Director-General Health & Social Care and Chief Executive NHSScotland Paul Gray T: 0131-244 2790 E:
[email protected] Jackie Baillie Acting Convenor Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee Scottish Parliament
[email protected] 27 June 2017 Dear Ms Baillie Following my last letter to the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee on 17 May, please find attached a copy of the Staging Report submitted to me today by the NHS Tayside Assurance and Advisory Group, chaired by Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie. I have considered the findings and I am content with the recommendations. I attach the letter which I am sending today to the Chair of NHS Tayside, setting out my decision to appoint a Transformation Support Team, reporting to me, to work alongside NHS Tayside’s Executive Team to implement the required scale of transformational change across the organisation at pace. The Committee will wish to be aware that the AAG report makes clear that NHS Tayside are delivering well in a number of key areas, and asks the Scottish Government to consider the potential impact of their being required to repay the £33.2m of brokerage outstanding. I am therefore suspending the requirement for NHS Tayside to repay outstanding brokerage meantime, to avoid the prospect of adverse impacts on patient safety, quality and delivery. I will return to this issue once NHS Tayside’s transformation plans are further developed. I am also copying this letter, for information, to the Convenor of the Health and Sport Committee and the Auditor General. Yours sincerely Paul Gray St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG Director-General Health & Social Care and Chief Executive NHSScotland Paul Gray T: 0131-244 2790 E:
[email protected] John Connell, Chair NHS Tayside 27 June 2017 ___ Dear John Please find attached the final report of the NHS Tayside Assurance and Advisory Group (AAG), chaired by Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie.