— fifin ff-^ n ^ rlT h ree "executioners” wait the ^ Donald Hults, Item staff photographer, u f ^ ^ t o r c l ^ e r l o a ^ a n P. schreiber and Corporal Nick Gentile.Official witnesses ^ eraman Hflltf-on the retired list, left to right-corporal Joseph M Henn4nn, KennethHoag, E. Marshall, Corp. Ed. Heiss, Ted Stieve j§& right are: Corp. William Fanning, Sgt. Bob “Smith, Fred Rogge, Perkins. Elton Gee, George'Morrow, Jack Shea. At right-Three at the loading a s s m m ■ t ___________________ t z l ____ - Aug. Draftees Marine Sgt, Speedup At Register Now Smith Dies Township voters not now Are Perf ect High School under permanent registration, Marine Sergeant Harold W. Miiihnm ’s August draft call and who will lose their vote Smith, former member of MU1- Starting with the Fall term unless Ih e condition is right­ was one of the smallest on burn Police Department, has in September, Millburn High ed, have until Thursday, Au- record but what It lacked In been killed in action in the School’s schedule Will be - re­ ~ numbers, It more than made Southern Pacific. adjusted to provide for daily ■- gust 12, to get under the wire. Such voters may register up In quality, for of the total, Word of Sergeant Smith’s opening at 8:30 A.. M. 10 min­ with the Township Clerk in 100 per cent, 'were accepted for death came to his father Po­ utes later than has been tM „ Town Hall and tor their service. lice Sergeant Harold R. Smith, rule. Closing time will remain convenience, he will open Following are the new sol­ last Friday in a telegram from a t 3:10....... :|— — diers, sailors and Coast Guards­ the War Department in Wash­ The noon lunch period will the office eveninp from 7:30 men: ington. aiso remain at 30 minutes du­ to 9, Monday, Tuesday and John Fairfield, Jr., Army On leave of absence from the ration except for seventh grade Wednesday, August 9, 10 and Milton Freiman - Army local police force which he students who will have 40 m in-- ml 1 i IS 1 H ....... John William Bruce Jr . - Army joined in 1940, he enlisted in utes on account of the large, Patsey Grosso Navy the Marines1 in January 1942. group. • Herbert F. Noll Coast Guard With his brother, George Cal- Superintendent Patterson and N o H r t A n d MARINE Sergeant Harold W. _ Principal FaddiA • plaimgd~-*e»^ Smithi-temed-ln-action.In South- .,.. via, ha went to Parris.. Island shorten some of the six dally em Pacifier---------- ■■ 4 8 e for training. periods after the Board of Run In This ^ ★ Later both were sent to the Lazy dog owners who have Pacific area and In November Education Tuesday night heard Hugo Konegen of Meyersville, requests for such action by sev­ failed to secure licenses for P olice Reserves last year Sergeant Smith was thought he was victim of a their canines, are facing grief. wounded at Guadacanal, being eral Civic Associations. hit and run driver Wednesday Later opening time was sug­ Beginning today, police are later transferred to Australia when a car driven by a wom­ summoning all to Recorder’s S h o o t I t O ut' for hospitalization. There the gested because of hardship oh an, clipped his machine at Mor­ some families who have to get Court where They can explain two brothers were again brought ris’ and Millburn' avenues. Only why Fldo is expected to go-tax In a shoot a t the police range together. 7 ..-JS--’------ parents to work and children to “hisr car was damaged but the school within a limited time. free while the rest of us pay. Sunday, Reserves tWmed In the No word "has come as "to “t}»„ other driver, he said, only Suggestions to add 10 min­ as we go. following scores: J manner or action In which -paused momentarily and drove utes to fhC' lunch period and * ' ...j?.............. Class 1 - K. Sias, 94; Cap­ Sergeant Smith lost his- life, 20 minutes to the closing time, off. % M ,....... BURGLARS Saturday -night tain - Wright, - 92; Sergeant but It is assumed he may have — Peace--began...an.. Investiga­ were vetoed. Mr. FafldiS said forced a rear window at the •Robert Smith, 85 and Corporal been engaged in the Munda tion and later the real situa­ 30 minutes' has been found-ade­ home of Walter F. Downey at Fanning, 81. ^ •-... — - ......... fighting. tion came to light. The woman quate and~; additional time 52 Mou»talnview.road and Class 2 - Art Ecklund, 77; T. (Continued on Page 13) -"liriweyta'^'rf^^'geryTBegrT would increase problems among -Gonwrai Jofiet^ - her of the family to a “bus, currency, three rings valued Smith, 74; Corporal Gentile, 7l idle pupils and also prove temp­ didn’t bottier to dress for win­ ROTARY DISTRICT Gover­ tation for boys and girls to at $550. and $8 in War Stamps. and Corporal Heiss, 64. ter; and so when the cars kissed, Class? ^F rank Marcantontor nor-Joshua Golightly of—Mtll-- ~ was in no position to tarry a t burn, has begun the active establishments - during TunSK RED CROSS WORKERS 75; John Shea, f l ; Kenneth - the scene or get out and get shepherding of his flock. Next periods. later closing time, needed fomurgical dressings. Hoag, 70; E. Marshall, 64 and A under. Hugo m iy have been all week he will visit Washington, he said, would interfere too with H. PfaltZf 62. eyes buTKe faUed to note car ★ >v Ridgefield Park and L itthrF etrr the extra curricular program. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and Awarding the “Mystery Prize” make or license number.---- ;— to E. Hermann, members staged Rotary dubs communing with complete secretarial s e r v ic e . officers and lay members as to RUBBER STAMPS — Prompt - .j— ■ i - ... an outing with hot dogs and p.gn CROSS WORKER 6 Marion M. Copentt, Chatham plans for the year ahead. service, low prices. Item Office, road, Short mils 7-3044. - Adv. soda. 248 Mnhi ‘street,•MiNbum.—Adv: needed for surgical dressings. 1 ust 6, COMBINED lssu6 of July and August Township Tattle Is W ra Millburn Klattsumer Aid now on sale at Johnson’s Phar­ | macy, Candlelight Shoo and' fclnPricing • A.w.v.S. Headquarters. W idelyPublicised Reporting that Price Panels Millbum, its Town Fathers Ss=-:havr now been completely or- Rita Now In and the Board of Education “ ' ganized in all 65 war Price and have-been basking in free-pub­ ^ Rationing Boards in northern T^Wew Jersey. the District OTA -Navy Hospital licity the past m onths, all as £ office has outlined a four-point a result of the-Township Com­ ~^$rogram for-consumer coopera- . Coxswain Albert-Rita of .55 mittee's semi-annual report^ [n * tlon. - Main street, a foimeF“meinbef“ home owners and the' board's anphaaM ag that victory over of The Item bowling team, Is annual brochures setting forth ^ in fla tio n , the profiteer, and the -recovering -from injuries re­ school alms .and the yearly black market is impossible with ceived in battle practice, in a "budget. "" out the active and earnest co­ Naval hospital somewhere on ‘—The"American Printer, trade‘ operation of the consumer, the Atlantic coast.- publication to America’s best -—prlee officials outlined the fdl- •Word--ofbistfrjttry-wa6-^e— j aibijysherg._rurd...primt..,._got— lowing "four ways in Which ceived by his mother, Mrs. Gel- the Millburn . picture and consumers can help the govern­ samine Rita, Monday. It stated thought so well of the manner ment and their neighbors who an 8:lnch shell weighing nearly local officials took taxpayers -are volunteering their time and * quarter ton fell And*- struck- Into their confidence, that it effort as Price Panel members him, injuring his shoulder, hip, gave the idea a double page and Price Assistants: "fracturing several ribs, and so spread complete w ith story 1. Watch lor top legal food maiming his feet as to require "and reproductions 'OTeommit-' prices as they apply in your amputation of one toe. He is tee booklets and board folder. community. CUp out these of­ now serving" His second "Navy , WRGNB NUMBER ficial lists and carry them enlistment. how “New Jersey Town ‘Sell$’ when you shop. ^ ROSE RODGERS and Mrs. Elizabeth Szmans, operators at the Itself to its Citizens” is Jesse „ 'J j, When you 'buy, pay no New Jersey Bell Telephone Company’s Millburn telephone ex­ Thompson, and he commends more than the top legal price ~Fo f j f f f ...... change, and Mrs."Ethel Maley, cftTeT"operator, were startled -last our public 'Officials for their printed on the official list. •' week to see pictures of three other people Illustrating announce­ farsightedness in telling aims ahd purposes of cu rren t acts 3. If retailer’s prices are too Approximately six hundred ment in last week’s Item-that they were shown in a presentation as well as dialling expenditure high, talk with the seller about additional employees are needed of the new Bell System emblem of essential wartime telephone them The large majority of immediately by the War De- service. The Item had received In error a similar picture taken in of public funds. The Item is given due credit retailers are patriotic and hon- partment Office of Dependency the Unionville exchange. Miss Rodgers, Mrs. Szmans and Mrs. for production of the printed est;. they will welcome your Benefits in Newark, Brig. Gen, Maley (at right) appear above against (he background of the war- calling attention to Any prices H. N. Gilbert, USA. Director, busy MiUbum-Shoit Hills svritehbdard, which now handles over 'material," thereby insuring' a~ which are out of line—this is announced this week.
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