
VOL. XVI Established 1901 Mail PORTLAND, oo Matter Aug. 18, 1902. , THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916 ?^CT.edand June at 23, 1915, the Postofllce at Portland, Maine PRICE 5 CENTS BtlSTHTS ISLAND HOUSE


Many Social Items of Interest to Many Enjoyable and Interesting En- Not are tertalnments Summer Preserve Here. Why People. Being given Goods You find our store The of Summer Monday morning at ten o'clock attractive and full good things Undoubtedly this is the best sea- found a party oT. young people ready son that the hotel has had for many of merchandise that to leave on a to will interest you to use next Winter? picnic Harpswell years. Not only is the hotel itself Centre in Mr. Brainard's motor-boat full but also many people are room- Wyclimere. Each had hi3 person ing at the Union House which is own' lunch which was eaten on the run as an SOUVENIRS Be But being annex to the hotel. Sugar May High, (Continued on Page 8.) (Continued on Fage 5) Metal Novelties Fir Bags and Pillows Blueberries do not need much sugar. Fruit jars Fountain Pens at less than the wholesale price. Kodaks and Supplies Fine Stationery Quarts . 6c each or 72c a dozen Developing and Printing SKETCHES Books of Pints 5c each or 60c a dozen Every Kind Magazines Famous Large Mouth Style—"Ball's Sure Seal" Make of the Leather Goods Tennis Outfits Golf Goods Brass Novelties R. S. DAVIS CO. Islands The Complete Homefurnishers Short & Cor. Exchange and Federal Streets Loring, Harmon F. E. HASKELL, Treasurer Monument Sq.

Standing the farthest out to sea of any of the Casco islands a k s 3 a I a tt & 0 u a ? that have P? become famous summering ylaces, Cliff is one of the most beautiful and £. picturesque of all. It is shaped roughly like a great Halpli Home, fttanager capital "H," and from its shape was christened Crotch Island way back In colonial Slalattfc : : : days. For tht conrenience of old mariners, who Jlcaka (Eaaro IBay. fflaiuc * complain of new Rove-1 not bitterly fangled names for old landmarks, this ! ,\ "a name is retained on the Government charts, but the postoffice is Cliff Island and by this name it is known to its friends. NOW OPEN The island's outer arm forms tho bold granite cliffs, with their wicked saw from to tooth reefs, against wttioh the North Atlantic hurls its sign waves. Oil each side of "the Crotch."-the sign low-lying, sandy cross bar of the "It"—are two Famous for great cove:-,, li-e Mven of the island's Ashing and years lobstering fleet. The ini^er arm is a high, hilly ridge, beautifully for its crowned liberal man- Come in here for with pine groves and flanked with smiling meadows. The first settler on Cliff has left no record, but during the Indian agement, superb wars two pioneers of the Bay fled here and were massacred. Rich- ard from location and fine PAINT Potts, the point of Harpswell Neck that still bears his name, and Richard Hayne3, son of the schoolmaster of shore dinners. Ev- both Yarmouth, sought refuge on Cliff Island and died, fighting bravely against overpowering odds, in the field above the old wharf at Strout's erything modern. Point. Tradition says the first settlers on the island were a family named Adkins Accommodates 500. who came after the Indian wars and that their house was built near the scene of this tragedy. About 1800 Samuel Pettin- Rates, booklets and M. F. gill bought eighty acres in the centre of the island from the Coombs Bragdon Paint Co. of family Sebascodegan .Island, a,nd shortly after this the Griffiths floor on came to the plans ap- 47 EXCHANGE ST. island. For many years these families divided the the ... Island, Pettingills owning the eastern end and the Griffiths the plication. western. Until a few The Store With the Yellow Front years ago, a most interesting old house stood near It Gravely Cove. was built by John Merriman about 1740 and was one of the few houses in the whole of Maine made of hand hewn planks. Mail O'de's Given Careful DrilflTQU ^ rt — ■!; r. On The most 0 and Prompt Attention your way up town picturesque character in Cliff's past was old Cap'n. WUllQIGS Keiff, and smuggler reputed ex-pirate. He lived, a century ago, over near the Crotch, and it is still believed that he was in cahoots with a kindered old Cut Prices on all Agents for Page & spirit, Cap'n. Chase of Jewell's Island, in the unholy business of Drugs and Patent 8ha •, wrecking ships by false lights. The grassy knoll over Fish, Apollo the Crotch is still pointed out as "Keiff's and Dutch Dainties graveyard," where be Medicinfs^ .. buried the hapless victims of this ghastly traffic. Candies Cliff Islanders are almost to a man either fishermen or boat builders. Hardly a but some day passes smack laden with cod, Brownie Cameras mackerel and halibut KODAKS lays along side the wharf en route to the Portland wharves. In winter especially boat, building is a great busi- $1.25 up ness, and of the men $6 up many leave aside line and net for saw and chisel. On Cliff Island is Before You Saturday Sunday, for the people are Ad- Decide on ventists who the or keep Sabbath the send to us seventh day. An hour's sail from Brine your films for Developing, or Portland—far to Printing; Enlarging enough escape the picnic party, yet more accessible than islands further down or the Bay—the picturesque old life has been delightfully preserved, and those who know The Simmons & Liquor Drug Treatment it best are fond of boast- Hammond Store Consider ing that "Cliff Island Is still unspoiled." carefully into whose hands you place yourself. Serious SUMNER C. DAVIS, Jr., Prop., Pharmacist investigation by physicians and prospective patients results in invariably selecting the KKRL.EY—the Original, Scientific, Ra- 633 Congress Street tional Treatment. 3od3 Briefly here's why: 36 years' success, skilled KkOddks physicians, kindly treatment, natural health building, reasonable no charges, restraints, no drastic methods, no publicity. We treat both men and women. No nausea or bad after effects— we do not use emetics or Hyoscme, "knock-outs." Established 36 years. Interesting booklet mailed in plain, sealed wrapper. Write today. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 523 CUMBERLAND AVENUE, COR. MELLEN STREET

CLEARANCE SALE of Entrance to Wlldwood Inn. 8hore and Chicken Dinners Afternoon Tea Sand Schaffner & Marx Beach, Bath House*, Suits to Let. 500 Hart, Summer Suits Vou are Bathing Foot landing for motor eordlally Invited to boats at all tides. You Can Save $2.50 to $8.50 Your Suit by Baying Now attend the opening hours of WILD WOOD INN UNLIMITED SELECTION WILDWOOD PARK, CUMBERLAND FORESIDE Wildwood Inn Is the only under place personal management of English Tea HASKELL & JONES COMPANY MOUSTAKIS' Room, excepting 609 Congress 8treet, Portland, Maine. Locate Rummer your home at W ildwood Beach on the picturesque Foreside. Finest auto road In State leads to property. Modern cottages and building lota for lease and sale. Kvery improvement installed, sew- er, Sobago water, electric tele Candy light, phone; fine bathing beach and dock. LITTLE FIELD & Shop For particulars CO. SOI CONGRESS STREET apply Concord Realt y Co.. 214 Fidelity Hlrig.. Portland, 109-111 COMMERCIAL 8T., PORTLAND, ME. GROCERIES, MEATS and PROVISIONS FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. II The Quality Store with Right Prices. MUSIC We have needed to A. everything supply the table and only quality A. TOOHEY goods are sold here. We cater for hotel, cottage and yacht patronage. Positively No Goods Sold Fruit and Berries. Our location enables us to attend to all island or- ders promptly. Women's Wear Optn for Buatnot 12 Telephone your we will do the rsat Saturday, Ang. order, -. Distinctive in .1 » it* Design and Qyality 568 CONGRESS ST. ■ ME. .* 1 PORTLAND, '»■