Sutton Trust US Programme

Participants admitted Early Decision to US universities in 2018-19 Bolutito Adesanya - Columbia University London (St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School)

Tito is a Londoner at heart, and is passionate about improving the lives of others through STEM. He recently initiated a start-up that teaches women and minorities to code, operating in seven countries around the globe. In the same vein, he started a club which helps youngsters build drones and rockets for competitions. He also enters competitions himself and has won awards at the Big Bang and the Intel International Science and Engineering fair in Los Angeles for a wind turbine he built. He has also attended robotics summer schools at Cambridge and UPenn. While a techie, Tito very much enjoys sports. He is the athletics captain in his school, plays for the 1st and 2nd XV rugby and basketball teams, and also does parkour. He is attracted to the US not only to explore the possibility of taking a minor in geopolitics, but also for the culture in which he would be immersed.

Ali Ahmed - Claremont McKenna College , North West England ( High School) Ali Ahmed is a young man who is anything but ordinary. He is a second generation immigrant and will be the first person in his family to attend university. Ali has plans to make a difference to this world. He has already shown evidence of this through his work in helping to organise and performing at the concert in his home town in order to promote love and tolerance. As the youngest of four siblings, Ali has always had to fight to have his voice heard—this shows through his loud, outspoken personality and his role as Head Boy of his high school. During his free time, Ali loves to do anything but stay at home, whether it be providing food and water for the homeless, or attending protests to challenge inequality. Ali has a passion for singing which he hopes to continue at university and will be double majoring in a science and non-science.

Aquib Akhtar - Connecticut College Manchester, North West England (Loreto College) Aquib Akhtar is a charitable computer scientist from Stockport, . He comes from a large family of eight sisters and one brother. He will be the first in his family to attend university. He dedicates most of his time to tutoring GCSE students and leading STEM classes at his old high school. He also helps with the Northern Manchester charity ‘Console.Code’. His passion for computer science earned him the position of subject ambassador in his college. He enjoys taking part in Model United Nations and has previously represented Latvia (in the middle of a fake Russian invasion). During school breaks, Aquib engages in work experience and has worked for the NHS and CDL. He hopes to study a mixture of computer science and politics, two very different subjects. The opportunity to continue studying both subjects is what first attracted him to US study.

Stuart Aldred - University of Rochester Cowdenbeath, Scotland (Beath High School) Stuart Aldred is a student from Beath High School in Cowdenbeath, Scotland. Stuart engages in a number of activities; he is a fundraiser, a senior member of the prefect leadership team at his school, part of a running club, and teaches junior pupils at his school how to play the guitar. He will be the first in his family to attend a US university and hopes to study in the field of STEM as well as economics, something made possible through the liberal arts curriculum. Since he began high school, Stuart has been fascinated by the idea of studying in the US, as he can continue both academic and non academic interests, as well as have the opportunity for research and internships. Stuart is eager, motivated, and keen to explore and pursue his endless interests at a US university.

Valentine Bailey-Beckett - Pomona College , South West England (Bodmin College) Valentine Bailey-Beckett is a creative and well rounded student, currently studying physics, chemistry, English literature and textiles. Her extra- curriculars are largely concerned with English and textiles, as she spends a large amount of her spare time reading, writing and sewing, including making costumes for school productions and clothes for herself. Her literary accomplishments to date include two poems published in national collections and an article in Young Scientists Journal. Valentine's interest in US undergraduate study began a year ago when a teacher recommended US study to her. The main reason she is interested in the US is the more diverse nature of the curriculum, meaning she would not have to drop any interests upon reaching higher education, and could even continue to broaden them.

Samuel Blackman - Harvard College Kettering, Midlands (Kettering Science ) Sam Blackman is from Kettering, and is working on a novel in his spare time. He will be the first in his family to attend university. At school he works on various projects, including leading a group of students in launching a high altitude balloon as well as tutoring younger students. Additionally, he hopes to use this work to encourage others in his school to apply to the US, as he is the first student to do so. He is drawn to the flexibility of study in the US, particularly being able to take a variety of classes in a mixture of subjects. Specifically, he looks forward to combining his interests in writing and science, potentially in a double major.

Caitlin Burns - Smith College Dundee, Scotland (Harris Academy) Hailing from Northern Ireland, Caitlin, her mother and her cat moved to Scotland when she was four years old. As a current vice-school captain at Harris Academy in Dundee, Caitlin can always be found ranting and raving about maths, biology or bees somewhere within the school. Enthusiastic about the most mundane, she will insist whatever class she has next is absolutely fascinating. While she adores STEM subjects she also has an odd creative streak, attaining academic honours across the arts, humanities and sciences. As a result of this breadth of interest she’s ecstatic to be exploring US education, drawn to the sheer flexibility of study. Out of the classroom, Caitlin is a strong advocate for equality and progression and founded an LGBTQA support group within her high school. She has found being a first generation university student equal parts daunting and thrilling; keen to begin this new chapter in her family’s history.

Emma Cairns - Duke University Glasgow, Scotland (The Glasgow Academy) Emma Cairns is an entrepreneur and a science nerd at heart. She is from Glasgow, Scotland and will be the first in her family to attend university. Emma is heavily involved in her school community, as a prefect, leading the technology department of the Young Enterprise team and heading the charity committee. She has a huge interest in technology and its uses in changing the world, and through this has pursued numerous work experience placements in areas such as bioinformatics, ultimately starting her own business in website design and development. As part of this, Emma believes in promoting STEM subjects to the next generation and is actively involved in doing so by acting as a SmartSTEMs Scholar, speaking to large groups of young girls to inspire them to chose an education path and career in STEM. Emma’s interest in US undergraduate study has gone from strength to strength, inspired by the US's interdepartmental approach to education and research, campus lifestyle and the strong roots engineering schools have in biomedical engineering in comparison with other internationally renowned institutions.

Benjamin Coles - Princeton University Lincoln, Midlands (The Priory Academy LSST) Ben is a first generation university student and his lived in the City of Lincoln all of his life. Ben has a passion for community service, and, ever since his brother lost his sight in 2008, has worked extensively across the country within the young blind community in order to maintain access to sport and education after sight loss. He loves sport and has competed as a footballer both in and outside of his school whilst enjoying both badminton and cycling. In addition, Ben has become a fully qualified coach in the Paralympic sport of goalball. He hopes to major in maths at university after qualifying and competing in the British Mathematical Olympiad in his time at school. He was attracted to study in the US after discovering how much freedom it gives students and the opportunities it offers them outside of their studies. He hopes to make the most of this by studying economics and philosophy beyond his major and continuing to expand his hobbies and interests outside the classroom.

L Culling - Davidson College Norwich, South East England (Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form Free School) L lives with their mother in Wymondham, Norfolk and is the first person in their school to attend university stateside. They are an active member of their sixth form community through their involvement as a student ambassador, providing advice and guidance to year 12s and buddying up with exchange students, and has co-founded a book club in which members discuss and debate key themes freely. Alongside this, L is a member of the student council, helping to fundraise and host annual events. L also contributes to the wider community by volunteering as a Young Leader at the scout group. The scouting community is a huge part of L's life, and it shows through their passions and actions - not only do they enjoy hikes and want to help protect nature, but L is also going to be shaving their hair in support of Macmillan Cancer Support - because they know there are more important things in life than having amazing hair. Having grown up in a small village without many options, L loves the idea of being able to pick and choose from many different areas of study in the US.

Jordana Deighton - Claremont McKenna College Sheffield, Midlands (Tapton School) Jordana Deighton, along with the near entirety of both her extended and immediate family, lives in Sheffield, England. She was born with a million and one ‘whys’, ‘ifs’, and ‘buts’, and that curiosity of the outside world is undoubtedly what led to her passion for science. She participates in scientific research into zebrafish and cardiovascular disease, utilises computer software to analyse predictions of what a whip worm’s genetic code would be at a particular section of the genome - data which is sent back to the European Bioinformatics Institute, to be a source of information necessary to finding solutions for third-world parasites. She regularly attends her school’s journal club and seminars to review and discuss academic journals published by scientists. However, Jordana’s interests extend beyong academics, her hobbies include adventuring in the local woods or the neighboring Peak District as well as kickboxing. Largely influenced by her mum, who was the first in the family to further her education, Jordana will be the second member of her family to go to university, and the first to do so abroad. The US will allow Jordana to continue exploring the many academic areas which appeal to her, including neuroscience, biomedical engineering and environmental sciences, without having to compromise the subjects she’s passionate about.

