is expected to be a strong contender for the the most amhsing was the one ~ lor Park, where a full day of Branch, a graduate of Missis* individual high point score award for this group. The events are, Donald Buffington was “award­ - events is planned. Children from sippi State College where he SO meters free style; 50 meters backstroke, 50 meters breaststroke ed,” Don had to bathe a b|by ~ all Township playgrounds will played tackle was engaged as and low-board dive. She should do especially well in the tack- doll in water with soap and ’.participate. physical education instructor stroke and dive for she has won Junior .N. J. A. A. U. Champion­ a wash cloth. After this he had Cm the schedule of events at $2,1Q0 salary. Arthur Nelson, ships in both these events. to carefully dry her and then are every thing from pie eat­ assistant last Fall to Bemie Miss Timken is also a member of the Watehung Ip k e Water pin on her . This last ing contests to baseball games. Piela football coach, was re­ Ballet Group which will give special exhibitions in Tarboro as well task produced howls from his Parents “are invited to bring engaged at $2,500. as at several Army Camps lncluding the Anny Air Base at Golds­ audience because Don had not ' 1 lunches ■ and m & keaa all-day fluperintendenAPattersM-said boro; N.G. 'Sr. rwfwMMwrna.*,! iy-j seen a pair of in about outing of it in the Park. The Scalzo, a sterling player in his ten years and he had quite for­ complete program appears else­ day, was a,likely line coach of gotten the method his mother where on the page. the gridiron squads He added had used. those duties might be comple- Playground Notes Benefit Game Two of South Mountains most -mented—with Nelson coaching “unfeminine” boys, Dickie Arm­ GLENWOOD — This past week, the backfield. This i Sunday’s baseball strong and Bob Evers, were -artK-and crafts crept up to the es~ Berth- Scalzo and Nelson, arc game a t Taylor Park betwoon- ■ given the Job -of washing -a- draft deferred. Scalzo for two same level of popularity as the Millbum Blues and the stack of glasses in two dish From Retirement years has been in the civilian sports and active games. The Newark Airport soldier team pgn» given them with nice service of the Signal Corps. girls made all sorts of things will be played as a benefit. soapy suds. All this, including Nelson, social studies tt-cher, wlthcrepe .paper — hair “doe”, The Firemen continued -to All proceeds from the col­ drying them until the glasses left the system in May ter en­ more whistle chains, flow- grip the lead in the Recreation lection will be turned over sparkled, was done blindfolded. ter the employ of Eastern Air­ pot covers. Department’s Men’s Softball to the Airport athletic fund. Leo Donovan and Barbara craft co. He is re-engaged now Then too we were copy-cats League when they batted out a Binder are South Mountain’s at an increased salary. and stole Taylor Park’s idea terrific 21 to 1 win over Beech- new rivals for the Quiz Kids. of making lapel pins out of sen, Joe Finley. croft on Tuesday evening. They both proved they not only corks. The cork is painted up “Gladiators” vs. "Wildcats” Mareantonio again was the know the “stuff” you learn in to look like a face and yellow “Wildcats” — Don Schroeder, pitching and batting star. school but also all about the B lu e s D r o p or brown wool is braided and Paul Shiman, Don Robertson, —Monday evening, Joe Coan world situation. Charles Bell used as hair then everything is Jack Faulks, Pablo Eisenber, -emerged from a five-year retire­ came in third and although he pinned or pasted together. The Leo Johnson, Peter Wetoert, ment, and climbed the hill to T w o M o r e Peter Straus, Leonard Gruber. is only five he afforded tough pitch for the Men’s Club against girls and even some younger “Gladiator” — Don Reutling- competition for the winners. the Police team. After a bar­ The Millbum Blues took it boys really love making them er, Roger King,. Richie Wagner, Our sale of war stamps and rage of hits and walks, Joe de­ oh the chin twice over the for themselves and also as pres­ Dave Wagner, Jack Letts; Lynn bonds has climbed considerably cided to return for another