Casco Bay Breeze
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VOL. XII. NO. 13. ESTABLISHED I 1901. I PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 1912. I UTKBID A* IISCOXD 1 ( CLAM MAIL MATT EX. j PRICE FIVE CENTS. IliU Crest Masquerade. Folk-Song Recital. flpakfi Sfilattii Bdubp 80CIAL EVENT OF SEASON AT miss J08EPHINE THORPE DE- FURNISHINGS CHEBEAGUE SATURDAY NIGHT. LIGHTS SUMMER COLONY AT t. Sum*, BAILEY'8. Halplf Sanager Many Fssturs Costumes; Other In- citing House Notes. kito mpanied by Mr. R. Huntington Caarn Haistf FOR YOUR The long anticipated and planned Woodman. Bag. for event of the season at the Hill i 'Last week Miss Josephine Crest took place Saturday evening Thorpe "'""in delighted the summer resi- AMOUS for at the hotel hall, and was an unquali- years COTTAGE fied sts-of Bailey Island with one of P success. The event was the ' >e folk-song recitals which together for its "Bal Masque" given by the guests unequalled ith Misa Vida Sutton, she dur- and their friends. The spectators gave ig the past winter around New York, location, liberal man- assembled before eight o'clock and VERANDA he program was divided into three about half-past eight a stately figure [roups, the first of the agement and fine shore arrayed in friar's robes came in and consisting tunes divided into the blessed the company. Then the eongs y the Irish Work dinners. We carry the most and merry oimpany of masqueraders Hi- Sfrlfolk Harpers. Songs. Everything complete Play Songs and Festival Songs; the ed in. a Roumanian gypsy leading second of old folk tales; and the third modern. Electric exhaustive line of furni- the march with the. Queen of cottage lovely >.*\the old folk dances. Miss the Night. Some forty couples fol- Thorpe was accompanied by Mr. R. lights, steam heat, ture lowed and marched around the hall Hunting- pri- in this section of the ton the country •several times Wocdman. organist of the tD the excellent music First vate dining rooms, etc. of Miss Moreau's orchestra of Fort- Presbyterian Church. Brooklyn. at low The recital, which was held in Cot- remarkably prices. land. In the line were noticed the tage Hall, was of the kind that it is Accomodates 500. comical clowns, the talking parrot. far from easy to describe, to Japanese maidens. Puritan maidens, owing the fact that none of the ad- Rites, booklets and A cowboys. Dolly Vardens. Colonial ordinary floor Trial Will jectives will apply to it. and the au- Single Dames. French maids, nurses, seta col d lance could almost Imagine itself plans on application. girls, etc.. Several dancta were par- transplanted %>ack into the distant ticipated in and then the whole com- Convince You ages from which the folk pany formed one large circle around songs | had their origin. The the hall, while the -Mrs. program: judges. I. Old Folk Tunes. George B. Taber of Brockton. Mass.. :Men of and Miss Nellie H. Emmerson, also Connaught Thresher's • SHOE of Brockton, conferred and awarded Song FNFMADK'C AND RUBBER Hundreds of Satisfied Custom- Farewell of Dall CWCM/1KIV 3 the following prizes: 1st Rory lady's prize Pastheen Fiann repair SHOPS to Miss Blanche Levi of Montreal. (Songs of the Irish UPTOWN PLACE ers All the Queen of the Night, a 5-pound box of Harpers) DOWNTOWN PLACC Bay. Carry the Pail CONCWE5S »Q. Typhoon. Through candy; second to Mrs. Milking QPP. CITY HALL lady's prize The Sea Feter Altink of Chantey — Springfield, Maas., The Special Attention Our "Uptown" is "Girl of Smoothing Iron equipped with the Golden West." a souve- neat and clean Waiting Parlors. (Work Songs) Parcels checked free. We want to them. nir mirror; third to Mrs. you join lady's prize Go No More O. H. Pitcher, Pierrot costume, a A-Rushing red pocket bojk. First man's Banbury prize Dance to Your to Mr. Walter C. Rogers of Boston. Daddy This summer tour is to (Play SongsM designed give Mass.. Roumanian a Peaks Island them while at the same Gypsy, stein; Cold's the .Wind House. practise, time second man's prize to Mr. N. H. New- are a Come Lasses and they enjoying healthful and ell uf Boston, Masa. Parrot Lads costume, 4Festival DOINGS AT THIS DESERVEDLY happy vacation. They work two a match safe; third man's Drize to Songs) II. POPULAR hours each day and have the remain- Lieutenant Old Folk Tales. HOUSE. Strayer. a Chinese cos- The der of the time for rest and recreation. tume. a Briary Bush 8. Ashing line. After this Mr. They gave a performance here last R. DAVIS Man John Delightful Recital Mrs. My By Gertrude George F. Taft of Allston. Mass.. year which be Complete Homefurnisher8fCO., *The Bone will remembered by the who Singing Walker-Crowley. acted as 'Master of guests who were then Ceremonies, 'The Laird of Fife staying here for Corner and Federal requested every one to unmask and One of the most and its excellence Exchange Sts., IH. Old Folk Dances. enchanting and those who have not> asked all the F. E. President. kindly other guests to charming song-recitals which has ever seen them are forward to it HASKELL, Minuet Gluck been looking join in the dancing which continued given at the Peaks Island House with much -i r of the Woodt-n » anticipation. Until The "*«-nce Shiei win giv^n iast nearly midnight. pafty Thursday ii«ht by The "oncert in Dlttersdorf Mrs. Sunday evening every way exceeded the fondest Gertrude the was again Minuet Beethoven Walker-<*row|®y, enjoyed by the gu*sts of expectatl rs of every one and was well-known soprano soloist of the Gavotte Boston, hotel this week, and the talented in keeping with its successes of Couperin who delighted the form- guests of the hotel members of the Ely Trio came in for er years. is the with a Following list of the program which was marked their usual hearty applause. They participants and some of the cos- for its many special features. Mrs. wore assisted by Mrs. Shirley Ileth- tumes worn. is the South Walker-Crowley j>ossessor of a Wilson, the well-known 'cellist and Mi«< I>ons Holme*. Harpswell. voice Dolly Var<lrn; Ed- soprano of rare sweetness and the program which was wiril l.eii>er. sailor lx»jr; Mi« Blanche Cat- offered was ITEMS OF charm and it was never an SPECIAL THIS WEEK terson. olil fashioned girl; Miss Nlarvirft INTEREST AT GAY heard to bet- unusually attractive and delightful Sisson, Colonial ter dame; >li*« Catherine Xew- RESORT. advantage than on this occasion. one. The overture by '•►old. Japanese girl; Miss Clara A most artistic Boieldieu, Webster. program was offered "The Calif of was a J<panc»f girl; Mis* Klizabeth ,\«h. I'uritan Bagdad" fortunate and the Iar*e audience was girl ; Miss Ksther Coolc. Moon; Mi** Itlanchr Lively Summer Season Now In Prog- not slow selection and the well-known Sextett l.evi. < lurrn in its of Night: Mr. Waller C. ress. showing appreciation of it. It from Donizetti's Lucia I>i Idimmer- $15.00 SUITS Rogers. Romanian <>|>sy; Mi>« Lou:sr Si«»on. would be hard, indeed, to pick out any moor which followed it was Oueen Ann Period; Mr«. F. C. Cringle. sailor Miss Bin ma E. White of Boston. re- maid; Miss s|»ecial offering which received more ceived Mrs. iVnothy Crown. Colonial; Mr. Mass.. was the guest for a short time enthusiastically. Heth- Junior Ellison. sailor l*>y; Mrs. K. W. applause than the others. The beau- Wilson and Miss last week of Mr. and Cecelia Phillips gave Howard. sailor maid; Mr. Nelson, parrot; Mrs. Arthur \V. tiful Aria, from Verdi's Mrs. famous o|»era Gounod's beautiful "Ave Maria" as A. i'. It.cknell. school girl; Mr. Krgfie Hill, at their cottage on Hurricane "U a Walsh. Traviata" was sung in a most "cello duet and this Indian; Mr-. H. C. Ilowe, I'riscilla; Ridge. Miss White is the was succeeded by Mi»« Ku»am<>nd Spalding. French Miss secretary finished and dramatic manner a violin solo maid; of the Grenfel and by Mrs. Ely, the "Scene Margaret Newell. Colonial flame; Morgan Association, which llaydn's Mother is "My Bids Me Bind de Ballet," by I)e Beriot. The $10.50 Ash, sailor Iki>-; Harris Newell, darkey; Mr*. occupied with the relief of the set- My Hair" concert seemed to was I'eter Altink. <itrl of the llolilen Mr. please the listen- brought to a close se- West; tiers in l^abrador where Dr. Wilfred ers fitting by Kichard Kllison. sailor l>oy; Miss esjieclally, but every number on lections Frances] Grenfel Is on from Wallace's tuneful Cringle, bathing ; Mr*. O. carrying such splendid the opera girl II. I'itcher. program held them s|tellbound and "Maritana." Cierrot; Miss Dorothy Overman. d«»il; Mi** work, and she has made several at trips the end everyone voted that On — Marjorie Holmes. nurse; Miss to that bleak they Thursday of last in in our Margaret part of the world. Miss had never week, spite Spalding, parlor maid; Mr. Colon Scllor*. been entranced by such a of the rain and wind —Special Furnishing Department sailor Ethel M. Hill of Maiden. Mass.. who outside, a most hoy; Mr*. 11. C. Howe. I'riscilla; Mr. wonderful recital before. Mrs. Walker- pleasurable Kenneth Howe. Indian has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hill bridge party was held In boy. f'rowley was the Mr. and ably accompanied by hotel parlors which was Mrs. Owen Lincoln Potter returned to her home last week, after the marked Ely Trio.