Florence Gill - Bennington College Doncaster, North East England (Campsmount - A Co-Operative Academy) Florence Gill is a hard-working school representative and anti-bullying ambassador. She will be the first student from Campsmount Academy to attend a US college and is looking forward to attending an institute where she can focus her passion for STEM, English, drama and music into a performance based major. In recent years she has been passionate about volunteering, teaching children drama, helping at charities for vulnerable adults, running a community radio, working as a technician at a theatre and raising awareness through various projects about equality, the importance of good mental health and open water safety. A strong advocate for giving students the best opportunities, she has independently run her school’s entry in a drama and dance competition for two years, managing over 150 students and including over 50% of her school in subsequent workshops about tackling addictive behaviour. Through this, she has honed her English skills, writing poetry and short stories, winning several English Awards and being given the first “Governor’s Award for Overall Contribution to the Academy”.

William Gilroy - Harvey Mudd College Barrow-in-Furness, North West England (Ulverston Victoria High School) In his spare time, Will likes to work on his own programming projects. He also has a deep interest in philosophy and started a philosophy club at his school. He is particularly proud of starting his own computer science society. Although he is from North-West England, his family is native to the Philippines. Will lives with his mother but otherwise his closest family is back in the Philippines and he is the first in his family to go to university. His interests lie in the US because his deepest ambition is to learn as much as he can – in this regard, higher education in the US is an exciting and challenging opportunity, but one he is sure he can meet and grow from. Will is interested in the US because it has some of the best computer science schools in the world, and has been at the forefront of the field for many decades. The US approach to education means he can deeply explore both his interests in computer science and philosophy.

Lee Harding - Brown University Rowley Regis, Midlands (Ormiston Forge Academy) Lee Harding was born and raised in Rowley Regis, West Midlands. He will be the first in his family to go to university as well as the first and only person in his school to apply to universities outside of the UK. Lee comes from a large family but lives with his mother and two brothers. In his spare time, he enjoys doing voluntary work at a hospital in his local area as well as teaching himself to play the bass guitar. While at school, Lee spends one of his free periods each week working within a year 7 Maths class with a small group of pupils, focusing on any work that they've found difficult. The main reason Lee wants to study in the US is so he will have the ability to try different classes before declaring his major in order to really explore his passions.

Ryan Harper - Vanderbilt University Stourport-on-Severn, Midlands (King Edward VI College Stourbridge) Ryan is a highly ambitious and tenacious student who has lived in Stourport his entire life. He is currently studying at King Edward VI College where he has excelled in developing and leading a Model UN club. Ryan is enthusiastic about politics and wishes to bring about change in the world. He campaigned in the 2016 EU referendum and the 2017 UK General Election and is looking forward to joining various campus political organisations and debate groups. Ryan also has a passion for computer programming and has created several projects, including an Android application, since he first learnt to code at the age of 12. As an intellectually curious student with a keen passion for learning, Ryan’s interests range from politics and maths to chemistry and philosophy. This is one of the prospects of studying in America that stood out to him; an opportunity to gain a broad education in an environment that would excite and challenge him.

Georgia-Leigh Hewitt - New York University - Abu Dhabi Merthyr Tydfil, Wales (The College Merthyr Tydfil) Georgia-Leigh Hewitt is a first generation student from Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Georgia’s mother is Maltese, and her father is Welsh, which has influenced her wish to discover new cultures. Georgia is a cheerleader, dancer, and a gymnastics coach; she wishes to become a member of a college cheerleading team and to take part in many community service programmes. Since doing her A-Levels, Georgia has focused her interests to science, with physics being her passion, however in the US she would also really like to study languages and English Literature. Georgia is very keen to double major. As the first student from her school to apply to study in the US, Georgia is very excited to begin this adventure and to live in, and learn about, American culture.

Jake Horsfall - Northwestern University Manchester, North West England (The Blue Coat CofE School) Jake is a forward-thinking, tenacious individual. First introduced to the idea of the US education system by his mother, he was attracted by the sheer scope of opportunity available. His interests range far and wide from chemistry and physics to politics and philosophy - passions that he can continue within the environment of a liberal arts curriculum. Jake's wide- ranging outlook is also mimicked outside of academia. He enjoys both sport and music: he plays the electric guitar and is on his local rugby team, and also competes to national level as a blackbelt in karate. Community involvement is also close to his heart - his role as deputy head boy at his sixth form has allowed him to foster a stronger sense of community throughout his school, and strengthen the positive impact it has on the general public. To him, heading to America is all about gaining the experience and understanding necessary to have a meaningful impact on the wider world.

Andrew Jackson - University of Richmond Bathgate, Scotland (St Kentigern's Academy) Andrew Jackson has lived all his life in a small town called Bathgate, and attends school in one of the most deprived areas of Scotland. As the first in his family to move away from his home for studies, Andrew is dedicated to his education and is passionate about trying to improve the situation within the community in which he lives. Weekly, he works as a volunteer within the Scouts, and the Reading Club at school, both of which aim to provide young people with opportunities to learn new skills and further develop their existing ones. He took on the challenge of swimming the length of a nearby Loch in an attempt to raise funds for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Foundation, and in doing so, gathered over £300 for the charity. While his initial plan for the future was to study Scots Law, he is very driven by the opportunity to diversify, study a range of subjects and possibly double major at a US university.

Syimyk Kyshtoobaev - Yale University Crowborough, South East England (The Skinners' School) Syimyk is someone with unmatched determination and drive. As an avid football player, his team finished in the top 10 in the Gothia World Youth Cup. He has competed with the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid, representing his county, and winning international tournaments, and even earned a call up to play for the Kyrgyzstan national team. He is dedicated to helping others, working as a tutor for a charity which provides free help for students who struggle academically and coaching his younger brother’s football team. Syimyk is an active member of his school community, working as an editor for the school magazine as well as being entrusted to run the merchandise shop. A second generation immigrant, Syimyk is inspired by his parents who come from Kyrgyzstan. What appeals most to Syimyk about the US is the chance to explore a range of subjects before having to commit to a major.

Annalise Langdon - New York University - Abu Dhabi Cheltenham, South West England (Balcarras School) Annalise is an aspiring engineer and was awarded a prestigious Arkwright Scholarship. Not only was she the project manager of her school’s Engineering in Education Scheme, but was also the assistant managing director of the Young Enterprise team – both of which placed in the county final. Annalise is also a passionate dancer, regularly competing in competitive festivals. She has attained ISTD level Advanced 1 in ballet, tap and modern, and wishes to pass on her passion by teaching and coaching the next generation. Annalise enjoys helping others in her community. She volunteers with a local charity shop and participated in the National Citizen Service, where she was the project manager of the social action project which raised over £1000 for charity. Mesmerised by the vast array of opportunities, extracurricular activities and study abroad options, she wishes to broaden her education and life experiences, explore new countries, and meet new people from an array of different cultures.

Naomi-Louise Liesching-Schroder - Skidmore College Rochford, South East England (Southend High School for Girls) Naomi Liesching-Schroder, from Essex, will be the first in her family to attend university. Active within her school community, she is an academic mentor for year 11 students, helping them prepare for GCSEs, and a history subject captain. Outside of school, she spends time working at her part-time job as a waitress in a village pub restaurant. A keen dance enthusiast, Naomi has been dancing since she could walk, having taken classes for over 15 years and performing in shows every other year with her team. She has a great interest in languages and travelling, and has been self-teaching Russian for the past two years. Naomi has been interested in studying in the US for many years, due to the freedom of the liberal arts curriculum and the focus on extracurricular activities. She hopes to major in history with a minor in sociology and is excited to study a wide range of subjects alongside these.

John McCambridge - Dartmouth University Glenelg, Scotland (Plockton High School) John McCambridge is a native of a small village in the north of Scotland called Glenelg. As a first-generation immigrant, John lived out his childhood in outback New Zealand until he immigrated to Scotland during late 2011. Having seen disaster and catastrophe firsthand, he has always sought after the lesser carved route throughout life, ultimately towards helping others. John currently runs a start-up app that helps students studying Mathematics. With over a thousand active users and close to twenty-nine school endorsements under his belt, John is well on his way to achieving his dream of enriching the lives of others. Alongside creating and running his schools computer science club, John founded KickStartCoding which is an organisation that runs in local primary schools teaching the fundamental aspects of Computer Science. Whether it be half-time on the rugby pitch where his team is fifty points down, facing an insurmountable software issue on a product, or being one the first and youngest in his school to take on the most advanced classes, John aims to "skate where the puck is going, not to where it has already gone".

