Underwater Speleology

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Underwater Speleology UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY MaKh/ April, 1991 • Vol. 18, No.2 Original Cave Diving Painting by John Potter - see page 4 UNDERWATER TABLE OF CONTENTS SPELEOLOGY NEWS The ~ publiadiort of the Gmt Diving Section if the Nationiii Spdtdogiad Scaty, Inc. 3 DNR Advisory Meeting - Mark D. Leonard P.O. Box 950 • Branford, Fl.. 32008-0950 3 A Message from the New Chairman - Frank J--luuiml 4 New TeHord Map to be Released Editor: H. V. GREY at Workshop - Frank Huward Cave Diving Manual Cover Photo Contest P.O. Box 12 • Nokomis, H.. 34274-0012 4 (813) 484-7834 • (813) 484-(,665 (fax) 5 Peacock Ranger Receives Cavern Certification - Terry DeRouin 5 New Underwater Video and Lighting Course - Pete Butt Board of Directors 6 Spring Workshop - Terry Q:R.ouin FRANK HOWARD <llairman: SPELEOLOGY 334 Portico Ct. • Otestefield, MO 63017 (314) 46%133 • (542..ffi38) (fax) 7 Water Velocities in Underwater Caves of Florida - Yvmiam L Nlson Vice-0\airman: MARK lEONARD 8 Cave Diving Literature: Current Rt. 14, Box 136 • LakeGty. R-32055 Perspectives - Milledge Murphey, Ph.D. (<XJ4) 752-100 SAFETY ll'easurer: Bn.L FOOTE 6 The Safety Line - wmy Short 1433 S.E. 8th St. • Ocala, H.. 32671 TECHNIQUES (<XJ4) 620-1101 (bus) • 622-3488 (res) (<XJ4) 629-9141 (fax) 10 Shooting Cave Video - Fnmk lilvaiJee 11 Lessons &om Overhead: A Comparison of·· Secretary: H. V. GREY Cave and Wreck Diving - Part II·- Bernie Chouxlhury See contact infonnation above 1991 NSS-CDS MEMBERSHIP ROSTER 'fraining Chairman: JOE PROSSER 5 Expried Memberships 7400 N.W. 55th St. • Miami, H.. 33166 13 Membership Roster (bus) • 966-0619 (res) (n;) 592-3146 & POETRY (3ffi) 593-2225 (fax) COVER ART 4 Cover Art this Issue Leadership Coordinator. DAN LINS 9 fH View - Lindlz Trnte011iJe 11:m N.W. 28th Ave. • Ocala. R-32675 (<XJ4) 619Jn49 Copyright C 1991 by the Give lhing Section of the Nati~l Spaeological Society, Inc:. All rights n!SelVed. Director at Large: JIM BoWDEN No portion of ths publicatim may be reproduced without written permission of the NS&<DS. Opinims expressed within are not neaHiarily the offiOal polky of the NSS-<DS. P.O. Box 49461 • Austin. TX 7ff165 MapUae Sub...._-We wolalme aD news items, articles, Lett8'5 to the Editor; phota;, slides, car­ (512) 921347Zl toons, and Cllher items of inttre~t or impmance to the ave-diving a:mmunity fn:m all members, subsmber.i, and Cllher intmlsled parties. They should be !lel1l din!ctl.y to the Edita (see addns on left <dumn). We can alsouseetproc:l!!lllfdinmoetiBM-a:mpatibleandsomeMadrlto&hformats. <PleaseoontacttheEditadin!ctl.y Program Coordinators for details and~ Adwdilias- The N$(Di Board d llrectcrs has appuved the ~itulion of paid oommerdal ad­ Abe Davi> Award..... ......................... ~ Short vertising for ~ SptUology. Please <111\tact the Editor for information and arrangen- (see address Accident Files ..........................................John Gm on left oolwm). Activities Coordinltor..... ......................... Pele Butt TheNSS.-ICaftDMDS-Foundedinl9t1,theNational5peJeoiOW<:alSocietyjoinstogetherthousands Biology ................................................ IX fill Yagw of individuals dediated to thesafe&tudy. ecplcntion, and OOIIlle1'V3tion of caws. The first cav<>-<iiving infa­ Car1ography ................John Burge, Frank Howard mation ewr published in the United States was in a 1947 NSS Bwlldin. In 1948, NSS div8'5 were responsible was on a Cave Files CoordinliDr ............•. Sgt. Bob M<:GuiJe £or the lint cave diws in the United Stat.os ~ smba. Prior to 1973. cave diving within the NSS Cave Diving Section to provide a vehicle for infa­ ComputEr Appliationl ................... Tcm Gilleland purely local leveL That yeer saw the aeatim olf the NSS with over 500membln, the Cave Diving Section promote; safe cave diving through Con;ervation ....................................... Tcm Morris mation ~ Today, ; search.rescue, Foreign Mailings ................................ Mary Garvin sani-annualworbhops;cavem-andca~trainingprogram;;waming-signinstal.lations and recowry througll the National Cave Rescue Commission; cave exploration and mapping; several texts ICDSA •........•.•••.......•••..•.............•••.... ~Short and publicatims on ave diving; and the bimonthly magarine, Undm~M!Ur Sptlm/Dgy. ~ps ............................................... Frank Howard NSS Membenhlp-The Nalillnal Speledogi.alSociety welcome; the interest of anyone who has a sincere Pl'olography .....................................Bob Janowski <XJn<l!m about the safety, study. expkntion. and oonservation of caves, wet or dry. You may join the NSS .............................. Lamar Hires Property Manager either by writing directly toils main office (National Speleological Society, Inc., Cave Avenue, Huntsville. AL Lamar Hires Publicalioni ........................................ lS810) or to the Give Diving Section. Annual membership is 525.00 and indudes subsmplion to the NSS's Rescue/Recovery Team .... Capt. Henry Nichelson monthly magazine. NSS N-. as well as voting pivileges and disrounts on publications and conventions. Safety Committee (North) ..