five- week-end. On Saturday tl\ey ents for friends and relatives. Dunlap, Peter Freeauf, Peter and we are very near our goal, year fest. John Macce took over journeyed to Fort Dix to play The. smaller children did a lot of painting and drawing thiB King, Hugo Faults. one jeep to help our friends the hurling from there on. The the soldier team there and and relatives win in the Pacific. came home on the short end week - which has given us the Police were winners by the SOUTH MOUNTAIN — At We have a real surprise of a 5 to 4 score. The team idea for an art show in the . score of 15 to 12. l!?st South Mountain has dis­ planned for our part in the went by special , bus. near future. The team standing: covered it not only has looks Playground Parade on Wed- On Sunday at Taylor Park, Our third boys ping pong Won Lost among its younger s£t but also nesday, August 11. Won’t you the nines were v e r y nearly the tournament was played' off Firemen ... 2 brains, for last week we had all please come Wednesday, an 1 victims of a no-hitter as they Tuesday with Roger King tak- Police ...... a quiz program. The contest- find OUt what It IS?______WCht^aownhefore-theOrange togtophonorsandBill~Farrar Men's Glub ants ranged in ages frojn 5-12 (Continued on Page Sixteen) Beechcroft | Commandos, 9 to 0. O’Brien got as runner-up. Another tear a scratch single in the seventh hockey contest has been planned for the Blues lone hit of the but the boys are always too day. busy making real “all stars” of Fieldi D ay Program Passarelli In Lefty Ziegler, who pitched for themselves in baseball. Millbum last Sunday, and was Speaking Of baseball the 10:00—10:80 Parade (Line of march begins on Whitttngham t Track Meet quite freely batted around, “gladiators” played two teams Terrace) toed the slab for the Comman­ this week — one. with the Tay­ Tony Passarelli, former Mill- dos and had the Blues eating lor Park “Toughies” and the 10:30—12:00 Events start burn High runner and George­ out of his hand. He struck out other with the Wyoming “Wild- Pie eating six. Palumbo did the flinging town track star is to compete - cast”. We lost to the former 118 - -Potato Race— ...... lor Mfflbum ~ahd gave Tip six with a "score of 12 to 9 and ... in the arniual OmnecttculiPo- 50 yard dash lice Men’s track aim Field meet hits. Billy Hines was winning pitch- Wheelbarrow Race " iT ta held at New Haven on - This Sunday, the Blues Will er. But to the game with the August 18th. play hosts to the Newark Air­ “Wildcats” we really triumphed 11:15 Tournaments port team at Taylor Park. This Private Passarelli has been winning the game, with a score Bex hockey — will be the deciding game of of 19 to 14 — “Rudie” Reut- running on and off for the few __ ' Horseshoe- months that he has been in the a three-game series, each team linger being the super little­ service, and has shown the way having won one. winning pitcher. Paddle Tennis to A considerable number---©! jjg After the ”game, the soldiers The following -is the batting Phig Pong - i importantImportant rumieiorunners throughout will be— - entertained------—under USO order for both games; Checkers • ------Florida. He recently won tne“ auspices. The Women s Guild r- “Gladiators” vs. “Toughies’t- 12: 00— 1:00 Lunch Greenville Air Base Mile run of St. Stephen’s Church, under “Toughies” —* Dan Coletta, to the fast time of 4:29.5, con- the leadership of Mrs A. De- Bill Hines, Rocco Morano, Bill 1:00— 3:00 Baseball games , -sldered very good for the con­ d e c k e r will provide, refresh­ ■Tpmtson. Dick Calvano, Louie ------Glen wood vs. Taylor Park (boys) ments, said Mrs. George Van dition of the track. Macce, Dick Ttghe, Chick" South Mountain vs. Wyoming (girls' Private Passarelli. is^ acting Sickle; of the USO will provide O’Cone,' Henry McLaughlan. as assistant atlffetlc director entertainment and hostesses. “Gladiators” — Peter Free- 3:00 Swimming Meet at the air base and very short- auf, Jack Letts, Peter King, Don 6:30 Baseball Game ,ly it should read Sergeant Pas RED GROSS WORKERS Reutltoger, Roger King, Penny. Millbum vs. Newark All {Stars sareHl. -needed for surgical dressings, Letts, Jack Letts, Bdwle Cour- Tht Millbvm V ShmrTHiib-lTEM-

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t»SL. j f Member* of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenae Taxation whoso signatures appear above are i Senator Walter F. Senator Arthur H. ■ Bon. Robert L. Doughton, Hon.' Harold Knutson, George, Senator Arthur Senator Walter F. Georg*, Minnesota Georgia Fantienberg, Michigan North Carolina H. Vandenberg, Hon. Minority Ranking Chairman, Bouse Ways Member House .Ways Robert L. Doughton, and Chairman, Senate end Meant Committee and Means Committee . Finance Committee Member Hon. Harold Knutson.


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This advertisement is a contribution to Americas all-out war effort by

T H M 1L L B U 1 N & SHORT H I L L S I T E M 1 M l

giplft Edwards. A number ol -pW totrfirw elfas a large group : of children were on hand. Classified iTbetitle of Miss Wyoming was iwardecTlo Connie Maull. Section Rose Schenkman and Bernice SSchenkman were awarded sec­ LOST o nd and third, prizes. After the W * ^U B ' BOOK—AT number FS4ttTS F. Finder please return to MUttnfra Ra- tppys bad judged the beauty 0usy-ness” column. Reginald Belcher, Chatham 4-2344 TAYLOR PARK — Have you WYOMING A beauty con­ 6-tf-6489. Doris Fandetta, Susanne Pepe, heard about Suzy?..No? Well Marcella McNamara, and Ken- test was staged last week, un­ DANIEL MASSIMO. Lundgcup* 0*rdan- Suzy’ is’ that we have been making at . "Prompt end Courteooe Service” the playground out of cork, DROVE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY wool, tacks aifd paint. If you 1171 Springfield Avenue, Meplewood South Mountain Estates We Speciollee In P in t Claae haven't seen her, you will. We DuoMotle Help have also been making original m i 08 ATTRACTIVE FRAME HOUSE MODERNIZE YOUR PHONE SO. OBAMOB 7-6141 checker boards and shell neck­ 6 ROOMS AND BATH BATHROOM laces — the paint certainly FOB SALE SUN PARLOR — GARAGE At Our Low—Estimate Prices flies. 8BVEN BOOM bouse In Springfield. En- . MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY - j—closed poreh. Large buck yard. Near This exciting week opened bus lines. Economical coal beat. Ask­ with a bathing beauty contest PRICE - $8,500 “ ing 74560. Call Mlllburn 6-1266. 30-tf-5475 on Wednesday, when little four- KatabUaheO 1503 PLUMBING - HEATING FOR SALE—OWNER OCCUPIED year-old Patty Loath was HARRY J. STEVENS, Realtor SHORT HILLS — Six rooms, 2 baths. chosen “Miss Taylor Park” by SHEET METAL WORK 1st floor lav., modem, compact. In St. S03 M lto i i Ava. MUlburn 6-0344 Rous of Lbna School vielilky. For quick our judges Sal Consales, chief _. 242 Millbnm Aven Millbum, N. J. SO 24510 ante. 711,606. WYOMING SECTION —- Six rooms, judge; Bob Huggan, Dan Cal- lovely porches and living room. Shady vano, Butch DePalma Joey Pepe, plot, double garage. Really desirable and prMed right at 72,606. Joe Caivano, Jimmy Consales, ARTHUR J. WILEY 56 Main Street MI 6-6757, 1771-J and Frank OTullo. 20-3-6475 First prize went to Alice -OENBIfcAli ELECTRIC .electric range, Horak, second to Delores DeBllss, modem mahogany bed, antique wal­ nut bed. springs and mattresses, rage. and third to Lorraine Storey. Can Short Hllle 7-2703-J. May he seen. Pretty blue and red ribbons =— .by. appointment. 16-7-5489 were presented to the winners rWHAfS THE MATTER WITH ME POE RENT and Patty received a baby blue pFHT" ' w w i r nsini' sr without spuh criHTTier title on it In FOR VITAMIN C? ,(KLr(L -Also—garage.— Near- -station, bus Ecee- Call any morning up to goHTettersr™ ------*------“ ~ ~ 1 P. sL . Fvenlnys after 6:36. Mlll- Another rousing event was bura 6-084p-M. , 30-3- our Doll Contest which was n imna 7 itnmiTM — sleeping Horn* canned tomatoes and Tomato porch — steam w w -r 1 car garage. - held Friday. Dolls of every slze Morris Avenue and 'VtMalde, - Short and shape attended. Our judges, Hills. Plot 203x100 — IWbOO. Mill- juice aro ona of the best and most bum Building and Loan Association. Miss Jane Lewis and Miss Ann XC-tl-4011 Cassedy chose Elaine Speranza’s economical sources of vitamin C, so WANTED doll as the prettiest and Joanna important to the daily diet. As an atrtT.T. APARTMENT, 2-7 room s,. near Speranza’s ..doll as the one with inexpensive twitch from citrus fruits, or D. L. A W. for bualnesa woman. ---- Write Box 15, cars Item. 6-2*6484 the prettiest hair, the best dressed doll was Phyllis PeHr- to qdd color and variety, tomatoes wil f o r THRIFT SHOP on Wavorly Place. Med toon. Adult's and cMldren’a grina’s and the most original, go a long way in solving meal planning oioS S T'and e&bee. fumltare and brio- Susan Magliaro’s; the largest' a-brac. For pick-up write Mrs. Charles arid budget problems, and in saving W. 'Balter. 74 Loantaka Way. Madl- drill was owned by Lois DePalma J0i . 3 23-3-5445 a n d the smallest by Ann Ma- ration points. With eplentiful supply —^*-1- WANTED TO BUY "gliaro. Ribbons were “presented from g a r d iw a n d io s ^ CHILD'S SMALL tricycle. Call Short to all the winners. timo to plan for balanced winter meals. HUto 7-4571,2. . —Honorable- mention went to USED BTBOLLBR. Phone MIHtmrn—6- 30-3-6477 “ Judy—Jones; M artha Clayton, 1181-J. Micky Baiba, Phyllis Pellegrina, ------APPRAISERS — ANTIQUES ” We buy antfarae furniture, old silver, Betty Carlton, and Ann Mb- ■MM, oriental rugs, had bric-a-brac. W , bay deed musical Instruments. dersohn. Tha naxt time you stop at A it Exchange. 173 MtUbdm Avenue. Thursday, our. undefeated your Jarsey Central office -' Mlllburn 0-1765. 44-tM III girls team played the Wyomlrig ask for canning directions. CHKL'S TH” bicycle or:_wHl trade hoy’s girls in a game of softball and . 06” bicycle. ,CaU Short H im VOtW:

SMALL PARLOR -atava for wood or — m i 04 email pot gto7tu-.ln-jmaLd°B!il J/ ,W I08.--1M>0' Bo* Y. care “See The Marks Bros.” — WANTED t o r e n t . RADIO SALES CORP. 377 Mlllburn Avenue Millbum 6-0015 -