Darren McCarroll - University of Richmond Ballynahinch, Northern Ireland (Wellington College) Darren McCarroll has lived in rural Northern Ireland his entire life, playing rugby and helping his dad farm sheep. Despite this, he's ultimately aiming to end up working in a financial capital of the world. Through various academic schemes, he's been to Cambridge University, and London 5 times this year. He currently studies A-levels at Wellington College, Belfast where he has a lot on his plate. Deputy head boy, a senior student council chairman and a formal committee member are just a few examples of his college leadership roles. Darren is enthusiastic about the US liberal arts system as he hopes to study classes in economics, finance, politics, history etc. and find out how they truly relate to each other in the real world. Darren believes that the US is a land of opportunity when it comes to personal development, and aims to take full advantage of the clubs, societies, internships and US culture that will ultimately develop his character.

Emmet McGeown - Emory University Craigavon, Northern Ireland (Lismore Comprehensive School) Emmet McGeown lives 25 miles outside Belfast, Northern Ireland. He attributes much of his ambition to the fact that he wishes to travel and diversify his life with other cultures and belief systems. Upon visiting America, his admiration for the way of life, friendliness, work-ethic, faith and optimism made him fall in love, so the opportunity to study there still renders him speechless with excitement! He wants to use university as a vehicle to propel him into a fast-paced, high-flying life, away from Ireland. Emmet established the first debating team at his school in over a decade. Being a finalist in the 'All Ireland Poetry Aloud' competition gave him a taste of what launching a political campaign in the future would be like. To study in America would mean he could double major in a range of subjects and attend many classes that have never been offered to him, from philosophy to paleontology whilst hopefully joining a college's Republican Party, Catholic Association and badminton team.

Keiran Mitchell - Yale University Fleetwood, North West England (The Blackpool Sixth Form College) Keiran Mitchell is passionate about politics and mental health - a pertinent issue in Blackpool. He will be the first in his family to attend university. An active member of the local community, Keiran's work centres around saving parks, setting up mental health support groups and providing tutelage for underachieving students. He enjoys his role as primary speaker in his College's debate society and his place on the local youth council. Keiran is of a white working class background and his interests in the US were sparked two years ago when he realised he didn't agree with the British system of studying a singular subject from the age of 18. He is also interested in double majors and self-designed majors and looks forward to joining model UN at college.

Dayna Mooneegan - University of Rochester Derby, Midlands (Bilborough College) Dayna Mooneegan is a native of Derbyshire, England. She will be the first in her family to attend university. Dayna is a LAMDA drama student and has achieved her Bronze and Silver medals, currently working to her gold, as well has having been involved in many school productions. Over the summer Dayna has focused her time on volunteering at Derby’s old silk mill which hosted the Weeping Window Poppy display, first shown in London, for six weeks, and on her RSPCA fundraiser that was a large success. Dayna is politically aware and interested in political climates, thus her intended major is international relations. Her interest in US study started in 2013 when she attended the Fulbright's US College Day in London. Dayna is attracted to US study because she is very excited about the possible internship opportunities and to continue her second passion, drama, as a minor.

Kelly Mwaamba - Lafayette College Staines, South West England (The Tiffin Girls' School) Kelly Mwaamba will be the first in her family to attend university. Kelly hopes to pursue a career in law as she enjoys studying the conventions behind society. Kelly believes that studying abroad is an exclusive method of establishing diversity amongst peers. She was initially attracted to the US by her strong academic curiosity and desire to expand her knowledge and learn outside of her comfort zone. She was awarded the Highest GCSE Result Achievement Award in Year 11 which consolidates her commitment to her academics. As captain of her local dance team, Kelly has dedicated 15 years to competitive dance and through her training and examination in ballet, tap and street dance, she was able to help lead her team to the All England Dance National Finals in 2017. Kelly loves participating in charity events and completed her first Olympic Distance Triathlon during the summer to raise money for dementia research.

Nataly Ojeda Mosquera - New York University - Abu Dhabi London (Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School) Nataly Ojeda Mosquera comes from a working-class Ecuadorian family who sought better prospects as they moved to the UK when she was six. Nataly will be a first-generation university student. An active member of her local community, Nataly is proud of her work surrounding youth involvement in the community and fundraising to support the Canton in Ecuador which she is representing for 2016-2017. Nataly also has a passion for helping others and dedicates her weekends to volunteer with local charities such as the British Heart Foundation and CAFOD. Nataly’s involvement in school - serving as Head Girl, Senior Prefect and a member of the Eco-Committee - has enabled her to develop her leadership and communication skills. One of the reasons she is attracted to the US is the ability to receive a broad education and being able to double major - combining her interest in chemistry and languages.