••. Randy Kwiadwwski <DS ~ lembeaship- As a su~ or "section" of the NSS, the Cave Diving Section is subject Safety Committee (Soulh) ................. ~Short to the byla- and ethia; d the NSS. Membership in the Cave Diving Sectim is open to anyone who is a 5ciena! Committee .............................. Tcm Morris member in good standing of the NSS. Annual membership is $5.00 per year and includes subsmplim to the Sump Diving Pro;ect ......................John Schweym ali's bimmthly magazine.llntlmaat6 ~.as well as voting privileges and discDunis on publiatims Survey ................................................ Lamar Hires and worbhops. Techniques ........................................ \Aioody }aspe!' Subaatptioft-H you do not wish to ;>in the NSS and QJS, but would like to keep<UITent on cav...diving for $15.00 per yeM. Traini~ Coordinatlr ........................ Hany Averill ewnts, ecplcntia\ and tedwlology, you are invited to subsmbe to U~ Sptkology 2 • VNDERWA'I"ffi SP8.Hx.oGY • Vol. 18, No. 2 • Man:h/ April, 1991 DNR ADVISORY MEETING by Mark leonard (NSS #23292), VIce-Chairman n :March 8 of this year, my wife, may only receive an honor box system There is talk of a family annual pass 0 Debbie, and I attended the of $1.00 per car. that would save money for the family, Recreational User Groups Advisory Many old fees are being eliminated but at this time there is no amount fig­ Meeting at Wekiwa Spring Park with and new ones are being created. For ex­ ure on the cost in­ the Department of Natural Resources ample, we were supposed to be paying While these fees represent an in a (ONR). This was a semiannual meet­ both a diving and an entrance fee. Now aease, I feel that with the state ing where groups like theNSS.COSam the diving fee will rover the entrance budget crunch it is a lot better than dos­ express our feelings on many an issue fee, too. There will be no difference be­ ing the parks altogether. For informa­ to the Director of Parks, Fran Mainella. tween state residents and out-of-state tion purposes, last year the divers and The Department was made up of John residents. horseback riders contributed $40,(XX) Baust, Chief of Bureau of Recreational total revenue to the parks. With the fee Entrance Fee: $3.25 per vehicle with Management; George Apthorp, increase they anticipate the total to be Umds up to 8 people per vehicle Operations & Management Consult­ $60,(XX). That $60,(XX) is 0.3% (or not ant; and Kathleen Brown. The main 1 Day Diving: $5.00 per person even a third of one percent) of the total topic discussed at this meeting was the $20,(XX),(XX) budget Annual Pass: $40.00 - this to upcoming fee manges. Special On a much nirer note, I talked include diving at all Before I explain these let us look at pass would Fran Mainella about the rumor that spring diving parks. (Also some background. As I'm sure you Peacock Springs will be dosed. She included is horseback riding on know, Florida is in a budget crunch. said thatshedoesnotseenow or foresee your own horse at parks where Governor Lawton Chiles ordered a the possible dosing of Pmrock Springs. permitted.) mandatory 5% per.;onnel cut aaoss the She intends to keep it open. One option is a board. This cut is in addition to many Annual Commercial Pass: $100.00 - that may happen in the future re-­ cuts in other funding. Services in the good for 1 instructor and 1 quest for volunteers to staff it on the park cost money to run. In an attempt assistant, but not good for weekend. Hit comes to that I feel that to keep service at its cunmt level and students. a am not sure who the cave-diving community could get not dose any parks, a fee increase is would buy this when they am get this accomplished in order to keep the being proposed. It would go into effect 2 Special Annual Passes for park open.• around July 1, 1991. Peacock Springs $80.00.) A MESSAGE FROM THE NEW CHAIRMAN by Frank Howard (Nss #27187), Chairman ollowing the election of three new of the 1991 Spring Workshop scheduled servative approaches. Then come to F board members, your Board of for May 25-26 in Branford, Florida The the Spring Workshop and participate in Directors reorganized with individual program will be organized to review a community review of our collective responsibilities as shown in the front of the traditional disciplines, procedures judgments. this publication. Your Boani has under­ and techniques which have served cave We must develop a greater respect taken several new projects which will divers so well over the years and to as­ for the demands of SAFE CAVE be outlined in this column in coming is­ sess innovations needed to improve DIVING. And it must be done with in­ sues of UWS. margins of safety. telligenre and skill. The cave-diver ac­ During the past two years the cave­ I urge each and every one of you to cident rate must be reduced. diving community has experienced a perform a critical review of your own Please arrange your schedules to at­ sharp increase in the number of fatal ac­ cave-diving practices and techniques: tend this important Workshop May 25- cidents involving trained cave divers.
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