Max Pearson - Davidson College Hexham, North East England (Queen Elizabeth High School) Max Pearson comes from and lives in Hexham, Northumberland, near Newcastle. Max will be the first in both his close and extended family to attend university. He has a passion for running, which over the last six years has borne fruit in the form of 11 National Podiums, half on the top step. Running has allowed Max to help out his local community in terms of fundraising, and is currently an Ambassador for a local hospice which is very close to his heart. His goal for study in the US started as a 13 year old, inspired by the life of Steve Prefontaine. However since then, his goals have evolved from purely athletic to predominantly academic, with a long term goal to become proficient enough in economics to assist with charity work and those who have been victims of poor economic decisions.

Abigail Peters - Columbia University King's Lynn, Midlands (Springwood High School) Abigail Peters, from the small town of King’s Lynn, Norfolk, has spent her school years aiming high. A first generation university applicant, and the first in her school to be part of the Sutton Trust US Programme, she wants to continue achieving and defying expectations. Heavily involved in school activities, she has been part of a mock trial team for over five years, competing at local courts and then as a barrister in the Old Bailey. Her mock trial journey culminated in a week at the world finals in New York City. Music, particularly singing, is also a large part of Abigail’s life and she regularly performs with the school choir at concerts and in annual competitions. After being a young carer for her father, Abigail has a very close relationship to her mother, who is fully supportive of her aspirations to study in the US, which they both realised was possible when they visited a lecture on university in the US. Here, they were given information on the Sutton Trust US Programme, and Abigail started her application that same night! Adedolapo Prince - Sewanee: The University of the South London (The Bridge Academy) ‘Dolapo is an avid musician and athlete. She is the guitarist and double bassist of her school’s Senior Soul Band (a jazz band), and a composer with her very own active Soundcloud account. As a player in her basketball team, ‘Dolapo is a mentor to the young girls of the squad, and has also held the title of captain for both female netball and football team. She is the co- founder of a local youth club, volunteering weekly with an aim to support children age 8-13 with their schoolwork and teach them how to compose their own music. ‘Dolapo’s main academic interest is maths. She independently taught herself AS Further Maths and is the only female participant of her school’s maths club of 10 people. Her aspiration to study in the US is primarily because of the numerous amounts of opportunities that are available to undergraduates and the flexibility in academics offered by liberal arts institutions.

Elizabeta Ranxburgaj - Bryn Mawr College London (Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College) Elizabeta Ranxburgaj is a native North West Londoner and is the first in her school to apply to US institutions and the first in her family to attend university. An active member is her school community, Elizabeta has held roles from head girl to school prefect which has enabled her to advance her leadership skills. Elizabeta's passion for charity and voluntary work has led her to volunteer weekly at a local church community group for the elderly and visit Lourdes for a week to assist less-abled pilgrims. Elizabeta's family is of Albanian origin and as a first generation immigrant, her global outlook has spurred her to turn to the US for her higher education. She looks forward to pursuing a liberal arts education, allowing her to continue studying both history and biology, whilst rekindling her interest in the social sciences.

Harriet Ruane - Princeton University Cheadle, North West England (Cheadle Hulme High School) Harriet comes from Manchester, England, and will be a first-generation university student, as well as the first from her sixth form to apply to an American university. Throughout high school, she has taken part in the UKMT Maths Challenge several times, each time attaining Gold and Best in School and once being invited to take part in the next round at national level, and she was invited to join Mensa UK in Year 8. As an air cadet Harriet has represented the North of England for both netball and swimming and has recently completed her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. A prominent member of her school community, she was Head of School Council in her high school and has been elected by her peers as Student Vice President at sixth form. A practising Catholic, she volunteers regularly with her church. She is excited by the prospect of an American education and hopes it will allow her to continue her passions for all different subjects, as well as competitive sport and playing the piano.

Francisca Freitas Teixeira - Middlebury College London (Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College) Francisca will be the first in her family to attend university. Although she was born in London, she is proud of her Portuguese heritage which has unearthed a curiosity of other cultures, encouraging her to explore other countries and learn other languages. Being fluent in English and Portuguese and currently learning Italian, Francisca tutors GCSE students in languages, she is the recycling ambassador for her school and was the representative for the Green Party in her school election. Francisca hopes to make the most of the liberal arts curriculum and combine her love for languages with her passion for STEM and the environment. Outside of school, Francisca actively fundraises for different charities such as the National AIDS Trust and does voluntary work with the elderly – having volunteered in Lourdes for a week during her summer holidays.

Edward Tranter - Swarthmore College Wisbech, South East England (Spalding Grammar School) Edward Tranter is an outgoing, determined young man who lives with his mother in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, and is a trailblazer. He will be the first generation of his family to attend university and will also be the first in his school to apply to US institutions. An avid computer gamer, Edward is proud of his professional esports career, ranking in the top 100 players out of the monthly 650,000. He is also a keen poet and philosopher and has been recognised in many competitions, such as being commended by Trinity College Cambridge. Ed has been interested in studying in the US ever since a conversation with his father at the age of 11. Since beginning Sixth Form, Ed has been interested in what makes a perfect leader, and has since become a house captain, senior mentor, and a member of his local youth council to find out. He would love to double major in philosophy and political science.

Adam Watson - University of Pennsylvannia Manchester, North West England (The Blue Coat CofE School) Adam Watson, from Manchester, is amongst the first generation in his family to go to university and is the first from his school to apply to complete a degree at a university in the US. At school, Adam studies chemistry, sociology, and politics, and has a keen passion for both the sciences and social sciences. He is looking forward to continuing with both passions at university in the US. Inside of school, Adam plays an important role in his school community being head of house and a senior student; as well as mentoring Year 7 English students and Year 12 chemistry students. Moreover, outside of school, Adam is dedicated to community service and occupies varying voluntary roles within his community, most recently at a local care home for the elderly. Politically, Adam is a communication officer for his local constituency branch and often attends branch meetings intending to represent the views of the young in his local community. Ultimately, Adam is extremely grateful to be part of the programme and is excited to make his mark in America.

Geraint Webb - Whitman College Redurth, South West England (Truro and Penwith College) Geraint is from , and will be a first-generation university student. He is involved in a multitude of sports including hockey, horse riding, and athletics. An active member of the community, Geraint volunteers in both hockey as an assistant coach and at a local horse stables. After the 2015 general election he decided to join the Labour Party, playing an active role in his constituency. He became interested about studying in the US after discovering the unique benefits of a liberal arts education, which would give him the ability to continue to study both history and maths as well as allow him to explore a range of new subjects. He intends to continue study after completing his degree until he has attained a PhD. He is looking forward to getting involved with volunteering, sport, and everything else on campus.

Helen Webley-Brown - Washington University of St. Louis London (Ashcroft Technology Academy) Born to two avid travellers, Helen has never been one to sit still or stay quiet for long. Helen’s proactive and can-do attitude has led her to establish a positive and prominent presence in both her school and local community, including her role as a homework mentor for refugee children and recent election as head student. Helen enjoys blending her love of politics and current affairs with her passion for education. This has led her to role as a paired reading mentor and volunteering in a remote village school in Ghana over the summer. Counting her acoustic guitar and beloved cactus, Ernie, as among her most prized possessions, Helen can think of no place other than America where her wide ranging interests in music, plant biology, and politics would be appreciated and facilitated. The first in her school to be a member of the Sutton Trust US Programme, Helen hopes to pave the way for many more to come.

Daniel Wilcox - Union College Southport, North West England (Runshaw College) Daniel Wilcox was born and raised in Southport and is the first in his extended family to attend university. He attended a college outside of Southport, studying politics, maths and history, and is eager to expand his knowledge of the world by experiencing what it has to offer. Daniel is also working towards promotion in his local McDonalds restaurant, as well as working towards his Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. He has been looking at US university for many years, after speaking to his careers advisor about opportunities abroad, with the Sutton Trust making it a more realistic prospect. The US education system is a great fit for Daniel, as he can't wait to take advantage of the broad education available, with the ability to take multiple majors. As well, Daniel is looking forward to taking part in the wide range of extracurriculars that US universities offer, leading on from his participation in debate clubs and student council, as well as being head boy and senior prefect.